~ An Empath's Detective ~
by Alex the Cat

Disclaimers: These characters may look like those we know so well, but that is all. XWP does not belong to me.

Language: Yes, there is bad language ahead.

Sexual Content: Oh yes there is sex. Most definitely. Lots of graphic sex. If you are under age, please read one of the other hundreds of stories more suitable. If this is illegal where you live, hmm, if I were you, I'd move somewhere else.

Comments/Feedback: I would very much appreciate constructive criticism. Email me at missalexg99@yahoo.com

I extend a heartfelt thanks to my wonderful beta reader. You have helped me in so many ways. I'm so glad we're family.

A. Zachary had been on the force for a number of years now ---- the youngest graduate from the academy at age twenty-four. She challenged herself to finish a Bachelor of Arts degree and the Police Academy at the same time. Superiors and co-workers alike knew full well that when Zachary set her mind to something, it got done with 110% of her attention. Now after only four years on the force, she made it to Lieutenant in the last year.

"Detective, we just got word on a bank robbery down on 34th and Higgins." A young man in his early 30's announced. He stood 5 feet 7 inches in her doorway and was still not tall enough to meet her eye to eye.

Steel blue eyes gazed at him without a flicker of emotion reflecting on the chiseled plains of her face. "Let's get on it. Why did you run in here? Just to tell me and then stand there? Get some squads out there on the double," she yelled as her anger rose.

Oh, boy, she's mad. I just fucked up big time. Officer Hadley thought to himself as he ran out of the office, and to the switchboard to alert everyone else needed in that location.

What a fucking idiot. If I could, I'd request him transferred somewhere else. Ugh. If only he wasn't such a moron. She grabbed her jacket before heading out to the plain squad car. She keyed in the information she received on her laptop and took off to the location.

At the scene of the robbery, squad cars littered the front of the bank.

"What's the story here?" Zach asked the nearest officer.

"The SWAT team hooked up a video line through the emergency alarm line that records all activity from the bank cameras. There are three assailants inside, and probably around a dozen citizens including employees. The leader of the trio is older, Caucasian and in his mid-thirties. The other two are just teens, maybe sixteen or seventeen years old," the officer responded. "Both of the teens are also Caucasian, and very jumpy. Apparently, they didn't plan for things to go wrong. The leader seems high-tempered. It's going to be very difficult to convince him to come out. Each of them has a gun, we're not sure if they're concealing more."

Zach surveyed the situation. Looking at the front entrance and windows, she pondered what could be done with the least amount of tragedy. "What other exits are there to the building?"

"We've been informed there is a rear entrance to the bank, off of the parking lot, and there is also an emergency exit on the west side of the building off of the alleyway," the officer summed up.

Zach tapped her chin with a forefinger. "I want you to post two officers at the emergency exit, but make sure they are at a distance and completely out of sight. I want to give the impression that the exit is unguarded. As for the rear entrance, have only a few officers with dogs visible back there."

Detective Johnson walked up next to her while she gave instructions. He had been her partner for two years now and knew a plan was already brewing in her mind. "What do you make of this Zach?"

"I have a strong premonition those boys are going to panic and try to make a run for it. As soon as they do, we'll chase them down. This will also give us an open door to get in. That pig fucker leading them may very well crumble under pressure with his boys gone." She turned to the officer again. "When we do get in the building, make sure you have those going inside have their pieces pointing ready to fire."

"Yes, Detective. We'll get to it." The officer ran off to see that Zach's instructions were carried out.


"We're fucked, we're fucked. I can't believe this. What are we gonna do? We gotta get outta here." The red head nervously wiped his sweaty upper lip with the back of his hand.

"Shut up Johnny. I just need a moment to think." The leader scanned the room of people. Everyone was sitting on the floor as they had been told to do. This wasn't supposed to happen. What went wrong? I am not going to prison. I will not get caught. I just need to save my own ass. No need to worry about these two little shits or anyone else.

The silence in the room became unnerving. "What are we gonna do Bret? What are we gonna do?" the blond teen started to get teary eyed. His anxiety was transparent, as he scanned the exterior of the building. "Hey, the emergency exit is unguarded. I checked, and there isn't a sign of anyone out there. We can get out that way."

Red faced from evident irritation, Bret yelled, "What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you that stupid? You think those pigs are actually not out there planning something?"

Johnny interrupted. His long wavy red hair bounced to and fro with every animated movement, "But, it's true. I checked it myself. There is absolutely no one out there. Maybe they thought the bank has only two exits. Most places do, so why would they be thinking there is a third?"

"Because they're cops. They look everywhere you dumb ass." The leader rubbed his hand across his face in order to compose himself. These shits are gonna get me killed. No. I won't allow it. I'll shoot them down along with everyone else here, before I let them take me to prison. Then an idea hit him. "We're taking hostages. Each of you grabs one person to use as a shield. I'll have my own shield and you two as back ups. I'll let you two get shot at first. "Then we can consider that exit."

The young blond man grabbed a Latina woman.

The red head grabbed the woman's little girl, and the girl began screaming. "Mama. Mama."

"Aiy, dios mio," the woman cried out, "please not my baby. Let her go, please I beg you." The horror stricken mother began to cry.

"Shut up bitch." Bret yelled.

Out of nowhere, a soft voice caught their attention, "Please? don't take the little girl. Take me instead."

Everyone turned to the voice's owner. A young strawberry blonde woman slowly stood to her feet. The short woman gently repeated her plea; "Please? leave the little girl."

Johnny looked between the two. My god, what am I doing? This girl is only six years old. How could I want to take her? He shoved her to the floor, and she began to sob. Her mother made the sign of the cross across her chest grateful that her plea was answered. Johnny then grabbed the short woman who volunteered to take the little one's place.

"Okay, this is how we're going to do it. I'm going to let the pigs know we have hostages and that we are ready to shoot. You two head out to the car in the alley," Bret declared.

"No! I'm tired of listening to you. Your ideas haven't worked so far. We're wasting time. Those cops are gonna find this exit eventually. We gotta go NOW!" The blond teen yelled. Without further thought, he rushed for the door and opened it.


The young man's body slumped to the floor. The Latina woman passed out at the sight. In the commotion and shock of it all, Johnny suddenly bolted out the door with the young woman in hand.

"That little shit!" Bret exclaimed. He turned to face the crowd. Grabbing the little girl who was still crying, he said, "Okay, anyone moves and I kill you and the girl."

Busy with his threats and deciding what to do next, he didn't realize the door was now partially ajar. Within seconds, two officers quietly peeked in and hurriedly assessed the situation. Without a sound, they filed in pointing their weapons at the leader's head.

Bret got the eerie sensation something was behind him as the eyes of the hostages gazed past him.

One of the officers took notice of the little girl in the leader's grasp and the gun pointing at her face. Without a second thought, he shot. The body fell.

Zach and Johnson chased down the redheaded teen with the hostage into an abandoned warehouse.

Johnny climbed to the second floor of the warehouse and hid behind some machinery. He needed a chance to think of how to get out of this, and hoped to have averted their pursuit of him.

"What are you going to do?" the blonde woman gently asked.

Angered, he said, "Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You say anything else and I'll kill you right here." He waved the barrel of the gun in her face. He was in a panic, as rivers of sweat ran down his face.

The blonde laid a tentative hand on his forearm because she felt his emotions and knew that fear was taking over his rationality.

He jerked away and attempted to shoot his hostage an evil look.

The woman tried to convey the sadness she felt for her young captor. He's only a kid. Why would he get caught up in this?

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you crazy? You think I'm just going to let you go and you can go back to your middle class life?" the young man shouted.

Unbeknownst to them, their voices drifted directly to Zach's keen hearing, as she took the steps to the second floor. Johnson continued to scour the first floor, and she noted there wasn't any time to contact him, so she decided to move closer to the voices.

"You're a stupid bitch for volunteering to take that little brat's place, do you know that?" Johnny asked his captive.

"Why are you doing this?" the blonde woman responded, as tears fell down her cheeks.

Not wanting to shock the young man, and have him kill the hostage, Zach thought of how to get their attention. She found a roll of masking tape on a table nearby, and decided to throw it in their direction.

Upon hearing the startling thump of the tape roll, the young man jumped up with his hostage, firmly, in his grip, his gun pointed, directly, at her head.

Zach quickly had her gun aimed at him. She took in the details of the robber and then looked at the hostage to survey any damage. Blue eyes meet green for the first time.

Everything became silent. The young woman could not believe how the fierce blue gaze of this tall officer pierced her heart.

For a moment Johnny believed if he got rid of the cop then he could run and no one would find him. He took this last chance with his life without thinking of the consequences. Quickly aiming his gun towards Zach, thinking she wasn't paying attention, he shot.


Two shots rang out at the same time on the second floor. Two bodies fell; blood pooled quickly around one head.

The young blonde checked Johnny's pulse then rushed over to the Detective, to find Zach holding her left shoulder. Her shirt was quickly soaking with blood. Zach felt a hand behind her head, gently pulling her over to rest her head in a warm lap. "Let's elevate your left side to try to slow down the bleeding," the young woman said softly. Blue eyes met green again. "I'm just going to check quickly for an exit wound." She reached her small hand to the back of Zach's shoulder. There wasn't enough blood to indicate the bullet went through.

Johnson sprinted over and knelt in front of his partner. "Hey there, Wonder Woman, I'm calling in the paramedics." He pulled out his cell phone and placed the call.

The blonde woman cradled the detective's head and gently stroked back a few dark bangs.

"What's your name beautiful?" Zach asked and then passed out.


Blue eyes slowly opened. Looking at the ceiling, and hearing the annoying beeping of a heart monitor, Zach figured she was in the hospital. And I thought I wasn't going to get my ass in here for at least six months. She looked around and noticed a young blonde woman sitting in the visitor's chair with her eyes closed, her head bobbing as she attempted to fight off sleep.

Suddenly the blonde's head jerked up, feeling someone watching her. "Hi." A blush crept up her cheeks. "I guess I was nodding off."

"You sure were," Zach's low voice was, noticeably, dry and raspy.

The young woman poured some ice water into a cup from the nightstand and handed it to Zach, "Here, take a couple of sips."

The refreshingly cool liquid eased Zach's parched throat, "Thank you." As she drank she didn't realize her eyes were piercing the other woman's soul.

"Wh...what?" the blonde stuttered.

"What's your name?" the detective asked softly.

"Kerry. Kerry Longworth," the green-eyed beauty responded, still a bit shaken from her intense soul-connection with the detective.

Zach was just about to introduce herself, but the little strawberry blonde beat her to it. "Detective Zachary, right? Um, your partner told me."

"Yeah, but my friends call me Zach or Alex," the injured woman offered, grinning crookedly.

"Okay, Alex," Kerry smiled, softly.

Zach closed her eyes a moment. "Damn, I like the way you say that," she whispered.

"What did you say?" the blonde asked, unable to quite believe her small ears.

The detective blushed; not realizing the other woman heard her. "Um?I?uh?like the way you say my name?"

Kerry smiled.

"Why are you here?" Alex asked.

The young woman found a piece of lint on her clothing that appeared to be very interesting as she tried to avoid the question.

Alex reached out and touched Kerry's thigh. An electrically charged sensation passed between them. The blonde jerked away reflexively.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you?" Alex began to apologize.

Kerry interrupted, "No, I'm sorry. I?I?don't really know why I'm here. I mean?you saved my life and?I?just felt this need to be here. I guess I wanted to say thank you."

Alex observed the small woman's body language ------- the fidgeting, the nervousness. Hmm, I think there's something more to this. "Well, I was just doing my job, but you're welcome. Don't have many people expressing gratitude for the job we do. Plus, this did give us the opportunity to meet."

Sea green eyes locked with ocean blue. Kerry gulped. The pull towards this tall detective was almost too much for her. She couldn't explain her feelings or the magnetism. She knew the tall woman felt something. She sensed it. Suddenly she was snapped out of her thoughts.

"Hello? Are you still there?" Alex questioned.

"Uh, yeah?I'm sorry. Wh...what did you say?" Kerry stuttered.

"I was asking if you'd like to go out to dinner tomorrow," the detective held her breath, waiting for the blonde's response.

With a confused look, Kerry asked, "Aren't you still going to be in the hospital? You just got shot you know?"

Alex gave her a lopsided grin. "Oh, I'll be out. I'll convince them to let me go by tomorrow morning at the latest."

"I see." Kerry promptly froze then. She just asked me out? Oh my gods. What am I going to do? I've never dated a woman. Wait, who says it's a date? Maybe she's just being friendly. I can't assume?

"Kerry? Kerry, are you okay?" Alex could feel Kerry panicking, and it made her own heart pound.

"I'm sorry. I was?um?yes," the blonde fidgeted with her fingers, again.

"Yes?" Alex questioned, hoping Kerry would echo her answer.

"Yes, I'll go to dinner with you. But I'm paying. It's the least I can do to thank you." Kerry stood and straightened her skirt. "Um?I better let you get some rest. I?I?have some stuff to do." She began to walk out.

Alex smiled. "Kerry?"

The young woman turned. "Yes?"

"It would help if I knew where you lived so I can pick you up tomorrow," the detective shot the blonde her lop-sided grin once more.

"Oh, of course," the blonde blushed and pulled out a pen and pad of paper from the nightstand, and scribbled the information down. "I put my phone number too, in case? um?you need to cancel or something."

"I will be there. At 6pm sharp," Alex smiled once again.

"Okay," Kerry realized how serious the moment became. I better leave before I make a bigger fool of myself. "I'll see you tomorrow then." She walked out.

As soon as the door closed Alex pumped her right fist in the air and brought it down. Yesss. Mmm hmm, she is fucking hot. And it was so cute how she was fumbling with her words. Oh, this is going to be good.


Kerry had been tearing through her closet for thirty minutes trying to put together an outfit. "Argh, I have nothing to wear. What am I going to do?" She looked at the clock on the nightstand next to her bed. 5:15pm. "Alright, calm down Ker. I'm sure there is something in this godsforsaken pile of clothes that would be acceptable. Of course, if I keep talking to myself, I won't get anything done." She stomped into the bathroom deciding to put her make-up on first. Once done she walked back to the closet and the clothes strewn about the floor that she had tossed in her tantrum. Finally she picked out a brown silk blouse and black skirt. Black nylons and black-heeled loafers completed the ensemble. She looked in the mirror. Hmm, not bad. Now I just wish I wasn't so nervous.

Alex drove down the main street looking for where she needed to make a left turn. Flashes of the dream she had last night at the hospital ran through her mind. She couldn't shake off the feeling of those smiling green eyes warming her soul. What the hell was that dream, anyway? Oh, yeah, I was in a forest.

She was enjoying lying naked on a boulder warmed by the afternoon sun. Her hair was much longer though, and as she looked down her body, she noticed old faded scars in various places. Suddenly a voice called to her. Turning around, those smiling green eyes came towards her. The figure was also naked, and knelt to give her an endearing kiss. The woman sat Indian style and motioned for Alex to lay her head on the inviting lap. She did and reveled in the feel of small fingers raking through her silky black locks.

That's where I woke up. It was so weird. Like we knew each other for all time. And that woman in the dream looked so much like Kerry. Weird. She pulled up into the driveway. Ringing the doorbell, she patiently waited.

Kerry opened the door. "Hi." Damn, she looks handsome.

Alex was wearing black slacks, polished boots, and a gold color buttoned shirt neatly tucked in.

The tall woman smiled. Holy shit, she's gorgeous. "Um, hi. Ready?"

"Yeah, let me just grab my purse." She ducked behind the door for a second and returned closing it behind her. She walked towards the tall woman who was holding open the car door, and hopped in. "Thank you."

Alex got in, started the car, and backed the navy blue Nissan Xterra out of the driveway.

"How is your shoulder?" Kerry asked to break the silence.

"Good. It feels stiff, but fine. They didn't have any complications with extracting the bullet," Alex explained.

"That's good. I still can't believe they let you out though," the small blonde grinned, crinkling her nose, endearingly.

"Oh, believe me, they prefer that I leave quickly. The staff knows I hate hospitals and I'm a real bitch each day I have to be there," the detective confessed, blushing slightly.

"So, where are we going?" Kerry asked, curiously.

"Do you like seafood?" Alex responded to the blonde's question with one of her own.

"Love it. It was about the only thing I ate when I lived on the east coast," Kerry moved a lock of strawberry blonde hair behind her ear.

"Where on the east coast?" the detective probed.

"New Jersey," Kerry answered.

"Is that where you grew up?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. In a small town called Bernardsville. It was nice," the blonde's voice took on a dreamy quality.

"So, why did you move to the city?" Alex found herself, suddenly, wanting to know everything about this woman.

"I wanted everything a big city had to offer. I like the bustle of activity," Kerry explained. "Plus I wanted the opportunity to truly get serious about my writing."

Alex looked over at the young woman when she ceased speaking. "So, tell me about your writing. What do you write on? What do you have published?"

"It's not all it's cracked up to be. I haven't had anything published yet. I teach a writing class in the spring at Loyola University. I also occasionally do restaurant reviews for the Chicago Reader," the blonde answered. "My true passion though is mythological fiction."


"Dinner was wonderful. Thank you," Kerry said. After more than an hour of talking, she felt so much more comfortable with the tall, dark detective.

"Sure. Would you like to take a walk on the beach?" Alex asked, shyly.

"That would be nice," Kerry responded.

They strolled down the boardwalk. The cool moonlit night was peaceful.

"I have a question..." Alex began, hesitantly.

"Okay," the blonde said, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering once more.

Alex stopped at a bench, and they sat down. "Um?well?" She pawed for the right words. Damn, I wasn't nervous earlier. She sighed.

Kerry instinctively reached out to take hold of the tall woman's hand. The magnetic charge jolted through them both, again.

"I'm?um?interested in seeing you again?ah?regularly," The dark-haired woman looked out at the rolling waves, trying desperately to stop her stomach from matching their rhythm.

Kerry smiled. She's so cute. I seem to no longer be nervous, but now she is. "You mean?as in dating?"

Azure eyes locked onto emerald green. "Yeah?uh?I'd like to get to know you better," Alex whispered.

"That would be nice." Do I tell her I've never dated a woman? Damn, would that scare her off? The small blonde wondered.

"Okay?great," Alex's bright smile glittered in the darkness. "Well, would you like to continue walking?"

"Sure." Suddenly Kerry felt her hand gently gripped for a moment. She smiled at the simple gesture. "So how long have you been on the force?" She asked the detective.

"For five years now," the brunette answered, quickly.

"What made you want to be a cop?" The smaller woman continued her gentle probing.

"I guess it was just something I felt I could be good at. Maybe, in a sick way, I get pleasure out of beating the bad guys at their games and putting them away for good." Alex wiggled her eyebrows playfully at the young woman.

Neither one realized they had been walking for quite some time until Alex looked at her watch. "It's late. I guess I should get you home."


Alex walked Kerry to the door.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening," Kerry said and leaned back against the wooden frame.

"I had a great time too." The tall woman responded. She absently rubbed the back of her neck wondering if she should kiss the blonde or not. "Thanks for dinner."

"Mmm Hmm." Is she going to kiss me? I know she wants to. I can feel it. God, I want to feel her lips. Should I kiss her? The blonde's thoughts raced rapidly through her mind, her heart keeping pace with it.

Suddenly Alex took a step forward. Their eyes locked as she softly touched the lips before her. A bolt of electricity surged between them and the magnetic pull drew them closer. Kerry lifted her hands up to wrap around a strong neck. At the contact, the tall detective snaked her arms around the small waist. Lips parted seeking permission to deepen the kiss. As soon as tongues touched, Kerry moaned at the exquisite feeling. The kiss became passionate as their state of arousal climbed. Alex slid her hands down to grasp firm butt cheeks. She pushed her body further into the small woman.

Kerry broke the kiss first, needing some oxygen, and placed two fingers on the detective's lips, "I?uh sort of have a confession."

"Okay," Alex looked at her questioningly. "You have a husband?"

Kerry laughed. "No."

Alex's gaze was evidently filled with fire, and Kerry shivered slightly at the sight. "Alex, I think you're incredibly hot, and I'm sure you have had your share of lovers, but I?I don't want to become a conquest." The pleading green eyes spoke volumes.

Alex nodded in understanding. "I have no intention of you being a conquest."

"I'm new at this," Kerry confessed.

Alex arched an eyebrow.

"I mean, not?umm?with? Damn. Let me start again," the blonde sighed. "I have always been a very open person. I've dated men, but this is my first?with?a woman. Well since college, that is. My roommate and I had a thing for each other, but that wasn't anything that went very far?umm well?that's another story, but I just can't put my finger on..." She absentmindedly stroked Alex's high cheekbone and then slid her finger down a solid neck, before continuing.

The tall woman shivered at the contact.

Kerry liked the response she got, and decided to place both her hands high upon the solid chest. "I?I can't seem to keep my hands off you." She slowly slid them down to pass firm breasts. Sea green eyes looked into blazing blue pools.

Alex tried to find her voice. "Maybe I should go."

"No. I mean?umm?" The blonde looked away, not knowing how to express herself.

"How about we have lunch tomorrow and talk some more?" Alex asked.

Still not making eye contact, Kerry nodded.

The tall woman gently hooked an index finger under the woman's small chin bringing her face up. "I know this can be scary. We don't need to do?" Her words were cut off as her lips were caught in a passion infused kiss.

Kerry opened the door and nervously led her through the house and into the bedroom. Facing away from the dark woman, she began to unbutton her blouse.

"Kerry, are you sure about this?" she asked gently.

The small woman nodded.

Long arms snaked around her waist from behind stopping her motions. "Hold on." Alex whispered sensually in her ear. She deposited a soft kiss just below the strawberry blonde's earlobe. Placing large hands upon Kerry's smaller ones that had stopped unbuttoning, Alex asked, "May I have the honor?"

"Yes," Kerry whispered in response. She reached behind her and placed small hands on the tall woman's thighs.

Fingers began to unbutton her blouse as her neck was nipped. The shirt slid from her shoulders and onto the floor. The strong fingers expertly reached around to unclasp the bra. The black silk garment also glided effortlessly onto the floor. Kerry shivered at the cool air and Alex's fingers softly brushing her puckered nipples.

Alex stroked a taut stomach then swung the smaller woman around to unzip the back of the skirt. It instantly fell.

The soft breathing in Kerry's ear made her shiver again. Her knees grew weak as a slight moan escaped her lips. Turning her head, she buried her face in Alex's chest.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked.

Kerry nodded. "I?I just can't stop shivering."

"How about a nice hot bath to warm you up?" Alex softly suggested.

The young woman nodded and led her to the bathroom. She turned on the water and finished removing her clothes. Naked, she smiled sheepishly and stepped into the tub. "I want?to watch you undress."

The detective removed her shirt, then jeans.

A stifled giggle came from the tub.

"What?" Alex asked.

A small finger pointed to her cotton boxers.

She looked at them and back up to the strawberry blonde. With a lopsided grin she asked, "You don't like Tigger?"

"I love him!" Kerry squealed. "And, he's very cute on you."

The detective finished undressing and climbed into the tub, and sat facing the young woman. Grabbing the loofah hanging nearby, she poured a generous amount of the liquid soap into it.

"Oh, what about your shoulder?" Kerry asked with concern as she remembered the detective's injury from the bandage she was sporting along her shoulder.

"It'll be fine. I won't get the stitches wet," Alex reached under the water to take hold of Kerry's left foot. Lifting it gently out of the water, she started the washing.

Kerry leaned back. Having someone wash her was a new sensation. She basked in the feeling of someone else's hands on her body.

"Kneel for me Kerry." Alex softly said.

The young woman did as requested. The water cascaded down her upper body. Droplets of water formed at the end of her nipples.

Alex locked eyes with her while inching her way forward to receive a delicious nipple into her mouth.

Kerry's head lolled backward at the warm mouth suckling her breast. She ran her fingers through jet-black hair.

Alex slid a soapy hand between Kerry's legs. Once her washing was finished, the same attention was lavished upon the dark-haired beauty.

After towel drying each other off they headed over to the bed. Lying down, Alex stretched her full length beside the small woman. They kissed slowly and passionately. Alex then moved down her neck nibbling her way across both shoulders. Flicking her tongue at the pulse point, she continued to kiss and lick the creamy flesh along Kerry's chest and arms. For the moment she stayed clear from the obvious pleasure zones wanting Kerry to fully relax and enjoy having her body ravished. When Alex reached down to the tops of her feet, she gently rolled the young woman over and continued her ministrations on the blonde's backside. First up the calves behind the knees where Kerry giggled a bit, and onto the butt cheeks. As she arrived at the shoulder blades, her kisses became bites just strong enough to make Kerry moan louder and arch her back. She finished her journey returning once again to Kerry's neck.

Flipping her over, Alex knelt between her legs. She brought the blonde's legs up and bent at the knees. She leaned forward, and Kerry wrapped her legs behind a muscular back. Their mounds touched and Kerry felt the liquid fire running down her nether lips. Alex ground into her a few times, and Kerry pushed her hips up to meet her.

Out of nowhere, a tear escaped the young blonde's eye, and ran down a creamy cheek.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked softly. "Am I hurting you?" She stopped her movements and lay next to the young woman.

Kerry took a large hand within her own. Bringing it to her lips, she kissed it. "You didn't hurt me. I?I?just never?had anyone pay so much attention to me like this. It's all so intense and beautiful?" She brought the hand slowly down to the apex of her sex. "Please, don't stop. Forgive my tears."

"There's nothing to forgive," Alex said as she kissed the tear away. She stroked the golden curls at her fingertips, and then dipped into the wetness, just as she took a stiff nipple into her mouth.

The actions caused Kerry's hips to buck.

Alex's long fingers began to pump in and out matching the rhythm of the undulating hips.

Kerry clasped the detective's shoulders. Her moans were insuppressible. Eyes tightly closed her head rocked from side to side as the impending orgasm threatened her body.

"Look at me Kerry." Alex whispered in her ear. "I want you to see me making love to you." Alex stroked the blonde's swollen clit with a thumb. "Will you come for me?"

Kerry whimpered and nodded.

"Tell me. Tell me you'll come for me." Alex gently commanded. Her thumb continued it's tortuous stroking as the two fingers started to slam into Kerry's hot sex.

The words alone almost sent the smaller woman over the edge. "Mmm?uhhh?yes. I'm?ahh?coming. Fuck YES!" Kerry cried out.

Alex rode the waves with her while her hand slowed down to a gentle penetration. She kissed a soft cheek and laid her head next to her.

Kerry turned and began sobbing into the dark woman's neck.

Alex instinctively wrapped her in a safe embrace. "It's okay. I've got you," she whispered tenderly.

As the tears dried, green eyes looked into blue. A small hand caressed a sculptured cheek. They shared an endearing and exploratory kiss.

The young woman grazed an erect nipple causing Alex to moan into her mouth. Fingers began to tug and twist the nipple eliciting another moan from her dark-haired lover. Moving further down she encountered drenched dark curls. Her fingers slid through the folds and right up into her destination. Breaking the kiss, Kerry bit down at the tendon along the strong shoulder and sucked on it gingerly.

