~ Vanquishing Vegas ~
by A. Arden


See part one but to highlight:

Copyright: Still exists.

Sexual Content: It isn't all vanilla, but I don't think it is going to curdle milk ….Anyhow, if two women in love isn't your speed, is illegal where you are or shouldn't be in front of your under 18 eyes…then you shouldn't have made it to part 2. Hit back and return to safer waters.

Violence: A smidge but nothing tooooo gory. I can't sit through a horror movie so I don't even know how to write about it.

Language: Some profanity but not enough to teach my parrot some new words.

Fair warning: This is my first piece of writing on the web so comments are going to be very welcome. If anybody is seeing lots of stupid mistakes….I really need a beta reader looking for someone to torture, I promise I won't even cry…much. That said I can be reached at arcadia_arden@yahoo.com.

Dedication: To my very own Webster…I love you and thank god you're around to take care of me.

Part 2

Mac tossed over on her back, twisting the sheet around her shoulders. With an annoyed groan she tore at it and cursed when she realized it was caught under her head. She sat up and buried her head in knees. She had carefully orchestrated the next week piece by piece for her entire career. At this point success was guaranteed…IF she followed the plan.

Faith was NOT part of the plan.

There wasn't room for a large margin of error. The unknown was fraught with the possibility of error. Faith was one heck of an unknown.

What the hell was I thinking? I'm not thinking. I gotta change that.

Sighing Mac turned on her side and reached for the TV remote, pushed the power button and started surfing channels….soft porn on Cinemax, stripper documentary on HBO….oh Pretty Woman on TNN.

Sexist…unrealistic….classist…however the movie was also romantic and featured Julia Roberts in a low cut halter-top and a very short skirt…Mac turned up the volume.


Morning sun streamed through the floor to ceiling window providing the perfect backlight for the table. The hour was early and the restaurant was almost empty. Mac idly picked at fruit in front of her before spearing a strawberry, swirling it in yogurt and biting the tip off.

"That's it in a nutshell Lizette. Are you interested or not?"

The redhead prayed the morning light would disappear. She had a throbbing headache and what normal human being was up before noon? Not that this chick was normal, sexy but not normal. Besides, if looks could kill she figured she'd be six feet to Lucifer by now, all because she'd been a bit late. She sipped at her third coffee and grimaced. She should have stayed in bed, would have stayed in bed if she'd had any clue who the snoring lump beside her was. Whomever it was slept through her wakeup call and her getting ready. Hope they didn't think she was coming back.

She put her coffee cup on the table. "5 grand upfront, 15 later for the finale…sure why not, it's not like I have a better offer at the moment." She picked up her toast and bit off the corner. "So is the new love of my life insane, fugitive, government, or, more likely, a combination?"

Mac snorted she'd give Lizette credit, nothing threw her off beat for a second. She'd just sat there through the whole explanation looking somewhat bored. She could probably tell her the man was a serial killer fixated on redheads and the woman would pull a machete out and ask if Mac thought it would be enough. Self reliance she could understand but she didn't even think self preservation was in Lizette's vocabulary.

"Actually he is none of the above, he's rich and handsome." She slid a folder over and watched Lizette scan the contents. "In fact you'll probably have a good time."


There was knocking. Lots of knocking and it wasn't going away. It could only mean one thing. Faith put her head under the pillow. The phone rang by her bed. Her hand groped for the receiver, knocking over the glass of water on her nightstand and toppling the lamp. She hit the talk button, "G'way." She hit the off button.

The knocking became louder. One green eye cracked open to regard the puddle on the ground. She forced the other eye open and looked at the glowing clock display. Aww… it was barely 8:00am.

She shoved her feet into her daisy slippers and shuffled to the door. "All right already, you win! Hold on a sec, lemme get the door before it falls apart."

She unlocked the door and cracked it open. Two smiling women pushed a bakery bag into her chest forcing her to step back and marched into her living room.

"Cute look kid, that hair on end thing is all the rage." Tess patted her head.

"Tess! Do you guys know what time it is?" Fingers tugged through the blonde locks.

"Hey baby….I like it like that…HA HA HA."

"You brought the feather duster!?"

Emily looked at the parrot on her shoulder. "He wanted to come, we couldn't leave him once he heard we were coming up to see his Aunt Faith….Huh Bruno baby, you love your Auntie Faithie…."

"Em…I hate to be the one to break it to you but he's a bird. He has no clue what you are saying."

Loud screeching and wolf whistles filled the apartment. "Shhhh…now look, you've hurt his feelings. He's very sensitive. Bruno, you ignore your auntie she just needs some caffeine and sugar."

Blue feathers puffed out and liquid eyes regarded Faith. He clicked his beak. Faith stared back with her hand on her hip. The parrot's head started bobbing.

"He's a bir..." Tess's hand clamped over her mouth and she shoved a large warm cup into her free hand.

She took a sip, Caramel Macchiato. She peeked in the bag and the smell of refined sugar and pastry assaulted her. Her head nodded in approval.

"Chocolate chip scones, cinnamon rolls, croissants and apple pastry. Okay you're both forgiven for waking me up mere hours after I went to sleep. What happened? Did the strip get stolen by aliens, did somebody die?"

Tess patted her cheek. "We waited up till 1:00am, which means I won the bet by the way. Em figured you'd last hour tops at that party. Anyhow you didn't come home so we both figure there is a story we need to hear."

"You two bet on me again? What was it this time trash or dishes?"

"Dishes, which is unfair if you ask me considering Tess is supposed to take out the trash since she lost the last one, but who takes it out every week? And who already keeps her well fed?" Emily grabbed plates out of the cabinets, put the parrot on the back of a kitchen chair and sat down with a huff.

"If you are going to gamble over me can I at least start rating cash?"

Tess looked nonplussed "But we don't gamble hon, it's not a healthy habit." she sat down next to Emily. "So are you going to tell us about last night?"

Faith gave up and joined them.

"Before the show Paige, the woman I was telling you about last night?"

"The one in Queer as Folk's pants?"

"Yeah, anyhow, she pulled me over and asked me to coffee after practice to 'explain' things."

Emily gave the parrot a piece of croissant. "Doesn't seem like there's anything to explain to me."

"I know. So as we're talking Brenda rips down between the desks, jumping people like an Olympic hurdle race. She practically crashes into these people that wandered back stage, one of whom was apparently the owner. I thought she was going to pass out."

"The owner, William Cranston? Was he as handsome as his pictures or are they airbrushed?"

"Not airbrushed." Faith gestured impatiently. "My stomach was giving a preshow dance routine of its own so I run into the ladies room and while I'm washing up this woman asks if I'm okay. I spin around and it is one of the women that came with William Cranston. You guys should see this woman. Brunette and tall, really tall and 90% of it is in her legs. You can tell she works out a ton, she's totally ripped. But the thing that got me is her eyes. They're this intense shade of blue, violet really, all I know is I looked into them and couldn't string two words together."

For once the two women across from her simply nodded and waited for her to go on, wrapped up in her words.

Faith chewed her scone carefully and took a long swallow of her coffee. Wake me up and you're going to have to wait for it ladies. "She wanted to get Brenda, who is the last person I wanted to know so I stuttered out something she bought and off she left. So I figure that is the last I'll see her and run to my place for the opening. The show went great, better than great… more like fantastic." Her face broke out in a huge grin. "I didn't realize how much I missed performing. Brenda said that if there was one time to get the thing perfect last night should be that time and I think we pulled it off. Anyhow, after Paige and I changed we headed off to the party."

"Ohhh what dress did you end up wearing?"

"That hunter green one."

"I love that dress on you! I knew you'd pick that one. Tess honey the dishes are yours again."

"No they're not, that bet was only for a week. Whether or not she stayed at the party longer than an hour was for two weeks. By my estimation I'm still up a week."

Faith frowned at the both of them. "Do you two want to hear this or not?" two mouths shut simultaneously. "Where was I…oh right Paige and I went to the party. We're there for less than five minutes and this group of VIPs comes over. Apparently some of them know Paige, and unless I'm stupid they really… know… Paige. She figures out that I'm in a panic and leads them away. So there I am, alone by the champagne fountain feeling like a mouse at a snake's dinner party when I look up and see yet another tuxedo-clad reptile heading my way. I start trying to find an escape route but when I turn back to see how close he was I'm staring at some woman's throat."

She leaned closer to her guests. "You two are not going to believe this!" Two eager grey heads tip towards her. "It's that woman again!"

Tess's hand flew to her chest, "Oh like a knight on a white horse she rescues you! I love it!"

"I figured it was my chance to redeem myself for earlier but when I open my mouth I start babbling. Wish I knew what I said, but it seemed to amuse her and she asked if I wanted to ditch the party and get a drink with her."

Emily interrupted, "So wait you did leave the party! I believe this means I won the bet. Don't worry Tess, I bought Palmolive this time, much gentler on your hands."

Tess crossed her arms and frowned "The bet was whether or not she stayed out last night celebrating or was home in her jammies in front of the TV."

"No, the bet was if she'd last an hour at the party…"

Faith whipped a hand up. "STOP. I'm not done with my story; you two have all day to figure out who won what."

They at least tried to look contrite.

"Back to my night…She takes me to the Court Lounge and orders a bottle of the best tasting champagne I've ever had. We just sort of stared at each other for a minute and then started talking about what she was doing here and how I ended up living in Vegas. Anyhow, this lady is intense. Her coloring is unique enough but talk to her for a minute and you'll wonder what truck hit you. She owns her own company, which makes sense because I can't see her taking orders. Apparently she's here on business and wants to ask me something over lunch today."

Tess looked concerned. "Careful Faith, she might be a woman but that doesn't mean she isn't looking for entertainment off the stage."

Faith dismissed that idea without hesitation "No Tess, I trust her I don't think that is what she wants at all. I can't imagine what it is but believe me I don't think she'd ever have to pay for sex. Besides, she's probably straight."

Emily pursed her lips. "Perhaps it isn't for her."

Faith started laughing. Mac as a pimp… oh god she had to tell her. "Noooo, not a chance in hell. Really I don't know what she wants I guess it will have to wait for lunch."


Mac leaned against the back of the elevator and rubbed the back of her neck. The meeting with Lizette had gone well. She snorted. Actually the damn meeting had been one long tango of sexual innuendo. The woman had more octane than jet fuel. She was equal parts exasperated and aroused; one day that woman was going to self destruct. She idly wondered if she should just sleep with her and get it out of her system.

She stepped off on Claire's floor and knocked on her door. The VP opened it up with a smile. She looked appealingly fresh in a maroon suit that set off the dusky tone of her skin. Her dark curls had been tamed into a knot on the back of her head. "Hey boss, you have perfect timing. I just called down for some coffee and food."

Claire watched Mac walk over to the sofa, kick off her shoes and curl her legs under her. She looked exhausted, not like she'd missed sleep but life weary. Claire sat on the loveseat, propped her elbow up on the arm and rested her chin in her palm as studied her old college roommate turned boss.

So much had changed since they met on their first day of college. Claire had arrived first and piled her stuff in the middle of the room and waited until her roommate arrived before deciding who got what for drawer and desk space. The lanky brunette had bounced into the room excited and personable. They were both business majors with Claire gunning for finance and Mac deciding on a double specialty of marketing and finance. Five years later they graduated on the fast track coming out with their masters. It had been the start of an enduring friendship and lasting working relationship.

Claire was also there on the day that changed her friend from the bouncy, carefree girl into a driven woman with one goal. She wondered what would become of her focused boss once that goal was reached. Part of her was afraid that Mac would find herself adrift without anything to anchor her.

Mac watched her friend openly study her with an introspective look. "Have I finally grown horns?"

Claire raised an eyebrow. "It has been a long time Mac. Never thought we'd get to this point."

Mac didn't need her to clarify any further. She let out a sigh "You and me both. Any regrets?"

She emphatically shook her head. "Not me Mac. For me this is a job. I have a husband and two wonderful kids. I go home at night and worry about getting the kids to soccer the next day. If anything working with you has been good for me. I doubt I'd already be an Ops VP anyplace else and I like my boss. How about you?" She stretched her arm over and touched Mac's hand. "Any regrets?"

Mac shifted her gaze to the lamp on the end table as she swallowed hard. "I can't regret a decision that didn't have another option."

Such sadness, I wish she could see it doesn't have to be like this, it isn't worth it. Claire didn't often intrude on Mac's personal life anymore. There were times she missed the girl she had met that first day in college, the one that would share her dreams as they lay on their bunks waiting for sleep to come, the one that had been lost piece by piece over the last 10 years. Try as she might she couldn't break through the formidable defenses Mac had created and just ached for the woman hiding underneath it all.

Claire sighed. She figured she was the only person that had half a chance at making the executive think for a moment. Her fingers wrapped around the hand she'd been touching. "When this is over Mac, promise me you'll step back a little bit. Go find someone to share your life with. Someone to share you with. You keep living like this and you're going to end up waking up one morning to find that every accomplishment is hollow because there isn't love to fill in the middle."

Wide violet eyes looked back at her, set in an expressionless face. She had caught Mac off guard and watched her swallow hard as she formulated an answer.

A knock on the door saved her from answering. Claire walked over to answer it and sign for the room service. She glanced over her shoulder at the tense figure balled up on her couch and decided to change the subject. She filled two cups and handed the gently steaming mug to Mac. "How did the meeting go with Lizette, and where did you disappear to last night?"

Mac took a grateful sip and felt the liquid leave a warm path down her suddenly tight throat. "The meeting was fine…Lizette, what can I say about her? She's like a black Mamba, sleek and undomesticated, beautiful to look at but lethal to touch. I almost feel bad for Anton." She shrugged. "In between her attempts to jump into my bed I managed to explain what we wanted her to do. Cool as ice she agrees and then wants to know if the guy is safe or not. I'm telling you I could have told her he was psychotic and she would have just said she liked a challenge."

Claire leaned back and crossed her legs. "What did you tell her?"

"Just what I needed her to know. Told her about wanting to take over SeaSpan, but not entirely why. Gave her the short dossier on him and told her the fee. She didn't ask for more, which I was surprised about. Only thing I can think of is she likes the fact that I am looking to nail the guy. Don't think that we'll be able to control her at all so hopefully everything will go according to plan."

Claire gave her a bemused look. "Mac most people would think that 20 grand for a few days work, possibly less if she is as good as William promised, as sufficient."

"I guess we'll see won't we?" Mac finished her coffee and looked inquiring at Claire "Need a refresh?" She took the proffered cup and started pouring the coffee.

"So boss, you didn't answer my other question, where were you last night. After we got to the premiere party you just sort of disappeared and left me with the modern day Don Juan. I think William was going to kill you for leaving me. His manners made him stay and court me, but it was like watching a kid in a toy store whose mom just told him he couldn't have anything. All those playthings and he couldn't take one home."

Mac started chuckling. "Oh it was good for him, the boy really aught to try manhood more often. Remember that girl I told you about, the showgirl with the nervous stomach?" She waited for Claire to nod "Well I ran into her at the party and she was having as much fun as I was, in other words none. So we decided to go grab a drink to toast the opening. After the drink I decided I was tired and went to bed."

Claire had started studying Mac the minute her voice had lost its customary edge. Right now she was staring off into the room distractedly. It started when she had been talking about the girl…a softening in her eyes, genuine animation in her expression… some sort of subtle change that Claire decided to explore a little more, but later… with some alcohol. "Well that was nice of you."


The suite was silent save the muffled footsteps as Mac paced between the window and the kitchen. The grandfather clock in the entry way chimed half past 12 and she paused to listen to the melody. Her hands were cold and she rubbed them together. Part of her didn't want to admit that she was nervous about seeing the blonde showgirl again; part of her couldn't wait to spend more time together. The rest of her didn't want to analyze either thought.

Two menus waited on the dining room table along with her laptop and a red folder. She wandered over picked up the folder, flipped it open and put it down with a sigh. She went back to the window which held the same view of strip traffic and humanity from five minutes ago. She looked at her watch, 12:33.

Perhaps she should check the front desk and make sure they still had her order from this morning about issuing her guest a pass key to the elevator. Happy to have something to do she walked into the sitting room, grabbed the phone and dialed the front desk. She perched on the edge of the sofa and picked at a loose thread in the fabric while waiting for the other end to pick up.

"Front desk, how can we assist you today?"

"MacKenna Ward, Buckingham Suite, did you get my message about providing an elevator key for Faith Lyons?" Because if somebody lost it I am going to forget the 'silent' part of my silent partnership and come down there and personally kick some asses out the revolving door.

"I'm holding her license right here ma'm. She picked up the key a few minutes ago. Can I help you with anything else?"

"No, no thank you." She was already here. Then where was she?

"Thank you for calling the front desk, have a nice day."

Placing the phone back on its cradle she reclined for a moment and started chewing on the tip of her index finger. So Faith was someplace in the casino. Technically she was early, good. Wonder what she is up to? Perhaps she was having trouble getting the lock on the elevator to operate. If she was having trouble she might be getting worried that she'd be late. And there wasn't any reason for her to worry about something Mac could fix. The only option was to go downstairs and meet her, right? Mac gave a satisfied nod and headed for the door.

