~ Mountain Goat : Post-Episode 11 ~
by Jinxie

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters; I just made up the stories. The beginning and ends of episodes are quoted from the actual TV series.

Content Warning: This is a series that takes place between episodes. The stories build upon the TV series and it is advised that you watch the episodes then read the post-episode (this story) in between. Many references by the characters are very specific to the episodes, so you may not get everything unless you watch at the same time or have the episodes memorized. The series does lead to a romantic relationship between two women, so if you don't like it don't read it.

Goal: To create a more realistic fan fiction story than some I have read. No random sex scenes that would never take place in real life 'like that' (aka L Word scenes). You know what I'm talking about… that never happens.

End of Episode 11:

"We've already got some people in the government. So it won't be difficult to turn things around." Flora says to Xena.

"But we could never have gotten this far without your help. I was wrong about you." Diomedes adds.

"No you weren't Diomedes. You knew what I was there for; to get the Black Wolf. Only I didn't know at that time it was Flora." Xena replies.

"How did you figure it out?" Flora asks.

"When Diomedes didn't want to hear my plan he kept looking at you. A lot of the wolves were doing that. Didn't take long to know that was the procedure. No decision was made without a glance to the Black Wolf."


(a month later)

After a month of wandering and helping the helpless, they begin a hike up Mount Poolis. Gabrielle is a little worried about being able to make it without getting too tired. She's never hiked up a Mountain before. Ok, this isn't' that big of a mountain, but still, she's use to flat ground. "Xena, are you sure this is the only way? I might slow us down too much because I'm not much of a hiker."

"We aren't in a hurry. You'll be just fine, I promise." Xena states. "Besides, it will help you get good on your feet."

About half way up, they stopped for their first rest. Sitting in a small meadow, they pull out some food; venison and apples. "Ya know Xena, I could get use to this hiking thing. It's so beautiful up here! I like how high up we are." Look in the direction they are going, she can see what appears to be the sea. "Xena is that an ocean?"

Xena looks in the direction Gabrielle is pointing. "Yeah, that's the Aegean Sea. To the right is Troy, do you see the city?"

Gabrielle nods. "Wow, that is so amazing. I didn't think I'd ever see Troy! The story of Helen and Paris is so romantic." Gabrielle gets a dreamy look in her eyes.

Xena rolls her eyes at Gabrielle, "Hey, think you have enough energy to get a little sparing practice in?" Gabrielle's eyes tell her all she needs to know. They both jump up at the same time and move to an open patch of grass, away from their gear.

"Alright, Warrior Princess, take it easy on me. Can you maybe teach me some moves that most people with a staff don't do? Maybe something that only the Warrior Princess would know?" Gabrielle says suggestively moving her eyebrows up and down multiple times in a row.

"Hmm. Maybe when you get the normal stuff down pat, ok? Remember what I taught you the other night? I want you to keep practicing that until you can do it in your sleep. That move will help protect you against 70% of initial sword blows." Xena moves her sword into the position she was referring to, Gabrielle moves the staff to defend it. "Ok, do this in slow motion. I want to make sure you got the motion right." Gabrielle pushes her staff out away from her body, but also down towards her right side. This causes the sword and the swordsman to be pushed away and also pushes them toward the ground. Then Gabrielle turns around with the back of her staff and strikes Xena softly on the back. "Good! Alright, now let's do it for real." Xena steps back then lets out her war cry running at Gabrielle full speed.

Alright Gabby, you can do this. Just like she showed you. Xena's sword comes down on Gabrielle. Gabrielle does the move to perfection, even hitting Xena on the back. "Yes!!! I did it! I beat the Warrior Princess!" Gabrielle begins dancing around. Xena stands upright with a scowl. Gabrielle finally sees Xena's face, which stops her in her tracks. Xena is now fuming at Gabrielle's arrogance. Gabrielle just smiles.

Xena walks away while sheathing her sword. The puts the saddle bags back on Argo, then gets on. She looks over at Gabrielle, who now has a worried look on her face. "Come on, let's get a move on. We'll stop for the night at the village at the bottom of the mountain." Gabrielle follows unsure if Xena is mad or not. Right now, she is unreadable.

About an hour later Xena is off Argo, walking. The mountain has gotten quite steep on the down climb. Xena is moving entirely too fast for Gabrielle to keep up. "Xena! Wait for me!" Gabrielle yells down to her. Xena stops and waits for Gabrielle. "Whew thanks," she says as she finally reaches Xena.

"Sorry Gabrielle, when I get going down a mountain my feet just get going and I can't slow them down. I'm like a mountain goat." Xena says smiling while using her hands to demonstrate how her feet move really fast. Her hands are patting the air quickly back and forth.

Several hours later they are down the mountain. The village is quite. They head directly to the local inn. Xena tied Argo up outside on the post. They walk inside to a completely empty tavern. The barkeep looks up, "Hello strangers. How can I help you this evening?"

"We'd like a room, meal and bath. How much?" Xena asks.

"Alright, it will be 10 dinar. Includes taking care of a horse if you have one. Do you have one?" He asks Xena.

"Yes, she is tied up outside. We'll take it." Xena hands the man his money. "Can we have the bath while you are making the meal?"

The man nods, "Yes, the water is already heated up. Just pour it in the tub. Your room is the last one on the left. Your meal will be ready in about a half hour."

"Thank you sir," Gabrielle says with a smile.

Xena and Gabrielle head upstairs. They enter their room, which is very impressive. It's very nice, clean and smells wonderful. They lay all their gear down. "Gabrielle, why don't you head over and take a bath. I'll take one after you."

"Ok Xena." She gathers her stuff and starts heading out the door. At the last minute she stops and turns around. "Xena are you ok? You are quieter than usual today. Is something bothering you?"

Xena looks up at Gabrielle and smiles reassuringly, "No I'm just thinking. G'wan I'll catch up with you in a few minutes."

After they have both washed up, they go downstairs to eat their meal. Xena is still very quiet and hardly touches her food. Gabrielle of course finishes off her plate, then motions to Xena's, "You gonna eat that?" Xena pushes her plate to Gabrielle. Gabrielle doesn't hesitate to clean it off.

Gabrielle was thinking about their supplies. They need some food since they are pretty much out after their mid-mountain lunch. Hmm, if I conveniently forget to get food as a supply, then maybe I can get Xena to stop at Troy! I would love to go to Troy. As long as she doesn't know that we need food, this plan will work. Ha ha. "Well Xena, ready for bed?"

Xena gets up and begins to walk towards their room. As they walk by the inn keeper, Xena give him a dirty look. Gabrielle smiles at him. He shakes his head not knowing what to make of them. The remainder of their night is uneventful, other than Gabrielle throwing her arm and leg around Xena while they were sleeping. Xena pushed her off, but moments later she was wrapped up by a bard again. She gave up and went back to sleep.

The next morning they leave the town. Once they were well out of range of the town, by several hours, Gabrielle decides to tell Xena about their food supply.


Beginning of Episode 12:

"Half an apple, that's it?" Xena asks Gabrielle as they walk up a hill, Argo in tow.

"I should have picked up some more supplies when we came down Mount Poolis. But don't worry, we're not far from Troy. We can just stop there and…" Gabrielle is cut off by Xena.

"No we are not stopping in Troy Gabrielle, it's too dangerous. And besides, after fighting the Greeks after 10 years I doubt the Trojans have any to spare." Xena states.

"It was just a thought. The only chance I'd get to see Helen. The face that launched a thousand ships. " Gabrielle responds.

"A thousand war ships." Xena cuts in again. "Forget it."

"K, I don't need food if you don't." Gabrielle remarks as her stomach growls.

She and Xena look down at her stomach. Xena throws her the apple. Gabrielle laughs and takes a bite.

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