Alex cried out from the instant sharp pain and the incredible flooding of wetness it has caused. Her hips moved in rhythm with Kerry. Her grunting and panting became more erratic. A determined mouth swallowed her right breast, and she reached the edge quickly. "Uhhh? Ahh?god Kerry!"

They lay there for long moments caressing each other.

Kerry spoke first. "I've?never?felt a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g like this." She laid her head on the pillow next to Alex. Looking into cerulean eyes, she said, "It was like?like?oh I don't know if I even know the right words. It seemed like everything you did was an act of worship. That's why I cried. You made me feel so beautiful."

Alex stroked her cheek with the back of her knuckles. "You are beautiful --- so beautiful in the midst of ecstasy; and so beautiful when your body tenses then completely let's go. I just had to feel every inch of you with my hands and mouth." The fire of passion ignited in her eyes once again. She leant forward to capture sweet lips. Tongues danced and slid against each other. A moan rumbled through the strawberry blonde as Alex lay on top of her. Breasts brushed against one another and this time Alex moaned into the young woman's mouth. Gently pulling away from the kiss, she said, "I've got to have you again."

"Take me Alex. I'm yours." Was the response given.

The undertone of those words struck Alex to the very core. She moved down her neck to nip and suckle while her fingers lightly pinched and rolled hardening nipples.

Kerry arched her back and ran her fingers through short raven locks of hair. She knew the tall woman's ministrations were causing the throbbing at her clit, and she craved some kind of release.

After leaving the nipples above a shade of scarlet Alex moved further down between the young woman's legs to the top of golden curls. She rubbed her face into the fine hairs inhaling the sweet light scent of arousal. As soon as the blonde spread her legs wide and bent them at the knees, Alex tenderly pushed the outer lips further apart and witnessed a glistening pussy. She slowly licked the inner folds tasting the sweet nectar of her lover's desire.

Kerry cried out from the exquisite contact. This was the first time anyone had touched her in such a delicious way. Knowing about oral sex in the past, she had yet to experience it for herself.

Alex delved into Kerry's hot center, her tongue, an eager, probing piston.

The blonde's hips rose in the hopes of getting more of the tall woman's tongue inside her.

Soon, two long fingers coated in Kerry's thick juices replaced the detective's tongue. Moving up a notch, Alex flicked her tongue at an aching nub causing Kerry to spasm. As her fingers plunged in and out, she sucked in the hard nub between her teeth and stroked it firmly.

"Ohhh?gods. Oh?it?feels so good. Ahh?yes!" Kerry pressed the dark head into her. "Gods?harder. P-l-e-a-s-e. Fuck me harder!"

Alex lost all control with the small woman's confession. She started to slam into her curling her fingers up each time she pulled out. Grabbing the clit firmly with her teeth, she pulled and wiggled her head as if she intended to rip the little nub right off.

"Ungh?ALEX?AHHH!" Kerry collapsed back onto the mattress, after the most powerful orgasm she experienced, ripped through her core.

The tall woman crawled up wrapping her in strong arms once again. She kissed the crown of the damp blonde head, and buried her face into a warm neck.

After a few minutes, emerald eyes fluttered open, "Goddamn, I'm so weak."

"Rest now little one," Alex responded.

They both fell into Morpheus' realm.


Blue eyes snapped open, waking from a most erotic dream. The long body still tingled and her sex burned for relief. Electricity shot through her clit and she realized there was something under the blanket. Flinging the sheet to the side, emerald eyes looked up at her through disheveled strawberry blonde hair. "Well?" she paused as her body tingled again from Kerry's tongue flicking her clit. "This?is an?interesting way?of waking up." She spread her legs to allow Kerry ample room. Brushing blonde hair away from the young woman's face, she felt the smile against her pussy. "Oh, baby." Alex arched her back when small fingers probed her love hole. Her hand was on the back of Kerry's head urging her forward.

Kerry stroked the clit in a circular motion with the flat of her tongue, and she felt the inner walls contracting.

"Baby?I need?more?please," Alex pleaded, panting heavily.

The young woman added a third finger, plunging deeply into her lover's pussy.

Alex's hips shot off the mattress, as her body became taut from the orgasm crashing over her. "F-U-C-K."

Kerry lapped up the juices pouring from the dark-haired woman's quivering opening that were enticing her. She then crawled up the long body and kissed her lover with abandon.

Upon tasting herself, the detective moaned, and then wiped at the evident wetness on the small woman's chin.

Kerry smiled, "I did good?"

Returning the smile, Alex said, "Oh, very, very good." They kissed again as she rolled Kerry over, and laid her head upon succulent breasts.

They held each other letting sleep claim them again.

An hour later Alex awakened with a jerk. Shit. What time is it? She looked for a clock. The one on the nightstand said 2:30pm. Fuck. I'm late. She tried to extricate herself from the tangle of arms and legs pinning her to the mattress. Sliding out from underneath the strawberry blonde, Alex wound up miscalculating her footing and ended up on her ass on the floor, "Oof. Damn."

Green eyes opened and peered over the edge of the bed, "You fell out?"

Fully embarrassed, Alex said, "Uhh?yeah. I was? Never mind." She got up to quickly dress. "I was supposed to report to the precinct today and I'm late. Sorry I have to go." She buckled the belt on her jeans and began buttoning her shirt.

With a frown, Kerry asked, "When will I see you again?"

The tall woman hurriedly pulled her boots on and tied them up. She knelt at the bedside facing the young blonde. "Well I have the rest of the week off due to the injury. I just had to show up today to give my report of the bank robbery." She caressed a soft cheek. "How about this evening? Are you busy?"

Kerry leant into the caress. "Hmm, no not busy." Her eyes closed as she reveled in the feeling of those strong hands just hours ago caressing her entire being.

Alex leaned in, kissing her lover tenderly, "I have to go. I'll come by when I'm done."

Kerry nodded.


The detective flew through the precinct doors and over to her desk. Before she had a chance to sit down she heard the captain.

"ZACH! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" He bellowed from his office door.

Alex sighed, rubbed her face, and began the long trek to her captain's office. Stepping inside the small office, she figured it would be wise to close the glass door since the captain appeared to be in a 'mood'. She sat down across from his desk with a deadpan look on her strong, angular face.

The large beer and donut-gutted man sat forward in the chair leaning his forearms on the desk. His sweaty salt and pepper hair was slicked back from him constantly running his thick fingers through it that way. His full bushy mustache covered his entire upper lip and then some. Alex sometimes wondered how he managed to eat without swallowing that hair with his food.

The staring contest between the two ended as the captain spoke. "I thought you were joining us for the one o'clock debriefing today?" He looked at his watch. "It's now 3:30pm. You doing okay?"

"Yeah," she said in a monotonous voice. "It's that damn Vicodin they have me on. I just overslept."

"I see." He looked at her with a glint in his brown eyes. Ever since she came on the force, he had enjoyed messing with her. He was appreciative of the playful banter they had with each other, even though it looked like to everyone else that he was more pissed than a demon from hell. "Well, now that you're here, I expect that report within the hour."

"Sure." She got up to leave.

"Oh, and Zach?" The big man stopped the detective in her tracks.

She turned to face him, fire evident in her glacier-blue eyes.

"Enjoy the rest of your week and take care of that shoulder. I need you in top shape when you return," the captain added, with a smirk.

Alex gave him a sly grin and a wink, "No problem."

Back at her desk, the detective sorted through the necessary forms for her report.

"Hey partner. How's your shoulder?" Johnson asked, interrupting Alex's no-nonsense flow.

"Hey Johnson. It's getting better," Alex shrugged. "You know, ---- it's just a flesh wound."

"Yeah, but isn't it great to have paid time off?" He wiggled his dark brown eyebrows.

"It sure is," the dark-haired woman flashed her partner her patented crooked grin.

"Hey, I saw that blonde in your room at the hospital yesterday. Took the opportunity to speak with her briefly about the whole robbery. Then I happened to ask her why she was in the room with you. Funny, she couldn't answer. Said she didn't know why but that it felt right. What's that about Zach? I have trouble getting a date but the women come to you like bees to honey," Johnson shook his head, clearly amazed by his partner's prowess with women.

"Well Johnson, first, you've got to have the honey, and that's exactly what I have," She retorted, waggling her dark eyebrows, comically.

"Aw, hell." He responded, blushing furiously.

"By the way, her name is Kerry and I have a second date with her tonight," Alex added, chuckling at her partner's low groan.

"Second? Damn, Zach you sure don't waste time," Johnson's pager buzzed and he took a look at the screen. "Hey I'll see you later. Got some tracking to do with Murray." He walked off, still shaking his head, dumbfoundedly.

Alex finished the report in less time than she anticipated. Taking long strides she dropped it off in the captain's mailbox and headed out the door. On her way home she began to think of Kerry. Mmm, what a night we had. I can hardly wait to see her again.

Kerry stepped out of the shower. Walking about in her robe, she went into the kitchen for a bite to eat. She smiled as she thought of the tall dark-haired detective. Kerry thought about tapping into Alex's feelings. It was an ability she had from early childhood, ----- to feel the emotions of others.

Alex's mind lingered upon the flawless succulent flesh of the strawberry blonde. Her large, callused hands roaming freely over the tender skin. Her mouth suckling and nipping beautiful firm breasts. She trembled with arousal once more.

Kerry leaned against the counter as the sexual feelings coming from Alex coursed through her body. Oh, gods, maybe I better stop. Her feelings are intense. Her body shivered as the contact continued.

As Alex walked into her apartment, she could feel the wetness on her shorts. Memories of their recent lovemaking ran through her mind, increasing her excitement. Whew! I think a cool shower is in order before my libido explodes.

Kerry calmed her racing heart as the feelings subsided. She realized that she was having a hard time breaking the connection. What is going on? I've never experienced this before. She tried making a turkey sandwich, when her stomach complained of hunger pains.

Alex stepped out of the bathroom freshly showered and began picking out clean clothes. Once dressed, a perfect mental picture came to mind of Kerry impaling herself on her long, strong fingers. She shuddered in delight at the thought.

Kerry's knees buckled when she attempted to get up from the table. Grabbing the table's edge for support she sat herself back down. A bolt of electricity shot through to her core. Goddamn, I don't think I'm going to survive this.

Alex swung her backpack onto her shoulder as she walked up to Kerry's door. Hope she doesn't mind I brought a change of clothes and other useful things. She rang the doorbell.

Kerry rose from the couch. She had been lying there in a ball since she left the kitchen, unable to break the connection into the detective's feelings. She walked to the door hunched over like someone suffering from appendicitis.

The detective stepped in. "Hi. Did you miss me?" She asked, playfully. A fleeting thought flashed through her mind to ravish this goddess.

Kerry tried to make it back to the couch but failed. She stumbled to the floor tightly cupping her sex as another spasm hit her.

"Hey what's wrong?" Alex rushed over to her. Kneeling over the young woman she asked, "Kerry? Baby, what is it? Are you sick? Hurt?" She wrapped her lover in strong arms, and an electrical current passed between them. Alex shook her head to clear it, "Whoa. What the hell was that?" The intense energy was still evident and coursing through both their bodies.

"I can't?" The small woman's words failed her.

"What can I do? How can I help you?" Alex hoisted her lover up and carried her to the bedroom, laying her down gently on the mattress.

"Don't? think of me," Kerry stammered.

"What?" Alex questioned.

"Just focus on something else, --- like your job," the blonde directed.

The detective shook her head not understanding the request.

"Please? just trust me on this," the small woman pleaded.

All of the tall woman's thoughts and feelings turned to concern.

Kerry felt the change and her body relaxed a bit. Green eyes locked onto blue. "Alex, I'm an empath. I can feel your emotions. I've had this ability as far back as I can remember. My mother passed it down to me. Please don't freak out."

Alex stroked Kerry's flushed cheek with the back of her knuckles. "My stepmother was an empath. I understand what it's about. But what I don't get is why you practically collapsed in the living room. And what is this electricity between us? What's that about?"

"I tapped into your feelings earlier because I wanted to be near you. I didn't realize your range of emotions at the time were highly sexual. I couldn't break the hold. Everything you were thinking and feeling was affecting me twice as much. It was so intense and I couldn't get any relief," the small woman shuddered at the memory of what she had just experienced.

"Hmm, very interesting," the dark-haired woman responded.

"Why it's as intense as I felt it, I'm not sure. It's like there's some connection between us," Kerry shook her blonde locks, thoughtfully. "Will you lie next to me for a bit?"

"Sure," Alex yanked off her pants and climbed in bed to cuddle her lover close.

After a short nap, Kerry thought she felt a change in the dark-haired woman's breathing and asked, "Are you awake?"

"Yeah," the detective answered.

"You wanna fool around?" The blonde asked, waggling her russet eyebrows, comically.

Alex nodded and hopped off the bed to remove the rest of her clothing. From her backpack she pulled out a harness and dildo. "Would you be interested?" She asked, showing Kerry the items in her strong hands.

"Oh, yes," the blonde nodded, enthusiastically.

Alex strapped the harness on and donned the red cyber-skin and jelly cock, pulling a condom over the end and snapping it over the length of the toy. She returned to the bed and began nibbling the young woman's neck.

Kerry squirmed and giggled. She grasped the tall woman's face between small hands. Looking into sapphire eyes she said, "Alex I can't wait."

The detective pulled her lover up, so that they were on their knees facing each other. She then pushed the smaller woman against the headboard, and sat back onto her haunches. "Straddle me," she gently commanded.

Kerry did so, and felt the cock slide into her. She wrapped her arms around the dark-haired woman's neck.

