Eyes closed, in raw nudity
I watched you wrestling
the wanting of your south
famished by the visceral clarity
of your thoughts,
that north of you
striking mental images of us
in a voiceless composition
heading for the ceiling.
Panther-like I approached open flesh:
first was your shoulder
my nostril drank the heat
and traced it to your left ear
around your hair,
following a single curved line
to reconnect me with the sounds
of your right tympanum.
I was a figure bounded by motion,
Traveling in a slow recognition
the length of broad daylight
within your body outer limits
while in search for semi liquidity.
A sway-back panther ready to leap
toward musky sanctuary
only to inhale it inches away
so I could see the rising of your pelvis meeting
in opposite gravitation
the jerking of your neck
at my proximity.
Alina Galliano.@
From the book...The days of sunflowers