~ Second Chances ~
by Alex Tryst
Copyright © October 200

Disclaimers: These characters are of my own creation. This story does include sexual situations involving consenting adult women (and lots of them). If you are offended by this type of material or it is illegal where you live, it’s best to turn back now. If you’d like to drop me a line concerning the story, you can e-mail me at alextryst@hotmail.com. Please know that I am a sensitive soul and harsh criticism will immediately be deleted. However constructive comments are welcome.

Dedication: To my wife, you are my fondest wish.

Now on with the show.......

Part 5

She arrived for the partner meeting that day and stumbled in ten minutes late. All heads turned to her as she fell through the door still buzzed from all the alcohol she had consumed over the weekend. “Alex, glad you could join us.” Arthur mentioned.

“Sorry I’m late.” she mumbled dropping into a chair at the end of the table. Her co-workers were assaulted by the stench of dirty clothes and alcohol pouring off of her. Arthur furrowed his brow in displeasure and confusion at his prized attorney. “Okay. We’ll go on now.” he said going back to his original point. Alex fiddled around with her papers a moment before mumbling to herself as she searched her jacket pockets in irritation. The rustling broke Arthur’s attention again. Turning a scowl on Alex, he asked, “What’s the problem, Alex?”

“I can’t find my damn glasses.” she grumbled.

Kelly dropped her head into her hands at Alex’s uncharacteristic behavior. “They’re on top of your head, Alex.” she answered for the group.

“How in the hell did they get there?” Alex asked no on in particular.

“Alex, maybe I should get you a cup of coffee?” Kelly suggested.

“That’d be nice.”

“Hold the bourbon this time, Kelly. I don’t think Alex needs to be drinking any more.” Arthur stated coming within smelling distance of Alex.

“Fuck off, Arthur.” Alex snapped glaring at him.

After a collective gasp from everyone, the room fell completely silent. Arthur slowly made his way over to where Alex was sitting. Putting his hands down on the table in front of her, he leaned over so they were nose to nose. “Counselor Schreiber, you are dismissed from this meeting. I don’t want to see you again until you’ve sobered up. I am going to excuse this horrendous behavior on account of your wife leaving you, but if you ever cross me again, Alex, there will serious consequences. Don’t force me to make you take a leave of absence. It’s not good for you or us, but if you keep this up, I’ll have no choice.”

Alex stood to her almost six feet and glared at the entire group. “Screw it. I don’t need any of you, and I don’t want to be here any more if you keep Victoria Schumann.”

“Ms. Schumann?” questioned Arthur.

“Yeah, Victoria! Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about, Arthur! If you knew Bren left me, then you know why! I’m sure Kelly fucking told you the whole story!”

Arthur looked at Kelly and then back at Alex. “Alex, that part wasn’t any of my business, but she did tell me. You don’t know how sorry we all are that Bren left you, but I can’t let you be here like this.”

“The hell it isn’t your business! You knew this could happen! You even told me so! Why didn’t you stop me?”

“Stop you? Alex, who you sleep with is none of my business! I couldn’t have kept you from between Victoria’s thighs if I even tried! You wanted that ass since you saw it, and now you’re paying the consequences! It’s not my fault you can’t keep you trousers up! It’s also not my fault that Victoria keeps her legs open and skirt up around her waist! I warned you, because I didn’t want to see you get hurt, but you didn’t listen to me! You’re an adult, Alex! You did what you damn well pleased!”

Silence continued to plague the room of attorneys as they just stared at her in disappointment. Alex looked around the room at the shocked faces. Trying to stand tall, she picked up her belongings. Turning to address her audience, she mumbled dejectedly, “Well, now you all know. You’re golden girl is nothing but a failure. I fucked the intern, and my Bren left me because of it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in my office trying not to screw up any other lives.”

Alex went into her office and slammed the door so loudly the windows shook. Pulling open her filing cabinet, she grabbed the whiskey she kept hidden in there and took a big swig directly from the bottle. Falling into her chair, she started to cry. Alex spent the rest of the day alone in her office. No one dared come in to speak to her, and she took no calls. As day turned to night, Alex decided to stay at work, because she couldn’t bear to go home to the emptiness. Pulling out the double bed from her foldout couch, Alex crashed there for the night as the booze once again lulled her into unconsciousness.

The next morning she awoke to a knocking on her door. “Go way.” she mumbled not looking up.

“Alex, I want to talk to you for a minute.” Arthur stated.

Alex turned over and propped herself up on her elbow as he entered and closed the door behind him. Coming over to her, he took a seat on the foldout. “You know, Alex, I’ve always thought of you as more of my child than employee. It’s true that I’ve made it known that you’re my go to girl. I’ve given you breaks that no one else has gotten, but they were well-deserved. It hurts me to see you like this.”

“Arthur, I’m sorry for the way I acted yesterday. I was totally out of line.”

“Yeah, you were, but even when you were cursing at me, I could see the pain in your eyes. I said some things I didn’t mean as well. Your love life really is none of my business, and it was wrong of me to chastize you about it, especially in front of the other partners. As I said I feel like your father at times, and my concerns are that of more than your boss. You mean so much to me, Alex, as a employee and as a friend. I’m sorry that things didn’t work out with Bren.”

“It’s my fault. You were right. I can’t keep my pants on. I let a woman like Victoria destroy everything I ever wanted in my entire life. I could blame her, but I know it’s my own doing. I am responsible for my own downfall. Kelly would like to try to pin this on Victoria, but I know it’s my own weakness. Victoria might be a temptress, but in the end, it was my decision to go down that road. I’ll admit I didn’t think it through. If I had Bren would still be here with me.”

“Well, you live and learn, Alex. I really don’t like seeing you this way. To be frank you look like shit, and you smell even worse. I think it might be a good idea for you to take some time off.”

“I don’t want to, Arthur. I can’t stand being in that house without her.”

“I know, but you have to understand that I can’t have you here at work drunk, unbathed, and in general disarray. I think you need time to pull yourself together.”

“Arthur, please don’t put me on leave. I need to work. It’s the only thing I have left.”

Arthur sat in thought for a moment. “I’ll make you a deal. Half days for awhile, and if you come in here drunk, know that I’m going to send you home.”

Alex nodded. “Okay. I understand.”

“Good. Now why don’t you sleep this latest hang over off, and then when you wake up, go home. I’ll have all your calls diverted for the rest of the day. We’ll see you tomorrow, and we’ll try again. This is going to take time, Alex. Let yourself work through the pain, and give yourself time to grieve. That’s the only way you’ll be able to move on.”

“Hey, Arthur. May I ask you something?”


“What are you going to do about Victoria?”

“Well, I think I’m going to let her finish her internship, because she only has a few weeks left, but she’s been instructed not to come near you. When she leaves I’m going to write her a recommendation for her to go anywhere she wants, but she won’t be coming back here after graduation. We talked about it yesterday. She has great skill, but we’re more interested in keeping you on staff.”

Days drifted into weeks and then months without a word from Bren. Alex checked in often with Bren’s mother but eventually stopped asking where she could find the little blonde, knowing that she was keeping Bren from being able to completely confide in her mother. Instead she would just ask if Bren was doing all right and make sure that she was safe. Alex had the painful process of having to cancel all the wedding plans, and then she threw herself head first into all the work she could possibly manage in an effort to alleviate her pain. She would often spend the night at the office and work nonstop during the day. Even as much as her fellow co-workers expressed their concern over her weight loss and general deterioration, she pressed on to become even more of a powerhouse for her firm. The woman with the no nonsense attitude became even more of a cutthroat, demolishing her competition whenever she was in court. Even as much as she was rewarded with accolades from her supervisors, she felt no real sense of satisfaction. She only wanted everyone else to feel as miserable as she did.

