~ Poetry in Motion ~
Post-Episode 3
by Jinxie

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters; I just made up the stories. The beginning and ends of episodes are quoted from the actual TV series.

Content Warning: This is a series that takes place between episodes. The stories build upon the TV series and it is advised that you watch the episodes then read the post-episode (this story) in between. Many references by the characters are very specific to the episodes, so you may not get everything unless you watch at the same time or have the episodes memorized. The series does lead to a romantic relationship between two women, so if you don't like it don't read it. Please read at least a few of my episodes to give it a chance; it's my first time writing fiction.

Goal: To create a more realistic fan fiction story than some I have read. No random sex scenes that would never take place in real life 'like that' (aka L Word scenes). You know what I'm talking about… that never happens.

End scene for Episode 3:

"Xena, I could have killed someone…I mean, I was capable of it." Gabrielle said, looking up at Xena.

Xena sits down, "We're all capable of it. The point is, you didn't cross that line."

"But I got close enough to peek over. And what I saw scared me."

Looking out at a pond, "You see how calm the surface of the water is? That was me once. And then," Xena throws a rock, "the water ripples and churns. That's what I became."

Gabrielle ponders that for a moment, "But if we sit here long enough it will go back to being still again. You'll go back to being calm."

"But the stone is still under there. It's now part of the lake. It might look as it did before, but it's forever changed." Xena looked down thoughtfully at Gabrielle. "Come on, let's go!"

As they got up to leave Gabrielle said, "For your first stab at wisdom, you did alright."

Xena looked back with a smirk, "I was just saying that for your benefit. You didn't think I meant it, did you?"

Gabrielle laughed, "Ha not me. I wasn't fooled."

Xena gazed back at the water where the ripples had now stilled and calmed.


The night of the end of Episode 3:

Gabrielle and Xena had finished setting up camp. They'd already done their chores, Gabrielle was cooking their meal. Xena was doing sword drills in a nearby field. Gabrielle watched her as she stirred the stew. It's like poetry watching her use that sword. It flows with its own rhythm. Every muscle in her arm ripples with each stroke making it appear that the sword is just an extension of her body. How does she do it? I finally understand why she won't show me how to use a sword. It took a lot of debate between us, but I think she is right. I have to be able to kill if I'm going to carry a sword. And right now, I do not truly think I could kill anyone. I'm super worried I won't be able to sleep tonight. The whole being-kidnapped-by-crazy-priests-of-Morpheus thing has me on edge still. Xena said she was impressed with my punch! I can't believe she actually said that. Can you imagine, the Warrior Princess complimenting me on a punch! Wow that just made the whole day…almost worth it. "Xena, dinner is ready!" she yelled to the warrior.

Xena stopped her drill and sauntered over to the camp site. "What did you make, stew?" She asked as she leaned over the pot to see what was in it. She smiled, "I love stew."

"You do? Well, I make a mean rabbit stew. Hopefully you'll like it as much as my family always did. Here grab your bowl and I'll ladle some out for you."

Xena did as requested then sat down with her bowl and spoon. She didn't know what to expect this stew to taste like. Most food on the road was pretty tasteless, at least when she cooked. She took her first bite as she normally would, which is rather quick as to just get it down. After she swallowed she paused before scooping up more. Xena glanced up at Gabrielle catching the bards green eyes staring at her. Her mouth started watering for more.

"Well?" Gabrielle asked, "Do you like it? Or is it terrible?"

"Gabrielle, that is the best stew I've ever had!" Xena gave her a brilliant smile, as she scooped up her second bite and plowed it into her mouth. "Mmm, this is amazing."

"We were actually out of the one thing I normally use to make my stew. I was afraid it wouldn't turn out right. I'm glad you like it."

"Love it, is a more accurate description." Xena looked Gabrielle in the eye as she said this, sending chills over Gabrielle's skin. Gabrielle just smiled in return as she started to eat her serving of stew.

After they were finished, Gabrielle cleaned up their bowls and settled down on her bedroll. Xena always told her to keep her bedroll next to the fire so she could keep warm at night. Xena settled down on her roll across the fire from Gabrielle, then got out her whetstone and began her nightly ritual of sharpening her sword.

Gabrielle just laid there staring at her as she worked. Gods she has the most amazing eyes. I feel like I could get lost in them. I would do anything to get her to smile again like she did earlier. Maybe I should make that stew more often. Xena looked up and caught her staring at her. Gabrielle just smiled and said, "Night Xena." Then she turned over to go to sleep.

"Night Gabrielle." Xena put away her tools and laid her sword next to her. Then she curled up under her furs to go to sleep. A couple hours after midnight, a sound woke Xena. She immediately grabber her sword and stood to full height in a battle stance. She listened quietly to see if she could locate the sound again. Crack! A tree branch snapped. Gabrielle woke with a start.

"Wha.. who's there? Xena is that you? Oh Xena there you are did you make.."

Xena lunged over to Gabrielle and put her hand over her mouth. "Gabrielle, keep quite. Something is out there. I'm going to go check it out. Wait here." Xena started to walk away but was grabbed by Gabrielle.

"You can't leave me here. What if it comes while you are gone?" Gabrielle pleaded. Mumbling to herself, "this is exactly why I bought that dagger!"

Xena impatiently pulled out the breast dagger and handed it to the girl. "Here, you can borrow this."

Several minutes later Xena reappeared. She looked at Gabrielle who was frightened out of her wits. "It was just an animal; nothing dangerous." Xena grew concerned for her friend as she notice her tremble. "You ok? You look a little pale."

Gabrielle stammered, "Yeah, sure, yes, I think so. I mean yeah I think I'm ok. Just a little scared I guess. You sure it's nothing to worry about?" Xena nodded the affirmative. "Ok good. I'm glad I don't need to be worried." A minute passed by as Xena got back into her bedroll. "Xena, are you going back to sleep?"

"Yesss, why?" Xena sat back up and glanced over at her friend who was completely awake and still visibly shaking. Xena felt a wave of compassion for the girl. "Gabrielle, why don't you come over here by me tonight?" Gabrielle immediately grabbed her bedroll and ran over to Xena's side of the fire. "Here lay right next to the fire in front of me." Gabrielle did as she was told, but was still slightly shaking.

"Xena, I don't think I can sleep. I don't know why I'm so scared."

Xena replied, "It's ok to be scared sometimes, but there is nothing out there. Anyway, I'll keep you safe." She looked down to see if the bard felt reassured, she still looked rather frightened. Xena sighed, "Tell you what. I'll stay up for awhile longer, ok? Until you go to sleep."

Gabrielle nodded yes, then said "Thank you for not making fun of me for being scared. Sometimes I'm afraid that you are going to send me home for stuff like this." Gabrielle got really quiet waiting to see Xena's response.

Xena thought, this poor girl still thinks I would do that! That must be miserable for her to think at any moment I'll abandon her. Xena reached out and lifted the girls chin so that she could look her in the eye. "Gabrielle, you don't have to worry about that anymore. I know you won't stay there anyway, so there would be no point in taking you home. Besides," she said as she removed her hand and set it gently on top of Gabrielle's hand, "You are starting to grown on me." Xena gave her one of her gorgeous grins.

"Thanks Xena. I think I'm going to sleep better now. Good night." With that thought she closed her eyes and thought, Gods that smile..

"Good night Gabrielle." However, Xena was not able to sleep. She kept her hand covering Gabrielle's, for comforting purposes. Inadvertently, she could not stop thinking about her new friend. She really is starting to grow on me. I'm not use to having someone care about me so much. I'm starting to care for her, more than I would have thought possible. She's so smart; clever. When she laughs her cute little nose scrunches up and her eyes get so…sexy. Hmmm.. Apparently I'm caring more than I should too. She's just my friend, right? Maybe it's just my loneliness talking; although, I really don't feel lonely anymore. She seems to have filled that void I had just a week ago. Ok Xena, you better stop over thinking this…get a grip! Xena nodded off to sleep.


Beginning of Episode 4 (2 days later):

Xena walks back towards the camp, she's been up for an hour. "Hey sleepy head, wake up" she said to Gabrielle.

"Good Morning. Did you sleep ok?"

Xena responded with a smirk, "Like a rock, you?"

"On a rock! I kept trying to find that one patch of ground that didn't have a boulder on it."

They hear a baby crying and wander over to the river to find the baby that was sent down the river from King Gregor's castle.

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