The Dark Side of the Moon - Rants and Raves

BadSquirrel's Scrolls

Re: The Dark Side of the Moon - Rants and Raves

Postby blondiepinkhead » Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:30 pm

ukendt001 wrote:Even if the world of BDSM is not one I look for in on-line fiction I remember a couple of stories that fits this tag:

"Shadowland" by Radclyffe

"Siren's Call" by Shadowriter

I found these stories rather more darkish than DSM and to be a slightly disturbing look into the culture of BDSM (if it's more than just fiction?). In these stories it seems that the line between consensual and agreeable play/sex is easily overstepped? Is it true?

I would like to think that a "balance of power" is maintained in a BDSM relationship. A balance that allow for the "play" to be fun for both parties and a balance that prevents physical and psychological abuse.

I would like to think that a "bottom" has choosen this role because it brings pleasure, and that this person has the power to stop the roleplaying. I would likewise like to think that a "top" would choose this role not only to promote a personal satisfaction but to bring the same pleasure to her partner, but I really don't know anything about the world of BDSM - so I might be on the wrong track here?

The stories you mentioned portray BDSM in a bit of an unrealistic way, in my opinion. The BDSM community is so much more light-hearted than that, after all it's supposed to be fun. And in my experience, being a top or a bottom isn't as rigid, most of the people I know would switch at some point in their lives.

A balance of power is maintained in a BDSM relationship. The bottom holds just as much power as the top does. The top doesn't have any power (over the bottom) unless the bottom chooses to give it to them, all limits and the scene itself are negotiated, and the bottom can end the scene at any time using a safe word.

So no, you're not on the wrong track. :)

Anyway, DSM is my favourite story ever. I wish the dungeon bits weren't so brief though.
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Re: The Dark Side of the Moon - Rants and Raves

Postby badsquirrel » Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:58 pm

at first, i wanted to put more time into dungeon scenes, but i found that i became too technical.
it was too tempting to fall into what went where and for how long. when i am reading, the more
technical the sex is, the more time i spend on how an arm could possibly be there or when she
turned over. it can be annoying. i considered trying to do it from Sarah's point of view--meaning
from her feelings about it--but.....well, this isn't something i have a good understanding about.

i know that the BDSM portrayed in my story is unrealistic. whether that means it's too dark or too
light for your tastes, that's up to you. i wanted it to be positive as far as i could take it. there are
aspects of BDSM that frankly terrify me. just the thought makes my skin crawl with fear. there are
other aspects that i find very erotic. i had to study a great deal before writing the story and the
most important thing i learned is trust. and what a lack of trust can mean in a dungeon scene. I admire
those who are able to find that level of trust with their partners. as long as BDSM is healthy and
safe, i am all for it if it makes you happy.

i am very glad so many people liked reading it. in spite of its flaws. i may someday do a rewrite of
the story and take out some of the inconsistencies. i might be able to add a dungeon scene too.
we'll see.
Shut up and be happy.
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Re: The Dark Side of the Moon - Rants and Raves

Postby bjwoodson » Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:45 am

I have read fan fiction for a while now but I must admit I very seldom post a reply. There are an inordinate amount of really great writers. When I find one that truly tops the list, I must give them the reward of excellency they truly deserve. This was you first story I have read. Looking forward to reading more.
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Re: The Dark Side of the Moon - Rants and Raves

Postby casey » Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:58 am

Hey that was one of the best stories I have read about gender since Susan Smith. A truly brilliant story, characters and well...everything else.
Thanks :happy: for sharing your talent with us.. a devout fan casey
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The Dark Side of the Moon Rants and Raves

Postby Emilenax » Tue Oct 22, 2019 6:06 am

It is because different length waves diffract at different angles. Why? Well for some quantum reason in this case, but that phenomenon is common with all sorts of waves.

The dark side of the moon, and its typical cover reminds me many nice memories. I <3 Pink Floyd.
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