Alex moved forward a few more inches until Kerry's back was against the headboard. She braced herself with one hand grasping the top of the board. The other arm wrapped securely around Kerry's waist, and she began the rhythmic dance.

"Gods, yes Alex, fuck me. Fuck me hard!" Kerry pushed her hips down every time the detective pushed up. Explosions of white light flashed behind her eyelids. "Ungh? Ahhh."

Alex bit along her lover's neck as Kerry threw her head back in ecstasy. The tall woman was reeling with excitement from this primal passion the young woman was displaying. She felt Kerry's legs tense indicating her climax was approaching.

With one deeper push Kerry screamed out her orgasm. "AHHH?GODS YES!" Hips slowed down to a grind as the tremors racked her body. She felt herself being laid on her back. A soft mouth whispered kisses upon her chest.

Alex gently pulled out and unbuckled the straps and tossed the apparatus to the side. She gently urged Kerry's legs apart and dipped her head to lap at the juices trickling out. She looked up when she heard an approving moan. Returning to the task at hand, Alex delved her tongue between the folds. A fierce rumbling escaped from deep within her chest at the sweetness she tasted. Her mind can only compare it to wild honey and apricots, as she stroked the bundle of nerves with her muscle.

"Oh Alex." The young woman ran her fingers through short black hair. She pulled on Alex's head urging her forward. "Mmmmm. It's?wonderful," Kerry's hips bucked allowing her pussy to rub firmly across her lover's mouth. A second orgasm hit, causing her small body to spasm.

Alex crawled up enveloping the strawberry blonde in strong arms. They languidly caressed each other. "All better?" The dark woman asked.

Emerald eyes locked into crystal-blue sapphires, "Oh, yes." She kissed the lips before her, "Thank you," then planted another kiss infused with gratitude and passion on the detective's mouth. Kerry ran the tip of her tongue across Alex's bottom lip requesting entrance. Tongues began to duel, and Kerry pushed Alex onto her back. She grasped the flesh of her neck between teeth, and Alex let out a pleasurable hiss. "You like that, hmm?" She ran her tongue across the clavicle to the other side and once again sank her teeth at the base of Alex's neck.

"Uhh? yy?ee?sss," The dark-haired woman stuttered.

Kerry then took two swollen nipples between each thumb and forefinger, pulling and twisting and letting them snap back into Alex's chest.

"Ugh? SHIT!" Alex cried out.

The young blonde took one now pebble-like nipple into her mouth to suckle. Her free hand slid down to wet black curls. "Hmm, there is something that you do to me," She then whispered into Alex's ear. "I feel?so free with you," She suckled an earlobe while her fingers played through her lover's dark patch of hair.

Alex reflexively spread her legs.

"This animal passion we display excites me beyond measure," Kerry dipped two fingers into the detective's hot pussy. "I need to taste you." She brought the fingers up to her mouth.

Alex watched the small woman suck her fingers clean. It aroused the detective even further.

"I want you on your knees over my face," Kerry gently commanded.

The tall woman instantly complied.

Kerry grabbed Alex's hips, firmly, and pulled her lover down onto her hungry mouth.

Alex cried out at the jolt of pleasure that consumed her. She took hold of the headboard for balance, as her hips rocked back and forth. She loved the feeling of her wet lips sliding across the young woman's mouth.

Kerry managed to get three fingers through the juicy folds. When her fingers were generously coated, she plunged the first two into Alex's throbbing hole, and the third one slid past the ring of muscle at her ass.

"Ahhh?fuck yeah!" Alex exclaimed. Her hips became more desperate in their movements. She was well aware her orgasm was on the brink of exploding, "Gods?don't?stop?don't stop!"

Kerry pulled the bundle of nerves between her teeth, and holding it there she used the flat of her tongue in circular motions on it.

"Ungh? Ahhh? AHHH!" Alex's climax crashed over her. She collapsed to the left of the strawberry blonde.

Kerry turned over and quickly shoved her face back into Alex's pussy. Finding the clit, she sucked on it hard.

A second wave hit Alex, "Oh goddamn? Ungh?ahhh?AAHHH!" As her body convulsed, the small woman embraced the dark-haired woman's long legs firmly.

They lay there, entwined, without words.


A loud rumbling echoed through the bedroom. Kerry groaned and clutched her stomach.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked.

"Starving?need food...very weak," Is all the half-asleep young blonde was capable of saying.

"Let's order something. How about pizza?" Alex reached over to grab the phone by the nightstand. "Is there a place nearby?"

Kerry nodded slowly against her lover's naked breast. She took the cordless phone and dialed, "What do you want on it?" She asked as she gazed into Alex's baby blues.

"Except for onions, anything is fine," the dark-haired woman responded.

The young woman nodded in understanding, "Yes, hello. This order is for delivery. Yep. I want a large stuffed pizza with mushrooms, black olives, spinach and Canadian bacon. I also want one of your Eli's baby cheesecakes with the cherries on top."

Alex's eyebrows rose clear above her forehead. Damn, whom the hell is she ordering for? She shook her head in disbelief.

"Okay, one hour. Thank you," She hung up and tossed the cordless behind her on the mattress.

"Um, baby, are you having guests?" Alex asked.

Kerry looked at her somewhat confused, "No. Why?"

"Then who did you order all the food for?" The detective asked as she stretched her long body.

"For us, silly," The blonde latched onto an irresistible nipple.

Alex hissed and forgot about everything else. They kissed and caressed each other for long minutes.

Kerry then hopped off the bed and headed to the bathroom leaving her dark-haired lover hanging. She turned on the water to fill the tub and poured in the lavender bath soap. She stood in the doorway and beckoned Alex with an index finger in a "come hither" motion.

Alex smirked at the action and flew off the bed, into the bathroom.

They entered the bathtub. The tall woman had her arms around Kerry's waist from behind, while she nibbled up and down a supple neck. They washed each other's bodies, tenderly.

At the end of the hour the doorbell rang. Kerry answered it in a pair of maroon cotton shorts and a gray T-shirt, her hair still wet and walking barefoot, she greeted the delivery person with a grin, "Goodie, the food is here!" She handed him the money, "Thanks, bye." Kerry placed the pizza on the coffee table and took the cheesecake to the fridge. When she turned around, she bumped into a solid naked body. Strong hands rested on her waist.

In a sultry voice, Alex breathed into her lover's small, pink ear; "I want you again."

Kerry smiled shyly, "I have to build up my strength first. Once that's done you can do whatever you want to me," She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Sounds promising," Alex turned and walked into the living room.

Staring at the detective's gorgeous naked ass, Kerry shook her head to clear it and yelled out, "Please tell me you're going to put on some kind of clothes so that I'm not distracted and choke on my pizza!"

Alex peeked back in from the doorway, "Do I have to?" she asked, pouting like a child.

"Yes. Please," Kerry said.

"Oh, alright," The detective playfully stomped away. She returned to the couch wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of cotton, Tasmanian Devil boxers. Sitting down she shoved a slice of pizza into her mouth.

"Um?Alex?" Kerry turned her head to the side in wonder. "What is that?" She pointed at the obvious bulge straining the material of her lover's boxer shorts.

"Hmm?" She played innocent and looked down to where the small finger was pointing. Looking back up, she answered matter of factly, "You said I could do whatever I want. Well?I know what I want," She said with a mischievous grin.

Kerry felt a trickle of wetness seep out of her center. She continued staring absently, as she bit into another slice of pizza. She recalled the feelings that coursed through her the last time the dildo was used. It was so primal and intense. She became entranced with excitement. Kerry knew she wanted those sensations again. Her body shivered for a second as a wave passed through her.

"Kerry? Hello?" Alex waved her hand in front of the young woman's glazed green eyes.

The young blonde snapped out of her reverie, "Huh? What?"

"That's what I was asking you. You went to some other planet while staring at my cock," Alex wiggled her eyebrows seductively.

Not able to wait any longer, Kerry grabbed the woman's shorts and yanked them down. The dildo shot straight up in the harness. She looked at it for a moment. Pushing Alex's knees apart, she noticed that this one was different. There was no base to it. She leaned forward for a closer look and caught the scent of passionate lust coming from the dark woman, "Oh my. This one goes inside you too?"

Alex slowly nodded.

Kerry grabbed hold of the shaft in the palm of her hand and Alex jumped a bit, "You can feel it?"

Alex nodded again.

"So, I can torture you by jerking the cock, right?" The young blonde looked mischievously into azure eyes.

The detective's eyes turned to mere slits, "You wouldn't," She said confidently.

"You're right. Because I want you to take me," Kerry responded in a sultry voice.

Alex divested the strawberry blonde of her clothing in the blink of an eye. Laying her down on the floor, she crawled on top of her.

Kerry instinctively spread her legs wide. Bent at the knees, she raised her legs up so that her heels were on Alex's lower back.

Alex reached between them to guide the head of the cock and slide it through the folds of Kerry's pussy, "My, my aren't you very wet," Alex purred.

Kerry used the considerable strength of her legs to pull her lover closer. Her desire for the cock to fill her was all consuming.

Alex held back only allowing the head of the cock to enter her lover. She bent forward to capture pink lips. Tongues slid passionately against each other, while Alex slid the rest of the cock in.

A guttural groan erupted from the small woman, filling Alex's mouth.

The detective began a slow rhythm, driving the blonde before her insane for more. She moaned at the feeling on her end. The curved end of the dildo inside pressed up against that special spot that caused Kerry to swoon when she drove hard into her, "Oh? yeah? baby!"

"Ungh! Alex, you feel so good inside me. Gods?don't?stop!" She locked her legs at the ankles, planting her heels between her tormentor's butt cheeks, "Oh yes? YES. I love?when you?FUCK MEEE!!!"

Alex rode out the waves with Kerry as they both screamed out their ecstasy into the night. The tall woman collapsed over her then slowly pulled out.

Kerry rolled them over and unbuckled the straps. They held one another, and basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking.


The sunlight filtered through the window. Alex awakened to find the space next to her empty. The smell of bacon and coffee drifted towards her nose. Getting up, she donned her boxers, and walked into the bathroom to freshen up. As she splashed her face with cool water, she noticed all the hickeys and bite marks covering her shoulders and chest, "Damn, I look like I've been attacked by piranhas." She pressed on the deep marks along her breasts, "I'm surprised she didn't take the nipples completely off." Chuckling, she walked into the kitchen, a navy blue T-shirt in hand.

Kerry's hips swayed from side to side with the beat of the music. The long hunter green T-shirt she had on barely covered her firm round ass. She turned up the volume as she sang and danced to her favorite song.

"What's your definition of dirty baby? What do you consider pornography? Don't you know I love you till it hurts me baby? Don't you think it's time you had sex with me?"

The small blonde turned around to see Alex standing there with her arms crossed across her chest. A big smirk plastered on her face. Kerry turned two shades of scarlet at getting caught.

"Do you see what you did to me?" The detective questioned, her tone playful.

Kerry looked at the imprints she left on the tall woman's skin. With gentle fingers, she brushed the markings with the very tip of her digits.

The detective took in a sudden breath, through clenched teeth.

Kerry smiled, "Do you know what you do to me?" she asked, her voice a hoarse whisper. "You're like a drug I need to have over and over again." She wrapped her arms around the detective's strong waist, and buried her face against her lover's long neck.

"I? I..." Alex hugged the blonde tightly to her, not being able to express her feelings.

"I know. It's only been a few days, but I can feel it. I love you too," Kerry looked into ocean blue eyes that conveyed the depth of the dark-haired woman's emotions, and kissed her lover tenderly, "Sit and have some coffee. Breakfast is almost done."

Alex poured a cup of the dark brew and took a seat. A plate was soon placed in front of her containing a breakfast sandwich.

Kerry joined her, and they began eating.

"Damn! Bacon, egg, and cheese on a toasted bagel never tasted so good. Mmm hmm," The dark-haired woman moaned appreciatively. "Better than anything McDonald's could do."

"I'm glad you like it." Kerry responded, blushing slightly. "Since you have the rest of the week off and I don't have any reviews coming up, I was wondering if you'd like to spend some time with me up at my granddad's cabin."

"Cabin? Sounds great!" Alex finished the sandwich in two more bites. "When do we leave?"

Kerry chuckled, "I'll start packing and then we'll swing by your place."


The drive into the small town of Oxford, Wisconsin was peaceful and serene. The couple felt they had stepped into a time machine. Alex's Nissan seemed to be the newest looking thing within miles.

"They're not much into modern things around here," Alex commented, hesitantly.

"My grandpa loved this area just because of that. Everyone is so old fashioned. We should stop in town to pick up some groceries," Kerry suggested.

Alex nodded in agreement, "Hope they don't mind a big bad lesbian paying them a visit." The dark-haired woman said as she pulled into the diagonal parking spot along the street.

"You're not a lesbian. You're a big bad cop who happens to make women's heads turn," Kerry answered.

Alex gave her lover a lopsided grin.

They stepped into the Ma & Pop's market. The rickety and partially rusted shopping cart had a wheel that kept sticking every time Alex turned down an aisle. The small blonde threw things into the cart every few steps.

"Um? Kerry, what are we going to do with all of this?" Alex asked, her dark eyebrows arching into her hairline.

"Eat it, of course," Kerry eyed the tall woman appreciatively. Stepping up close to her lover, she remarked, in a low voice, "I plan on taking up all of your time," she raked a finger up Alex's forearm, "so, I don't want us to have to make a second trip for food."

Alex gulped audibly, "I see."

The blonde resumed collecting ingredients, "Plus, most of these ingredients I need for the white lightning chili I'm making later. It's grandpa's recipe. I think you'll like it."

