~ Andromeda ~
by Calliopenjo



Part 4

After I returned with the boys, I read what my sovereign scribed on the scrolls. It was truly heartbreaking, with such sorrow, such pain. I knew she should not have taken Carissa into the household to be her consors. It will never work, it cannot. Please understand, I do love the boys, but Carissa is another story entirely. I was truly hoping that with time and effort, she would change from her past, but it does not seem to be.

The sovereign seems so distraught now. She follows Carissa into the bathing chamber and reveals her heart. If Carissa does not accept this . . . then . . . well, no one knows the answer quite yet.

"Carissa, please listen to me. Listen to me as I tell you I love you. I am sorry for the fighting, the arguing. It seems to never end." Is she crying? Is the sovereign crying? "I love you, Carissa. I truly love you. I am a stranger here in this strange world that you call home. I cannot understand your customs, your ideals. I fail to understand the American mentality. My sole purpose for being here is to find my consors, my companion. I believe I have found my companion. Please, Carissa . . . please . . . bear with me as I struggle to understand this world that you call home. I know you and I are of the same species, but our worlds seem so different, yours and mine. I was unprepared for this. I did not realize that my consors would possess such a broken heart and shattered soul. I know there is a little girl in there somewhere waiting to come out. I know she is there, because I see her in everything that you do. A long time ago, I trusted someone. I trusted someone so much that it hurt when she betrayed us all. Since then, I have found it difficult to believe in love, to believe in hope, to believe that I am able to trust again. Hear me, Carissa . . . please hear my words as I tell you I love you. I did not lie to Tristan. I simply told him the truth. You see, it is not that I do not trust your words or your belief in this family. It is a need for me to understand, for me to know that I can, indeed, trust them with a member of my household. Though I rejected his request, I offered an alternative, an alternative that was gladly accepted. Today, during the afternoon meal, they will join us, and it is then that I will be able to see, to learn about these people. After that, you are free to do as you wish. I have no right to keep you prisoner here in the manor. Go and do as you wish, and when you return . . . when you return we will tell each other our stories . . . hmmm . . . my sweet one. You are adorable, so beautiful. I do not understand why your mother put you in servitude to please the sexual desires of others, especially when you were so young. I do not have the ability to speak with the dead, neither does Alarica. One day you will meet her. That will be the day that I will proudly announce you as my consors. Tristan's friend will be here soon. Bonus bye, meus amor, EGO mos animadverto vos nunc. Goodbye, my love, I will see you soon."

It took a little while for the historian and the queen to stop crying after the speech was heard. Carissa was just as touched as everyone that was present. She had taken her bath during that time. The sovereign lovingly stroked and scrubbed her clean. After rubbing oil over Carissa's body, she donned Carissa with a brand new dress to wear on this day. When she was done speaking, she left Carissa there in the bathing chamber. Carissa had the oddest expression; an empty look would be the best description.


She approaches the sovereign cautiously as she enters the sleeping chamber "Um, Bell, I mean, Bellona, I . . ."

"Yes, my Carissa, what can I do for you?"

"I'm not quite sure what to say after that. Um, do you have any idea what we're having for lunch?"

"If I recall Tristan's menu, it is hot dogs, French fries, and chocolate shake, I believe. I attempted to persuade Tristan to change to another dish other than hot dogs. However, he said thems good stuff."

"I take it you don't like hot dogs?"

"I have not yet learned to appreciate them, as they leave a funny feeling in my mouth, and they also resemble something else too closely. So I try to stay as far away from them as I possibly can."

"What do you mean you don't like hot dogs? Everyone likes hot dogs. With a little catsup they're good."

"I suppose so, however, let me just say that hot dogs will be a dish that I may never learn to acquire the taste of. Sausages, however, are completely different. The texture and seasonings, with a little pickled cabbage and mustard, is a meal I find worthy of a king." She giggled at her own statement. The reason . . . no one knows at this time. However, it was only a short time later that the laughter finished and the seriousness began again.

"Carissa . . . Carissa . . . how is it that you came to be an egre femina?"


"Have you forgotten your lessons so soon?"

"But, Bell, I . . ."


"All right, I know this . . . I think. Let's see . . . femina sounds like feminine. Egre . . . um . . . egre . . . I don't know."

"It means scarlet woman. It is an old term for prostitutes."

"Oh, and my mother worked for an escort service. At the very beginning, when she was younger, she was really beautiful and made all kinds of money, truckloads even. They kept her pretty busy with one client after another. Pretty soon it took its toll, and she went downhill really quickly. The only way she would be able to keep up with everyone else is with the drugs and booze. That's where all the money went. One of her clients used to be a mob boss, true or not, I don't know, and I really could care less. Anyway, she got her drugs through her dealer Razer, who is the broker for this region of the country. He ain't cheap, either, he is really demanding, and he comes complete with a well earned bad rep. The manager of this escort service found out about the drugs and the booze, and fired her. She lost her money, dignity, and her beauty in one fell swoop. She got me into the business because of the comments she used to get: 'Look how pretty she is' or 'Look, doesn't she look like an angel.' She stopped with the high profile clients, gave them to me. She, in turn, started doing everyone and everything under the sun, literally, just to see if she could still do it. Looks were not going for her, at all. She was lookin' like that old witch that you see during Halloween, or pretty damn close. Anyway, that's how I got into the bizz."

"Your mother did not think to educate you? To provide lessons so that you may succeed to be more successful than herself?"

"Nope . . . As far as she was concerned, it was a waste of time."

"Prostitution is against the law, and yet there you were at the party with a government official. How did that come to be?"

"That's easy. You pay someone enough, and they turn deaf, dumb, and blind in an instant. You should know that, you're a government official."

"I do not take bribery. If this had occurred on Andromeda, I would take immediate action, starting with the removal of yourself and your brothers from your house, placing you in a secure home until all the facts have been found. Here, though, I am lost and confused. Nothing is as it should be. As you say, money will render anyone deaf, dumb, and blind in an instant."

"Would you really have taken us away? Where would you put us? No one wants an uneducated kid, never mind three kids."

"Yes, I would have taken you away. If there was nowhere else, I would place you in the palace. And the other issues do not matter. Everyone has the potential to learn, Carissa. Come now, it is time for the guests to arrive."


It was a grand time, with everyone out in the backfields. The cook barbecued large sausages instead of hot dogs, much to my sovereign's delight, with roasted corn on the cob, and of course, the French fries. All enjoyed the food. You may be wondering about Carissa and if she would take advantage of her newfound freedom. Carissa did, in fact, have two beers with Tom's father, an American brand of beer. A rather cheap brand, it was rumored to be. The queen did, in fact, drink some of this beer, out of curiosity, mind you, that is, before she threw it away after a few sips. The queen did have to say that Carissa was in no danger of becoming drunk with only two of these beverages of choice. It barely passes as carbonated water, or as Carissa had described, carbonated horse piss. Granted, the queen is more appreciative of fine wines and the occasional mead, however, she believes she would know a good beer when she tasted one. This was not it, so rest assured, our consors was in no danger of becoming intoxicated. By the way, the queen spoke with Tom's father earlier. The subject of Carissa's age had come up. He believes that Carissa is twenty-one years old.

"I wonder if she will ever be able to lead a normal life," the queen told her little friend as he scurried away.

Tom's family says goodbye as the sun starts to set. Carissa leaves the manor after the boys have gone to slumber. The sovereign, however, stays in her study, stating that there is much work to be done. What that work is or was, no one knows, but it is what the sovereign has said. The historian leaves the scrolls in the study when she leaves for her sleeping chambers for a good night's rest.

It is nearly midnight, and still, she does not return, my consors does not return home. I have to trust that she will find her way home, believe that if we were meant to be then what I set free will come back. I had fun today with Tristan's friend. The meal was not as Tristan had ordered, but being the good lad that he is, did not mind. I had some of that so-called beer that Carissa asked one of the guards to buy for her. I have to say that it is not something that I would enjoy on a daily basis. I was even more surprised to see my queen drink some, but in true lady fashion, she discretely threw the rest of her bottle away after only a few sips. Curiosity rings true in everyone, no matter the age.

Finally, the clock chimes midnight, and my consors has come home. She smiles and waves at me as she passes by the study. Perhaps our conversation will begin in the morning. I will replace these scrolls with new ones for my historian in the morning. Tomorrow will be a new beginning.


It was a peaceful night last night, and an even more glorious morning, as the queen found herself wrapped in the arms of her sovereign. Who would imagine that, because, you see, our sovereign does not believe in displaying affection for everyone to see. It is something that should be shared in absolute privacy, after all, it is our beliefs, and she is one to stress that we should hold onto our beliefs and customs.

This is strange. I thought there was more room on the previous scrolls. Perhaps my sovereign has written on them. Perhaps all of this scribing is clouding my memory. I am not that old of a historian . . . am I? ...the historian questions herself

It was during the morning meal that the conversation began again, with last night's excursion being the topic of conversation.

"Where did you go last night, Carissa?"

"Just some of my old hangouts, that's all."

"Has anything changed since the last time you visited those places? Do you miss them?"

"No and no, and why are you asking these questions?"

"I am rather curious about your old life. The more I know, the more I may understand."

"Okay. I was propositioned last night, though."

"You were offered money in exchange for gratification last night. Is that what you are telling me?"

"Yeah, got a problem?"

"No, I do not have a problem. I just need to be sure I understand you correctly. The American way of butchering the English language is a bit puzzling to me, that is all. Did you accept this offer?"

"All right, sorry about that, and I'm here, and sober, aren't I? That should give you the answer. He said he was very cold and so was his bed. I was just the right little thing to warm him and his bed up last night. He even offered me ten grand."

"That must have been very difficult for you, not to accept the offer of $10,000. Am I right?"

"Yeah, it wasn't easy. I'm not used to walking around with empty pockets . . . yet. Besides that, he was far below my old standard. I wouldn't have said yes back then, either. Shit eating . . ."

"I will remove my hand from your mouth when you agree to a more acceptable vocabulary. All you have to do is nod your head."

After Carissa nodded her head, she apologized. "Sorry."

"Please continue, and remember your agreement."

"After that I just came back, didn't miss anything anyway. Same old sh . . . um . . . stuff, anyway."

"Now, it is time to begin your studies. We will start with reading literature, studying the annals in the archives, arithmetic, writing exercises, to finish with language and speaking skills."

"Awww, but, Bell, do we have to?"

"Yes, you do."

"But . . . um . . . couldn't we just . . . I don't know . . . maybe . . . well."

"Was there a question in there somewhere, Carissa?"

"Oh hell, couldn't we just skip it?"

"Skip what, exactly?"

"Skip the school stuff."

"No we cannot, as you had said, skip the school stuff. There is much to do, and learn, especially the language and speaking skills. When I feel you are ready, we will proceed with teaching you the skills necessary to be my consors. You are not at that stage yet, Carissa."

"Yes, sir, aye, aye, sir, general sir, whenever you are ready, sir, whatever you say, sir. . ."

"Then let us continue in the study, shall we?"

"I don't suppose we could fit a lesson in about the pleasure principle, could we?" Carissa asked in a sultry tone.

"The pleasure principle you said. 6The pleasure principle in psychoanalysis: The demand that an instinctive need - usually sexual or aggressive - be gratified, regardless of the social or practical consequences. Sigmund Freud held that the id was dominated totally by the pleasure principle, but that, with the development of the ego and superego, individuals become aware of the demands of social reality - the reality principle - and thereby learn to temper and regulate their quest for pleasure. That pleasure principle?"

"Party pooper . . ."

"Since you had brought up a subject on your own, let us read this story today."

"What is this? This isn't the story we've been reading."

"Look at the cover."

"Cle . . . Cle . . . o . . . pa . . . tra. Wait a minute! You want me to read Cleopatra!? Have you gone crazy? Look at this big ass book. It'll take me until retirement to finish reading this."

"It will not take you that long, and I feel Cleopatra would be a wonderful study in the pleasure principle, do you not think so?"

"But . . . but, Bell, I was just kidding. You didn't take me seriously, did you?"

"Carissa, I will go easy on you this time. Next time, however, I suggest you take heed of my warning. Be careful of the words you speak, kidding or no, somebody will always take you seriously. Do you understand?"

Gulp, "Yes, ma'am, I understand."

"I have a feeling, though, that it will be a lesson that will need constant attention. Here is the book that you have been reading, start where you left off."

The rest of the day continued with Carissa being a little more . . . compliant?


Three months time had passed since then, it is time for Halloween. Carissa grew both physically and mentally. She is able to hold her own during a mock battle, especially with Bellona being her teacher. Her body is of a more refined quality now, a more solid structure. She has found a new love for our consors. It seems as though history has become a fascination with Carissa. Her reading has improved tremendously, and her writing skills have also improved. She is at the point now that she would be able to receive her, what the sovereign referred to as the GED exam, or the general equivalency diploma exam. It would not be for proof to the sovereign that her consors is, indeed, capable of learning or any proof of Carissa's education. It is for Carissa's confidence, to help her believe in herself. Due to the unexpected death of Carissa's birth mother and the responsibility of caring for her brothers, she dropped out of school three months before the end of the year. Carissa feels she would not have graduated in any case, not with the scores she had, no. This would give her a sense of accomplishment, something to hold with pride.

Bellona is proud of her consors, so much so that she accepted the invitation for a Harvest Celebration, given to the House of Andromeda by Prime Minister Ethelmona of Avalon. Bellona told Carissa to prepare a short speech expressing their gratitude of attending such an event.

"What? You want me to do what? Write a speech?"

"Yes, I would like you to write a short speech expressing our gratitude, no longer than one paragraph. You are able to do this, do not worry. I will be here to assist you, should you be in need."

"Can't we just say thanks and be done with it? People don't give speeches at parties. They get drunk."

"I suppose that would be the typical American custom, yes. However, these circumstances are much different, Carissa. As you know, Avalon and Andromeda, many centuries ago, were at war with each other. Peace between our two nations has been commonplace between us for at least that long. It is necessary, in this circumstance, to express our gratitude to keep peace between our two nations. This speech is necessary to help keep that peace. Etiquette dictates that any visit, be it formal or informal, must be appreciated in such a manner that the host not only hears the appreciation, but feels it as well. We do that by doing two things, offering a piece of Andromeda in the form of a possession such as food or gift item that one would only find on Andromeda. The next is by presenting a speech to note our gratitude."

"Oh, um, okay, will do. One paragraph, you said, a thank you for inviting us to the party?"

"Yes, Carissa, that is correct."

"Okay, well, let me give it a try and see what I can come up with. Shouldn't be too hard, I don't think."

After many rewrites, corrections, and rehearsals, the speech was finally ready to be presented on the night of the Harvest Celebration. Carissa wondered why the boys were coming along, 'kids don't come to parties,' she had stated. Bellona reassured Carissa that children are welcome to attend social gatherings, as it is an opportunity to both study and learn what is, and what is not, acceptable. Reluctantly, Carissa agreed and gathered the boys to prepare them for the celebration as well. They gathered in formation: Sovereign Bellona would be in the center front, her queen would be on the right, two steps behind, Consors Carissa would be on the left, two steps behind, the boys directly behind them, with three guards following.

After a short stroll, they arrived. The royal couple attended many such social gatherings before, but for some reason, both are nervous for an unknown reason.

All have entered the manor of Avalon, and the sovereign steps aside to let Carissa pass. This is her time, as now is the moment to make her presentation.

"Gratias ago tu, Prime Minister Ethelmona of Avalon. . . This is my Sovereign, Bellona of Andromeda, and this is her queen, Clarissant. I am Sovereign Bellona's Consors, Carissa, here to say thank you for inviting us to this Harvest Celebration. I present to you a gift: wine, as a symbol of the lifeblood of Andromeda; cheese, as a symbol of the nurturing spirit; farmer's bread, rich with grain, as a symbol of plenty. I, as a representative of the kingdom of Andromeda, Consors Carissa, present these gifts to you, Prime Minister Ethelmona of Avalon, as our way of saying thank you for granting us the pleasure of your company celebrating the Harvest, a time of family, a time of plenty. Thank you for your invitation." After she finishes the speech, she bows fully, until she is told to rise, truly remarkable.

I must say I was truly surprised. I remember a time Carissa had difficulty saying thank you and please. Now, to hear the speech, it was truly remarkable. Both of us are proud of Carissa. Everyone is proud of Carissa.

Ethelmona accepted the gift. However, it seems as though she accepts only because it would be rude to refuse. Only the queen would dare say this because the smile on her face does not reach her eyes, it is a false gratuity. Sovereign Bellona notices this as well. And the stiff posture is recognized by those who know her well. This night is not starting out as planned, it seems.

Ethelmona's reply seems just as cold. "Thank you for your offering. If you would excuse me . . ."

Carissa and the boys are excused to join the party. The sovereign feels it is her time to speak. "Prime Minister Ethelmona, please forgive the intrusion, for I am wondering if there is an indiscretion I should be made aware of. The offering has been made according to tradition, has it not?"

"Sovereign Bellona, what a pleasure it is to see you again. I do hope you and your entourage enjoy the party. As for the present and its presenter, I have accepted both, according to tradition."

"You accepted a gift of the heart because of protocol, then?"

"It seems as though there is a misunderstanding, as that is not what I said. Now, if you will excuse me . . ."

"Prime Minister Ethelmona, it was not too long ago that a childhood friend reminded me that life is much more than protocol."

"In most cases, that is true. Protocol does not dictate life; it only dictates how we are to go about our daily lives. However, there are some instances that we must abide by the rules and traditions of our homeland."

"You are correct in that we must all abide by the rules and traditions of our homeland. It is at this time that I remember etiquette dictating that it is not proper for the receiver of the gift to judge the gift that was presented to them. The presenter is merely the gift bearer, and must not be judged as well. Is that not correct, Prime Minister Ethelmona?"

"Yes, that is correct, Sovereign Bellona. Perhaps, though, you have misjudged the circumstance. I am afraid that I must attend to the rest of the party guests. If you would pardon me please, enjoy yourselves."

Carissa came back towards the royal couple with a glass of wine. She knows her sovereign well. After Bellona finishes the wine, Carissa asks, "Sovereign Bellona, I am wondering if we could have a moment alone to discuss the events?" Bellona gives a slight nod and leads Carissa to the back lot of the property, away from prying eyes and open ears.

"Okay, enough of the bullshit. What happened? We did everything right, didn't we? I made the kickin' ass speech, presented the gift, what more does she want, a good fuck?"

"Carissa, remember our surroundings, and yes, we did everything as it should have been done. What more does she want? She was not expecting a former prostitute to be so eloquent in the delivery of the gift. I believe she was insulted."

"Insulted? Why, because I used to be everyone's whore? Is that it? Well, fuck that. I'm leaving, and I'm taking the boys with me. Besides, everyone here is a woman. I don't do nor ever did women. So unless she's bi, how would she know?"

"Calm down, Carissa, and no, you cannot leave. I am not certain of the reference of which you are speaking of, nor do I know her preferences. If we could leave, we would not be here now. We will have to wait until the end to leave."

"Why do we have to wait? I say fuck her and all this bullshit. If she can't accept it then fine by me. I've got better things to do."

"Carissa, we cannot leave because of etiquette. I accepted the invitation . . . and . . . according to etiquette . . . we have to stay, like it or not."

"All right, fine. She better apologize or I'll whoop her ass. That's all I've gotta say. Just so that I know, whom did she expect, the pope?"

"Remember, the Scrolls of Protocol state that the gift and the bearer must present themselves in a refined fashion so that the kingdom is presented at its best. Remember also, the Scrolls of Protocol are vague in its description of what is right and wrong, to leave room for interpretation. I do not know much about the Prime Minister, but I would guess that her idea of the gift and the presenter would be of a more refined quality."

"Okay, so what do we do now, besides gritting our teeth?"

"I will speak to Sovereign Cyan Alarica about the events so she will be aware of what has happened tonight. It would be easy for her to find out the truth of why the Prime Minister did what she did. Alarica is more powerful than me, and knows how to use her powers."

"More powerful, like what, she can change what's her face into a frog? If she can, let me know so I can be there to laugh my ass off."

"All I can tell you, at this point in time, is that the abilities she has surpass all that the known world would define as being normal."

"You are going to go in further detail later . . . right?"

"Yes, I will."

"Okay back to what's her face. In the meanwhile, we just make nice, just lovely. Can I go out and get a keg now? I figure we don't have that much more to lose."

"Let us all go back in and make nice, shall we. Let us see how long we can stay out of trouble."

"Before we go back inside, could I ask you something?"

"You know you have the right to ask me anything."

"Did you ask how come she was insulted?"

"We did not go into that discussion, no. The purpose of the conversation was to be sure that she was aware of what protocol dictated."

"And the answer is . . ."

"The answer is she is aware, however, it is like I said . . . the Scrolls of Protocol are open for interpretation."

"All right, well, let's go in and get some grub, I'm gettin' hungry."

The night finished and the entourage returned to their manor to slumber in the hopes of forgetting the evening.


I felt a prayer was needed to relax me to the let the deity take away all of the unnecessary stresses of the night.

5With your soothing fingers, wipe away the lines that worries have etched on our faces. Surround us with calm; let us rest in the glow of peace, as if we were encircled with the Moon's own light. Let our concerns and tensions drain away from us, pouring as water into your Earth.


I always feel more relaxed after a good prayer. Now I feel ready to slumber for the night. I can forget that dreadful event, and with the coming of a new one, lies within it new adventures. A blissful night it shall be.

Part 5

Early the following morning, while the sovereign could be found in her study, her consors, however, was nowhere to be found. Sovereign Bellona explained to the historian that Carissa would, indeed, return, a day to rest and reflect the sovereign said. The queen thought to seek out the consors to see what she was be up to, and little did she realize that Carissa was on her way back to the Avalon manor. Once Carissa arrived at the House of Avalon, lo and behold, it was not the Prime Minister who answered the door, but Sovereign Cyan Alarica herself. Carissa explained the situation and the purpose for her visit, and was allowed to enter.

"Good morning, ma'am, do you have a couple minutes, there's something I want to ask you?"

"Good morning, and who might you be?" Alarica greets as she leads Carissa to the study, where both take seats, the sovereign behind her desk, and Carissa stood in front of the desk.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name Carissa, and officially, I'm Sovereign Bellona's consors."

"It is all right. What is it that you would like to discuss?"

"Did you hear about last night?"

"Last night, what happened last night? I am not aware of the events that occurred last night. I was told only that everything was fine. I have not had an opportunity to review the reports as yet."

"I suppose, for the most part, it was fine. However, after we made this big a . . . um . . . presentation, there seemed to be a problem. I was just wondering what the problem was. Seeing as how you're here, I thought that maybe you'd know. Bell told me that she was going to explain something to someone called Sovereign Cyan Alarica so she would know what happened."

"I see. I am afraid that the Prime Minister had a family emergency to attend to, therefore, is not able to answer your question directly. As for the other, I am Sovereign Cyan Alarica, and anything that happened last night, any indiscretion, needs to be addressed immediately so I may see that proper measures are taken." The sovereign stands from behind her desk to come around to face Carissa.

"Do not be frightened. This will not hurt. Words can change, memories cannot. I must see what happened last night. I need to see the events as they happened. Do I have your permission?"

"Yeah, you're just . . . going to . . . um . . . look at what happened last night . . . right?"

"Yes, I will only look at the events as they occurred last night. I need you to close your eyes and think of last night. Think of the events from the time you left your home to the time you left the party. Think only of those events."

Carissa stood absolutely still as Alarica placed her hands on both sides of Carissa's head with her fingertips touching the temples. Not much time passed before she was released, maybe a minute or two at most.

"Thank you for allowing me to see. The gift was given with the sort of gallantry that I would expect from Bellona. Is Sovereign Bellona at the manor now?"

"Yeah, I think so. She said something like take the day to rest and reflect or something. I can call and ask?"

"Please do and I will return in a moment. Tell Bellona to meet with me here, will you? There is a lot to discuss, it seems."


After a brief phone call, refreshments, and a bit of time, Bellona, with a worried look on her face, and the historian arrive.

"Carissa, I understand your need to find the answer, but calling upon Sovereign Cyan Alarica was not necessary."

"Actually, she did not. I am here substituting during my Prime Minister's absence."

"Sovereign Cyan Alarica, I am sorry. Please forgive my rudeness."

"Old friend, you are not, and will never be, rude. Please make yourself comfortable while we discuss last night's events."

"How much has Carissa told you?"

"She has told me enough to feel the need to investigate further into the matter of last night's party. She has shown me what I need to see as well."

"I do not understand what or if we did anything wrong. I followed etiquette according to the Scrolls of Protocol. Did I miss something? I do not wish to be held responsible for severing the ties between our two nations."

"Yes, you followed protocol, no, you did not miss anything, and you will not be held responsible for severing the ties between us, so calm down, Mugio. You have trained your consors well. My, what a beautiful shade of crimson I see."

"Bell . . . don't just sit there and laugh," Carissa says in exasperation. By the look on the historian's face, she seems to agree with the assessment of the shade.

"She is much more powerful than I, Carissa. I have to agree with her as well, my dear consors."

"You're no help. I hope she turns you into a frog so I can have frog legs for supper."

The two sovereigns laugh, as Carissa's face burrows into the cushion even more so.

After things calm down a bit, Alarica states, "The events, as they were explained to me, would explain why I found the described gift in the pile set aside to be thrown in the garbage."

"I was afraid of that. If you are willing to give me some time, I am willing to replace the gift."

"Of course you would be willing to replace the gift. You would not be you, Mugio, if you did not offer to replace the gift. The wine has not been damaged. I will bring that back with me to be set aside for a special occasion. Mother will be looking forward to drinking the wine. The cheese has not been damaged either. If I read the marks correctly, the cheese comes from your eastern territory, an area that is known for their cheeses. My girls enjoy good cheese, so this will be a special treat for them. The bread, however, I am sorry to say, did not fair well. The gift of Andromeda has been acknowledged, accepted, and appreciated."

"Thank you, Timor, for your acknowledgement. It is very satisfying to know that the gift of Andromeda has been accepted, as it should have been."

"What does Timor mean, and does this mean I have to repeat that long a . . . um . . . speech again?"

Sovereign Cyan Alarica laughs. What she is laughing about, only she knows. The rest are puzzled.

"No, that is not necessary, consors. Timor means Alarica. Mugio means Bellona. I will see to it that the Prime Minister understands the events that took place last night. As a note, consors . . . if I had the ability to turn someone into a frog, there would be a few more frogs inhabiting Avalon's palace."

"You saw that, huh. Sorry, it's just that, when I get angry, my mouth just sort of takes over."

"There is no need to apologize. Maybe there is hope. It is something that would be very interesting to look into."

"Thank you, ma'am, for listening, I appreciate it. Well, I should get going before I wear out my welcome. Have a good day." With that, she leaves the manor.

"Well, old friend, you have found yourself an interesting consors. Now I know the reason for Ethelmona's sudden family emergency. As soon as Ethelmona returns, I will speak with her to be sure she understands her role as my second. The behavior portrayed last night by her was uncalled for. A gift was presented in full representation of Andromeda, following etiquette precisely. Ethelmona's behavior was intolerable, no matter the reason. No worries, Mugio, everything will work out the way it should. There is paperwork that must be done, and events to be documented, which means I will be a very busy sovereign. We will speak again soon, Mugio. Good travels to you."

"Good travels to you, Timor, may the deity protect you, and I am very grateful to you for listening to us. If Carissa has disturbed you, I apologize now and will be sure that it does not happen again."

"Your consors did not disturb me. I appreciate your gratitude. We will see each other again."

The sovereign and her historian leave Avalon's manor to go back to their own manor.


Bellona meets Carissa in the bathing chambers for a chat about the events.

"Okay, so I'm supposed to call you Mugio, is that it?"

"No, you do not need to call me Mugio. They are childhood names, names we would call each other. Mugio is a childhood name. We are childhood friends, she and I. I am still Sovereign Bellona of Andromeda. My name has not changed."

"How come she has a long ass title and yours is short?"

"Avalon has its own traditions and beliefs. They are a much more stringent society than Andromeda. "

"Oh. She is going to kick her Prime Minister's ass, right?"

"I would not say that so bluntly, as there are many methods to teach someone a lesson. What method she chooses is up to her."

"Right now the only thing I'm looking for is a little satisfaction. Maybe, there would be a way to make her grovel a bit. Don'tcha think?"

"I see there are many lessons yet to teach, and many lessons for you to learn."


The following day started out as any other, with Carissa's morning routine. Carissa has agreed to take the GED exam, understanding that it would benefit her with the knowledge that learning is possible for anyone. In the afternoon, the focus is on studying for the GED exam instead of the literature and archival studies that take up the afternoon sessions. A surprise visitor came in the afternoon, looking rather haggard.

"I came here to see Sovereign Bellona of Andromeda and Consors Carissa. May I speak with them, please?"

After being granted permission, Prime Minister Ethelmona enters the study, with head bowed, asking permission to speak. "If I may say mea maxima culpa, Sovereign Bellona and Consors Carissa, through my very great fault, I have caused you great concern for the well being of our relations. Please, I beg of you, Sovereign Bellona and Consors Carissa, to forgive my actions. I am but a humble servant of the kingdom of Avalon, and seek a pardon for my foolishness. I am a student of the Scrolls of Protocol, which states that, in matters of indiscretion, a pardon must be sought by the foolish party, and a Meum Pactum Dictum document be signed to record the incident, as well as by the forgiving party."

Sovereign Bellona read the document over. All members of the forgiving party must sign this document, which includes the sovereign, her queen, and Carissa. The scroll is a My Word is My Bond document that states:

The wrongdoer promises the forgiving party, that such an action that had taken place prior to this document being signed, on the night in question, will not happen again. If such an action were to take place again at any time in the future, the forgiving party, in the form of their own choosing, may seek retribution.

The events on the night in question are stated below.

Reluctantly, all agree and sign the document, not because of the possible retribution that would be of the sovereign's own choosing, but because by signing this document, everyone will be agreeing to, in a sense, forget the incident happened at all. Prime Minister Ethelmona remains standing at the doorway in a bowed position.

"Prime Minister Ethelmona, you may rise. I will return this scroll to you to return to your sovereign with your promise that you have, indeed, learned what wrong doing was done to warrant such a document."

"Yes, Sovereign Bellona of Andromeda, I have learned of my mistake. I misjudged both the present and the presenter to be unworthy of the kingdom of Avalon. Avalon is a strong nation, and she always will be. I had forgotten that. It was not Avalon that had surrendered many centuries ago."

"Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the General of the Army from Andromeda force Avalon into a retreat. Then after Avalon's forces recovered, many months later, under orders from the powers on high only felt that, they were brave enough to force Andromeda into surrender, and only because the Sovereign of Andromeda at the time was just tired of fighting and gave in. Or did I misinterpret something?"

The queen has a love for a good debate, and enjoys the smile of victory that graces the sovereign's face. Carissa did have a point and oh boy, is that a frown that is seen on the Prime Minister's face? The victory of war can be so sweet.

"There are many variations of the story, therefore many interpretations are available. I will have you know . . ."

"Prime Minister Ethelmona, I do not have all day. Have you learned from your mistake?"

"I am sorry, Sovereign Bellona . . . for my rude behavior. Please pardon me."

"Prime Minister Ethelmona, do I need to contact Sovereign Cyan Alarica and interrupt her busy schedule to rectify this matter? Or are you capable of answering the question on your own?"

"Yes, of course, I do apologize. I have learned my lesson."

Sovereign Bellona walks around the desk to come face to face with the Prime Minister. The scene looks a bit like a cat taunting its prey. This scroll is getting even more interesting.

Sovereign Bellona has the intention of giving the scroll to the Prime Minister, but if the queen has read the sovereign's actions correctly, a little satisfaction of a different kind is what she is after.

"I will give you this scroll back, this scroll with all of our signatures. I suggest you heed my warning, Prime Minister Ethelmona, I do not forget easily, and if something like that ever happens again, I will seek retribution. There are many methods of retribution, Prime Minister, and I am skilled at them all."

"Sovereign Bellona of Andromeda is not known for threats."

"You are correct, Prime Minister Ethelmona, I am not known for presenting threats of any nature." After handing over the scroll back to the Prime Minister, she adds, "You are excused, you may leave." A gulp is heard emanating from the Prime Minister.


It is now Halloween day, and the boys are excited as ever. Tristan, being the more active of the two, dresses as Captain Jack Sparrow, while Tobias dresses as Harry Potter. Both attend a school function to celebrate the harvest rather than celebrate Halloween. By Carissa's explanation, the celebration of the harvest would most likely agree with anyone of any religious group who opposes celebrating Halloween. The meaning of that explanation is not quite understood, and everyone is even further puzzled when the sovereign starts laughing. Bellona explained the situation as simply as possible, the school merely wants to make nice with everyone rather than causing an unsettlement among the masses. Perhaps further research is needed in the aspect of Harvest versus Halloween.

Later that evening, Tristan comes home with a prize from the apple-catching contest, which consists of an apple tied to a string that swings back and forth then the person is to catch the apple using only their mouth, not their hands. A simple contest, really, that resembles the training that any warrior of Andromeda has gone through, but the way Tristan described the contest . . . he was the only successful participant. Tobias comes home with a different sort of prize. He has finally won the heart of a special little princess, and they have a play date this weekend. Both boys make the sovereign smile with joy, as well as looking forward to meeting the special one that has caught Tobie's attention. Life is grand at the moment.


Carissa stays at the manor watching horror movies. When she is asked by Clarissant why she did not care to attend any parties or dress up as the boys did, she explains that she attended enough parties and played dress-up to last her a lifetime, so instead, she stays home to enjoy watching Friday the 13th, Halloween, and A Nightmare on Elm Street. The queen attempts to watch these films out of curiosity, intrigued by these films, that is, until the story plot takes on a rather gruesome theme. She stops watching and immediately seeks the comfort of her sovereign. Sovereign Bellona agrees, and once everyone is asleep, they leave for the guesthouse at the back lot, and comfort each other. Neither the sovereign nor the queen go into detail the following morning, only saying they both feel much better, though just a little sore.

It was a very good morning. Perhaps I should keep a copy of these films for the future. One never knows when the inspiration may strike again.

Part 6

It is now the Thanksgiving holiday. Thanksgiving Day is of the great American feast called Thanksgiving. In review of what Thanksgiving is now, the simplest explanation would be: 7Thanksgiving is one of the few truly secular, nondenominational holidays on the US calendar; the Fourth of July is another. Americans celebrate with a long weekend, a big meal with family and friends - on the menu: foods that reflect the tastes and colors of the autumn harvest, such as roast turkey, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and candied yams - and football.

Tobie had previously told the queen all about Thanksgiving, including the pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians. The story, in itself, was not that interesting, rather boring, really, but he was amused, as he was shown interest in the telling of the tale. The feast would consist of roast turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing, a baked vegetable dish, fresh greens, hearty bread, and a cranberry relish. Clarissant could not wait to enjoy them. Then as a special treat after the feast, there is a choice of an apple brown betty or pumpkin pie. Both sound absolutely delicious to the queen. The queen's gowns will probably not fit her any longer with all of that delicious food; but then, there will be opportunities to work it all off, with both the sovereign and her consors.

The family of Avalon will be in attendance as well, a tit for tat opportunity, as the House of Andromeda was invited to join a celebration not long ago, now it was time for the House of Avalon to join in on the celebration. Sovereign Cyan Alarica and her family will be dining with them, so in all, there will be thirteen people in attendance, a small crowd, really.

The boys have the entire week off, though there is a parent/teacher conference during the week. Tristan's appointment is scheduled for this afternoon, while Tobie's is scheduled for the middle of the week, the day before Thanksgiving.


Tristan's teacher gives the royal couple a breakdown of his average test scores. Overall, they are very good scores, and no written notices from the school monitors, which is a good thing. He has good classroom participation as well as making the principal's honor roll. The meeting went very well, and they celebrated that night with a movie and pizza.


The day to see Tobias' teacher arrives. Overall, his grades are good, and Bellona and Clarissant are assured that, yes, his grades have improved, as well as his classroom performance. It also seems as though he has been a little more outgoing than in the past, which raises the question, has anything changed? The other interesting question is if something has been done about his home life? Neither the sovereign nor the queen deems it necessary to answer either question. No notices from the school monitor either, and although he did not make the honor roll, they are still proud of their little boy. He has come a long way, and has nothing to prove to the proud royal couple.

Now, I probably know what you are thinking, and yes, at the very beginning, I did not think it was a good idea to bring the "hooligan" into our household. I admit I was wrong. As it stands right here and now, this is my family, and I am proud of each and every one of them.

Tobie wants to go to some place called the Piccadilly Circus, a children's place filled with games with various choices of fun foods to eat, everything from something called Buffalo wings to pizza. The queen has to admit, it is quite different from what she had imagined, and may the deity help her to get that awful tune out of her head. Sovereign Bellona of Andromeda is on top of a pretend motorcycle, driving down this imaginary road toward what is supposed to be the finish line. Queen Clarissant would not have believed it if she had not seen it for herself. Did the sovereign win? As a matter of fact she did, she beat Tristan by a tenth of a second. This truly has been an experience to remember. As in all things, however, all good things must come to an end, and so must this night. Overall, the queen would say this has been a very good week, and she believes the deity would agree on this.


Thanksgiving Day finally arrives, and it starts off with the kitchen staff preparing the feast, making sure it is ready by mid-afternoon, and the sovereign preparing a prayer to be recited at the beginning of the feast. The queen assists Carissa and the boys in preparing themselves for the visitors, as well as the special banquet. Andromeda has a similar celebration called The Primogenitor's Epulum, otherwise known as the ancestor's feast. It is a grand time. Re-enactments of days of old and the retelling of old stories fill the time. A large gathering of family, friends, and villagers gather around for a roasted wild boar feast to be had with good spirits. A large celebration for all, a good day it is.

A decision has been made to mix a little of Andromeda's tradition with the American tradition, to make this holiday not just an American tradition, but the Andromedan's tradition. With so many warriors on the premises, a sort of warrior contest is created. The winner goes home with a basket full of goodies, as well as the knowledge of a victory well earned. The events that are to take place are an archery competition, as well as a match with clubs and long staves, and Queen Clarissant smiles, knowing who will win this competition.

It is midday when the guests arrive, and everyone sits down for a snack before the feast is served. When everyone has finished, that is when the fun begins.

"Timor, are you ready for the competition?"

"I am always ready for competition, Mugio."

"Let the games begin," Sergasa declares.

It is a close match all the way through, with a tie at the end. To break the tie, it is decided to have the consorses fight each other, the Consors of Avalon versus the Consors of Andromeda. The winner of the match will be the determining factor of which team will be declared the winner. Both teams are confident, but only one will win.

"Well, my name's Carissa or Cari, whichever you prefer. You..?"

My name is Breanne. I am the Consors of Sovereign Cyan Alarica of Avalon. Shall we begin the battle? Breanne signed not knowing the reaction her speech would cause, as Alarica had interpreted.

"A woman who doesn't like to waist time, I like that. Ready when you are."

They are to fight hand-to-hand combat style, because each being a consors, they were not taught how to use weapons. Breanne and Carissa enter the fighting circle, each looking at the other discretely from top to bottom. Carissa thinks Breanne will be easy to beat, not only because of Breanne's small frame, but also because her teacher happened to be Andromeda's best warrior. Carissa, however, does not realize that mistake would cost her the fight, as she was repeatedly reminded to never underestimate your opponent. Carissa and Breanne are very similar in height. However, because of Carissa's daily conditioning, her frame is much larger.

Breanne was taught by Avalon's best warrior instructor, Lady Leonessa. Leonessa taught her how to use her size, or lack of size, to her advantage. The first thing that your opponent will do is to believe that they will win the fight because you are so small. That will be their downfall, because I will teach you how to use your size to your advantage so that you will win. Avalon's best warriors were not big or tall, they were your size, and they won the battle because their enemy underestimated them. Breanne smiles as she remembers the lesson.

The first round finishes as soon as it began. Carissa used the techniques that Bellona taught her. Where to look, how to watch for the next move, when to look for an opening, this was a test on all the skills and techniques that Carissa had learned from Bellona. The fight finishes when Carissa brings Breanne down with a punch to the midsection followed a hard hit to the back forcing Breanne to the ground, causing further insult as Breanne landed on her stomach.

Alarica rushes to Breanne to assess the injuries. In the meanwhile, Bellona feels the need to remind her consors of the basic rule of fighting, never underestimate your opponent. The first round win has clouded Carissa's judgment however, because now she believes the fight will be hers to win. Bellona only shakes her head as she leaves Carissa, silently praying that the deity will intervene, and tells Carissa to pay attention and do not forget. After a reassurance that all is well, the fight begins again.

During the second round, it does seem as though Carissa will win the fight. Carissa's over confidence makes her cocky, however, and does not see Breanne's next move. Breanne uses her right elbow to pound Carissa's forehead, causing Carissa to lose her awareness just long enough for Breanne to turn around with a roundhouse kick to Carissa's head, knocking Carissa to the ground long enough for Breanne to be declared the winner.

Bellona approaches Carissa with medical supplies, a wrap, and a cup of tea.

"Is this where you tell me, I told you so." The injuries that Carissa has suffered are showing themselves, as her speech is a just little slurred. A bruise has appeared on her forehead from the blow that she suffered due to Breanne's elbow. A gash on the right side of her head by the ear is the other concern, because the roundhouse kick that Breanne delivered was with her boots on. The bleeding has slowed to a trickle as Bellona administers first aid to the area.

"This is where I tell you to drink your tea and to hold still. Because of the location of the injury, stitching, I feel, would be too risky. Instead, a binding salve will be applied. It acts as a glue to bind the skin together. However, it does sting, and you need to remain completely still."

The application of the salve seems to take an eternity, either due to the pain from the injury or from the healing technique of the injury, Carissa is not sure, either way, it does not matter. There was pain.

"Are you done yet? Can I get a beer?"

"Yes, I am done, and drink your tea."

"I wanna beer."

"Just drink your tea, Carissa. It will help with the pain."

"I drank the tea. It still hurts like a motherfucker."

"8The injuries we do and the injuries we suffer are seldom weighed on the same scales." Internally, Bellona is praying the tea will act quickly to take care of the pain. Logic and experience tell Bellona however, that this mixture takes time to work because of the weak properties of the herb she used to create the tea. If a stronger herb were used to make the tea, it would place Carissa into a deep sleep. Bellona needs to monitor the head injury; therefore, a deep sleep would not be possible.

"In English..?"

"Your injuries feel worse than they truly are because you are realizing the mistake that you have made."

"Oh." Carissa nods her head to acknowledge she heard the statement, however, she regrets that action. "Owww, stupid . . . stupid . . . stupid . . ."

Holding her head with both hands, afraid to move it again, she states, "This feels worse than the time my client gave me that clear liquid stuff that came in a clear bottle with those birds on it. I remember the morning after . . . at least I remember the pain in my head." Carissa looks up to see Breanne approaching. "Hi, great fight, wasn't it?"

Breanne signs. . . Are you all right, Cari?

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I hope. It was my own stupid fault anyway."

"What has Bellona given you? Do you know?" Alarica assessed Breanne's injuries, believing that she was not badly injured. However, after witnessing the care that Bellona took in caring for Carissa, it causes Alarica to worry as both a healer and friend.

"No, I only know it tasted something like a mixture between cinnamon and chamomile tea. I know I'm not describing it well. I think my taste buds died a long time ago."

"I am familiar with what you are describing."

"Is she okay?"

"Breanne..? Yes, she is well. She worries about you, however." Alarica leaves Carissa and Breanne sitting together under the canopy so she can go speak with Bellona. After a lengthy discussion, both return to gather their respective families to enjoy the feast.

After a brief clean-up to remove all the debris from their bodies, they gather together to start the feast. Traditionally, a fire arrow is shot, marking the beginning of the celebration. Bellona readies the arrow, aims for the target, and everyone watches as the arrow passes through and lights one, two, three hoops to hit the final target. The target is a torch that magically lights up the surrounding torches, forming a circle around the foras kitchen, or the outdoor kitchen area.

All have gathered to enter the formal dining area furnished with comfortable sitting cushions placed around a long, oval, wooden table. Being close to the outdoor kitchen means the food does not have far to travel. Everyone stands around the table. "Let us clasp our hands together to form a union, a union to join family and friends. Close your eyes as you listen to the prayer.

9We gather today, deity of abundant life, as grateful children. Delighted and humbled by our bounty, we celebrate gifts of food and shelter, of colors that dance at dawn and dusk; we relish the scent of cooking foods, of burning leaves, and summer's wet grass, of snowflake, of animal fur. We marvel at the intricacy of spiders' webs and fish bones, newborn babies and lines etched on faces of grandparents come for a visit today. All gifts from Your hand. When our meal is completed, leftovers stashed, and naps taken, we will leave replete, energized, and eager to go generously into the world and share our good fortune. Amen.

Let us be seated and enjoy our feast." After everyone is seated, Bellona declares, "Let the feast begin."

The food is served to everyone in attendance. Carissa, however, is in a bit of a dilemma. She needs both hands to eat with, but if she let go of her head, then her head would fall off . . . would it not? Bellona notices the hesitation in Carissa's mannerisms and wonders if the injury is even more serious than she thought.

"Carissa, are you not hungry? The cook explored many recipes to prepare this meal, and had several taste tests from various members in the house. I was assured that this meal will be very good."

"Yeah, I'm hungry, but . . . um . . . there's sort of a . . . um . . . problem." This got everybody's attention, as they stopped eating, fully aware of the blow to the head that Carissa suffered. Breanne is feeling bad enough that she inflicted such injury to somebody else.

"And just for the record . . . it's no one's fault . . . but mine."

Melisent has been observing everything, and is growing curious at this strange behavior. So in true Melisent fashion, she blurts out, "So then what's the problem?"

"Um . . . you see . . . if I let go of my head, my head will fall off."

Normally, this would be a funny statement, which would mean that Bellona would be laughing silently. She is still concerned about the head injury, so instead of laughing, she immediately gets up to find a remedy to the problem. Bellona brings another cushion, except this time it has a back just high enough so Carissa's head will be able to rest against it. Helping Carissa to stand up, Clarissant removes the cushion, to place the replacement cushion in its place. With Bellona's help, Carissa sits back down on the cushion, grateful for the headrest. She slowly lets go of her head, and stares straight ahead into Queen Clarissant's eyes. No matter how much prodding Bellona does, there is no response.

Just as Bellona bends down to carry Carissa to the laboratory, Carissa states, "No, don't do that. I can honestly now say that you have one queen and the room isn't moving. Reminds me of the time I had that stuff with the black label. Never drank that stuff again. It made me see three of everything . . . for days."

Alarica and Bellona exchange concerned glances. Alarica is the one to speak up. "Consors, would you feel more comfortable in the laboratory recovering from your injuries?"

"No, it's okay. I'm sure it'll stop. It's stopped before, there's no reason for it not to stop now. Besides, without me here, Tristan will inhale everything." There is a moment of silence before everyone starts laughing, which, of course, causes Tristan to turn red.

"What . . . what did I do?" Tristan asks, looking at Carissa.

The meal is finally eaten and all have very full bellies when it comes to an end. After a short discussion, Avalon does, indeed, go home with the well-earned prize. After the guests leave the manor, Bellona brings Carissa into the laboratory for a thorough examination. Bellona feels better after the examination, as she sees signs that Carissa is healing from her injuries. Just to be on the safe side, though, Bellona creates a tea to speed the natural healing process of the human body, knowing that it will place Carissa into a much-needed healing sleep.


Calliopenjo's Scrolls
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