~ Brave New World ~
by D

Disclaimer: This is a Wonder Woman/X:WP uberish cross-over. Therefore, any recognizable characters in this tale belong to DC Comics and anyone else who has an investment in Wonder Woman and to cover my 'just in case' bases, to Rob Tapert and Co., RenPics, Studios USA, MCA/Universal and anyone else who has an investment in Xena: Warrior Princess. I am just borrowing them for use in this story. No profit is being made from this and no copyright infringement is intended. This is all just for fun and to keep me busy and out of trouble. The other characters and the story belong to me.

Thanks: To Noe and Erin for supplying all the background information on Wonder Woman and the Amazons of Paradise Island and to SueG for pointing me in their direction. Big thanks to Marilyn for picking up all my dropped letters, of which there were many.

Author's Note: This is a stand alone story. The Storyteller's Cardinal Rule is in effect.

Chapter XV

It was quite the procession that made its way towards the hospice - the queen, Drea, Mala, Nubia, Paula, Rina and the guard Erilani. When they reached Diana's room, Erilani stopped and took up a post beside the door, while the rest seemed intent on getting into the princess' room. Drea halted the procession before they could cross the threshold.

"I want everyone except for Rina to wait here until I have an idea of what's going on." She turned to Hippolyta and spoke for her ears only. "I'm sorry, Pol... I need to know what is going on first."

Hippolyta smiled and cupped Drea's cheek gently. "I know I haven't acted like it in a very long time, beloved, but she is your daughter too, and you have only ever had her best interests at heart. You go do what you need to do, and I will see what I can do about finding our friend Chase. There is still much to this puzzle we need to understand if we are to act."

Drea took Hippolyta's hand in her on and kissed it, then turned and motioned Rina into the room with her. The rest looked to Hippolyta for direction. She cleared her throat.

"Erilani?" The Guard moved from her post and knelt in front of the queen. Hippolyta smiled and motioned the woman to her feet. "Rise, Erilani and tell me what you know of our young guest's departure."

The room was dark when Drea and Rina crossed the threshold. Only Diana's pale eyes reflected glints of the moonlight that streamed in through the open window.

"Diana?" Drea spoke quietly. She was at a loss to understand what the problem was immediately. It appeared as though she had recovered her consciousness, and at first glance there didn't seem to be any sort of medical issue. The healer turned towards Rina with a look of confusion.

"She's not responding, Drea. She didn't even react to my turning the lights on or off. I wasn't sure what to make of it... especially when she started mumbling."

"What did she say?" the healer asked as she turned the lights up to half-power. Diana blinked and turned her eyes towards Drea, carefully watching her each and every move, but otherwise initiating no contact, verbal or tactile.

"'Not even in death'... just kept repeating it over and over. What was even stranger...."

"Yes?" when the silence continued too long.

"Well, I'm not sure, but I think she expected to find Hippolyta beside her when she woke. She grabbed at me, then pushed me away when she saw who I was, and there was anger and disappointment in her face. Then she kind of just went internal and started muttering."

Drea nodded. "I want you to stay in the room for now, but remain out of sight. I'm going to try to get through to her."

Rina gave her a concerned look then agreed, and moved over to the small enclosure where they kept supplies and medicines for the room. Drea waited until she was hidden from view before approaching the bed. Diana's eyes tracked her progress, and held the healer's eyes when Drea got close. She motioned to the bed.

"May I sit down?"

Diana waited a beat before nodding briskly. Drea took a seat and treated Diana to a long perusal. Then she reached up and brushed the hair away from Diana's forehead, gratified beyond measure when the princess did not flinch away from her touch. She took a chance and let her hand cover one of Diana's and looked her squarely in the eye.

"You had us terribly worried, especially your mother and me. Are you all right?"

The shields went up in the blue eyes at the mention of Hippolyta, and Drea could have cried at the loss she felt at the action. The healer moved her hand to cup Diana's cheek.

"Talk to me, baby girl."

She caught the flash before it disappeared behind the shuttered expression, and it gave Drea hope. Then Diana spoke in a bare whisper.

"Where is she?"

"Where is who, Diana? Your mother? I asked her to wa...." stopping when the dark head shook.

"Where is she?" came the repeated whisper and Drea gazed back at the princess confused.

"Where is who, sweet girl? I don't know who you mean."

Surprisingly, blue eyes filled with tears and rolled silently down Diana's cheeks. She turned her head away to keep Drea from seeing them, but it didn't work. Drea knew better than to make a big deal of it, however and continued to speak.

"Let me check you over very carefully, and if everything is in order, maybe we can get you back to your rooms tonight. I think you'll be more comfortable there, and then maybe we can figure things out. All right?"

Diana nodded and tried to surreptitiously wipe her eyes, but Drea managed to give the illusion of completely ignoring them. That was something of a feat as she hadn't seen Diana cry in far longer than she cared to think about. Knowing at least part of what had happened to Diana when she was in the world of men made her heart ache... especially if when there was a good possibility that what they didn't know about was much worse. And Drea remembered all too well the terrible shape the princess had been in when she had been returned to them by Orana all those years ago.

Satisfied that whatever physical damage had been done to Diana had passed, Drea brought her a cup of cool water. Diana accepted the cup with alacrity and drained it, nodding her thanks as she handed it back. Then she sat up and swung her long legs over the side of the bed and stood.

Drea stood beside her, in case Diana needed help, but the princess adopted her most stoic mask and stood upright with seemingly little effort. From looking at her, it was impossible to tell just how off-balance she felt... physically and emotionally. Then they crossed the threshold and were immediately surrounded by bodies, not the least of which was Hippolyta's. Drea felt Diana stiffen and wondered how long it would be before the explosion came.

Hippolyta reached up a hand and Diana instinctively moved back away from the touch. When she turned blue eyes towards her mother, they were full of disdain, but Hippolyta also saw the pain lurking in the back of those eyes for the first time and she sucked in a breath at the anguish that was hidden there. Knowing what she now did about what had happened to her daughter and suspecting even worse, Hippolyta wondered what she could do to regain Diana's trust.

She let her hand fall limply to her side, but she still addressed Diana directly when she spoke. "How are you, Diana?" asked softly, without the stridence that has so long been part of their conversation. "You've had us all terribly worried. I'm glad I can let the Nation know you are well on your way to recovery."

The words and the tone confused Diana, and it showed in the briefest flicker across her face. Then she turned and immediately headed across the hall to the room that Chase had been in since her arrival on the island. She noted its emptiness instantly and looked back at Drea again.

"Where is she?" in a hoarse whisper.

Drea looked around, lost, and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't kn...."

"We think she left, Diana," Hippolyta responded. Diana sank to the bed at the words as her knees refused to hold her up any longer. She picked up Chase's pillow and hugged it to her, closing her mind to all outside distractions. It wasn't supposed to be like this, her soul cried. This wasn't supposed to happen. I know I was right this time... I felt it.

Hippolyta looked at Drea in alarm. This was totally unlike her daughter... even the daughter Diana had been before her disastrous foray into the world of men. Not once in twenty-six centuries had the princess even shown the slightest attachment to anyone except Steve Trevor, and even he hadn't solicited the gut-wrenching reaction Diana was showing about Chase.

Drea put her hand lightly on Diana's back and the princess stiffened before finally turning her head and looking back towards the healer. "Come, princess. Let's get you settled in your rooms and then perhaps we can pool our knowledge together and get the whole story."

Diana gazed at her a moment longer before nodding silently and allowing Drea to help her to her feet. She kept the pillow clutched in her hand, and no one made an effort to remove it. Then she shuffled unaided out the door and headed to her own rooms, anxious to collapse in private.

Nubia turned to the queen before she could follow and they watched her out of sight. "Paula and I will go back to the lab and see what else we can find in regards to Chase. We will gather as much information as we can for the princess."

Hippolyta nodded absently. "Thank you both. I think... well, I appreciate it, that's all."

Nubia accepted the queen's words with a slight bow, then took Paula's arm and together they went out of the hospice area. Hippolyta turned back to the remaining women.

"Rina, you and Erilani are dismissed. Thank you both for your help. Please do not discuss what has happened here tonight with anyone. The princess is in a very bad place right now, and I would count it as a personal favor if each you would respect that."

Erilani knelt and saluted with an arm across her chest. "By your will, my queen."

Rina nodded and gave a bow. "Yes, your majesty."

Hippolyta smiled. "Thank you both," watching as the two headed out of the hospice, then she glanced back at the priestess who waited patiently with Drea. "Come, let us go and see what we can do for my daughter," moving out confidently and expecting them to follow her. Somewhere, the queen had finally found her resolve and it was wonderful to see her moving towards Diana with such determination and focus. Drea and Mala exchanged glances, then rapidly followed in Hippolyta's footsteps.

Diana entered the room and was immediately assaulted by the scent of the things Mala had left earlier in the day. They in turn brought a flash of unpleasant memories and coupled with the dreams she remembered, left Diana drained and shaken. She pulled the mask off the wall, dropping it carelessly to the floor. Then she did the same with the other artifacts, leaving them where they fell. The scrolls, however... the scrolls she pulled carefully from the shelves and stacked neatly in the box Mala had brought them in. Only one did she keep - one that had been copied specifically for her when years of her rereading it had caused the original to show tattered wear.

The knock at the door startled her, as she couldn't remember the last time she'd been afforded the courtesy of privacy. Well, she could, but it was always followed by feelings of anger. She wasn't surprised when the knock was immediately followed by Drea's head.

"May we come in?"

Diana shrugged, not caring. She had no plans to stay out here and entertain them, and it was possible they might be able to answer some of her questions.

Drea entered, followed by Hippolyta with Mala bringing up the rear. Hippolyta eyes flared with anger when she saw the disrespect accorded the artifacts Mala had brought with such care to Diana's room earlier in the day. Then she released it, knowing there was more behind Diana's feelings of anger than mere spite towards her mother. Mala ignored them and walked to stand directly in front of the princess.

"How are you, Diana?" though a look in the anguished blue eyes gave a more accurate answer than would ever pass Diana's lips. So Mala and everyone else in the room was shocked when she spoke.

"I hurt."

"I'm sorry, Diana." The words came from an unexpected quarter and three heads swiveled towards the queen. She moved to her daughter and eased Mala aside. "I am so, so very sorry. This is all my fault, and I'm going to do everything I can to make things right for you again."

The pain changed to anger, though not completely and the blue eyes burned fire. "You did this? You hate me so much?" in a whisper that slashed Hippolyta's heart to ribbons. "First you disgrace me before the Nation and then you destroy any chance for happiness I have?"

The three older women realized at that moment that Diana still had no conscious memory of the events they had so recently learned of.

"No, Diana, no! I had nothing to do with Chase leaving. I hadn't even gotten a chance to talk with her yet when we discovered she was gone." Hippolyta reached up a hand to cup Diana's face, but her daughter stepped back out of her reach. Her hand dropped.

"I know you don't believe this, Diana... I don't expect you to after all this time, but I am going to do whatever it takes to fix this... ALL of this. You deserve better."

Diana sneered and turned to Drea. "Drea, where is she?"

It was Mala who answered. "We don't know, Diana. When the guard went out to recover her from the beach and bring her back into the hospice, they couldn't find her. A further search revealed that your sailboat was missing. It is believed she felt the need to go home and did so without our help."

"Why?" came the bewildered cry.

"Why does she mean so much to you, Princess?" Mala cut in.

Blue eyes shuttered and she held the pillow she still held closer to her body, absently inhaling its scent. "I am going to go find her, and you're not going to stop me," pointing her finger and her words specifically at her mother and ignoring Mala's question.

"No, Diana, I won't... not this time. But I would like to help you if you would let me." Hippolyta held up a hand when Diana turned disdainful, disbelieving eyes in her direction. "I know you don't believe me - I don't expect you to trust me anytime soon if ever again. But I am going to apologize every day if that's what it takes to show you my sincerity, and in the meantime, I will do all that I can to help you."

"Paula and Nubia are working to find out all they can about Annabelle Chaser... personal data, location... things that should help your search immensely. Give them a little time, Diana, please, especially if it means you will wait until daylight before you leave."

Diana didn't answer, but crossed into her bedroom still clutching Chase's pillow and the single scroll she had removed from the multitude. They caught a glimpse of the bewilderment on her face when she turned and shut the door, and then there was silence.

Hippolyta walked into Drea's arms and broke into tears. "She spoke to me, Drea. For the first time in a hundred years, even though she still hates me, she spoke directly to me. That is the most wonderful, awful feeling I have ever experienced."

Mala had moved quietly over to the artifacts to begin packing them away with great care. "We have a slight problem, Hippolyta," addressing the queen as the old friend she was. "Diana still has no conscious recollection of what happened to her once she left here. Do we want to let her regain those memories on her own or do we want to help her? She is going to need to know, especially when she goes back out into the world of men."

Drea put Hippolyta away from her slightly and nudged her in Mala's direction. "Why don't you help Mala pack those things away? I want to go check on Diana, and I think she will probably respond better to me alone."

Hippolyta nodded. It was her belief as well, badly as it hurt her to admit it. "Take whatever time you need with her, beloved. I may have been a royal screw-up as far as she is concerned, but all I have ever wanted is to protect her. Maybe you will have better luck conveying that to her. We will wait here for as long as it takes."

Drea nodded and knocked on the door, hesitating before she entered. Then she closed it with a chilling finality and Hippolyta shivered.

"Come, my queen. Help me put this away and then we will sit and talk. Perhaps with a bit of luck, Paula and Nubia will have information for us soon. Besides, I am curious to know what Chase's diary said about her experience with Orana. Given what we now know about Diana's experience, I cannot blame her for wanting to get as far away from the Amazons as possible." And they fell to work with a will.

It was pitch dark in Diana's room when Drea went in and she offered up a prayer that nothing had been changed so she didn't trip and make a fool of herself. Slowly she eased in the direction she remembered the bed to be in and was gratified to bump into it. Drea sat down carefully.


Drea reached out a hand and came into contact with a smooth, strong back that flinched at her touch. She kept it there anyway and gently stroked the skin, hoping Diana would relax. Eventually, Drea spoke again into the darkness.

"Diana, we've always been friends - from the time you were given to your mother and many times you shared with me when you couldn't share with her. Can't I help you now? I know you hurt, but I don't understand why. I don't understand what Chase means to you."

For so long there was silence that Drea had given up hope of a response, though she continued the keep her hand on Diana's back. Then she felt the princess take a deep breath and she strained her ears to hear the whispered words.

"I hurt, Drea. My soul hurts. She called to... she...."

Oh my daughter... what she has done for you. I never again thought to hear such openness from you, especially about anything so personal, Drea thought to herself. Aloud she said softly, "Diana do you remember when you were a child and we used to read the old scrolls together?" thinking of the scroll she had seen Diana gripping. "And always... always... you wanted the story of the soulmates? Do you think perhaps... is it possible Chase might... be that... for you?"

"No," rasped out harshly. "I thought I had discovered that once. I won't... I can't. Not again."

"Then why are you so adamant about finding her? Not that I disagree - I am quite concerned for her myself, knowing she is out there alone and blind. But, Diana, you remember the legend. It wasn't a choice. And those legends aren't myth, Di. The queen who wrote those stories was one half of the soulmates she wrote about. They were real flesh-and-blood people."

"No, Drea. No... I...." She broke off unable to finish, knowing in her heart... in her soul that what the healer said was true and regardless of the consequences and despite what had happened to her before, she was going to have to confront the fear and the possibilities head on. And hope that this time she was not misled. Given the intensity of her nightmares, she wasn't sure she could survive a second trial by fire if she guessed wrong.

Chapter XVI

"Diana, what do you remember of *that* time?" knowing Diana would understand exactly when she was referring to. She felt the princess turn over and look at her in the darkness and pressed on. "Please Diana... it's important. I wouldn't ask otherwise."

Drea felt the shiver pass through Diana's body and she waited patiently, knowing it had to come voluntarily, and recognizing just how difficult it was for Diana to share any of that, even the bits that were common knowledge among the Nation. The humiliation had been overwhelming for Diana's proud spirit, even without the agony that had followed. Finally, though....

"I remember Mother forbidding me to compete in the games because she felt I coveted Steve Trevor for my own. I didn't, Drea. He spoke to me, or his soul did... like hers did - only hers was much stronger than his ever was," she added contemplatively, referring to Chase. "But it was comfortable and familiar and something I had been looking for since I first heard those stories, though I knew it wasn't the completion of myself I'd hoped for. But it was enough that I wanted to be with him to try to understand it, perhaps to find it out there related to him in some way."

Drea held her breath. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected such revelations. Even before, Diana had been hesitant to share such personal information, but it seemed with everything coming to a head, it had to bubble over and spew forth. Drea was devoutly thankful that she was the one privileged enough to hear it.

"Then she humiliated me at the games when I competed anonymously and won... deliberately humiliated me and stripped me of my rank and privilege. Then she banished me to the summer palace under guard, but not before making me walk the gauntlet and insuring that every single Amazon took a shot at me. I have never felt agony like I lived through then."

Drea's mouth dropped. This was bad... far worse than she'd expected. "Every one?" she muttered through stiff lips.

"All but you and Mala. You cared for me."

"When did you return here?"

"I did a year of intense labor there, rebuilding the wall alone before I was permitted to return. But I've remained a prisoner here." Her whispered voice took on a fierceness. "I won't do it anymore, Drea. I hate it here. I'm not going to stay... not now... now that I've found a reason to leave."

"Diana, what if I told you that most of your memories are wrong... that they have been tampered with?"

"Nice try, Drea. That sort of betrayal you don't forget." Diana turned back to the wall.

"Diana, I can prove it if you'll let me." Diana didn't move or acknowledge Drea's words, and the healer sighed in defeat. "Sweetheart, I know you're angry... you've been angry a very long time, and I really don't blame you. Your mother does bear a large burden of guilt in what happened and she knows it, even though she thought she was acting with your best interests in mind." Diana snorted, and Drea patted her back. "I really do believe she was, regardless of the poor judgment she used in trying to achieve that. But, Diana - what you believe happened... what you think you remember is not the whole truth. I know the truth and so does Mala, and when you're ready to face what really happened to you, we'll be right here to show you."

Silence was her only answer and Drea sighed, then leaned forward and kissed Diana's forehead. "I love you, baby girl. I always have. Thank you for letting me back in again." Diana didn't respond, but for the first time in a long time the silence didn't disturb Drea. She finally had an understanding of Diana that gave her unlooked for answers, and she knew what they would need to do to begin repairing the damage that Hippolyta had started and Orana had completed.

Drea leaned up against the door as she pulled it closed behind her and reaction set in. Hippolyta and Mala both looked at her but remained silent as Drea collected her obviously scattered composure. Hippolyta noted the shakiness of her hand and the paleness of her complexion and moved to guide Drea to a seat, while Mala went to get her a cup of something tall and cool.

"Wait," Drea called out to the priestess as she realized their intentions. "Let's go to our quarters. We will be uninterrupted there and Diana deserves whatever privacy we can afford her. Oh, gods." Drea covered her hands with her eyes and breathed deeply. Hippolyta wrapped a supporting hand around her waist and Mala came up to reinforce the other side. They looked at each other over Drea's head, wondering what could have caused such an intense reaction.

They went down the hall to their rooms and Drea dropped heavily onto the couch. Hippolyta sat down beside her and gently rubbed her back while Mala moved behind the bar and poured Drea a glass of wine.

"Better bring one for each of us and the bottle as well," Drea warned. "It's not pretty."

"Worse than we expected."

"Worse than you can imagine."

"Should we call Nubia and Paula to hear this at least? I don't think we need involve the entire council at this point but they...."

"No," Drea answered. "Perhaps later, but this... for now this information is for family only."

Slowly Drea gave a recounting of what had transpired when she entered Diana's room, because she wanted to include her thoughts and impressions of things as they happened. When she got to the point of sharing Diana's recollections of that time, though, she told it straight through with no deviations from the actual events. Hippolyta's breath caught and she clasped a hand over her mouth to keep from emitting any sound. Mala grabbed her free hand and held on tightly, as though to help bear some of the burden.

They remained steadfastly silent while Drea finished her retelling, including her rather harsh judgment of Hippolyta's involvement. Fortunately, that information was known to the queen as she and her consort had discussed it several times in recent days and it was nothing she herself did not believe as truth. But Diana's remembrances of what had happened to her were simply horrific, and they brought tears streaming down Hippolyta's face.

"My gods, no wonder she hates me. I'd hate me too... worse than I already do. I hadn't realized until... gods, I was so wrong... so very unfair to her." Drea covered Hippolyta's hand and rubbed her thumb across the soft skin in a gesture of comfort.

"You are working to fix that. The big question though is whether or not she will let us help her uncover the real truth. And whether or not she can survive without the knowledge if she chooses to leave us believing the lie," Mala said. "Because you know when she goes back into the world of men, she's going to remember eventually. And she will go looking for Orana when she does."

"She will survive regardless of what she chooses," Hippolyta replied through her tears. "Because she is a survivor - she's shown us that."

Drea nodded. "There is still something I do not understand, and that is why she gave up. Why did she stay here, hating it like she does? It doesn't make sense, not if we put that knowledge up against the intense woman and the fierce warrior she was before she left here." She paused and finished her wine, filling her glass before she continued speaking. "You both remember how defeat used to spur her to greater accomplishments. So why not this time? What happened to fundamentally change the woman we knew and respected and loved? We are missing an important piece of the puzzle."

"Perhaps the information Paula has on Chase will help. Or perhaps they will dig up something new," Mala commented as she rubbed her eyes. She swallowed her wine and leaned back in her chair. "You know, we knew that Chase was going to be important to Diana, but it would have been nice to have been clued in a little better as to just how tied together they already are." She turned to Drea. "Did Chase give you any indication she was going to just up and leave like that?"

The healer shook her head. "No. I knew she didn't trust me yet, though she really wanted to. I have to wonder... I told you her reaction to thinking I was an Amazon. I would be willing to wager that she somehow survived an encounter with Orana and that she found out that we are Amazons. It's the only thing I can think of that makes any sense at all." She turned to the queen. "Are you all right, Pol? I'm sorry about what I said, but...."

"No, Drea. It was the truth on all levels, and I'm not all right, but I will be. At least now I know what I have to work against and if it takes a hundred years times a hundred more, I will make my daughter... *our* daughter understand the truth. All of it - my mistakes as well as hers."

She wiped her eyes and rose, then excused herself to wash her face. When she returned, Hippolyta looked much more relaxed and composed. "Let's call Nubia and Paula in here. I am anxious to hear about what Chase experienced. I am more than a little curious to know whether Drea guessed right about her possible reasons for leaving us. It is possible, if she had a run-in with Orana and obviously lived to tell about it, she may be the key to not only defeating her, but to laying to rest Diana's ghosts as well."

"Your majesty, it's late. Perhaps we should pick this up early in the morning. The last few days have been exhausting and the next few promise to be just as harrowing, especially if there are more revelations like we received this afternoon. We need to rest if we are to get through it and help Diana through it as well. Sheer grit is not going to make it an easier proposition for any of us."

Hippolyta shook her head. "I know you are right, my friend, but I feel a sense of urgency driving me, as though we only have a very little time left before everything changes. Let us hear the rest now. Once we have done all we can, then we can stop to sleep."

Mala couldn't argue with the logic - she herself felt the stress of the situation... a pounding insistence to resolve things that were unraveling quickly. "As you wish, my queen. Let me send a guard to the lab to fetch them, and another to the kitchen for something to eat. This could take a while and we have to eat regardless of how we feel."

It didn't take long - Nubia and Paula arrived from down one corridor as the guard and another woman made their way from the kitchen with laden trays. Hippolyta assumed the role of hostess, pouring drinks and insuring everyone was served before they took comfortable seats in the living area, forgoing the stiff chairs and formal table of the meeting room. The time for formalities was over... this was a time for both thought and action.

Hippolyta took a look at both Paula and Nubia whose appearance was as ragged as she felt. She ran a hand through her hair, mussing a usually neat coiffure. "My apologies, ladies. I know you have been working overtime since Chase's arrival. But I feel we need to hurry. Diana is going to leave as early as tomorrow, and I'd like to know what she is going into. I'd like her to have an idea of what she is going into if we can manage it."

"Tomorrow, my queen?"

"Yes, Paula. I don't know that she will go so quickly, but it is a possibility and we need to be prepared for that."

"Well, we have a couple of searches going on about the rebellion in general and one on Chase and her sect particularly. We should have something useful by morning, but not before then."

"Thank you, Paula. I know you have been working almost non-stop."

"Yes, but the historians are going to have a field day with all the information we have pulled down. Just glancing through it for things we could use has been fascinating. But we can discuss that later," Paula added. "You wanted to hear about what happened to Chase, correct? Did you want her whole history or just her encounter with Orana?"

"Do her early experiences have any bearing on what happened with Orana, directly, I mean? If not, I think we can wait on it. We'll need to know to give us a better understanding of her, but the most important piece right now is her meeting with Orana."

Paula nodded her acceptance of the healer's words and turned to her pad. "This happened several years ago, when Chase was still a teenager, and it is one of the key events that allowed her to become the leader of the rebellion."

"Wait, I have a question," Mala cut in. "Is she *A* leader of the rebellion or *THE* leader of the rebellion?"

"From what we have been able to ascertain from the records, she is now *THE* leader of the rebellion. She didn't start it and she'd not particularly thrilled with being given the role, but this experience - her survival of her encounter with Orana - put her in a position to unite the many different individual factions into a single cohesive unit. She possesses the charm and a gift for words that make people want to follow her." Nubia paused to take a swallow of her water before continuing. "She will be the one we have to convince to let the Amazons help dispose of Orana. But that is something we can worry about later. We have enough on our plates to worry about right now."

"Agreed," Hippolyta said. "One thing at a time. Please, Paula... continue."

"Yes, my queen." The scientist turned her attention back to her pad, consulting her notes. "It appears that when she lost her mother, Chase became quite reckless, accepting riskier assignments and taking dangerous gambles that garnered her spectacular results but came close to getting her killed more than once. It was almost as though she wanted to die, but when brought face to face with that very real possibility...."

The assignment had been simple enough. Word was that the Nazis were developing a new serum to use against the rebels. It would allow them to extract information while eating away at the insides of the human it was being used on. So far, it worked far too well, as it was eating the rebels alive before any useful information could be obtained. So their effort was now concentrated on slowing its effects down, and as an added bonus, it appeared that the slower it worked, the more excruciating the pain the rebel would have to endure.

The thought had been terrifying and it had turned Chase's stomach when she'd heard what they were doing. She'd known what they'd done to her mother had been horrific, but she had believed... had hoped that the Nazis had reached the depth of their villainy. But this news....

The hierarchy had been almost relieved when Chase volunteered. She was the best that they had. She had survived several trips behind enemy lines and had always retrieved what they needed and usually more valuable information besides. They felt confident that she could succeed if anyone could.

All she had to do was sneak into the Reichstag and steal the formula. Then the rebel scientists could begin working on a cure.

Getting in had been absurdly easy... child's play for Chase who had accomplished it successfully several times before. Unfortunately for Chase, one of the test subjects for the serum had been their inside informant, and the Nazis had a welcoming reception waiting for her when she crossed the threshold.

The men of the party wanted to inject her immediately, thinking to destroy a formidable foe. But Orana recognized Chase as an opportunity, and ordered her removed to the torture chamber. The men grumbled, but obeyed, knowing at some point they would be allowed their fun as well.

She was stripped and bound to the wall, much in the manner Diana had been nearly a century before. The room smelled of fear and old blood, and Chase concentrated her considerable intellect on finding a way out before the she-devil could inject her with the serum.

For how long she hung there, Chase had no real way of knowing, but her arms were screaming in protest at their mistreatment long before Orana stepped into the room. It was almost a relief to see her. At least now she could try to create her own opportunity to escape.

Orana surveyed Chase for a long moment, lust lingering in her eyes before it was masked by hatred and disgust. "Did you really think you could outsmart me, you worthless little rebel? You... a mere child against the greatest mind the world has ever seen? Against the ultimate Amazon?" She stepped closed, running her whip handle against the smooth skin, frowning when there was no reaction.

Chase had already put her mind on another conscious plain, and though she was marginally aware of Orana's actions, she was focused on looking for a way out.

Unexpectedly the whip lashed out and Chase flinched more in surprise than in pain. She hadn't expected the physical punishment to begin so soon. All their intel had suggested that this particular Nazi, known in rebel circles as the Black Widow, got off on psychological torture as well as physical, and usually took quite some time to intimidate her victims before beginning the physical abuse.

Orana watched Chase with eager eyes. It had been far too long since she'd had a challenge like this one, and she relished the sport that was to come. She decided from the young woman's lack of reaction though, that she needed to approach her differently, and went right into a flurry of physical punishment.

She felt the ribs crack under her blows and smiled in satisfaction when Chase emitted a cry of pain. Slaps to her face, a punch to her nose and lips, and then she took the cat and began marking her thighs and chest, savoring the blood that flowed freely and the whimpers Chase couldn't manage to stifle as the pain burned white hot.

Orana wanted to continue, but she saw Chase was fading into unconsciousness so she pulled back. "Now that I have your undivided attention," she purred in evident satisfaction. "I'm going to leave you here for a while to think about my question. It would be to your advantage to have an answer ready for me when I return. I still have all that lovely skin on your back to play with, and I haven't broken any bones yet." She grinned. "Well, maybe a couple. But there are plenty more to choose from before I am close to the two hundred mark. And just think, when I've done all that, and you think it can't be any worse, I'm going to inject you with my latest creation. Then I'm going to sit hear and listen to you spill your guts while the poison eats you alive from the inside out." She grinned again, and Chase couldn't help noticing that her eyes were completely mad. "Sounds like a fun afternoon and evening, don't you think?"

She left with a final punch to Chase's mid-section. Then she laughed and the sound sent chills skittering over Chase's spine adding to the ache throughout her body.

"How did we miss this?" Hippolyta asked. "How did we all miss the fact that Orana was so evil?"

"It was easy, my queen. She never had the opportunity for power here that she achieved in the world of men. She is apparently the ultimate power there, and it corrupted her absolutely. Besides, I sense Ares' fine hand back of this somewhere. What could be better for him than a never ending war?"

"Perhaps," Drea agreed, "but the basis for that evil had to have been in place before she left. Which means we still had to have missed some pretty big clues."

"Not necessarily," Mala objected. "It is highly likely that she would never have uncovered and utilized those traits had she not left here. I believe she was jealous of Diana for a very long time, but not once did she act with dishonor until she got into a place where that was acceptable behavior. You all remember the issues the Nation faced amongst ourselves when we lived in the world of men. We were as susceptible to corruption as they, though we were never as cruel."

"Well, Orana has certainly managed to dispel the cruelty theory. The things she has done go beyond anything any man ever did to any of us, and gods know it wasn't an easy life for any of us before Paradise Island."

"If it makes any of you feel better, Chase does get some of her own back. I think we should finish her story."

"Paula's right," Nubia said. "It doesn't make Orana go away or look any better, but it makes for really good reading. My respect for Chase jumped greatly, and I already thought highly of her after she managed to get the princess talking again," not mentioning the questions and concerns she'd originally held in regards to the young woman's presence on their island. The rest accepted Nubia at her word and turned their attention back to Paula's research.

Chapter XVII

How long Chase hung there, she couldn't possibly have said, but she let her mind float, separating itself from the pain. She'd deal with it later, but her priority now was to escape, and the damage Orana had already done was going to make that a difficult proposition at best. The only thing she had going for her at the moment was the one guard she knew was a double agent. If there was a God, Jorge would come to check on her before the Widow came back, and could give her the advantage she needed. She had the inklings of a plan, but she needed a little luck - and the last few hours had managed to successfully dispel Chase's belief in her luck.

After a bit, the door opened and Chase forced her head up expecting to see Orana's evil reflected back at her. She went limp with relief when she came face to face with Jorge. The man looked back at his partner, instructing him to watch the door while he checked the prisoner. The younger man looked as though he wanted to argue, but they had been instructed to insure she was still alive and secure, and Jorge was senior to him. So he took his post while Jorge entered the room, leaving the door open to avert suspicion from the gutsy move he was undertaking.

He checked Chase's ankle restraints first, sliding his hands up her body as was expected while looking at her with eyes full of apology. She offered him forgiveness with a slow nod that continued her ruse of unconsciousness. Jorge tested one wrist, then the other, pressing something cool and metallic into the second that nearly caused Chase to start. Only her practice in self-control kept her front squirming with joy. Finally she had a way out.

"Jorge, let's go. You know the Fuehrer is anxious to get back in here, and I don't want to be here when she does.

"Afraid, Max?"

The younger man nodded furiously. "Yes. There is just something about the Fuehrer...." Jorge held up a hand to stop his words.

"Careful, Max. You don't want to show disrespect," closing the door on their conversation.

Again time passed as an unknown quantity, and this time Chase got what, or rather *who* she expected to get. Orana strutted in and grinned evilly at the still-unconscious looking rebel. She clucked to herself. "I expected more stamina from you, Annabelle," not getting the looked-for reaction to the use of Chase's first name. "Hmm... I may have to alter my plans for you. I need whatever information you've got, and if you're not even conscious, where's the fun in torturing you?"

"I've been working on improving my drug, and I'm going to test a new theory on you. You see," Orana continued conversationally, as she loosened the restraints around Chase's ankles, "I think if I use this in very tiny, very measured amounts, I can make you live a very long time. It will be excruciating for you, of course, but sacrifices have to be made in the name of scientific research."

Chase hung limply, keeping her breathing even and her body completely relaxed. She was only going to get one shot at this because she figured Orana was smart enough not to be this overconfident twice. The ex-Amazon set the syringe on the table behind her, and released one arm and then the other, laughing cruelly when Chase hit the floor with a dull thud.

"I wasn't considered brilliant enough to be a research scientist when I was an Amazon. Shame, that. I am beyond brilliant in this world, but somehow I don't think Hippolyta would appreciate me anyway."

For her part, Chase laid there and allowed the blood to flow back into her arms with painful prickles. She didn't flinch when Orana jerked her up and onto her shoulders, though the motion did make her grunt in pain. Orana smiled.

"Well, maybe I will get a little more enjoyment out of you after all," she commented darkly as she dropped Chase onto the table.

Faster than seemed possible, Chase forced her body to respond and grasped the syringe. Then she jammed it into Orana's thigh and released its vile contents in one bold push. Orana screamed in outrage and agony as the poison began to make its way through her system swiftly. She reached for Chase, only to have her leg collapse out from under her, hitting her head on the corner of the table on her way down.

Chase waited a long moment, gathering both wits and strength before sitting up carefully, mindful of her painfully broken ribs. She looked at the unconscious woman at her feet distastefully, then grit her teeth and set herself to lift the larger woman up onto the table. The scream she emitted could be heard down in the barracks and caused smiles to ripple across the faces of several SS members, though for different reasons than they suspected.

Chase stripped Orana of trousers and shirt, wishing she had something to wrap around her ribs. She shackled the Nazi woman to the table, not willing to take the chance that Orana had and allow the woman to get the jump on her, even though Chase believed she was dying.

She opened the door slowly, expecting to see at least one guard, then shaking her head in disbelieving thankfulness at Orana's overwhelming cockiness. The woman had been so sure of her superiority that not only had she not wanted anyone to help her in the chamber, but she hadn't even bothered with a guard outside the room just in case there was a problem.

Chase had long learned not to look a gift horse in the mouth and eased out the door with one last look at the woman the Nazi's had called fuehrer. With any kind of luck this was the end of her and the regime would crumble.

She walked quickly and silently down the hallway, hoping to find a way out before anyone came looking for her. She was trying to remember the schematics she had memorized adapting for the area she had come from, hunting for the laboratory that had been her original destination.

It wasn't hard once she figured out exactly where she was and Chase dispensed with the lone guard by jamming the key Jorge had slipped her into his eye, taking his machine gun and side arm before she unlocked the door with the set of keys she had taken with Orana's clothes.

Her search was easy - there was no real security, and Hans had been very specific in what she had to look for. Her German was exceptional thanks to Hans' tutoring and she found not only the poison, but several other questionable experiments as well.

Chase stuffed the files into her shirt, then looked around for a way to destroy what was left. She moved away from the files and smiled when she walked into the working lab. It was almost too easy, and with a little more luck she'd be able to take some of them out as well.

The fire was burning well when she casually walked out and slipped down the hall unnoticed.

"It goes on from there," Paula said, "and gives an account of how she got out and back to the rebellion. But it boils down to the fact that Chase's actions turned the rebellion around. She brought everyone together in a common effort after that, and they started making great strides against the Nazis."

A respectful silence fell after that as each woman present contemplated the information they had just been presented with. Eventually, Drea cleared her throat and spoke softly.

"Well, at least now I understand her comment about the evil brutality of Amazons and having seen it face to face and lived to tell the tale."

Another silence fell at her words.

"I think we all need some rest," Hippolyta said as she stood up, and the other women followed suit. "There is nothing more we can do tonight, and now at least we have something to tell Diana if she asks. With a little luck, she'll give me a chance to.... Well, we'll pick this up in the morning."

Mala, Nubia and Paula all nodded and bowed their heads before escaping out the door. Drea and Hippolyta watched in silence until the door closed behind them. Then the healer wrapped her arms around the queen and led her into their bedchambers.

"Come, Pol. It's time for bed."

Hippolyta nodded, but made no move to ready herself as her mind continued to go over and over the many different things she was trying to process. Drea took her hand and gently led her to the bed, easing her out of her clothing and tucking her in. The lights were off and Drea was tucked around her before Hippolyta stopped thinking and let her mind return to the present.



"We've really got our work cut out for us."

"Um hmm."

"You think we can do it?"

Drea was quiet for a few minutes as she gave the question some serious thought. "Yes," she answered finally. "Because it's going to come down to Chase's and Diana's need to be together, and I think they are going to need us to make that a complete reality. It's not going to be easy, though."

"As long as it works," Hippolyta vowed firmly, "we will do whatever it takes."

And on that thought, they gave themselves over to Morpheus' care.

Diana tossed and turned all night as Drea's words flowed in and out of her mind, giving her strange and unsettling dreams. Over and over she dreamed of the games and the gauntlet she had walked and each time Drea's words haunted her visions.

She knew what she remembered - the memories were much too vivid for her to have made them up out of whole cloth, and yet.... Something in Drea's words rang true in her heart as well as her mind. Whatever else, Drea firmly believed she spoke the truth. Perhaps she should allow Drea to tell her own brand of truth. Then maybe she could exorcise the ghosts that had returned again to haunt her.

Getting back to the plane proved almost more of an adventure than any of them needed and all by accident.

Chase walked between Adam and Shep, grateful for the support they offered even as she struggled to make her own way. They had to walk through several public areas, and none of them wanted to draw attention to themselves. But it was hard to hide the marks on Chase's face or the fact that she walked with a decided limp, even as slowly as they were moving.

They attracted the notice of a small band of Nazi soldiers, clustered at a table in an outdoor café. They didn't move to stop them at first - only spread out to follow the trio. Adam noticed them first.

"We appear to have attracted a tail."

"Question is - what can we do? I really don't think Chase is up to a knock-down, drag out, no holds barred fight. And our first priority remains to get Chase off this island and back to the base camp."

"Um, guys...."

"Agreed," Adam said, ignoring Chase's attempt to cut into the conversation.

"Um, guys...."

The soldiers spread out, determined to surround them and cut them off for questioning. They still had no idea who the three were... only that they were odd enough to be made sport of. Had they known, they might have been a little more cautious in their actions.

Chase blew out a frustrated breath, then let her pain and the aggravation she'd felt building for days work to her advantage. She swung her undamaged arm, clouting the nearest on the jaw and dropping him like a lead balloon. Shep growled under his breath.

"Damnation Chase!" Then he was too busy warding off the Nazi's who were left. Two went down to a punch and kick combination, while Adam took out another two with a split kick. Chase got the last with a punch to the throat, and then they were being cheered by the native bystanders. Chase struggled to maintain her equilibrium now that the rush of adrenaline had left her body. Shep took one side and Adam took the other, literally carrying her as they moved swiftly out of the market place.

The natives scrambled to get out of the way and get back to their business. They couldn't afford to out themselves as rebels yet, so they didn't want to be seen as helping the trio escape. But they did nothing to hinder their leaving or to assist the soldiers who were still sprawled all over the ground.

Chase came back to her senses only to realize that she was being carried by Shep, and they were moving very fast through some serious undergrowth. She twitched and he held on tighter, holding her eyes with a glare.


"Chase, be quiet and be still. We've got to get out of here and I don't need any more stress at this point, all right?"

"Shep, I can walk...."

"Chase, I mean it. I don't know what you were thinking back there, but that was just stupid."

Adam kept his face forward, clearing a path in front of them and assuring that their passage would be unmarked. But he listened; it was too interesting not to.

"Stupid?? Um, Shep? Did you happen to notice what was going on?"

"Nothing, until you lit into those soldiers. You know they are going to comb this island looking for us now. We're going to have to take Adam to the mainland for a while to keep him alive. We can't leave him here because they've seen and know his face. He's risked everything and you put us all in jeopardy."

"Put. Me. Down." Chase was so rigid and precise in her manner of speaking that Shep reacted as the trained soldier he was. He eased her to her feet and withdrew to stand at attention. Adam stopped and turned as well.

"The one I hit initially had a blade tucked into his sleeve and was going to gut me. They all did, Shep. They were going to make sport of us by sticking blades in us until we begged for mercy. It is standard operating procedure for these guys."

"How come we didn't see them?" Adam asked.

"Because you didn't look," was the flat reply.

"Do you think they made us, Chase?"

Chase bit her lip in thought, then shook her head. "I don't think so. I think they saw weakness and decided to prey on it. They will be looking for us now though, so we need to get the hell outta dodge and home." She turned to Adam. "We'll get you back here as soon as we can, but for now it would be safest for you to come with us."

Adam nodded. "I knew and accepted the risks. I am prepared."

"Good. Can you two help me now?" she asked, reaching out in the darkness, not realizing when Shep moved to catch her before she hit the ground.

The darkness was comforting and Chase struggled to bring herself back towards the harshness of the light. She had faded in and out of consciousness the rest of the way to the waiting plane, than passed out completely when a wrong turn sent pain wrenching through her body. She blinked, glad Shep had brought the larger plane.

Chase sat up slowly and shivered, bringing Adam back to her side. She wondered what had happened that she seemed to have completely lost her ability to put the pain aside, especially given what she had been through with Orana and some of her other less-than-pleasant experiences. This just wasn't that bad, comparatively speaking, though the cold was making her cramp and she wondered if the Amazons on Paradise Island had done something to her. Then she put the thought aside as Adam extended a bottle of water for her to sip from.

"Where are we?" she asked hoarsely. Adam shrugged.

"I don't know. We have been airborne about an hour." He watched as she nodded and continued to sip at the water he'd given her. "Can you eat something with that? It had been a while since you ate and Pop instructed me that you were still quite weak."

Chase blinked. "We have food?"

Adam smiled. "Oh yes. Mama made sure we had plenty to tide us over... for several days judging by the weight of my knapsack."

Chase smiled in sympathy with his chuckles. She really didn't feel like eating, but realized that could be a serious part of her problem. Her eating had sporadic at best and it was doing nothing to help her body repair the damage that had been done to it. Adam waited patiently, watching the thoughts tumble over one another in her eyes.

"Some crackers maybe? I think I need something on my stomach before I put anything substantial into it."

"Very smart," Adam agreed. "Pop intimated as much. Here," had added, digging around and handing her a small package wrapped in waxed paper. "These should work."

Chase nibbled slowly feeling her stomach settle and her equilibrium return. Adam watched as a bit of color returned to her cheeks and nodded in approval. Then he handed her a bit of bread and fruit and settled back with his own, glad to pass the time by filling his belly which was strangely empty after the exertion of the morning.

Chase chewed deliberately and methodically enjoying the sense of filling in her belly and feeling the pain recede as her strength began to restore itself. She could tell it was going to be a slow recovery period, but it was nice to feel better after what seemed like a lifetime of feeling weak and in pain.

She finished up and patted Adam's leg in thanks. Then she slowly shifted her body over until she sat back of Shep. Then she tapped on the back of his seat to get his attention, gratified when he only glimpsed in her direction before retuning his attention back out the window.

"What's up?"

"Where are we?" Chase asked, clutching her collar more tightly around her throat. Shep shrugged.

"We've still got a few hours if you want to curl up and get some rest. You look better, but you still look pretty rough. How do you feel?"

"Pretty rough," Chase answered with a wry grin. "I dunno... this has just drained me for some reason. I feel like my soul is running on empty." The last muttered in a whisper so low Shep nearly missed it.

Shep turned his head again and regarded his friend and leader for a very long moment before turning his focus back to the empty sky outside the windshield. He heard Chase slide back into her little cubby and he sent up a quiet prayer for a speedy recovery. They were going to need her whole for the big offensive that was coming.

Chapter XVIII

Chase awoke again much more refreshed and in better spirits than she had been in since she'd left the rebel base little more than a week ago. She blinked and stretched, absorbing the recognizable scents of her hut and the familiar feel of her rough cot and blanket. It took a minute, but her brain did catch up with her senses and she shot up out of bed.

Her head no longer hurt and there was only residual pain in both her shoulder and her thigh. Better, her eyes seemed to have cleared and didn't hurt nearly as badly as they had even the.... Chase's thoughts stopped there as she realized she had no recollection of arriving home. She wondered how much time had passed and stuck her head out her doorway. As though he had been watching specifically for her to make an appearance, Hans was the first to see her and he ran across the compound to catch her in a full body hug.

"Annabelle!!" knowing she would grab his ears in retaliation and relishing the familiarity of it. Chase did, yanking hard enough to make him release her before she threw up from the spinning he was doing. He set her down gently and gave her a much more tender, though no less heartfelt hug. He released her and stepped back, wiping tears from his eyes unashamedly.

"God, Chase!! It is so good to have you home! What happened? How are you? Do you know how worried...?" Hans stopped speaking when Chase held up a hand.

"What day is it?"

Hans looked confused but answered the question. "Wednesday. Why?"

"So we got in...?"

"Yesterday afternoon. You slept for almost twenty-four hours. How do you feel?"

Chase smiled and the action transformed her face completely. "I feel good. It's good to be home." Her stomach chose that moment to growl and she couldn't stop the blush that followed. "Guess I better go grab something to eat."

"Let me," Hans inserted. "It'll give you a chance to take a shower and me a chance to find Shep and the rest of the gang. I know everyone is anxious to talk to you. We were really worried."

Chase nodded, knowing she was going to have to give at least a partial explanation of what had happened to her during her time away. The Nazis - that would be easy. So would the island that she had stumbled to during the storm. But the Amazons... that was something else all together. What had happened there was still very much a confused tangle in her own mind. She wasn't ready to share it, and she didn't know if she ever would be. No one would understand her feelings because she had never, EVER shared what had happened to her... except with her diary. And no one here was capable of hacking into her security, not even Hans.

Suddenly she moved snapping green eyes back to Hans' concerned expression. "Hey, wait a minute." She narrowed said eyes at him. "You saying I stink there, buddy?"

Hans' eyes widened comically. "NO! No, of course not. I just... I, um...."

Chase laughed. "It's all right, Hans," she said with a laugh, clapping his shoulder in camaraderie. "I imagine I do stink; it's been a while since my last shower." Her brow furrowed. "I think, anyway. Things are still pretty hazy." Not complete truth, but she felt comfortable with the little white lie. It would go a very long way towards making her life easier. She shook her head. "Besides, you know I am fond of a shower when I get up, especially on the rare occasion I get hot water."

A laugh was heard behind her and Chase whirled to see Ty with her hand over her mouth. "Yeeeesss?" Chase drawled slowly, knowing Ty loved a good tease and Chase could see the sparkles shining out of Ty's brown eyes.

Ty made an exaggerated motion to look at her watch and raised an eyebrow in mock astonishment. "Well, maybe if you could crawl out of bed at a decent hour there, Chief, you might get a little hot water now and then. Not all of us have the luxury of sleeping round the clock." But Chase could see the honest worry in the back of Ty's eyes.

Chase smirked. "Yeah, well, I have to do something to give you guys a chance to keep up. Can't be stuck doing all the work around here myself, ya know."

Ty narrowed her eyes and snorted derisively. "Remind me again why we wanted you home? You are such an egotistical pain in the ass."

Without warning, Chase jumped into Ty's arms, wrapping her legs around Ty's waist and kissing her cheek. "Yes, but I'm ya'll's pain in the ass and the best damn pain in the ass in the world!"

Ty threw her head back and laughed, a full rich sound that drew attention and caused others to join in without knowing what had caused it. She hugged Chase tightly, then released her to slide to the ground. "Ya know, cuz, I love you, but your modesty in completely underwhelming." Ty reached up a hand and pushed the blonde hair back from Chase's eyes, tilting her chin up until their eyes met.

"You all right? Aside from needing a haircut, I mean. God Chase, you scared everyone out of a year's life."

"She's not kidding," Hans cut in. "We were all pretty worried when we heard you'd been shot down. But not worried enough to stop working. No one wanted an ass kicking when you got back." Chase laughed and Hans smiled, glad of the reaction. He and the rest had been truly worried when Chase didn't respond to any of them upon landing. Though she was well-known for enjoying the occasional sleep-in when she could manage it, she was always instantly awake when called for. And her lack of reaction had been scary.

"Speaking of ass kicking," he said, backing away towards the mess area. "Let me go get you something to eat before your stomach decides to make an appearance and beats me to death for not moving fast enough. You want everyone back here in...?"

"We'll meet in the conference room in thirty minutes. Thanks, Hans."

"Anytime, Chase."

The two women watched him go, then Ty looked back at Chase with a wicked grin. "He likes you, ya know."

Chase returned the look with a knowing smile of her own. "No, actually he doesn't... not the way you're thinking."

"C'mon, Chase. You can't tell me you haven't seen those lovesick looks he casts in your direction every time he looks at you."

They walked back in to Chase's quarters so she could grab her toiletries and a change of clothes. Ty opened her mouth to tease a little more, but stopped when Chase's serious eyes met her own.

"Ty, I am not gonna betray any confidences here, but trust me when I tell you that Hans is not interested in me that way. He is my friend... a good friend... but only a friend."

"You're serious," grabbing a towel and passing it over.

"Yep. I sure am," picking up her things and making her way out of her hut and across the compound toward the showers. Ty followed more slowly, pinching her lips between her fingers in thought. She followed Chase into the shower tent, then took a seat on the changing bench while Chase continued on to stand under the nozzle.

Chase turned the knobs and let the warm water run over her in relief before she grabbed the soap and began to lather her body. She waited patiently, knowing something was bugging Ty beyond the fact that she had guessed wrong about Hans.

It had been a running joke between them all their growing up years, teasing about who fell for whom and trying to see who could guess right more often about the dalliances that went on between members of the rebellion. But Ty also know her cousin well enough to know that when Chase turned serious, the teasing was over. And she knew better than to ask who because Chase took her confidences to heart and kept them there.

But Chase's words had caused questions of another kind to run rampant through Ty's mind - things that had been niggling at her for quite some time now - and with Chase's confirmation that Hans was not the object of her affections, she decided to give the questions voice.

"Does that bother you?"

Chase blinked water out of her eyes and blew it away from her lips. Then she turned her head and looked at Ty with confused eyes as she scrubbed her hair with savage satisfaction. "What?" she asked as she backed into the spray to rinse the soap.

Ty bit the bullet. "The fact that there is no one special in your life. I mean," she continued hastily when she saw the storm clods gathering in eyes that were rapidly going from green to gray. "I know you have responsibilities - we all do. I know yours are a lot greater than the rest of us cause you got stuck leading this ragtag group of misfits, and I can't tell you what a difference that has made to the rebellion. I mean... it seems like we will actually finally defeat those damn Nazi bastards once and for all. But Chase, it has changed you so much."

"How could it not, Ty? So much depends on me and the decisions I make. Every time I make a bad judgment call, people die." She turned back to the water and jerked the knobs into the off position, reaching for the towel she had draped over the stall wall. "Hell, even when I make the right decision, people die. I know what those bastards are capable of and if we don't win...." She broke off, not wanting to hear herself speak her doubts aloud - not even to the woman who had been her best friend growing up.

Ty smiled, her expression full of confidence. "We will win, Chase, but then what? Things will change when the war is finally over, and we're gonna have to discover a new form of normality. But since you were captured, since you assumed command of the rebellion, you haven't let anyone get close to you. Don't you remember all the fun we used to have sneaking out after curfew to steal a few kisses or more from the other guys and girls in the camp? That's one reason I was kinda hoping about Hans, though I will admit to wondering about your taste on that one. I mean... don't get me wrong, he can be a nice guy and he is certainly cute enough, but God almighty I think he deliberately tries to step on every single nerve I've got some days."

Chase squeezed the water out of her hair then roughly ran the towel through it then proceeded to do the same haphazardly over her body before wrapping it around her and moving over to stand beside Ty. Ty looked up at Chase at the exact minute that Chase smiled down at her.

"Don't you ever get lonely, cousin?"

Chase's smile become melancholy and she shrugged as she dropped the towel and started dressing. Ty spared a moment's appreciation for the beautiful form of Chase's body, then returned her attention to their conversation.

"Don't you miss the companionship and camaraderie... hell, don't you miss the sex having someone in your life will give you? I mean really, Chase... seriously - knowing yourself is all well and good but it can't replace the warmth of another human being in your arms and in your bed."