As they continued, Alex noticed, from the corner of her eye they were being stared at. In fact, they had been watched from the moment they stepped inside the poorly lit store. I sure am glad I never leave home without it my revolvers and badge. Her attention was then captured by the sway of hips in front of her. She started to imagine her hands caressing the swell of those hips, and pressing her mound against those round ass cheeks.

"Is there anything in particular you want?" Kerry asked.

"Oh yeah!" Alex responded in a seductive voice, while licking her bottom lip. Suddenly she snapped out of her lustful reverie, "What? What did you say?"

Kerry looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She shook her head and laughed, "Is there anything else you want added to the groceries?"

"Um?beer?" The dark-haired woman grinned.

"Got it. I'm going to get this cherry pie for dessert and maybe some ice cream," The smaller woman added.

"Sure," Alex answered.

At the register, Alex deposited everything onto the conveyor belt. The cashier stared at her, not knowing what to think of this tall individual. The girl's open, gaping mouth just hung there. Alex looked at her, then at the nametag on her baby blue smock. She cleared her throat and said, "Hi Anabelle. Could you ring us up?"

The teenage cashier just stood there, "Are you? female?" She asked, under her breath.

Kerry stepped in right away, before Alex had a chance to rip on the girl, "Hi there. Could you please ring us up?"

"Anabelle, get to work already!" The old man in red suspenders, sporting a full white, bushy beard at the next register yelled.

Back in the SUV, Kerry lowered her green eyes and apologized, "Sorry."

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong. These people are just ignorant. It happens, no matter where one goes. It's not the first time someone thought I was a guy. But I don't care," Alex smiled at the young woman.

"Well, with that wonderful cock you have, you are all the man I want," Kerry responded, waggling russet eyebrows at her lover, suggestively. "Did you bring it?"

The smile on Alex's face grew bigger, "Of course." She winked at the blonde, then started her Nissan, revving the engine, playfully.


"Make a right turn on that road ahead," Kerry directed.

"What road? You mean the dirt driveway right here?" Alex asked, swerving quickly to make the turn.

"Yep," Kerry laughed. "It's the road leading up to the house."

Alex completed the turn into the thick foliage. Maneuvering the Xterra for the next mile through dirt, mud, and rocky terrain she came to a stop at the end of the rough path.

The cabin stood mostly hidden behind the trees surrounding it. The afternoon sun shone brightly between the leaves, giving the cabin and the immediate area a soft glow.

"Wow, it's awesome!" Alex commented.

"Wait till you see inside," Kerry remarked, as she opened the door.

The living room was the largest area. It contained a stone fireplace, an overstuffed brown plaid couch, a bear skin rug, and a large screen TV and VCR. The adjacent open kitchen had the simple necessities of a fridge, sink, cabinets, and a wooden table and chairs. At the back of the living room area was a handmade oak, king size, four-poster bed. Off to the right was a door that led into the bathroom.

The bed sported a hunter green and navy blue plaid comforter with flannel sheets that had bucks printed on it. A chest of drawers and vanity adorned the one wall.

"Come on!" Kerry called out. "Let's put away the groceries. I want to show you the lake."

Kerry led her by the hand out into the back yard area. They walked into the forest, and the young woman spotted the pathway, "Here's the path that leads down to the lake." Hiking for a few minutes, they came upon the small, peaceful body of water hidden amongst the trees. The small woman began removing her clothes. Looking over at her lover, she asked, "Are you going to join me?"

Alex quickly pulled off her clothing, tossing everything into a pile. They ran into the water hand in hand. Alex ducked underneath the water's surface and caught the surprised blonde by the waist. She brought her in for a smoldering kiss.

"So, what do you think of the place?" Kerry panted, still trying to catch her breath from their passionate exchange.

"It's wonderful. Do you come here often?" The dark-haired woman inquired.

"No. I've only been here two other times on my own after grandpa's death," The small blonde ran a hand through the tall woman's slick black hair. "I'd like to come more often. It's nicer to share it with someone."


Alex lay asleep on the bed, exhausted from the playful wrestling match at the lake, and the half-naked sprint back to the cabin, when Kerry ran off with their clothes in hand.

Kerry added the finishing touches to the pot of chili on the stove. She removed the cornbread muffins from the oven and placed them on the cooling rack. Lowering the heat for the chili to the minimum, she covered it, and sauntered over to the bed. She spooned herself behind the tall woman who was clad only in navy blue boxers. Wrapping an arm around her, Kerry pressed her body against Alex's back.

Reflexively, the tall woman's arm moved back to rest across Kerry's hip.

Suddenly, the sound of a chiming cell phone permeated the silence in the room. Alex grunted and reached over to her jacket on the chair next to the bed. She flipped it open, "This is Zachary."

"Hey, Zach, Lt. is asking me about the Moran case," said Johnson.

"What about it? You know the case is closed," Alex retorted.

"Yeah, well it's open again. Moran is apparently on probation," Johnson continued. "But hasn't seen his parole officer in the past two months. On top of that he managed to rob a Brinks truck a couple of days ago in northern Illinois. Took the whole lot of money, which was about twenty grand. The driver is dead, and the second security officer is in critical condition."

"Bloody hell!" Alex exclaimed. "Where was he last seen?"

"Adams County, Wisconsin. It's possible he may be trying to get to Canada," Alex's partner explained.

"Well, well, and here I am in Wisconsin," the detective chuckled.

"You are? What are you doing there?" Johnson asked.

"Trying to relax you big gorilla. Remember, I'm supposed to be taking a break," Alex laughed.

"Is Kerry there with you?" Johnson continued to pry.

"Yep," the dark-haired woman grinned into the phone, enjoying the torment she knew she was causing her partner.

"Zach, you dog!" Johnson exclaimed. Well, you don't need to work on it for a few days. I'll meet you up there on Friday. Oh, where was the case filed? I'm not finding it in homicide."

"It was filed with the rest of the mental cases. Remember the guy has a problem with women? He likes to choke them while having sex," Alex's low voice filled with disgust.

"That's right. I'll pull it out and start working on it," he said.

"I'll ask some questions up at the local station here. Maybe check if anyone has seen anything," the detective offered.

"Okay, talk to you later," Johnson's phone clicked off, ending the call.

Alex closed the phone and sighed.

"What's going on?" Kerry inquired.

The dark woman pinched the bridge of her nose, "Some guy I put away a couple of years ago is out again. Apparently his bad habits are hard to break. He robbed a Brinks truck, killed one security officer and the second is in a coma. He was last seen a couple of days ago in this area of the state."

"Damn. Are you going to investigate it?" the blonde asked, quietly.

"I thought I'd check the local police station tomorrow and ask some questions. I don't want to ruin our trip, but this guy is dangerous. The longer it takes for us to find him, the easier it is going to be for him to hide. I should go into town for a little while tomorrow and ask questions at the police station. Then I'll call in for Johnson to get a team on his trail. Hopefully you and I can still enjoy the few days we have here," Alex explained, lowering her crystal blue eyes, afraid to see the disappointment in the green ones peering into hers.

Kerry nodded, "Don't worry about it. I know catching this guy is important." She patted the darker woman on one strong arm. "Are you hungry? The chili should be done by now."

"Aw, baby, I would have helped you with dinner. Why didn't you tell me?" Alex asked, feeling badly that her lover had done all the work for their feast.

Kerry kissed her partner softly on the lips, "You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you. Come on, let's eat and you can tell me more about this case."


Two figures lay with arms and legs in a tangle around them. A songbird whistled his melody on a branch near a partially opened window. The cool morning autumn air began to dissipate as the sun's rays warmed everything it touched.

In Alex's semi-conscious state, it sounded like the bird was sitting right on her chest serenading her. She mumbled, "Bird in house?. so loud? go away."

A blonde head shook, as its owner chuckled lightly, "Sweetie, the bird is outside." She smiled against the naked skin at her cheek. The fingers of her left hand made idle patterns across a hard stomach. Soon the fingers were lightly stroking Alex's curls in a loving manner.

The sleeping woman's hips jerked up, "Think? turned you? into nympho." Alex mumbled, somewhat incoherently.

Kerry laughed, "I can't help it that I find you so fucking sexy. You make my blood boil." She looked into her lover's face, hungrily.

A blue eye popped open to see the shy smile Kerry featured. The second blue eye opened and Alex smiled at her in return.

"I can't keep my hands off you. I want you all of the time," Kerry confessed.

"You are a nympho," Alex commented, playfully.

"I never was before. But yeah, now?I guess I am. Is?that okay?" The smaller woman asked, blinking her green eyes in mock innocence.

Alex grinned from ear to ear, "Oh yeeeeaaah!" She jumped up from the bed, and held her hand out to Kerry. "Come on, let's go take a shower," She wiggled her eyebrows, mischievously.

Kerry took the offered hand, and they walked into the bathroom, together.

After taking turns brushing their teeth, Alex stepped into the shower first. As soon as the young woman joined her, they began to lovingly lather each other. Rinsing under the spray of water, Alex pushed her lover against the shower wall and buried two fingers inside the blonde's slick center.

"Ungh!" Kerry cried out at the surprising, yet welcomed invasion. Grateful that the wall helped her stay upright, Kerry snaked her hand down to mimic the contact her lover was giving her.

The tall woman nipped the flesh along Kerry's neck and across her collarbone, as her fingers kept up a gentle pumping rhythm. She felt small fingers push past her own nether lips, causing her to moan.

Kerry pulled Alex in for a lust-filled kiss. Tongues playfully struggled for dominance.

Within minutes, Alex felt the young woman's walls tighten.

Kerry broke the kiss and leaned her head back against the wall, "Oh? gods Alex? I'm gonna come. Come with me."

The tall woman bore down on the fingers inside her as her body trembled from her lover's words. She felt a thumb brush her clit, and moaned, "Mmmmm..." Knowing she was close, she followed her lover's actions, by stroking Kerry's clit.

Hips bucked wildly against lovingly determined hands and fingers.

"Ahhh?. Alex? Ah ah aaahhhh!" Kerry cried out, as she crashed over the edge.

Alex quickly followed, "Ungh? ahhh fuck? YEAH!" She exclaimed, her body trembling with the passion coursing through her.

Chests heaving, they held onto one another tightly to keep from falling. Alex reached over and hit the knob to shut the water off. She snuggled her face into Kerry's wet hair, just behind her ear.

"I love you, Alex," the smaller woman whispered.

Azure eyes connected with emerald green, as the dark-haired woman cupped Kerry's cheek, "And, I love you," she murmured.

"I know," Kerry paused, searching the blue eyes for any hint of concern, "I've known for some time. I can feel it, remember?"

Alex slowly nodded in understanding.

She took Alex's large hand in her own and led her back to the bed, "Each time we make love is when I feel it the strongest. You not only make love to me; you worship my body with your whole being. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever felt."

Alex smiled and kissed the blonde, tenderly.

Suddenly, a stomach rumbled.

Alex arched an eyebrow, "Is there a little monster in there?" She asked, tickling the trim midriff, lightly.

Kerry's cheeks turned pink, "I guess I'm hungry."

The detective laughed, "Let's have breakfast in town. That way I can swing by the police station afterwards." She gave the blonde's midriff one more tickle, grinning wickedly, as she reached for two large towels to dry their now satiated bodies.


The local diner was bustling with activity. The regular morning customers were laughing and talking amongst themselves.

The two women stepped inside, "Mornin', ladies," an older, heavy-set woman in her mid-fifties called out, "Seat yourselves. The menus are on the tables."

"Thank you," Kerry politely responded.

They headed over to an available table against the window. As they sat, Kerry noticed the menu was laid out underneath the table glass.

Alex made note that the volume of conversation in the diner had died down. From the corner of her eye, she noticed some people looking straight at them, "Seems we have an audience." She commented, softly.

"Yeah, I caught that," Kerry looked up at her lover. "I'm not worried about it though. Are you okay?"

"Yep," the dark-haired woman nodded, shooting her lover a brief wink, as their server approached.

"Okay, ladies, what'll it be?" The older woman held up her order pad, ready with pen.

Kerry started out, "I'll have the French toast special with the apple topping, a side of scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, and coffee."

The waitress's eyebrows climbed up her forehead, "A little thing like you is going to eat all of this?"

Kerry nodded, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

"Okay, and what would you like?" The server asked Alex.

"I'll have the farmer's special and coffee," the dark-haired woman answered.

The jolly woman scribbled everything down, "How do you want your steak?"

"Medium," Alex replied.

The waitress looked at them a moment, shaking her head and chuckling, "You know, with the way the two of you look, one wouldn't think you're hearty eaters. I'll be right back with your coffee ladies."

The two women smiled at each other.

After eating, Alex walked up to the counter to pay the bill.

Kerry finished her third cup of coffee, as she peered out the window at the lack of activity outside. She sensed a presence standing next to her that wasn't her lover. Turning to face it, she caught a whiff of sweat, mud, and horse manure.

A large man, possibly in his late thirties, stood there with a sickening grin on his face. He ran a thick hand through his oily, flat hair and then put on his well-worn, sweat-stained, mud-covered cap, "Hey, little lady, why don't you let me show you what a real man can do for you." He grabbed his crotch to emphasize his point.

Alex returned to the table. Not liking the stance the beer-bellied man in dirty overalls was taking with the young blonde, she decided to jump in, "Is there a problem here?"

Kerry was grateful to have her lover near again. She looked at the slug of a man, and said, loud enough for those nearby to hear, "If I wanted to go out with someone, it would not be with your slimy, dirty, horse-shit smelling ass."

Laughter broke out two tables down, where the greasy man's friends were seated.

Kerry continued, "And, as for a real man," she pointed to Alex, "her manners, her cock, and her incredible stamina make her more of a man than you could ever possibly hope to be."

A hush settled over the occupants of the diner.

The man was shocked that a mere woman spoke to him in such a manner, "You little bitch!" He hissed.

Alex was immediately in the man's face. It was obvious she was taller than he by at least four inches was. Blue eyes turned icy as they drilled into him, "You approached her with your indecent proposal. If you want someone to speak to you respectfully, then you need to address them respectfully. You should apologize and leave."

"I ain't apologizing to no?." The man spluttered.

"Charlie! Get your ass out of my diner before I have Greg throw you out and ban you from ever coming back. Then how are you going to eat? Everyone knows your ass don't know how to cook!" The older server yelled out from behind one end of the counter. She was close enough to hear the interaction between the three.

Laughter from Charlie's friends rang out once more.

A large grizzly-looking man a few years younger than the waitress, stood next to her with his arms folded across his chest.

Charlie muttered something incoherent, under his breath, and stomped out.

The diner owner walked over to the two women, "I'm sorry about Charlie. He's just being his stupid self. Don't let anything he said bother you. Have some more coffee. I have my brother getting a couple of slices of his irresistible strawberry-rhubarb pie for you."

The cook set down two plates of pie and smiled at the women, from behind his big bushy brown and gray beard.

"This is my little brother Greg. My name is Brenda," The server said.

"My name is Kerry, and this is Alex," The young woman extended a hand for a friendly shake. "Thanks for the pie."

"No problem. What brings you ladies to our town?" Brenda asked, in a friendly manner.

"I own the cabin on Hickory road. We came up for a few days to relax," Kerry responded.

"You mean old man Patters' cabin?" Brenda questioned, further.

"Yep. He was my grandpa," Kerry stated, proudly.

"Oh my goodness. Did you hear that Greg?" The older woman grinned from ear to ear. "This is Patters' granddaughter. I can't believe it. The last time I saw you, I think you were just a wee little thing of three years. Your grandpa was a regular at the diner. We were good friends. He and Greg went fishing all of the time with my nephews. Every time that man opened his mouth, he had something to say about you."

"I would love to hear some stories," Kerry said. She looked over at her lover a moment. "I know you need to run your errand. I'll stay here while you do."

Alex nodded, "Okay." She looked at the diner owners. "Nice meeting you two. I'll see you later." She placed a tender kiss on her lover's cheek, and left the diner with a wave.


After a frustrating first visit to the local police station, Alex slammed the steering wheel with the heel of her hand. "Bastards!" She shouted. Flipping open the cell phone, she called Johnson.

"Johnson here," her partner answered.

"Hey, it's Zach. I tried talking to the cops in Oxford. Apparently all of them down here are misogynous assholes. At first they didn't want to believe I was a cop, and then they all clammed up when I showed them my I.D. I'll need you to send the usual documents out here, to get these pig fuckers to cooperate," Alex grumbled.

"No problem. I'll do it right now, and, hey, maybe a call from the Captain would help," Johnson offered. "Oh, I got some information on Moran. Apparently he cashed a money order at the Oxford Bank. Seems our man is just within reach of you. We'll need to work on this sooner than we thought. Sorry it'll ruin your break. I'm going to head out there tonight and crash at a motel. We'll keep in touch."

"Thanks, Johnson. Talk to you soon, then." Alex closed the phone and waited a couple of minutes before re-entering the small station. Looking out across the road at the gas station, she noticed a bearded man, in dirty overalls, staring at her.

He finished pumping gas into a beaten up gray Ford pickup. The truck didn't have plates. Feeling suspicious, she jotted down the truck description on a piece of paper, and the man disappeared into the station's garage.

Suddenly Charlie from the diner appeared, hopped in the truck, and drove it around the back.

Hmm, wonder what's going on there. The detective thought to herself. Walking back into the police station, she sported a smug grin, "Hello boys. Have you checked your fax machine lately?"

The captain came face to face with her, "I already said we have nothing for you."

At that moment, the phone rang. A young officer answered, "Uhhh?Captain, it's for you. It's Major Joseph Harrelson of the FBI."

The irate man grabbed the phone. After a few minutes of saying nothing more than 'yes sir' and 'I understand sir', the captain hung up. Rubbing his face with a hairy hand, he said, "Lieutenant Zachary?my apologies for our behavior earlier. I assure you, now, that my men and I will do all we can to assist with the apprehension of the criminal." He turned to address the rest of the small band of men, "Whatever Lt. Zachary needs, make sure she gets. If I find out that any of you are not following orders exactly, I will fire your ass on the spot and make sure you can't collect unemployment. If any of you have an issue with assisting Zachary, you have the choice to walk out right now, without pay, until this investigation is over. Afterwards, I will determine if you are to return. Are there any questions?"

The silence in the room was deafening. The guys knew their captain to be harsh, and they were careful not to push any buttons.

The captain grabbed the documents from the fax machine, stomped into his office, and closed the door.

Alex just stood there. She couldn't believe her Uncle Joe actually called this in for her. Way to go Johnson, for having Uncle Joe make that call! Walking up to the young man who answered the call from the FBI, she cleared her throat and said, "I want you to run an APB on the owner of a gray Ford pickup. Apparently there aren't any plates. Here is the full description of the vehicle and a description of who I believe may be the owner."

"Sure thing," The officer responded.

"Have you had any male newcomers to the town in the past three months?" Alex questioned.

"No, not that I know of. Oxford is pretty small, so if anyone is new to the area, we'd be sure to know about it," the young man explained, trying to be as efficient as possible, and follow his captain's instructions to the letter.

"Alright. Here's my cell phone number. Give me a call as soon as you find any information about the pickup or it's owner," The detective walked out, anxious to get back to her lover at the diner.


The large man paced back and forth, behind the police station. He ran a dirty hand through his flat, oily hair and pulled his cap back on, something that had, long ago, become a nervous habit for him.

"Hey Charlie. How ya doing? Is this the palomino you were telling me about?" The young officer brushed a hand down the side of the horse's neck. "She sure is a beauty. My little girl is going to love her." He inspected the hooves and then said, "Alright, here's the money for her. Would you mind dropping her off at the house? My wife is home. I'll let her know you're coming."

Charlie nodded, "Hey, did I see that city dyke drive away from here earlier?"

"You mean Detective Zachary? She's investigating a robbery and homicide. Believes the suspect is hiding out in our town," the young man explained, still lavishing attention on the palomino.

"I'll drop the horse off right now. Talk to you later," Charlie took the horse's reign, and led her back into the truck.


Brenda sighed. Grateful that the grocery shopping was done, she stepped up to the grocery store register, "Afternoon, Frank. How are things?"

The elderly man, in the red suspenders, smiled, a twinkle shining in his baby blue eyes, "Hi Brenda. Things are good. What have you been up to?" He began ringing up her items.

"Nothing much. Just had to pick up a few things for dinner tonight. Oh, you'll never guess who ate in the diner this morning! Old man Patters' granddaughter came in with a friend," Brenda explained, excitedly.

"No kidding? Patters' little spitfire? What is she doing here?" Frank asked, chuckling to himself.

"Apparently, she and her friend came up for a vacation. They're staying at Patters' cabin," Brenda added. "Well, it's her cabin now."

At the next register, the bearded man's ears perked up, as he purchased his tobacco.

"Hey," Frank remarked. "I think she and her friend were in the store yesterday. A short strawberry blonde with a pretty smile?"

"Yep, that sounds like her alright. And, her tall friend, with the short black hair and intense blue eyes," Brenda commented.

"Yeah, that's them. They were here," Frank confirmed. "Well, I'll be. She's sure all grown up."

The bearded man walked out of the store, an evil smirk planted on his ugly face.


"So, what do you want to do this afternoon?" Kerry asked, as she stepped out of the SUV.

"Well, since it's nice and warm, how about a swim at the lake and some sun bathing, in the nude." Alex suggested, with a wiggle of her dark eyebrows.

"Okay, race ya!" In a flash, Kerry took off running into the forest.

"Hey, no fair!" Alex yelled and, ran after her. Finding the path from the trail of clothes the young woman was leaving behind her, she reached the lake, just as Kerry dove in. She whipped off her clothes, climbed up on the nearby boulder and cannonballed into the water, just as Kerry turned to face her.

"Argh!" Kerry yelled, as she spit out water. Rubbing her face, she looked around, but didn't spot her lover. Suddenly large hands pushed her under the water. Arms flailing, she tried to regain her footing. Finally standing, she spat out more water. Senses on alert, she spun around a couple of times, to make sure she wasn't dunked again. Not far from her, she saw a wet crown of black hair and two cerulean eyes just above the water's surface peering at her, "Ooohhh?. You?" she pointed at Alex.

Alex slowly stood, the water cascading down her hard, nude body. She pointed a finger at herself, silently mouthing with the gesture, "Who me?"

Kerry felt caught in a trance, by this forest goddess whose flawless body called her name. The strawberry blonde waded through the water toward her goal.

Alex jumped back in to swim away.

Kerry followed. After several strokes, she realized she wasn't going to be able to catch up to the tall woman, whose powerful strokes took her twice as far out of reach, "Okay, I give. I give!" She called out. Turning around, she swam towards the boulder and climbed up. She lay down on her back and closed her eyes, allowing the late afternoon sun to dry her body.

Soon Alex joined her, stretching her long body next to Kerry, she snuggled into the crook of her lover's warm neck, "Are you mad?" She asked softly.

Kerry encircled her arms around her lover. A small hand stroked short locks of hair away from the dark woman's face, "Of course not."

They lay there for some time, basking in the sunshine.

Alex recalled the dream she had in the hospital, "I've dreamt about this."

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Kerry asked.

Alex took a deep breath, before beginning her tale, "For the past year I've had these strange dreams of experiencing absolute bliss. I'm always in the forest or by some body of water and there is someone there with me. I never see her face, but I know it's a woman and I know she has strawberry blonde hair. It was not until the first day we spoke that I had the dream again, and that night I finally saw the woman's face. It was you. In my last dream, we were right here. Lying on this rock in the sun completely naked. But my hair was much longer and I had some scars on my body. Isn't it strange that I've dreamt this for so long?"

Kerry could hardly take in what she was hearing, "Alex, I dreamt of you too. But in my dreams we're usually in some kind of village made up of only women. You're dressed all in leather like a guard or warrior, and you are always by my side. It's like you're my protector, my champion. For the longest time I couldn't figure out the dreams or why I was having them. Then there was that robbery, and you rescued me. When I looked into your eyes, I knew you were the one from my dreams."

Alex looked into her love's soul, "I guess there is something deeper between us."

"Yes, there is." Kerry stroked the detective's cheek. "Thank you for standing by my side this morning."

"You held your own rather well. Be sure to remind me not to argue with you, in the future," Alex chuckled.

The young woman giggled, "I love it out here." She sighed, "The peaceful solitude is so soothing. It'd be interesting to see what it's like in winter."

"Speaking of the cold. The temperature is supposed to drop drastically tonight. Maybe we could make good use of the fireplace," Alex waggled her dark eyebrows, suggestively.

"That'd be wonderful. There should be plenty of chopped wood in the shed. We'll take a look when we get back," Green eyes fluttered closed, once again, as Kerry drifted off into a light slumber.


"I just need to find the key to the shed," Kerry searched her bag. "Ah, here we go!" She held up an older model master key, attached to a John Deere keychain, triumphantly.

Alex slid the door open all the way to allow what was left of the daylight inside, so they could see well.

"I paid someone to stock the place with wood the last time I was here," the blonde explained.

One side of the shed was filled with neatly stacked piles of wood reaching up to Alex's head. The other side of the shed contained two items hidden underneath a tarp.

"What's over here?" Alex lifted the tarp a bit.

"That should be grandpa's dirt bike. He used it to get around through the forest and make quick trips into town. I'm sure it still works," Kerry smiled, softly, touched by her lover's interest in her grandfather's hidden treasures.

Alex removed the tarp completely, and exposed the snowmobile next to it, "Well, he sure was prepared for any season. They look to be in excellent condition."

"I'm going to start dinner, and let you start the fire, after you're done playing, that is," Kerry kissed Alex softly on the lips, and left the dark-haired woman staring at the sexy sway of her hips as she left the shed.


"What did you find out Charlie?" the bearded man asked, as he took another swig of beer.

Charlie eased his considerable bulk down into one of his rickety kitchen chairs, and dug his pudgy fingers into the bucket of fried chicken he brought home. Around a mouthful of greasy fowl, he sputtered, "I told you already. The dyke is a detective. She went into the station asking questions about anyone new moving in the area and about there being some investigation of a robbery and homicide." He licked the grease off his fingers, "Why are you so concerned anyway?"

"I saw her giving me the eye at the gas station," the other man explained. "That's why I had you get the truck."

"Don't fret Cousin Ben. She's just a stupid dyke. Boy, I'd like to get me a piece of that ass. You know what I mean? Mmm hmm," Charlie bit into another piece of chicken. "And, that cute little blonde. I just wanna plow that cunt over and over and make the dyke bitch watch and learn what a real man can do! Oh yeah!"

Ben looked at his cousin with disgust. He couldn't stand his lard ass cousin's pigsty way of living. He only returned to this town because he knew he could keep well hidden until things settled, and then he would continue his journey onto Canada. Living with his cousin Charlie had always been a challenge. He was, quickly, losing patience with Charlie, and he was getting concerned that his cousin's loud mouth would out him in some way. He watched Charlie consume half the bucket of chicken. Bones littered the table, because Charlie didn't have the decency to use a plate, or even a napkin to clean himself.

"Hey, Ben, how about we go out tonight with the boys?" Charlie suggested, belching loudly. "We'll have a few drinks down at the bar, and I can finish telling them how we're gonna go to Canada."

"What?!?" The bearded man's brown eyes filled with fire. "What makes you think I'm taking you with me? And, who said you could talk to anyone about my plans."

"Aw, come on Ben?" Charlie's words were silenced, by a flash of his cousin's rage. His thick, filthy body slumped over the table, his face buried amongst the rubbish.

"You have always been stupid, cousin," Ben smirked, and shook his head, slowly. "Sorry, Charlie, but it was the only way to guarantee my success with the task at hand." He took another swig of beer and walked out to the truck.

Thick red blood pooled around Charlie's head. Eyes still open, he stared, sightlessly, at nothing. The piece of chicken in his hand had fallen to the filthy floor. The hilt of a butcher's knife protruded from the back of his wide neck.


Alex sat on the brown bear skin rug in front of the fireplace. She watched as the flames flickered and crackled the dried wood. A pair of small hands grasped her shoulders from behind and began a gentle massage. The detective moaned at the contact.

Kerry whispered, sensuously, in her lover's ear, "Have you ever role played?"

Alex smiled at the question, "What do you have in mind?"

"I've always had these two fantasies," the smaller woman lightly licked the outer edge of Alex's ear, before she continued. "In the first one, you are my servant. I am your queen and you heed my beck and call. In the second, we play warlord and slave. I am the poor humble slave you have captured for your pleasure." She reached under Alex's arms to cup firm breasts.

The tall woman's grin grew, "And, which fantasy do you desire right now?"

"I feel like being treated like a queen," Kerry nipped at Alex's neck.

A satisfactory sigh was heard, "Okay," Alex responded.

Sea green eyes looked into ocean blue. Kerry smiled, in appreciation of her lover's willingness to take part in her fantasy. "Take off your clothes and strap on your double-headed cock." She directed, then stood to check on dinner.

Alex did as instructed, then, patiently, waited in front of the fireplace. She stood stock still, her head bowed.

"Come here, Zachary," Kerry called out. She sat at the kitchen table, clad only in her panties and an emerald green silk robe. The color accentuated the reddish highlights in her hair. "Serve dinner, Zachary."

"Yes, your Highness," Alex bowed, quickly, and checked to see what her mistress had prepared for dinner. On top of the stove there was a pot of mashed potatoes, a colander filled with asparagus, and a grilling pan holding a couple of NY strip steaks. She dished out the food on one plate, then set it in front of Kerry. "What would you like to drink, your Highness?"

"Beer," the smaller woman answered, decisively.

Alex bowed, again, and fetched a beer from the fridge. She returned to the young woman's side, and awaited her mistress's next command.

"Zachary, in the chest near the door is a collar and leash. Put them on and then sit down in the chair next to me," Kerry directed, and began cutting into the steak.

"Yes, your Highness," The dark-haired woman bowed, again, and sought out the items. Picking up the leather dog collar, she presumed that grandpa Patters had a canine, at one time. She buckled the collar around her neck, grateful that it was a large dog. She clipped the very worn leather leash to the ring in front, and returned to the table. Sitting down in the chair that Kerry pulled out, she kept her head bowed, and held the leash at chest level, draped across her open palms.

"You seem to be a well-trained servant, Zachary," Kerry commented.

Without making eye contact, Alex answered, "Thank you, your Highness."

"Why is that?" The blonde continued. "Did your previous owner train you?"

"No, your Highness," the dark-haired woman responded. "I received my training from the stories of another servant. He shared with me his many adventures with his Master. I also read books about it."

"I see. Very good," the smaller woman nodded, then continued to eat.

Suddenly, a low rumble came from Alex's stomach, but she continued to hold her subservient position.

Kerry took a swig of beer, and grasped the leash from Alex's hands. She then jerked the woman forward, into a deep kiss.

The dark woman tasted the beer and hoped to get more.

The young blonde speared a piece of steak and offered it to Alex. She then took a piece of asparagus, and, holding it between her teeth, pulled Alex forward to take it. They kissed around the vegetable, and the rest of dinner proceeded in like a fashion, until all of the food was gone and, they both had eaten their fill.

"Zachary, clear the table. Afterwards, I want you to kneel in front of the fireplace facing the couch," Kerry directed.

"Yes, your Highness," Alex collected everything, placed the dirty dishes in the sink, then wiped the table with a dishcloth. She, then, went to the rug and knelt as instructed, with her head bowed.

Kerry stepped up behind her, and grasping her slave's large hands, she brought them behind Alex's naked back, binding the strong wrists in the silk tie of her robe.

Alex moaned at the feel of the cool silk on her heated skin and Kerry's hands working at restraining her.

The small woman peeled off her panties and sat in the center of the couch. With her robe open, she leaned back, spread her legs, and hoisted her feet up on the edge of the cushion, "Look at me, Zachary."

Seeing her lover fully exposed in such a fashion caused the tall woman's legs to shake. Alex was very aware of her own wetness, and each movement she made, resulted in her end of the strap-on sliding around inside of her.

Kerry cupped her left breast. Dipping a finger into her mouth, she brought it to her flushed skin, and circled the nipple. A moan escaped her throat.

Alex fought the urge to surge forward, and bury her tongue inside her lover.

"What do you want, Zachary?" Kerry asked, as her free hand slid down to play in her damp curls.

"To please you, your Highness," Alex clenched her fists tightly, turning the knuckles white, grateful that her hands could not be seen.

"What do you want to do, Zachary?" The blonde repeated, her fingers stroking her outer folds.

Alex's chest heaved slightly, and her breathing became ragged. She didn't know if she could withstand the torture of watching those busy little fingers, "To fulfill? whatever you request of me, my Queen. Your wish is my command."

Two small fingers slid inside the blonde's center, up to the second joint, "Ah?" Kerry sighed in satisfaction. She loved the game they were playing, and she enjoyed the helpless, hungry look on her lover's face, "Crawl to me, Zachary," she commanded.

Alex inched forward on her knees until she reached the couch. Each step became harder than the last because the level of sensitivity from her engorged nether lips sliding against the dildo had heightened. She watched the fingers again make their play in and out. Her nose flared as she caught the scent of arousal from the strawberry blonde. She closed her eyes a moment as the flames of passion passed through her body.

Kerry removed the fingers that were now covered in her glistening juices, "Clean my fingers, Zachary." She held up the first digit in front of Alex's lips.

The dark woman swallowed the appendage, moaning at the sweet taste.

Kerry's body quivered as Alex made love to first one finger and then the second. The small blonde grasped the leash, pulling the kneeling woman forward for an erotic kiss, "You've done a wonderful job, Zachary."

"Thank you, my Queen," Alex whispered, hoarsely.

"Now, use that talented mouth and finish the job," Kerry commanded, as a flicker of hazel sparked in her green eyes.

Alex wondered if the glow of the fire was contributing to the feral look she saw in Kerry. But, without further thought, her head was pushed down forcefully, and her desire fulfilled as she lapped at the ambrosia seeping out of the young woman's center.

Kerry pushed her hips forward, seeking further contact with all of Alex's mouth and face.

With the flat of her tongue, the dark-haired woman stroked the blonde's nub, firmly.

The small woman's hips bucked. She pinched and twisted her nipples, as her other hand took purchase in Alex's hair. Gripping firmly, she pushed the dark woman further into her, as she ground her pussy across Alex's mouth.

Not caring that she could no longer breathe, Alex's focus, her only purpose for living at that moment, was to make Kerry scream in ecstasy.

Suddenly the pinnacle of release hit the blonde full force. Kerry's hips rose from the cushion, "Ohhh?gods?A-H-H-H!!!" She cried, as she fell back down onto the couch limply, her passion spent.

Alex collapsed backward onto the floor. She rolled to the side, trying to catch her breath, as her body shuddered from the orgasm she herself received.

Kerry, weakly, crawled to her. She untied the silk binding, and cradled Alex against her body, "Are you okay?" She asked.

Alex just nodded, not able to speak yet.

"Breathe my love, because I'm not done with you," As soon as she noticed Alex's breathing calm and even out, she kissed the dark woman tenderly. Reaching down between their bodies, Kerry playfully tugged on the cock.

"A-r-g-h-h-h!" Alex cried out.

"Oh yes, you are very ready for me," Kerry looked into silvery blue eyes, glazed with passion. "And, I'm very ready for you, Zachary. Ready for you to fuck me."

"Yes?my?Queen," Alex managed to gasp out.

Kerry lay back on the bearskin rug, with her knees up and legs spread wide.

Alex crawled over to her. She crouched and pushed her knees far under Kerry's thighs, planting them on either side of the blonde's hips. Her cock slid in effortlessly.

Kerry yanked on the leash, bringing the tall woman forward.

Alex leaned, with her forearms on either side of Kerry's shoulders, as she began a slow rhythm. The delicious friction between them carried them higher up the plane of pleasure.

"Oh?gods?fuck me?harder. Make?me?come!" The blonde cried.

Alex's hips picked up the pace, as she began to slam into Kerry's pussy. The smaller curved end of the dildo continually hit that one tender spot inside the detective. She knew she wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. Wanting Kerry to feel the same pleasure, she began to roll her hips up each time she plunged deep inside her lover's core.

"F-u-c-k?yesss?I'm gonna?come. Come with me!" Kerry called out and took Alex's nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, pulling and twisting them, in time with her dark lover's thrusts.

Alex cried out with her lover, as they fell over the precipice, "A-r-r-r?.ahhh!!!"

They rode the waves together, as their bodies' spasmed.

As Alex regained control of her body, she pulled out and fell over next to the strawberry blonde.

Kerry unbuckled the straps, gently removing the dildo and tossing it aside. She reached up and removed the dog collar, as well.

They lay, wrapped in each other's arms, physically sated and emotionally at peace.

"I love you, Alex. Thank you," Kerry snuggled into her lover's neck.

"I love you, too, Ker," Alex murmured, kissing her lover's strawberry-blonde hair, softly.


The chirping of a phone woke the tall woman. Rolling over, she grabbed her jacket from the end of the bed and dug through the pockets for it, "This is Zachary."

"Um hello? Lt.?" A young man's voice tentatively inquired.

"Yeah," Alex's low, hoarse voice croaked.
"This is Enderson, from the station. I have the report on that APB you wanted," the young officer explained.

"Yeah, shoot," The detective responded.

"The truck belongs, or I should say recently belonged to Charlie Campbell. He sold it just a month ago to his cousin. I presume there aren't any plates because he hasn't received them yet," Enderson stated.

Charlie Campbell? Charlie, Charlie, where did I hear that name? "You mean fat ass Charlie with greasy hair, dirty overalls, that smell like horse shit?" Alex asked.

"Um? well? Charlie does own a small horse farm," the young man answered, hesitantly.

"Yeah, must be the same guy. What's his cousin's name?" The detective questioned, further.

"It's uh? Ben. Ben Moran,"

Alex's sapphire eyes widened upon hearing the name, "Oh shit!"

"Is there something wrong detective?" The young officer's curiosity was peaked.

"I want you to get a squad car over to Campbell's place right now. You bring him in for questioning, and I want you to find that truck and impound it. If you can find Moran also, let me know immediately! Do not try to apprehend him! He is very dangerous! This is the guy we've been looking for!" Alex rapidly explained.

"Yes, ma'am. We'll get on it right away," Enderson answered, eagerly.

Alex closed the phone and slammed it against the mattress, "Goddamn it!"

Kerry leaned up on her elbow, "Sweetie, what's wrong?"

"The suspect we're pursuing may very well be here in Oxford. Apparently good old Charlie is his cousin," the detective explained.

Surprised, Kerry asked, "What's going to happen now?"

"I need to call Johnson, and we need to get out there," Alex cupped the young woman's cheek. "I'm sorry this is interrupting our vacation."

"It's okay. This is important," Kerry kissed her lover lightly on the lips.

Alex speed-dialed Johnson's number, "Johnson, its Zachary. Are you in Oxford yet?"

"Yep. Got here about an hour ago. I'm in the motel off Route 12. What's up?" Her partner asked, his voice rough with sleep.

"Moran may be in town," the dark-haired woman explained.

"Shit, give me the info!" Johnson exclaimed, suddenly jerked awake.


Alex laced up her boots. She checked the clips of both her Glocks and returned them to the double shoulder holster. Securing her boot dagger inside the hidden sheath of her shoe, she then put on her leather biker jacket.

Kerry, clad in her smiley face panties and one of Alex's buttoned shirts, stood watching her love prepare for a battle, as she sipped a cup of peppermint tea to try and soothe her nerves. She felt the apprehension, concern, and feral energy emanating from the tall woman.

Alex approached her lover, and hugged her. She leaned down for a heartfelt kiss, "I'll be back as soon as I can."

Kerry nodded, biting her lower lip, in an effort to stifle her emotions, "Just be careful."

Putting the Nissan in gear, the detective abruptly stopped upon feeling the resistance of the vehicle. She grabbed the flashlight from the center compartment, and as she stepped out, she saw that her tires had been slashed, "Goddamn fucking piece of horse shit, ARGHHH!!"

Her cell phone chirped. She flipped it open. "This is Zachary!" She spat out in anger.

"Um? Detective this is Enderson. We're out at Campbell's place," the young man hesitantly began.

"And? Get on with it!" Alex barked.

"Charlie is dead. We found him in the kitchen with a knife through his neck. There's no sign of Ben or the truck," Enderson explained.

"Bloody fucking hell!" The detective ran a hand through her dark hair, while taking a deep breath trying to calm herself. "Listen, Enderson, there's another Detective by the name of Johnson. He works with me. He'll be stopping by Campbell's place. I want you to contact the state troopers. Have them keep an eye out for that truck. Also, block all roads leading out of the county. I'll be there as soon as I can." She snapped the phone closed. Suddenly, an ominous feeling flooded her gut, so she ran back up on the porch, and tore into the cabin.

Kerry was nowhere in sight. Alex then noticed that, on the kitchen floor lay the shattered mug of tea Kerry had been holding. The back door of the cabin stood wide open. "Fuck no!" She ran back out front to see two taillights of a truck speed down the driveway. "Noooo!" The now frantic woman cried. Sprinting to the shed, she flung the door open, threw the tarp off, and mounted the bike. She quickly attached her cell phone earpiece to her ear, donned the helmet from off the wall, and kick-started the bike. Popping a wheelie on her way out of the shed, the detective chased after the truck. Pressing the speed dial for Johnson, she started talking before her partner had a chance to get a word in, "I'm heading north on X road nearing Route 53 in pursuit of the suspect in a gray Ford pickup truck. I'm on a green and white dirt bike. I need you out here ASAP. Johnson, Moran has a hostage." Alex swallowed, reflexively, to clear the bile from her throat. "It's Kerry."

Johnson couldn't believe what he just heard, "Zach, be careful. I'm on my way." All he received in return was the click of the call ending. "Shit Zachary. Don't lose your head." He ran out of the motel.


The bearded man swung the truck onto the main road. The unconscious body next to him leaned up against the passenger side door. Looking in the rearview mirror, he saw the single headlight slowly catching up to him, "Well, well it looks like your dyke bitch is coming after you, hoping to rescue you," he said to the unresponsive blonde. Laughing, maniacally, he put the truck in fifth gear and floored the accelerator.

Alex saw the truck pick up speed, and she gunned the bike to full throttle, "I will not lose you, you fucking bastard!" The dark-haired woman snarled. "If you hurt her, I will personally slice off your dick and shove it down your throat."

The chase continued for the next couple of miles. Suddenly, the state troopers appeared, up ahead, with a roadblock.

"FUCK!" Ben yelled. He strapped on his seat belt, then quickly reached over and also strapped Kerry in, "Don't want anything happening to you since you're my ticket out of this. Brace yourself, 'cause it's gonna be a bumpy ride, darlin'!" He floored the gas once again with the intention of plowing straight through the roadblock.

Nearing the lights of the squad cars, Alex caught on that Moran had no intention of stopping, so she tried to assess the layout of the roadblock.

The troopers quickly scattered, running into the woods and underbrush when they saw the headlights approaching at break-neck speed. The truck smashed through, knocking the parked vehicles aside. Alex took advantage of a couple planks of wood lying at just the right angle, against the back of a squad car. The motorbike flew through the air. Alex jumped off and into the bed of Moran's truck.

Ben heard the loud thump, but before he had a chance to see what it was and react, a helmet came crashing through the rear window. Ben's head was thrown forward, hitting the steering wheel.

Alex grabbed Moran in a chokehold, as he began swerving the truck left and right to try and throw her off, to no avail.

Moran, then, tried to punch the detective, but wound up connecting with her helmet, instead. He pulled out his gun, from the front of his pants. He shoved it against Kerry's chest, right over her heart, knowing this would get Alex's attention, "I'll shoot her right here you fucking dyke!" Moran shouted.

Alex quickly loosened her hold around Moran's neck.

Suddenly, Moran made a sharp turn to the left, causing his oppressor to get jerked off balance.

Alex's body slid into the few pieces of jagged glass still attached to the window frame. With another turn of the truck, she fell over the edge, and into the hard dirt. Blackness engulfed her.

The troopers, the Oxford police, and an ambulance were at the scene when Alex's crystal blue eyes snapped open. She sat up, grabbed the helmet, and watched it fall apart in two pieces, "Kerry!" She yelled. "I have to get to Kerry." The dark-haired woman pushed past the paramedic tending to her. Standing up, she took hold of her side, and clenched her teeth in pain. She limped towards a plain squad car, and felt a thick hand reach out for her arm.

"Zach, you're hurt," Johnson said, concern lacing his tone.

Ice-blue eyes shot daggers into him, "He has Kerry."

Johnson immediately let go, and held up his hands in front of his chest, in a gesture of peace. Realizing he needed to remember never to piss his partner off, he calmly pointed out, "Look, I know. We have a chopper following at a distance. Those guys are going to give us live readings every few minutes. At least let the medics bandage you up, and then we'll go after him."

Casting azure eyes towards the ground, she gave into his request.


Moran cut through a field. In the clearing he saw the chopper was still following them. He unbuckled his seat belt and Kerry's. Pulling her over to him, he continued his crazed drive between the trees. As soon as he came out onto another road, he gunned the accelerator.


"Chopper 10, what is your current location?" Johnson spoke into the CB radio.

"We've just come out onto Old Man's Road, east of Fox River. The driver is going at top speed, again. Wait a minute? it looks like he's driving straight into the ravine," the chopper pilot said.

"WHAT?!" Alex cried out. She jumped into the nearest Chevy Caprice, and started it up.

Johnson barely made it into the passenger seat, before his partner ripped out of the area, with his door still open, "Goddamn it Zachary, at least let me close the fucking door!"

The dark-haired woman swerved, quickly, to the right, as Johnson slammed the door shut, "There. You happy?"

His nails dug into the dashboard, "I'm gonna die."


Moran's truck flew over the cliff and plunged down into the rocky water. The explosion could be seen for miles around.

Two figures lay quietly hidden in the underbrush of a cluster of bushes.

Moran had a hand clamped over Kerry's mouth, "You make a sound, and I'll cut out your tongue on the spot." He hissed into her ear.

They got up and Moran began to pull Kerry along, through the dark forest, on an unmarked path that only he knew of.

Kerry's soft bare feet scraped along the many rocks and twigs she couldn't seem to avoid.

After what felt like forever to Kerry, they stopped at an old wooden shack.

Ben unlocked the padlock and pushed the small blonde inside.

The young woman fell, abruptly, onto her hands and knees.

Moran secured the door with a two by four lying across the center of it. Turning around, he caught a glimpse of Kerry's panties, "Get up you little whore!" He snarled.

She quickly straightened up.

He grabbed her by the nape of the neck, and shoved her into the small dark closet. After locking it with a wooden peg in the hinge slot, he went into the kitchen for a beer.

Kerry barely had room to sit down, and as she tried, she began to silently sob. She was coming down from her adrenaline high, and her emotions crashed down upon her.


Zachary and Johnson searched through the fire and wreckage of the pickup truck.

"There's nothing here Zach, and it's difficult to tell inside the cab of the truck with the flames roaring like this. We'll have to wait for the fire department," Johnson observed.

"I know they're around here somewhere. I don't believe he would have killed himself. No way. He has a plan, and I'm going to find it!" Alex pulled out of the cold water. She yelled over to her partner, "Let's go back up to where the truck flew off!"

On the edge of the cliff, Zachary and Johnson slowly panned the area with their flashlights, checking for any clues available. Nearby, they heard a set of squad cars and a fire engine approaching. Zachary noticed a small area of foliage that had been pressed down. She also came across several freshly broken branches from a nearby bush.

"Johnson, check this out!" The detective called out to her partner.

Johnson quickly made his way over to where Alex was standing, "What'd you find?" He inspected the bush, the leaves, and the bent grass. "Yep, looks like someone, or two, were lying over here. This may very well be where he flung himself, and her. Ya' see how the branches are bent north?"

"I'd say that's the direction we should try heading," Alex commented.

"Sounds good to me," Johnson agreed.


Kerry wiped the tears from her face with the back of her forearm. Her feet were sore, and she was sure they were bleeding. Her left shoulder hurt, and breathing had become difficult. She wondered if any ribs were cracked. She took a moment in this heated mess to connect with her love. Oh, Alex I wish you could hear me. I don't know what's going to happen, and I don't know if you'll make it on time. I'm scared. Fresh tears welled up in her eyes again. I love you. Please? remember that always.

Suddenly, the closet door opened. A large, dirty hand grabbed the small blonde by the shirt, dragging her out onto the kitchen, "I want you to cook for me, you filthy bitch! Wash your hands good, and fix me something with the items I've put on the counter." Moran shoved her against the sink.


Alex felt a heaviness in her chest, as she and her partner trudged through the forest. She sensed Kerry was alive and nearby, but hurting. The heaviness continued to weigh upon her, and she knew, instinctively, that Kerry was somehow trying to communicate with her.

"Psst, Zach, over here," Johnson called out, carefully keeping his tone hushed, and waving for her to hurry.

They peered over a wide bush that was almost Zach's height. In the short distance they saw a dim light shining through the window of a little shack. Zachary flipped open her cell phone to call in for backup.


Kerry finished pouring the concoction of canned chili mixed with canned corn into a bowl. Using a spatula, she pulled up the stovetop cornbread she heated up. At that moment, a rough hand grabbed her ass. The startled reaction caused her to drop the pan of cornbread.

Moran spun the young woman around, and backhanded her across the fac, "You stupid bitch!" He yelled. "Clean up that mess!"

Kerry got down on her knees and began tossing the pieces of cornbread back into the pan.

Angry that part of his dinner was ruined, Moran kicked the small blonde in the ribs.

Kerry curled into a ball, to deflect any further blows, as she, desperately, tried to catch her breath.

Out of nowhere a body flew through the window, shattering glass everywhere. Moran, quickly, went for his gun, but was too late, as Alex fired a shot into his shoulder.

As Alex started to stand, Moran rushed her, slamming the dark woman into the wall. The gun flew from the detective's hand. They struggled for a few moments, until Alex kneed Moran in the crotch.

The big man fell to the floor, holding himself, as the pain spread.

The detective whipped out her second Glock, and pointed it directly at Moran's head.

Moran laughed, and in a condescending tone snarled, "Looks like you caught me again, Detective Zachary. But, you better watch your ass. 'Cause, I'm comin' back for you, and I'll definitely have me a piece of your little whore, too." He fingered the small handgun, tucked in the back of his jeans, thinking she didn't know it was there.

"No, you won't," Alex said, matter-of-factly.


Moran's body fell back. A wisp of gunpowder smoke emanated from the fresh hole in his forehead.

The dark-hared woman stared in disbelief, first, at the body, then, at her gun.

"You didn't think I'd let you have all the fun, did you Zach?" Johnson, carefully, stepped over the shards of glass, "Self defense Zach ---- self defense. I wasn't going to let him shoot my partner, when I still need to kick her ass for scaring the shit out of me with her driving."

Alex smiled, at her partner's remark, then turned to look for Kerry.

Half under the small wooden table, lay the young blonde's prone, half-conscious form.

Alex sat on the floor, and pulled Kerry onto her lap, "Ker? Baby, it's me," she whispered.

"Is she okay?" Johnson asked.

Green eyes fluttered open.

Crocodile tears fell from the tall woman's crystal blue eyes, "Hi, Baby. You scared me."

"I knew you'd come," Kerry hugged Alex to her, wincing with the effort. "I'm in a lot of pain," she confessed.

"Zach, the ambulance is here. Let's get the two of you to the hospital," Johnson said, quietly, hesitating to break into the couples' reunion.


Kerry sat in the ER waiting room in a pair of scrubs one of the nurses gave her. She was grateful for the Vicodins, and that none of her ribs were broken, only badly bruised. Her feet had been wrapped in plenty of gauze, with a thick layer of Neosporin. She could feel the frustration and rising temper of her lover, in the next room.

Johnson took a seat, next to the small woman, and handed her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks," Kerry said, with a smile, "So, tell me what happened while I was out for the count?"

"Well, when Zach found out you were kidnapped, she mounted the dirt bike and took off after the guy. We already found out Charlie Campbell was dead and that he was Ben Moran's cousin," Johnson explained.

"But, what happened at the crash site? How did that all transpire?" Kerry asked.

"Oh, well your girlfriend vaulted over the squad cars, after Moran smashed through the roadblock," Johnson continued. "In mid air, she jumped off the bike, landed in the truck bed, and smashed her head through the window. They fought, while Moran was still driving like a maniac. After a gun struggle, Zach had no choice but to let go, 'cause he threatened to shoot you. She got thrown from the truck, and then the rest of us arrived. A chopper tailed you two, until Moran drove over the ravine. From there, Zach and I trailed you to the cabin."

Kerry sat, listening intently, with wide eyes. Her mouth hung open, and she was unable to believe what she was hearing.

"You know, that helmet came off Zach's head in two pieces. She sure made use of it. Lucky thing," Johnson shook his head. "Plus, she had that nasty cut in her side from the truck window's glass stabbing her. That woman scares me sometimes," he shivered.

"You talking bad about me Johnson?" Alex asked, as she slowly walked towards them.

Kerry jumped up, and rushed towards her lover, embracing her tightly.

"Ow, ow, Baby my side," Alex grabbed hold of her bandaged side.

"I'm sorry. What did they say? I know you were giving them trouble in there," the blonde smiled, her green eyes glittering with joy at being reunited with her lover.

Alex shot the young woman a lopsided grin, "They had to pull out a few shards. I have fourteen stitches. They wanted me to stay overnight, but I'll have none of that. Told them I have a personal home nurse who will tend to me."

Kerry looked up at the tall woman in surprise, "A personal home nurse? And who is she?"

Alex answered sheepishly, "Uh? you?"

The small blonde whispered in her lover's ear, "And, I will tend to your every need."

"Mmm, I'm counting on it," the dark-haired woman purred.

"Ladies, I'll take you home," Johnson cleared his throat, loudly, interrupting the couples' teasing banter.

"Sounds good," they both said, simultaneously thinking that any home they both shared sounded mighty good, right then...and on into forever, as a matter of fact.

The End

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