~ Similar Features ~
by Cruise

Disclaimers: The same as all other parts.

Special Thanks: To Mary for her editing prowess and friendship, to Stoley for being such a wonderful webmaster and friend. To Monica for her wonderful ideas that contributed to this update and for her love.

Comments gladly accepted at Cruise1313@aol.com.

Part XIX

Blaise appeared holding Chayce, who giggled from the appearing and disappearing act his mother could do. Blaise looked up and saw Cyrene busily preparing the evening meals for the Tavern. "Hello mother." Blaise greeted with a warm smile and smoothed out the tousled dark hair of her son.

"Blaise." Her mother stated curtly, and briefly looked at her youngest daughter before turning away. "Why are you here?" She asked, glancing sideways at her daughter then back to her task at hand of stirring a mixture in the bowl before her.

"Well, aah…" Blaise stammered, surprised by the cold response she received from her mother. Her attitude and demeanor harbored close to resentment. "I aah…oh, aah…Gabrielle and Xena had a baby girl today. They named her Jade." She replied, changing the subject to collect her thoughts and hoped her mother's demeanor would change for the better.

"Oh, that's wonderful! Why didn't they send word?" She asked excitedly, and stopped her stirring motion momentarily and looked at Blaise. Her demeanor changed from exhilaration over the news of a new granddaughter to one of anger and disappointment from her youngest daughter's behavior when she looked at her. There was an awkward silence and Cyrene looked back down at the bowl and continued to stir the mixture.

"She's aah…very beautiful." Blaise awkwardly answered and fiddled with Chayce's hair, searching for what she wanted to say to her mother. She could see the disappointment in her mother's familiar blues and it bothered her…deeply. She only wanted to see love and understanding from her, but that's not what she was receiving. "I aah…just thought I could come by and talk to you for a little understanding mother, but I can see that isn't the case. I don't know why I expected you to understand or for you to support me…it's been that way my whole life. The one's I wanted that from most of all turned away from me." Blaise disappointedly answered, staring at her mother then down to her son and kissed his head.

"Blaise!" Cyrene shouted, startling both Blaise and Chayce who looked at her stunned. She dropped the spoon in the bowl and planted her hands on her hips, inhaling to calm the temper that was about to explode. She didn't want to show her anger in front of her grandson and adjusted her tone accordingly. "Blaise…stop feeling so damn sorry for yourself and get over your desire for your father to love you. He never has and he never will…just stop it. I'm sorry if what I'm saying hurts you, but you must stop this. It's destroying you and your family. Stop looking for something that's never going to happen and focus on what's before you and the damage you are doing to yourself and the one's who love you." Cyrene warned Blaise as she moved closer to her.

"I'm not the one who damaged this family…it was Ephiny with her lies!" Blaise angrily replied and stood up defiantly facing her shorter mother. She held Chayce closer to her and looked down at her mother with disappointment and anger.

"She did it to protect you Blaise. She didn't want to hurt you. So, what? It's over with…it's out!" Cyrene could see she wasn't getting through to Blaise other than angering her more. "Blaise…you've become everything I feared you would become." Cyrene softly replied, her voice crackling with emotion as the tears welled in her eyes.

"And what's that?" Blaise asked in a condescending way.

"Your father." Cyrene coldly answered and walked away.

Blaise's head spun around towards her mother and she felt as if one of Zeus' thundering lightening bolts had rocked her to the core. It hit her like nothing she had ever felt before…it hurt her deeply. She looked at her son and could see the loneliness in his blue eyes and realized she had indeed become the one thing she never wanted to become…her father.

Blaise hugged him tightly as the tears filled her blue eyes. "I promise you Chay…I'm going to fix this mess I got us into. I'm so sorry sweetpea." She promised, kissing his cheek and holding him tighter as her tears of sadness fell unchecked. "I have to…somehow." She whispered and disappeared.

Ephiny sat overlooking the lake with tear filled hazel eyes and wondered just why in Tartarus did she hide the truth from Blaise. She heard someone approach from behind and she quickly wiped away the tears that trickled down her cheek. "Ephiny." The voice softly replied as Ephiny turned to look over her shoulder at Xena who approached.

"Hey, what are you doing away from your two girls?" Ephiny asked with a slight smile, trying to hide the fact that she was upset. She didn't want Xena to see it on such a special day for the both of them.

"They are both asleep so, I thought I would sneak away and see how Argo and her son are doing." Xena answered with a slight chuckle and sat next to the proud Regent.

"And how are they?" Ephiny asked with a sideways glance towards the Warrior Princess, then she looked away as it was hard to contain the tears that wanted to fall when she looked into Xena's familiar blues that resembled her lover's eyes.

"They're perfect." Xena smiled proudly and happily.

"That's great." Ephiny strained a smile and looked away wishing her wife and son were back where they belonged…with her and Jordyn. She felt a pang of hurt and a wave of jealousy rolled over her.

"Listen, Ephiny." Xena replied and placed her hand on Ephiny's shoulder in a comforting manner. "This situation with you and Blaise is going to work out…I promise you that." Xena confidently advised Ephiny who looked at her.

"Don't make promises you can't keep Xena…especially when it involves my heart." Ephiny responded tearfully, and inwardly hoped Xena could keep her promise.

"I saw the look in Blaise's eyes when she looked at you. She's angry, but she still loves you and she always will. We can be pretty stubborn and hardheaded."

"Nah, really?" Ephiny teased with a chuckle and a smile, sniffing back some tears.

Xena laughed and comfortingly rubbed Ephiny's back. "Yes, we can. She just needs some time to realize she's being completely stupid and for someone to open her eyes to what's important to her."

"She should already know what's important to her and shouldn't need someone to point that out to her Xena. It makes me so angry that she just walked away and didn't stay here to talk to me. She took it to the extreme…I tried not to hurt her…that's all." Ephiny regretfully answered and lowered her head.

Xena grimaced and fidgeted in her seat knowing this same scenario all too well. "I know Ephiny, but sometimes we lose sight of that fact and need someone to bring us back to reality. Look what happened to Gabrielle and I. If Solan wouldn't have created Illusia for us to solve our problems, we probably would have killed each other and never would be where we are now. I truly feel in my heart that Blaise will come around and be on her knees begging for your forgiveness." Xena chuckled, and hoped she was right for Ephiny and Blaise's sake.

"Oh, yeah…the God of War on her knees begging for my forgiveness?" Ephiny sarcastically asked and chuckled feeling better from the conversation. "Speaking of forgiveness…" Ephiny replied with a mischievous grin and narrowed her eyes towards Xena. "I think you should be on your knees begging for my forgiveness!"

"Ha! What for?" Xena asked with a laugh, shocked by Ephiny's audacity even though Ephiny used a comedic tone.

"Aah…that broken arm you gave me and never apologized for!" Ephiny answered and waved her arm around for emphasis to jog Xena's memory.

"Oh, aah…that…yeah." Xena stammered trying to squirm her way out of that one and looked away embarrassed. She looked back at Ephiny with a sheepish grin. "I was mad!" Xena chuckled.

"Yeah, and I saved your precious Gabrielle!" Ephiny retorted with a smile. "That's not a very good way to thank me you know?" Ephiny laughed and nudged Xena.

"You're right Ephiny. I apologize for breaking your arm." Xena smiled.

"That's it?" Ephiny teased.

"Oh, well…thanks for saving Gabrielle's life. I really appreciate it."

"I don't know Xena. I envisioned you groveling on your knees for my forgiveness. You do know that when bad weather is coming I have this terrible ache in my arm. I'm sure I'll have it the rest of my life." Ephiny teased, playing on the guilt factor.

"Okay…I'm sorry, can you ever forgive me?" Xena sarcastically asked with a grin.

"Now, that's much better. I'll think about it." Ephiny teasingly laughed and held her arm out which Xena grasped in a friendly clasp showing a truce.

"Very funny." Xena chuckled and released the handshake. "Come on…let's head back and take a look at your son's new horse." Xena replied standing up before Ephiny.

"My son?" Ephiny asked confused as to why Chayce would get a horse at his young age. "He can barely talk…why would he need a horse now?" Ephiny chuckled and stood up.

"I promised Blaise she could give the baby to Chayce when we found out Argo was pregnant. So, when he gets older he will have the horse." Xena explained with a smile as the pair casually walked back towards the village.

"Ooh, that might be a problem with Jordyn." Ephiny clenched her teeth knowing her daughter would be jealous from that present.

"Nah, Blaise said she would purchase one for Jordyn when the time comes."

"It would be nice if that wife of mine would confide in me with things like that." Ephiny chuckled. "It would be nice if she would just talk to me." Ephiny answered in a strained laugh hoping Blaise would come home.

"She will, just give her some time." Xena answered and held the stall door open for the shorter Amazon and followed her in to see the new horse.

Blaise appeared near the main gathering room at Olympus. Farther away from her destination and prepared to disappear when she heard her name called out. She was still having problems appearing where she wanted to be. She made a mental note to discuss that with Cupid and straighten out the problem. She stopped and turned to see who was calling out to her and shifted Chayce to her opposite arm. "Hey, Artemis. How are you?" Blaise cordially greeted her aunt.

"I'm doing." She chuckled and looked at Chayce. "Well, hello there handsome." She replied sweetly and tickled his ribs. "I was just on my way to speak with you."

"Oh, really? Why?" Blaise asked confused and rubbed Chayce's back, who sleepily lay his head against her chest.

"I wanted to discuss an allegiance with you and my Amazon's."

"Okay…what do you have in mind?" Blaise queried.

"The Amazon's are very important to me and I want to make sure they are protected. I figured the best way for that to happen is to double my forces and share an allegiance with you."

"Artemis…you know that I will always protect the Amazon's. Why would you be frightened that I wouldn't do so now?"

"Well, enlight of what has happened with you and Ephiny, I just want to make sure that no harm will come to my Amazon's." She explained.

"Aretmis…Ephiny and I have had a disagreement. I would never allow anything to happen to any of them. My wife, my daughter and my sister-in-law are all Amazon. You know that and if you want an allegiance than so be it." Blaise guaranteed, settling the fears of the patron goddess of the Amazon's. "I just have to figure out a way to handle this situation between Ephiny and I."

"That's exactly why we wanted to speak to you Blaise." Hera interrupted as she approached the pair. "Grandmother." She replied with a smile and a nod of the head in respect for the Queen of the Gods. "Grandfather." Blaise acknowledged Zeus with a smile, who followed his wife.

"Let me see this handsome little warrior." Hera took Chayce from Blaise and held him close to her. Chayce was distracted from his great-grandmother by Zeus who waved and made funny faces to the handsome little boy, who giggled at the antics of his great-grandfather.

"Blaise, I've seen too many children motherless and I feel that you should take your son back home where he belongs…with his mother and sister." Hera firmly stated, and glanced towards Blaise showing her seriousness.

"Oh, Hera…I think you're being too harsh on Blaise and her child. They should be here where they belong, amongst their own. They are gods and should be treated as such. Xena's child and Blaise's daughter should also be raised here at Olympus." Zeus replied, taking Chayce from his wife.

"Zeus, the children should be with their mothers!" She angrily protested, and defiantly turned to her husband.

"Who cares about them, they are only mortals." Zeus stated in a demeaning fashion and playfully tickled Chayce.

"Now, grandfather…" Blaise interjected, but was interrupted by Artemis.

"No, they aren't just mortals!" She angrily informed the stunned group. She could no longer hide her malice as Hera was being so hypocritical.

"What are you talking about Artemis?" Blaise inquired, confused by her statement, and turned to face Artemis for her answer.

"Yes, just what are you talking about Artemis?" Hera asked condescendingly. It was evident that there was no love lost between Artemis and Hera. It was common knowledge that Hera was not pleased with Zeus' infidelities…especially the one's that produced offspring and Artemis was one of them.

"I'm talking about the twin daughter's of Aphrodite that you gave to mortals many years ago!" Artemis angrily answered, much to the surprise of Zeus and Blaise.

"What?! Aphrodite never told me she had twins." Blaise asked stunned.

"That's because she doesn't remember them. Isn't that right daddy?" Artemis sarcastically asked, as everyone turned to look at Zeus.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Artemis." Zeus angrily played off the insinuation as he entertained Chayce.

"Sure you do. You both know what I'm talking about." She accused, and glared at Hera.

"Would you stop playing this game and explain yourself!" Blaise shouted, angry from all the evasiveness.

"Yes, I'm tired of keeping this secret. Aphrodite gave birth to two twin daughters many years ago out of wedlock with Hades. Hephaestus, furious over her infidelities, asked these two to help. Hera took the children from Aphrodite once they were born and gave them to mortals. Zeus erased her memory so, she has no knowledge that anything of such magnitude took place." Artemis sadly explained. She felt guilty that she knew this all along and did nothing to tell her sister of what happened.

"How did you know of that?!" Hera angrily asked and moved closer to Artemis.

"Aphrodite knew that Hephaestus would be very upset if he ever found out and she made me promise to watch over the children. So, I overheard Hephaestus' conversation with you two and made a point of following the lives of the children as I promised Aphrodite I would."

"Why haven't you done anything about this until now?" Blaise shouted, angry about the deceit.

"I was afraid of Hera's wrath Blaise and I'm sorry for that." Artemis shamefully admitted, hanging her head down.

"Who are the children? Aphrodite needs to know." Blaise inquired, looking at Artemis.

Artemis looked at Hera, then to Zeus, and stared deeply into Blaise's angry blue eyes. "They are Ephiny and Gabrielle." She softly answered, and saw the look of disbelief and shock consume Blaise's face.

"Are aah…you sure?" Blaise stammered, finally able to form her thoughts into words.

"Positive. I have watched every moment of their lives and made sure to it that their destinies would be Queen and Regent of my Amazons." Aretmis proudly explained and looked at Blaise. "Gabrielle is older by a few minutes so, naturally she became the Queen." Aretmis informed the shocked God of War.

Blaise was stunned, hurt and confused. She had idolized her grandparents and was finding it hard to believe they would do such a thing to their own daughter. 'I shouldn't be that surprised, they are my father's parents and he had to learn his evil ways from someone.' Blaise thought as she took Chayce from Zeus, and held him close to her trying to figure out what she was going to do with the new information. She wondered how she was going to tell Aphrodite and Gabrielle, but most of all, how was she to tell Ephiny? "Blaise, look we know you're upset, but…" Hera attempted to explain.

"Please don't say another word…with all do respect." Blaise adjusted her statement in an attempt to not disrespect her grandmother even though she deserved it. "I think that Aphrodite should be told the truth as well as Gabrielle and Ephiny." Blaise explained, trying to sort out the million thoughts that ran rampant through her head at the moment.

"Okay…what do you have in mind then?" Zeus asked, noting the hurt in his granddaughter's beautiful blue eyes.

"I have to straighten some things out with Ephiny before I tell her and Gabrielle. Could you give me a few hours to do that? Artemis could you find Aphrodite and bring her here? I would like to be the one to tell her."

"Sure, no problem." Artemis agreed eagerly.

"Don't forget, we are having a party this evening in honor of you receiving your godhood Blaise." Hera reminded her.

"Oh, yeah…uhmmm…okay. We'll tell Aphrodite beforehand and then Gabrielle and Ephiny can meet their new mother at the dinner." Blaise explained, figuring out the details. She thought this might turn into a wonderful evening for all…she hoped it would.

"Can you get Gabrielle and Ephiny here this evening?" Zeus asked.

"Hopefully, Gabrielle won't be too tired to join us. I don't think so, but I'm sure I can have Ephiny here." Blaise confidently answered, briefly glancing at Zeus then back to her son as she was so disappointed with her grandfather that she couldn't look at him. "I have to find Cupid…I need his help. Excuse me." Blaise respectfully replied and began to walk away.

"Blaise, we were only doing what we thought was best." Hera informed her granddaughter, who stopped and turned back to them.

"Best for who? Aphrodite, Ephiny, Gabrielle or for Hephaestus? Three people's lives were completely changed because Hephaestus couldn't forgive Aphie's indiscretions." Blaise sarcastically stated and exited the room. She knew she was calling the kettle black with what she did to Ephiny and her children, but she was different from Hephaestus. She was forgiving her lover, unlike her uncle. She was devastated to find out how deceitful her grandparents were and she really didn't want to have anything to do with the dinner party they had planned in her honor. She decided it might be a perfect opportunity for a joyous reunion of Aprhodite with her daughters and had a renewed eagerness for attending the party. She hoped it would be a wonderful reunion.

Blaise found Cupid and explained everything too him. He was just as surprised and hurt as Blaise was by everything that happened to his mother. He agreed to Blaise's plan of telling Aphrodite and sharing the news with the rest of the family. She hoped he would agree to help her with Ephiny. "Cupid, I need your help with winning Ephiny back."

"Sure, I'll help in anyway I can." Cupid answered enthusiastically.

"I've been thinking about how stupid I've been and I think I have found a solution to our problem, but I need your help. Follow me." Blaise explained and both disappeared.

Cupid, Blaise and Chayce appeared in an open clearing by the lake just outside the Amazon village. "Nice place Blaise, but how is this going to help?" Cupid asked confused, and looked around at the beautiful area of land.

"I don't want to be away from Ephiny any longer and Chayce can't live in the Amazon village. I want Ephiny to remain with the Amazons so, I think the only solution is for us to live just outside the village. This way she can stay close to the tribe and still have her family…we can all be a family again."

"This would have been much easier if you would have thought of it a long time ago don't you think sis?" Cupid chuckled sarcastically and looked at his sister.

"Yeah, if I wouldn't have been such a misguided, pigheaded fool I would have!" Blaise nervously chuckled, embarrassed by her behavior.

"Okay, what do you want with me then?"

"Well, I'm still not up on all these things that gods can do and I would like to have a home right here for my family and I, but I don't know how to go about doing it. I can't wait to have it built…we need the house done now."

"Oh, no sweat lil sis." Cupid cockily replied with a smile. "All you have to do is imagine everything you want your house to look like, right down to the exact details of every feature and item you want your house to have and it will appear."

"Just like that?" Blaise asked surprised.

"Yeah, just like that. Go ahead and do it." Cupid coaxed his sister, who closed her eyes and imagined a grand house that contained everything imaginable and opened her eyes to find it before her. "Damn Blaise…it's bigger than Olympus!" Cupid teasingly laughed.

"Do you think?" Blaise asked worriedly and entered the house.

"Nah, it's what you want right?" He asked smiling, and put his hand comfortingly on her shoulder, looking around the spacious home.

"It's everything I've always imagined having for my family and I Cupid." Blaise exclaimed in awe, looking around at her home.

"Then it's perfect." He lovingly replied and smiled broadly.

Blaise smiled and looked at her brother. "Thanks a lot. I need one more favor. Can you figure out a way to get Ephiny here and don't let her see the place until I show her? I'm going to get Jordyn and bring her here."

"Sure, no problem." Cupid smiled and disappeared.

"Let's go get your sister." Blaise replied with a smile, looking into her son's sweet face. He wiggled excitedly in her arms at the mention of his sister as they both disappeared and appeared in Ephiny's hut. Jordyn lay sleeping in her crib as the nanny jumped out of her chair, startled by Blaise's appearance. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. We are moving…all of us." Blaise informed Sadie with a smile, who took Chayce from Blaise's arms. Blaise leaned down in the crib and picked up her sleepy daughter. "Hey, sweetpea." Blaise softly replied, and kissed her cheek when her daughter woke up. Jordyn wrapped her tiny arms around her mother and snuggled her face against Blaise's neck. "Let's go to our new home." Blaise smiled and disappeared with the children and Sadie.

Ephiny had a very unusual and bad feeling, but couldn't figure out why. "Jordyn." She softly replied and rushed towards her hut to check on her daughter. "Jordyn!" Ephiny exclaimed nervously as she entered the empty hut.

Cupid appeared. "Hello Ephiny."

"Jordyn's gone…where has Blaise taken her!" She demanded angrily, and quickly approached Cupid.

"Now, hold on Ephiny. It's not what you think." He defensively replied, and held the angry Amazon at bay.

"Then what am I suppose to think? Blaise took her right?!" She angrily shouted, the fire evident in her hazel eyes.

"Something very happy, that's what you should think Ephiny. Blaise asked me to come and bring you to her." Cupid smiled reassuringly.

"Blaise?" Ephiny softly replied, as her anger quickly vanished and she was hopeful that she would see her wife again.

"Yeah, come on." He chuckled and saw the longing Ephiny's eyes possessed for the woman she loved so much. He touched Ephiny's shoulder. "Close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open them." He instructed Ephiny, who obliged him before they disappeared.

Blaise stood anxiously waiting for the arrival of her wife that she hurt so much. She wondered how and what she should say to Ephiny. She wasn't sure if Ephiny would even forgive her. Her heart stopped momentarily when Cupid arrived with her vision of loveliness. Blaise smiled and approached quietly. She nodded for Cupid's exit, who smiled and disappeared. "You can open your eyes now." Blaise softly informed her.

All of Blaise's thoughts were lost when she gazed into Ephiny's eyes. They both stood staring at one another, unable to say a single word. Their eyes told everything they wanted to say to one another, but Blaise knew she had to explain, "Ephiny, I aah…don't know where to begin." Blaise stammered nervously and ashamed of her actions. She put her hands on each side of Ephiny's shoulders and hung her head in shame. She kneeled before the surprised Amazon. 'Xena was right…so far.' Ephiny thought inwardly.

The touch from Blaise was so comforting and everything she wanted to feel from her for so long. Ephiny swallowed the lump in her throat and replied, "we both were foolish Blaise."

"No, Eph…I was the one who was foolish and pig headed. Not you." Blaise admonished herself, and looked up into Ephiny's eyes. "I shouldn't have left. It was so wrong of me and all I can do is ask for your forgiveness my love." Blaise sincerely professed, lightly kissing Ephiny's hands. Ephiny pulled Blaise up off her feet as neither were free of blame, and it was wrong for Blaise to kneel before her as if it was all her fault. She completely loved the gesture, but it wasn't right.

"Blaise, we both did some very stupid things. There isn't just one person to blame. It was both of us. The most important thing for us to get back is our family. We are a family and that's the way it needs to be. I will walk away from the Amazons right now to be with you and our children wherever you want to go. I should have done this a long time ago, but I was too damn stubborn to do it." Ephiny regretfully replied, staring deeply into Blaise's sexy blue eyes.

"That's not needed honey. I have found an answer to our dilemma and you can still remain an Amazon as I want you to be." Blaise enthusiastically smiled, and moved closer to Ephiny.

"Really? You want me to still be an Amazon?" She questioned smiling, and felt a nervous tickle in her stomach. It was important to her that Blaise embrace the fact that she's an Amazon and wouldn't ask her to change.

"I want you just the way you are baby." Blaise smiled, and slowly leaned in for a kiss. The heat between the two women was searing when their lips finally met. Blaise gathered Ephiny into her arms and kissed her deeply and passionately.

"I've missed you so much Blaise." Ephiny tearfully admitted, holding Blaise tightly around the neck, reveling in the arms that held her so dearly. She was reluctant to relinquish her hold on Blaise. She wanted to stay that way forever, in the arms that loved her so much.

"I've missed you Eph." Blaise smiled, and kissed her again.

"So, what's your plan? And when do I get to see my son…I've missed him?" Ephiny asked, intrigued and excited.

"You will see that handsome face in about two seconds." Blaise smiled, and motioned behind Ephiny with her hand. "Here is your son, your daughter and the answer to our dilemma." Blaise informed her with a mischievous smile, and put Ephiny down who turned away from Blaise.

She was shocked, stunned and excited all at once when she saw Sadie standing on the porch of their home with both children in her arms. "Is this our home Blaise?" She asked, and looked sideways at Blaise who had moved to her side.

"Yes, it is and I'm not sure why we didn't think of this simple solution all along." Blaise smiled happily, and was excited to see the happiness in her wife's eyes.

"It seems like the simplest solutions are the hardest ones to come by." Ephiny smiled and chuckled.

"Come see our home." Blaise smiled, and grasped Ephiny's hand in her own, leading her towards their house.

Ephiny quickly headed towards the house and her son who she hadn't seen for so long. She smiled happily, releasing Blaise's hand when she reached the porch, and scaled the stairs in a flash and quickly took Chayce into her arms. She held her small son close to her and cried as she felt his tiny arms wrap tightly around her neck. Blaise stood close by and comfortingly rubbed Ephiny's back. Ephiny showered her son with kisses and was glad he was back in her arms again. Ephiny looked up at her lover and smiled as Blaise gently wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry honey." Blaise guiltily replied, and hung her head down, ashamed of her actions.

"We both are Blaise. Promise me this will never happen again. We have to forgive each other and move on. For the both of us and for our children." Ephiny lovingly answered, and lifted Blaise's chin to look into her eyes.

"I promise babe." Blaise smiled, and lightly kissed Ephiny's lips before kissing her son's head who Ephiny still held tightly. "Show me our home honey." Ephiny excitedly replied, and headed towards the door. "Oh, Blaise that is so beautiful." Ephiny replied happily, as she traced the letters on the door. They were a large B intertwined with a large E and a smaller J and C intertwined below Blaise and Ephiny's letters…symbolizing their family and their new home. Blaise lifted Ephiny up into her arms who chuckled. "What are you doing?" Ephiny grinned, looking at her stunning lover.

"I'm carrying my family across the threshold to our new life and home." Blaise proudly smiled, as Sadie handed Jordyn to Ephiny who grasped onto her mother.

"That sounds wonderful to us!" Ephiny grinned happily, as Blaise carried them into their spacious home. "By the gods…aah…you Blaise!" Ephiny stammered in disbelief, as it was still hard to grasp that her wife was a god now. "This place is huge!" Ephiny exclaimed surprised, as Sadie took Jordyn from Ephiny and Blaise put her stunned wife down.

"Do you like it?" Blaise asked hopeful.

"I love it. It's incredibly beautiful. But, this place is huge! Just who do you think is going to clean it?" Ephiny asked looking around the room, amazed at the beauty and the spaciousness of the house. She looked towards the right and saw a large dining area with a beautifully crafted table and chairs. "I thought you could do it!" Blaise teasingly laughed, and slapped her wife's butt who glared in protest. "I'm kidding Eph. We have a full house staff." Blaise grinned.

"We better!" Ephiny chuckled, stepping forward into the living area and noted the comfortable looking furniture that filled the room facing a large fireplace. She grinned mischievously as she looked at the rug in front of the fireplace, remembering her and Blaise's tryst there one evening. She couldn't wait to recreate that moment as well as so many other romantic moments with her sexy lover in their new home. Ephiny was shocked that this was her home as she was used to simple furnishings in her hut. It was taking her some extra time to get used to the idea, but she was doing it as she saw more of the beautiful home. Ephiny looked up to the spiraling staircase that led to a large loft area overlooking the living area and noted there were four doors leading to different rooms. "What are those rooms up there Blaise?" She asked, looking at Blaise then pointing up towards the said rooms.

"Those are bedrooms as well as the one directly under the loft." Blaise answered with a smile, and pointed towards the door that was closed, obscuring the bedroom beneath the loft. "Oh, check this out!" Blaise excitedly replied with a proud smile, and led Ephiny to the right of the bedroom and opened the door. "It's a bathing room." Blaise explained, opening the door to the large room with a large circular tub next to the window.

"You mean we can take a bath in here?" Ephiny asked surprised, and approached the tub. "Wow…this is great, but I'm going to hate to fill this tub up with water."

"Never fear my dear. Check this out." Blaise mischievously smiled, and lead Ephiny towards the opposite side of the tub and pointed to the roof of the room. "The lid on the pipe can be removed which will allow water from the lake to be pumped into here." Blaise explained to her astonished wife, who looked out the window to the said lake.

"Wow…how aah…did you…" Ephiny stammered in astonishment.

"I'm a god sweetheart. All I had to do was think of the way I wanted everything and it appeared!" Blaise replied, amazed herself by everything the house would offer them. She hoped everything she imagined would work without a problem…the amenities had not been tested yet. "I don't understand it all, but it's what I envisioned. Oh, this next item is going to be the talk of the whole village my love." Blaise grinned proudly, and led Ephiny to a room just off the bathing room and opened the door. "It's for that call of nature my love." She introduced with a chuckle, as Ephiny snuggled up next to her and chuckled.

"Yes! Now we won't have to go outside to do that in the middle of the night!" Ephiny excitedly exclaimed and hugged Blaise. "Did I tell you how much I love you being a god?" Ephiny chuckled enthusiastically and kissed Blaise.

"No, but you may continue!" Blaise sarcastically answered, and led her out of the room and up the stairs. She opened the door to the spacious room and a huge comfortable bed stood in the middle of the room with four large posts with dark sheer material hanging down on all sides of the bed. "This is our room my dear." Blaise mischievously grinned ,and stood next to the bed as her wife examined the large room.

"Oh, it's beautiful Blaise. Especially this bed." She smiled and seductively wiggled her eyebrows, snuggling into her tall lover. "Let's try it out." She smiled, and nibbled on Blaise's neck. "I've missed you." She whispered, and kissed Blaise passionately as her hands reacquainted themselves with Blaise's sexy body.

Blaise deepened the kiss and held Ephiny tighter, her arousal mounting as she wanted her lover. She was disappointed when she remembered what needed to be done. Her want for her wife would have to be delayed. She broke the kiss breathless and stared at her bewildered wife. "I'm sorry baby. We can't. Well, not right now. Uhmmm….there's somewhere I have to take you." Blaise hesitantly replied, trying to think of the best way to tell Ephiny what she needed to.

"Honey, we just got back together and into our home. I'd rather not go anywhere now." Ephiny replied disappointed.

"Well, it's just that the gods are holding a dinner in my honor to welcome me as the new God of War and they want the whole family there, including Xena and Gabrielle along with their new bundle of joy…Jade. So, I need to meet with them and then we can all go."

"Oh, wow…that sounds so important. What do I wear?" She asked surprised and proud of her wife. She was nervous about being at Olympus amongst the gods. She hoped they would approve of her union with Blaise.

"What you have on is fine babe." Blaise smiled, and gazed upon her beautiful wife who was still dressed in her usual Amazon wear with a cape draped over her for warmth.

"Are you sure?" She worriedly queried, and decided inwardly that she would surprise her wife by wearing the Amazon helm Blaise gave her at their joining to accentuate the outfit.

"I'm positive, you look beautiful." Blaise smiled, and drew her wife in for a hug and a kiss. She broke the kiss and looked deeply in Ephiny's hazel eyes. "Honey, there is going to be some very exciting information revealed this evening that will affect you and Gabrielle."

"Like what Blaise?" Ephiny asked, worried by Blaise's serious tone.

"You'll find out soon enough, but I guarantee it will change your life forever." Blaise smiled, and kissed her wife on the cheek. "I apologize for being so evasive, but someone very special will fill you in on the details. I'll be back in a flash. Can you get the kids ready as I bring Xena and Gabrielle here?" Blaise asked with a smile and disappeared in a puff of smoke before Ephiny could respond.

'Just what could the gods tell me that will change my life forever and be so exciting that it would include Gabrielle?' Ephiny wondered skeptically, and wasn't sure she wanted to know what the gods had planned for them.

To Be Continued….

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