From Dreams to Reality

Part II



See Part 1 for disclaimers!

November 6, 2000

Chapter 4:Back in the Saddle

They say once you learn how to ride, you never forget. I think they were talking about a bicycle. Maybe my mind didn't forget, but my butt sure had. Over the next couple of days, I was one sore puppy, since Unc and De took me all over the ranch so I could see all the changes Unc had implemented over the years. I swear we saw every square inch of the 50,000 acre ranch, from the high pastures, in the western mountains, to the eastern lowlands, bordering the river,and everywhere in between.The ranch was situated on Blazer Creek,which empties into the Highwood River. Blazer Creek, which originates high up in the Canadian Rockies, just an hour or so to the west, and is a pretty good sized stream. It flows down into the foothills, where the ranch is located, and provides a portion of the water for the stock, but still the property has several deep wells that produce most of the water needs for the ranch even in the driest of years. We rode fencelines, checked stock ponds, water wells, and the high mountain pastures to gauge their condition so we could move cattle from one pasture to another to graze. It was very important not to overgraze the pastures as had been done in some places in the states. When that happens, opportunitistic noxious weeds like Yellow Star Thistle take over, especially in dry years when there isn't a lot of rain. If that happens, the range is pretty much worthless, because yellow star is fatal to horses, and cattle won't eat it. It's nasty stuff indeed.

Fortunately, Unc used really good range management, and in this day and age of environmental impact, that was really important. We kept the numbers of cattle and horses down, banking on quality, not quantity, and therefore didn't have to lease public land from the government like many ranchers down south. The Bureau of Land Management in the states controlled a good deal of the available grazing land in states like Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Nevada. If the rancher didn't watch his 'p's and q's', and keep the BLM happy he could lose his lease, and have to cut back his herds. Of course when that happened, he had trouble with his creditors and then foreclosure occured. Many ranchers, due to economic realities, were going out of the busness altogether, and some had day jobs in town just to keep their land. It was really too bad; a really good way of life was coming to an end for many folks. That's why Unc was co careful, and diversified his operation whenever he could.

"Ya better not have all your eggs in one basket ya know." That was damned good advice these days.

As much as he hated to spoil the natural look of the prairie, Unc developed a couple of oil and natural gas deposits on the eastern edge of the ranch. Much to Dan Haskel's chagrin. He had offered to lease the land from Unc where the oil and gas deposits were located.

"C'mon Fleming, it's a really good deal for both of us," Haskel whined, "we'll both make a small fortune. C'mon what do you say? Partners? I'll split it with ya; I'll even give you the majority of the shares. You keep 55%, I'll take the remaining 45%. What do ya say?"

"Tell ya what I'll do," Unc drawled,"I'll keep 100% and you get your sorry ass off my ranch. Listen you little weasel, if I ever catch ya on my place again, I'll set the dogs on ya, now get!"

That was the beginning of the end of the civilized relationship between Dan Haskel and the Flemings. Of course, the relationship didn't get any better when he found out I was on the ranch to stay. Then there was the minor incident at Haskin's Feed and Tack. Haskel fancied himself quite a lady's man, and naturally he had the hots for De, not that I could blame him. At least it showed he had good taste in women. De and I were at Haskin's one morning to pick up some specially made concentrate De and I ordered for the performance horses. We had the formula mixed at Washington State University at the equine nutrition center there. Unc thought we were both nuts, but he left us pretty much alone with our business. Unc understood I knew what I was doing where horse nutrition was concerned, after all I had the best teacher in the world: my dad. Anyway, while we were waiting for the grain to be loaded, Haskel and a couple of his worthless cronies showed up and started to give De a hard time. Big mistake! She could certainly take good care of herself. One of Dan's buddies made the mistake of trying to cop a feel. I didn't know an ordinary man could hit notes that high. Beverly Sills would have been jealous. I pretty much think the jerk would be singing a few high notes for a long while. Once he got his breath that is.

The three men didn't know what happened to them. The attack seemed to come from everywhere at once. I had stepped inside the warehouse to get the invoice for the grain order. When I ran out onto the loading dock at the sound of the commotion, I saw one man flying through the air to land with a sickening thud on the gravel parking lot. Another man was on the ground writhing in pain, holding his genitals screaming something about never being able to procreate ever again. De was holding a third man aloft by his crotch with one hand while the other had a death grip on his right wrist. The sickening sound of bones crunching led me to believe that was the hand that had touched one of De's particular body parts it had no business touching.

"Didn't your mother teach to it's not nice to play with things that don't belong to you?" With a torturous twist on the man's balls and a last grind on the man's wrist, the sorry piece of shit let out a blood curdling shriek as he was launched over the loaded truckbed to land heavily on the ground on the other side.

True to form, Dan Haskel waited until his opponent's back was turned before he attacked. But before he could do the dirty deed, I picked up a 80 pound grain sack and threw it at the bumb.

"Hey Don catch!" The unsuspecting man turned just in time to receive the 80 pound object square in the chest, knocking the cocky little man to the ground with a thump. De whirled around at the sound of my voice to see the would-be attacker's prone form in the dust gasping for air. She looked up at me and I merely shrugged. I hopped down from the loading dock to land on my feet neatly along side the prostrate man.

"Cody Fleming. I should have known it was you."

"Oh Dan, Dan, Dan is that anyway to greet an old friend after all these years? You're gonna have me thinking you didn't miss me."

"Never mind about that. Just get this thing off me bitch!"

"Now Danny boy is that anyway to talk to a lady?" De purred threateningly as she stepped between the man's legs putting progressively stronger pressure on his balls with her booted foot.

"I don't see no ladies anywhere around here?" Haskel started to sweat. Why is it when anyone starts messing with the family jewels most men simply collapse in a heap like a baby?

"Okay suit yourself. But I don't think your buddies appear to be in any condition to help you. C'mon De we got work to do." I rose from my crouching position while the helplessly pinned man tried in vain to remove the grain sack. All the while De kept increasing the weight and pressure she was exerting on Dan's genitals.

"All right," Haskel gasped, "please get this damned thing off me." De released her foot pressure, and we both looked at each other.

"What do you think De, shall we let him up?"

"I don't know, he's kinda cute down there. He looks a little like a turtle that got stuck on his back." The humiliated man was becoming more frustrated by the minute.

"We better let him up partner before he has apoplexy and I have to do CPR. I'd hate to have to do that, I might catch something."

"Well I guess, if you say so, we could take pity on him." De lifted the grain off Haskel and tossed it on top of the truck like a child would toss around a beach ball. I wandered if these scumbags realized how lucky they were to still be alive. This is one very powerful, dangerous woman. She hauled the frightened man up by the front of his shirt and held him two feet of the ground, to her eye level.

"Now Danny boy, listen up, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once. You take your sorry carcass and your worthless low life buddies the hell outta here and don't let me hear of you or your hired goons harrassing anybody ever again. And I mean anybody. Cause if I do, I'll come looking for you personally. I won't go to the constable, I'll come directly to you. And believe me, what happened to you today will be child's play compared to what I'll do, understand?" She grabbed Dan's face in a vice like grip and squeezed intil his lips formed a pathetic 'O'. He nodded his head frantically hoping his acquiescence would free him from this vicious Amazon. "Good boy." She patted his cheek roughly and sent him scrambling on his way.

"Okay boys, load up." Our two Australian Shephards Huck and Finn leapt nimbly up onto the fully loaded truck and perched themselves precariously on the grain sacks. De and I climbed in the cab of the truck for the 19km ride back to the ranch. We rode for a time in companionable silence.

"So that's how you pull someone's balls out through his nose?" De chuckled at my remark. "What's so funny?"

"I was thinking about the look on Haskel's face when he saw you toss that grain sack at him. His eyes were as big as saucers. For such a runt, you're pretty strong." I smiled. Runt huh?

"Yeah you were right."

"Oh about what?"

"We do make a pretty good team."

"Yeah like Mutt and Jeff..."

"Or Laurel and Hardy..."

"How 'bout Abbott and Costello?"

"Maybe Tweedle Dum..."

"All right that's enough," De laughed, "I get the picture. Actually you kinda remind me of the short blonde on Xena." God don't tell me you're a Xena fan too. No way!

"Gimme a break! I don't look anything like Gabrielle. You, on the other hand, do look quite a bit like Xena."

"Think so? Hummm. Can't be, you're the one with the many skills. You said so yourself." Oh baby, you have no idea.

Chapter 5: The Work Never Ends

You'd think someone would invent an easier way to unload hay and grain. There's no getting around it, it's just plain hot backbreaking work. Anybody who's afraid of hard work, would never want to go into farming or ranching. But still the rewards are worth all the work. Especially when a young colt starts coming around, responds to your cues, and performs intricate movements or blocks a cow from returning to the herd. Or when the first little calf or foal is born, and the miracle of life surrounds you. Even when the barn cat's kittens start moving all around your feet with their welcmoning mews in the morning is a remarkable, satisfing event. My daydreaming got me in trouble again when De had to yell at me to begin unloading the truck.

"Hey you gonna stand there all day? Or are you gonna pull rank on me and make me do this alone?" No way.

"Hell no! After watching you in action today? Not a chance; you got me scared." A worried look crossed my friend's beautiful face for just an instant before I realized she took my jest too seriously. "Hey, I was just kidding! If push comes to shove, I would wipe the floor with you." A wickedly evil grin curved the corner of De's mouth. Before I knew what hit me, I was slammed into the loose hay piled around the shed. De straddled my stomach, and began a methodical search of all my ticklish spots, of which there were many.

"Wipe the floor up with me huh? What have ya got to say now little missy?" I was laughing hysterically at De's ministrations. I could hardly catch my breath long enough to voice my surrender.

"I give, I give...please stop...stop...stop." The painless torture stopped for a moment, and I took the opportunity to attack. I raised my leg over and in front of my opponent and knocked her off me to the side. Instantly, I retaliated, rolling the temporarily stunned woman onto her back where upon, I straddled the woman's mid-section and began my own search for sensitive spots. "Ha gotcha!" I yelled as I began to tickle the woman's ribcage.

"Won't do you no good. I'm not ticklish!" Just then I hit a sensitive place just under De's left breast and received a shrieking howl from my prey. At this turn of events, I attacked the opposite side and began tickling in tandom and in earnest. My beautiful friend's laughter became contagious and soon we were both laughing so hard, we couldn't control ourselves. I fell off to the side and laid there next to De's warm body. The gentle contact was strangely comforting, and I found myself snuggling closer to the tall muscular form. A strong arm encircled my shoulders and became an embrace. Somehow without any conscious thought, we became one in that moment. This felt so right as though we had done this many times before. Maybe in a previous life...naaawww. Our laughter finally died away, and we rolled over onto our backs and stared up at the rafters in the hay shed.

"God I don't remember the last time I laughed like this," De commented, "maybe I never have." I remembered a time when I did, and couldn't wait to share the memory with my good friend.

"I did. I was about fifteen, and Dad and I came up here to visit Unc for the Calgary Stampede. There were all kinds of booths and stalls on the grounds selling all kinds of things. The carnival had all kinds of games and stuff to do. Well the local high school had a dunking booth to help raise money for the rodeo team. They were asking for volunteers to get up on the seat and risk being dunked. Dan Haskel was dumb enough to volunteer. He didn't think anybody was good enough to get him wet. He was a cocky little bastard even then. Anyway, Unc, Dad and I were passing by and Unc suggested I take a turn. Up to that point in time, I'd never laid eyes on Dan Haskel, but from that moment on, I would never forget him. It must have been destiny that I would spend the rest of my days tormenting the miserable son of a bitch. I stood up to the line and threw the first pitch, and instantly dropped the little weasel into the water. He sputtered and spit and dared me to do it again. So I did. I dunked him four times in a row, and each time he hauled his scrawning ass out of the water, his swimming trunks crept lower and lower on his hips. The last time he hauled himself out, his bony white ass was displayed for the whole damn carnival to see. Tantooed on his left cheek were the words 'Grade A Number 1 Prime Beef'. I had never seen anything like it in my life, and everyone burst out laughing, pointing at his sorry carcass. Of course he thought everyone was laughing cause he got dunked. He didn't have a clue about the real reason. For the longest time I couldn't eat a steak without bursting into laughter." Our little laughing party was interrupted by a gravelly deep voice.

"I guess you were right Hank, it is damned hard to get good help these days. Did you two plan on doing any work today at all?" With guilty faces, the two of us climbed to our feet and started unloading the concentrate into the grain room.

"Yes sir, I was just trying to keep the help happy." Both eyebrows arched and disappeared in to a black hairline. Unc couldn't let the opportunity to embarrass us both, but it backfired.

"By rolling around in the hay?" Unc asked as he pulled a piece of hay out of my hair.

"Whatever it takes Unc, whatever it takes." I heard a loud gasp behind me and turned to see my olive skinned friend flush with embarrassment. "Uh I guess we'd better get to work huh De?" De simply nodded, and growled into my ear, her warm breath tickling the sensitive skin on my neck.

"You'll pay for that you know." God I hope so.

It didn't take long to unload the truck. While De parked it in the equipment shed, I walked to the barn and went to the fifth stall on the left. I peered inside to see the compact, but well-muscled filly standing out in her run watching the broodmare band grazing out in the pasture. I lifted the halter off of the hook, opened the stall door, and walked out into the run. I paused just outside the door to see what sort of reaction I would get from the grulla, blanketed Appaloosa. As soon as she detected my presence, which was almost immediately, she turned around to gaze at me steadily, waiting for my next move. This filly had been abused by one of the hands who had suffered De's resulting wrath and found himself flat on his ass with a tall angry dark cloud towering over him. Hank told me the story. He said the bastard had the filly tied up short and was beating her with a lounge whip. De caught him in the act grabbed his arm in mid strike, crushing the bones in his wrist. Then she threw him on his butt.

"You get your worthless ass off this ranch within the hour. If I find you here after that time, I'm gonna use this whip on you. Ya got it." The man couldn't collect his gear and get off the place fast enough.

The filly stood where she was tied shaking in fear. It took quite some time, but De's deep soothing voice eventually calmed the filly enough so she could get close enough to turn her loose in the run. The next day after the filly had calmed down, De spent the day with her, just standing or sitting in the middle of her run, letting the filly accept her or not, but on her own terms. She managed to get a good look at the cuts, and fortunately they were too bad, they were mostly welts, and would heal on their own. There was only one actual cut on her shoulder that needed doctoring. Which she allowed De to do. This whole business had happened six weeks ago, and De and the filly were at an impasse. While she would let De pet her and feed her, she wouldn't respond to De's commands without a big fight. Frankly, she was at a loss, so she asked if I would see what I could do. Otherwise she'd have to go to the sale, and most likely at her young age would end up dog food. So for the last couple of weeks, I had become pretty much a permanent fixture throughout the day in the filly's stall and run. Since the filly acknowleged my presence first, I returned the gesture.

"Hey girl, how'ya doin' today? Are you gonna let me halter you today? I got a treat for ya if ya do? You know how this works. Halter, I showed her the webbed nylon piece of headgear, 'AppleAsses', I held up the apple/molasses tasting pelleted treat." The filly nickered and took a first tentative step toward me. "C'mon girl. I' mot gonna hurt you. C'mon." The filly began to move steadily forward until she was only a few feet away from me. I moved cautiously but deliberately toward the timid filly, my voice reassuring her she was safe. I reached out my hand carefully, my movement sure and strong. I scratched the filly's head, and she leaned into the touch. I held the nosepiece in both hands and slipped it easily over the colt's muzzle. I brought my hand up over her neck to grasp the strap over her poll and fastened the buckle to secure the halter in place. I draped the leadrope back and forth in my hand and then closed my fist around the whole thing. I had seen too many accidents where people had been dragged because the lead rope was coiled around their hand. I rubbed the filly's head, face and neck before I gave her the treat. I wanted her to learn to stand for this ritual before she received her reward. I was pleased with the progress we had made. This was the fifth day in a row she allowed me to put the halter on without a fight. The trust that had been so cruelly betrayed by a vicious hand, was slowly being given again, and I promised myself this time there would be no betrayal.

Usually, after I hand put on the halter, I left it on for a few minutes while I rubbed and petted the filly's body, then took it off. Today I would add something to the learning process. All the horses had to be taught to stand ground tied, and not move away if the cowboy hand to dismount to help a calf or heifer, and there wasn't a convenient hitching post nearby. I figured this would be a good time to teach the filly since she wasn't all too keen on being to close to people anyway. But I hoped she had come to trust me enough to listen to my command and not just wander off. I patted her neck once more, dropped the lead rope to the ground, while still attached to the halter, and stepped away about ten feet.

"Stand, darlin', stand. I held my hand up to indicate she shouldn't move, and just stood there." The filly watched me intently. I got to thinking, at this point when I was working with horses, if they didn't wonder if we humans weren't about the dumbest critters on God's green earth. They were probably right. I moved slowly all around the filly, always within ten to fifteen feet of her. Every so often I would reinforce the command of 'stand' and add a 'good girl' when she complied. The filly followed me with her head, watching my every move, but she didn't move her feet. This is what I wanted. That was enough for one day, tomorrow we would try again. This whole procedure didn't last more than fifteen minutes. Short lessons were always the best with young horses; they were more likely to remember what they learned considering their short attention span. I approached her quickly, confidently.

"Good girl!" I said as I reached out to pat and rub the filly enthusiastically. The filly responded by moving into my touch, and nickered softly. I fished in my pocket to get a treat, but before I gave it to her, I removed the halter and made her stand patiently before I let her go. I opened my hand to let the filly snag the tasty horse treat from my palm. During previous training sessions the filly stayed out in her run, but today, she followed me toward the barn. YES!! I mentally shouted. This was what I wanted; the filly responded positively to me, to bond if you will. This small gesture was a great victory. My concentration was so intent on the training, I hadn't detected the audience that had gathered. Unc, Hank, and De were leaning on the adjoining stall fence watching the session.

"Well I'll be damned," Hank whispered, "I didn't think she'd get that filly to respond in that short a time. She's really sum'thin' huh?"

"Damn straight," Unc puffed, "she's kin ain't she, she's bound to be good with her genes." Hank snorted and walked away.

"Well Doan, don't go busting you buttons. You ain't the one who taught her now are ya."

"No but Len ain't here, so I'm doing it for him." De was strangely quiet after the demonstration.

"What's the matter with you? Cat got your tongue?" Unc asked.

"Huh, oh no I was just thinking. She ain't half bad." Unc chuckled knowlingly as he walked away.

Girl you got it bad,and you don't even know it.

The filly had followed me into the stall, so I took the opportunity to brush her down, and in the process 'sack her out' a bit. Using a soft brush, I cleaned all the sensitive areas on her body: her face, her legs, under her belly, and between her hind legs. I was pleasantly surprised to find she allowed all of this without hardly any fuss. This too was a good sign. All of Unc's horses were known for their good dispositions, so hopefully good breeding would outweigh the one miserable experience at the hands of an uncaring, abusive person. I was just putting away all the grooming supplies when De approached the stall. She looked the filly over with an appraising eye and then turned to me.

"She a nice filly; I'm glad she's coming along so well. It would be a shame to have to get rid of her because of some asshole's mistreatment of her. You are really good with horses. You must have had a helluva good teacher. You ready to go up to the house for supper?" I looked into colbalt steely eyes staring into mine.

"Yeah as soon as I finish feeding."

"Well let me do it, you can go on up."

"Nope, I was always taught the horses get fed before the people eat."

"Okay, I'll give ya a hand. Deal?"

"Sounds good to me? Then we can go to the house together."

"I..uh...well...I usually don't eat up at the house. I usually fix something upstairs. I can cook ya know." Yeah I'll just bet.

"And your point is? Ya think you're too good to eat with us? Don't tell me ya never been asked?" De's head dropped and she studiously stared at the pieces of hay on the floor.

"'s just..." I took hold of each muscular arm and turned De to face me. I lifted her chin so I could look in her eyes.

"Would you come up to the house and have supper with me? I'd like that very much, and so would Unc and Maggie."

"Supper at the house is for family." Of all the stupid...

"Well what the hell are you if you aren't family?"


"And don't you say one of the hired hands or I'll knock you on your stubborn butt! Now c'mon, no more arguments let's finish the chores and go get supper, I'm hungry." The two of us dove into the chores and had the horses, dogs, and cats fed in no time. "Yep, we do make a damn good team."

Chapter 6: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

De and I walked up to the house in companionable silence. Unc was watching our approach with a bemused expression on his weathered face.

"Better set another place at the table Maggie. Looks like we'll be having company." The grin that appeared on the housekeeper's face was mixed with surprise as well.

"Well it's about damned time. I wonder why she finally decided to come tonight of all nights. We've been inviting her just about everyday for the last six months." Unc just shrugged, the smirk plastered to his face spoke volumes.

"I guess you and I just weren't as interesting as a certain little ol' brunette." Maggie about dropped her teeth.

"What? You don't mean ta say they're both...I knew Cody was gay, but De too? Huh, I'll be. Well maybe Cody'll be good for De and vice versa."

"Can't say for sure; ain't you ever watched the way De looks at Cody?"

De and I climbed the steps leading up to the French doors on the patio. Unc was sitting in a lounge chair relaxing before dinner. There were to bottles of Kokanee sitting on the table.

"I thought you might like a beer ladies, help yourself. So how did the day go; anything new in town?" We both looked at each other and then at Unc.

"Do you want to tell him?"

"Meee! He's your uncle! Why should I tell him?" Our exchange had Unc's full and undivided attention.

"I really don't care who tells me, but someone better, and right now! What'dya do, wreck the truck? No, it looked all right when I was down there today. This is ridiculous, just spit it out!" Our animated coversation caught Maggie's attention.

"What's wrong? You two wreck something?" What is it with these people?

"No we didn't wreck anything? Well not exactly." At that De and I burst out laughing unable to control ourselves any longer.

"It doesn't matter now. Supper's on the table let's eat while it's hot." Maggie turned on her heel and disappeared into the house. The three of us followed, with Unc leading the way.

"This isn't over ya know. I don't know what you two did, but I'll get to the bottom of this. Now I'm not so sure if puttin' you two together was a good idea or not. I think we're all in big trouble. Lord help me, I do." De and I were still laughing when we entered the kitchen. The table was devoid of anything edible. What's going on?

"Hey where's all the food?" I asked.

"Since De's here, were eating in the dining room," Maggie replied, "this marks a special occassion." Suddenly the humor died away, and De looked noticeably uncomfortable, so much so I was afraid she might bolt. I laid a reassuring hand on the small of her back, and this seemed to calm her somewhat.

"I...uh...well...this is...very nice. A, ya didn't have to go to all this trouble on my account." Maggie walked over to the taller woman and looked deeply into blue pools. Her soft brown eyes conveying love and acceptance.

"Nonsense, I hope we didn't embarrass you with all this," she gestured to the table containing the good dishes and crystal, "but we just wanted you to know how much you are welcomed here...with us...all of us." Maggie glanced over at me raising her eyebrows, trying to indicate I was to reinforce her arguments.

"Certainly De, you're like family. I told you earlier I wanted you to have supper with us, and I meant it. I didn't know these two were going to turn it into a formal occassion, but hey it is a cause for celebration for me. I've come home, and I get to be with the most important people to me in all the world. That includes you 'Miss Amazon Thing'." De shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another.

"Well thank you. I've thank you anyway." I leaned into my tall friend and placed a sisterly kiss on here cheek. The resulting electricity that went charging through my lips at the innocent touch lit me up in areas much further south. My God Cody get a grip here! But evidently De felt the same elctricity because the look in her eyes was anything but sisterly. But just as quickly as it appeared, it just as quickly disappeared. Luckily, Unc brought us back to the here and now.

"All right now that we have the family business taken care of, let's eat, I'm hungry and we don't want Maggie's lasagna getting cold."

"We're having lasagna? Wow this is a special occasion! Way cool! De wait til you taste Maggie's lasagna, you'll love it." De looked at me unsure of what to say.

"I've never I'm more of the meat and potatoes kind of person myself."

I dropped my fork noisily to my plate, the shock evident in my eyes. It wasn't the admission that De had never eaten lasagna, that's not so strange, but it was the way she said it. I got the feeling this woman had to scrounge for a meal period, consisting of anything she could find. De's unwillingness to talk about her past had me more than intrigued, I was downright baffled. There was so much about this woman I didn't know,but so much I wanted to learn. Again Unc's deep voice returned me to reality.

"Close your mouth, your creatin' a draft."

"Uh...oh yeah. Well De, go ahead and try it, see if it isn't the best thing you've ever tasted." De gingerly poked her fork in the tasty Italian dish and brought a bite tentatively to her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully while the three of us stared at her like she was from another planet. Slowly a smile began to curve the corners of her mouth, and she dove in with gusto and relish, enjoying the meal immensely.

"Ummm, thish...ish...great," De said around a mouthful of pasta, then swallowed. She took a sip of the cianti Maggie had opened and her eyes lit up. "Whoooaaa, this is good too!" I looked at her a warm smile graced my lips and went straight to my heart.

"Let me guess you've never tasted wine either? God girl, where you been locked up all your life?" What I had meant as a jest had just the opposite affect. De's bronzed face suddenly went a pallid gray. She stood up with such force, the chair flew back and clattered to the floor four feet behind her. Then in a flash she had bolted from the room. "What the hell..."

I got up and ran after her. All I saw was her back, her raven hair flying out behind her and she vaulted over the back fence. I called her name, but got no response.

"De! Wait a minute," I shouted, "God dammit," I yelled as I rammed my knee into the fence rail as I climbed over. "Shit I hate being short." I tried to keep up with my long legged friend, but was badly outclassed. "Dammit De if I die from a heart attack trying to catch you, I'll never speak to you again! Shit, ouch, dammit," I cursed as I stumbled over hill and dale trying to catch my friend. Finally, thankfully, the chase ended. I found De sitting by the lake, slumped over on her side her legs drawn up to her chest, her arms grasping them tightly. with her head resting on her knees. She lay there silent, unmoving. I would have thought she was dead were it not for her heaving body trying to take air into her lungs.

"De," I said softly. When no response was forthcoming, I sat down next to her. I reached out a tentative hand and touched her shoulder. She tried to shrink away, but I refused to remove my hand.

"Go away."

"Nope, can't do that."

"Leave me alone."

"Unh uh, can't do that either."

"You don't want to be around someone like me."

"Bet me."

"You don't even know me, what I'm capable of doing."

"Okay,we're even, you don't knw me or what I can do either."

"Yes I do. You're good, caring, I'm evil hurtful. I cause pain wherever I go."

"I didn't know I was invited to a pity party here."

De staightened up and whirled around ready to launch herself at me. Rage and pain instantly filled colbalt eyes. I quickly pointed at her, put a knowing smirk on my face, and shrugged, hoping she wouldn't pull some valuable body part out through my nose.

"See. You couldn't hurt me. Bravado not withstanding,I don't think you're as big and bad as you want people to think. In fact, I think you're a fake."

In a flash, the tall dangerous woman was on her feet towering over me like some mythical warrior. The roar of rage that rent the air frightened away all the birds and other tiny forest creatures, sending then flying or scurrying for cover. De tried to run away, but I stuck out a foot toppling the frightened angry woman like a woodsman falls a tree. I scrambled to my hands and knees and wrapped myself around the fallen woman refusing to let her run away. Suddenly, the rage turned to convulsions of uncontrollable sobs. I gathered the near hysterical woman into my arms and held her close to me. I stroked her hair and rubbed her back. I could feel De's tears shoking my shirt, but it mattered not. I was more concerned with comforting my friend.

"Shhh, shhh, that's it baby, I've got you. It's okay. Cry darlin', let it all out. Get rid of the pain. I'm here, and I won't leave you. Trust me." I soothed De the best I could, falling back on my training skills. Using the same calming voice I would use on a frightened, hurt filly. I guess really that's what De was. I used gentle, but firm strokes over her back, shoulders and arms, intended to reassure. We sat like that for some time before De's body finally stopped consulving and the tears dried up. The late Canadian summer evening breeze wafted over the lake calming us both even more. Finally I spoke.

"I used to come out here when I was a kid and sit for hours just thinking. As hard as it is to believe, I wasn't the most popular kid in the world. I was brusgue, tactless, about half anti-social, aloof. All in all a real gem. So ya see, were more alike than you might think." I brushed thick inky locks away from a beautiful face, and placed a tender kiss on De's forehead. "Anyway, suffice to say, I had my share of problems, most of my own making. I could come out here and all the rotten things in my life just seem to disappear. I'm glad my special place is still useful after all these years." I paused before I continued because I wanted my next words to not be misunderstood. "But as special as this place was it couldn't fix all my problems. I finally came to realize that there were people who loved me and cared about me. People I could trust with my deepest, darkest secrets and they wouldn't make judgements or love me any less. I'd like you to know I could be that one, special person for you too, if you'll let me." A long silence ensued before De finally spoke.

"I...don't...I's just so hard."

"I know honey, just take your time."

"I'm not sure how to start."

"The beginning is a good place. And don't worry, we have all the time in the world. I'm not going anywhere. Trust me, I'd never lie to you." Sapphire eyes caught and held hazel.

"I do trust you. Somehow for the first time in my life. I..." I drew my tall warrior back to my chest and the dark beauty nestled in comfortably. She didn't have to finish her thought, I knew exactly what she was feeling. The sense of frustration, hopelessness, would it ever end. Maybe, just maybe. I said the only thing I could.

"I know, baby. I know."

The end of part II, part three to follow. I need to know what you think so far.

Continued in Part III...

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