Chase chuckled... she had to. She knew the words were sparked mostly by concern and only a little by curiosity, but it just wasn't the sort of conversation she'd expected to be having with anyone, even Ty.
Especially not after the events of the past few days. There was something there - something teasing her at the back of her mind that was familiar. And she still wasn't completely convinced now that the whole Amazon experience hadn't been a dream. Worse, she wasn't sure she wanted it to be. Something about the whole thing had been comforting and at the same time, unnerving. She shook herself from her daze to find Ty's curious eyes on her.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about what you said." Chases tucked her t-shirt into her pants and fastened them before dropping onto the seat and pulling on her socks. "In some ways you're absolutely right, Ty. Things will change when we win and normal will mean more than fighting and planning and strategizing. But I'm gonna have to adjust to that when it happens. I can't afford the distraction that being in a relationship would cost... me and the rest of the team. Too much depends on me, and until that changes...." She let her words trail off and picked up her boots.

"Do I miss it?" she continued as she laced up her boots carefully. "Sometimes, but I think I actually miss the thought of what could be more than the reality of what is."

"You lost me."

Chase stood and stomped her boots into place before gathering her dirty clothes and wrapping them up in her wet towel. She looked at the door abstractedly for several long minutes before turning her head back towards Ty.

"I want more than an occasional roll in the hay or someone to eat dinner with once in a while. I want it to mean something."

"You think it wouldn't?"

"I know it wouldn't, Ty. Not with anyone here. Don't get me wrong... folks here are great and I do love them, especially the gang, but no one touches my soul, Ty. And I'm not willing to be distracted for less than that."

Ty wrapped and arm around Chase's shoulders and was gratified to feel the touch returned around her waist. They headed out the door and both blinked rapidly when the bright sunlight momentarily stunned them.

"Well, I gotta tell ya, cuz, I for one hope I am there to see it when it finally does happen. 'Cause I got a feeling when you fall, you're gonna be down for the count."

Chase laughed with Ty though there was a sadness in her eyes that her cousin completely missed. "Never happen, Ty. It'll never happen."

Ty smirked. "I've got good currency says differently. You confidant enough to bet on it?"

"It'll be like taking candy from a baby."

Whatever response Ty might have made was lost in the rumble that sounded loudly from the vicinity of Chase's stomach. The two women looked at one another and burst into laughter. "C'mon," Ty urged, letting her arm fall from Chase's shoulders to catch her hand instead. "Let's get you fed before the Nazis find us just on the basis of your setting off the Richter scale."

For answer, Chase jumped on Ty's back and proceeded to treat her like a horse. Their rambunctious play brought out the rest of the team to simply laugh at their antics, pleased beyond reason to see a momentary return to the Chase they had known before adulthood forced responsibilities on them they didn't necessarily want.

Ty reached Chase's hut and they entered, then she returned a moment later dusting her hands off and grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Shep laughed again as he and the rest of the crew moved to intercept Ty on the short walk to the conference room, only to hear the roar as Chase rushed out the door and landed on Ty's back once more. They actually winced as they heard the air rush out of Ty's lungs, but Ty was long used to Chase's games and had missed them terribly. She had a passing thought to wonder what had happened in the week she'd gone missing to suddenly inspire the bout of playfulness. But she relished it and leaned over obligingly, flipping Chase over her head and onto the ground.

Chase winced as the landing rattled through her body, sending a residual ache into the spots that were still not fully healed. She popped Ty in the arm, then accepted the plate of chow Hans had collected for her and they made their way into the conference room to catch up on what had happened between them during the week they had been apart.

But in the back of Chase's mind, Ty's words hovered, and she wondered if she would ever find what she was searching for, or if she was destined to be alone for the rest of her life.

Diana finally gave up sleeping and rose from her bed to stand at the window and watch the moon set. She clutched the pillow she still held to her, letting the scent soothe the ache in her soul as nothing short of Chase's physical presence could have done.

She let her mind drift back over her brief conversation with Drea. She wondered at the conviction in the healer's voice. No matter her relationship to Hippolyta, Drea had never lied to Diana. BUT....

But, Diana's memories were painfully clear. She *knew* what she remembered, and what she remembered was shame and humiliation and walking the gauntlet of those she had once called family. Her insides hurt with a gut wrenching intensity as she allowed the memories to flow over her once again, and she held the pillow to her more tightly.

Diana slowed her breathing, imagining the feel of Chase in her arms and allowing that sensation to calm her raging spirit. A part of her mind had the sense to wonder how an imaginary person could cause such a literal reaction, especially one whom she had only had the briefest real contact with, but a larger part of her simply accepted the response. Chase was real, even if that reality wasn't in Diana's arms at the moment. That would change soon enough, she hoped, but first she had to find some answers here. Then she would go seek that which her soul assured her was hers for the claiming.

She wondered about trusting her own judgment on this soulmate aspect particularly - Diana was honest enough to admit to herself that her track record was somewhat lacking in this department... whether it fall into the romance, love or bonding category. But at the same time, she couldn't deny the familiarity she'd felt the first time she'd seen Chase in the hospice, beyond anything she'd ever dreamed of with Steve Trevor. There was a resonance there that just....

Diana scrubbed at her eyes furiously. All the crazy thinking was making her antsy and giving her a headache to boot. She padded back over to the bed and placed the pillow reverently on hers before resuming her place back at the window. Then she knelt with her hands on her thighs and simply rested.

She watched the moon slide beneath the horizon just as the sun peeked over the other side. Then she closed her eyes and forced her breathing to slow once more, intent on centering herself before beginning her day. There were too many important decisions to make to allow the chaos her mind had suddenly become to make those choices without an effort at centering herself.

She called on the warrior discipline that had always come so easily to her, and was able to put the ache in her soul back into focus, making it more of a background noise than the screaming demand it had been. She let things flow past her reality, acknowledging that she might need some help this time if she was to find Chase and succeed at becoming part of her world. This was too important to risk screwing up for her pride.

Decision made, she rose and went to shower, determined to get the information she needed as quickly as possible - ready to begin her life again.

Chapter XIX

She was hit with a centuries old familiar scent when she crossed the threshold into the temple, and for a moment, Diana simply closed her eyes and breathed it in. Something had changed for her in deciding to move forward with her life once more, and for the first time in a century and more, Diana was able to relive the happy times in her life and appreciate all the memories she had that were wrapped up in the place she now stood.

Mala stood in a back corner merely observing, watching the nuances in Diana's face change as she absorbed the temple atmosphere into her soul. She could sense a peace long absent from Diana present within her again, and she stood in silence allowing Diana that peace.

Eventually Diana's eyes fluttered open and she padded silently into the temple, looking around it with familiar eyes. There was no warmth associated with this place any longer, but at least the contempt that had been there for so long was missing.

For her part, Diana sat down on a bench about halfway into the sanctuary and let her eyes roam across the various statues and artifacts that adorned the room. She hesitated, startled when they reached the shelving that held the neatly stacked scrolls. It wasn't readily apparent, but her long acquaintanceship with the material allowed her sharp eyes to catch the difference as soon as they passed over the parchments.

Slowly she stood and walked to the front, stopping only when she reached the shelf in question. The dark head cocked to one side and reached up and removed the new scroll from its place. Diana opened it up and scanned it, then crumpled it in her hands before she moved to sit on the front bench across from the altar.

For a long time she sat still allowing the memories from the day that still haunted her days and nights to wash over her with startling clarity. When they had run their course, she returned her eyes to the parchment and began to read the words written their, allowing their meaning to soak in. Then she sat lost in thought, before reading it through a second time.

The differences in her memories and what was written were astounding, and though what was written was bad, it wasn't nearly as vindictive and hateful as her own recollections were.

Hippolyta was embarrassed by Diana's obvious lack of respect from her by her willful disobedience, and in her fury lashed out at the princess. Diana's eyes grew cold and distant even as she tried to defend her actions, but the queen would have none of it. In her anger, she treated Diana like a child, confining her to the palace under guard for the duration. And like that scorned child, Diana retaliated in a way she knew would further fuel her mother's rage.

She was extremely careful not to kill any of the guards who were assigned to keep her a prisoner, but she made sure both they and her mother understood that she was a force to be reckoned with - not a child to be trifled with or placated. It was a point well-taken when Hippolyta saw the condition of her guards and read the note left behind by her headstrong, frustrating daughter, and it was then that Hippolyta began to question her actions.

The queen went to Drea, seeking reassurance that she had been right, only to find that the healer, *her consort* completely disagreed with her handling of their daughter. Though she couldn't fault Drea for believing the way she did, it hurt to know she had lost her unqualified support. Rarely had they disagreed about Diana, and never to this degree.

Hippolyta went to the temple, hoping to find solace there, only to discover that the goddesses had forsaken her and Mala wasn't particularly pleased with her performance either. So she hardened her heart against Diana, blaming her for the troubles that had arisen from the whole situation - refusing to admit her wrong and unwilling to discuss the situation with anyone.

Her actions and attitude caused a split among the Amazon Nation in the months that followed and she was nearly removed from office. Then the unthinkable happened - Diana was brought home by Orana... body broken and spirit crushed with nothing but hatred and contempt left in her heart.

Hippolyta tried to put her issues aside, but Diana's obvious disdain of her only entrenched her own hurt and anger more firmly, and soon both Drea and Mala insisted that the queen stay away from the princess to allow Diana to physically heal and recover from her ordeal.

It was touch and go for a while. Fever racked Diana's body and yet she remained silent in her misery. Drea and Mala both spoke to her, hoping to encourage some sort of reaction but all they got for their trouble was silence, though it was not the contempt-filled one that Diana presented on the rare occasion Hippolyta would venture into the room.

Eventually Hippolyta stopped trying and finally Drea released Diana from the hospice with supervised care. That lasted one entire day before the Amazon who had been given the assignment left and refused to return. Several more tried, and each of them failed within less than a day, the last only managing to last a single hour before she ran out of the room.

From that day, Diana was left to her own devices. No one outside the council attempted to talk to her or include her in anything again, and Hippolyta's handling of the entire situation was put aside as the Nation turned its attention to new challenges.

Diana closed her eyes when she reached the end of the scroll. The written words were so different from her memories, and yet there was a familiarity to them that rang true to her mind. Something was wrong - there shouldn't be such discrepancies between the two accountings.

She felt Drea's presence a bare instant before she smelled the light floral scent Diana had long associated with the healer. Drea took a seat but didn't say anything and the two of them sat in silence for sometime before Diana slowly opened her eyes.

She felt Drea's eyes on her, but kept her focus towards the altar. The healer covered Diana's hand, and though the princess did not respond, she did not pull away either and Drea took encouragement from that. They sat that way for a little while before Drea drew a deep breath to speak.

"I know what you read and what you remember are completely different accounts of events. But I swear to you, what you read is the truth. Diana, I have never lied to you, and I wouldn't pick now to start. I know...." Here Drea blew out a breath and dropped her chin to her chest in shame. "I know you've been treated unfairly by everyone here, including me, but gods, I didn't seem to know how to reach you anymore. No one did. When you came back from man's world, you were changed... so different and cut off from everyone and everything. And every gesture was rebuffed until it was just easier to stop trying. I'm sorry for that. I should never have given up on you, or let you give up like that on yourself. I'll never, ever forgive myself for that. You deserved better."

It was quiet for a few minutes while Drea gathered her thoughts and Diana was content to maintain the silence. She was impressed by Drea's sincerity, and yet there were those pesky memories reminding her once again that what Drea was saying did not coincide with what really happened. So she waited patiently, knowing that Drea had more to say and finding strange comfort in the fact that the healer had maintained tactile contact with her.

"If you will give me the chance, I can show you what really happened. I can show you how Orana manipulated your memories to protect herself."

For the first time, Diana showed a bit of emotion, turning her head and cocking an eyebrow in Drea's direction.

Drea sighed and answered the unspoken question. "Everything. She has everything to do with this."

Diana waited for Drea to continue, and when she didn't, Diana grasped her chin firmly but gently and urged the brown eyes up to meet her blue. What she saw in those dark depths - pain, shame and regret - made her bite the inside of her lip. But her face remained stoic and she gazed at Drea seriously.

"Tell me."

The words were whispered, but carried the forcefulness of Diana's formidable personality behind it. Drea swallowed and nodded, then she rose and extended her hand down to Diana. "Come. It will be easier to show you."

Diana hesitated a moment, then accepted the extended hand and stood. Then the two made their way out of the temple, and Mala fell into step behind them.

There was a distinct silence across the courtyard as they left the temple grounds and moved into the palace, but for a change it seemed less foreboding. Instead it seemed filled with expectancy - at least that was the feeling Diana got subconsciously. Consciously, she was only aware of her hand in Drea's being take to the laboratory... the inside of which she had not set foot into in a hundred years.

Paula straightened upon their entrance, then drew a deep breath and moved to stand in front of her princess. "Hello, Diana," she said quietly. "It's good to see you back here again."

Diana nodded her head, but didn't say anything. She held Paula's eyes, liking what she found and nodding again. Then she looked around the room, anxiously taking in the new experiments and inventions Paula had scattered about. Many were things they had been working on together that had yet to see completion. Diana turned questioning eyes towards the scientist, and Paula blushed faintly before her eyes dropped to the floor and she shrugged.

"I was waiting for you to come back," Paula said softly.

Dian's expression never wavered, but Drea felt her breathing hitch. She wondered again how they could have let themselves grow so far apart. She squeezed Diana's hand lightly in a show of support. Unexpectedly, Diana pulled away from her and put both hands on Paula's shoulders. The scientist looked up, startled. Even before all the unpleasantness, Diana had never been a very tactile person, and this was just unheard of.

"I'm sorry," Diana whispered, but Paula heard her and a huge smile crossed her face. She reached up and covered one of Diana's hands with her own, patting it lightly before letting it drop.

"No worries, my friend. It is good to have you back again."

Diana smiled tremulously and turned back towards Drea. The healer gave her own watery smile and reached out a hand. "Come. First I want you to read the accounts that Paula found. They are the actual records that were made by Orana and Steve Trevor during the time that you were away from Paradise Island. Once you have seen those, if you are still interested, we can... well, there are several options. It will depend on what you want to do then."

Diana nodded and followed Drea to her old work station. Everything remained neat and tidy, just like she had left it, and it was apparent that Paula had made an effort to keep it clean the way she knew Diana liked it. Diana especially appreciated that, as Paula's own work area looked like something a tornado had swept through.

Diana sat down at her computer and scanned her handprint into the database. The computer actually hesitated as if in thought before it responded to her identity. "Welcome back, Diana. It has been eight hundred eighty-five thousand, seven hundred and sixty-eight hours and twenty-three minutes since your last log-in. How may I be of service today?"

Diana blinked, unsure what to say. She looked up at Drea in confusion. The healer's forehead creased in thought.

"I didn't think this out very well," she said, running a hand across her furrowed brow. "Maybe we should let Paula move the reports to one of the other...."

"No," Paula cut in. "Diana can type in her access code and open a link between us. I can transfer the files to her directly."

Drea nodded. She knew no one else, not even Paula, had been able to breach the encryption locks Diana had encoded into her machine. And so far, the princess had not spoken above a whisper, as though it pained her greatly to make the effort, so voice command was out.

Diana pulled the keyboard from the desk and slid it towards her, a little hesitant on the keys at first. Then she gradually picked up speed until her fingers were fairly flying across the board. Then she pushed back slightly and waited.

"Command complete. Access granted. Pathway is open and ready for file transfer."

Paula acknowledged by pushing a button on her computer. Seconds later the transfer was complete and Drea set a pitcher of chilled water next to Diana.

"We are going to leave you to read in privacy, Diana. We will be in Paula's office when you are done."

Diana held Drea's eyes for a long moment, searching for answers. Finally she nodded and whispered, "Thank you." Then Drea and Paula went to wait with Mala, and Diana turned back to the screen to face whatever new secrets awaited her there.

They didn't pretend to work, though Paula did sit at her desk. Drea crossed to the window and stared out unseeingly, hoping, believing they had done the right thing for Diana. Mala drifted over to the small couch and sat, turning her gaze inward as she prepared herself for the next step.

Hours passed in silence. Hippolyta looked in on them once but the awkwardness of the atmosphere made her leave shortly after her arrival. It was apparent to her and to them that things would go better with Diana if she wasn't present. At least until Diana knew the truth, there was very little hope of her forgiving her mother.

Finally, the silence wore on Drea enough that she ventured a peek inside the lab, and what she found was... unexpected.

Diana sat completely still, her eyes unfocused and her monitor dark. Drea walked further in the room, wondering if Diana was even aware of her presence she sat so unmoving. Even her breathing was unnoticeable. When Drea was less than an arms' length from Diana's position, the chair whirled around and piercing blue eyes bored into her brown ones.

"Where did you find this?" Diana asked in a sharp, precise whisper.

"Paula went looking."


Drea ran a hand through her tidy hair, mussing it up considerably in her agitation. "When Chase crashed here, it brought up all kinds of questions, especially when we noted the similarities between her and...."

"And Steve Trevor," Diana continued flatly.

"Yes," Drea agreed shakily. "And it made us curious. So Paula went looking, and the things she found.... Diana, I can't say it enough, but I am so sorry. This never...." She stopped speaking when Diana held up her hand.

"It is done and over, Drea, and no amount of sorry will change it or make it go away. What else?" motioning towards her monitor.

"I'm not sure I understand the question."

"You claim you found out what happened to me. You mean to tell me you didn't find out about her?"

Drea blew out a breath. She had hoped to avoid this particular subject. "Yes, we did," she admitted reluctantly, "but...."

"Show me."

Drea hesitated, but the fierce determination in Diana's eyes made her nod her head. "Paula?" she called out softly. The scientist poked her head out the office door almost immediately as though she had been waiting for the summons. Without a word she walked back to her console and uploaded the files she had gathered on Chase. Then she did something unexpected. Once the process was underway, she walked up behind the princess and placed her hands on Diana's shoulders. Then she brushed her lips over the dark hair and turned and walked out of the room.

Both Drea and Diana remained silent as the screen came alive again, then the healer repeated Paula's actions. "Call if you need me," she offered before disappearing behind the office doorway. Diana watched her out of sight, then turned back to the screen, eager to satisfy the niggling in her belly.

It was very easy to figure out when Diana finished reading Chase's file. The punching bag she kept in the lab to relieve the stress of experiments gone awry - the same equipment that hadn't seen action in more than a century - was suddenly pummeled with a flurry of punches. The sound echoed through the lab and into Paula's office and was greeted with almost a sense of relief.

Drea stepped out of the room followed closely by Mala. They watched in silence as Diana attacked the bag again and again, trying to exorcise the rage she felt coursing through her - at her mother, at Orana, at herself, even at Chase, and certainly at the world at large. Fast and harder the blows fell until her legs and arms were a mere blur, and Drea and Mala settled themselves in to watch and wait for Diana to exhaust herself.

It took the better part of the afternoon, and when she fell, she was soaking wet from her exertion. Drea and Mala rose from the seats they had taken on the floor and carefully cradled Diana between them. Then they called for a travois and moved the princess to the hospice where she and Mala could be closely monitored while the priestess purged her mind of the lies Orana had planted.

It was very slow going. Mala had no desire to hurt Diana further, and the process could be extremely painful if it was mishandled. But by the time morning rolled around again, they were finished and both Mala and Drea dropped into a deep sleep. It remained to be seen what Diana's reaction to things would be, but in the meantime, she too lingered in the healing arms of a deep, restful sleep.

Hippolyta came in to sit with Diana for a while, dismissing Rina so she could talk to Diana privately. She felt fairly confident what Diana's reaction was going to be when she awakened, given what had happened when she'd learned the truth, and she craved the opportunity to be Diana's mother again without all the anger and hurt between them for just a little while. Hippolyta knew a time would come - maybe sooner, maybe later - that they would have to have truth between them. And that was going to cause both of them anguish and grief.

But for right now, for this moment, she could sit and talk to Diana and pretend everything was all right.

She didn't speak of anything important - which flowers were blooming, the latest gossip on the love circuit, what was planned for dinner that evening. Trite, inane conversation, but she figured they had to start somewhere. Might as well try the easy stuff first. Finally Hippolyta ran out of words, and simply sat, gazing at the daughter she knew she had been unfair to and sorely missed. She reached up and brushed a lock of hair from Diana's face, and let her mind wander back to happier times.

She was taken completely by surprise when Diana awoke and moved instinctively away from her touch before settling back into sleep. Hippolyta rose and left without a word, holding in her grief until she reached the privacy of her chambers. Then she cried like her heart was broken.

Drea heard her distress and stumbled from the bed to gather the queen in her arms, and she held her until they both fell back into a deeper sleep, knowing that everything would change again when they awakened.

Chapter XX

"So what have we got?" Chase asked as she placed the lukewarm, bitter coffee down on the table in front of her. She managed to hide her grimace, picking up her fork and shoveling some sort of bland, tasteless food in her mouth. She sighed silently and chewed by rote, knowing the only way to get rid of it was to eat it. But she couldn't help but compare it to the fresh, flavorful food she had supped on just days prior. She forced the thoughts from her mind, knowing where they would lead and completely unwilling to go there. She glanced around the table in annoyance when no one made a move to answer her question.

"Am I missing something critical here or did everyone suddenly go mute?" Chase snapped out harshly. Her injuries and experiences were suddenly weighing in her and she simply wanted the briefing to end so she could go lay down for a while.

Shep cleared his throat self-consciously, then met Chase's eyes. "We, uh... we were hoping you would tell us what happened to you. You were gone for what seemed like forever and we were, well, we were worried about you, Chase. Surely you could spare a few minutes to fill us in."

Chase set her fork down deliberately and leaned back in her chair. "Do you feel this is something I owe you?"

Shep blinked. He hadn't expected the hostility... none of them had. Until now, Chase had always been completely honest and open with them and so easy going that they had never hesitated to talk to her about anything. They wondered what had happened to make her so defensive.

"No, Chase, no! Not at all. We were just worried. I'm sorry. I...."

Chase scrubbed her hands through her hair and blew a breath out from between her lips. "No, Shep. I'm sorry. I am tired and achy and honestly, I don't remember that much to tell you. I was caught by surprise by a squadron of Nazis, but I nailed the bastards... every single one of them. After that... after that, it is pretty much a blur for me. Vague impressions at best... flashes of light and sound."

Shep held up his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry Chase. I forgot you've been going pretty much non-stop since we found you. How about we table the discussion until tomorrow and let you get some rest?"

"Can it wait?"

Shep looked around the table and then nodded at Chase. "Yeah. Another day or two isn't gonna make a lot of difference in our planning or our execution. We've got everything in place, and we will be ready to go within our scheduled window."

Chase mulled over his words and finally nodded. "Very well. If this can wait until tomorrow, I would like to adjourn and get some rest. Everything may be a little clearer then."

The group rose in one body at her words. Only Ty lagged behind, watching Chase carefully and accompanying her out the door.

"You all right there, cuz? You didn't seem so tired just a little while ago."

Case nodded her head even as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah. I just... it kind of hit me all of a sudden... like the adrenaline ran out or something."

Ty chuckled. "Well, that's possible, I suppose, given that was about all that was keeping you upright for days from the little bit we could gather. I was just hoping it wasn't something I said," Ty continued as they reached the doorway of Chase's hut.

"Huh?" Chase replied dumbly. "Oh no... I am just exhausted. Might help if I knew what happened to me while I was missing," she lied, "but I don't think I am ever gonna get the truth behind that."

Ty shrugged. "Well, whatever happened, you survived, and that is the most important part. The rest we can worry about later." She pushed Chase back onto the bed and covered her with a single blanket. "For now, get some rest, will ya? We need you at a hundred percent." She brushed the bangs out of Chase's eyes.

Chase clasped her hand and squeezed. "*I* need me at a hundred percent. There is too much riding on this... on me... for me to screw it up now."

Ty brought up her free hand and cupped Chase's face gently. "No worries, cuz. You have never, ever let us down. You get some rest and let us worry about the details for today. Tomorrow is soon enough for you to start sweating again."

Chase grinned. "Thanks, Ty. I just feel so out of sync all of a sudden."

Ty nodded. "Missing almost a week of your life could do that to ya, but you can't keep worrying about it Chase. All that will do is give you an ulcer."

Chase smirked. "I don't think I have had one of those yet. It would be something new to try."

"I don't think so," Ty answered with a swat to Chase's forehead. "It is the only thing I can claim for my own in this place. I refuse to share with you."

Chase burst out laughing. "You are so funny, Ty. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"That's okay... I'm not sure I'd know what to do without you either. So let's make a deal not to find out and just move things along, all right? I'll see about getting Mitch in her to do a reading on you... see if we can find that missing week and put your mind at ease."

"I'm good with that," Chase said as they shook on it. Then she closed her eyes. "What's for dinner?" she murmured.

"Dunno yet. Depends on who made up the menus. But if it's good I won't let you miss out."

Thanks," came the mumbled response before Ty heard Chase's breathing deepen and even out into sleep. She leaned forward and brushed a light kiss across Chase's forehead, then tucked the cover up under her chin. Then she exited the hut with a single, backwards glance.

"Count backwards from a hundred for me Chase."

"One hundred... ninety-nine... ninety-eight... nine-y-sev...."

Mitch waited patiently until he heard Chase sigh in deep contentment before he spoke again. "Chase, do you know who this is?"

"Oh sure," she drawled. "You're muh good buddy, Mitch."

"That's right, Chase. And I'm gonna take you back in time to see if we can find out what happened to you while you were missing, all right?"

"Sure Mitch. You're muh good buddy. You won't let them damn Nazi bastards hurt me this time, will ya?"

He looked at the others and cleared his throat. "I'll do my best to watch your back, Chase, but I need to know what happened while you were all alone out there." He paused then continued. "You went down in Devil's Triangle. Do you remember?"

"Oh yeah. Damn Nazi bastards. Five of 'em. Came outta nowhere. Shot me outta the damn sky, but not 'fore I got them first," she said with a lazy grin.

"Good for you, Ace. We'll add them to your new plane, all right?"

"Nifty, Mitch! Hans is gonna bitch at me about having to repaint all those flags, though."

Hans flushed but joined in the laughter that went around the room. Mitch patted Chase's hand. "Don't worry about it, Chase. We'll all pitch in and he'll get over it."

"Good," she said with a smile, turning over and snuggling more into her pillow.



"Chase, tell me what happened after you shot down the Nazis. You crashed your plane...."

"I crashed into the last man and I ejected. Then I... I think I hit the canopy. It got real dark."

"Did you fall into the water?"

"Dunno." She managed a shrug. "Next thing I remember was waking up when Shep came to get me."

"That's it? You don't know how you got to the island?"

"Nope. Didn't I float there?"

There was silence. No one had ever failed to tell the truth under hypnosis, though this was the first time Chase had agreed to allow a session to be performed on her. Heretofore, she had kept her own secrets and her own council and the practice had served them all well. So now they were faced with the fact that either Chase could lie under hypnosis, nothing had happened to her worth remembering or she really had no memories to share. Given their understanding, they decided to accept that she had no real memories of her experience in Devil's Triangle.

"I guess you did, Chase. It certainly makes sense and would account for your missing week. Sun and dehydration could make it very hard to stay conscious to remember much of anything. Now why don't you get some rest? You want to be fresh in the morning."

"Yeah, cause Ty said I couldn't have an ulcer."

Mitch chuckled. "Did she? And why is that?"

"Cause that is all she has left around here to claim for her own. Doesn't want me horning in on her territory, I guess." She cuddled deeper into the pillow. "I think she is just being selfish." The entire room tittered.

"Probably," Mitch agreed, getting a slap on his arms from Ty for his troubles. "But don't worry about it. If you're meant to remember, you will, and if not, it doesn't matter. Put it behind you, Chase, and focus on the future."

"'Kay. C'n I go asleep now?"

"Goodnight, Chase."

"G'night, Mitch."

"Thanks, Mitch. I hope that will help. I think it was bothering her, not knowing."

"Probably. Given her personality, she needed closure to be able to move on. I think knowing there's nothing there to remember will do that for her."

"Agreed. Thanks, Mitch."

For her part, Chase fell into dreams of sunshine and a whispered voice and paradise itself. It would be a while before she wondered if her memories were really dreams.

"All right, people. What have we got?"

Hans put a hand on her shoulder and looked Chase in the eye. "Are you all right now? Do you feel better?"

Chase patted his hand and smiled, first at him and then around the entire room. "I'm good. Knowing that there really isn't anything there to remember helps a lot." In truth, she felt a bit of confusion, but for now, it was something she would have to live with. Maybe it had all been a figment of her imagination. However, for now there were far more important things for her to consider. Perhaps in time she would be able to figure out which of her memories were real and which were only figments of her imagination.

Each member of her team smiled back at Chase with relief in their eyes and she realized they had been as concerned about her inability to share as she had with her inability to remember. She was glad Mitch had been able to resolve that for all of them.

"Thanks, Mitch," she said, getting a hug in response.

"Anytime, boss. Now let's get back to business. We're about ready to launch our offensive and I think you're gonna like what we came up with the information you brought back. We think we have a really good chance of striking a killing blow with it."

"Yes," Shep agreed. "And even if we don't manage to topple the regime with it, we think it will signal the beginning of the end."

Chase felt the excitement running through them and couldn't help but catch their enthusiasm. "Well all right. Show me what we've got. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can take Ty's money from her."

"Uh oh," Jen commented. "What's the bet about this time?"

"Chase falling in love," Ty answered with a grin. "Who's in?"

"Oh, I am."
"Me too."
"I got it covered."

"<Ahem> Is anyone betting *with* me on this?"

"NO!!" came the resounding answer. Then the room burst out in laughter, including Chase. Then she slapped her hands on the table confidently and stood up.

"Very well, then. I'll take ALL your money, and we'll win the war besides!"

A cheer went up at the last pronouncement, and they settled down to serious work.

"So we're all set then right? We've covered all the contingencies, correct?" Chase was looking over all the paperwork her team leaders had given her, pleased with the amount of thought and effort they put into her original plans. They had expanded them until they had covered every foreseeable and unforeseeable event they could think of.

"We think so," Shep said honestly, "though I suppose there could always be something we've failed to consider."

"Well, I think ya'll did a damn fine job," Chase commented. "You thought of some possibilities even I didn't imagine."

Shep blinked. "I think that is probably the single scariest thing I have ever heard you say."

Chase stared at him as though he had grown two heads. "Excuse me?"

"Seriously, Chase. Given your penchant for wild, hair-brained ideas, I didn't think we could come up with anything you hadn't thought of first."

"Are you saying I'm nuts?"

Shep blanched and his eyes widened. Then he shook his head vehemently. "No, no. Uh uh. Not me. You didn't hear anything like that come out of my mouth."

"Funny... that is sure what it sounded like to me. What about you guys... hmm? Did it sound that way to you?"

"Yep, it sure did," Ty and Jan agreed simultaneously. Mitch and Hans just sat with their hands covering the mouths and hiding their laughter. Shep stood up and started inching his way towards the door. Chase just put her hands on the table and stood, leaning over and meeting Shep's eyes.

"I think you are in serious trouble, Shep. You want a head start or you wanna suffer your punishment now?"

He was out the door before Chase finished speaking. Chase looked around the room, her eyes twinkling as she met each of theirs, now all laughing out loud. Then she jumped the desk and darted out the door after him. They heard him squeal in the distance and it caused them to laugh even harder.

"Remind me again why we wanted her back?" Jen asked with a chuckle.

"Cause she provides the best entertainment around here, bar none," Ty answered seriously before cackling again as Shep squealed again and accused Chase of cheating to win. She would have said more except for the fact that Shep crashed into the room and tripped over his own chair, leaving him in perfect position for Chase when she pounced on his back.

"You're mine now, Shep. I'm going to tickle you til you beg for mercy."

"Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!" he screamed, hoping for a miracle. Chase laughed manically.

"You wish," she said as she curled her fingers and moved them in towards his ribs. Then without warning, she moved off of him and pushed out the door to intercept the radioman that was running to the conference room calling her name.

"Now what?" Hans asked. He had the distinct impression this was not going to be good news.

Chapter XXI

"All right... are we sure about this new intel, Harry?"

"Yes ma'am," the radioman replied crisply. "I checked it twice before I brought it to you, ma'am. It's my job to make sure."

Chase nodded. "You did good, Harry. Real good." Harry blushed to the roots of his curly, blond hair and bobbed his head in acknowledgment.

"Thanks, Chase.

"Thank you, Harry... keep up the good work."

Harry ducked his head in response and was out the door before Chase could say another word. Then she sat down on the bed to reread the report Harry had given her. This was one contingency they hadn't anticipated and they were going to have to move quickly to keep this from having a negative impact on their efforts.

Diana opened her eyes after sleeping away an entire day and night. She felt refreshed and her mind was clearer than it had been for decades, but there was still an underlying of anger and hurt that wasn't going to dissipate anytime soon. It had rankled and festered too long, and knowing the truth didn't change the feelings that she had harbored for years.

She sat up carefully, stretching a bit before she swung her legs over the side of the bed. Her nose wrinkled as she realized she'd been put into the bed after her round with the punching bag. Gods, no wonder I feel like I've been ridden hard and put away wet... I was. A wry smile crossed her face. At least that was something she could take care of immediately. Everything else could wait until after her shower. Her stomach growled. Maybe a banana or two would tide her over until she could get some real breakfast.

Diana slipped from the bed and walked the few steps between her bed and where Mala lay comfortably ensconced. The priestess looked tired, and for the first time in Diana's memory, fragile. The princess wondered just exactly what Mala had done to affect her so badly. She pulled the lightweight blanket further up her body until Mala's shoulders were covered. Then she walked out of the hospice and back down to her own quarters.

Rina followed her movements, then tapped another apprentice to keep and eye on Mala while she went to alert Drea to the newest development.

For her part, Diana enjoyed the treat of a long, hot shower. Having realized she had been put to bed all sweaty made her skin itch and she was luxuriating in the feel of clean skin. Then she stepped from the water and wrapped herself in her favorite, fluffiest towel.

Diana went to her closet and withdrew a bag. It was a brand new travel bag she had crafted for herself after Orana had returned her to Paradise Island with only the clothes on her back. She spared a thought for the first bag, remembering the time she had spent learning to craft it as a child. Then she put those thoughts away and focused on the future. The time had come for her to assume the responsibilities she'd once craved.

First, though, she had to find a way off of Paradise Island.

"Pol?" Drea called softly into the darkened bedroom after Rina left their quarters. "Pol? Wake up. Things are starting to happen." She crossed into the room and sat gingerly on the bed.

Drea hated to wake the queen, given the rough, restless night she'd had. But with Diana awake and moving around, the odds were that she'd be leaving very soon, and Hippolyta couldn't miss that event this time. There was too much at stake for everyone.

Hippolyta's bloodshot, blue eyes blinked up at Drea. "What's happening, Drea?" she asked, pushing up onto her elbows and moving her hair out of her eyes.

"Diana's up and awake. She left the hospice this morning. I expect she will be leaving us shortly."

Hippolyta rubbed a hand over her face in an effort to kick start her brain. "Will you go start the shower for me, please? I need to fire up my remaining brain cells before I try to tackle Diana."

Drea smiled. "Yes, love. And I will see what I can do for breakfast as well."

"Thank you, Drea. Someday I'll figure out what I did to deserve you."

Drea patted Hippolyta's leg as she rose from the bed. "You love me, Pol. That was enough." Then she was out the door before the queen could collect her wits to reply.

Hippolyta heard the water come on and Drea leave their suite and head towards the kitchen before she sat up and got out of the bed. She was already trying to decide what she would say to Diana on this occasion that she felt her daughter would listen to and accept from her. Then she stepped under the spray and let the water wash her thoughts away and she focused on the feelings. With a little luck, she would find the words to reach Diana through the feelings she still had for her.

Diana packed carefully. She knew she wouldn't get a second chance at this. She highly doubted she'd be welcome back on Paradise Island once she left this time, but she knew this was something she needed to do.

Diana went through her things carefully, trying to decide what she could live without. So many things were tied to her heritage and who she was, but did she need them in her new life? She bit her lip as she went through her things, choosing her clothing and then moving over to the scroll she had confiscated from the lot Mala had brought to her room only days previously.

That, more than anything else on Paradise Island, she felt tied her to the Amazons. There was just something so familiar in that story....

So she added that to the small pile of items she wanted to take. When she was satisfied with the choices she had made, Diana began to put each article into the small bag. It was a little more than half full when she finished, but to take more felt... wrong. She nodded in satisfaction. What she had was enough.

Content with her progress, she lifted the bag and moved it out into her living area. Then she headed out to the kitchen area to pick up some food. Even with help getting off the island, she still had several days' worth of travel to get to where she needed to be, and she wanted to be prepared for anything.

The kitchen went silent, but Diana moved around with confidence, knowing they wouldn't lift a finger to stop her. She chose foods that would last for a little bit, ignoring the looks of the staff around her, then prepared a loaf of bread and herbed butter. Without a word, she gathered her parcel and left the kitchen, waiting for whispers that never came.

When she reached her room, Diana was surprised to see a small congregation of people waiting respectfully outside her door. It had been so long since anyone had accorded her simple respect without a hint of fear that she stopped walking and simply looked at them.

Mala, Paula, Nubia and Drea returned her gaze evenly, hoping that their numbers would allow them the chance to show their consolidated support of her this time. Hippolyta kept her eyes firmly on the ground in front of her, not wanting her daughter to read anything into her expression.

For her part, Diana was at something of a loss at how to react to these women as a group. Together, especially with her mother as part of the equation, they had the power to make this a less than pleasant departure. She had hoped to avoid that... and them... with a clean getaway. Obviously, though, that wish had been in vain, and with a mental sigh she girded her loins and moved forward towards her door.

They moved back and waited for an invitation. Diana debated for all of two seconds before she turned and gestured them into her rooms, hoping to get things over with quickly so she could leave.

They stepped in behind her, one at a time, and Mala took the lead, moving over to the couch and taking a seat. The rest followed, though Hippolyta remained standing by the fireplace. Diana continued on to her bag, placing the fruit and other food she had collected into her bag, filling it nicely. Then she turned and faced what she knew was going to be an inquisition.

Drea, not surprisingly, took the lead, walking over to Diana and taking her hands. She examined her with a healer's eyes first and then with the eyes of a mother. She brushed the hair back from Diana's forehead then brushed her lips across it before gently cupping her face.

"How are you doing, Little One?" using the moniker that had been theirs alone during Diana's growing up years. Diana smiled wistfully, but didn't answer. Drea just returned the smile, seeing the difference in Diana's eyes. "I want you to know that you go with my blessing and my prayers behind you, Diana." Diana still didn't answer, except for a squeeze to Drea's hand, but for the healer, that was enough.

Mala approached next, confident in the change that had taken place in Diana's mind. She took Diana's face in her hands and held it before placing a light kiss on either cheek. "I know you haven't forgiven yet, Princess, but at least now you do understand the truth. Think about it while you are away from us. Promise me?"

Diana's answer was well considered, and then it was only a single nod of her head. But Mala understood and took it as the promise it was.

Paula rose from her spot, her hands filled with something she passed to Diana with a smile. Diana gave the scientist her customary raised eyebrow look until she realized what Paula had placed into her grasp. "I thought you would probably want to read up on everything. I mean... not much has changed considering more than a hundred years have passed, but a lot of history has happened in that time. I, um... I included everything I could find about Chase." The last she added at a bare whisper that even Diana had to struggle to make out, but when she did, the words made her smile and leaned forward an placed a chaste kiss on Paula's cheek.

"Thank you," Diana whispered into her ear. Paula flushed in pleasure and backed up towards the small group of watchers.

Nubia stepped forward and took one of Diana's hands in hers. "Good luck, Princess," she said simply, then moved to stand with her compatriots.

Diana had chance to wonder what had happened to cause what seemed to her to be a sudden change of heart. Then Hippolyta stepped forward and a chilled hush fell over the room and over Diana's features. The queen took a deep breath and spoke.

"Leave us, please," she requested of the Amazons. They looked at one another, then Diana, then finally Hippolyta before one after the other, they filed out of the room. Drea was the last to leave, and she touched first Diana's arm, then Hippolyta's before crossing the threshold to wait outside.

Diana looked at her mother with disdain for a very long moment before deliberately turning her back and picking up her travel bag. Then she moved towards the door and out of Hippolyta's life. The queen held out a beseeching hand.

"Diana, please."

The princess stopped walking but didn't turn to face the queen. The anger she felt coursing through her veins was palpable and it required more self-control than she had imagined it would to keep from acting on those impulses. Hippolyta reached out again, but stopped just short of actually touching Dian. She could easily ready the hairsbreadth of control her daughter was maintaining and had no desire to push her beyond her limits.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

Diana closed her eyes, but otherwise gave no outward that she had heard Hippolyta speak. She would have given anything to have heard those words a hundred years ago... when this all meant something to her. Now... now she simply wanted to leave it behind to begin life again with - well, she wasn't exactly sure what or who Chase was or could be to her. But she did know she was anxious to find out.

Hippolyta's shoulders slumped at Diana's lack of reaction to her apology. She had known it was going to be hard, but she hadn't expected it to be impossible. And it looked like Diana was going to make it as near to impossible as she could manage.

"I'm sorry," she whispered again. "I know that what I did to you before was... wrong... and I'm sorry, Diana. I'm sorry, and I know I will never be able to make that up to you. But I want you to know that you have my blessing and my total support in this new fight. It is time for you to resume the title which has always been rightfully yours and the Amazons stand at your disposal if necessary. Please be safe and come home soon, daughter."

Diana never turned or acknowledged Hippolyta's words. Instead, she waited until the queen was finished speaking, then she walked out the door without a backwards glance. Hippolyta sank to the couch and dropped her head into her hands. She had done the best she knew how - the rest was up to Diana. And right now, she didn't hold a lot of hope out for that.

When Diana stepped from her room, Drea took up cadence beside her, steering her down to the docks while the rest of the council filed into Diana's quarters to check on their queen. It was something Hippolyta and Drea had discussed, knowing that the odds of Diana accepting Hippolyta's words were nil, yet wanting Diana to understand she had their unwavering support.

"I realize we cannot give you another invisible plane to travel into man's world, but we thought perhaps you would accept passage on the royal yacht instead. A crew stands by awaiting your leisure to depart. They will take you to the nearest inhabited island where you will be dropped off. Paula has already prepared your travel papers and all the credentials you will need. They are in the packet she gave you earlier. By our calculations, even with favorable winds, the journey will take you a couple days. That should give you plenty of time to read and memorize all the information she collected."

Diana nodded. Already her mind was making plans. She knew just from Paula's words that they all expected her to find Chase. But that was not her first goal. As much as her soul would welcome another opportunity to understand who Chase was and what they had been... were... or could be to one another, her heart and mind required vengeance first. Vengeance for the crimes perpetrated against her, vengeance for the evil perpetrated against Chase and vengeance for the betrayal of both the Amazon Nation and mankind. It was an instinct deeply ingrained in her psyche, and she would not... could not... ignore it.

Drea saw the far-off look in Diana's eye and wondered where her mind had drifted in that brief interlude. Something in her expression made the healer think it had not been a pleasant sojourn and she wondered if she should have someone accompany the princess on her travels into man's world. Then her common sense reasserted herself and she realized that adding more pieces to this puzzle would only complicate things immeasurably - and this was complicated enough without making that kind of effort.

They reached the dock where the boat rose and fell gently in time with the waves as it stood ready to depart. The captain and her crew stood waiting to welcome their princess with hesitant smiles, and Diana reflected on just how bizarre it was to feel almost like part of the Nation again. She wondered at the sudden change of heart among the women, not realizing they were responding to the changes in her. Changes that she would come to recognize and appreciate more and more in the near future.

In the meantime, though, she nodded to the captain and crew as she set foot on the deck, then turned to Drea who had followed her. Diana allowed the healer to give her a very fleeting embrace before she moved away from her and towards her cabin. Drea and the entire crew watched her disappear below decks before exchanging glances.

"We'll take good care of our princess," the captain reassured Drea with a squeeze to her arm. "The Nation doesn't know everything yet, but we know enough. It is time we show Diana the support she deserves... both as our princess and as our champion. We are glad the queen is allowing us to do so once again."

Drea nodded. She had known the Nation had been deeply disturbed by Hippolyta's decision to make Diana an outcast here, though all had abided by her edict, both due to her position as well as Diana's own behavior towards them. She hoped this would be a new beginning to all of them. It was as important to the Amazon Nation as it was to Diana.

"So am I, Captain. But understand - you are only to transport the Princess to the island. No one... no one is to remain behind. This is something Diana has to work out for herself first before the Nation gets involved."

"But we will get the chance, Drea? Will we get a chance to be part of the solution this time?"

Drea thought about it before she nodded. "I think so, Captain. I really do."

"Good," the captain replied firmly. "We'll be off then, and we'll be back in five or six days. Maybe a week if the winds don't change."

"Safe journey, sisters." Then Drea went down the gangplank and the crew prepared to cast off. The healer turned and watched the activity on the ship. Then she offered up a prayer to the goddesses for their safety... and especially for Diana.

Diana went directly to her cabin, absently noting the fact that the crew had made an effort to welcome her. There were fresh sheets and flowers in the cabin and the window had been opened to let in fresh air. Diana pushed her hair back and dropped to the small couch, reaching into her bag and retrieving the information Paula had given her. With any luck, she would find the answers she needed and more besides.

She was totally engrossed in her reading when a knock on the door interrupted her. Diana frowned and looked up, then sighed as she rose and walked to the door. She opened it to find the first mate looking back at her. Diana sighed silently again.

Once upon a time, Nigelia had had an unrequited crush on her and Diana had politely but firmly made her understand that she just wasn't interested. It wasn't like Diana hadn't had to do the same thing with any number of others, but Nigelia had taken it very personally.

"Princess, I was sent to escort you to luncheon." Nigelia smiled at the crease of confusion that crossed Diana's features. "We have been underway for the better part of five hours, Princess." She chuckled when Diana blinked in surprise and realized that Diana had been so absorbed in something that she was completely unaware of the passage of time. "Let me bring you a tray, Princess. I apparently interrupted you."

Diana stood, torn between the need to continue her reading and the desire not to owe anything to Nigelia. Reading Diana's hesitation and guessing at the reason behind it, Nigelia rushed to put Diana at ease.

"Please don't feel obligated to join us, Princess. We know you have a lot to do between now and our arrival at the island. The Captain simply thought you might like an excuse to get out of your cabin for a while. It is a beautiful day and we are dining on deck." She hesitated, then continued. "You don't want to miss my Enora's cooking. No one makes a better peach cobbler than she does."

Diana blinked again, understanding immediately that Nigelia was no longer interested in her. She realized she had missed their joining and it occurred to her to wonder how many other important things she had missed during her self-imposed exile. With a smile, she accepted Nigelia's invitation, and followed the first mate topside.

It was shaping up to be an interesting voyage.

Chapter XXII

By the time they reached the island, Diana had memorized everything Paula had given her. She found the fact that civilization had stagnated quite fascinating, but it had made the formulation of her plans much easier. Tactics had always been her favorite part of training and she finally had a chance to use them in her own unorthodox way. She wondered what her instructors would think about the decision she had made.

Without effort, her thoughts turned away from her plans and swung back to Chase with the inevitability of a compass to the north. There was something completely mesmerizing about the blonde pilot and Diana couldn't help but wonder why.

She was more than interesting, though she certainly was that. The facts in her dossier made that profusely clear. And it was more than intelligence, though Chase also possessed that in abundance as well. It wasn't even her beauty which Diana had seen clearly despite the injuries Chase had borne when Diana had both rescued and visited her.

No, it was much more than that, though it was all of those things combined as well. It was something intangible... something that spoke to Diana's soul... something her soul cried out for.

She wondered briefly if she were being stupid by ignoring the truth her heart recognized and her soul knew to be true by choosing revenge and retribution over whatever possibilities there might be with Chase. But her mind knew there could be nothing between them until Orana was destroyed. And Diana firmly believed that was her responsibility.

So Diana tucked the information about Chase away until she could use it. Then she gathered her things together to leave the ship.

When she reached the deck, each and every Amazon stood at attention in a two line formation waiting to say goodbye. Diana was a little nonplussed. Though she hadn't made an effort to completely cut herself off from her sisters as she had on Paradise Island, her reading had kept her cloistered for the majority of her voyage. So she was surprised to see them all acting as an honor guard. Then the Captain stepped forward.

"It has been an honor, Princess. If there is anything more we can do...."

Diana didn't say a word, but turned to the Captain and extended her hand. Then she saluted the women who stood looking at her. As one body, they returned the salute and were treated to a rare, full-mouth smile from their reclusive princess. More than one fell back into instant lust, but Diana never noticed. Her heart was already full of Chase and her mind already engaged on her upcoming battle with Orana.

Diana turned and walked down the gangway to the dock without a backwards glance.

The Amazons watched her go, following her progress until she was out of sight. Then they made preparations to get back underway.

"Hey, Captain?" Nigelia asked, coming over to stand beside the Captain as the ship backed out of the port. "You think she'll be all right?"

"I think... I think we've finally gotten our princess back."

Nigelia smiled. "I think the world is in for one Hades of a surprise then."

Laughter accompanied them back out to open ocean.

"Chase, you can't do it. You cannot lead another mission. Have you forgotten what happened that last time you went out??"

Bare silence met the words as everyone waited for Chase's reaction. She wasn't known to tolerate fools lightly and Shep had just crossed a line even Hans hesitated in stepping over. It was one thing to protest her leaving; it was something else again to bring up what she perceived as a failure. Even though everyone else in the rebellion considered it at least a partial success, Chase still counted it as a failure for needing to be rescued from it, and Shep was trying to use that to his advantage.

"I see," calmly, frigidly. "And who died and made you God here?"

Shep swallowed hard. The cold precision of her words cut into him; he knew she was angry beyond description and that scared him. But he also felt he had a point that needed to be made and pressed on.

"You did... when you went out and died - or we thought you had. That left me in charge of this place... of this rebellion"

"Uh huh. And so what - you think you're still in charge that you can start issuing orders, Shep? Did I miss something here? Are you assuming command?"

"No!" his eyes widening almost comically. "No, that's my whole point, Chase! You went out on a routine mission and even with the odds in your favor, we still almost lost you completely to a chance encounter with the Nazis. Like it or not, you are what holds us all together. No one else can make this rebellion work like you do, Chase. All we were doing was marking time until we found you. God, can't you understand?? This is serious!!"

Chase regarded Shep from beneath scowling brows. "Yeah, Shep, you're right. This is serious. I find it very serious that you think this whole rebellion sits on my shoulders." She slapped her hands on the desk, causing Shep to stumble. The back of his knees hit a chair and he fell into it gracelessly. "How dare you!! How dare you put the whole of this on me and completely discount the efforts of every other person involved in this rebellion. Goddamn it, Shep!! I don't do this on my own!!"

He jumped up, leaning his weight on the desk and leaving only a hairsbreadth between them. "Exactly! Find someone else to lead this mission. We need you here!"

Chase sank back into her seat though her eyes never left Shep's. He stood up straighter, breaking eye contact and looking around the room with a smirk. He hadn't expected her to capitulate so easily. Then he turned his attention back to her and had to physically restrain himself from shivering at the look in her eyes. He got her unspoken message loud and clear and sank slowly into the seat behind him.

"All right, Shep. You think you need me here so badly. Tell me who you're going to send in my place, hmm? Who knows the Reichstag better than I do? WHO IS THE ONLY PERSON TO HAVE SURVIVED THAT GOD-FORSAKEN, FUCKING HELLHOLE AND COME OUT ALIVE?!?"


"NO!!!" She drew a deep breath to center herself before speaking again. "No, Shep, there is no one else! No one knows the horrors I've seen there, and no one else has been able to penetrate it with nearly the success that I had!! And not for lack of trying either - we've lost too many good operatives there because even when I share my knowledge of that place, people still get caught." She ran a hand through her short hair. "Like it or not, this is something I have to do. If I am the leader, then you have to let me lead, Shep. It's the only thing I am good at, aside from making everyone nuts."

Shep smiled ruefully at the partial truth in both statements. Chase was a leader who had earned her right and deserved to lead this crucial mission, and she most definitely drove everyone to distraction. But they were certainly not the only things she was good at though she was determined not to be convinced otherwise... at least until the rebellion was over. He shook his head.

"All right, all right. You're absolutely right, of course, but dammit Chase, we need you here too!"

"Shep, if things work out like they should, then you're not gonna need me here for much longer anyway. You and Jen can get married and settle down - raise a family." Chase nearly chuckled watching his eye get very round at her words. "Breathe," she commented softly when she realized he was holding his breath. "Shep, it's gonna be a little while still before we win, but you do need to start wrapping your mind around the fact that we're going to win and when we do, we're all gonna go on to different things - different lives apart from one another. I won't be there to lead you then." She motioned to Jen who stood in the back of the room with the rest of the team. "Jen will."

Everyone cracked up over the truth of her pronouncement and the tension in the room eased considerably. "Besides," she said, leaning back in her chair, "with a little luck, recon will take care of this new development before I have to take care of it personally. I only plan to go in for the final offensive, and our timetable for that has not changed."

Shep held up his hands, conceding the point. He recognized he wasn't going to win. "Okay, then. At least you've set my mind at ease about the intruder. I thought...."

"... that I was just going to rush over? C'mon, Shep - give me a little credit. We don't know who this person is or what they want. All we know is that someone suspicious is traveling alone in the dark and asking the odd question of our people. We're keeping an eye on it, but I imagine it will be brought here before very much longer - certainly before we start our big offensive push."

"Sorry, Chase. It's just... we've lived this way for so long... all our lives, and the thought of it being over - of everything changing - is... terrifying." He cleared his throat, then lowered his voice. "Besides, I really was worried about you. You've been a little, I dunno... off, since we brought you home."

Chase didn't miss a beat. "You mean you haven't *always* thought I was a bit off, Shep? Tch, tch," she clicked her tongue. "And here I thought for sure I had done a better job than that," garnering the laughter from the room she had been looking for. She picked up a pencil and scooted closer to the desk. "Note to self," she mumbled loudly enough for everyone to hear. "Work harder to insure Shep knows I am more than a little bit off." Everyone tittered.

"Oh Shep, I'm sooooo glad I'm not in your place. It sucks to be you, mac!" Mitch cackled.

"Uh huh. Just remember that whatever I suffer is going to spill over to the rest of you."

Chase grinned evilly. "I dunno, Shep. I'm betting I could keep my focus solely on you." The room exploded into laughter when Shep simply dropped his head into his hands and groaned.

"Oh God, it really does suck to be me!"

For her part, Chase felt better having dodged that particular bullet. There were still things she wanted to work out in her mind, things she hadn't shared with anyone, and likely wouldn't. But before she could worry about Amazons and the possibilities they presented, she had a war to help win, and nothing, NOTHING was going to get in the way of that. They had all worked too hard to be waylaid by something intangible like her mixed-up, totally confusing feelings.

"C'mon. That made me hungry. Let's go see what Cookie fixed up for dinner."

"Chase, it's SOS today, just like it had been every week for the past...." Ty turned around and looked at the group. "What year is this again?" She shook her head. "God, I think the food has finally eaten through my last functioning brain cell."

"Is that your excuse this week?" Hans asked with a wicked grin.

Ty went to make a smart remark before she caught the teasing glint in his eyes. She sauntered up close to him. "Ya know, Hans, I know where you live, and you can't stay awake forever."

He swallowed hard then realized she was teasing back. It made him smile and a little bit reckless. "Last one to the chow hall has to skip dessert." It took him nearly ten seconds to realize he was standing in the room alone, the door swinging eerily. "Hey, wait for me!!" Their laughter floated back to him and his return laughter caught up to them long before he did. The evening suddenly had all sorts of interesting possibilities.

Diana sat in the same outdoor café that the Nazis frequented gathering information. They talked fairly freely here, assuming the natives and few tourists didn't speak their language. Already she had more than enough inside intelligence to get her to Germany safely. After that, it would be a matter of getting into the Reichstag. Paula had given her complete blueprints of the building and she felt confident in her abilities to find Orana once she was inside.

First thought, she had to make arrangements to get to Nazi territory.

It was simple enough, really. Diana was fluent in nearly every written and spoken language in the world, including several dead ones, so with the papers Paula had again so thoughtfully provided, she was able to obtain a tourist visa to travel to the Old World.

To make things easy, Diana's new persona was one she was familiar with - Diana Prince. The council had discussed it at length before making the decision to go with the known alias. Though it was a little bit chancy, she could always convince Chase her name was a throwback to an old ancestor if she didn't feel comfortable telling her the truth. Of course, they had no idea she was walking into the lion's den.

However, working in her favor was not only the fact that she was well-acquainted with her persona, but also that there were no real records left from her original pilgrimage into the world of men. Bits and pieces were all that remained of the original Diana Prince, but there was no way to find them unless one knew exactly when and where to look... and of course, one would need a reason to go looking in the first place. There was only one person in the world who might feel the need to go looking, and Diana wasn't going to give Orana the opportunity to know who was coming for her until it was too late.

So she took care to make her looks different from what Orana knew and what the records remembered. It was amazing how a few cosmetic could completely change one's appearance, and she only had to maintain them long enough to get into the Reichstag. After that, it wouldn't matter.

It cost a small fortune, but one she was well able to afford, again thanks to Paula. With her 'new' look in place and her papers in order, Diana Prince was able to purchase a ticket for a flight to the old country the following day.

In an odd way, even knowing the danger she faced, Diana was looking forward to it. Because of the restrictions she was forced to travel under, she would be going to Greece and then making her way into Germany from there. She was finally going to see the home she had only read about.

The trip was long and not particularly comfortable though she wasn't completely miserable either. Still, Diana was glad to see the flight end after a grueling twenty-four hours of travel. Fortunately, enough people traveled between Greece and the islands that a woman traveling alone didn't drew undue attention to herself.

Diana was exhausted when they touched down and she immediately made her way to the nearest hotel, not even able to appreciate the beauty that surrounded her. Then she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep for twelve hours of uninterrupted sleep. When she woke, she felt like a new woman, and she made ready to make her way to find Orana. But first....

She didn't have time for much; it was too important to get Orana taken care of and find Chase. But she had determined to visit the Acropolis. It wouldn't take long and more than anything, she wanted to see Athena's temple.

Slowly she walked up the hill and through the Parthenon, taking a long look around. She closed her eyes briefly and was able to imagine what it might have been like. Then she crossed over to the Temple of Athena and simply stood in awe and despair. She spared a thought to wish she could have actually seen it in Athens' heyday.

From Mount Olympus, six goddesses observed Diana, fascinated with her reaction to what truly was her past in another lifetime. They monitored her progress in the Parthenon and watched as she dropped to her knees in the Temple. But she never called out to them or asked for their presence, so they had to be content with observation.

"What about her mothers?"

Athena turned to Aphrodite, who had raised the question. "What about them, Dite? They have prayed for us to watch over her and that's what we are doing. Diana hasn't asked for our help yet."

"But are we going to tell them?"

"Tell them what?? Moreover, we can't," Hera said. "They haven't asked and we don't have the power to interfere here anymore. Ares has seen to that."

"So she's just going to walk into the spider web with nothing? That is just so wrong!" Dite wailed, frustrated to the max.

Athena nodded. "It would be, if it was true, but somehow, I don't think Diana's plans are as well laid as Chase's."

"Huh?" Dite's not-so-brilliant response elicited a round of laughter from her fellow goddesses and broke the tension in the scrying room. Artemis leaned forward and kissed her sometimes ditzy sister on the forehead.

"Don't you ever go changing, Dite. We love you just the way you are."

Dite smiled and held out her arms. "Aww, you guys.... Group hug!!" They grumbled good-naturedly, but everyone complied and strangely, they felt better for the effort. Then Dite looked around expectantly. "So what is so radical about what Chase is doing that makes it way better than Diana? I thought our princess babe, ya know, like, couldn't be beat."

"Normally, no, but Diana is in the world of men now. And she's going to have to learn to play by a new set of rules. Lucky for her, Chase is on her side... or will be eventually."

"Ooo, I love it when a plan comes together... especially a gnarly love match like this one."

"Yeah," Athena agreed casually. "Don't we all?"

Chapter XXIII

Diana felt a sense of purpose envelop her as she knelt in the temple and she savored the peace it brought her. Then she rose and made her way out of the temple, off the Acropolis and out of Greece.

If she had thought her trip to Greece had been bad, it was nothing compared to her journey to Berlin. She had shucked her feminine garb for something much more practical to her needs - trousers, a rough workman's shirt and sturdy boots. The men's clothing was less uncomfortable than it was awkward. Still, she wished for the freedom of the less constrictive clothing she was used to. She traveled at night to avoid bringing too much attention to herself, though she knew there were watchers then as well as during the day. But the night watchers never stopped her; they only tracked her progress and she was happy to let them. Diana looked at it as a chance to sharpen her stealth skills. She figured, rightly so, that they were not Nazis since they didn't stop her, and that unless she showed herself to be a Nazi, none of these would bother her. It was on the second point that she miscalculated.

It was slow going at night, especially since the moon wanted to remain hidden by clouds, but Diana had learned to count that as a blessing. If she had difficulty seeing, then everyone else had the same difficulty seeing her. And after a week of solid travel, she was dirty enough that she blended in with everyone around her.

Twice she had had to stop and ask directions. She had been very careful not to approach those marked as soldiers and instead focused her attention on the peasants who worked the land. She'd had to awaken early on those days to reach a farmhouse just before sunset, but she felt that bit of exposure was safer than being shot at for knocking at someone's door after curfew.

The people she had interacted with had looked at her askance when she asked flawlessly in their native tongue, but they treated her with respect, answering her questions and offering her a bit of their own meager supplies before letting her continue on her way. Few were known to travel the road at night, and no one headed to Berlin. Diana had no way of knowing she had chosen resistance fighters who sent notice of her and her activities directly to Chase.

Finally, Berlin came in to view and Diana felt a sense of triumph at being so close to her goal. Nightmare images flashed through her mind of her previous visit to this place, and for a long moment, Diana let them wash over her. She relished the pain and anger that accompanied them because she harnessed that energy and allowed them to make her stronger. Then with strength of purpose, she began her trek into the city itself.

She arrived during the day. Here it was most important to blend in, and no one traveled in the city at night. She looked around with familiar eyes, but it was... different than before. For one thing, the tang of war was less sharp. There were fewer obvious troops about though they were still certainly a presence throughout the area. But Diana found it incredibly easy to skirt them - they seemed less vigilant, almost smug and complacent in their achieved superiority.

However, she also noticed the pall that hung over the city, much more prevalent than it had been out in the countryside she had traveled through. There, people had been resigned to their lot in life, but there was also a determined air about them as well. Here, in the heart of the Nazi regime, there was nothing but resignation.

Diana looked around, and saw that the city was... dirty. Oh, nothing obviously filthy or disgusting, but not the pristine condition that she had expected either. Corners had had bits of garbage swept into them and leaves were scattered all over the steps and sidewalks. The few people she saw out and about looked tired, but they went about their business briskly.

Slowly she made her way through the city, mentally noting troop locations and watch stations. The closer Diana got to the Reichstag, the heavier the traffic became, both foot and motorized. As she watched, the Reichstag became a flurry of activity.

A car pulled up in front and a squad of black shirts ran out of the building and down the steps in two lines to form an honor guard. After a moment's hesitation, the doors opened again, and this time, the Fuehrer walked out.

Diana blinked, recognizing Orana immediately. She quelled the urge to rush out from her hiding place. Diana fully intended to destroy Orana and live to find Chase - running headlong into a Nazi ambush was not at the top of her list for accomplishing that. She watched as the car drove off, then started to lay her plans.

"Whatcha got for me, Harry?" Chase rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and squinted at the paper the radioman thrust into her hands over his shoulder. He continued to monitor the incoming signal while Chase leaned on his shoulder to share the small reading light on his desk. It was still dark out and the lamp didn't illuminate much but the immediate area under it.

He handed her up a second paper as the first hit the desk. Then she turned and looked at him squarely. "Are you sure about this, Harry?"

"Yes, ma'am. I double checked it, just like I always do. This is the same one who was asking questions."

"All right. Have recon pick them up. I want them brought here immediately."

Harry's eyes widened. "You want...? Ma'am, yes MA'AM!" he barked, reading the seriousness in Chase's eyes. Then he turned backed to his radio unit and began encoding Chase's message.

Diana found a small hiding place near the Reichstag in the attic of an old church. It had been converted into a temple for Ares at some point but now it stood empty and neglected.

So Diana took the opportunity to hide, not wanting to leave the area just to have to track her way back into the city under the cover of night. She had heard of a rally that was to take place that night in front of the Reichstag and knew it would be the easiest way to slip in undetected.

Curled up in the corner, she let her thoughts turn to the woman she knew as Chase. All the information Paula had given her painted an intriguing portrait of the young woman Diana had only just been able to talk to briefly before her departure from Paradise Island. She looked forward to finding out how accurate Paula's information was. She had the feeling that there was much more than met the eye, or the paper, when it came to Annabelle Chaser.

Night fell and with it came the increased sounds of the populace being herded into the square in front of the Reichstag. Waitaminute...being herded?? Diana looked out the slats in the small attic window to the street below. Her ears hadn't deceived her - while some of the people seemed genuinely excited about the coming party rally, the remainder of them seemed resigned to it.

Diana wondered what Orana was doing so wrong that even as the victor of the war, the people were still unhappy. Then she turned her attention to getting into the Reichstag. She knew she would need every bit of time she had to get through the crowd and into the building.

She snuck down the stairs and into the street, unaware of the eyes tracking her progress.

Diana had marked her prey carefully. She needed to be someone of significant enough rank to have a bit of freedom inside the building, but low enough not to draw attention to herself. It had taken a bit of doing, but she had found a black-shirt lieutenant who would suit her purposes admirably. He was even the right size.

Slowly she tracked around the perimeter of the gathering, noting that those who were enthusiastic about being here had been interspersed among those who weren't until it gave the impression that they were all glad to be there.

Then Orana stepped out onto the second floor balcony and a cry arose. From where she stood, Diana could tell some were cheers of victory while others were screams of frustration and defeat. But regardless of the reason behind it, there was a raucous cacophony of noise that echoed across the square and out into the stillness of the night. It was a perfect cover for Diana to take out her target and strip him of his uniform.

The watching eyes blinked in astonishment - the Nazi had been disabled, stripped and bound in just under two minutes. Of course, it was then that they realized their mysterious visitor was a woman. But they had their orders, and they moved in to carry them out.

The female watcher split from her cohort and snapped the officer's neck first thing. Then he was unbound and his body was carefully hidden. Whatever Diana's personal beliefs in regards to the sanctity of life, the fact was the rebellion had its own code. And that included the annihilation of the enemy at every given opportunity... especially here.

The second watcher continued to follow Diana into the Reichstag, impressed by both the woman's stealth and prowess, and almost regretting the necessity of his next action.

Most of the officers had been moved outdoors for the rally, so getting through the open areas of the Reichstag was a cake walk. Just before Diana could advance past the public areas and make her way into the private domain Orana occupied, she felt a sting to the back of her neck. She slid soundlessly to the floor. The watcher moved to her side swiftly, covering her nose and mouth with a chloroform doused handkerchief to insure that she remained unconscious for some time to come.

By the time the female watcher joined them, Diana had been bound hands and feet. Then the male watched lifted her onto his shoulder in a fireman's carry and the trio made their way swiftly and silently out the same side door they had entered through. The cheers from the rally covered any noise they made and the watchers moved quickly back into the shadows.

"Thank you, Harry," Chase replied as she read the latest transmission. The radioman nodded and saluted.

"Any orders, ma'am?"

"Just keep me posted Harry, though the traffic should settle down once they are underway." She looked at the missive again. "And from the looks of things, that should be very soon." Chased yawned and stretched, and saw Harry struggling not to do the same. "Send them my thanks and congratulations, and then go get some sleep, Harry. You've had a hell of a long day."

"Yes ma'am," Harry replied and took his leave of her.

Chase looked over this dispatch once more. Something was weird about all this - something that didn't add up at all. This intruder... this woman - she didn't appear to be a Nazi sympathizer, her actions painted quite a different picture. But she was also not part of the resistance or the rebellion... at least not that anyone knew. Chase had checked with each of the small pocket groups once the first cell brought the interloper to her attention. No one knew anything about the woman, and now she was on her way to headquarters.

Chase leaned back in her chair and scratched her head thoughtfully. She wondered where the woman had come from and what her intent had been. It was clear just from the reports that had already come in that the woman had some sort of plan. Her movements had been too precise and deliberate to believe otherwise.

With any luck, Chase would have her answers soon. But until then, she still had work to get done. Her workday wasn't over yet.

Diana woke up with the throbbing headache. She blinked her eyes slowly, trying to figure out where she was. There was a low throbbing hum that ran throughout the length of her body. Diana struggled to move, only to find that her hands and feet were tied. At least, she thought thankfully, her hands were tied in front of her. It could have been much worse. She tilted her head to look around and met the eyes of someone she didn't recognize.

The woman crouched down next to the pallet she was on. Diana watched her carefully, but she didn't move or speak. Despite her bindings, Diana did not get a feeling of menace from the woman, only curiosity.

"Would you like to sit up?" the woman asked in a quiet tone. Diana nodded and the woman grabbed her arm and eased her into a sitting position. "Better?" Diana nodded again. The woman sighed. "My name is Lynn. I, uh... I apologize for the bindings, but those were our orders. Since we don't know anything about you or whose side you're on...." She shrugged. "The commander will have to make the decision on when to remove them." She picked up her canteen. "Water - would you like some?"

Diana nodded and Lynn lifted the canteen to her lips. Diana drank deeply, finally pulling away before she choked. "Thanks," she whispered.

Lynn smiled. "Ah, so you do speak. Do you have a name?" Diana nodded but didn't elaborate. Lynn smiled wryly. "You wanna share?"

Diana shook her head.

Lynn nodded. "All right. That's your prerogative. I just thought it might be more pleasant than calling you 'Hey, You', but whatever. Let me tell you a little about what's going on now. For the moment, you are a prisoner of the rebellion, and as we speak, you are on an airplane being flown to headquarters."

Diana remained quiet for a while longer, considering the words carefully. Finally, she raised her head and met Lynn's. "Why?" whispered so low that Lynn would have missed it has she not been watching Diana so closely.

"Why what? Why are you a prisoner or why are you on an airplane headed to headquarters?" At Diana's nod, Lynn smiled and dug into her kit, removing a chocolate bar and offering Diana a piece before taking a bite for herself.

"Well, you're a prisoner because those were our orders - you were to be captured unharmed. You are on an airplane headed to headquarters because the commander wants to talk to you and this is the fastest way to get you there." Lynn saw the questions lurking in the back of Diana's eyes, but she shook her head. "No, I'm not gonna tell how we did it and got away. That's on a need to know basis and right now, you don't qualify as need to know."

Diana shrugged then lay back down on the cot, dropping the chocolate onto her chest untasted.

"I'm sorry," Lynn started, but Diana closed her eyes, effectively cutting off the conversation. Lynn waited a while to see if Diana would change her mind, but eventually, she gave up and moved back to her seat which was slightly more comfortable than the floor she had been sitting on.

Diana kept her eyes closed. Her thoughts turned to Chase and how hindsight made her wish she had sought her out first. She had totally messed up the one opportunity she'd had to prove herself a true Amazon Princess to both her mother and the Nation. Then she grabbed her resolve by its ears and resigned herself to wait. She could still do this. Once she knew who and what she was up against, she would be able to figure out a way to fix her current situation. Until then, she might as well get as much rest as she could manage. Only the gods knew when the opportunity would come again.

Chase had fallen asleep at her desk, and Ty just looked at her for a long moment. When she was asleep, Chase looked much younger, closer to her actual age than she appeared when she was awake. The lines of responsibility softened in sleep and Ty smile as memories of their youth together assailed her. If someone had told her when they were kids growing up together that they and particularly Chase would be responsible for the entire rebellion and the resistance fighters, they would have been locked up to sober up.

Then her thoughts turned darker, remembering the person Chase had become after her mother was killed. It hadn't been pretty and if it hadn't been for the fact that the things she did *had* to be done, Ty would have.... Ty shook her head - she wasn't sure she could have done anything. Frankly she believed that the rebellion was the only thing that had kept Chase alive at the time. It had given her a sense of purpose that nothing else could.

She thought about their conversation in the shower. Of all of them, she wondered how Chase would survive when the war was finally over and they all went their separate ways, because Chase was the only one who let the rebellion become her whole world. She had nothing else.

Ty shook herself from her musings and crossed the small hut to nudge Chase awake. She found herself looking down the business end of a revolver and took an instinctive step back while raising her hands to show she was unarmed.

It took Chase's brain a moment longer to catch up with her reflexes. "Goddamn it, Ty!" she muttered, dropping the gun on the desk and scrubbing her hands through her hair and over her face. "What the hell's wrong with you? You know better than to wake me up like that."

The sharp retort that rested on her lips died there when she saw the sheer frustration and... something unrecognizable... in Chase's eyes. Something was bothering her - something deep. So instead of yelling back, she took a different tack.

"I know, Chase, and I'm sorry. But we got word the plane is about ten minutes out. I figured you might want a few minutes to...." She shrugged. "I dunno - pull yourself together? Who knows how long this interrogation will last, and you did say you wanted to lead it."

Chase shook her head and ran her hands through her hair again. "You're right," she yawned. "What time is it?"

Ty yawned and stretched; she hated the midnight watch. "It's just shy of three am. Let me let you wake up - I'll go grab us a couple coffees from the mess and then we can set things up."

Chase nodded. "Sounds good, Ty. Have them take her to the conference room, but no funny business - none. I don't want any teasing or taunting... or worse. I am convinced she isn't a Nazi - her actions... well, it's a gut feeling more than anything. I think she is on our side, but I want to be sure. Two guards in the room and two more at either door. No one else is to be in the room with her until I get there. Understood?"

Ty nodded. When Chase got a gut feeling, it was usually dead-on right. She wasn't going to question it. "You got it boss. Be back in five."

Chase watched Ty leave, then straightened up the papers on her desk. She had been writing in her journal when she fell asleep and now her attention was caught by the words Amazons and Paradise Island. With a frustrated growl, she slammed the book shut and grabbed a towel to go clean up. It was going to be a very long day.

Lynn had untied her legs when they landed to refuel so Diana could walk around and use the facilities. Diana briefly considered fleeing, but to where? She had no idea where she was and so far, except for being bound, she had no real complaint of her treatment. She decided the more prudent course of action would be to talk to this commander. These were obviously not Nazis. Perhaps this leader could be reasoned with.

Now they were preparing to land again. Lynn had not attempted conversation with her again except to explain what would happen to her if she tried to escape. This time, Lynn merely reminded her not to be stupid and then she felt the plane touch down again. When it stopped rolling, Lynn stood and took Diana by the elbow, helping her to stand and move toward the hatch which was being opened by her other two guards. Then she was marched down the short staircase and out into the vast darkness.

The darkness became what appeared to be a small village, though if she hadn't been looking for something, Diana admitted she probably would have missed it. But she didn't have time to admire it - her captors took her straight into a large building and seated her at the long table before two new guards took their place. Then silence fell while Diana waited on the outcome of her future.

Chapter XXIV

The door closed again and the dim lighting was turned up to a more normal level of brightness. Diana blinked against the harshness of the glare. When she opened her eyes, all she could do was stare.

Chase looked freshly washed and Diana's anger at being brought to this place melted into something else. Suddenly Diana had the desire for the same. For one thing, she wanted out of the Nazi uniform she was currently wearing and for another, it seemed as though it had been forever since she'd had a decent shower.

Chase sat down across from her, looking through a few reports and sipping from a mug. She glanced up and was glad to see that the prisoner appeared to have been well-treated. She made a note to commend the members of the rebellion on following her instructions to the letter.


The sound of her name whispered from the lips of the woman who currently sat bound before her caused Chase to spew her coffee. She slammed her mug on the table then turned her attention to Diana. Then she hesitated, cocking her head as though listening to an inner voice. Something about that whisper, that inflection was familiar. But that was impossible. She had never seen the woman before and Diana was not a woman easily forgotten.

Chase blinked, pulling her eyes away from the mesmerizing blue that held her own so easily. She stood to her feet and leaned on the table. "Who are you?" asked quietly, "And how do you know who I am?"

Diana stared at her. Why didn't Chase recognize her? Then she noticed that Chase really did have the most amazing green eyes - something she had not seen on Paradise Island. Whatever had inhibited Chase's eyesight there was clearly not a problem here in man's world. Those green eyes had gold flecks in them, Diana realized as they drilled into hers waiting impatiently for an answer. She felt a bit of her own ire return.

"Why am I here?" she whispered harshly. "You had no right...."

Chase slapped both hands on the table. "I had every right!! You nearly destroyed YEARS of work with your stupidity and carelessness!! Who the hell do you think you are anyway??"

Diana rose hastily, kicking the chair out from under her and leaning her still tied hands on the table. Her rage clouded her judgment and she spoke without thinking. "*I* am an Amazon Princess," whispered fiercely, but so low only Chase heard her.

A hand signal from Chase kept the guards from reacting, but nothing could stop the blood from draining from her face. Diana's brows contracted; she hadn't expected that sort of reaction. Granted, the Amazons had become more myth and legend than reality as far as the outside world was concerned, but there was nothing.... Then her anger turned to horror when she remembered Chase's history with startling clarity. Did Orana betray her true nationality to Chase? Racking her brains for that information and concluding from Chase's reaction that Orana must have. Oh gods.... suddenly understanding just how big a pile of shit she had stepped in.

Diana started to speak, but Chase turned away, motioning a guard to her. She whispered a few words and the young woman nodded and left. Then Chase reached down to her ankle and pulled out a long blade. Diana felt the first tendril of fear, and it surprised her. She hadn't been afraid at all during her voyage thus far - even seeing Orana only inspired hatred and anger. But this... seeing Chase holding knife and turning in her direction - she wondered if she had crossed a line that they would never be able to overcome and felt a twinge of despair for lost possibilities.

Then Chase spoke. "Hold out your hands, please."

Diana hesitated; it certainly wasn't what she had expected. Then she extended her hands and watched as Chase carefully slipped the knife between her hands and sliced through her bindings.

"Thank you," barely audible. She rubbed her wrists reflexively.

Chase nodded, looking for signs of rope burn and pleased when there was none. She didn't even turn when the door opened and Ty crossed the threshold. "I want you to go with Ty. She's gonna take you to clean up and get you into something less offensive," gesturing to the SS uniform. "Then you're gonna come back here and we're going to start this conversation over. Please don't try anything stupid; I'd hate to have to order them to shoot you," motioning to the two guards who still stood at the ready.

Diana nodded, accepting that for whatever reason, Chase trusted her on some level despite the seeds of Amazon hatred Orana had planted. Diana knew it was going to take a lot of effort on her part to change Chase's mind, but this would be a good way to start.


"Do as I say, Ty." Chase motioned to the two guards and they took up positions right behind Diana. Ty hesitated a moment longer, then took Diana by the elbow and gently led her out of the conference room. The guards followed behind.

Chase spoke to one of the guards standing outside the door and watched him scurry away. Then she fell heavily back into the chair and scrubbed her hands over her face. Suddenly there was so much more to consider than simply the possibility of ruined plans.

Ty's grip on Diana's arm wasn't painful, but Diana got the distinct impression that it was only due to Chase's specific instructions and not a desire to be nice on Ty's part. So Diana determined not to give the other woman a reason to change that directive.

They walked into the shower tent - the male guard took up a position outside the door while the female guard entered and stood just inside the doorway. Ty and Diana continued into the changing area and Diana began stripping out of the clothing she had come to loath. Ty opened a locker and pulled out a towel and a small cake of soap.

"Do I need to come with you or...?"

Diana shook her head and accepted the articles before moving to the first showerhead and turning it on. She was pleasantly surprised by how quickly the water warmed but she made it a point not to linger. She didn't think Ty would appreciate it.

For her part, Ty wondered what had happened to Chase. She could easily see that something major had happened to upset her and knew it had to be linked to the woman now busy scrubbing herself clean. Chase had given strict orders on the treatment and welfare of this prisoner; otherwise Ty would have been exerting significant pressure to find out what she needed to know.

Diana shut off the water and dried off quickly, wrapping her towel around her body and moving back to the dressing area. Ty handed her a clean uniform and pair of socks then waited patiently for Diana to get dressed. Then she motioned for Diana to precede her and they headed back towards the conference room. With a little luck, Chase would have recovered from whatever had upset her so badly and they would be ready to continue with the interrogation.

Chase rubbed her eyes and covered her face. She felt like she'd been bushwhacked by any number sensations and she was at a loss to pinpoint a single one. Things she had convinced her self of... been sure were nothing but wild dreams... were now coming back to haunt her with startling clarity. There were sounds and tastes, a few sights, but mostly conversations and scents. And there was something very familiar about this woman.

Oh God... I am losing my fucking mind.

Chase dropped her hands from her face and folded them together, propping her chin on them. There was all kinds of new information for her to consider now, and first Chase need to separate fact from fiction - what was real versus what had only occurred in her mind. And she had the definite idea that this woman could help answer her questions.

Amazon Princess?? Then if what I remember is true, that means....

Chase groaned. Why this? And why now? It had been a lot easier to handle when it had been nothing but oddly questionable dreams.

Her fretting and musing came to a halt when the door opened and the guard returned with two trays of steaming hot food and a carafe of hot coffee. Right behind him was Ty and Diana. The two guards with them took up their posts at either end of the room. Chase motioned Diana to a seat and pushed a tray in front of her. Then she took Ty aside.

"Everything all right?"

Ty nodded. "I was just going to ask you the same thing."

"I'm fine, Ty. I don't think I'm wrong about this one."

Ty sighed. "I don't think you are either. You didn't see her reaction to the uniform when she took it off, nor the way she scrubbed herself. Still, something about her doesn't add up. You want me to stay with you?"

"Nah. Finish your shift and go get some rack time. Go on," Chase urged when Ty hesitated, a pensive expression on her face. "What?" when she stopped with her hand on the doorknob.

Ty shrugged. "I dunno... I'm not sure." She shrugged her shoulders. "I just feel like... I dunno - something's changing - probably not enough sleep and too many strategy sessions. Lemme go get back to work. We've still got a lot to do." She looked like she wanted to say more, but instead she patted Chase on the back and walked out of the conference room.

Chase took a deep breath and turned to face the woman who had unexpectedly thrown her orderly, well-organized world into total and utter chaos.

Diana sat quietly, her exceptional hearing able to pick up every nuance and inflection of the conversation between Chase and Ty. She wondered if it was her own nervousness or something she was sensing from Chase that was making Ty uncomfortable with leaving them alone together.

She was so deep in her thoughts that Chase taking a seat across from her was disquieting. She looked up and caught Chase's eye. Chase gave her a half-smile and motioned to the tray of food in front of her. "It's probably not as good as home, but it's decent enough. You wanna eat it while it's hot, though. Eggs kinda lose something when they get cold."

Diana picked up her fork. She wasn't quite sure what to make of the woman who sat across from her. Chase was still pale, but she had obviously recovered her composure from whatever had shaken her so badly before.

Diana took a bite of the food, finding that Chase had told her the truth - it wasn't bad, especially considering what she had been eating since the start of her travels from the island - but it surely didn't compare to home. Still, it was hot and filling and there was something about it that was also comforting.

She looked up to find Chase seemingly totally engrossed in her meal and the paperwork in front of her. But Diana could see the slight tremor in her hand.

"Thank you," she whispered, wishing not for the first time that she still had a voice. Having not used it in a hundred years, it just wasn't there anymore, and she had no way of knowing if it ever would be again. The slight sound did get Chase's attention, though and she found herself staring into bright green eyes that were much older than the young woman they belonged to.

Chase deliberately put her paperwork aside and focused her attention on the woman who sat across from her. "For?"

Diana cleared her throat, hoping it would help, but her voice remained a mere whisper. She motioned around her with her fork. "This, the shower... everything."

Chase nodded. "I've learned to trust my gut about these things. I don't think you're a Nazi," watching as the blue eyes hardened perceptibly at the term. "Though I'm not sure exactly who or what you are yet, except that you claim to be an Amazon Princess. You wanna expound on that maybe? Share your name?"

Diana nodded, knowing she was going to have to give a little if Chase was ever going to start trusting her. "Diana."

"It's nice to meet you, Diana," Chase said, extending a hand. Diana hesitated, then took it, absorbing the strength Chase demonstrated without hurting her in the process. She idly wondered how Chase managed to maintain such soft hands with all the things she took care of as part of her responsibility in the rebellion.

Chase was making her own mental notes, things she would consider when this conversation was over that would hopefully fit into the puzzle she'd been handed. First, though....

"Now, I want to know what you thought you were going to do in the Reichstag. No bullshit."

Diana was taken about by the harshness of Chase's tone and it put her on the defensive. She straightened up and pulled her hand away. Then she pushed her tray back and folded her hands in front of her on the table, clenching them together.

"I was going to defeat Orana again... I was going to kill her."

"How? How did you expect to defeat her? And how did you expect to get away?" The questions were coolly and logically asked, but infuriating to Diana, nonetheless. "You're not a member of the rebellion or the resistance. I checked. Why would you want to do something like that?"

There was a fire burning in the back of Diana's blue eyes that made Chase sit back reflexively to avoid being singed. "I did it for you, Chase. I did it because of what Orana did to you. She can't be allowed to hurt people like that anymore!"

Now Chase's eyes turned to ice. "Don't. You. Dare!!" she hissed through clenched teeth. "Don't you dare lay the blame for your stupidity on me! You have NO idea what you're talking about." She slammed her fist into the table for emphasis.

Diana never dropped eye contact. "I know everything," she said with a sincerity that though Chase didn't want to believe it, she couldn't doubt. "And what I did was not stupid! If you weren't so busy being self-important here, you'd see that by eliminating Orana from power is the only way to destroy her regime. It is the only way your rebellion can succeed!"

The two guards watching couldn't hear the exchange between the two women, but Chase's fury was unmistakable when she jumped from her chair, knocking it over. They automatically shifted to a more alert position and trained their guns on Diana.

Chase leaned over the table and dropped her voice to the same sibilant whisper Diana was forced to use. "Let me try to explain something in small words even your simple mind can comprehend. What happened to me is none of your goddamned business, though what you know and how you found out is!" She ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath to calm down. "But we will discuss that later," said with finality. "What you were going to do would not only have destroyed years of work and planning by the rebellion, it would have cost the lives of millions of innocent people. So while I sit over here and be self-important in my outrage, you think about that."

Chase picked up carafe and poured herself another cup of coffee, motioning to the guards to stand down. She was riding an edge at the moment and she didn't want any misunderstandings or unnecessary heroics.

Diana sat quietly processing Chase's words against the knowledge she had been given. Obviously, what had happened to Chase was very private; it would be something she hoped they could eventually talk about between them. But beyond that....

She looked up when Chase poured her a cup of coffee. She wasn't sure she understood the dynamic that was working between them, but she nodded her thanks and picked up the cup. Then she grimaced upon taking a swallow. Chase would have laughed if she still hadn't been so close to anger. She pushed the bit of sugar and cream they had in Diana's direction.

"I know it's not good, but it's all we've got. You may want to doctor it some."

Diana took the suggestion and dumped everything in that she could. She took a second swallow and set the cup down carefully, not sure if she would ever be able to regain a taste for what coffee had become. She hadn't been that fond of it in the first place and this... this was bad.

She looked up to find Chase slumped in her chair drinking her coffee absently and she wondered where her thoughts had led. Nothing here was going the way Diana thought it would and she was questioning her desire... no, her need, to be quite honest... to be in this place with this woman. Her mind told her she was an idiot, but her heart... and her soul... knew better.

"I'm not a Nazi," she whispered.

Slowly, Chase's head swiveled in her direction and she set her cup on the table. Then she leaned forward and folded her hands on the table. "I know," she said meeting Diana's eyes. "Now are you ready to answer my questions?"

"Will you answer mine?"

"You first," Chase countered. "Then maybe we can talk."

Diana nodded and smiled shyly, and Chase smiled in return. The first hurdle had been crossed.

"Whoa, dudes, that was waaaaay too close," Dite said as they took a scrying break. The other goddesses turned and looked at her askance. Hera just shook her head.

"Excuse me?"

Dite gestured to the scrying bowl. "Were you not like, paying attention?? Didn't you watch that radical meltdown those two had?? Hades, any more sparkage from them and we'd need some serious ice baths up here. Whoo!!" she added, fanning herself.

Athena and Artemis both covered their lips to hide the grins they couldn't stop from forming. For all her flightiness, Dite's way of looking at the world was certainly entertaining, and she definitely had her own way of expressing herself. It made for some interesting conversations between them.

"So you're saying this was a good thing?" asked Hestia.

Dite pointed at her. "Virgin, right?" She giggled. "Fer sure it was a majorly good thing, babe. It may take them a while, but they've gotta feel it."

"So their arguments were for show... a bit of foreplay?" Demeter asked. "Humans have not become any easier to understand."

Dite shook her head. "Oh no - their arguments are way real. It may turn to foreplay eventually," she added impishly and watched the older goddesses blush, "but for now they are still working on that whole trust thing. What we have working for us is that their minds may not trust each other, but their souls do."

"You sound so sure," Hera said softly.

"I am," Dite confirmed with confidence. "I may not be into that whole nasty war gig, but the rocking love biz I totally understand. This is a primo love match. We may all be black and blue from a radically bumpy ride before it's all over, but I'm telling you guys, we did good."

The goddesses smiled amongst themselves. For the first time in a very long time, they had reason to. They'd done the right thing, and it had given them all the one thing they had been lacking in... hope. That their favored would benefit from their decision was a big plus. They turned their attention back to the scrying bowl, anxious to see how the next bit would play out.

Chapter XXV

Without warning, Chase stood up and leaned on the table. The guards instantly became more alert, snapping to attention and raising their weapons to a more ready position. Diana forced herself not to react to the guards though it was hard to quell the warrior instincts that had been ingrained in her psyche from birth. Instead she met Chase's eyes squarely, and thought she saw a hint of a twinkle in the back of her green eyes. She felt herself responding and put a lid on it. There would be time enough for that when she knew exactly where she stood. She waited patiently.

"Would you like to go for a walk with me?" Chase invited. Diana blinked at her, unable to believe what she'd heard. Chase smiled charmingly, her whole demeanor changing when the expression. "I don't bite, honestly, and I'll keep the guards back far enough that we can talk privately."

Diana stood and returned the smile with a small grin of her own. "Yes, please. I have been sitting half of forever it seems like." She walked around the table until she and Chase were within arms' length of one another. "Um, can I ask you a question first?"


"Are the guards for your benefit or mine?"

Chase turned until she was facing Diana directly and considered the question for a long moment. "Ya know, that's a really good question." She looked at both of their chaperones then back at Diana. "Tell ya what... as soon I figure it out, I'll let you know - unless of course, you figure it out first."

"Well, if that happens, I'll be certain to let you know."

"Good," Chase answered. "Cause I hate being in the dark about stuff. Now let's go watch the sunrise."

Chase took Diana's hand as she doused the lights in the conference room, waiting a moment to allow their eyes to adjust to the darkness before opening the door into the dark gray of the coming dawn. The guards took up positions two steps behind them - until Chase turned and glared at them with eyes that literally glowed in the dark. It made them stutter-step to a stop.

"Guys, I appreciate your interest, but back-off a little, all right? Diana's not going anywhere and neither of us is in danger. So please give us some space, okay?"

The pair looked like they wanted to argue - they had been given specific directions by Ty and neither of them wanted to be the one to explain to her if something happened to Chase. On the other hand, Chase was the boss, and despite her normally easygoing personality, they had no desire to provoke the side of the woman who had managed to give the rebellion hope because of her passion and focus. Especially since they were beginning to feel that intensity turned their way merely by the look in her eyes.

They exchanged glances and took three giant steps backwards. Chase nodded her thanks before turning to Diana with a raised brow. "Shall we?" crossing the threshold into the approaching daylight and dropping Diana's hand to cram her hands in her pockets. Diana did the same, feeling the cold from the loss of Chase's warmth as much as from the brisk dawn wind.

They walked together in silence for a little while. Diana because she was formulating her what she wanted to say and Chase because she was focused on getting to the small rise where she went to watch the sunrise and think on the days she was awake to see the sun come up.

When they reached the bottom of the hill, Chase motioned to the guards to remain while she and Diana continued up the incline. When they reached the top, Chase asked Diana to wait and moved to a small chest beneath the lone oak that stood to one side of the hill. She pulled a small blanket from the trunk and walked back to where Diana waited, spreading the blanket and dropping down onto it facing the sun.

Then she looked up and Diana and offered her a hand down. Diana accepted the offer and gracefully seated herself cross-legged beside Chase. Chase let go of Diana's hand to point towards the horizon. Diana turned her head just as the sun edged over the horizon and she gasped in pleasant surprise as the blue, purple, red, orange and yellow spread across the sky and reflected in the lake below.

It wasn't home but it was beautiful and Diana felt a peacefulness wash through her that she hadn't felt since leaving Paradise Island. Chase smiled and closed her eyes, relishing the kiss of the sun's warmth on her face. Diana decided to follow her example and closed her eyes, missing the scent of the ocean, but absorbing the smells of freshwater and pine.

Chase felt Diana relax, and once the sun was fully up and the sky was blue, she opened her eyes and turned to Diana. "You ready to talk to me now? No bullshit, no defensiveness - just straight talk - you answering my questions."

Diana nodded. "Yes. But you have to promise to listen with an open mind." Her hoarse whisper was hard to hear in the midst of the morning sounds around them and Chase realized she was going to have to concentrate on listening to be able to hear the other woman's words. She thought about what Diana had said... could she listen with an open mind? Already her judgment was somewhat tainted, her mind clouded with confusion over what she thought she remembered and half-hoped she'd dreamed.

It was funny, really - things she had been so sure of when she'd been shipwrecked on the island Shep had rescued her from had become less clear as time had passed, rapidly acquiring a dreamlike quality and lack of clarity. She looked at Diana, knowing she had never seen the woman before today and yet somehow finding her... familiar. Then she realized by the raised brow and slight smirk that Diana was awaiting her answer.

"I will do my best - that much I can promise, but no guarantees."

"Fair enough," Diana nodded. She knew from her reading that giving her word was a serious commitment for Chase. Diana hoped Chase would be able to keep it if she started getting answers she didn't want to hear, but Diana knew there was no way she was going to lie to this woman. There was too much at stake for both of them to start off with lies between them. They needed a foundation of truth and trust.

"She did WHAT?!?" Hippolyta did her best to modulate her voice but it was difficult to keep from screeching at the news Paula had just presented to her. The queen rubbed her forehead before her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose in an effort to alleviate the headache she could suddenly feel coming on. Hippolyta blew out a breath and sighed another, then moaned when she felt Drea's strong hands kneading the knots in her shoulders.

After a few minutes of silence, Hippolyta raised her head and looked at Paula. "I beg your pardon, Paula. No need to take it out on the messenger. It was just completely unexpected news. Would you be kind enough to repeat that for me one more time? I promise not to yell this time."

Paula smiled and nodded. She had expected the reaction; she had had nearly the same reaction when she'd found out what Diana had done. Of all the foolhardy chances open to her, Diana had definitely chosen the worst one available. But if she was completely honest with herself, in the back of her mind, a part of her was not at all surprised by Diana's choice either - not knowing how Diana felt about Orana's betrayal... of everything.

"I decided, when Diana left, to keep a close eye on her activities. I didn't want her to get into trouble again without some sort of backup this time around. I started observing Orana as soon as she was brought back to our attention and I added Chase to that monitoring when she left us. I kept an eye on both locations once Diana left and surprisingly, she first showed up on my screen in Greece."

Drea smiled. "That makes perfect sense when you think about it, Pol. It makes sense that she'd want to see what for her is living history... a true part of who she is and where she comes from."

"I can understand that, Drea, but then why go to confront Orana? Surely being with Chase should have been more important if Chase is the person to Diana we believe her to be."

"She is."

The heads of queen and council swiveled in the direction of the intruder's voice, then they all knelt when they realized their visitor was a deity. And not just one, but several of them.

"Oh, babes... chill out." When no one moved, Dite threw her hands into the air and looked at the two sisters who had accompanied her. One would think after thousands of years as one of their goddesses, the Amazons would have been able to understand her, but apparently not.

"She means you can get up now."

Dite put her hands on her hips and huffed. "Didn't I like totally say that already?" The room tittered and the Amazon council resumed their seats. Hippolyta motioned around the room.

"Could we offer you... anything?" She was more than a little flummoxed at their appearance. After more than a century of silence, to have them just show up so casually, and here in the council room to the entire council, was entirely disconcerting. Looking around at the faces of her most trusted advisors, Hippolyta knew they were experiencing the same feelings of discombobulation she was.

"Nope. We're fab. We just stopped by to let you know we've been keeping an eye on the radical warrior babe as well. We kinda felt we owed it to her, ya know? Besides, Chase is Diana's soulmate and I absolutely wanna see those two make that love connection again."

Quiet gasps were heard around the room at Dite's casual confirmation of their suspicions. Nubia was the first to recover. "Are you certain, goddess? I mean no disrespect, but they seem so.... I mean they don't.... They are really not...." She finally broke off her confused stammering with a blush.

Instead of being affronted by Nubia's questioning, Dite chuckled. "Fer sure I'm sure, babe. And you're totally right - that's what make this whole set-up so radically cool."

Artemis stepped up beside Dite. "Paula, you have done a wonderful job and I want you to continue to monitor both Chase and Diana. The time may come when they need the Amazons' help, but until that time, no one is to interfere."

"And how will we know?"

"There won't be any doubt - they will ask."

Silence met this pronouncement. Not that they wanted to doubt, but for too long Diana had been independent of them, asking for nothing and accepting help from no one. Finally, Hippolyta voiced their concern.

"Goddess, do you really think Diana would allow herself to ask for help from us? She despises us."

Artemis smiled. "No, she doesn't. She does have some mixed feelings, but mostly they involve hurt and anger... not hatred."

"Besides," Athena broke in. "She's got Chase's influence now as well. That will go a long way towards breaking down her barriers."

"You're just gonna have to have a little faith in the power of love those two share. Now we gotta jet. Be cool, babes!" The three disappeared in a shower of sparkles and rose petals. It was going to take the council a little longer to recover their wits.

"So, Diana... do you have a last name?"

Diana nodded and swallowed hard, turning her attention back to the horizon. Given the kind of luck she'd had so far with Chase, she feared answering this question, but she knew instinctively that lying, even if she had been predisposed in that direction, would have been a bad choice in this situation.

"You wanna share it with me?"

"Not really, no."

Chase frowned. It wasn't the answer she'd been expecting. "Oookaaay. Why?"

"Because you're not going to believe me, and if by some small chance you do, you're not going to like it."

"Hmm," Chase replied thoughtfully. "Okay, well, how about you tell me anyway, and let me decide."

Diana was silent for a full minute before she licked her lips and whispered, "Prince. My name in man's world is Diana Prince."

Chase sat quietly absorbing the words like a blow to her gut. Whatever she had been expecting, this had not been a remote possibility. Diana turned her face back toward Chase when didn't move or make a sound. What she saw was heartbreaking.

Chase's face was cold and bleak as though it had been cast in stone. Diana clasped her hands together tightly to keep from reaching out to Chase before Chase was ready for contact. Instead, she gazed back out at the lake unseeingly and waited for Chase to initiate any further conversation.

Diana lost track of how long the silence lasted; she used the time to meditate and center herself. But she felt the change in the air immediately when Chase shifted her way. Diana opened her eyes slowly and waited for Chase to speak. When she did, the coldness of her tone sent shivers up Diana's back.

"I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but we're going to start from the very beginning. You're going to tell me exactly who you are and where you came from, and then we're going to move on to how you knew my name and everything you know about the Amazon Orana. And finally you're going to explain to me just exactly how and what you intended to accomplish. Do you understand me?"

"Chase... Annabelle," watching Chase's head snap back to her so quickly Diana half expected it to go flying off and rolling down the hill. "I will tell you everything, but you have to be willing to listen. You promised to try."

"As long as you tell me the truth," Chase agreed.

"I haven't lied to you, Chase. Not about anything."

"I know. That's what makes it so hard to hear."

Diana cocked her head at Chase's words, wondering how Chase could know with such certainty that she was telling the truth. She didn't have a golden lasso or any superhuman powers that Diana could see and yet she didn't doubt that Chase knew exactly if she was being lied to. She made a mental note to ask Chase more about that particular gift if Chase was still speaking to her when she was done talking.

Chase rubbed her eyes wearily. "Start at the beginning, please. I don't care how much ancient history you have to share, but start with your name and how it and you tie in to Steve Trevor and work your way forward from there."

"I'll have to go a long way back... more than a hundred years. It will take a little time, but when I am done, you will have all the answers to your questions."

Chase held up a hand and Diana stopped talking. Chase took the radio from her hip and barked out a few simple orders, then sat back and waited. Diana wondered, but didn't say anything, glad for the chance to let her throat rest. She had done more talking since her arrival in the rebel encampment than she had in the last century, and her tongue and throat were swollen from the effort.

Diana heard the approaching footsteps several seconds before Chase detected them. Chase got up and exchanged a few words with the guard before taking the knapsack from them. She waited until they were out of sight before turning back to Diana.

Diana let her attention remain on the water beneath them. She was not looking forward to spending the next few hours talking, regardless of the subject matter - that just made things harder. Diana wished for some water to drink, then blinked in surprise when a canteen appeared before her eyes.

"I figure as thirsty as I am, you've got to be about to die. I can hear the hoarseness in your whisper."

Diana wondered again at the complexity of the woman Annabelle Chaser was and accepted the water with a smile. "Thank you." She took a long pull, relishing the wet and the chill of the water.

"In nineteen forty-two," Diana began without preamble, "a man named Steve Trevor crash landed in what to him was part of the Bermuda Triangle - very close to where you ejected from your plane just a few weeks ago. He, like you, was brought to the Amazon homeland called Paradise Island. What happened then changed the course of history."

Hours passed while Diana talked in her low whisper and Chase sat unmoving to catch every single word. Periodically, Chase would lay a hand on Diana's arm to stop her speech, and Diana accepted every respite offered her. She emptied two canteens and was working on a third when Chase halted her yet again.

"C'mon," she said quietly, standing up and offering Diana her hand. "It's chow time, and with all the water you've been guzzling, I imagine a pee break would be a good idea as well."

Diana nodded, suddenly very aware of just how much water she'd been drinking. She glanced at Chase, grateful for her courtesy. She'd kept Diana supplied with water and given her regular breaks and not once had Chase interrupted or asked a single question. And except for the paleness of her skin, there was nothing to read in her facial expressions.

Diana couldn't stop the yawn that creased her features and made her close her eyes for several long seconds. When she opened her eyes, Chase was looking at her in concern.

"Tell ya what... we'll have a little lunch and then we'll take a break. You look like you could use a nap, and I know I could. After that, well... after that we'll see. We still have quite a bit of ground to cover, and I do have some questions. Once I'm satisfied, if you still want to be part of the rebellion, I'll find a place for you. Otherwise, I'll have someone take you home."

Chase put away the blanket she had been folding up as she spoke, then she waited for Diana to join her. Diana walked over to her slowly, her brow creased in thought. Why was Chase trying to send her away? Couldn't she feel the connection between them? She felt like she was missing a vital clue, knowing her exhaustion was making rational thought difficult. So she simply nodded her head, hoping something would occur to her while she rested.

For her part, Chase was in a turmoil. Diana was telling her the truth; that she was certain of. But her story thus far was so outrageous it was almost impossible to believe. Yet there were parts of it Chase knew there was no way for Diana to be aware of without having actually been there, or being privy to Nazi records. And that brought up so many more problems.

Who was this woman, really? And why did Chase *need* to believe she was just exactly who and what she claimed to be?

It was a very quiet walk back down the hill and through the encampment to the mess hall.

Chapter XXVI

Dead silence accompanied their entrance into the mess hall until Chase glared around the room. Almost immediately, conversation started up again, though all eyes remained on them. Chase sighed. These were all good people. But they were still human beings and their curiosity, especially for something of this magnitude, was impossible to quell or hide. However, she had no desire to suffer through it today, and when their trays were full, she led Diana out of the mess hall and back to her private quarters.

Despite her misgivings, Ty was a good soldier and she had followed Chase's instructions to the letter. The small table and chairs she used to hold small strategy sessions at had been removed and replaced with a single cot barely long enough to accommodate Diana's tall frame. Ty had left the desk and two chairs and it was there that Chase indicated Diana put her tray down.

Diana did so with alacrity, taking the chair beside the desk while Chase assumed her regular place behind it. Chase motioned Diana to begin eating even as she picked up her own fork.

"I hope you don't mind," Chase commented softly. "I am going to keep you with me for the duration. It will just make things easier... for both of us."

"How?" A simple question with a multitude of answers.

Chase chewed and swallowed while considering her answer. "Well, it's like this - most folks here, myself included, are more than a little curious about you. But that doesn't mean you want to have to talk to everyone or answer the same questions about yourself over and over again. I figure you'll probably be more comfortable and more honest if you only have to deal with me one on one. I know I would be." Chase looked up at Diana for confirmation and Diana nodded her head.

"As for myself," Chase continued, "I don't need... well, let's just say I prefer to hear your story privately without having to give explanations to anyone or answer questions I'm not ready to answer yet."

Diana nodded again, recognizing Chase's feeling all too well. There were a lot of things she still wanted to understand and she really didn't want an audience to do it. Diana appreciated Chase's consideration for both of them. She wondered if Chase sensed something between them. Diana thought maybe she did - it would go a long way towards explaining Chase's attitude towards her. She certainly hoped so. It seemed like she had been searching for Chase her entire life and Diana was ready to stop searching and start living. First though, there were a couple little things that had to be cleared up between them, chief among them a matter of trust. Of course, there was also Orana, and any other number of lesser things, but they would get through them gradually as the trust grew. And that would come as they talked and learned about one another.

They ate the rest of their meal in silence, Chase being true to her word about wanting Diana to rest. She was still mulling over the story Diana had given her so far. It made sense in an outrageous sort of way. Chase had never expected their histories to be so entwined; she wondered if that was why she felt so connected to Diana or if it was something more beyond that. It felt like more, but Chase wasn't really sure what to do with the feelings.

So, Chase pushed them aside and focused on the present dilemma, hoping the rest would take care of itself in due time.

When they were finished eating, Chase took Diana's tray and stacked it with her own just outside the door to the small hut. Then she motioned to the small bunk. "I am taking a real risk here - at least according to my colleagues - but I'm gonna trust my gut. I don't think you're gonna up and try to leave." Diana shook her head vehemently and Chase almost smiled. "But I'm beat and I imagine you're pretty much exhausted, immortal Amazon or not."

Diana nodded, her throat still painfully sore. She couldn't remember ever being as drained as she felt now, not even when she'd been beaten unmercifully by Orana. All she wanted to do right now was close her eyes and sleep for the next twelve to eighteen hours. Maybe by then her throat wouldn't hurt so badly. Diana knew they had so much more to talk about, but she really hoped it would be a little later.

"You all right?" Chase asked with concern on her face, waiting until Diana's attention returned to her. "C'mon," taking Diana's hand and leading her the three steps to the head of her cot. "This is your bunk for the time being... at least until we get everything sorted out. Once I get done debriefing you, if you want to be part of the rebellion, you can find a place you're comfortable with."

"For now though...." Chase eased Diana down to the cot. "I don't have any pajamas to offer you, but I promise not to look if you'd like to make yourself more comfortable."

True to her word, Chase straightened up and turned her back, bending over to untie her bootlaces before stripping out of her boots, socks and trousers. Then she climbed into her own cot and plumped up her pillow, still looking away from Diana.

For her part, Diana undressed, amazed by Chase's complete lack of modesty; that was so unusual in man's world - at least the man's world Diana remembered. She crawled into her cot and dropped her head on the pillow. "Thank you, Chase," she whispered before falling immediately into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Chase turned at the whispered voice, not sure if she had actually heard Diana speak or not. But Diana was asleep by the time Chase was facing her, and she decided to follow her example, closing her eyes and dropping off to sleep.

Diana opened her eyes slowly. She wasn't sure what had awakened her but she closed her eyes wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep. It didn't feel like she had been sleeping for very long at all, and yet.... Diana cracked her eyes opened again, confirming her suspicions that Chase was no longer in the cot across from her. She listened intently, realizing she was hearing a harsh whisper just outside the hut. Diana strained to understand the words that were being spoken, but all she could make out was fierce anger in the raspy tone.

She started to get up from her bed to see what all the commotion was about when Chase's voice rang out clearly. "That's enough, Shep!!" Diana was out the door in nothing but her t-shirt and underwear before another word could be spoken and the conversation came to a dead halt.

Dian reached over and grabbed the man she assumed was Shep by the collar and twisted, pulling him closer until they were breathing the same air. He clutched at her arm to no avail, standing on tiptoe to ease the strain on his neck. She never noticed that the entire encampment was watching the proceedings with great interest. And to be honest, she wouldn't have cared if she had known. Diana had sensed a threat to Chase and was reacting purely on instinct.

Diana didn't say anything to Shep, but she really didn't need to. What she was conveying with her eyes and the set of her body was coming through loud and clear to everyone. It would have been hard to say which of the three of them were more startled by Diana swift actions, but Chase was certainly the first to recover from it.

"Diana? Diana, it's okay. Shep wasn't hurting me, honestly. He was just disagreeing with me... loudly." Chase waited until Diana's eyes tracked to hers before she spoke again. "C'mon... let him go. He was just leaving anyway," with a glare in Shep's direction. "Weren't you, Shep?"

He nodded as much as Diana's hold would allow him to. When she turned to face him, Shep scrambled to get away from her. Her eyes had turned into a fiery silver color and he felt the burn on his skin. "Ye... yeah," he choked out. "I... ack... I was," he managed to croak out.

"Okay, Diana," Chase said, laying a hand on Diana's arm and feeling the strength of the shifting muscles it took to hold Shep up so casually. "Let go of him and let's get you tucked back in to bed, all right? I think you could probably use a little more rest."

Diana looked at Chase for a long moment before nodding her agreement and dropping Shep where he stood. He fell to his knees and clasped his throat, rubbing it where the material had pinched, giving him a bruise. The look he gave Diana bordered on murderous, but Shep was in no condition to make good on it. Fortunately for him, neither Chase nor Diana saw it, being too intent on removing themselves from his presence.

Chase was more than a little disturbed - not about Diana's reaction; that had been an unexpected, but rather pleasant surprise. Shep, though... well, that was completely out of the blue as far as Chase was concerned. She had known her choice to interview Diana privately wasn't popular among the members of her colleagues, but she had honestly had not been prepared for Shep's vehement opposition to it. She would have to keep an eye on him, especially now that Diana had humiliated him in his eyes.

Diana was asleep as soon as she settled into the bed. Chase looked at her for a long moment before getting dressed. Then she stepped out from her hut and signaled to the guards who had been dismissed earlier. They were quick to resume their posts at either corner nearest the door and a look from Chase made them understand clearly what their responsibility was. Then she walked towards the conference room, knowing the rest of her contemporaries would join her shortly.

Chase wasn't disappointed. She had just enough time to fix herself a cup of coffee and take her seat at the head of the table before her crew started filing in one at a time. She smiled grimly; Chase knew she could depend on the camp grapevine to call a meeting. After that it was just a matter waiting for them to make it to her.

They took their seats around the table and looked at Chase. She merely folded her hands and returned their looks, waiting for the explosion. It didn't take long.

"You can't...!"
"Why did...?"
"How dare...!"
"When can...?"

"All right, settle down," Chase said quietly. The noise continued as everyone tried to shout over everyone else to be heard. Chase simply waited until they all ran out of steam. Then she leaned back in her chair with her coffee cup in her hand and let her gaze run around the table.

"Is everyone finished?"

Not surprisingly, Shep stood up and rested his palms on the table. "How could you, Chase? How could you side with someone you don't even know... especially someone like her?!?"

Chase cocked her head, vaguely insulted and more than a little angry. But she clamped down on her immediate reaction and asked in a deceptively calm voice, "Like what, exactly, Shep? You don't know anything about her yet, except that she is a strong, beautiful woman who embarrassed the hell out of you this afternoon because she felt you crossed a line."

Shep slapped the table, his face turning an unhealthy shade of red. "That's not fair, Chase! She shouldn't have special privileges - what do you mean by bunking with her, keeping her in your hut?? She should at least be considered a hostile until we know everything about her! She could be an enemy agent for God's sakes! You're risking too much! What the hell has gotten into you??"

Now she stood slowly and placed her cup carefully on the table. Then she leaned on the table and turned her full fury on Shep, though her eyes were the only things that gave any true indication of her real feelings. Everyone else sat back to wait for the fireworks. It wasn't often that Chase blew, but when she did, it was spectacular to watch.

"Sit. Down."

Shep opened his mouth to protest; then he got a good look at her face, and sat down without another word, his mouth snapping shut so fast he bit his tongue.

"*I* am not the one out of line here, Shep. I haven't made any assumptions, except to assume that ya'll would trust me to do my job... to find out who she is and where she came from and why she was in the Reichstag. But apparently you don't trust me anymore; you think I need to make all my decisions by committee now."

"That's not...."

"Shut up." Her tone made everyone's jaw drop. She had never been so cold towards them before, but no one had ever questioned her like Shep had. Ty shook her head. She'd tried to warn him to leave it alone. There was something between Chase and Diana - she'd felt it when she'd first seen them together and then experienced Chase's attitude earlier that morning. But he'd been so determined to insure that Chase was doing the right thing, Shep had completely disregarded the fact that his actions would be seen as undermining Chase's authority... or worse - treason.

Now they waited for Chase to explode, knowing regardless of how uncomfortable they had been with her decision to debrief the unknown woman alone, it had been her decision to make. And Shep had totally ignored it in favor of keeping his own council and following his own agenda.

"That's *exactly* what you meant," she growled low in her throat. "I told you I would handle this my way, and yet you took it upon yourself to come to my hut while I was trying to sleep and make an crisis out of things you don't even understand." She held up a hand before he could take a breath to speak. "And then... then you get all bent out of shape when you end up looking like a jackass because of it. DON'T," she said forcefully. "Don't try to deny it, Shep. You forget I learned a long, long time ago to tell if people were being honest with me or not. Please don't make this worse by lying to me about it, all right?"

He swallowed hard and nodded. Suddenly, Shep realized just how misplaced his decision to question her on this matter was. Though she wasn't by any means perfect, Chase did have a knack for leadership, and an intuitiveness for this sort of interrogation thing. His misjudgment of her could cost him dearly. He hated that thought - on many levels. Hers was a friendship he counted on and he wondered bleakly why he had risked it. It had all been so clear, made such perfect sense when he'd decided to do it. Now though....

Chase turned and walked to the window, raising the blackout shade and looking out across the compound. There wasn't a sound behind her; they were all waiting to see what she would do next. Chase was still furious, but she was also resigned to their attitude. Shep had made some good points - she was treating Diana differently than she had any other suspected hostile. But she also knew that Diana wasn't like any other suspected hostile; Diana wasn't a hostile at all.

The silence went on so long, Shep felt compelled to break it. "Chase, I'm sorry. I know I was out of line, but you need to understand...."

Chase sighed, interrupting his little speech. "I do understand, Shep. I understand all too well. However, I am not going to justify my decision to you. I shouldn't have to."

Shep dropped his head. "You're right, Chase... you shouldn't. You've done so much for the rebellion, and we do trust you... we all do. It's just we've never been out of the loop before and I don't understand why we are now."

"Shep, either you trust me or you don't. Which is it?"

"We trust you, Chase," Ty answered immediately, and her response was echoed around the table, especially from Shep.

"Absolutely," he confirmed. "To the point that I think I owe your charge an apology." He blushed when everyone turned and looked at him. "What?!?" he whined. The rest laughed.

"I will share this with you all. Diana is not a Nazi... that I am sure of. The rest, well... we're still working on that."

"Do we know what she was doing at the Reichstag?" from Hans.

"She had gone to assassinate the Fuehrer."

Chase's confident declaration caused a silence to fall over the room.

"Very lofty expectations," Hans said softly. "Do you think she could have succeeded?"

"Given where the resistance members found her, yeah, I do. I'm just glad they caught her in time. It would've been ugly if she had. How's that coming, by the way?"

Hans shook his head. "Still working on it. I have to be missing something, but so far, I haven't figured out what."

Chase nodded. "Keep working. That's the last piece to the puzzle. As soon as we have it, we'll be able to bring this to the end. And since everything else is on track, I think I'll go back and try to take that nap I started a while ago. Someone wake me for dinner, all right?"

"You got it, Chase. Go get some rest. We've got things covered," Mitch said. "We're sending Ty back to bed for a little while too. We kinda dragged her out of bed for this little impromptu meeting. I think she'd appreciate another twenty winks or so." Chuckles went round the room at the expression on Ty's face before her head went face first into the table.

It was on that note that Chase left the conference room and headed back to the peace of her hut.

Diana was sleeping soundly when Chase reentered her hut. Chase was careful to be quiet as she undressed and crawled into her own bed. She was exhausted from the hours she'd been keeping in the past few days and yet her mind was in a turmoil over all the information Diana had shared with her. Over and over she played the events Diana had told her about in her mind. It made so many things make sense, but it also gave her more questions.

Chase let her mind wander, remembering her grandmother and recalling only vaguely the stories she had told Chase about Steve Trevor. More, she remembered her mother reading some of those same stories to her before bed. Chase let her mind drift over the private, family details, realizing that so much of it matched to what Diana had shared with her.

Chase had known in her heart that Diana was telling the truth, but it was nice to have it settled in her mind as well. With a smile, she let her attention drift into more pleasant thoughts. And she never realized when she drifted into a deep, restful sleep.

Diana opened her eyes just a slit as she heard Chase's breathing relax into the evenness of sleep and relaxed. The day had been a good one despite its rocky start, and tomorrow promised to be better. Then she smiled and resumed her own slumber, hoping for good dreams for a change.

Chapter XXVII

Chase didn't remember much about dinner though they had wakened her just like she'd requested. She knew she had gotten up and gone to the mess hall with Ty and Hans; knew that Shep and Jen had joined them. Remembered she'd gone over some reports and issued a couple orders just like she did every night. She just didn't remember specifics - what they had discussed or what she'd seen and signed. It was beginning to frustrate her no end because she remembered *everything*. It did wonders motivating her workout though.

"Chase, take it easy," Hams comforted as best as he knew how. "Your mind is on overload right now. It's going to dismiss the mundane and everyday details to hold on to the important things. Whatever you are learning from... Diana, was it?" Chase nodded and he returned her nod in acknowledgement. "So whatever you are learning from Diana is more important right now than what we had for dinner last night and the casual conversation we shared. I promise it was completely mundane; otherwise, I would be able to remember it too." He gave Chase a silly grin and she had to chuckle. Hans was notorious for only remembering those details that pertained directly to his work... particularly whatever current project he was focused on at the time.

Chase rubbed her eyes and picked up her towel and headed for the shower. "You're probably right, Hans. Do me a favor, will ya, and have a couple trays of breakfast sent to my hut in about half an hour? That should give me time to shower and get back and wake up Diana before they get there."

Hans nodded and headed for his own shower. He needed it after trying to keep up with a frenetic Chase. Working out with her on days when she was trying to work through things that were bothering her was murder, something he already knew, but seemed to have difficulty remembering.

Chase stopped short when she entered the shower tent. Diana was in the farthest stall, and Chase debated leaving the woman to her privacy. Then Diana met her eyes briefly. Chase shrugged and stripped, choosing the stall closest to her and letting the water run over her body.

"God, that feels good," Chase mumbled as the warmth started to loosen her muscles. She closed her eyes and lathered her hair. Diana watched out of the corner of her eye for a long moment before shutting her own water off and drying herself.

"Rough morning?" Diana whispered after she wrapped the towel around her body and stepped closer to Chase's shower stall as she made her way back to the dressing area. Chase opened her eyes briefly and gave Diana a smile.

"Hard workout," she answered as she rinsed off the soap and shut off her own shower. "I have someone bringing us breakfast. I actually didn't expect you to be up yet. You were sleeping pretty hard when I got up this morning. How do you feel? You look better."

Diana didn't know whether to be flattered or insulted, so she let the observation pass without comment. She continued to get dressed and sat down to don her boots. Chase took a seat nearby and began to get dressed. She turned her head to look at Diana when she didn't answer. "You all right?"

Diana nodded and gave Chase a smile without speaking. Chase noticed for the first time that smile made Diana go from stunning to drop dead gorgeous and returned the smile without thought. Then she blinked as the thought registered in her conscious mind. Where did that come from? She shifted her attention back to her clothes and finished dressing.

"C'mon," she said to Diana, who was watching the thoughts and emotions track across Chase's features. "Let's go eat, then you can continue with your story. I still have some questions for you."

Diana reached up and took Chase's hand, drawing her to a halt. "Do I make you nervous, Annabelle?"

Chase didn't even flinch at the moniker. Instead she looked down at their clasped hands before meeting Diana's eyes squarely. "No. I'm a little confused... actually, I'm a lot confused about a number of things, but I'm not nervous. At least I don't think I'm nervous," she continued to babble. She paused. "No, definitely not nervous, just confused." She blew out a breath. "I'm gonna shut up now. Are you um... you coming?"

Diana stood not releasing Chase's hand. She was reassured by Chase's evident discomfiture; it was like they were on a level playing field. Now she knew Chase felt something. It was just a matter of finding out what that feeling was.

They released their hands before they stepped through the doorway by mutual unspoken consent. Neither of them wanted to give anyone else a reason to go off like Shep had the day before. So they walked in companionable silence together side by side until they reached Chase's hut.

Breakfast was waiting for them when the arrived and two stomachs growled in tandem as the scent wafted over to them. They looked at one another and chuckled. Then they sat down to eat in relative silence.

When they were done, Chase leaned back in her chair. "Would you like to talk here or would you prefer to walk and talk?" fairly confident in the answer she was going to get back from Diana.

"Walk and talk, please."

Chase nodded as though she had expected that response, which she had. Then she stood and gestured Diana to walk in front of her. "After you then," she said, holding the door for them both. People were less inclined to stare today and Chase was pleased to see that activity around the compound continued at its normal pace. Once more they headed up the hill to Chase's sanctuary.

"So," Chase said as they sank down onto the blanket that had spread out together. "You had gotten as far as Orana taking your place as Wonder Woman," watching the pain reappear in Diana's blue eyes and wanting to take it away. "Do you know," she continued, "I had decided she was a make-believe character? I always figured Grandpa Trevor was probably a little touched in the head... a result whatever happened to him during that time he was gone - when he was on Paradise Island," gesturing with her hands. "I knew he was telling the truth, but it just sounded so outrageous... so improbable."

Chase laughed. "And then something similar happens to me... what are the odds?"

"Do you believe in fate?" asked so quietly Chase had to read Diana's lips.

"I didn't," Chase answered honestly, her own voice low.

"And now?"

Chase swallowed hard. "I am entertaining... possibilities," she said with a shy smile. "But for now, we have work to do. I'm sorry, Diana. I can see the pain this is causing you, but...." She stopped speaking when Diana put a hand on her arm.

"You have a right to know, and I think I need share it. I haven't talked to anyone about this."

Chase blinked. She knew she had kept her own council about what had happened to her, but somehow it seemed inconceivable that Diana had chosen to do the same thing for more than a century. Then again, given the way Hippolyta had reacted to Diana's deception, Chase couldn't really blame her for not wanting to share. It made her angry to think how Diana had been treated by her people, but especially by her mother. She would have to remember to have a word with Hippolyta when this was all over. Diana deserved better.

"All right, Diana. So what happened once Orana left Paradise Island?"

Diana took a deep breath and started talking, Chase sitting quietly to hear her bare whisper.

They took several breaks, as much to rest Diana's throat as for Chase to get her emotions under control, though she was careful to keep her expression neutral. She didn't want to upset Diana and Chase needed to hear her whole story.

When Diana told about her about her time in Orana's torture chamber, Chase bit her tongue until it bled. It bothered her more than her own memories did and she had a much better understanding on why Diana had been so determined to destroy Orana. But Chase still wondered how Diana knew what had happened to her.

Slowly Diana worked her way through her history, glossing over a good portion of the century she had spent exiled. Chase made a mental note to ask more about that time later and focused her attention on Diana's story. She was getting to the part where their paths crossed and Chase was particularly interested in that. She was anxious to find out what of her memories were real and which part were simply dreams her subconscious had created.

Diana carefully watched Chase's face as she described Chase's time on Paradise Island. It was clear to Diana that Chase didn't remember much, or at least didn't believe what she did remember. And though Chase managed to keep a stoic expression on her face, she couldn't hide the twinkle that lurked in the back of her green eyes, especially as it grew exponentially as Diana confirmed her memories as real and not dreams.

Diana paused as she reached the part where Chase left Paradise Island for several reasons. First off, she desperately needed the break as her throat was burning from the pain and swelling the extended talking had caused. Secondly, she wanted to give Chase time to absorb the truths she had just shared. And finally, she really wasn't looking forward to the last bit. It required half-truths and Diana wasn't comfortable with that. But there were some things she couldn't reveal - things Chase would need to figure out for herself... or not.

That was what made it so hard to give Chase only part of the truth. There was no guarantee she would ever figure out the rest on her own, and Diana wanted her to figure it out. There was a lot at stake... for both of them.

For her part, Chase was happy to let Diana sit and rest. Aside from the obvious pain Diana was in, she had given Chase so much to think about... mainly reconciling her memories to a reality and not the dream she had finally attributed them to.

"We're getting close to what brought you here, aren't we?" Chase asked quietly, unwilling to disturb the sense of peace that surrounded them. Diana looked up and nodded, and Chase wondered why her eyes were so guarded. She's afraid? Then Chase thought about how much Diana had opened herself up, and she reached for Diana's hand, inordinately pleased when her hand was accepted with alacrity.

"C'mon. Let's go get you something for your throat."

They walked back into the compound and Chase never let go of Diana's hand, though Diana noticed that Chase appeared to be completely lost in thought. Instead of going to any of the very few places Diana was acquainted with, Chase took a track that led into the side of the mountain the camp was based at.

Diana looked around, taking in the laboratory Hans had set up. She never would have suspected such advancements given what she knew about the rest of man's world. While not nearly as sophisticated as the lab she shared with Paula, there was definitely progress and developments being made in several areas of science.

Chase released Diana's hands to allow her the opportunity to walk around the chamber. Diana made a slow trek, taking in everything and recognizing some of the things Hans was working on. Several of them she and Paula had worked out years before; some of them she had never seen because they dealt specifically with the design of new weapons.

Hans didn't speak, knowing Chase had a good reason for bringing Diana into the lab. He did move closer to Chase, wanted to observe Diana without getting in her way. He folded his arms across his chest and watched as Diana went to one of the chalkboards he had mounted on the wall.

She slowly read the formulas Hans had cascading from one to another, coming back to stand in front of the middle board shaking her head. Diana reached for the chalk, then though better of it. Instead, she walked to the end, back to the center board, then to the end once more. Then she turned around and looked at Chase before she resumed her place at Chase's side.

"Is there a problem, Diana?" Chase asked softly. When there was no immediate answer, Chase took both of Diana's hands in hers and turned until they were completely facing one another. "Diana," Chase said again, "did you see something wrong?" A pause while she waited, then finally Diana nodded.

Hans grunted. Chase glared at him before she smiled at Diana and seated her on one of the lab stools. "Diana, I brought you in here for a reason. From what you just told me, you should be able to help Hans figure out how to fix this problem."

"WHAT?!? Chase, have you lost your mind?"

"Hans, shut up and listen a minute." Chase patted Diana's hands before she released them and turned to face Hans. She was surprised to find, not a look of anger on his face, but one of hurt confusion. "You've been working on this a while, yes? And you keep hitting the same snag, right?"

"Yes, but...."

"Hans, trust me on this. Diana can help you. She's not gonna take over your project, all right? She's not interested in doing that. If she helps you it would be as a favor to me and not because of any personal gain on her part. So let her help you, please? It'll be good for everyone... especially if you can find a solution. Does it really matter if you need help to find it??"

He blew out a breath, though Chase couldn't tell if it was frustration or anger or defeat behind it. "You're sure about this?"

Chase turned back to Diana who was watching the proceeding with great interest. She did want to help; it was one way she could earn trust and show her worth both to the rebellion as a whole and to Chase in particular. However, she also wanted Hans to want her help, not just resigned to it.

"I am," Chase answered.

Hans looked at her for a moment longer, then nodded. "All right." He crossed to Diana. "Can you show me what you saw wrong?"

Diana slid from the chair and moved back over to the middle chalkboard. She went to an equation about halfway down and erased it completely before rewriting it. Hans looked on with bugged-out eyes and dropped jaw. He moved around Diana and looked at the formula she had written.

"Oh my God. That changes everything. That means...." Hans looked at the rest of his handiwork, then took the eraser to it. "Back to the drawing board." He turned back to Diana. "Can you stay? I think we could probably solve this together in short order if you would be willing to help me."

Diana nodded, then looked at Chase. "Hans, she can't talk right now - not even a whisper. Her voice is gone, all right? So any communication has to be written or visual. I'm gonna send someone over with lunch for ya'll and some ice for Diana."

"Don't worry, Chase. I'll take good care of your girl," Hans said, chuckling silently at the identical startled looks he got from both of them. Funny thing though, he noticed... neither of them made an effort to deny it. Chase just shook her head and started out the opening.

"Hans, who's got duty today? Jen?"

Hans checked his clipboard and nodded. "Yes. She's got the day shift and Mitch has the mid."

"Kay," Chase replied absently, already letting her mind move to other considerations. "If ya'll need something, let the duty officer know, all right? I'll be out of touch for a while."

"Chase...." Hans started, but he was talking to empty air. Chase was gone. He turned to look at Diana and shrugged. "Come on, Diana. Let me show you exactly what I am working on here, though I have a feeling you probably already understand it better than I do."

A twinkle in her blue eyes was his only answer.

"All right... does someone want to like, explain to me just what in the *Hades* Diana's radical little problem is? I've never seen that bitchin' warrior babe be so passive... so submissive. It's just so totally against her whole karma, ya know?"

"Yes, but given her last experience in man's world, I think it is to be expected that she would be unsure of herself and her surroundings for a little while... especially given the manner in which she was introduced to Chase there," Athena answered confidently. "Don't worry, Dite. Once everything is out in the open as far as their history together goes, I think you will see the Diana of old begin to make a reappearance. She just needs to relearn to trust her own judgment and have others believe in her again."

"Ya think?" Dite ask, leaning into Athena's shoulder and wrapping an arm around her waist. She smiled when Athena completed the embrace and added a squeeze for good measure. Athena nodded.

"Yes, I really do. It's been a long time since Diana has believed in anything... even herself. It's just going to take her a little time to remember how."

"I hope you're right, sis. This is one bodacious love match I fer shure wanna see happen. They deserve it so much, especially after what we did."

"Yeah, they do," Athena agreed, brushing a kiss across Dite's temple. "That's why it will."

Chase commandeered a jeep and was driving out of the compound a very short time later. She wanted to be completely alone to think, and there was only one place in the whole world where she could find that sort of solitude. No one, not even her compatriots, would bother her here.

The house was in surprisingly good shape considering it had been deserted for years, but it had an air of neglect and abandonment to it that sent an unexpected wave of despair through Chase's chest. She thought she had dealt with this nostalgia years ago, but occasionally it would rear its head to be dealt with again as though it was fresh and new.

She drove past the house and parked in the small field just behind it. The wildflowers were scattered across the open space and she drew in a deep breath of their fragrance. Slowly, Chase slid out of the jeep, her eyes sweeping over landscape that was at once both familiar and foreign to her.

The fence around what had once been the pig pen was falling down and the wire was missing from the chicken coop. The small garden area just behind the house was overgrown with weeds and Chase found herself idly wishing that the wildflowers would grow out of the meadow and closer to the house if only to choke out the weeds that now grew there.

The barn's paint was peeling, and the one door hung by a single hinge. A few shingles were missing, but the walls and roof seemed to be holding up pretty well otherwise. Chase didn't examine the house too closely. There were still too many painful memories wrapped up in the place, and she didn't want to see the changes time and inattention had wrought on her childhood home.

Instead, she turned her awareness back across the meadow to the lone, large oak that stood in the middle of the field. With a sigh and slow steps, Chase made her way through the tall grasses and wildflowers until she reached the base of the tree.

The oak had always been her haven as a child, its branches providing hours of fun or comfort depending on the need. She knelt down next to the small marker, dusting the leaves from the headstone and pulling a few weeds from in front of it. The she leaned back on her heels and pushed her hair from her face.

"Hello, Mama," she said softly. "It's been a long time."

Chapter XXVIII

"I don't really have a good excuse... just the usual. The rebellion... I think we have a real shot at finally winning the war, Mama. We are so close."

"I know, baby girl," from a voice Chase recognized only too well. She closed her eyes and let the warmth of memories envelop her senses. She swore she could feel her mother's fingers riffling her hair, and she let her eyes remain closed even when lips brushed over her forehead. "I've been watching you, Annabelle, and I am so very proud of you."

Chase bit her bottom lip, unwilling to let her tears fall. This was one reason she had gone so long between visits; talking to her mother like this reminded Chase of just how much she missed her mama and how alone in the world she really was.

"You're not alone, baby girl," Mama said, answering Chase's unspoken thoughts. "You never have been. I've always been here with you, even when you couldn't see me."

"I still miss you, Mama."

"I know you do, Annabelle, and I miss you. But it was my time to go, and your time to shine. You're doing such a good job. You're going to succeed, you know. And if you follow your heart, you will find everything you ever wanted."

Chase opened her eyes, not surprised to see her mother sitting beside her, in a manner of speaking. "Mama, right now all I want is for this to be over with. I am so tired of fighting."

"Are you sure that's all you want, baby girl?"

Chase sighed. "I don't know think I know much of anything anymore, Mama. I do want the fighting to be over, and yet it's all I know. It's been my whole life for my whole life. What am I gonna do when this is over?"

Her mother laughed, and the sound made Chase smile. "Baby girl... Annabelle. You're worrying in advance over things you have no control over. Focus on the here and now, and let the future take care of itself in good time. Now, you wanna tell your mama why you really came out here to see me?"

Chase was quiet for a long moment, finally giving into the temptation and resting her head in her mother's lap. Another minute passed, and she felt the corporeal sensation her mother's fingers combing through her hair and scraping her scalp in the soothing manner she had always used on Chase as a child. She smiled as she felt Chase relax into her ministrations.

"Have you seen everything, mama? Do you know everything that has gone on since...?"

"I've seen everything that took place here, baby girl. When you leave this place, well, not here in particular, but...." Chase waved a hand.

"I get what you mean, mama. So you know I was gone for a while, but not where I was or what happened to me then?"

"No, baby girl. That kind of monitoring is far beyond the scope of dead mortals." She waited a beat. "You wanna tell me about it?"

Chase sighed so deeply she stirred the grass. "I wish I could, mama. Despite what Diana said, everything is still just so much confusion in my mind. I know in my heart she is telling the truth, hell, I know in my mind she is telling the truth, but I don't know how to explain it to anyone else so it makes sense."

"Does it make sense to you, Annabelle?"

"Yes, mama."

"Then tell me about this woman, Diana Prince. The rest will fall into place eventually."

"You really think so, mama?"

"I really do, baby girl." There was a long, pregnant pause, before Chase spoke up again quietly.

"Mama, will you tell me about Grandpa Trevor?" Her mama blinked at the abrupt change of subject, but figured there was something behind it. Chase had never been on to shirk her responsibilities or the truth, though she had on more than one occasion postponed telling the truth until she had a clearer understanding of what lay beyond it.

"What would you like to know, Annabelle?"

"Tell me the story from when he was shot down by Nazis in the Bermuda Triangle, and go to the end, please."

Her mother's brow furrowed, but she nodded her acquiescence. Realizing Chase couldn't see her nod, she started speaking in a low, even voice.

"I don't know what Chase has told you," looking up when he caught Diana shaking her head vehemently. Hans had to chuckle at the wry frustration written clearly across Diana's expressive face. "Don't worry about it, Diana. It's nothing personal against you. That's just how Chase is... how Chase has always been, at least since her mother died. She keeps everything pretty close to the vest." Hans looked at Diana and shook his head. "Sorry... I'm not sure why I shared that with you, but...." He turned and looked at her more fully. "Somehow I think you needed to know. It's important you understand that about Chase. God knows we all love her, but she's certainly not the easiest human to be around most days. She's so intense... so focused."

Hans didn't think about what he was saying until he saw the light blush dusting Diana's cheeks and felt an answering one on his own. "Tell me to shut up," he muttered. He could tell by the expression on her face that she was laughing at him, though she didn't make a sound. Her shoulders moved though, and he had to laugh in sympathy.

Fortunately, at that moment, lunch showed up. Hans breathed a sigh of relief. It would give him time to regroup and maybe sort out his thinking. Hans had always been very protective of Chase, but he could tell, even if Chase never admitted it, that she needed someone in her life. Hans could see that Diana was already someone special to Chase and visa versa. So he would help nurture that in any way he could, as long as he didn't betray any confidences or jeopardize the rebellion itself. And for now, that meant he had shared as much personal information about Chase as he could. As private as Chase was, anything more about her would have to come directly from her, but Hans felt at least now Diana would know enough to be able to accept that as well.

Diana took the time to recompose herself also. As much as she wanted to understand, she would prefer Chase to reveal her secrets in her own good time. Now she just needed to convey that to Hans without speaking.

They consumed lunch slowly and in silence and when it was over Hans cleared his throat. "Diana, I probably shouldn't have said all those things about Chase to you. I just want you to know where she's coming from, if and when she does decide to share anything with you. All right?"

Diana nodded in relief. She wasn't about to explain to Hans that she probably knew Chase better than he did.

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Diana. Perhaps we should get back to work then." She nodded and together they moved back to the chalkboards. "Okay, as you have already figured out," motioning to her earlier correction, "I've been working on an antidote for the first in a series of diseases the Nazis have developed."

Are they set to be dispersed yet?
Diana wrote on the tablet Hans had given her for exactly that purpose.

"Yes and no; that is one reason you were stopped from eliminating the Fuehrer." A cocked eyebrow was a question Hans understood clearly. "One of the things we know about them is that they will be dispersed if any attempt is made on the Fuehrer's life. Since we don't have the antidotes ready yet, we couldn't let that happen. On the other hand, we don't have a release date for a massive scale attack yet; the belief is they are in place for use as a threat more than an offensive weapon. We are hoping to get the antidote finished before that changes."

How did you learn all this? Surely the Nazis have security in place to safeguard these kinds of secrets! Diana scribbled so fast her writing was nearly illegible.

Hans clamped his lips together and shook his head. "They do," he replied, answering the second question. "Just trust that the information is reliable and accurate. We came by it at great cost." Diana nodded, knowing better than Hans exactly what that cost had been as far as Chase was concerned. Hans returned her nod and continued speaking. "So, the real question is, do you think you can help me find the antidotes to the rest of the sequences we have?"

Let's get to work.

"So what can we do to help?" Hippolyta asked as she looked around at a majority of the council. Paula was monitoring the situations in man's world and was doing her best to keep everyone updated on how things were progressing in both cases.

Notwithstanding the loss of Diana on a personal level, Hippolyta was glad to know Diana had found a place with Chase. She hoped Diana would find happiness as a result, because despite their centuries old feud and moreso because of it, Hippolyta sincerely wanted Diana to have happiness. She was just a little frustrated over the lack of action on that front. Things were progressing between Chase and Diana far too slowly as most of the Amazon council was concerned, and Chase's doubts on that front were less than reassuring.

Still, at least they were able to observe bits of Diana's life through Chase's diary. Orana, on the other hand, had gone more quiet than normal. The Nazi press, however, continued to report on things in the regime, and Paula was delving into other, less official, sources of information as well.

It gave them a fuller, clearer picture of life in man's world, but it also made them anxious to be able to do something... to contribute to the end of the conflict. But everyone, especially Hippolyta, knew they couldn't interfere until and unless Diana asked for their help. In the meantime....

"Nubia, I want you to prepare a series of war games for the Nation to participate in. Make them varied and interesting, but ensure that the warriors will receive the training they will need to survive in man's world."

Nubia blinked, then nodded aggressively, understanding the queen's directive as it was meant. "IT will be done, my queen. The warriors will lack for nothing in their training. I would request Paula's assistance in making it as accurate as possible."

Hippolyta nodded and waved her hand. "So be it. Use whatever resources you need to make sure our warriors are successful and return home safely. Make it real for them. We're going to be part of this before it is over, and I want everyone to come home. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go check on Mala and Drea."

Nubia's brow furrowed. "Is there a problem, my queen? Their absence at the meeting was noticeable."

"Everything is fine Nubia, but I thank you for your concern. Drea needed to take care of some personal business and Mala agreed to be available in case she needed help." Hippolyta didn't mention Drea's almost frantic insistence in taking care of whatever it was immediately, nor did she mention the hurt she felt at being left out of whatever it was that was troubling Drea.

"Then I will leave you to get back to them, and Paula and I will begin working up the war games. Do you have a target date you would like to run them, my queen?"

"The sooner the better, Nubia. I want us to be ready to leave at a moment's notice."

"As you wish, my queen," Nubia said with a bow. Then she and Paula left Hippolyta alone the council room, though it didn't tale but a moment for the queen to follow their lead and exit, heading swiftly for her and Drea's suite of rooms. Even though Mala had agreed to monitor Drea's meditation, Hippolyta wanted to see for herself how things were going.

She understood all too well what Drea was going through even if she still didn't know why, and she wanted Drea to feel her support. Hippolyta smiled. It felt good to be the one giving support for a change instead of the one needing it.

Drea sat in the middle of the meditation chamber, letting the music of the water and the gentle scent of wildflowers relax her. It had been a while since she'd needed to communicate this way and she was a little out of practice. It was even harder now that her true sister was dead, but still she let her thoughts follow her sister's spirit to her resting place. And she listened to the conversation between Jasmine and her daughter.

"Hello, Mama. It's been a long time."

Drea felt the moment Hippolyta entered the room, and she absorbed the love and support that surrounded her. Hippolyta didn't speak, but merely sat behind her and entered her own meditative state, focusing on sharing her love and support until Drea felt she could share whatever it was that she was dealing with.

Drea simply focused on the dialogue taking place in what could have been half a world away.

"We never did find out what happened. Technically, I believe your great-grandfather is still listed as missing in action. His body was never recovered and the Nazis have never claimed responsibility for his disappearance or death. The woman he traveled with... the yeoman, Diana Prince, she disappeared as well. Given where they were last seen, it was assumed they were tortured and then put to death as enemies of the Nazi state. Do you think your Diana Prince is related to your great-grandfather's?"

Chase was quiet for a long time, thinking over what her mother had said, debating what answer to give her even as she soaked up her mother's touch. It was something she hadn't felt since.... Her thoughts came to a dead halt so fast her mind nearly suffered whiplash. She stiffened and lifted her head slightly.


"Yes, baby girl?" Chase took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak, then stopped before she could utter a word. Her mother kept up her relaxing stroking, smiling when Chase resumed her semi-sprawled position on her lap. "What is it, Annabelle?" asked tenderly.

"Nothing, Mama, it's just.... When I was gone, I was shot down over the Triangle by Nazis. I was wounded and had to be treated for my injuries there on the island. I just realized how similar the healer's touch was to yours. It was very comforting... made me feel like you were nearby."

The soft touch hesitated briefly at Chase's words. Her mother wondered if it has been merely her touch that had caused Chase to change thought flow mid-stream, or if it was easier for her daughter to focus on something a little more tangible to her at the moment. However, as long as Chase was willing to share....

"I wish I could have been, Annabelle. Are you doing all right now? Would you like to tell me about it?" She resumed her gentle touch, hoping eventually Chase would relax enough to share not only whatever was currently on her mind, but would also answer the question she had posed earlier. Chase was going to need to understand and accept all kinds of possibilities if she was ever to learn the truth... about a great many things.

Chase sighed and was silent for a long moment. "I would. It all ties together and I think you might be able to understand it at least as well as I do, because it's certainly blown my neat, orderly existence all to hell," said with a wry chuckle. "It started several weeks ago when I was the only one available to pick up a package of secret intel...."

Drea listened to the conversation carefully, not even aware of the tears that tracked down her face as several of her suspicions were finally confirmed. It was one thing to believe the veracity of something; it was another thing entirely to be slapped in the face with the undisputed truth. She wondered if perhaps she would be able to speak to her sister when Jasmine was done talking to her daughter. Despite what she had learned through this communication, Drea had so many unanswered questions, and she sincerely wanted to understand everything.

Drea sat still for several moments once the images had faded from her mind. A tentative touch on her shoulder brought a smile to her face, and she opened her eyes to find Hippolyta gazing at her in concern.

"Drea? Sweetheart, are you all right?"

Drea didn't answer verbally at first. Instead, she turned in Hippolyta's arms and absorbed the wordless comfort the queen offered. Hippolyta waited, knowing Drea would speak when she was ready. After a few minutes, Drea looked up to find Hippolyta smiling down on her. She returned the smile and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"All right now?"

"Well, better, anyway," Drea said wryly.

"Do you... would you like to share?" Hippolyta asked hesitantly. She didn't want Drea to think she was prying, but her curiosity was killing her. Whatever the secret was, it must have been of tantamount importance to have caused Drea to drop everything else to attend to it immediately. The fact that dealing with it required meditation gave Hippolyta a good clue as to at least part of what lay behind it.

"I think you deserve to know, Pol. But you need to understand that I don't have all the answers yet. I'll share with you what I have learned. Maybe we can fill in the holes together." Drea stood up and held out a hand to Hippolyta, helping her to her feet and holding her hand as they started out of the meditation room. "Come. Let's take a walk on the beach."

Neither of them saw Mala smile as she exited behind them, heading for the temple.

Chapter XXIX

"When we were in Greece, I had a sister... a twin."

"I remember Jasmine, Drea. She was a good friend... until...."

"... until she moved to Transformation Island after the situation with Diana. Sorry, Pol. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories. It's just...."

"I know you didn't, Drea," Hippolyta comforted her and put a hand on the healer's arm. "I figure it must be important if you're bringing up truly ancient history."

Drea nodded. "It is." She blew out a breath. "You never knew that Jasmine and I were linked telepathically... that we could speak to each other without talking. We didn't use it often once the Nation moved to Paradise Island. We didn't need to. We were in no danger here. But once she left here and went to the other island, it was how we kept in touch."

Hippolyta remained quiet, knowing Drea needed time to put her thoughts in order. They walked slowly through the sand, leaving a trail of footprints behind them. They held hands, and it reminded Hippolyta just how much she missed time like this with Drea. So much had happened to them and been allowed to come between them, and Hippolyta made a vow to herself that that would change. In the meantime, though....

"Twenty-five years ago, she came to me, told me that it was our last communication for a while. The goddesses had spoken to her and asked for a favor. I never knew what the favor was. She made it clear she wasn't able to share and I respected her enough not to ask. We spent the night just talking... reminiscing about everything. It was wonderful. I had never felt so connected to her before. When the sun came up, she was gone."

"For twenty-five years, she was silent. I didn't hear from her and I couldn't reach her. It was like she had just disappeared off the face of the earth."

"Yesterday, Mala sent me a message, asking me to come to the temple. No other explanation, just to go to the temple. When I did, I was met by Athena, Artemis and Aphrodite."

"In the flesh? My goodness, that has certainly changed a lot here recently, hasn't it?" Hippolyta commented nervously.

Drea smiled. It was a little unnerving. After more than a century of silence for the gods to simply suddenly resume their presence on the island without so much as a by your leave was a little hard to swallow - especially since they had caused at least part of the original problem, however inadvertently. However, they were trying to correct their error, and in truth, everyone had missed them.

"Yes," Drea answered simply. "They came to tell me that Jasmine would be in touch with me today, and that's all the information they offered me."

"That's why...?"

"Yes. Since I didn't know where she was contacting me from or when or what about, I figured I would meditate and make it as easy for her as possible." Drea grew thoughtfully silent, and Hippolyta stayed respectfully quiet, though it was hard not to blurt out her questions and urge Drea to finish her story faster. Obviously something profound had happened. Finally, Drea took a deep breath and resumed speaking.

"You have to understand that the link we had cultivated had grown and expanded until we could see what one another saw if we chose to share the pictures. We didn't do it often - we rarely needed to, and it is very exhausting... emotionally draining."

"She chose to share this time?" Hippolyta asked, noting the dark circles under Drea's eyes and the look of fatigue in them. "Oh sweetheart," dragging Drea gently by the hand over to a dune and taking a seat before pulling Drea down to rest against her. "You should have said something."

Drea patted Hippolyta's hands encircling her waist before leaning back into the warm body behind her. "I suggested we walk, remember? But this feels pretty nice too," she added with a smile. "But yes," she said, turning back to the water and watching the waves pound the shore with relentless, repetitive force. "She chose to share. It was... astonishing."

Drea was quiet so long, Hippolyta finally felt the need to prompt her. "What was, Drea?"

She didn't know how long she'd been sitting there, but eventually Drea watched as the darkness transformed into something more substantial. She looked around and felt the breeze blowing the through the wildflowers. Drea took a deep breath and enjoyed the fresh scent, wondering where she was but enjoying the view nonetheless.

"Hello, Drea. Gods, I've missed you. I'm so glad you're here."

"I've missed you, too, Jasmine. I wish I could see you."

"And I you, Drea, but for now this will have to do. We're short on time and there is so much I need to tell you... so much I want to share with you. It is only by special dispensation that we are able to communicate at all now and only because of recent events."

"What? Jasmine, what are you talking about? What happened? Where have you been, and what is going on? I assumed something horrible had happened when you stopped... when I couldn't find you anymore."

Drea felt her sister soothing her soul and she closed her eyes momentarily, absorbing the love she felt flowing from Jasmine to her. It brought tears to her eyes and a smile to her face simultaneously.

"Does being dead count?"


"Shh, Drea. I'll make sure we get more time together later so I can explain everything. Gods, this is so frustrating!! They should have given us more time or a chance to stay in touch once they moved me. I didn't realize how much... though I should have. A part of me has always been lonely, has continued to miss you, even after my baby was born."

Drea was stunned into silence for a long moment. First learning Jasmine was dead, then... "BABY?!? Buh... um... ba... Jas?" The sound of a vehicle droned only slightly louder than the bees that were enjoying the colorful fields Drea could see. She didn't take note, but Jasmine did, knowing she had just run out of time to explain things they way she had hoped to... at least for now.

Jasmine chuckled sadly at Drea's squawking. She knew exactly how her twin felt. "Sorry, Drea. I didn't want to spring this on you like this, at least without having a chance to explain everything first."

"So what's stopping you?"

"My daughter is here."

Drea fell into silence again, and Hippolyta wished she had the ability to see what Drea had seen. She thought about prodding Drea, but the look of sad contentment made her bite her lips instead. She knew eventually Drea would continue her story, so Hippolyta decided that waiting patiently would be a good exercise in patience. She just hoped she didn't have to wait too long.

Eventually, Drea realized she had stopped speaking and she chuckled a little self-consciously and blushed. "Sorry, Pol. I was thinking."

Hippolyta laughed. "I know. Why do you think I didn't disturb you?" Drea glared at her for a long moment before breaking into a sheepish grin. Hippolyta hugged her close. "I'm sorry about Jasmine, Drea. She was a good friend, and a good Amazon." She took a deep breath. "So, you ready to share the rest?"

"There's not much left to tell. I heard footsteps approaching the oak we were standing next to...."

Jasmine was just out of sight of the footsteps and Drea wanted to peek around at the mysterious child. But Jasmine stayed out of sight, waiting for her daughter to perform the ritual she did every time she came to this place. Only when she spoke directly to her mother did Jasmine step out from behind the tree...

... and if Drea hadn't been well-practiced in the art and in complete control of her telepathic powers, she would have been completely expelled from Jasmine's consciousness. Then she focused on the conversation between Jasmine and her daughter, Annabelle Chaser.

"Whoa, whoa, stop... just hang on a minute," Hippolyta said, freeing a hand and clutching her forehead with it. "Let me make sure I've got this straight so far. Your sister Jasmine is dead, but she's apparently been in man's world for a while and had a child. And not just any child, but the child Mala saw as being the key to Diana's salvation."

"That would about sum it up, yes."

"My head hurts now."

Drea laughed. "I know how you feel."

"So what happened next?"

"I blinked, and found myself back in the meditation room. I'm not sure if it was because my time with Jasmine was up or because it was too hard to hold on to the connection with all the revelations. Once their conversation was over, I found myself here again."

"Did you learn anything else? From their conversation, I mean?"

Drea shrugged. "Nothing really tangible, although after finding out Chase was my niece, my mind was in a bit of a muddle." She paused. "I think she's starting to put things together. She was connecting the dots for Jas. She doesn't have the whole picture yet, and she certainly doesn't have a grasp on who Diana is to her, but she is trying."

"Was Diana with her? How is she doing?"

"No, she wasn't, and it didn't come up for discussion."

Hippolyta eased from behind Drea and stood up, then extended her hand down to help Drea stand. "Come. Let's go back to the palace, and I'll tuck you in. Then later we can have a light supper and you can go back to bed and try to recover from this. We can worry about the rest tomorrow."

"You take such good care of me, Pol."

"Not always, and not like I should, but I am going to keep trying until I get it right." Then together they walked slowly back down the beach towards the palace, holding hands and enjoying the peace of being together.

"Okay, that was totally bogus! How did we screw that up?"

Athena shook her head. "Miscalculation on my part. I'm sorry, Dite. I didn't expect Chase to show up quite so quickly, and I certainly didn't expect the connection to sever like it did. I thought they'd have a little more time together."

"No worries, babe. This is all pretty new for us too. We'll figure it out." Aphrodite gave Athena a hug which she reluctantly returned but secretly relished.

Sometimes Athena envied her sister's freedom to express herself so easily. She turned her attention back to the situation. "We have to be careful though, Dite. We don't want to draw Ares' attention to either of them. We're supposed to be fixing the problem we caused... not making things worse."

"As if. Athena, I really don't think that letting those two bodacious babes do their mind thingy is gonna make matters worse. I thought we'd already, ya know, decided they totally deserved this, 'cause the price we made them pay was so radically unfair."

"We did, Dite, and they do. We just need to be sure that through our actions Ares doesn't become aware of Drea and Jasmine or Chase and Diana. The Amazons have been out of his scrying bowl for a very long time. We don't want to remind him of their existence and if we disrupt the flow of things too much, even *he* will sit up and take notice."

For the first time, Artemis spoke up. "Do you really think he has forgotten, Athena? After all, his Fuehrer *IS* an Amazon, though she has long since given up any claim to that title. And he has to be aware of both Chase and Diana, at least on some level. They've both had run-ins with Orana personally since she became the Fuehrer."

Athena rubbed her forehead. "That is exactly my point. It's why we have to be careful. Today was supposed to be a one time thing - a chance to give both Jasmine and Drea a measure of peace about the other, and to get the rest settled so when the time comes, the Amazons will be ready for what is coming." She tapped her fingernails against her teeth nervously before speaking again. "We need to figure out a better way to get Jasmine and Drea together... one that will give them a decent amount of time together but won't alert Ares as well."

"I have a totally gnarly idea."

Two heads turned in tandem to face the blonde goddess and both gave her an identical raised eyebrow stare at her. Then they crossed their arms and waited for Dite to continue. As they listened, their eyes grew wide, and they shook their heads in disbelief.

"Well," Dite asked when she finished laying out her idea. "Whaddya think?"

Athena and Artemis exchanged looks and nodded their heads together. "I think that has got to be the craziest thing I ever heard," Artemis commented gravely, "which is exactly I think it will probably work. No one will expect it. Who's going to be the one to tell them?"

"I will," Dite responded with a serious look on her face. "My idea, so I'll take responsibility for it."

Athena laid a hand on Dite shoulder and smiled at her compassionately. "How about we each take a piece of the puzzle? We'll figure out the details here, and then go to them and get everything taken care of? That way it will get done faster, and maybe we can finally get that happy ending we've been waiting for."

"I so like that plan, Stan. I can totally get behind a righteous happy ending."

Athena grinned broadly, loving Dite's exuberance. "Me, too. Let's get to work."

"I don't like this, Drea. It's dangerous."


"Drea, it is. Artemis said...."

Drea took Hippolyta's hands in hers and led them over to a window in the temple. Mala had summoned them as soon as Artemis had arrived and they had been sitting in the small prayer room in the back listening to Artemis spell out Aphrodite's plan until Hippolyta's outburst. Artemis watched them go with a small smile; it was nice to see the concern between the queen and her consort. Though they had never lost their love for one another, things for them and for the Nation had been stagnant for too long. This rejuvenation was long overdue and a very welcome result of all the tribulation they had already endured.

Drea faced them both towards the window, wrapping Hippolyta up in her arms and resting her chin on Hippolyta's shoulder. For a little while they simply stood there together, absorbing the comfort the other provided. Finally, Drea started talking quietly into Hippolyta's ear.

"This is something I want to do, Pol, but I won't if it bothers you that badly. I don't want you to be upset or worried. But I don't think the goddesses would have offered me the opportunity if they didn't think it was important."

Hippolyta turned in Drea's arms, ignoring everything around them and focusing solely on her partner. "This means that much to you?"

"Yes, it does. But I won't do it if you're that uncomfortable with it."

Hippolyta bit her lip. "I want you to do it, Drea. I think you deserve to know what happened to Jasmine, and what all this has to do with Chase and Diana. I just don't like the fact that you have to...." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Drea, I don't want you to die... even temporarily."

"My queen," Artemis finally found a good opportunity to interrupt. "She won't really be dead; we just need to give her the appearance of death to allow her and Jasmine to be together on the same plane of existence."

"But Jasmine really died," Hippolyta retorted with some heat. Artemis nodded her agreement.

"Yes she did, but she also gave up her immortality voluntarily, knowing what the cost was. We are not asking Drea to do that, and we will be here to monitor her."

"I hate this," Hippolyta hissed in Drea's direction, but she didn't release her hands. Hippolyta turned her attention back to Artemis. "I want to be here. I want to help monitor her throughout the entire process."

Artemis smiled. "I would expect nothing less, my queen. Let me make sure we are ready. The sooner, the better for this conversation, I think." She shimmered out, leaving behind a trail of silver sparkles. The other three watched until she vanished completely, and then Mala gestured to the other two.

"Come. I think we should prepare a comfortable space for Drea to rest during the ritual."

Hippolyta and Drea exchanged glances then followed Mala to her private quarters. They didn't know exactly how long they had and wanted to be prepared for Artemis' return.

"Baby girl?" They were both sitting up, on the opposite side of the tree from the headstone with their backs braced against the trunk.

"Yes, mama?"

"I have to go." Jasmine covered Chase's lips before the younger woman could speak. "But I would like to come back and talk some more. And I would definitely like to meet Diana - eventually... once you're comfortable with the idea and have figured out how she fits into your not-so-neat and orderly world," Jasmine finished with a grin and a tug on Chase's short hair. "I love you, Annabelle."

"I love you, mama. I'll be back soon, I promise."

"You better. Otherwise...."

Chase held up her hands and backed up, laughing. "No threats, mama. I promised. I'll be here. A lot depends on how fast things move will the rebellion, but I will come back."

Jasmine noticed that Chase didn't mention Diana, but decided she had pushed enough for one day. Besides, Aphrodite was getting kind of loud in her summoning. She brushed a light kiss across Chase's forehead. "All right, baby girl. See you soon." Then she faded from existence before Chase could respond. She stood a moment longer, then with a sigh turned back towards her vehicle and headed back to the rebel compound.


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