See ‘Circle of Life’ part 1 for disclaimers!

Circle of Life




October 31, 2000

Chapter 5: Ready or Not Here I Come…

The usual hustle and bustle of a huge medical center wasn’t lost on me as I entered the building. Just to my right, there was a waiting room for the ER patient’s families to wait for news of their loved ones. Inside reclining on a chair reading National Geographic Magazine was my little girl. It was just after 10:00am, and I knew I’d be a little late. My baby girl raised her head from her reading to see me in the doorway. A smile crinkled her nose and eyes.

"Mom! I’m glad you’re here. Everyone is waiting for you in Dr. Ander- son’s office. That Dr. Francis is one pain in the butt. He’s already complaining about having to wait for you before he can begin. He really has no concern for gram and gramps at all. Mom, I don’t like this guy; he scares me." I stopped our progress to the elevators to reassure my daughter.

"Hey baby, what are you talking about? Why are you afraid of him?" Syd’s eyes threatened to tear up, but she was determined to hold them back.

"Mom, if he doesn’t care about gram’s feelings, how is he going to help her? What if he doesn’t take good care of her and she…she di…" Now just wait a minute.

"Syd you listen to me. If he even so much as flinches wrong, or says the wrong thing, I’ll have this guy for lunch. Trust me? Listen regardless of his crummy beside manner, he is a good doctor. Do you really think I would let someone take care of your grams if I didn’t think he or she was any good?" A gentle shake of a head was my baby’s only response. "Besides, I’ve got my ‘power, dress for success, suit’ on right?" This time an emphatic nod, then a toothy grin.

"Oh this is gonna be sooo goooddd. Let’s go!" We arrived at Dr. Ander-son’s office where his secretary Cynthia Davis was a busy entering file notations on her computer. Ms. Davis looked up from her work to see the two of us stand- ing in front of her desk.

"Aahh good Dr. McGregor you’re here. They’ve been waiting for you. You both can go right in." I smiled knowingly. Francis doesn’t like to wait.

"Does he know I’m the person everyone is waiting for?" Cynthia chuckled evilly.

"No way! That pompous son of a bitch doesn’t have a clue. I’d like to be a fly on the wall in that office when he sees you." Heh, heh, heh. God I love this! Hey knock it off, we’re here because Angie is sick ya know. This isn’t about egos. Oh isn’t it? God I hope not!

"Well Cynthia, Angie is the important one here, and if Charles has a problem with me, he’ll just damn well have to deal with it won’t he?" Yes ma’am.

My daughter and I entered the office to find the two doctors and my world sitting casually in comfy looking leather chairs. As soon as I arrived however, Dr. Charles Francis looked considerably less comfortable. I took advantage of the situation by going over to my lover’s chair and kissing her fully on the mouth. Then I sat in the oversized chair with my wife. Syd stood directly behind our chair, wearing a self-satisfied grin on her face. Dr. Anderson finally broke the silence.

"Hello Mac, it’s good to see you, although I wish under happier circum- stances." Dr. Edith Anderson was a remarkable woman. Well into her sixties, she showed no signs of ever slowing down, let alone retiring. She was a world-renowned internist. I had known her for over ten years. She had been our family physician for all but one year of that time. I asked her if she would consider taking on Angie and Harley as patients. She very rarely added new patients to her client list. But she agreed as a favor to me, and she has been Harley and Syd’s family physician ever since they had retired to Santa Barbara five years previously. I trusted her competence implicitly.

"I know, I’m sorry too, right Angie?" Angie smiled and touched my arm reassuringly.

"Yes Stacey, but I have a feeling with all the people in this room helping Harley and I, we will be just fine. Don’t you agree Dr. Francis." Damn this woman is sooo good.

"Uh…well…certainly, of course. Dr. McGregor, I had no idea you were…uh related to Mr. and Mrs. Danforth. I wish I had known…yeah, I’ll just bet asshole…I certainly would have included you in our treatment for Mrs. Danforth’s." In a pig’s eye.

"Yes I’m sure. But we won’t have to worry about that any longer will we, since I am here now. I’m confident we will agree on a course of treatment that will meet Angie and Harley’s approval. I mean I’m sure we all agree your pa- tient’s well being is of paramount concern." Smartass there are times when you should wear a hazardous warning label. Dr. Francis shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"Why certainly, that’s why we are here isn’t it?" Francis asked, his tone saccharinely sweet. You stupid son of a bitch, I think I’m gonna hurl at any moment. Harley was ready to hurl too, but it wasn’t his breakfast, it was a certain cardiologist. I was ready to help the ex-marine, when both Angie and Becca reached out and touched their respective mate’s hands. The gentle touch from my lover always had an instantaneously calming affect one me. I reflected on the years spent together loving each other as her thumb made gentle circles on the back of my hand. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed by the inane doctor. Fortunately for all of us, Edith broke the uneasy silence.

