~ Convergence ~
by Kandis Glasgow

Disclaimers: You know, if you think about it, I have done this disclaimer thing about thirty times and you would think I could stop now. NOPE! I gots ta do what I gots ta do. Candace, Taylor, Terra, Skye, Julisa, Krista, Giva, and anyone except Xena, Gabrielle, Ephiny, Jan and Mel. Belong to me and not those other guys. So there! They don't get to play with them or use them. (Nyah nyah na nyah nayh.) OF course they can just take my ideas if they want. Do you think they feel bad at all about that? No, probably not. AH well. They belong to Renpics, MCA?, Rob, Sam, and the likes. I don't get paid for this although, at times, it seems like a second job. The difference is that I like this!

SEX: F Age: Between the ages of 30 and 40 Marital Status: Single Date of last tetanus shot: 7/19/96 Weight: 117 Height: 5'3" on a good day. Hair: Short and Blonde Eyes: 2 green On occasion, one in the center of my forehead, most likely appearing when I am due to be in public. It happens. My characters have a ton more sex than I do. SO...If you don't like sex between women don't have it. If it's illegal where you are the same applies, AND don't read this. If you are under age you can have the sex, just don't read about it first, because Heaven knows an education when it comes to sex is a bad thing!

Language: Yes, they will swear. I swear they will. No really, I swear they will swear! Sorry. Bad humor is my middle name. No, Kay is my middle name. Bad humor is just a family trait. Huh, Dad? Gosh, I really hope he's not reading this.

Violence: Well, since my official Butch Card was taken from me, I am not sure if I am allowed to write violence anymore. You see I slammed my face with needle-nose pliers while changing my brake pads, (such a long story), and my MOTHER Decked my druggie brother in law for grabbing her. (Now mind you, she's smaller than I am! UgoMom!) So, she's officially more butch than I am. If I need a card for the weekend, to do butch things, I have to borrow my mom's. I think I might need to check the "Butch Card Rule Book for Writing," but I think I may need to borrow Mom's for violence. Violence seems so butch to me. Don't you think? Oooooh it's so nice, that butch thing. I get all squirmy and...oops... sorry. It's that girl (it's OK to call yourself a girl) thing again. I try to keep it under control, but it just WON'T stay! And when you say, "What pretty orchids." You get three femme cards. FYI

Spoilers: Yep. Nuf sed!

Special Disclaimer: If you want to be disappointed in the characters and what they do, go ahead. They have minds of their own, and I can't seem to stop them. Not to ruin any part of the story, but girls will be girls, and girls that are attracted to each other do interesting things. Hummm. Remember it's a story. It's not real life.

Comments and high praise go to UgoXena@aol.com

Have fun!



Part 10

Eight sets of eyes, tending to be either blue or green, gazed around with lack of anything better to do. The group sat outside of the Ancient Temple of Artemis in silence because the priestess had instructed them to do so. Silence might be a fine state for the 'Xenas' of the group, but the 'Gabrielles' were fit to be tied. They hadn't been allowed to speak with each other, or even themselves, since late the night before, and they were sure to blow at any moment. You see most women, and all Regents, speak on average 14,000 words a day. Warriors on the other hand, you're lucky if you get fifty out of them on a "Wow! You can talk!" day. The three of the Gabs were getting pent up and squirming. Now understand, squirming is not always a bad thing, but when it comes from lack of oral communication...it can be deadly.

Gabrielle was fidgeting next to Xena who gave her a stern "Will you settle down look." To which one set of green eyes replied, "You just think you are so cool don't you?" look. To which the Warrior smiled that "Indeed she was," and Gabrielle huffed her retort.

Candace was fairing a tad better, but then she wasn't a Bard whose greatest need in life, besides sex and food, was story telling. Candace smiled at Gabrielle who grimaced at her. Skye felt all the tension and Terra just knew this was going to happen.

Janice and Mel were the only ones of the group to have a calm air about them. Mel, because Jan had left at dawn to play with her clubs and Jan....well, because she had left at dawn to play with her clubs. They sat peacefully as if Prozac had been on the morning menu.

"Welcome, honored guests of Artemis." The high priestess scared the beejezzus out of the quiet group. She had come around their backs rather silently, and sneakily, if you asked Xena and Taylor.

She was carrying a small bowl that contained a smoking substance. The older woman swung the bowl in arcs around the group, as Terra and Skye flinched back from the strange antics. Skye didn't feel any animosity from the woman, she just didn't care for the thought of fire being tossed around her. Candace wanted to tell them it was just incense, but the no speaking law was still in effect. The smoke and the silence together were a purification ritual that all who had audience with the Goddess had to endure. The silence caused one to connect with their own thoughts and beliefs. For some it had been trying, for the others it had been a centering experience.

"Women of the Amazon's. There will be no speaking until the Goddess addresses you. She will direct you after she has spoken her welcome. Follow me."

The band stood and reverently followed the priestess through the doors of the temple they had been in the day before. The lighting was dimmer and the mood was still as somber. They were led deeper into the structure than before through twisting and turning corridors. Taylor and Xena both made detailed mental maps should they need to make a hasty retreat. They looked at each other, and the silent acknowledgment was made. They each knew what the other was doing. Taylor had had to learn the skill for rescue efforts, Xena because she had plundered many castles. That tended to make for a hasty retreat on more than one occasion.

They entered a large room and were instructed to sit. The priestess left them alone, shutting the large door behind them. Xena ran to it too late and tried the handle. They were locked in. Fire burned in her blue eyes. She didn't like this one bit and she was ready to shout it out when she was interrupted.

"That won't help your cause, Xena." The voice was deeply familiar to all of them.

