~ A Valiant Journey ~
by D

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Chapter XII

The two women stopped and stared at the spectacle that greeted them in the doorway. Randi and Geoff were in the middle of what looked to be a serious arm wrestling match. Neither of them even noticed the women's approach.

"Just *what* is going on here, exactly?" Jill put her hands on her hips when she spoke. The contestants looked up sharply in surprise, and Randi's attention was caught by the most intriguing look on Gwen's face. Geoff took advantage of the Marine's distraction to slam her hand down on to the table.

"Ha ha! The winnah!" he proclaimed, clasping his hands above his head in victory. Randi looked at him dourly.

"Ahem. One out of *how* many?"

His arms came down and he scratched at his clean-shaven face. "Well, now that is beside the point. I won."

Her eyebrow rose. "You wanna go again, old man?"

Jill and Gwen looked at each other, and burst into laughter. "You two are impossibly cute." Twin scowls met this statement, and their laughter became slightly hysterical. It was catching, and before long, the entire room had dissolved into chuckles. It was a great tension breaker, and when Randi rose from Geoff's bedside, Jill was quick to take her place. The Goldmans talked quietly in low tones, and the Sabre went to stand beside the bard.

"Did you save me any?" looking pointedly at the basket Gwen still carried. She sniffed suspiciously.

The bard had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing aloud. "Yes, you big baby. Didn't I promise?"

"Yeah... gimme!!" Randi reached out with her left hand, and found it caught and held by Gwen's surprisingly strong but gentle grip. She looked up to meet green eyes suddenly gone serious. The blonde swallowed hard.

"One day, soon, I'm gonna ask you about these," she whispered, holding the ringed hand up, and clasping the one around her neck.

"Whenever you're ready Gwen," reaching out her other hand and cupping the bard's cheek, stroking lightly. "You know that. I'm in this for the long haul."

"I know, and you don't know how much I appreciate it. I value you and your friendship."


The conversation stopped then, as Jill chose that moment to interrupt. "Girls, we have a couple hours to kill. Would you like to go visit one of the museums with me for a while?" The confused looks prompted Geoff to speak up.

"I have a couple hours of therapy and massage. It's better for everyone if I do it without an audience."

Comprehension dawned on two faces simultaneously. "Gotcha." "Sure, Mom." The answers came at the same time, and caused smiles to break out again. "Would you like to fortify with a couple muffins first?" Randi ask, holding up the basket. "We'll bring back lunch."

"Ill share with you, Randi, cause I'm betting these two already filled up on them." Twin flushes acknowledged the truth of that statement. The warrior opened the basket, and offered it to the weapons smith, who took a couple muffins out and smiled. "Thank you. Now, you all go have a good time together. I'll be here when you get back."

The tech that had been patiently waiting in the doorway, entered the room now, and started the process for moving Geoff to the regen chamber for his next series of treatments. The women took their cue, and left. Randi happily munched her muffins, humming delightedly. Gwen and Jill smiled fondly at her and one another at her obvious childish delight in her breakfast. And they headed out at a brisk walk toward the nearby science and history museums.

Geoff was glad to hear their cheerful voices coming down the corridor some hours later. He chuckled silently at the bit of conversation he could make out between them

"I don't think my hair is ever gonna lay flat again. That was mean, Miranda Valiant." Gwen's voice was a little exasperated, but the weapons smith could clearly hear the good humor in her tone as well.

"Oh, I don't know, Gwen. I think you look kind of cute with that retro 'spike' look."

"Mother, you're supposed to be on my side here. And you, don't you look at me with those big blue puppy dog eyes. It's not gonna work. Now stop that. Randi.... Augh! All right! All right! I forgive you for the electrical shock. The train ride and the ice cream were a nice apology, but the puppy dog eyes saved you from retaliation.
Where'd you learn about that old fashioned stuff anyway?"

The trio was standing in his doorway now, and Geoff had to cover his mouth to muffle his laughter. Randi didn't see the grateful look Jill gave her, but the bard did. She put it aside to ask her mother about later. But for now....

"I'm sorry, Gwen, but the last time your hair stood up like that...."

"Daddy, don't you dare!"

Randi couldn't resist. "Please, Geoff... continue." She thought a moment, then held up her hand. "Wait. Hold that thought. Let's get you in a hover chair and get you outside in the fresh air and sunshine. You've been cooped up in here long enough."

Jill's eyes widened when, after an almost imperceptible pause, her husband nodded his agreement. "I think I'd like that, Randi." His eyes twinkled. "Then do I have some stories to tell you!"

Gwen and Jill hung back together, and watched in awe as the Marine helped Geoff move into the hover chair as though he weighed no more than a feather. "She is amazing," the mother whispered to her offspring. "I am so glad you girls came up. I haven't seen him laugh this much since... well, not for the past week anyway. And her getting him outside is nothing short of miraculous."

Well, guess that answered that question, the bard thought. Aloud she said, "Let's grab the stuff we brought back. We can have a picnic."

"The staff has been after me to get out here. I told them not until I get to go home with my wife." But Geoff took a deep breath of the fresh air, and closed his eyes. "God it is so nice to get outside for a while. Thank you for not giving me a choice." The Sabre raised her brow, and he answered. "I think I needed this. So, thank you."

"You are most welcome."

Mother and daughter laid out the blanket they had snitched from Geoff's bed, and set the food out on top of it. Then they sat and watched the Sabre step out into the warmth of the day, easing the chair out in front of her. They paused to speak to each other quietly before they resumed their approach toward the two, seated women.

"Our girls are very beautiful, aren't they, Marine?"

Randi looked up, and caught Gwen staring at her. She smiled rakishly at the bard, who flushed, but didn't look away. "They sure are, Navy. We are very lucky."

".... so in walks four year old Gwen, dried glue making her hair stand straight up all over her head. I believe that was the last time we sent her to public school."

Said bard in question had her head, with its now relaxed hair, hidden behind her hand. Her ears glowed a bright red. "Daddy, I am gonna have to kill you for this." The rest of the group was merrily chortling.

"Oh." The Marine had swallowed a bit of the fragrant iced tea, and nearly snorted it out her nose. Now she tried to speak in a normal voice. "That is priceless. Do you have holos?"
A small hand smacked her arm. "No! Please." Green eyes turned beseeching. "You really don't need to see that."

The Marine felt herself fall into those eyes, and her heart melted. The Goldmans, watching the tableau, felt the heat between them, and wondered that the two women were not seared by it. Randi reached out a hand to stroke Gwen's face. "It means so much to you, then?" The blonde simply nodded. "All right."

They stayed that way for a timeless moment, totally forgetting their surroundings. The spell was broken when the weapons smith spoke up.

"Thank you for this, Randi. I can't tell you the difference it has made."

"I can," Jill responded instantly. "And thank you, Randi... from the bottom of my heart. We needed this."

The sun was just hitting the edge of the horizon when the warrior and bard took off for Reed and Tiny's place. They felt much better about the Goldmans, and the parents were in a much better mood. Not only had the day relaxed a lot of the tenseness brought on by Geoff's injuries, but their mind's had been set at ease about both their daughters.

"They're gonna be okay, I think."

"Yep, I think they are."

"Thanks, Randi. That was a lot of fun, and I think the folks needed it. I know they appreciated it. And the picnic was a great idea."

The Marine smiled shyly, and even blushed slightly. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Maybe we could do it again... just the two of us?"

"I think I'd like that." Gwen reached over and took Randi's larger hand in her own. And they remained that way for the relatively short trip to the ranch.

"Well, this an unexpected but pleasant surprise," Tiny commented as the shuttle settled silently on the pristine pad nearby. He reached out a hand to Randi, who gave him a brief clasp and turned to offer a hand up to Gwen. It was fully dark, and the pad had no lights for obvious reasons. "We were just sitting down to eat. Reed will be glad we waited. Hello, Gwen." He smiled.

"I'm sorry for the unannounced visit. I did try to call, but no one answered. And since you told me we could drop in at any time, I thought we'd take you up on the invite, and check on Ditto and those puppies."

"I'm glad you did. You are both welcome here anytime... you know that. I guess we should have checked the messages today, huh?"

"And yesterday. And the day before."

He rubbed his ear and blushed. "I was away on business for a couple days. We, um... spent the day... well, ahem... we didn't go near the phone."

"Ya know, Randi," regarding the big man with twinkling green eyes. "He's kinda cute when he blushes." This only made him blush harder of course, causing him to almost glow in the night air. He cleared his throat, but said nothing. He held the door open, and motioned them to enter ahead of him, flushing yet again when the bard kissed his cheek and chuckled.

"How do you....?"

"I don't. I just go with the flow where she is concerned."

Ditto was glad to see them, but her reaction was a little off. She regarded Randi warily for a long moment before allowing her near. Gwen she circled several times before accepting her presence.

"What is up with her?" Tiny sat with the bard and introduced her to the puppies, while Randi and Reed stood back. Actually, the seer had held her friend back when it looked as though the shepherd was not going to accept Gwen.

"Dogs are very sensitive creatures. If you remember, Ditto didn't even greet her last week. Now that she has babies, well, she's more protective than ever. It helps that things are looking better between you. The aura is not right yet, but it is getting there. Am I right?"

"Yeah, you're right," dropping her head and flushing a little. "And it's so damned nice. I just wish...."

"Be patient, my friend. It will happen. I am so very happy for you both."

"Me too, Reed. Thanks."

The warrior moved to reacquaint herself with the pups, not realizing the same thought that was crossing through her mind, was crossing through Reed's as well. Why had Ditto reacted so strangely toward her?

It was quite late when the four finally decided to turn in. Reed inadvertently stepped in it all over again when she led them to their rooms.

"I put you in the same rooms you had last week." One look at the bard's crestfallen face made her realize more had changed than she realized. "Is that a problem, Gwen?" she asked gently. She wasn't trying to be nosey, though her curiosity was piqued. She was doing her level best to understand without causing anyone grief or embarrassment. A task she'd apparently failed, she recognized, when Gwen's eyes dropped and her face turned red.

Randi came to the rescue by stating quite bluntly. "Gwen has discovered the only way she can sleep peacefully is by sleeping with me. Think of me as a big security blanket. Ow!" rubbing her side where Gwen had poked her. But the Marine smiled at the slight flush and tiny smile that still covered the bard's fair features.

The seer's gray eyes widened in comprehension, and now it was her turn to blush. She was torn between sheer embarrassment, and true joy at their progress. Embarrassment won momentarily. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize, and after last week.... Damn! And I know better than to assume too."

The breeder stopped speaking when the small hand touched her arm. "Please don't. Our sleeping arrangements are really no one's business but ours, and you were simply going by what you knew. I appreciate your trying to make us comfortable."

"Next time I'll ask."

"Next time you'll know. I don't expect it to change again." The bard's voice lowered and she spoke to someone whom she knew would understand her next statement. "No matter what I've lost, I know in my heart that is home for me, and always will be." Gwen squeezed the strong arm under her hand stepped away from Reed. "Thank you for caring, and for understanding. Good night." Then the blonde took Randi's hand and led her into the room they would share.

"Goodnight, guys," seeing the sheen of their combined auras beginning to meld and rebond. The Marine's blinding smile was almost painful but so worth it. Only when the door closed and she had started to walk away did Reed answer the bard.

"Oh Gwen, yes I do understand. And you have no idea how wonderful that feeling is right now." She smiled to herself with a glance toward the closed door as she reached her own. "But you will."

"Carbon seems to have taken a real liking to the two of you," Reed commented to Gwen the next day as they sat petting the puppies. Randi and Tiny had gone into the exercise room before breakfast, and the two women had decided to delay the meal to go check on the pups. They were pleasantly surprised to find them awake and nursing, and had stayed around to play with them a little afterwards.

"Hmm, yeah, but what is up with Ditto? She is pricklier than a cat in heat whose fur's being stroked the wrong way."

Gray eyes twinkled merrily at the colorful description. "Being a bard gives you an interesting way of putting things, doesn't it, Gwen? Actually, I think she senses that things are not all right, and it makes her wary. Animals are very sensitive to change. And you are different from the person who brought her here."

"I'm working on that," the bard muttered half angrily. "It's not my fault."

"I know that hon, but you just can't explain that to a dog. Give it some time. She'll come around... and so will you." She clasped the bard's shoulders, and gave her a brief hug. "C'mon. I think they owe us breakfast this time."

"That was an amazing weekend. Thank you so much for suggesting it." The two women were comfortably sprawled on the couch. A bottle of merlot sat on the table, and they had the French doors open letting in the night breeze coming off the water. "This is so nice."

"Hmm, yeah, it is. And yeah it was." The Marine leaned back and stretched. "I'm beat though."

Gwen yawned. "Me too." She set her empty glass on the table. "The wine is making me sleepy. I think I'm gonna get ready for bed." She stood and reclaimed her glass, picking up the wine. "You want some more?"

"No thanks," Randi replied, then yawned. "I think I'll lock up and head to bed myself."

The bard reached down and took the glass from the warrior's hand. She had the things put away, and was up the stairs before Randi moved off the couch. Hmm, maybe she's comfortable enough sleeping alone because we're home again, the Marine thought to herself as she shut the doors and set the security. That doesn't make sense though. We were here before, and she wasn't sleeping. She shrugged her shoulders. The most obvious reason didn't occur to her.

Randi finished her evening's absolutions, threw on her pajamas, and crawled into the big bed. She stretched again, stopping in mid-motion when she heard a small sound at the door. Relaxing, she turned her head, to see Gwen standing hesitantly in the doorway. Without a word, she lifted the covers in silent invitation. She saw the relief flow through the bard's body, and she felt it a moment later when Gwen practically collapsed on top of her.

"I wasn't sure you wanted me here," Gwen whispered.

"Oh, my bard. You belong here. You always have. I wondered when you went upstairs, but I figured you'd do what made you comfortable." A breath. "I'm glad you're here."

"Me too." Gentle fingers started an almost absent tracing, and twin sighs accompanied the touch. "I just figured we couldn't both get in the bathroom at the same time, ya know? So I used the one upstairs." She paused and her hand stilled. Randi reached up and took the small hand in her own.

"What is it, Gwen?"

"I... would you mind... I mean.... Look, I know that this is your room and all, but... wouldyoumindterriblyifImovedin?" The words came out in a rush as though she was afraid of the answer. Now Randi sat up, bringing the sprawled bard up with her. With her free hand she cupped the smaller woman's chin, until Gwen's eyes met her own.

"Gwen," softly, tenderly. "Take a good look around you. This is our room, and has been for a while. Light." They both blinked at the sudden brightness, and she waited while the bard hesitantly looked around. Gwen took the time to really study the room, and saw the truth in Randi's words. "The only things not here are the things you took upstairs after we got back after...."

"So, this is where I'm supposed to be?" She paused, and the Sabre nodded. "Good. Light." The room fell into darkness and Randi eased the two of them back at Gwen's gentle urging. "Because this has become home to me." Her hand resumed its feather-light motions, and she felt Randi smile. "Good night, gunny."

When the Marine didn't respond, she figured she was already asleep, and was quick to close her eyes. Only when Randi felt her deep even breathing did she answer.

"Good night, love."

Morning came much too early, but the pair got up and did their morning sparring before getting ready for work. Gwen still wasn't entirely comfortable with sharing bathroom space, but she was perfectly content with Randi's acceptance of the progress she'd made so far. She herself was fairly anxious to get back to her diaries, and see if what she suspected was true.

It was a very odd feeling. Half hoping, curious, and completely unsure. It caused her belly to ache in anticipation, her palms to sweat, and her head to buzz slightly. Quite disconcerting, actually, and it caused her to stumble as she came down the steps.

Randi had seen her misstep, and had rushed to catch her before she hurt herself too much. So the bard landed happily in a pair of strong Marine arms.

"You all right?" came the low voice very close to her ear. The sound sent tingles traveling up her spine, and cascading down again. "Gwen? Did you hit your head? Are you hurt?"

The Sabre was sure she'd managed to stop the fall before it became painful, but Gwen's lack of a verbal response was causing her some serious alarm. Before the bard could answer or protest, Randi swung her up into her arms, and moved them to the bedroom. She tucked the blonde back into the big bed, happy she was without shoes, and sat down next to her, riffling her bangs out of her face. Gwen closed her eyes, savoring the touch.

"Maybe you'd better stay home today. I think the events of the last couple weeks are finally catching up and taking their toll."

Green eyes reluctantly opened and peered up into concerned blue. There was nothing she wanted more in this moment than to snuggle down and take Randi up on her offer. But she knew there was nothing really wrong with her so she sat up protesting... only to be hit by a wave of dizziness so severe her entire world buzzed and went black.

She fell into Randi's chest unknowingly, and the Marine caught her easily. She laid Gwen back on the bed, stripping the covers away to elevate her feet. Randi pulled the sheet back over the bard, and grabbed a wet rag from the bathroom. When Gwen finally opened her eyes, she put a hand on the Marine's arm. Randi immediately stopped wiping the pale face, and looked down.

"You all right?"
"What happened?"

Spoken simultaneously. The Marine motioned for the bard to speak, keeping a slight pressure on her shoulder to make sure she remained still. Gwen wasn't in a rush to move, however, and lay back comfortably. She patted the arm Randi was holding her down with, and the Marine started to move it. She was surprised when Gwen simply held on to it.

"I'm okay, I think. Just a little weak. That was weird. What happened?" She reached a hand up to her head.

"You blacked out... completely. I think it may have something to due with those pressure points. I'm gonna call a medical friend of mine. See if she can come help me figure this out. And I need to call Tommy, and let him know we won't be in today."

"Randi, you don't need to do that. I'll be fine."

"Gwen, you are NOT going into work today... or did you mean you don't want me to stay with you?"

"Randi, I know you've got several important meetings today. You can't just miss them because I had a little dizzy spell, no matter how much I'd like that. We've missed so much time there recently. It's not fair to everyone at Midas."

"The hell with them! My primary concern, my only concern right now is you."

The intensity in the blue eyes was mesmerizing, and Gwen felt herself falling into them easily. Unconsciously, her hand stroked the thick, dark hair away from Randi face, coming to rest at the back of the Marine's head. Of it's own volition, the bard's fingers began a gentle scratching, grinning outright when Randi closed her eyes and purred like a kitten. Gwen looked at the sleek form in front of her, and revised her assessment. Hmm, more like a panther.

She kept it up for a few minutes, until she felt the warrior relax. "Randi, I'd much rather you be here. You told Reed the truth, you know. You really are like a security blanket for me. I always feel safe, protected... home... when we're together."


"Wait... I would rather you be here, but you have other responsibilities as well. Your friend won't get here til this afternoon at earliest, right?" Gwen waited for the Marine to nod. "Well, I'll be honest... I may read a bit, but I am just as likely to sleep a bit more. So what if you do half a day, and come home around lunchtime?"

The Sabre gazed into the blonde's eyes for very long moment. Then she nodded. "That is an acceptable compromise... IF...."


"If you promise to stay here in this bed until I get home." Gwen opened her mouth to speak. "I will move your diaries, or get you some juice or whatever you want before I leave." A large hand caressed a pale cheek. "I'm really.... I worry about you."

"I'll be good."

"And I'll be back as quick as I can."

The vid call to Lacey was made on the way in to Midas. The Sabre promised to move her appointments around, and be at Randi's before dark. When she reached the Guild, Randi went straight to Tommy's office. Beth didn't even try to slow her down the look on her face was so fierce.

"Good mor..." He stuttered to a halt at the look on her face. "Randi?" He stood up and opened his arms. With a little cry, she fell into them. He stood holding her tightly, rocking them both gently back and forth. They stayed that way for a time before he felt her draw a long, shuddering breath, and pull away from him slightly.

"You all right there, short stuff?"

She stepped back further, and he allowed her some space, letting her regroup her defenses. "Yeah, thanks, T. I just needed a hug."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Nothing to talk about, really. It's just... God, this is so hard."

"Randi, you don't have to share... you know that. But I can't help if I don't understand."

She smiled tremulously at him. "You can't help with this anyway, T. But... it's just hard, all this stuff with Gwen. Sometimes, I just want to tell her, but...."

"But it's better if she learns the truth of her own heart in her own time."

"Yeah, exactly. There is something else too." His brow rose in question. "Ben manipulated some pressure points, which are a big part of her memory problem, and they're the reason she's having headaches and dizzy spells lately." She took a deep breath. "I have a medical friend coming later today to help me see if we can figure out how to unlock them. Until then, she's at home in bed."

He nodded in acceptance. "Is she gonna be all right?"

"I'm gonna do my best to make sure she is."

"Then she has nothing to worry about. She is in the best of hands."

Randi smiled, genuinely this time. "Thank you, Tommy. Let me go and get to work. I've got a couple things to clear before I get back home to her."

He took her in his arms, and they exchanged another hug. "You've got it bad, huh?"

"She owns me, T... body, heart, and soul... even if she doesn't know it yet." He stood stunned, never having expected such a frank admission from the proud warrior. "Close you're mouth, brother. You're gonna catch flies."

His jaw snapped shut with an audible sound, and Randi had to stifle a giggle. "Thanks, Tommy."

He shook his head to clear the fog. "Anytime, short stuff. You know that. Glad I could help."

For a while, the roiling in her gut kept her in the bathroom. When she finally went to work, she was courteous, though brisk, and it was clear to everyone that her mind was not really on her work. Her eyes kept straying to the clock, willing the time to pass faster.

Gwen sat up, gasping. The images that remained from her dream were haunting in the extreme. Randi killing Ben morphed into Randi killing her... her killing Ben... her killing Randi. It was so confusing, so terrifying. She wasn't sure what to make of the things she saw. Her mind understood it was her subconscious helping her cope, but she wondered why, or how this was going to help. It certainly wasn't helping her emotionally.

I thought I had accepted this... put it all behind me. Why am I dreaming these things now?

She lay back down, curling herself around the warrior's pillow. She found comfort in the scent, and she closed her eyes, trying to think of more pleasant things. She didn't plan to fall asleep, and never even realized when she drifted off in slumber.

Gwen was surprised when she opened her eyes again, and found it to be well into mid-morning. She felt much better, and she stretched and yawned. Maybe I really did need some sleep. Wow! She scooted up to the head of the bed, and slid into a sitting position. She reached over and picked up the thermal cup, swallowing the cold juice gratefully.

"Mmm," she hummed to herself. "That hits the spot."

Gwen replaced the cup on the nightstand, and picked up the diary she had asked Randi to retrieve for her before the Marine had left for Midas. The bard looked at the cover for a long moment, before she opened the book, found her place and began reading. Soon, she was engrossed in her own words, reliving and reviving memories that had been stolen. She never even heard the warrior come home.

Chapter XIII

Randi stood for a long moment at the bedroom door, taking in the absorbed face Gwen wore before she stepped into the room. She withdrew a single rose from the dozen in her hand, and placed the vase silently on the nightstand. Then she seated herself gently on the bed at the bard's side.

The movement of the bed caused a frown to cross her features, but Gwen did not look up until the silky softness and sweet fragrance of the flower assaulted her senses. At the first brush of petals along her face, she looked up, and caught the perfumed smell under her nose. She looked up into deep, concerned eyes, and smiled back. Without thought, she launched herself into the Marine's arms. Randi reflexively reached out to catch her, holding on and stroking the blonde head for long, quiet moments.

"Hey, Little One," breaking the silence at last. "Did you miss me that much?"

"Yep, I sure did."

