~ Steps ~
by J.N. Taylor

The body of evidence was laid out before her, there was no turning back now from the inevitable dive into the relationship which was laid bare before her. We are a society of lovers, obsessed, infatuated with the adrenaline rush of the first touch, then the last fleeting moments of the embrace.

The city streets hummed with holiday excitement. The lights were hypnotic as cars traveled to and fro from tiny apartments to towering downtown duplexes. We are all fragile as snowflakes falling from grace in the midnight sky to harsh reality of frozen earth.

The time of reckoning was upon her, she knew the decisions she was going to make would have ramifications in her personal life and professional career. After all not all politicians can survive when secrets surface. There are too many nights spent in the dim smoke filled bars to mention. There are too many indiscretions underneath forgetting streetlights to recall the most significant one.

This was but one phase of her existence. She knew what she wanted. She wanted the sin, the scarlet touch, the scraping of fingernails, and the shriek of seduction. She could cover it all she wanted with her good girl smile and perfect complexion, but she desired something darker that only another woman's touch could satisfy. Today was the day to come clean.

She pulled into a space, hurriedly placed a pocketful of change into the meter and cranked up her stereo. The timing, atmosphere, and setting had to be perfect for this important exchange. She nervously looked at her hair in the rearview, and glanced at her wristwatch. The train would be here soon.

We are a society of the selfish. We are constantly chiming and chirping and scuttling around our own cages when we hold the key to our own freedoms. The passion which burned in her blood would not boil for very much longer, the burn in her chest anxious tossing and turning at night would soon cease. Here she knew peace waited for, inside the warmth of a stranger, that masqueraded as a friend. There was so much to learn.

The station car came to a halt and steam cut through the coldness of the day. She face stepping off looked in her direction and glowed instantly. She approached the car and opened the door. The two women awkwardly hugged in button down business suits and amidst scarves, oversize purses, and fuzzy gloves. The front window quickly steamed up as their embrace got dozens of looks, nods, frowns, and curses. She didn't care. For six years she had been delaying this moment, planning excuses, pretending to be in conference calls, and don't forget the long delays in traffic. All the excuses were for the sake of running from the truth.

"Are you ready?"

"Now I am."

We are a society of glitter and glam. Shiny skin made for seduction. Magazine advertisements and film teasers are but pornography masquerading as art. She took deep breath as the body of evidence was laid bare before her. No more philandering, no more lies, no more apologies, no more remembered times. Now was for living. She took five slender fingers and intertwined them with hers. The smell of sex lingered in the room and the look of love was in her eyes. She couldn't help but smile as she realized that the diamond sparkled in the candlelight, reminding her of snowflakes, fragile and delicate before they hit the ground.

J.N. Taylor's Scrolls
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