~ The Theater ~
by JLNicky

Disclaimer: Do not read at work AND realize that some people are so narrow minded they are unable to see the beauty and magic of love wherever it exists whether it is between to women or not.

Send e-mail to: JLNickymaster@aol.com

The theater was full. The hum of conversation was heavy on Talia's ears as she searched for her seat. Her heavy brunette hair swung freely as she strode into the crowded room. Checking her ticket stub once again and looking at the row numbers, she moved forward toward the down stair ramp of the main seating area. Rotten luck to be late, her anger simmered as she recalled the phone conversation a few hours earlier.

"Jerry told me I had to work late", Stacy whined into the other end of the phone.

"What? Again?" Talia felt the frustration rise. "You could have told me this earlier today. I would have cancelled and gotten a refund. This is the third time this week!" Talia felt a flash of forewarning strike her even before the words was spoken.

"I need this job, Tal. Jerry said she would promote me soon but?she needs me right now."

Silence reigned on both ends of the phone line. Talia heard Stacy's response, even as she asked the question.

"Does she need you for more than just work?"

Talia pictured Stacy's nervous gesture, the running of her hand through her light brown hair, just as if she were standing right before her. She heard a sigh through the phone line and knew the answer. Gently she set the phone down on its cradle.

"Well, so much for that old commitment idea!" Talia sighed, not exactly devastated. She was aware of the growing situation and had ignored it. Stacy had never denied her interest in Jerry. She had even praised the older woman's accomplishments more than once. Talia had turned her head to the restless actions her lover had been displaying openly to her. It was safer to ignore everything than rock the boat they had been floating in. But, the boat had finally capsized.

Talia's deep green eyes searched for her row of seats, stopping only briefly as the lights dimmed twice to signal the beginning of the musical. Her row was two down and there were her two seats off the middle aisle, but some woman was sitting in one of them Talia reached the seats just as the house lights dimmed to begin the show. She had a brief glance of a tilted head turning her way and noticed dark sunglasses worn on a very beautiful face as the lights fully dimmed and the spot light lit up the left side of the stage.

Music poured forth to introduce the young female lead as she picked through the imaginary flowers in the imaginary field. Talia glanced sideways, discreetly, to check out the profile of the woman. Her hair was dark and mid length. The curve of her chin was angled perfectly to accentuate the full lips above them. High cheekbones and an attractive arch of the eyebrows were the extent of the features she noticed, along with the dark glasses covering the eyes.

Talia noticed the designer clothes and expensive accessories. The woman held a small purse and light jacket over her lap, clasping her hands together casually. A pinky ring? Talia thoughtfully noticed, along with the manicured fingernails and pink blush nail polish to match the pink lipstick. Pure class! She thought to herself.

Taking a moment to watch the program?the music changed to a sweet love tune as the female and male lead sang their feelings of budding passion to each other. Their voices blended warmly. Talia glanced again at the woman beside her and watched as the woman's head tilted off to one side to listen. The gleam of her diamond earrings sparkled in the glint of the stage lights.

Leaning over, Talia took a chance with the softer music, and, hoping she still had some level of sense when it came to finding lesbian women, whispered to the stranger. "Wouldn't life be simpler if all men had scripts to follow, of course, written by women!" She watched a grin twitch at the corner of the woman's mouth as she turned toward Talia. An eyebrow raised lightly with sarcasm as a whispered response was made.

"It would probably be just as easy if the scripts were all written in foreign languages." Her husky English accent whispered over Talia's senses causing a shiver of excitement.

"I love your accent!" Talia leaned over whispering back, groaning inwardly at her own instant lame response. She smelled a flowery perfume waft back, mingled with her own scent of Lady Stetson.

"Thank you. Your accent is beautiful, too!" Talia chuckled softly at the reply. Her own Georgian drawl was less than it had been since she moved to San Francisco, but it was something that others noticed immediately, usually with the same response she had just graced this stranger with.

The music soared into a circus act as the local country fair was developed into the transition of the next scene. The male lead sang of his passion for the excitement of the fair as the villain of the feature came onto the stage. The music turned into a parlay of good versus bad, as the two men sang back and forth over the female lead. Talia waited through the next 40 minutes of the show and was just about to start fidgeting in exasperation at the length of the first half, when the house lights rose, signalling intermission. She blinked at the sudden brightness. People started to get up and depart to the refreshment stands out in the lobby as the conversation hum crept steadily upward. Turning toward her neighbor, she noticed the woman still facing the stage.

"My name's Talia Stewert." She introduced herself as she stretched out her cramped posture by sitting up straighter in the theater seat. The woman turned her face to Talia and smiled.

"Very nice meeting you, Talia. My name is Marie Allen." Talia immediately noticed Marie's glance pointed in her general direction, not to her face. She realized Marie was blind in an instant. That explains the dark glasses, Talia grimaced with her ignorance. The British accent broke into her thoughts without any hesitation. "Are you enjoying the play?" Marie inquired, as she reached up to remove the dark glasses that covered her eyes, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Talia watched, her thoughts divided, as she took in the complete picture of Marie's face. She had gray eyes. Perfectly beautiful gray eyes that completed the entire classical look. Talia shrugged by habit, responding without thought.

"Too many men!" She said, without derision in her voice, controlling her internal urge to feel pity toward the handicap. Marie glanced upward toward her face with a smile.

"Don't let my niece hear you say that. She's in love with the male lead. Although, I agree, and I'm only listening." She chuckled in amusement. Talia smiled in response and stood to fully stretch.

"These seats leave something to be desired." She commented, feeling her back straighten out. Looking down at the woman sitting near, she shrugged in disregard of her thoughts.

"The company is worth it though." She flirted cautiously.

Marie laughed delighted and smiled. Talia watched the woman's features grow even more beautiful. Talia smiled, her stomach tightened with a sudden excitement.

"Are you going to keep doing that all night?" The English tones came back with humor. Talia sat back down and crossed her legs with comfort.

"Doing what?" she asked.

Marie brought her facial tilt back down to Talia's level and smiled a half grin toward her direction.

"Flirting with me?" her eyebrow arched upward, sarcastically.

Talia blushed at the directness of the woman's remarks and felt embarrassment and shyness suddenly take over. Silence was her answer for a few moments, until Marie interrupted.

"Ahhh!" She leaning accurately close to Talia's ear to whisper, "Where has the bravery gone to?"

Talia couldn't help but look at Marie's lips and slightly hooded eyes before her. Breathing in that flower scent and seeing the smile tilt at the corner of Marie's lips, she smiled back and leaned over to whisper a reply.

"I'm really too busy looking at your beauty to gather my thoughts together properly. Bravery has nothing to do with it." She said as her lips brushed slightly against Marie's ear before pulling away. She felt an intense desire to touch her, being this close. She leaned back, just as a young woman's voice broke into their conversation.

"Aunt Marie! Here you are. You have George scared to death. You're sitting in the wrong seat!"

Talia looked up to see the young female lead of the show standing next to her chair.

"Am I?" Marie lifted her eyebrow with question looking upward to her niece's direction. "This is where the house guide sat me." She said as she reached into her jacket pocket at her lap to retrieve the ticket stub for proof.

Talia noticed a slight flush on her cheeks and her quick return of the dark glasses to her face. Smiling inwardly, she felt a spark of excitement thrum through her body at the obvious response to her remarks.

"Well, I suppose it doesn't matter as long as the seat was empty. I hope you are enjoying the show. How do you think its going?" the young girl practically begged with the need for positive comments.

"It's been a treat to remember. Your voice is so beautiful, Becky. I've missed hearing it." The girl preened with gladness.