Faith stepped of the elevator and found herself in a spacious entry way with the suite door in front of her. Tan and white veined marble reflected the sparkling light of the tiered chandelier. A quick glance at her watch told her she was very early, too early. No sense in starting off on the wrong foot. Should she go back down stairs? She looked around and saw a mahogany settee beside the elevator. She eyed the thing, didn't look like it was meant to be used with its little claw foot legs but what the heck it should last for 15 minutes. She sat down and leaned against the wall.

The suite door flew open and the focused woman punched the down button. She doesn't even see me… Faith took the opportunity to furtively admire the sleek figure. A cream silk shirt with a dowel neck tucked in crisp navy dress pants and touched off with pearl earrings made the brunette a study of classic elegance. She knew she was smiling as she reached out to tap Mac's arm.

Mac felt something touch her arm and jumped. Faith was sitting on that sad excuse for furniture in the hall and looking up at her with pure amusement. A little thrill of pleasure washed over her.



"I'm early."

"You're early. What are you doing out here?"

"I was early."

"I think we already figured that out. You should have just knocked on the door. I like early." Mac crossed over to the suite door and called over her shoulder "Ready for lunch?"

Faith quickly stood and scrambled after her. "Starving, my stomach has been shaking hands with my backbone for the last hour."

Mac opened the suite door and stepped aside gesturing Faith in front of her and waited for the reaction.

Faith didn't disappoint her. She stepped in and halted craning her neck around trying to absorb it all at once. "Interesting."

Well that wasn't the response she was expecting. "Interesting?"

Faith nodded. "You know, I think my whole apartment would fit in the living room. I can't believe the casino has a suite like this. No offense, but why would somebody need all this space to sleep in?"

Mac laughed, she wasn't expecting the practical side to Faith. It wasn't exactly surprising but most women would have oohed and awed a little. "I have no idea. I always stay in suites for privacy when I travel, but usually they're nothing like this. I just figure it's Vegas, everything in this city is done grande." She walked past Faith and over to the dining table and picked up a menu and held it out. "See if there is anything on here that you want, if not I have the in house restaurant menus someplace. If those don't interest you just let me know and the kitchen will make you something." She waited until Faith took the menu before walking around the table and sitting down.

Faith looked at the maroon menu with its gold embossed cover and recognized the name…fancy. So the gourmet kitchen was Mac's short order cook. She considered the brunette head bent over her own menu. Somehow it actually made sense. She pulled out a chair across from Mac and sat down.

Violet eyes regarded her. "Anything interesting?"

Yeah lady you, but I don't suppose you're on the menu. Faith exhaled "Anything? I think everything is more like it, I think I could eat half the menu."

"Want to order a few things and share?" Mac noted they had bacon wrapped oysters as an appetizer and licked her lips in approval.

"Okay, how about the oysters as an appetizer?" Faith was surprised at the 100 watt grin flashed her way and felt her stomach turn over.

They finished the rest of their selections and Mac called down their order. She came back to the table. "They said it would take about 30 minutes." She sat down and looked at Faith expectantly.

With lunch out of the way a lapse in conversation hung in the air. Mac seemed content to just study her, leaning back against her chair with her arms crossed casually over her chest. Faith fidgeted with the menu for a second before putting it down…. those eyes seemed to burn right though her.

The slight unease Faith had been feeling since last night crept back. She rubbed her palms on her slacks and tucked her hair behind her ears. "So Mac what is it I'm here to discuss?"

Mac knew she should start explaining everything. Direct and to the point just like she'd been with Lizette, but if she did that and Faith declined… "Let's leave it for the food, I'm curious about something. What is it like to be on stage in front of all those people?"

They talked about the stage and performing through lunch. Mac asked intelligent pointed questions and Faith was happy to supply a running monologue about the life on stage filled with anecdotes and gossip that had Mac laughing outright.

One particular story about a widow of a Jordanian businessman who was making her living in the states teaching belly dancing and a horse from a scene in a local show left them both gasping for air. "I'm telling you Mac the look on her face while that gelding was urinating, I know they shelter women over in Jordan but really, I don't think the woman will ever look at a horse the same way again!"

Faith loved the sound of Mac's laughter and the way her eyes almost shut when something was particularly funny. She also realized Mac's body posture had become more and more relaxed over lunch and Faith had a funny feeling that the formal woman she had come to expect was no more real than the role she danced on stage. Her earlier nervousness had been replaced with a warm rolling awareness of the woman across from her. Just who are you MacKenna Ward?

Continued in Part 3

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