"Well. I missed you, too, and I was wondering... would you like to go on a picnic?" She smiled as green eyes twinkled in appreciation of the idea. "T said we could use the boat. I thought maybe a short cruise... maybe watch the sunset?"

"Oh, I like that idea, but what about your doctor friend?"

"I'll get in touch with her. She mentioned something about setting up some equipment she's bringing with her. We'll see what she says."

"'K. Meantime, I'm gonna go take a shower."

Randi was hard pressed not to stare as Gwen emerged from the bedroom a short time later, pulling a T-shirt over a very brief two-piece swimsuit. The bard was secretly flattered, feeling the admiration in those blue eyes warm her to the core. She hadn't advanced much farther in her diaries, but she'd decided to go with what felt right, and in her heart, being with Randi felt right. As to where it would lead, well, she wasn't sure where it was going, but she liked that it seemed to be headed... somewhere. The circular logic was making her head spin, though, and she put it out of her mind with conscious effort.

"What did the doc say?"

"Actually, she thinks a little R&R would probably be a good thing. Tommy is going to meet her and bring her over when she arrives, and she will set everything up. Ella is bringing dinner, and we'll be back shortly thereafter. So everything is set."

"Great! Now go get changed, and let's get this show on the road." A dark brow rose, and then she capitulated, and smiled at the enthusiasm.

"All right. I won't be but a minute."

True to her word, the warrior re-emerged from the bedroom a very short time later. Now it was the bard's turn to stare, and Randi felt herself blushing and shyly smiling. She picked up the large wooden basket that had been sitting on the table, and extended a hand to Gwen. "Shall we?"

The day was hot, cloudless. Randi was thankful for the slight breeze as they pulled away from the boat slip. "You wanna drive?" she asked the bard.

"Um, no. Thank you. This is a little bigger than I feel comfortable with."

"Okay, well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me."

"Is it all right if I stay here and keep you company?"

A big grin was her only answer.

The sky was almost white in the heat, and in stark contrast to the deep blue water that surrounded them. Randi slowed to a stop. "Whaddya think? Look like a good spot?"

The bard took in the serenity that surrounded them with a deep breath. Before she could answer though, a chittering off the port bow spoke for her. The two women wandered over to the railing, smiling in tandem when the two dolphins nodded their heads vigorously at their choice.

"Guess that settles it," the warrior laughed. "Let me go drop the anchor. Wanna grab lunch?"

The bard nodded, and went below to grab the basket. Almost as an after thought, she picked up a blanket, and headed back to the bow. Gwen stood for a moment, framed in the doorway, admiring the profile before her. Randi stood silently, the wind blowing her dark hair back from her face. As though sensing the blonde's regard, she turned, and smiled at the sight that greeted her eyes. She walked to Gwen's side, and removed the blanket, folding it neatly in half and placing it on the deck. She threw several of the cushions onto it, then took the basket from Gwen's hands. Randi knelt, and extended her hand.

"Join me?"

The bard complied, helping the Marine spread out the inviting looking lunch and sat back. "Wow, nice choices."

"Actually, you can thank Ella. I had her make it up for us." She leaned back and extended her arm, pleased when Gwen relaxed into the curve of her body. They shared the bits of food mostly in silence, chuckling over the noise the dolphins were still making at the side of the boat.

"You get the feeling they want us to come play?" Randi turned her head toward Gwen, who chose that exact moment to turn toward her. She sucked in a breath when she realized just how close they were. The bard froze, mesmerized by the deep blue looming above her. Unconsciously, she licked her lips, reaching a hand up to the warrior's lips. Her hand shook slightly, Gwen noted to herself in some surprise, as she lifted it to Randi's trembling lips. The light touch sent a shock through both women, and it was all the warrior could do to retain the gasp. She heard Gwen's sharp intake of breath, and nearly missed her whispered words.

"You had some crumbs...." She dropped her eyes and the spell was broken. She cleared her throat and when she spoke this time, it was in an almost normal voice. Only the huskiness of her tone gave anything away. "Yeah, I do," answering the question the Marine had posed earlier. Gwen stood and backed away slightly. "I'll put things away and meet you in the water, 'k?"

Randi put a hand out to stop the bard, gently cupping her cheek with a soft touch. "I'll do it. You go relax." And without another word, she started picking things up. Gwen hesitated, torn between a desire to stay and a desire for space. Now it was her turn to reach out. The Sabre stopped moving at the slight touch.

"Thank you for understanding." Then she moved to the railing, stripped out of her shirt, and made a light dive into the water.

"Oh Aphrodite, give me strength," Randi muttered, before moving to finish cleaning up.

Gwen used the time to regain her composure, and was riding on Peanut's back by the time Randi entered the water. Laughingly, she challenged the warrior to a race. It might have been better, though, if Pilot had been clued into the whole idea. When Randi reached for him, he scooted away, causing a serious game of chase between himself and the Marine. She managed to get her hands on him finally, and then the dolphin just stopped moving. The bard could hardly hang on to Peanut, she was laughing so hard. It didn't help that both of the aquatic mammals sounded suspiciously like they were laughing also. Randi mock-glared at her.

"Oh, I see what is happening here. This is all a plot, isn't it? Um hmm, yep. I'm being set up."

Randi reached over toward the bard, her fingers moving in a pinching motion. Gwen squealed when she saw them coming, and the resulting noise caused the dolphins to take off like a shot. The four of them rode around for quite some time. Finally, tiring, and sensing the same from her companion, Randi headed them back toward the boat.

The two women thanked their dolphin friends, and climbed back aboard. The Sabre had left towels out, and Gwen took one and dried off with a sense of relief. Then she dropped into the cozy nest Randi had left from earlier. "That was a lot of fun."

"Yeah, it was," the Marine commented, draping the towel around her neck. She disappeared below, and the reappeared a scant minute later. "Here."

She handed a water bottle to the bard, who accepted it with alacrity. Half the bottle was gone before Gwen spoke. "Oh yeah. That hits the spot. Thanks, Randi."

"You are most welcome, my dear," giving a mock bow. "I live to serve."

"Careful there, Marine," with a teasing twinkle. "I could get to like that idea way too much."

The playfulness caught Randi flatfooted once again, and she merely stared with mouth open for a long moment. Then she smiled rakishly at the bard. "I'll keep that in mind." Gwen blushed.

They toasted the sunset with a sparkling honey mead that Tommy proclaimed a favorite of his. The event didn't require words from either of them. They sat curled up contentedly together on the blanket and cushions, content to rock with the gentle motions of the boat, and watch the sun sink lower and lower toward the horizon. The orb was halfway down before Randi reluctantly made a move to rise.

"We need to get back."

Gwen looked up at the now standing warrior. She sighed. "I guess we do. This was a wonderful day. Thanks, Randi."

The Sabre reached out a hand, and gently stroked the bard's cheek in response. Then she turned and took the wheel, heading them back toward home.

It wasn't quite full dark when they arrived back at Randi's boathouse. "Oh, this is nice," Gwen commented. "We need to see about getting a boat." She didn't notice the slip into plural, but Randi did, and she smiled from her heart outward.

"We'll talk about it."

They linked hands and walked up to the house. Randall was the first one to spot them, and he collided with Randi's knees at the door.


She picked him up with glee, and swung him around. Then she gave the little boy a fierce hug, careful to keep him on the good side of her face. "Hey there, Love Muffin! You been a good boy today?"

He pointed a thumb at his chest. "Good boy." Then he saw the bard standing patiently watching them together, a twinkle sparkling out of her very green eyes. "Wen!" He lunged for her, and it was all the Marine could do to keep her balance with him.

The boy went into the blonde's arms, giving her a squeeze and a sloppy kiss before she put him down. The child ran to his daddy, who moved out of the doorway to let them inside the house. The scent of gumbo was strong in the air, and Randi felt her stomach grumble in protest.

"Lacey and Ella are in the kitchen." The warrior nodded, able to see them from where she stood. She took Gwen's hand again, and led her the three steps to the kitchen. The two women inside turned around when she cleared her throat.

"Well," Ella commented to Lacey. "Look at the pair of beach bums the wind blew in."

Lacey chuckled. She'd never seen her comrade outside a military setting, and the picture she presented now was vastly different from the neatness and precision she offered as a Sabre. The sight made her more human. Although, just being allowed into Randi's home made the tall brunette seem more human. Tommy and Ella obviously cared for the warrior very much, and Lacey felt she had made a new friend in Ella. She turned her attention to the diminutive blonde at the Marine's side. So much became clear to her, even in the first glance.

Her eye for detail caught strength and intelligence reflected back to her from those sharp, verdant eyes. This was not the same woman she had met briefly at Randi's memorial service. This woman was vibrant. She noted the physical strength of the compact body, and the possessive way Randi held on to her. And then it occurred to her that the possessiveness ran both ways, and she smiled. Oh, Randi, my friend. You have finally been gotten for good. I am so happy for you. Aloud, she simply extended a hand and spoke.

"Hello, Randi. It's been a long time."

"Thank you for coming, Lace. I appreciate it." She ignored the outstretched hand, and pulled the other Sabre into a brief, hug. Then she reached back and pulled Gwen up beside her, keeping a hand on the slim waist. "This is Gwen. Gwen, this is Dr. Lacey Monet."

The bard's response was cordial, but cool, and it caused the Marine to wonder what she'd missed. "Ella, do we have time to clean up?" It was funny, Randi mused. Though it was their house and their kitchen, when Ella took charge, it was hers, and they all, deferred to her.

"Be quick. Lacey has been a wonderful assistant. I'm sure we'll be fine."

Ten minutes later the two were emerging from separate bathrooms, clean, neat and....

"Oh, wow! Nice sunburn."

"Yeah," the bard grimaced. "You'd think I'd learn."

"We'll be very gentle in our examination of you," Lacey replied.

Gwen didn't answer, simply nodding her head. Randi felt a clue by four smack her in the back of the head. She's jealous. The thought made her smile at the implications it presented.

"C'mon, ya'll. Time to eat," Ella called. "You," pointing the spoon at the warrior, "get to do the cleanup."

"Yes ma'am," Randi replied meekly. She seated the bard, and took her own. She could sense Gwen's frustration, and decided to put her at ease.

"You're looking good, Lace. I guess things between you and Nicky are going pretty well."

"Oh yeah. We've even talked about getting married."

"Wow, that's great! Congratulations!"

Randi felt the bard's tension ease perceptibly, and smiled when a small hand covered her own briefly before she joined the conversation.

"Tell us about Nicky. I understand that Randi knows, but we'd like to hear a bit too, if you don't mind sharing."

So the meal was spent with Lacey talking a bit about her beloved. It turned out that Ella had known Nicky during her growing up and service years, and it served to bridge another gap between them. Time passed swiftly, and before they realized it, Randall was nodding off.

"Hmm, I think we need to get someone home to bed." Tommy commented. He had been content to sit quietly and listen.

"Oh my yes. Would you look at the time? Lacey, it has been lovely to meet you. You make sure to tell Nicky hi from me, will you?"

"Oh absolutely. The pleasure was mine. Thanks for the gumbo recipe. I think I've got the trick now." Gwen and Randi stared at one another in amazement. Never in recent memory could they recall an instance where the restaurateur had shared her secrets in the kitchen. "We'll be back in touch, if you don't mind."

"I'd like that. Been a long time since I talked to my old friend." They walked to the door before Tommy spoke.
"It's been nice to meet you, Lacey. I hope you and your girl will come visit us again when the need is not quite so urgent. You two, I do not expect to see either of you in until the doc here gives you the clearance to come back. Is that understood?"

Twin nods and hugs all around, and they were gone.

Randi went into the kitchen to clean up, and that left Gwen and Lacey in an uncomfortable silence together in the living room. They sat quietly as the tension grew, until finally the Sabre could not stand it anymore. She stood up and faced the bard.

"Look, Gwen. I think you need to know that Randi and I are just friends. That's all we've ever been. You have no reason to be jealous." She held up a hand when the bard started to speak. "I know this is difficult and confusing. But it will work a lot better if you will trust me." A pause. "If not on my own merit, then on Randi's."

It was quiet again for a while, while Gwen considered all that Lacey had said. She exhaled loudly. "You're right. I don't know you well enough to take you on your own merit, but I trust Randi implicitly. I'm... I'm sorry for...." She scratched the back of the neck and tugged on her ear. "I... oh, never mind." She walked to the French doors, and stared out unseeingly at the darkness.

Lacey stood in place, carefully considering her next words. "Gwen, I know you're confused right now. A lot of things don't make sense. That's why I'm here... to see if we can help undo some of the confusion. Or at least get rid of the blocks so you can recognize your feelings again."

"What do you mean?"

The doctor understood immediately she had revealed more to the bard then Randi had. "The memory block... it's taken away much more from you then you realize. I can't say more. These are things you're gonna have to learn for yourself. But I'm here to help you, help you both, if you'll let me."

Gwen caught sight of Randi's reflection in the glass as she stepped into the room. She turned and walked over to the Marine, wrapping her up in a tight embrace. Now that the actual moment was here, she admitted to herself that she was a little scared. She looked up into ice blue eyes, seeing nothing but love and trust reflected back to her. She sighed and looked to Lacey.

"Let's do it."

"I set the equipment up in your room Randi, per your instructions. We'll let Gwen get undressed and settled in, and then we'll get started."

"What do you want me to do, Lace?" The bard was lying on her stomach in the big bed when the two Sabres walked into the room. She turned her head in their direction, and smiled at Randi. The warrior returned the smile, and moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just a little nervous."

"Randi, I think for now you should be Gwen's pillow," answering the question the Marine had asked of her before. "Let her put her head in your lap, and concentrate on helping her relax. This will work much better if she's not uptight."

Randi nodded and turned, leaning against the headboard and stretching her long legs along the length of the bed. Gwen slid into place, which put her somewhat diagonal across the bed. Lacey continued to talk, addressing the bard directly, and telling her each step before she did anything.

"All right now, Gwen. I'm gonna pull the sheet off from your feet to your buttocks. I need you to relax and breathe naturally."

"Little One, relax and look at me." The bard took a deep breath, and turned her head, angling her face upwards a bit.

"You have bony knees," Gwen quipped lightly, bouncing her head against said appendages. She smiled in reaction, which caused the blonde to smile in response.

"Oh, I do, huh?"

"Uh huh. Probably from all that exercise."

"Hmm, well... you exercise with me. You s'pose your knees are bony too?" Blonde brows rose into her hairline.

"I dunno. I never really looked."

The desire to look down to where Lacey was patiently working was almost overwhelming, but Randi kept her eyes focused on Gwen's. She could feel the bard relaxing with their nonsense conversation, and didn't want to draw attention to her state of nakedness.

Meanwhile, the doctor was patiently making her way up the compact body, the scanner making notes of each pressure point that had been manipulated. When she reached the small of Gwen's back, she smoothly pulled the sheet down to cover her lower body, and expose the upper. The two women were so engrossed in their conversation, they never even noticed. Lacey smiled.

When she finished with the back, the medic signaled Randi. The Marine looked down at the almost sleeping bard. "Gwen?"

Sleepy green eyes peeked up at her. "Hmm?"

"Little One, we need you to turn over, so Lacey can finish her examination." The startled look caused her to continue. "Gwen, you're a gorgeous woman. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, even though Lacey appreciates a beautiful body as much as the next person, this is purely medical on her part. And I promise not to peek." The rakish grin that accompanied this statement earned her a light smack on the thigh before the bard turned over.

Green eyes locked onto blue, and they were almost able to ignore the doctor's presence. "Do you really find me beautiful, Randi?" The whisper was shy and half hopeful in tone. The warrior's smile conveyed love, and not a little lust. Talk about your loaded questions.

"Oh, Little One," tenderly stroking the smooth cheek beneath her hand. "Yes, you are very beautiful. Not just of body, but of mind and spirit as well."

Green eyes closed, and tears slid silently down Gwen's face. Without a word, Randi began humming the melody to the song she'd sung to the blonde on her birthday, a year gone and more. Gwen never even realized when she passed from the waking to the sleeping world.

Lacey finished her work, then nodded to Randi. "Let me put the equipment away, and I'll be back... unless you'd rather talk out there," nodding toward the living room.

The warrior looked down at the now covered bard, who had turned over in her sleep, and was cuddled up into Randi's stomach. One arm was thrown across Randi's lap, and the other was clutching her shirt at the ribs. "Um, I think you'd better come back in here. I don't want to give her nightmares."

The medic smiled at the picture the two of them made, then walked out the door. Her smile turned to a thoughtful frown as she reviewed Randi's words. She'd have to take the time to find out more about that later.

It took her a few minutes to store the equipment properly, and when she came back down, Randi was dozing. She watched the two of them breathe in sync for a moment, before she reached out a hand toward the Sabre. Lacey wasn't at all surprised to find her hand caught and firmly held. She met the sleepy blue eyes squarely.

"Oh, damn! Sorry, Lace." Randi motioned to the bed. "Have a seat."

Instead, the doctor pulled up the rocking recliner that sat in the corner and sat back. "You want the good news or the bad news?"

One thing Randi had always appreciated about her comrade in arms was her ability to shoot straight from the hip. She was especially glad for it now. "Bad, then good."

"Well, the bad news is he has messed up several very major points, and lots of little tiny ones. The good news is, I think I see the pattern. I'm gonna take a couple days to review the data, and then I want Reed here. It's gonna take both of us to unlock this right."

"Ill give her a call tomorrow. Is Gwen okay to go back to work, or.... ?"

"That's gonna depend a lot on how she feels." The doctor sighed, and rubbed her hands over her eyes. "What seems to be causing her headaches is the fact that she is fighting the block. She wants to remember, and she's trying to understand her feelings, and it is going counter to everything he did to her."

"When you remove the block, will it bring back her memories, her feelings?"

"No." The Marine's shoulder slumped and her head fell at the stark answer. Lacey leaned forward and took the large hand in her own. "No, Randi, but it will allow her to remember when she is ready." She paused. "You forget, that when he removed her memories of your love for one another, she lost a lot of the pain and grief she dealt with when she lost you. I'm sure, in some subconscious way, she's not ready to remember that... to relive it. It will come back. You just have to be patient, and let her remember it at her own pace."

Randi nodded in comprehension. "I understand that, but it doesn't make it any easier for me."

"I know. Now," rising and putting the chair back in its accustomed spot, "Is there anything else I can do for you before I go to bed? I would like to have some time to catch up with you, but later." Lacey smiled.

"Yeah, me too. I'd like for Gwen to get a chance to know some of my Sabre friends as well." She frowned at the cocked brow. "Oh, yeah... can you help me slide down? I think if I sleep like this my body will be screaming for days." She spared a brief thought being thankful that she'd stayed barefooted after her shower.

Lacey noted her cockeyed position, and had to agree. She lifted the bard slightly, allowing Randi to move into a more reclined position. Gwen whimpered when she lost contact with the warrior, then sighed in contentment when their bodies met again.

Randi realized, as they touched, that the bard was naked, and she gave an aggrieved sigh. There were just some things in life that were totally unfair. This was one of them. Lacey chuckled soundlessly at the warrior's plight, and the Marine simply glared at her.

"It's NOT funny."

"No, I know it's not, but it is ironic. Be patient, Randi. I promise it will be worth it.

Now the glare became a vulnerable glance, before the blue eyes dropped to the peacefully sleeping face. "As long as she still loves me, Lace, it'll be worth anything."

"Anything, my dear?" the war god queried. "You have no idea yet what the price will be." Dark laughter followed, echoing through the halls. It sent chills through the sisters who were watching the same scene unfold in another room.

"She will, my friend. She will." The doctor tucked them in, and headed upstairs.

"Light," the Marine said. In the darkness, she kissed the blonde head tucked underneath her chin. "Goodnight, love."

Morning brought an interesting new reality. The first thing Gwen noticed upon waking was her state of undress, and the fact that she and Randi were comfortably tangled together. Unsure whether to move or stay, she raised a hand, without thinking, and began to stroke the warrior's smooth face. She thought of their conversation the night before and smiled. So strong, yet so soft. She watched as Randi, even in sleep, leaned into her touch. Still, while she traced, sleepy blue eyes opened, and smiled at her.

"Good morning, Little One." The voice was low, and husky with sleep. "How are you feeling?"

A flush covered her face. "A little embarrassed, actually. I didn't mean to fall asleep on ya'll last night."

"It was okay," Randi responded. "You needed the rest, and it was, quite simply the easiest way for you to relax."

"Did Lacey find anything? Can she help?"

"Well, she wants a couple days to study the data she collected, but yes, she does think she can help. Between she and Reed, they should figure out the key to unlocking the points."

"And I will get my memories back?"

"Well, you will be able to remember when you are ready. It should clear up the headaches, though. Um, I'm gonna go for a run. You want me to tuck you back in? You could probably use some more sleep."

Gwen noticed that the warrior had glossed over her answer about remembering. She decided she'd call Lacey on it later. She figured there was something Randi wasn't comfortable saying. She doubted the doctor would be as hesitant to be completely honest with her.

"Hmm. Maybe I will get up and shower." A concerned frown met her words. "Randi," just a touch exasperated, "I'll be fine. There is nothing wrong with me, and I can't just lay here in the bed."

The warrior clenched her jaw together in an effort not to speak. She nodded her head and moved to the bathroom, shutting the door with an air of finality. Gwen scrubbed her hands through blonde locks, frustrated. Then she eased up out of the bed, warily eyeing the closed door. She'd managed to slip into underwear and shorts when she heard it open.

"You're right, Gwen. It's your decision. I just...." Randi's breath caught at the sight of the bare back. The bard had frozen at her first words, and the pause made her finish dressing. The Marine turned her back, closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing. Sometimes, self-control leaves a lot to be desired. A picture of that beautiful naked body flashed through her minds eye again. Bad choice of words there, Valiant. She took a deep breath, and cleared her throat.

"Bathroom's all yours. I'll be back shortly."

Gwen went to the kitchen to start fixing breakfast. She hadn't had a chance to start moving her stuff back down, and couldn't really see disturbing Lacey to get her clothes. She'd wait.

She didn't have to wait long. Breakfast was well underway, and sending delicious smells through the house. The doctor came stumbling down the stairs, scratching her head and yawning. "Mmm, something smells really good in here. Oh, man... is that clock right?" She looked at Gwen in confusion who simply nodded her head. "Hmph! Been quite a while since I overslept like this."

The bard cocked an eyebrow. It wasn't that late, and she wondered to herself what time the good doctor usually awakened. That wasn't important, but good manners were, and she rose to the occasion. "Coffee?"

"Oh yes," Lacey exclaimed with relief. "You, my dear, are a godsend."

Gwen poured the medic a cup, indicating the cream and sugar. The other woman shook her head, and took a long sip. "I drink it black. I need my caffeine straight. By the way, this is really good coffee."

"It's a special blend Ella made up for Randi and me." Lacey raised a brow, but didn't comment. Gwen cleared her throat. "I, uh... I owe you an apology. Who Randi has or has not slept with you is really not my business. I had no right to be rude to you. You came to help, and I appreciate that a lot. So, thank you, and I'm sorry for my earlier behavior."

Lacey sat thoughtfully still for a long moment before answering. Then she looked at Gwen directly. "Gwen, you're in a really bad spot right now, and I understand that. So I accept your apology, and say, 'You're welcome' to the other. But maybe you should sit down and decide why you were so jealous when you thought Randi and I might have been lovers. It might make a world of difference in your thinking."

The bard stood stunned at the implication, but before she could ponder it further, a dark head appeared in the kitchen, just slightly breathless. "Umm, smells great." Randi grabbed a carafe of orange juice. "I'm gonna shower. I'll be right back."

Gwen quickly finished up breakfast, with Lacey setting the table. Neither woman exchanged another word, but Lacey smiled to herself. It was clear the blonde was considering her words carefully. She hoped they would help make a difference.

Chapter XIV

The next two days passed quickly. She did go back to work with Lacey's blessing, though she noticed the warrior tended to keep a very close eye on her. Nights were spent talking quietly together. Gwen grew to like Lacey, and found her to be full of interesting tales that featured Randi rather prominently.

"Ya know, I don't think I've ever seen you turn quite that shade of red before," the bard murmured as they settled in to sleep that night. The warrior turned onto her side, her back facing Gwen.

"I *knew* this was a bad idea," she muttered.

"Ah, c'mon, Randi," Gwen teased. "It's been fun. And Lacey's a nice person. I'd just bet she's holding back some of the best stories in deference to your sensibilities."

Randi snorted, trying to bite back the bubble of laughter she felt escaping. The blonde leaned forward to plant a small kiss on the Marine's cheek, just as Randi rolled over onto her back. Their lips brushed, and both froze, electrified, staring at the other in startled reaction. Gwen laid her head down on the broad shoulder beneath her.

"Goodnight, Randi," she whispered, one hand lightly rubbing her still tingling lips.

It was quiet so long after that that Gwen figured the warrior was either asleep or in shock from what had just passed between them. I liked that. Wonder if we can do it again, was her last thought before she settled down to sleep. And she was almost gone when she finally heard Randi's whispered reply. "Night, love." The words brought a smile to her lips that lasted until she awoke the next morning.

They were just settling in for lunch the following day when Lacey called. "I think I've got it, Randi. Is Reed....?"

"She's standing by, waiting for word from you."

"All right. I'll give her a call. We can get started on the deprogramming tomorrow." A small hand reached up to clasp hers. She covered it with her own larger one.

"Thanks, Lace. We'll see you at home, later."

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna take advantage of this private beach for the rest of the afternoon. Later."

Randi looked at Gwen as she shut the comm unit down, more than a little disturbed by the bard's lack of color. "Hey, you okay there, hon?" A pause. "Gwen?"

"Yeah," she answered, her voice cracking just slightly. "I'm just a little scared."

"Can I tell you a secret?" She waited for the blonde head to nod in agreement. "It scares me too. But I wouldn't have suggested it if I thought it was dangerous."

"I know. It's just... I have no idea what this is going to do to me. I don't know what memories or emotions this is going to evoke."

"Does it help that I will be here for you?"

"It makes all the difference."

"Then you take that to heart, cause I'm not going anywhere."

There are definitely some distinct advantages to being a Sabre pilot the dark haired woman smirked to herself as she settled the small shuttle on Randi's private pad. It sure beats public transportation. The seer had been very glad to get the vid call from Lacey. It meant things were getting closer and closer to being back to normal between her two friends. And as much as their aura burned, it was awe-inspiring and rare. She didn't want to see them have to give it up.

She knocked on the door, frowning in surprise when no one answered. She heard a voice at the back, and wandered around to see what was going on. The sight she got was quite unexpected. Lacey lay stretched out in a deck chair, naked as the day she was born. She was on the vid phone with a striking red head who pointed out Reed's presence behind her.

"Oh hey Reed," waving the brunette over. She returned her attention to the screen. "Gotta go, babe. I love you."

"I love you too, beautiful. Good luck."

They exchanged an air kiss, and Lacey darkened the screen. "Hey, Reed," she greeted again. "Pull off your clothes and have a seat."

"Why, Lacey Monet," she teased with a laughed. "If I didn't know you better I'd think you were propositioning me." She laughed outright at the waggling eyebrows and rakish grin she got in return. "How's Nicky?"

The sunset brought the sound of a transport pulling into the garage, and the two women paused in their conversation. "Hmm, guess this means recess is over." Lacey smiled as she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself. Reed did the same and the pair headed toward the house.

"Wasn't like we needed to stay out there after dark anyway. Glad I took my bags in earlier, though."

"Well, now," the Marine drawled when she saw them ambling up onto the deck. "Don't you two look all lazy and decadent? If ya'll wanna get cleaned up, maybe put on some clothes, dinner's gonna be about a half hour." She turned with a smirk, and went back into the kitchen with Gwen.

Sure enough, thirty minutes later found the quartet sitting companionably around the table, eating fried chicken and corn on the cob.

"This is good. It's been a long time since I've done a girl's night out." Reed looked to Gwen, then Randi. "Despite the circumstances, I'm glad to be here."

"Well, we're glad you came," Gwen answered. "And I appreciate it."

"I'm glad to do it, Gwen, for more reasons than you could possibly understand at this point." The bard cocked her head in question, but the seer had turned her attention to Randi. "Your face is looking a little better." She reached out a hand, then dropped it when Randi flinched away.

"Please don't." She covered it and turned away from them slightly. "It hurts when people touch it."

Lacey cocked her head interestedly. "Yet you are. That's odd."

"Well, all I know is it doesn't bother me unless another person touches it."

Now Lacey frowned. "Nothing else? I mean... water, fabric, the wind... nothing else makes it hurt?"

"No, only human touch." Lacey and Reed exchanged disturbed glances. This would be up for further discussion later.

"Interesting, and the conversation moved to other things.

Later that night, when they were snuggled up in bed together, Gwen mentioned something that had been bothering her from earlier.

"There's something here I don't understand."

"What's that, Little One?"

"It bothers you to have anyone else touch the scar," reaching up a hand and gently tracing it. "And yet, you lean into my touch, as though you find it comforting. Why is that?"

Shit! Talk about your old fashioned hidden minefield. Truth? Stall? Maybe I can get by with a partial truth for now. "It's just different with you."

"But why?" Gwen persisted. The warrior sighed. Shoulda known it wouldn't work.

"Because we are part of the same whole."

It was quiet for so long, Randi was sure Gwen had fallen asleep. She was startled, then, when she felt a small hand reach for her own larger one, and gently caress the ring that still resided there. "Soulmates," came the whispered word from the bard's lips. Then almost immediately, the Marine felt the body curl up into hers, and relax into sleep. When the breathing was deep and regular, she kissed the blonde head.

"Good night, love."

"All right, Gwen, I need you to relax." She tried, for several minutes, before the warrior slipped underneath her.

"Here," Randi said. "Your choice... bony knees or hard thighs," chuckling.

Green eyes twinkled just slightly, before pulling the Marine into a more reclined position. "I'll take the firm stomach, thanks." The other two women looked on in amazement.

"We'll have to work around it, I guess," Lacey commented to Reed. "I don't think she'll relax enough otherwise."

"She won't, because they are still linked. We'll manage." They turned their attention back to the duo, who were quietly talking together.

"These are the Soulmates' Rings, aren't they? We are the soulmates my grandmother always told me about, aren't we?"

Randi sighed. This wasn't something she wanted to talk about. It was something she wanted the bard to rediscover on her own. "Gwen, how far have you made it through your diaries?"

The blonde looked at Randi with a frown. "Um, I'm just got up to my homecoming... when you weren't here. I haven't had much time to read this week, with Lacey being here." She paused, thinking. "Though, I recognized that song you sung to me yesterday. It is the one you sang at our last birthday together. When we had that big party at the Golden Touch." She blinked. "Wow... I actually remembered that on my own." She raised a hand to her head. "Ow... um... I feel...." Her words were cut off as she blacked completely out. Blues eyes rose to meet Lacey's.

"It's to be expected, Randi. She's on overload with this stuff. We're gonna go ahead and get started. Try to keep her still and calm when she starts coming around."

Gwen kept her eyes closed when she became cognizant again, enjoying the light stroking on her face and hair. It made her smile, though, and the low voice rumbling under her ear made her turn toward its owner, and open her eyes.

"How ya doing, beautiful? You had me a little worried."

Green met blue, and Gwen saw more than just a little worry staring back at her. "I remembered, Randi. And I remember so clearly the wash of emotions...." She reached for her head again. The Marine clasped it.

"Take it easy, Little One. It's great that you remember, but we need Lacey and Reed to remove the blocks first. The conflict is what's causing you the pain, remember?" She breathed. "We can talk about the other later too. I think it is something you need to discover at your own pace."

Gwen looked thoughtfully at the Sabre before nodding her head in agreement. "Thank you, Randi."

The dark head cocked. "For what?"

"For letting me determine what's truth for myself."

The Marine smiled at her, and continued the soothing motions through her hair, lightly scratching her scalp. "Close your eyes and relax. I'm not going anywhere, and it's the quickest way to get through this." She waited until the blonde shut her eyes again, before beginning to hum. Randi smiled when Gwen slipped into a light doze.

They had been working for about four hours, and were about a third of the way into the procedure, when Lacey frowned. "Is there a problem?" Randi asked, a little disturbed.

"I hope not," was the unsatisfactory reply. "Reed, can you take a look at this?" She pointed to a monitor off to her right. "Something very peculiar is going on here." The seer moved to stand in front of the flashing equipment, blocking Randi's view.

"What is going on?"

The two ignored her as they tried desperately to unravel the mystery. They spoke in whispers, forgetting the warrior's keen hearing could pick up every word.

"Has this ever happened before?"
"No, system failure of this magnitude is unheard of."
"And it checked out?"
"Oh yeah. Four times I made sure it was calibrated, and ready. This should not be happening."
"No, it shouldn't. And it's not like we can stop now. We're committed."
"I know, but without this...." The doctor looked to the seer in despair. "I don't know if we can pull this off now."

"Would one of you like to tell me what's going on?" The low, menacing growl startled them, and frightened them a bit as well.

"We have a bit of a problem."

"Yes, I gathered that. What kind of a problem?"

"Well, we have an equipment failure. And this is the one piece of gear we really couldn't afford to lose. Unfortunately, we can't stop, and it's gonna be almost impossible to go forward without it. Now before you get angry, Randi, I checked it... four times before we got started. It shouldn't be doing this."

When Lacey looked up, though, the Marine wasn't angry. The emotion that shown clearly out of her eyes was stark fear. She realized exactly what the doctor was not saying. "Do your best, Lace. I can't lose her."

The medic and seer nodded in tandem. "Athena, bless us this day," Reed whispered in prayer, as their attention turned back to the bard.

"Are you sure about this, The? You know the rules."

"We let them be separated once, Art, and look where it got us. You can't tell me you think that failure is strictly coincidental in its timing. I'm not gonna let it happen again, not knowing what the stakes are this time. Besides," looking at their blonde sister who was at that moment curled up on the bed in a fetal position. "I can't see her suffer like that again. You know what a drain on her it was."

The huntress nodded as she took a seat near Aphrodite, gently stroking her hair. "I agree with you, sister. Something stinks here, and it's not one of us." She glanced down at the small pile of tear shaped diamonds near the sleeping face. "Do what you have to."

The goddess of wisdom extended her awareness.

Things had slowed considerably, and after eight hours of exhausting work, they weren't even halfway done. Randi had placed a vid call to Tommy, who'd rushed over with Ella to help however was needed. His father had volunteered to watch Randall for them, and they had graciously accepted before hurrying over to the beach house.

Ella kept them supplied with water and cool cloths, since even the cooled air wasn't enough to keep them from sweating under the strain. Gwen had been dozing off and on. She understood why they couldn't put her out totally. Reed could easily lose the bard's stream under that kind of blanket. But Gwen was growing uncomfortable.


The warrior's attention was focused on the two other women who were currently deeply in her personal space as they worked on Gwen's back. They had become even slower in their movements as they worked along the bard's spine and near her neck and head.

"What is it, love?" distractedly, looking down to meet the now startled green eyes gazing back at her. "I'm sorry... I mean...."

Gwen felt a warmth travel through her at the words that settled in the core of her being. She raised their still linked hands, and brushed them against her lips. "It's all right." She flinched as Lacey touched a particularly sensitive spot. "It makes m...." Her words broke off as she moaned in pain, and her eyes rolled back into her head. She went completely limp, and the warrior looked to her two comrades in alarm. She was not comforted by the startled looks on their faces.

"What happened?? Do something!! Help her!!!"

It was evident that something had gone terribly, terribly wrong.

Green eyes opened to a fog. She couldn't see much, but enough to determine she was alone. Where'd everybody go? And what is this place?

"This is a place of choices," came a voice from the mist. "And the time has come for you to choose."

Gwen shook her head. Okay, evidently the treatment finally got to me and I'm hallucinating. Just fricking great.

A dark haired woman stepped into her line of sight. "No, you're not hallucinating. This is very real. Right now, in real time, you are dying. You've stopped breathing, and you need to choose now whether or not you live or die."

She didn't even think about it. "Send me back." The bard thought of Randi. "Send me back to her now."

"No matter the consequence? No matter the price?"

"Send. Me. Back."

Tear filled blue eyes were the first things she saw when she opened her own again. She was cradled in the warrior's strong arms, and it was a feeling she cherished. Here was a place she was safe, and cared for and loved. She snuggled deeper into the embrace, even as she reached up a hand to stroke Randi's face.

"Oh, God. You're all right. I thought for a moment.... We all thought...." The Marine looked down at the bard in wonder. "You came back. You came back to me." And she hugged the younger woman fiercely. "Thank you. Thank you." A shuddering sigh. "Promise me," she whispered. "Promise me, you'll never leave me again."

Gwen wasn't sure if Randi was thanking her or a god, or simply talking. But she savored the warmth that flowed through her at the love and concern she felt emanating from her companion. This was home. "I promise." Then she fell into a deep sleep.

"You all right?" the doctor murmured to Reed as they stood back and watched the reunion. The seer was holding her head in her hands, covering her eyes. She nodded in answer to Lacey's question.

"Um, yeah. Just a little overwhelmed by the unexpected energy."

"Are you gonna be all right to finish? We can't stop, and I need you."

"I'll be fine. Besides," pointing to the piece of equipment that had failed earlier. "We're back on track."

Lacey looked at the recalcitrant system, shocked to find it up and running again. "Thank you, Athena," she muttered. "And thank you for guiding my hands to be able to bring Gwen back to us." She looked at Reed. "C'mon, my friend. Let's get this finished. Then I'm gonna buy you a beer."

"I believe I'll have to take you up on that."

"Damnation!" Ares vented. "Someone is always on their side. But I'm gonna win this time, Randi. You belong to me now." The laughter that followed sent chills up the sisters' spines.

"It was a close thing, love," Ella whispered to Tommy when she came out of the room. She walked into his open arms and laid her head on his shoulder. "For a minute there... for a minute, I was sure we'd lost her." The man was quiet while his wife struggled with what to say, but she felt his heartbeat pick up at her words. "She stopped breathing." Brown eyes met in bleak understanding.

"Randi... oh goddess... I never thought I'd ever see her break like this." He led them over to the sofa, and seated them together. Ella was still clinging to him, and he was loath to remove her.

"What happened, sweetheart?" His whisper broke the silence that had dragged on interminably.

"Um," she scrubbed her hand over her face. "Reed and Lacey moved in immediately to revive her. Randi clung to her talking to her constantly... begging Gwen not to leave her. I've never seen her this emotional. Tommy, the tears were pouring out of her eyes, even as she breathed for Gwen. God, it was awful."

"Is she all right now? Are both of them all right?"

"Well, Gwen is breathing on her own, but is in some sort of a coma. She came to long enough so we knew she was okay, and then fell into a deep sleep. Randi... Randi is a basket case, honestly. I'm thinking she may be staying close to Gwen for a good long time after this. I just hope she doesn't smother her." She shook her curly head. "I need to get some juice for the girls and get back in there. Thanks for listening, hon."

"Thank you for sharing. I love you."

"I love you too. Will you go check on Dad and the boy? We're gonna be here a while longer."

"Yep. You'll call if anything changes."

"Um hmm, though they expect Gwen to be out at least until tomorrow morning now. Lacey said she'll need at least that much recovery time, though she wouldn't be surprised if she sleeps for two days." She walked him to the door.

"Ya know... you kinda have to wonder if we're missing the bigger picture here sometimes. Because they seem to have more than their share of odd experiences." Tommy shrugged his shoulders. "They attract trouble like bees to honey." He stole a kiss. "See ya later, love."

"Bye, baby." She shut the door, and returned to the bedroom loaded down with juice and some high-energy snacks.

Seventeen grueling hours later, Reed and Lacey stepped back from the bard a final time with a sigh of relief. "That's it. Now we wait." They were thankful Randi had finally fallen into a fitful doze. This would be something that would haunt her for a while.

"What do you think?" Lacey asked Reed as they leaned back on the couch, feet propped on the table. Ella sat quietly, listening.

"I think Gwen will recover from this faster than Randi will. She should be up and about in two or three days. How long things take after that will be up to them. But given the strength of their bond.... I wouldn't be surprised if it was that bond that got them through this."

"You really think?"

"Yeah, I do." The seer closed her eyes, and laid her dark head back on the couch. "I felt her essence leave, Lace. For a very long moment, she was really dead. It...." She scrubbed a hand through her hair and peered at the other woman through slitted eyes. Lacey's eyes were pinned to her in fascination. "It's hard to explain. I felt her leave, and I felt the physical force of her soul being pulled back by Randi's." She sighed. "It was almost painful."

"That's why you turned so white?"

"Um hmm. But the relief when she woke up was almost as intense. We're gonna need to keep an eye on Randi for the next couple days."

"We can do that. I arranged my schedule to be here through Sunday. Gwen should be awake by then."

"Well, since Tiny works from home, he can keep an eye on the puppies. It's not a problem for me to stay either. We can watch out for them in shifts. However, after the last seventeen hours, I'm pretty sure we can all get some rest tonight."

"I concur." Lacey rose, and stretched, groaning when her back popped back into alignment. "Damn, that feels good. C'mon... I hear a bed calling our names."

They slowly climbed the stairs, and the house fell silent in the darkness.

It was still dark outside when Randi lurched out of sleep. She struggled to sit up, until her senses recognized the scent and weight of the warmth in her arms that pinned her neatly in place. She brushed back her sweat soaked hair, and greedily inhaled the aroma that surrounded her.

Oh, God, love... that was too damned close. You can't leave me alone here, not now. Not like this. She gently covered the bard's small hand, noticing for the first time that Gwen's hand was clenched around her Soulmates' Ring, even in the depths of sleep. It brought a smile to her face. We will get through this, love, and be stronger for it. It was a long time before her eyes closed again in sleep.

Morning was nearly gone before the household stirred. Randi was the first to awaken, but she was loath to give up her comfortable nest. It took both Lacey and Reed to convince her to leave Gwen long enough to shower and change. She nearly broke when the bard whimpered when she got up.

"I'll be right back, love. Nothing will separate us again." The seer and the doctor exchanged glances. This was going to be a long road of recovery.

Randi padded back in to the bedroom, combing through wet hair as she settled back into the bed. She felt justified, and not a little gratified, when Gwen immediately snuggled up close to her. She hesitated, then took out her own journal. She opened it, and it fell to a day she had long since forgotten. She reread the entry and smiled. Some day, love, I will have to share all this with you. But I want you to be awake and cognizant when you see the difference you made in my life... years before we met.

She gently turned the paper pages, caressing them with respect. Finally, she found the place where she wanted to read from, and cleared her throat, and began reading aloud.

"I'm going to Midas for the first time today. I'm really quite interested to see what Tommy has done. He's established quite a reputation in the Artist's Guild. I really wish he could have snagged Gwen Goldman, though. She is the most impressive bard I've ever heard." She laughed retrospectively as she noted the next entry.

"If the news wasn't so good, I'd have to kill the little twerp for keeping such a secret from me."
Randi chuckled again in memory. "You know, I was so bowled over by your presence, by finally getting to meet you, that my hand was shaking when I wrote this. You would never believe how nervous I was when I looked up, and caught those pretty green eyes staring at me."

Lacey and Reed stood in the doorway listening for a long moment, then turned away to give the two women a bit of privacy. "Ella said she'd bring us some lunch when we were ready. Whaddya say?"

"I say that woman is a damned fine cook, and I'm not about to let an opportunity like that pass me by. Let's see if we can get in touch with her." And they went to place the vid call.

Two full days passed while Gwen slept, and Randi read aloud from her personal journal to the bard. The nights were harder, as Randi tended to slip into nightmares when she slept. Reed happened to be watching when she woke the second time that second night, and the seer woke Lacey. It didn't take *much* convincing before the doctor gave her something to insure they would all get a peaceful night's sleep.

Reed cocked her head as they left the two to sleep. Something in Randi's aura, now that she was relaxed and resting, was off-kilter. She shrugged... probably the still unhealed link between them. With a shake of her head, she stretched out on the couch. She and Lacey had agreed they needed to be nearby, and were taking shifts on the couch. Both had their fingers crossed for the bard to awaken on the morrow.

Sunday morning dawned with a haze, and Randi knew when she opened her eyes there was a storm brewing somewhere nearby. None of that mattered, though, as about the time she got a good stretch and opened her eyes more fully, Gwen started moving herself.

First, the arm around her waist tightened and relaxed. Then a sighing breath, and eyelashes tickling her neck. The warrior couldn't help it... she had to laugh, albeit silently. It was the adorable scowl on a sleepy face with two half-opened green eyes that made her laugh out loud, though. But when the bard reached a hand up, and gently started tracing her face, the laughter stopped, and she waited.

"Good morning," Gwen whispered, her voice still hoarse from sleep and nonuse.

"Welcome back, Little One. I've missed you." A beat. "How do you feel?" A serious question on many levels. The Sabre knew the procedure wouldn't give Gwen her memory back. It would simply allow her to remember and feel again without destroying herself. The bard had to be ready to remember before the memories would return, and there was a lot of bad mixed in with the good. Randi knew she'd have to be patient.

Gwen gave the question due consideration. "Tired, actually. Sore, and I'd really like a shower."

"I'll tell you what... I'll give you a bit of privacy to get your shower while I rustle us all up some breakfast. Then I'm sure Lacey's gonna wanna check you out. Then we can worry about what to do with the rest of the day."

"Sounds like a plan." She gathered the sheet around her while Randi prudently kept her back turned. "What day is it anyway?" The bard moved to the bathroom door, before the warrior's words registered. "Sunday?? I've been asleep for two and a half days???"

"Yep, but Lacey said it was normal, all things considered." She didn't mention the bard's brush with death, and neither did Gwen. "This was harder than the original adjustments he did, because he set it up over several sessions. And it took longer to fix than it did to put in place." She paused, uncertain about saying more. "Go get your shower. We'll talk more about it when you get out."

Gwen nodded thoughtfully, and closed the door behind her.

Chapter XV

The remainder of the day was spent quietly. The storm that had appeared so imminent in the morning hours blew itself out to sea in the early afternoon. Reed and Lacey both stayed for lunch, then took their leave. Both promised to return again soon with their significant others before Gwen said goodbye.

The doctor made sure the bard knew to take it easy. "I know you've been asleep for a couple days, but this is a major ordeal to recover from. Just take it easy, and do what you can. Don't force, and don't rush. Everything will return to you in its own good time."

"Thanks, Lacey." A beat while she studied her hands, then green eyes peered into brown. "You don't know how much I appreciate your coming here. I'm sorry...."

"I'm not. I'm actually a little flattered that you were jealous. But I assure you it was without cause, and I'm looking forward to coming back with Nicky. I think you two will get along famously." Unexpectedly, Gwen engulfed Lacey in a hug, and though startled, the doctor returned the embrace fully. "We'll be seeing you again very soon."

"You'll be all right, my friend," Reed said to the bard before she took her leave. The doctor was talking in low tones to the warrior, and the seer took the opportunity to speak to Gwen. "Already your aura is returning to its normal state."

"Thank you for coming. Reed. You seem to have been rushing to my rescue a lot lately."

"No more than you would have done for me, had positions been reversed." Gwen nodded her head in agreement, knowing it for the truth. "We'll be in touch. Tiny is anxious for a real visit."

"You are welcome any time." And the pilot and doctor had left swiftly and silently from the private pad, and left Gwen and Randi in peaceful solitude. Words between them weren't necessary right now, as they sat soaking in the joy of simply being together again. The weekend had been extremely draining, though, and they sat cuddled on the couch together in a half-daze when Tommy and Ella came over to check on them in the early evening.

"How do you feel, Gwen?" In true motherly fashion, Ella rested a hand on the bard's forehead checking her temperature, then absently placed a kiss there before taking a seat nearby. She found the fact that she and Randi clung to one another both endearing and heartbreaking.

"Tired, which sounds really stupid, I know, given that I was asleep for two days. But I feel like I ran a marathon."

"Well, you don't have to come back to work til you feel ready."

"I'll be there tomorrow, T. Even if I have to take things slow, I'll be there."

"But...." Randi cut in. She stopped speaking when warm fingers lightly touched her lips.

"I need to. I need to let things get back to normal." Blue eyes searched green intently before the dark head nodded in agreement. Tommy and Ella looked away to give them a little privacy in what their glances had made an intimate moment. Then he cleared his throat.

"Gwen, how are your folks?"

"Doing pretty well, actually. Talking to them earlier is the one thing we accomplished today." She smiled. "Daddy is hopeful and determined about regaining the use of his legs. He must have some serious motivation. And Mother, well... she is supporting him in every way she can think of. We'll probably go up again next weekend," clasping Randi's hand. "They both seem to get such a renewal from our visits, and Randi is good about keeping Daddy in line." The group chuckled at the visual this description produced.

"That's too funny. We've talked about going to see them for a day or two."

"Oh, please do," Gwen answered Ella's statement. "That would do so much for them."

"Well, I had an idea. What do you think about getting some of his friends together, and making a small party? It might be a good way to show him support, help them to see they are not alone."

"Oh, I like that idea. I'll bet Reed can get you the names of some of his military buddies, and I know some friends from home that would come, and...." She chewed her lip in thought. "It might not be a small party, though."

"That's all right. I only suggested small, because I have no idea who their friends are. "I'll tell you what... you give me a number, and I'll set up the details. You and Randi can do the inviting."

An uneasiness crept up Randi's spine, sending chills skittering back down it. She thrust the unexplained anxiety away from her, and forced her attention back to the conversation at hand. Gwen gave her a searching look, before clasping her hand a little tighter. The bard returned her attention to Ella.

"Okay. Are we planning this for this weekend?"

Ella and Tommy exchanged looks, then the woman nodded. "Sure. Why not?"

"All right. I'll give Mother a call. Shall we plan for Saturday?" Gwen looked at Tommy. "I'd like to take half a day on Friday to go up and help Mother get ready."

"Take the day, Gwen. We'll all go up a day early. We don't want to make more work for Jill. This is to encourage, not kill." He was startled when she reached out and gave him a short, tight hug.

"Thanks, T."

"Do you feel the darkness approaching, warrior?" Ares' smile was threatening and mysterious.

Monday morning dawned hot and clear. Gwen found herself wishing for the cooler days of autumn. She still felt a little tired, and was moving a little slower than normal. She was sure the heat wasn't helping. Randi looked at her in concern.

"You okay, Little One?"

"Hmm? Yeah... just wishing for cooler days already."

"Me too. C'mon. We're gonna be late."

Randi walked the bard to her classroom, and returned to her office. She sat at her desk for a while, trying to concentrate on the work in front of her. She read the same sentence three times, before she growled in frustration, and stood to pace. She tried reading aloud while walking around, but that didn't help much either. Finally, she thrust her hands into her hair and groaned. Then she flung her door open with enough force to make it bounce, and strode out of the main building, heading for the stables.

Tommy came out of his office at the noise, and just shook his head at the expected reaction. "This is gonna be a tough situation for you to get around, isn't it, short stuff?" He watched until she came charging out of the barn on Excalibur's back. He called an alert to the security team, and went back to work.

Gwen noticed the stallion's hoof beats outside her room several times throughout the morning. She wondered what was going on, but every time she looked, there was nothing to be seen. Unsurprisingly, though... when the lunch chimes rang, Randi sat right outside the room waiting patiently.

"Is something wrong, Randi?" They were sitting at the table eating. Or rather, the bard was slowly chewing, and the Sabre sat mostly pushing her food around her plate. Gwen had a very good idea what was bothering her friend, but felt the warrior needed to bring it up.

"No," Randi answered hastily, shoving a bite of food in her mouth. "Just a mite off my feed, I think. You had the right idea about the heat this morning. I'm looking forward to a break from it myself." She paused. "I'm gonna make a few calls to get things started for Geoff's party. Anyone special you want me to call?"

The bard recognized the change of topic ploy, but went with it. Things would come to a head or dissipate in their own good time. "Yeah, actually. Will you invite Sal and his family and also Tiny and Reed?"

Randi's brow scrunched up at the mention of Sal's name, then smiled. If anyone could make Geoff forget about his difficulties, the eccentric talent manager would be the one to do it. "All right, I can do that." A beat. "You about done?" nodding to the half finished plate. Gwen nodded. "Well then, let me walk you back, and I'll go make some calls."

Gwen kept an eye out the window the remainder of the afternoon. She could almost time how long it would be between sightings of the dark head outside her room. She hoped it would just be for today. She wasn't sure how long she could be patient with this kind of scrutiny.

"You up for a walk on the beach?" Randi asked the bard after dinner later that evening. "It's a beautiful night."

Gwen looked at the warrior and agreed. "Yeah, it is. And yes, I would." She took the proffered hand and allowed Randi to help her up. She made no effort to remove her hand, and noticed that the Marine seemed to cling to the connection. The walk was nice, and their conversation was light and varied.

They reached the shelter of the dunes, and by mutual, unspoken consent meandered over to them and sat. Randi sat first, not at all displeased when the bard sat in front of her, and leaned into her for support. Tentatively, she wrapped her arms around the bard's middle, sighing silently when Gwen wrapped her own firmly on top of them.

They sat together that way for the longest time, simply listening to the waves crash and looking at the stars. When the blonde began to droop in her arms, the warrior gently prodded. "C'mon, Little One. Let's go home and get into bed."

Sleepy green eyes peered up at her adoringly. "I am home."

The response took Randi by surprise, and stole her ability to breathe for a very long moment. Then she leaned forward and kissed the bard's forehead. "Me too," was her only answer, and they trudged through the sand back to the beach house in silence.

Tuesday and Wednesday passed much the same way, though Randi noticed Gwen was getting snippier and less patient with her hovering. They still took walks in the evenings, and cuddled up together at night, but the days were becoming unbearable. Thursday morning, things came to an ugly head.

"C'mon, Gwen. We're gonna be late."

"No, you're gonna be late. I already let T know I'm not coming in."

Randi crossed to the bard side, reaching a hand out to touch her forehead. "What's wrong? Are you sick? Do I need to call Lacey?" Crossly, Gwen swatted it away.

"No, I'm fine. I just need some space. You're driving me nuts!"

Stung, the Marine jerked away from her as though scorched by fire. Hurt shone out of blue eyes before they shuttered, and became cold and impassive. "I see. I apologize for caring. I won't trouble you further." She stalked toward the door.

Aphrodite watched, her smacking hand tingling.

"Don't you walk away from me, Randi. I'm not gonna die on you again. And you need to accept and get past that."

The Marine froze when Gwen mentioned dying, and she took a shuddering breath. The mask never fell, though, and when she turned to look at the bard, her face was expressionless.

"We don't have time to talk about this now. I'm going to be late." Without another word, she strode out the door.

The blonde stood rooted to the spot in shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened. Tears fell from her face as she relived the moment of wide-eyed hurt in Randi's eyes before they had closed against her. "Damn!" she muttered. "That isn't how that was supposed to go." She scrubbed an impatient hand across her eyes and picked up her journal, falling gracelessly onto the couch as she began to read.

Tommy saw the fire in her eyes as she entered the building, and sent out a quick warning to the security staff. He hadn't been surprised to hear from the bard... he knew things had to break between them soon. His surprise had come from Gwen's tolerance of the over-protectiveness. From the look on Randi's face, things had come to a head, and it hadn't been at all pretty.

The morning passed slowly at Midas, except for members of the security division. Each and every member was called on the carpet for an impromptu review. Mid-afternoon, one of the agents made a comment overheard by Randi that gave her pause into her actions.

"I'll be glad when she and Gwen make up. Every time they fight, we end up with an inspection."

Is that true? The warrior thought to herself. Do they suffer every time we disagree or fight? She had several more operatives to speak to, but they were waiting in the outer office. She was alone at the moment in her inner sanctuary, and she walked to the window. While she stared out unseeingly at the vista before her, and at one classroom in particular, her mind reviewed her time at Midas.

I'll be damned! She moved to her calendar, checking dates that went back to her first day. I have. Shit... I owe these guys some kind of apology. The sound of thunder drew her from her musing. She was torn now... wanting to comfort the bard, yet still allow Gwen the space she needed.

She debated with herself for all of a minute before she stalked to the door and yanked it open. "Patterson, Jones, Jenkins, Randolph.... you guys are dismissed. I have something to take care of that will keep me out of the office for the remainder of the day." She looked at Beth. "Make sure Parker knows I'm gone, will ya?" She was out the door before the other woman could reply.

"Sure," Beth answered the closed door.

The bottom fell out of the sky just as she started across the bridge. The second rumble of thunder caused her to speed up, knowing what the sound did to Gwen lately.

She brought the transport to a halt with a jerk, and rushed in the front door. She came to a blinding halt just inside the foyer, wondering now about the wisdom of her hasty, gut-instinct reaction. Well, nothing to do for it now, but go in and face the music. If she still needs her space I'll go see Ella for a while.

She crept silently out into the living room, then froze at the tableau she encountered. Gwen sat on the floor by the French doors, curled up into a tiny ball. Her forehead rested on the glass, and even from where she stood, Randi could see the tear tracks on the bard's face. The Sabre forced hesitant feet forward, until she stood in front of Gwen. After several long seconds, the blonde head turned, and Gwen gave her friend a tentative, welcoming smile.

Randi felt the constrictive bands around her heart loosen, and shyly returned the smile. She started to sit, when Gwen stopped her.

"No, help me up, would you?" Her voice was still husky from the tears.

The bard took the larger hand and stood, then led the taller woman back to the couch, but surprisingly, seated her on the coffee table. The thunder continued to rumble and the rain still fell, but it had been put aside by the two women as inconsequential. What concerned them now was the electricity between them that Randi could almost see, and she wondered what had happened in the interim she'd been gone to change things so drastically. She waited, though, giving Gwen the opportunity to formulate whatever it was she so obviously wanted to say.

"I was able to catch up on my reading today." The bard drew a shaky breath. "And when the storm started, I remembered." Green eyes looked into intense blue. Having Randi sit on the coffee table while she stood put them almost at eye level with one another. "I remembered everything." She moved to stand in front of Randi. The warrior spread her legs slightly, and Gwen stepped between them, resting her hands lightly on the broad shoulders. Of their own volition, the Marine's hands went to the bard's waist, gently caressing her strong back.

"I remember what meeting you felt like." A small hand drew itself through dark locks. "I remember these intense new feelings I'd never felt before, and wondering what they were, and where they came from. I remember being scared when I figured out I was falling in love with you, afraid of what it would change between us. I remember admitting to myself that it was love, and deciding we were worth the risk. I remember how wonderful that feeling was." She looked down, then up again, and found herself captured once more in that blue regard. She moved her other hand to tenderly trace the well-known, beloved face. "I remember how devastated I was when I knew, I KNEW, it was too late for us. That you were gone from me."

A single tear escaped her eyes, and Randi reached up a hand to wipe it away. Her hand moved into the blonde locks, tangling itself gently.

"I remember, Randi, and I'm not giving it up. Not again."

Time stood still then. Gwen looked into Randi's eyes, then dropped her gaze to the warrior's full lips. Involuntarily, she licked her own, before bringing her eyes back to the Sabre's. She leaned forward slightly, pleased when the hand at her waist tightened convulsively.

Her lips barely brushed those of the warrior, then she pulled back to look into hooded, darkened eyes. Randi's nostril's flared slightly, and Gwen could feel the tension singing in the hand at her waist and the one clutching her hair. She realized in that moment that Randi was showing remarkable restraint, waiting for her to lead the way.

She leaned in again, taking the time to savor the senses that surrounded her. Randi's spicy scent and her own co mingled. The soap and shampoo they shared, though it smelled slightly different on each of them. The clean smell of sunshine and rain. The sound of the warrior's rapidly beating heart, and her own in tandem with it. The silky smoothness of the skin under her fingertips.

Her eyes followed the path her fingers took, and once again fell on the full lips. This time, the kiss lasted longer. Her tongue darted out to trace those lips, and she was lost. The taste, the feel and the moan that opened Randi's mouth to her exploration produced a moan of her own, and she felt herself drowning in the sensations being created throughout her body.

At the first touch of Gwen's tongue on her lips, Randi groaned and closed her eyes, and gave herself over to the feelings surging over her. She pulled the bard into her, thrilled when she felt Gwen's arms tighten around her. For long moments they stayed that way... touching, tasting, rediscovering.

When the need for air forced them apart, they were slow and averse to do so. Several small kisses before they physically separated and still they remained in each other's space, breathing one another's air.

"Oh, God," Gwen whispered. "How could I have forgotten this? How could he take this away from me?"

"All that matters is you remember now, and that is enough." She stopped speaking when the bard leaned in again, and recaptured her lips. Banked fires burst into flame, and twin moans merged into a single sound. With great reluctance, Randi pulled back again.

"God, you're good at that." She smiled tearfully. "And I have missed you so much." She hugged the smaller woman tightly to her, pleased when Gwen snuggled deeper into her. "Would you mind... would you be greatly offended... I mean, I'd like to take things slowly." Gwen pulled away from her with a look of disbelief on her face. "What I mean is... I'd like the chance to court you properly. And when you're ready, we'll move this relationship forward again." She looked down, then up into those verdant eyes gazing at her in wondering admiration. "It's your call, but I'd really like the opportunity."

The Marine leaned into the small hand that cupped her face. "It means that much to you?" Randi's eyes dropped and she nodded. The hand moved down her cheek, and along the scar, to lift the warrior's chin. Blue eyes peeked up at indulgent green, and she had to smile in response to Gwen's grin. The bard nodded. "I'd like that." A beat. "As long as we don't have to give up the kissing."

Randi captured the lips in front of her with a fierce intensity that took Gwen's breath away and made her respond in kind. She slid down onto the warrior's lap, whimpering. An answering growl from Randi made the Sabre pull back, eyes darkened to an indigo. "No," she smiled. "We certainly do not have to give up the kissing."

"Good," the bard replied, nibbling lightly on the lips, before moving her attentions across the jaw line until she reached an ear. She blew lightly into it, then chuckled silently at the quivering she felt chasing up the Marine's spine, before she leaned in and whispered. "Because I think I'm addicted to you. The way you taste and your scent, and the feel of your body in my arms."

Now it was Randi's turn to whimper, and she looked at Gwen with pleading eyes. "You don't play fair, you know."

"I'm sorry," contritely, but with eyes twinkling merrily. "I just love you so much, and to be able to feel that again.... God, it's like being high, I'm so giddy."

The warrior swung them over to the couch, where they landed in a tangle of limbs. "Sorry," she said, "But my butt was starting to hurt."

Gwen started to laugh, and when Randi realized the absurdity of her words in conjunction with their conversation, proceeded to join her.

The bard gently traced the well-known and much loved features. She smiled when Randi closed her eyes and sighed at her touch. "I love you."

The Marine softly kissed the fingertips on her face. "I love you too, so very much." She turned them so they were sitting front to back, her body encompassing the blonde's completely. "And speaking of being high, I have a surprise for you tomorrow, if you're willing to try it."

Gwen turned slightly in Randi's arms, until she could see into her face. She studied her for a long moment before she nodded, turned around again, and snuggled back into the soldier's strong arms. "All right," was all she said.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that." She squirmed until her body was being cradled, and she bent her head back to catch Randi's eyes. "I trust you. I always have."

Tears welled up in the blue eyes, and she placed a chaste kiss on the forehead under her chin. "Thank you, love. That means the world to me. *YOU* mean the world to me."

They grew quiet listening to the rain continue to fall outdoors, never realizing when they dozed off in each other's arms.

The rain had not abated when mutterings and curses quietly emerged from the larger of the two bodies laying almost prostrate on the sofa. "Ow." Pop. "Damn!" Pop. "Stupid." Pop. Snap. A low groan, and the squeak of leather as she tried to stretch without waking her companion. Several pops this time, and the figure gave a moan of appreciation. "Oh yeah. That's much better."

She was startled when she looked down into a pair of sleepy green eyes. "You about done there, Stud? It's really hard to sleep with all the moving my mattress is doing." Gwen patted the firm stomach beneath her hands, and felt Randi's chuckle rumble through it.

"Yeah, well, yours is more comfortable than mine." The Sabre lifted a hand and rubbed her neck. "I think I have a crick in my neck."

"I'll tell ya what... let's fix some dinner, and I'll see if I can rub it out for you."

"Steak and potatoes?"

"Sounds good."

They worked together in silence for a time. Then Randi cleared her throat and spoke. "I think I owe you an apology."

The bard quirked her eyebrow in question, confused. "Hmm?"

"For this morning... this week. I knew I was being overprotective, but I couldn't seem to stop. I just...." She broke off as Gwen's hand covered her mouth.

"No apologies, unless you accept mine as well." Now a dark brow rose, and the blonde had to laugh lightly at their similar reactions. "Sorry... it's just...." She traced the eyebrow in question. Gwen sighed. "If any one person in the world should have been able to understand where you were coming from, *I* should have. And I didn't. All I could see was that you were making us both nuts."

She took the larger hands in her own small ones, and led them over to a chair that she eased Randi into before kneeling at her feet. "I'm not going to die on you, Randi. Not again. I made you a promise, and I always keep my promises. You know that. You're stuck with me... forever."

Gwen leaned into the stroking touch that caressed her face. "And you with me," the warrior answered. "I love you, Little One."

"I love you, too," the bard answered, rising to her feet and lightly kissing Randi before moving back to the kitchen. The warrior sat admiring the smooth walk, and rolling hips. She had the good grace to the blush when Gwen turned around, smirking.

"If you're done staring at my behind, you can come help me finish dinner."

A rakish grin appeared. "If we wait for that, we're gonna starve to death. Cause I don't see that happening for a very, very long time." The she laughed aloud at the flush of red that suffused Gwen's face. "C'mon. I'm hungry." And hand in hand they walked into the kitchen.

The chirping and calls of early morning birds was all Randi heard when she opened her eyes to the gray of the pre-morning dawn. She smiled, knowing that the rain wouldn't prevent them from doing what she had planned. This is gonna be so awesome! I hope she likes this. The Sabre had spent the two weeks of Gwen's memory loss planning different new things for them to do together. She wanted to introduce the bard to some new experiences, as well as revisit some old favorites. Courting wasn't nearly as easy as it looked.

She smiled again when the body in her arms squeezed and snuggled closer with a sigh, before resuming the deep, regular breathing of sleep. The Marine gingerly stretched, trying to decide if she really wanted to climb out of her warm nest and go for a run. She shook her head and closed her eyes. The hell with it, she thought. I like where I am just fine.

It was the gentle touch on her face that woke Randi the second time, though the sun in her eyes wasn't very conducive to sleep either. She kept her eyes closed, enjoying the soft contact, until the fingers traced her lips. She sighed and kissed them, then bodily pulled Gwen up to meet her lips. The kiss was warm, and sensual, and her hands, of their own accord ran up and down the smooth skin of the strong back. Thank God for T-shirts. She noticed the bard's hands wrapped in her hair, and smiled as she drew back slightly.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, love." Gwen returned to the lips beneath her for another sampling. "I like waking up this way."

"Um hmm. Me too. But we...." A pounding on the door cut her off. "Let me up. It's probably Reed and Tiny. Tommy and Ella should be here soon too."

Gwen's eyes got big when she looked at the clock. "Oh man... we really overslept."

"Yep, so come on." Another loud knock. "Go get your shower. I'll let them in."

"They must have overslept, Tiny. Give it a rest. We can always wait in the shuttle."

"I know, but considering how trouble follows these two...." He broke off when the door opened, then whirled to face Reed as she yelped and turned away. Randi moved toward her, but stopped when she held up a hand.

"Stay there, please," the seer instructed her Marine friend. Reed took a deep breath, relaxing into Tiny's arms, but still not looking directly at Randi. "You two are back together again. She remembers."

"Yes, she does, but what does that...." Realization dawned on her and Tiny at the same time. "Oh God, Reed! I am so sorry. I completely forgot about the aura thing in my excitement. She just recovered it yesterday afternoon, and...." She would have babbled on further, had not the other woman put out a hand to stop her.

"Randi, it's okay. It's wonderful that she remembers. Here," pressing a package into the Marine's hands. "We're gonna go wait in the shuttle. I should have time to get a temporary shield in place... long enough to get us to the capital." She and Tiny turned and walked away.

"Okay, Reed. We'll be there in a bit. I'm sorry."

The seer waved her acknowledgment, but didn't turn around again.

She laid the package on the bed, and knocked on the bathroom door. "Gwen, you need to wear what is on the bed, okay?" Randi waited for verbal confirmation that the bard heard her, before she went out to start the coffee. She'd just gotten it on, when Tommy and Ella knocked at the door. Twin sets of eyebrows rose when they noticed her state of undress.

"You're going to the capital city in your pajamas? Kinda informal, don't you think?"

"Smart ass!" smacking the back of his head. "We overslept. Tiny and Reed are here, but they are waiting in the shuttle." She would have said more, but Gwen poked her head out the bedroom door at that moment.

"I'm done, Stud, if you want to get in." A beat. "Oh, morning, guys!"

Randi couldn't help the smile, and she headed toward the bedroom. "Coffee should be about ready if you want a cup, and you know you're welcome to wait here. We won't be long." She disappeared inside the doorway.

Gwen looked at the suit for a long time, and had just pulled it on and zipped it up when the warrior stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She didn't even look at the bard, but disappeared into her closet, re-emerging a few minutes later dressed in an identical outfit to the bard's own.

"Um, Randi? What are we doing exactly? I don't think I've ever actually seen you wear something like this before, but you're obviously quite comfortable in it."

The Marine came and stood in front of Gwen, giving her a good once-over before resting her hand's lightly on the bard's hips. The suit was borrowed from Reed, who was closer to Gwen's size than Randi was. She smiled, and pulled them together, meeting the bard's lips in a long tender exploration before releasing her and stepping back.

"We are going skydiving."

In answer, the green eyes went big and round.

Continued In Chapter XVI

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