"Wait until the second half. If I had known you were bringing someone with you, I'd have made sure there were backstage passes waiting. I'm Becky!" She held out her hand toward Talia. Talia reached up and clasped hands, glancing over at Marie for a second.

"Nice to meet you, Becky. I'm Talia. Your Aunt was just commenting on the pleasure she was finding in being here?to see you, of course."

Talia played with her wording as she watched for any response that she might catch emanating from Marie. Marie half smiled and tilted her head downward to let her dark hair fall forward. A second later, Talia was listening to Becky explain her entire role as the lead player. Talia commented on the hard work Becky must have to put into each scene and Becky shrugged it off as she turned to her Aunt once more.

"Are you coming to the party, Aunt? I would really love to see you there." Becky glanced over at Talia with a smile. "You're both more than welcome. The cast will be there to celebrate our success or doom. Either way, it's a party!" With that, she needed to get back and made a graceful departure, leaving to tell someone else hello nearby.

"Well," Marie sighed, "she is full of exuberance." Talia laughed lightly toward the other woman and maintained a grin throughout the second half of the show as the lights dimmed and the music played. All throughout, she was thinking of the woman sitting close by and wondering where all this was leading, but her grin only grew as she glanced over once seeing a return grin on Marie's face.

As the play ended and the cast took their curtain calls of applause, Talia turned to Marie and rested her hand briefly on Marie's lower arm. People were leaving and Talia was thirsty.

"Would you like me to get us a drink from the lobby? While we wait for the crowds to thin out?" Talia saw Marie tilt her head toward the out going noise of the crowds and look back at her. She smiled. Talia squeezed her arm in response and stood to step out into the line heading up off the main floor.

Gaining access to the lobby, she strode over to the concession area and stood in line behind others to order some refreshments. Ordering two glasses of white wine she headed back against the tide to the auditorium. As she looked down the small stairs that led to the main floor, she searched for her new companion. With a suspicious narrowing of her eyes, she saw a tall man standing beside Marie, helping her don her light jacket. Before she jumped to the wrong conclusions, she took a breath and headed down the stairs toward them.

Marie had encircled her hand into his arm as he leaned down to talk into her ear. Talia noticed all this as she walked down the aisle toward them. She heard the last of his remarks as she neared.

"?stylish black boots and a mid-length leather jacket that match. Very pretty!" Talia laughed aloud as he winked at her.

"Am I ok?" Talia asked, as she held the two glasses of wine in one hand and reached out to take Marie's free hand and guide it to one of the drinks. Marie and her male friend both reacted to Talia's guidance with surprise. Marie arched both eyebrows, while the man grinned widely.

"I used to teach riding lessons at the Parker Summer Camp in Georgia. It's a summer camp for blind children. If I didn't treat the kids with some intelligence, they would trash my cabin in a heartbeat. I spent the first two weeks apologizing while cleaning a lot."

Talia reached forward with her wine and tapped it slightly against Marie's glass. The purest note of crystal sang out as they met. "Here's to new friends," she toasted warmly.

The man stuck out his hand and introduced himself as George, the attendant and friend of Marie. He drove her here and there and accompanied her when needed. While he was parking the car, the house attendants had led her to her seat.

"Good for them! I was beginning to think my luck was on a downhill slide." Talia remarked. "Until now!" she smiled toward Marie.

"George? Would you go get the car and bring it up? Talia can walk us out." George's 'yes ma'am' reply was stated as Talia slid into his place, handed him the empty wine glasses, and guided Marie's hand snugly into her arms bend. Marie seemed to be looking over at Talia with a puzzled frown.

"George described you but, I'd like to read you, if you wouldn't mind?" Talia remembered the face touching the blind students had performed whenever they had thought to ask her what she looked like. Marie turned facing her and Talia took Marie's purse and held it while Marie lifted her hands upward.

Marie's warm palms slid over Talia's forehead, cheeks, and chin. A light touch of her hair was covered as Marie rested her hands upon Talia's shoulders. Talia was about an inch taller than Marie. Marie felt the thick braid running down Talia's head and had been told it was wheat colored. Talia's Georgian background was distinctly written in her peach colored skin and southern drawl. But her features told Marie of laugh lines at the eye corners and of dimples in the smile. Talia's smile faltered for a few seconds as Marie ran a finger over Talia's lips and down the side of her chin to round back upward to her ear. A sudden heat rushed over Talia as Marie's smile deepened. Talia grabbed Marie's hand from wandering anywhere else and tucked it back into her arm and led the way back up the aisle.

"Isn't there an unwritten rule concerning 'reading' someone's features? You're not allowed to tease?" Talia commented boldly as Marie just chuckled.

"Who was teasing?" Marie replied grinning.

Talia led them out to a parked limousine at which George stood.

"Very nice!" commented Talia, as she guided Marie's hand to George's.

"Really?" Marie asked, curious. Talia looked back at Marie from admiring the limo and 'uh huh'd in response.

Not trying to stand gawking at the limousine, Talia was about to turn to get directions to the cast party from George when Marie suddenly reached out her hand waiting.

"Coming?" She asked, in a sultry voice. Talia hesitated for a split second, then reached out to clasp hands with Marie as she bent to enter the car. Talia followed carefully, not wanting to break the handhold between them.

After the car was on its way, George was given directions from an intercom between the back and the front of the car. Talia turned to Marie and brought their clasped hands up to her mouth. Her lips kissed the back of the hand and grazed each knuckle individually. Marie sat with her mouth parted and her chest rising with deep breaths. Talia stopped the seduction of Marie's hand to reach up and gently take off the dark glasses.

"You are beautiful." Talia once again felt a tightening of excitement in her stomach. Marie turned, as if looking right at Talia. Her soft smile was magnificent. Talia trailed a finger over the lips before her. Feeling an unknown freedom to stare, she took full advantage to memorize Marie's features. There was no clash of eyes trying to read her thoughts and guess her next move. There was not any pressure at all. Talia lifted Marie's hand to her own face and felt her fingers lightly stroke her skin. She smiled.

Marie let her fingers touch Talia's face and flow down her neckline. There, she encountered a small chain. She followed the chain to its hanging pendent and let her hand move lower to find the beginnings of clothing. Talia's hand had been following the movements Marie made with her own hand. Pausing at the feel of cloth, Marie moved lower to find a button and released it from its catch. Talia heard her own breathing deepen. Marie felt Talia copy the release of a button on her blouse, feeling a sudden heat suffuse her body.

The play by play was directed completely by Marie as Talia matched her every move. Marie released two more buttons and felt a lace edging to a bra, tantalizing her fingers. Talia licked her dry lips. Leaning forward, she silently urged Marie to touch her. Marie's hand followed the upper edge of the bra to find the strap that held it in place.

"What color is it?" she whispered, huskily. Talia never took her eyes off the lips before her, as she voiced low her response.


Marie felt Talia's hand tremble on her white colored bra strap as she touched the top of the cup holding back Talia's chest. Her fingers circled lazily downward until she felt a hardened nipple beneath the material. Tilting her head to one side, she absorbed the sensations Talia was performing on her own tightened nipple. Talia released a low moan as Marie finally cupped the breast in her hand, rubbing over the nipple with her thumb.

Seeing Marie's head tilted sideways to enjoy the pleasure, Talia leaned forward and kissed the jaw line slowly moving down the side of Marie's neck. Marie arched further as Talia's tongue and lips sent a fire over her skin. Talia took in the smoothness and soft lines of Marie's body with her eyes and mouth. She gently pressed Marie against the car seat, as she opened up her blouse to give her more. Marie leaned her head back against the car seat and brought her hands up to guide Talia to her.

Talia unclasped the front hook of the white lace bra and let it open. Marie ran her fingers through Talia's blond hair as she waited. The excitement of not knowing what Talia was going to do set her body aflame.

Talia ran her tongue between Marie's breasts and slowly made a trail over to a nipple. She heard Marie gasp as she sucked the nipple inward. Her teeth grazed the sensitive tip as Marie pressed Talia's head closer. Her tongue circled the hardened nipple softly flicking it once, twice. Each time Marie's stomach clenched beneath her.

Running her hands around Marie's waist she pulled her closer to give the other nipple the same treatment. Marie moaned with fever. Talia let one of her hands move down to Marie's outer thigh and rubbed down to her knee to come back upward on the inside. Marie sucked in air harshly and started guiding Talia.

In seconds, the classic pleat style pants were opened and Talia was kissing Marie's stomach and panty edge.

"Touch me." Marie begged as she helped Talia pull the pants lower. Talia gazed at Marie's face and body from head to waist. Marie lay spilled across the spacious limo seat, her dark brown hair surrounding her head. Her blouse and bra were pulled apart to show two beautiful breasts, glistening with perspiration. The pants had been lowered and she took a few seconds to slip them off completely. Marie's hand reached out to find Talia's face. Talia felt Marie tracing her lips and over her closed eyes.

"You are beautiful, too!" she said, as she guided Talia's head down to the heat of her body.

Talia's tongue found Marie's lips and parted them. She tasted Marie slowly and strong. The wetness and scent enveloped her. She slid her tongue down between and into Marie's body. Marie pressed upward, arching. Talia ran her tongue upward then down tasting, exploring, and teasing. Marie trembled with the fire Talia had fanned and whispered 'please' as Talia encircled her clit, wrapping her tongue around and over it.

Talia sucked the clit into her mouth, massaging rhythmically. Marie's hips moved with the rhythm faster and faster as the beat swept forward. Talia's free hand moved up to cup and lightly pinch the hardened nipple above, as her other hand inserted a finger inside the entrance below. Marie exploded with release as Talia began to flick the surface of her clit. Her gasp over the peak was followed by spasms of sensations across her whole being. Talia rode the spasms with a hardened tongue pressing down onto Marie's clit as she came. Her eyes watched every facial movement Marie's made throughout. Marie's teeth bit into her bottom lip at her body's reaction. The spasms grew less forceful and Talia slipped her hand out slowly. Marie reached outward to take Talia into an embrace as they positioned themselves lying beside each other on the large seat. Talia pulled her jacket from the floorboard and covered Marie's body. She leaned over and kissed Marie's lips and closed eyes. The flower scent was tantalizing to her active senses. She held one of Marie's breasts in her hand as she waited for Marie to recover.

"Wonderful!" Marie breathed, aloud. She put her hands up to Talia's face and held her head to pull her closer. Their lips touched and parted as they kissed. Tasting each other, their tongues touched and parted. Talia groaned with the scrape of Marie's nails across the back of her neck. Marie ran her hands down Talia's shirt covered back pulling them closer as their breasts pressed together. Entwining their legs, they stayed close like that for a few minutes.

Talia's body thrummed with excitement as they held each other. Marie put one hand down between them and undid the clasp at Talia's waist. The pants slid open and Marie's hand found its way down into Talia's matching black panties. Talia pressed forward as Marie's hand found her passion and started massaging. The sensitive fingers Marie used to explore her were nimble and accurate. Talia felt the pulsing of her body increase with every second. Marie kissed Talia's cheek and neck, nibbling on her earlobe as she brought her body to the brink of excitement.

Arching forward to increase the pressure, Talia felt her body tremble. The roar in her ears was overwhelming, as she felt her body begin to explode.

"Ahh, yes! Marie!" She expelled out low as her mind and body reached its limit of excitement. Marie held her tightly as Talia orgasmed.

Talia rested her head in the crook of Marie's shoulder as she came back to herself and felt Marie's hands resting on her back.

Peeling themselves apart slowly from the sweat and skin melting together, Talia re-fastened Marie's white bra and blouse kissing her collarbone as she helped. Marie sighed, sliding her hands up Talia's arms to rest and massage her shoulders.

"I never realized this limo had so many uses." Marie joked, lightly with Talia, as Talia re-buttoned her own shirt. Leaning down to help Marie find her pants and shoes, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind Marie's ear as she watched her get dressed.

"As beautiful as you are, we are a disheveled lot to be going to a party." Talia commented as she adjusted her clothing and Marie's.

"I agree, and I can't even see us." Marie chuckled, still feeling the dampness of her bangs on her forehead. She clasped her pants together and leaned over to a small unit to open up a bar service. The low hum of the cooling unit began to murmur. The cool air breezed across their skin as they shared a water bottle together. Talia searched her jacket pocket for some cigarettes and lit one after asking politely.

"Please!" Marie granted, without hesitation. Talia felt she could stare at Marie for hours and never get bored. Marie sat there almost looking back at her as the car cruised on. The silence was only broken as Talia exhaled, the cooler hummed, and the water was drunk. Neither woman seemed to want to talk and yet Talia felt completely comfortable.

Marie finished the water feeling a little self-conscious as some dribbled out the corner of her mouth. Talia hastened to catch it with her hand and wiped it off slowly, with her thumb following the movement with a kiss. Marie shivered.

"Ma'am?" The intercom broke in.

"Yes?" Marie answered, holding Talia's lips captive against her throat. Talia took a second to brush her hand against Marie's softened breasts and watched the nipple harden through the material.

"There seems to be a back up going over the bridge would you like me to re-route to the south?"

"As you see fit, George." Marie responded, feeling Talia nibble on her earlobe.

"Would you like to spend 15 minutes at my niece's party, then go home with me?" Marie asked, smiling. Talia continued her exploration nodding her head in response.

That's exactly what they ended up doing. The cast party was crowded with young and old people mingling with drinks in hand. Becky introduced them to a dozen, then urged them over to meet the young male lead named Steve. Marie boosted his ego with praise and included Becky as well. Talia watched everyone enjoying the conversation. They bid farewell after a half-hour had passed. George drove them away, heading out of town.

Talia had gathered a million questions in her head to ask Marie but after getting back into the limo, she hesitated.

"Would you pour us a drink, please?" Marie asked, resting her hand on Talia's thigh. Talia cleared her throat and leaned over to open the cooler.

"What would you like? There's rum, wine, coke, and water." Marie asked for some wine and Talia poured out two glasses.

"Where are we going?" Talia asked after taking a sip and watching Marie feel the lip of the glass to see how full the wine had been poured. Marie lifted the glass to sip and raised an eyebrow.

"Do you mean us or my car? The car is taking us to my home, I don't know about us yet!" She replied, taking a sip. "I live in Palo Alto. It's an hour from the city, but spacious and beautiful I've been told." Talia nodded silently. Palo Alto was the rich and expensive area to buy these days. Rolling hills and horse breeding were the market.

"I moved over here from London when I was younger. I'm 38 years old. I was married to a man who died four years ago. I have a daughter who is attending school and visits on weekends. I'm blind by accident and adjust to it on a daily basis." Marie recited in a humorous voice. "You're probably the first person in a few years who has made a blatant advance to me although I've had other relationships with women." She paused sipping her wine.

Talia smiled. 'This woman is fantastic' she thought to herself.

"And you?" Marie asked, casually. Talia saw Marie swallow more wine and thought of her own life.

"Well?I'm a student at Stanford Medical School. I'm 35 years old. I have lived in California for a few years while attending college. I was born and raised in Georgia. I've never been married nor had children. Also, I've never actually been swept off my feet by another, to end up going home with them after just meeting."

"Well it's a first for me too" Marie commented, chuckling. "Although I must say I'm enjoying it immensely." Talia agreed silently.

The limo slowed and turned into a gated drive, which Talia was able to see little of. The darkened tint of the limo's windows made a complete barrier to the outside. She hadn't noticed, except to realize people could not see inward. The night outside hid any view of the grounds and Marie's hand had begun to caress her thigh.

Talia sat back and enjoyed the ride falling silent, as did her partner. They arrived, pulled to a stop, and heard a knock on the door. Marie reached over and opened the car door to allow the night air to come breezing inward. George helped her out. As Talia stepped out to take a look around, she swallowed a lump that formed suddenly. The mansion they had pulled up to was beyond grand. The only comparison for description was a few of the older mansions she had seen down south. Column pillars graced the front; she counted ten. The doors were overly large oak monstrosities that said nothing but money lived here. She vaguely heard George being given directions to get her car retrieved, when Marie asked for her key set. Handing the keys over, she felt very out of her element. Marie firmly grasped her arm and felt the tension there.

"Relax, Talia. It's large and old but my husband liked to entertain. It's still just a house." Talia tried to relax and looked over at Marie's face. The comfortable smile there calmed her instantly. They walked up a balustrade of steps and the doors opened by an obvious maid. If she was surprised at seeing the lady of the manor with another female, she didn't show it. Marie told Talia how to get from the entrance hall to a nearby sitting room and they entered a cozy room right down the hall from the front door.

"This is quite a place you have here." Talia said as she guided Marie over to a sitting chair near a humongous fireplace already containing a small fire. "Remind me not to get you angry." Talia surveyed the room, noticing the expensive carpets strewn nearby and the antique furniture.

"He was very rich, yes." She said, adjusting into the chair and pulling Talia down onto a nearby ottoman. Talia sat down gracefully and continued to hold Marie's hand for comfort.

"I was not born into any of this and it still amazes me to ask for some things and actually get them but, I do find it convenient sometimes." She raised their clasped hands as an example. "My husband was very aware of my recreational activities toward woman and he never interfered as I didn't interfere in his proclivities with other women. It sounds horrible, but we were aware of each other before we married."

A maid came in with a tray of coffee servings for them both. She left the platter on a nearby table and Talia went to pour them some. Putting two sugars and some cream in hers, she turned to find Marie standing nearby.

"Two sugars and cream for me too please." She prompted.

Talia chuckled and did as asked.

"I'm curious to know all about you from beginning to end. Your past relationships and what you thought about me. Can you share that much?" Marie wondered with her head tilted a little, looking in Talia's direction. They sat back down with their respective coffee cups and Talia reached up to removed the dark glasses Marie had put back on and unbuttoned the top button of Marie blouse again. Looking at her she could see a slight smile on Marie's face.

"I'm ready to begin whenever you are." Talia stated, sitting on the ottoman. Marie nodded sipping her coffee.

Talia explained where she was born and about her childhood as much as possible. She had no siblings, but had plenty of children to play with in her neighborhood. Her parents were together until her dad died a few years ago. Talia's voice held pain and Marie frowned as she listened. Talia described her past three relationships with other women and the one relationship she'd had with a man. They laughed together at the humor Talia added into that scenario. Talia began to tell about her thoughts of Marie and handed Marie her cup of coffee as she went to refill them. She began to describe her image of Marie in the limo while they had made love and Marie shook her head in amazement.

"You thought I looked like what?" Marie asked stunned.

"A goddess!" Talia remarked, running a finger down the side of Marie's face. Marie smiled and shook her head again.

"The way your hair spilled just so and your beautiful breasts. The light film of sweat damp on your brow. The?"

"Whoa!" Marie held up her hand in defeat. "You've got to be a poet or be reading my mind. That is exactly how I pictured you in my head. Although you were above me, in a particularly dominating position." They both laughed.

Marie captured Talia's knees with her own legs and suddenly looked right at Talia's face.

"Would you like to try that again?" She asked, seriously.

Talia suddenly felt a heat surge through her body and realized she had been waiting for that very thing. She reached over and removed the cup and saucer from Marie's hands and took her own along to return to the tray.

"Lock the door." Marie said calmly. Talia looked back at her and then walked over to the door and locked it. The room was theirs to enjoy. Talia returned to Marie. The excitement in her veins rushed through her. The pounding of her heart pulsed in her ears. Marie held out her hand to Talia and pulled her down to feed a fire that was burning her senseless.

The kiss they shared was electric. Marie's tongue met hers with a sweetness of wine nectar. Their lips, tongues, hands and bodies searched hungrily for each other. They moved onto the floor before the fire without thought. Clothing came off, article after article. Talia lowered her lips to taste the soft skin of Marie's body. She felt Marie move her leg to entwine it with her own. Her body pressed downward without thought. The fire between her legs was a searing wall of flame, building higher as it fed off Marie's body. Grinding herself against Marie sent a rush of pleasure into her blood. Marie's hands reached out to firmly grasp Talia's hips. They both moaned with the sensations. They lay naked in each other's arms, exploring pleasures they could provide to each other. Talia discovered a sensitive area that made Marie shiver as she licked along Marie's neckline. Marie heard Talia moan with delight as she lightly pinched Talia's hardened nipples. Talia swept her hand downward to mingle into the joining of Marie's legs and delved into the wetness there. Marie arched upward in response. Talia lay across Marie's body feasting her eyes at the beautiful sight of the other. Her fevered pitch of excitement was only highlighted by the fact that Marie looked upward through hooded gray eyes, unknowingly directly back into Talia's, waiting for Talia to consume her. Talia played with Marie, stimulating her into a rhythm of passion, which grew slowly. Marie turned her head slightly, closing her eyes as she reveled in the sensation. Talia watched every facial movement as Marie's pleasure grew. Leaning down, Talia suckled a nipple inward and felt Marie's hands twine into her hair. Talia ground her pelvis onto Marie's firm thigh, demanding Marie to join her in an orgasm. Marie groaned as Talia's hand did its magic and sent her up to that final peak of surrender. Talia's body responded with its own assault, as the moment surged through her body. Marie gasped as she was swept away. Talia continued the massage on her body and felt the pulsing of the orgasm surrender to her, even as she pulsed with her own release.

Minutes later Talia moved downward and lightly slid her lips into the wet lips of Marie's lower body. Marie gasped and jumped in response. Talia held her tongue still and let the pressure she was giving remain slight. Marie accustomed herself to the situation and relaxed slightly. Talia ran a soft tongue around the inner lips remaining clear of the still stimulated clitoris. Marie sighed with pleasure.

Talia moved upward over Marie's body and found the lips above to share a kiss tasting of Marie's juices. Their tongues entwined and bodies blended together, as they lay quietly.

The fireplace roared smoothly as the heat bathed them nearby. They touched each other again and again filling a bond that only lovers can express.

"This could be very dangerous." Talia reflected looking down into the other woman's face. "I could fall in love with you and never look back." She stated vulnerably, nuzzling her face into the neckline of Marie shoulder to hide her sudden, sharp worries.

Marie lifted her head and held Talia's face before her own. She gently kissed her and lay back with a smile so beautiful, it caught Talia's heart.

"I won't look back, if you don't!" Marie whispered sending a shiver racing down Talia's back. Talia smiled at the word play and slowly nodded in response.

"Is this what they call 'love at first sight'?" Talia teased as she leaned down to kiss Marie's jaw line. Marie chuckled and then suddenly drew Talia up to look at her face. Talia read the smile lurking there behind the suddenly serious features below her.

"Yes!" Marie smiled and whispered again holding Talia's gaze with her own half-hooded gray eyes. "Yes, it is!" Talia felt her own heart burst with release of a sudden pressure she hadn't even known was there. They held each other for a long moment and both knew the beginning had arrived.

The End.

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