Alex tried not to think about Bren, but at night when everything was quiet, she couldn’t help her mind from drifting to the times she and Bren had spent together. Alex replayed those four years of her life over and over in her mind as if to burn them into her core, so she would never forget the one woman who had captured her mind, heart, body, and soul. During those nights alone, little to any one’s knowledge, she still found her strength at the end of a bottle, but she knew in order to keep her job, she had to hide it, so she found creative ways to sneak her alcohol into work.

The fall season passed with Alex hardly acknowledging it. It had always been Bren’s favorite time of year. The younger woman used to love to drag Alex out on strolls and long drives through the country when she could, and even as much as Alex resisted at the time, she secretly cherished those moments of being with her beloved in the cool, crisp weather watching the wonder of the changing leaves.

As Thanksgiving approached Alex spent it with her family, but she wondered where Bren was, hoping that she was spending time with her mother working on their relationship. She had called up to New York once just to wish Bren’s mother a good holiday, but she never asked if Bren was there, and the information was never volunteered. Soon after was the Winter holiday party for the company. Kelly convinced Alex to be her date, but when Kelly drove them up the long drive of the country club, Alex’s thoughts were on what should’ve taken place there that previous September. Alex had purposely avoided the club even though she often golfed there with other partners. When the valet took Kelly’s car, Alex dutifully extended her arm to her date and escorted her inside.

All the same old people were there, but instead of socializing as Alex usually was known for, she headed straight to the open bar where she remained for most of the evening. The women that usually sought her out for dances kept at bay much to her relief as she kept a firm grip on bourbon bottle she had convinced the bartender to surrender. Alex simply looked out over the dance floor not really seeing anyone as she thought of Bren. For the previous four years the blonde had been her date to the function, and she was feeling even more alone around her co-workers that evening, because Bren was not by her side.

An hour into the party, the band curiously stopped playing, making Alex look up from her glass. Seeing Arthur approaching the stage with champagne in hand, Alex assumed this would be his traditional speech of how much he appreciate everyone. Knowing she was expected to at least pretend to be interested, Alex filled her glass with straight bourbon and moved in a little closer to hear his speech. As she made her way near the dance floor, Kelly took a place next to her. Alex wrapped her arm around Kelly’s shoulders to support herself after more than half the bottle of whiskey. Kelly smiled up at Alex cheerily before turning her attention to Arthur as well.

“Well, thank you all for coming this evening. As usual this time of year is for families and friends to come together to celebrate their relationships. Tonight I just want all of you to know how much you mean to me. This organization wouldn’t be what it was without caring individuals such as yourselves, and I’m proud to call each of you a friend. This year has been especially good for our firm, and for that reason I’m here to announce that this year you all will be receiving a large bonus for your extra efforts.” There was a chorus of cheering before Arthur settled the crowd. “Additionally, there is one person I’d like to recognize tonight. She has been with us for almost ten years and has been a junior partner for more than five. During her time at the firm, she has paved the way for many women in the industry and given us a name among the gay and lesbian community. She was the first woman to ever become a partner at the firm, and tonight I want Alex Schreiber to come up here to be recognized.” Alex looked at Arthur in confusion as she made her way through the clapping crowd. As she reached the stage, she hoisted herself up to stand next to Arthur. He smiled at her as he said, “Alex, the firm owes you a great deal. You’ve been a leader from day one, and you have the respect of your peers. You were the first woman to become a junior partner, and as of this moment you’re our first female senior partner. Congratulations, Alex.” he said extending his hand to her.

Alex’s eyes shot open in surprise. Taking his hand, she shook it before embracing him in a one-armed hug. Turning to the audience, she said, “This is certainly a surprise. I’m very honored. As many of you know, this year has been a roller coaster for me. However I must say that it’s ending on a positive note. I promise you all that I will continue to strive for the better good of our clients and you, my fellow peers. This is a dream come true for me, and I owe most of this to a woman who really helped me become who I am today. Unfortunately she isn’t here with us, but I must mention her anyway, Bren Worthington. Also I’d like to thank all of you for your support. It’s always meant a great deal to me, and I hope in my new role I can return that favor many times over. Thank you very much. I’ll make you all proud.”

Alex hardly had a moment to think about Bren the rest of the evening as she received congratulatory recognition from her fellow colleagues. However as Kelly took Alex home, Alex’s mood became sullen again. “This has been quiet a night, huh?” Kelly inquired, trying to get Alex’s mind off Bren.

“Yeah. I never expected this. It really was a surprise. I just wish Bren would’ve been here to share in it. I miss her, Kelly.”

“I know you do. You haven’t spoken to her since she left, have you?”

“No. I keep in touch with her mother, and she updates me on what’s going on in Bren’s life, but I haven’t spoken to her directly. I think that she was at her mom’s for Thanksgiving, but when I called I didn’t talk to her. I never thought my life would turn out this way, Kelly. I feel like I’ve wasted four years of my life.”

“It wasn’t a waste. You’ve grown as a person tremendously. You said so yourself tonight.”

“I just feel lost. The more time that goes by the less hope I have that I’ll ever see her again much less get a chance to beg for forgiveness. I just feel like the world has been pulled out from under me. This is the ultimate defeat, and I’m not sure I’ll ever come back as strong as I was when I was with her.”

“The other senior partners seem to think you have already.”

“Professionally maybe but personally I’m a disaster. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do. It’s getting harder and harder to keep going. Without Bren I’m just a waste of space.”

“That’s not true, and you know it. The clients you help are grateful to you for your assistance. Many people are in your debt for all that you’ve done, Bren included, and if she doesn’t recognize that much, then she’s the fool.”

“I helped Bren, because I was in lust with her at first, but then I did it out of love. I wanted her to be happy, even if it meant without me. I still want that for her. She deserves the world, Kelly, but I failed to give it to her.”

“No, you didn’t. You did give her the world, Alex, by giving her a chance to dream, a chance to live. She’s a better woman for knowing you. There is no way she could deny that.”

The next Monday Alex made the move from her office upstairs to the senior partner floor. As she settled in to her new space, she thought about Bren. She wished that Bren was there to share in the accomplishment as she looked out over the city from her new widow. Glancing around her office, she took in her amenities. Her office was twice as large as before with its own private bathroom and fully stocked wet bar. Going over to the bar, Alex began to fix herself a drink when there was a knock on her door.

Arthur poked his head in and stated, “No drinking during business hours, Alex. Put it down.” Alex slowly set the beverage aside. “Good. Now the senior partners have lunch waiting on you to officially recognize you in your new position. Come on down to the board room. We’ll be discussing your new role.”

Alex did as she was told. Going into the board room reserved only for the senior partners, she was awarded the seat at the end of the table opposite Arthur at the other side. Being that it was a working lunch, everyone put in their opinions about how Alex should approach her new position. Alex just took it in stride, knowing that she would do what she wanted as long as Arthur approved.

January was especially cold that year. Alex had settled into her new role, taking on only she cases she wanted and spending a lot of time with Kelly in and out of the office. One afternoon she and Kelly were sitting in Alex’s office discussing strategies for an upcoming case when Alex’s receptionist poked her head in. “Alex, were you expecting anyone this afternoon? I didn’t have any appointments scheduled, but there is a woman here to see you.”

“No. I wasn’t expecting anyone either. What’s her name? Can she come back? We’re in the middle of something really important.”

“I’ll go check.” she said. Returning just a moment later, she stated, “The lobby attendant said her name was Ms. Bren Worthington. Should I send her away or have her sent up?”

Alex looked at Kelly as her heart hammered in her chest. It had been five months since she had seen Bren. “Did she say what she wanted?”

“Business of a personal nature was all I was told. Do you want her to come back later?”

Alex stared at Kelly. “Alex, be very careful. If you send her away, she might not come back, but if you’re not ready to see her, you should tell her.”

“I’m not ready, Kelly.”

“I’ll tell her to make an appointment.” Alex’s receptionist said beginning to turn away.

