~ Just Rewards ~
by Anne Reagin

Disclaimers: This is a story about strong women. It includes love, challenge, danger, and learning to trust, as do all of our real lives in some part. We only need to identify those ingredients effectively.

It would be hard to say exactly how many hours went into the writing of this story, which I undertook for my own enjoyment. I can't let the chance pass, however to thank a very kind Beta Reader who spent many, many hours editing it. The suggestions, encouragement and all the rest were and are greatly appreciated. Thanks Barb!

Please be warned that a physical relationship between two women is a large part of the story line. If this offends you, please read no further.


Part 3

"I have to meet Sam and Doris at four o'clock in Conyers. Hopefully we can sign a contract today and get this thing going." Sam and Doris Johnson hired a pricey architect to design their new home. Six months and several thousand dollars later he still had not heard them apparently, because the design was still far from what they asked him for. When the Mitchells brought them out to see Kate's work they asked to sit down with her right away. Unfortunately, the experience with the architect left them a little gun shy, but Kate managed to earn their trust over the past few weeks and she thought she would be able to do business with them.

If they hired her at the meeting tonight, it would still be almost two months before everything could be readied for her to begin procuring permits. The financing was taken care of, but they had not closed on the land they bought in Newborne yet. Kate really wanted this job for a lot of reasons not the least of which was that it was fairly close to home.

The timing was good because she was within weeks of watching the Mitchells move in.

The restaurant was noisy and Kate had to stick her finger in one ear in order to hear anything in the receiver. "It's me. What are you up to?"

"Hey me. I'm finishing up an ad layout. Boring stuff for a Saturday night."

"I don't know why you don't complain to your sweetheart. I would."

"I will Kate, just as soon as you get here."

Kate's smile would have illuminated a country town. "I think this is where I start begging your forgiveness because I have to work late."

"Please don't tell me that. I was really looking forward to seeing you." Amy was an inexperienced whiner, but she was giving it a shot.

"They signed on the dotted line and insisted on taking me to dinner. What could I do? The Mitchells are meeting us."

"That's fantastic! I am so happy for you and don't try to act nonchalant because this is a big deal! By the way, you need to be on your best behavior at dinner. You don't want to get off to a bad start with these nice people."

"I hate it when I have to be a grown up." Amy laughed at Kate's half-kidding remark. "I'll be late getting out of here, so I thought I'd let you know I won't be by after all."

"It's probably for the best. You were grumpy at nine o'clock this morning. I can't imagine your state of mind at this point. You must be exhausted, poor thing."

"That's why I make the big bucks" she chuckled. "I'll call in the morning."

"OK, but try to sleep as late as you can. Just turn that alarm clock in your head off for once."

"Goodnight, Amy." The longing in her voice was even evident to her own ears. There was definitely someplace she would rather be.

Amy was disappointed but she knew Kate was in a profession of unset hours. The designer was beginning to understand why her friend questioned the value of the elusive American Dream, self-employment.

She went into the kitchen in search of comfort food and had no trouble locating just what the doctor ordered. The ad layout forgotten, she took the quart of ice cream and settled into the overstuffed armchair she'd occupied with Kate last night. It took little effort to restore the memory of touches and sighs. It wasn't long before Amy decided that it might not be such a great idea to play 'remember when' at the moment. She was missing Kate enough as it was. She flipped the television on in self-defense and found an old movie that looked perfect for her to 'veg out' to.


It wasn't that far a drive home, but it felt like a million miles. Kate declined the champagne offered her, fearing it would put her out. She had gotten past the place on Highway 20 where the traffic dissipated and was able to relax a little. She'd been up and down this particular stretch of asphalt so often her truck could almost travel it on "auto pilot". When she passed the blinking light at Oak Hill she knew she had three miles to go before she would go by Amy's driveway and considered stopping in to surprise her. 'Forget it Kate, you're dead on your feet. Amy's not interested in an exciting evening of watching you snore.'

She thought about just sleeping next to her recently discovered love as she had done once before. It had been such a long time since she'd been with anyone and years since she'd shared that kind of intimacy. She wondered how Amy was feeling about all of this. It had to be at least a little frightening surely, because it was frightening to Kate and she had experienced the love of a woman before. 'She's a marvel all right. She just figures out what I need then she provides whatever it is! I've never felt this intensity of… what? Care? Concern ? Acceptance? All of the above plus tenderness. Yes, that's the thing that caused me to surrender, her tenderness.' Just then, she recognized the reflectors on Amy's mailbox and slowed. She kissed her fingertips and placed them on the window glass just beyond her shoulder. Tomorrow suddenly seemed a long way off.


Sunday morning was supposed to be lazy, but Amy needed to catch her chores up. She had stalls to clean and she needed to push some bales of hay down from the upstairs loft where it was stored. She'd worked leisurely, spending some time talking to each of her 'children' as she thought of her horses. Scotch, especially, could get her feelings hurt if too many days went by without some personal attention. "You're just a huge baby, do you know that?"

"I'd say that's an accurate observation."

The voice behind her startled her because she hadn't heard a car pull in, but Amy recognized it immediately and her face lit up. When she turned she was welcomed by waiting arms.

"How's my little buddy doing?"

"I have no idea, but I'M fine." She accepted the kidding about her height good naturedly. This proved just how glad she was to see Kate. Normally the remark would have earned the taller woman at least a bruised bicep from being slugged.

"You look beautiful this morning Ams." She held her, enjoying the sensations that doing so stirred in her. Before long, though, she realized that there was a problem. "I hate to sound like I'm ungrateful to see you, because that's just not true, but you don't smell so great hon!"

Amy pulled away and sniffed the vicinity indignantly only to admit that Kate was right. "You need to talk to these girls about that. Their stalls were a complete mess. But then, that's what I get for skipping yesterday."

"If that's a ploy to make me feel guilty, congratulations. I guess I did monopolize your day."

"Don't say that. There is no way I would have sent you off to that meeting alone. Anything could have happened. She might even have begged you to take her back! Of course, I would have had to kill her, which may turn out to be the best idea anyway. This way I can take some of the credit for helping you get through it relatively unscathed." They started in the direction of the house and Amy remembered the question she had forgotten to ask on the phone the previous evening. "Have you called Ricki to let her know what you found out?"

"No I was hoping you would do it for me. I'm talked out after last night."

"Come on in and I'll give you some breakfast AFTER I've had a shower and we can call her together. Deal?"

"Why do I always feel like I'm on a game show when I'm with you?"

Ricki didn't need anything further to proceed with her plan. She was hoping the affidavit wouldn't be necessary, but she would know more once she contacted the other attorney. The topic could be officially closed for the present.

"What do you want to do today?" Kate asked around the bacon she was shoving into her mouth.

"You forgot didn't you?" Amy looked slightly irritated. "The recital, my niece's recital is this afternoon at one o'clock."

"Sorry, I knew that, it just slipped my mind." Kate apologized.

"You were complaining about a business dinner last night and I have to go to a piano recital for an eight year old. Don't ever think that you are the only one being tortured." She was pouring orange juice into glasses when she got an idea.

"I know! You can go with me and then we can stop at Lenox Square. I need to pick out another suit for the office and you can help me. What do you think?"

"I think I'll kill myself actually." There was the pretense of a sulk on Kate's beautiful face.

"Come on now. How bad can it be?"

"The recital or the shopping?" The smell of Amy's soap lingered from the shower she'd just finished and distracted Kate. "See, you're talking about my two least favorite things to do in the world." Kate was not happy but she was starting to come around because as bad an idea as it was, she would get to be with Amy. The pleading look Kate was getting ended the match. Kate caved in.

"I can't deny you anything. God knows, why would I want to lay around here all day and make out with you when I can go to Lenox Square and shop for girl clothes?"

Amy laughed so hard she spit juice all over the table, their food and Kate. "I guess that means I'll have to go change." She used her napkin to blot the juice off her clothes.

"I'm glad you realized that on your own Kate." Amy replied. "I was dreading having to tell you that faded jeans won't quite meet the dress code for this outing. Why don't you surprise me and be a sport about having to dress up?"

"After last night's meeting? This makes two days in a row. I'm overdosing on credibility." One hour and fifteen minutes later Kate was showered and changed and back at Amy's doorstep. The pale blue oxford cloth shirt she wore was tucked into pressed khakis. Her navy blazer was cut perfectly for her tall form. She even wore jewelry.

Amy stood in the doorway drinking in the picture. She made her living working with all things visual and this woman was a visual treat. "You look terrific. I had no idea you cleaned up this well." She pecked her on the cheek as she brushed by her. "We'd better get going or we'll be late."

As she started her Explorer, she began putting on her seat belt but paused in mid-motion. "After all the grief you gave me about coming along, don't you have any fun today or I'll have to give you a spanking."

"Promises. Promises."


Kate stood with her hands clasped behind her back, studying the arched doorway leading into where the recital had been held. The performers were all finished and a reception was underway in the formal parlor of the piano teacher's ancient home. Amy was somewhere talking to her sister Ann so Kate left to her own devices was enjoying the sights. The kind of artisans who were still capable of producing the wood and plasterwork in this house were fast becoming extinct. Fascinated by the detail and the richness of the hundred year old golden oak, she didn't notice the tug at her sleeve the first time.

"Are you Kate?" A beautiful miniature replica of Amy Ingram looked up into her face.

"Why, yes I am and I am positive you are Jennifer. I'm really glad to meet you and I must tell you I enjoyed your playing." Kate offered the child a warm smile.

"I practiced a lot for this and it still made me feel nervous." Jennifer took Kate's hand in hers. "Aunt Amy says she'll take us all for ice cream if it's OK with you. It is, isn't it?" The green eyes melted her instantly.

"Well of course it is. After all, I think you deserve a nice reward for all of the hard work you put in." Kate followed where Jennifer led her to find Amy talking with Ann. Richard; the soon-to-be-ex-husband was nearby, scanning the crowd like a predator.

"There you are. What did the two of you decide Jennifer?" Amy addressed her eight-year-old niece as if they were peers.

"Kate is on my side. Why don't we get going?" Jennifer was a no-nonsense girl just like her aunt, but Amy reminded her that she was supposed to introduce her to the piano teacher. Jennifer wasted no time dragging Amy in search of the delicate, elderly woman.

Ann looked tired. "Amy says you are a builder. That must be a fascinating profession." The small talk had begun, but Kate didn't mind. Ann was the first member of Amy's family that she met and she had been very friendly towards her. Her real problem was Richard who stood just behind Ann's line of sight. His eyes were hungrily devouring Kate. She ignored it at first, but he was making her skin crawl. She was grateful when Amy and Jennifer returned.

They went out to the cars. Kate insisted that Amy ride with Ann and Jennifer so they could visit. Kate would follow in Amy's car. Richard, thank goodness, was going home to the apartment he had rented recently. He put his hand out to Kate as he was saying goodbye and passed a folded note to her in the process. She pocketed the paper rather than throw it onto the lawn and wiped her hand repeatedly on the thigh of her slacks. 'What a revolting creature, yuck!'

It was a short ride to Lenox Square where they were going for dessert. Amy had not mentioned to her sister the shopping she planned to do afterwards. She knew Ann had to get home and pick up Jason, who was playing with a friend. "I couldn't convince him to come. He said that if I made him, he would kill himself." When Ann related this, Amy had to work hard to stifle the giggle that rose in her throat. She gave Kate a look of apology over the top of Jennifer's head who walked between them. She insisted on holding a hand belonging to each of them.

The dessert was so sinful even Kate splurged and enjoyed a slab of chocolate three-layer cake with her coffee. She was walking it off and window shopping when Amy returned from the parking lot. She wanted to walk to the car with Ann.

"Amy shook her head. "She is something isn't she?" She pointed in the direction they needed to go.

"She's very nice Amy. I just can't figure out why she ever married that prick!" There was no other word that suited Richard as well.

