CHAPTER 7 of 9


Jody stepped closer to the window and peered outside. "It's 9 a.m. and I can't believe how dark it still is!" She turned to face Mark. "Do you think we should try to make it into town?" The wind was howling and whistling, blowing the snow in a nearly horizontal path through the air. Ugh. I shouldn't have eaten -- whatever I ate last night. I don't feel so good.

"Hmm… The guy at the restaurant says we're only gonna catch the very tip of the storm." Mark shrugged. "It should clear up by tomorrow." The tall man gave the bowl of eggs a final whisk then pulled a frying pan full of bacon off the stovetop. "Besides, Amanda brought her cell phone in case of emergencies. We should be okay." Pouring out nearly all the bacon grease, he added the egg mixture to the sizzling skillet.

Normally, Jody would find the smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon tantalizing. But this morning she found herself wishing for a plain bagel or yogurt or nothing at all. "Mark, I think I'm going to lie back down for a minute..." Jody stopped in front of the door as her mouth started to water and her stomach began to lurch.

"That's okay," Mark said amiably. "I'll bring you breakfast in bed. I'm cooking the eggs in a little bacon fat for flavor..."

"Ugh," Jody groaned.

"You like yours really loose and runny..."

Another louder groan and Jody wrapped her arms tightly around her stomach.

"...almost raw really..." He observed the eggs with mild distaste. "...just barely set, right?" He finally turned to face his pale green lover who was on all fours.

Jody's stomach lurched again and she clapped her hand over her mouth. Her eyes darted to the bathroom across the cabin and she knew she'd never make it. In an act of pure desperation, she grabbed the nearest thing she could find and promptly threw up...

...Into Mark's boot.


Arching her back, Claire tentatively pried one eye open, popping her abused vertebrae back into place. She sighed happily, surprised to feel so rested while it was still dark out. She closed her eyes again and Amanda shifted, burrowing her leg deeper between Claire’s and snuggling closer. The attorney found herself unwilling to move, not wanting to break the peaceful connection between she and her partner. Finally, however, her own restless nature got the best of her and she decided to start hunting for some breakfast. Coffee for sure... with Pop Tarts or donuts maybe?

The tall woman leaned over and placed a light kiss on her partner’s cheek, closely examining the soft, relaxed features of her lover’s face. She looks so young when she’s asleep. Claire gently traced a soft eyebrow with her fingertip. The woman is twenty-nine years old and could pass for twenty. Blonde hair lay at odd angles around the therapist’s head causing Claire to smile fondly. At least with the new haircut she looks twenty and not eighteen. She wondered how many more years before gray began mixing with the reddish-blonde. She nearly laughed at how delightful that simple thought really was.

The therapist was usually a light sleeper but both women had stayed up well into the evening enjoying their first night in the cabin and the peaceful time together. Occasional twitches testified to Amanda’s deep state of slumber and Claire was confident she could get up and mill around without waking her mate.

She carefully extricated herself from Amanda's sure grip and was greeted by a blast of frigid air when the blanket fell away. "Damn," she mumbled as she pulled the blanket back up around Amanda’s shoulders. She made her way over to the fireplace to stoke the dying embers, grateful that at some point last night Amanda had convinced her to wear her flannel pajamas.

Before leaving for dinner she and Amanda had filled the woodbin next to the fireplace, anticipating today’s heavy snowfall. Shivering at the appreciable drop in temperature, Claire suspected she’d be digging around the woodpile for more logs by that evening. After a few moments of prodding and another three logs, the fire roared back to life and the attorney could already feel the heat cutting into the chilly morning air. Heh. Not bad for a city girl. And I sure as hell didn't date any Eagle Scouts!

Satisfied with the flames, Claire headed for the bathroom.

A piercing scream brought Amanda to her feet out of a dead sleep. Confused eyes darted around wildly. She looked back to the empty bed. "Claire?" she shouted.

A few seconds later Claire emerged from the bathroom with an apologetic grin on her face. "You’re awake?" she asked wryly.

Amanda rushed forward. "Are you okay!" She nervously surveyed her partner. "I heard a scream."

Satisfied that Claire wasn’t bleeding to death and that all her body parts were intact, Amanda stepped past the embarrassed woman and poked her head into the bathroom. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she turned to Claire. "Well?" she demanded. "Did you see a mouse, or something?"

"Like I’d scream over a little rodent," Claire snorted indignantly.

A pale eyebrow rose in an arch that rivaled Claire’s best 'look'. The 'look' silently screamed at the older woman, who winced under its weight.

"The seat was cold," Claire mumbled under her breath.

"What? Speak up!"

Claire shifted uncomfortably. "I said..." Damn damn damn. "...the toilet seat was cold."

A pale brow joined its twin. "That’s what you were screaming about? Jesus, Gumby, you scared the ever lovin’ crap outta me!"

"Sorry," the taller woman offered sheepishly. "Good morning?"

"Humph." Good morning, sweetheart. Amanda smiled wickedly. "I’m gonna tell Jody and Mark."

"Nooooo," Claire whined, hoping her partner was just teasing. "You wouldn’t do that, would you?" Oh, Christ! There’s that eyebrow again! Is it really that annoying when I do it?

Amanda stepped forward and wrapped both arms around Claire’s waist. She rested her chin on the taller woman's breastbone and gazed into pathetic eyes. A small hand dropped and goosed the lawyer, drawing a surprised squawk.

"Hey! Be nice," Claire growled.

Amanda smiled as tingles ran up and down her spine. "Ohh. I like that growl. It’s..." Amanda's hand lifted from Claire's bottom and began idly tracing the buttons on the front of Claire’s pajama top. "...sooo sexy." The tracing shifted and insistent fingers found their way onto warm smooth skin. "What'll you give me not to spill the beans to Mark and Jody?" Deep green eyes danced.

"Whadda ya want?" Claire asked suspiciously, unconsciously leaning towards the younger woman's seductive touch.

Amanda tilted her head down and nipped at Claire’s breast through the soft cloth of her pajamas. In a blur of motion Amanda went from vertical to horizontal and was carried across the cabin.

"You drive a hard bargain," Claire chuckled as she lowered her cargo onto the warm blankets of the sleigh-shaped bed. "But I accept!"


"Maybe Mark or Jody borrowed it?"

Amanda shook her head. "No. I put it down here..." she motioned to the cluttered table top "... before we left for dinner last night. They haven't been here since yesterday afternoon."

Claire got up to help look for the cell phone. She knew Amanda wanted to call to check on Missy, and the psychologist was beginning to become upset over the apparent loss of their only connection with the outside world. After fifteen minutes of thoroughly searching every nook and cranny of the small cabin, the location of the phone was still a mystery.

"I'm going to go down to the other cabin and see if Mark or Jody know what happened to it," Claire announced.

