~ The Protectors ~
by H.W.

Do not distribute, copy, or use in any other way, in part or total, without the written (at least e-mail) permission of the author.
M.H.W. Weckseler © 2009

See Part 1.

Chapter 10

Later that night Max was making one of his 'it helps me think' walks along the lake. At one point he moved to the water's edge to take in the scenery. He loved the view he got from that spot at night, especially when there was a full moon, like that night. As he was taking in the moonlight reflecting off the water, he heard some well known voices off to his left. He followed the shore a little until he found Joanne, Terry, and Pam.

"Hey Max. Want to join us?" Joanne invited.

"I hope you don't mind if I decline. I plan on making a little stroll before turning in. I was just curious to see who was disturbing the peace over here."

"Hardyharhar," Joanne said with a grin. "You were just curious who else was here with us, admit it."

Max lifted his hands in mock defeat. "Alright, I confess, I was snooping around. There, happy now?"

"Yep, you just made my day. Come on, sit down," Joanne urged again.

"Neh, I have some things to think about, and you know me..."

"You think better while strolling around," Joanne finished.

"Right. Well, see you ladies tomorrow."

Max moved away again and the three women looked at his retreating form, until the darkness had swallowed him up again.

Suddenly Pam got up and moved in the direction Max had taken, after she had stated that she would be back soon.

"God, that woman is so damn crazy about him," Terry said amused once Pam was gone as well. "If Max doesn't see that then he's as blind as a bat."

"I think he sees it alright," Joanne said thoughtfully. "It's just that he's too much stuck in his 'I don't want that trouble, better not start anything' thinking."

"That's true," Terry could only agree.

In the meantime Pam had met up with Max and they were now both walking along the slightly lit road that went all around the lake. The road was located just close enough to see the lake, but far enough away that from the water's edge you couldn't see the road.

"Isn't it a wonderful night out?" Pam asked softly after a long moment of silence between them. "This is one of those nights people always talk about when they talk about spending a romantic night with the person they love."

The invitation was impossible to miss, and Max had clearly heard it. All that was needed to give the right answer. Instead, he very deliberately asked, "You think so? Feels like just another night to me."

Pam got the message, so she smoothly changed to a light conversation about nothing with her friend. Yet despite that, on the inside her heart was breaking. She would never have guessed that even off the ship, she would rely on her A1 training of never showing emotions. But that she didn't show them sure didn't mean that she didn't feel them. Some time later their stroll brought them back to the place where Terry and Joanne were still sitting. Without much conversation, Pam stated that it was getting late, for her doing, and that she was going to bed.

Terry closed her eyes for a moment as she felt some of Pam's pain. Ever since the ritual that had freed the Bundar, there had been some connection between Pam and Terry since they both had been at the very heart where the ritual had been performed. They now both held a piece of each other's heart. A piece that they would cherish for the rest of their lives. And right now, Terry could clearly feel how much that little piece of Pam's heart was hurting. She looked at Pam as she moved away before reluctantly turning to the conversation between Joanne and Max.

"Well, I'm leaving too," Max said a few minutes later. "Tomorrow will be a long day of looking at lists and making decisions. A long night of sleep is exactly what I need for that. See you tomorrow."

"Pam is really hurting," Terry said once Max was out of earshot. "Maybe I should have a talk with him."

"Hmm, why don't I have a go first? You know Earth human to Earth human. If it doesn't turn out, you can still work your magic. But if you try first he might think that any swaying to your view on his part is nothing more than your ability to talk to people. Why don't I meet you back at the hut?"

"Alright," Terry agreed as Joanne got up and started after Max.

"Hey tree-trunk, hold up for a sec," Joanne said as she reached him.


"Terry and I agree that it's about time we started meddling in your affairs; literally. So, what's the deal with you and Pam? You can't tell me that you don't know that the woman is crazy about you."

Max's first reaction was to tell Joanne to mind her own business, but then he figured that maybe it really was time to talk. And who better to talk to than Joanne? A person that was in a relationship with one of the off-worlders and on top of that knew Pam just as good as he himself did, if not better.

He sighed before admitting, "I know. And I really like her too. God, sometimes that damn woman drives me crazy. All in all it's alright, when we're just friends. But sometimes she gets into one of her moods and frankly, I'm 'that' close to jumping her."

Joanne laughed. "They play good, don't they? I tell you, sometimes, when Terry gets into a playful mood she can drive me totally insane. Like yesterday with dinner. She doesn't say a damn word, but just looks at me in 'that way'. Nobody knows what's going on and just keep talking, while I on the other hand can't get a single bite down my throat anymore."

"Right, stuff like that," Max agreed. "Or with Pam it's a lot about saying things with double meanings. Like when we're training together and she says something, like that she would just love to help me out, all I have to do as ask nicely. Or saying that she is sure that she can 'fit me in'. It's totally innocent and part of an ongoing conversation. Like her looking at her agenda and saying that she would love to try and fit me in tomorrow. She really seems to like that play of words and has used it several times already. But in general also, it's innocent remarks that I could have said just as easy. But somehow she's able to say certain words in such a way that is more of an invitation than saying 'want to have sex with me' could ever be. How can someone defend himself against that?"

Joanne shrugged as answer. "Simple; you don't. You've got to understand, that's one of the differences between off-worlders and Earth humans. For generations it's been proverbially beaten into them that you don't show your emotions if you're out in public. But if that's so, then how can you goof around a little with the person you love? The answer is; you play in ways that nobody but you and the person you love realizes that you're playing. It's how they live; that's why they're so good at that kind of playing. I mean, here on Earth, sure we have the lustful looks and all that, but Terry literally can make my heart skip a beat simply by looking at me 'that way'. Or to get really graphic with you for a second, just the right tone of voice can have me wet within seconds. I love the thrill. I love the fact that Terry's playing can make me totally lose my train of thought."

"You like that? I knew you were crazy, but I always thought that at least it was the good kind of crazy," Max grinned, taking the sting out of his words.

Joanne grinned as well before continuing. "I think I see what the problem is; you're afraid of the playing. Don't be. You only have to start worrying if they actually stop playing with you."

"What do you mean?"

"Look, they really don't mean it bad. It's just their special and individual way of showing you that they love you, as you can see from the fact that Terry's and Pam's playing are totally different. That's also the major difference between them and a woman of Earth, like me. The off-worlders only use those little tricks to have some extra fun in their relationship. I can guarantee you; if they really wanted to, they could play you like a violin. They can, but they don't. Even if a relationship goes sour they don't misuse this little fun. They only use it as long as it's fun, but as soon as it's no longer fun; they stop. I, as an Earth woman, can assure you that we would not stop it so easily. If we have the ability to play our partners like that, we would also use it to change the person in to what we want them to be, even if they're no longer themselves then. They, will never do that."

"And how can you be so sure of that? You wouldn't know. You and Terry don't have any problems, so you don't know for sure if she won't start misusing the playing."

"You are so wrong." Joanne said softly as she looked down at the road. Even after all this time she still felt ashamed of how she had treated the woman she loved. Then she looked back up at Max, figuring that since he had been open with her, it was time to repay the favor.

"Back before the war with the Bundar, the fact that all the preparations were going perfectly went to my head at some point. I thought that I could do it all, manage it all. Hell I could tell governments what to do. I kinda felt like I was queen of the world, and started to act like it a little. Oh, I still did what I had to, because after all, I was working to save the world and all that. But in my private life... I told you that you have to watch out when they actually stop playing with you; well, Terry did. That's why I know that they don't use their abilities to play you, since I sure was still susceptible to Terry's suggestions. Instead Terry simply, left."

"She left you?" Max asked amazed. "But... I... Man, I don't know what to say. If I was sure that there is one couple that doesn't have any problems, it's you and Terry."

"Oh yeah, she left me alright. The thing is that I learned my lesson well, and I learned that lesson before we met you. For the most Terry and I don't have problems. We are so damn close that sometimes I feel like we are one. But we still have different opinions on things. Just that we talk about them and then decide what we, united, are going to do. But I learned that from back when she left me. Then I thought that our problems were only in Terry's mind, and I didn't need her anyway. So I let her go while I continued to feel like I was queen of the world. I figured that I didn't need her, I could move on, I would meet someone else. You would be amazed how many women I met that were willing to sleep with someone as powerful as me back then."

Those last words left a ton of possible questions, but one was the most obvious, and Max couldn't help but ask, "Did, did you cheat on her?"

Joanne was quiet for a moment, looking down at the path once more. Finally she said softly, "It's all in your definition of cheating. Terry says I didn't, I say I did. Terry says that people that break up can't cheat on each other since they're no longer a couple. She says that once she left me it was impossible for me to cheat on her because she's the one that made the choice to leave me and therefore I can't be blamed for finding someone else. I say that I cheated alright. To me our relationship wasn't over, but I wanted to prove to Terry that I didn't need her."

Max cringed.

"Yeah," Joanne agreed. "So the first good looking woman that asked me if we could discuss a few things in private basically had an express pass right into my bed. I admit, the idea appealed to me, show Terry that I didn't need her, and on top of that, no fuss, no muss, get into bed, get laid, never see her again. I took someone to bed, but the further we went, the more it felt wrong. Her hands on my body sent shivers down my spine, but not the good ones. Her kisses felt wrong; to start with, I couldn't bring myself to kiss her on the lips. Did I have sex with someone else? Yes, there's no denying that. She has been inside me, even if only for a few seconds. As soon as she entered me I knew I couldn't go on and broke it off right there with that famous, 'it's not you, it's me' line. So I can't pretend that it was just a little touching."

She inspected her fingernails, even though the low light couldn't have shown her anything other than the fact that she actually had nails. Then she sighed and continued. "So, anyway, if you ask me, I say I cheated on Terry, if you ask her she will say that I didn't. In her mind, she left me so she has no say over what I do at night."

"Her way of forgiving you," Max said in understanding. "Since you told her, I guess, she can't pretend it didn't happen. So she makes it alright by explaining away the circumstances."

"Yeah," Joanne agreed while she quickly wiped away the tears that had filled her eyes at the mere thought. "But you want to know the really ironic part? The real thing we both had to deal with? It's not the fact that I took someone else to bed. In a way that was even a good thing. It's the fact that with that action I was trying to show both her and me that I didn't need her."

"You sleeping with someone else was a good thing?" Max asked confused.

Finally Joanne managed a weak smile. "No, me trying to sleep with someone else and not being able to, that was a good thing. It showed Terry that she never ever has to worry about me being interested in someone else. We women aren't saints you know? It's not only men that let their eyes drift from time to time. As much as Terry is my perfection, that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate the looks of someone like your undercover agent Zania. But now Terry never has to worry that I'll do more than just appreciate the visual. As for me, it helped too. Terry isn't the first woman I ever slept with, but she will be the last."

She shook her head to give her words more meaning. "This... mistake reminded me that fingers are not fingers no matter what; that there is a difference. It reminded me that Terry simply brushing the hair out of my face can feel ten times better than someone else trying to get me off. It taught me something. There will never be anyone that can take Terry's place. Terry is the one for me, and she will only ever be the only one for me. Her leaving made me realize just how much I need her. You know, that famous saying; you don't know what you have until it's gone. Well, Terry went, and I realized just what exactly I had, and thank god, now have again."

"So, if she left, how come that you are back together now?"

"Because I had more luck than I deserved. The Council sent Terry back. Telling her that they had given her a job to do and she better damn well do it. That's my translation of what they told her of course. I knew that from then on, no matter what I would do, Terry would never again leave me. But that still didn't mean that I had 'my' Terry back. I begged her to please forgive me. God, I cried and I didn't care at all. All I wanted was to have 'my' Terry back. I told her that I would do anything she would ask from me... see me getting back to the using you if they want to? I opened myself up to that deliberately. No playing; straight to the point, whatever she would have asked, I would have done. She didn't ask for anything though. She accepted my apology, on the condition that if I did something wrong from then on, she would hit me over the back of my head."

Max laughed. "So that's what that is all about. I've seen her do that several times already."

"I know," Joanne agreed with a smile. "But it's more something of a joke between us now. If she does that, it means that she thinks that the point is so small that it's not really worth discussing. So she hits me over the back of my head, not too hard, luckily, to tell me to just shut up and agree. Anyway, to get back onto topic. Once Terry forgave me she also started to play with me again, and that's when I realized that I missed that nearly as much as I missed her. You know why? Because the playing is a sign that things are alright between you."

They reached Max's hut, but knowing that the conversation was not over, they both decided to sit down on the stairs and enjoy the beautiful night a little longer.

"Hmm, I have to agree, put like that the playing doesn't sound too bad. But..."

"But what?" Joanne asked as Max stopped talking.

"But, there is another thing. You know, Pam scares me sometimes. And I don't mean the fun or the innocent kind of scaring. I mean the freaking out kind of scaring."

"I'm afraid that I'm not following," Joanne said confused.

"It's... doesn't it bother you with how much ease she can talk about killing? With how much ease she can actually do it? She even killed her own sister and doesn't care about it."

"That's a gross distortion of the facts. I know it sounds like it when you hear the story. But I was there, remember, I know what happened, and how it happened. Besides, not every killing is easy for her. Remember how she was when she relived how she had to kill that girl?"

"Alright, so one killing wasn't easy for her. But the fact remains, and she admitted this to me, that she could kill most people and it wouldn't bother her one bit. She is a cold blooded killer that likes to kill."

"And that's where you are so totally wrong," Joanne objected immediately. "Make no mistake, killing is easy for her, yes, but that still doesn't mean that she likes doing it. She does what needs doing. To use a silly comparison. Those ugly tasting energy drinks you're so fond of. I don't like them one bit, but I know they fulfill a goal. When I have to stay up late because I'm working on something, I won't hesitate to drink one of those things. Maybe even two or three, depending on how long I have to be up. I don't like them but I won't hesitate to use them. I just rinse out my mouth afterwards to get rid of the taste. Pam's the same. She doesn't like the killing, but she also doesn't mind doing it if it's needed. She just goes and washes her hands afterwards if she got blood on them."

"And that's supposed to make it alright?"

Joanne sighed. "Max, what is it that you want? How come these objections don't stop you from being her friend? Or why doesn't it stop you from training four hours every day with her, or in her company? What? Are you afraid of touching her, or her touching you? Just how often do you touch when you two are training together? Just how often have you felt her breasts against your arms when you're practicing martial art moves? Why is it alright to feel her covered breasts in martial arts practice, but not alright to feel her naked breasts in pleasure as you make love?"

"That's not the point," Max insisted. "It's as I said, she shows no remorse, she is a cold blooded killer."

"And just what part exactly is wrong with that?" Joanne said slightly annoyed, but then she deliberately calmed herself, knowing that patience was needed to get through Max's thick head, and not heated words.

"Just what part of that is bothering you; the cold blooded part or the killer part? If it's the killer part than that would be extremely hypocritical of you, wouldn't it? After all, Pam isn't the only person who killed, is she?"

Now it was Max's turn to look down. "No she isn't. But at least I feel remorse for it, and it was a last option."

"Hmm. Well, you did see how she reacted when talking about the girl. Wait, let me finish. I'm not saying that to point out one time that she did have remorse. The reason I'm pointing that out is this. You've seen her reaction, do you wish for her to have to go through that again? Is that what you want? Is it suddenly alright if she kills someone if after she's done it she gets sick to her stomach, and lives in total misery? Is that what you want for her? You're her friend, aren't you glad that she can instead live her life without the things that have to be done affecting her? What is it you wish for her? To suffer nightmares every night, or to sleep like a baby? Tell me, what do you want for Pam? Not what do you want 'from' her, but what do you want 'for' her?"

"I want her to be happy," Max finally admitted after a long moment of silence.

"Well, guess what, big guy, making her happy is really easy. You just have to stop fighting a battle you shouldn't be fighting in the first place. We already have enough to deal with, do you really want to make Pam, and your, life a misery on top of it? Don't answer that one. Instead think about it."

As Joanne got up to leave, Max took hold of her arm and looked up at the now standing woman. "Thanks for the talk. Regardless of what my decision is going to be; thanks."

"That's what friends are for," Joanne said with a smile.


"Hey," Terry said as she entered the hut and saw Pam sitting on the couch. "I thought you were going to go to bed?"

Pam gave a humorless laugh. "I don't really feel like sleeping. Instead I thought I would enjoy some self pity and misery."

Terry sat down beside Pam and took the redhead in an embrace. After a few minutes of providing comfort, Terry finally said, "Pam, you can't go on like this. You're tearing yourself up inside. It's time you made a decision and act on it. If Max doesn't want to be more than friends then it's time you found yourself someone that's willing to give more."

"You know, you're partially right. It's time for me to act, but I'm not going to move on. If Max can't give me all I want, then I guess I just have to be satisfied with what he's willing to give me."

After a moment of silence, Pam asked, "What, aren't you going to suggest that I don't do anything stupid?"

"No I won't. Pam, we talked about this before. And even though I don't like that option, I can feel your hurt. That hurt won't go away until Max gives you all you want. But it seems that he isn't going to do that for some reason. But if he's willing to give something to you at all, then I would say; go for it. The hurt won't go away, but at least it will be a little less."

"I love you," Pam stated after placing a kiss on Terry's cheek. "I'll go now; I have something to take care of."

As Pam walked out the door she greeted Joanne, who had been about to open the door, and then moved on with only one target in mind.


Max opened the door, a little surprised to see Pam standing there. Before he could speak, the redhead did.

"Alright, here's the deal. I want you; badly. At the moment I reached the point where I'm willing to take whatever you're willing to give. You told me that the thought of having me at your side as you sleep scares you. Alright, so be it. I promise you, when we... afterwards... I'll get up and leave. No scene, no trying to make you feel guilty. I'll leave with a smile on my face, and tomorrow we'll be friends again like nothing ever happened."

Hearing the offer, Max did the only thing he could do; he opened the door to let Pam in.


"You were right you know," Max said.

"Right about what?" Pam asked as she let her fingers play aimlessly over Max's naked body.

"You really are the best."

Pam grinned. "Told you. Well, let me assure you. You are... adequate."

Max couldn't help but laugh. "Gee, thanks very much for stroking my ego."

The grin never leaving Pam's face, she stated, "Come on, you know you like it when I stroke you. In fact, you absolutely love it when I use my mouth to praise you."

Hearing how Pam was once again playing with him, Max couldn't help but think back to Joanne's words. Now that the playing had been explained to him, Pam's apparently harmless playing got a whole new meaning for him.

Seeing that Max had gotten a serious expression on his face, Pam decided that it was the perfect time to leave before things became awkward.

"Well we do still have a lot to do tomorrow," she said as she started to get out of bed, "So I'll..."

Max stopped her by taking hold of her shoulder. "Pam, stay, please."

Pam smirked. "What? You want something specific from me?"

"Yes. What I want is to hold you, when I sleep."

For a moment Pam looked at Max with open mouth, finally she asked in the softest of whispers, "You want me to stay, stay? But I thought, you said, I,"

"I know what I said, and frankly, I still feel a little bit of that. But you know what scares me even more? The thought of loosing you because of my own stupidity."

Pam's reaction to those words was to start crying. Seeing the tears, Max immediately pulled her closer and closed his arms around her.

"I'm sorry."

"Happy tears," Pam merely assured.

"I know, but I'm still sorry; for so many things. I'm sorry I kept you at a distance. I'm sorry that I hurt you. You've been nothing but honest with me from the beginning, and instead of appreciating you for it, I punished you. I'm so damn sorry baby. Please forgive me."

Pam smiled when she heard the endearment. She wiped her tears away with the back of her hands before lifting herself up so that she could look into Max's eyes.

"Tell you what, because you just called me baby, I'll forgive you." Seeing Max frown, Pam's smile only got bigger.

"You didn't even realize that you called me that, did you? Max, believe it or not, despite the fact that it hurt me, I don't think I have anything to forgive you for. All I ever wanted from you was that you acted on your feelings. I can't hold it against you that you did exactly that. I can just be glad that you finally managed to put yourself over those feelings and accept the other ones."

Then she sighed, and needing to know it all, she braved to ask, "But please tell me honestly; how much? How much can you take? When I have to do... something, should I just tell you that I had a job to do, or are you willing to go all the way and hold me in your arms while I tell you about how I killed someone?"

Max closed his eyes and thought about the question; trying to envision such a scene. Then he realized that it wouldn't be the first time. In fact, Pam had performed 'actions' for the Resistance and afterwards she and Max had always talked about it. Would it really be that different if a lover told you about what had to be done, or a friend who was still your friend despite the story she was telling you. Nodding to himself, Max very deliberately took that final step. "You can always tell me anything you want. I love you, and nothing you can say will change that."

"You l..." Pam didn't dare to say the word, fearing that she might have heard wrong.

"Yes. I love you, and I'm sorry it took me so damn long to see it."

"At least it didn't take you long to say it once you saw it," Pam noted before she leaned in and shared a long kiss with her lover. "I love you too. Max, would you do me a favor? Would you make love to me? I really want to make love."

"We really should go to sleep," Max pointed out, though in reality sleeping was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Remember, that whole sleeping together thing?" he added with a smirk.

"I remember the sleeping together thing. How about a compromise? First we make love, then we sleep. Max, I really want to make love. I never have made love in my entire life; all I had was sex. I want to know what making love feels like."

"Making love feels wonderful," Max assured. "Here, let me show you."


"Hey what's wrong?" Joanne asked in alarm as she saw silent tears running down Terry's face.

"Happy tears," the brunette assured. Putting a hand over her heart, she added, "No more pain. That piece of her, it's happy now."

Joanne placed a kiss between Terry's breasts where her heart was beating a steady rhythm. She had long since gotten used to the fact that there was more to Terry than to an average human. Joanne didn't care. She took it all in stride. She loved Terry and nothing could change that.

"I'm damn glad to hear that Max finally managed to see the light. If that guy had waited much longer I would have resorted to using a 2 by 4 to beat some sense into his thick head."

She moved a little to the side and placed a kiss on the swell of a firm breast. "I did notice that your connection with Pam is stronger than with most others. With the others you just have this 'feeling' that somehow gives you a sense about the person in general."

A kiss was placed on the other breast. "But with Pam it's so strong that you can actually feel, and describe, her feelings."

"Not all of the time," Terry pointed out as she playfully pushed the head of her lover a little lower. "Just when her feelings are very pure."

"Pure?" Joanne asked, very deliberately moving away, supposedly to look her lover in the eyes.

"Oh you are so funny. Get back into your place, you."

"Ooh, you are getting bossy, I love that. Should I start calling you ma'am?"

"Come on, baby, be nice."

"Alright," Joanne happily relented as she moved back to kissing her lover's breasts. "Pure?" she asked again, between kisses, to let Terry know that it had been a real question.

"Yes. When Pam is purely feeling happiness, or sorrow or, whatever. You see, purely feeling it; hence 'pure'. As for why I feel so much of her... I could simply remind you of the fact that she was standing directly beside me when the ritual was being performed. But... oh, that's nice."

"I know. You just love that. You want me to suck?"

"No, just tease me a little while we talk. After that, I'll be having you suck something alright. Suck, and lick, and kiss, and..."

"And if you don't stop turning me on, I'll skip the talking part," Joanne playfully warned.

"And that would be bad... how?" Terry asked amused. Then Joanne started to kiss and lick lower down her body. "Baby, you really want to stop talking?"

"Nope. I'll be good, I promise," Joanne assured.

Terry grinned at the words. "I know you're good; that's not the point."

"Talk babe; I'll only tease you a little, just like you wanted. At least for now."

"Alright. Well, as I said, I could give that explanation, but we both know that's not all of it. Ben was just as close. In fact, he was directly part of performing the ritual, so I should be feeling him just as much if that's the explanation. But I don't. I feel him just as much as I feel the others. I really only 'feel' right now that he's alive and all in all, alright. My feelings for Pam are much stronger than that. In fact, there's only one person who I feel more of. Note the feel more 'of,' not 'for,' and that person just happens to be lying between my legs right now. I love you, so I feel a lot 'for' you; more than I can ever feel for someone else. But I also feel 'of' you, and those feelings are a little stronger yet than what I feel 'of' Pam. Which also contradicts the 'the closeness to the ritual is the solution' theory, since you were over a mile away. I personally think it's much simpler than that. I simply think that the bigger the part of my emotional heart someone is holding, the more I feel for them. I love Pam. I love her like a sister. I love you, I love you as my lover and whole reason for being. Therefore she holds a big part of my heart, but you hold an even bigger part of my heart."

"That's actually a good explanation," Joanne said as she moved back up the body of her lover so that she could kiss her. "Especially when we take one very important factor into mind."

"Which is?" Terry wondered.

"Babe, that Bundar ritual was performed today, but you've been feeling that piece that is Pam much longer than that. Just that it's been getting stronger lately. You know what I think?"


"The real answer is way back when we left that ship. I think all the explanations Ben gave us back then, including his guess about the Artificial Intelligence of that ship meddling with you, was spot on. Just think for a moment. Feeling other people, here on Earth that's only in fiction. If people say that they can do that for real we think they're nuts. And yet, suddenly here you are being able to feel others, feel the Bundar simply because of some ritual. And not just you, Pam too. She too is suddenly able to feel the Bundar because of the ritual. I mean, think about it objectively. If I told you that someone was able to feel someone else simply because some words were spoken in a ritual, what would you say?"

Terry smiled. "I would ask you what the title of that book you're writing was again."

Joanne nodded and leaned in to kiss a tempting nipple, only to swerve off and kiss the swell of the breast instead.

"Bitch," Terry merely said with a tolerant smile.

"Woef, woef," Joanne replied dutifully.

"Oeh, can I teach the doggy to do new tricks?" Terry teased.

"Sure, this bitch is always open to learning new tricks," Joanne assured. "Anyway, it's a point of discussion here on Earth. Some people say we only use ten percent of the brain. Others say it's thirty percent. Now with modern technology, some of which was provided by your people, we know that all of the brain is used, just that different parts do different things. But still, as much as they disagree on the how, every single person agreed on one thing; we are not using the full potential of our brains. Earth humans and off-worlders alike. What if you're an exception to that?"

"You mean, being an uber-human?" Terry asked doubtfully. "That would not explain Pam."

"No, what I mean is, what if you're using more of your brain not because you're special, even though you are most special to me, but because someone, something, else tapped into that unused part of your brain. If we go along the lines of that being possible then that would also explain why the Bundar ritual affected both you and Pam. You were surrounded by hundreds of... psychic Bundar transmitters, so to speak. All linking up with each other. Some of those waves must have passed through your brain, and some of those might have gotten stuck. Maybe it unlocked part of the human abilities that we potentially have, but that evolution hasn't reached yet."

Terry smiled, and then groaned when finally one of her aching nipples were treated to Joanne's most excellent oral skills. "Well, mmm, you do that so, oh, well. Um, well, seeing that I know that you aren't writing a fiction book on the side, let's just go with, umm, nice, that for a moment. Then what?"

Once more Joanne moved up a little to kiss her lover. "The A.I. safeguards that Ben guessed about, that, eh, formed you. What if his guess is correct and that forming included stuffing info into the parts of the brain not actively used for information storage normally? The thing is that until you left that ship, you were conditioned not to think too much for yourself, and just believe in the guidance of the Council. But once you decided to leave the ship and make your own choices you threw off that conditioning and lived by your own beliefs. This freed you; allowing you to change. But this change doesn't happen like 'that'."

Joanne had snapped her fingers at the word 'that' and then continued, "It slowly builds. As it builds, it evolves, and I think that we now simply have reached the point where we can clearly see that you aren't indeed just your average human."

"I am, what I am," Terry agreed. "And anyone that has a problem with that, can kiss my ass."

"Can I also kiss your ass if I don't have a problem with it?" Joanne asked with a wink.

"Sure," Terry assured before happily turning over to present the body part in question.

But instead of a kiss, Joanne delivered a slap. "You are such a tease."

"Hey!" Terry objected in fake outrage. "You were supposed to kiss it; not spank it. And just for your information, I would be a tease if I were to tease you with something you couldn't have, or couldn't have at that moment. Hence the word tease. But baby, I'm not a tease; because my ass is all yours."

"Really? All mine? Well, then I better go apologize to my good friend, your ass, up close and personal."

Joanne did just that; placing soft kisses on both cheeks for a moment before turning her lover back over. "Alright, enough talking."

"Um, baby, that wasn't talking; that was kissing."

"Hush woman," Joanne said with a grin. "I think it would be only fair to inform you that I'm about to ravish you. But since I'm in a pleasing mood I'll let you decide how I'm going to ravish you."

"I'm impressed, I would almost think that you're the one in control of our relationship."

Joanne's grin never left her lips. "Babe, no way am I so stupid to think that I'm anything but your humble sex slave. I am not worthy of you; I can merely hope to be allowed to worship at your altar."

"Now, now," Terry said, somehow making it sound like tisking. "No need to go overboard. How about we just say that we own each other and I'm your boss while you are mine, and I'm your slave while you are mine."

"Whatever," Joanne said. "All I know is that I'm in the mood to love you, and I'm in the mood for having you boss me around a little."

"Ah, why didn't you just say so? A little you said?"

"Yeah, just you being in charge."

"Baby, you got it," Terry assured. "Actually, you did say something that I liked the sound of; worshiping at my alter. I think that would be a good start. So you get down and start worshiping."

"You're right; I like the sound of that as well," Joanne happily agreed as she moved lower and settled in between her lover's legs.



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