"He is a nasty creature. I'm just glad she finally realized he won't ever change and she can't kid herself anymore thinking he will. Ann has put up with so much for so long, it's no wonder she's half-crazy. The other part of the problem is that she's just been around our mother too long. Mom honestly believes that women can't make it in this world without a husband. In her eyes, there are no single women only women who are as yet, unmarried." She noticed the expression on Kate's face, realized that she wasn't listening and thought back to when she had last been paying attention. She stopped walking. "Richard said something didn't he?" She waited. "What did he say Kate?"

"Nothing really, but he hit on me pretty hard. He handed me a note when we were leaving." She reached in her pocket and produced it. "Here it is. 'I can't wait to hear from you, Richard.' He put his phone number on here, too. He wasn't standing ten feet from his daughter when he handed me this!" Kate felt an involuntary shiver travel up her spine.

"I'm really sorry Kate. I had no idea he had become that bad. I almost wish I could tell him about you and me, so I could watch his over-inflated ego go flat." Kate laughed at the possibility.


Amy tried on a dozen outfits at least, coming out of the fitting room to show each one to Kate. Critiquing fashion would have been the most boring job she had ever had except that it gave her a legitimate excuse to ogle Amy in public as much as she wanted.

"Come on Kate, I've been standing here for five minutes! What do you think?"

"I hate it. I was just enjoying the view of the clothes hanger." When the compliment registered with Amy, she blushed.

They ended up purchasing the very first suit that Amy tried on. Kate had instinctively known that the winter white slacks and vest were cut perfectly for Amy's shapely build. The coat was a little longer than normal, tapering at the waist. A silk green shell just the color of her eyes completed the ensemble. According to Kate, it was "killer".

They left the store with Kate carrying the garment bag containing the outfit slung over her shoulder. She witnessed first hand Amy's enjoyment of the buying process and decided this might be a good time to hit her up for the help she needed.

"Is there any chance that you would put some of your shopping skills to work for me?"

"What did you have in mind?" Amy's curiosity was piqued.

"You may have noticed that I've never invited you to my house."

Amy broke in. "I figured you just didn't want me to violate the 'inner sanctum'. After all, you are pretty weird about some things."

"Right, look who I hang out with. Anyway, I need some stuff to warm the place up a little. Do you know what I mean?"

"Uh huh. It looked like an army barracks to me."

"Great, now you're a comedian. I just don't have any experience with curtains and sofa pillows and junk like that. Rita, the housekeeper took care of all that I guess. Your house is cozy and comfortable. I just hoped you might consider giving me some ideas."

"I tell you what, I'll measure the windows first and then we can talk about it. If I do this though, I want an invitation that involves another tour of the lake. I've never seen it in normal conditions. I'm also going to have to insist on food, prepared by your own hands."

"Yikes! You don't want much do you? It doesn't have to be anything gourmet does it?"

As they walked down the mall toward the parking lot Amy began suggesting favorite dishes that Kate might consider. They joked and laughed easily with each other. To even the casual observer they were the best of friends.


It was early in the week that followed when Amy got tangled up in some office politics. The sales department, headed by her unwanted suitor, Jack, had been granted an audience with the board of a large firm in Charleston. The potential business their account would represent was impressive. The catch was that Amy's company needed to put together a design presentation in time for that meeting and they had only two weeks to accomplish that.

At the time the news broke within the firm, the head of the design department had been in the hospital for three days with pneumonia. The second in command had gone into labor over the weekend. The outcome had not been reported yet, but no one was expecting her back at work in time to handle this particular crisis. That meant Amy was the senior design staff member remaining and that made her responsible for the job from hell.

Amy had worked under pressure on many projects for the firm in the past, but Jack controlled this one and that was a new and unpleasant experience. Additionally, Jack was training two new sales associates who were just as intolerable as he was. The young woman thought of them as junior pimps and they went everywhere that Jack went. She heard that they, too, played a part in securing this opportunity for her company. Amy shuddered to think how the three of them accomplished it.

As the days ticked by and they were no closer to solving the design problems they were working on, Amy's frustrations bubbled to the surface. Jack made it mandatory for her to attend an after hours meeting in a downtown restaurant the previous evening. It was something that he would have never expected from the department head had he been on the job. She and two other members of the design department offered several rough sketches of a proposed corporate logo only to have them dismissed by Jack. The entire evening was treated like one big Super Bowl party. They ate, drank, smoked cigars and generally ignored the business at hand.

Daily meetings continued. The purpose of all this effort was to fine tune the presentation. At least, that was the official version. In actuality, Amy witnessed a classic example of male bonding at its very worst. Several times it was midnight before she dragged through her door. Tonight was no different, except that instead of falling into bed she went straight to her computer and composed a letter to the partners.

By Thursday noon, with most of the week wasted, Amy was standing in the office of the personnel director. In her hand she held a neatly typed letter of resignation. Martha had been the very one who hired Amy fresh out of college and as a result had been lauded for her judgment by the partners of the company. She had been aware of the friction between Amy and Jack and heard the unofficial version of what was causing it. He would not stop his pursuit of Amy. Everyone knew what a slime he could be, but in his twenty-one years of service, he had never done anything overt enough to document. Martha had been watching and waiting for some time.

"I'm sorry Martha. I love my job, but I just can't take anymore of this. I feel like I'm babysitting a bunch of teenage boys. They have no manners, no respect for women, no appreciation for the creative process and no idea how irritating they have become. Hell! They don't even know anything about public relations and that's what they are supposed to be selling. I won't be subjected to this anymore."

"What will it take to get you to throw this letter in the garbage can over there?" Martha asked.

"A public hanging." There were no signs of humor in Amy's demeanor.

"I can put somebody between you and Jack to act as a buffer. He would work with them and they would work with you. That way you would have very limited contact with him." Martha sounded hopeful, she was trying to pull a solution out of the air.

"Can you guarantee limited contact? Can you promise that I'll never have to hear about his latest conquest again? They actually compared notes at dinner last night. Who will you send to the presentation to represent design? After all, it isn't fair to penalize us because he's a crude bastard." She hung her head and leaned on the edge of the desk with both hands. The sight of Amy looking so tired and defeated saddened Martha. It wasn't fair to ask her to tolerate crap like this in order to get her job done.

"Let me ask you this, how am I supposed to get the necessary work done on this project? I've had a meeting every day this week and one last night. In case you're interested, the only thing they have discussed at length is the location of the nudie bars in Charleston. I'm surprised Jack isn't handing out Xeroxed maps."

"There's plenty I can do Amy. Please, understand that this would never have gone this far if Mack weren't in the hospital. Give me until after lunch to set up a meeting with Tom at least. Otherwise I may be unemployed too."

That word 'unemployed' hung in the air between them. Amy considered for a minute what it would be like to go looking and she dreaded to think of leaving Walton & Hanley. Sure Jack was an ass, but she worked with some really talented people, too. "OK, but it has to be today. This project is running out of time. Whether I stay or go I hate to see the company lose this chance. It will take a mad scramble to complete it if I DIDN't leave and unless Tom has some fabulous arguments, I'm out of here." She turned on her heel and headed back to her office and closed the door.

Tom Hanley was a great man and an icon in the public relations business. He had been at it for over fifty years without losing his integrity or sense of direction. Amy didn't want to sit down with him because she was fairly certain he could talk her out of leaving. He was her mentor. Of course, she was not as sure that she wanted to go, as she had been when she walked into Martha's office. The personnel director's willingness to try accommodating Amy made a difference. Up until now, she felt as if she had simply been thrown to the wolves.

Martha was right about several things. If Mack Jackson wasn't suffering from pneumonia, he would have waved Jack off at the first sign of trouble. The fact that Mack was gay, which Jack equated with Leprosy, would have made him an unlikely attendee at meetings whether in the office or out. In fact, Mack with his delightful sense of humor and understanding of the prejudices of a man like Jack Harris might have done a lot of things. He walked up and kissed him on the lips at a staff meeting once while profusely thanking him 'for the roses'. Half the people at the conference table excused themselves and left to keep from hyperventilating with laughter.

'I can at least hear what Tom has to say. It does seem a shame to let Jack and his antics run me off. I've put in almost ten years here.' The phone rang on her desk and she absently picked it up. Assuming it would be an inner-office gossiper, she was pleasantly surprised to hear Kate's voice.

"How did you know that I'm suicidal and need to hear your voice?" Her laugh was too weak to be believable.

"It sounds like you're having a bad day Ams. What's up?"

Amy gave Kate the short version. She'd put in so many unproductive hours that she hadn't had much time to talk to her friend the whole week. Kate heard about some of Jack's juvenile antics and she wished for a chance to belt him on her friend's behalf. Amy told her about the afternoon meeting that would determine her employment status. Kate was supportive and that made Amy feel a little better. Stay or quit they decided to chuck it all and have dinner together that night at the Mitchell's house. It still had no electricity but it wouldn't be full dark until almost nine o'clock anyway and they could wing it after that. Kate promised to provide the pizza.

The dinner plan was so off the wall that it lifted the designer's spirits somewhat. She turned to her computer screen determined to give Walton & Hanley every hour they were paying her for. An inner-office memo icon came up. She checked it and found out that Martha had in fact set the one o'clock meeting up. She set the alarm on her computer to sound so that she wouldn't be late and got to work.

When Amy walked out of Tom Hanley's office, she had been promised certain things in exchange for remaining with the firm and on the project. The presentation for Landers Inc. now loomed larger than ever before and time was growing shorter by the hour. She went straight to her office and closed the door, determined to squeeze some productivity out of a day that started with an attempt to become unemployed.


There was a clock on the wall in her line of vision. When she finally glanced up at it, she realized that she was going to be late for dinner with her friend. She grabbed her briefcase and started stuffing things into it before taking off for the parking garage. When she pulled into the drive, she couldn't help but feel amazement as she always did for the beautiful structure that was nearing completion. She saw Kate's truck outside the garage on the lower terrace and parked beside it.

Amy went in and yelled a greeting. Kate responded and directed her to the penthouse as she referred to the loft above the kitchen. The temporary stairs were substantial enough but had no railing. Amy was cautious ascending the last risers as she estimated that she was now fifteen feet above the great room floor. As soon as she cleared the top of the stairs, she could see that Kate had set up a makeshift table. A painter's drop cloth served as a table covering, revealing only a short portion of the sawhorse legs that supported the plank surface. Folding lawn chairs were place on opposite sides of the 'table'. Kate stood at attention, much as a headwaiter would, ready to seat her guest. Amy could not help but laugh at the overall effect of her thoughtful friend's elaborate gesture.

"Your table is ready ma'am," a sweep of Kate's arm indicated the chair that she designated as Amy's. "May I say that you look incredible this evening?" There was no kidding tone in the remark. "Isn't that the outfit we picked out at Lenox?"

"Yes, I thought today was to be my last one at Walton & Hanley so I decided I better wear it. After all, we did pick it out for work."

"It flatters you tremendously." Kate smiled her warmest smile and sat down at the table. "I think this is still hot enough. The pizza guy just left five minutes ago."

"I'm sorry I was late, but I am still among the ranks of the employed and more behind schedule than ever."

She told Kate about the meeting she'd had earlier that afternoon.

Tom Hanley came around his desk and sat in the leather wing chair that matched hers. "My career is almost at an end and yours is only beginning Amy. You have talent and imagination, more so than anyone else in your department. The trouble is, you have to come of age where the business of the business is concerned. Frankly, I'm glad it's you and not me. I couldn't tolerate it." Amy didn't understand and it was obvious.

"Once upon a time we sold products for our clients. Our clever ideas and professionalism was all that was required to be a success. The world has changed enough that today the success or failure of any business can often depend not so much on the talent of its associates, but whether the company's season tickets are for the "good seats." It's not at all like the world was when we built this business and for that I am sorry.

"You have been subjected to the fallout of that change and the attitudes that go along with it. I can do nothing to negate all of that, but I can do a great deal to keep you from having to come into contact with it within the walls of this office."