Amanda closed her eyes and yawned. "Okay, one second and I'll go with you."

Claire gazed at her companion affectionately and ruffled Amanda's shaggy locks. "Nah, you don't need to get pelted with that snow. Why don't you snuggle back into those nice warm blankets and read that novel you've been raving about. Mark and I can play some cards, and I'll see if I can get him to send back something for a late lunch." Claire wriggled her eyebrows knowing her friend wouldn't refuse.

With Mark's culinary skills thrown into the bargain, Amanda decided it was definitely in her best interest to agree. Besides, even though it wasn't dinnertime yet, she was tired again. The blonde smirked. I wonder if this vacation is going to be more exhausting than our crazy daily routine at home?

"Okay... sounds good to me, Gumby. But let's get you bundled up. That wind sounds nasty."

Amanda pulled their coats from the hooks on the front door and helped Claire slip into her parka. The psychologist pulled the scarf from her own coat and wrapped it tightly around Claire’s face, patting the attorney's shoulders when she was finished.

"Thanks, Mom," came the muffled response. Mmm. The scarf smells like your perfume. "And don’t worry about the phone. We’ll find it. And if we don’t… we’ll just go into town and call Mrs. Fisher from there."

Amanda nodded, pulling the scarf away from Claire’s face to give her a gentle kiss. Settling the scarf back in place she hid behind the door when Claire opened it and stepped out into the cold. "Don’t be gone too long, okay?" Amanda called out to her retreating lover.

As soon as the attorney stepped onto the porch she knew they wouldn’t be heading into town today. A strong gust of wind sent her sliding across the icy wood into the waist-high railing. "Good God!" She tried to look up into the sky, but the stinging pellets forced her eyes closed. "Shit! This blizzard is hitting us full force!"

Should I just turn back around and spend the rest of the day in bed with Amanda? Yes! No! She wants to call Missy. The least I can do is try to track down that damn phone. What's a little snow between... friends? Lovers? Housemates? We're all those things. But why do the descriptions seem so... inadequate? Partners? Closer. Wives...? She let out a disgusted breath. Not in this country... at least not yet. Would Amanda even want that? I could ask her. Blue eyes rolled. Yeah, right. Would that be before or after you passed out?

Claire put a stop to her mental ramblings. The only person more annoying to talk to than the little voice in her own head, she admitted, was Jody.

Claire's relationship with Amanda's business partner was, as Amanda put it, 'curious'. Both women had privately admitted to Amanda a great affection and respect for the other. But each had sworn Amanda to secrecy, strangely enjoying the antagonistic nature of the friendship they'd reluctantly forged. Although Claire wasn't sure that Jody and Mark were perfectly suited, her best friend was undeniably in love with her. And for his sake, as well as Amanda's, she hoped the dark-haired psychologist would remain a permanent fixture in all their lives.

Fortifying her resolve to find the phone, Claire slowly made her way to the cabin down the hill. She estimated at least a foot of snow had fallen since the night before, but it was a fine, powdery snow, and her long explosive strides easily plowed through the growing white drifts. I can't even see the other cabin! Oh well, as long as I'm going down the hill I know that's the right direction.

Cory, dressed in a snowmobile suit and ski mask, stood not ten feet from Claire as she unknowingly walked past him. Her eyes were firmly focused on her feet. Amanda's woolen scarf and the hood of her parka blocked all her peripheral vision.

I'm invisible! He has made me invisible! I AM His Chosen! Cory didn't even try to stifle his demented laugh. If I can't be seen, surely I can't be heard. As he predicted, Claire kept moving, totally oblivious to the young construction worker as his voice was swept away in the howling wind.

Cory had found a snowmobile in one of the Jensen’s out buildings. The nearly two-hour hike was now only a twenty minute trip. The wiry man was 'rested and ready' and eager to show Him he was a loyal servant. It was time.

This was the chance he’d been waiting for-- Claire alone. But if Claire’s alone then so is Amanda. Cory took one step toward the rapidly moving attorney then stopped. Amanda first, he decided. That bitch lawyer will suffer more if I kill her lover first! As always, the thought of harming Amanda brought a flash of blinding pain.

I could give her one more chance, he told himself as he approached the cabin. She should be mine! That bitch lawyer can never even give her children. She could carry my seed. She has been led astray. His head began to pound but Cory ignored it. An eerie calm stole over the dark-eyed man as he accepted Amanda's fate and embraced his own. The pounding stopped. The relentless chanting voice stopped. And all was silent accept for the screaming wind and the creak of the porch steps as Cory made his way to his destiny.

Amanda lay on her belly, her chin propped up by her fists as she scanned the next page of her science fiction novel. Claire is so wrong! This book is fabulous!

Amanda and Claire did not share the same taste in reading material. To Amanda's surprise, Claire preferred romance novels to John Grisham or Tom Clancy. And it seemed the tall woman never tired of teasing Amanda about her near obsession with aliens and space travelers. When no amount of pleading could drag Claire or Jody to the Star Wars prequel, Amanda simply went with Mark, whose fondness of for the genre almost rivaled her own.

The cabin door opened then shut with a loud boom. "That was quick, honey. Was the wind too bad?" Amanda asked without looking up from her novel. When no answer came she sat up and peeked over the short wooden wall that partitioned the bedroom from the rest of the cabin. No one. She must have gone right into the bathroom.

Amanda looked over to the bathroom door, which was open. "Claire?" No answer. The blonde folded the corner of her page and tossed the novel onto the bed. When she stood, she saw a shadow move near the fire. "Why aren't you answering me?" she asked frustrated. "How come...? SHIT!"

Amanda's eyes widened and she began to stumble backwards. "Wh..Who are you!" Jesus Christ! Her heart was in her throat... the man looked like something out of a teenage horror movie.

Cory stood next to the fireplace in his black snowsuit, ski mask and heavy black boots. His gloves were stuffed into his pocket, and in his right hand was a long, bone-handled, hunting knife. "You can see me," the man said matter-of-factly, ignoring her question. "Have you been missing this?" He showed Amanda a small cell phone. His mouth curled into a smug, shit-eatin' grin.

Amanda recognized the voice but couldn't place it. He's got the phone... he was in here yesterday? Her eyes darted to the door and she bolted. But Cory was faster, beating her to the door, violently ripping her hand from the knob.

"YOU..." He grabbed her wrist and swung her against the door, "are NOT going ANYWHERE!" Cory hissed, spraying Amanda's cheek and neck with saliva. He leaned forward and pinned his captive to the door with his body. His face was inches from hers and he could see her heartbeat thundering in her neck. He licked his lips.

This close, she could smell him. The psychologist shivered as her body reacted to his foreign scent and her own fear. Amanda fought the immediate instinct to wipe the spittle from her cheek and looked up into coal-black, insane eyes, recognizing their owner. Oh my God. He's totally snapped. "C...Cory? Is that you?" She tried to speak calmly but was finding it almost impossible to control her breathing.

