~ The Black Knight and the Lady ~
by J M Dragon

Disclaimer: This story implies consensual sexual relations between adult women as well as some male/female relations. If it is illegal in the state, providence or country in which you live, or if you are under the age of 18, please leave the site and find something else to read. There are many, wonderful general stories out there in fan fiction land.

Language: There is some occasional strong language.

Violence: This one has some physical violence and several scenes that may offend a few. Please remember this tale is depicting the time of King Arthur and sword fights and battles were commonplace. I did not undertake to make these gory, only to assist in the authenticity of the story.

Hurt/Comfort: Have some of this also, both hurt and emotional.

Acknowledgements: This story was written for Alice.

Thank you to Betty and 'The Dream team' for their continuos support and help, I am as always very grateful.


Part 3

Chapter Four:

Once upon a time…

The Black Knight had asked directions to the rose garden from one of the scurrying servants, as he was preparing the castle hall, making ready for the evening's festivities. It would be a low-key affair, but no less grand in its presentation.

Approaching the secluded courtyard area, she heard the low melodic tones of someone singing a happy melody. For a few moments the Knight stopped and listened. It was a melody that she had not heard before. It was so haunting; it captured the attention quite by chance and entered the heart without a care. A smile crossed the dark helmeted Knight and she walked towards the voice that was drawing her closer and closer as a victim to the web of a spider.

Alicia bent close to a beautiful blood red rose and smiled at the aroma that assailed her. It was so delicate a fragrance and matched the song she was singing. Her sharp hearing picked up the sound of armour. Although to many, the Knight would have appeared silent. To her trained ears after four years in Camelot, it was familiar and brought a gentle smile to her lips as good memories surfaced.

"Sir, have you lost your way to the stables?" Alicia laughed inwardly as she imagined what that comment would make on the Black Knight's face. She did not need her eyes to know it was she. She knew instinctively it could be no other.

The Black Knight stopped in her tracks once again. A slow smile of pleasure crossed her face. "No! I wanted to see the rose garden that you mentioned. The flowers would need to be so beautiful to attract the attention of such a true rose."

Alicia was so surprised at the comment, she quickly stood erect and over balanced, causing the Knight to move with surprising speed considering the weight of her armour to catch hold of Alicia's arm before she sank to the ground without decorum.

"Thank you." Alicia rasped haltingly and was relieved, but also disappointed when the Black Knight removed her hand as she was steadied quickly.

"At your service Milady." The quietly spoken voice of the Knight brought Alicia's senses to a pitch that she should surely not feel.

"So, Sir Knight, you have had a good rest and are ready for the evenings entertainment?" Alicia asked her voice breathless.

"Yes, I'm well rested Milady. And you, are you rested after the journey we endured to bring you home?" the voice warm or so Alicia thought.

"I am very happy to be home. I slept well in my own room and bed." Alicia smiled, looking directly at the Knight.

"You are smiling about what?" the tall figure asked intrigued.

Alicia wasn't sure if she knew the answer. She walked away from her position and sat down at the wooden seat that looked upon the rose garden in a position encompassing the whole garden area. It was so beautiful it was breathtaking.

"It is a very beautiful day and I'm happy to see you enjoying it also."

The Black Knight came closer to Alicia. It was a strange feeling to consider that what her heart desired was what the father of this woman desired also, but for different reasons. Edwina was in love with the glowing green eyes and the beautifully smooth and flawless face of the woman before her. She had been so from the first day that she had set eyes on Lady Alicia Lascelles over four years ago. It had only grown stronger. The feeling had not diminished as some unrequited love often does. How could her love have diminished when as each passing season brought forward further reason for Edwina to love the young woman? Alicia had compassion, warmth and love for people that went beyond the court of King Arthur. It travelled to his people and they all loved the smiling and gentle French woman, who braved the elements and the severity of the conditions the people lived in to show that side of her nature. Now she had been given permission to woe a daughter of the Count. Although had the Count been aware of the subterfuge of the situation and that the Black Knight was a woman instead of a man, it would be so different, so very different.

"Yes, it is a very beautiful sight." Edwina said softly, her eyes turned to the woman before her rather than the garden itself.

Alicia looked up at the shining black helmet that was turned in her direction and she held her breath at the comment. Was it for the garden or…her? "Then Sir would you sit beside me and contemplate the beauty for a few moments together."

Edwina had not missed the intake of the breath of the woman. She was loath to take advantage of the woman in the circumstances, but what could she do?

"Milady, I will stand and observe the view from this vantage point. We are, as you know un-chaperoned!"

Alicia blushed at the comment. Did the Knight consider her forward in manner and speech? She hoped not. It would be a hard burden to bear.

"As you wish Sir Knight."

Several minutes passed as they both looked at the garden, but all they really wanted to do was gaze at each other. Alicia thought the silence would never end and she finally took the courage and tried to start another conversation with the Knight.

"Sir, will you still be leaving at the end of the festivities tonight?"

Edwina wanted to shout out that she would never leave the woman at her side. But, she knew deep down, this maiden would never consider a life with her. It was a dream that would not be fulfilled. All that she could hope was that the Lady would consider the charade of a betrothal to be in the best interests of her fathers failing health.

"That my dear Lady depends on the answer to a question." Enigmatically spoken the Black Knight turned to face the young woman and as she did so, she raised the visor, which obscured her face to all eyes.

Alicia looked up and was rewarded with the sight of those startling blue eyes that made her heart race. They held so much strength of character and when the Knight desired warmth that seared into her soul.

"Pray Black Knight, what would that question be?"

Sapphire blue eyes entreated emerald green ones to understand and a small smile played on the edges of the Knight's lips as she considered her answer carefully. "I have been asked by your father to consider asking one of his daughters to marry me!" Before the Knight could say more Alicia was on her feet and standing inches away from the Knight her stance aggressive.

"My father would do no such thing. He wants us to marry for love!" Alicia responded with alacrity.

A shadow passed briefly in the Knights eyes, as the truth was laid bare for her to see. It would be impossible for the lady to love her. Why ever did she think that it could or would happen? Only fairy stories ever had a happy ending. Reality did not!

"I know Milady, and I think your sister Sophia is in love with me. So, I will do my duty and ask the question." Edwina's voice low and held a tinge of sorrow. Had she been given the slightest indication that Alicia was interested, and then she would have gone down on her bended knee and begged for the young woman to accept her offer. But alas, she did not see that.

"YOU CANNOT DO THAT! IT WOULD BE CRUEL TO SOPHIA AND MY FAMILY!" Alicia shouted at the woman before her. What was she thinking? If it was anyone she should ask, it should be her, not her sister!

"I had an obligation to your father Milady, I will see it through." The Black Knight responded quietly, but the strength behind it was not lost on Alicia.

"No!" Alicia stated vehemently.

"No?" Edwina shot her an exasperated look from the blue eyes.

"You are a woman. My sister is innocent of that information. It would be dishonourable to ask her." Alicia seethed, her mind stumbling over the events happening before her.

"Yes, I am a woman. It would mean that your sister would say no. I will be denounced and sent packing. True justice for my deception, do you not think Milady?" Edwina turned away from the flashing green eyes. It troubled her to see the hurt she was inflicting.

"Then why ask her? Why not ask me?" Alicia's voice held a plea that Edwina could not understand. She turned back to the woman and saw…what did she see? Was it love? Was it compassion? Was it purely needed to protect her sister from an embarrassing situation?

"You already know the facts Milady. How much more disrespectful would that be to ask you to marry me?" the voice so low that Alicia had difficulty hearing it.

Alicia was taken aback by the comment. Would she have considered it disrespectful or would she have felt it an honour? Her heart told her one thing her mind rejected it.

"I think Black Knight that to save my sister and my fathers face this day, you will need to ask me the question. We will deal with the details at a later date."

Edwina was surprised, somewhat annoyed, but exceptionally pleased at the offer. "Milady, it would be wrong of me to ask you to do this. Perhaps, I should just leave as I intended to do yesterday?"

"NO!" the emphatic reply was so loud Edwina looked about her to make sure no one else heard, then came looking for the reason behind the disturbance.

"No? Why is that Milady? Surely it would not be a hardship for your family. You could say that not only had I duped your family with my deceit, but the late King Arthur. No one would hold that against you, no one with honour that is." Edwina spoke the words solemnly. It was time to move on. Her redemption was in another place.

"I will not allow you to be less than honourable Edwina D'Argent Lion. You have saved my fathers life and brought me home without any hope of gain when others wanted so much more!" Alicia had listened to the messages of her mind, but her heart had overridden it with a force that she was sure would send her down to the ground with its impact.

Edwina gave a wry smile and contemplated the words uttered by those tempting lips. "For now I will do as you ask, but take my warning Lady, being betrothed to me will link our lives in such a way, that it may become impossible at a later time to wash away the stigma of our association, when the facts are generally known."

Alicia watched the sadness creep into the blue eyes that beheld hers. She smiled gently, her warmth and confidence mirrored in her green eyes. "I will be the judge of how you will affect my life Edwina. Please accept that as the truth." Her eyes strayed to the wounded cheek and it looked angry and red in stark contrast to the alabaster skin.

"Does the injury pain you Edwina?" Alicia's voice soft with concern. Her hand timidly went up to touch the edges of the wound.

Edwina flinched away and saw the pain that inflicted on the green eyes facing her. Her own emotions in turmoil, she did not expect the woman to touch her? Her fear of physical contact with Alicia should her resolve to not show her true feelings be breached had made the situation worse. "The injury will heal, as all do. It will leave a scar. Though one I will happily carry to the end of my days." Edwina announced.

The very words lit a spark in Alicia's heart. The pain she had felt at the flinch was replaced with a feeling of delight at the words.

"You will want to remember me in such a way, how very…." Alicia trailed off her eyes captured by the blue ones and a tendril of what could only be versed as understanding passed between them.

"Your father will want to have the full details, I am sure from you, of how the Black Knight succumbed to the beauty of his eldest daughter and that she accepted his proposal of marriage. If you say your father is a romantic and wants his daughters to marry for love, he will expect no less." Edwina said her voice low and to Alicia she couldn't wish for anything more, than to listen to the melody of it the rest of her life. That was a dream that perhaps could not be, for it would be inevitable that people would find out about the Black Knight. Edwina would have to flee the area. Who could approve such a union?

Edwina saw a look of consternation cross the younger woman's face, and then a defeated look replaced it. What had she thought that caused her to have such melancholy thoughts? "You appear distressed Milady? Please, have I voiced something that pains you?"

Alicia stated at the question turned a bright smile to the Knight. "Of course not Edwina. It was a fleeting memory that was all. Nothing you have done, I assure you. To answer your question earlier, yes my father is a romantic. He and my mother were very happy together. Had it not been for my sister and I, it would have been probable that he would have joined her shortly thereafter. I am eternally grateful he did not, for he has shown us much love. I hope one day, I too, can feel that same emotion he and my mother shared." Alicia stated wistfully.

"Milady, I will hope in my heart that you find that one true love and it is returned with equal measure. For now, I'm afraid you will have to make me your dream of love. I will endeavour to make it my place to ensure that no harm befalls you as you seek your true love Alicia Lascelles." The Black Knight bowed as low as her armour would allow.

Alicia watched in quiet fascination as the Black Knight knelt on one armoured knee and placed a black gauntlet hand to the chest piece of her armour and striking the point close to the heart held out the hand towards her gallantly. "Will you Alicia Lascelles, elder daughter of the Count Lascelles, of the Castle Lascelles in the province of Normandy, accept my hand, Edwina D'Argent Lion, better known as the Black Knight in marriage?" Blue eyes gazed into green with a determination and warmth that Alicia had not expected. The words had the ring of truth about them, as if Edwina was acting in sincerity and not as a whim of her father.

Momentarily stunned into silence Alicia could not help but gaze with a secret passion into the blue eyes and she noticed that the eyes looked confused at her actions. "Edwina D'Argent Lion, I Alicia Lascelles will be honoured to accept your hand in marriage and I accept all that being your betrothed brings."

Edwina was indeed confused; this was a false declaration surely! Yet, it had appeared to have the ring of truth about it, making her heart race at the possibilities those simple words could bring. "Thank you Milady for doing me the honour. I will take your leave and be by your side this evening so that we may announce the happy news." Edwina was about to turn and leave the rose garden, but the small hand of Alicia placed itself on her arm and stopped her in motion.

"Do you think we should not seal the acceptance with more than a simple thank you Sir Knight? Do you have no heart?" Alicia said playfully, but her blood felt as if it was boiling up inside. Her emotions so chaotic at the very notion of those full lips kissing her.

Edwina turned her face up in shock at the words. Whatever did Alicia mean? Surely she did not expect a kiss? Looking deep into the eyes of liquid green pools she saw that indeed there was mischief but something more. Well, she had never been one to back down and her very honour had been doubted here, so be it. "My apologies Milady." Bending closer to the upturned face of the younger woman, she placed a chaste kiss on the cheek of the woman who had closed her eyes in anticipation.

Alicia felt the softness of the lips caress her cheek gently, and then the feeling was gone as gossamer flies in the wind. A soft moan emitted from the young woman. She did not know why, but it hadn't been enough!

"You call that a betrothal kiss Edwina? I call it a kiss shared between sisters, not as one lover to another! We do have to look as if that is truly what we are."

Edwina again gave a start at the audacity of the small woman before her. Was she playing with her? Probably! Did she care? No! What was there to gain? Everything! Edwina's heart called to her.

"I am at your command Milady Alicia. If that is your wish, I will gallantly proceed."

A smile came over both faces as they stared at each other as if for the first time. As the full lips of Edwina D'Argent Lion settled on the soft lips of Alicia Lascelles, both women closed their eyes and sank into the wonderful feelings that this one kiss produced in them both. It was a contact that was to leave them breathless and wanting more. However, as the Knight pulled away, she sped on her heels out of the garden and back towards the stable and the retrieval of her equilibrium.

Alicia could not call back the Black Knight. She had no voice in which to do so. Her whole body had turned to jelly at the surging emotions this one kiss had evoked in her. Is this what love was all about? Was this feeling of euphoria only ever to be experienced in the kisses of the Black Knight? Could she continue her life without feeling this again? Her mind was so full of questions. Many of which could not be answered until the evening when she would have the pleasure of the company of the Black Knight once again. It made her giddy to think of it. Now it was time to tell her father the good news. For Alicia did feel that now, it was good news. She had fallen in love. It was now up to her to convince her father that her love was as pure as his had been with her mother, it was that simple.


Chapter five:

The Black Knight had taken Raven for a long gallop over the hills and green fields of the lands belonging to the Castle Lascelles. When it was over, not only was Raven exhausted, but the Black Knight as well.

Edwina's feelings were open now there could be no going back. What she had experienced in that one kiss with Alicia would be stored in her heart forever. The love she now knew was as old as the earth itself and could never be fulfilled. At least for the moment, she could be in the company of the young woman. She could drink in the beauty of her and keep her safe, until such time as the Lady herself chose to take another betrothed. The mere thought of such a thing brought a pain into Edwina's chest that threatened to fell her from her horse at its intensity. How could she feign not telling the woman she loved of her loving? It would be so hard not to fall on her knees and beg for another kiss, or a touch from those small gentle hands and see warmth and love gaze out at her from those vivid green eyes.

Now she must control her actions and make sure that Alicia did not get hurt or see the hurt that she could with a few words inflict on Edwina's tender feelings. For it may not be a mace, crossbow or even a sword that caused her death, but thoughtless words from the small strawberry blonde woman who had captured her heart and could crush it under foot without a care.

Pausing briefly to scan the fields ahead that lead to the gates of the castle, Edwina saw several horses grazing in a nearby field but could not make out who was with the steeds. It was getting near to when the festivities would start. She did not want to be late especially now, but she had a feeling that the owners of the horses might not be friendly. Fanciful thoughts and unfounded, Edwina scrutinised the area once more and then rode off towards the castle and her betrothed.


Alicia had wanted to talk to her father and inform him of the Black Knights proposal and her acceptance, but he was sleeping and his valet Levant, had not wanted to disturb him. He had looked so very tired. Alicia had accepted the man's concern for her father. She smiled her understanding and said she would see him later at the party.

Sophia, whom she had also wanted to inform, had been with the dress maker and was in such a dizzy mood with the woman, Alicia felt it best to go back to her own room and consider what gown she would wear that evening.

Looking over her clothes she felt that nothing justified the way she was feeling at the moment, it was to be a wondrous announcement. Perhaps she could convince, over a period of time, the Black Knight to stay at the castle. Perhaps one day, who knew, Alicia might make Edwina love her as she loved Edwina. It was a chance and a single thread of hope she knew she held. A chance that could be dashed by the Knight with a few words having one meaning - she was leaving the Castle and leaving Alicia behind. Such a slender chance it was to envisage, but she could see the road that the chance would offer her. She willingly would go down it, if Edwina were at her side. So tiny a word was love, but so much could be achieved once it was in your grasp and acknowledged within the heart.

Pulling out a silk forest green dress with cobalt blue sleeves, it was a beautiful creation and she had never worn the garment. It had been made for a feast of victory in Camelot. But alas, that victory although achieved, had taken away the most precious life of the King and it was more a wake than a party. Now the dress would be worn in all its colourful splendour at a party in her honour and on her betrothal also. It was fitting it should be so.


The lute player was weaving a happy tune along with the flute player and the shimmering of the torches that produced the light within the castle burned brightly. Laughter was the noise that enticed anyone to the castle hall where a large banqueting table was filled to overflowing with everything imaginable. Large pheasants fully trussed and presented in a beautiful fashion adorned the table along with a large roasted pig, fresh bread, gallons of wine and numerous other delicacies that could possibly be found in the area.

Several of the castle dogs were eyeing up the table in the hope that they would be thrown a morsel to two. Although they looked thin to the general sight, the dogs were generously fed in the castle.

The selected guests that the Count had asked to the party commemorating his elder daughters return home, were busily talking and eating with the obligatory goblet of red wine to wash down the food.

At the centre of the table the Count was laughing merrily with his daughters on either side of him with several noble men and woman flanking them. One person missing at the start of the celebration was the Black Knight. Not only was Alicia hurt and annoyed at the lateness, but the Count was a little disturbed by it as well! Had he gone too far in his earlier suggestion to the Knight? Perhaps! They would have to wait and see. He hoped that the Black Knight would not take his time to court his younger daughter. But, young men these days had other priorities other than love on their minds and for certain, the Black Knight had other things he wished to do with his life.

As if the Knight had heard the thoughts of the Count and the annoyance of her betrothed, the Knight made an unobtrusive entrance to many. However, to Alicia and her father, it was as if he commanded attention and dwarfed everyone inside with his stature and elegant ambience. The Knight had changed from his normal black suit of armour to a glimmering silver suit, which shimmered in the glow of the torches. Comprising of a breastplate, covering a chain mail vest, gauntlets that only covered the wrist to elbow and silver armoured lower leg braces. Royal blue brocade leggings completed the outfit and it was with a surprise that no helmet was in evidence.

All eyes starred at the mysterious Black Knight, who was now open to the eye of everyone. Long ebony hair was tied back and hung neatly in the back and the alabaster skin that was now marked with a rugged looking scar looked around with a bored expression. If someone should look to closely the Knight would give him or her a piecing glare that frightened the most inquisitive of onlookers. The Knight made his way towards the long table that held the family she had sworn her allegiance to for a short period of time.

"As you requested Milady Alicia, I have taken up your kind offer to attend your party." Edwina looked into the green eyes before her and gave a slow curious smile, which made the blue eyes sparkle.

"Thank you Sir Knight. For what should I have done had you not taken up such an offer, tonight of all nights?" Alicia said huskily, her eyes trapped in the snare of the blue ones before her - the woman was stunning. She did not have the natural gentle beauty that often was portrayed in women, but she was incredibly attractive and it made Alicia's heart beat faster at her need to have the Knight kiss her again.

"So, Sir you deemed it important enough that you have forsaken your mystery and we at last see your face?" The Count had watched the interchange between his elder daughter and this very soft faced Knight. It had been very interesting, very interesting indeed.

"In truth Sir, I have reason to want to be free of my helmet this night," the words enigmatic.

Had her father looked over at Alicia he would have seen the start of a pink tinge appear on her cheeks at the possible reason for that remark.

"Then I welcome you Sir Knight. It is with great honour that you have blessed this evening with your presence. Now daughters, it is time to show everyone how well, you dance." He clapped his hands and the flutist began a melody for the dancers in the rooms of which there were many.

Alicia rose gracefully as did her sister and she was about to move closer to the Knight when her father called him over to speak. Frustrated, she smiled a false smile as the elder son of the Count Devries asked for the dance. She reluctantly gave him her hand and went on to the centre of the great hall.

It was some time before the dancing stopped and the revellers were allowed to wine and dine. Alicia had been watching Edwina move about the room with her father, introducing the various noblemen and their houses. In most other circumstances that would have been fitting for the person she was to marry, but alas, in this circumstance, it was ironic and made her sad that it wasn't real.

As she walked towards her seat a gentle large hand placed itself on her arm startling her, stopping her at the edge of the room. Looking up she was captured by those marvellous blue eyes and her own green ones reflected back a warmth that caused the rather dour expression on the Knights face to dissolve into a small smile.

"You are enjoying the party Sir Knight?" Alicia asked breathlessly.

"I want to be polite and say yes. But alas, I am not the social nobleman that your father appears to think I am. Although, if the scenery changed a little, I may be persuaded to reconsider." Edwina spoke so quietly Alicia had to move closer to hear the words and she realised then that they had a mere inch between them.

Green eyes locked with blue and a longing passed between the two souls that now touched spiritually, but not physically. "What scenery would that be Sir Knight? Alicia asked, her voice barely audible to her ears, never mind to the one before her.

"Why, the view of having the woman who agreed to marry me on my arm as now, and the chance to gaze into her eyes at any moment and see those enchanting green eyes sparkle." Edwina retorted in a husky voice and never once let the green eyes move away from hers.

Alicia was struck by such a profound feeling of love for the woman at her side she could barely stand, never mind acknowledge the sentiment. "I think then we must announce our intentions or people will talk, will they not?" People had indeed turned to observe the tall imposing Knight standing very close to the smaller figure of the elder daughter of the house of Lascelles.

"Does your father know?" Edwina moved a little distance away for the sake of decorum.

"No. No, I had no time to apprise him of our discussion. We should inform him now, and then allow him to make the announcement. It will make him happy." Alicia affirmed, and with the Knight barely touching her arm she guiding her forward towards her father.

He was having an animated discussion with the man that had invited Alicia to dance initially. She smiled at him and proceeded to her seat next to her father. Where the nobleman had been sitting, he reluctantly stood up and bowed briefly to her and eyed the Black Knight with unconcealed dislike and walked away. "Father, I need to tell you something important." Smiling at her father with a look of love that made her father pat her hand and smile back.

"Of course daughter, please, I'm all ears. Do tell me what is so important that you interrupt my conversation with that young man?" Her father chuckled at the cross look that passed over her features at the remark. "Daughter, come now, I was only teasing you, please what is so important?" Leaning forward so that she could whisper in his ear, she was unprepared for the sudden movement the news caused in her father; he scraped back the heavy chair and looked at first Alicia and then at the Black Knight.

"NO! That, I will not allow." Her father shouted and all the room suddenly became silent.

"Father, why not?" Alicia was so surprised at his reaction. Had he not wanted one of his daughters to be married to the Black Knight? Had he not asked the Knight himself to ask one of them? What was so wrong?

"He does not love you Alicia. He does not love you!" This time her father turned towards the silently watching Edwina, who had been somewhat surprised at his reaction. Yet, she had known that the father had a soft spot for his elder daughter. He would have been agreeable had it been his younger daughter in this position.

Alicia was about to answer the question and was forestalled by the silver gauntlet of the Black Knight. "I will answer your fathers questions Milady. Please remain calm. All will be well." Blue eyes with a gentle look pierced her green ones. The tears that threatened to fall did so without heed of her struggle to keep them at bay. A finger tenderly traced the path of one such tear and a smile of understanding shone from the Knight's face.

Alicia knew in her heart that questions she had asked herself might now be answered. She felt that it would be a revelation that would make her very happy.

"Count, I have not been entirely honest with you. For that, I apologise. However, it was with good intent that I asked your daughter to marry me, for Sir, I do indeed love her. I will protect her until the day I die. You have always known me only as the Black Knight, but I am in fact, known to others as Edwin D'Argent Lion. My father was Sir David Lion, early friend of King Arthur and a true Knight of the round table. It is with that honour that I ask you to grant this betrothal. I do believe that you will not have cause to worry about my love for the Lady Alicia." Edwina had wanted to confess that she was Edwina instead of Edwin, but had decided in light of the mood around her, it was not prudent to do so. Nevertheless everything else she said had a ring of truth to it.

The old Count looked at the Knight with a look of sorrow. He had just had his precious daughter return; to be taken again by the Black Knight was something that would break his heart. He had hoped that the Knight would choose the younger daughter. For as much as he loved Sophia, he knew that she had feeling for the Knight, which could develop to love. Now, what to make of this? What did Alicia want? Did she love the Knight that had now confessed his heart to the entire room?

"Sir Knight I thank you for your words, but it is not so easy for me. I wish to know what my daughter feels in her heart. Please allow us a few minutes to converse in private over this matter." Holding out his arm for Alicia to take, they left the room as the other guests stood, intently watching the proceedings with aroused curiosity.

As the flute player broke the silence, many of the other guests began to talk. It was with a great deal of relief they did so or Edwina was tempted to leave the Castle immediately. Her eyes scanned the room and saw a small circle of noblemen talking to the man who had taken Alicia to dance that first dance. The stance of the circle of five men looked none to happy and Edwina kept her eyes discreetly on their actions. Just then a small hand was placed on her steel gauntlet.

"Black Knight that was a surprise?" Sophia spoke quietly. Her eyes making the Knight turn away from his previous observations.

"Milady, it was a revelation to me also." Edwina sighed slightly, watching the reaction from the sister of the woman she loved.

"My sister is very fortunate you love her Sir Knight and have taken it upon yourself to break the news this evening." Sophia remarked, her voice getting lower at every word.

"Is there a significance about tonight?" Edwina inquired, her interest now piqued.

"Oh, yes! Tonight Count Devries son asked my father for Alicia's hand in marriage. He is a cruel man and certainly holds no feelings for her other than as noblewoman of high rank to give birth to his children." Sophia smiled winningly at Edwina and chuckled.

"You find it funny?" Edwina was seething with an inner jealousy that the man had approached Alicia's father and that he did not love her. What was she? Some brood mare!

"No, not funny exactly, but you have thwarted the man and he will not be happy. Then again you have upset father also. It will take all of Alicia's power over him to make him see you in a better light. For father believes no one is good enough for her. Whilst I, on the other hand, he does not mind so much." Sophia pointed out the facts, mot seemingly distressed by them in any way.

"Milady, I hope in the future you find a person to love you dearly." Edwina replied sincerely. The young woman had always come over as silly lightweight girl, but she now believed that it was a front that she used to get her own way.

"Oh, I will Sir Knight. Have no fear of that. I get to chose from all of the suitors and especially now." Smiling, she removed her hand from the silver gauntlet and moved away to talk to one of her friends.

Turning back to see what the circle of people with the Count Devries son in the centre was up to, she was perplexed to find that the group had gone and were no longer in the room at all. Walking over to one of the Castle soldiers on guard duty, she asked the whereabouts of the noblemen and was told they left the castle some minutes before.

Edwina mulled over that snippet of information and decided they were up to no good; with that thought in her mind, she too, retreated from the hall towards the stable and her battle armour.

Alicia was conversing with her father and trying to convince him that she did, indeed, love the Knight and that she knew of her father's request of the honourable Knight. The Count was shamefaced at his deception as they now silently faced each other.

"My dear daughter, do you love the Knight truly?" Count Lascelles had never known his daughter lie to him at any stage in her life.

"Father, the Knight is the one true love of my life. Should I lose him now, I will be lost and alone for the rest of my life." Alicia spoke the works from her heart and looked beseechingly at her father for his understanding.

Alicia walked over to the open window and saw a tall figure that was etched into her soul striding towards the stables. Her heart dropped! Had Edwina decided that it wasn't worth the effort to continue the betrothal and had decided to leave?

"Father look, Father please look! She's leaving me, you scared the Knight away!" Alicia did not realise that she spoke the one truth that her father had been troubled with at the sight of the bareheaded Knight. He did not look the manly type at all. Now Alicia had confirmed the truth as only one in love who forgets totally everything, but the terrible burden of watching someone they love apparently leave.

"Alicia you do fret so. Leave it to me. The Black Knight will not leave you. I give you my word." With that comment between them, the Count went out of the room and from the castle window, she watched her father follow much the same path that the Knight had taken.

All Alicia could do was watch, wait and hope!


Continued in Part 4...

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