He talked at length about the dwindling respect that business people had for themselves and the professions they were engaged in. Amy listened, fascinated by his reminiscences of a golden age when great ideas represented a shining beacon. When she left his office, she believed that was possible again. Ultimately he challenged her to stay and do her part to re-instate that reality.

"He weaves a pretty good spell." Suddenly, Amy wasn't sure that she made the right choice. "I told him I would do it if I could work at home. I should be the one to make the presentation to Landers, but Jack is already being a total ass. He is going to go on a rampage when he hears that I tried to quit over this. I wouldn't dream of going on a road trip with him now."

Kate had been listening intently to all the news. She had an idea. "Tell Tom you will go, that you are making your own travel arrangements and taking a friend along. Then tell him that when the presentation is over you won't be coming back for two or three days. With all of the hours you will give him to make this project happen, it is really a small price to ask."

Amy didn't quite get the punch line, but she could tell that there was one so she waited patiently. "I have always wanted to see Charleston." Kate finally confessed.

Shock registered on the designer's face. "I couldn't let you do that! I know you are getting down to the wire on this house and you can't just pick up and leave." Amy's objections were realistic ones, but they dropped like stones.

"I have a week before then to get things organized and I really WOULD love to see Charleston. Besides, you know you need to be the one to do this. No one else can do it justice. I could be your personal security, kind of." She smiled to herself enjoying the thought of taking on that most pleasant responsibility.

They talked a while longer and it was agreed under certain conditions. The trip would cost Kate nothing. Whatever the agency didn't pick up would be Amy's treat. The designer would not even entertain Kate's objections. Amy would act as tour guide once the presentation was completed. In the meantime, Kate was along to make sure Jack didn't try to make Amy sorry for going over his head.

"We better get going, you look beautiful, but a little tired." Kate tried to take the sting out of her observation with the compliment. She was worried about Amy and trying to do anything she could think of to lift some of the stress from her young shoulders. "I took care of the girls this afternoon by the way."

Immediate protests poured out of Amy, who knew only too well how much was involved in the daily feeding and care of her horses. Secretly though, she was relieved not to have to deal with it.

"I'll check on you tomorrow. Call if you need anything. You have the number here, right?" She suggested a hot bath but Amy was afraid that would put her to sleep and she had a lot to do before she could lay her head down.

"I'll send up a smoke signal if I get in trouble." The fatigue in Amy's voice was only too familiar to Kate. She steadied the shorter woman from behind as they continued down the stairs to the basement level where the vehicles were parked. "Thanks for everything. You don't know how much I appreciate the effort." She stepped closer to hug Kate and was welcomed enthusiastically.

"You seem a little puny from all of this, so I'll be keeping an eye on you. Remember that I am a phone call away, even if you only need your feet rubbed. I don't want you to let this overwhelm you." Kate spoke into Amy's ear as she held her. "Don't forget, I love you."

Amy was so touched by the sentiment and what it took for Kate to drop the 'tough' routine and offer it that tears came into her eyes. "I love you too." came the whispered response that dried Amy's tears and made Kate sigh with contentment.

They parted and Amy started on her one block journey home. Kate had to stick around a few minutes more to get rid of the dinner evidence. She didn't say so, but Amy knew she'd take a lot of ribbing from her subcontractors otherwise.

In what surely had to be minutes, Amy found herself once more before a computer screen, this time facing a long night.


The visual feast of Charleston was a wonderful surprise for Kate Ryan. She could not imagine how she had managed to avoid visiting a city so rich in architectural history. The streets were lined with pieces of the past, ideas enacted by builders long dead, but immortalized by the structures they left behind. The concept had a certain appeal to Kate. She wondered if she would make her own contribution to Southern architecture one day.

They arrived on Thursday evening, with only an hour or so of daylight remaining. Amy wanted to show Kate a little of the city so she took a roundabout route through the historical district before taking them to the lodging she had arranged for. "My mother brought us girls here all the time. I think she thought that it would somehow civilize us to witness all of this." The rows of two hundred-year-old houses were awe-inspiring.

Kate felt like she was in an amusement park. She had seen photographs during her brief stay in school but they hadn't done the city justice. Amy showed her the railroad depot that had been restored and turned into a welcome center for visitors. Down the street was one of three museums in the historical district. This particular one housed a major Egyptian exhibit that Amy knew her friend would love.

"I don't know how long I'll be tied up with this thing in the morning. I'll leave you the car and you can do whatever you feel like, just keep my cell phone with you. When they let me loose, I'll call you to come and pick me up."

"Great plan, except I'll drop you off, too. That way I'll know how to get back when you're ready to come out and play." She kidded Amy, but actually wanted to assure her safe conduct to the offices where she would be making the presentation. She had a bad feeling about this jerk salesman.

Amy selected a bed and breakfast in the heart of the historical district. It had a recently restored gatehouse that had originally been built in 1850. It would provide them a great deal more privacy than the suites in the main house where they would have shared bath facilities and taken meals with the other guests.

"I hope you don't mind." Unsure what Amy meant by her remark, Kate observed their accommodations at a glance and was pleasantly surprised that they would be sharing a bed. No sooner had they dropped their bags on the floor of the cottage than they were off again on foot.

A doorman in front of a beautiful old hotel kindly directed them to a local restaurant that was within walking distance. Kate observed that if the destination turned out to be as good as the journey, they were in for a rare treat. She spoke of the sights she was seeing with a reverence Amy had never heard except when she met her that first day. That was the day she described the house she'd designed to Amy, a total stranger, and made it sound like she was reciting literature.

The walk back after dinner was lit by the soft glow of gaslights along Queen Street. The summer heat of Charleston was not unlike what the two women were accustomed to back home, except for the additional humidity. A light patina of perspiration covered them both.

Amy yawned and apologized quickly proclaiming that it wasn't the company making her sleepy. She finally admitted that she hadn't had a good night's sleep in almost a week.

"We can take care of that this very night, have no fear." Kate put her arm around Amy' s shoulder and squeezed, but dropped it again when she saw her friend look around to see if anyone was watching. "Don't worry, I know we're in public and this is the Bible belt. I won't get you lynched." Kate passed it off as a joke but made a mental note to curb the public displays of affection. The entire concept was still new to Amy who would have to determine for herself what she could and couldn't get comfortable with.

Kate herself had been under a tremendous strain for the past span of days. Although she denied that it would be necessary she made no less than a Herculean effort to make this trip possible. She had done her homework and planned everything down to the last detail on the jobsite. Now all she could do was cross her fingers and hope that her subcontractors had enough integrity to honor the promises she extracted.

They arrived back at the gatehouse and welcomed the blast of cold air that greeted them at the door. Amy insisted that tired as she was, she needed to go over her notes one last time. Kate changed into a threadbare tee shirt and climbed into the beautiful old rice carved bed to wait for her friend. The shifting of weight on the bed alerted her when Amy slipped between the sheets. Turning onto her back, she offered her shoulder as a pillow and it was eagerly accepted.

"This must be what heaven feels like." Kate murmured, half asleep.

"MMMmmmm" Amy agreed and reached across the warm torso beside her to get a better hold on 'heaven'.

"Goodnight." Kate's voice was low.

"Oh, no you don't." Amy protested and raised herself up to offer a kiss. Two tired souls should not have been stirred as they were by the heat that one kiss generated, but Kate felt her pulse pounding when they finally separated. She stared at the top of the blonde head that re-settled on her shoulder and wondered how its owner could react so calmly. Just then, Amy stretched her leg across her partner's body bringing the heat at the vortex of her thighs into close contact with Kate's hip. A smile played across the builder's face when Amy shifted to increase the pressure at her center. Kate understood all too well that they both needed a great deal more relief than that.

'When this thing is over tomorrow, you better look out little one.' This was Kate's last cognizant thought before sleep claimed her too.


When she entered the lobby, Amy found out that Landers, Inc. occupied three of the five floors in the 1706 building. She was directed by a uniformed guard to the bank of elevators on her left and started her ascent to the third floor. When the doors opened, she smiled involuntarily at the incredible reproduction of an Ante-bellum entry foyer. The staircase leading to the upper floor was elegantly appointed. The railing was intricately detailed and carved of golden oak, the same material used for the stairs. The center of the risers was covered in a Persian patterned carpet of beautiful hues.

Amy's eye followed the stairs up to a landing that housed a lovely stained glass window depicting a willow tree. The wide hall running beside the stairs, down the center of the house had doors on both sides of it, presumably opening into offices. The parlor to the right boasted a grand piano, situated before a tiled fireplace opening. The portraits and tapestries that hung below the twenty foot ceilings had to be massive, she decided. Otherwise they would have been dwarfed in a room with so much volume. The reception area to her left was equally grand with its elegant Victorian era furnishings.

As she approached, the receptionist returned her smile and took her card. "Someone will be right out to take you to the meeting room Ms. Ingram." She pressed a button on the console inside her desk drawer. In less than a minute, the young man she had been talking with all week appeared and introduced himself. Jimmy was in his late twenties, she guessed, and assured her that everything was in readiness as per her instructions the previous day. She thanked him for his kindness and patience in dealing with so many details on short notice. He led the way to the meeting room.

He seemed shy, so she took over the job of making small talk. Fortunately the ride to the second floor was a brief one. Again, the hallways were trimmed ornately with dental moldings and beautifully designed door casements. Kate taught Amy an appreciation for such things and the craftsmanship involved. At last, the young man opened a door leading into a large meeting room. It replicated a turn of the century ballroom she thought, done on a slightly smaller scale.

She was directed to her seat where she deposited her briefcase and shoulder bag. The young man then suggested that she help herself to coffee. He pointed toward the enclave near the room's end where linen covered tables held a wealth of pastry, muffins and fresh fruits. An ornate silver coffee service sparkled under the recessed lighting above it. A quick assessment as she headed towards it told her that there were almost twenty people gathered for this meeting. She heard Jack's voice and her spine tightened in response, but could not see him anywhere.

Reaching the service area, she opted for coffee only. "You really should try one of these." A fiftyish woman with patrician features held out her hand in introduction. "Sybil Hunt, and you must be Amy Ingram. On second thought, let's don't do the firm handshake thing. I do so hate that."

Amy looked at her; surprised that she knew her name. "It was not too hard to ascertain your identity my dear, as you are one of three women in attendance and the other two of us work here."

"The offices are beautiful. It must be a pleasure to work in these surroundings." Amy stirred cream into the strong black coffee.

"Coffee's terrible isn't it. I don't know where it is written, but it seems to be a pre-requisite for these things. Have you been with Walton & Hanley long?"

"It's been almost ten years since I joined the firm." She looked around her. "I must say, it was nice of you to strike up a conversation with me. Not only are we in the minority, but I seem to be picking up a lot of posturing. I feel like I'm going into battle."

"You are very astute in your observations. Let me clarify everything for you." She pointed to each clutch of professionals as she named them. "You're either 'sales' which makes you slightly lower than a snake's belly in my book, marketing, management or someone's assistant if you are at this meeting for Landers. Your people are your own problem." Her distaste for the group was evident as she pointed to Jack and his flunkies. "This presentation would never have taken place except for Tom's good name." Sybil offered.

"Then you know Mr. Hanley?"

"Only by reputation. I believe we are about to get started. It was lovely talking to you Ms. Ingram." Sybil smiled and moved to her chair near the end of the table.

It was interesting to Amy that all the sales people from both companies were grouped at one end of the conference room. It was an obvious effort to confine them to the area farthest from the management people. She wondered if every company had a sales department full of Jacks.

Sybil, she noticed sat in the second seat from the head of the table. A young woman, dressed impeccably in a soft pink suit, sat across the table from her, next to Amy. She had a hard look about her and refused to meet Amy's eyes.

As she continued to study the faces around the table, a young man walked to the front of the room and called the meeting to order. Her hands were shaking slightly when she stood, having been informed that she would be allowed one hour to present her case. At that time they would take a break and determine whether they would need her to entertain questions or not. All of this sounded reasonable to her, but because of the way the information was delivered, it sounded like the rules announced by the referee prior to a boxing match. The chairman took the vacant seat next to Sybil and waited.

Once she began to speak, Amy got so involved with explanation of the concepts her company was proposing that she was surprised when the meetings' chairman interrupted her. He spoke briefly then stopped in mid-sentence and retracted his comment about a break saying that they would continue with questions for Ms. Ingram. Amy sipped slowly from the water glass that had been provided for her, and considered what had just happened.

He seemed to be acting on discreet signals from someone seated at the table, but she couldn't determine who might be giving them. As no questions were immediately forthcoming, she re-focused on the project and began summarizing the information for the gathered professionals. When everyone's inquiries had been addressed she concluded with her thanks. People were milling about in small groups as she began packing up the layout boards into her portfolio. The woman in the pink suit suddenly stood before her.

"Our CEO would like for you to stop in at the executive offices before you leave if you wouldn't mind. Jimmy here will bring you over when you're ready." She turned on her heel and was gone.

Amy couldn't help but think 'She doesn't waste her personality on peons like me I guess.' She nodded to Jimmy who insisted on carrying her portfolio and briefcase for her and they left the meeting room. Jack, she noticed was eyeing her over the heads of the men he was joking with. She couldn't read his expression, but it held nothing good in it for her. He broke away and came over.

"I called you all week. Where have you been?" Jack wanted to know.

"Working on this project of course. I haven't been out of the house." She offered this last by way of explaining why she hadn't returned his calls. He was so civil that she couldn't help but assume that no one at the office had leaked the news about her attempted resignation.

He nodded, accepting the lie. "Lunch in a little while, you can ride with me." He glanced in the direction of the salesmen he had just left.

"Sorry, I'm not done here yet. Thanks anyway." She was pleasant but did not return his smile.

"Dinner then, where are you staying?" He was a bit more forceful. His request turned into a demand.

"Jimmy, could you excuse us for a moment please?" Jimmy said he'd be back shortly.

"I have plans for dinner already Jack."

He darted a nasty look at the back of Jimmy's retreating head. "Do you think that's wise? We're supposed to be hospitable to our CLIENTS you know." His slimes-in-training now walked up and flanked him on either side. One of them gave Amy a lurid grin, which set her off.

She realized that Jack believed she was having dinner with Jimmy, which would have been perfectly legitimate as a professional gesture. "I am not answerable to you for my professional actions and what I do after hours is certainly none of your business." He was shocked by her response but tried to recover quickly when he remembered that the trainees were witnessing the exchange.

"I just can't believe you're wasting it on some milk toast. You could at least use your talent where it counts." Jack's smirk caused the junior slimes to snicker.

"Actually, you're the one in charge of ass-kissing, Jack, I'm graphic design. I'm late for another meeting. Please excuse me." She walked out leaving all three men with their mouths hanging open. Jimmy kindly went back and retrieved her things for her.

The door leading into the Pink Suit's office was ornately carved. She was thinking it must have been the most beautiful thing she had ever seen when she was led around the corner to a bigger, double version of the same door. She reached out absently as the two women passed through the opened side and ran her fingers over the fruit and grape leaves carved in relief on the central panel.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Sybil was standing by the desk in the middle of the room watching Amy's appreciative gesture and holding the telephone at her ear. "I'm on hold, I'll only be a minute. Laura, send Jimmy with…" she studied Amy for a moment then completed her request "…hot tea I think."

Something was not quite right about this picture. Amy looked around her at the office furnishings and realized that she was standing in a VERY plush executive office. Several of the framed photos on the wall pictured Sybil alone and with groups of business people.

'Uh oh, SHE'S the boss!?' Her mind raced back over the brief conversation they shared earlier. What did I say to her?' Before she could re-create all of it in her mind, a voice addressed her.

"Please come in Amy and have a seat." She indicated a grouping of furniture with a coffee table at its center. "I can see that you have figured it out and I imagine you are wondering why I didn't reveal my identity to you earlier." She looked at Amy's reaction and was satisfied with whatever she saw in the young woman's face. "You are too polite to respond. I like that. It tells me you are cut from different cloth than Jack Harris."

"You can just assume that Jack and I have different philosophies on how professionals should go about doing their jobs Ms. Hunt." Amy hoped she was acknowledging the truth in the CEO's remark without damaging the position of the agency.

"I insist that you call me Sybil, although it is duly noted that your mother raised you properly. I do apologize for the little charade at the meeting. Yours was the last of four presentations that I have listened to in as many days. Frankly, I was beginning to tire of pat answers and patronizing attitudes. I often find it is best to masquerade as a lesser cog in order to get at the truth quickly."

Jimmy entered carrying a china tea service and sat it on the table between them. When he left the office, Sybil asked Amy if she would like to pour. She graciously accepted the invitation and sent a prayer skyward that she remembered all that her mother forced she and her sisters to practice all those years ago.

"I'll get to the point Amy, as is my nature. Landers is my company only because I refuse to let go of control here. My managers are efficient, but they are sometimes guilty of childish trust. I don't like your sales division, but if Landers hired 'H&W' once the ink dried on the contract, I would have no further dealings with them, anyway. You, I like. It's obvious that you know what you're doing and what you are selling. In fact, I would be willing to bet that most of the design concepts you showed us are your own."

Amy nodded.

"I thought so. This is a risky proposition to start with for me, Amy. We have never sold our products retail. Selling high-end greenhouses without using distributors will be totally new for us. I have to trust people like you to know what makes people buy them. Anyway, ultimately I make the decision as to who represents my products. I want to sleep on it, but if your firm gets the job, it will be because of your ideas, nothing else."

"I appreciate your candor. I won't insult you by delivering the gushing speech that usually comes next. You know the one…. 'If I were to become Miss America, I would work toward world peace, etc." An explosion of laughter from the CEO interrupted Amy.

Amy waited uncomfortably. She had not intended her statement to be quite so comedic.

"You are priceless my dear. I'll be talking with Tom the first of next week and I must say that you have turned out to be a delightful surprise in my business day."

Jimmy magically re-appeared and stood quietly waiting for instructions.

"See that Ms. Ingram gets back to her hotel please Jimmy." She turned back to Amy again. "The next time you are here with us I'd love it if you would come to the house for dinner. My husband is retired. He's a househusband in fact and a terrific cook."

"I look forward to it Ms. Hun… I mean Sybil."

"Quite alright Amy my dear. As I say, you were properly brought up. Enjoy our city." She picked up the phone and gave instructions to a faceless assistant as Jimmy led her out of the executive office.

Amy tried not to react, but her mind was a whirl with all that had just transpired. She noticed that Laura, 'the pink suit', was taking notes at a rapid pace and knew instinctually that she was the assistant Sybil had called. "I have a friend picking me up Jimmy, if you can just lend me a phone and lead me out of here. I'm kind of lost."

He sympathized with her saying he had been with the company for over a year and still had trouble finding his way around at times. "Her son is an interior designer and she has him re-do the place with alarming regularity. I never know if I am in the right place when the elevator doors open every morning. "By the way, what did you say to that guy upstairs as you were leaving? He looked like he was about to blow a fuse when I went back for your portfolio."

"I turned down his dinner invitation." She didn't elaborate and Jimmy didn't delve any further.

Amy dialed the number twice while he waited then again when they reached the reception area downstairs. "Why don't I drop you? I'm going to lunch anyway."

"I hate to put you out Jimmy, you've already been so kind." He insisted that if he didn't see her home, Mrs. Hunt would shoot him. On the way, Amy asked him why the company was named Landers Inc. He explained that it had been Sybil's maiden name.

"Her husband was a high powered attorney and kind of a public figure. She thought someone might try to get at him through her company."

"Smart woman."

The drive was pleasant. Jimmy offered his help as a tour guide if she was interested. She took his number and informed him that she was in town with a friend, but they might just take him up on his offer.

When she reached the gatehouse, Kate was not there. She tried her cell phone number twice more before changing into Kate's old jersey and cotton boxers. She stretched out on the bed and picked up the TV remote. She hadn't watched television in the middle of a workday since she'd had the flu three years previously. It was still terrible.

Kate came in an hour later to find Amy fast asleep in front of the TV. She had discovered the straw market in her travels and though she wanted to save a thorough investigation for a time when Amy could go along, so instead visited a fantastic bakery and deli. The smell of the still-warm bread worked its magic on Amy and within ten minutes she roused herself from sleep and joined Kate for a picnic lunch in the center of the four poster bed.

Amy sat against the mahogany headboard, sampling the selection of delicious tidbits Kate brought for them. Kate thought she looked just like a teenager at a slumber party. All she lacked was the hair curlers.

The designer talked on and on about the offices at Landers and the beautifully executed detail she witnessed. Kate was amused by how much her friend had taken in. Kate kidded her. "You certainly have become observant since you started hanging around with a builder."

Interestingly they talked more about the private meeting with Sybil Hunt than about Amy's presentation, although Kate could clearly tell that it had been a success. She had no doubt that Amy's firm would win the account.

"She sounds very interesting." Kate could see the admiration for Mrs. Hunt in her friend's face.

"I can't really tell you just how elegant and charming she is. It kind of emanates from her like beams of light. I would love for you to meet her." Determined not to gush, she turned her attention to the remnants of a croissant she partially devoured earlier and then laid aside. She satisfied her determination to sample everything spread out before her and was now starting over. She seemed thoughtful and Kate was enjoying just watching her. She had never met anyone who relished food so much.

Amy spoke between bites. "I've never had lunch in bed before." She grinned and added "Breakfast, yes, but never lunch."

Kate considered her briefly then gave her a searing look. "I wanted to break new ground with you. Besides, as far as I am concerned, we can have all of our meals in bed for the remainder of our stay here. Say the word." Amy found that Kate's gaze held many things. Besides challenge and passion, she thought she detected a tiny bit of fear. She realized that Kate was still holding back for whatever reason and decided she would have to be the one to take the first step.

Amy raked the remnants of their picnic to either side of her as she rolled up onto her knees and crawled the short distance to where Kate sat cross-legged. She pushed firmly but gently on her shoulders and the brunette went over onto her back with little resistance. Amy lay gently down on top of her and hesitated for only a moment looking for permission in Kate's face. They were way beyond that. She recognized pleading and it made her smile. She thought to herself 'big bad builder, huh?'

It was less a sharing of kisses than an assault on each other's mouths. Amy marveled at the strength in Kate's arms and at the lean, muscled torso beneath her. She spread her legs enough to make them fall on either side of a rock hard thigh, establishing the contact she craved at her heated center. Kate, having rendered Amy shirtless, groaned appreciatively at her own increased areas of connection. They both pressed harder, each into the other, slowly at first, then with increasing speed.

Amy was trying to focus enough to free Kate's tee shirt from the waistband of her jeans. She felt an almost desperate need to feel warm skin against her own. She tore her mouth away from Kate's throat long enough to voice a whispered request. "Help me." Kate sat up quickly and did as she was bid.

In all the times Kate fantasized about this first coupling, she always envisioned herself as the one to take control. She thought she was working toward that goal when the rip of a zipper cut the air. It was barely audible against the noise of primal moans and groans that rose up like bubbles from the pair writhing on the bed. At that moment she knew her efforts to dominate were in vain. A warm hand snaked inside her cotton briefs and through the coarseness of the hair beneath as a prelude to reaching long waiting flesh.

There was no concern now for prolonging the sensations and making the experience last. Neither was preoccupied with endless tenderness. There was no thought at all in fact, just the need for the release that they needed.

Mindless of the strain of her constraints, Amy sought with her fingers and found a sticky wellspring. As she moved the length of her fingers through sodden wetness, over swollen flesh, she sent waves of heat all the way upward to Kate's tingling scalp. When the woman under her cried out, Amy stopped and searched a clear blue gaze. Reading nothing but total desire there, she continued her exploration.

Her voice with all breathless urgency Kate encouraged "… don't stop, please, don't stop." Amy fought to maintain her senses, now having discovered the power of her touch.

Kate thought of Amy's sensitive center straining against the thin fabric that separated them. She regretted now that neither managed to shed their remaining clothes but nothing could stop their momentum as they moved together towards a stepping off. Kate forced herself to look at Amy. She knew it was important, though she could not think why. Later Amy would realize how precious a gift she had been given. She had seen the fleeting moment of total submission in her lover's eyes.

Two voices cried out together. Two forms suddenly stilled and the tension that strained bone and muscle to their limits was now drained away. The longing they built between them required a blend of both their souls to conquer.

Later, cradled on Kate's heaving chest; Amy withdrew her hand and brought it up to caress the shoulder opposite her face. She laughed weakly when she saw the perforated indentions on it. "Look, your zipper is permanently tattooed on my hand." Kate raised her head to witness this phenomenon and laughed soundlessly. She had yet to find her voice, but held onto the woman in her arms with all the strength she had remaining in an effort to bring her closer.

"You OK Ams?" They were stretched out, holding each other once again.

"I feel fantastic to tell you the truth, like I've discovered penicillin."

"I'm not sure I like that comparison," was the instant reply, then after a moment of thought "the 'discovery' part is good, just not the other."

"I love the way you touch me Kate." She ran her palm slowly over the taught abdomen below it. "I can tell that you value intimacy, that it's really special to you."

"You're practically a poet, you know that?" She raised Amy's face with her finger so that their eyes met. "I value everything about you and about us. My only problem is that this relationship, whatever it is, or becomes, re-introduces fear into my life. I no longer have nothing to lose."


They made love again that afternoon, this time more slowly. Each was anxious to learn and commit to memory those things that triggered the sought after responses in the other. Kate persevered and won her chance to take the lead this time. She introduced Amy to some new sensations and just watching her reactions sent Kate to new heights. Exhausted, they were sleeping in a tangle, lulled by the afterglow into a near-waking state.

Kate's response was automatic when the phone rang. She grabbed the receiver and spoke a gruff greeting into it. "It's for you." she held the phone toward her partner, but the cord would barely reach. Amy drug herself across Kate's naked torso, smiling to herself when she felt the reaction of a hardening nipple beneath her own left breast.

'Gotcha!' Amy was pleased with herself.

"You're incorrigible" Kate grumbled. Laying back, eyes closed, she decided to go with the moment, as she was enjoying the feeling of naked skin against her own immensely.

Amy smiled and turned her attention to the caller. "Hello."

"It sounds like I woke your friend up." Jack's voice stiffened her spine.

Her smile vanished with her reaction. "How did you get this number Jack?"

On her pronunciation of his name, Kate's eyes popped open. She still didn't move, but she was readying herself for whatever came next.

He ignored her question and plowed ahead. "I wanted to see if you changed your mind about having dinner with all of us."

"I told you I have plans." She waited assuming he would end the conversation.

"I called the office this afternoon to report in. The word is out that you haven't enjoyed working with me on this project." His voice sounded a little menacing now. He was daring her to confirm the gossip.

"We can talk about this in Atlanta, Jack. Good night." She hung up and noticed that her hands were shaking.

Kate was saddened when Amy moved away, the events of their afternoon vanquished by the phone call. Amy's concentration was evidenced by her expression.

"Who has this number Amy?" It seemed like a logical place to begin.

"Tom Hanley, and Josh in design. I don't understand." She sounded exasperated.

"Did you give it to anyone at Landers this morning?" Kate was trying to help although she knew that Amy's logical mind was already working through every feasible scenario.

"No, I'm sure I didn't." She was speaking absently then all of a sudden her expression changed to one of anger as she exploded. "My Mother! Damn her!"

"Why would your mother give this number to a salesman that you work with?" Kate was sincerely baffled.

"He's an eligible man and he's breathing. Besides, they know each other." She noted the confusion on her friend's face. "He bribed someone in personnel for her number. Then he informed my mother that we were dating and he wanted some advice about a valentine's present. It took me six months to get her to drop that one and I don't think she believes yet that we aren't and never were involved. He's probably got her believing …well; just about anything he wants. Who knows?" Amy looked stricken suddenly.

She picked up the phone and started to dial then realized Kate was watching her. Kate got to her feet and pulled on the discarded jersey Amy had been wearing earlier. "Go ahead and call her, I'll straighten up." She swept an arm around her and Amy couldn't believe the enormous mess they had made.

"Gosh, we're complete heathens." They laughed together.

"I'm heading to the shower after that. I believe you promised me some fine Charleston dining to get me to come on this trip. It's time I collected, don't you think?" She leaned over the bed and planted a quick kiss before starting her task.

There were deli papers scattered around the bed, and crusts of bread littered among the clothes they had strewn about in their haste. Amy's bra hung comically from one of the bedposts where it had landed. Kate straightened up the bed linens while her friend paced and spoke in dull tones to her mother. She tried not to eavesdrop, but it was obvious that Amy was furious with the information she was receiving.

Hot water had never felt so good. Kate stood and let it run over her body for several minutes before beginning to bathe. She kept thinking back to scenes from the afternoon's intimacies and she was both elated and afraid. She wanted to sing, she wanted to run and spin around and roll down a hill laughing. She wanted to cry for her good fortune and how long it had been in coming. She did none of these however, because the shower curtain was pulled aside and suddenly her beautiful Amy joined her.

She had been crying, Kate could tell, as she pulled Amy into her arms. "I'd like to wash your hair," Kate requested and the nodded permission was all of the communication they had until much later. When they were through showering, she knew she needed to give Amy some room. She was angry, hurt and fighting issues that she herself could never comprehend. Leaving Amy with the dressing area adjacent to the bath all for herself, she went in search of her hairdryer.

Kate put on a pale yellow button-down shirt that contrasted her dark features. New navy walking shorts showed off her long legs and drew a wolf whistle when Amy joined her in the bedroom. Kate had just started to braid her dark hair. Amy considered her and made a request. "Can you leave it loose?"

"Whatever you like." Her acquiescence was so tender and immediate it caused Amy to turn away, fearing she would tear up. Her emotions were all over the place.

"I'm going to call Jimmy and ask him where the best place is to have dinner. I'd kind of like to go someplace that's not listed in the tourist guides. OK with you?" Amy was reluctant to go anywhere they might run into Jack and although she would never had said so, they both knew it.

"Anywhere you like. As long as it's your face across the table, I'm happy." She pulled her mouth wide, flattened her nose with her index fingers and waggled her tongue at Amy, to offer a 'face' of her own. She ducked just in time, too as the pillow whizzed by her head.


"What are you in the mood for?" Amy held her fingers over the mouthpiece of the receiver because she realized too late the mistake she made in giving Kate, "the comedian" that kind of an opening. Besides, she had Jimmy on the phone and it wouldn't do for him to catch some off-color remark. Kate surprised her with her restraint, preferring to be unpredictable. "Seafood I think. We're on the coast after all."

Jimmy graciously provided them with detailed directions and an invitation before hanging up. "He says that a bunch of his friends are having an oyster roast at the beach tomorrow night and we're invited." Amy seemed intrigued.

Kate stood at the door with the keys dangling off of her index finger. She suspected that Amy would be looking for them soon. "Maybe we should go. It would be nice for you to meet some of the locals, especially since you're going to be spending some time here." She was talking about business trips back to Landers, which would be necessary, if she worked on the account.

They headed out in the Explorer. "I hope you're right of course, but I'm not going to raise my expectations up too high, yet."

"OK, but I'll bet you five dollars that you got the account. Better yet, I'll bet you five dollars and a back rub." Kate had the directions Amy had written and was trying to decipher them in the descending darkness. "Do you keep a flashlight in here?"

Having located it, Kate decided she should go ahead and broach the subject of the whole 'Jack' issue. "What are you going to do about this Harris guy Ams? "

Amy frowned. "I honestly don't know. The whole situation has gotten out of control. I've told my mother for the twenty-fifth time that I am not involved with him and that if she ever tells him my whereabouts again I'll absolutely KILL her. That's really not an issue though because I will simply never tell HER my whereabouts again."

"I never thought there would be a moment in my life when I was glad not to have a mother." They both laughed.

"Let's don't talk about that tonight. This is a celebration after all." Amy's smile returned.

"What are we celebrating?" A dark eyebrow went up in question.

Now Amy was embarrassed and wondering if she had been presumptuous to think Kate would feel as she did about the step they had taken in their relationship. She covered easily. "The project being over of course."

Kate loved to kid her and couldn't pass up the opportunity. "I thought you might mean something else entirely."

Amy turned her head and looked at her friend to see if she was joking around. When it was obvious that she was, she swatted Kate and laughed in relief.

"I'm glad you think that what went on this afternoon warrants celebration. I wasn't sure at first how you might feel." Kate was watching for a reaction.

"I thought it was pretty obvious how I felt." Amy turned once again to look at her friend's face but couldn't read anything there this time.

Kate shook her head before explaining. "You just don't understand that people sometimes do this sort of thing out of a kind of curiosity. Then sometimes, it's what they really want, but it's not a simple way to live and they get scared off. There are a lot of factors that might make me wonder what your reaction really is." Kate had questions, but was skirting the real issues. "There's the highway we want. Take a right here."

A car stopped on the shoulder up ahead had its emergency lights flashing. There was a young woman standing behind it and Amy pulled up and stopped. Kate could have changed the flat tire easily enough, but there was no spare in the young woman's trunk. She had two children in the back seat and looked like she might cry at any moment.

They made a call and stood with her for the fifteen minutes or so it took for a red pick-up to pull in behind the car. Kate located the jack and had everything ready when the girl's young husband arrived. In minutes, they had been thanked profusely and were on the road again.

Amy considered re-opening the conversation that had been interrupted by the stop but realizing that the mood had passed and that her friend was not strong on the mush stuff she let it go for the time being. The major issue of the moment was FOOD!


Their sightseeing got off to rather a late start, but neither seemed to care. The straw market turned out to be fascinating for Amy, just as Kate predicted. Twice during the hours they spent rummaging around the shops there, Kate took armloads of purchases and deposited them in the Explorer. Each time Amy had a good start on the next batch by the time she could return. Finally, Kate just threw up her hands and laughed at Amy's enthusiasm for buying. She took her by the elbow and led her directly to an interesting establishment she passed during one of her trips to the car.

It was an ancient bar room complete with planked floors and a ceiling covered in ornate copper tiles. By night, the restaurant was a popular place for visitors with its eclectic atmosphere. The specialties of the house during the day, however, were all made with ice cream. Kate figured the place could not fail to please and again her judgment proved to be accurate.

By late afternoon, they had walked a great deal in the heat and decided to seek the cool seclusion of the gatehouse until sundown. Amazed at the number of bags and boxes stowed in the Explorer when they reached it, Kate could only shake her head and smile. She now had a new wind chime for her porch at the lake, not to mention a jersey to replace the one Amy permanently borrowed from her, a book about six of the historical homes in Charleston that had been painstakingly restored and were now open to the public. Kate read from this book while Amy drove.

"Did you know that one of the oldest houses in the entire country is here; that the city has burned and been devastated by hurricanes on several occasions, all in this century? These people have staying power, I'd say." She continued to report tidbits of trivia until they turned into the parking area at their lodgings. Kate took the keys and went ahead to unlock their door. Amy was still trying to determine which, if any of her purchases needed to be taken inside when she heard an "Uh Oh!" from her friend. She stepped to the door and immediately spotted the reason for the reaction.

On the table, in the center of the room, sat a breathtaking arrangement of exotic flowers in a crystal vase. Amy was smiling brightly right up until she saw the expression on Kate's face and realized that she had not sent them. Kate emptied her arms and pulled the card from the arrangement's center, handing it to Amy. Her name was scrawled across the envelope.

"Last chance! Dinner tonight? Call me. Jack." A chill went up Amy's spine as she recognized his distinct handwriting. Kate was on the phone to the manager's office to find out when the flowers had been delivered and by whom.

The color was gone from Amy's face and she was obviously not happy that Jack Harris knew exactly where to find her. Kate hung up the phone and turned to give her a report. "The florist delivered them to the office and the manager sent them over with the cleaning people earlier. He hasn't been here in person, but I'd love to know how he tracked you down. You OK?"

Her hands were clearly shaking but she nodded that she was all right. "We've got to decide what to do about this Kate. It's creeping me out that he could knock on that door any moment. I can't believe he's being this tenacious."

In an effort to make light of the obviously upsetting situation, Kate relied on her sarcastic wit. "He has fabulous taste in women, I must say." Amy was not listening. Kate turned more serious. "A guy like him has so little else to do. He obviously has no life and he can only stay in those sleazy places he hangs out for so long. Let's try not to make too much of this, OK?" She didn't feel nearly as casual about the situation as she was trying to sound.

"I guess you're right. He's probably just trying to impress the junior sleazoids. I bet they have a pool on whether he can get me to go out with him." She laughed a little, her mood lightening and the color coming back into her face.

Kate made a suggestion. "Why don't you call Jimmy? We could go and meet some of the 'local folks' at the beach party. I can do a fair imitation of a restless native when called upon." Amy laughed for real this time and giving it some brief consideration, lifted the telephone from its cradle.

The sun was setting when they spotted Jimmy's silver Forerunner in the public lot. They could see the steel towers and cranes of the Charleston harbor across a wide inlet. Two huge ships seemed to be tangled up in the lattice of beams and cables. Even this late in the day, the bustle of activity was visible. A short walk down the sidewalk dead-ended into a hedge. Jimmy warned them that the path to the beach would remind them of something from Alice in Wonderland and it did. They went around the left side of a ten foot tall hedge as he instructed and were shocked at the expanse of open sand. A hundred yards in front of them, Kate could see the smoke of a fire, but the landscape dropped down and no people were visible from their vantage point.

"There's the smoke signal he promised us." Amy pointed and they set off. They heard the small crowd of revelers before they could see them. The beach did in fact drop dramatically once they were over the dunes. It dipped down, creating a natural sea wall to help contain the tides.

Jimmy had been watching out for Amy and her friend and spotted Kate's dark hair bobbing over the crest of the hill a few seconds before he recognized Amy's familiar blonde head. He called out to them and met them half way to the party site.

"Jimmy, this is my friend Kate Ryan." Kate's smile said something inaudible to the young man who nodded confirmation.

"I'm so glad the two of you could come tonight. There are some really great folks here and it should be fun for you to meet them." He led them over and introduced each person as they were encountered. "This is my fiancée Rachel." Amy and Kate exchanged pleasantries with the attractive young woman. She seemed really nice and a perfect match for Jimmy, Amy thought.

"Steve has promised to behave himself, but don't expect much. This is Steve Hudson, my best friend." He was a handsome, dark complected man in his late thirties, Kate guessed. His clothes were impeccable and looked like something more appropriate for a swank hotel in the tropics than an oyster roast. The fine linen of his shirt was almost transparent and moved with the ocean breezes as did the soft winter white jersey of his pleated trousers. Even the sandals on his feet were rich looking.

Steve extended his hand first to Kate, appraising her openly and smiling. "I'll be interviewing you after dinner Kate. For now I'm just interested in what kind of people Jimmy meets through work and I must say, you are stunning." The remark caught Kate completely by surprise and she was clearly embarrassed. Steve turned to Amy and made a similar appraisal. "And you as well, my dear. The two of you compliment each other perfectly."

"You promised to go easy on these ladies, Steve. They aren't used to you yet." Rachel came up next to him and hooked her arm through his, leading him away.

"I can't apologize for him," it was Jimmy who stood behind them. "It would take up the entire evening if I did. Steve can be a little outrageous. He was serious about the interview, by the way. He loves to collect information about people's lives, while divulging very little about his own." He introduced them next to a bookish looking couple who were seated on a driftwood log covered in carved initials. "They're restorations consultants." he offered as they walked away.

All together, there were fifteen people on the beach by sundown. A fire had been started earlier in the afternoon in the pit where the oysters were cooking. The campfire that was started now served to provide visibility. It was too hot to sit close to it. Even after dark with the breeze coming in off the water, it was a warm evening. The tubs of beer and cokes were constantly having their supply of ice refurbished. Jimmy and Rachel kindly brought folding chairs for Kate and Amy and they relaxed, listening to Steve go on and on about Sybil Hunt's son, his business partner.

"In decorating the Landers offices, John Hunt has exhausted more themes than all of the high school proms in Charleston put together." This brought a laugh from all within earshot. "He's a terrific decorator, but please, don't fix what is not broken. Tell me Amy, you were there recently. How did the place look to you?" Steve waited impatiently for her reply.

"I thought it was quite elegant and very Southern, you know, inviting and hospitable." She waited to see if her response would be accepted or launch a tirade from the man.

"From a woman of obvious flawless taste." he waved a hand in the direction of the two women who sat side by side, causing an appreciative smile to appear on Amy's face along with a deep blush on Kate's.

They learned from Jimmy that Steve and John had been lovers for a brief time before becoming partners. Steve did most of the purchasing for the interior design firm they started together fifteen years previously while John dealt with the architectural changes and improvements. When the time came in each project, they worked together to blend the right fabrics, furniture and artwork. Their company had an impeccable reputation and a long waiting list of clients.

A young woman, who had been introduced earlier as half of a newlywed couple, pulled Steve away from the fire. She said that he was needed to settle an argument that was in progress. "A decorator is on call twenty-four, seven you know. It's worse than being a doctor." He gave Amy a conspiratorial wink "and they always want free advice at a party." He was gone.

Jimmy went to help with the uncovering of the pit. It was time to check the oysters and quite possibly to eat them. Amy and Kate were left alone to digest and discuss the evening's events thus far.

"They're all so nice! I really like Rachel and she and Jimmy are obviously crazy about each other." Amy continued to watch the grouping and re-grouping of the people around the fire. Some were obviously couples, others just friends.

Kate considered letting Steve's remark go, but didn't think Amy realized what he meant by it. She forged ahead. "You didn't take offense at what Steve said, did you?"

"About me having good taste? Gosh, no. In fact I was flattered." She beamed.

Kate leaned closer so that her low tones could be heard over the crackle of the fire and the boom box music in the background. "He was insinuating that you have exhibited good taste by…." She was embarrassed to continue.

"Selecting this beautiful woman as your partner." Steve had come up behind them out of the shadows and completed Kate's sentence for her. She was both startled and relieved that she didn't have to say the words herself. Meanwhile, Amy was blushing deeply.

"I seem to keep the color up in both of your faces. It's lovely, but perhaps not so polite of me." He waited to see what might be forthcoming.

"What makes you think she chose me?" Kate countered back. Amy was reeling from his observation that they were 'together' and wondering if everyone else present thought so, too. She couldn't think what she could add to the conversation so she simply sat there looking dumbstruck.

"Touché! You mustn't mind me, either of you. I have the terrible habit of saying whatever crosses my mind. Most often it gets me into trouble because it is the bald truth which many people can not handle." He raised his wineglass in a mock toast. Kate realized that everyone else was drinking beer so it made sense that this Steve character would be having something different.

Kate decided to rescue Amy who seemed to be at a loss for words. "It would be foolish for the two of us to deny the truth when you have so liberally laced it with compliments. Forgive Amy's reaction but she has never been referred to as a 'partner' before."

Steve understood immediately. "Don't worry dear, it's not obvious or anything; at least not to ordinary people. I'm just hypersensitive to these things."

Amy still hadn't said anything and Kate was beginning to worry. "Would you mind getting me another beer Ams?" She rose immediately and headed toward the tub on the perimeter of the firelight.

"She's new to all of this Steve and we haven't known each other long either. I don't think she's comfortable with having people know about us. In fact, it's too soon to say whether there IS an us." Kate hoped her explanation would cause the handsome decorator to back down a little.

"If she doesn't want to go public you might suggest that she not look at you as if you were dessert and vice versa." He smiled defiantly.

"We'll work on that. In the meantime…."

He cut in "don't worry. I'll ease up on her although she is a tempting target for questioning. It has been so long since I heard anyone talk about newness especially in a relationship." He was gone into the shadows again. Kate wanted to be irritated with his forwardness, but somehow it was impossible not to like the man.


"Let's go home tomorrow Kate." Amy was straining against her seatbelt so that she could lean onto Kate's shoulder as she was driven back to the gatehouse.

A raised eyebrow punctuated Kate's next question. "I love Charleston, but I know you've seen it all before. I'm curious though why you would cut your vacation short?"

"It's been so nice having this time with you and it won't be the same at home. You have so much on your plate right now and so do I. When I get back, I have a lot of work I pushed aside to handle the Landers thing. Then there's the 'Jack' confrontation, which is inevitable. You have to get the Mitchells moved in and get started in earnest in Newborn. See what I mean?"

She hadn't really thought in these terms but Amy was right. The daily grind was going to make it impossible for them to see much of each other for quite a while.

"I want us to have a little uninterrupted time in our real world, not just while we're here on a vacation."

"What are you proposing then, that we throw ourselves to the lions two days sooner than we have to?

"No, silly. I think we should go home and hide out at your house!" She watched Kate's face for a reaction. "Why not? No one will know where to look for us. I've got Charlie taking care of the horses until Wednesday and your people won't look for you before then, either. It's perfect!"

"Hmmmmm. I've always heard that the best way to hide is in plain sight." She squeezed Amy's hand, which was resting on her thigh. "Should we leave tonight, then?" Her agreement was evident in the offer to leave immediately.

Amy looked at her with dreamy eyes "No, I would like one more night with you in that beautiful old bed. It's kind of special to me, you know."

Kate was touched by the sentiment.


Amy leaned back into the corner formed where the passenger seat met the door of the Explorer. She had driven the first several hours of their trip home. Kate insisted that she be allowed to relieve her at the wheel. Normally Amy liked to drive because riding bored her miserably. Today, the overcast sky was a perfect backdrop. She was enjoying the view of her driver immensely. Kate's strong jaw, dark eyebrows and incredible eyes were mesmerizing.

When she could stand it no longer, Amy pressed the release on the seat belt. Before Kate even knew what was happening, her lover moved over to rest her hands on the console. She raised her lips up close to Kate's cheek, causing them both to smile. At the last moment, Amy changed her mind and instead of kissing her on the cheek, she let her tongue slowly trace the outline of Kate's ear.

"Yow! Stop that!" Kate jerked away, clearly affected. "You could get us killed doing that." She was trying to be stern, but could not hide a smile.

Amy leaned in again and planted a hot, wet kiss on Kate's neck this time. She moaned at first then gently pushed the blonde away.

"Please hon. I'm begging you to stop. I can't concentrate when you do that."

"That's the whole idea silly!" Amy was truly enjoying herself.

Kate gave her a look that convinced her to back off.

"Oh, all right, but you're no fun at all. I'm really disappointed." She smiled to herself; pleased at the reaction her attentions caused.

Amy decided to put some music on the CD player. Kate, grateful for anything to help distract and occupy Amy tried to regain her composure. It took fifteen miles at least before she stopped feeling hot breath in her ear.

Amy drifted off to sleep and napped for a couple of hours. "I always feel like I'm home when I see 285." Amy started to stir and nodded her agreement. The traffic was light even for a Sunday afternoon and in no time they were passing Amy's house.

"You can't really tell much from the road can you?" Amy asked.

"Don't look, it'll just start you worrying about the girls and there's no need. If anything has gone wrong, Charlie has taken care of it by now." Kate's reassurance was welcome and accepted.

The winding drive through the woods that led to Kate's house was particularly beautiful on this late summer afternoon. Amy was lost in appreciation of the lush, green scenery when they pulled into the yard. Before the car even stopped, the hiss of a seat belt retracting drew her attention. Kate had a peculiar expression on her face as she slammed the Explorer into Park and cut the ignition off. Dropping the keys onto the console, she tilted the steering wheel up to its maximum height.

Her smile spelled trouble, but there was no time for Amy to determine what kind. Kate lunged over the console and released the button on her passenger's seat belt. She virtually swallowed Amy's face with a kiss. When the shock of being pinned to the car door wore off, Amy responded in kind. Hands roamed freely and two bodies worked at making themselves more accessible.

Kate reached around and pulled the door latch, almost dumping them both out on the ground when the door sprung open. Amy got her feet on the gravel and started backing out of the car, without ever losing contact with Kate's lips. This was no small feat, as it required the tall woman to scramble over the console in pursuit. It would be much later before they realized that they were leaving the car door ajar. They stumbled halfway to the house, but righted themselves before they hit the ground. Fumbling for the keys Kate still pulled the length of Amy's body to her with the other arm.

It wouldn't have taken nearly so long to locate the lock if either had been willing to break apart, even for a few seconds. As neither would, it took several tries for the key to find its blind way. Amy was pushed gently through the door. Kate barely cleared the opening herself when her overzealous young lover slammed her against the door. The sudden movement caused her to crack her head against the solid wood.

Eyes wide, Amy put her hand over her mouth and began apologizing profusely.

Kate rubbed the back of her head. She would have a nice lump there shortly, but could only laugh at her partner's enthusiasm. "You need to take it easy on me honey. I can't participate if I'm unconscious."

Amy apologized again and kissed Kate's neck to prove her sincerity. She looked into laughing sky blue "but I NEED your full participation." Her lips moved higher, and Kate leaned down to make her own face an easier goal. Their urgency had been tempered a little by the bump on the head, but only a little. A trail of twisted clothing soon showed the way that they had gone.


When Kate's mind was no longer mush from the raging heat her lover inspired in her, she remembered to turn on the window air-conditioner. It was their only defense against the late day temperatures. By then, they were in a sweating heap, winded and wondering exactly what had happened.

"We should go unload the car, what do you think?" Amy absently circled Kate's belly button with her index finger.

"I'll give you a thousand dollars if you will let me lay here for a half hour first." Kate counter offered.

"I didn't know you had a thousand dollars. Let's see, what do I want?"

Kate interrupted her. "You're pretty confident aren't you? Do you really think you've got me wrapped that bad?"

A simple movement of Amy's hand over a short distance caused Kate to inhale sharply. The argument was lost without a word being spoken.

"Point taken." Kate smiled.


Amy had not been asleep long, but something woke her. Deciding not to fight her instincts, she unbraided her limbs from the beloved form beside her. Donning a discarded tee shirt that she rescued from the floor, she went to investigate the kitchen.

'Three mugs, one without a handle, one knife, two forks, four spoons. This woman I'm in love with hasn't got a shred of domesticity in her.' She laughed to herself as she continued to root around for coffee makings. A sparkling drip coffee maker sat on the counter. 'It looks like some kind of a shrine sitting there. Figures. She isn't planning on doing without caffeine.'

The process of brewing underway, Amy let herself quietly out onto the screened porch. As she passed through the doorway, she stopped as if she'd encountered an invisible wall. The subtle hues of daybreak over the lake made her sigh deeply. Her eyes filled and spilled before she realized it.

There was no sadness playing a part in Amy's tears. She was certain of that, but couldn't really attribute all of them to the sight before her. As beautiful as it was, she had seen many sunups and never been stirred as she was now. Letting the tears flow until they finally slowed and stopped Amy felt the relief of having let them go. When the word relief played through her mind, she began to understand riddles long buried in her heart.

'Relief is a powerful feeling. I spent so many miserable years feeling like a failure. I was never the daughter my mother wanted me to be. I certainly couldn't be the wife Steve needed. Nothing ever felt familiar in any of the relationships I tried to make work. I'm so relieved that I have finally found where I belong.'

She heard Kate in the bathroom and reached up to wipe her face. In moments she felt a warm hand snake around her middle from behind and hot breath on the back of her neck.

"Morning." A voice mumbled from above her. "What are you doing up so early Ams?"

"I got out of bed in self-defense. I had to have some rest!"

Kate, in a fog, didn't understand her insinuation at first. When it finally made sense, she argued in her own defense.

"Can I help it if I have a real appreciation for beauty?"

Amy smiled and turned within the confines of her lovers' arms. "You, my darling, are simply a lech."

The taller woman tried in vain to look offended. "I fault you for that, too. Years of celibacy in my not so distant past prove that I couldn't possibly be a lech." Strong arms pulled Amy to her.

"I'm not sure exactly WHAT years of celibacy prove, but I'll get back to you. Don't forget, I've had a few of them myself."

"There you have it! We're just playing catch up." Kate nuzzled her partner's neck.

"Funny, I suspect it will always be a lot like this between us." Green eyes sparkled and held the promise of her remark.

Lips closed in and Amy accepted the kiss, but controlled it. "You go on back to bed now. I just want to enjoy your scenery for a while." Kate resisted the suggestion; she obviously had in mind a replay of the long night they'd enjoyed.

"Uh, uh, uh. We need to use a little restraint here, friend. Otherwise some unsuspecting soul will walk in here six months from now and find two skeletons twined together in your bed."

"Yeah, but those skeletons will be smiling!"

That got Kate a smack, but it was a loving one. She knew defeat when she was experiencing it and had to admit she was awfully tired. Smiling contentedly with the thought of how she had gotten that way, she headed for the bedroom.

Amy leaned back into the ancient Papasan chair and noticed its stuffing spilling out through a tear in the cushion. Sipping her coffee, she looked over the top of the mug at the mist lifting to reveal the mirrored surface of Jackson Lake. Something, the birds waking up, the brilliance of the sun coming through the treetops, something stirred her memory. Trying to match up some memory that would account for her feeling of déjà vu, she finally remembered the camping trips with Steve.

Pitching their tent in national forests all around the state occupied many weekends for the young couple. They made love for their first time on one of those trips. Just before the next dawn, she managed to drag on her flannel-lined jeans in the dark. Quietly, as not to wake him, she stepped through the tent flap. Kneeling to tie the laces of her hiking boots, she noticed the pink sky. It drew her to the shore of the lake across the road. Amy sat on the concrete bench of a picnic table and watched, awestruck by the colors of daybreak.

'The day starts out so beautifully, so new. How ironic that I can't seem to generate a single new emotion this morning. I would never have guessed that I would feel just the same as I did yesterday.' She was sad and disappointed by the truth, but could not deny it. 'I must be crazy! Steve is such a compassionate, sensitive man and yet…it must be me. Maybe I expect too much, too soon. We need some time. After all, he is so attentive, never forgets my birthday, and buys me extravagant, thoughtful gifts. He likes my family, considers my feelings and always asks my opinions. The man loves me! What more could I ask for?'

Now, on this misty morning, once again watching the sunrise she knew the answer to that question. Amy could have asked for what she had found in her short time with Kate Ryan. She might have expected joy, breathlessness, delicious wanting and a steady throb in the center of her soul. Finally, she understood the importance in the falling part of falling in love.

It was early afternoon and the two friends lay side by side on renegade lawn chairs that Kate dug out of the crawl space. The floating dock bobbed with the occasional passing of a boat. Amy had been spreading a heavy layer of sunscreen over her exposed skin for several minutes.

"What's the point in laying in the sun if you aren't gonna let it touch your skin anywhere?' Kate didn't understand, as she had never been sunburned in her life.

"The main point is getting to look at you in a bathing suit of course." Amy shook her blonde head and settled back, closing her eyes. "Sun looks incredibly nice on you." The remark earned her a bright smile.

When it got so hot that they were sweating, Kate spontaneously stood and dove off into the lake. Amy reacted immediately, but the strong, graceful strokes of the taller woman put her out of reach. Amy floated for a few minutes before she climbed the ladder and sat watching Kate cut through the water, amazed at the grace with which she moved.

The sun dried them off too quickly and they were back to sweating. Kate was doing her best to sell Amy on the idea of cat fishing after dark.

"You'll really like it and it's easy. You don't have to work at it like you do with other kinds of fishing."

Amy had already been told about the chicken liver bait they would use and she was resisting this suggested activity. "What about snakes? We'll be out here in the pitch black dark!"

"Don't be such a cupcake. We've got the security light there on the shore and besides, they aren't going to attack you or anything. Why is it that everybody thinks water snakes are so diabolical that they lay in wait for defenseless humans? There aren't even any around here that are poisonous. Honest!"

It was obviously going to be hard to deter Kate from her plan. Amy had to admit that her friend had been right the last time. The fishing trip on her farm had been great fun. The kiss she had given Kate, their first, had been even better. Kate had been gracious and allowed Amy to pretend she hadn't done it. She owed her for that and other things.

"Alright." Her grudging agreement brought Kate to her feet in excitement.

"You won't be sorry! Wait until you drag one out of here that's as long as your arm."

'I'm already sorry. The ones dad used to bring home were disgusting looking. I can just see me raising one of those nasty things out of black water. EEEUUUUWWWW!'

The heat drove them indoors shortly after that. They napped under the hum of the air conditioner through the early evening. Hunger finally woke them and they raided the paltry supply of food in Kate's refrigerator.

"Tomorrow, we go shopping. You can not live on green olives and ketchup forever." She gave Kate a critical look. "Speaking of forever, how long have these pickles been in here?" Amy opened the jar and sniffed the contents suspiciously.

"Not long, I swear." she crossed her heart with her index finger. She couldn't defend her position very well. Kate had never been big on things like grocery shopping. "I guess I've been a little distracted lately."

"Nice try, but I haven't known you THAT long. It's really a wonder you haven't developed some kind of disease." The light from the open refrigerator door illuminated Kate's face and she looked genuinely contrite. A blonde head turned and arms reached up to enclose the stately form. "You have to take better care of yourself now. It's important to me." Amy's unspoken meaning was clear and it constricted Kate's heart.

"It's nice to know somebody will be paying attention from now on." Kate was afraid that her remark sounded presumptuous.

"I'll be watching every move." She squeezed Kate's tall torso once more before choosing some unlikely items to combine for dinner.


Before she knew it, Amy found herself leaning back on her hands enjoying the gentle rocking of the dock once again. The bug spray was doing its job and Kate had been right. There really wasn't much work to cat fishing. She closed her eyes and listened to the click of the crickets that was a familiar thread in her life.

"What are you studying on so hard?" Kate's question brought her back to the present.

"Nothing at all, my mind was just floating somewhere. Do you ever do that?" She was amazed that she was comfortable enough to answer truthfully.

"My mind doesn't float, it bulldozes." Kate's answer was honest too.

"Maybe that's something I could teach you. It's kind of nice sometimes." Deciding to change the subject Amy had a question of her own. "Speaking of bulldozers, what is the schedule looking like for the Newborn project?"

"I can't get the loader operator I want for two more weeks, but I told him I would wait for him. He's really good and siting this one will be particularly critical. I'd really like to show you what I mean as soon as we clear a drivable road to it."

"That would be great. Are you still going with the spot near the falls?" Amy thought she saw her float move, but couldn't be sure.

"Yes, but its not so much a fall as a stumble." Kate uncharacteristically smiled at her own joke.

Amy was proud that Kate landed this contract and she had been impressed by the design innovations her clients were allowing her to implement. Something told Amy that this would be a turning point in her partner's building career. She was excited while Kate seemed apprehensive, claiming that the Mitchell residence would be a hard act to follow.

"I can't wait until you're famous and I can claim that 'I knew you when'." Amy kidded her mercilessly.