Of course it's me, he answered telepathically, convinced actual words were unnecessary.

"C..Co...Cory?" she repeated, puzzled.

Why is she ignoring me! Long seconds passed before he answered. "Yes."

Okay...okay...calm down...THINK! "Could..." Amanda swallowed and tried to ignore his foul breath. "Could you put down the knife, Cory?"

"This?" He held up the knife and reverently tilted the razor sharp blade. The steel glinted in the dull afternoon light casting exaggerated shadows on the far wall. "No, I don't think so. I'm here to do His will and I'll need this," Cory answered reasonably, his tone giving no hint of his scattered mental state.

Uh Oh. That's bad. VERY BAD! "It's okay, I understand," Amanda placated softly.

Cory furrowed his brow. She understands?

Amanda correctly recognized the young man's confusion and pressed her position. "Of course I understand. You're here to do His will, right?" She had no idea what he was talking about, but hoped her apparent acquiescence would soothe him and buy her a little time.

"That's right." She does understand! I knew it!

Cory brought the tip of the knife up to the tender skin under Amanda's chin. He pressed gently and Amanda tried desperately to stay still as she felt the fiery sting of the blade. A warm drop of blood trailed down the metal, splattering onto the wooden floor by her foot.

Amanda felt beads of sweat form on her forehead and upper lip. "Cory, could you at least take off the mask so I could see your face." She tried to swallow without moving her head or throat. "I've missed you and I'd love to see your face without the mask. Please."

Cory's eyes went round. "You... you missed me?"

Amanda was about to nod, but was reminded to stay still by the tip of the blade at her throat. "Absolutely," she lied.

Cory slowly lowered the knife and Amanda's heart rate dropped below two hundred for the first time in several excruciatingly tense moments. Part of Amanda wanted Claire to come back and help her. A bigger part of her was relieved that her lover was safe and wanted to keep it that way.

Cory took a step back and peeled off the wet mask. His face was flushed and although he appeared calm, Amanda could sense an icy rage floating barely beneath the surface.

Think... Think... "Cory um...could we sit down? You could warm yourself by the fire." Good one, Mandy! Look at him! He's already sweating like a pig! "Why don't you tell me all about Him?" C'mon Cory. "You must be very important to be entrusted with carrying out His will," she tried again.

The young man smiled. She can see I AM His Chosen! "You were just under her evil influence, weren't you? You're not really like that. I thought I took care of everything when I hurt him... but it wasn't him at all. It was always her."

"You're right." She nodded, confirming his every word. "I'm not like that at all." What are you rambling about? Him? Her? Are you talking about Claire? "Let's sit down, okay?"

Out of nervous habit Cory scrubbed his flat-top. "But you understand that I must carry out His will. I am His servant. This will only delay things." Cory's eyes conveyed true regret while his voice held only resolve.

"I understand," Amanda said as she scanned the room for a weapon. I could never get to the kitchen in time. The woodbin? Yeah, a log. That could work.

"Let's go sit on the couch." She pointed to the overstuffed sofa.

Cory stood motionless for a moment, but then nodded. "You first."

He stepped aside and Amanda walked in front of him, glad he couldn't see her eyes. She scanned the stack of logs for something she could easily grip. Her neck burned and she could feel a hot trail of blood snake its way between her breasts. God, how bad did he cut me? Despite the blood, Amanda firmly believed it was just a nick. It won't matter if I can't figure a way out of this. I have a feeling I'm not going to like "His" plans for me.

As Amanda passed the woodbin, her hand shot down and she grabbed a log about 3 inches in diameter. Without looking, she turned and swung as hard as she could, connecting with Cory's shoulder and cracking the brittle piece of wood, sending splinters flying in all directions. The man screamed and dropped the knife as he clutched his shoulder. Amanda could tell the blow wasn't hard enough to do serious damage and she raised what was left of the log to strike again, only to be brutally tackled.

Amanda's back slammed hard against the wooden floor, knocking the wind out of her. Cory sat up and viciously backhanded her jaw. "BITCH! You said you understood! Lying bitch!" He struck her again. "I CANNOT BE DECEIVED!" Cory ranted.

Amanda tasted the metallic tang of blood in the back of her throat, her ears were ringing and she could see only tiny pinpoints of light. Cory straddled her, his dark eyes scanning the floor as the therapist gasped for breath and tried to focus her vision. The knife. Shit! Where is it?

Cory leaned over and reached for the weapon; the tips of his fingers could barely touch the cool bone handle. But before he had a firm grasp, Amanda brought her knee up... hard. Cory lurched forward and Amanda heard the knife slide away. With a quick roll, she was now on top, a drop of blood slid down her chin, landing directly in Cory's eye. He blinked and Amanda wrenched her arm free from his tight, sweaty grasp. Not bothering to try a punch, she slammed her elbow down on the bridge of his nose, using her bodyweight to add to the blow's force. She was immediately rewarded with a piteous scream and a satisfying crunch as the cartilage twisted and snapped. Blood sprayed out of the misshapen nose, covering the front of Amanda's pale blue sweatshirt as Cory tried to sit up.

Both of Cory's hands instinctively flew to his face, allowing Amanda to scramble away from the writhing, crying man. She stood on wobbly feet, and the room started to spin. Christ. No! I can't be dizzy! I've got to get out. She staggered to the door throwing it open. A gust of icy air blew back her short hair sending stinging flakes of snow swirling through the doorway, the flakes clinging to her bloodied chin. She took a step forward and fuzzily realized she was about to walk into a blizzard with no shoes or coat, dressed only in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Cory was on his knees now, hurling profanities in her direction and she only had a second to decide whether to turn and face the lunatic or try to make it to the other cabin.

Amanda stepped into her boots, which were sitting next to the door. There was no time to tie or lace them as she ran outside and into the snow, trying not to fall on icy porch steps. God, where's the other cabin? It was a complete 'white out' but she pushed forward, the heady rush of adrenaline making the temperature, at least for the moment, irrelevant. Is he behind me? She didn't bother to look.

The snow was deep and with every step more of it poured into Amanda's unlaced boots, making her feet ache and burn. When she pushed hard through a particularly deep drift, she fell, her palms stinging as they scraped against the icy ground. But she scrambled forward, noticing the terrain was leveling out. Where is it? It has to be here! She spun around looking in all directions. Another two steps and she could make out the faint outline of the cabin that was only ten or fifteen feet in front of her. Her eyes were slits and she cupped her hands around her face to block the wind.

With all the speed she could muster Amanda circled the cabin and climbed the steps. Her chest was aching, making each deep breath nearly excruciating. She reached for the doorknob with a shaky hand... but stopped. No. I won't.

During her hundred-yard dash, Amanda hadn't turned around once to see whether Cory was following her. I can't open the door if he's right behind me with that knife. Almost hesitantly she turned her head but saw nothing but sheets of white. Relief flooded through her as she turned the knob. Thank God!


"Aww...C'mon, Marko, you know she can eat more than that!" Claire protested and held out the half-full container.

Mark added another two ladles of steaming vegetable beef soup and Claire nodded, satisfied with the portion size. "Thanks." Man, I wish Amanda or I could cook like this. Jody, you are such a lucky dog!

The cabin door opened and three sets of surprised eyes turned. They had all assumed Amanda was snuggled down for a long winter's nap.

When the blonde stumbled in, it was Jody who made it to her side first. "Where's your coat? Are you insane!" Is that blood? "Blood?"

"Sh...Shu...Shut the...d..door," Amanda stammered, her numb fingers fumbling helplessly at the thin chain lock even before the door was closed.

Claire kicked the door shut and immediately wrapped her arms around the smaller women without getting a good look at her face. "Shit! You're freezing!"

Amanda frantically shook her head. "Nooo..." She stopped and swallowed, her body greedily absorbing the radiant heat pouring from her lover. "I'm okay, lo..lock it...quick!"

Jody did as Amanda asked and Claire reluctantly pulled out of the embrace to look at her shaking friend. "Mandy, you're bleeding! What happened!"

"I'm alright, it's just a scratch. The bleeding has stopped." Amanda had hastily wiped her chin as she ran into the cabin.

Claire cupped Amanda's cheek and noticed the bruise that was already forming along her jawline. "But the blood..."

Seeing her friend's worry she gently squeezed the attorney's hand. Shifting forward she hugged the woman again and whispered in her ear. "I'm not badly hurt, Gumby, I promise. Most of the blood's not mine."

"What the hell happened?" Jody yelled impatiently. "You're cut? And why are you out in a blizzard with no coat or gloves or hat?" Honey-colored eyes observed Amanda's feet. "Jesus, Amanda, take off those boots, they're full of snow!"

Amanda looked down as if she had forgotten all about her feet. But Jody's words seem to bring back the harsh pain. She bent over but was stopped by Claire, who knelt in front of her and gently removed the boots while brushing the snow off the cuffs of her sweatpants.

"Cory showed up just a few minutes after Claire left."

Jody's eyes widened. "Cory Martin? Oh, fuck!" I should have known there was more to him than Amanda was saying. Shit!

Amanda knew what her friend was thinking and grimaced. "He's totally delusional. I don't know how he found me... but he said he was here to do "His" will and he had a knife."

"Would you two explain this to the rest of us?" Mark finally asked, partially confused but completely freaked out.

Claire was listening intently while examining the small gash under Amanda's chin. It doesn't look like it needs stitches... I don't think... Ugh! Like I would know. "Is that the patient who bruised your arms a couple of weeks ago?"

Amanda nodded.

"The one you said was a harmless boy?" Claire continued. Her voice had an icy edge and Amanda caught a glimpse of something dark within her partner that she'd only seen once before.

"That's him, that little shit! He must have totally lost it." Jody answered for Amanda.

"Did she stab him?" Mark wondered aloud as he stared at the speckles
of blood that covered Amanda's shirt. It would be self-defense. I could talk to the local County Attorney.

Amanda shook her head 'no' and her eyes began to fill with tears. The gravity of her miscalculation concerning Cory was starting to sink in. "No..." A sniff. "We fought and he hit me... a couple of times... but I managed to get on top of him... and... I... I think I broke his nose." Tears were now streaming down her cheeks and Claire pulled her lover into a careful hug.

"Good girl," the attorney praised, continuously stroking Amanda's wet hair.

"I was able to get away and I just ran here." Glassy emerald eyes looked to the door. He could have followed me. What was I thinking? Jody's pregnant and Mark's hurt. "I don't know if he followed me."

"Let's get our coats," Mark interjected. "I'm taking you..." he tilted his head toward Amanda "...to the hospital and we need to contact the police. The Pathfinder has 4-wheel drive, so we should be able to make it even in this weather. I'll walk in front of the damn car if I have to and you can follow me."

"That's a good idea, Marko. You and Jody take Amanda to get checked out. I'm going back to the other cabin."

"Why?" Amanda demanded, knowing full well Claire's temper had silently snapped and she wasn't thinking clearly.

"Because I want to see whether Cory is still there! We can't just let him get away."

Jody rolled her eyes. "Jane Bond is back," she mumbled, earning a dirty look from Claire.

The tall attorney reached for her coat but Amanda grabbed her hand. "He's got a foot-long hunting knife! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"That's good! It'll bolster my self-defense claim when I rip his fucking head from his body!" Claire seethed as she reached for her coat again.

"NO!" Amanda's grip held firm.


"Claire's right, Amanda. We should try to catch him before he disappears," Jody called over from her suitcase, having slipped away during Claire and Amanda's standoff. We just need to be smart about it.

"Jody, we are not..." Mark started, then stopped when he saw what Jody was holding. His eyes widened and his jaw went slack.

The stocky brunette approached Claire holding two handguns and a handful of bullets. "Do you know how to use one of these?"

Claire shook her head and shrugged. "Point and pull the trigger?"

"Basically, just make sure the safety is off first," Jody sniggered and handed Claire the .22 caliber handgun, keeping the larger .45 caliber for herself. "Hold this one and I'll load them both."

"Where in the hell did you get those?" Mark yelled. "And don't even think I'm letting you anywhere near some crazy man with a knife."

Jody's eyes flashed. "You don't LET me do anything." She began loading the .45. "And I've always had these. I never travel without them unless I'm flying." She shrugged one shoulder and expertly loaded the long clip. "I'm from Utah, remember? We only have two noteworthy things in Utah... Donny and Marie... and guns... lots of guns." She quickly handed Claire the .45 and took back the smaller pistol. "I never really cared much for the Osmonds."

Is everyone going crazy! Amanda held up her hands. "Stop! No one is going to shoot anyone! Mark's right. We need to get the police," she pleaded. Her voice sounded desperate and green eyes bored into Jody's brown. The best friends didn't speak but each knew what the other was thinking.

Jody gave in first and swallowed her own anger. She nodded, but finished loading the .22 anyway. Better safe than sorry. "Okay, Amanda. I'll go warm up the car."

Claire was about to protest when Amanda covered the attorney's mouth with her hand. "I'm not going anywhere without you. So if you really want me to go into town, you're going to have to come along too."

Claire narrowed her eyes, furious over what she considered a blatant manipulation of her emotions. After a moment of indecision she sighed. "That's really shitty, Mandy," she said softly, and Amanda knew she had won.