“Wait. I have to see her. Even if I’m not ready, it might be my only chance. I can’t risk her not returning after being gone so long. Send her up, and hold all my calls.”

Once they were alone, Kelly asked, “Do you want me to stay or leave?”

“Stay, at least at first.”


“How do I look?” inquired Alex standing to get an appraisal. She brushed her hands over her shirt and slacks to rid them of wrinkles.

“You look fine. Just try to stay calm. Okay?”

The few minutes it took for Bren to arrive at Alex’s office seemed like an eternity to Alex. She kept pacing the floor until the door opened. “Ms. Worthington.” her secretary announced formally allowing Bren inside. Alex just stared at Bren for a few minutes in astonishment.

Bren was wearing a long grey overcoat, lined with black faux fur around the cuffs and neckline. Her hands were encased in black leather gloves, and she had a black purse slung over her shoulder. Her hair had been cut drastically shorter, coming to just lower than her chin, making her look more sophisticated. Dark sunglasses were sitting on top of her head holding back her blonde hair. Alex was temporarily struck mute at the sight before her, the woman she loved looking so much more mature and worldly that she had ever seen her.

Kelly broke the silence by standing. “Bren, it’s nice to see you again.” she stated making her way over to shake Bren’s hand.

Bren took it and locked eyes with Kelly momentarily. “Good to see you too, Kelly. I see you’re still playing Alex’s keeper.”

Kelly laughed lightly at Bren’s attempt at a joke. “Someone has to do it. She’s lost otherwise. Well, I’ll just let you two talk.” Kelly looked at Alex, who still hadn’t said a word and she just stared dumbfounded at the sight of Bren. “Alex, you just let me know when you’re ready to continue with this. I’ll be in my office.”

Alex shook the fog from her muddled brain enough to look at her associate. “Yeah. Okay.”

She watched Kelly gather her things and leave before turning her attention back to Bren. She still said nothing as she took in the vision before her. Bren stood quietly looking around the office for a moment before asking, “May I sit down?”

“Oh, yes. Of course. Here. Let me take your coat.” Alex said reaching toward her. Bren let her slip it off. Alex’s senses were assaulted by Bren’s perfume as she hung the coat on the rack. “Can I get you something to drink?” she inquired looking at the blonde, who was now in a black pants suit.

“No. I’m fine. Thank you.” Bren replied taking a seat on the client side of Alex’s desk. Alex momentarily debated where to sit, opting for her desk chair. They simply gazed at each other thoughtfully a moment before Alex whispered, “You look amazing.”

Bren blushed slightly, turning her head downward to avoid Alex’s eyes. “Thank you.” She looked back after a second. “You certainly look... different.” she mentioned.

“Oh. Well, it’s the hair.” Alex said running her hand through graying locks. They had begun to turn due to the stress she had experienced over the last six months, but Alex saw no reason to color it, leaving her with pronounced gray patches above her ears and framing her face.

“To say the least. It looks like you’ve lost about forty pounds, and I don’t remember you having any you needed to lose in the first place.”

Alex shrugged. “Yeah. I guess I have lost a little weight. Not eating enough I guess.” she mumbled.

“Forgive me for saying this, Alex, but you don’t look good. You’re not taking care of yourself. You look ten years older than the last time I saw you.”

“I feel even older than that. Are you sure I can’t get you a drink?” Bren shook her head. “Mind of I have one then?”

“No. Go ahead.” Alex waded over to her bar and fixed a glass of whiskey. “A little early, isn’t it?” Bren asked.

“It’s never too early.” Alex mumbled bringing the bottle with her back to the desk.

Bren watched as Alex threw back three shots. “You’re drinking more than you used to.”

Alex gave another shrug. “I don’t really know any more, but it seems to have the numbing effect on my heart that I’ve been looking for the last half year.” she explained studying the contents of her glass carefully.

After another awkward pause, Bren asked, “Do you want to know why I’m here?”

“I’m not sure.” Alex answered truthfully. “If it’s to show me how well off you are now that you’ve broken my spirit, then no. I’d just like to sit here and look at you for awhile and memorize your beauty before you go dashing out of my life permanently.”

Being thrown off by Alex’s comment, Bren flushed again at the compliment. “Alex, I wanted to talk to you about what happened. After everything we’ve been through, I know you deserve that much. I just haven’t been able to face you until now, and right now I’m beginning to think it was still too soon.” Alex just sat waiting for her to continue. “Alex, may I ask you something that’s been on my mind for the last five months?” When Alex shrugged, Bren inquired, “Why did you do it? Didn’t I make you happy?”

“Bren, you made me happier than I have ever been in my entire life. I did it out of my own stupidity. It was the most God awful mistake I have ever made, and I regret it daily.”

“May I ask how it happened?”

“If I can ask you how you found out.”

“Victoria told me over the phone. I didn’t want to believe it at first, but then she told me about the scratches on your back. That’s when I knew she was telling me the truth. It wasn’t me that did it. It was her. I was so hurt by that.”

“I knew it. Kelly and I pieced it together that way. I guess to really understand what happened I should explain the nature of the relationship Victoria and I had. The first day she started here she was flirting with me. I’ll admit that I was attracted to her from the beginning, but I put a stop to it, knowing that to let her continue would be harmful to both of us. She was really upset with the way I handled things, and we fought every time we saw each other until the company picnic. You see Victoria and I were very much like magnets. When you place two of them together, they repel each other harshly, but if you flip them over, they are attracted so strongly. Once we had called a truce and changed our ways, the attraction was back as strong as ever. We were spending a lot of time together, sometimes after hours alone. The undercurrent of attraction was always there, but we never talked about it.” Alex paused and broke her gaze with Bren. She concentrated on pouring herself another drink for a moment. Raising the glass she looked at the brown liquid as she continued. “The night Victoria got mugged our relationship had reached a crossroads. We had been working here late and alone. I felt miserable, because I had a headache that wouldn’t go away. I was sitting on the couch trying to relax when I felt her begin to massage my temples. I should have pulled away, but I didn’t. It just felt so good. Next thing I knew we were kissing. I don’t know how long we kissed. It felt like forever but probably was only a minute before I pulled back. I apologized, saying that I couldn’t do that to you even as much as my body wanted to. I think we were both embarrassed by our actions, because she wanted to leave. I asked her to wait and let me walk her to the garage, but she wanted to get out of there right away. Well, I found her in the garage a little bit later. That part you know. I invited her to stay at our house, because she was scared, but she said no. I think it was because you were there. Anyway, we went to her place where I stayed the night. I fully intended to sleep on the couch, but she begged me to hold her until she fell asleep. That’s how I ended up in her bed. Sometime later I awoke, realizing I had fallen asleep next to her. I tried to move, but she was in the middle of a nightmare and clutching to me. She awoke screaming, so I calmed her down. At that point things just began to happen. I don’t know who kissed who first, and it doesn’t really matter. We were in bed dressed in only skimpy pajamas with emotions on overload. We were like two wild animals. It was fast and furious but without a real connection. It couldn’t have lasted more than fifteen minutes. Guess I fucked her like the bitch she really was.” snidely Alex remarked chugging back her bourbon. Bren just sat silently watching, but Alex’s eyes focused on the far wall of her office. “When it was over, I knew for certain that life as I knew it was forever changed. I ruined it! Everything I ever wanted slipped from my hands when I got out of Victoria’s bed that morning! I fucked up my life!” she spat angrily throwing her glass against the wall as hard as she could. It hit with a thud before falling to the floor and shattering. Bren yelped in surprise. Alex leaned forward in her chair, hands covering her face as she began to cry. “Not a day goes by that I didn’t wish I was dead.”

A moment of silence passed before Bren mentioned, “So that’s what this is about? This not eating and excessive drinking? You’re torturing yourself until you die?”

Alex shrugged. “Why not? I deserve it. I lost the one thing that means more to me than anything else in this entire world, Bren. Without you there is no reason to live. I have nothing without you.”

“You have your new job as senior partner.”

“That only serves as a reminder of what a screw up I really am. They promoted me out of pity, Bren. They wanted me to take time off, and they knew I wouldn’t do it as a junior partner. They’ve been pressuring me to take a leave of absence, but I refuse. They want me to get out of the office for awhile, but I have no where I want to go. Our home sits empty. I only go there once a week to pack up new clothes. I live here at the office now. It’s the only place in which I find any kind of peace but even then it’s only temporary.”

“Alex, as much as you hurt me, you don’t deserve to drink yourself to death. I’m sorry that you’re hurting now, but I’m hurting too. You don’t see me taking it out on myself.”

“You’re not the one who did anything wrong, Bren. You were nothing but the perfect bride-to-be. I found no greater joy than being with you. There’s nothing in this world that compares to being in your arms, listening to those little mewing sounds of yours when you stretched in the morning or your cries of passion when we made love. Nothing compares to watching you sleep or reading a book, or the late night conversations after one of your fabulous dinners. I’d never find that again with anyone else, and I don’t want to. I want you or nothing, but nothing is a lonely way to live. I would do anything in this world to win you back, Bren, but I know I don’t deserve another chance.” Alex said meeting the blonde’s eyes again.

Bren was quiet for a moment. “You know, Alex, when this first happened, I loved you and hated you with equal intensity. I’ve never been hurt so badly than when I found out what you did, including when my mother threw me out onto the street. For the past five months I’ve tried to work through all this in my mind and heart, and finally the hate has receded. The pain is still there but so is the love. You’ve done more for me in kindness than anyone else in this world, and I can never forget that. Regardless of what happened between us as a couple, you did open your home and heart to me for four years. During that time you shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for anything and everything I ever wanted or needed. For that reason alone, I could never go on hating you. You were my friend then, and I’d still like to think of you as my friend now.”

“Friend, huh? Well, I guess I could try that, but you know that’s not what I want.”

“I know, but I don’t think I have it in me to go back to the way we were before. There’s just too much pain and loss of trust, but I’d like to try to regain some of that. After all this time, I would hate to lose you from my life permanently. I want to see if we can be friends again.”

Alex nodded as she contemplated it for a moment. Bren was offering her a chance for them to possibly see each other more often. Alex knew she would love to see Bren but wondered if she could emotionally handle not being able to have more with the younger woman. “I’m willing to try, Bren, but I can’t guarantee that my emotions won’t get in the way. I still love you, and I still wish we could be together. I don’t know if I can move beyond that or if I want to.”

“I understand. If your feelings get in the way too much, I’ll tell you. I don’t want this to be painful for either of us. If it gets to be more than either of us can bear, we’ll stop. I just thought it was worth a try.”

Alex hesitantly nodded. “So, when do we try it?” she asked curiously.

“What about right now? I know you haven’t eaten lunch. Why don’t we have lunch before I have to go back to work?”

Alex thought a moment before replying, “Okay. Lunch it is.” Alex went over to the coat rack to retrieve their coats. Holding Bren’s out for her, she helped Bren slip it on before leading the way out of the office. Stopping by her receptionist’s desk, Alex stated, “I’m going out for awhile. Tell Kelly that Bren and I went to lunch if she calls looking for me.”

With that Alex stoically made her way down the hall. She knew she was receiving curious glances from peers at Bren’s presence, especially since their breakup had been made public knowledge by Alex’s frequent outbursts at work when Bren first left. Once they were in the elevator, Alex asked where Bren wanted to eat. Bren suggested the Chinese place that Alex loved so much, so they quietly walked the few blocks to the small restaurant. After placing their orders, Alex regarded the woman across from her. Bern looked totally radiant, except for the small hint of sadness that Alex could see her trying desperately to hide.

“So, why don’t you tell me about your job?” Alex suggested, trying to figure out what to say.

“Well, I work for a local non-profit that organizes after school programs for kids to help them stay off the street. It’s fun. I get to spend some time with the kids.”

“They certainly have an asset in you.” Alex mentioned. “That’s good that you’re enjoying it. Where are you living now?”

“Actually I still live in Arlington. Some friends of mine own a house there and are letting me rent out their basement apartment. I like it. It’s kind of nice having my own space after sharing with friends the last four months.”

“Gives you a quiet place to read anyway.” Alex said.

Bren nodded. “What about you? What have you been up to?”

“Absolutely nothing other than work. Popular opinion is that I work too hard and too long, but that’s the only thing there is for me to do in my life. I don’t socialize with anyone in particular except for Kelly. Every once in awhile she forces me out into the real world, but I prefer just to stay and wade around in my legal books all night. You can never be too prepared in my business.” After a pause Alex decided to be brave and ask the question plaguing her mind. “Are you... seeing anyone these days?” The hesitation in Bren’s response gave her the answer that she had hoped against.

“Well, I have started dating again a little. There is someone that I’ve seen several times now, but I’d hardly consider it serious.”

Alex sat straighter in her seat. Pulling her professional impartial mask over her features, she said. “I see. Well, what’s her name? What’s she like?”

Brens shifted uncomfortably for a moment. “Well, her name is Cassidy, and she’s twenty-seven. She’s a pilot for a small private airliner.”

“How did you meet?”

“At a New Year’s party. She’s a friend of a friend.” Bren mumbled.

“Are you interested?”

Bren looked at Alex for a moment before changing the subject. “So, what about you and Kelly? Are you two...”

“No.” firmly Alex replied. “Kelly and I are just friends. You just get to a certain point in a relationship where it has to take a definite direction. That’s the way Kelly’s and my relationship has gone. We’re friends, and that is all we’ll ever be. Although sometimes she seems like a girlfriend with the way she nags at me.”

“She’s just concerned about you is all.”

Alex shrugged in response. The rest of lunch was filled with awkward small talk, but Alex did enjoy looking at Bren during their visit. It had been so long since she had seen the little blonde, and she had missed her face and voice. At the end of the meal, Alex paid for the both of them even though Bren objected. Once the meal was over, Alex walked Bren back to her car. “Well, thank you for the visit today, Bren. I had missed you.”

“Listen. My friends that live above me and I are having a Super Bowl party on Sunday. Would you like to come?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I don’t want to be in the way.”

“You won’t be. It’s my party, and I’m inviting you. You can bring Kelly if you want. Come on. It’ll be fun.”

“Are you sure you want me to come?” Alex asked looking for reassurance that the invitation was genuine.

“Yes, I want you to come, and I want you to bring Kelly with you. Will you?”

“Okay if you want me to.”

“Great. I’ll call you later this week to give you directions. Don’t think about backing out either. I’ll talk to you later. Thanks for lunch.”

Alex watched as Bren unlocked her car door and then held it open for the younger woman. She stood in the flurrying snow as Bren pulled away in her car before heading back up to her office. As soon as she got in, she called Kelly, who came rushing upstairs to see how things went. “Bren wants us to go to a Super Bowl party at her place this Sunday. I can’t go without you, Kelly. Please tell me your free.”

Kelly shook her head. “I’ll go but only because you are desperate.”

“Thank you.”

“Now tell me how things went.”


“Well, was there screaming, crying, laughter, what? Give me more than that.”

“Yes, there was some screaming by me but at myself. There wasn’t any crying or laughter. We simply made small talk at lunch. I did tell her that I was sorry, that I loved her and wanted her back, though.”

“What did she say?”

“Nothing except she didn’t think she could go back to the way it was, but she wanted to try to be friends again. I let her know that I wasn’t sure I could do that, but I would try.”

“Did you talk about Victoria?”

“Yes. She wanted to know how and why it happened, and I told her. I don’t really know what I was expecting to happen. Part of me hoped that she would forgive me and come running back, but the other part of me knew that was too much to hope for. I guess I got lucky in the fact that she wants to be friends with me after what happened.”

“Well, maybe you can be friends for awhile, and then it may lead you back to being a couple again. I guess only time will tell.”

“I don’t know about the couple part. She’s got a new girlfriend. I asked. I just wanted to know where I stood, and she told me, friends or nothing. I said I’d try friends even though I know that’s not going to work in the long run.”

“You can’t give up, Alex. Just take it a step at a time. Obviously she still cares about you or else she wouldn’t have come here today. Use that to your advantage. We’ll get a better idea about where you stand at this party.”

Alex and Kelly and got the Bren’s place around four that afternoon. When Bren answered the door, she smiled at them both allowing them to come inside. Alex held firmly to Kelly’s hand like a lifeline. Bren made introductions to the people already there and then offered them drinks. Alex followed Bren into the kitchen for beverages.

“I’m so glad you and Kelly came today, but with the way you’re hanging on her, it sure does seem like you’re a couple.” Bren mentioned.

“We’re not. I’m just not quite comfortable with this yet. I need at least one ally in the room.”

Bren gave a tentative smile. “I don’t consider you my enemy, Alex. If I did you wouldn’t be here. By the way in hopes that you would come, I bought you your favorite whiskey. Everyone else drinks beer, but I thought it might entice you to stay longer.”

“That’s nice of you. Thanks.”

Bren prepared the two drinks before handing them to Alex to take to the living room. Handing Kelly hers, Alex took a seat next to her and linked hands with her co-worker again. Kelly did most of the talking with people with Alex being an attentive listener, but her thoughts were mainly with Bren. She kept on the opposite side of the room talking with other friends. However once the game began, everyone seemed more interested in that than talking, giving Alex a chance to feel more relaxed. Even though Alex was involved in the game, her eyes kept straying to Bren every few moments. Bren was curled up in an oversized chair next to a woman Alex recognized as a friend of hers from college, but it seemed as if every time Alex looked over at her, Bren was looking back.

More than half way through the game there was a knock on the door. Bren jumped up to get it and within a moment admitted a woman almost as tall as Alex with black hair and dark eyes. It was obvious that the woman was in incredible shape even under her bulky winter wear, and she was smiling brightly at Bren.

“Cass, hey! What are you doing here?” Bren asked excitedly throwing herself into Cass’ open arms for a hug.

“My flight was canceled due to the weather, so I figured I couldn’t leave my favorite girl without a date to her own party.” Cassidy answered leaning down for a kiss.

Alex noticed that the kiss was met with rigidity by Bren but seemed to go unnoticed by everyone else as Cassidy quickly pulled away and greeted everyone. “Um, I guess you know everyone but Alex and Kelly.” Bren said pointing over to where they were sitting on the couch.

Cassidy gave a friendly wave before heading to the coat closet. She then took a seat on the floor at Bren’s feet once Bren had settled in her chair again. Alex couldn’t watch the game after that. Her eyes kept drifting to Bren. Bren was looking back with equal intensity. Alex could see her nervousness whenever Alex looked toward Cassidy.

After awhile Alex went into the kitchen for another drink. She was only in there a moment before she heard someone else enter. Turning she saw her competition. “So, you must be the Alex?” she asked conversationally.

“You mean Bren’s ex? Yeah. That’s me.”

Cassidy grinned. “Well, I have to thank you for letting her go. She really is something else and pretty as hell. That woman fills my fantasies.” Alex just rolled her eyes and sighed as she poured her drink. “Hey, where did you find that whiskey?” Cassidy inquired.

“Oh, Bren bought it for me, knowing it was my favorite. You want some?” Alex lightly taunted.

Before Cassidy could reply, Kelly came waltzing in the kitchen. “Honey, come back to the game. You’re missing good stuff.” she said wrapping her arms around Alex’s waist.

Alex immediately fell into role, knowing what Kelly was doing. “In a minute sweetheart. Do you want something else to drink?”

“No. I’ll be fine as long as you come back and cuddle with me on the couch. Hurry back.” she stated kissing Alex’s cheek.

Cassidy smiled at Kelly’s retreating form. “You have quite a woman there.” she mentioned.

“She is a good woman.” Alex agreed, deciding not to correct Cassidy’s misconception. “Well, I must get back. Have a shot of that whiskey. It’s good stuff.”

Alex returned to the game and continued to snuggle with Kelly. She noticed that Cassidy returned a few moments later with a glass of whiskey instead of beer. The rest of the evening passed with very little talk between Bren and Alex. Instead Alex focused on Cassidy, trying to learn about the woman that threatened her plan of winning Bren back. Cassidy was friendly and open to Alex, oblivious to the true nature of Alex’s intentions. The more Alex conversed with her, the more she realized why Bren liked her and found herself begrudgingly liking the pilot.

When Kelly and Alex left that night, Bren walked them out to their car. Kelly thanked Bren for the invitation before getting into the car, leaving Bren and Alex standing alone for a moment. “Well, thanks for letting us come over. It was fun.” Alex said shifting on her feet nervously.

“I’m glad you came.” After a pause she asked, “Are you sure you and Kelly are just friends?”

“Yeah, I promise. Kelly was just doing that to make me feel better about being here. It felt awkward for me for everyone to know I was the ex.”

“I guess I understand that. I guess it’s going to take some time to get used to this.”

“Yeah but I’d like to keep trying.”

“Me too.” Bren answered confidently.

“Great. Well, we should go. May I call you later this week? We could go out and do something.”

“Sounds good. I look forward to it.”

Over the next few months Alex and Bren formed a tentative friendship. They got together every couple of weeks either alone or in the company of Kelly and Cassidy. As much as Alex wanted Bren back, she found herself really coming to like Cassidy as a person, making it more difficult for her to try to undermine the woman’s feelings toward Bren.

Late that spring the four of them decided to take a trip to Rehobeth Beach in Delaware for a extended weekend. Alex had given Bren full reign in making the arrangements, and when Alex’s fellow senior partners found out she was planning time away from the office, they were thrilled and encouraged her to take even more vacation. However the Thursday afternoon that Kelly and Alex were supposed to leave, Kelly had to stay late in court. Since they had planned to leave straight from there, Alex was present when the judge convened for the day to pick it up on Friday. As everyone filed out of the courtroom, Kelly frowned at Alex.

“I’m sorry, Alex. I really thought this case would be over today. I wish I could go with you.”

“It’s all right. I know how it is. Work comes first.”

“ Are you going to be okay with seeing Bren and Cassidy as a couple without me?”

“Whether I am or not, it looks like I have to do this one on my own. Don’t worry about it. You just concentrate on this case.”

“I’ll give you a call tomorrow to give you an update. Hopefully I can make it up for the weekend.”

“I hope so too. Talk to you then.”

All the way up to the beach Alex tried to prepare herself for seeing Bren and Cassidy. However when she arrived, she was surprised to see Bren there by herself sitting on the front porch of the beach house they had rented for the long weekend. Coming to a stop next to Bren’s car, Alex got out with a questioning brow. “Hey there.” she greeted.

“Hi. Where’s Kelly?” Bren inquired.

“She had to stay behind. She thought her case would be over today, but it wasn’t. She hopes she can be here by tomorrow. Where’s Cass?”

“She had to work too at the last minute. I don’t think she’s going to come at all now.”

“Oh, too bad. She’s going to miss a great weekend. The weather is supposed to be perfect.”

“I know. I look forward to a little beach time. I was just waiting on you to get here. I hadn’t run to the store or anything. I wasn’t sure what to get.”

“Well, let me just unload my bags, and I’ll accompany you. I don’t think we’ll need much for three people.” Alex grabbed her bag out of the trunk before asking, “Did you pick the room you wanted yet?”

“No. I figured we would talk about it when you got here. With you and Kelly being the wealthy ones, I figured you’d take the master bedroom, and I’d take the other one.”

“If that’s what you want, but I don’t care either way. If you want the master, you can have it.”

“I don’t think so. There’s a king bed in there, and if Cassidy does come, I’m not sure I want to have to share it with her.”

“Oh. Okay. I just assumed that wouldn’t be a problem. I’ll take it then to make you more comfortable.” Alex stated making her way up to the bedroom, sporting a huge grin when she had turned from Bren’s gaze. She was elated to no end to know that Bren and Cassidy’s relationship hadn’t progressed that far. Going up to the master, she dropped her bags on the bed before going out to the deck. “Wow. Have you seen this view?” she called out to Bren.

“It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? Well, maybe we should get to the store before it closes. We only have about half an hour or so.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

Alex drove them down to the local grocery store to pick up their weekend supplies before heading back to the house. After unloading everything, Alex opened the bottle of bourbon she had brought with her and offered Bren some. Bren declined but watched as Alex nursed a couple of drinks while they sat on the deck overlooking the water. Being that they both had arrived fairly late that night, they only stayed up for a few hours, heading to their separate rooms a little after one in the morning with promises to head to the beach together after breakfast.

Alex left her deck doors open that night to listen to the waves as she settled to sleep. Even as relaxing as the lulling sounds were, Alex was wide awake, knowing that Bren was just next door. She could imagine Bren in one of the double beds in light sleeping attire. Alex let her mind wander, envisioning Bren in the little white tank top and red and white stripe shorts she had bought her for Valentine’s Day her senior year of college. She remembered the first time she saw them on the little blonde that following summer. The shorts were cut high enough to accentuate the curvature of her posterior, and the tank top exposed some of her abdomen and had a large red heart that sat perfectly centered between her breasts, further emphasizing her cleavage. Alex grinned to herself as she recalled the frisky night Bren had worn the outfit to bed. Vivid images took hold in Alex’s mind of the many times she made love to Bren until she eventually drifted to sleep.

Alex awoke the following morning to the smell of food. Rising from bed, she padded into her bathroom to brush her teeth and freshen up before going downstairs. As she turned the corner, she saw Bren standing over the stove in a pair of navy and green boxer shorts and navy tank top. Alex stared at her a moment, knowing Bren was unaware of her presence, as she thought of the times she had awakened to Bren making her breakfast. Finally Alex whispered, “Good morning. Something smells good.”

Bren jumped slightly at the voice but turned and gave a demure smile. “I thought the smell of your favorite chocolate pancakes might get you up.”

Alex moved in closer to her, wanting desperately to wrap her arms around Bren’s waist and nuzzle into the younger woman’s hair but settled for leaning into Bren’s back until they were barely touching. “You make the best pancakes. I can’t wait.”

Bren looked up over her shoulder giving Alex another smile and longer gaze. “Why don’t you set the table for us and get the juice?” she suggested.

Alex gave a mock salute and smile. “Private Schreiber reporting for kitchen duty, ma’am. I am at your service.”

Bren gave a sultry smile as she turned toward Alex. “Well, you better getting going, Private, unless you are partial to punishment for disobeying orders.”

“Maybe I am.” Alex teased. As she turned to go to the refrigerator, she felt the smack of the plastic spatula lightly against her backside. “Oh.” Alex moaned rubbing the spot as if had hurt her, but then she broke out into a grin. “Thank you, Rear Admiral Worthington.” she joked.

Bren laughed. “You are so bad sometimes.”

Breakfast was full of easy banter. Once it was over they both cleaned the kitchen and then headed to their rooms to get ready for the beach. Alex was finished first and waited on the back porch for Bren. When Bren stepped out of the house, Alex felt her breath catch. It had seemed like forever since she had seen Bren in a bikini. The blonde was wearing blue gingham two-piece that left little to the imagination. Alex was glad that she was wearing her sun glasses, so she could peruse Bren’s body undetected. Even as beautiful as Alex thought her ex had been when they were together, she thought her even more beautiful now. It was obvious that Bren had started working out regularly, the soft contours of her body having given way to lean, toned muscle. Alex’s eyes scanned down Bren’s form, taking in the still large but firmer breasts and barely noticeable six pack of her stomach.

“You ready?” Bren inquired breaking Alex’s eyes from her inspection.

“Yeah.” she mumbled standing and following Bren toward the sand. Alex let her eyes look down at Bren’s posterior, mesmerized by the way the muscles flexed as Bren walked. Inwardly Alex groaned as the sexy vision before her. Her Bren had come to look more like a woman and less like a girl over the months they had been apart, and Alex could feel her resolve slipping. She thought she had begun to get a handle on their friendship, at least outwardly, but seeing Bren this way, made Alex’s knees weak in wanton desire. Knowing she couldn’t say anything, Alex simply placed her towel down next to Bren’s and laid down.

Being on a semi-private area of the beach just north of the strip allowed them some more quiet and privacy that they both enjoyed. As they settled down, Alex removed her own t-shirt, revealing her two-piece suit, more conservatively cut to suit her style. The top was like a sports bra with the bottoms more like athletic shorts than a more traditional bikini. Bren looked over at her as she folded her shirt.

“Looks like you are starting to gain that much needed weight back.” she mentioned beginning to lather lotion over her arms.

“Yeah, I guess. It helps to have a good cook like you feeding me every once in awhile. Those chocolate chip pancakes definitely put on a few pounds. I could eat those every morning.”

They both began the process of putting on suntan lotion, but then Bren asked for help reaching her back. As Alex moved in behind her to assist her, Bren handed her the bottle. Alex rubbed the lotion in her hands for a moment to warm it as she gazed over Bren’s back. In their new relationship, Alex and Bren’s physical contact had been minimal, Alex never getting a chance to touch her for more than a fleeting moment. However she now delighted in the opportunity to feel Bren’s smooth, soft skin under her hands. Alex took her time in thoroughly rubbing the lotion into Bren’s back. Even after it had disappeared into the young woman’s skin, Alex kept up the light caressing, taking in the wondrous feeling of Bren’s body.

Alex was only brought out of her trance when Bren asked, “Do you want me to get your back now?”

“Yeah. Sure.” she whispered, not trusting her voice to remain neutral. Alex took a seat on her towel. She closed her eyes as she concentrated on Bren’s hands making long strokes along her back. Her heart was hammering in excitement as her ex rubbed the lotion into her skin. However it also twinged in sadness that she couldn’t feel those same hands touching her intimately again. When she couldn’t take it any more, she gently nudged Bren away mumbling, “Thanks.” Bren nodded, but Alex thought she saw the tiniest hint of disappointment in the blonde’s features.

The morning passed in silence for the most part, each of them absorbed in their books and thoughts. When it was lunch time, they decided to walk down to the boardwalk for food. Alex noticed the looks women were giving Bren, who seemed oblivious, as they strolled down to the end of the strip examining their options before deciding on Mexican food.

The afternoon passed slowly as the two of them absorbed the sun in quietness. Every once in awhile Alex would sneak a peek at Bren, who was so completely engrossed in her book that she never noticed the prolonged stares. When Alex had finally had enough, she inquired, “What are we going to do tonight for dinner? I’m starting to get hungry.”

Bren shrugged. “We didn’t really buy dinner food. We could go out or go back to the store. Have anything special in mind?”

“Let’s go out. Did you bring any nice clothes or just casual stuff?”

“I brought one nice outfit. Why?”

“There’s a restaurant I want to take you to if I can get a reservation for us. I should go in and call them. Sound good to you?”

“Yeah. I’ll be right in. I just want to finish this chapter.”

Alex went off to make her phone call, leaving Bren on the beach. The restaurant she wanted to take Bren to didn’t have any open reservations for that night, so she booked one for Saturday night instead before heading up to the shower. She had just finished when she heard the knock on her bedroom door. She threw on a tight tank top since her towel was already secured around her waist and opened the door. She saw Bren’s eyes sweep her body in surprise, settling on her loose breasts longer than necessary before meeting her gaze.

“Um, so, what’s the word?” she recovered.

“Oh. They’re booked tonight, so I got us a reservation for tomorrow if that’s okay with you.”

“Sure. I was just wondering, so I knew what to wear. I’m going to go ahead and shower now. I’ll be ready in about half an hour. Oh, and by the way, I talked to Cassidy while you were in the shower. She’s not coming up at all.”

“Oh. Okay.” Alex answered watching Bren walk away, admiring her as she heading toward her own room. As soon as Alex closed her own door, she rushed over to her cell phone to call Kelly.

“Hey, Alex. What’s up?”

“Are you on your way up here yet?”

“No. I actually was about to call you.”

“Listen. Bren and I are here alone. Cassidy canceled on us. She won’t be coming up here at all. I know this was meant to be a long weekend for you too, but I was wondering...”

“You want to be alone with her.” Kelly stated.

“Sort of. Yeah. I don’t want to uninvite you, Kelly. It’s just that things are going so well right now.”

“Yeah? Meaning like you think you might have a chance to reconcile? That kind of going well?”

“It’s too soon to say but maybe I have shot. I now know that she and Cassidy haven’t had sex together. That has to be a good sign. She’s not ready to make that commitment yet.”

“So, you think you still have a chance then?”

“I have to find out, Kelly. We’ve had a great day together. She was so playful this morning, and I saw her looking at me a couple of times in a more than friendly manner.”

“Oh, Alex. You know I love you when I let you talk me out of much needed beach time. Well, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll stay home, but you have to make it up to me.”

“Anything you want. Just name it, Kelly.” Alex said hopefully.

“Win that woman back, Alex. That’s enough for me as well as let me go use your pool.”

“Yeah. Have at the pool if you want. I have a spare key for the house in my desk. Feel free to hang out. Thanks, Kelly. This means a lot to me.”

“Alex, be careful. If you think you have a chance, don’t ruin it by being too aggressive. You two have a lot to work on, but it doesn’t hurt to let her know where you stand.”

Over dinner that night, Alex informed Bren that Kelly wouldn’t be able to make it up to the beach that weekend either. Bren took it in stride, just giving a smile and saying it was too bad she couldn’t come. After their meal Bren wanted to go to a club, so Alex relented even though she felt too old for such events. She remembered the time on Bren’s birthday that she got a chance to be with her at a club and figured it might not be all bad.

The club was packed with locals and tourists. Even though the crowd was mostly gay men, there were a fair amount of women of different styles hanging around. Alex was extremely aware of the women eying Bren as they waded over to the bar for drinks. It was only a few minutes before the first woman approached the blonde, asking her to dance. Bren looked to Alex for a second before agreeing to dance with the stranger, leaving Alex alone by the bar. Alex watched Bren move in time with the woman, their bodies at a respectable distance for Alex’s comfort. Several songs passed with Alex being the observer before a touch to her arm brought her out of her musings. Turning she saw a perky petite red-head smiling up at her. Alex gave her own smile.

“Hi there.” the woman offered shyly.


“Would you like to dance?”

Alex sensed that the young woman was nervous about asking her, but seeing as she didn’t have a reason to refuse, she gave a sexy grin. “Sure.” she replied extending her hand. Taking the smaller woman to the floor, Alex began to dance with her. “So, what’s your name?” she asked politely.

“Noel. What’s yours?”

“Alex. Nice to meet you, Noel. You a local?”

“Only during the summer. During the year I go attend NYU.”

“New York, huh? I love New York.”

They danced silently for a little bit, but Alex kept her eyes on Bren for the most part. Finally Noel inquired, “She is your girlfriend?”

“No, my ex actually. She’s from New York too.”

“I take it by the way you’re ogling her that it wasn’t a mutual break up.”

“No. She left me, because I was an asshole. Good for her. Bad for me.” Alex stated with a partially joking grin.

“You jest, but you still want her anyway.”

Alex gave a hesitant nod. “No offense to you of course.” she said.

“None taken. If you feel that strongly, you should let her know.”

“I’m working on it, but she’s not shown me that she’s receptive to another shot with me. She deserves the best.”

“She’s lucky to have such an admirer.”

“Enough about her for now. Let’s dance.”

Bren and Alex spent several hours at the bar that night. Alex danced with a few different women, but to her it seemed as if Bren was the most popular woman there with the constant flow of women trying to dance with or talk to her. Alex tried her best not to feel jealous of all the attention being paid to Bren, but she couldn’t help wondering if any of these women could offer the blonde something better than she, making her slightly uneasy. Leaning into the bar sipping a drink and overlooking the situation, Alex felt a hand on her back again. When she turned she saw Noel standing behind her again.

“Hello again. May I buy you a drink?”

“Sure. Whatever is fine. Thanks.”

Alex nodded before signaling the bartender. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of a second visit this evening?”

“You just looked like you could use some company. I can tell this is really bothering you.”

“It’s something I have to learn to live with.”

After a moment Noel asked, “Can I tell you something?”

Alex shrugged. “Sure. What?”

Noel flushed slightly as she admitted, “I’m totally attracted to you. You’re so sexy, so I don’t know why I want to play matchmaker between you and your ex, but I have to tell you, Alex, that I think you should go after that woman with all you have. It’s so obvious you love her. Love like that is hard to find. You can’t let it go without a fight.”

“Thanks, Noel, for the compliments and encouragement. I want her back so badly.”

“Then why don’t you start by dancing with her? You haven’t asked her to dance once.”

“You’re right. Maybe I should.” With confidence Alex made her way through the sea of grinding bodies over to where Bren was dancing with someone. Smiling politely she asked to cut in. She was met with reluctance from Bren’s dance partner, but Bren nodded enthusiastically, moving in closer to Alex.

As Bren danced in front of her, Alex zoned out everything and everyone around them. The blonde had always been able to acquire Alex’s full attention when she danced. The way she moved sensually to the beat made Alex’s excitement grow as she dared to step in closer, so they were slightly brushing into each other’s bodies. Bren responded accordingly and soon they had their arms around each other. Bren didn’t look up into Alex’s eyes now that they were so close, but the feeling of Bren’s breasts and hips grinding with her own was slowly driving Alex over the edge. Several songs passed before the music slowed into a lover’s dance. Even though Alex wanted to keep moving with Bren, she thought it best to try to pull back. However Bren didn’t let go of her, forcing them to gently sway with the music. Bren placed her head against Alex’s shoulder as they moved together in time with the seductive beat. Alex knew Bren could feel her heart thumping erratically in her chest at being so close, and she felt Bren’s uneven breathing as Bren snuggled in further.

All to soon the beat picked up again, and Alex reluctantly pulled away. Their eyes finally met, but neither of them said anything at first. Finally Alex found her voice, inquiring, “Would you like another drink?” Bren nodded but didn’t give a verbal reply. Placing a hand on Bren’s lower back, Alex escorted Bren back to the bar. They both ordered another drink and consumed it quietly as they watched others dance.

Alex was not sure what to say to Bren, so she kept to herself. Bren didn’t say anything either for several minutes. Once Bren had finished her drink, she turned to Alex. “Are you ready to go? I’m getting kind of tired.”

“Yeah. Sure. We can go.” Alex replied.

Alex and Bren made their way back to their beach house in silence. When they arrived, Bren immediately excused herself to bed, leaving Alex to wonder about what had transpired between them at the club. As Alex sat on the balcony overlooking the dark water, she analyzed every aspect of the night, hoping to find some clue into Bren’s motivations and actions. Everything seemed to lead Alex to the belief that Bren still felt something for her. As much as Alex wished for that, she still wasn’t completely sure.

The next day when Alex awoke Bren was already on the beach reading. Sensing that the young woman wanted time to herself, Alex made her own breakfast and then took a walk along the beach. Even though Alex knew the time away from the office was supposed to be relaxing, Alex felt tense about being alone with Bren after the events of the previous night. Alex hoped with all she had that she had come to the correct assumption about Bren’s feelings, but she wasn’t sure how to broach the subject, given their past. Deciding to play it by ear, Alex joined Bren on the beach after lunch.

The blonde didn’t say much just stayed buried in her reading, but after awhile, Alex questioned, “That book must be something else to ignore your company, huh?”

Bren looked up. Alex saw the uneasiness in her eyes. “It is pretty good. Why don’t you just try to relax? Is it too hard for you to just sit still without anything to do?”

“Well, you know me, always on the go. I feel like I’m being useless, especially since I have nothing pressing to do. I just thought we could have some fun. Is there anything you want to do today?”

“I had thought about shopping but discarded the idea, knowing how much you hated that pastime.”

Alex laughed. “True but it could prove to be a good thing today. Why don’t we go?”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah. Why not? We’ll hit some shops, and maybe I can find something to wear to our dinner tonight.”

“Oh yeah. I had forgotten about that. It’s supposed to be more formal, right?” Alex nodded. “Well, maybe I could do with a little shopping. A new outfit would be nice.”

“Great. Let’s get going. Our reservations are at 8:00, so we have about five hours before having to get serious about getting ready.”

Even though Alex loathed shopping normally, she made it a point to look like she was enjoying herself, especially since Bren was having a good time. Alex savored watching Bren leisurely try on at least one outfit at every store however, because Bren always asked her opinion. By the time they needed to go back to get ready for dinner, Bren had purchased two new outfits, one of which she had decided to wear to dinner.

Alex waited for Bren to finish getting ready that evening on the back deck. Watching nighttime rise over the water, Alex pondered if she should try to make a move on Bren that evening. She felt fairly sure that the younger woman might be receptive, but at the same time, she was concerned about ruining the friendship they had developed over the past four months. Her thoughts were interrupted by Bren’s voice.

When Alex turned toward her, her mouth dropped slightly. Bren was dressed in a sleeveless, cotton, black dress, black sandals, and holding a black cardigan sweater. “Wow. You look incredible, Bren.”

Bren blushed lightly. “Thank you. You look nice too.” she mentioned as Alex stood.

Alex tugged at the cuffs of her dark grey suit jacket. “Thanks. Are you ready to go?” Bren nodded. Trying to feel out the situation, Alex extended her arm, asking, “Shall we go to dinner?”

Bren smiled taking the offered arm. “Lead on, Counselor Schreiber.”

The atmosphere at the restaurant was intimate when they arrived. Alex had intentionally not told Bren where they were going in hopes that she could get away with bringing Bren to such a romantic place. Bren said nothing about their surroundings but just smiled at Alex as they were seated at their table. Once they had been left to look over the menu, Bren inquired, “Have you ever been here before?”

“No. I read about it though. It’s a highly rated place for the beach that is. See anything that interests you on the menu?”

“Well, I think I might splurge and get the lobster.”

“I was thinking about that too. Do you want any wine with dinner?”

“Sure. Sounds good. You choose it.” Once they had placed their order ans been served their salads and wine, Bren mentioned, “I guess it’s a good thing Cassidy isn’t here. She’d hate this place.”

“Why’s that?”

“Let’s just say she’s more of a sports bar kind of woman. She’s not one for really civilized meals. I swear that woman lives on beer and buffalo wings.”

“That must be difficult for you at times. You aren’t the sports bar type.”

“I’ve tried to be for her, but it’s just not working. She’s too immature for me I guess. It’s like dating a frat boy, the parties, the drinking, the late hours. I think she enjoys being single too much. She says she cares about me, and I believe that she does, but she’s not ready for a commitment.”

“And you are?” Alex asked, suddenly wondering where this conversation was heading.


“Have you told her how you felt?” inquired Alex as she tried to remain calm even though her heart was sinking.

“Well, that’s just it. I’ve come to realize that even though I do want a serious relationship, I don’t want it with her. She’s a great woman, and I do enjoy her company but as long as it is on my terms. That’s not the makings of a relationship. I guess I’m kind of glad that she didn’t come on this trip. She probably would’ve thought it a perfect opportunity to try to score, as her cronies so eloquently put it to me.”

“I take it you don’t think so highly of her friends by calling them cronies.”

Bren shrugged. “They’re all the same, rowdy pilots. The things they tell me behind her back have been less than flattering. I have been privy to comments she’s made about me.”

“What kind of comments?”

“Sexually suggestive comments. I think she just says them to sound cool with her friends, because she doesn’t say them to me. Nevertheless it’s made me feel more like a prize than a person.”

Alex nodded. “I know what you mean by immaturity. I’ve seen that too and heard some comments, but I just thought you were all right with it.”

Bren nodded. “She is a nice person, but I just don’t think it’s meant to go anywhere. I was thinking about giving it a little more time, but at the same time, I already know the outcome, so why prolong the inevitable?”

Alex gave a shrug. “That’s a decision only you can make, Bren. How’s the salad?” she asked trying to change the subject.

Dinner lasted more than two hours due to the full course meal. Being that is was after 10:00 when the left, they opted to just go back to the house. Sitting on the deck, they shared another two bottles of wine as they chatted about nothing important. Several hours passed before Bren stated that she was getting tired. Both of them stood to begin collecting their litter, and before either of them could stop the other, they simultaneously reached down to pick up the empty bottles, whacking their foreheads in a loud smack.

Alex groaned at the pain as rubbed the spot. Bren giggled quietly as she asked, “Are you all right? I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah. I’ll be fine. What about you? Let me look.” Alex reached under Bren’s chin to lift her head. There was a light bruise beginning on her fair skin. “Oh, poor baby. I really got you good.” Alex said brushing her thumb across the spot. Instinctively she leaned in and grazed her lips over the bump. She heard Bren exhale quickly. “Anything else I need to kiss and make better?” Alex whispered seductively before she could catch herself. Bren only nodded. “Show me where it hurts, and I’ll make it all better. Does it hurt here?” Alex questioned tracing along Bren’s cheek. Bren gave a nod, urging Alex to kiss her there lightly. “What about here?” She pressed her finger against the tip of Bren’s round nose. With another affirmative nod, Alex kissed down the bridge. “And here?” she queried touching the blonde’s chin. Bren whimpered as Alex placed a kiss there. Pressing two fingers against Bren’s quivering lips, Alex murmured, “Does it hurt here, baby?”

“Yes.” Bren whispered.

Alex captured Bren’s lips even before Bren could complete her answer. Twin moans erupted as they gently probed each others’ mouths and gripped tighter to one another. Softly they exchanged intimate kisses for several moments before Bren finally pulled away. Alex looked down at her, dazed and breathless.

Bren just stared at her for a moment before saying, “I’m going to go to bed now. I’ll see you in the morning. Okay?” Without even waiting for an answer, she turned and walked into the house, leaving a confused Alex in her wake.

Alex sunk back into her chair as she realized what she had done. She had pushed Bren too far too fast, and she now felt terrible for making the blonde uncomfortable. Cursing at herself under her breath, Alex gathered all their belongs, taking them into the kitchen before heading up to bed herself.

The following morning Alex got up later than normal due to the wine from the previous night. She showered and dressed before making her way downstairs but found the house quiet. Calling for Bren she walked outside and looked up and down the beach, but the young woman was nowhere to be seen. Thinking that maybe she was still in bed, Alex went back upstairs and knocked on Bren’s closed door. When there was no answer, Alex opened it. Bren’s bed had been made, and there was no luggage. On top of the pillow there was a folded piece of paper. Alex went over to pick it up, but she knew even before she read it what it said. Bren was once again gone.

Continued Part 6:

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive