~ At First Sight ~
by Colleen

General Disclaimer: This is an alternate uber story. The physical descriptions of the two lead characters may remind you of two others we all know and love, but all characters in the story are from my own imagination. This story is an original work and is copyrighted by the author. It cannot be sold or used for profit in any way.

Violence Disclaimer: This story depicts scenes of mild violence and/or their aftermath.

Hurt/Comfort Disclaimer: This story has some elements that may be best classified as such.

Love/Sex Disclaimer: This story depicts a loving relationship between two consenting, adult women and contains scenes of intimacy, but nothing explicit. If you are under 18 years of age or if this type of story is illegal in the state or country in which you live, please do not read it. If depictions of this nature disturb you, you may wish to read something other than this story.

No copy write infringement was intended in the use of the song "I Need You"

Thanks, to my beta readers Barbara and Jennis.

All positive comments are welcome at coleen30@webtv.net

Part 1

Chapter 20

Two blocks from her destination, Jamie hit a traffic jam. She slammed her hands against the steering wheel and yelled. "Damn! I hate this city!" She threw the door open and took off at a dead run, dodging crowds of people, when she hit the sidewalk. She came to an intersection, not stopping at the flashing do not cross sign, causing three cars to hit their brakes to avoid hitting her. Jamie let nothing stand in her way, as she saw the Meridian building, looming in the darkness at the far corner. A thought flashed in her mind, the alley door. She ducked into the, even darker, back road and came around the corner, nearly running into Tyler's car. Jamie turned her head back toward the street when she heard the sirens in the distance, but waiting for them, never crossed her mind for a second. She went in the open door, knowing exactly where they would be in the huge building. It took her only a second to realize Tyler had locked down the elevators. Jamie ran into the stairwell and began the climb up, five flights. Adrenaline pushed her up each step as if she were floating on air and the breath that should have eluded her long ago was replenished, as if by magic. A heart that beat for someone else pumped blood to the brain that had a single solitary goal...save Erin.

Reaching the fifth floor, Jamie ran down the hall and threw all her weight against the door. Her voice rang on for miles as she called out Erin's name. The wood swung open against her might and everything went silent as her mind took in the scene before her.

They were on opposite sides of the room. To her right, Jamie saw the unconscious body of Ethan Tyler. Blood pooled around his head that lay against a pile of wood planks. She gave him only a second's glance before she ran over to her lover's side. Upon seeing her huddled against the wall, she approached cautiously, clearly announcing her presence. "Erin it's me Jamie. Everything's okay now sweetheart. I'm here."

Erin was stunned into absolute stillness over the events of the last few minutes… until she heard that voice. "Jamie?" she said weakly.

"Yeah baby it's me."

Erin threw aside the knife she held clutched in her hand and threw her arms around the only thing that would make her feel safe at that moment.

"Police! Everybody freeze!"

Erin heard the command, but couldn't let go of her haven, even as she heard the bodies rush into the room. Jamie put up both hands and vaguely explained the act of self-defense that had taken place. Another officer called for the paramedics and two ambulances, meaning Tyler was still alive. Jamie was itching to change that fact, but she didn't move from her spot. The officer explained that he would come to the hospital and take Erin's statement, knowing she was in no condition to say anything at the moment.

Jamie didn't even ask what exactly had happened, but as she pulled the torn dress up over Erin's shoulder, a twist of fear in her stomach, gave her a very strong clue. She continued to rock Erin, whispering soothing words as they waited for the ambulance.

Once inside the busy, hospital emergency room, they waited yet again for a doctor. Jamie resented the fact that several hospital personnel had flocked around Tyler when he was rushed in ahead of them. Although Erin had no major injuries and she had assured her twice that she was not hurt, Jamie couldn't bring herself to ask the big question. Jamie just sat beside her, holding her hand, a hand that no longer trembled. She looked upon a face that no longer twitched in fear. The main shock had worn off and Erin had slipped into anger.

"Erin, what are you thinking?" Jamie asked hesitantly, as she brushed soft yellow bangs from her forehead.

A moment of silence.


The opening of the door interrupted any further statement or questions.

"Erin, my god it is you!" said the woman in blue scrubs. "When I read your name on the chart, I came right here."

Erin gave half a smile at hearing her friend's voice. "Anne. I was going to ask if you were in the hospital but..."

"I'm glad I was here." The doctor snapped on a pair of sterile gloves. She looked up to meet worried blue eyes. "Jamie, could you wait outside while I..."

"No," said Erin. The word wasn't said in fear. "It's okay I want her to stay."

"Erin, I need to ask you some questions and I don't think..."

"I understand Anne. I want Jamie here. It's all right."

Anne relented.

Jamie sat back down on the rolling stool and clasped the hand that reached for her.

Anne had seen many reactions to physical assault in her rotation in emergency, mostly fear and embarrassment, but sometime she encountered denial and she was afraid that was what was happening with her friend.

She started her first question gently. "Erin, I need to ask you something very important and I need you to tell me the truth. It's for your own good that you tell us the truth."

Erin nodded.

The doctor spared another glance at the dark haired woman and saw her shaking with fear and anger. This is why I don't like relatives around when I ask. Her reaction will be very important to Erin's recovery. She cleared her throat. "Erin, were you raped?"

Erin felt the hand squeeze hers and she turned in the direction of the woman who needed to hear the answer most of all. "No," she said strongly. "I was not raped."

Jamie let out an audible breath of relief and her head fell against Erin's shoulder.

But Anne was not quite convinced. "Erin, are you sure? Were you unconscious at any time?"

The blonde turned her head back to the persistent doctor. "No, I was never unconscious. I'm not trying to hide anything Anne. You can check for yourself if you don't believe me, but I am telling the truth."

A gloved hand clasped hers. "I'm sorry Erin. I do believe you. I just had to be sure, for your own safety."

Erin smiled faintly at her friend. "I know."

Anne gently probed the small bruise on Erin's jaw. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

"No. Well except my right shoulder."

Anne pulled back the material and bent down to take a closer look. The bleeding from the small wound had already slowed, but there was quite a bit of the dried substance on her upper arm. Anne grabbed a package from a nearby counter and ripped it open. She cleansed the wound thoroughly and swabbed it with a solution to prevent infection. She then pulled out a suture kit and injected a numbing agent around the affected area. "How did this happen Erin?"

The blonde began to explain. "He pushed me down to the ground and I knew he was...going to rape me, but I couldn't let that happen to me." She squeezed Jamie's hand and looked in her direction. "I couldn't let that happen to us. At first I didn't fight him. He figured because I was blind, I couldn't do anything. And that's what I let him think, for about a minute. He started kissing my neck and the knife was near my shoulder. When he was confident and had relaxed, I kneed him. I guess the surprise made him jerk his hand and he cut me. When he pulled back in pain and anger, I knew it was my only chance and I pushed him away with everything I had. I reached around for the knife he had dropped, knowing he'd come back, but he didn't. I guess after that I went into shock."

"Well it only took five stitches." Anne gathered up the used needle and other trash and discarded them in the proper containers.

"He probably needed more, from his own clumsiness," said Erin absently.

Anne froze. "What do you mean Erin?"

"He was taunting me and he must have been playing with the knife and I guess it slipped and cut him. That's when he slapped me, blaming me for that to."

"Erin, was it the same knife?"

"I guess. As far I know, he only had..." A sudden realization swept over Erin's face. "Oh god! I didn't think...but that means..."

Jamie pulled her in close. "It's okay sweetheart. It's going to be okay."

Anne took a deep breath, hating every time, to have to make this kind of statement. "Erin, I think we should do a blood test."

Erin nodded, remembering him bragging about sleeping around.

Dr. Carson went over to the phone on the nearby wall, hit a couple of numbers and began a conversation that soon became animated. She had confirmed that Tyler had a deep cut to his right palm. She soon returned to her patient with a syringe and a vial. "I'm going to take some blood, Erin. And I'm going to the lab and run the test myself." Erin just nodded, from her place in Jamie's strong arms. She explained what was going to happen as she extracted the sample. "The HIV antibodies won't show up this soon after introduction into the blood stream."

Jamie flashed her an angered glare. "Why don't you just run the test on him!"

"That would be the ideal way to know for sure, but that's a problem. Law says we can't run an HIV test without the patient's permission."

Jamie didn't let her finish. "Give me a minute alone with the bastard and you'll have his permission."

"Jamie, he's in a coma," explained Anne. "Unless he dies, we can't do a test until he regains consciousness."

"You're just going to stand there and say that. I thought you were her friend!"

"Jamie, calm down." Erin rubbed the irate woman's arm. "This is not Anne's fault. She's just doing her job."

The doctor couldn't meet the tall woman's eyes. How many times will the words just doing her job, make me feel so guilty, she thought to herself. "I'm going to go run this," she said of the vial in her hand. "It won't take too long."

Anne returned sometime later and gave them the news that the test was indeed negative. Erin gave just another nod and although she knew it was most likely the shock of the situation, Anne felt like she was losing a friend and she didn't know what to do about it. She told them that another test would be performed in six weeks, unless they had a confirmation from Tyler, sooner. She warned them to take precautions and not to engage in intimacies that could be harmful to Jamie.

"So we just have to put our lives on hold until that monster either wakes up or dies, right?" asked Jamie still angered at the horrible turn of events.

Anne couldn't answer. She was never in a personal situation like they were facing and she could only imagine the turmoil of emotions. Even though it hurt, she understood the anger being thrown at her, by her friend's partner.

"If you think I'm going to treat the woman I love, like a pariah, you've got another thing coming. Her fate is mine too." With that statement, Jamie led Erin out of the room.

Once home, Erin took the longest, hottest shower of her life and before it was over, her tears mingled with the stream of water cascading over her. Although Erin had asked to shower alone, Jamie sat right outside the bathroom door, matching Erin tear for tear.

They silently climbed into bed and clutched each other as if it was the last time they would be together. They both suffered from horrible nightmares, but soothed one another with loving words and caresses.

The next day, Erin knew she had to tell her family what had happened; they needed to know the truth. She called Bridgett and her mother and asked them to come to the beach house that afternoon. When they arrived, with Jamie by her side, she recounted the horror of the night before. Danielle tried to be strong, but soon broke down in tears. Erin had already cried herself out, but comforted her mother the best she could.

Jamie now stood in a corner, watching the three women, crying and hugging and fearing the future. The guilt washed over her like a tidal wave, drowning her heart. The what ifs flooded her brain in anger. If I hadn't left her, to go on that stupid trip, if I had taken his threats more seriously, if I had only gotten to her sooner... She was about to go crazy with all the thoughts. She couldn't just stand there and do nothing; she had to get away. Jamie felt that she could leave for a little while, because Danielle and Bridgett were there to stay with Erin.

Erin was standing out on the deck, feeling the sun on her face, when she heard Jamie open the door and step up behind her.

She pulled the shorter woman into a hug and kissed the top of the blonde head. "Sweetheart, will you be okay, if I go out for a little while?"

Erin pulled back and gave Jamie a small smile. "Of course honey. Mom and Bridgett are staying a while. Don't you want lunch?"

"No. I just need to...go for a drive...you know..."

Erin nodded. "I know." She knew the guilt Jamie was feeling and she knew, even though she had assured her there was no one to blame but Tyler, that Jamie had to work through some things on her own. Just as she had to handle some of the things she was feeling, alone. All though they were very much a couple and the other half of each other, they were also individuals and had to face some troubles of the soul all by themselves.

Jamie traveled down the coast highway for an hour and then turned back. The waiting was excruciating. Even after the reckless times she had spent as a young adult, the stupid chances she had taken, still she was spared the horror of a fatal disease. But when she made her own decision to get tested, she didn't have to wait for anyone else and no one else's lives depended on her. This situation was unbearable and ultimately unfair. He is the criminal and she is the innocent, yet Erin's the one who's suffering in a prison, waiting for a life or death sentence. Just to uphold his civil rights? Not if I can help it.

Doctor Anne Carson officially had the day off, but yet there she was sitting in the doctor's lounge filling out paper work, drinking tepid coffee and eating day old donuts. She knew why she was there. The looks of despair she had seen the night before in a sterile emergency room filled her dreams with sadness. She came to work and consulted with the attending physician of one Ethan Tyler. His prognosis was perched high atop the proverbial fence. Chances were about fifty percent that Tyler would not recover from his head injury, but the other half of the coin said he could remain in a coma for a prolonged period of time.

Anne crunched up the piece of paper in her hand, as she made her fifth mistake. This isn't getting me anywhere, she thought. She grabbed the stethoscope from the table and draped it over her neck, as she left the small room and headed to the elevator.

Arriving at the room on the fourth floor, Anne pushed the heavy door open and stopped in her tracks. "Jamie what are you doing here?" she asked, as she went to check on the patient.

Cold, blue eyes never left the pale figure, secured to the bed. "I wanted to see if he was suffering, the way Erin is."

"No, he's not suffering. Is that why you're really here Jamie?"

Jamie gave a sinister little smile. "Why, are you afraid I came in here to kill him? Although that would solve part of our dilemma, wouldn't it? I mean at least we would know and she could begin treatments, but like this..."

"Erin wouldn't want you to do that."

"No," Jamie chuckled sadly. "She will probably even forgive him someday; that's what makes her so special." Jamie finally raised her eyes to meet those of the doctor, watching her. "That's why she doesn't deserve this." She walked out the door without another word, leaving the doctor to ponder her conscience.

Jamie and Erin were snuggled together on the couch; neither had made further mention of the previous nights events. Erin felt no real need to discuss things, although she was considering her mother's suggestion of seeing a victim's counselor. In fact, she felt really proud that she was able to defend herself, knowing that losing her sight had not taken away that ability. What bothered her the most was the fact that she might be responsible for someone's death, even if it was in self-defense.

The real threats to her life, from the night before and the possible threat to her life from a fatal disease made her take stock. Erin never felt like she took life for granted, especially since the accident, four years before. She tried to treat every day as a gift from God. And having Jamie come into her life was certainly the single most important thing she could imagine.

Erin sighed and squeezed the body she was wrapped around. "Jamie?"


"I want a very long life with you," she started slowly. "But if we only have a week, a month or a year together, I don't want to waste a single moment."

Jamie caressed the soft, short hair beneath her fingers. "I agree sweetheart, but what exactly do you mean?"

Erin pulled back and placed a passionate kiss on her partner's lips. "Will you move in here with me?" She curled her fingers with Jamie's. "We've been together five months. I think we're both ready for the next step. I know it's a lot longer trip for you to go to work and everything, but..." A finger against her lips stopped her sentence. Her breath hitched in fear. Erin's right hand was lifted and placed against the huge smile plastered on Jamie's face.

"Yes," whispered Jamie against the fingers, then she kissed the palm of that hand. "Yes." She was thrown back to the cushion by an arm full of excited woman.

"I love you Jamie."

"And I love you, Erin. For the rest of my life...and beyond."

The blonde author melted into the body beneath her as they sank into the couch, in celebration. The kisses they shared ignited passions they knew couldn't be satisfied physically, but needed to be fulfilled emotionally. Their loving actions went on for many minutes, but were soon interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Who would be out here this time of night?" wondered Jamie, as she read the 10:30 time on the clock on the wall.

"I have no idea." They went to answer it, arm in arm.

Jamie opened the door and was a bit stunned.

The visitor pulled her jacket tighter against the blowing wind. "Hi. Can I come in?"

"What brings you out here this time of night Anne?" asked Erin as they led their guest into the living room. "Can I get you some coffee?"

Doctor Carson shifted nervously under the stare of the taller woman. "No, thank you. I have some news. Can we sit?"

"Yes of course." Erin sat next to Jamie in the spot they had just vacated. She took Jamie's hand in expectation.

"An HIV test was performed on Tyler, a few hours ago." Both Erin and Jamie held their breaths for her next words. "It was negative. You're in the clear."

"Oh God," sighed Jamie as she hugged Erin, nearly squeezing the breath from her.

Anne found something very interesting to study, near her shoes as the couple continued their embrace.

Finally Erin turned back to her long time friend. "I don't mean to second guess the hospital staff. But you're sure, there's no chance of a mistake?"

Anne had to smile at the relief on her friend's face even, with asking the question. "I'm positive. I ran the test twice with two different samples. You're okay and your future, at least as far as this incident is concerned, is guaranteed to be healthy."

Jamie didn't mean to sound callus, but she needed to know. "Did he die?"

Anne shook her head. "No, he's still alive."

Erin gave an internal sigh of relief. "So he regained consciousness then?"

Anne was silent for a moment.

Jamie read the answer in the woman's down turned face and was certainly surprised.

"No," the doctor finally said. She went on to explain in an emotionless tone. "I went into his room, took the blood that I needed from his unresponsive body and ran the tests."

"Anne," whispered Erin. "I love you for helping me, but what will happen if they find out."

"I tried to cover my tracks, so hopefully they won't find out, but if they do, I could lose my license." She looked up to meet Jamie's gaze. "But I did what was right, the only thing that was fair."

Jamie mouthed the word thank you to the tired looking woman and received a smile in return.

Erin walked over and hugged the doctor. "Thank you Anne. I couldn't ask for a better friend. Now let me get us all some coffee. I know I could use some."

Jamie went to help her partner and actually surprised herself with the suggestion she was about to make. "Anne looks really beat."

"I can understand why. That was a tough decision she had to make."

"Yeah." Jamie pulled the milk from the fridge and the sugar from the cabinet. "Why don't you ask her to stay here tonight?" she suggested timidly." "It's so late and it's a long drive home and she looks ready to fall asleep and..." A voracious mouth suddenly attacking hers, cut off her ramblings.

Erin remembered how angry Jamie was with Anne the night before and admired what it took for her to make that suggestion. "Once again, you prove just exactly why I love you so much."

Jamie shrugged. "We do have a lot to celebrate, but now we have a long life to do so."

Chapter 21

Erin had been officially cleared of any legal charges. The police cited a clear case of self-defense, because of the past threats, which Joseph Hudson corroborated. Ethan remained in a coma as December progressed, but that no longer concerned Jamie. She immediately turned their lives to a more joyous occasion. Christmas. Their first together and as with Erin's birthday, she was determined to make every second of the celebration memorable.

Erin hadn't decorated for the holiday since losing her sight, so they had to go out and buy everything needed to transform a California beach house, into a wintry Christmas wonderland. In one weekend's time, they had accomplished their goal, quite nicely. A tall, green tree sat near the fireplace in the den. The color scheme of red, blue and silver that adorned the branches, brought to life the festive nature of the sacred holiday. Candles shaped like snowmen and figurines of children on sleds, sat happily atop the mantle. A huge wreath, trimmed in big red bows was hung on the door, ready to greet visitors with a Yuletide welcome. Jamie had strung ten sets of lights all along the deck and down across the top of the fence, but Erin had managed to talk her out of buying the Santa in the sleigh that she wanted to put on the roof.

By Sunday night, the two tired decorators could only manage enough energy to sit in front of the tree, sipping hot chocolate and holding hands. Erin's big question of the Saturday before had been sidetracked by the good health news and then by the shopping. But it was never far away from her thoughts.

"Jamie, do you still want to move in here?" Erin asked, hesitantly.

"Of course I do!" Jamie sat down her cup and took the one from Erin's hands. They wrapped loving arms around each other. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything about it this week. I just wanted us to move on to something fun."

"I understand, but when do you want to? I don't want to push you, but I just...I want you out here with me all the time."

Jamie smiled. "Well, how would you like to help me move my things out here, say Tuesday. I can take a day off from work. I don't really have that much stuff, so I know we could do it in a day."

Now it was Erin's turn to smile. "Tuesday works for me. Tomorrow I can make some room for your clothes in my closet and clear out a couple of drawers."

"Don't go crazy, sweetheart. My wardrobe consists of six pairs of jeans, a dozen t- shirts, five dressier shirts, one nice suit and two uniforms. Oh, and three pairs of shoes."

"Ooooh, no underwear, I like that." Erin flashed a lecherous grin.

Jamie snorted. "Of course the incidentals."

Erin wormed her hand into the pair of worn blue jeans and across the silk she found there. "These incidentals feel pretty good."

Jamie closed her eyes and enjoyed a few more seconds of Erin's exploration. But the conversation soon popped back into her mind. "Erin...what I meant was...what did I mean? Oh yea." She temporarily stilled the roaming fingers. "I don't need a lot of room. You don't have to make any big changes for me."

Erin took on a serious expression. "Sweetheart, this a big change. A change I am ecstatic to make. This will be your house too," she assured. "You are not just going to squeeze into a corner. Equal space. Whether you fill it all up, or not."

Jamie brushed a cheek with the back of her knuckles. "You drive a hard bargain, lady. And I've got a hard head. But it's finally starting to sink in." She gave Erin a small kiss. "Let's go to bed, I'm tired."

Moving day.

Jamie's apartment had come furnished, so they didn't have to worry about hauling furniture and appliances, down six floors. Erin did, however, recruit her brother in law to help Jamie carry her exercise equipment out to the small U-Haul truck they had rented. The persistent author finally talked her partner into letting her help pack clothes, books and other unbreakable items. In just a couple of hours, the old apartment looked exactly like the day she moved in. She had no emotional attachment to the few hundred square feet of space, but she did to the most of the other occupants of the big building. She was a little hurt that nobody stopped in to goodbye. She was sure that they knew, even though she had only told Mrs. Howard the night before. But Mrs. Howard was more efficient than world wide e-mail when it came to passing the word and by now the entire building and everyone in a two mile radius should have known.

"Is that everything honey?" asked Erin, as Artemis led her back into the small room.

Jamie gave one last look around to make sure they left nothing behind. "Yeah, I guess. Let's go."

They just stepped out of the elevator, when a little brown terrier came running down the corridor. The small barking dog ran around Artemis, who just looked down at the pesky pup and yawned.

Jamie bent down and picked up the furry noisemaker. "Pepper, what are you doing out here?"

Mrs. Howard came shuffling down the hall, after her runaway dog. "Pepper, you're not supposed to run away from mommy," she scolded, taking the dog from Jamie's arms. "I'm sorry to disturb you dear."

"That's all right Mrs. Howard. I'd like you to meet my friend Erin. I'm moving into her beach house."

The gray haired woman smiled at the blonde and placed a hand on her arm. "It's so nice to meet you dear. I'm glad my favorite youngster here has someone her own age to keep her company." She turned back to Jamie. "May I ask you a favor before you leave?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well, I need a box of old photos taken up to my place. I was in the storage room looking for it, when Pepper snuck out on me."

"I can help with that. Do you want to go out to the truck and wait with Brad?" she asked Erin.

"No. I'll come with you, if you don't mind."

"Wonderful," said Mrs. Howard, a little to jubilantly. She scooted around and the three headed back down the hall arm in arm.

The storage room was just off the building's recreation room. Jamie had played some pretty competitive games of ping-pong in there and, surprisingly, lost several times to Mr. Davis on the old pinball machine that sat in the corner. As they neared the room, Jamie remembered last year, when it was Mrs. Medio's birthday and they had thrown her a...


The smiling faces of every occupant in the building looked back at Jamie, as she stood frozen in the doorway. The room was decorated with streamers and balloons of every color. A punch bowl filled with a red, fruity concoction sat next to a cake that proclaimed in big letters, we will miss you.

"You didn't think we were going to let you get away without a proper goodbye now did you?" asked Mr. Davis.

A grinning Erin knew just how much this meant to her reserved partner. She squeezed the arm she was holding. "I think they're waiting for you to say something," she whispered.

The tall woman stumbled over a few words in her brain, thinking of the right thing to say. She finally settled on a simple, but heartfelt, "Thank you."

Her friend's burst in to a chorus of For She's a Jolly Good Fellow, as Jamie was taken over to cut the beautiful cake.

For the next hour, one by one, they gave Jamie their personal good byes and reminisced about her time there. She introduced them all to Erin, as the friend she was moving in with, but wasn't quite sure if they really understood the exact nature of their relationship. But it didn't matter. They were her friends, she understood that now more than ever and the smile on her face told the world.

Brad sat down next to Erin with his second piece of cake. "I think your girlfriend is about to float out of here on the cloud she's walking on."

"These people mean a lot to her. They've been her family for almost two years. I know she's gonna miss them."

Jamie came to stand by her side and gave her a little hug. "I didn't mean to ignore you."

"Don't be ridiculous. This is important, to them and to you." The clinking of a fork against a glass interrupted their conversation.

"May I have everyone's attention," said Mr. Davis. "Jamie, I know we've all told you how much we are going to miss you and that's very true, but what's more important is how happy we are for you. We got you a little something to remember us by."

Jamie unfolded the colorful wrap to reveal a framed group picture of everyone in the building, taken at the previous year's Christmas party. "This is great. Thank you, all of you." A tiny tear sat in the corner of her eye and she willed it not to fall as she continued. "I may be leaving the building, but I don't want to leave your lives. I promise to come back and visit and if any of you ever need anything, please call me." She gave one last look at the faces before her. "This has been so great, but I think we need to get going."

Mrs. Howard stepped up and hugged her. "We just ask one thing of you before you go, dear."


"Don't forget to invite us to the wedding," said the gray haired woman with a wink.

Jamie's jaw dropped. I guess they know.

Jamie moved about quietly, not having said much on the ride home, three hours earlier. Erin stood in the bedroom door, just listening to her lover unpack. Everything else was already put away. The exercise equipment was in the second spare bedroom. Jamie's books and CDs had joined Erin's in the den and other small odds and ends had found a new home, inside the big house.

Jamie turned back to the box on the bed and lifted out a blue T-shirt. She looked over to the blonde. "Would you like to do the honor of putting away the last item?"

Erin smiled, stepped forward and took the shirt that was placed in her hand. Taking Jamie's hand in the other, they walked over to the dresser and Erin slipped the piece of clothing into the drawer and closed it.

Jamie wrapped her arms around the smaller woman from behind. "It's official." She kissed her temple. "I live here now."

Erin pulled one of the strong hands up to her chest, over her heart. "You've lived here for a long time."

On Friday night, Jamie and Erin took Conner and Caitlin to see a performance of The Nutcracker. Conner said it needed some karate, which garnered him silent chuckles from his aunts. Caitlin, on the other hand, loved it. At one point, she jumped up from her seat and started to twirl around, right there in the aisle. They smiled at the little girl's antics and Jamie once again realized just how special children were. They had a unique ability to laugh at the smallest of pleasures and act out there every thought on a whim.

After the show, they went out to eat. Two pizzas were well on their way to disappearing, when something caught Conner's attention. "Aunt Jamie, will you take me over there to play that game?" he asked, with flashing blue eyes.

Jamie still wasn't quite used to being called aunt, but it felt wonderful. "Erin, what do you think?"

"As long as it isn't one of those violent ones, sure."

Jamie felt an insistent little hand slip into hers and she was pulled away from the table.

"Are you having fun tonight sweetheart?" Erin asked the little girl, slurping up the last of her soda.

"Yes. I like the dancing."

Erin smiled and ruffled her soft curls. "You did huh? Would you like to know how to dance like that?"

She nodded. "It would be fun. Can I stay at your house tonight?" Caitlin asked out of the blue.

Erin had had a plan of action for some nighttime activities with her dark haired lover, but they could be postponed. She knew Jamie needed the time with the kids more. "Why don't you ask Aunt Jamie when she gets back." She listened to her partner and her nephew playing the video game and she couldn't decide which one was having more fun. But out of everyone, she knew she was having the most fun, on the family outing. She had never been able to go anywhere alone with her niece and nephew, since losing her sight. With Bridgett along, it was still nice, but with Jamie it had a whole new meaning. In a strange way, Jamie had given her a new kind of independence. She was also getting practice at being a sightless parent. Being a parent at all, was scary, but that added problem made it terrifying. But she wouldn't let that stop her. There were times, lately, when she ached to hold a child of her own. No, there was only one thing that would keep her from being a parent.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to go," said Jamie, as she returned.

Beside her, Conner was still sporting a big smile at his triumph. "You should have seen it, Aunt Erin. I beat her big time," he boasted.

"Good for you honey. Before we go, I think Caitlin has a question."

"Aunt Jamie, can I stay at your house, all night?"

"Me to! I didn't get to stay last time," said the excited little boy.

Jamie was taken by surprise, mostly at the fact that she was being asked directly. She looked down at the two expectant faces. "Well…" She hesitated, then looked over to Erin and caught the half smile and barely noticeable nod. "Sure. As a matter of fact," she said, helping Caitlin on with her jacket. "I think there are some marshmallows just begging to be toasted."

That got her a rousing cheer from the children and a brilliant smile from the woman she loved.

The fire spit and crackled as Jamie threw a small pinecone into the flames. By her side, Conner sat patiently with stick and marshmallow in hand. Jamie was designated official toaster for the two other women in the room, as they waited on the big couch for their gooey treats.

Two little feet, barely reaching the end of the seat, kicked back and forth and twinkling green eyes watched the dancing flames. "I told Santa I wanted a bouncy horse for Christmas," she said, in response to the question her aunt had asked.

"A bouncy horse huh? Well, maybe someday soon Aunt Jamie will take you see her real horse," said Erin.

She didn't hear the response from Jamie that she expected. Instead she heard Conner's complaint.

"Aunt Jamie, you dropped the marshmallow in the fire."

"What?" Jamie broke from her distracting thoughts. "Oh, I'm sorry. But no problem, there's plenty more."

After two, white, sticky treats each, small yawns signaled the onset of slumber. The children were tucked into the big bed and kissed good night. Erin and Jamie returned to sit by the fire, now cuddled in each other's arms. Erin kicked off her shoes and pulled her legs under her.



"Twice tonight, you deferred to me when the kids asked you for something, why?"

"Well, you know more about children then I do, I just thought..."

"I'm no expert," chuckled Erin. "No parent is. You just have to think about what is best. And I want you to feel okay with making decisions for them."

Jamie smiled. "They're really great kids, aren't they?"


They were both silent for several more minutes.

"Erin, I've been thinking..."


"Well...if you would want...I mean...I think I'd like to be...a parent...if you would want me to share that with you...someday I mean."

Erin wanted to run outside and shout it to the world, she wanted to go to the doctor and make it happen right now, even if it was midnight. She was totally ecstatic to hear those words from her partner. "Sweetheart, you are the only one I would ever want to be the other parent to my child. And you will be a wonderful one. Thank you." She squeezed Jamie, pouring all her excitement and love into the gesture. "Maybe this time next year, we could start making plans to have a baby?"

Jamie genuinely smiled at that idea. "Yeah that sounds good."

The fire was just dying down and they both thought about heading off to bed. But another thought came to Erin. "Jamie, what distracted you earlier?"

"What do you mean?"

"When Caitlin was talking about what she wanted for Christmas and you dropped the marshmallow into the fire."

Jamie remembered. "Oh. I was just about her age when I discovered my love for horses," she said with fondness. "In fact, I asked Santa for a horse to, for many Christmas's. Only I wanted a real one."

"But you never got one," said Erin. The body beside her sighed.

"No. But I think I did get every toy horse ever made," she said with a chuckle. "Then I would make a wish every Christmas night that I would wake up the next day and it would be real. I kinda wish I still had them. It would have been nice to show...our child something from my childhood. I took them with me when I moved in with the Matthews, but when things went bad and I ran away...Oh well. That's all in the past. Let's go to bed."

Erin followed the tall woman up the stairs, an idea germinating in her intriguing little mind.

Jamie fought the Saturday morning traffic, as the three other people in the car laughed and discussed holiday's past. Brad Nelson had picked up his children for a day of shopping and soon she and her passengers would be doing the same. She pulled into a parking spot in the underground garage and there she parted ways with Erin, sending her off in the good hands of her sister and mother. Jamie had several things in mind that she wanted to get her love for Christmas. The first of which sent her into a very high-class jewelry store.

Several hours later, Erin, Bridgett and Danielle walked out of an FAO Swartz with four bags between them. They now were carrying a total of nine bags and they had already made one trip back to the car to deposit others. A melody of holiday carols serenaded them, as they made their way to the food court, where they were meeting Jamie for lunch.

Bridgett spotted the tall, dark haired woman sitting on a bench, near a huge potted tree. She was intently studying something in her hand. The red head immediately knew it was a present for Erin and she wanted to see it, but Jamie saw them coming first and shoved it into her jacket pocket.

"Well ladies," said Jamie, as she pulled the zipper on the pocket closed. "Is there any merchandise left in the entire mall?"

Erin placed a small kiss on Jamie's cheek. "Wait until you see the car, sweetheart."

Jamie scowled. "I can just imagine. So which one of you is going to ride on top of the car on the way home?"

The trio laughed at her joke, at least Bridgett hoped it was a joke. "I wasn't kidding earlier when I said we should have rented another U-Haul for the day," she said as she led them over to an empty table.

Jamie tried to relieve her partner of her packages, but her hands were playfully slapped away. "Oh no, I don't trust you."

Jamie's mock pout brought more laughter from the others.

Bridgett's curiosity kicked into high gear, dying to know what was in the dark haired woman's pocket. "So Jamie, you didn't find anything to buy today?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well unless you've been to the car to, I don't see any sacks in your hand."

Jamie flashed the woman an enigmatic smile. "Oh, I got everything I came for. What's that old saying, good things come in small packages."

"I resemble that remark," laughed Erin. "So what did you tell Brad to get you?" she asked her sister.

Danielle listened as her two daughters shot loving barbs back and forth and she watched Jamie, as she watched her youngest with the unmistakable look of complete love. This holiday was going to be perfect, except for one small detail. Her high spirits were deflated slightly when she thought of her husband. After everything he'd done to their daughter and his almost constant disappearance the past months, she realized that she still loved him. And she prayed that he would come to his senses and try to make amends to them all.

Jamie played chauffeur and dropped Danielle at her estate in Brentwood and Bridgett at her home several miles away. She refrained from making any comments about the car being lighter on the drive back to the beach house (from packages, not people). When they did arrive home, Erin whisked her bags off to the bedroom and tucked them away in the closet.

It was almost time for Jamie to go and be a paid chauffeur. She stood in front of the full-length mirror, buttoning up her black vest. "I'm really sorry, I have to work tonight babe," she said, straightening her tie. "The client was very insistent that I be the driver and Mr. Owens is insistent on pleasing the customer."

Erin rose from her seat on the bed and moved to stand before the well-dressed woman. "That's okay." She smiled, knowing an important secret. "You obviously made a very strong impression on someone." She reached up and kissed Jamie thoroughly. "You can have a lot more of that later."

Jamie got to the company and received her instructions for the evening. The client gave an address, but no name. She found that rather strange, but thought maybe it was part of a surprise for someone. She liked seeing the looks on people's faces when she drove up in the luxury vehicle, unexpectedly.

She recognized the building as she pulled up to the curb and parked. It was he same place she had met with producer Joseph Hudson, several months back. She hurried up to the front door and went to the security desk.

"I'm from Touch of Class limousine service and I'm supposed to pick up a client here," she explained to the gentleman seated there.

"Yes. You are to go down the hall here to room 17. They're waiting for you."

He must be in on the surprise, she thought, because his directions were cryptic. But she did as instructed and knocked on the door.

"Come in," said the whispered voice.

She walked in to find a cloaked figure, standing by the window, facing away from her. She could tell from the physical build that it was a woman. "I'm from Touch of Class. I'm supposed to meet a client here."

The figure turned slowly, building the mystery. The dark hood was, just as slowly, pulled back to reveal a smiling face.

Jamie's eyes popped. "Erin! What are you doing here? What is this?"

Erin stepped forward, guided by the stunned voice. "Well sweetheart, I hired a limo and my favorite driver for the entire night. Surprise."

"You are a nut," said Jamie, as she pulled her into a hug. "A wonderful, beautiful, nut. By the way, I should tell you that this cloak is turning me on...big time."

"I kind of hoped it would. But you are going to have to restrain yourself... for a little while anyway. We have reservations for six, then tickets for the theatre."

"That's sounds wonderful, but I'm going to feel kind of strange in this uniform."

Erin smiled and walked over to the side of the room. "I can take care of that. I brought you a shirt to change into. One with very special memories I might add."

The silk, copper shirt she was handed did indeed stir some memorable thoughts of a beautiful summer night of love.

"And to go with it," Erin handed Jamie a big, brightly colored box. "…an early Christmas present."

Jamie ripped off the paper, not so much with anticipation, but with a need to get the evening started. The lid dropped to the floor and she pulled back the tissue paper to reveal a black, leather coat. "It's beautiful sweetheart." She easily slipped her arms into the dressy jacket. "And it's a perfect fit."

Erin moved close and checked it out for herself. "Of course it is," she bragged. "I know everything about this body."

"Thank you," whispered Jamie, just before their lips met.

The dark haired woman escorted her beautiful, cloaked date out the front door, winking at the security guard as they went by. They ate at one of the best restaurants in the area, during which Jamie couldn't take her eyes off the vision sitting across from her. She flashed back to a time, many months ago, when she was feeling very sorry for herself having to dine alone. Another moment, from around that time came to her and she smiled. I guess I chose wisely.

After the play, Jamie drove them to a secluded spot, she knew. She shut off the engine and went around to the passenger side. She opened the door and grabbed Erin's hand. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" She heard another door open.

"Right back here," Jamie said. Once they settled into the plush seats, she reached into the ice bucket that she had prepared back at the restaurant. The cork popped out under her thumbs and flew into the front seat. "Remind me to find that later," she laughed. They toasted their love and drank down the bubbly. But their thirst for one another soon became too strong to deny any longer.

Jamie's lips crushed against Erin's, as she fumbled with the crystal glasses, which tumbled to the carpeted floor. The author, straddled Jamie's lap, wrangled the chauffeur out of her new, leather jacket and tossed it over her shoulder. She voraciously attacked the dark haired woman's neck, sure to leave behind evidence. Jamie's moans echoed throughout the small space, as kisses followed the divesting of clothes. But Jamie had other ideas. She managed to reverse their positions and pin Erin against the soft cushion. She slid to her knees, in front of the panting woman and pulled Erin's dark covering over her head, cloaking her passionate activities in mystery. Erin felt every glorious movement, breath and heart beat, straight to her soul as the minutes passed on. Hands snaked out from beneath the black material and reached up to caress firm mounds. The December chill meant nothing to them as muscle met flesh and muffled moans greeted covered ears. The blonde fairly howled to the moon, shining down on them from the window above, as she was sent over the edge.

Seconds later, Jamie tossed off the heavy cloak. "Whew... that was hot."

"You're telling me," panted Erin, through a big smile.

Those smiling lips were soon covered and did nothing to cool either of them down. Not that they wanted to cool off any time soon. Nor did they, for at least another hour.

Chapter 22

Christmas Eve at Bridgett's was a fun and emotional affair. After dinner, the family gathered around the large, decorated evergreen in the family room. Conner and Caitlin were designated elves and helped their mother pass out the presents. Of course they loved their toys from Aunt Erin and Aunt Jamie and said so, with big hugs and kisses.

Erin had realized that her lover was just a big kid, as they shopped for the playthings, together. Erin had to put a limit on the number of presents they bought for the kids. Jamie was absolutely going crazy with generosity and Erin had feared just what was awaiting her on Christmas morning. The dark haired woman had thoroughly tested every toy and game, for safety she claimed. But Erin listened as the evaluations were made with the unmistakable sound of laughter and fun.

Danielle received a grandmother's ring from Bridgett, with stones of emerald and diamond. From her other daughters, she got a beautiful watch pendant with the inscription, "For our wonderful mother. Love Erin and Jamie."

The partners bought Bridgett a Hummel figurine of two children playing dress up, to add to her prized collection and Brad got a new, state of the art, deep sea fishing pole and made him promise them a fish dinner, if he ever learned to use it.

Erin's mother got her the most beautiful, Irish hand woven sweater and matching tam. Danielle had chosen one with shimmering threads of light green, that reminded her of her daughter's beautiful eyes, but she didn't mention that particular reason. And for her newest daughter, she got two very rare books and a set of bookends made from real cowboy spurs, at Erin's suggestion.

Bridgett preceded her present to her sister with a short explanation. "Erin, Brad and I wanted to get you some thing unique, something you couldn't buy in any store. I racked my brain for weeks and finally came up with this." She continued explaining as Erin opened the box. "I was at your place one day and found this big, beautiful conch shell, down on the beach. I had read somewhere about an artist who carves pictures into the shell. So I found one and had him carve out a scene from your first movie. Notice I say first, because I know you will write many more." She took Erin's fingers and described the scene. "This is Simeron. I used tall, dark and mysterious over there as a model."

"And just how did you do that?" asked the tall one.

"I snuck a picture of you, that's how," she said, with an appropriately smug smile.

Jamie gave her a mock glare that caused the red head to laugh.

"Anyway, I am very proud of you sis. Merry Christmas." The sisters hugged.

"Thank you Brig. This so great and I love it more than anything else you could have gotten me."

Jamie was the recipient of a full set of kick boxing lessons and a year's membership to Antonio's Paradise, one of the best health clubs in the state. Brad got the brilliant idea for the gift, on the day he had helped Jamie move. She had mentioned, in passing, her interest in the sport and wanting to try an indoor climbing wall.

Erin drifted off into a blissful daydream, picturing her partner's buff body after a few weeks of lessons.

"Snap out of it Sis," said Bridgett with a clicking of fingers. "Do I want to know what was so interesting?" she whispered, curiously.

Erin blushed. "That would be a no."

After all the gifts were opened, the children sat on the floor, playing with their new toys and the adults studied their presents in depth. Danielle watched as her ring flashed with the reflection of the tree lights. Jamie and Erin were snuggled, appropriately enough on the love seat, whispering in each other's ears and smiling wickedly.

Once Brad was able to pull himself away from practice fishing in the corner, he set about, cleaning up the room of the paper explosion that had taken place, while the rest of the family sipped their eggnog and chatted. Several minutes later, the doorbell rang. Bridgett returned to the family with a very puzzled expression.

"What is it, honey?" asked her husband, upon seeing the big box she was dragging behind her.

"A messenger delivered this with special instructions." She left the box near the tree and went to her sister's side, handing her an envelope. "Erin, you're supposed to read this first, before we open the box, which is for the entire family."

Everyone was curious at the unusual request and Jamie, was of course, cautious. The blonde took out the several page letter and unfolded it. Her fingers skimmed over the first few sentences and her breath hitched.

Jamie leaned toward her. "What does it say honey?"

Erin sighed. "It's from Daddy," she explained with a small smile, signifying that it was good news.

Danielle closed her eyes and said a thank you. "Can we hear it sweetheart? Or is it to personal?"

She nodded and began with emotion. "My dearest daughter, Erin. It's taken this stubborn old man too many months to come to his senses, what little I have left at that. There are no words to apologize for the things I said and the things I did, on that horrible day. I am sorry, but I certainly don't expect forgiveness. My parent's view of my child's absolute perfection was shattered that day, as it should have been. I have always placed unreasonable expectation's on both of my daughter's, but never took the time to really see who and what you were...and are. That is the great shame of my life.

I will be totally honest with you and say that I still don't quite approve of your lifestyle, but I know you don't need my approval...just my acceptance. And I am...trying. I'm sorry. I also want to apologize to the rest of family for my behavior and hope we can, one day, move past all this and once again become a whole family. I miss my grandchildren very much. Tell them grandpa loves them and can't wait to see them, if their parents approve.

I also need to send an apology to your friend Jamie. You all owe her a thank you for this flame of hope." Erin stopped and reached out for her lover. "She must love all of you, very much, because I received a letter from her just before Thanksgiving, asking me to be with my family. Sadly I was still acting stupid and didn't respond. She also gave me quite a kick in the conscience, a few days later when she showed up at my office in Denver."

Jamie looked over to Bridgett and Danielle. The tears that fell from their eyes couldn't hide the looks of pride, thanks and love. She quickly looked back to her lover, who continued.

"The vile things that came out of my mouth, that day, make me sick to think about and striking you.... that alone signified my failure as a parent. My embarrassment at my ignorance and belligerent behavior is keeping me from making this plea in person. I am too ashamed to face all of you. I only hope, that feeling will fade in time and you will, one day, accept my presence. For now, know that I love you Erin, very much. Please accept these presents and enjoy them. I took careful consideration with each and every one. My love to you all. Merry Christmas, Dad."

Inside the box, were special toys for the children; a train set for Conner and a dollhouse for Caitlin. Danielle cried again when she opened her blue velvet box. Nestled in the soft material was a bead necklace of pale green and lavender jade. She recognized it as similar to a piece she had seen when she and Tim were on their honeymoon in the Orient. He told her he couldn't afford to buy it at the time, but promised her that one-day it would hang around her neck. It was the sentiment of that special trip together that brought the tears and more importantly, the fact that he had remembered. And speaking of honeymoons, Bridgett and Brad got tickets for a second honeymoon in the Bahamas with reservations at the Atlantis Paradise Island resort.

Erin was given another envelope with yet another letter that read, I'm afraid to say that I know nothing about your friend Jamie, but I only hope that she will enjoy this along with you. I have a feeling, whatever makes you happy, makes her happy. I do love you and I am glad you are content. He went on to explain the other contents of the envelope.

"What did you get Erin?" asked Bridgett.

"An all expense paid trip to Ireland, for two, including passage on Dad's new executive jet."

Jamie heard the gasps as she took in her partner's happy smile.

"Well, Daddy must love you best," Bridgett, lovingly teased. "We have to fly commercial...first class, but commercial."

Everyone enjoyed her joke and the festive and happy celebration continued on into the night.

Erin was quiet on the long drive home. Jamie reached for the knob and turned down the festive carols playing on the radio. "How do you feel about this new development with your father?"

Erin leaned her tired head, back against the seat and sighed. "I'm glad that he's taken the first step, especially for the rest of the family. I think they're happy about it. And it felt good to know that he does love me."

"But you still can't forgive him."

Erin hesitated. "I think I can, very soon. But things will never be the same. You heard what he said; he still can't totally accept us. And until he learns that you are the person I love and the person I am going to spend the rest of my life with, he will never really truly be my family. I'm not mad at him, just disappointed." Erin needed a physical connection and laid her hand on Jamie's knee. "Why didn't you tell me you contacted him?"

"I would have...if it had done any good. When he didn't respond to my letter, I knew it would only upset you more if you found out. And then when I saw him in Denver… and that whole situation with Tyler made me forget. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I love you for wanting everything in my life to be perfect."

Jamie stood by the big glass doors, watching the ocean roll in and deposit her secret treasures in the sand. It was still dark out, but the moon had long passed over and left the beach with an eerie pre-dawn glow. Jamie thought about how much her life had changed in the last six months. She now had someone that she loved more than life itself. She lived in a nice, big house with an incredible view. Her dream was well on its way to coming true. The ranch would be hers in just a few short months. She sighed realizing that that also presented whole new set of problems. She couldn't make the two-hour drive everyday from the beach to the mountains. A rancher had to live on their property. Would Erin we willing to give up her house and move there with her. Would she have to return to the beach on the weekends and just visit her lover? Jamie reached into the pocket of her bathrobe and rubbed her thumb over the package hiding there, debating its purchase. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the doorframe. I can't let my dream totally disrupt Erin's life. She loves it here and she has this house memorized. It would probably be very hard for her to adjust to living somewhere else. The dark head shook, firmly. I can't do that to her. Her life is difficult enough.

Jamie moved away from the window, stepped into the kitchen and poured herself another cup of coffee. It was only 7:15 and she wanted to let Erin sleep until eight. She walked up the carpeted steps and down the hall. She peeked in and watched her partner sleeping peacefully, curled around her pillow. Jamie wrapped both hands around the warm cup and took a healthy sip as she walked on down the hall and into the den; their personal Christmas wonderland. The lights on the tree sprang to life with a simple movement, as did the radio. Her attention was once again drawn to the big present in the corner. It was oddly shaped, enough so that it couldn't even be wrapped. A huge box, with one end cut open, was placed down over, whatever it was, and a bright red bow was tied around it with a big tag stating her name and the phrase, Do Not Open Until Christmas. It seemed that Erin went for big when it came to presents, as two more large boxes sat near the base of the tree. Her eyes drifted over to the pile of presents she had purchased and she smiled. While most of them were relatively small, in size not necessarily price, she believed she did all right choosing her gifts for Erin. And she had never had so much fun shopping in her life.

Jamie curled up in the corner of the soft couch and listened to the carols soothing melody and watched the twinkling, colorful lights. I haven't been up this early on Christmas morning since I was nine. And this time last year... I woke up alone, ate my simple bowl of cereal, alone and spent the day surfing the cable channels...alone. Jamie laid her head back against the couch, closed her eyes and smiled. But I'm not alone anymore. And I never will be again. Even if that means changing my plans a little. I can own the ranch, but hire someone else to run it. I can still go up there on weekends. That will be fine. Erin is my home now and I'll do whatever it takes to make her comfortable and happy.

Erin's dream faded and her smile widened. She reached over and felt the cold side of the bed, signifying that her lover had been up for quite sometime. A quick check of the clock told her it was 8:05. Artemis jumped up and gave her human her good mornings. After a few good rubs and some praising words, she let the dog outside, shivering against the slight chill of the early morning air. After ten minutes in the bathroom, she went in search of her missing partner. Erin followed the sounds of music to the den.

"Jamie," she called out, but no answer. "Jamie, are you in here?" she asked louder.

The figure on the sofa stirred. "Yeah, I'm on the couch. I must have fallen back to sleep." She yawned as the happy blonde joined her.

"Merry Christmas." Erin leaned in and placed a long deep kiss on Jamie's soft lips.

Jamie sucked in a deep breath. "Yeah, Merry Christmas to me. That's the only present I need."

"Well you can have those presents all year long, but today you are getting those," she said, pointing to the tree. "And one or two other surprises."

Jamie gave her another quick kiss. "I'll go get us some breakfast. We'll eat in here and then start opening that large pile of presents."

Artemis sat in the corner with her new collar around her neck, gnawing at her new chew toy. Jamie handed Erin her first gift, then her second and a third. When it was over, she had a designer gown, which Jamie said was to wear to the opening of Noah Factor, a very skimpy, aqua blue nightie and robe set, which Jamie said, was not to wear to the opening of Noah Factor. A pair of pearl earrings, in a velvet box, also surprised her. Jamie said they were to commemorate the month in which they met. She mildly chided her partner for spending too much money, but Jamie assured her it was covered by a surprising Christmas bonus from her boss at the limo company and her last trip for the courier service.

Erin had numbered some of Jamie's presents, wanting them to be opened in sequence. Jamie reached for package number one. Once unwrapped, she discovered that the box was taped shut and with a small grunt she forced it open. She looked inside.

Erin heard the rustling of tissue paper. "I don't remember you ever mentioning you had one."

"No, I don't." Jamie pulled the beautiful headwear out of the box and tried it on for size. "It fits perfectly. Thank you."

Erin smiled. "Well, every rancher has to have a good cowboy hat. Now open box number two." Erin bounced in her seat; almost more excited then Jamie.

Seeing the contents of this box, Jamie was now onto the numbering idea. A shiny, new pair of brown, leather cowboy boots, size nine.

"It's okay if you want to go out and scuff them up a little first," said Erin. "I wouldn't want the horses snickering or calling you a dandy."

Jamie threw aside the footwear and tackled the little blonde against the couch. A small tickle fest ensued. "I'll give you a dandy." Erin, breathlessly, begged her to stop and she exchanged the tickles for small tickling kisses. "Thank you, they're beautiful too," Jamie said, finally.

"Next! Go get number three," ordered the author.

"Okay, but then you open some more."

Erin nodded happily. Then gave a small, devious little laugh.

Jamie let it pass without comment as she ripped off the purple and silver paper. More rustling of tissue paper and she lifted the contents up and looked at a grinning Erin between the leather pieces. "Honey, I'm going to be riding horses, not busting broncos," she said of the brown leather chaps in her hands.

Erin slid off the couch onto her knees in front of the puzzled woman. "I know, but I just got this vision a while back and I needed to feel you in leather," she purred. "You don't have to wear them to work in, if you don't want to." She took the garment from Jamie, brought it to her face and inhaled. "In fact my vision involved you walking into our bedroom wearing these… and nothing else."

A sweat broke out on Jamie's forehead and she was rendered mute at the erotic implications. After several seconds, she cleared her throat. "Well...a...maybe I'll give you a preview later tonight."

Erin just sat there grinning, wiggling her brows, teasing the dark haired woman.

Jamie grabbed another present from under the tree and handed it to Erin. "Why don't you open that one, while I go visit the freezer."

Erin laughed and grabbed the sleeve of Jamie's robe. "I'm sorry. I'll be good. Now come on back here." She ripped open the angel motif paper and ran her hands over the intricately carved wooden box. She felt their initials enclosed inside a heart.

"I had this custom made," explained Jamie.

Erin lifted the lid and a smile crossed her lips, as their song started to play. She let it go on for several rounds, remembering their first meeting and their first night of love. "It's beautiful, thank you," she said to the woman, sitting next to her. "You are such a romantic."

"Only for you, sweetheart, only for you." Jamie picked up the small box, wrapped in red and placed it in delicate hands. "Here, this my favorite."

Once it was opened, Erin picked up the contents by the delicate, but strong chain and continued to feel out its construction. A smile slowly spread over her face, as Jamie explained it's true meaning.

"I guess you know that it's a locket. It's gold and is covered in a Celtic design. It a...has three parts." She unfolded the interlocking pieces. "A place for your picture and one for mine, even though you know how much I hate having my picture taken."

The blonde nodded. "I know. I don't understand it, because you're beautiful, but I know."

"The a... third one is for... our baby. I wanted you to know that I was serious about us having a child." She looked up to see tears sliding down the gorgeous face.

"I love you Jamie. And I can't wait for the day when I can put a tiny picture in here." She reached over and kissed the mother of her future child.

"It's expandable," whispered Jamie, as she dried the tears of joy. "Just in case… you know."

The next few minutes were spent recovering from the intense emotion. More coffee was consumed and another joke was made about the fringed leather garment now resting across the back of the couch.

Erin walked over to the mysterious present in the corner. "You can open this one now," she said, fingering the satiny bow. "Actually this is number four."

Jamie pulled off the bow. "I can't possibly imagine what this..." The words stuck in her throat as the box was pulled off to reveal the present. "I...Erin this is...incredible." Before her was the most beautiful saddle she had ever seen. The hand-tooled design, swirled to form an amazing pattern along each side and on the left, right in the middle of it all, was her name stamped deeply into the golden, brown leather. "This is beautiful."

Erin traced the carved letters of her favorite name, as she had done a dozen times since it arrived. "The salesman said this was the softest saddle blanket that's made anywhere. It's really comfortable for the horse."

"I'm sure Teegan will enjoy it, even if it's just on weekends." The last part was almost whispered.

Erin looked puzzled. "Well for right now, but I'm sure you'll be out there every day, once you own it. You did say you were very close right?"

"Yeah...yeah, I've almost got all the money for the down payment. But I've been thinking..." She moved back to the couch.

Erin didn't like the hesitation in her voice. "About?"

Jamie picked up a piece of discarded ribbon and began shredding it. "I think I'll hire someone to actually handle the day to day operations and I'll go out on weekends."

"That's ridiculous, Jamie!" Erin moved to her side with exasperation. "You have to be there all the time. That's your dream, running a horse ranch, not just in name only. What brought this on?"

More paper fell victim to Jamie's frustrated fingers. But she said nothing. A hand grabbed hers.

"Jamie, talk to me. This isn't like you."

She shrugged. "I just think it's best."

"What kind of answer is that? Best for who?"


"Jamie, don't lie to me. Maybe I'm being a little self centered, but this is because of me right?"

"No. But I can't commute four hours a day, that's just to much."

Erin shook her head, more confused than ever. "Why would you need to commute? Surely the house comes with the rest of the property."

"Yes, but...you like it here, at the beach."

Erin shook her head, now understanding. She moved to sit across Jamie's lap. "I do like it here," she said, then wrapped the long arms around her. "But I love it here." A lengthy kiss followed. "Jamie, I don't think you realize how much I want this for you." She tried to find the words to explain. "I am absolutely happy at what I do, writing. And I can do that anywhere, as long as I have my computer. My dream is happening every day of my life. And my life is complete with you. I think I fulfill the same in your life."

"You do," came the whispered reply.

"Then owning this ranch, running this ranch and making it a success will make your dream come true and make you happy. That's what I want. I thought all my presents would have made that clear. This is my dream now to and the only thing that could keep me from being by your side to live it out...is your not wanting me there."

All of Jamie's earlier fears were swept away by the honey voice and the sweet, heartfelt words. Her heart fairly burst with love for the blonde haired woman and her decision was made. She reached for the pocket of her robe.

The phone rang. A smile of anticipation flashed across Erin's face. "I'll get it! Don't move." The jubilant expression never left her through the short conversation.

Jamie was kind of happy for the interruption and quickly came up with a new plan of action.

"Okay," said Erin, hanging up the phone. "Grab present number five and come with me."

Jamie did as she was told and followed her partner down the stairs to the front door.

"I'm not quite sure what's going on Erin, but can I open this now?"


The contents inside brought a smile to her, because she understood the reason it was given. The replica of the white Arabian mare looked back at her with shiny black eyes. The toy horse came complete with removable saddle and brushable mane and tail. "Just like my childhood Christmas'"

Erin reached up, kissed her cheek and whispered, "But I'm going to make that old wish come true." She opened the door.

Jamie glanced outside and did a huge double take. There in the driveway, stood a living breathing, whinnying horse.

"Merry Christmas, baby," said Erin as they walked down the stairs toward the beautiful animal. She understood the emotion that was keeping Jamie silent.

The horse was an exact double for the toy horse she held in her hand; a white Arabian with a dark mane and tail. Jamie rubbed the animal's nose, feeling the warm breath on her face, certifying that it wasn't an illusion.

"I know Teegan will always be your favorite," explained Erin. "But you're gonna need more than just her to start with and like I said I wanted to make that particular dream, come true."

Jamie hugged the woman fiercely. "You make all my dreams come true."

They spent the next several minutes looking over the fine animal. If Jamie hadn't been in her pajamas and robe she said she would have taken off, bareback, down the beach. The thought crossed her mind to run in and change, but Erin explained that the driver still had to take the horse up to the ranch. She had already made plans for Mr. Phillips to keep her there. Jamie bid the horse goodbye and loaded her into the trailer. She gave the driver a hundred dollar tip for taking his holiday time to take care of her special present.

The rest of Christmas day was spent with a long walk on the beach, a turkey dinner, mutually prepared and a soothing soak in the hot tub. During their walk, Erin had suggested that they keep the beach house for use on the weekends, to which Jamie wholeheartedly agreed. While enjoying their soak, Jamie had a suggestion of her own; a new hot tub, for the ranch, was to be the first on their list of purchases. Erin's response was just as expected.

They made love by the fire, as the evening came to a close. Of course that was after Jamie modeled her new leather accessory and Erin showed her how the west was really won. They both considered it a perfect Christmas, each receiving everything their hearts desired.

It was ten minutes till midnight and Jamie popped open the bottle of champagne. She looked over to where Erin was curled up on the couch and smiled, never more sure of anything in her entire life. They had gone out to dinner and then dancing with Bridgett and Brad, but Jamie wanted them to be at home, alone when the new year arrived. She poured two tall glasses of the golden, sparkling liquid and walked over to join her love.

She handed one to Erin. "Here you go sweetheart."

Erin took a small sip. "Mmmm, that's good. Thank you." She was surprised when she felt Jamie take the glass form her and set it aside.

Jamie took both hands in hers and cleared her throat. "Erin, you have made these past six months absolutely wonderful for me. You brought me back to life, by loving me and letting me know how incredible it feels to love you. We're about to start a new year and I want this to be the first of at least fifty or sixty more."

Erin smiled and caressed Jamie's face. But she remained quiet, feeling that she had more to say.

"This is going to be the first full year of the rest of our lives together and I think it should begin with a promise." She cleared her throat again. "Will you allow me to commit myself to being by your side and loving you forever?" The announcer on the TV started counting down, 10, 9, 8. Jamie opened the blue velvet box and brought Erin's fingertips to feel the diamond ring. "Will you marry me Erin Casey?"

"5, 4, 3, 2."

"Yes! Yes, I will marry you!"

Jamie slipped the ring onto its permanent home and Erin threw her arms around Jamie's neck, as the crowds of people on the screen began singing and celebrating.

But in a house on a California beach, with the moonlight streaming through the window, the happy couple now consumed in a kiss, knew that this acquaintance would never be forgotten and would always be on their minds, as they made a long, happy life together.

The End (maybe, maybe not)

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive