After the shooting, there was pandemonium among Supreme-Aloyd Taliss' subordinates and slaves. His aides came rushing into the room as soon as they heard the shot. They found the aloyd's body slumped over the female slave off of whose naked body he had been feasting just a few moments before. She was screaming as the aloyd's blood drooled from his mouth, nose and ears onto her skin. In all of it, Kikola had calmly holstered her weapon and walked out. No one thought to stop and question her, or detain her.

Kikola returned directly to the Conqueror and went to her ready room.

She pressed a button on the comm panel. "Captain Wurth, this is Aloyd Karthen. Please come to my ready room."

A military officer killing another military officer was rare, but an aloyd killing another aloyd was unprecedented. Kikola knew she would have to submit herself to her superiors for court martial.

Wurth entered the ready room and saluted.

"At ease, Captain." Kikola took a deep breath. "I have shot and killed Supreme-Aloyd Taliss."

The captain's eyes flickered in surprise, but he otherwise maintained his posture. "May I ask why?"

"I think it is best if I contact Councillor Lentol first, before going into details. I require you to be present while I make that call."

"Yes, sir."

Kikola sat down at her desk and Wurth stepped up and stood by her side. The 3-D image of the Council Member for Military Operations, Ambra ap Lentol, appeared above the console.

In a crisp, emotionless, understated manner, Kikola repeated what she had told Captain Wurth.

Councillor Lentol was clearly taken aback by the news; however, she refrained from asking for details.

"I suggest you say nothing further until you have legal representation," Ambra said to Kikola. "Captain Wurth, confine Aloyd Karthen to her private quarters and proceed to the military base on Timar."

Wurth offered no comment or opinion in the matter. He had his orders and he did his duty. "Aloyd Karthen, you are hereby confined to your private quarters for the duration of the trip to Timar. May I have your weapon?"

Karthen knew it was now considered evidence and gave no resistance. She checked the safety and handed it over to Wurth.

Captain Wurth secured the weapon and called for a security detail to stand guard outside the ready room. He also contacted the Judicial Advocacy Department on the Sword, since the Conqueror had no JAD officer on board, and requested they send someone right away.

A few minutes later, a short woman in a light-grey uniform entered the ready room. She had an open, friendly face with dark-brown, almost black eyes offset by a severe, short cropped hair style.

"Aloyd Karthen, Captain Wurth, I'm Sub-Lieutenant Chappell Anari of the Judicial Advocacy Department," the woman said. "How can I be of service, sirs?"

Captain Wurth glanced at his superior officer, as though uncertain how or if he should answer.

"I need your services," Kikola responded.

"You're my client, sir?" Her face took on a quizzical look.


"Okay." Anari seemed to shake off the surprise at representing an aloyd, and her face brightened. "What exactly is the problem, sir?"

For the third time, Kikola told of what occurred on Dameb.

Only then did the enormity of what she had done sink in.


Tehvay first learned of the situation when Kikola entered her private quarters with an escort of armed guards and in the company of a junior officer that Tehvay had never seen before.

Tehvay was nearly beside herself with worry and concern for Kikola, but she dare not do or say anything, lest she compound Kikola's trouble by exposing their secret relationship. She knew she would have to play the dutiful slave and bide her time until they could get a moment alone.

Kikola seemingly ignored Tehvay and directed the junior officer to the dining room where they could conduct their interview, while the security guards took up positions at opposite ends of the aloyd's private quarters to ensure that she made no attempt to leave.

"Get me a drink of water, slave," said the female officer as she sat down and took out a data pad and placed it on the table in front of her.

Tehvay hesitated and risked a quick glance at Kikola. Who is this officer?

"Tehvay, bring some water for Sub-Lieutenant Anari, and I will have some too."

Okay, that's a name but what does she want?

Kikola sat on the opposite side of the table to Anari, with her back to the bulkhead. Tehvay placed a glass of water in front of Anari. She did the same for Kikola, and then retreated to a respectful distance. Neither of them chanced a second glance between them.

The young sub-lieutenant did nothing to acknowledge Tehvay's service. She took a sip of water and activated the data pad to record.

"First interview with Aloyd, First-Class Kikola ap Karthen in the matter of the alleged incident that took place on Dameb. Aloyd Karthen stands accused of killing a superior officer, Supreme-Aloyd Taliss."

Tehvay gasped when she heard of what Kikola was being accused. Anari paused the recording and glared over her shoulder at the slave. Tehvay quickly covered up her reaction with a cough and an apology for interrupting.

Anari took advantage of the break in proceedings to consult a reference document on her data pad.

"How old are you?" Kikola asked the advocate.

Anari looked up from her data pad. "Twenty-two, sir."

"And you are qualified to do this?"

"Yes, sir."

Anari's voice had a squeaky, nervous, childlike quality that grated on Tehvay's ears.

"How many times have you represented anyone?"

Anari averted her eyes and Tehvay detected a flush behind the dark skin of her cheeks.

Kikola sighed. "So none, then."

"No Aloyd. This is my first case."

"Where did you qualify in your class?"

"Eighteenth, sir."

"And how many were in your class?"

"Eighteen, sir. But it was an exceptional class, sir. I scored ninety-three point seven percent on my exams, sir."

"I see," Kikola said thoughtfully. "My family has several legal experts who could represent me."

"That won't be possible, sir. This is a military matter, sir."

"It is an Elit matter," said Kikola fervently.

"I beg to differ, sir."

Tehvay could see the aloyd's solid wall of restraint was beginning to fissure. Kikola stood up, circled around the table, and approached Tehvay. She glanced at Kikola, her eyes pleading for some explanation, some understanding. All Kikola could do was offer Tehvay a glimmer of reassurance with a subtle wink. That was all they could dare.

Kikola circled back and took her seat again. "All right, Sub-Lieutenant Anari, what do you propose to do?"

Anari looked up from her data pad. "Well, sir, I suggest we focus the blame on someone else, sir," Anari said brightly.

"There were witnesses who saw me."

"Who?" asked the JAD officer.

"His personal slaves."

"Slaves, sir?" Anari seemed bewildered. "Slaves are not allowed to give evidence in any legal matter, sir."

Aloyd Karthen gave a signal to pause the recording. "Stop punctuating every sentence with 'sir'; it is rather annoying."

"Sorry, s—Sorry."

Tehvay wanted to do something to break the tension in the room, for Kikola's sake, so she picked up a pitcher of water and proceeded to refill the half-empty water glasses on the table.

The sub-lieutenant took a sip of fresh water and then activated her data pad to continue recording. "Slaves not being able to testify actually works to our advantage."

"How so?" Karthen asked.

"Other possible suspects."

"Are you suggesting we blame the slaves?"

"Not Supreme-Aloyd Taliss' slaves. I am suggesting that we blame your slave." Anari looked down at the data pad and retrieved a document relating to the incident on Otopa. "The report says that it was severely injured in the attempt on your life. We assert that it was mentally damaged in the attack. It grabbed your weapon and shot Supreme-Aloyd Taliss."

Outwardly, Tehvay showed no reaction, but inside she was awash in fear and outrage. How could this otherwise benign young woman say something so heinous in such a casual manner? she thought. Before her freedom, Tehvay would have heard Anari's proposal and felt nothing, but now she wanted to cross the room, grab Anari by the collar, and shake her till she understood that Tehvay was a living breathing person and not a throwaway commodity.

Tehvay placed the water pitcher down on the side table with a little more force than was necessary. It was all she could do not to pour the water on the sub-lieutenant's head.

Again Anari paused the data pad recording and glared at Tehvay for another interruption. The young officer then looked to her superior officer. "Does it need to be here, Aloyd?"

"Tehvay, I will call you if I need anything else. You may go to your cell."

A look passed between them, and Tehvay understood that Kikola was trying to protect her from having to suffer further indignities.

"Yes, Aloyd Karthen," Tehvay replied and with one last look of concern for Kikola, she left the room.


After the JAD officer had left, Kikola immediately called Tehvay to come to her bedroom.

"Is she gone?" Tehvay asked.

"Yes," Kikola replied.

"What happened?"

"I promise I will tell you everything, but first I want to get out of this uniform. I feel… dirty. Will you help me?"

"Of course."

Once Kikola was showered and changed into clean underwear and a loose fitting robe, she sat on the edge of the bed and dried her hair.

"Perhaps you should rest for a while," said Tehvay.

"No, I am all right."

"When was the last time you ate anything?"

Kikola recalled the last time was in Taliss' office when she took a piece of meat off a naked slave's body. The thought of it made her feel ill and ashamed. "I am not hungry."

"Could you use a hug?"

The old Kikola would have equated affection as weakness, but not anymore. "Yes, I could use a hug."

Tehvay sat next to Kikola and the two women clung to each other – Kikola didn't want to be the first to let go, and judging by the way Tehvay was holding her, she suspected Tehvay felt the same. Eventually they did, and Kikola explained what happened in the rest of her meeting with the JAD officer.

"I made it very clear that no matter what, you weren't taking the blame for Taliss' death."

Tehvay looked visibly relieved. "Thank you. So what happens now?"

"Now, I remain confined to my quarters until we reach Timar. Then there will be a hearing, and maybe even a court-martial."

"And then what?"

"That is up to The Council."

Tears began to well up in Tehvay's eyes.

Kikola became deeply concerned. "What is the matter?"

"This all my fault."

"None of this is your fault," Kikola replied.

"It is. It must be. I must be cursed!"

Kikola concentrated her gaze on Tehvay. "Why would you think that?"

"Because something bad always happens to my good owners."

"What do you mean?"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

"When I was about twelve, my second owners were a young couple with two young children. They never mistreated me. I was only with them for about a month before something happened."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. One night I was locked in my cell as usual. It wasn't unlocked the next morning. I spent nearly three days locked in the cell before security forces opened it. They didn't tell me what happened, and I never asked. As a slave you don't. I was taken away to a slave hostel and sold on."

"I thought all of your other owners, besides me, abused you."

"All the others did, but I was with my second owners for such a short time, and I was young, I barely remember them. I tend not to count them when thinking of my owners."

Kikola wanted to ask about them, but didn't want Tehvay to relive the pain.

"Yeah, all the others were bad," continued Tehvay with a sigh. "Faelene Gallish was the worst though." Tehvay looked Kikola in the eye. "She never touched me. And never ordered me to touch her."

Kikola frowned in puzzlement. "How is that bad?"

Tehvay lowered her eyes. "When an owner beats you or forces his cock so far down your throat you wanted to vomit, it is an acknowledgment of your existence. It is human contact and it means that you are alive. Gallish didn't even give me that. She just watched. She would order me to…" Tehvay shook her head.

Kikola was finding it almost too difficult to listen to Tehvay talk so openly about the details of the abuse she had suffered. It sickened Kikola to think that at the very least, she was part of a system that turned a blind eye to this kind of mistreatment – at worst that Elit actually participated in the physical, sexual, and psychological abuse of slaves. Anger and self-loathing rose up like bile, but she had to swallow it – for Tehvay's sake.

"You don't need to go on," Kikola offered.

"No. I think I must." Tehvay steeled herself and resumed. "Gallish would order me to abuse myself. She would sit there and watch as I masturbated with whatever object was at hand or sometimes she would give me a sex toy. When it looked like I was about to climax she would order me to stop. She never once showed that she was getting any enjoyment or arousal out of it. Her face would remain impassive and her hands never once ventured towards her...her…" Tehvay's voice trailed off.

"That was somehow more dehumanising," Tehvay continued, "the fact that she wouldn't even lower herself to touch me and didn't even react to what she ordered me to do." Tehvay paused. She lifted her eyes to look directly at Kikola. Tears welled up, but didn't fall. "Just a smile, that's all it needed. A smile or a nod or some kind of acknowledgement to show that the humiliation I was inflicting on myself was of some worth to her."

Until that point, Tehvay had related her experiences with clinical detachment, Kikola observed, but in giving voice to all the pain and humiliation she had suffered, a flood of emotions came pouring out of her in wave after wave of uncontrollable sobs.

Kikola felt so helpless, but she did the only thing she could think of to do. Kikola put her arms around Tehvay and held her close. "I am here," whispered Kikola. "Let me take your pain."

Tehvay buried her head in Kikola's chest and sobbed even harder.

As Kikola held Tehvay, she was beginning to realise that the woman with whom she was falling in love had only given Kikola the briefest glimpses into what an unspeakable life she was made to endure before they had met. Until now, Kikola had never experienced suffering from the victim's point of view before. The only pain in Kikola's life was the pain that she had inflicted.

She wondered if she would have the courage to tell Tehvay the details of her training at the Academy where she learned how to interrogate and to kill using live subjects.

She wondered if Tehvay could love her if she knew the level of pain she was capable of inflicting on others.

She wondered if she could still do it without a moment's hesitation or remorse now that Tehvay had opened her eyes to the depth of suffering that such cruelty inflicted.


Kikola leaned back in her ready room desk chair and waited for the call to connect. She had been given permission to discuss her case with her mother because of Mariantha's judicial expertise. As soon as her mother's image appeared, Kikola could read the look of disappointment and concern on her mother's face.

"Hello mother. How are you?" Kikola realised it was a ridiculous question, but she did not know what else to say.

"Never mind the pleasantries, do you realise what you have done?" asked the elder Karthen.

"I executed a traitor."

"You killed a superior officer. You killed an important member of one of the founding families." 

"What is my legal position?"

"You killed an aloyd. For anyone else there would be only one fate, but for your crime, an aloyd killing an aloyd, there is no legal precedence."

"Taliss ceased being an aloyd the moment he tried to have me killed. That made him guilty of sedition. For that there is only one sentence and I carried it out."

"Not everyone sees it that way, and there is no supporting evidence," her mother replied.

"Yes there is. Taliss confessed to me that he had been the architect of the attempt on my life on Otopa. My word is all the proof they need."

"If only it were that simple, my daughter," Mariantha replied. "The Council is in session right now to decide what to do with you. Opinion is divided." Kikola's mother bowed her head. "Some are calling for your execution."

"Taliss was the traitor, and yet I am the one on trial," Kikola muttered. "Not only did he try to have me killed, he was trying to start a war between The Hegemony and the Losper Empire over Otopa." Kikola paused and remembered her training. "If The Council decrees I should be executed, I will not fight it."

"You have much to learn about Council politics, Kiko," her mother said. "The Taliss Family may have a lot of support on The Council, but then so does the Karthen Family. I believe reason will prevail and The Council will not allow you to be executed."

"What do you mean by 'not allow'?"

"Have you not been told yet?"

"Told what?"

"It was not just your career that was pre-ordained at birth; so was your life's mission: to lead the next great expansion of The Hegemony. Your training and education were above and beyond that of normal aloyds. Even as a child you were given special access to the Academy's educational resources through your Uncle Toman in order to prepare you for the trials you would face there."

Kikola leaned closer to the image of her mother. "Yes, Taliss mentioned the plans for the conquest of the Graelands, and ultimately, the Losper Empire. If I am to be executed, another aloyd will be selected. The Council do not have to save me."

"They do. No one has had the preparation and training you have had. The Council will have to assign the mission to an aloyd as yet unborn."

"The Hegemony is sixteen hundred years old; it can wait another thirty years if The Council decrees it."

"You sound like you have given up. That is not the daughter I have raised. That is not the aloyd you were trained to be."

"My fate is out of my hands one way or the other. What point is there to fight it?"

"One fate is more preferable than the other," her mother replied. "Fight for the better one and embrace it. Overcome this and be the Rivelor you are destined to become."

"Yes, Mother," she replied like the dutiful daughter she was; however, the propaganda no longer held the power it once might have had on her.

Kikola waited a moment before asking her next question. "Do you happen to know the process for legally releasing a slave from servitude?"


"In the event I am executed, I would give my personal slave, Tehvay, her freedom. It has served me well. It has earned it."

Mariantha lowered her eyes before delivering the bad news to her daughter. "The slave has to have been in service with its owner for at least ten years. The owner must petition the Slave Registration Board with a statement detailing why the slave has earned the right to freedom. The Board will then deliberate on the matter, seek corroborating evidence from anyone they can, and finally reach a decision. If they believe the case for freedom is worthy, then the owner pays a deregistration fee and covers any administration costs incurred in the process. That is it."

"Thank you," Kikola replied.

"Of course, even if you had owned it for ten years, it would not apply to your slave."

"Why not?"

"It was a fugitive. That negates any chance of freedom."

Kikola was disappointed by the news but did her best to hide it from her mother. "Very well. Thank you. Goodbye, Mother."

"Goodbye, Kikola. Be strong. We are all hoping for the best."

Kikola killed the connection and cursed.


Time on a space freighter in flight is not a fixed construct like it is on a planet, since there is no day or night in space. However, when on a planet, the ship's computers automatically adjusted to the local time. When the ship's environmental system lowered the lights, it was night; when it raised the lights, it was day. Those who made their living hauling freight across the galaxy got used to it.

The ambient lights gradually came up in Hila's bunkroom to simulate the rising dawn on Dameb. Hila was a light sleeper, and despite having had little sleep the night before, she awakened. Though the lights were still dim, Hila could see evidence of how the night had gone. Shirts, trousers, bras, and underpants were hastily tossed on the floor, and there was a naked figure sleeping next to her in bed. The first thing she had noticed when she opened her eyes was the lack of a hangover, so she couldn't use alcohol as an excuse – not that she was looking for one. She knew exactly what had happened and with whom.

Kamina stirred and nestled into Hila's body. Hila welcomed it and drew Kamina closer.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

"What time is it?" Kamina said sleepily.

"Just a little after dawn, Dameb time," Hila replied.

"Morning already? We didn't get much sleep."

"It's a short night on Dameb. Are you tired?"

Kamina glanced up. "A little, why?"

"Well, we could turn off the lights and go back to sleep, or we could…" Hila threw the sheets back and shifted position, using her arms to suspend herself over Kami.

Kamina put her arms around Hila's neck and smiled. "Sleep is overrated."

Hila gazed into Kamina's sparkling brown eyes in wonder and awe that this beautiful young woman had managed to do what no one in a very long time had done – she made Hila feel loved.

"I love you," Hila said.

"I love you too," Kamina replied.

Hila kissed Kamina's soft, expectant lips, tasting faint traces of her own scent on the younger woman's mouth. There was no need for prolonged foreplay. Kamina's body immediately responded to Hila's touch. The teenager dropped her hands from around Hila's neck and glided them over Hila's back as Hila kissed her way down to Kamina's breasts with devotion. Hila used her thigh to spread Kamina's legs apart. Kamina rocked her hips against Hila's thigh, eagerly seeking more pressure to intensify her arousal. Hila relished the feel of Kamina's glistening skin as her hand moved along the contours of the girl's hips.

"You are so wet," Hila whispered in Kamina's ear as her fingers slid through the moist patch of curls to find Kamina's clit.

Kamina responded with encouraging moans.

Hila rubbed the hooded pearl until it was hard and throbbing. Kamina raised her hips higher and higher off the bed as she got closer and closer to climaxing. But, Hila had something special in mind for Kamina.

Kamina yelped when Hila took her hand away, but moaned with delight when she felt Hila's fingers enter her – first one then two. Hila was in no rush. She wanted to build Kamina's arousal slowly and steadily. She wanted to fill Kamina, to feel her vaginal muscles tighten around her fingers. She wanted to hear Kamina entreat her for more. When she thought Kamina was ready, she plunged her fingers in deeply and withdrew slowly and deliberately. Kamina met each thrust with her hips, her arousal more urgent the longer Hila's fingers lingered inside her. Hila knew there was a spot that when touched, would ignite a fireball deep within. Once more Hila drove her fingers up inside Kamina, then spread them slightly, and stroked the inner walls as she withdrew.

Kamina's hips bucked wildly and she screamed out her orgasm. Hila slowly withdrew her fingers as the last ripples of Kamina's orgasm subsided.

Kamina was left breathless and spent clutching the bed-sheets. Hila fell to the bed – herself spent but pleased that she could bring Kamina to such a powerful internal climax.

When the power of speech finally returned, Kamina shared her amazement at how long and intense her orgasm was. "I thought my head was going to blow off! I didn't know it could feel like that…that deep inside…that incredible!"

Hila met Kamina's gaze and smiled knowingly. "There is plenty more where that came from. But we'll save that for tonight."

"Okay," mumbled Kamina. She turned over and was soon snoring gently.

Hila pulled the sleeping woman close and drifted off to sleep herself.

She awoke to find Kamina standing by the bed.

"Join me for a shower?" asked the young woman.

Hila was tempted. "No. You have yours, I need another five minutes. Besides I can't trust myself to keep my hands off you."

"And that's a bad thing," Kamina teased.

"It is if we want to eat sometime today," Hila replied.

"Eating is overrated," Kamina purred. "Unless you want to eat..." she moved her hand slowly down her abdomen.

Hila threw a pillow at Kamina. "Get out of here," she laughed.

Kamina let out a squeal and scampered to the shower.

After they were both showered and dressed – Hila in her ubiquitous tank top and leather trousers and Kamina in a purple shirt and a white, mid-thigh length skirt – they ventured out of the bunkroom in search of breakfast. When they entered the lounge, Boran was sitting at the table with an empty plate in front of him and a cup of strong tea.

"I was wondering when you two were getting up." He took a sip from his steaming cup.

"Good morning, Boran," Kamina said cheerfully. "Did you save us any leftovers from last night? I'm starving!"

"Yes, it's in the galley. Help yourself."

Kamina headed off towards the galley with a bounce in her step, leaving Hila to face the inevitable ribbing from Boran.

Boran peered over the cup's lip at Hila. "Sleep well, did you?" He asked casually.

Not usually one to be coy about her sexual encounters, Hila felt like a girl caught kissing behind the school. "Yes, well… well, not… Kami and I talked last night and one thing led to another."

Boran seemed to enjoy watching his friend squirm and sputter with a great deal of satisfaction; however, his beeping communications device put an end to that. He pulled the rod shaped device from his pocket and pulled out the flexible screen. "It's Ilistan. I had better take this," he said and headed for the cockpit to take the call.

Kamina was coming back from the galley holding a container of last night's food. "Did you want some of this?"

Hila was too distracted by Ilistan's call to eat at that moment. "No thanks."

"I don't know about you, but I worked up a real appetite," said Kamina.

Hila smiled at the memory of this morning; however, she was very interested to know if Ilistan had news of Karthen. She didn't have to wait too long. Boran came back to the lounge, and Hila could immediately tell the news was not good. Boran's mood had become very sombre and his face was very pale.


"Boran, you don't look very well," Kamina observed. "Here, sit down."

Kamina got up and moved to the other side of the table. Boran slumped down in the chair and unfastened his high-collared jacket.

"What did Ilistan say?" Hila asked.

"He finally got some information about what has been happening on Otopa and Dameb, and why there was so little information." Boran reached for his cup and drank what was left.

Hila was barely able to contain her impatience to know what had put Boran in such a state. "So what is it? Tell me," she said.

Boran put down the empty cup and explained. "Ilistan said that Karthen was there with a striker group to claim Otopa for The Hegemony. He said there was an assassination attempt on Karthen's life."

"Was she killed?" Hila asked.

"No. Someone was shot, but Ilistan didn't think it was Aloyd Karthen herself. Her ships were reported holding position in orbit around Otopa for several days, and then came here to Dameb. He says that shortly after her arrival on Dameb there was another assassination attempt." Boran paused with a far off look – his complexion still pallid.

"On Karthen again?" Hila prompted Boran to finish the story.

"Huh, uh no. All Ilistan knew was a senior military officer, perhaps another aloyd, was shot and killed, which explains the lockdown at the base. Karthen's command ship has departed for Timar."

"Did he say anything else?" Hila asked.

Boran shook his head. "There's nothing more he could say. With an attempt on her life and some other aloyd dead, there's no way we can get close to Karthen. Security around her will go off the scale. It means there is very little hope of rescuing Tehvay now."

"Not unless they caught the killer," said Hila. "I can't see someone killing an aloyd on a military base and just walking out of there."

"Yeah," Kamina agreed. "There's still hope."

"We'll go to the Timar system and see what we can find out," said Hila heading for the cockpit.


There was a large military base on Timar, or to be more accurate, the entire planet of Timar was a large military base. It was home to ship building and repair facilities, training facilities, barracks, and a divisional command headquarters among other support and ancillary services.

The grounds around the divisional headquarters were buzzing with ground vehicles, air vehicles and pedestrians. Everyone wore a uniform that identified them through its colour: the soldiers wore light grey, military maintenance wore light green, civilian maintenance wore dark green, medics wore white, civilian support staff wore yellow and the slaves wore light blue.

Of all the colours there was only one dark grey uniform and that was Kikola. Despite being the highest-ranking individual in sight, she felt smaller and more vulnerable than at any time in her life; her position was tenuous. The two soldiers behind her were not her escort; they were her guards. Commodore Heln was to her right, Anari, her advocate was to her left. Behind the guards, out of her sight were Tehvay and Captain Wurth.

The group walked towards the entrance of the tallest building in the centre of the headquarters complex. The guards at the entrance stood to attention and saluted. Commodore Heln stepped forward of the group and returned the salutes. He presented his credentials and the large doors swung open. The air-conditioned interior was cool compared to the warm sunny exterior, and the steady drone of traffic and people was cut off completely. Only their soft footsteps on the carpeted floor made any noise.

They entered a lift and a few moments later they were disgorged into a bustling office. Standing there was another dark grey uniform. Kikola recognised her as Aloyd, Second-Class Sialan Ajafo ap Tokask who had graduated from the Academy three years before Kikola.

The soldiers with Karthen saluted Aloyd Tokask. "Follow me," she said.

Aloyd Tokask turned on her heel and led the group past the expanse of cubicles and down a corridor until they reached an unoccupied office.

Two guards took up positions on either side of the open door. Kikola entered the room and Tokask followed her, closing the door behind her.

"It's good to see you, Kikola, though I wish the circumstances were different."

"As do I, Sialan."

"The Council will contact me when they are ready to announce their decision, and you will be brought through to the meeting room. I wish I could give you some indication as to how this will go."

"Don't concern yourself. I stand by my actions. Whatever The Council decides, it is our duty to obey."

"Yes," Aloyd Tokask repeated, "our duty." She then leaned in closer and whispered, "The Tokask Family is with you when The Council votes."

"My thanks, Sialan," Kikola replied.

The Aloyd Second-Class straightened up and stepped back. "Do you have any questions?"

"Yes. Can I be assured of privacy in this room while I wait?"

"Of course. There is no surveillance equipment in here, you can rest assured," Tokask replied. "Do you wish to consult with your advocate while you wait?"


"Then I will wish you luck and see you shortly." Aloyd Tokask saluted and started to leave.

"Sialan—" Kikola called after her.


"Could you send in my slave, please?"

"If that is what you wish."

"It is."

Shortly after Aloyd Tokask left, Tehvay entered. Once she heard the solid click as the door shut behind her, Tehvay's impassive features gave way to the concern and apprehension she must have felt.

"Are we being monitored?" she whispered.

Kikola replied in a normal speaking voice. "No, we may speak freely."

"Good. Do you know what is going to happen?" Tehvay asked.

"Not really. All I know is that I am to wait here until summoned."

"How long will that take?" Tehvay asked.

"I have no way of knowing. Sialan said that The Council is convening now. A judgement will be made sometime today. I am to wait here until summoned to the meeting room."

"Judgement. I don't like the sound of that. Could… I mean… Is it possible…"

"That I could receive a death penalty?"


"I do not know. Anything is possible."

"I don't wish to sound self-centred or anything, but what will happen to me?"

Before she responded, Kikola leaned on the office desk and drew Tehvay towards her, but not too close in case someone happened in on them. "They will give me time to put my affairs in order. Unfortunately, I cannot give you your freedom. However, as my property I can bequeath you to someone. Do you have a preference? What about Trin'hale on Gatlor?"

"She was nice, but can it be anybody and not just a member of your family?"

Kikola frowned. "I don't know. I haven't been in this situation before."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to burden you."

"You are no burden," Kikola assured her. "Do you have someone in mind?"

"Yes. Boran Zerbilla," Tehvay replied. "He runs a business on Shibato."

"Is he the one you stayed with when you were free?"

Tehvay nodded.

"Then if it comes to the worst, I will bequeath you to him."

"Thank you. Though I really do hope it doesn't come to that."

"Do you really mean that?" Kikola asked.

"Of course I do."

"Then I, too, hope for a favourable outcome."


Tehvay looked down at her left hand, its fingers were entwined with the fingers of Kikola's right hand. The aloyd leaned on the edge of the table facing the door with Tehvay stood in front of her. That way anyone entering would not see them holding hands. Tehvay wanted to do more than hold hands, but felt helpless. It should have gone against every fibre of her being to hope that her owner would walk away from whatever fate awaited her. But that was all she could think of; that by the end of the day they would be back on the Conqueror sharing a bed and sleeping in each other's arms.

Suddenly, the door opened, causing Tehvay to jump. She mumbled a quick apology and assumed a position against the wall. Kikola approached Aloyd Tokask.

"Is it time?"

"Yes. They are waiting on the link. You are to bring your slave."

It was a short walk to the meeting room, but for Tehvay it felt like the longest walk of her life. How long must it seem for Kikola?

The view screen showed a woman, maybe a couple of years older than herself and a man who appeared to be in his seventies. Aloyd Tokask announced the names of those present, even Tehvay, though only by her slave ident. Tehvay discovered the names of the people on screen: Ambra ap Lentol and Guljein ap Maldan, who was the current chair of The Council.

Tehvay was directed to stand at the back of the room flanked on her left by Commodore Heln and on her right by Captain Wurth. Kikola stood in the centre of the meeting room, in front of the large view screen. Anari stood just behind and to the left.

"Aloyd Kikola Mariantha Jacand ap Karthen," Maldan began. "Your actions have caused a division of opinion among The Council. To ensure impartiality, your family representative and that of the Taliss family stepped down from any discussion and verdict. Despite the opposing views, a decision has been reached, and The Council now speaks as one.

"Your word as a member of the Elit is taken in the matter. It is accepted that Supreme-Aloyd Durell Darith Polthen ap Taliss did employ someone to assassinate you on Otopa."

Tehvay smiled inwardly. It felt as though a weight was lifting off her shoulders, but her relief was premature.

Chairman Maldan continued. "However, your action of summary execution, while acceptable for civilians, has been deemed inappropriate for a member of the Elit. His actions should have been reported to The Council for us to adjudicate. This breach in protocol cannot go unpunished."

Tehvay heard an intake of breath from Anari, signalling the advocate was about to speak.

"Si—" was all the advocate managed.

"I accept whatever punishment The Council has deemed fit," Kikola said loud enough to drown out Anari.

"I would expect nothing less, Aloyd Karthen," said Maldan. He glanced at something in front of him and read aloud in a solemn and deliberate tone. "Kikola Mariantha Jacand ap Karthen, it is the decision of The Council that you be demoted to Aloyd, Third-Class. You will lose command of the Sword and Crusade and also your private cruiser, the Conqueror."

Kikola nodded her acceptance.

Ambra ap Lentol spoke up. "Aloyd Karthen I am hereby reassigning you to Chilursa Station. Your posting will be reassessed in Year 1605."

"Thank you, Councillor Lentol."

"One more thing," said Councillor Malden. "A matter of compensation."

"Compensation?" Kikola asked warily.

"Yes. One of Aloyd Taliss' slaves was apparently so traumatised by the shooting that it had to be put down. You are to hand your slave, BK2561891, over to the Taliss family by way of compensation."

A knotted pit formed in Tehvay's stomach as she heard those words.

"My slave?"

"Yes, Aloyd Karthen, your slave."

"If it is just a matter of compensation, I could buy them a new slave," she replied.

"You said you would abide by the decision of The Council," Malden countered. "It is The Council's decision that you surrender your slave."

"Councillor Malden, with all due respec—"

"Aloyd Karthen, there is no point discussing this further. The Council has made its decision."

"I am not questioning the decision, I am merely trying to understand the reasoning. What about my compensation? My slave was injured in the attempt on my life."

"You executed Supreme-Aloyd Taliss. He paid for the attempt on your life and the injury to your slave. That laid that particular matter to rest. However, in executing Supreme-Aloyd Taliss you caused irreparable damage to his slave. The Taliss Family need to be compensated for the loss of that slave. It's only a slave. It cannot warrant you going against the will of The Council, can it?"

The knot in Tehvay's stomach grew worse as the discussion progressed, but at Malden's last question it started to subside. Tehvay knew Kikola would stand up for her.

"No, Councillor," said Kikola. "As you say, it is only a slave."

"Aloyd Tokask, issue Aloyd Karthen with new rank bars and credentials, and lock her slave in a cell. A representative of the Taliss family will come to take it."

It took Tehvay several moments to grasp what had transpired. Fury started to build at being betrayed. Before she could release it, Kikola approached her.

"You are a good slave," said Kikola. "Be a good slave for the Taliss family, and they will be good owners."

There was a look in Kikola's eyes that Tehvay had never seen before. It was a look of hopeless pleading – as if she were trying to make Tehvay understand something.

"Hopefully," continued Kikola. "They will be like your other good owners."

Tehvay heard an unusual inflection in Kikola's reference to good owners. She thought she understood what Kikola was trying to convey to her. Her other good owners did not last long. Kikola was saying that Tehvay should be obedient, keep her head down, and soon Kikola would come for her.

There was a lingering disappointment that Kikola did nothing at that moment, but Tehvay put her trust in the woman she had grown to love. She bowed her head. "Yes, Aloyd Karthen."

When Tehvay raised her eyes, Kikola was walking out of the room without so much as a glance back. Tehvay wanted to cry, but a good slave would not do that, so she forced the tears back until she was locked away in a cell. Then the tears flowed like a waterfall, and she was swept away into an abyss of longing, anger, and betrayal.

Continued in Chapter 10

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