by Crystal Michallet-Romero
Copyright © April 30, 2007 Crystal Michallet-Romero
All Rights Reserved
Its 4am and she wakes
Her soft whimpers filled with fear
For the ceaseless phantoms
of her dreams.
All I can do
Is gently stroke her soft, warm flesh,
And issue words of comfort
Reassure her that everything
Will be alright.
She comes into my arms,
nuzzles against my neck.
A groan of fear and regrets,
As her arms snake around my torso.
I hold her tightly, protectively
Whispering softly, laying gentle
Kisses upon her temple.
Her soft voice, almost a whimper,
Echoes in the darkness,
"I'm comfortable in your arms."
This is all that I am left with
As she returns to Morpheus'
Dark and foreboding world.