Jody and Mark moved away to slip on their coats and Amanda lifted Claire's hand, gently kissing the soft palm. "I know it is, Gumby. But when it comes to your safety... I don't fight fair. I won't be without you... ever..." she fiercely added.

Mark pushed passed the two women and silently slipped out the front door. Claire looked to Jody who shrugged. "He's going to warm up the car."

"Played the pregnancy card, did he?" Amanda asked.

Jody let out an explosive, frustrated breath. "Hell, yes!"

"Good," Claire snorted. "I would have done the same thing."

Jody opened her mouth and shot off an angry retort. Soon both women were arguing bitterly and Amanda was beginning to wonder if she'd have to physically separate them. But before things turned uglier, the cabin door swung open. Jody immediately lifted the .45 and pointed at the door, having convinced Mark to take the other weapon with him.

"It's just me!" Mark said when he saw the gun trained steadily at his chest. God. I hate guns! We are gonna have a long talk about those. "We're not going anywhere. Every tire has been slashed, including the spare."

Claire's hands shaped into angry fists. "Dammit! That settles it! I'll just have to find him myself." She tried, but couldn't manage to feel too sorry about it.

"Not without me!" Amanda challenged. The snowmobiles! "Wait! Iris has two snowmobiles in the shed out back."

Mark instantly warmed to the idea. "We could use the gas we brought for the emergency generator."

Claire shook her head and looked out the window. "Not today or tonight though. We'll have to wait until the blizzard passes if we're gonna make that long of a ride. It's almost twenty miles into town."

"It should clear up by morning," Jody added. "If only we could find the phone!"

Amanda checked the lock again and spoke with her back toward her friends. "He has it."

Everyone's eyes widened.

"I know. That's means he was in our cabin yesterday. He must have followed us up here and then waited until we left for dinner. I don't know how else he could have found this place." Amanda shivered and Claire nudged her toward the wood stove.

"C'mon Mandy, let's get your feet warmed up." Claire settled down onto the loveseat with her partner. "Jody, do you have some sort of shirt Amanda could borrow?"

Jody didn't answer verbally but headed over to her suitcase. She pulled out a navy sweatshirt and washcloth. Mark took the tea kettle off the stovetop and poured some steaming water into a bowl, which he handed to Claire. The big man turned his back while Amanda stripped off the bloodied sweatshirt and tossed it into the fire. Amanda covered her chest with Jody's sweatshirt, not wanting to put it on until she was clean.

Claire dipped the rag into the warm water and began to wipe off Amanda's chin and neck. He could have killed her. He almost did. The older woman forced her eyes to remain on her task, knowing if she met Amanda's she wouldn't be able to contain her rage.

Everyone's attention was riveted on the smaller woman and Amanda rolled her eyes. "For God's sake... I'm fine. It's just a nick and a bruised jaw."

Everyone grumbled their agreement after checking out her injuries for themselves. Tears filled Amanda's eyes again when she saw the concerned worry reflected in her friends’ eyes. I am so lucky to have all of you, she thought as Claire delicately kissed her bruised jaw then began massaging her cold feet. Mmm... Especially, you, Gumby.

"I found a first aid kit under the sink this morning. I'll look for a bandage." Mark politely left the living room so Amanda could finish dressing.

"Do you want some ice for your jaw?" Claire asked, deciding the injured body part needed another thorough inspection.

"It's just a bruise," Amanda said more crossly than she'd intended. She winced at the hurt look that flashed across the beautiful features. The younger woman mentally kicked herself. She needs to do something. "But some ice would probably make it feel a little better, thanks."

Claire managed a half smile, glad to be of some help, and already cursing herself for leaving Amanda alone in the cabin. "Okay, I'm going to bring in some more firewood and get the ice."

"You won't go to the other cabin, will you?" Seeing Claire's hesitation Amanda changed tactics. This wasn't the time to try to match wills with her stubborn lover. "Swear to me you won't go to the cabin, Claire. Please." Amanda's voice quivered and Claire saw traces of the terror she'd seen earlier that day. The entreaty was one the older woman couldn't deny. She wouldn't be the cause of Amanda's fear or pain.

Claire dropped her head. Damn, I'm scaring her! Guilt mixed with anger and Claire was hard pressed to keep a lid on her churning emotions. "I swear." You bastard, Cory. You'd better hope I don't get to you before the police.

After a few moments of threats, pleas, and assurances Claire convinced everyone that she didn't need an armed escort to the wood stack. On her way out the door, Jody pulled her aside and she felt the cool metal of the .22 pressed into her hand.

"It's got six shots and the safety is already off. If you have to use it aim for the middle of the body. Don't worry about recoil. There won't be any to speak of. And Claire... if you start shooting it... empty it." Steady honey-eyes held blue for a long moment, silently conveying that while Claire was out of the house Jody would look after Amanda. I knew I liked you for a reason, Jody. The prosecutor grunted her acknowledgement and made her way out into the cold.

Claire stuffed the gun into her parka pocket and began moving toward the woodpile. Along the east wall, logs were piled in criss-cross stacks about four feet high and Claire began the welcome task of bringing logs to the front porch.

Thank God I got out of there. She sighed and allowed herself to silently seethe. Her eyes drifted up the hill in the direction of the smaller cabin, but the blowing snow prevented her from seeing more than a few feet in front of her. No, I promised. I won't break my promise. I wonder if you're sitting there waiting for her? The gray afternoon sky had turned black and the blizzard raged on. I wonder if you're afraid to come out into the dark?

A small, aggressive part of Claire's brain wished Cory would just show up, and save the police the trouble of a manhunt. As it turned out, she got her wish.

Claire bent down to take another log into her arms when she heard a soft, nasal voice behind her. "Hello, you perverted demon from hell."

Claire turned and reached for the gun only to have it knocked from her hand. Next, something solid hit her temple but the blow was muffled by the howling wind. Cory stood momentarily confused, he had hit her as hard as he could and she was still on her feet. But she's a woman!

Claire consciously released the fury that had been building since she saw the first drop of blood on Amanda's chin. She lunged toward the dark figure, causing both of them to fall into the snow. As she fell a burning pain tore through her shoulder. "DAMN!" she screamed and twisted mid-air. The slender man fell on her but she easily threw off his weight and sent him sprawling into the snow with asolid, crushing punch.

"Why aren't you dead?" he howled, reeling from the staggering blow.

Claire looked down, and between her shoulder and breast, a knife handle protruded from her light colored parka, which was turning colored. He stabbed me? That's what the pain in my shoulder is?

Claire grabbed the bone handle and with a forceful yank ripped the blade from her body. A streak of fire followed the blade and she shook at the sickening sensation. She felt a flood of warm wetness trail down her chest and pool at the waistband of her jeans. "I'm not dead... because it would take more than a little piss ant like you to kill me. You, on the other hand, are very, very dead."

Cory swallowed and was hit with the startling realization that he had bitten off much more than he could chew. But that doesn't matter, He will protect His Chosen!

The man scrambled to his feet and began backing away from Claire. The lawyer took a step forward and pushed down a wave of nausea. "Shit," she cursed as she leaned against the wall of the cabin for support.

The man started laughing and took several more steps backwards, disappearing into the darkness.

"No you don't!" Claire bellowed. She looked down wondering whether she should take time to find the gun. No. No time for that now. She stuffed the knife in her parka pocket and took off in the direction Cory had disappeared; carefully following his tracks in what was otherwise pristine snow.

Amanda's head turned toward the east wall. "Did you hear something?"

"You mean something besides Claire banging those damn logs against the side of the cabin?" Jody answered testily.

"I'm going to check on her," Amanda announced, ignoring Jody.

"She's only been gone for thirty seconds!"

Amanda tilted her head and lifted an eyebrow.

"Huh, I wonder where you picked up that particular 'look'," Jody mused sarcastically. "Wait... Don't get up." Shit, woman! Why are you so headstrong? "I'll go."

"You can both stop arguing," Mark said as he draped his jacket over his cast. "I'm already gone." And the door shut loudly behind him.

Both Jody and Amanda exchanged annoyed shrugs and flopped back on the couch, eagerly awaiting the return of their loved ones. When another minute passed and there was no sign of Mark or Claire both women rose and began lacing their boots.

"It's me," the handsome man called out as he entered the cabin, not wanting to be shot by his lover.

Jody sighed with relief and Amanda looked past Mark expecting to see Claire. When Mark turned to shut the door behind him, he let out a long, deep sigh, and turned around very slowly. Even in the candle and lamplight, Jody and Amanda could tell his face was ashen.

Amanda rushed forward, swallowing the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. She's okay, she's okay, she's okay. She has to be. "Where's Claire?"

Mark held out the .22 and Jody closed her eyes, knowing Claire wouldn't have given up the weapon without a fight.

"She's gone, and I found this in the snow by the wood pile."

"Do you think it was Cory," Amanda whispered, as if saying the words too loudly could somehow make it true.

Mark nodded and decided Amanda didn't need to hear about the crimson stained snow.

This time there was no argument from anyone while they all prepared to go out and look for Claire, in the dark, in the middle of a blizzard.


Claire tipped her head toward the heavens and screamed into the unforgiving night. "WHERE ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE BASTARD?!" With great effort, she could barely make out what she thought were deep boot prints in the snow. And so, relentlessly, she pressed forward. When I find you you're gonna wish you'd let the blizzard take you.

The feeling of pure hatred coursing through her veins caused her to stop dead in her tracks. It fit her like a glove and she realized this... rage... made everything else pale in comparison. Tonight she was eager to commit cold-blooded murder and rather than running from it, she embraced it. Claire began trudging through the snow again.

The strangest thing about this 'foreign' sensation, she mused, was that it didn't feel foreign at all. It felt familiar in a way that was comforting and terrifying at the same time. The rational part of her mind told her it wasn't right for her to play judge, jury and executioner. That if she didn't watch out, the blizzard would finish what Cory had started. But the tall woman simply told the annoying voice to "shut the fuck up".

Finally, the blowing snow caused the tracks both in front of, and behind her, to completely disappear. The weather, she admitted, was as much her enemy as Cory Martin. The attorney squinted as the bitter snow pelted her face. These weren't the soft heavy snowflakes of Courier & Ives fame. These were tiny insidious pellets that felt more like sand than snow. Everywhere they touched stung and itched.

Claire shivered and reached to tug her hood tighter around her cheeks. The adrenaline rush she'd first experienced upon bursting out of the cabin had long since worn off. Experimentally, she rolled her injured shoulder and winced as lancing pain shot down her left side. The pain left her nauseous and unsteady.

For the first hour or so, Claire's shoulder and chest felt warm because of the steady flow of hot blood heating her skin. Now they just felt sticky and stiff and Claire realized that the blood flow must have stopped. Her arms and legs burned with a tingling sensation that felt like fire. Claire wiggled her toes, and to her surprise, found her insulated boots had mostly spared her feet the misery the rest of her body was experiencing.

Where are you, Cory? Her mind hissed as she leaned against a tree and tucked her face up to the rough bark to escape the harsh wind. With supreme aggravation, she closed her eyes, which felt dry and gritty. Her head was pounding and her frustration over having failed to find Cory was mounting.

She opened her eyes again to look around. Where am I? She still couldn't see beyond a few trees on all sides of her. Maybe chasing a collapsing trail for hours in a blizzard wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done. Remember how Jack Nicholson ended up at the end of "The Shining"?

Awkwardly, Claire tugged back her glove with fingers that were starting to feel numb and clumsy. She tilted her frosted-over watch face, wishing she had one of those lurid glow-in-the-dark watches she'd seen Mark's oldest son Keith wearing. With another tilt, she tried to focus on the tiny hands. Shit. Too dark. Angrily, she pulled her glove back down. Okay, my guess is I’ve been traveling for three hours or so. At the snail's pace I’ve been keeping I probably haven’t gone more than a few of miles.

CORY!! I’m not going to find you tonight, but I will find you.

Not sure which route to take, Claire simply turned around and headed in the opposite direction. After a few more minutes she noticed she didn’t feel as cold. Is it getting warmer? She stopped and forced herself to focus on the environment around her. The wind was still furiously howling, drowning out all other sounds. The snow was swirling and blowing and creating tiny white tornadoes. No. I don’t think it’s getting any warmer. I think I’m just starting to go numb. That is not a good sign. I need to keep moving… and get some blood flowing.

No matter how far Claire walked, the scenery never seemed to change... white... snowy... trees... fallen branches... it all looked the same. After minutes that felt like hours and hours that felt like years, her pace began to slow, and her steps became erratic. It feels like I’m walking through mud, not snow. My arms and legs feel so sluggish. Another step and she tripped over an exposed root. Her body fell heavily into a deep blanket of snow, her arm shooting out a second too late to break her fall. Ouch!! Why is it the only thing that's not numb is my shoulder. Foggily, she acknowledged that she didn’t really feel cold anymore and that she was glad that annoying shivering had completely stopped. She relaxed into the snow, not caring that she was lying face down. Her warm breath melted the flakes pressed up against her lips and created a tiny hole in the snow bank. Yeah, I feel much better right here.

I feel so tired, like I’ve been walking forever. I should rest here and wait for the storm to pass. Just for a few minutes... if I close my eyes... Claire pushed open the drooping lids... I won’t wake up. She thought about that for a second and mentally shrugged. Would that be so bad? I could just go to sleep. I’m so tired. This time Claire allowed her eyes to close and a dark peace stole over her.

I wonder what Mandy’s doing right now. She’s so sweet. Claire’s mind began to drift and she found herself without the ability to stop or guide it. Her hands are so soft.

Time marched forward as she thought of Missy and all the toys she'd stockpiled for Christmas and how this would be their first Christmas together as a family. Mandy's gonna love the new paintbrushes I bought her. Hmm... I'll bet she's worried about me. She worries too much. Claire tried to frown but her face wouldn’t obey her brain’s command. I love her so much. I don’t want her to worry. I think I need to try to get up now.

But despite her best intentions, precious moments continued to pass. Finally, with an effort all out of proportion to the task, Claire turned her head to the side and pushed open glazed blue eyes. Rolling her eyes upward, she blinked away some snowflakes and looked up at a million brilliant stars. It’s stopped snowing, she marveled. And the moon is out. It's so peaceful now and quiet. It's beautiful. Her attention drifted downward. The snow is black here. I wonder why?

Her arms and legs felt as though heavy weights fastened them ground. After several failed attempts she finally made it to her knees where she laughed weakly, knowing all the while this wasn’t funny. Ahh... Damn. I may just die here. I... I don’t think I can get up. But before she could make her another attempt a dark body crashed into her. "Cory!" she moaned.

With strength Claire didn’t possess a moment before, she rolled her attacker over and managed a flailing strike to the face. She felt a sickening rip tear run through her injured shoulder as she slammed down her fist. "FUCK!" she screamed for the second time that night. The sheer momentum of the wild strike caused Claire to fall forward, covering her assailant.

Once again, there was dead silence.

"C.. C.. Claire is that you?" The body underneath Claire squirmed and groaned. "God, I’m sorry I thought you were Cory. Jesus, did you have to hit me with a log?" Jody wiggled her jaw, hoping it wasn’t fractured. "Claire?" No answer.

Jody held her breath and with a single effort heaved Claire from her and onto the snow. She exhaled loudly sending a stream of puffy white steam out of her nose and mouth. Her tongue snaked out and recognized the sharp taste of blood on her lip.

The lawyer still wasn't moving.

"Claire, what’s wrong with you? I didn’t even hit you!" Jody grabbed the attorney by the front of her coat and leaned forward to get a better look at her face. Her hands slipped off the fabric. "What the… Oh, shit!" A thick glistening substance coated both her gloves. Her eyes widened. Blood? In the starlight, the rich liquid looked like black syrup. Why would she be bleeding? "Where did all this blood come from?" she asked worriedly.

Jody bent down and looked into glassy eyes that were still slightly cracked open. Claire's skin had a greyish-blue tinge that Jody prayed was more the result of the moonlight than hypothermia. Her worry increased tenfold when she considered how badly Claire must be wounded to have produced that quantity of blood.

The taller woman stirred and attempted to speak. Claire blinked her eyes with exaggerated slowness and her first words were a cross between moans and whispers. "Jodeee?" Claire looked confused. "Yurr nah Coree," she slurred.

Jesus Christ, I can’t believe she’s still alive after being out here all night. Jody, Mark, and Amanda had all been forced inside when the blizzard worsened around mid-night. Although, Jody admitted, she literally had to hold Amanda down to talk some sense into her. The younger woman had repeatedly refused to stop looking despite the deadly conditions. "No. I’m not Cory. Claire, we need to get you inside."

"No... Don... Don’t wanna mooov. Trrrred."

"I know you don’t. But you don’t have a choice." Jody smirked but the normal mirth that accompanied the action didn't reach her eyes. "I'm not in the mood to open a hundred-and-twenty pound can of blonde whoop-ass. So let's go." Jody looked around. Where are you Mark?

"Mandy." Claire closed her eyes, a faint smile tugging at her lips. Then her face relaxed and went slack. The hands that had been resting across her abdomen fell off into the snow.

"Great! Shitshitshitshitshitshit!" Jody mouthed. "Wake up!" The psychologist smacked blood smeared cheeks. There was no response. I wonder if she knows she got blood all over her. "You’d better wake up, Claire. Because no how… no way in hell… I’m telling Amanda you didn’t make it." Jody laid her cheek against Claire’s mouth. She could still feel the faintest hint of breath. Yes. She's still alive. Her own heart resumed beating.

"I can see you’re not gonna help me at all. Goddamn lazy lawyers." But dammit if you didn't almost make it on your own. Jody looked off in the distance to the cabin she could see through the brutal winter landscape. The lamps and candles tinged the windows a peaceful golden color completely at odds with the horrid night they'd all endured. Another hundred yards and you would have made it all the way home. Okay, this is where I start regretting the fact that I let my gym membership lapse last Labor Day.

Jody walked around behind Claire and slid her arms around her chest. She pulled Claire back a few inches until the lawyer's legs were straight out in front of her. Then she pushed forward, locking the taller woman's legs. Another few grunts and Jody had Claire standing. With an expert twist, the therapist was now in front of Claire. She leaned forward and allowed Claire's body to naturally drape over her back. Grabbing Claire's arms, Jody bent slightly at the knees and adjusted the position of her cargo. I knew that six years as a combat medic in the National Guard would pay off someday. Humph. After all that training, Amanda never could master this carry. God Almighty, Claire! How can someone who looks so slim be so heavy?

Hypothermia, hypothermia, how do you treat that? Jody began racking her brain. I was in the Gulf War for Christ' sake, IN THE DESERT!!!

Jody's lungs were burning and her legs felt wobbly by the time she reached the porch. She had run out of curse words fifty yards ago. "Ugh!" I don't know if I can make it up the stairs. Golden-brown eyes flickered up in surprise when she heard the cabin door open. Thank God we ended up back at the smaller cabin. I couldn't have made it down the hill.

A pale head poked its way around the corner. "Is that you, Claire?"


"No!" Amanda shook her head frantically. "Stay with me! You can sleep later." Dazed blue eyes fluttered open. "That's it. Stay awake." Amanda hugged Claire tightly but the eyes drooped shut again. "Dammit!"

Claire teetered on the edge of consciousness as Jody, Mark and Amanda all worked to warm her up and stop the crimson tide flowing from her shoulder.

They'd stripped the brunette of her bloodied, icy clothes, and she now sat propped up between Amanda's legs on the rug in front of the massive hearth. The therapist's strong hold was the only thing keeping Claire from tipping over. Both women were clad only in their panties and Amanda was pressed tightly against Claire's back trying to share as much body heat as possible. Any thoughts of modesty had long since been forgotten. Jody peeled away one of the blankets that wrapped the women together and replaced it with one that had been warming next to the fire.

They had managed to stop the bleeding but couldn't seem to rouse Claire to full consciousness. For hours they'd been trying to force hot, sweet liquids down the attorney's throat but each time Claire would choke, losing more than she was ingesting.

Amanda held on for dear life. Oh God. She's lost too much blood. Too much blood. She's so cold and pale. Nothing is working! Desperate eyes turned to Jody and Mark. "Go! Take the snowmobiles and go for help. She's... she's not... Just go!"

Jody looked at Mark, knowing Claire probably wouldn't survive either way. Her eyes flickered to the window. The brilliant morning sun sparkled off ice crystals creating clusters of diamonds that reflected throughout the room. She turned back to Amanda and spoke softly, not wanting to worsen her friend's pain. Amanda was coming unglued. "Amanda we can't leave you. Cory is still out there and..."

"Jody, please," Amanda begged. "She can't die. She just can't!" Amanda's chest constricted painfully. "If she dies... I... I." She stopped, not having the words to continue.

Mark dropped his head. "I'll go."

"You can't drive with one arm," Jody instantly protested.

"Stop arguing! There's no time for this. You both go! Jody can drive and Mark can ride behind. You shouldn't go alone. Just leave a gun." Deep green eyes glinted with undisguised fury. "Anything that comes through that door without an invitation dies." It was one thing to attack her, but quite another to go after Claire.

Amanda was an expert marksman and Jody knew it. If she'd had any doubts about Amanda's willingness to pull the trigger, they were swept away by the sight of the smaller woman wrapped around Claire, whispering broken apologies for underestimating Cory's obsession. If Cory tried to enter the cabin, Jody knew that Amanda would shoot him where he stood. Looking at the distraught woman, Jody considered that Amanda might very well welcome the opportunity. The older psychologist chewed the inside of her cheek, clearly torn.

Sensing Jody's hesitation, Amanda pleaded with Mark. "Claire's dying, Mark," she choked out. "She's lost too much blood. GO NOW!"

Mark ran a nervous hand through his shoulder length hair. Claire, I know you wouldn't want me to leave her! But you can't expect me to stay here and watch you die. That's too much to ask... even from your best friend. I've got to try. "Okay, Amanda." God help me if anything happens to either one of you while I'm gone. Mark reached out for Jody's hand and they both moved toward the door.

When the couple was fully dressed they stepped back over to Amanda, who was softly whispering in Claire's ear and seemed oblivious to their presence. Jody bent down and laid a gun next to her friend. She didn't need to tell her it was loaded. The brunette exchanged a worried glance with Mark. "We're leaving now, Amanda."

The blonde just nodded and wiped her tear stained cheeks. "Hurry but for God's sake be careful." I can't deal with anymore right now.

Mark nodded and gripped her muscular shoulder with a meaty hand. "We will," he promised gently. His hand drifted to Claire's head and Claire murmured something unintelligible. "Remember, what you said to me?" the big man asked his best friend. "Nobody's stupid enough to go and get themselves killed right before Christmas, right?" his voice trailed off at the end as his throat closed.

Amanda's grip on her partner tightened in response to Mark's words. She wasn't about to let go. The younger women buried her face in Claire's hair as her body shook with silent, heart-wrenching sobs.

Jody's own eyes filled with tears. Okay, enough of this. She began tugging Mark to the door while still facing Amanda. "You lock this when we leave. Amanda?" She stopped until she was sure she had Amanda's attention. "As soon as I'm out the door, you lock it."

Jody's voice seemed to snap Amanda out of her grief. The blonde eased Claire onto her back and wrapped an extra blanket around herself as she walked to the door. On tipped-toes she gave Mark a kiss on the cheek. She repeated the process with Jody, adding a solid hug. As soon as the door closed, Amanda clicked the chain lock into place. She shook her head, noting she didn't hear Mark and Jody's departing footsteps until after she had the lock firmly in place.

Amanda let her blanket drop and leaned back against the cool wooden door, closing her eyes. Her muscles ached from sitting in the same position for hours and supporting most of Claire's body weight. She can't die! Now that I know what life's like with her... I don't think I can live without her. Her stomach cramped painfully and Amanda ran to bathroom where she fell to her knees and promptly retched away the meager contents of her stomach.

Staggering to her feet, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and leaned heavily against the small sink, her white knuckles standing out in stark relief against the stainless steel. There's nothing more I can do. She needs blood and IV fluids! she thought angrily. There must be more! Concentrate... Focus... I... I can't lose it now...

Amanda started to panic as an overwhelming sense of helpless washed over her. Hot tears fell into the shiny metal sink, making small plinking noises in the otherwise silent cabin. Enough... Concentrate... She's still alive. She still needs me. Amanda looked up into the small mirror above the sink. "I will not let her go!" she growled to herself.

She quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

Without further hesitation, Amanda moved to the fireplace and added 2 more large logs. The fire had been raging all night long and the cabin had gone from cool to comfortable to downright hot as the sun rose and with it the outside temperature. Amanda could feel a thin film of perspiration coating her skin but Claire still felt cool to the touch so she climbed back under the blankets with the attorney and carefully examined her shoulder. Only a few more inches and he would have stabbed you right in the heart... my heart.

The wound was only about 2 inches across but very deep. She shuddered, thinking of the long knife covered in her lover's blood that she'd extracted from Claire's pocket. Good. No signs of infection... at least not yet. Amanda deftly reapplied the bandage, smoothing over the tape and hastily fashioned ties. I wonder if she'll still be able to play the piano? That doesn't matter... as long as she's okay. If she's not... I don't want to think about that. I can't think about that.

The tired therapist closed her eyes and curled around her partner in a position nearly identical to the one they slept in almost every night. Her eyelids felt heavy and she swallowed down the bitter taste of bile as her stomach fought to rebel once again. She hadn't slept the night before and had spent hour after hour in the blizzard searching for Claire before Jody and Mark had dragged her inside the cabin to wait out the worst part of the storm. Her jaw ached and hours of emotional strain and worry had taken their toll. She was exhausted.

When Jody had first brought Claire inside the cabin her breathing was shallow and weak and she was cold as ice. Amanda had nearly dropped dead on the spot when they'd peeled away her mate's bloodied coat, revealing a bruised and even bloodier body. But Amanda’s medical training had taken over and she'd pushed through those first panic filled moments only to have to endure what seemed like endless hours of helplessness and frustration.

Amanda smoothed back a stray lock of midnight hair and kissed her lover's temple. "You're gonna be fine, Gumby." Claire leaned into the touch and whispered something Amanda couldn't understand.

Taking advantage of the taller woman's lapse into semi-consciousness, Amanda managed to get Claire to drink a small amount of hot sweetened tea. "Good job, sweetheart." She stroked the soft skin around Claire's eyes in a soothing motion she knew Claire enjoyed and her own eyes closed. Soon, the women were kissing and tickling each other with wild abandon...

...even if is was only in Amanda's dreams.


Comments or questions to Advocate advocate8704@yahoo.com
Continued in Part 8.

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive