~ Riding Against The Odds - Parts 4 ~
by Faranath (far_dragon@yahoo.com)

Disclaimers: See part one.

Author's Words: Hi All! My humblest apologies for taking so long to get this part posted, but the real world decided to assert itself for a while :) I've had many many requests for more of RATO and my thanks go out to all those who emailed me, each email helped me to write a little bit more.


As they approached the entrance to the horse stables Tracey leaned forward and tapped her mother, who was driving, on the shoulder, indicating that she wanted her to turn in.

"No Tracey. You just got out of hospital and Doc Thomas said you were to rest," her mother replied.

Tracey tapped harder.

Owen, seeing his mother take a deep breath, stepped in. "Tracey, everyone is doing as they're supposed to and I told you this morning, CJ is fine. Harry has stayed with him since he was brought in and his report this morning was that he would make a full recovery. Everything's fine, so why don't you do mom a favour and rest, just for today, hmm?"

Tracey's response was to glare at him, but she did slump back into her seat.

Leonora gave her youngest a look of gratitude.

The house was a lot larger than Caitlyn had originally anticipated. But then if they operate as a hotel during summer what did you expect? she berated herself.

The trip from the hospital had been educational as far as Caitlyn was concerned. It had been interesting to see how Tracey communicated with her family and made her wishes known, without saying a word.

As David helped her out of the car and Owen helped Tracy, the man who had been at the hospital with them came up.

"Hey Tracey, welcome home. I thought you'd want to know that the horses are all doing well," he said.

Tracey and her mother gave him a look of gratitude, each for their own reasons.

"Joe, this is Caitlyn. Caitlyn, this is Joe. He's the head groom for the horse stables," David introduced.

"Welcome Caitlyn. I hope you enjoy your stay here at LLR."

"Hi Joe," Caitlyn replied. "I'm sure I will."

"Now Joe," Leo started. "Tracey is not allowed to ride for at least the next 10 days. I hope that you're going to see that she follows doctor's orders for once in her life."

Joe pretended to doff a hat. "Yes, ma'am," he replied with a grin.

Tracey scowled in response.

Caitlyn was hard pressed not to laugh. It was obvious that even though her children were all grown up, Leonora still ruled the roost.

The tour of the ground floor, though short in deference to her still healing injuries, introduced Caitlyn to the kitchen, the TV room and the 'baby' lift (as they called it), which, according to Leonora, had been installed due to Tracey's penchant for refusing to remain on the horses when going at full gallop.

Caitlyn's room was on the fifth floor, along with the rest of the family's, between Tracey's room and the study that they all used in addition to the one on the ground floor.

David offered to help her unpack, while explaining some of what happened on the farm.

"I'm not sure how much you know," he began.

"Not a lot. The house is a hotel sometimes, right? And you raise horses and cattle."

"Spot on. I look after the cattle sector of the farm. It's the main money-maker of the farm, but Owen and Tracey don't have the patience to deal with all the administration and planning that must be done with little direct interaction with individual animals.

"Tracey runs the horse sector. We raise racehorses, primarily with the main championships in mind. Owen is our jockey, but only after Tracey got too tall to meet the weight requirements without starving herself. But she still does a lot of preparatory training.

"Mom runs the hotel. It started out small, but demand is growing. We keep adding a couple of rondawels (a rondawel is a type of round hut; generally thatch roofed) each year and they never sit empty. In fact even before this past season started, we already had bookings for next season," David explained.

"Wow! So this is a really big operation you run here. How big is the farm itself?" Caitlyn asked.

David surveyed the room. They had unpacked her suitcase and everything was put away.

"Well seeing as we're done here, I'll take you up to the roof. We have a room up there that we use during the dry season to watch for fires, so you can see the most of the farm from there," he suggested.

The view from the glass-enclosed room, on the roof of the house, rendered Caitlyn speechless.

David turned her to face south and began pointing out the different areas of the farm.

"The farm is bordered by two roads and a mountain range. That east/west road that we travelled to get to the house forms the southern boundary. It sprouts another road, which forms the western boundary, but that road peters out at the base of the mountains to the north. Those mountains form our northern border. And do you see how the mountains eventually turn an almost perfect 90o angle to run south?"

Caitlyn nodded.

"Well that forms our eastern boundary."

"So what happens where? I mean you obviously can't have guests wandering around a camp that's being used by cattle."

"I was getting to that, O Impatient One," David replied bowing. The effect however, was ruined by the grin on his face.

"Very funny."

"Well if you must know. The house sits in the middle of the south border. The visitors have the run of land between the house, the south road and the western road to about a quarter of the way to the northern mountains."

"Including that little bitty mountain wanna-be?"

"Yup. That bitty mountain gives enough elevation for run-off to form a river that runs into the lake that you can just see through all the trees.

"The border of the cattle camp is from that 'quarter way to the mountains' to the north east corner, where the mountain turns and then everything from that north east corner to the south road is horse country," David explained as he moved his arm in demonstration.

"That's a lot of land for the cattle."

"Well, the cattle is the main producer of steady income to the farm and we've been expanding over the past few years. We're going to need more land soon to accommodate our operations."

"Impressive." Caitlyn paused for a beat. "So where did you find Tracey? All the nurse at the hospital could tell me was that you'd found her somewhere in the mountains."

"Well…" David turned to face east of northeast. "That mountain that forms the eastern border, is in fact two parallel ranges of peaks with a large plateau in between. We knew, from aerial surveys, that it was there, but could never work out how to get to it by land. It appears that Tracey did. She ran into trouble and her dog showed up at the front door and led us to her."

"Soooo? What had happened?"

"She'd been attacked by a mountain lion."

"I thought those were only found in North and South America."

"You're thinking of the cats also known as pumas. Yes those are called mountain lions. However many years ago South Africa had a type of lion called the Cape Mountain Lion."

"Which are extinct, right?"

"Well, the purebred's are. There were a few half breeds living in the mountains, which we thought we had all relocated but apparently we missed one," David explained. "That's the one that got her."

"So what happened to it?" Caitlyn asked.

"She did."

"She did? … Ooooh, I get it."

"Come on, lunch will be ready soon, so let's get downstairs and harass the cooks," David suggested with a grin.


Lunch was a rowdy meal, quite unlike anything Caitlyn was used to, her father demanding silence be kept at all meals.

When the discussion turned to the question of what was going to be done over the next few days, Tracey made her view on Owen's activities clear.

She looked quite pointedly at him and then threw her thumb over her shoulder in the direction of the horse stables.

"Tracey, Joe knows what he's doing. He doesn't need me to watch over his shoulder," Owen protested. "I'd rather keep you and Caitlyn company, seeing as David needs to head back to his cattle."

From the look on her face he had obviously misunderstood.

She grabbed his nearest wrist and pinched the skin over it, getting a fair finger full. She smirked at him.

"You're saying that I need the exercise not the horses," he questioned incredulously, while everyone laughed, including Tracey herself. "Oh, all right! I'll go and do my share of the exercising." He pretended to sulk for a moment before joining in the laughter.



It was early the next morning when Caitlyn was awakened by the sound of movement on the landing outside her door. Her brain took a moment to wake up enough to remember where she was, but as soon as she realised that there weren't any nurses to wake her up with morning checks she rolled over, putting her back to the sun starting to show in her window, and went back to sleep.

It was several more hours before her stomach woke her, demanding to be fed.

"Ugh. Food," she muttered as she sat up in bed, pushing her hair out of her eyes. "First clothes, then food."

Through careful manoeuvring she was able to get dressed and down the lift without completely opening her eyes.

Then her nose led her to the kitchen.

Leonora heard shuffling footsteps come into the kitchen and looked up from her morning cup of tea.

Caitlyn stood in the doorway, looking a little uncertain and half asleep.

"Good morning," Leo said.

"Morning," Caitlyn replied, and then blushed as her stomach made itself known.

Leo laughed. "Doc Thomas warned me that you were an bottomless pit."

"Not always!"

"Just most of the time. Don't worry, we're used to feeding hungry workers. I don't think you can surprise us. Come, sit. I'll get you some breakfast," Leo said indicating a seat at the table where she was sitting.


While Leo was moving about the kitchen preparing some eggs and bacon for Caitlyn, Tracey wandered into the kitchen. She headed straight for a cupboard and pulled out a package of coffee. As she walked past her mother, headed back out, Leo grabbed the package from her hands.

"Ah, ah. You can sit and pretend to be social for a bit."

Tracey pointed in the direction of the study, before trying to get the coffee back.

"No! I made sure that there wasn't any coffee left, so that you would have to come here for some coffee. Now sit and I'll bring you a cup in a minute."

Tracey huffed, before starting to leave the kitchen.

"Tracey! Sit!" Leo ordered.

Tracey instantly turned to the table and sat down, two chairs down from Caitlyn.

Caitlyn made a mental note: Never ignore Leo when she uses that tone of voice.

Shortly Caitlyn had breakfast in front of her and Tracey was nursing a cup of coffee. Leo returned to her seat opposite Caitlyn, with a fresh cup of tea.

"Now, Doc Thomas gave me certain orders regarding the two of you. Caitlyn, Doc said that you should do an increasing amount of walking over the next few days and if your knee copes well, then you can start riding around in about a week."

Caitlyn nodded, while swallowing her mouthful. "Yeah, he told me as much," she agreed. "That's fine, though I don't think I'll be ready to climb all four flights of stairs for a while," she added with a smile.

"That's why we've got the lift. One or more of the kids always seemed to be in the same state you're in," Leonora said with a grin before turning to Tracey.

"Tracey, until scans show that everything is starting to heal, no riding. Doc said that he'd perform the scans in three weeks. No sooner. After that, you have at least a month before you can work any of the racers," Leo instructed. "In any form," she added, knowing from past experience that there were aspects of training that had nothing to do with Tracey riding any of the racers, but were still as dangerous. "There is plenty of time before the championships start."

Tracey glared at her mother, before nodding her head in compliance.

"Great. Now that that's settled, how about after lunch we all head down to the stables. Tracey, here, can put her leg up and do some paperwork that I'm sure she's dying to get her hands on, while you and I, Caitlyn, can go for a bit of a walk and I can introduce you to some of the grooms and horses, hmm?" Leo suggested.

Both girls nodded, Tracey, because that was her way and she knew that that was the best deal she was going to get and Caitlyn, because her mouth was too full to speak.

"Oh and Tracey, Jackie will be coming 'round tomorrow to make up for that meeting you missed," Leo added.

Three days after she arrived at Lucky Lady Ranch Caitlyn was allowed to ride. She was given a chestnut gelding, with a white streak down his nose and three white socks, named Top.

"That's short for Carrot Top," Owen had explained. "'Cause he can find a carrot anywhere within a 100 metres."

Top was a gentle natured horse who was trained to respond to changes in seat pressure and rein movement as well as a few verbal commands. This allowed Caitlyn to ride without having to use her knees.



Continued In Part 5

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