They say that it's the simplest things in life which we should cherish. Perhaps like using someone's chakrum as a cooking utensil, or someone's scroll for well, we won't go there. But then, they also say to never settle for anything less then extraordinary. I haven't, which is why I am still traveling with one of the most feared warlords in all of Greece. Ex warlords that is. I suppose that I do love Xena, I mean, love can be simple, just the little things we do for one another being a cherished event, such as...well..such as her hugging me for just being me. There are also the extraordinary times, when she has fought death for me. Love is one of those universal things that many people regret in life or look over so easily. But then, when it comes down to love, we have to listen to our heart and our heart can be one of the most frightening things in existence. It tells us whom and how to love, when we want to live or wish to die, and what those truths are that we find secular, the truths that only we find true but no one else might. That's the funny thing about love; it's so glorious and extraordinary, and simple and frightening all at once.
~Gabrielle, Amazon Bard of Potedia
~~~ Thank Yous:: Ginger for all the corrections with the grammar and your honest opinions. J for just well, being a friend Bardeyes for sending it back to me when I shoulda known it wasn't completely done and of course Lucy and Renee, don't know you two personally, but you are both wonderful and inspirational actresses. oh yeah and gotta thank old Xenos for starting this sight and keeping it running, been reading fan fic since the beginning and its been a great antidote specially for season closers. once again..please please please feedback to :