"Well now that we all understand just exactly what’s at stake here, shall we get on with the testing? Let me assure you that Dr. Francis and I will not cause you any discomfort whatsoever Angie, but the tests are necessary to determine just how efficiently your heat is working. We need to find out just how much damage there is, and most of these tests will indicate blood circula- tion. Harley interrupted with a serious concern.

"You’re not gonna do one of those treadmill tests are ya? I heard those tests are dangerous. There have been cases where the patients have had heart attacks while going through the tests. I don’t want my Angie to be put at risk in any way." Dr. Francis was all ready to blast Harley, but thought better of it when he saw the look on our faces. He realized he was thoroughly out num- bered. Yeah buy a clue dumb shit!

"I…I understand your concern Mr. Danforth, but I assure you the tests we perform are absolutely necessary. In this case, the treadmill test will not be performed. The stress test gives an indication of a blockage or valve malfunc-tion. Angie’s condition doesn’t warrant the treadmill test. And she will be close- ly monitored while undergoing the tests we do perform. Let me explain just what we will do today. First of all, Angie, you will be given a chest x-ray, then a chest CT scan. I think you’re probably familiar with those." There ya go Charlie, I knew you could be almost human if you tried. Angie nodded in agree-ment.

"Yes I’m familiar with those tests, and I have had both before." Charles continued.

"Good. After those x-rays, we will do an Echocardiogram, which evaluates the valves and chambers of the heart. At the same time we’ll do a Doppler test which evaluates the arteries in the arms and legs to be sure the blood is flowing correctly. I also scheduled you for an ECG with Nuclear Heart Scans. These two tests evaluate the electrical activity of the heart, the rate and regularity of the beats, and the size and position of the chambers for any damage. The Nuclear Scan does the same thing a coronary angiography will do, but it isn’t invasive. In other words, we don’t have to go into the veins or tissue itself to examine it." Harley stopped the doctor’s explanation.

"You mean Angie will be radioactive? No way!" Harley was about to lose it.

"Not at all Mr. Danforth. A radioactive isotope is injected via an IV. The isotope travels through the blood vessels and shows how the blood is circula-ting. I am able to view the blood vessels and chambers of the heart. The isotope is quite harmless and dissipates quickly. If absolutely necessary we could do a heart biopsy which is removal of a small portion of the heart tissue through a catheter. We do that by the use of fluoroscopy which is an x-ray that shows us the path to take to the heart with the catheter." Dr. Francis looked at me to gauge my demeanor before he continued. "I would do that test only as a last resort, if the other tests didn’t tell me all I needed to know, but I’m sure they will." I could see my lover’s parents were truly overwhelmed by the number and extent of the tests.

"Harley, if it will make you and Angie feel better, I will be present for all the tests. And each procedure will be fully explained as it is done." There take that Mr. Heart Specialist! Dr. Francis’ head snapped up like he had whiplash.

"I really don’t think that will be necessary doctor, I am sufficiently capable…" Okay asshole you’ve had it now. Go to work smartass. I fixed a sickeningly sweet smile on my face that never reached my eyes, got right in the good doctor’s face, and pinned him with my steely blue gaze.

"Dr. Francis, let’s understand something shall we? I don’t give a damn how capable you think you are. I am not in the business of stroking your ego, or feeding your misplaced feelings of self-worth. In fact, I’m not concerned about what you want in the least. What I am concerned about is my wife’s mother, and what Angie wants, Angie gets. Not you, not Dr. Anderson, not God Himself will keep me out of that exam room if that is what Angie and Harley want. Do I make myself clear?" For the first time since I had known Charles, he was silent; actually he appeared to be totally mute. There was no snappy comeback, no patronizing sneer, just a simple nod. "Good, now shall we begin?" To say Dr. Francis was in a hurry to leave the room would be an understatement. He vir-tually fled Edith’s office, never once looking back to see if we were following. Syd was the first to speak.

"Way to go Mom! You sure put him in his place. Cool huh gramps?" Harley nodded enthusiastically.

"Damn straight darlin." Harley kissed my cheek and patted my back.

"Yeah well it wasn’t very professional though." Ha, who needs profes- sional, the guy had it coming. The rest of the family stood slowly. I took my baby in my arms and kissed her passionately. My angel pulled back from our kiss.

"Don’t worry about what he thinks, you were only taking care of your family, and I am very proud of you for that. I love you very much Dr. McGregor." Your faith in me makes me feel like I could move mountains.

"Don’t you worry my heart. I’ll take care of everything. I promise." My lover smiled as only she could.

"I know." I turned to Harley and hugged him affectionately.

"Harley, you know I would never allow anything to take place that Angie wouldn’t want don’t you?" Harley nodded, then added.

"I know that Mac, it’s just I feel so helpless, and my first reaction is to slap that pompous fool up side the head. Is he really that good?" I hated to admit it, but he was.

"Yes Harley, like it or not he is. If Angie can be fixed, without surgery, he’s the one to do it. Although, that would be the first thing he’ll want to do. But I talked with Dr. Isabelle Monson, and she said there were other far less aggressive treatments to try first. Surgery will be the last resort trust me." Worry lines engraved Harley’s weather worn stoic face. Angie hugged the big man close to her, and drew his head down to her shorter frame. She kissed his lips tenderly.

"Harley my love, I trust Stacey completely. Let’s let her do her job. Be- sides, she has her intimidating suit on today. We can’t lose." Oh Angie, please. "Now you three go to the waiting lounge and relax. We’ll be back before you know it." Dr. Anderson directed Cynthia to take the rest of our family to the pri-vate lounge where they would be more comfortable. Syd had her schoolbooks, so she took the opportunity to take Harley’s mind off his troubles.

"C’mon gramps, you can help we with my political science. You can tell me all about voting rights and stuff. It’s an election year and all, so you can tell me about your views. I have to interview two people, with differing views, to get their take on the issues and the political system in general. You and mother get to be my guinea pigs." I almost felt sorry for Harley. The political discussions at our house were legendary. I was out numbered naturally because of my conser- vative stance on the issues. My angel and our daughter were quite liberal, and often I had to take the dogs and flee to the beach for my own safety and well being. Harley’s views were more like mine. As Dr. Anderson and I escorted Angie out of the room I whispered.

"Good luck sheriff." He looked quizzically at me then at his daughter and granddaughter. The two women smiled like predators stalking their prey. The elevator finally went to the top floor.

"Huh, oh yeah right." Three of the four people I love most in all the world turned and disappeared into the waiting lounge. Do you think that’s fair leaving him alone with them like that? No, but I been there done that, so can he. You’re evil Dr. McGregor; just plain evil. Yeah ain’t I though?

The morning turned to early afternoon before the tests were finally finished. I wanted to stay with Angie every minute of the testing time, but she encouraged me to go out periodically to inform the family of how things were going. At about lunchtime, we were half way through the tests. When I went out to the waiting area I found Irish and Rachel sitting with my family. An in- voluntary smile reached my lips and my heart swelled with love at the sight of my friends and colleagues taking their lunch hour to be with my family at such a trying time. But still I could resist the temptation to jab my friends a bit.

"God I hope we don’t have any emergencies at the center since my trauma nurse and pediatric director are not there." Syd mumbled around a mouthful of pizza.

"Hey mom, they brought lunch! Don’t give them a hard time, or we won’t share." I smiled at my blonde angel.

"Don’t talk with your mouth full and it’s okay, I’m not very hungry." I was exhausted, and it must have showed because my partner and soul mate called to me.

"Honey, come here. You look so tired, sit here between my legs, and I’ll give you a neck rub." I obliged my lover since I had removed my power suit and donned a set of surgery scrubs and lab coat.

"Thanks baby, I could sure use one." Harley tried to gauge my mood, but decided just to jump right in.

"How is my Angie doing Mac?" Better than me, better than any of us.

"Harley, she is doing fine. She even pointed out to Charles one of his leads was malfunctioning which was why he was getting a faulty reading. Of course he didn’t believe her, until he checked again and sure enough she was right. He grumbled something unintelligible about cheaply made leads, and went about his business." Harley chuckled.

"Yeah that would be my Angie all right. The guy was probably really steamed. I can just hear her. ‘Now really Dr. Francis, you should remain calm. I’m sure there is a logical explanation for this. Could one of the leads be at fault?’ Am I anywhere close to being right?" This was truly uncanny.

"Close! Harley, you damn near repeated her word for word. How do you do that?" Harley blushed profusely, shifted one leg over the other and then ad-mitted solemnly.

"Been there done that!" Everyone laughed out loud. Me too.

"Harley she’s something else huh?" A wistful smile curved the corners of the huge man’s mouth.

"Yeah really something…uh right. Well how much longer do you suppose she’ll be in there?"

"Not much longer, probably another thirty minutes or so. Mmmm, Becca that feels so good. If you don’t stop, you’ll put me to sleep, and I can’t be doing that. I should get back in there." I got to my feet, kissed my angel and daughter and went back to the exam room. "The next time I come out, I’ll have Angie with me."

Just as I got to the exam room, a gurney pushed by several ER staff, carrying a trauma patient barreled down the corridor. It was obvious the man had been in a terrible accident. There was a good deal of blood covering the man’s torso as well as blood covering the left side of the man’s head. As the gurney neared my position, the attending physician slowed his progress.

"Wait people, stop. We just lost him. Let’s take him back to ER. Murphy note the time of death at 1:15pm." The doctor sighed heavily, and glanced at me. "Aren’t you Dr. Stacey McGregor?" I nodded mutely. "I thought I recog-nized you. I went to a seminar you presented at John Hopkins last year on massive closed head trauma. I was very impressed. My name is Dr. Steve Hanrady." He extended his hand, which I took and returned the greeting. "You here on a consult?" I shook my head.

"No my mother-in-law is having tests today. I’m assisting the cardiolo-gist." The man raised his eyebrow.

"You a cardiologist too?" Not!

"No, I’m just monitoring the tests for Dr. Francis." The young doctor really looked shocked.

"Dr. Francis accepted help. That’s a first."

"Yeah well he didn’t have much choice. My wife is very close to her mother. I’m making damn sure he doesn’t do anything to cause any more stress than we are already under." The reference to my wife caused the young man’s jaw to drop. Then he made some excuse about checking his patient and fled the area immediately. Jerk! I entered the exam room just as Angie was rising to a sitting position.

"Hey are you all finished?" Angie nodded the exhaustion evident in her body language. "Aahh honey, I know this is the pits huh?" I went over to my mom and encircled her slight frame with my arms. For the first time I could ever remember, Angie cried. I rubbed her back reassuringly, trying to will my strength to her. "Angie what’s wrong, did Charles give you a hard time about something? Did you get some bad news? What? Please tell me, maybe I can help." Angie sniffled once more and then raised her head to look into my eyes.

"Stacey, it’s just all of a sudden everything hit me all at once. I just feel so tired, so old." No Angie don’t do this, don’t you dare give up.

"Mom, I know this must be hard…oh hell…I don’t know anything, I can’t. It’s not me who has to deal with this, but I know how strong you are. I know how much you are loved and needed. So please, don’t give up. I’m not as strong as everyone seems to think. I don’t think I can hold on without you to help me. I guess I’m being selfish, but I need your strength so I can be strong for my angel, my daughter, and Harley." I must have said something to get Angie’s attention because she sat up straight and strong.

"Thank you Stacey. You’re right, I can’t give up. I guess I was just feeling a little sorry for myself." You’ve got a right.

"Mom, you don’t have to apologize, believe me I understand." Angie shrugged.

"Nonetheless, I can’t wallow in self pity. That won’t help anyone. Besides we don’t even know what all these damn tests show. What do you say we go find that fancy doctor and find out?" That’s my girl.

"Ya got a deal, but first let’s go tell the family you’re all finished. Then we’ll meet with Edith and Charles. After that, we can go home and get some rest. I think we can all use it." I helped my mom with her clothes then worked our way down the corridors until we reached the waiting room where Becca, Syd, and Harley waited, not so patiently.

Angie found Harley just as she expected: pacing. When Harley was in a situation he couldn’t control, he paced. Usually this was a prelude to an inevi-table temper explosion. Angie was always there is calm his raging spirit, much the same way my angel soothed me under similar circumstances. So that’s where Becca got her touch. It must be genetic. God I hope not…if that’s true then I…don’t worry Mac, that will never happen. Becca sensed my presence much the same way a fox senses its mate; no words need be spoken. She rose to first grasp her mother in a tight embrace a child needs from its mother to reconfirm that everything will work out. Tears flowed freely, the emotion of the moment almost too much to bare.

"Oh Mamma, are you all right?" My angel brushed a strand of sliver hair away from her mother’s still beautiful face.

"Yes child, I’m fine. All the tests are finished; Stacey was very supppor-tive and caring. You should definitely hang on to her." Even with all the stress of the tests, Angie’s wry sense of humor was still in tack. That was one of the reasons she and Harley were such a good match. When it came right down to it, neither one of them took each other too seriously.

"Hey darlin’ can I get a little a that sugar too?" The x-marine’s eyes were moist, although he’d just as soon die before he let anyone see him cry. And he calls you butch. He gives the word macho a whole new meaning. Would you get off it? The two soul mates held each other in an embrace as old as time, conveying the same message lovers have been saying for thousands of years. I cocked my head toward Syd and motioned for her to follow us out into the corridor to allow the two lovers a moment alone. Once outside I wrapped my arms around my two ladies and kissed each one in turn.

"C’mon there is a waiting area over here; let’s go sit down. I don’t know about you, but I’m done in. I can only imagine how Angie must feel. She is one tough, very special lady. Until a few minutes ago I didn’t know just how strong she really is…" I filled my family in on the incident in the exam room only mo- ments ago. Tears came to my girl’s eyes, and I encouraged the emotion. "Go ahead, cry; let it all out. Crying isn't such a bad thing. Feel your grief, then let it go." We sat there for some time before Drs. Anderson and Francis interrupted us.

"Mac, the results from the tests are ready. Will you join us in my office; your parents are waiting Becca. I arose from my seat, and guided Becca and Syd along. Once seated inside the spacious office, we all awaited the worst. We were absolutely sure Angie was in imminent danger of dying. Harley and Angie sat together in one chair holding on to each other as though their lives depend-ed on that closeness, and if truth be told it did. Dr. Francis spoke first.

"Let me first say that the tests went pretty much the way I thought they would. Don’t forget the screw up your patient had to point out to you. Hush. My preliminary diagnosis was confirmed, Mrs. Danforth you are suffering from hy-pertrophic cardiomyopathy. The series of tests shows the left ventricle of your heart is slightly enlarged. This enlargement does affect the way the heart functions. However, the condition isn’t as severe as I initially feared. The blood tests confirmed your cholesterol levels are well within normal actually it is quite low. Your blood pressure is very good as well." Harley was relieved, but at the same time still very frustrated.

"All right Francis, if she’s so damned healthy then how did she get this condition as you call it?!" Charles didn’t like the way this mere retired sheriff was speaking to him. How dare he question his word?

"See here Danforth…" His blossoming tirade was cut short by three sets of steely eyes boring right into his soul. It is amazing how being severely outnumbered can make a person so much more accommodating. "Excuse me, Mr. Danforth, there are many things we in the medical profession don’t understand about every disease. I’m sure Dr. McGregor will attest to that." I nodded begrudgingly. "We just don’t know why people without the ordinary risks factors for heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, etc., contract this condition, and in your case heredity isn’t a factor either. I’m afraid I can’t answer that question. I…I…um…I wish I could…I really do. I’m sorry. But in your case Mrs. Danforth, the damage is still quite minimal. You have excellent blood circulation to your extremities, and the heart is still beating normally. With proper diet, exercise, and rest, you shouldn’t have any problems at all. You will be able to live your life pretty much the way you have been up to now. I would like you to alter you diet, low salt, caffeine, proteins should be limited, and potassium levels need to be monitored as well. Dr. Anderson will be able to advise you on the proper diet she wants you to follow. So if you have no further questions, I will leave you to visit with Dr. Anderson." We all sat in stunned silence. That’s it, all this stress and grief, and that’s it! That son of a bitch, why I otta… Calm yourself, slow down. Be thankful you won’t have to deal with the jerk any longer. Dr. Adnerson’s voice roused me from my mental meandering.

"Angie, Harley I can’t tell you how pleased I am with the test results!" Edith hung the x-rays and ultrasound images on the viewing screen. "Stacey would you turn off the lights please. I flipped the switch while she activated the light on the screen. This was the first time Becca, Harley, and Syd had viewed any of the test results. Angie and I had seen the actual images as the tests were being conducted.

"Okay everyone, these images are the actual pictures of Angie’s Heart. I took the liberty of putting up an image of a normal heart. The one on the right happens to be Stacey’s actually. That reminds me doctor see Cynthia and make an appointment for a complete physical before you leave." Harley snorted derisive- ly. "You too Sheriff." Heh heh, those who laugh last…huh ‘jarine’?

"Yes ma’am," we both murmured simultaneously. My angel smiled and kissed our joined hands.

"As you can see the left side of your heart Angie is slightly enlarged. You can see the difference between your heart and Stacey’s. What this means is the left ventricular chamber’s normal function will be affected." Harley looked on; the fear and concern evident in his clear piercing gray eyes.

"Will my Angie get worse? Will this thing kill her?" God Harley, why don’t you get right to it? Angie took Harley’s hands in her own and kissed his cheek. Edith stared straight into his eyes, never once flinching away from his penetrating glare.

"Yes Harley it will get progressively worse. Will she die? Yes Harley she will, we all will. Will she die of this disease; that I can’t tell you. When? I can’t tell you that either. I can tell you, at present, this disease is in its infancy. An-gie you are in excellent health otherwise. We caught this in time and with the proper diet and exercise we can control the condition quite well. You will have to slow down though. The lightheadedness and fatigue are early warning signs. Your body is telling you to take it easy."

"What kinds of things can I expect now?" Angie asked. Dr. Anderson handed Angie a sheaf of papers.

"This is some literature about what symptoms exist with this HTCM. Bas- ically you can expect heart palpitations, irregular or rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness, and faintness, Those are the most common symp-toms. There are others, and they are explained in the literature I gave you. The most important thing is to keep stress to a minimum." All eyes turned to Harley and me.

"What? Why are you looking at us?" I turned to look at my adversary for the better part of thirty-eight years. I guess if we can’t agree on a truce for Angie’s sake, then we are pretty sorry people. I extended my hand to Harley.

"Pax?" He took my hand in his firm grasp.

"Pax." A collective sigh of relief resulted.

"Well I’m glad that’s settled." Don’t bet your last dollar.

It didn’t take much longer for Edith to fill us in on what Angie needed to do for her condition. She gave her a special diet for foods she should avoid. Frankly I couldn’t see how she could get any healthier than she already was, but hey, I guess anything is possible. It was pretty obvious Angie was dead on her feet. She needed to get home to rest. Dr. Anderson shared my sentiments.

"Angie I want you to go home and get some rest." She flipped through her appointment calendar and then rose from her chair. "Let me walk you out. I’d like to set up an appointment to see you again in three weeks. I’m giving you a prescription for a vitamin supplement. It’s a pretty potent combination, espec-ially with vitamin B. Here is some literature on a diet I recommend. Actually it is one people with diabetes follow. You need to eat lots of fiber, fresh fruits and veggies. Stay away from animal fats and eat more vegetable oils. I know this is a lot to throw at you all at once, but try not to worry. You have one helluva good doctor right close. If I couldn’t get to my cardiologist when I needed to, I’d call Stacey in a heartbeat. No pun intended." Harley took all the papers the doctor has given Angie. Cynthia handed her an appointment card for November 20th at 10:00am.

"Will this time work in your schedule Mrs. Danforth?" Cynthia asked.

"Yes, this will be fine. It will give us an excuse to spend the weekend with the kids, if that’s all right with my daughter."

"Mother, you and dad have an open invitation to stay with us, you know that. You don’t need an excuse. As a matter of fact, I was going to suggest you stay with us so you wouldn’t have to drive back and forth in one day." All right! The more the merrier. Edith smiled at our loving family. I suspect she didn’t have too many patients were the women outnumbered the men four to one.

"Ah good, here comes your carriage M’lady." Angie’s head swiveled around just in time to see an orderly pushing a wheelchair. If looks could kill, the ill-fated orderly would have had a very short life indeed.

"Here you are ma’am. Let’s get you seated then we’ll be on our way," the personable young man said. But the idea of being wheeled out of the hospital disgusted the proud woman immensely.

"I walked in her under my own steam, I’m certainly capable of walking out!" Oh please not now Angie. The one person in the room who had a chance of succeeding in getting the older woman into the damnedable chair was Syd.

"Please grams. You look awful tired. I’ll push you if you like. So would you please get in the chair for me?" May as well take the ride Angie, she won’t quite until you do. Syd’s imploring green eyes and angelic face could not be refused.

"For you precious okay. But I won’t make a habit of this understand?" Syd’s face lit up like a child at an amusement park only better. Syd simply adored her grandmother, we all did. I shuddered to think what would happen to us all if anything happened to Angie.

Chapter 6:How Do You Spell Relief?

The days that followed Angie’s tests were pretty calm thank God! The family settled into an almost boring routine, well as routine as it ever gets with us. The staff at the center sent hundreds of get well cards, letters, and flowers to Angie. She, of course, couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about. Harley and I actually were finding it easier to get along than we thought. We’d even played a couple rounds of golf together managing not to kill each other. Becca decided she wanted to do a bronze of her mom. I think it was just an excuse to spend more time with her while keeping an eye on her at the same time. Margie was planning Thanksgiving Dinner for us comprised of a low fat, low sodium menu so Angie wouldn’t feel deprived. Hey that’s just fine, but what about the rest of us? Listen up, little voices don’t need to eat, so butt out! Syd’s high school was beginning both the men and women’s basketball season, and we were all very excited. Syd had beat out all her competition for the starting point guard position. Needless to say, grandpa was about to bust his buttons he was so proud. As far as he was concerned, Syd should be worshipped as a basket-ball deity. I, on the other hand, while proud was no where near over the top about it as Harley. Yeah right. So all in all the first couple of weeks in November were pretty uneventful.

Saturday, mid-morning found Becca and I jogging up the path to the house from our morning run on the beach. Syd and Ange were lounging on the couch watching cartoons. I swear one of these days those kid’s brains will turn to mush.

"Morning Ange, how are your folks?"

"Fine coach, mom’s gonna give you guys a call to have you come over for dinner soon."

"Great, just let us know when and we’ll be there. I see you two are watch- ing educational television again." The two teenager’s eyes bored into me like a cruise missile.

"Hey coach, don’t knock it, Wylie Coyote and the Roadrunner are classics!"

"Right, whatever you say." I ruffled the two girl’s hair and went down the hall to our bedroom.

I was chuckling to myself about the kid’s choice of morning television, and hadn’t realize I had even entered the bedroom. A soft, low sexy contralto voice immediately caught my attention.

"Hello darlin’ would you like to join me? I feel so all alone in this great big bed." There on the bed was my wife totally naked. One hand was sucking on the tip of her finger while the other was stroking her sweet smelling beautiful cunt. My mouth was so dry, I couldn’t have spit if I tried, let alone form coher-ent speech. "What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue? That would be too bad; I rather like what your talented tongue can do for me. Why don’t you just come over here and I’ll help you out of those hot, sweaty clothes. Would you like that? Hummm?" All through her little speech, my angel’s hand continued to ex- plore her wet swollen pussy. The creamy juices collected thickly on her fingers, which she brought to her lips intending to lick, clean. I was on the bed in a flash, my hand around my angel’s wrist halting its journey to her mouth. I brought the fingers under my nose where I inhaled her fragrance deeply. I began to clean her yummy cum from her fingers slowly, sensuously. I gave meticulous attention to each finger slowly sucking each digit in and out of my mouth intended to simulate the finger fucking I would soon administer to my wife’s sloppy hot pussy.

"Mmm, you taste so good. You smell so good. I want more. Lay back and spread your legs baby, mamma’s gonna fuck you senseless." My lover lay back as commanded; in a millisecond my shirt and shorts were history. Soon we were rubbing our naked flesh against each other caught up in pure animal lust. I settled between my lover’s legs grinding my cunt into hers. Becca thrust her hips into my center, matching my rhythm.

"Oh yeah baby you are so hot. So wet. So fucking fierce. Fuck me Stace, God baby I need you inside. Do it!"

I had been sucking and biting my lover’s firm generous tits. I sucked the protruding nipple into my mouth, and pulled it out as far as I could. Then I let it slip from between my teeth, scraping the tender flesh as is snapped back a-gainst my her breast. I repeated the movement again and again while I twisted, pinched, and tweaked the other turgid bud with my finger and thumb. At my lover’s raunchy plea, I let go of the succulent breast.

"Your wish is my command. Get ready baby. Open yourself for me. Let me see your delicious cunt. Spread your puffy lips with your fingers. I want to taste your sweet flower." I raised myself until I was sitting back on my calves, waiting to view the carnal feast. My lover slowly separated her swollen labia to reveal her coral vulva and the bulging extended knob peaking out from its protective hood. I decided to enjoy viewing my lover’s treasures a while longer.

"Touch yourself baby. Rub your clit. Pinch your tits. Fuck yourself. I wanna watch you make yourself cum. Juice yourself up real good. You like fucking yourself while I watch don’t you? You fantasize about me catching you fucking yourself don’t you? You want me to finish you don’t you? Tell me lover; tell me how good it feels." My angel’s moans and groans told me everything I wanted to know, but still I wanted her to say what she wanted. "You heard me baby tell me, now!"

"Yes Stace. I love the way my fingers feel inside me. I’m so warm and soft inside. Mmmm. Yeah! So good. Watch me lover; see how my slick cum coats my love digits. Ummm, Stace you want to taste me don’t you? You want to lick my pussy and clit. You want to plunge your tongue deep inside my love hole." Oh my baby was so hot. Somehow she had turned my tactics around until she was in control. I needed to be fucked so badly, I had unconsciously began to stroke my own sex while I watched my lover pleasure herself.

"That’s it my soul, touch yourself; those are my fingers pleasuring you. It feels good doesn’t it? Fuck yourself hard and fast, cum with me lover; I’m so close." I wasted no time plunging three fingers deep inside myself, wanting, needing to satisfy my sexual hunger. Azure pools met and held cerulean orbs as my angel plunged two digits inside herself and began thrusting in long forceful strokes.

"Yeah baby that’s it, I’m so close. Cum now my angel." The sexy moans coming from my lover’s lips urged me on. My climax hit with such force my body collapsed in on itself and I slumped bonelessly to the bed. Becca’s orgasm followed closely behind mine. I crawled up to the head of the bed and drew my love into my arms. We lay there for a few minutes trying to regain our wind.

"God that was intense my heart. I love you. God I love watching you pleasure yourself. I don’t often get to watch the expressions on your face when I take you, because I’m other wise engaged. You are so beautiful when you cum." My lover snuggled deeper into my embrace.

"Hum umm. I know my soul. I like watching you too. I never could have believed we would get so much pleasure from masturbating." I wonder if what we just did could be called masturbation? My angel added. "Do you know what else I enjoy doing?" I shook my head. "This." My lover started at the top of my head and worked her way down my body. "I love…kiss…the way…lick…you taste…suck…the way you smell…kiss…the way you feel. I want to simply de-vour you." And that is exactly what she did. My lover’s tongue traveled over ev-ery inch of my exposed flesh. She licked, nipped, sucked, and licked her way south until she reached the brown curls covering my sex. My swollen labia and vulva opened to her like the petals of a flower, and to my lover just as fragrant. She breathed in deeply drawing the scent of my arousal deeply.

"Oh my soul you smell so good. I’m going to take you now. I’m going to make you cum with my mouth. I’m going to suck on your clit until you explode. I want you so much." My angel thrust her face into my steaming pussy. She flattened her tongue and licked my slit from anus to clit. She began nibbling and sucking my vulva forcing her tongue deep inside my dripping hole. I rammed my hips up to meet her tongue, as she loved me. My angel pressed three fingers deep inside me and rubbed my clit with her thumb. I was in heaven. My juices gushed from my center covering my wife’s face. She sucked and lapped all the love I had to offer and went back for more.

"Oh baby you are so wet, so warm. I love you so much. Give me all you have my soul. Cum for me please." I couldn’t stop from cumming again. The feeling of absolute bliss encompassed me. I could feel my orgasm building deep inside me spreading throughout my body. I couldn’t hold back the scream that erupted from my throat. I shouted my love to the heavens as my climax flung me toppling into the abyss of pleasure. My lover’s fingers stilled inside me waiting for the last spasms to subside. I thought I might die my heart was ham- mering so hard in my chest. My lungs were so deprived of air, I nearly passed out, I think maybe I did. When I came back to myself I was aware of warm arms surrounding my sweating heaving body and tender gentle hands stroking my back.

"Honey are you okay?" Define okay.

"Yes my heart. You make me feel so good. I love you so much."

"I love you too my soul." We lay there holding each other in the afterglow of our love. I shifted our position slightly so I was lying on my back with my angel sprawled on top of me, her head resting on my shoulder. I can’t believe in just a few short days our world was looking a whole lot better. Angie’s condi-tion, while very serious, could be controlled. She certainly wouldn’t give up with-out a fight, and if she was not going to go out without kicking and screaming, then how could I do any less.

"I learned something a few days ago," I whispered to my angel.

"Really," she remarked. "About what?"

"The circle of life. I met an old Lakota Sioux when I was a kid. You remember him don’t you Cletus Red Bear? He used to work Del Hapner’s colts for him. He told me about how native peoples believed life was cyclical. Every- thing comes from the earth, and eventually everything returns to the earth. The earth is our mother and all the living things; both plant and animal are con-nected. We’re all related." Becca nodded.

"Yes I remember. We went riding by the lake that day and we sat for hours talking with Clete. But honey why are you thinking about that now?"

"Well mom and dad are growing older, and eventually they will pass on to a better place. They are the elders who pass their wisdom on to their children and grandchildren. You and I make up the generation who guide and nurture the youth: Syd and Ange. Little Jesse Wanye is the new generation who will carry on after we’re gone. You see; we’re all connected. We all come from the earth and we will all return to the earth. The circle of life, never ending and never beginning. It just is. The way it should be."

So the ‘Circle of Life’ ends or does it. It’s up to you folks. Ya want more, let me know.

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