Alias "Everybody doesn't get into Heaven" ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. DSR - NIGHT Several GUARDS stand in front of the entrance to a large building called the DSR (Department of Special Research). A good distance away, we see two pairs of feet approaching. One's a man's and the other's a woman's. We slowly move up to see that it's... JULIAN SARK and KELLY PEYTON. They're both dressed in business attire. Sark is wearing glasses. Peyton is wearing a blonde wig. PEYTON What was Sloane thinking, sending us to the DSR? SARK I've worked with him for years. Trust me, he knows what he's doing. PEYTON If this doesn't work... SARK It will. It worked for Elena Derevko. PEYTON I seriously doubt the CIA would be stupid enough to fall for the same trick again. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice... SARK Well, we'll be taking a slightly different approach. Sark and Peyton are stopped by a GUARD. GUARD ID. The agents hand the guard their fake IDs. He checks them, sees that everything is in order. GUARD (CONT'D) What are you two doing here so late at night? PEYTON We were sent by Jack Bristow. Sloane's on the loose and Mr. Bristow wanted us to remove certain Rambaldi artifacts from the DSR to prevent Sloane from completing his endgame. GUARD They'll be able to help you inside. PEYTON Thank you. The guards step aside and let Peyton and Sark enter. INT. DSR - CONTINUOUS This place looks like a futuristic laboratory. We can see there's a big VAULT all the way in the back of the room. There's a RECEPTIONIST at the front desk. Actually, it's another guard. Let's call him GUARD 2. He's on the phone when Peyton and Sark enter. He quickly hangs up. The guard looks his guests up and down, trying to figure out who they are. GUARD 2 May I help you? PEYTON No. Sark WHIPS out his GUN and shoots guard 2 in the neck, killing him. No one can hear the gun shot because Sark had the foresight to put a silencer on his weapon. PEYTON (CONT'D) (looking at the vault.) We know what we're looking for. Sark gets the keys off the dead guard and goes to the vault. Peyton follows behind him. Sark opens the vault. Inside is a warehouse full of the Rambaldi artifacts that have been acquired over the years. Each artifact is in a box with a tag indicating which artifact is which. INT. VAULT - CONTINUOUS Peyton and Sark enter the vault. SARK Okay, we need the sphere of life and the Paphiopedilum Khan orchid. Peyton starts checking the boxes. PEYTON I'll get the orchid; you get the sphere. Sark begins looking around. SARK Be careful with the orchid. It's very delicate. PEYTON You don't think I know that? Peyton's reading something on one of the boxes. She opens the box with a box cutter that she has in one of her pockets. PEYTON (CONT'D) Found mine. Still looking around: SARK You know it's really a shame we can't take all of this stuff with us. I bet they'd fetch a pretty penny on the black market. Peyton takes the orchid out of the box. It's in a plastic bag. PEYTON We're not here to steal. (off Sark's look) Well we are, but not for money anyway. Sark reads something on the side of a box. SARK I know. Sark pulls a box cutter out of his pocket and opens the box. Footsteps can be heard in the background. Sark and Peyton share knowing looks. PEYTON Guards. Peyton hands Sark the orchid, draws her gun. PEYTON (CONT'D) You finish up here; I'll take care of them. Peyton exits the vault. Sark's thoroughly impressed with her take charge attitude. He sets the orchid down on one of the other boxes while he goes back to opening the box containing the sphere of life. Gunfire can be heard outside of the vault. Sark removes the sphere from the box, which is also in a bag. He grabs the orchid and exits the vault. INT. DSR - CONTINUOUS Sark sees that all the guards lie dead on the floor. He spots Peyton. She has some blood on her clothes from her victims, but isn't wounded herself. SARK Your work is magnificent. PEYTON A man after my own heart. You get what we need? SARK Yes. Shall we? Peyton begins walking out of the building with Sark close behind. EXT. DSR - NIGHT Sark and Peyton are now outside. PEYTON That was too easy. SARK That's how I like it. Peyton SQUEEZES something in her hand. The DSR BLOWS UP. PEYTON And that's how I like it. SARK I can see why Sloane hired you. The two keep walking as we... INT. APO BRIEFING ROOM - DAY A big roundtable is in the middle of the room. Filling up the seats are VAUGHN, MARSHALL, DIXON, RACHEL, and TOM. JACK is standing in front of them. SYDNEY enters the room. SYDNEY Dad, what's happened? JACK Close the door. Sydney shuts the door and takes a seat. JACK (CONT'D) The DSR was blown up last night. SYDNEY Sloane. JACK I believe so, yes. VAUGHN That doesn't make sense. Why would Sloane want to blow up the DSR? It has all of the Rambaldi artifacts in it. MARSHALL That does seem to be something Sloane wouldn't do, Mr. Bristow. JACK I believe that Sloane took the Rambaldi artifacts and blew up the DSR to keep us from getting a lead on him and what his intentions are. TOM Mission accomplished if you ask me. JACK Not quite. I've been going over the various Rambaldi prophecies and I've got a hunch that Mt. Subasio is where Sloane will be headed next. RACHEL Why Mt. Subasio? JACK It plays an important role in one of Rambaldi's prophecies. If we beat Sloane there, then we stand a good chance of defeating him and Irina. Everyone is shocked to hear Irina's name. SYDNEY Mom? JACK Yes. Some of my contacts have seen your mother with several of Sloane's associates. It's safe to assume that the two are in cahoots. I like to take a team to-- SYDNEY Dad, before you go any further, I'd like to ask if I could lead the team to Mt. Subasio. I feel bad for letting Sloane escape in Rome and for not keeping a gun on Irina in Vancouver. I feel that to make up for my mistakes I should be the one to bring the two of them in. JACK What happened in Rome wasn't your fault; Sloane shocked you with a taser and what happened in Vancouver definitely wasn't your fault; you were in labor. Having said all that, I will permit your request, not for any mistakes you might have made, but because I feel that you could get the job done. Sydney beams with pride. JACK (CONT'D) Tonight at 21:00 hours, Sydney, Vaughn, Dixon, Tom, and Rachel, I want you all to meet me at LAX. There will be a jet there waiting to take us to Mt. Subasio. Sydney can tell us her plans on the plane. This meeting's adjourned. The room starts to clear out as we... INT. SYDNEY'S HOME - LIVING ROOM Sydney and Vaughn are sitting on the couch. Vaughn is playing with ISABELLE. Sydney is deep in thought. SYDNEY I still can't believe my father is letting me lead the mission. Just like that, no questions asked. VAUGHN It's really not that surprising Sydney. You're an amazing agent. Your father knows that. He wouldn't give you something he felt you couldn't handle. Vaughn begins making faces at Isabelle, prompting her to laugh. SYDNEY Really? You think so? VAUGHN Yeah, you're father's a total control freak. Sydney playfully slaps him on the arm. VAUGHN (CONT'D) Ow. Isabelle, mommy hurt daddy. Get her. SYDNEY She wouldn't hurt me. She loves her mother. Sydney takes Isabelle from Vaughn and begins playing with her. SYDNEY (CONT'D) Wish I could say the same about my mother. All that stuff about how truth takes time, and how she loves dad and me, and how she was gonna be there on my wedding day-- VAUGHN We never had a wedding day. We had a fake my death day. SYDNEY Don't be funny. You're not very good at it. VAUGHN Syd, I know you would kill Sloane in a heartbeat, but if it came down to it, do you really think you could kill Irina, your own mother? Sydney takes her gaze off Isabelle and turns it to Vaughn. SYDNEY Yes, I could. I owe her nothing. She's had plenty of opportunities to change her ways and she's still the same old Irina Derevko. And every time she comes back, pretending to have changed, I've fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker. Well not this time. If I can apprehend her, I will, but if I can't... I'll kill her. Sydney goes back to playing with Isabelle. Vaughn stares at Sydney, not quite sure of what to make of her stance on Irina. SUPER: MT. SUBASIO EXT. ITALIAN ROAD - DAY Two SUVs carrying Sydney, Vaughn, Dixon, Jack, Tom, and Rachel speed along the dusty road, steadily approaching the distant Mt. Subasio. INT. MT. SUBASIO - CAVE - CONTINUOUS The cave is made entirely out of ice. SLOANE and IRINA are there. They're bundled up in nice, warm clothes. Sloane has the Rambaldi amulet in his hand. He's standing in front of a beautiful altar. It has the eye of Rambaldi on it. IRINA Sloane, we've been here for hours. What are we waiting for? SLOANE A sign. Night and day have to occur at the same time to see the key. IRINA An eclipse. SLOANE That's what I'm thinking. IRINA So if this works, what is it supposed to do exactly? SLOANE Give us the key to immortality. Then we'll be halfway to fulfilling Rambaldi's endgame. IRINA You know Sydney and Jack will show up to try and stop us. SLOANE Of course they will. Sydney and Jack showing up at the most inopportune time is a prophecy in and of itself. Fortunately, I always come prepared. EXT. ITALIAN ROAD - DAY The SUVs are still making their way toward Mt. Subasio. INT. SUV 1 - CONTINUOUS (MOVING) Sydney, Vaughn, and Jack are in this SUV with Vaughn at the wheel. SYDNEY (to Jack) Do you think Sloane and Irina are already at Mt. Subasio? JACK I don't know. I hope not. Otherwise, we'll lose the element of surprise. SYDNEY Do you think it'll be a surprise to them if we show up? They think this is all prophecy and fate. JACK What do you think? SYDNEY That this is all a bunch a crap I wish I'd never gotten into. EXT. ITALIAN ROAD - CONTINUOUS The SUVs keep moving along when... BOOM! They're blasted by gunfire straight ahead. The shooters are nowhere to be seen. The SUVs try to dodge their attackers. INT. SUV 1 - CONTINUOUS (MOVING) VAUGHN What the hell! EXT. ITALIAN ROAD - CONTINUOUS The gunfire keeps coming and coming. Bullets fly through both SUVs. INT. SUV 2 - CONTINUOUS (MOVING) This SUV contains Dixon, who's at the wheel, Tom, who's riding shotgun, and Rachel who's in the backseat. TOM We've gotta open fire. DIXON How are you gonna open fire on what you can't see? TOM I can see that. TOM'S POV - Peyton coming out from behind some bushes with a huge ROCKET LAUNCHER. TOM (CONT'D) (to Rachel; re:Peyton) How could you have been friends with her? RACHEL She wasn't like this when we were friends. TOM I hope not 'cause otherwise I'd be wondering what you were thinking when you befriended her. Peyton fires two rocket-propelled missiles: one at SUV 1 and the other at SUV 2. DIXON Could you two talk about this some other time, like when we're not about to be blown to smithereens? INT. SUV 1 - CONTINUOUS (MOVING) The missile is just a few feet away. VAUGHN Sydney, I love you. Sydney and Jack shoot Vaughn confused looks. EXT. ITALIAN ROAD - CONTINUOUS Seconds before the missiles reach their destination, we... INT. MT. SUBASIO - CAVE - CONTINUOUS The battle on the road can be heard inside the cave. IRINA Sloane, did you hear that? SLOANE It doesn't matter. They're too late to stop us now. ON IRINA She looks somewhat upset about the news she's just heard, but she hides it very well from Sloane. EXT. ITALIAN ROAD - CONTINUOUS The SUVs have been blown up, but not to fear gentle readers. Our heroes are all okay. Peyton and Sark have several men with them. They're hidden behind some trees and bushes. Sydney and team are on the other side of the road, hidden by similar surroundings. A huge gun battle is taking place. Bullets are flying everywhere as each side fights for the upper hand. Sydney looks toward Mt. Subasio. Smoke from the gunfire fills the sky. There's barely any visibility. SYDNEY (to Jack) I need to get to Mt. Subasio to try to stop Sloane and Derevko. JACK It's going to be very risky to get there. You may get hit by a stray bullet, your vision will be impaired... SYDNEY I have to take that chance. Can you cover me? JACK Go ahead. VAUGHN I'm going with you. SYDNEY Vaughn, I need you to stay here on the line and fight. VAUGHN Syd, I don't feel comfortable with you going up there alone. SYDNEY I can handle myself. Sydney kisses Vaughn passionately before she goes. Jack's bothered by this. During the kiss: JACK Sydney, if you're going to go, go now. Sydney breaks her kiss with Vaughn and takes off toward the mountain. INT. MT. SUBASIO - CAVE - CONTINUOUS A solar eclipse occurs. Sloane can see it through the opening in the cave. SLOANE It's time. Sloane sets the amulet down in the center of the altar. Some light from the sun manages to beam down straight into the cave. It hits the amulet. A pink light emanates from the amulet and beams straight up to the sky. Sloane and Irina are both fascinated by this. A pink map forms in the sky. Sloane can't help, but be drawn to it. IRINA Do you really think it's safe to be looking up at the sky right now? SLOANE Rambaldi will protect me. EXT. MT. SUBASIO - CONTINUOUS Sydney is steadily approaching the cave with her eyes shielded from the solar eclipse by one of her hands. EXT. ITALIAN ROAD - CONTINUOUS The gun fight still rages on. Three of Sark and Peyton's men have gone down. Rachel gets distracted by the pink map in the sky. It has her in a daze. Peyton notices this distraction and takes a shot at Rachel. BAM!!! Rachel takes two bullets straight in the chest. She hits the ground hard. Tom rushes to her side. TOM Oh god. EXT. MT. SUBASIO - CONTINUOUS Sydney sees Rachel go down and she rushes back to her fallen friend. EXT. ITALIAN ROAD - CONTINUOUS Sark is replacing the cartridge in his gun when something on him beeps. He taps Peyton on the shoulder. SARK Time to go. Sark, Peyton, and their remaining men retreat, using the trees and bushes as cover. Jack and Tom are tending to Rachel's wounds. Jack notices something scurrying from the bushes where their adversaries were hiding. Dixon and Vaughn notice shortly afterwards JACK (re:Sark/Peyton) Vaughn, Dixon, go after them. See if you can find out where they're headed. Vaughn and Dixon take off in the direction they saw Sark and Peyton flee. Rachel is coughing up blood and hanging on for dear life. TOM Rachel, just hang on. We'll get you some help. RACHEL Believe me, I'm trying. TOM Jack, we-- JACK I know. Sydney shows up and rushes to Rachel's side. She takes Rachel's hand. JACK (CONT'D) Sydney, did you get a chance to stop Sloane and your-- SYDNEY No. I saw Rachel get hit and I rushed back. Struggling to speak: RACHEL Sydney, I need to tell you something. SYDNEY You can tell me after we get you to a hospital. RACHEL As nice as that sounds, I don't think I'm gonna make it. SYDNEY You're not gonna die on me. I refuse to lose another friend. RACHEL Sydney, please just let me tell you. SYDNEY Okay. RACHEL I saw a map in the sky. It was a map to... Rachel's voice trails off. Sydney leans in very close to her. SYDNEY Rachel, say it one more time. Rachel says the coordinates of the map very gently. Only Sydney can hear them. What little light was left in Rachel's eyes has disappeared. She's dead. Sydney begins crying uncontrollably. Tom's mourning as well, but quietly. Rachel's eyes are open. Tom shuts them. Vaughn and Dixon reappear. VAUGHN We lost them. Vaughn and Dixon notice Sydney and Tom's actions. VAUGHN (CONT'D) (re: Rachel) Is she... JACK Yes, she is, but she saw a map in the sky. I believe Rachel told Sydney the location before she passed. We focus on Sydney still mourning the loss of her friend. MAIN TITLES. END ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. APO BRIEFING ROOM - DAY Sydney, Marshall, Dixon, Vaughn, and Tom are being addressed by Jack. Sydney and Tom are still saddened by Rachel's death. JACK Based on the coordinates Rachel gave Sydney, we've discovered that whatever Sloane's going after is in Rome, Italy. It's in Castel Sant'Angelo. SYDNEY We were so close and we came back. JACK We had no choice. We failed the first time, but hopefully we'll pull through this time. Sydney's hurt when her father mentions the failure, but she hides it as best as she can. MARSHALL Castel Sant'Angelo? Isn't that a museum? JACK It is now, but it didn't start out that way. We'll move out in a few hours. TOM Actually, Jack, I was wondering if I could sit this one out. I need some time alone. JACK Of course. I understand. Sydney, I'd tell you I'd understand if you wanted to sit this mission out-- SYDNEY But you know already know what my answer will be. VAUGHN What about warning the people who run Castel Sant'Angelo about Sloane and Derevko? JACK I'm way ahead of you. I've already made a phone call for them to evacuate the building and have ordered for them not to alert the authorities. VAUGHN Why not alert the local authorities? I figure we could use all of the help we can get. JACK Sloane and Irina are not stupid. They would catch on if the authorities get involved. SYDNEY Dad's right. It's best if we leave the planning to him. A beat then: JACK Any more questions? Everyone shakes their head no. JACK (CONT'D) I'll see you all in a few hours. Everyone's getting their stuff and exiting the room. MARSHALL Except me, sir. JACK Except you, Marshall. INT. JACK'S OFFICE - DAY Jack's going over some papers. There's a knock on the door. JACK Come in. The door opens. It's Sydney. SYDNEY Do you have a minute? JACK Sure. Sydney closes the door and takes a seat. JACK (CONT'D) What did you want to talk about? SYDNEY I want to apologize for what happened in Italy. I did a horrible job leading the team and I got Rachel killed. I know I let you down. JACK Sydney, I'm beginning to wonder if you have some kind of a complex. Sloane and Irina knew we were coming and set up a trap. That could've happened just as easily if I were leading the team. I know how close you were to Rachel, but you're not to blame for her death. Put the blame where it belongs: on Sloane and your mother. SYDNEY She's not my mother. She's just another terrorist I wish I had killed when I had the chance. JACK Sydney, I love you and I want you to stop hating your mother. SYDNEY She deserves my hatred. And yours. She betrayed both of us. JACK She does, but I want you to stop hating her for your own sake, not hers. If you continue to let your hatred for her get to you, it'll hurt you in the long run. Believe me, I know. SYDNEY She told me you can't be both an agent and a mother, that I'd have the choose one over the other. JACK And you believe her? SYDNEY I don't know. What I do know is that I don't wanna fail Isabelle like Irina failed me. I want her to be proud of me. JACK She will. You're a great mother and a great agent. Sydney and Jack bask in their tender moment. Vaughn enters. VAUGHN You guys gotta see something. INT. APO BRIEFING ROOM - DAY There's a television screen hanging in the center of the room. The screen is showing destroyed cities. Marshall and Dixon are already in the room along with CIA director CHASE when Sydney, Vaughn, and Jack enter. Jack's eyes are drawn to what's happening on the screen. JACK What's going on? CHASE A war is what's going to be going on unless you prevent it. Someone broke into Pantex and launched two missiles. JACK Who were the targets? CHASE China. One missile hit Shanghai; the other hit Beijing. The Chinese are preparing for war. SYDNEY Sloane's behind this. I know he is. CHASE I figured as much, but why? SYDNEY I don't know, but I'll be sure to ask him before I kill him. CHASE Let's get one thing straight agent Bristow: this is not about you getting revenge. This is about stopping Sloane and stopping a war. I've managed to pull some strings and China is willing to not got to war if we hand over Sloane. That's what your primary goal is, not your quest for vengeance against Sloane and your mother. Is that clear? SYDNEY Yes, Director Chase. INT. APO PARKING GARAGE - NIGHT The garage is half empty. Sydney, Vaughn, and Jack are walking through it. SYDNEY Dad, what do you think Sloane could possibly be up to as far as this whole China thing goes? JACK I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me either. It could be just some diversion to keep us from his real plan. VAUGHN And we don't even know what that is. JACK Hopefully, we'll figure that out when we return to Italy. SARK (O.S.) I don't know about going back to Italy. Sark comes out from behind a car. SARK (CONT'D) That doesn't seem to be a good place for you people. Sark pulls his gun out an opens fire on our trio. They take cover behind a car. Sydney and Vaughn draw their guns and fire back. Sark takes off running. Sydney and Vaughn give chase. Jack takes off toward a car on the other side of the garage. Sydney and Vaughn continue to trade fire with Sark while chasing after him. EXT. LA STREETS - CONTINUOUS There's a building directly in front of the APO garage. The two are separated by a street. Sark is now out of the garage and is continuing to run. Syd and Vaughn are close behind. Jack comes out of the garage, driving an SUV. Sark dives behind the aforementioned building, presses a button. BOOM!!! APO is blown up into bits. The explosion sends Sydney and Vaughn flying and Jack's SUV rolling. Sydney and Vaughn run over to Jack. Sark sneaks off. INT. SLOANE'S HEADQUARTERS - MEETING ROOM - NIGHT The room is opulently decorated. Sloane and Irina are standing by the fireplace. Irina is drinking wine and Sloane is drinking water. SLOANE It won't be too long now before we realize Rambaldi's true endgame. IRINA I know, I can't believe it. I thought it never would've happened in my lifetime. SLOANE There have been many fools in the past who claimed to know Rambladi's endgame or that they were trying to accomplish it. (scoffs) Rambaldi would turn in his grave if he knew how his works have been distorted. Sark and Peyton enter the room. Sloane and Irina turn to face them. SLOANE (CONT'D) Did you achieve your goals? SARK APO has been destroyed. PEYTON And the members of prophet five have been killed. IRINA (to Sloane) It was smart to get rid of prophet five. SLOANE They would've eliminated us once we outlived our usefulness. And now that our enemies have been taken care of, we can work in peace. IRINA That's a funny choice of words. SLOANE I can be humorous at times. IRINA So I'm noticing. Sark, can I have a word with you, outside? SLOANE Why outside? IRINA I'm on your side, Sloane. You have nothing to worry about. Sark and Irina exit the room. Peyton watches them as the leave, then turns to Sloane. PEYTON You know, contrary to what Derevko says, I don't believe you can trust her. SLOANE I don't trust her really, but I trust that she's the only person I know who cares as much about Rambaldi as I do. PEYTON I hope your trust is well placed. INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Irina and Sark have moved a good distance from the meeting room to prevent Sloane and Peyton eavesdropping. IRINA Did you do what I asked? SARK Yes, your daughter, granddaughter, and ex husband are all alive and well. ON IRINA Her face is expressionless. SARK (CONT'D) I have to ask though, why did you want to save them from the explosion? They'll just be at our backs. IRINA You're told what you need to know, nothing more. Irina heads back into the meeting room. Sark shoots her a look when her back is turned, then follows her back into the meeting room. INT. SYDNEY'S HOME - BABY'S ROOM - NIGHT The room is dimly lit. Sydney, in her spy clothes, is sitting in a chair with Isabelle in her arms. Sydney is rocking back and forth as Isabelle slowly drifts off to sleep. Once Isabelle is asleep, Sydney puts her in her crib. Vaughn enters. VAUGHN Syd,-- Sydney motions for Vaughn to be quiet. Speaking softly: SYDNEY Isabelle's sleeping. Vaughn and Sydney speak softly for the rest of the scene. VAUGHN Sorry. Vaughn comes over to the crib, takes a peak at Isabelle. VAUGHN (CONT'D) She's so beautiful when she's sleeping. She's her mother's daughter. Sydney smiles. She and Vaughn kiss. SYDNEY I wish Francie was alive. I would love for her to have seen Isabelle. At least Nadia and Will got to meet her. VAUGHN Francie's here in spirit. SYDNEY I'd rather have her here in person. Vaughn takes Sydney in his arms, giving her comfort and support. SYDNEY (CONT'D) Is everyone here? VAUGHN Yeah, they're in the living room, waiting. SYDNEY I guess we better get out there then. VAUGHN They can wait a little more. I wanna look at my daughter a little while longer. The couple just stands there, looking dreamily at the beautiful life they've created. INT. SYDNEY'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Jack is seated in the living room with Marshall and Dixon. Jack's a little scarred from the explosion. DIXON (to Jack) So Sloane blew up APO? I'm glad that was one of the few days I chose to leave early. MARSHALL Me too. Sydney and Vaughn enter. DIXON (to Sydney) How you holding up? SYDNEY Under the circumstances I'd say unbelievably well. I'm glad you and Marshall are okay. MARSHALL So are we, I mean we're glad that you, Vaughn, and Mr. Bristow are alright. JACK Thanks to Irina, we're alright. SYDNEY Dad, what are you talking about? Sloane and Derevko tried to kill us. JACK Sark wasn't there for a fight. He was there to blow up APO, which he could've done just as easily, if not more so, with us inside. Someone wanted us to make it out alive and I believe it was your mother. It wouldn't be the first time she's done something like this. SYDNEY So you trust her now? JACK Of course not, but I trust her love for you. MARSHALL So is Sydney's mother a friend or foe? SYDNEY Foe. We'll take her out just like we'll take out Sloane. JACK We won't be taking out anyone if we don't leave soon to catch the plane to Rome. SYDNEY Are the baby sitters here yet? JACK They're agents, Sydney. SYDNEY Baby sitting agents. Jack rolls his eyes in annoyance. JACK They're in the kitchen. SYDNEY I'll go get them and then we can go. Sydney exits the room. INT. SLOANE'S HEADQUARTERS - SLOANE'S ROOM - NIGHT This is another posh room. It screams Victorian. Sloane is in a chair, looking at PAGE FORTY-SEVEN. There's a knock on the door. SLOANE Just a second. Sloane puts page forty-seven in a folder, then puts the folder in a briefcase by his side. He takes the briefcase and puts it in a cabinet. Finally, he opens the door. He stands in the doorway. SLOANE (CONT'D) What do you want? SLOANE'S POV - SARK. SARK I need to talk to you about Derevko. Sloane steps aside and lets Sark in. He closes the door behind him. SLOANE What about her? SARK I think she's playing for the other team. SLOANE What do you mean? SARK She asked me to make sure Jack and Sydney got out of APO before I blew it up. Also, to complicate things further, the Bristows know about Castel Sant'Angelo. Sloane looks shocked when Sark tells him the last bit of information. SLOANE It doesn't surprise me that Irina would ask you to spare Jack and Sydney. She has always shown a soft spot for them. I have a soft spot for them as well, but I can't let them stop me from bringing my plans to fruition. SARK What does that mean exactly? SLOANE I'll take care of our problems. Leave me. Sark exits the room, closing the door behind him. ON SLOANE He has a pensive look. He's planning something. INT. AIRPLANE - CABIN - NIGHT Sydney, Jack, Vaughn, Marshall, and Dixon are all on the plane. SYDNEY (to Jack) So what's the plan? JACK Seeing as how we're so few in numbers and Castel Sant'Angelo is quite large, I say we stay as one team and sneak in. The information on the map leads to an underground level within Castel Sant'Angelo. We'll go there and try to beat Sloane to the punch. VAUGHN And if he and Irina are already there? JACK I'll take a sniper shot to take out Sloane and Derevko, then we can dispatch with their henchmen. MARSHALL I'm still a little worried about our small army. It would've been nice if Tom had stayed on. JACK Well as we all know Tom needed time off for personal reasons. MARSHALL I know and I understand, but I'm still a little worried. SYDNEY You'll be alright. We all will. EXT. CASTEL SANT'ANGELO - NIGHT SUPER: ROME The Castel Sant'Angelo is a beautiful towering cylindrical building. A CAB pulls up near the entrance. A MAN gets out of it, but we can't tell who it is just yet because he's wearing a coat with a hood that is covering his face. MAN (in Italian) Thank you. The cab pulls off. The man pulls his hood back a bit and we can see it's TOM! He heads up to Castel Sant'Angelo as we... FADE OUT. END ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: EXT. CASTEL SANT'ANGELO - NIGHT A BLACK SUV pulls up. Four people get out of it. The four people are Sydney, Vaughn, Dixon, and Jack. They're dressed in black and are wearing ski masks. Jack approaches the driver of the SUV. JACK Okay, Marshall, take off. Get somewhere safe. Marshall rolls down the window. MARSHALL Will do. Marshall drives off. Jack looks at Castel Sant'Angelo. JACK We'll enter from the top and work our way down. Let's move. Our heroes stealthily make their way toward Castel Sant'Angelo. INT. CASTEL SANT'ANGELO - UNDERGROUND LEVEL - CONTINUOUS The room has an ancient feel. One gets a sense that this room was very stylish and exuberant. Now, its' kind of drab. A long, metal staircase with no spaces is behind Sloane, Irina, Sark, and Peyton. The fantastic four are backed up by several GOONS. The group is looking at a plaster wall. PEYTON What we need is behind there, a plaster wall? SLOANE Yes, Ms. Peyton, it is. (to goons) Take it down. The goons grab SLEDGEHAMMERS and begin breaking through the plaster. Sloane, Irina, Sark, and Peyton take several steps back. The noise from the destruction is so loud that nothing can be heard. Tom skulks down the staircase, gun at the ready. He spots Peyton. INT. CASTEL SANT'ANGELO - MAIN FLOOR - CONTINUOUS This room holds paintings, but they can't be seen because the room is very dark. Four bodies drop from the ceiling suspended by cables. It's our heroes: Sydney, Vaughn, Jack, and Dixon. The sledgehammers smashing up the plaster can be heard, but our team doesn't notice it yet. Our gang lower themselves to the floor and disconnect themselves from the cable. Sydney tries to walk forward, but nearly trips on something. The rest of the gang notices. They whisper throughout this scene. VAUGHN Syd, something the matter? SYDNEY I-- Sydney bends down and touches what she nearly tripped over. SYDNEY (CONT'D) It's a body. Jack pulls a flashlight out of his belt, turns it on. We can see several dead bodies on the floor. SYDNEY (CONT'D) (to Jack) Why didn't they listen when you tried to warn them? Jack notices something sticking out of the jacket pocket of one of the dead bodies. He pulls it off of him. It's a Roman police badge. JACK They listened... somewhat. These are policemen. The noise from the underground level is finally heard by the quadruplet. DIXON That sound, it's coming from beneath us. SYDNEY Let's go. JACK Everyone move lightly and softly. We don't know how many men they have so a sneak attack is our best shot at winning. With Jack leading, the group makes their way toward the underground level. INT. CASTEL SANT'ANGELO - UNDERGROUND LEVEL - CONTINUOUS Sloane's goons are almost done tearing down the wall. Tom's on the staircase. ON TOM He has a disturbed determination about him. He sets his gun straight on Peyton, waiting for the perfect time to take his shot. Poor Peyton is oblivious as to what's going on behind her. She's just standing next to Sark while the wall continues to be torn down. ON TOM He's got a great shot, has his finger on the trigger... can't take it because the wall has been completely torn down. Peyton and Sark move forward along with Sloane and Irina and the goons move back now that the manual labor is over with. The plaster was covering up a tunnel. Sloane is very euphoric. SLOANE I'm almost there. IRINA We're almost there. Sloane seems annoyed by Irina's intrusion. SLOANE Yes, we're almost there. One of the goons steps aside and Tom now has another good shot of Peyton. He has his finger on the trigger... BOOM!!! Jack, Sydney, Vaughn, and Dixon come storming down the staircase. This makes the baddies turn around. It also makes Tom startled, causing him to shoot and kill the goon closest to Peyton. When the gang gets there, they're surprised to see Tom. SYDNEY Tom? SLOANE (to his people) Get them! A big gunfight ensues. The APO team takes cover behind the staircase. The baddies hide behind various walls and pillars. Sloane and Irina are hidden behind the same pillar. IRINA Sloane, we have to get through that tunnel. SLOANE I know. Sark never told me that Jack and Sydney survived the APO explosion. Sloane looks at Irina, waiting to see how she reacts to his deceitful comment. IRINA Maybe he didn't know. ON IRINA She watches the gunfight and sees that APO is mainly focused on taking out the henchmen. While watching the fight, her eyes meet Sydney's. Irina smiles at Sydney. Sydney returns her smile with a callous glare. Irina turns to Sloane. IRINA (CONT'D) They're not paying attention to us. We can escape through the tunnel if we move now. SLOANE Okay. Sloane and Irina take off and head down the tunnel. ON SYDNEY She sees what Sloane and Irina just did. SYDNEY Dad, Derevko and Sloane are escaping. I have to go after them. JACK Okay. There's a grenade in the back of my belt. Take it and through it in the air. When it explodes, take off. VAUGHN She can't do that. She could get caught under the debris. SYDNEY It's a risk I'm willing to take. Sydney grabs the grenade from the back of Jack's belt. VAUGHN Then I'm coming with you. SYDNEY Vaughn,-- VAUGHN No, I'm coming with you and that's the end of it. Both Sydney and Jack are impressed by Vaughn's forcefulness. SYDNEY (smiling) Okay. Sydney removes the pin and throws the grenade at the ceiling where the baddies are. The grenade explodes and part of the ceiling caves in. The debris mainly falls on the henchmen. Peyton and Sark narrowly escape the destruction caused by the grenade. Sydney and Vaughn jump over the staircase, the debris missing them, and head into... INT. TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS The tunnel is light by torches. Sydney and Vaughn, guns in hand, are moving at lightning speed down the tunnel. They're a good distance from Sloane and Irina, who are also running, but can still see their enemies. SYDNEY SLOANE!!! Sloane turns around. Sydney takes a shot at both him and Irina, but misses them by a few inches. Following that, Irina takes a couple of shots at Sydney and Vaughn, but misses them. INT. CASTEL SANT'ANGELO - UNDERGROUND LEVEL - CONTINUOUS The goons, Sark, and Peyton all appear to have been knocked out by the grenade. Jack, Tom, and Dixon are moving over to check on them. JACK (to Tom) So what happened to sitting this one out? TOM I... uh... it's a long story. JACK One I'm looking forward to hearing after this mission. Tom checks on Peyton, Dixon checks on Sark, and Jack checks on the last two remaining henchmen. Tom tries to check Peyton's pulse and as soon as he does... WHAM!!! PEYTON Kicks Tom's gun out of his hand, then kicks him in the gut. TOM Stumbles back. DIXON AND JACK Aim their guns at Peyton. SARK Is on them in a second. He hits Dixon on the back of the head with a piece of Debris, taking him out. JACK Tries to shoot Sark, but... SARK Grabs the gun and the two wrestle over it. PEYTON AND TOM Are going at it like two lions. Tom is more wild in his fighting, his anger and fury, hindering his fighting capabilities. Peyton is fighting more like a trained martial artist. Peyton's landing the most blows, but the strength of Tom's strikes is making them equals. INT. TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS Sloane and Irina are still hustling down the tunnel with Sydney and Vaughn in hot pursuit. Sloane looks at Irina. SLOANE Oh, and by the way Irina... Sloane WHIPS out a gun and shoots Irina several times in the midsection. Irina drops to the ground. Sydney's eyes widen with shock as does Vaughn's. SYDNEY Mom! Sloane keeps going down the tunnel. When Sydney reaches her fallen mother, she checks out her wounds. Vaughn goes after Sloane. SYDNEY (CONT'D) Mom, just stay still. We're gonna get you some help. (in her com) We need medical assistance. We have an agent down. Repeat, we have an agent down. IRINA I'm not an agent. At least not for the CIA. SYDNEY It doesn't matter. You're gonna get the help you need. IRINA Do you trust me now? Before Sydney can answer, Vaughn comes back. VAUGHN Sloane went through a door. I tried to follow him, but couldn't get it open. INT. CASTEL SANT'ANGELO - UNDERGROUND LEVEL - CONTINUOUS The battle is still raging on. Jack and Sark are engaging in a fist fight. Peyton and Tom are still going at it. Their fight is very brutal and violent. They're using whatever is around them to their advantage. SARK Punches Jack twice in the jaw, then kicks him in the chest. JACK Falls to the ground. SARK Grabs a gun near the unconscious Dixon, holds it on Jack. SARK I'll tell Sydney I made it quick. DIXON Wakes up and sweeps Sark's feet out from underneath him. JACK Grabs a gun. DIXON Takes the gun Sark had. They both hold their guns on Sark. DIXON Knocks Sark out with the butt of his gun. JACK Aims his gun at Peyton. JACK Peyton! PEYTON Stops fighting Tom, turns to face Jack, puts her hands up in defeat once she sees he's armed. PEYTON You win this round, Mr. Bristow. TOM Takes a knife out of his belt and slits Peyton's throat. TOM And I win the match. Peyton's body slumps to the ground. Jack's taken aback by Tom's actions. JACK Have you lost your mind? TOM I did what I had to. JACK You didn't have to kill Peyton. You wanted to kill Peyton, because she killed Rachel, or die trying. That's why you didn't want to work with us. TOM Rachel didn't deserve to die. She was the only thing I had left. JACK We can discuss this later. Let's get down the tunnel and back Sydney and Vaughn up. DIXON You guys go. I'll guard Sark. Dixon gets up, puts handcuffs Sark. TOM What about his boys? The trio take a look at Sloane's minions, realizing: JACK They're dead. We won't be long Dixon. INT. TUNNEL - NIGHT Sydney is tending to her mother's wounds. SYDNEY Where in the hell is the medical help? Tom and Vaughn come running down the tunnel and see Sydney with her mother and Vaughn. Jack sees what's happened to Irina. IRINA Hello, Jack. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - ITALY - NIGHT Irina is hooked up to an assortment of machines that are keeping her alive. It's easy to tell the machines aren't doing a very good job because Irina looks horrible; she's barely conscious. She's clearly on her death bed. Jack and Sydney are in the room with her. JACK How do you feel Irina? IRINA how do you think I feel? JACK I think that you're getting you're just rewards. SYDNEY Dad. JACK I'm sorry. My feelings for you can wait until later. We have some questions to ask you Irina. IRINA Do you really think I deserve this? JACK You were a Russian spy, you betrayed Sydney and me, and you teamed up with Sloane, and he betrayed you. IRINA He did betray me. I betrayed him too. And betrayed you and Sydney, but I didn't always do it for the wrong reasons. JACK If you're going to tell us you love us, you'll just be wasting your time. SYDNEY Dad, have a heart. IRINA You don't have to protect me, Sydney. I do love you both and I loved Nadia. You know a lot Jack, but you don't know everything. JACK Really? Well, why don't you fill me in on what I don't know. IRINA Rambaldi's true endgame. It isn't death and destruction. It's to create heaven on earth. Rambaldi believed that his works would allow us to know God's final plans for us: immortality and peace. That's what the horizon, the sphere of life, and the orchid are for. Jack and Sydney both have dubious looks on their faces. IRINA (CONT'D) I can see that the two of you don't believe me, but that's alright. I've lived a horrible life. I grew up desolate, became a spy, got married and started a family for Russia, but when I had you Sydney, you and Nadia, it made me want to give the two of you a better life than I had. Sydney's overcome with joy that her mother is actually one of the good guys. IRINA (CONT'D) That's why I did all of the things I did and that's why I followed Rambaldi. My way of going about things might not have always been the best, I admit that, but to me, the ends justify the means. Jack now seems to believe Irina as well. SYDNEY Mom, I don't know what to say. IRINA You don't have to say anything, sweetheart. You don't owe me anything. I just wish I could've saved Nadia. I wish I could've been there for her funeral. I wish I could've been there before she died in a coma. Sydney and Jack exchange looks. Irina catches them. IRINA (CONT'D) That's what Sloane told me, that Nadia died in a coma, but from the looks on your faces, I can see that's not true. What really happened? SYDNEY Mom, you're severely wounded. I don't wanna-- IRINA Sydney, tell me what happened to your sister. SYDNEY Um... Sloane found a cure for Nadia and it worked. She awoke from her coma as good as new. She was worried that Sloane was still obsessed with Rambaldi. She went to his home to talk him and I don't know what happened. There must've been a fight or something. Dad found Nadia dead with a piece of glass through her neck. IRINA That bastard. I knew he was despicable, but I never thought he'd go so far as to kill his own daughter. JACK Irina, do you know what Sloane's plans are? Obviously, they're not the same as yours. Irina looks very weak. JACK (CONT'D) Irina. Irina's eyes roll up in the back of her head. She flatlines. JACK (CONT'D) I'll go get help. Jack exits the room. Sydney takes her mother's hand, tears begin rolling down her eyes. FADE OUT. END ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN: INT. HALLWAY 2 - NIGHT Sydney is leaning against a wall in the hallway outside of her mother's bedroom. Her cheeks are stained with tears. Various hospital employees pass her. Jack enters the hallway, approaches Sydney. JACK I took care of the paperwork. SYDNEY Good. JACK I'm so sorry Sydney. SYDNEY I am too. I'm sorry for all the times I doubted mom. I should've known. All those times she could've killed me and didn't. JACK We all made the mistake of doubting Irina. In the end, she turned out to be a good woman. SYDNEY That's what I'll tell Isabelle. Her grandmother died a hero. She died trying to bring peace to the world. JACK I think that would be wonderful. Sydney wipes the tears from her eyes. SYDNEY We have to get Sloane. JACK We will, but we also have another pressing matter: stopping the war with China. SYDNEY I don't care about that. I care about killing Sloane. He's taken just about everyone I loved away from me. He had Danny and Francie killed, he killed Nadia, and now he's killed mom. Now, I'll kill him. I just wish mom had the chance to tell us Sloane's plan before she passed away. JACK We can still find out Sloane's plan. SYDNEY How? JACK We captured Sark at Castel Sant'Angelo. He's in custody right now. Sydney's anger builds up inside her. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM 1 - NIGHT Sark is alone in the room, handcuffed to the chair. A table is in front of him. A glass window is on the other side of the room. Sydney enters, furious as hell. SYDNEY Where's Sloane? SARK Aren't you going to offer me a deal? Sydney punches Sark in the face. SARK (CONT'D) Guess not. SYDNEY I don't have time to play games with you. I'll ask you again: where is Sloane? SARK I'm not telling you anything. Sydney kicks Sark in the face a couple of times. SARK (CONT'D) You play the good girl very well, but when your pissed off, you can be very violent and volatile. You remind me a lot of your mother. Your late mother. Sydney smacks Sark around so badly that when she's finished, his face is a bloody mess. SYDNEY Don't you ever talk about my mother. SARK I would think you'd want me to talk about your mother. After all, it is my fault she's dead. SYDNEY What are you talking about? SARK I was the one who sold Derevko out to Sloane. When some of the people in your lovely crew took me into custody, I couldn't help, but overhear them talking about how she was pumped full of bullets. I never thought Sloane would kill her like that. They do have a history after all. Sark's attempt to irk Sydney has succeeded. Sydney unleashes her fury on him, full force. She hits him again and again, each blow more devastating than the last, until finally, Sark is unconscious and Sydney is breathing heavily from her exertion. Sydney leaves the room and enters... INT. INTERROGATION ROOM 2 - CONTINUOUS This room is identical to the first interrogation room. Jack, Vaughn, Dixon, Tom, and Marshall are there. They've been watching Sydney in the first interrogation room with Sark. SYDNEY Dad, I need a knife. Sydney turns to leave, then stops. SYDNEY (CONT'D) And maybe some smelling salts. Sydney exits the room followed by a somewhat vexed Jack. INT. HALLWAY 3 - CONTINUOUS Sydney is heading back toward the first interrogation room. Jack stops her by grabbing her arm. Sydney turns to face him. JACK Sydney, what do you think you are doing? SYDNEY I'm trying to prevent a war. JACK I thought you didn't care about the war with China. SYDNEY Well, I care now. JACK What you care about, or who rather, is Sark because he can lead you to Sloane so that you can get your revenge. SYDNEY I have a right to it. I didn't see you having a problem with Vaughn getting revenge on Lauren. JACK That was different. SYDNEY Why? Because you wanted to live vicariously through Vaughn? JACK I already told you earlier when were talking about your mother that I'm trying to keep you from going down a path of destruction through vengeance. I wish for once in your life that you'd listen to me and take my advice. Jack's not getting through to Sydney. SYDNEY Just get me what I need so I can do my job. Sydney sulks off toward the first interrogation room, leaving a concerned Jack watching. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM 1 - NIGHT Sark is still out cold from the beating he took from Sydney. We see a hand waving smelling salts under Sark's nose. This wakes him up in a hurry. Sark awakens to see Sydney. She sits the smelling salts down on the table in front of Sark and picks up a large, sharp knife. She holds it in her hands. SYDNEY Sark, you're a very beautiful man. SARK Why Ms. Bristow, are you trying to seduce me? SYDNEY Don't flatter yourself. Sydney softens her tone a bit for the next line. SYDNEY (CONT'D) Are you concerned about your looks? I think you are. Sydney makes shallow cuts on Sark's face. Sark winces a little. SYDNEY (CONT'D) You feel like talking now? SARK This is nothing a little plastic surgery can't cure. SYDNEY You're right. I'll cut lower and deeper. Sydney drops down out of frame. We hear something unzip. Sark screams. SARK Okay, okay, I'll tell you whatever you wanna know! We hear something zip, then Sydney stands. SYDNEY What's Sloane up to? SARK Sloane wants to make himself immortal. He also wants to create an army out of the United States by using the Mueller device. SYDNEY That doesn't make sense. I destroyed the Mueller device in Russia. SARK Sloane's built a new one. SYDNEY It still doesn't make sense. Sloane was there in Sovogda, he saw what the Mueller device did to those people. They would turn on him just as quickly as they would turn on each other. SARK He plans on using the peaceful version. That's why he had me steal the orchid from the DSR. SYDNEY Is that all you stole? SARK No, I also stole the sphere of life. SYDNEY What happened to the rest of the Rambaldi artifacts? SARK They blew up with the building. Sydney looks at him, incredulously. SARK (CONT'D) I'm telling you the truth. Sloane didn't want you people getting any clues about his endgame so he had Peyton and me destroy everything that wasn't needed for the endgame. SYDNEY And what does all of this have to do with China? SARK China is one of the greatest countries in the world. If Sloane can use the Mueller device to convince the Americans to fight the Chinese and they win, then he plans on using them as his army to take over the world, punishing the wicked and the sinful, and rewarding and saving the good and the innocent. SYDNEY He wants to be god. Where is he now? SARK If everything is going according to plan, then he's probably in Washington D.C. or on his way there. He plans on taking over the white house. SYDNEY And the Mueller device, where is that? SARK Mt. Subasio. Sloane had it moved after our fight there. He figured you wouldn't think about going there, seeing as how he already got what he needed from Mt. Subasio. SYDNEY Is there anything else I need to know? SARK No. Sydney turns to leave with the knife in her hand. SARK (CONT'D) Can we talk about a deal now? Sydney turns to face Sark. She takes the knife and throws it at Sark. It goes somewhere off screen. Sark's eyes widen as they look down at his crotch area. He screams out in pain. SYDNEY (leaving) Deal with that. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM 2 - CONTINUOUS The APO team watches Sydney as she leaves through the glass window. Sydney enters the room. JACK What is wrong with you? SYDNEY Sark had it coming. Vaughn goes over to Sydney, tries to hold her, but Sydney brushes him off. VAUGHN Sydney, I know what you're going through, but lashing out isn't going to help. Sydney pays Vaughn no mind. SYDNEY Dad, I have a plan. JACK I'm not sure I want to follow any plans you have right now. You're not of sound mind. SYDNEY Will you at least listen? Jack nods. SYDNEY (CONT'D) Let me go to D.C. to stop Sloane. Alert the authorities; they can hold him off until I can get there. You guys go to Mt. Subasio and destroy the Mueller device. JACK That's a good plan, but I'm going with you to Washington. SYDNEY No, dad. JACK I'm not letting you go by yourself. SYDNEY Dad, if you go and I lose you, I don't know what I'd do. JACK I'm just as stubborn as you are, Sydney. The two look at each other, sternly, but Jack eventually stares Sydney down. SYDNEY Alright, but don't die on me. That goes for all of you. Sydney takes Vaughn's hand. SYDNEY (CONT'D) Especially you. MARSHALL I can't believe this is Sloane's endgame, that it's finally happening. After working for him all of those years and this is what it's come to. I feel like I should say something. (beat) Sydney, kick his ass. Sydney smiles. INT. HELICOPTER - DAY SUPER: WASHINGTON D.C. Jack and Sydney are inside the helicopter. They're in the back with another GUY up front, piloting the helicopter. JACK We should reach the White House in another hour. SYDNEY Dad, what Sark said about Sloane's plan... do you really think Sloane achieved immortality? JACK I don't know. We've seen some strange things happen. SYDNEY But immortality? JACK I never really bought into Rambaldi's prophecies and endgames, but a lot of things he predicted have come true and his machines, when realized, have worked the way they were designed to. However, I think immortality might be a bit of a stretch. SYDNEY So do I. When Sydney says her last line, a bullet comes through the window and kills the pilot. Sydney looks out the window and sees another helicopter carrying Sloane and he has a couple of cronies with him. One of the cronies has a gun in his hand. It's still aimed at Sydney and Jack's helicopter. The helicopter Sydney and Jack are in begins to lose altitude. SYDNEY (CONT'D) Sloane. Jack moves the pilot's body out of the way and gets the helicopter back on course. Sydney opens one of the windows, draws her gun, and fires on her enemies. Jack tries to maneuver the helicopter below Sloane's. Sloane's lackeys fire on Syd. She drops to the floor. One of the lackey's gun fire hit the helicopter's rotors. The rotors fly off. Sydney and Jack's helicopter rapidly begins to drop out of the sky. At first Sydney is freaking out, then she sees Sloane. His helicopter is above hers. Sydney leans out of the open window and shoots at the motor and the rotors of Sloane's helicopter. She hits her marks and Sloane's helicopter comes down with hers. While all of this is happening, Jack moves to where Sydney is, searching for something. Once she shoots down Sloane's helicopter, he hands her a pack. SYDNEY (CONT'D) What's this? JACK Parachute. They put on their parachute packs, open the door, and jump out. EXT. SKY - CONTINUOUS Once they're out, they pull their cords. Their parachutes open and they float in the air. SYDNEY I was worried there for a minute. JACK Don't worry. Sloane's not going to win this time. When Jack says that line, he's shot in the throat. Sydney gasps in shock. SYDNEY DAD!!! Sydney looks up and sees that Sloane is out of his helicopter and has a parachute scrapped on. He has a gun in his hand. SLOANE You won't stop me, Sydney. Sloane aims his gun at Sydney. Before he can shoot her, she shoots the gun out of his hand. Sydney steadies herself for another shot, but at this time... EXT. FIELD - CONTINUOUS She lands in a large field with her parachute falling on top of her. Sydney frantically rips off her parachute. The first thing she sees is her father lying dead beside her. Before she can mourn him, a helicopter comes rushing down out of the sky and it's headed straight for her. Sydney rolls her father and herself out of harm's way. The other helicopter hits the ground. Sydney sees that Sloane has just landed about a dozen feet away from her. Sydney springs to her feet and charges Sloane, knocking him down. Sydney takes the cords of his parachute and wraps them around Sloane's neck. She begins to strangle him. Sloane seems unscathed and kicks Sydney off of him. Sydney hits the ground hard, giving Sloane a chance to take off his parachute. Sydney charges Sloane again and the two go at it. It quickly turns into fierce hand-to-hand combat and surprisingly, Sloane is holding his own. Sydney eventually lands several blows that knocks Sloane on his ass. She spots her gun over by her father's body. She makes a mad dash for it, grabs it, and shoots Sloane in the head as he gets up. Sloane goes down, dead. His eyes are open. Sydney goes over to the body to confirm the kill. SYDNEY I knew Rambaldi's plan for immortality was untrue. Rest in Hell, you son of a bitch. Sydney bends down to close Sloane's eyes. SURPRISE! Sloane's not dead! He grabs Syd's arms. SYDNEY (CONT'D) Oh my god. Sloane throws Sydney across the field. Sydney keeps a firm grasp on her gun. Sloane gets up. SLOANE Only the dead go to Hell. ON SYDNEY She's still on the ground. She stares at Sloane in total shock. FADE OUT. END ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: INT. MAUSOLEUM - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) Sloane has just entered this room from the tunnel. He closes the door and locks it. Sloane pulls a flashlight out because the room is pitch black. Sloane turns on the flashlight. He sees a line of tombs. He walks all the way down the line. At the end, he comes upon a wall that has the eye of Rambaldi in the center of it. SLOANE At long last. Sloane connects the sphere of life to the horizon and puts it on the eye of Rambaldi. A hole forms in the sphere of life and water springs from it. This isn't just ordinary water. It's the most beautiful, pure water one could lay one's eyes on. Sloane's positively giddy. Sloane puts his mouth near the miniature waterfall that has formed in the wall and drinks from it. After his drink, Sloane giggles with joy. He's like a school boy. He drinks again. EXT. FIELD - DAY (PRESENT) We return to Sydney and Sloane. Sydney is now on her feet. Sloane kicks the gun out of her hand. The two engage in an epic battle. This fight is incredible. Sloane is fighting with the vigor of a man half his age. SYDNEY Decks Sloane a few times, then kicks him. SLOANE Backhands Sydney, then throws her across the field. SLOANE Why are you fighting me? You know you can't kill me. SYDNEY Jumps up, lunges at, Sloane, kicks him in the chest, sending him back. SYDNEY No harm in trying. SYDNEY Attacks Sloane again, but he manages to dodge her blow this time. SLOANE Gets Sydney in a headlock from behind. SLOANE I killed Irina; I killed Jack; don't make me kill you too. SYDNEY Rams the back of her head into Sloane's face. His grip on her loosens. Sydney breaks free and throws Sloane by one of the helicopters. SYDNEY You won't be killing anybody else. SYDNEY Swings her leg at Sloane. SLOANE Grabs her leg and slams her into the helicopter. He grabs her by the throat. SLOANE You shouldn't have came after me, Sydney. You're capable of remarkable things, but defeating me isn't one of them. SYDNEY Puts her hands around Sloane's arms and uses all of her arm strength to try to break his grip. She fails. She jumps up in the air, wraps her legs around Sloane's neck and spins. The two of them do a flip before they land on the ground. They get up within seconds of each other. SYDNEY Gets up first and kicks Sloane in the face before he can get his bearings. SLOANE Hits the ground. He doesn't stay down for long. SYDNEY Goes to hit him again. SLOANE Tosses her backward. SYDNEY Lands by one of the helicopter rotors. She decides to stay down. SLOANE Goes after Sydney in her apparently weakened state. SLOANE (CONT'D) Don't feel bad Sydney. Not too many people would have lasted half as long as you did against an immortal. SLOANE Reaches Sydney. SYDNEY Leaps to her feet, grabs the helicopter rotor, and uses it to decapitate Sloane. As she decapitates him: SYDNEY Sloane, you've got a big head. Sloane's head drops to the ground and rolls away. His body sinks to the ground. Sloane is still alive. His head is just separated from his body. SLOANE I... can't believe you beat me. The horizon and sphere of life fall from Sloane's person. Sydney doesn't notice. She's paying attention to Sloane's head. She stares at it, bewildered. SYDNEY My life is too weird. Sydney presses a button on her side. SYDNEY (CONT'D) (in com) Vaughn, I've stopped Sloane. VAUGHN (V.O.) Great. We've destroyed the Mueller device. SYDNEY See you in a few hours? VAUGHN (V.O.) Yeah. Sydney disconnects with Vaughn. She presses the button on her side again. SYDNEY Director Chase, this is agent Sydney Bristow. CHASE (V.O.) Do you have good news for me? SYDNEY Very good news. I've defeated Sloane and will bring him back ASAP. CHASE (V.O.) Excellent. SYDNEY Oh, and I'd like to discuss some things when I return to L.A. Sydney turns, sees the horizon and the sphere of life. CHASE (V.O.) Alright. Agents Vaughn, Dixon, and Grace reported they didn't find the sphere of life, the horizon, and the orchid. In a fit of fury, Sydney smashes the horizon and the sphere of life. SYDNEY I haven't seen the orchid, but the sphere of life and the horizon were destroyed in my battle with Sloane and his men. CHASE (V.O.) Okay. Return as soon as you can. SYDNEY Will do. Sydney disconnects with Director Chase. SLOANE You lied. You don't have to worry about me telling your secret. SYDNEY I know. Even if I did, I doubt that after all you have done that you word is worth more than mine. SLOANE Good point. SYDNEY You finally got what you've been searching for all these years. Was it worth it? SLOANE What do you think? SYDNEY I think that I don't hate you anymore. I think I feel sorry for you. You let your obsession get the best of you and look what happened. You're a pitiful man, Sloane. SLOANE Can I tell you something, Sydney? SYDNEY What? SLOANE I'm truly sorry for everything that I have ever done to you. Sydney kicks Sloane's head a good distance. She goes over to her father's body as we... EXT. CIA - ESTABLISHING INT. CIA - DIRECTOR CHASE'S OFFICE - DAY The office is plain. Sydney and Vaughn are vis-a-vis with Director Chase, who is behind her desk. She has a folder in front of her. They're in the middle of a conversation. SYDNEY (to Chase) I don't know what happened to Sloane's head. I chopped it off and it went flying. (off Chase's look) It's the truth. CHASE Hopefully, China won't mind. I know they wanted to interrogate Sloane. I was told Sark had to have corrective surgery for his genitals. SYDNEY I needed information. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Chase stares at Sydney in disbelief. CHASE And agent Vaughn, what did you do with the Mueller device? VAUGHN It's on a scrap heap in Italy. Chase writes something on the folder. CHASE Agent Bristow, you said you had something to discuss with me? Sydney looks at Vaughn, takes his hand. SYDNEY Agent Vaughn and I would like to quit the CIA. CHASE Is there a reason why? SYDNEY We just feel that if we're going to try and raise a family, it's best not to do it while working for the CIA. CHASE Your father worked for the CIA while raising you. SYDNEY That's exactly my point. My father never wanted this life for me and after being an agent for all these years, I can see why. I don't want my daughter to follow in my footsteps. Chase thinks about it for a minute, then: CHASE It'll be a shame to lose you; you're two of my best agents, but if your minds are made up... SYDNEY They are. CHASE Then I won't stand in your way. Have a good life, all three of you. Sydney beams with joy. She's finally free. VAUGHN Thank you. The two exit the room. INT. ELEVATOR - DAY Sydney and Vaughn enter. Vaughn presses the button for the lobby and the door closes. VAUGHN I'm beat. These last few days have been hell. Can't wait to get home. I may even take a nap. Sydney kisses Vaughn passionately. VAUGHN (CONT'D) Or do other things. SYDNEY I've been wanting to do that for a while. VAUGHN You wanna go home and do some more of that? SYDNEY I do, but there's somewhere else I wanna go first and I wanna take Isabelle. The elevator door opens, Sydney exits. Following behind her: VAUGHN Where? EXT. CEMETERY - DAY Sydney and Vaughn arrive. Sydney's holding Isabelle. They walk past several graves until they reach Jack and Irina's. Yes, the two former lovers and enemies are buried next to each other. Sydney points at Jack's grave. SYDNEY Isabelle, your grandpa Jack is there. He was a brave man. He always did the right thing even when it hurt him. Sydney moves toward Irina's grave. SYDNEY (CONT'D) And this is grandma's grave. Her name is Irina. You never got a chance to meet her. She sacrificed her life to give us a better world. She was a real heroine. Isabelle coos. Sydney's becoming maudlin. SYDNEY (CONT'D) Vaughn, will you take Isabelle back to the car? Vaughn takes Isabelle from Sydney. VAUGHN Yeah, sure. You alright? SYDNEY Yeah, I just wanna be alone with my parents. I know that sounds silly-- VAUGHN Not at all. Vaughn kisses Sydney, then leaves. Tears begin falling down Sydney's face as she looks heartbreakingly at her parent's grave. SYDNEY I did it. I stopped Sloane for good. He's not dead, but he'll never be able to hurt anyone again, nor will Rambaldi. I hope wherever you guys are, that you're happy and I want you to know that I'm good and Isabelle's good. I love you. Sydney walks away from the graves, her face now a teary mess. Her tears are tears of joy and sadness. CUT TO BLACK. THE END .[ top ]
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