~ Discovery Cyber Style ~
J M Dragon
© May 2001
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer: See Part One

Chapter Eleven

Until today, Chris Weddell thought he had seen every one of the many faces of Anna Stephens. Here is a woman with a glow! Yep, no other word for it. I can feel the heat coming from her a mile away. I haven’t seen Anna smile that much in all the years I’ve known her. Good for her!  About time, too!

"Anna, give me a couple of minutes, okay?" Chris opened the door to his office.

"Sure, no problem." Anna was pre-occupied. She was remembering waking up wrapped inside her lover’s arms.  Mandrake was tracing patterns on her stomach.

"You okay?" Anna captured Mandrake’s hand and kissed it tenderly.
"Okay, doesn’t cover it Anna, believe me." Mandrake felt her heart hammer in a ridiculously fast tempo.
"It doesn’t?" Anna couldn’t stop the grin on her face. She wanted to make love to Mandrake over and over again.   And, for most of the night, she had.
"Nope, you are a wonderful lover."
"I’m glad I didn’t disappoint you."
"Oh no, never that, Anna! It was just…just so…my God, I haven’t a word for it and I’ve read all those books, too." Mandrake giggled like a teenager.
"How will stupendous, marvelous, breathtaking, and utterly satisfying do?"
"I think that about covers it, for me at least." Mandrake was surprised at how quickly and confidently Anna supplied words that actually did cover the emotions she felt.
"It’s how I feel about your lovemaking, too.  But, I need to go soon, Mandrake. I have that stupid meeting with Chris.”
"I know." Mandrake spoke so quietly that Anna wasn’t sure she heard the response.  She tipped back Mandrake’s chin to gaze into passion filled eyes that held a slight cloud of doubt in them.
"What’s the matter?" Anna was worried that her new friend was regretting this change in their relationship. Everything slipped easily into place even though she had never made love to a woman before. It had been so natural.
Should I tell Anna my doubts about her? No. Why spoil something so rare and beautiful?  Bringing up my fears will only tarnish the love we shared. And I know this is love. But, what does Anna think?  "I’m fine, no problem. Tell you what. I’ll make breakfast; you can shower and that will save you time when you get home. You’ll only need to change. What do you say?"
Mandrake moved away from her and Anna was helpless to do anything but let her go. I’ll come back later today, and we’ll talk about this. "Good idea, how could I refuse the woman who makes the best breakfast I’ve ever tasted?”
"You flatterer you! Go take a shower; you know where everything is." Maddy felt better that Anna seemed so upbeat... It will work out. It has to; it really does.
"Ms. Stephens? Ms. Stephens? Mr. Weddell will see you now."

"What? Oh, sorry Lee, guess I was lost in thought." She stood up and took a deep breath. As she did so, another woman walked over to the secretary’s desk. Must be a newbie. Never seen her before. Although there is something vaguely familiar, maybe the clothes she’s wearing. Anna went into Chris’ office and closed the door.

"I’m here to see Mr. Weddell. My name is Karen Renaldi."

"Take a seat Ms. Renaldi. Mr. Weddell will see you shortly." Lee Smith motioned for her to sit down.

* * *

"Anna, glad you could make it. This is Director Andrews. She’s responsible for leisure and educational services."

Stella Andrews was immaculately dressed in a navy blue pin stripe suit. At first glance, it appeared to be the standard outfit many women executives wore. A closer look proved it to be expensively cut and worth several thousand dollars.

"Ms. Stephens." Stella inclined her head slightly as Anna seated herself. A large conference table was between them.

"Anna, lets cut to the chase, shall we? We all know why you’re here and what’s been reported to Director Andrews and myself. We need to know your side of the story. Please don’t leave any detail out, however trivial, you may think it."

"…the contract was finalized with the Library Department several months ago. I reviewed all the requirements and gave the best possible advice and valuation on that service. Consequently, we received the contract and won out over the external companies bidding for the work. New systems were introduced recently, but someone kept crashing them.   I decided to see to it myself.  I found that the head librarian, Ms. Roman, did not have the training required to deal with the new system. My technician, Joe Lancer, spent several hours with Ms. Roman instructing her on the practicalities. I believe she is now able to navigate the new system without causing it to crash; at least not as dramatically as she did before." Anna paused. Mandrake has a way of making new situations very dramatic indeed, ALL situations. The thought brought a smile that Anna was unable to hide.

Stella Andrews watched the woman state her case very clearly, but something caused Anna Stephens to break off. Whatever it was made her happy. It looked as if, it was the mention of Ms. Roman… interesting.

"Go on, Ms. Stephens."

Anna shook her head slightly. She tried to dismiss thoughts of Mandrake in bed with her, so that she could concentrate on the matter at hand.

"Sorry, that’s all the facts as I recall them. The next thing I know I’m suspended and there’s a vicious rumor about myself and Ms. Roman."

Chris Weddell knew Anna’s facts were accurate. He had checked everything three times. Anna had nothing to do with the initial discussions on the contract. She could not have used her powers of persuasion to cohere the contract their way.

"You are aware that accusations have been brought? They state you are having an affair with Ms. Roman and that you used your relationship to get the contract away from the competition." Director Andrews coolly remarked.

"It’s not true!" Anna stated caustically.

"What isn’t true?" Director Weddell added quietly as he tracked Anna with his sharp eyes.

"That I used my relationship with Ms. Roman to gain the contract. It was impossible."

"Impossible, how so?"

"I’d never met her before the weekend I went over to rectify the problems in her department."

"Can you prove that?" Director Andrews asked in a hushed tone.

"Of course I can’t! It’s the truth, ask her yourself." What a stupid question! How do you prove that kind of thing?

"Anna, you could have been carrying on an affair with Ms. Roman and using your influence out of hours, shall we say?" Weddell spoke quietly but decisively.

"I wasn’t! Chris, for God’s sake! You know me! Why would I do such a thing?"

"Why would you do such a thing? Ms. Stephens, you knew that you would have to lose three of your people if you didn’t secure the contract. That is a powerful incentive." Director Andrews watched for an expression.  Anna gave a blistering glance which would have severely burnt her had it manifested in physical form.

Anna shifted uncomfortably. It was true. We did discuss releasing personnel if outsiders gained any more of our work. But, the contract was legitimate, and that’s all there is to it. "Not powerful enough for me to stoop to that level, Director Andrews. My people would have found work easily in the private sector and with better pay."

