Pretium Silenti By Spyrel

Pretium Silenti By Spyrel

Postby keelotan » Wed May 28, 2008 12:56 pm

This is one of the most original twists I've read on the net in quite a while, the way Spyrel weaves all the familiar names
into this story is amazing. The backbone of a Conqueror story is still there but also has the feel of the alt. classic theme.
The only thing we can hope for is a sequel as there does seem a future story to be told. Have also read Spyrels
Original / Uber 'Noise' and this also has a great imagination behind the story. Sue.
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Re: Pretium Silenti By Spyrel

Postby Otter » Thu May 29, 2008 7:17 am


This fic is seriously awesome. I love it when new bards come out of nowhere and blow us away with amazingly well-written fics. I went in with some scepticism about the sort of quality to expect, but it was fantastic! Not your generic: Conq. meets slave Gabrielle, who ends up as a body slave, then they fall in love, only to be torn apart because of riots/crucifixions/betrayals/pregnancy etc. Gabrielle is a strong character to start with, and remains that way throughout. The Conqueror's equal in most ways (except for being a slave of course), and is just kick-ass throughout the piece.

I did find a few things a little disappointing. I don't know if I just smikked some important pieces, but I didn't really understand why Gabrielle was so 'loyal' to Ceaser. What hold did Rome have on her, and why was she so conflicted when she was helping the Conqueror defeat the nation that she'd been a slave to? I don't know if I just missed the explanation somewhere, but I'd been expecting some sort of tangible hold over her head. Her family, a child, some sort of crucial information that she had to have that made it easy for Ceasar to keep a firm hold on her. But, I did read the ending pretty fast, so maybe I missed it. *shrugs*

Anyhoo, that's all from me on this amazing fic. Go read and enjoy!!
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Re: Pretium Silenti By Spyrel

Postby Cristal D. Jamerson » Sun Sep 22, 2019 2:34 am

I also think there should be a sequel to Spyrel weaves. As so many things were hidden and dint discloses in the last story which should be highlighted and explained in the sequel part. Your ideas on is really cool.
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Re: Pretium Silenti By Spyrel

Postby DavidMoor » Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:56 am

When I first read the teaser I thought "this is soooooo wrong. Gabrielle as a Gladiatrix? puft" but thank god there are so many wonderful reviews on the Athenaeum, so my curiosity got the best of me. Definitely one of the best (if not the best) Conqueror stories out there! I just wish Spyrel would write a sequel for it.. But who knows? It's so near perfection maybe it's better not to "touch it" :)

Give if a try if you haven't already. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

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