Anita Louise

Part Nineteen

(c) copyright 1/02

Anita's web site


Chapter Forty One

The smell of freshly perked coffee slowly made its way into the bedroom.  It didn’t take long for Sky and Bobie to make their way to the kitchen.  Both smiled when they saw the jovial face of Belle Gardner standing by the coffee maker.

"Hello you two.  I thought perhaps the coffee might bring you out."

"Smells heavenly, I’m never any good first thing in the morning until I have my first cup of coffee,"  Bobie remarked.

Sky nudged Bobie in the side and chided,  "Not necessarily so, Parker."

Belle poured each of them a cup, then walked toward the table and sat.  "Got in kinda late last night, seemed both of you were asleep.  I decided not to wake you."  Belle glanced toward one woman than the other.  Sky and Bobie were concentrating on their cups of coffee but it was pretty obvious, their minds were not on her at that moment.

It was Bobie that turned to gaze toward Belle asking,  "Did you find out anything?  I tried to call you last night at the tavern but was told you had not returned."

Belle leaned back in her chair, folded her arms across her chest, gazed at each woman and finally replied,  "It was a long drive an even longer day.  People are not as cooperative as they used to be, but that’s all right I did get some information.  This might be what you are looking for or it might not be."

Sky sit, coffee cup in hand, raised an eyebrow and asked,  "Where is the information?  What did you find out or didn’t?"

"Thought perhaps you two might want to eat something before we sit and go over this."

The two women exchanged glances and shrugged their shoulders replying,  "No. We are ready to hear whatever it is."

Belle stood, walked to the coffee maker and drew another cup before coming back to the table.  When she finally sat, she continued,  "You are right a lot of the land around here has been bought.  And when checking out the mineral claims, uranium is one of the top minerals that can be found."

"And the Kiva?"  Sky leaned forward a questioning look upon her face.

"Hmm.  The Kiva.  No.  No uranium.  There is nothing listed for that area.  But you know no one can legally buy that anyway.  The Trenton place–wait let met get a map and I’ll show you."

The two women cleared off the table while Belle went into the front room to bring back the map.  When she returned, she was surprised to see there was nothing left on the table but their cups of coffee.  Smiling she walked toward them, handing Sky the rolled map.  Within seconds Skylar had this open on the table.

Belle pointed and said,  "Those areas that I have marked with a red pen are the areas that have been purchased.  These are also the areas that are high in uranium.  If you veer off to the left, the base sets there."

Sky leaned over the map, both hands palm down on the table as she gazed intently at the area.  "Interesting."

Bobie reached out and tapped a spot.  "Look at Wolf Spider.  Gazing directly down from this formation what do you see?"

"Well there is the Trenton property, and gazing around, Rattlesnake Basin comes into play,  Hole in the Rock, a lot of the territory within the area.  Looks to me like someone is wanting to develop a good patch of this for their own motive.  This is very good Belle, excellent."

Belle glowed with happiness at hearing Sky’s words.  "Thank you. I did my best."

"You did good,"  Bobie replied.

Sky stood, at this time she walked away from the table.  "Tell me, did you get the name of the person or person’s that have purchased most of this land?"

"Well you know the Trenton property belongs to Mary Trenton.  Some of the parcel behind their home is in Jim Trenton’s name."

"And the other areas?  Is Trenton on those deeds too?"


"What?!"  Bobie and Sky asked in amazement.

"No, not Trenton."

"Who then?"  Both women asked.

Belle scrunched her face before saying,  "I’m not sure."

"Belle, yesterday was not an easy day on any of us.  Things have not been going smoothly.  Did I hear you right?  You don’t know who bought the property?"

"I didn’t say that.  I don’t know who it is.  A great deal of  this is listed under some company name.  Something like, Aerodynamics . . .  Venture . . . or Venture dynamics. I don’t really recall.  I did try to look into this but all I could get was the name of some lawyer named, Bockenheimer and this person lives in Dallas, Texas.  I did try to call the number but kept getting, 'out of order' recording.  I have no idea but I did get as much information as I could."

"That’s fine.  What you did get is wonderful and another step toward getting this mystery solved."

Belle bit at her lower lip, eyes taking in one woman than the other before she asked,  "Has there been any word on Jeanne?"

"Sorry Belle.  I wish we had better news.  But so far there has been no word from her nor has anyone seen Jeanne."

Belle stood and began to pace.  "If neither of you have seen nor heard from her, it is obvious to me something has happened.  Don’t you think it is time to call in the troops?"