"More accurately you can take credit. I enjoyed building before, but it was mostly a job. I want to dazzle and amaze you. I would love to have some triumphs to share with you instead of all my little horrors."

Amy was studying her friend's profile now. "I love you the same way you love me, lumps and bumps and everything."

Kate's penetrating gaze turned to focus directly on her. "Where have you been all my life?" Immediately regretting her statement, the builder apologized. " Sorry, I know that sounds corny." The unmistakable intensity of her expression contained a confession. Amy felt as if she'd just been offered the unadorned soul of the woman next to her. Her embarrassment was obvious as Kate sighed and skipped a rock over the water's surface. A change of subject seemed to be the only way to save face.

"I haven't really given the job much thought since we left town on Thursday. I'm ashamed to say that, but it's true."

"I'm thrilled! It gives me hope of you becoming something other than a total workaholic. I do know what you mean though. I don't look forward to walking into that office tomorrow either." Amy ran her hand up Kate's arm and enjoyed the feel of gooseflesh rising.

"I thought you'd be working from home. Isn't that what you and Mr. Hanley worked out?"

"Yes, but only for that presentation." Kate was surprised at this news. "A lot of the resources I need to do my job are at the office and I have to attend the occasional departmental meeting. Sometimes I even sit in on client meetings. It makes it easier to get a handle on how to present our work."

"I don't understand."

"Well, there's Client type A. He may only change the color of the dog's collar, but he's gonna change something. Blanket acceptance of anyone else's ideas is not in his nature. Type B won't like anything, no matter what we do. He will always go with the lesser of the evils. We usually present our best idea last for those clients. Type C is usually not a PR person or liaison. Usually this one is an owner, or at least a partner. They're straightforward and honest about their opinions, no games. Those are the ones I live for, the 'C' people." Kate's slow nod let her know that she was making sense.

"I seem to be pretty good at pigeonholing the clients. It usually falls to me to make that judgment for the department. Accuracy cuts way down on the amount of creative work we have to generate. Of course, my judgment of people is not infallible, is it?"

Kate reached over and tickled her ribs briefly before her expression turned serious. "I see now that you have to go into town, but I'm not comfortable with this situation with Jack. You will be careful won't you?"

"He wants to date me, not kill me, Kate." She laughed.

"He gives me the creeps and I'm also usually a pretty good judge of character myself. Just be careful, ok?" She sighed deeply and turned her attention to the inky night outside the circle of their dock light. Finally she spoke again. "The fishing is lousy tonight. Why don't we go up to the house and watch a movie or something?"

"The 'or something' sounds pretty good."


"At least we got the car unloaded in a timely manner this time, huh?" Amy grinned, remembering their return from Charleston the previous afternoon.

The bags on the kitchen counter were all sizes and colors. They put away the groceries first. "I won't know I'm in the right house." Kate stood in front of the open refrigerator door, amazed at the shelves containing various food.

"This isn't permanent, honey. You have to go back to the store periodically as you run out of things. You make a list on this." Amy stuck an erasable board to the refrigerator door.

"I think I have it, but I may have to call you pretty often for help on spelling." Kate cracked.

The afternoon sped by. They hung curtains in the den and bedroom. Kate was a marvel at installing curtain rods and the mini-blinds they bought. Too soon, it was time for Amy to head home. Neither wanted to admit how hard it was to separate. Naturally, tough-acting Kate tried hardest to blow the situation off.

"Give me a call when the smoke settles. Maybe we can get together one night next week." she remarked in an off-hand manner.

"Listen you, I'm spoiled now. We BETTER get together more than one night or you will need to provide a note from your doctor. On second thought, illness is not even a valid excuse. You better make yourself available kiddo." Amy threw her arms around Kate's neck and did a pull up, lifting her feet off the floor.

They clung to each other just inside the door until finally Amy pulled away and went out of it. Kate watched her all the way to the car. Amy never turned, but raised her hand in a backward wave and was gone.


'I've got a heck of a lot of paperwork to catch up on. I better get on it.' Kate had no clue how difficult it would be to concentrate on mundane things like cost estimates and material lists. Her thoughts kept returning to their time in Charleston and the idyllic feel of the whole experience. She really had not known that life could be so overwhelming, so wonderful. Kate really wished that she could tell Amy how she felt, but was painfully aware of her shortcomings in that department.

'I should do something really thoughtful for her. I can't send flowers after what happened with Jack. I could send balloons or a singing telegram. Nah, that's been done. Maybe I can find something different in the yellow pages.' Her paperwork forgotten, she began her research.


Amy's drive into Atlanta was almost over. 'It's funny that I always kick into 'city mode' when I cross under the perimeter. Does that make me schizophrenic, sort of? I can't believe I haven't even called the office to see what happened with Landers. Oh well, I guess I'll know soon enough.' Amy pulled into the parking decks at seven-thirty exactly and was surprised at how full it was. She hated the tight turns that took her up the three ramps to the level reserved for Walton & Hanley employees.

There were very few people stirring when she reached the fifth floor. Her department was completely deserted and she was disappointed. Anyone who worked in design could have told her whether they got the account or not. Sighing to herself, she opened her office door and got right down to business.

The message list on her computer was long. She scanned the names until she saw 'Tom Hanley' and pulled up his message. 'Congratulations'… That was all she needed to know. "YES!" Amy jumped up and went down the hall in search of coffee. By the time she returned with it, she was calmed down and ready to read the rest.

…'Sybil Hunt called personally to award the Landers contract. She said several very nice things about you, which I won't repeat because then I would feel, obligated to give you a raise. Needless to say, she is anxious to put some of your ideas to work for her company. Welcome back and thank you for the special effort you put into this project. Tom.'

Amy turned 360 degrees in her desk chair, enjoying the expression of gratitude from a man she revered. When the phone rang, she started to ignore it, since the office wasn't officially open for another hour. "This is Amy, can I help you?"

The early part of the morning was spent accepting congratulatory greetings from the rest of the design department. She also found out that Josh was out of the hospital and expected back at the office in a few more days. Mary, the second in command had delivered a baby girl and they were both doing fine.

Martha from human resources sought her out before nine o'clock. "Way to go." She high-fived Amy. "I thought you might like to know that your buddy Jack is being promoted." She waited for reaction.

She didn't get one. "He'll consider it a promotion anyway. They're taking him out of print advertising and sending him to national media. He'll be traveling even more than he does now, which should please you."

"It does, very much. He gave me the creeps in Charleston. He sent flowers to the B&B where I was staying. I have no idea how he found me. Yuhhhhh." She gave her head a vigorous shake. "Hopefully I won't have many occasions to run into him then." They talked briefly before Amy realized her phone was ringing. She excused herself and dashed to answer it.

The rich tones of Kate's voice were unmistakable. "I waited as long as I could. I'm sure you have a lot to do this morning, but I was anxious to hear what happened with the presentation." 'I was more anxious to hear your voice. This is bad, really bad. I'm like a love sick teenager.'

Kate's thought was interrupted. "We got it! Can you believe it?"

"Sure I can believe it. I was just looking for confirmation. Way to go kiddo."

Amy lowered her voice to a more personal volume. "I couldn't have done it without your help. Thanks." She was smiling when two more members of her department knocked on her office door. She motioned them in. "I've got some people here to see me but I'll give you a call later?'

"Let the phone ring just in case I have to run a long way to grab it. I wish we could celebrate tonight, but I have to meet with the foundation people. Maybe we can do it later in the week. I'm so proud of you Ams and I love you."

The declaration warmed her until she realized that she couldn't return the sentiment with people sitting in her office. Not wanting to hurt Kate's feelings, she did the only thing she could think to do.

"Me too." She said quietly and placed the receiver in the cradle. The two associates seated in front of her desk were giving her a look that told her she might as well have said the words. They weren't fooled at all. She had known them both for several years and they all lunched together whenever possible. Amy realized that they knew enough about her personal life or lack of it, to be curious.

"OK. Give with the information. We're intrigued." Carol spoke up immediately. She could be very direct, which was one of the things Amy liked most about her. Sam sat silently, as always letting his friend Carol take the lead.

"I'm thrilled about Landers but it's going to mean a lot of work around here for a while."

"Yeah, Yeah, yadata, yadata. I mean who was that on the phone? I distinctly picked up on something with that 'me too'. Not to mention the gaga expression on your face when you said it." Sam nodded when she looked to him for a second opinion.

Amy could feel the blush that rose to her cheeks and realized that she was busted. "I'm seeing someone. It's been a long time since I've met anyone this nice." 'There, that ought to be non-committal enough.'

Carol waited expectantly. She should have realized that Amy was not going to make this easy. In the years she had known her, it had been nearly impossible to get her to talk about herself. As Carol recalled, no one had even known about Amy's divorce until after the fact.

The phone rang, startling them all. Amy picked it up and put her caller on hold while she explained to her visitors that she would be tied up for a bit.

"I am going to let this slide for now, but I'm expecting a full confession at lunch. P.S. Can't wait for the juicy details!"

All she could do was laugh. The quirky character traits of her creative co-workers went with the turf. She hadn't been kidding them. This new account would mean a lot of additional work. It had been her concept so she would be expected to develop it. As exciting a prospect as that was, she was a little concerned.

Even the task of organizing a list of necessities had taken hours. On that list were some things that she could only get from Charleston and she found herself on the phone with Jimmy. Once the usual pleasantries had been exchanged, she got right to the point.

"Can you get me a list of some satisfied customers? I need killer photos, not testimonials. I'd like something with a lavish courtyard surrounding it, and actually in Charleston if you can manage." Amy explained some of what she was planning so that he would get a feel for what he was trying to supply. "I can send my photographer as soon as you give me the word. Thanks a million and say hello to Rachel for me."

The new logo she proposed wasn't radically different from Landers' old one. Amy left a message for the typography expert on staff and unwrapped the sandwich Carol graciously offered to bring back from lunch for her overworked comrade. Naturally, as soon as she had taken a bite the phone rang and she almost choked in her effort to chew and swallow too quickly. Thinking it might be Kate; she didn't want the call to roll over into her voice mail.

"Thanks for wrapping up the Landers deal for me. How did you like my flowers?"

Jack's unmistakable voice gave her a chill. "They were just as inappropriate as they were beautiful. You will have to tell me sometime how you knew where to find me."

He laughed, amused at his own cleverness. "I never divulge a trade secret, you know that. Why don't you skip the thank you note and have dinner with me instead? By the way, I got a promotion, did you hear?"

"I'm very happy for you and I'm sure you will add something unique to 'media."

"That's why we should celebrate." Jack waited.

"No thanks. As I've told you on so many occasions, I'm not going to pursue a social relationship with you. In fact, I've done everything in my power to limit the amount of contact in our professional relationship."

"It's true then, you talked to human resources! I told the guys they were crazy, that you'd never do a thing like that. I'm really hurt, Amy. We've been friends for a long time."

Wondering if 'the guys' meant the junior sleazes and deciding it did she responded. "We haven't ever been friends Jack and you're beginning to worry me. Yes, I went to human resources, but I went to resign. When they asked me why, your name came up."

"You're serious?"

"I'm absolutely serious. You behaved very badly at the meetings last week. Once again, you were treating me as if I am something I am not, the Company Concubine. I know it's important sometimes for guys to impress each other, but you have started stepping WAY out of bounds Jack. I'm really tired of it."

His voice was menacing and his anger was evident. "I've been the top salesman in this company for longer than you have worked here. I'm well aware of which boundaries exist and which are imagined. You shouldn't have gone over my head with this Amy. It makes both of us look foolish. You also needn't flatter yourself any longer that I would consider getting involved with you."

Amy wasn't sure if she wanted to continue this conversation or not. She knew from past experience that no matter what he said, he would do whatever he liked where she was concerned.

"Let's don't argue about this, Jack. Congrats on your promotion, have a nice life." She hung up the phone and shook her head.


Continued in Part 4.

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive