~ A Valiant Heart ~
by D

Disclaimer: See Part 1
Feedback is welcomed! avaliantheart01@gmail.com

Chapter VIII

The next week was moving along very smoothly, although the two friends only saw each other in passing. Randi's responsibilities kept her out and away from the office most of the day, even causing her to miss their usual lunch together. It was Friday afternoon before she made it in to Midas for more than ten minutes. She called Beth, asking the PA to locate Gwen for her. Beth knew at a glance where the bard was, and immediately paged her to Randi's office. The blonde came running, afraid there was something seriously wrong.

"What's up, Beth?" concern tinging her voice. "What's wrong?" She stood quietly then, trying to get her breath back.

The assistant took one look at her face and poured her a glass of water. Then she eased her into a chair, and folded her arms across her chest, waiting for the younger woman to finish the beverage. "Now," she spoke as Gwen raised an eyebrow in question, "nothing is wrong. Randi asked me to locate you. And since you've been at cross purposes all week, I thought I'd give you a chance to talk together for a while."

A smile had begun to creep across the storyteller's face. She had, in fact been missing her friend, and hated that they hadn't had any time to talk. She stood and gave the older woman a hug around thin shoulders. "Thanks, Beth. You're the best."

The PA blushed slightly, and she shooed the bard out of her office towards Randi's. "Get along with you now." She smiled to herself at the love she could see between the two of them. Then frowned at the realization that it remained unacknowledged between them. And was saddened by the folly of youth that would waste precious time thinking they had forever.

A knock on the door made the security chief glance up from her work, sigh, and call out, "C'mon in." But the sigh changed to a smile when she recognized the familiar profile of her best friend. "Hey, stranger!"

"Uh huh. Look who's talking, Ms I-am-never-at-work-anymore."

"Yeah, I know," Randi agreed ruefully. "Been a hell of a week, *but* my schedule is clear for the next week, *and* Larry came through, and actually managed to get my order together and delivered this morning. And since spring officially starts tomorrow, I figure I can start work on the dock. I'd like to have it done, and a rough up on the boathouse by the beginning of summer."

"That water is still gonna be pretty cold. You sure you wanna start so soon?"

"Yep. I'd really like to have it roughed in by the first of summer. Then I can finish it during the hot season as time allows." A suspicious look at her friend's twinkling green eyes. "Why?" narrowing blue eyes at the bard. "What are you thinking?"

"Well, if you'd wait another couple months until the water is warm, I'll bet we could get lots of help, and it would get done fairly quickly," unknowingly using the plural pronoun.

"Maybe, but this is something I really want to do myself. And I've already got everything lined up and ready to go. However," she continued noticing her companion's downhearted countenance, "I seriously doubt I'll get a majority of it done in a week. There will still be plenty for you to help me with."

"Promise?" with a smile.

"Promise. Maybe you should ask T to give you an extra day off next week. I know you've got some time coming."

"Maybe I just will." She sobered a little. "It worries me you being out there working like that alone."

Randi frowned a little. Gwen wasn't one to worry unnecessarily. "Really? Why?"

"I dunno. The thought just gives me creeps up and down my spine. So be careful, will ya?"

"Yep. You betcha. Now, you coming to practice tonight?"

"Am I invited?"

Randi almost snorted. "Of course you're invited. In fact, consider yourself permanently invited." A beat. "So, you coming, or not?"

"Yep, I'll be there. What time?"

"Just come on over like you did last week. You can leave your stuff at the house."

"Am I staying for the weekend?" An innocent question, not wanting to make assumptions.

The Marine looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Um, yeah. I mean... I thought... if you... aw shit!" Now thoroughly flustered and embarrassed. "Only if you want to." Blue eyes fell to the floor.

"Randi," leaning over and touching the brunette's arm, "of course I want to. I just didn't want to presume anything.

"Really?" blue met green.


"Good. Anytime you wanna come out and stay is cool with me. Just so we're clear. I'll give you the key codes tonight, if you'll remind me. And for the record, there is plenty of space in the garage for your transport, but that's up to you."

"Okay," the bard agreed, sliding off the desk. "I gotta get back to work. See ya in a few." And with a grin and a wave, she was out the door.

"Later, my friend." And the Marine turned back to her monitor.

Band practice turned out to be very similar to the previous weeks. This time, however, Tommy was there, and managed to catch much of Gwen's impromptu performance on a vid chip. He wanted to study it. There was something different about her delivery tonight than what he usually saw in the holo work she was doing now. It was even different from her live storytelling to adults. He couldn't put his finger on it, but her knew it was there. He'd find it. She was too captivating in this mode for him not to.

She never even noticed him. Once again, she became totally wrapped up in the children, and never realized practice had ended so they all could listen to her tales. She was actually rather embarrassed by the unsolicited and unexpected attention.

The bard was unusually quiet on the short ride back to the beach house. Randi waited til they got inside, and locked up behind them before she asked, "You okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah. Just thinking."

"Abbooouuuut?" drawing the word out questioningly.

"Maybe it's not a good idea for me to go to practice any more."

"Because?" The Marine was beginning to think she was gonna have to pull teeth to get Gwen to the point.

"Because ya'll don't seem to be practicing very much. I seem to be a distraction."

"Uh huh. Well, in the first place, you're not a distraction... you're a damned good storyteller. In the second place, we're not doing this for a living. We're doing it for fun. So it doesn't matter how long we practice. Just as long as we have fun doing it. Now, if it bothers you to tell stories in your time off, I'll make sure folks back off and give you some space."

"No, I volunteered to tell the kids stories, remember? I really do have so many still to tell. I just don't want the rest of you guys to think I'm coming in and taking over."

"Not a problem on this end."

"I'm glad."

Saturday was quite interesting. The polymer Randi was going to use to create her sanctuary with was a synthetic product with an as yet unknown life span. It had been developed more than a hundred and fifty years previous, and was immediately put to use to spare further disintegration of natural resources. Lightweight, and durable, it also possessed the unique quality that allowed it to be molded into whatever building material the user wished it to resemble. In this case, it looked like well-seasoned wood, worn smooth by years of time and exposure to the elements.

The morning found the Marine in a syn-skin suit, wading out into somewhat still chilly waters. She needed to mark her lines and determine her pylon placement. Around mid morning, the bard stepped out of the house bearing to cups of hot coffee. Randi thought she had never seen a more welcome sight.

"Ah, Little One. How did you know it was time for me to take a break?"

Gwen was clad in shorts and a T-shirt. The day was quite warm with the sun shining down brightly, and only the ocean breeze stirring slightly. "Well, between knowing the time, figuring from your usual rising time about how long you've been out here, and seeing how much you've done, it wasn't a hard deduction." She smiled then asked, "Why didn't you wake me?"

"I did try. You muttered at me, then proceeded to disappear under pillows and blankets. I can certainly take a hint," said with a hint of laughter.

Color suffused the storyteller's face and a blush raced across her features. "Sorry. Guess I was pretty tired."

"Guess you were. But don't apologize. It's not like we're running a race here, and you needed the rest. Happens to all of us."

"Even you? I've never seen you sleep past daybreak."

"Even me. Usually when it hits me, though, I'm out for a day or two."

"Really?" fascinated now.


"Great... now I don't feel so bad," seeing Randi's startled look. "So, what can I do to help?"

"Well, that depends. You wanna help me with this or go for a ride?"

"Um," the blonde's forehead scrunched up in thought. "How 'bout if I help you until lunch time, then we take the bike and go get lunch. Maybe take a ride afterward. I, um, I really don't want you working out here alone."

Randi looked up at her friend in surprise. "Why?" not understanding the bard's concerns.

"I'm not really sure I can articulate it. I just know it gives me the creeps to think about it. If something were to happen to you while you were out here working on this thing, no one would know. Not for hours, or even days. It bothers me."

"Oooookkaaaaayyy." the Marine drawled. "I'll tell you what. You can help me this morning, and whenever you want when you're here. If I am by myself, I'll keep a comm unit nearby when I'm out here working. Will that make you feel better?"

"A little, I guess," Gwen answered as the roiling in her guts eased just a little. "I know you think I'm being a mother hen about this, but...."

"No, Little One. I appreciate the concern. And I'll be careful."

The two spent the remainder of the morning doing plumb readings to determine the various lengths the pylons would need to be cut into. Larry had included the cutting equipment, and the raft they were now sitting on to do their measurements. Randi found that she would need more polymers, as she was going to use more than she had originally calculated. She wanted this thing to be strong enough to last through the massive storms that sometimes swept through the area, and had decided to put the pylons three across instead of the normal two. She also wanted them just a little closer together, but that little extra would add quite a few more to her final total. The Marine decided the security and safety were worth the effort.

After a couple hours, they were done, which was, in point of fact a very good thing. The bard's fair skin was definitely starting to show signs of sunburn, and Randi was anxious to get the syn-skin off. It was beginning to drive her nuts. When first one, and then the second stomach growled in hunger, they called it quits for the day. But both were pleased with their progress so far.

The afternoon was very pleasant as well. They stopped by Ella's restaurant, where she proceeded to stuff them to the bursting point. Then she shooed them out the door, admonishing them to go play for a while. They rode til sunset, stopping only to watch the red ball slip beneath the horizon, before turning to head for home. The stars kept a close watch on them, but there was nothing to disturb the solitude but the chirp of crickets, the rustle of grass and the whisper of the wind.

Sunday found them taking it quite easy. As anxious as Randi was to work on the dock, she agreed that a bit of time off wouldn't be a bad idea. So when Tommy called around nine am, inviting them over for brunch and a day cruise on his boat, Gwen accepted with alacrity. The Marine just chuckled at her friend's enthusiasm.

Conversation over the meal was interesting and varied, and continued as they boarded and cast off. Tommy brought the talk around to the bard's impromptu performance Friday evening.

"Would you consider doing some work like that at the studio? I think it would be a wonderful addition to your current repertoire."

"I dunno, T. I like doing it for the kids, just off the cuff. I don't think I really want to format it."

"No, *I* don't want it formatted. Just something like you did at practice. It was phenomenal to watch." He read her hesitation quite clearly. "Just think about it, 'K? I'm sure we could come up with something, someway to share it that would work for everybody."

"All right. I'll think about it, but no promises, T." She moved away from him as he dropped anchor on the vessel and he and Randi got out the poles. And they settled in a comfortable silence to wait for the fish to bite.

Several hours later, they were cruising back to the Steeles' manse. Gwen was a little surprised that Randi hadn't mentioned her own project, but she held her tongue. It was the Marine's place to share or not as she saw fit. As they were clambering back onto the dock in the late afternoon sun, Ella held them up for a moment. "Um, we wanted you to be the first to know." She flushed and looked down at her feet, then looked back up into Randi's very blue eyes. "We're pregnant! We're gonna have a baby!"

The tall woman stood completely stunned for a full thirty seconds, before she gently lifted Ella off her feet and swung her around gleefully. "Really? I'm gonna be an aunt?!?"

"Yeah, you're really gonna be an aunt!"

"That is so very cool!" She kissed Ella softly. "I am so, so happy for you both." Turning to include Tommy. "Congratulations!"

"That is wonderful, Ella. I'm happy for you both," Gwen whispered as she hugged the newly pregnant woman. "When are you due?"

"Late summer, early fall. I'm around eight weeks, I think. We haven't actually been to the doctor yet, but we wanted you both to know."

"That's terrific! Shall we go out and celebrate, or do you need to rest?"

"Randi, I'm pregnant, not an invalid. But, I am a little tired from being out in the sun all day. How about I call Frank at the restaurant, and have them deliver something?"

This was a plan agreed to wholeheartedly by everyone, and Randi and Gwen took their leave very soon after the meal was over. They were both pleasantly tired after their day on the water, and the walk back to the beach house made them more than ready to turn in for the evening.

"Thanks for a wonderful weekend, Randi. I had a great time."

"I'm glad you came, Gwen. It's always more fun when you're here."

Randi's features were completely schooled, and didn't give her away, but Gwen heard an under tone of... longing... despair... something. She put the thought aside to study later. She was far too tired to think tonight.

"Goodnight, Randi."

"Ditto, Little One."

Throughout the week, Gwen made periodic calls to check on her Marine friend. She couldn't have explained it if she'd tried, but it made her feel better to keep an eye, or at least an ear, on her friend. Randi appreciated the calls and the obvious concern the bard showed her, though she did notice Gwen tended to call her at the most inopportune times. Still, she bore it stoically, knowing that her blonde friend only had her best interests at heart.

Randi, for her part was making slow, steady progress on the dock. Not as rapid as she would have liked, perhaps, but enough to see it was gonna be an interesting project. By the time Friday rolled around, she had a very dark tan, and was extremely tired, but well pleased. She had about a quarter of the pylons in and secured. She moved all her tools and supplies onto the beach and covered them with the tarp Larry had provided for just such a purpose. She was more than a little shocked to find Gwen standing in her kitchen fixing dinner, until she remembered she had given the bard the key codes.

"Hey, Little One," startling the blonde who was in her own world. "What's up?" She didn't question the bard's presence, knowing it would only hurt her friend to think she was not welcome.

"HEY!" Gwen jumped in alarm. Then she walked over and smacked the Marine on the midriff. "Don't scare me like that! I'm too young for heart failure!" Smiling happily.

"You??? What about me? I couldn't figure out when I left the lights and stereo on. Thought I was going senile for a minute there!"

"You mean you're not?!" saucily. Then squealing and running for dear life when the Marine made to take off after her. Once the dark haired woman had her trapped in the loft, blue eyes looked up and smiled.

"Best if you c'mon down and take your medicine like a big girl, squirt." Those eyes twinkled. "Besides. I don't want you catching my kitchen on fire now."

"EEEEEKK!!" from Gwen who came charging down the stairs and flew by Randi into the kitchen. "You are so lucky you didn't make me burn dinner," glowering at the mocking expression on Randi's face. The tall woman merely winked at her and continued on to the shower.

Fifteen minutes later, she returned to the kitchen table, dressed in white sweat pants and crop top. The bard blinked at the deep color she was exhibiting, then commented, "I think you need to adjust the color tint on your comm unit. You weren't that dark over the vid screen."

"Um, yeah. That syn skin doesn't keep out the sun's rays, and the sunscreen I was using only enhances the depth. I keep it up, I'll be as dark as Joey." Gwen smiled. Joey was the darkest skin human being she had ever seen. It would take an incredible amount of effort on Randi's part to even come close to that.

"Speaking of Joey... you going to band practice like that?" pointing to the drummer's choice of clothing.

"Hmm? Oh, no. I called Greg earlier and let him know he'd have to play tonight. I am too damned tired to try to keep up with them tonight."

"Oh," flatly.

"Hey," said the Marine, thinking she understood what the problem was, "You can still go on over if you want. I know for a fact they will be thrilled to have you join them whenever you want to be there."

"Nope. I'd rather go with you. If you're not gonna be there, then neither am I." A pause. "You sure you don't mind me just busting in on you like I did tonight?"

"Oh!" as a light went on in her mind. "No, I don't mind at all. I like having you here. I meant what I said about you coming over whenever you wanted. You're always welcome."

"Thanks, Randi."

"... especially if you're gonna cook for me," with a wicked twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh, yeah. Use me and abuse me. You only love me for my cooking skills."

"No, I love you for far more than that, but that is all that concerns me for the moment." Said lightly, so the bard wouldn't see the serious intent behind the words.

"Well," the younger woman huffed, "if that is all you're concerned with, *you* can clean up the kitchen!" Randi groaned. She had walked right into that one.

But it ended up that they cleaned the kitchen together. Then they took a glass of wine outside with them, and went to see the progress that Randi had made during the week on the dock.

"I know it doesn't seem like a lot," looking out at the newly placed pylons and their support structure, "but it's getting there."

"It looks really good, Randi. You accomplished quite a bit this last week. Do you think you'll actually be able to finish it by the time summer gets here?"

"Barring incidents and accidents? Sure."

"Well, then," clinking their glasses together in a toast, "Here's to the swift completion of the boathouse, without incident and accident."

"Hear, hear!"

But when Gwen got up the next morning, Randi was gone.

The Marine's silent pager had gone off at two o'clock that morning. Groaning quietly to herself, she took another fast shower and dressed in her armor. She wrote a quick note for Gwen, which she left sitting on the bard's bedside table. Then she left, muted footsteps not giving away anything. Within thirty minutes of her page, she was boarding a shuttle.

Arriving at her destination didn't take nearly as long as the previous mission had. And from the looks of the mission brief, the patrol itself should take far less time and effort. They weren't actually after "Ghost Rider" this time. Simply a band of cutthroat skinheads who were terrorizing a nearby village. Randi found a bit of poetic justice in the fact that this time her mission was to protect and defend a group of Amazon women who were actually blessed by Artemis, and trying to follow the precepts of the law. They were trained to fight and defend themselves, of course, but the perpetrators were catching them alone and in pairs. Even amazons couldn't overcome twenty to one odds. It was time to even those odds.

Randi and another female Sabre, Jess, were being sent in ahead of the rest of the strike force, to see if they could draw the perps out. Once they did so, they and the remainder of the unit would decimate them.

The drop point was fairly close to the village, but well hidden from view by the crags, mountains, and trees that surrounded the village on three sides. Jess and Randi walked along side by side openly towards the village, hoping to draw out their prey. They didn't but knew they were being watched by unfriendly eyes as the approached the village gate. The two spoke briefly to the guard at the gate, and were admitted into the village.

Night fell, and the two Sabre comrades were speaking to the council that governed the Amazons. They made recommendations on enhancing security, and personal defenses, and spoke at some length about other necessary precautions. Then they turned in, both knowing the morrow would bring a new set of challenges.

At dawn, they made their way out of the gates with the rest of the wood gathering patrol. Jess made it a point to grab the Marine's hand, holding it tight and pulling her closer. Randi in turn, leaned over to ostensibly nuzzle the other woman's neck, but in reality to whisper in her ear. "Do you feel them out there?"

The red head maneuvered her head so her lips were touching the brunette's ear. "Yeah, and I can actually see one or two. I think there are about a dozen of them so far."

"Do you think they'll attack?"

"I doubt it. There are twenty of us out here. They haven't been known to play when the odds aren't heavily in their favor."

"Okay then. Guess we come out alone together tonight."

"All right you two!" shouted the patrol leader's voice from up front. "The honeymoon's over for now. We've got work to do." She smiled at them so they could see she was teasing. The rest of the Amazons snickered at them. The two Sabres merely blushed and got to work.

It took three days, but late that evening, the two of them strolled out together again, hand in hand, looking for all the world like a pair of lovers. Their quiet conversation would have given them away, had anyone been close enough to hear and taken the time to listen.

"Chase would absolutely die if he could see me right now," raising a hand to push back a strand of dark hair behind Randi's ear. Chase was a fellow Sabre, but not on this particular mission. Serious relationships between Sabres was frowned upon, discouraged in the extreme, but there was no way to stop them completely. The upper echelon did their best to keep romantically involved members on separate teams to avoid any more complications than necessary, and it had worked fairly well thus far.

"Why?" Randi whispered, pulling the other woman closer to her. They were now a hair's-breadth apart, almost eye-to-eye. Jess was slightly taller than she was. "Does he have a problem with same sex lovers?" She tilted her head for a chaste kiss.

"No. You know better than that. And you know *him* better than that. He just has a big, BIG problem with sharing." Winding her hands into raven hair.

"Oh, I see," moving her hands and stroking the red head's back. "Well, he'll get over it. It's not like he's gonna have to share much longer. I count seven behind you and four to each side."

"Yeah, well I count ten behind you, with three to each side. I hope the guys are ready and waiting out there, or this could get ugly," leaning down slightly to nip Randi's lower lip. And right about then, all hell broke loose.

In their favor was the fact that this particular group seemed to thrive on beating people to death physically with their bare hands, and the occasional odd bat or pipe. But for the most part, these skinheads carried no real weapons. Against them was the fact that they, due to the nature of the outfits used to blend in, carried few weapons that could be used in close contact fighting. They both had a couple of knives stashed in their boots to help them hold off the troublemakers until the cavalry arrived.

The two women did quite well holding their own when they were each jumped from behind, pulling them forcefully apart. The first few men went down in a heap, not even knowing that they were dead. Then things became blurry, the fighting fast and furious as the remainder of the Sabre team took out perps as quickly and safely as they could. No one knew exactly what happened, but just as they were down to the last twelve or so, one of them clocked Randi but good upside her head. She landed in a heap, and Jess stood over her body, dripping blood, slashing at anything that came too close. In minutes it was all over. Thirty-one dead skinheads lay in a heap around one downed Sabre. Two of the guys had gotten sliced pretty good, one on the shoulder, the other on the thigh. It was decided that they and Randi would go back to the village with their medic, Lacey again, to heal and regen. The remaining five members would begin the burial process. Surprisingly, the Amazons were quick to form several details to help them. "We don't want them stinkin' up our air," was the only reason given. The Sabres accepted that reason, and their help.

"May as well be comfortable to recuperate," Lacey commented. The Amazons were uncomfortable with allowing the men into their compound, but relented when they saw the blood. They immediately rushed them into the infirmary. Lacey was only too happy to release her cradle hold on the tall Marine. Carrying her even this short distance had been a strain for the smaller woman.

The Marine woke up short time later, groggy, and with a headache that would have felled an elephant at thirty paces. She was more than a little put out with herself with getting caught from behind like that. It didn't happen very often, but when it did she berated herself and growled at everything around her for days. After thirty-six hours in the hospice, she was released, and went immediately to her debriefing. The rest of her team had been debriefed earlier that morning and sent on their way. She was anxious to head home herself.

When she arrived home, her mood was black. Though the mission had been successful, she felt as if she had failed by being hit. She was tired, angry and disillusioned with everything at the moment, and with the unfortunate timing the Fates sometimes throw at us, Gwen was about to bear the brunt of Randi's frustration.

The bard arrived at the house shortly before the Marine did. She was hoping beyond hope her friend would be back today from where ever she had disappeared to this time. It really bothered Gwen the way Randi just vanished with very little word and no warning. Or any indication as to when she would return most of the time. But the blonde accepted that it was a part of Randi's life that she was not, could not be privy to and was happy that the Marine let her in as far as she had. The note the older woman had left for her to find Saturday morning went a long way toward this peace of mind.

Dear Gwen, (it read)

I've been called out of town on urgent business, but please feel free to

make yourself at home here. If luck holds, this shouldn't take too long,

and I should be back in about a week, maybe a little less. As with every

thing, it depends on circumstances beyond my control. Thanks for dinner

last night. It was great. Take care.

Love ya,


She had actually tried to call her friend the night before, hoping Randi had been correct in her "less than a week" prediction. She decided to try in person today. Besides, she wanted a look at the dock in the daylight. She was standing on the beach, admiring the work Randi had done when the whisper of a shuttle landing nearby caught her attention. Odd, she thought, and then assumed that perhaps Tommy had a private strip close to his house. It never occurred to her that she wouldn't have heard the sound of a shuttle so far away. When she saw the tall form of her friend striding towards her, though, she stopped thinking about mundane matters like that, and concentrated on the happiness she felt.

"What are you doing here?" snarled Randi in her direction as soon as she saw blonde hair loping in her direction. Gwen was a bit taken back by both the question and the tone.

"I, um, well...."

"Go home, Gwen. I don't want you here right now."

"But, I...."

"Goddammit! I said go home!" opening the door, and nearly slamming it in the bard's face. Green eyes flashed in anger.

"I'll go home for now, Randi. But I will be back. And we *will* talk about this! You got me?"

"I understand," whispered a defeated Marine. "I'm sorry, Gwen. Just please, go home."

The smaller woman reached around the tall, stiff figure in front of her and gave a brief hug. Randi remained motionless and rigid, holding on to what self-control she had left as tightly as she could. Any reaction she had at this point could very well drive her friend away.

With a muttered, "I'll see you later, Randi," Gwen let herself out of the beach house and headed toward the bridge to the mainland. On impulse, she bypassed the bridge, and continued on to Tommy's place.

She was ushered in by Ella, who had opened the door at her ring. "Is Tommy free, Ella? I need to talk to him a moment."

"Sure, hon," a little concerned by the lack of color in the bard's face. "Go on back to his office."

The bard moved down the indicated hallway, and rapped on the closed door in front of her. After a brief pause, she heard, "come in" and opened the door. Tommy sat at his desk, working on something or other for Midas she supposed. It really didn't matter right now.

"Hey, T. You got a minute?"

"Sure, Gwen. What's up?" He came from behind his desk, and motioned her over to the fireplace, with its strategically placed chairs. He waved the bard into one, and took the second for himself.

The blonde took a deep breath, trying to marshal her thoughts into some kind of linear, coherent statements that he would understand without her having to go into too much detail. She finally decided on the direct approach, from his point of view.

"Tommy, do you know where Randi disappears when she goes off like this?"

Now it was the man's turn to feel uncomfortable. He had his suspicions, certainly, but no proof to back them up. So he turned the tables back to her. "No. Why?"

"Have you ever seen her right after she gets back?" ignoring his question, and asking another one of her own.

"Yeah, three times, actually," wondering where the bard was going with this line of questions.

"What happened?" Getting right to the heart of the matter.

He chuckled. It was kinda funny in retrospect, though he hadn't been laughing at the time. "The first time she was gone, after she retired and moved back here, I guess it was about two months after she arrived. She disappeared for just over a week. No word, no warning. And no apology when she got back, either. I heard the shuttle land, and took off for her place. I yelled at her for a good five minutes before she punched me in the face, and told me to go away. Two days later she called to apologize for the punch, but not the disappearance."

"I remember that. And the second time?"

"Oh, the second time was right before your going away party. But she was actually pretty calm that time. She just listened to what I had to say and shut the door behind me when I was done. And you know she showed up for your party, although she was quite late." A thoughtful pause. "Come to think of it, though, she was gone for four days after that. Left almost as soon as you did. Hmm."

"What happened the last time?" bringing him out of his reverie.

"The last time, things got kinda ugly. I went over as soon as the shuttle landed. We got into a yelling match, and then into a knock down, drag out fight. She literally beat the shit out of me." Gwen's eyes rounded in horror. "No, it was my fault. I didn't leave when she asked me to, and then I touched her from behind. It was a purely responsive action to danger on her part. A few days later, we had a long talk. I learned not to come near her for a couple days after she returns from these trips, and she learned to talk things out a little more. I think she realizes now that talking, explaining reactions and consequences can sometimes eliminate a problem before it starts. Now I give her the space she needs until she's ready for company, and she calls and let's us know she's okay. It's worked out well for all of us, for the most part."

The bard meditated on these words for a little while. Then she nodded her head in acceptance. "Thanks, Tommy. You're a good friend."

"Anytime, Gwen. I'm glad she has you for a friend as well. Be patient with her, though, huh? She needs your friendship more than she'll ever admit."

"I will, T. Hers is a friendship worth keeping, even when it's hard to get through that thick skull."

"Hear, hear!" The man agreed with a smile. "You gonna stay for band practice?"

"No," rising from her chair. "I'm just not comfortable there without Randi."

He rose as she did, and started escorting her to the door. "Okay, but you're always welcome, anytime. With or without our drummer."

"I'll keep that in mind. But tonight, I'm going back to the penthouse, and take a nice long whirlpool bath."

"Drive safely."

"I will. Bye, Ella," she called out to the woman in the kitchen. "See ya later. Bye, Tommy. And thanks again." She reached up and gave him a hug. She heard his wife patter out of the other room. "Take care, Ella," smiling at the way the brunette's hands rested naturally protective over her stomach.

"You too, Gwen. Come by the restaurant next week sometime. I've got a new recipe for you to try out."

"Will do, boss lady," smirking at the look she got for that comment. "Bye, guys!"

And she headed her transport toward her apartment, eager for that whirlpool and a bit of rest.

The remainder of the weekend went fairly smoothly. Gwen used the time to do some things she had neglected for quite some time. She also visited the goddesses temple, hoping to find a bit of solitude and serenity. It was a habit she had picked up from her otherwise taciturn companion, and she was amazed at how centered the meditation made her feel. She was sure she must have drifted off though, towards the end, when she heard a low voice speak in her ear, "Have faith, child. It will be rewarded." The bard opened her eyes, but saw no one around her, save a priestess up near the altar. She shook her head to clear it, and rose to leave. Though confused by the voice that spoke to her, she felt more relaxed than she had in a while.

Monday came, and she went back to work. Not really surprised not to see the tall Marine there, she hesitated to put in a call to her friend. Her discussion with Tommy had helped her understand that there were some things she just couldn't remedy, either for her sake or for Randi's. She would just have to try to be patient, and wait for the blue-eyed woman to come to her.

Tuesday was moving along smoothly, when during her creative time, shortly after lunch, Beth disturbed her writing. This time was held sacred by both artists and personnel, and was only interrupted for important things. A knot tied itself up in Gwen's stomach when the knock came on her dressing room door.

She got up and went to the door, opening it and looking into Beth's face, and knowing there was a problem of no small proportion.

"What's wrong, Beth? What's up?" grabbing the older woman by the arms and practically dragging her into the room.

"I'm not sure. Um," taking a deep breath and rubbing her hand across her face. "I just got a call from Randi. The message was garbled. But I did make out your name." A beat. "And the words 'help me'."

The bard shot out of her seat, and grabbed her personal effects. "Okay, I'm gonna head out there and see what's up. Will you tell Tommy I'll be out for the rest of the day?"

"Yes, certainly. You be careful, and let me know what you find out, all right?"

"Will do." And with that, she was out the door and into her transport.

Fifteen minutes later found her letting herself in to Randi's front door, firmly putting out of her mind their confrontation the last time she had been here uninvited. A quick search through the house showed her that the Marine was not inside, and she headed toward the new dock. She must have been busting her butt like a dog the past couple days, Gwen thought to herself noting the amount of finished work on the project. The first quarter was completely laid, and half of the remaining pylons and their supports were in place. Have you slept at all since we fought, my friend? Have you?

The storyteller was sure she'd find the Marine out around the construction, and headed over that way. She figured she would find her passed out from sheer exhaustion, and she was very nearly right. What had actually happened was a little more complicated.

Randi had found it impossible to rest since her confrontation with Gwen.

Knowing she had been a total ass was bad enough, but having her friend

be so gracious about it was just about killing her. And the lack of rest

was giving her a major headache. Finally, absolutely disgusted with herself

and her behavior, she got up and went to work on the dock. It was one

thing she could do and fully immerse herself in to doing.

Only stopping for occasional bathroom or water breaks, the woman worked

for three and a half straight days. Around lunchtime on Tuesday, her body

and her mind said "No More". She fell off the end of the dock that she

was standing on
, managing to snag her shoulder and rip a wide gash in it

on the way down. She landed with a THUD onto the raft that she'd had

floating below, holding the tools and equipment she had been using. By

sheer bad luck, she hit her head on a corner of her toolbox, and knocked

herself out cleanly.

She had no idea of the time when she came to, just that a while had

passed. She tried to use the vid comm she kept with her at all times

because of her friend's request, but the concussion and exhaustion were

making coherent thought terribly difficult. The Marine did reach Beth

through perseverance, but wasn't sure she was entirely clear in asking

for Gwen or help. And then she was again unable to care, as pain and

extreme fatigue overtook her once more.

Gwen walked all around the site looking into every nook and cranny, her gut tightening with each passing moment. Something was direly wrong. She could feel it. She was about to give up, and go look in the garage to see if the woman was even home, when she saw movement in the water. As she moved closer, she saw it was a dolphin, splashing water over an inert figure on the raft. It didn't take much deduction on the bard's part to know precisely who lay there. With a muffled cry, the blonde rushed to the edge and peered down, her concern growing by leaps and bounds when she saw copious amounts of blood on the raft.

Instantly, she lowered herself gently and firmly onto the raft. She contacted an emergency response team, then Tommy. The dolphin, though it backed away out of touching range, stayed close enough to watch the proceedings. Gwen moved the raft to shore, and the mammal felt satisfied at her intentions as she gently stroked the raven hair. She hesitated to move the woman at all for fear of doing serious damage to her already broken body. She did put what pressure she could manage on the torn shoulder.

It took eight minutes, by the watch on the vid phone, for Tommy to arrive. The bard had to wonder at his speed he arrived so quickly. The medics were right behind him. They had indeed been waiting for him about a minute when he got to the bridge to extend it for them. He led the way, as this was the first time they had ever been summoned to the island for anything.

The first thing they did was examine the wounds, and determine the woman needed to be clean. There was sand and salt everywhere. About two minutes, and her sonic shower was done, and she was clean. They wrapped her now nude body in a sheet, and set her on a hover bed. Both Tommy and Gwen insisted that they could care for her at home, if the med techs would set things up. Neither wanted to know what the Marine's reaction would be if she woke in a medical facility. The medics carried the gurney to the deck, then pushed it smoothly to the house. In moments, they had her transferred to her own bed, and had begun setting up the regen equipment the tall woman would need.

"One of you will need to keep an eye on her for the next forty-eight hours. It will take about that long for the process to complete itself. She should be awake and coherent within twelve hours. If not, or if she has any kind of bizarre or unusual behavior, call us back immediately. She will need to see a doctor at the medifac."

"I'll stay," the blonde woman spoke quietly before the man with her could say a word.

The techs both nodded in acknowledgment of her statement, and moved to leave. Tommy saw them to the door, assuring them that the bridge was still in place. He watched until they were out of sight then turned back to the small blonde before him.

"You sure, Gwen? I don't mind...."

"I'm sure, Tommy. It's my responsibility, and my pleasure to do so." His eyebrows rose at that comment, but he refused to allow the words that so wanted to escape past his lips. "Besides, you have a pregnant wife to take care of at home. Just don't expect me in before Friday, okay?"

He smiled. "Why don't you just take the rest of the week? We've got enough stuff we can fill in with."

"Thanks, T. Appreciate that."

"No problem," he said, squeezing her hands gently. "Now, how about I go call Ella, and asked her to come on out her in a little while with some dinner for all of us?"

"I dunno, T. I don't want her to go to any trouble."

"No trouble at all, Gwen. She's concerned about our friend in there as well, and it's just a matter of adding another plate to the pile. She was bringing home dinner anyway."

"Well," her resolve wavering, "if you're sure it's no trouble."

"I promise. Let me go make my call."

She nodded and walked away, over to the larger wall-mounted comp vid screen. He watched in surprise and then astonishment as she unlocked the basic security, and turned on the news. In the almost three years since Randi's return and moved into this very house, never once had she offered him any of her security clearances. He did, of course, have the key codes for her doors, but he could no more get into her computer system than the man on the moon could. Now he watched in amazement as the young blonde did just that, seemingly unaware exactly how monumental that gesture was. He wondered if they'd ever figure out the truth for themselves.

Ella brought dinner over a few hours later, and the three friends sat at the kitchen table talking quietly. Randi had yet to wake up, but if the amount of time Gwen suspected she had been without sleep was anywhere close to being right, the bard had no real expectation to hear from the Marine until sometime late the next morning. She relayed her suspicions to the Steeles, who agreed with her assessment. They took their leave of her shortly after dinner was over, with her promise that she would advise them the minute Randi showed signs of consciousness.

Gwen debated with herself for the space of all of about five minutes, before moving the comfortable reclining rocking chair right next to the bed. Staying in her room was out of the question, and the couch was too far away to be a comfortable option for her. She didn't stop to reason out the whys and wherefores of her thoughts. She simply went with the gut feeling that was telling her to stay close by.

It was the darkest hour, just before dawn, when Gwen snapped back into wakefulness. She was disoriented at first, then chided herself for falling asleep as she recognized her surroundings and remembered her reason for being there. She rubbed a hand across tired eyes, and tried to comprehend what had jerked her from a sound sleep. The bard heard a muttered moan from the bed and moved to check on her friend.


The dark haired woman thrashed around a little bit, but didn't answer. Gwen was unsure if she was in pain or the throes of a nightmare. She hesitated for a long moment, then sat lightly on the edge of the big bed, reaching a hand over to smooth the hair out of the older woman's face. Her skin was flushed and damp, but she didn't feel feverish, much to the storyteller's relief. She rose and fetched a cool, wet cloth from the bathroom, then resumed her place by the Marine's side. The bard began to gently bathe Randi's face, only half listening to the delirious rambling coming from her friend's lips until she caught sound of her own name.


"I'm here, Randi."

"Gwen!?" a bit more frantic this time.

"Randi! I'm right here!" She moved forward trying to press the larger woman down onto the bed by the shoulder, avoiding the injury. The Marine continued to struggle, and the bard worked her way behind her, pulling Randi back into herself gently. The brunette stopped struggling and seemed to calm down, and Gwen renewed her efforts to wipe the Sabre's face, mumbling softly in her ear. After a bit, the Marine relaxed but called out again, softly.


"I'm right here, my friend," whispered directly into her ear. The bard noted that Randi's eyes were still closed and her breathing even. She supposed her to still be sleeping.

"I'm sorry, Gwenie," sounding suspiciously like a well-chastened five year old girl.

"Why are you sorry, Randi?"

"I was mean to you. I said ugly things, and hurt your feelings bad." She pouted. "I didn't mean to... I didn't mean what I said. It's just that...."

"Just that what?"


"Just that what, Randi?"

"I'm sorry. Please don't ask me, Gwenie. I can't tell." A tear rolled down her face. "Can we still be friends?" in a small, forlorn voice.

"You're my best friend, Randi. And we'll always be friends, okay?"

"Okay, Gwenie. I love you. G'night."

"Goodnight, my friend. I love you, too." She brushed a light kiss on the dark head, and fell back into a dreamless slumber.

The dawn creeping over the horizon didn't disturb the two sleeping women, but shortly thereafter, Randi's dreams began to haunt her again. Her thrashing woke the bard who still clung to her, and her mutterings were much more pronounced and violent

"No, not again, please! " "Oh Artemis, help me!" "Please, no more!" "I'm sorry! Blessed Athena, I'm so sorry!" "I can't do this anymore!" "ARTEMIS NOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

This last brought them into a sitting position together, Gwen arms still firmly wrapped around the Marine's torso. Randi fought briefly, her disorientation over her company and surroundings only adding to the confusion already present in her mind. The bard's quiet reassurances brought first calm, then shame to her, and she slumped in her friend's arms.

"I'm sorry, Gwen," she muttered. "I really don't deserve your caring." She struggled to get up. The blonde fought equally hard to keep her in place.

"Hey! In the first place, we've already had this conversation, and I've already forgiven you. Secondly, you're hurt, and need to stay still. It's gonna take the regenerator another few hours to heal that shoulder wound." The Marine calmed in her arms with her words. "Now, do you wanna talk about whatever it was that woke you so abruptly?"

"I don't remember."

Green eyes gazed piercingly into guileless blue. Randi was telling her the truth. The bard wondered what could trouble her companion so badly that such horrible dreams were instantly forgotten upon awakening. She dismissed the subject for now, and moved on. "Okay, then. How do you feel?"

"Honestly? Like a transport landed on me. What happened?" with a grimace, clutching her head with her good hand.

"Well, I'm not sure, myself. You sent a garbled message to Beth asking for me. When I got here, you were lying out at the end of the completed part of the dock on the raft. Unconscious. A dolphin was keeping watch over you, and wouldn't actually leave until he was assured you were in good hands."

This got a small smile out of the Marine. It was reciprocated by the bard.

"So, can I get you anything?"

Randi rubbed her temples with her fingertips, trying to ease the pounding. "Um, yeah, actually. I need something for this headache."

"Well, the medics left a shot cap." The bard smiled in sympathy with the other woman's groan. "I know. You need the bathroom, or some food first? It'll probably knock you out for another twelve hours."

"Do I gotta?" almost whining.

"No, silly. You don't 'gotta'. But you'll feel a lot better if you do. And your regen should be about done by then, too. So what's it gonna be?"

"Let me run to the bathroom. Will you maybe get me a small glass of juice? I'm sure there's some in the fridge."

"Yep. Let me help you up first."

The Marine was reluctant to allow it, but was infinitely glad for the assistance when she tried to stand, and found the floor swirling up to meet her far too quickly.

"It's okay, my friend. Probably a combination of things causing this. Just lean on me and let me help."

"Thanks, Gwen. You're a good friend."

Randi got finished in the bathroom before Gwen got back with her juice, and was slowly shuffling across the floor toward the bed. The blonde woman muffled her exclamation, and set the juice down quickly, moving to guide the Marine back to bed. Randi sat down wringing her hands and looking more than a tad bit embarrassed. Gwen knelt before her and took the larger hands in her own.

"What's wrong?"

"I, um, I... would you... um...."

"Randi, I'm not going to hurt you, and in all likelihood, I'm not gonna say "no" either. Now, what do you need, want or desire?"

Just the words sent a jolt through her system, and the Marine was hard pressed to wrestle her emotions under control. She was sure Gwen meant something entirely different than she hoped she did, and just took the offer on face value alone.

"Um, will you stay with me til I fall back to sleep?"

"There, now that wasn't so hard, was it? I'll go you one better. Hang on." The blonde stood and moved over to where she had placed the juice. "Here. Drink." The Marine did, slowly but steadily, and soon handed the empty glass back to her companion. "I'll be right back." Randi sat still, her head cradled in her hands as the hammering continued to get worse. She hoped the shot would take effect before it got so bad it made her sick. Gwen walked back in the bedroom at just that instant. She picked up the shot cap, and moved to the other side of the bed.

Once seated and comfortable, she patted her chest. The older woman eased over, moving slowly so as not to hurt anymore than she already did. Eventually she reached her goal, and promptly sank down, leaning her head back on Gwen. The blonde put the shot in her neck before she realized what had happened, and she closed her eyes in reflex. The last thing she heard before she faded into oblivion was, "Rest well, my friend. I'll be here when you wake up."

Several hours later, Tommy was letting himself into the beach house. He was more than a little concerned that he had not yet heard from Gwen. So he left Midas at lunchtime to come and check on them. He had knocked first, to no avail, and called out quietly as he let himself in. Getting no response from either woman, he decided to look in the bedroom first. The house was entirely too quiet for his nerves.

The picture he found there was one that made him smile in pure reflex. There they were, together in the middle of the big bed, wrapped around each other tightly. Gwen was sitting up, supported by several pillows. And she in turn was supporting Randi, arms wound around the tall woman's waist. The brunette was curled up into her, one arm between her breasts, the other disappearing behind the bard's back. Their breathing was even, and in synch, and neither woman knew when he pulled the covers up over them and left the room.

Finally, he thought. Maybe this will be the wake up call they both need.


Chapter IX

"It wasn't, though, was it, my love?" finally acknowledging aloud what she knew to be true in her heart. That understanding made her sink to her knees on the dock in total defeat. "How, *HOW* could I have been so fucking blind to what was so apparent to everyone around us? Why was I so totally oblivious to what in retrospect was so very, very obvious in your beautiful blue eyes?" Tears of loss, of anger and frustration began to roll from her eyes. "And you," speaking as though Randi was standing there in front of her, "YOU were too damned stubborn, too Damned Proud, too DAMNED HONORABLE to say anything!!!! Her voice rose then fell away to a whisper. "I wish I could hate you. I really wish could, cause it would hurt so much less." She sobbed quietly. "It's killing me, Randi. It truly is." A deep breath. "They say you never know what you've got til it's gone. Well let me tell you... they don't know the half of it." She sat on the dock for long moments composing herself, finally smiling when she heard the two dolphins cavorting together down at the end near the boathouse. And she forced her memories back to happier times.


Gwen had awakened in the early afternoon, her bladder screaming for relief. Randi had at some point moved off of her and was now laying flat on her stomach with and arm curled around the bard's thigh. The blonde eased out from under the grip, leaving a pillow in her place. Then she scampered to the bathroom.

Finished in there, including a short but satisfying shower, the storyteller made her way to the vid phone to give Tommy a call. The man never gave away the fact that he had been by and seen them. He simply promised to stop by and check on them, and coincidentally bring them dinner, on his way home. Gwen then went into the kitchen and fixed herself some toast and juice. She knew it would be several more hours before Tommy came by with food and she was starving. Then she grabbed a couple eBooks, and returned to sit on the bed and read.

Randi woke up in the late afternoon, pushing her hair back away from her face and stretching before she sat up. She was still tired, something she found strange, though she'd learned not to question her body's demands on this particular point. It would take what it needed, and apparently she had run her reserves down pretty low. Otherwise, she felt... good. The headache was gone, and her shoulder seemed healed. She sat up, hoping the dizziness was gone as well.

"Hey," a soft voice called from the other side of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

The blue eyes opened slowly and regarded her companion. "Better, thanks. I'm, uh, I'm glad you're here. Thanks for staying with me."

"That's what friends do... they stick together," said with a smile.

"Well, I'm glad you're my friend. A lot of them wouldn't have stuck around after...."

"Over... done with... forgotten, okay?" Dark hair nodded. "Okay, well, you might want to get dressed. I don't know that you want to meet Tommy and Ella in your skivvies." In truth, it was a T-shirt and underwear that she and Ella had put on the unconscious woman the night before.

"Hmm, guess you're right. Let me run and take a shower before they get here."

It was a pleasant evening spent with friends, filled with chatter and bantering and warmth.

The remainder of the week moved very passively. Gwen moved back up to her room, though she kept her door open in case Randi had more nightmares. She didn't hear anything, but never knew if that was a good sign or a bad one. She did creep down the stairs a couple of times each night to check on the older woman, a habit she had never cultivated until now.

Thursday, just to humor the bard, they sat out on the deck, lazing around. The Marine commented on the blonde's ever darkening tan, to which Gwen replied, "You looked in a mirror lately?" Randi chuckled, knowing her friend had made a very apt comeback.

Friday, antsy from being still too long, the brunette informed the bard of her intent to work on the dock. Gwen said nothing to dissuade her, but instead got dressed to join her. By the end of the day, the dock was a little more than halfway completed. Practice with the guys later was fun. Unspoken understanding between the members meant that two hours after practice started, they shut down for the night, and gathered around with their families for storytelling. This was only true, of course, when Gwen accompanied Randi, and though they'd made it clear she was welcome anytime, she'd made it equally clear she would only be there when her drummer friend was. Tommy took advantage of the relaxed atmosphere, and recorded the session again. He was sure they were onto something... he just needed to process what that something was.

The following day, after doing a little more dock work in the morning hours, found them on the road again in what was becoming a ritual ride. They didn't stay out as long, since Gwen really needed to go back to her place and take care of a few things that she'd let go slack during the week. They had dinner at the "Golden Touch", under Ella's watchful eye, then made their way to the complex that housed Gwen's penthouse.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Gwen. Thank you for being my friend," clasping the smaller hand to her and looking into eyes gone golden in the sunset.

The bard patted the smooth chest area where her hand rested. "Anytime you need me, I'm yours." She stretched up on tiptoe, and brushed her lips lightly on Randi's smooth cheek. "Goodnight, gunny."

The Marine struggled to clear her throat and keep her composure. "Ditto, my friend." She watched until the younger woman made her way across the foyer and into her private elevator. "I'll always need you, Little One," she whispered, and cranked the bike, flipping the sound switch and revving the engine. Maybe the noise would drown out the sound of her thoughts.

The weeks of spring started flowing toward summer in a rapid, but predictable pattern. Randi was in something of a quandary, trying to maintain her regular responsibilities, keep up her band practice and playtime with Gwen, and still get the boathouse finished before Celebration. The bard failed to see what the rush was, especially in light of the fact that the Marine still had no firm plans to purchase a boat. And Randi was loath to spoil the surprise she had planned for the blonde. So she continued to work all kinds of odd hours, intent on getting it done. She had confided the reason to Tommy, who offered to provide manpower if she started running short on time. The brunette was grateful for his assistance, and promised to let him know if it became necessary.

Surprisingly, Sabre duty only pulled her away for two short periods during this three-month stretch, one for three days, the other for six. She relished that fact at the same time she deplored it. She knew there would be big paybacks for this temporary reprieve. But she tried to enjoy the down time while she could.

She had tried, several times, unsuccessfully, to nudge Gwen in the direction of other, more suitable (to her mind, at least) friends, and possibly romantic partners. But her heart cried out against her mind's logic, and finally, when Gwen turned to her with green eyes full of hurt at the anguish Randi's pushing her away was causing, and asked her point blank "WHY?", she caved.

"I thought you'd be happier with someone special in your life."

"Randi, I already have someone special in my life. You. I never had a best friend before, and you changed everything for me. But please, no more pushing me away, or trying to force people in, all right? I'm very happy with my life and the people in it. I don't need you to find me a lover. That will happen when it happens. Probably when I least expect it, with the unlikeliest of partners."

She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again in defeat. The Marine nodded her head in acceptance of her friend's words, and thought she now realized what her true challenge was... it wasn't to keep Gwen at arm's distance, nor was it to help her find happiness with another. No, this was far, *far* worse. It was to have everything she desired in the palm of her hand, and live knowing she would never be able to grasp it fully. Oh, Artemis! Why do I deserve such a punishment? her mind cried out, even as her arms opened to embrace the woman who held her heart.

Meanwhile, high above, observing the whole scene, Artemis and Athena had their hands full trying to subdue their sister goddess. They had actually each physically taken an arm to prevent her from descending and smacking the right answer into the back of the hard headed Marine's skull. She had been stomping her feet, until they lifted her bodily from the floor, kicking and squealing. Finally, her tantrum cooled, and the two sisters lowered the third to the ground, and backed away a bit. It was time for a serious strategy session.

Unlike Festival, which brought customs, cultures, and traditions together in observance, Celebration's activities simply depended on your location at the mid-year Solstice. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, there were all sorts of cold weather sports and activities to participate in. Those in the north were more geared to picnics, barbeques, and beach parties.

Wednesday, two days before the long weekend activities of Celebration were due to begin found Randi rushing to make the boathouse livable. It was still very rough, but Gwen's parents would have a place to stay when they arrived the next day. The thought passed through her mind that it was just as well that she wasn't any more done than she was. Gwen and Jill could choose the interior decor, and that was more than fine with the Marine. All that shopping made her twitchy.

The boathouse was quite open, made of the same polymer as the dock. While the outside maintained the same weathered wood appearance, the inside was a pale sky blue. She had managed to secure a bed, one set of sheets that surprisingly matched the room, a comforter of a darker blue, and two sets of white towels. She hadn't managed anything for the kitchenette tucked into one corner of the room, but figured that would come in time. The deck was also incomplete, though there was a small three-foot portion done. There was another twelve feet to add, and the barbeque pit, but she had about run out of time. Randi knew Geoff and Jill would understand. They had been thrilled when the Marine invited them, and more than happy to keep it a surprise for their daughter.

Randi, thinking she was alone doing her clean up, had the music up quite loud, and was singing and dancing all over the place. Unbeknownst to her, however, Gwen had stopped by after work to see how things were coming along. She knew the older woman was anxious to have the room presentable for the holiday. The bard stood in the doorway mesmerized, thoroughly awestruck by the previously unseen side of her friend. Randi can sing... WOW, can she sing!! And she dances?! Why has she been sitting in the dark playing the drums all this time? She should be headlining that band. Man, she's GOOD!!

She was unaware of how much time passed while she simply stared at the antics of the brunette, but suddenly Randi turned around and saw Gwen staring at her in amazement. The silence that followed the music being turned off saw a blush forming on the Marine's face at being caught. She loved to sing and dance, but only for herself. She had never shared that part of herself with anyone. Even when she had escorted Gwen to the big Festival party with the Goldmans, she hadn't danced. She simply wasn't comfortable dancing in public. But from the look on the storyteller's face, and the twinkle in her green eyes, that was all fixing to change. So the Marine decided to beat the blonde woman to the punch.

She walked casually over to portable music system she had brought with her, and chose a different music disc from the one she had been working to. As the first strains of a classical waltz filled the room, the Marine walked over to where her friend still stood, and bowed rather formally. It was a little comical, considering the shorts, tank top, and ponytail, but she did it anyway. "May I have this dance?"

The bard didn't answer aloud. She simply extended her arms, and was suddenly being swept around the room. They danced two complete waltzes before stopping, then the taller woman offered Gwen a bottle of water from the small cooler she had with her.

"Why didn't you tell me you could dance? And why haven't I ever heard you sing? You have an incredibly beautiful voice."

Randi rubbed her jaw. "I don't care to dance in public. I've never been comfortable with it... never found a partner I was comfortable enough to follow, or lead, for that matter. As for singing, it's very personal to me. Not something I've shared with very many folks."

"Well, thank you for sharing it with me, however accidental it was. Now, " looking around the mostly empty room in appraisal, "what can I do to help?"

"Hmm, not much to do, really. I'm not gonna get too much more done before the weekend. I've got several things to take care of tomorrow, and Celebration starts, unofficially, anyway, tomorrow night. I do need to pick up some stuff to put out here. Tommy mentioned something about bringing the boat. May as well have some drinks and snacks, just in case."

"Randi, um. I don't want to seem picky, but don't you think a little furniture would be in order here? Except for the bed," motioning to where she was seated, "there's really not a place to sit."

"Yeah, I know, but you know how I feel about shopping. Besides, I'll never be able to get anything out here by tomorrow afternoon."

"You leave that to me. I'll take care of everything."

"Hey, where ya going?" as the bard got up to leave.

"I've got some stuff to do to get things in here by tomorrow. I'll see ya later," closing the door behind her.

Randi looked around her in bemusement at the silence she suddenly found herself in. "I guess she and Jill won't be doing much shopping together after all, if she gets it all done before they get here." Then she shrugged here shoulders. "Oh well. At least it will be done. And I know I can trust Gwen's tastes." And with that she got up, and headed for the beach house. She decided a shower was in order before she went anywhere.

Early the next morning, having come in from her morning run, Randi was stopped on her way to the shower by the beep of the vid phone.

"Yeah?" she answered, grabbing a water bottle and guzzling half the contents down in one gulp.

"Hi, Randi," the bard said brightly. "Bad time?" motioning to the woman's disheveled look.

"Nope. Just back in from my run. What's up?"

"I wanted to let you know the furniture will be out there by mid morning. If you don't like it, you can change it later, but I think you will."

"What time? I need to make sure I'm here."

"Ten. Is that gonna be okay?"

The Marine mentally went over her schedule. "Yeah, I can rearrange a couple things and be here then. What time are you coming out?"

"Hmm, Tommy is letting us all go by four, so say five?"

"Okay. If I'm not here let yourself in."

"See ya later, Randi."

"Ditto, Gwen, and thanks!"

Randi had no more than stepped from the shower, dripping wet and steamy, when the vid phone chirped again. "Yeah?" she called out, knowing the unit in the bedroom would pick up her voice. She grabbed a bath sheet from its hanger and proceeded to wrap it around herself.

"Randi? It's Tommy. Where are you, short stuff?"

She stepped from the bathroom, still wrapped in the towel, running another, smaller towel through her hair. "Here, T. What's up?"

He cleared his throat, not having expected her to emerge in front of him towel clad. "Um, hey. I was just wondering if you're gonna be able to be there when we deliver this grouping set. Gwen told the guys to get it there around ten, but aren't you supposed to pick up her folks then?"

"Huh?" hoping she didn't look as confused as she suddenly felt. "Would you like to say that again, please? I think I missed something in the translation."

"The butter creme leather reclining sofa and love seat grouping Gwen had made for the boathouse. She said... Oh shit! You didn't know about this, did you? She was planning a surprise for you, and I just ruined it," he blurted out at the confusion that remained on the tanned face.

"Wait... wait... hang on a minute," holding up a hand and dropping onto the bed. " Gwen had this *made* for me?"

"Uh, yeah. She asked the guys to start crafting it the day you started building the dock. We've had it done here for the last six to eight weeks, just waiting for time for it to be delivered. I figured you knew. She usually... I mean...."

"It's okay, T. I'm just surprised, that's all."

"Yeah, well, just be sure you're surprised if and when she tells you about where it came from, okay?"

"Will do, brother," with a grin. "If you can bring it by earlier, that would be better."

"All right. I'll just tell Gwen I had to get it out there earlier because of the guys' schedule."

"Thanks, Tommy. You and Ella gonna come over tonight?"

"Yep. We'll be there before Gwen. I wanna see her face. She's been more than a little upset that she hasn't been able to reach them."

"It's a good thing she doesn't know how to activate those hand sensors then, isn't it?" with a smile. It took a special code to activate the scanners for those who had already done their military service, and was damned near impossible for anyone outside the chain of command to access those on active duty. Only those who had not yet reached the age of accountability were monitored with any regularity... usually parents keeping an eye on their kids.

"Oh yeah! But I think she'll appreciate her surprise well enough."

"All right, my friend. I've got to get a move on, so I'll see you later, right?"

"With bells on, short stuff. Later" And he severed the connection before she could comment.

It seemed she'd barely had time to dress and grab a cup of coffee, before Tommy and a few of the guys from the studios came barreling up the road in a rather large transport. She nodded in the direction of the boathouse, then pulled Tommy aside.

"I need to go. I've got a couple of things to do before I meet Geoff and Jill. Will you lock up for me when you leave, please?" She knew he would, but she felt better asking rather than assuming.

"Go ahead and lock the beach house. We'll lock up the boathouse when we leave. Now, go on," making shooing motions in her direction. "Get going so you can get back."

"Thanks, T. Appreciate it." And she went to the garage and got out her bike. Since her transport was only a two-seater as well, and she knew she was gonna have to hire something larger like she had before, she figured she may as well enjoy the beautiful weather, and the ride as well.

As soon as she was gone, and Tommy counted off enough time for her to cross the still extended bridge, he signaled the men to open the transport doors. The first thing they unloaded was Gwen, who had been waiting not so patiently. She was on a tight schedule, and was a little upset that Tommy had changed the time. But she realized he was the one basically paying these people to be doing work away from the Guild, and decided she would get over it. Anything she didn't finish in the hour he had allotted to get this done this morning could be taken care of either tonight, or sometime this weekend.

It really didn't take them very long to unload the furniture she'd had created. Tony really surpassed himself this time, she thought, looking again at the intricate carvings he'd wrought on the small table and chairs. She couldn't help but admire the delicate work, and the exquisite detail he incorporated into all the animals he portrayed. It was mind-boggling.

As soon as they'd placed the items in the places she had designated for them, they started in on the kitchenette. In very short order, everything was arranged and neatly put away. It only took few more minutes to hang the sheer curtains on the wall of glass facing out toward the open sea. Now the bard moved into the surprisingly spacious (given the size of the whole place) bathroom, and was a little amazed to find towels already hanging. She added her half dozen colored sets to the white sets put into the tiny linen closet. Then she went and stood in the middle of the room. What had been a rather drab empty room a mere hour ago, was now full, infused with warmth and color as much as the new furniture that graced it.

"You know," Gwen stated quietly to Tommy, "she must love you very much."

"How do you figure that?" glancing around him in approval.

"How many people do you know that would go to all this trouble just so a family member, who lives not even a mile away, would have a private place to stay when he brings his boat around the island to play?"

So that's the cover story Randi used with Gwen? Not bad, short stuff. I may just take you up on that one day. He smiled to himself. "You're right, Gwen. But you know something," whispering conspiratorially to the blonde, "I think it's her first step to buying a boat of her own. You know the... if-she's-already-got-the-space-why-not-use-it type of logic."

The bard chuckled. "Yeah, I will admit that that particular thought crossed my mind a time or twenty."

They shared a laugh together as Tommy led them all back to the transport. He knew Gwen's parents were due in less than an hour, and he wanted to be long away from here before they arrived. This time he was in on both sides of a surprise conspiracy. He just hoped all the pieces fell in place like they were supposed to.

At that very same moment, at the shuttle hub, Randi was waiting a little impatiently for Gwen's parents to arrive. They weren't due in for another twenty to thirty minutes, but her last task before she could start Celebration tonight lay too far out for her to take care of before they got in. Tommy had arranged it that way for her specifically because of the Goldman's arrival time, but she wasn't all that happy with having to leave them alone practically the minute they got in.

Ten minutes out from their arrival time, the large transport she had requested pulled up, with Ella inside it.

"Ella, what are you doing here?" surprised but please to see her.

"Tommy phoned, and asked me to meet you and the Goldman's here. He had forgotten you had that appointment *after* you picked them up, and figured you wouldn't want to just drop them off alone and leave. So he asked me to come and accompany them, since there was no way to change the schedule. He said, and I quote, 'El, do you know what Mama would have said if I was that rude to company?' "

Randi smiled. "Oh, I only imagine. 'Cause I know what *my* Mama would have said... or worse, what she would have done." And then the arrival of the Goldman's shuttle was announced.

Jill squealed, and embraced the Marine in a rather enthusiastic hug, which she hesitantly returned. Geoff greeted her with a firm handshake, and a quiet 'hello' when Jill's attention turned to Ella. Randi and Geoff grabbed the bags, and the group headed out to the transport. The man's face showed surprise when he saw Randi's motorcycle parked next to the transport. She noticed, and explained.

"I have an appointment it took months to schedule, that I cannot possibly break. However, Ella has graciously agreed to take you to the boathouse, and play hostess until I can get back. I'm hoping it won't take too long. But I *will* be there to see Gwen's face when she sees you." Just a hint of real emotion from her. They smiled back at her.

"We'll see you in a bit," Ella called out to the Marine who was already straddling her bike. Randi waved in acknowledgment before riding off. The woman guided them to the back of the transport where the driver stood waiting, having already loaded up the luggage.

"Pull all the way around, Freddie. We're going straight to the boathouse to unload the Goldman's things first." The older man did as instructed, maneuvering the transport around the house, and right up to the beginning of the dock. He drew the suitcases out, and Geoff picked them up. Freddie tried to take them from him, but the other man just walked away toward the boathouse, possessions firmly in his hands. He and his wife stood gaping in awe at the sight that greeted them when Ella opened the door.

"Now," Ella began as she preceded them in, "I need to tell you the whole story of the boathouse and all these things. I think you will find it quite interesting." And she did. She told them of Randi secretly building it for them, so they would have a place they could call home when they visited. Of how Gwen knew nothing of the real reason. Of how Gwen had arranged for all the furnishings to be made to her specifications as a surprise for Randi.

"They love each other very much, don't they?" a quiet question from Geoff.

"Ya know, it's funny," Ella answered conversationally. "Everyone can see it but them."

"If I thought it would help, I'd sit Gwen down and talk to her about it. But this is something they need to discover on their own." from the bard's mother.

"I agree, which is why I haven't spoken to either of them, though the temptation has been almost overwhelming a few times. I don't understand *why* they can't see it."

Geoff remained quiet, formulating an idea or two. He'd see if he could discover the truth later.

It was late afternoon before Randi was headed back towards her home. Much later than she had hoped or anticipated being. She was about twenty-five minutes out, and was startled by the chirp of her comm link. "Yeah?"

"Randi?" hesitantly.

"Hi, Gwen. What's up?"

"Um, is everything okay? I'm not getting a visual."

"I'm on the bike."

"Oh, good reason. That helps me, though. Listen, can you swing by and pick me up?"

"Sure. I'll be there in about ten minutes."

"Great! I'll meet you outside." The bard cut the connection, sighing in relief. This was going to work out just perfectly.

The Marine grinned as she clicked of her comm unit. This was gonna be so awesome.

Nothing much was said between them on the ride home. They were both silently contemplating the surprise each had in store for the other. With the bike parked in its place, the two made their way into the beach house. Gwen walked up the stairs to put her extra clothes away. It seemed she was bringing more and more over with her, and taking less and less of it back to the penthouse. The blonde was puzzling over how to get her friend over to the boathouse without raising her suspicions, when the Marine solved her dilemma for her quite unknowingly.

"Hey," peering up at the bard who looked over the loft railing at her hail, "I had some groceries delivered out at the boathouse this afternoon in preparation for Celebration weekend. Ella received them for me, but I wanna make sure I got what I ordered. You wanna come along and check 'em out with me?"

"Yeah, sure," came the answer, as the bard energetically descended the staircase. She beat Randi to the French doors, since the older woman had been rooted to the spot, chuckling lightly at the bard's enthusiasm at what appeared to be a mundane chore. "Well, c'mon. Pokey. Let's go see what they brought. It's time to start our holiday!" And she reached out her hand, and took the Marine's larger one in her own small one.

Once outside, the Marine allowed Gwen to pull her along. The bard noticed the lights on in the boathouse and frowned. The frown disappeared almost immediately when she remembered Tommy saying he wanted to see Randi's reaction to her surprise. "Guess Ella told Tommy about the groceries."

"Hmm? Oh yeah. I know he's been anxious to get over here and take a peek. I asked him to wait until the inside was done, and he's been pretty patient. Let's go see what he thinks."

By this point they were almost to the door. The taller woman opened the door and gestured to her blonde companion, ushering her inside first. Gwen automatically entered, with the Marine following right behind her. Had Randi not had exceptional reflexes, she would have plowed into the bard at her sudden stop.

"Mother?" A beat. "Daddy?" With a joyful little cry, Gwen leapt exultantly into their waiting arms. "It is so good to see you both. I've been so worried about not being able to contact you. You were planning this, weren't you?"

"Actually, Randi invited us during Festival to come back for Celebration."

Gwen let go of them and turned toward her friend. "You did this?" A nod. Realization dawned. "You built the boathouse for them as well, didn't you?" Another small nod. The bard moved to give Randi a long, hard squeeze. "Thank you," she whispered. "I can't tell you how much this means to me." The Marine simply closed her revealing eyes, and hugged her firmly in return.

After a long private moment, while the other occupants of the room had focused their attention on other things, the two women pulled away from each other. "Well," the storyteller spoke up softly, "I don't think my surprise for you is as wonderful as yours was for me, but...." Her words trailed off as she motioned around the room. Randi's eyebrow that had risen in question at the statement was joined by its mate as the reality of what Gwen meant made itself apparent to her. She slowly walked into the center of the now furnished boathouse.

"You did all this?" Looking directly at the blonde.

"Well, not exactly. I just made sure it got done," cutting off Tommy's protest with a look and a wave of her hand.

"This is incredible. Thank you," sincerely, walking over and giving her friend another good hug. The younger woman returned the embrace with equal fervor.

"You are most welcome."

They broke apart somewhat awkwardly when the realized they were becoming the center of some rather intense attention. Randi turned to greet the Goldmans and the Steeles. It was then she noticed both Jill and Ella were wrapped in aprons, and the boathouse was filled with some tantalizing aromas.

"Ooo, did ya'll cook?"

"No, Randi," Ella remarked dryly. "This is the latest fashion statement. Of course we cooked. There's food enough here to feed the Army."

"Food?" spoke up the bard. "I heard food mentioned."

"Or at least feed the beast that resides in my daughter's stomach with enough left for the rest of us to have a taste."

"MOM!" Gwen groaned loudly, just as her tummy rumbled even louder. Everyone laughed.

"So, how long are you here for?" the bard questioned her mother after dinner. The two men were in the kitchen area cleaning up, though they were still able to participate in the conversation.

"Until after your birthday," responded her father, when Jill looked at him and raised her eyebrow in question. The stunned look on the blonde's face was priceless.

"Really? That's great! That's what...?" her gaze going inward for a minute, " a little over two weeks. And you'll be here for Randi's birthday as well. Awesome!"

The Marine looked up from her spot on the couch at these words, eyes widening at the implications of the words and tone. Oh no, she's planning something, isn't she?

"Oh really?" Jill answered her daughter. "Well now, what do you know about that?" The mischief in her voice just made Randi groan aloud. Ella laughed.

"Buck up there, short stuff. It can't be as bad as all that," from Tommy, and he and Geoff came in from the kitchenette. The room was getting quite crowded. Randi and Gwen were sitting next to each other on the large couch, close, but not touching. The bard had moved to sit next to her friend as soon as the meal was over. The table only held four, and Randi and Tommy had elected to sit on the couch. Gwen had confiscated the man's place as soon as he had made a move toward the kitchenette. Geoff had watched the proceedings with interest. He noticed that not only did the Marine keep a watch on her bardic friend but that Gwen subtly returned the scrutiny.

Now, as they returned to the small living area, Geoff joined his mate on the love seat. Tommy elected to squeeze into the small space between Gwen and Ella on the couch, forcing the bard to practically sit in Randi's lap. Geoff took note of the look of unconscious contentment on his daughter's face, and the mix of pain and pleasure on the Marine's. This was shaping up to be a most interesting and enlightening weekend.

Conversation went on long into the night, and it was quite early in the morning when they broke up. Randi and Gwen headed back to the beach house after wishing Tommy and Ella a goodnight.

"She's starting to waddle just a little bit, did you notice? She makes a cute pregnant woman," the bard commented.

"Yeah, she does. I'm so happy for them. They waited a long, long time for this." The Marine paused a moment to open the door. "So how did you like your surprise?" as she turned to close the door and arm the security system. Then turned around to find herself with an armful of happy bard.

"Thank you, Randi! I think that was incredibly sweet of you." She pulled the Marine's face down to her own and brushed her lips lightly against the corner of Randi's mouth, then gave her a fierce hug. "I love you, Randi. Goodnight." And was up the stairs before the implications of that statement sunk into the brunette's brain.

"I love you too, Little One," whispered into the still darkness. "Goodnight."

By the following day, Randi had put Gwen's words into perspective, and saw them for the way she thought the bard intended them. Still, they managed to have a lot of fun. There was actually a huge Guild picnic at Midas that they all attended. Geoff and Jill had the opportunity to meet many of Gwen's friends and colleagues, and they got the chance to see their daughter interact with them. Their final niggling little concerns over her happiness and well-being were belayed, and they felt good about the choices she had made and the life she had here. The father kept a discreet eye on the Marine. He was well aware that even though she was not always with them, they were always in her sights. And from listening and watching, soon learned that the only two people who seemed completely blind to the love between the bard and the warrior were the two of them. He shook his head at the folly of youth. But it was a good day, and everyone went home tired and happy.

On Saturday, to Randi's surprise, a great many people arrived at Tommy's behest to help her finish off the deck of the boathouse. By lunchtime, they had accomplished quite a bit, and were digging in heartily to the meal Tommy had thoughtfully provided for them. CL had already started creating a barbeque pit of rather large proportions, and most of the flooring was laid. They still had the remainder of the floor, railings, and the lower dais to finish today. Randi would add the actual *housing for a boat* part of the boathouse later. They had great faith they would be done by mid- to late afternoon.

"So," Geoff approached Randi who was sitting off to one side of the beach practically alone, "how do you feel about the invasion?" The Marine quirked an eyebrow at him, but he noticed her eyes never left the blonde who was at the moment refilling her plate. He chuckled and continued. "Well, I mean, first Jill and I show up on your doorstep, and then this crew comes in to help out. Must be a bit overwhelming for a person who craves solitude."

Both eyebrows went up at this remark. How does he know? She thought about it. I guess we are alike in more ways than one. "Well," she drawled out, choosing her words carefully, "if I remember correctly, I invited you and Jill to come play with all of us during Celebration." He noticed she was very careful in avoiding coupling Gwen and herself together. "As for these guys," motioning to the men and women scattered on the dock and beach area, "they're my friends. And as unexpected as it was for them to turn up here to help me out with this, I'm glad they came. They're good people."

"Hi, guys! Whatcha talking about?" from Gwen as she came back from the table. Geoff noticed she handed another bottle of water to the brunette, and subtly motioned for her to start drinking. The most intriguing thing to him, though, was the haste Randi showed in complying to the unspoken command.

"Hi, honey. Randi was just telling me about how nice it was for all your friends to come out here and help her with this project. I've met a lot of genuine people on my visits here. I'm glad you chose this place, Gwen."

"Thanks, Daddy. I'm very happy here, but it means a lot to me to know that you approve." She gave Randi half her hamburger, which the tall woman lost no time in devouring. "Gee, maybe I should give you the whole thing, and go fix another for myself," she jokingly said.

"Nah, that was just what I needed to fill me up, thanks. I'm gonna get back to work." And she swiftly moved away, leaving father and daughter alone together.

"She's a lovely young woman, very charming," Geoff commented, curious as to his daughter's reaction. He was already quite sure of her feelings. He watched with a mixture of sadness, that his little girl was all grown up, and pride, that she had chosen someone worthy of her, as her face lit with an inner glow.

"She's my very best friend, Daddy. Do you know, until I met her, I never really understood what that was, or what I had been missing? But she... I don't know if I can explain it. She fills something in me. Like she's a part of me or something. I'm not really sure... this is not... I can't...." She trailed off.

"That's all right, daughter. I think I understand what you're trying to say." And even more what you have yet to give voice to in your own heart and mind. "I guess we should get back to work as well." He motioned to the movement around them as folks began returning to their tasks.

By mid-afternoon, the deck was finished, as was the railing around it. CL was still working on the pit, though it was close to being done, and Randi was placing the lower platform. Greg, the roofer, and his cousin, Jeff, were trying to place the steps from the upper deck to the lower portion without disturbing the Marine's concentration on her job. Finally, just as the sun was starting to set, the work was completed, and the project itself declared a smashing success. After a little talk, it was decided that all the participants and their families would return the next day for a big party. The band would set up in the evening for a little bit and entertain, and the bard would tell some stories. For now, though, everyone was pretty well beat from a good, hard day's work, and most wanted nothing better than a chance to rest and relax tonight. Tomorrow, they would play as hard as they had worked today.

Folks started arriving early, though not too early to begin their last day of Celebration. Solstice actually fell on the final day, so that made it doubly special. Randi and Gwen had gotten up at dawn, though the bard had protested the early hour to begin with, until she watched the sun peek across the horizon. Then she had been silent, and simply enjoyed the beauty of greeting a new day. With a calm she found in the stillness, a shower and a cup of coffee later, the blonde was more than ready for the influx of guests that would soon fill the beach with laughter.

A volleyball net had been set up, the kids were swimming or playing chase, ribs were ready to go onto the new barbeque pit. Tables had been set up, and were loaded down with all sorts of edibles. People were clustered in small groups, talking or cheering on the few who were energetic enough to be playing volleyball this early. Late morning, though, found Randi in the beach house alone. She needed a bit of space and quiet time. Having all these people around was making her twitchy. There was a reason why she was a loner... it suited her far better than this whole social thing.

The Marine cleared a space on the floor to sit, then cleared her mind and let the world recede from her consciousness. How long she sat there regaining her inner balance was unclear, but when she opened her blue eyes, she saw green eyes returning her gaze thoughtfully.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just needed to clear my head."

The bard looked at her for a long moment, as though waiting for her to finish the sentence, but when it became apparent she wasn't going to add to that, the blonde nodded her head in acceptance. "Would you like me to leave you alone then?" seeming to understand what the real problem was.

"Nope. You're fine. It's not you, anyway. I just get uptight having so many people here."

"Hmm. Well, I can understand. You go ahead and take what time you need. I need to let T know everything is all right."

"He sent you to check on me?" vaguely disappointed.

"Nope. I told him I was going to and he asked me to let him know."

"Oh. Okay. I'll be out in a few minutes."

The rest of the day went fairly smoothly. There was only one rather heated argument over a call in the volleyball game, and a somewhat nasty food fight that caused a majority of the partygoers to take a dip in the water for cleaning and cooling purposes. Close to sundown, Tommy got up.

"All right, guys. Let's get this place cleaned up and move the party to the band pavilion. They should be ready to play in just a little while." A cheer went up, and in less than half an hour the place was spotless, and the people were gone.

"What exactly just happened here?" Randi queried, as she and the bard stood alone on the dock. Even Gwen's parents were already at the practice area.

"I asked Tommy to move the rest of the stuff away from here," the blonde woman stated quite frankly.

"You did? Why?"

"Because best friends look out for each other, and that was the best thing for you."

The Marine looked down at Gwen affectionately. "Thank you. You take good care of me."

"Ditto, my friend."

"Well, let's go get this over with. Then we can have a bit of peace."

"Hear! Hear!"

Jill was pleasantly surprised, and more than a little flattered that she had started a trend that continued on after she'd gone back home. Dancing was now as much a part of practice as the music seemed to be. She couldn't help but notice Gwen's tendencies to dance with a different partner every dance, never allowing a single person more than one dance. The bard's mother was quite amazed that after exactly two hours, the band members, instead of taking a break, put their equipment away and exited the stage area, quickly finding a seat with their families near the dais. She moved and sat down near Geoff, whispering in his ear, "Do you know what is going on?"

He shook his head, but then nodded toward the front where their daughter was mounting the platform. The silence that hung over the previously rowdy group was a fascinating contrast to what had been there before. And they watched, and listened, as the bard held them all spellbound for another hour more. He had chanced, once, to glance in Randi's direction as the tale unfolded. She was standing apart from the crowd, alone in the back so as to remain unnoticed. And the naked longing he saw on her features as she gazed at his daughter made him wonder. Why? What is holding you back, Randi? Then he saw her suddenly smile, and knew before he turned his head back to Gwen what he would find. Sure enough, the bard was holding Randi's eyes, and smiling back at her. He determined to have a word alone with the Marine before he and Jill left for home.

The next few days were quite busy for all of them. The Marine had issued, and her blonde friend had accepted, an invitation to stay at the beach house for the duration of the elder Goldman's stay. Geoff and Jill took day trips, seeing the area, and spending their evenings with their daughter. Gwen returned to work. Tommy offered to let her be off, but she chose to wait until the following week, wanting to be off to spend her birthday with them. Randi... Randi had disappeared again, having received another mysterious summons just as they came home from the end of Celebration. The bard contemplated again the metamorphosis her friend's entire being seemed to make. It was really odd, but nothing she could make Randi open up and talk about. She hoped against hope that the Marine would be back from where ever before her own birthday in four days. She had a couple of special gifts.

Randi's birthday came and went with no sign of her, and no word on her possible return. Geoff watched as his daughter's green eyes became grayer and more shadowed. A week passed, then ten days. On day thirteen, Gwen's birthday, he heard the whoosh of a shuttle as it landed and almost immediately left nearby.

The bard and her mother had gone into the shopping district to spend the day, while he had elected to stay at the boathouse and fish. An all day excuse to laze around in the fresh air and sunshine's more like it, he mused. He'd seen a couple dolphins hovering close, but they hadn't come near enough to touch. But the sound of the shuttle drew him out of his reverie, and he found his feet moving toward the sound of their own volition.

The fire in the Marine's eyes told him far more than any words ever could, but he maintained his approach in her direction. He watched as she struggled to drop the mask of civility in place, knowing it for the futile effort it was. The tall woman tried to brush by him without speaking, but his voice halted her.

"Do you feel up to a bit of sparring with an old man?"

"Now's really not a good time, Geoff. I'm sorry." And she tried to move away from him again.

This time, he reached out to her, and felt the muscles tremble in reaction to his touch. He knew, better than most, the extremely fine line she walked right now. "Randi, look at me." With noticeable strain, her blue eyes met his gray ones. "I understand." Now she really *looked* into his eyes, seeing that, hard as it was for her mind to fathom, he *DID* understand. It was when he showed her the comm link on his wrist, identical to her own, that she began to comprehend what he wasn't saying. "Come. Spar with me a bit, and then I'll tell you the whole story."

She still hesitated, knowing her hair trigger reflexes for the deadly skills she depended on were right on the edge. One slip, one wrong move...." I don't want to... hurt... you. If I was to...."

He didn't even let her finish. "You won't. You're that good. Your body knows the difference between practice and a real threat. And besides, " he grinned, "I'm not too shabby myself."

This almost got a small smile from her. He could see it in her eyes, if not on her lips. "You're sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Then choose your weapon."

He chose knives. And for almost ninety minutes, the two of them battled back and forth. He was good, safe enough for her to seriously spar with, though her mind never lost sight of the fact that this match was strictly for practice, and she never moved beyond those self-imposed practice limits. He, on the other hand, was flabbergasted by her strength and skill. Her sheer intensity and focus was enviable, and he knew she was holding back. For once in his life he had met his match, and much more.

Finally, she sensed him slowing, tiring, and she brought the exercise to a close. "Thank you, Geoff," she said, bowing slightly in his direction. "It has been an honor to spar with you."

"The honor has been mine. I hope we can do it again sometime." And he returned her bow in the Sabre salute of respect.

"Whenever you wish. It has been a while since I felt this good so quickly... " she trailed off again, unsure still of what she could safely reveal to this man.

"Let's get something to drink, and sit down. I want to tell you a story."

A walk down the dock, and they entered the boathouse, grabbing a couple waters, and continuing on to sit out on the lower platform of the deck. "When I was just a young pup," he began without preamble, "and it was time to do my military service, I joined the Navy. I don't know why exactly, except I found the sea fascinating. Still do, in fact. Anyway, after basic training I, like you, was sent to Sabre school." He chuckled in remembrance. "I thought three months of basic were bad. I never thought I'd live through six months of Sabre training. But I did, and not long after, I was sent out on my first assignment." His eyes clouded in memory as his gaze focused on the past. "Nothing big, you understand. Just something to get our feet wet, so to speak." He paused. "The Sabres then were far different than what they have since had to become. We were still guardians of the peace, not the enforcers that we have since had to be."

"What happened?" she finally asked quietly when the silence dragged on. He was surprised she had waited as long as she had. She was much more patient than he had ever been.

"About three months after I had graduated Sabre school, we were sent out on what we thought was a routine enforcement. Cocky young punks that we were, we thought we were invincible. To this day, I have no clear recollection of the exact events that took place then. But when I finally woke up, two weeks later, I had a plate in my head, a spine that had been regenerated because it had been broken in two places, and I was no longer an active duty Sabre."


"Why did they remove me from active status? It was no longer viable for me to do some of the things necessary to maintain my quals. I did become a weapons smith, and I provide a good part of the weapons that all Sabres use. I am still considered part of the unit, and when my time comes, I will have an honorable death. Why did it happen? That was Ghost Rider's first act of terrorism against humanity. Five of my team died that day. The other four were seriously injured, though I was the only one who was removed from active duty."

"Does Jill know?"

"No. She does know that I have some serious health issues, which require treatment at a military medical facility from time to time. And of course she is well aware that as a weapons smith, I provide military hardware. As far as she will ever know, I served two years in the Navy learning the trade of weapons crafting, then got out to continue my trade as a civilian. You are the only person, outside of my superior officers at the time, and the remainder of my team, who knows the whole truth."

They were silent for a long time after that, both gazing out toward the horizon. Pilot and Peanut, the two dolphins that seemed to have adopted Randi, swam up to them for a bit of petting. Both warriors smiled at their antics and their chatter, glad for the distraction. After a while, the two sleek mammals moved back into deeper water, and the only sound left was the water that lapped at the polymer beams.

"Why did you tell me this?"

He thought long and hard before he answered. A lot was riding on his response. "Several reasons, but only one really important one right now." He waited, knowing she would ask if he waited. She didn't disappoint.

"You wanna share it with me?"


"Gwen? What does she have to do with this?"

"Do you love her?"

The dark head whipped around to face him, then her eyes dropped as he found the truth he already knew revealed there. She said nothing.

"Randi, do you love her?" The Marine still held her tongue and refused to look at him again. He took her chin firmly in his grasp, and turned her to face him. "Do. You. Love. Her?"

She jerked from his hold and stood, moving away from him. "YES, GODDAMMIT!!! I LOVE HER!!!" She shrank down, seemingly coiling up within herself. "I do love her," she whispered so softly he almost missed it.

He got up and moved to her slowly, taking care not to startle her. "Randi?" He waited long moments for her attention to focus on him once again. "Randi, I know you love her. I've known since the first time you came to my house. It shows in everything you do, everything you say. It's in every single glance you cast in her direction." He watched as blue eyes grew wide with fear. "My question to you is, why doesn't Gwen know, and when are you going to tell her?" He saw the fear fade as realization of Gwen ignorance of her feelings registered in her mind.

"Gwen isn't to know. Ever. Not now. NOT EVER." Her eyes bore into his as he understood her determination to keep his daughter in the dark about her true feelings.


"Why? WHY?? You know what I am and you ask me that?!? What kind of a father are you that you would wish someone like me on his only child? Especially a person as special as Gwen is." Her anger was starting to burn.

"I told you my story, so you could see it is possible to be a Sabre and still have a full active life with a partner who loves you, that you love in return. It's not all about the team anymore."

"No! You're wrong! The Sabres aren't what they were when you were in, and it's not a life I would ever, EVER ask Gwen to share with me. She's had to deal with it enough as my friend, and even if she could return my feelings, I would never ask her to share this as my partner."

"She does return your feelings, Randi. She's just not aware of that yet."

"Then you best pray to whatever gods you believe in that she never figures it out. I will not allow her to share the horror that is my life beyond what she knows right now."


"No, Geoff! I mean it! I am the 'Best of the Best', 'the Elite of the Elite'. Do you know what that means?" with a derisive snort. "It means I kill people, Geoff. And I'm very, *very* good at it. I go out so much, because no one has more kills to their credit than I do. Is that *really* the type of person you want to love your daughter?"

"Yes, it is, if that person is you. There is so much more to you than you can acknowledge. You're only seeing the ugliness that haunts you. But me, now, I see the whole picture. And I see a beautiful, caring individual, with a loving heart and a giving spirit, who is carrying far more than the weight of the world on her shoulders alone."

She quirked a crooked grin at him. "I think you need your eyes checked, Geoff. That person, if she ever existed, died a long time ago."

"And I think you should look at yourself through Gwen's eyes. Those were her words to describe you not long after you two met."

The look on the Marine's face was priceless, and the father only wished there was a way to capture it for posterity. Very seldom did that stoic mask slip, but when it did, it revealed her inner beauty to the world.

"However, " he continue, as though he hadn't seen straight into her soul, "it is not my place to tell her... either your feelings or her own. That is between the two of you. I will say, though, that I think you are making the wrong decision by not telling her and giving her the opportunity of discovering her love for you."

"It's better this way, Geoff. For her."

"And for you?"

She shrugged. "I don't matter. Just her."

"You're wrong. You *DO* matter, especially to her, but as I said, it's your decision. And I will abide by it. Now, shall we get cleaned up before the girls get back? I think we are going out on the town for Gwen's celebration."

She looked at him blankly, until her mind focused and she realized she hadn't missed the bard's birthday. "Yep. C'mon up to the beach house when you're ready." And she moved off without a backward glance.

Well, I'm not sure how productive that was, but at least I understand things a little better now. And he entered the boathouse to start his preparations for the evening ahead.

Chapter X

Jill was just entering the boathouse, arms loaded with packages, as Geoff stepped out of the bathroom. "Did you buy out the market?" he asked with a chuckle. He reached to help ease the packages to the table and stole a kiss.

"Hey, you! Get back here and give me a proper hello." A few minutes later, they pulled away from each other, breathless. Jill looked at the clock and sighed. "Hold that thought til later, I guess."

"Yep. But hey, Randi came home this afternoon."

"Did she?" How wonderful! Gwen will be so thrilled she made it in time for her birthday." And she stepped into the shower to freshen up for the night's activities.

At that very moment, the bard was standing in the middle of the beach house living area trying to decide whether or not to be concerned at the sound of water running she heard coming from the master bedroom. It was only when she recognized the Marine's voice singing in the shower that her face lit with a brilliant smile, and she ran up the stairs to get ready for their evening out.

Shit! The Marine thought as the whiskey burned down her throat. Now I remember why I don't drink much. Man, that is nasty. But she refilled the glass again anyway, hoping it would ease the tension she felt coiling in her belly at the thought of being in a room full of people. And being near the bard while having to keep her distance. She wasn't sure if this would accomplish what it was supposed to, but she hoped it would kick in soon. She needed to relax, or pass out. Anything would be preferable to the way she felt right now.

Gwen didn't know which was more shocking as she stood at the loft railing looking down into the living room. The fact that Randi was swallowing three fingers of very old scotch like it was water, the fact the she proceeded to pour herself a second glass of the liquor, or the fact that she was actually wearing color. In the three years she'd known the older woman, she could count on one hand the number of times she'd seen Randi drink anything stronger than coffee. And there seemed to be about the same number for the times the Marine had worn something other than her standard black, white, or olive drab/khaki combination. Well, I guess this is something of an event, looking down at her own short black dress. Then she hurried down the steps as fast as her ridiculously heeled shoes would allow.

Randi tensed as she heard the running steps of her friend. She was already on edge from her talk with Geoff, but she had no desire to ruin the bard's special evening. The alcohol she had consumed hadn't relaxed her as she'd hoped, and now she stood waiting for... what... she wasn't sure. But what she got was an enthusiastic reception, and an armful of blonde.

"Randi! You're home! I am so happy you made it back in time to go out with us tonight!"

No questions, no recriminations, but Gwen could see the uncertainty and fear lurking in the back of blue eyes fade at her welcome. The Marine tentatively returned the hug, knowing how close she was to revealing her heart to the young woman who had been the topic of her rather intense afternoon discussion. Knowing how very close those emotions were to the surface. She brushed her lips lightly over the blonde hair and whispered, "Happy Birthday, Gwen."

She was saved from any response the bard might have made by a light knock on the French doors. She eased away from Gwen, and moved to let her parents into the beach house. "C'mon in, guys. Can I get you a drink?" motioning to the bar.

"No, thanks, Randi" Geoff answered while looking at his watch. "We need to get going. We don't want to be late." He smiled as he said it, but looked at the Marine with concern. He had hoped the sparring had relaxed her, but apparently their conversation had wound her up tightly once again. He would have to try to keep an eye on her. Even if he hadn't already developed a liking for her on his own, and even if she wasn't desperately in love with his daughter, and even if that same daughter didn't return her love, he would have kept an eye on her anyway. It was just part of the Sabre code.

They pulled up in front of the 'Golden Touch', a bit astonished to find the parking lot so full on a Thursday night. Geoff, having found a larger transport to use during their stay, was driving. He moved up to a space very near the door and stopped. "Well, Ella asked us to stop in. Let's go see what's up."

They all exited the vehicle. The bard instinctively grabbed her friend's larger hand, gripping it tightly. Randi found herself wondering what had upset Gwen so much, and then they were passing into the building, and all rational thought flew out of her head at the yelled "SURPRISE!!!" The Marine noticed that there were balloons and banners, and some of them had her name on them as well as Gwen's.

"How did you know?" whispering in the blonde's ear.

"I didn't, especially about you. I didn't even know you were back in town. But I suspected about me. People have stopped talking every time I've come around for the last week."

A chuckle. "Good clue. I'll bet Tommy heard me come in and set the rest of it up." The bard would have asked more, but then they were surrounded by friends and well-wishers. The evening was off to an interesting start.

Dinner passed pleasantly enough. The two women, along with the bard's parents and Tommy and Ella, sat together at a front table. Gwen was a bit concerned by the amount of alcohol her previously sober friend seemed to be consuming, but didn't want to upset the Marine further by bringing it up. It was obvious something was bothering the older woman.

When it was over, tables were pushed against the walls to clear the floor for dancing. At Tommy's nod, Geoff led Gwen out onto the dance floor to start things off. It didn't take long for others to join them, and soon the floor was full. After the traditional first dance together, the father relinquished his daughter to the first in line to claim a dance with the birthday girl.

His intention had been to escort Jill back to the floor immediately, but judging by the black

looks and twitchiness of the Marine sitting beside them, he decided prudence demanded he stay put for a little while longer. He gave Jill a short whispered explanation, who nodded her agreement, and sat back to watch both the dancers and Randi. Tommy had returned Ella to the table after one dance. Even at seven months, their child seemed extremely heavy, and she was glad to resume her seat. She told Tommy to dance with Jill, who was glad to accept.

Meanwhile, Randi had finished her fourth drink, and was about to order number five. She didn't hear Ella comment to the older man, "This is so unlike her. She hardly ever drinks, even socially, especially after her folks were killed by a drunk." The Marine had lifted the fresh glass to her lips, when Geoff's voice stopped her. "You've had enough, Randi." There was a no nonsense tone in his speech that caused Ella to look at him in surprise, and then look away. The only person, aside from Tommy, she had ever heard use that tone toward Randi, was Gwen. Most people just weren't *that* suicidal.

The Marine looked at him, baleful blue eyes filled with disdain pinning him in place. "Have I passed out yet? Am I falling down drunk?" she asked without ever raising her voice above a whisper. "Oh no, I haven't had nearly enough." As she made to take a drink again, Geoff put a hand on her arm. He felt her flinch.

"Randi, don't do this. It's not going to help." The compassion in his eyes only served to fuel her anger.

She wanted to say something, anything to hurt him, the way she hurt, but decided walking away was a far better option, and would leave her with less regrets in the morning. She jerked from his grasp and stood, moving out of the restaurant to the outdoor patio before he even realized her intentions. The worried green eyes of his daughter met his, and he tried to reassure her with his own as he moved to follow his comrade-at-arms.

The fresh air that met her lungs as she stepped out onto the veranda did wonders in clearing her mind. That didn't particularly make her feel any better, as her recent actions towards a man whom she knew to be a colleague, but also considered a friend, came to light. Damn you, Valiant. Sometimes you are a complete ass!! She sat there, trying to figure out how to apologize, when she heard footsteps stop several paces behind her.

"I'm sorry, Randi," Geoff began. He saw her stiffen. "I shouldn't have pushed, shouldn't have tried to... I don't know... be a father figure. You're a grown woman, and capable of making your own decisions. I apologize for presuming. Especially since you're strung tighter than a bow string right now." He paused, then took the plunge. "I know you were watching Gwen on the dance floor. Didn't you notice she kept all her partners, men and women, at arms length?" She nodded, but still didn't look at him. "Have you ever danced with her?" He noticed her hesitation before she nodded again. "Did she keep you at a distance?" A longer hesitation before a single, solitary shake. "You see, her body has already accepted her love for you. Her mind simply needs to acknowledge what her heart already knows."

"No, Geoff. We've been through this already. As badly as it hurts me to see her with someone else, it's better for *her* that she does." And she looked him full in the face, letting him see the weight of her past, and her service as a Sabre in her eyes. He would have flinched, and almost did, but he knew that would simply prove her point, and serve to drive her further away. Instead, he moved to sit beside her, reaching out to her, glad when she didn't move away from him.

"Randi," he said softly. "I can't pretend to understand how you feel. You have born more of the weight of the world than any one person should ever be expected to carry. I know I can't change your mind or your determination to keep Gwen away from this, and by extension, you. But I also know you are underestimating both yourself and Gwen, and your love for each other. However," he continued, before she could interrupt, "I want you to know I will always be here to listen, if you ever feel the need to talk."

The Marine sat quietly, digesting everything the man had said. Then, "Thanks, Geoff. Can I ask you something?" He recognized that the other subject was closed, and he could only wonder if she would ever feel comfortable enough with him, or anyone else for that matter, to open up the darkest part of herself.

"Sure. What would you like to know?"

"Your comm unit. I know you didn't have it on when I first met you, and you don't have it on now."

"Hmm. Well, I really don't have a reason to wear it anymore. I have it in case of an emergency, and I do check it everyday, just in case." A breath. " When you walked into my living room, in full dress blues, I was impressed. Very few Marines, very few military personnel in general actually, are as decorated as you. When I noticed the black and gold braid, well, so many things about you feel into place for me. By then, I was fully aware about how you and my daughter felt about each other, but it was between the two of you. However, I did want you to know that there was someone who understood, if only marginally, what you were and what you did in that persona."

It was quiet again for the longest time as she thought over his words. He had no reason to reveal himself to her as he had, except that he cared about her, and he loved his daughter. She still found it difficult to comprehend that any father, especially one who understood the true nuances of her job, would want someone like her as a partner for their beloved child. But more than she was willing to admit, she appreciated his support. "Thanks, Geoff," she said simply.

The fresh air and conversation had returned her normal balance, and she felt the fire and rage that had unsettled her before slip back into its cage. She could only hope to keep it under control until it burned itself out again. Geoff's voice broke into her reverie.

"This is hard for you, isn't it?"

"What?" not fully understand which question he was asking.

"Having to be around people, around Gwen, so soon after a mission." Succinct and to the point.

She looked at him in surprise. She had been trying very hard to keep it under control, but if he could see her struggle...

"No," he answered her unspoken reaction. "It's not terribly obvious, and most would put your reactions down to your typical aloofness. I just remember being, um, twitchy after an assignment, and needing a couple days to wind down. And mine weren't nearly as... intense... as yours seem to be."

She raised a hand and scratched the back of her neck. "Hmm. Yeah. But I'll get over it. I always do."

"I'm glad to have met you, Miranda Valiant. You're the kind of person I'm proud to call friend." He wrapped an arm lightly around her shoulders, and was happy when she nestled in to him, just a bit.

"Hey, should I be jealous?" Gwen called out from the doorway she was leaning against. She wasn't sure whether she was more jealous of Randi or her father. Whoa! Where did *that* come from? But she didn't have time to examine the thought as the two turned and looked at her. Then Geoff was excusing himself, and Randi reminded him to ask Jill to dance. He nodded, and gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek as he moved past her.

"You okay?" the blonde asked Randi after several minutes of silence.

"Hmm? Yeah." She didn't add any more, uncomfortable with having been caught in a moment of weakness by both father and daughter. "Hey," she added, changing the subject, "aren't you missing all the dancing being out here with me?"

"Yeah, but that's okay. I need a break, and the person I most want to dance with won't, so...." She trailed off. "Besides, I'd rather be out here with you. It's cooler. It's like a sauna in there." Gwen grinned. And was thrilled at the one she got in return.

"I noticed. That's one reason I came out here." The Marine broke off, not wanting to reveal anymore. The two sat together in a comfortable silence for quite a while, leaning shoulder to shoulder. Finally, regretfully, "I guess we'd better go back in. It's bad manners to hog the guest of honor," the brunette commented.

"I s'pose. I like it out here a lot better though."

"Duly noted," Randi replied, and helped the bard to her feet. The Marine felt her equilibrium return, and her stoic nature settle into place, and breathed a sigh of relief. She might make it through this with her honor intact. The blonde's small hand slipped into hers, and she felt sweet pain at the unspoken trust and affection that gesture brought. She squeezed the hand lightly, and felt it returned, and they moved back toward the party together.

They were hailed on all sides when they entered. It had been determined that it was time for gifts and cake. They were seated side by side at the front table, and Randi was astonished to note that there were nearly as many gifts for her as there were for Gwen. She had to wonder how it had all come about, but that questioning was put out of her mind rapidly, as the bard's excitement took precedence.

They took their time, and at the bard's insistence, took turns opening gifts. Before Randi could open her last two presents, Gwen stopped her with a hand on her arm. "I have to say something first. This," indicating the long heavy box in front of the Marine, "was supposed to have been your Festival gift. I found a design that I really like, that just seemed to suit you. But I wanted Daddy to check it out for me. He gave it the go ahead, so... go ahead. Open it."

Blue eyes twinkled with reflected merriment at the smiling face above hers. She carefully opened the box, Her jaw dropped, and she could only stare at the beauty and craftsmanship of the sword. Though the handle was quite plain, the blade had something incredibly detailed and intricate etched onto it, and tickled her memory with something just out of reach. She placed the box gently on the table, and reverently removed the weapon that was nestled therein. A gasp arose from the crowd at the amazingly fitting gift. It seemed to be a part of her. Tear-filled eyes turned toward the storyteller. "Thank you, Gwen. This is incredible."

The blonde let her tears spill over. "You're welcome, gunny. I'm glad you like it."

"Like it? No. I love it. It's perfect." The two seemed to have forgotten their audience, which was holding its collective breaths. Finally the tension became too much for the bard and she turned away to the second box. The expulsion of frustrated sighs around them was palpable.

"*This* is for your birthday. I hope you like it as well." This box was a third the length of the previous one, but the weight was similar. When she opened it, she found a pair of matching daggers, compliments to the sword she had just received. The etchings on the blades of these smaller knives were similar to each other and the sword, but it was unique unto itself. The Marine couldn't wait for the opportunity to study them all at length privately. She looked up when she heard the bard continue to speak. "Daddy made these especially for you to go with the sword." Now she glanced toward the man who had done more to help her in the last twelve hours than anyone, including Tommy had been able to do in the last twelve years. She hadn't realized two things until exactly that moment... just how much she missed her papa, and how nice it was to share a little bit of who she really was with someone who could understand without judging. This time, the tears didn't stay in her eyes, and an errant one made its way down her cheek before she could catch it. Geoff seemed to understand, and gave her a brief nod and smiled. Gwen, on the other hand, simply reached up and wiped it away. The brunette stood slowly and gently embraced her friend, lifting her completely off the ground and rocking back and forth.

"Happy Birthday, Randi!"

"Ditto, my friend," and decided then and there to do something rather risky, from more than one point of view. But it was one of the few things the bard had ever actually asked of her privately, though she was considerate enough never to mention it in public. She eased the younger woman out of her arms and into a chair. "Comfortable?" The blonde nodded her head, but looked perplexed. What is she up to?"

Randi moved to the center of the dance floor signally people to take a seat. She didn't have to ask for quiet. The silence was deafening, as all eyes focused on her. The Marine cleared her throat, wondering how she'd managed to get herself into this position. Then she called upon Sabre reserves, and her nervousness vanished, her sheer presence becoming commanding, forceful. And her focus narrowed to a field of one.

"Gwen, for your gift this year, I've decided to do something a little bit different." The tall woman moved over to the sound system, sorting through the various discs, until she found one that she loved. It was an old song, so old, no one was quite sure anymore just where it had originated. She fiddled with the equipment briefly, until she had the settings arranged to her satisfaction. Then she took the small mic from the DJ who presided over the dance music, and nodded her head at him. The sound of violins and synthesizers filled the room. Otherwise, there was an expectant silence. After eight measures of introduction, Randi's voice rang out strong and true.

Then You Look at Me

written by James Horner and Will Jennings

c 1999 Touchstone Music and Songs, Inc./Horner Music/New Columbia Pictures, Inc. (ASCAP)

All rights reserved. Used without permission.

Performed by Celine Dion

Laugh and cry, live and die,

Life is a dream we are dreaming

Day by day I find my way

Look for the soul and the meaning.

Then you look at me

And I always see

What I have been searching for;

I'm lost as can be

Then you look at me

And I am not lost anymore.

People run, sun to sun,

Caught in their lives ever flowing;

Once begun, life goes til it's gone

We have to go where it's going.

Then you look at me

And I always see

What I have been searching for;

I'm lost as can be

Then you look at me

And I am not lost anymore.

And you say you see

When you look at me

The reason you love life so

Though lost I have been

I find love again

And life just keeps on running,

And life just keeps on running

You look at me and life comes from you.

The silence that followed the end of her song was deafening, for the space of five seconds that it lasted. Then the cheers that resonated throughout the room were overwhelming and long lasting. Randi was oblivious to all of it. She only saw the tears in green eyes, and the smile on the bard's face. Fearing, knowing she had revealed too much, the Marine took advantage of the resulting melee to escape from the room, and disappeared.

The party began to wind down after that, much of the talk centered on the incredible hidden talent the brunette had casually revealed that evening. Her fellow band members were already working on angles and ploys to get her to do that again as part of the group. It was too good to just let go.

"Tommy, man, did you know she could sing like that?"

"Yeah, why haven't we heard this before?"

"Guys, I knew she could sing, though I will admit maturity has made a good voice fabulous. But then, you never asked me, and you certainly never asked her. You should know Randi well enough by now to know she's not gonna just *give* anything up."

"Yeah, you're right." Heads nodded all the way around. "I guess the next thing we need to figure out, then is... how do we get her to sing with the band?"

"We could just ask." Guffaws and chuckles followed that statement. "Well, we'll work something out." And the conversation turned to ways to approach their dour drummer about her singing.

"Mother... Daddy," asked Gwen from the other side of the room, "have you seen Randi?" The bard was no longer tearing up, and wanted to thank her friend for the incredibly beautiful song. She was still tingling all over from it, and she wanted to examine the feelings and reactions the song and singer had caused, curious to find the reasons for them. But first, she wanted to thank Randi for the unexpected and much appreciated gesture. The bard knew the drummer had opened herself up to all kinds of aggravation from the guys in the band by revealing such a voice. They were gonna be after her to sing now for sure.

"I don't know, hon. I haven't seen her since shortly after her song ended. She has a magnificent voice. I hope someone got that. I would love to have a copy of it."

"I think Tommy did. I know he had several vids running to get this whole thing down for posterity." Jill chuckled at Ella's remark.

"Did I hear you taking my name in vain?" from Tommy, as he crossed from where the band was still gathered, talking amongst themselves. "What am I being accused of now?"

"My, my, don't you have the guilty conscience. What are you guilty of, hmm?"

The five of them, including Tommy himself, broke into laughter. He moved behind Ella, pulling her to her feet, and rubbing her belly from the back. He smiled when the baby reacted to his touch by pushing back against his hands. "Not guilty of anything, this time, except not announcing to the world that Randi could sing, apparently."

"Speaking of, did you get all that?"

"Oh yeah, from several angles." He didn't mention that one vid had been focused solely on Gwen, and caught the woman's every reaction. He would edit it all together later. Maybe, just maybe...

"Good, can we get a copy of it?" Jill asked. "That was breathtaking."

"Sure. Give me a chance to edit it all together, and I'll get a copy to you. How much longer do ya'll have here?"

"The latest we can leave is the day after tomorrow," from Geoff.

"Okay then, I'll have it ready and over to you before then. Probably tomorrow afternoon. Now, if you'll excuse us, I think I need to get Ella home." They bid each other goodnight, and the Steeles made the move to leave. The others, as though they had been waiting for this signal gathered up all and sundry, and slowly left, making sure to say goodbye and happy birthday to Gwen first. Finally, the Goldmans were left in the large restaurant alone, except for the wait staff and cleaning crew, who had already begun their jobs of restoring the place to its familiar appearance.

"Mr. Goldman?" the maitre' d inquired. "This was left for you. I was asked to give it to when you were ready to leave."

The man took the note, knowing who it was from due to the fact that it was hand written and on paper to boot. He glanced at the missive, then put it in his pocket. "Could we get some help getting all these things back to the transport?" He indicated the large pile of gifts both Randi and Gwen had received.

"Certainly, sir." And he motioned two waiters over to aid them in carrying the stuff to the transport that awaited them at the door. It took each of them two trips back and forth, but when the last of the stuff was loaded, Geoff thanked and tipped the two helpers, and climbed in, heading the transport back to the island.

It was very quiet in the transport all the way back to the beach house. Jill knew Geoff would explain what he felt he could share when they were alone. She glanced back at her daughter. Gwen was curled up in a corner of the seat, looking out the window. The mother couldn't be sure, but she thought she saw tears in the green eyes. She reached for her husband's hand. He squeezed back reassuringly.

As soon as they'd reached the front of the beach house, the bard was out of the transport and into the house. It became apparent, that though Randi had been there recently, she was no longer in the house. A quick check into the garage showed the blonde that the motorcycle was gone. Now she went from being upset to being angry and bewildered. Gwen stormed back over to where her folks were quietly and efficiently unloading the gifts from the transport's hold.

"Where is she, Daddy?"

"I don't know, Gwen." He handed her the sheet of paper Randi had left for him.

Geoff, (it read)

I think it's best if I go off for a while. It's just not a good idea for me

to be around... anyone... right now
. I won't risk it.

It's been nice to have you and Jill here. Know that you both are always

welcome anytime.


The bard handed the note back without a word, puzzling as much over what seemed to be unsaid, as much as what was written. The father took pity on the young woman who was obviously confused and upset for reasons her heart had yet to acknowledge.

"Gwen," lifting her chin gently with two fingers and forcing eye contact, "if you are truly her friend, then be patient and understanding. She is working through some tough issues. But she'll be back, and she'll need you to be there when she is ready to share it."

The bard looked deep into her father's green eyes, so much like her own, though they seemed much more worldly-wise than she had ever known. She tried to read in them what he was trying to say without words, but all that she could see was that he was telling her the truth. And he would not break whatever confidence Randi had given him. Finally, she accepted his words, and gave him a big smile and a hug. "Thank you Daddy. I love you."

"I love you too, little girl. Now help us get the rest of the stuff inside. I have no desire to be unloading the remainder of the night." They smiled at each other and got to work.

"Do you think we are wrong not to tell her, Geoff?" Jill asked hours later as they lay in bed together. "She's hurting so badly... they both are."

He pulled the sheet up over their naked bodies, and gathered his wife into his still strong arms. She nestled into him, and waited for his response. "No, hon. We're not wrong. This is something she needs to figure out for herself. You know that."

"I know," curling more deeply into his embrace. She sighed. "I just wish she'd get it already."

"EVERYBODY does, baby. But until she lets go of whatever it is that's scaring her, she's not gonna acknowledge it. And exposing it to her is only gonna drive her into denial or worse."

"Do you know where Randi went? That was such an beautiful song she sang to Gwen."

"I think she feels she gave too much away----like the entire world except for Gwen isn't completely sure how that Marine feels about our daughter. I don't know exactly where she is, but I'd guess it's relatively nearby. Somewhere quiet, secluded. Somewhere she can regroup."

"You really got a chance to get to know her this trip, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. And the more I talk to her, the more I find to like and respect about her."

"Well, she's a good woman. I like her, and think she's a perfect match for Gwen."

"Me, too, love. Goodnight."

"Happy dreams, sweetheart." And quiet prevailed for the remainder of the night.

In fact, Randi was nowhere even on the continent by this point in time. She had hired a transport to take her back to the island, but before they reached the bridge, her wrist comm vibrated. Her head fell to her chest. She really didn't need this right now. As soon as she reached home, she gathered her equipment and changed into her armor. But instead of walking to the nearby shuttle pad, she jumped on the bike and took off. She would ride to a different meeting point. The old man didn't make too much fuss about it, especially considering she had just gotten home that morning. This must be pretty damned important, she thought as she sped away from her home.

Two days later, Geoff and Jill were preparing to board the shuttle. "I'm gonna miss you guys. It's been so nice to have you here." The bard reached up, giving both mother and father long, hard hugs. "Come back again soon, okay?"

"You know where we live as well, daughter. Anytime you get a bit of time, come on up. And you can always bring Randi with you. Sal has been asking about both of you. I think he wants some new pictures. He loves the ones he has."

Gwen chuckled at her mother's statement. "I'll see what I can do, Mother. I'm not sure I could ever get Randi to agree to any more pictures, though. Sal is a little too, um, enthusiastic for her comfort level."

"How very politely put, dear," Jill laughed. "I love you, little girl."

"I love you too, Mother. Be safe." And with another hug, the woman boarded the shuttle. Gwen turned to her father.

"Remember what I told you, daughter."

"I'll remember, Daddy. She is my best friend, and the most important person in my life. I'm not letting her go."

The words made him smile, and gave him hope that she would soon recognize the place Randi held in her heart. "I love you, Gwen. Take care of yourself."

"You too. I love you, Daddy." He moved to enter the shuttle door, but turned to wave goodbye, first. "Remember," he mouthed to her. She nodded her head in agreement, and stood watching as the door closed and the shuttle moved out of sight. Then she turned to go to the penthouse. She had briefly considered going back to the beach house, hoping Randi would be back shortly, and they could talk, but dismissed the idea as bad out of hand. Between what had happened that last time she had shown up unexpectedly, and the fact Randi had made it perfectly clear she needed some space, she didn't want to intrude. Her father was right... the Marine would come to her when she was ready to talk.

Talking was the farthest thing from Randi's mind at the moment. For the present, her concentration was solely on the activity in front of her. People of color perpetuating horrors on others of their races who wanted nothing more than to exist with the rest of society in peace. The members of the Brotherhood who were committing these crimes seemed to think the peace lovers were traitors, and needed to be taught a lesson. The Sabres were itching to step in and stop the atrocities, but they had specific orders to follow these dregs to their lair, and destroy the entire nest of vipers.

It didn't take long, though each minute felt like an hour to the team, before the group was done taking their "fun" for the evening, and was moving back to their headquarters. The Sabres followed like the shadows they were, never being spotted. When all was said and done, there was a mass grave that held the bodies of close to forty previously living beings. And they were able to offer assistance to those who had been brutalized. It gave the Sabres some measure of comfort, but Randi was not the only one still furious they had not been allowed to stop the ugliness while people were being hurt.

The mission itself only took three days, but Randi did not return home immediately. The Marine took another week, going off by herself, and replacing the walls she'd let drop, and distancing herself from her feelings. Nothing good could come of them, so she sat at the top of the mountain she had spent the morning climbing, and let them go. Tucking them into a place where she could control them. Perhaps, one day, if she lived long enough, she would take them out, and just remember, and think about what could have been, if only.

The blonde, curly headed goddess sat forlornly on her couch, and groaned. "Athena? Artemis? What am I so doing wrong? I haven't had radical trouble with a pair like this in millennia."

"And if memory serve me correctly, Dite, that particular pairing came through beautifully," answered Athena.

"Yes, sister, have a bit of faith in your own abilities," from Artemis.

"Do you two like totally remember what that 'particular pairing' " standing, with a nod in Athena's direction, "went through before they finally admitted their love for one another? And do you know how close they came to like *never* admitting anything at all? Man, this is so bogus!" The goddess flounced back over to her couch and plopped rather gracelessly onto it. "Smacking the back of the head of hard headed, stubborn Marines, and unseeing, stubborn bards should be fair play. They are so totally blowing my best stuff!"

The two sister goddess chuckled at the third sister's phrasing, but understood her frustration completely. These two were favored among the gods, and most wanted to see them happy. It was a heavy burden Aphrodite had to bear, especially when playing by the new rules. They could only hope things would work out in their favor. No one wanted to contend with a depressed love goddess.

Randi returned home eleven days after she'd left on Gwen's birthday. She noticed how empty and quiet the house seemed without the bard and her parents around. Strange how it seemed to bother her so much. The Marine swiftly put those thoughts from her mind. She had chosen her course, and she would stick with it.

The first person to notice she erected walls and had invoked a profound withdrawal from those around her was Tommy. While she had always been somewhat standoffish and aloof, now she was brusque to the point of harshness, He secretly wondered how long it would be until she and Gwen would butt heads. He was putting his money on the little blonde.

"WHAT?!?" came the shouted response to her knock. Gwen wasn't thrilled by the sound. She'd heard rumors all morning about Randi's worse than usual behavior and disposition. Time to put and end to this pronto.

For her part, the Marine's morning was steadily going down hill. Everyone suddenly had this need to annoy her, it seemed. And worse, the feelers she had sent out months ago were start to come back with stories she really didn't want to hear. The truth was worse than she'd suspected.

"Is this a bad time?" came the gentle voice from the door. "I can come back later, but I thought you might be ready for lunch."

Randi felt her resolve melt away like butter in the sunshine at the soft voice, compelling green eyes, and bright smile. Why did I think it would be so easy? I forget, when I'm away from her, the power she holds over me. She came to a decision. Though she wouldn't change her mind and give in to her feelings for the bard, she wouldn't use the walls to keep her out, either. From the reports I've been getting, we'll be lucky to have another year together before this all comes to a head. And when it does... She let that thought trail into nothingness, knowing all too well where it led. And I'll be there for her until it does. She deserves the best I can offer her.

While all of this had been going on in the Marine's mind, Gwen was standing there fascinated, watching the gaze go inward, and the body still. She was somewhat taken aback by Randi's sudden jump that brought her up out of her chair and around the desk.

"Did you mention lunch?" putting an arm around blonde shoulders.

"Yep. You hungry?" placing her own arm around a narrow waist.

"Yeah, a little. Let's go."

"Hang on." The blonde pulled her companion to a halt before they reached the door. Obviously something had happened to change Randi's frame of mind, and she was gonna take advantage of the good mood.

"Hmm?" The eyebrow rose. "What's up?"

"Nothing." Gwen stepped close to the Marine, and gave her a tight hug. "I just wanted to say I missed you and welcome home."

Randi smiled unseeingly, and silently thanked the gods for the woman she now held in her arms. "Ditto, Little One, and thank you." She brushed her lips lightly over blonde hair. Then chuckled softly as she heard not one, but two stomachs growl in tandem. "C'mon. Let's go get something to eat before we set off the Richter scale with this noise." Gwen laughed with her, and led the way to the lunchroom.

"Are we absolutely sure head smacking is against the rules?" Artemis asked Athena. Their attention had been caught by Randi's small prayer of thanks. The two had watched the scene between the two mortals, then reviewed it to see what they had missed the first time.

"I will say Dite is showing remarkable restraint with these two, but no wonder she is so frustrated. Maybe it's time to up the ante."

"What are you thinking, sister?" watching the wisdom goddess' eyes narrow in thought.

"Well, what if...." she began, whispering an idea into the ear of the goddess of the hunt.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when Gwen strode through the mess hall door, towing Randi by their linked hands. Whatever problem the Marine had had during the morning seemed to have been solved, or at least put aside by the presence of the bard. The two got their lunch plates, and sat down at their usual table. Conversation was flowing smoothly, and there had been several smiles and a laugh or two. Everything halted rather abruptly, when a third person tried to sit at their table.

"I'm sorry," Randi tried diplomatically. "You can't sit there."

"Why not?" Obviously this guy was new. I need to speak to Tommy about some of his apprentices. "I just want to sit and talk, maybe get to know you better."

"Let me make this perfectly clear," Gwen cut in unexpectedly. There was something about the fact that he was hitting on Randi that just made her blood boil. She wasn't being nice this time. "We don't want you here. This is our table, and our time. You are intruding."

The Marine's eyebrows rose into her hairline at the cool, clipped tones of the bard. Gwen was usually much more tolerant and polite with people. She almost sounds... jealous.

"And do you feel the same?" turning his back to the bard completely and addressing Randi directly.

"Yes, I do. Now please leave."

He looked at them both a full minute longer before he rose without another word and left the dining room. Chatter resumed its normal level, as it had fallen silent to watch the tableau taking place before them. Not since Randi had come to work there, and especially since Gwen's return eight months ago had anyone attempted to sit with them. It was clear they were happiest alone together. Even Tommy, whom they both considered family, was careful about intruding. He invited them to join him at his table, but had never tried to sit with them at theirs.

"Do you know who that was?" Randi asked casually after the man had left. She was still a bit startled at Gwen's biting retort to the stranger.

"Nope. Not a clue," shortly. She was still seething over the man's interference.

"Hmm. Guess I need to talk to Tommy. These apprentices need to know the rules." The smile in her voice brought a blush to the bard's face.

"I'm sorry. He just rubbed me the wrong way, I guess."

"I guess. But at least he's gone now. Where were we?" And they picked up the conversation where it'd left off.

"Yo, mom! What's the deal? You didn't tell me the blonde was gonna be tripping when I hit on her girlfriend."

"Long story, Cupie. I'll tell ya later, 'K? Thanks for helping me out."

"No prob, mom. Later."

The blonde goddess scrubbed her hands over her face. "Well it's a start."

Continued In Chapter XI

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive