Stories with dogs

Stories with dogs

Postby seeker » Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:54 pm


Since a lot people here seem to have excellent memory, I'd like to ask suggestions of stories with dogs in good supporting roles (or main roles!). My personal favorites:

Once by Fingersmith
Snap Shots by MJ

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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby Dogz » Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:12 am

ahhhh, a subject near and dear to my heart :Puppy Dog Eyes:

The Growing has a German Shepard called Asimov

Vertigo's Reece and Faith series. They get a puppy halfway through the 2nd story, Reece's Faith. A Miniature Pinscher named Smudge (though Reece really knows his name is Goliath ;) ) and Caution: Under Construction has a mixed breed called Fifi and a Pit Bull named Pharaoh and a Rottweiler named Zeus

Advocate and T. Novan's Madam President and First Lady has a pug named Gremlin.

Susan X Meagher's Arbor Vitae has 2 Portuguese Water dogs called Artemis and Athena and All That Matters has 2 Norfolk terrier's named Nick and Nora

Melissa Good's Dar and Kerry series has a Labrador Retriever named Chino

In season two of Exposure, they get a German Shepard called Kam

Badsquirrel's Rumors has a Welsh Terrier named Cricket and Shine has has an Airedale named Mabel ;)

Ali Vali's Game, Set and Match has Abby ... rch_v1.cfm

That's what I can think of to start with, plus there's heaps of published books that have great dog roles.

:Puppy Dog Eyes:
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby seeker » Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:01 pm

Wow, good memory indeed! Thanks for the stories! There are some in the list I haven't read yet.

And btw, Asimov is such a great name for a dog in a science fiction piece!
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby jt1 » Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:15 pm

Snowbound by Queenfor4 features 2 dogs, Xena & Gabrielle

KG MacGregors Shaken series features a Bassett hound named Chester
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby kali_blue » Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:25 pm

My memory is going today I can recall idea of several stories but not actual searchable names. Ugh. Sorry can't recall character names, story name or authors. :d'oh:

FYI- I liked Snowbound dogs a lot.

I recently read a sweet story with a dog that gets a couple together. One gal inherits a place with guest cabins, that she went to once as a child, from a man she doesn't know. She is driving in the rain into the town & almost hits the dog. She stops & dog jumps in the car. Later sees a woman on side of road dog gets excited so she stops thinking dog belongs to walking women. Other woman has problem with her truck & emotional issues due to abusive cop father & is trying to say a final goodbye to her mom. Dog helps bring them together a few times when mistrust or circumstance drive a wedge.

There's also a story of shy girl who has a dog & meets up with Gal at dog training -- they see each other a dog park & become friendly and get together for dog play dates. Very sweet evolving story.

Then there is story where lesbian runs a pet store something like fuzzy belly. There is a questioning rollerskating hottie who brings her parent's dog to the pet store. She has bf, but keeps thinking about this shop gal & they run into each other a bunch. Dog has role, but I think dog's personality is not a big thing.

Radclyffe has book, Shadowland about Kyle exploring SM and meets Dane, who raises dogs & works with friends who shows them. I wouldn't read the story for the dogs in it. I would recommend it as an erotic romance, but not for the faint at heart.

If you like Voyager fiction there are a few stories with dogs in them. GL Dartt has a few in her Just Between series mostly in the ones that have alternate universes as that is where dog come from in story. There's a cute one where their dog escapes & has an adventure saving the ship & destroying Harry Kim's quarters when he chases B'lanna's pet around. Sorry can't pinpoint exact story.

Targs are like dogs and if you believe that there is a great Targ that become Seven's pet in H.W.'s Alternate Choices Alternate Consequences. I think the Targ, Toby, shows up in the 2nd part, but you need to read the first part or you'd be lost.

Last edited by kali_blue on Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby Frankie » Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:43 pm

Morrig's story 'Absolution' and sequels, features Devi, the pit bull
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby seeker » Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:32 pm

Thanks, jt1. I want to re-read this story and I was going to ask if anyone knew the name of it.

Thanks, Frankie. Never heard of the story, but I'm going to check it.


Did you read the first story online? Or is a published novel? The general premise seems familiar and I think it was a book except that I read, but didn't buy the book because I'm a bit wary of Bella and BS books.

I remember the second by the shy lead and her also shy dog. Good call! And looking for the name of this story, I discovered that RAoB has a search powered by Google, so you can search for words inside the stories:
Dog Days by jh

The third, it's Hidden Desires. That was an easy recall because I saw it not long ago in a list of new book releases. I remember a pet shop, but I can't remember a dog.

Thanks also for the other suggestions.
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby kali_blue » Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:58 pm


You are correct the book is a Bella Book called October's Promise by Marianne Garver. I bought it & liked it, just had to check my shelves to find it & there's even a dog cameo box on the front cover. I think there is going to be an on going series with this dog getting gals together as that is how the book seemed to end with a new woman meeting up with the dog.

Its a shame you are wary of Bella & Bold Stroke books. There are a lot of good books in print and I like to support lesbian owned businesses and the authors. Just like on The Athenaeum not every story is to your taste so buy what you like. Sure it is great to read free books & stories here, but many of these authors we love are trying to earn some money so they can write more for us and themselves. I like to hold the books and have them on my shelf and re-read them. Frankly if we don't support them who will. If you aren't supporting the above presses, I hope you consider trying others.

