Athenaeum notes -
There are a number of changes that have been made to The Athenaeum recently. The most obvious change is name changing from The Xenaverse Codex to The Athenaeum. Beyond the new name, there have been several changes in the individuals who contribute to maintaining this web site. has recently left The Athenaeum to pursue other interests. I wish ya the very best in your current and future endeavors, !
Joining The Athenaeum are two talented bards. BritBard, the author of Keeping Faith and The Night will More Than Pay, will be writing fan fiction reviews, and has also promised to keep the plants throughout The Athenaeum watered and cared for. Penthesilia, who has authored several non-X:WP works, will also be helping to write reviews. You can find Penthesilia's scrolls in her corner of The Athenaeum.