Sky thought over the woman’s question before replying,  "I think it is time I made some contacts and find out where Jeanne is.  Don’t look so worried, Belle.  She is probably fine.  Known her for a long time and have never seen her unable to get out of trouble.  She is not someone that likes to have people worrying about her."

Belle shrugged.  "Maybe she is not, but I worry and try as hard as you can, Skylar Richmond I can tell you and Bobie are both concerned.  I think it time we got others on the case of looking for her and this . . . man."

The woman said the word with such distaste that Bobie and Sky both scrunched up their eye lids.  They could almost taste the bitterness in the woman’s words.

"Oh and you two, now that I have told you everything that has happened to me and what I found out.  I think it would be nice if you filled me in on what you found out yesterday.  Last I heard you were going to go out and check on a few places.  Coming back in and we were supposed to meet around five.  I don’t know if you made it but I must apologize for not being here.  Tell me, did you find uranium?   Did you run into Trenton?   Did you solve the case?"

Both women shook their heads.  Sky remarked,  "No.  Didn’t run into Trenton but I basically walked right into Mary Trenton’s hands."

"No."  Belle was all aghast. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

Bobie nodded.  "Yup.  That’s about right."

Sky sat staring at both women, her eyes gazing at one then the other.  Finally she picked up her coffee cup and said,  "Going to go get a refill.  Bobie you want to start telling Belle what happened?"

Bobie looked at her, shook her head and replied,  "Nope.  I’m going to go get a cup of coffee too.  Be right back.  And have we got a tale to tell you."

Much later, Belle Gardner stared into space.  She was either mortified or having some sort of illusion.  It was Bobie that finally tapped the woman on the shoulder.  "Belle.  Want to come back to earth?  I wouldn’t have told you any of that if I had known you were going to space out on us."

Heaving a deep sigh, Belle glanced downward, eyes fixed on her coffee cup.  After several seconds she looked up at the woman.  "I’m fine, it’s just . . . I mean . . . the two of you in one day have had more adventure than I have had in my lifetime.  And of all things, Skylar Richmond you allowed yourself to get drugged by that mad woman?"

Sky looked away rather sheepishly.  "I wasn’t thinking."

Bobie intervened,  "Actually it was probably my fault I mean I had kept on her case.  You know how things are Belle, sometimes a person just doesn’t think when they should."

"But everything I’ve read about Skylar Richmond I mean, uh . . . I’ve never  . . . you just seem to always be on top of things.  Never heard of anyone ever getting the best of you or at least you have always come out on top."

"Well . . . "  Sky smiled.  "Here I am, sitting here in front of you.  Mary Trenton didn’t win."

Bobie gazed toward Sky as Belle replied,  "Right.  Thank goodness for Bobie Parker."

Bobie added,  "Thank goodness for a man named, Redfeather."

"Yes, tell us Belle, do you know anything about this man?"  Sky asked as she gazed toward Bobie.

"I have seen him around.  Seems to be a loner.  Doesn’t mingle too much."

"Has he been into the tavern?  If so do you know who he might have been with?"  Sky looked concerned.

"Yes, he has been in a few times.  Usually keeps to himself.  Sits, drinks and watches the other customers."

Bobie took a last sip of cold coffee then remarked,  "He is one that walks on air it seems."

"Bobie means he followed us and we never even had a clue.  Shows people should not go out and get into dangerous situations if they are not fully recharged."

"Agreed,"  Bobie added, her mind going to the previous nights activities.

"I have heard the man is a good tracker.  Tourists hire him to take them on hunting parties.  Why?  What do you know about him?"

"At this time it is not important.  But a trip back to the Kiva might prove interesting. "

Belle stood and began to pace the floor.  "You want to go back to that place?  Too many things have happened.  From what you say about The Windego, it might also turn up there."

"No.  I don’t think it would.  The place looks different in the daylight,"  Sky remarked as she walked toward the sink.  "Bobie you still have the knife with you, the one that cut The Windego? "

Nodding, Bobie asked,   "Yes, in the bedroom.  Why?"

"Thought I would check and see how much blood is on it, take some scrapings and send them to be analyzed."

Bobie approached the woman raised her left eyebrow and asked,   "Is there a special reason?"

"Just have a hunch."

"Well so far your hunches have been right on target.  But forgive me if at this moment I don’t want to open the door to things we do not know."

Belle gazed at the map on the table, before she added,  "This case seems to be filled with all sorts of supernatural aspects.  Do you think this monster has a connection to why Jeanne is missing?"

"No.  Jeanne like Bobie would not allow herself to be taken by this thing.  I think that Jeanne is doing what she does best and that is to investigate.  Even if it is not her case, she is in the thick of it and like a bloodhound she gets on a trail and does not stop until the animal is cornered."

Pouting, Belle remarked,  "Would have been nice if she had at least told me.  I’m pretty good at chasing down certain animals."

"I will however get some of the people I know on this today.   Try not to worry. And in so far as her not asking or talking to you, maybe there just wasn’t the time."

"You sure know a lot about this woman Skylar Richmond."   Belle remarked as she walked toward the living room.

The look that traveled Bobie Parker’s face said many things but the woman did not say a word, just followed Belle.

Sky took a deep breath, mumbled several words before she too followed.

Jeanne was not brought up anymore.  Sky made several calls on her cell to different people and while she was doing this, Bobie tried her best to comfort Belle.  It was obvious Jeanne Randolph had made a mark on this woman’s heart.  "It will be all right.   Sky knows what she is doing and believe me she does have a small army of people out there that she counts on.  If anyone can find Jeanne or at least let us know what she is up to, Sky will."

Belle dabbed at several tears as she listened intently.  "You are a wonderful woman, Bobie Parker.  It is kind of you to try to assure me.  But I have seen the deaths, the things that are happening here and seems to me no one is untouchable.  Doesn’t it bother you to know that these two women have some sort of bond?"

"Maybe once but not now.   I believe Skylar when she tells me that Jeanne and she are old friends.  I am sure Sky has made many friends.  Life is too short to begin to get jealous or angry.  Make each day, special."

"That is good advice.  Hope you will practice what you say."

Glancing toward the bedroom, Bobie nodded.  "I will.  Since Skylar came into my life it has changed a lot.  And I will never take a day for granted again."

Belle reached out and touched Bobie’s right hand.  "I am happy you are all right.  The monster had to have been frightening."

"It was.  I am having nightmares.  This is not something that goes away the next day.  Before you ask, yes, it terrifies me to know that any night I could run into this thing again."

Belle patted Bobie’s hand.  "Do you think that Sky will get any results from the blood scrapings?"

"Yes.  The lab is thorough and if anyone can they will."

"Do you have any ideas?"

Sighing, Bobie leaned back on the divan feeling a wave of exhaustion.  "I don’t know.  Just have to wait and see.  Slept but still tired."

Sky walked from the room, cell in one hand and a small wrapped package in the other.  "Belle, think you could mail this off for me today?"

Belle nodded and took the package.  "This the blood scrapings?"

"Yes.  I put a rush on this.  What have the two of you been up to?"

Both women replied,  "Nothing."

Sky smiled, reached down to grasp Bobie’s right hand.  "You both have the look of the cat and the canary.  If nothing is wrong what say we go Parker?"

"Where?"  Bobie asked.

"To the Kiva, where else."

"Richmond, don’t you ever just sit and relax and . . ."

"There will be time for that later."

Bobie stood looked down at Belle and said,  "You take care of yourself today."

"I will and you too.  Sky could I have a word with you in the kitchen before you go?"

"Sure.  Is that all right with you Bobie?"

"Go ahead, I will go out and check the pickup while you two are talking."  Bobie walked toward the door.

Sky turned to gaze at Belle Gardner.  "What is on your mind Belle?"

"Just wanted to talk to you about Bobie."

Looking alarmed, Sky asked,  "What is wrong?"

"She looks fine, little sleepy maybe but fine.  She is not.  The run in with The Windego, has left her unhinged.   She doesn’t show it, but take my word for it, at this moment Bobie Parker is falling apart."

Sky listened to the woman’s words each one turning over in her mind.  "I appreciate your concern Belle but I have grown to know Bobie well and to me she is not showing any signs of this."

"Bobie is a strong woman, she loves and respects you.  There is no way she would ever tell you no.  I just want you to be aware."

"Did she tell you she wants to stay?"

"No.  But she is having nightmares and is terrified she may run into this thing again.  Woman is lucky to have walked away with her life."

"I agree and take my word for this Belle, she will never face this thing alone again.  Not ever if I have my way about it.  The trip to the Kiva will be just that, a trip.  I will not let harm come to Bobie.  Don’t worry, we will be back before dark.  Thanks again for mailing the package."

"No problem.  Glad to help.  I hope it turns up something that can be helpful."

Neither woman said much on the trip to the Kiva.   It was Bobie that finally spoke when they were in sight of the area.  "What do you think you will find today?"

"Not too much, just want to refresh my memory.   Maybe take a closer look at certain areas."

It was at this time sirens sounded behind them as Bobie exclaimed,  "Where did they come from!?"

Sky looked in the rearview mirror and grimaced.  "Damn!"

Sheriff Burgess and his deputy as well as several other police cars were closing the distance between them.

continued . . .

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