I've bought some from Firebrand books, Cleis Press, Spinster Ink, Yellow Rose Books, PD Publishing, Blue Feather Books, Outskirts press & even IP aka Intaglio Publications, but they unfortunately they are not producing many books. -- This is a great site to see what is available & order from as well. I'm not sure what is up with New Victoria, but their online store is closed for maintenance I hope they are just reorganizing.

Hidden Desires by Vertigo ... ires1.html. As I mentioned the dog was forgettable, but helped bring I guess Brooke to Cayden's store as well as her parents. The cat, La L bird has more of active role.

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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby seeker » Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:39 am


Let me explain my comment about Bella and Bold Strokes books. I really don't mind buying books and I'm more than happy to add my support to lesbian writers and publishers, but I need to enjoy the books I'm buying. I believe I bought 10-15 books from those publishers and didn't like most of them. I think my problem is that I'm expecting to find stories like we find here (romantic, emotional) and what they offer are conventional romance novels, with lot of sex and little emotional development.

I know I'm generalizing, and might be just my bad luck, but my past experiences made me wary. And I'm not closing myself to them entirely, so much so I'm intending to buy the book you mention.

I'm more than happy to buy good books from any publisher and I also intend to get the published version of the novels I enjoyed online and, hopefully, new original works from those authors.
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby justiceischeap » Fri Jul 10, 2009 5:05 am

An eBook I read recently from Bella Books called "Piper's Someday" has a dog as a main character. It's a heart wrenching story of a 12 year old girl and her dog Someday. It's not an easy read (angsty/child abuse) but it's a damn good book. There's also a sequel called "Breaking Spirit Ridge." Yet another tough read but still a damn good book.
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby kali_blue » Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:42 am

<getting off soap box> :TO: I know it is a drag when you buy something and get disappointed. The books that make you think or run you ragged don't always sell as well if someone is really looking for escape and not an emotional experience. There are always some gems to be found.

I donate to our the library the ones I won't keep on my shelf. I still have a couple of cartons from the 80s & 90s in my garage that I have no room for, but can't bear to part with no matter how irrelevent they are to my current life. :purr:

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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby seeker » Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:58 pm

Honestly, I'm not looking for excruciating angst or deep thoughts in my romantic stories (although they are welcome if well done). I just want some warmth, a believable emotional connection, some decent interactions in a well written package. I don't think I'm asking too much; there are lots of examples online (and, of course, lots of misses). One pleasant surprise was to find Lynn Galli's books through Amazon's recommendations: they were exactly what I was looking for and the author also has a good sense of humor.

I prefer to buy ebooks now, among other things, because it's easier to discard if I don't like them. This obviously restricts my choices until the majority of the publishers realize it's an unavoidable trend.

And thanks, justiceischeap, for one more example of what I might overlook ignoring those publishers. I'm going to check the book.
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby seeker » Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:54 pm

I've found another lovely story where a puppy brings two women together, but the nice touch here is that it's not the usual girl meets girl tale, but a story about a long time couple who, despite still loving each other, had grown apart over the years:

Cupid by by S.X. Meagher and Anne Brisk.
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby silverwriter01 » Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:50 am

The Academy had a Holiday Challenge about writing a 1000 word story about pictures. The number 10 picture was of a dog, so there are six or so stories there about a cute puppy. ... 0/stories/
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Student - "I ain't going to lie to you. I didn't pay attention to anything you were doing up there."
Me - "I noticed. Feel for you. Here's your quiz."
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby jumper23 » Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:37 pm

seeker wrote:Honestly, I'm not looking for excruciating angst or deep thoughts in my romantic stories (although they are welcome if well done). I just want some warmth, a believable emotional connection, some decent interactions in a well written package. I don't think I'm asking too much; there are lots of examples online (and, of course, lots of misses). One pleasant surprise was to find Lynn Galli's books through Amazon's recommendations: they were exactly what I was looking for and the author also has a good sense of humor.

I prefer to buy ebooks now, among other things, because it's easier to discard if I don't like them. This obviously restricts my choices until the majority of the publishers realize it's an unavoidable trend.

And thanks, justiceischeap, for one more example of what I might overlook ignoring those publishers. I'm going to check the book.

I know EXACTLY what you mean. The last couple books I ordered online both wound up disappointing me greatly and I didn't finish either of them. Deep thoughts in a romantic story done well? Hard to come by, but I'm gonna recommend Hesed and Agape by Mayt. The third book in that series should be out later this year. Excellent, EXCELLENT stuff.
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Re: Stories with dogs

Postby seeker » Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:18 am

jumper23 wrote:Deep thoughts in a romantic story done well? Hard to come by, but I'm gonna recommend Hesed and Agape by Mayt. The third book in that series should be out later this year. Excellent, EXCELLENT stuff.

Now you made me curious. Theology is hardly something that interests me much, but googling the story I found some other nice reviews, particularly the one from the delightful Xenalicious's Fan Fiction Recommendations site, that convinced me that even an agnostic like me would appreciate the story.

And you know, I remember now that I bought a book some months ago with similar characters, i.e., a priest (or something like that) and an atheist. I thought the conflict would be interesting, but the story was disappointing, so bland and conventional that I can't hardly remember the details. So beware, it might look similar, but it's not.

silverwriter01 wrote:The Academy had a Holiday Challenge about writing a 1000 word story about pictures. The number 10 picture was of a dog, so there are six or so stories there about a cute puppy.

The puppy is definitely cute, but I think the biggest challenge was writing an engaging story with only a 1000 words. And btw, the challenge entry winner, Cheyne's Requiem, was just amazing: a very moving, incisive and topical story.
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