~ The Amazon War ~
by Genivive

Disclaimer: all characters of Xena:Warrior Princess are trademarks of Universal Studios.

The stories that I am writing for your enjoyment are my views and interpretations of the show. Please do not steal my stories.

      It was mid-afternoon when the messenger finally reached them. She delivered Ephiny's message to Xena and Gabrielle. They were facing war with a tribe called the Telequars. This war could destroy the entire Nation if it was not stopped. They were asked to come and help avoid the fast coming conflict. "So aside from the possibility of war, how is everyone?" asked Gabrielle. The messenger, Karana replied "Oh, they're all fine. Ephiny's son is growing quickly."

      Xena stopped abruptly and looked around them." We're being followed. Shhhhh, steady Argo nothings going to hurt you." Without warning an arrow came wizzing towards Gabrielle. With lightning speed Xena grabbed the arrow before it hit her. It had three purple bands around it.

     "Telequars!", shouted Karana. Half a dozen Amazons dropped from the trees and began to lay siege to our heroines and their messenger. Xena attacked with her usual zeal, while Gabrielle used her staff to lay waste to their attackers. Karana beat down one of the warriors and knocked her down, she was preparing to kill her but Gabrielle shouted "No! Don't!!". Karana let down her sword and let the Amazon go. By this time they had all retreated to the trees.

      "Gabrielle, why did you stop me from killing her? They would surely have killed us!"

     "Karana, its just like when we faced war with the centaurs. The moment someone on either side gets killed then there is no stopping it. If we want any chance of avoiding this war then we can't kill anyone."

     "Very well, I will obey."

      They reached the village that night. The Amazons had prepared a feast in celebration of their Queens return. As the bonfires roared they gathered around the fire and began to dance. As they flung their arms and bodies in the dance, the firelight cast eerie shadows on the ground. Gabrielle excused herself from the dance to go talk to Xena, who was calmly sharpening her sword.

     "Do you really think we can stop this?"

     "I don't know Gabrielle, but I will try."

     Gabrielle rejoined the dance and Xena watched as the sounds of the dance drifted across the valley.

     She saw Karana sitting on the other side of the fire and decided to find out more about this conflict.

     "So, what started all this?" Karana stared at her and said "The Telequars are a very isolated band, and they are bent on the conquer of the Amazon Nation. They say peace with men and centaurs have corrupted us and that we should return to the old ways."

     "And they threatened to attack if you didn't surrender, right?"

     "Precisely, Ephiny has called a meeting of all Amazon queens to decide what to do but the Telequars refuse to acknowledge us."

     Xena replied, "Makes sense, if you want ot conquer someone you usually don't go to their peace talks. Well good night Karana, get some sleep.....you're gonna need it."

     "Good night Xena."

      The celebration lasted until morning. Somehow everyone got some sleep. Ephiny called Gabrielle to her hut. "Now that I have explained to you what has happened, what should we do Gabrielle?" She thought for a little while. "Well , have they actually attacked anything yet? Well I mean besides me and Xena."

     "No, but they march huge, almost legion sized groups of warriors around the meadows near here." Ephiny replied.

     "And you know this because you've seen it, right?"

     Ephiny looked at her and said, "No, these incidents have been reported by another tribes spies."

      It sounded suspicious. Gabrielle decided to talk to Xena. "Your right Gabrielle, it does sound very suspicious. Did Ephiny tell you anything more about this other tribe?"

     "Well Xena, they are called the Satai and from what Ephiny told me, they must be very trusted for everyone to just accept what they say just like that." Xena thought on this for a while. "Would they have anything to gain from this war?"

     "I don't think so, they are a very small tribe."

     Xena said "Well maybe they're working with these Telequars. You know, they help them scare the other tribes into surrender and get land in return."

     "Maybe your right. You should go investigate them. Ephiny will show you were they are."

      By noon the next day, Xena was approaching the Satai village. As she was walking towards the encampment, several of the warriors confronted her and demanded what she was doing. "I'm here to talk with your queen about these so called spy reports." The lead Satai pushed her way to the front of the group. "How do you know about them." She hissed. Xena sighed and said, "I'm here on the request of Queen Gabrielle. So unless you want my sword down your throat, let me pass." The warrior was shaking with anger. "You come onto OUR land and dare to threaten us?! We should kill you now!"

      A voice came from the edge of the village, "Tita!, let her pass" She looked at Xena. "I've been expecting you. Come with me." They lowered their swords and allowed her to pass. Tita growled "You were lucky today, but you had better stay away from me because Queen Tarsa won't be here to stop me next time." Xena continued without saying a word. When they had gotten to Tarsa's hut Xena stood before her and asked "So Tarsa, how did you know I was coming?" she inquired. Tarsa smiled, "I have many sources of information."

      Xena got straight to the point. "I've come to talk about your supposed sitings of the Telequars." Tarsa quickly said, "You suspect us, well I don't blame you, I would be thinking the same thing. But I can assure you that we are not working with these Telequars." Xena turned her head from side to side, looking for anything unusual. Hert eyes soon fell upon Tarsa's quiver. Each of her arrows had three purple bands on the shaft. "Well Xena, do you believe me or not?" asked Tarsa with noticable irritation. Xena ignored her and walked over to the quiver and pulled out an arrow. "This is one of the arrows that almost killed Gabrielle. The Telequars don't want this war, you do! You want them to wipe each other out!" Before Xena could draw her weapon, she felt Tarsa's digging into her back. " So you have found us out. Too bad you won't live to tell anyone."

To be continued...........

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