Chris smiled to himself. Here’s the Anna Stephens I know, full of her abilities and confidence in her team. Anna trained all the personnel herself and she is brilliant. Her team is first class.

"Anna, can you tell us that these accusations are unfounded? And, that includes the one by Ms. Renaldi that you crashed her systems deliberately while she worked out of this office. She said you did that so the supplier of the service would look inept."

"Chris, that’s about the most ridiculous fucking piece of garbage I’ve ever heard! Who the hell is Renaldi, anyway?" Anna jumped out of her chair.

Stella Andrews watched the aggressive stance with interest. Stephens was supposed to be Ms. Ice Cool. Obviously the right buttons hadn’t been pressed. "Your language is uncalled for, Ms. Stephens. Sit down and control yourself."

Anna wanted to knock Stella Andrews out of her chair. Who the hell is this supercilious bitch anyway, interrogating me? Okay, Mandrake and I are lovers now. But, before last night, nothing was going on, far from it. I have to make them understand. I’d better calm down before I get into worse trouble. I’m not helping either of us. "I’m sorry."

"Anna, Karen Renaldi states that you and she had an affair shortly after you lost the original contract.  She goes on to say that you sabotaged the systems frequently in a successful attempt to make the other company look un-professional. As a result, the employees who approved the contract were severely taken to task." Anna noticed Chris did not name Ken Peterson directly. That’s what this was all about, revenge, one man’s revenge. But, if that’s true, why is Mandrake involved? She didn’t have anything to do with Peterson being demoted. I’ll have to ask her later.

"I’m telling you, I don’t even know Renaldi. I have not had an affair with her, and under no circumstances have I ever sabotaged any system."

"So, if Karen Renaldi walked in this office now, you wouldn’t recognize her?"

"You’re damn right, Chris! I would not! Although I wouldn’t mind; I’d certainly have something to say to the lying bitch!"

"Anna, please take a break. Go and have some coffee. I’ll page you when we want you back."

Stella Andrews was perplexed. Why is Chris letting her leave? We haven’t asked all the relevant questions. Not to my satisfaction, anyway.

"Okay, do you mind if I check in at my office?"

"You do that. I know Lancer will be happy to see you."

"Thanks." Anna strode out the door without a backward glance. She paid no attention to the people in the outer office as she left.

"Why?" Stella Andrews asked as the door closed.

Chris Weddell winked conspiratorially. "How about we try an experiment?"

Andrews stroked her finger on her chin. "As you wish. What is this experiment?"

* * *

Maddy checked her e-mail for something from Trojan and was disappointed to find none. She’d become used to a message every morning from her. It comforted her to know that someone out there in cyber space was a friend. Her thoughts strayed to Anna.

My God, that had been a surprise, or was it a shock? We weren’t drunk, unless it was on love and passion. What a powerful concoction that turned out to be!  After finding herself waking up with a beautiful woman lying naked over her, Maddy closed her eyes to make sure it wasn’t a dream. But, when she opened them, Anna was still there sleeping soundly. Although the younger woman looked uncomfortable, the tempo of her breathing did not indicate that she was. In fact, when Maddy moved one of her arms, Anna simply moaned slightly and pulled Maddy closer.

I never dreamed I could be so happy. There’s always been something missing, and it turns out it was Anna Stephens. Before last night, if someone had told me I needed Anna in my life, I would have had him or her locked up. Not so much that Anna’s a woman, although that was a blow initially. No, it was the sheer passion and sense of rightness of being with her. It was intoxicating. Nothing and no one could have stopped it from happening. I know our love is meant to be and will last the rest of our lives. Please let Anna feel the same way.

Her fingers typed the beginning of an email to Trojan. Maddy thought about canceling the date on Saturday so she could spend more time with Anna. It wouldn’t be fair though, and anyway, Anna might have plans. Better not push her too much; she might run away if she’s feeling overwhelmed. Too much, too soon, maybe, would she feel that? What is she thinking? I don’t know much about Anna really. Perhaps a call to Simon is a good idea. But, how would I explain? …. ‘Simon, I know quite a bit about your sister’s body, perhaps you can tell me about the rest of her.’

Chuckling, she wrote to Trojan.

Hi Trojan,
How are you? Hope you’re having a good week.
Mine isn’t bad, managed to visit the Field Museum yesterday. The school kids weren’t there in multitudes so it was a nice leisurely pace. Even got to hear a lecture about how to make an Indian mud and straw hut. LOL
What do you think about the museum or museums in general? I’ve found a wealth of them here in Chicago but I guess you would know all about them being a native of the city. (g)
Well, time to shower and change talk with you later.
After she sent the letter, Maddy began the process of shutting down her computer. As she did, her telephone rang. Two minutes later, she sighed heavily and replaced the handset. Maddy was to be in the office of Director Andrews in an hour.

If only Anna would call and let me know what’s going on.

* * *

Anna was astonished at what had occurred in a short space of time. She was about to call Mandrake and let her know about the meeting. She hoped hearing Mandrake’s voice might soothe her nerves. As she picked up the telephone, her pager told her to go to Weddell’s office. The rest had been a blur: shouting, accusations, and eventually a confession from Renaldi.

Got to hand it to Andrews. It was like watching someone struggle to take a bone from a dog. Even Chris was impressed. Andrews quizzed Renaldi like a trial lawyer. Maybe she picked up some tips from her friend, Ms. Temple. Chris and I were just bystanders. When Renaldi broke down in tears, I think he was as relieved as I was.

"Miss Renaldi, thank you for coming on such short notice." Director Weddell held out his hand in welcome.
"No problem, you’re paying my expenses." Karen Renaldi made an attempt at humor but was given a steely glance by the older woman in the room.
"This is Director Andrews, whom I know you have met before, since you worked on her staff at one time."
"Yes, I know Director Andrews, of course." Karen Renaldi looked directly at Stella Andrews but her glance fell as she was given a thorough examination.
"Perhaps you could relate your version of the events that we are here to discuss." Director Weddell’s voice was controlled but it wasn’t lost on Renaldi that he was skeptical of her accusations. Well, I’ll show him, the bastard! Ken told me Weddell would side with Stephens, no matter what the evidence. She was probably screwing him. Wonder if his wife knows!
"Where do you want me to start?" Karen wasn’t good at confrontations but Ken had coached her.
"The beginning would be a good place."
"Stephens…that is Anna, asked me to go for a drink with her one evening when she was at my office on business, or so she said.  Really, she was just spying on what the competition was doing. Ken…that is Mr. Peterson didn’t have much faith in her abilities and had removed the contract for services from her area. I guess she was upset. Anyway, I agreed since she appeared friendly; seemed innocent to me." Karen Renaldi stopped when she noted that the two directors looking at her quizzically. Ken said not to panic. I can’t, I have too much to gain if everything goes our way.
"Go on Ms. Renaldi." Director Weddell responded to her delay with the narrative. Anna had been concise and to the point, no hesitation at all. Not so with this woman, that must be a sign.
"Right, yes, of course. Well, she asked me to meet her several times over the next few weeks and we gradually developed what I thought was a friendship. At first she didn’t really mention the office, only the occasional comment. Then one evening we went out and both of us had too much to drink. It was late so she stayed at my apartment. We became lovers that night. Every time we met after that, she would ask me about the office and what was happening. I didn’t really think much about it and answered her honestly. I had no idea she was planning what she was… the sabotage of the systems and all. It never occurred to me, I thought…well..." Renaldi hung her head in an exaggerated show of embarrassment.
"Exactly what did you think, Ms. Renaldi?" Director Andrews wasn’t impressed by the woman’s show of emotion.
"I thought she loved me!"
Silence invaded the office for a few moments. Stella Andrews considered. Her story sounds plausible. And she plays the part of a scorned lover quite well. If it’s all a lie, she’s a great amateur actress. The tears are a nice touch. Is she being coached?
"Sorry, Ms. Renaldi, but you have to realize that we need to make sure we have all the facts. Would you continue, please?" Chris Weddell’s wife told him he was a soft touch for a woman’s tears.  His children always managed to get him to do anything they wanted if they cried long enough.
"I’m sorry. The memories are just so painful."
"If you tell us your side of the story as quickly as possible, your ordeal will be over." Director Andrews added under her breath, “for now at least”.
"Yes, thank you." Karen Renaldi gave the older woman a bright smile as she took a slow, deep breath before continuing.
"Anna wanted me to get more and more information for her. She threatened me and said that if I didn’t, she wouldn’t be my lover any more. I was torn between my love for her and my loyalty to Mr. Peterson. I chose her and she began her sabotage. Within a month she had the contract back.  Ke…Mr. Peterson was demoted."
"I see. May I ask what happened to your relationship once this occurred?" Stella Andrews threw out the innocuous question.
"She left me! I never spoke to her again." Renaldi again hung her head in a show of what could be considered pain.
"Are you saying, that Ms. Stephens used her body to entice you into a relationship? And that she discarded you, when she succeeded in her plan to discredit the other company and the man responsible for choosing that company? Are those the facts, Ms. Renaldi?" Stella Andrews was nothing if not concise.
"How well do you know Mr. Peterson?" Andrews asked as she wrote something down on a note pad.   She passed it along to Chris Weddell, who excused himself and left the room.
Karen Renaldi was slightly suspicious at Weddell’s departure and the icy calm of the woman in the office with her. Karen had heard the rumors about Andrews’ private life. They were never discussed openly, though. It was dangerous for career prospects to gossip about Stella Andrews.
"Are you going to answer my question, Ms. Renaldi?"
"I thought maybe you might want me to wait for Director Weddell to come back." Renaldi stalled. Peterson told her to say she didn’t know him well.
"I will advise him accordingly. Carry on, Ms. Renaldi."
"I don’t know him that well, really not at all. He found out from a mutual friend that I had this experience and he called. Mr. Peterson asked me if I would help him clear his name."
"Looking at your file, that seems plausible. You worked in the area where he was Deputy Director, not directly for him."
The door opened and Chris Weddell stepped back inside. He smiled at both women apologetically as he sat back down in his chair.
"What happens next?" Ken told me that I would be dismissed and then he and Stephens and Roman would be interviewed. What’s gone wrong? Something else is going on. What is it?
"If you will bear with us, Ms. Renaldi, a piece of this puzzle is due in my office very shortly. I’m sure you won’t mind waiting." Director Weddell smiled as his intercom buzzed.
"Sir, the information you requested is here." Weddell’s secretary announced. “Are you ready?”
"Yes, please, Lee." Weddell disconnected the line when he heard a knock on his door.
All eyes turned to Anna Stephens as she walked into the office. Her stance was one of a coiled snake in attack mode.
"Take a seat." Chris Weddell failed to introduce the visitor.

Karen Renaldi sucked in a deep breath. Stephens. Jesus, what do I do now?

Anna’s eyes traveled with ill concealed pleasure over the people in the room. She settled on the woman who arrived in Chris’s outer office earlier.
Anna had just come from talking with Joe. He had given Chris Weddell all the information he had been able to track down. Unfortunately, before he could advise her of what he discovered, Anna had been requested to report to Chris’ office. Joe slapped her on the back and assured her that everything would work out. He even winked when she left him.
Who is this? Why isn’t Mandrake here? Or the slime ball Peterson?
"Do you know this woman?" Stella Andrews pointed in the direction of the seat taken by Anna.
Karen Renaldi swallowed hard. She turned to face someone she had never met. "Yes."
Anna’s clouded mind finally grasped who this was: Renaldi! That’s why she seems so familiar. Though, her picture in the files is more glamorous than the actual person. Must have been a great photographer.
"Ms. Stephens, do you know this woman?"
"Not personally."
"What does that mean, exactly?"
"I won’t lie to you. When I found out who was involved, I found an old photo of her.  I wanted to see the bitch who was maligning me!"
"How did you know the identity of Ms. Renaldi? And, more to the point, how did you know she was involved prior to this meeting?" Andrews noticed that Chris Weddell twirled the pen he was holding as she asked that question.
"People talk and I still have some friends." Anna realized that Andrews would be annoyed if she became aware that Chris had given out the information.
"Yes indeed they do, Ms. Stephens. I appreciate your frankness." Andrews knew that Chris gave away Renaldi’s identity. He had had unconsciously let it slip at their meeting in the restaurant.
"Ms. Renaldi, I believe this was your statement. You and Ms. Stephens were responsible for the sabotage of the computer systems and the demotion of Mr. Peterson. Is that correct?”
"Director Andrews, no! I never said that!"
"No? I’m sorry I must have misunderstood. Didn’t you state that Ms. Stephens slept with you so that you could provide her with information necessary to sabotage the systems?"
The room was silent. Anna and Chris Weddell watched in fascination as the younger woman wrung her hands nervously and she tried to formulate a response.
"Well, yes, but I didn’t sabotage anything; it was her!"
Stella Andrews answered dryly, "I’m afraid that’s what you are saying. The truth is that you were as responsible for the situation as she. All other facts are irrelevant, didn’t you realize that when you brought these accusations?"
"I didn’t do anything!" Renaldi felt the sting of genuine tears. Kenny didn’t tell me I would be implicated! He said everything would be all right, he would see to it when he was reinstated. How could it be all right? He would be working directly for Andrews and she would want everyone involved fired. Why didn’t I see that? I’m so damn trusting! What an idiot!
"By your own admission you have, Ms. Renaldi. Unless you haven’t given us the true picture?" Chris was happy to let Stella the Dragon take the lead. He had seen her in battle with some of the other Directors and was certain they disappeared to the little boy’s room for relief when she finished with them.
Anna felt as though she was watching a courtroom drama unfold before her very eyes. Andrews is in the wrong profession.
"May I review my statement, Director Andrews?" Renaldi choked back a sob. To hell with Ken Peterson!  I’m about to lose my job and what little credibility I have left.
"By all means, Ms. Renaldi. Tell us the truth." The coldness of her voice had a chilling effect on the room. Renaldi shivered and began her retraction. She implicated Peterson in the lie; fabricated to discredit both Stephens and Roman.
Director Andrews left to meet with her Deputy and Ken Peterson. She intended to reinstate Mandrake Roman as soon as possible.

"Chris, what the hell happened here?" Anna was seated opposite Weddell with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Beats me Anna, but whatever it was it worked." Chris shuffled papers on his desk. One of the photos that showed Anna half undressed at the door of Mandrake’s apartment fell out.

"I think you do know, Chris. How come Renaldi was in the room when I arrived?"

"You said you had never seen Karen Renaldi before. I thought we could try that scenario out. Director Andrews agreed. She wanted to deal with Renaldi herself. Something about her knowing the woman was lying about an affair. Guess she did, too!"

Chris held up his coffee cup. "To vindication by a woman’s intuition."

"I’ll drink to that."

"So, let’s get you back to work, Anna."

"What about Ms. Roman?"

"Director Andrews will verify that Ms. Roman is innocent of any allegations and be duly re-instated." Chris watched Anna’s expression soften.

"I’m glad." The words were barely audible.

"How about you going back to work right now?" Chris expected her to be champing at the bit to get back in harness. Her next words surprised him.

"Actually Chris, I’d like another week off.  I think I’ll take a vacation, if that’s okay with you?" Anna was sure that if she called Mandrake they could arrange to go away for a few days. They could get to know each other better; at least in more detail. The thought made her bubble in sensual anticipation.

"Sure, why not. You deserve it and young Lancer needs the experience. See you in a week no better still a week from next Monday. Get out of here. By the way, I want to see that beautiful smile you’ve had today from now on. And, I want to meet whoever caused that smile to be with you at my house for dinner, say two weeks from Saturday."

Anna glided out of the office on a cloud. Not even Joe Lancer shouting for her to stop had any effect. She wanted to see Mandrake, the sooner the better.

* * *

Maddy walked out of Director Andrews’s office in a daze. She was taken aback as Ken Peterson stood in her path in the corridor. His face was filled with a dark angry expression.

"You think you and that bitch Stephens won, don’t you! Well Roman, I’ll get you both one way or the other; count on it." A sharp voice directed Peterson to the office of the Deputy Director.

Maddy was shocked at the threat. What’s wrong with him? It’s all over. He threw the dice and  lost - maybe he doesn’t understand the word, losing.

Should I tell Anna?  No, no point in worrying her. Peterson’s just upset; he’ll get over it.

Maddy gulped in a deep breath of air when she finally reached the sidewalk. It wasn’t fresh but she did feel a sense of freshness about everything. Now, I need to call Anna and find out the details. Every thing is going to be okay; it has to be. I’ve found my missing link; making us work is what’s important now.

After walking the two blocks to her apartment, Mandrake Roman saw a familiar dark head sitting in a car in the visitor’s parking space. Lets start the celebration and not with champagne!

The car door opened and Anna quickly got out.

"Hi." Maddy reached out and caressed Anna’s cheek so briefly; it was as if it never happened.

Anna craved that touch. The fleeting movement branded her immediately. "Hi, yourself. How are you?"

"I’m great, even better with you here."

Anna looked as if she’d been given a million dollars instead of a compliment. "You heard the good news?"

"Yes, it’s all over, Anna."

Her voice held a resignation that made Anna cautious. What does she mean? Are we over, too? "Are you talking about the mess at work or us?"

"No! My God, Anna, no!" Maddy clasped Anna’s hand in hers and led her over to the door of the building.

"I thought…that is, I wondered…Hell, I don’t want us to end, Mandrake."

"I don’t either.  And, when we get in my apartment, I’m going to show you exactly what I mean." Maddy pulled Anna’s hand gently to her lips, it was a promise of what was to happen later.

* * *

Ken Peterson followed the Deputy Director and smiled at Director Andrews’ secretary. Maybe I should have tried to charm her. Might not have been caught. Renaldi broke down so easily. Although it was hard to understand everything she said when she called, damn crying bitch!  But, I got enough to figure out they know the truth. Well, it ain’t over til it’s over!  Not by a long shot.

"Sit Mr. Peterson." Deputy Director Brown followed him as they entered Stella Andrews’ office. Brown didn’t have all the facts but he did know that Peterson had been up to some unsavory practices. The idiot has been nothing but a whining pain in the ass since he became my assistant.

"Director Andrews, as requested I’ve brought Mr. Peterson with me."

"Yes, I see." She eyed the other man with distaste. Andrews wanted him out of her building as soon as possible. And that was going to happen. Renaldi’s confession and the added information that Peterson’s personal password had been used to hack some files at operation level and Roman’s internal files were all she needed.

"Good afternoon, Director Andrews." Peterson’s smile lapsed quickly as he saw her features take on a mask of icy indifference.

"I don’t know what’s good about it, from your point of view, Peterson. Frankly, I want this sordid episode put in the garbage where it belongs. So, to save us all time, what’s your angle on the accusations you brought against Stephens and Roman."

"My angle? Director there’s no angle, I just want to see justice done." Peterson contemplated his neatly clipped fingernails.

"Justice? You mean the truth? Whose truth, yours? Or, the actual facts?”

"They are one and the same."

"Tell me, I’m fascinated." Andrews gave him a long stare and waited for his reaction. He really is an odious man. If we had all the facts a couple of years ago, he wouldn’t be here now causing me so many problems.

"My pleasure, Director. Anna Stephens used underhanded dealings to sabotage projects for her own benefit. Ms. Roman was gullible and taken in. Stephens has done the same thing to others in the past. You have my paperwork with the details. I hear there are some photographs too, that corroborate the fact she and Ms. Roman are more than friends."

"How would you know about these pictures?"

"Gossip, you know how that goes?" He gave her a smirk.

"Are you implying that I gossip, Mr. Peterson?"

"Of course not, Director, I heard it started in your secretarial area. I merely picked it up in the canteen." The smooth reply brought a light chuckle from the Director and both Peterson and her Deputy looked at her closely.

"I haven’t done any secretarial work in years, Peterson. I’m the only one beyond, Director Weddell, the subject of the photograph, and the photographer who knew about those photos. You are not Director Weddell, nor do you look like the person in the photograph, therefore that implies…" She was stopped in her final assessment as Peterson jumped out of his chair.

"It had to be from Weddell’s office, then!" Ken Peterson’s patience snapped. He wanted Anna Stephens fired; nothing was more important to him.

"Mr. Peterson, I want the name of the person in Operations that has that information. Most are still unaware that one of their Managers has been implicated in a scandal. Who do YOU gossip with over in that area?"

Ken Peterson muttered something under his breath and sat down heavily.

"No answer, Peterson? Tell me, what did you think that you would gain from this?"

Damn, why did I mention those photos? Why couldn’t that bitch Renaldi just follow directions? It’s easy to see why Karen sleeps with her bosses. She’s too brainless to keep a position, otherwise. And she’s not that great in bed, anyway.

Andrews tapped her fingers on the dossier on the desk. "Brown, you know what to do with this man. I suggest you personally escort him off the premises. If he enters the building again, have him arrested."

Deputy Director Brown looked at her sharply and then to his former employee. Maybe now, I’ll find a decent assistant. "As you wish Director. Peterson, follow me."

Ken Peterson stood up and glared at Stella Andrews. "It’s not over, do you hear me? No way! None of you will know what hit you! I promise you that!" Brown grasped his arm and virtually threw him out of the office, leaving the Director to ponder the threat.

Some people just never know when to let go. Stella Andrews closed the file and put it in a tray marked “Completed Projects”.

* * *

Chapter Twelve

"Simon, I need to see Mom. She called me and said she was wanted in her office today." Juliet glanced at her watch. Quarter after four now, next class not till tomorrow at eleven, I can stay the night with Mother and we’ll talk, just like old times.

"Okay Darling, sounds good. Want me to pick you up later and drive you back to the dorm?"

"I was thinking that I’d stay over, you know, chill out with her; she might need it." Juliet knew Simon would be tired when he left the hospital. Going across town wasn't a good idea; he needed his sleep.

"Okay, if you need a lift, page me. I’ll miss you Darling, talk with you tomorrow." Simon understood Juliet wanted to be with her mother. She still felt guilty about not talking to Maddy before the engagement was announced.

"I will, I promise. I love you, get some sleep later, but not in your chair." Juliet replaced the receiver and picked up her books.

Mom is going to be surprised.

* * *

The faint aroma of herb shampoo assailed Anna’s nose. Her hair smells wonderful.

"Anna, can I tell you something?" Maddy turned so that she could kiss the creamy white skin on Anna’s shoulder.

"Yes, anything." Anna shivered as her body reacted to the gentle caress.

"I love you." The words flowed out of Maddy. She had wanted to say it over and over again as they made love but held back. She didn’t want to frighten Anna away. What if she doesn’t feel the same?

Anna stiffened slightly. "I…I …"

Maddy moved so she could look into her lover’s face. Tenderly placing a fingertip over the younger woman’s lips, she silenced the hesitant words.

"You don’t have to say anything, Anna. I just needed to tell you. You might think it’s too soon, but I’m impulsive!"

"Mandrake, I want to say them to you too. It’s just that I... well, I’m not used to verbalizing how I feel. I do care for you a great deal, though." Anna felt like crying. Try as she might, she could not explain how much Mandrake meant to her. What if it isn’t enough, for her?

Maddy gave Anna a glance that held love, compassion and understanding. She placed her hands around Anna’s face and pulled her closer. "Anna, I have the words for us both right now. When the time is right, you will have the words, too. I promise."

They sealed the promise with a sweet kiss that turned into a passionate encounter. It was at that point when the door to the apartment opened.

"Mom, you home?"

"Oh shit, its Juliet."

"I’d better get dressed, Mandrake. We can’t let her find us like this!" Anna jumped out of the bed and looked around for her clothes. All she saw were her stockings and panties lying on the floor.

"Where are my clothes?" Suddenly Anna remembered. Her clothes were strewn around the hallway.  “Oh, Hell!”

"Yes Darling, I think you’ve already answered your own question." Maddy chuckled softly. She moved off the bed and rummaged in her dresser drawer. She handed a large T-shirt to her embarrassed lover.

"Mandrake, this is no laughing matter; what will she think?"

Maddy put on a robe. "I hope she’ll say that I have good taste. It runs in the family." I guess I should take this more seriously, but I am deliriously happy. And, I’m sure that if I’m happy, Juliet will be okay.

Anna gave her a sheepish grin and pulled the T-shirt over her head.  It was a little too short for a person of her height and didn’t hide much. Mandrake was delighted.

"I’ll take a shower while you talk with her.  Please find my clothes, Love. This is bad enough without me being seen half naked by your daughter." Anna closed the bathroom door.

"Coward." Maddy called, "Juliet, is that you?" One day, the answer will be ‘No’, I hope.

"Hi Mom. What have you been doing? There are clothes all up and down the hall." Juliet was momentarily stunned as she saw her mother in a robe and looking somewhat disheveled. "Are you sick, Mom?"

"Oh definitely not. Whatever gave you that idea?" Maddy gave Juliet a hug and a kiss on the cheek as she maneuvered her daughter into the hall. She looked for Anna’s clothes but didn’t see them. Then she heard the washing machine.

"Well, I’ve never seen you so under-dressed at this time of the day." She needs a shower; she’s been sweating. Must have been cleaning out her closets.

"Juliet did you put anything in the washing machine?"

"Yeah, some of those things scattered on the floor. I picked them up and put them in. I didn’t think you’d mind, do you? Mom, I hear the water running in the shower.  Is there someone else here?" Juliet was surprised at the sheepish glance she received from her mother. Oh damn, I should have called first.

"Actually, Darling, there is someone here, and I think you’ve just put her clothing in the wash." Outwardly, Maddy was remarkably calm but her nerves were jangling a little.

Juliet looked first at her mother and then to her mother’s bedroom. Who is she seeing? She’s never said anything about... who is he? Wait a minute!  HER?

"Mom…is it a close friend?" Maddy watched as her revelation brought about an incredulous state to her child’s features.

"Yes it is, a very...very close friend. A surprising thing has happened, Juliet. I’m wonderfully happy and deeply in love."

"I...I guess I’d better meet…her, then."

"You already have, it’s Anna."

"Anna? You mean Anna Stephens? Simon’s sister?"

"Yes, Simon’s sister. Is that a problem, Juliet?"

"Not really, Mom. If you’re happy, I am too. But Mom, Anna Stephens? At the beginning of the week you barely tolerated her, and now you’re sleeping with her?"

Maddy’s eyebrows rose at the comment. "Who I decide to share my bed with is my affair!"

Juliet laughed and gave her mother a hug. Oh, Mom! What an apt choice of words! Don’t be angry with me; it’s okay, really. It’s about time you had someone to love, other than me, that is."

Maddy embraced her daughter tightly and laughed with her. "I hope you mean that, Juliet. Anna is terribly important to me. But, new subject, what brings you here so early and obviously, so unexpected?"

"I wanted to find out how today went and see if you needed company. But, I can see you don’t." Juliet grinned and followed her mother into the kitchen. She settled down in one of the chairs as Maddy began to make a pot of coffee.

"Thank you, Juliet for your thoughtfulness. Today went great. Both Anna and I are vindicated and have the green light to go back to work. A fellow named Ken Peterson was responsible; his motive was revenge. I’m sure he will get his just reward." I’ll have to find another shirt for Anna to wear; that one is too small. At least, Juliet didn’t put her pants in the wash.

"That’s wonderful, Mom. What, with your love life looking up and mine going spectacularly what more can we ask?" Juliet was looking forward to seeing Anna Stephens. It’s true; I wasn’t crazy about her when we first met on Saturday. But, I got to know her better on Sunday. She turned into a decent human being. And, anyway, I’m moving on with my life, why shouldn’t Mother?

"Keep an eye on the coffee, Darling. Anna should be finished in the shower now and she’ll need her pants." Maddy tapped the top of her daughter’s head gently on her way to make a laundry delivery to her lover.

Juliet watched her mother leave. This is one for the books. It will make Simon’s day. Doubt that D.R. Stephens will see it in the same light… I wonder if he really cares about Anna? What would happen if it were Simon, rather than his daughter? That man certainly has some strange, old-fashioned ideas.

Maddy opened the door to the bedroom just as Anna came out of the shower. Her body was wrapped in a fluffy bright lemon towel. God, she is gorgeous. No one on earth could look better in that towel.

"Hi, how was the shower?"

Anna grinned wolfishly. “It would have been better if you had been there to share it with me."

Maddy sucked in a breath as her heart raced in her chest. "Do you know what you do to me?"

Anna gave her a lascivious glance and placed her hands around her lover’s waist. She ignored the fact that the towel slid onto the floor.

Maddy was lost in the embrace as they shared a long and satisfying kiss. "I guess you do know."

Anna settled her damp forehead in Mandrake’s hair. "I know what you do to me, so if it’s anything similar, yes."

"Juliet put some of your clothes in the washing machine. Here are your pants." Maddy said after they broke for air from another kiss.

"I’m going topless, then?"

"No! I’ll find you a t-shirt that fits or at least a little better than the other one.”

"How did she take it? Me and you, that is?" Anna dried herself as Mandrake again tried to find something suitable.

"Very well. In fact, she didn’t seem all that surprised."

"Really? Do you think, she and Simon have been speculating about us after Sunday?" Anna pulled on her underwear and pants.

"Possibly. Great, here’s something that will fit." Maddy turned to give Anna the shirt and stopped in her tracks.

"What’s the matter, Mandrake? Never seen a half naked woman in your bedroom before?" Anna laughed at the priceless expression on Mandrake’s face.

"I’ve never seen one that looks as sexy as you. And, never one I wanted to devour.” Anna caught her breath in anticipation. What I wouldn’t give to have that happen right now.

Anna winked as she pulled on the T-shirt. It had the largest Bugs Bunny on it she had ever seen.

"Perhaps later, no definitely, later." Anna captured Mandrake’s hand and opened the door to meet Juliet.

* * *

Anna looked around her apartment and shrugged. She had spent the last two days with Mandrake and had been in her own home to collect clothes only. Now, it was Saturday afternoon and she already felt terribly alone without Mandrake.

They had made other arrangements for Saturday evening and both felt that it wouldn’t be right to cancel at such short notice. Neither of them volunteered much about their commitments.  Other things had taken priority.

Anna had never experienced the depth of emotion she felt with Mandrake and all she wanted to do was spend the day in bed and make love again and again. The remarkable thing was that Mandrake was operating on the same wavelength.

Mandrake’s boss granted her request for another week off, saying it was only fair under the circumstances. That would work out well; just an hour ago, Anna booked a week in Mexico for them. Tomorrow at lunch, Anna planned to surprise Mandrake and whisk her off to the airport.

It’s four thirty. How time flies with Mandrake in my arms. Hmmm, perhaps I need a long hot shower.

Unable to get late reservations for dinner, she had taken the earliest one at six o’clock. She emailed Maddy and was relieved to see a reply agreeing to the change in plans. Anna didn’t want to loose contact with Sentinel; Maddy was too important. Mandrake would understand when she explained about her cyber space friend tomorrow.

Smiling broadly, Anna’s thoughts were taken up with her new lover and she disappeared into the shower with her fantasies.

* * *

Maddy glanced around her small apartment. Suddenly it seemed so large and un-welcoming now that Anna was gone.

I could have cancelled with Sara, but I do want to meet her. And, then, I will explain it all to Anna. This ‘old friend from out of town’, I hated to lie to her but Anna hadn’t exactly been forthcoming either. She just said that she had plans with a business colleague. Anyway, what could I say? ‘Sorry Lover, but I’m going out on a date with a woman I met on the Internet.’ Imagine the expression on her face. And, tonight I’ll find out if Troj… Sara is going to be only a net buddy or a true friend in real life. And anyway, it’s not a date, just a meeting between two women. We haven’t even discussed our romantic entanglements so that’s not why we’re getting together. And, Sara must feel the same way.

As she contemplated what to wear, the telephone rang.

"Hi." Anna’s voice was husky and incredibly sensual.

"Hi, how are you?" Suddenly Mandrake’s world was rocked in a wonderful way as she felt a surge now that a connection was once again made between them.

"I’m very well, all the better for hearing your voice. I miss you." Anna’s words caused Mandrake to clutch the phone closer to her ear.

"You miss me? You left just over an hour ago."

"Ah, but an hour away from you is like a lifetime, do you miss me?"

"More than I can say, Anna."

Anna hadn’t been sure how Maddy would take this call. She didn’t want her to think that she was too clingy and that Anna was encroaching on her space.

"What time will you be home tonight?" Maddy was feeling kind of needy herself and she smiled at the question.

"Not sure, it’s dinner and a movie. We did talk of going dancing later, what about you?"

"Similar kind of thing, not sure. Would you mind if I came over when I get through?” Anna wanted to spend every waking and sleeping minute with Mandrake Roman.

"No, I wouldn’t mind at all. I’d love that but you might have to wait for me if I’m late." Maddy was desperate to have her evening with Trojan come to an end. She knew it unfair, but sure that if Sara was in the same position, she would feel the same.

"Never fear, I’ll wait. Guess I’d better let you finish off getting ready then." Anna was supremely happy and pleased that she’d made the call. Now all she wanted was to have her evening with Sentinel over and her night with Mandrake beginning. Maybe we could dispense with the dancing. After all, it will be the first time we’ve met. Maddy would understand.

"Yes, or I’ll be late and so will you. Anna have a wonderful time and …I love you."

"I love you too, Mandrake Roman. Bye for now."

"Anna! Wait!  Did you say what I thought you said?”

“I guess I did, Mandrake; it just came out.”

“Then you didn’t...didn’t really mean it?”

“Oh no, Mandrake, I meant it alright. I do love you. Guess I’m pretty impulsive, myself. Although, I wish I waited until I was with you and then I could show you how much I love you. It’s a little frustrating being on the telephone, you know.”

“Yes, Darling.  I know”, Mandrake replied with a giggle.

“I’ll see you soon, and Mandrake?”


“I love you.”

“Oh, Anna, I love you, too. Bye." Maddy replaced the receiver. She loves me. Anna loves me. Wow! I will really be distracted tonight. My mind AND my body will definitely be thinking of Anna.

* * *

Maddy arrived fifteen minutes early.  She had agreed to meet Sara in the lobby at five forty-five and have a drink before dinner.

As she sat looking at the plush restaurant, Maddy wondered how much it cost to eat here. Although she wasn’t strapped for cash she didn’t fritter it away either. Maddy could not remember dining in a place this opulent since her honeymoon with David.

"Madam, would you care for a drink, while you wait?" The senior waiter was immaculately dressed in a white and black dinner suit. He’d shown her to a small corner area of the bar after she told him that she was waiting for a friend, who had reserved a table. Thank God, he hadn’t asked Sara’s last name. How embarrassing, to have had to explain I don’t know it! This is so foolish, meeting a stranger. What would Juliet say? And I don’t even want to think about Anna’s reaction!

"Thanks, I’ll have a glass of medium Chardonnay."

"Have you a preference of vineyard?"

Maddy wasn’t sure. She rarely bought wine, but when she did it was usually a California variety. "What do you recommend?"

"We have several very good Chardonnay’s.  I would be happy to select one for you." Maddy nodded her head and he left her as silently as he’d arrived.

When Maddy glanced out the window to the steps that led into the restaurant she couldn’t believe her eyes. No it can’t be! Anna is coming into this restaurant! Surely fate wouldn’t be that cruel, to let Anna see me with Sara! For heaven’s sake, there must be hundreds of decent places to eat in Chicago. Why here? As she looked frantically for the restroom, Maddy realized how foolish that would be. If Anna is eating here, she’ll see me sooner or later. This place isn’t big and I certainly can’t stay in the bathroom all night. That man she’s talking to must be the business associate. At least he’s much older. What if he was young? As young as Anna! Okay, stop. I’m letting my imagination run away with me.

Taking a deep breath she forced herself to look happy. The waiter came into view and blocked her vision of the entrance as he placed her wine on the table in front of her.

"Would you care to try it, Madam?"

Maddy prayed that Anna would go straight to her own table. "Thanks I will." As she sipped the wine, she felt the sharpness invade her palate. It was a fruity Chardonnay and she knew she would enjoy it.

"Is it to your liking, Madam?"

"Good choice, thank you." The waiter beamed a smile and turned to leave.

Maddy’s vision was now unobstructed. Her eyes locked immediately with those of her lover. Anna gave her a startled look and then a small smile creased her face. The man with her was talking to the waiter as Anna approached Mandrake’s table.

"Mandrake, I didn’t realize we would be eating in the same restaurant, what a coincidence." Anna managed to compose herself enough to sound nonchalant, when in reality she was far from it.

"Yes, yes, what a coincidence. I see your business colleague arrived?" Mandrake swallowed hard and picked up her glass. She wanted to walk into her lover’s arms and kiss her senseless, but drank most of the wine instead.

"No, actually they haven’t. At least, I don’t think so. Should be here soon. What about your old friend?"

"Not yet, she’s due any moment, too. I thought you came in with the gentleman talking to the waiter?"

"Oh that’s only Jack, an old family friend. He owns this restaurant." Anna smiled warmly at her and the sensation it caused in Mandrake was electric.

"Want to join me until our dinner partners arrive, then?" Anna jumped at the invitation and sat down immediately. She was so close to Mandrake on the sofa that their thighs touched. It sent a jolt of sexual awareness through both of them.

"Yes, I wish I could join you for dinner, too." Anna growled in a voice so low Mandrake almost missed the words, but they managed to hit the target as she gazed longingly at her lover.

"I’d love that but…." Mandrake glanced up at the clock on the wall. It was five to six. Sara was late.

"Yes, but." Anna reached under the table and gently squeezed Mandrake’s knee in understanding. Where was Maddy? She’s late. It’s almost six and the table is reserved for six.

Anna’s friend Jack walked over to them. He smiled at Anna and gave Maddy a hard look and then a genuine smile as he tilted his head to Anna for an introduction.

"Sorry, Jack, Mandrake, meet Jack Sterling. Jack, this is Mandrake Roman, a very good friend of mine." Anna watched them shake hands and was disturbed that Jack held Mandrake’s hand far longer than necessary.

"What an unusual name, bet no one calls you that much, do they? Quite a mouthful, especially when you were a child."

"What a thing to say, Jack! I always call Mandrake by her full name." Anna hoped her friend hadn’t upset her lover with his crass comment.

"That’s okay, Jack is right.  Not many do and even I could never say the name myself when I was a child." Maddy grinned at the old man who was looking at Anna with a mixture of indulgence and surprise at her indignant response to his innocent question.

"Anna, you didn’t get away totally unscathed from your father’s influence. He wouldn’t use a person’s nickname, either." Jack laughed at the outrage that settled on Anna’s face as he held up a hand to ward off her angry retort.

"Your saving grace, Anna, is that you are the image of your mother. She was a beautiful woman in both body and spirit. I know she would be proud of you; I certainly am." Jack Sterling touched Anna’s cheek and Maddy could see several expressions pass over his weathered features. Perhaps, he had loved Anna’s mother, too!

"Jack, you are the ultimate flatterer. How did Mother manage to resist your charms?" This is nice, sharing old memories with Jack and Mandrake. I feel like I’m part of a family, at last.

"Your mother had more sense, Anna. She chose the Doctor over the Chef." Maddy began to wonder if there wasn’t a secret love story in the Stephens’ family. Oh well, everyone has a skeleton in the closet, don’t they?

"Humph! Not sure that was a wise decision." Anna felt her body tense as she thought of her father. Why couldn’t Mother have married Jack? He would have been a loving father. He always tried to be a father figure to Simon and I, at least until I was fifteen. Wish he and Father hadn’t had that terrible argument; Jack never came around after that. His cards and presents for birthdays and Christmas still came, but always by messenger. It was a stroke of luck I stumbled into this place graduation night and found him again. Jack Sterling owned three prestigious Chicago restaurants. After Anna received her degree from the University, she would often visit Jack to talk with him about her mother. Neither she nor Simon ever discovered why D. R. Stephens had a break with the man he considered to be his best friend.

"Now, now Anna, your Father is a good man. A little misunderstood, that’s all. Anyway, Sara wouldn’t want you to think that way. She loved him very much, as much as he did her. So, Ms. Mandrake Roman, what is your nickname?" Jack turned his attention to Mandrake who was watching the exchange in silence.

Mandrake’s mind was spinning at the name of Anna’s mother: Sara. "Maddy." Her voice replied mechanically, as she pondered the path her mind was taking.

Anna registered shocked surprise, "Maddy?"

Jack looked at them both. Something odd is going on here. Time to leave them alone.

"I’ll chat with you later, Ladies. I need to make sure the chef is doing his duty. Here comes your waiter, anyway." Jack kissed Anna’s cheek and smiled at Maddy as he walked toward the kitchen.

"Ms. Stephens, your table is ready."

"George, will you give us another five minutes, please."

"As you wish, Ms. Stephens." He deposited a tall drink in front of Anna before leaving.

"What do you have there?" Maddy tried to make small talk as she gathered her thoughts. Her mother’s name is Sara. Why was she so startled that my nickname is Maddy? Is it possible...?

"One of my favorite concoctions. George makes the best one this side of Chicago. Tropical fruits and white rum on crushed ice. Want to try one?" Anna swirled the stirrer in the glass and sipped the beverage. Why didn’t I know her nickname is Maddy? How did it slip by me? I’m not usually this dense! How could I miss something so obvious - Mandrake - Maddy?

"No, I have a drink, thanks. I guess both our dinner partners are late."

"Yep, but have we really been stood up?"

Maddy laughed, "No, I don’t think so… Sara?"

"I guess not... Maddy." The words were so softly spoken that Maddy strained to hear.

The waiter returned. "Ms. Stephens, do you still want the table?"

"Lead the way, George. Mandrake, would you care to join me?"

"Sounds good to me. I’m all yours." Maddy was pierced with a stare from Anna that seared into her heart. The message was plain: LATER.

"Ladies, this way please." George led them to a table that was surprisingly private. "Claude will be with you shortly. Have a wonderful meal." The waiter disappeared, leaving them staring at each other in disbelief.

Finally, Maddy broke the silence. "Are you surprised?"

"Stunned would be a better word."

"I never had an inkling, either but you were always important to me, Anna. On the net and from the first day I met you in real life, too. Call it kismet, cosmic forces, or whatever. I just feel so foolish not making the connection between you and Trojan."

"Oh Mandrake, you aren’t foolish. I never gave you my real name. But you did. I was too dense to make two and two equal four. And they call me brilliant at work! God, I have news for them."

"Perhaps, we were both so overwhelmed with our feelings for each other on and off the Internet that we lost the ability to think clearly. Of course, now that I think logically about the conversations we had, things do add up. Hindsight is always 20/20.”

"Mandrake, does it scare you?"

"Scare me? Perhaps. A little. I always felt a connection to you, from the beginning - whether you were Trojan, Sara or Anna. Something told me that you were going to be special and that’s exactly what happened."

Anna needed more reassurance. "Now that you know, we’re all the same person, are you having second thoughts?"

"Never My Love, never. We are made for each other, wouldn’t you say?"

"Made for each other, oh yes. Both in real life and in cyberspace, we were destined to meet Mandrake. One way or the other, it would have happened." Anna turned the smaller hand over and gently caressed Mandrake’s palm.

"I guess this is what they mean by discovery cyber style." Maddy felt a shot of pure delight going through her body at the caress from Anna.

"And, what a discovery. Mandrake Roman, Sentinel, Maddy, I love you."

"Anna Stephens, or whatever name you want, I love you, too." They grinned at each other as the waiter came to take their order. It would be the main course only. An appropriate celebratory dessert would be consumed at home.

"Tell me Anna, why did you choose the name Sara?"

"Well, Simon uses my mother’s maiden name and I use her first name when I need to. Guess we Stephens love to have multiple identities." She raised a glass. "To love, whatever the name it goes under."

"I’ll drink to that." I’ll call you anything you please, as long as you love me. ‘A rose by any other name…’

They shared the meal and rejoiced that, no matter what, they would have met. It was simply meant to be!


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