~ The Raven and The Wolf ~
E. O.

© by Erin O'Rielly March, 2004

This is a story of hope and love...of the lost finding what they seek.

For Ravenwolf and all the Ravens and Wolves that are on an endless search for each other.

The wolf howled at the dark moonless sky, "Part of my soul is lost and alone."

The raven listening on a branch above cawed, "You needn't be alone for I am here to fill the loneliness."

The wolf looked up and snarled, "You're not part of my soul, for you are not like me. I would know. I would feel it in my heart."

The raven hurled itself off the branch diving for the lonely wolf. "Why did you forget me? I am the only one! One day you will know that," and then flew away.

The wolf cast its eyes on a distant cluster of stars. "How will I find my other half? How will I know the true one?"

A lone star shot towards the earth. The wolf took this as a sign and started in the direction of the falling star. For days, the wolf searched across woodland and grasslands hoping to find a sign...to find the 'one'.

Resting in a stand of large oak trees, the wolf cast its eyes upwards. Realizing that the sky was blocked from her view she began to whimper.

"How can I find my way if I can't see the sky?"

"Are you lost?" hooted the owl whose bright yellow eyes reflected in the darkness.

"Part of my soul is lost and I am alone," cried the wolf. "If I could only find the way to its mate I know I will never be by myself again."

"Who do you seek?" quizzed the owl.

"My other half," bellowed the wolf annoyed at the owl's lack of attention.

"If you travel around the world," spoke the wise owl. "You will end up where you began."

The wolf growled, "I know that. I'm not stupid!"

"Who you seek is in plain sight." The owl spread its wings, "you just have to be open to the possibility," she said before taking to flight.

Growling louder, "you are not so wise," the wolf screamed. She began to run wildly in all directions before finally collapsing exhausted near a pond.

For a long while, the wolf just lay there motionless in the soft green grass as a growing sadness enveloped her. "I am so alone. I fear I am doomed to spend my life never knowing the happiness completion can bring."

Standing up she moved to the water's edge to partake of a cool drink. For a long time she stared at her reflection in the water. Suddenly she remembered the owl's words; you just have to be open to the possibility.

"Have I been looking in the wrong places for the wrong soul?" she wondered. "Is my soul mate another wolf or just another being?"

Tired from her long journey, the wolf found a cave to lie down and rest her body and mind. Closing her eyes, she began to dream of a place where all animals lived together in harmony and peace. She saw herself in this place very happy with a raven perched on her back. Then the laughter ceased as a bright white cloud of fog filled the area. One by one, all the animals became frozen in place as the penetrating mist spread. Those that were together when the mist covered them were destined to always be as one. As the fog lifted and dissipated the wolf looked up and saw the raven still perched on her back. "I will be with you for all time," the raven cawed. "We will be as one."

Waking abruptly, the wolf knew what she had denied was indeed true. With lightening speed, she leapt to her feet and flew out of the cave. The endless days of searching were over for she knew what she was looking for had always been there. The raven had never left her side even in the harshest of winters or the worse famines. No matter where she went, the raven had always been there.

"How could I have been so blind?" the wolf howled as she raced across meadows and woodlands.

Stopping in mid-stride the wolf listened to the sound of beating wings and realized she had always heard that sound. "No matter where I have traveled the sound of the raven is always with me." Looking up, she saw the raven balanced on a branch.

"I never left you or forgot about you, Wolf," the raven sighed. "Why did you forget me?"

"The Great Wolf told me that my soul mate was like me," cried the wolf.

The raven flapped its wings and soared high into the sky before diving back down to its roost in the tree. "I am like you, Wolf, can't you see that?" screeched the raven. "We both have a heart and a voice?we both sleep and eat?are happy and sad?we both are alive." The raven couldn't believe the wolf didn't see this. "Look at me, Wolf. What do you see? I am like you, I am an animal too." The raven's voice took on a soft pleading caw, "Remember me, Wolf. Remember me."

For a long time the wolf stared at the raven. How could she have been so blind? How could she have not known? "Raven-Wolf, I see Raven-Wolf." Tears began to well in the wolf's dark eyes. "Not in this lifetime, but in another we became one." The wolf's face glowed with realization, "We became Raven-Wolf."

The raven flew down from the branch and rested on the back of the wolf where she belonged. The wolf was no longer alone.

Constructive criticism and comments are always welcomed at: eorielly@yahoo.com

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