Though her instincts told her to express her displeasure, Xena kept her tongue. She didn't want to lose whatever chance they had of getting answers.

"Nicely done, Warrior. You are beginning to learn." The goddess smiled at her and nodded her approval. Xena tried to hold back a slight sneer. She hardly needed the approval of anyone, let alone the Gods.

"Welcome to my home away from home. I know that you have many questions, and I will do my best to answer them. First, however I will give you an answer that won't require a sacrifice. I would help you to understand who you are to each other. That may help you to understand why you are here. It is simple. You are one, yet you are separate. Terra, Skye, Janice and Melinda, you are the armor. You form a shell around the center to make it stable and keep it whole. You protect it." She turned her attention to the remaining women. "Xena, Gabrielle, Taylor and Candace. You are the center. You are one. Literally. You are all made of the same heavenly material. The reason you are drawn to one another, is the same reason quicksilver runs to itself. It is its nature. Don't fight it. You will not win. What you are to each other is stronger than any force of nature. Do you understand?" The four women looked at one another. The connection that Xena and Taylor had shared the night before confirmed what had just been revealed, but that they were all 'one' concept was hard to grasp. "Candace? You have a question about this. Ask."

"Is this one of the four requests?" The blonde hoped that the one she had just asked wasn't.

Artemis smiled. "No. The requests are not the information I give you now."

"Why are we here?"

"You have the ability to save the world." It was simple and matter of fact, but so incredibly confusing.

"Well that is nice to know. How?" The Regent was sarcastic on purpose.

"The eight of you are the strongest recreations of all your fractions, your fragments. You have the keys. Xena's daughter is the reason that time was altered, but you already know that. You also know that in the future, the world is destroyed. That is because the one that wields the glass is an idiot, and he is out of control."

Candace frowned. They had the keys. She assumed that these keys were not physical. Her analytical mind began to discern the gifts the each of them had. As far as she could see, she had nothing compared to the rest of them. She let it go and listened as Artemis addressed the doctor.

"Janice? You and Melinda found the Gifts, I thank you once again for returning them to me. Stand and ask what you will."

Jan knew these were the questions they were allowed. "Is the person that has the Glass who we think it is?" She was aware that Creighton's men were the one's that had killed Senar, and attacked Xena's party on the way to the Amazons.

"Yes. Creighton stole the glass, with the assistance of Ares, who was under the direction of Zeus. The problem is that my brother is the worst judge of character on the planet." Xena raised her eyebrow and Artemis smiled, then looked over at the Warrior Princess. "Xena, you are the only wise choice he ever made." Gabrielle smiled at her lover. She knew Xena was a good choice as well. Artemis continued her story. "He used the Glass to bend the future and ended up annihilating the world. Olympus may not want Xena's child born, but what good does it do us to prevent Eve's birth if there is no world to rule in the future." Jan nodded that answered that.

Xena wanted to ask if the Goddess was included in the number on Olympus that didn't want her child born. She wouldn't ask, but she figured that was the case. The knowledge made her uneasy.

Artemis smiled widely at the tall older woman. "Melinda Pappas. My Professor. You sought the chalice and the ring when you discovered their existence. Why?"

Melinda blushed, but answered the Goddess through her slight shyness. Who would have guessed? The professor stood to her feet. "Because if they had been mahn, I would have given the world to get them back. You see this 'onery woman next to me is the very breath that I take. If you loved Shauna half as much as I love Janice, you would want to have that small part of her returned to her. It was so romantic." She nearly swooned.

Jan caught her. "Careful there, Belle. Don't want to have to scrape you up off the temple floor. I think that might be considered bad protocol." Jan teased her partner.

The Huntress grinned at the love the two showed each other. They were a perfect match. You couldn't even slip a piece of paper between them if you tried. "On your journey through life you have found true love. There is little more any soul could want. There are some who take a lifetime to try to analyze it, you simply accept that it is. Wise. Melinda, what would you ask me?"

"I would ask where is Time?"

Artemis almost grimaced. "You aren't going to like this."

Taylor shook her head. *Well, of course not.*

"He is being held in Tartarus."

"You're shittin' me." Jan forgot all about protocol.

"I assure you, doctor, "shittin'" you would be that last thing I would do." The goddess gave her an amused look.

The group laughed. "Who's up for that? Going to hell, I mean." Jan looked around at the rest of the women.

"Been there." Xena piped up.

"And you will go again, Champion." Artemis would always think of Gabrielle as the Queen of her Amazons, and Xena as her Champion.

"Damn, I knew this was going to happen. Why me?"

"Because only you and Gabrielle have the key." She was being cryptic on purpose.

Gabrielle asked the last question they would have this day. "What are the keys?"

Artemis turned her gaze on her chosen. She was as in love with Gabrielle as she had been with Shauna, but it was a love would remain unrequited. The small bard belonged to Xena, Candace and Taylor. If the four women could only comprehend what it was they shared, the power it held, they could truly rule the world. The short connection of the warriors the night before, was but a sliver of what they possessed.

Skye turned her look to the Goddess. She was having a hard time discerning the emotions surrounding the Huntress, but of one thing she was certain, her love for Gabrielle was as powerful as Xena's. Why she didn't use her power to usurp the Warrior she didn't understand. She was finding that this world was odd beyond her comprehension. The Owners took what they wanted. They didn't ask questions, toss coins, or make deals. This being had the power of the Gods at her fingertips, yet refused to use it. She hoped one day she would grasp it all. Artemis interrupted her thoughts when she answered Gabrielle's query.

"I am not allowed to tell you. I can only give you direction, but you will have to find Time on your own. One thing you should also know, is that Hades has been instructed not to interfere with your mission. But trust me, Time is well hidden and there is a time limit. You will have time to prepare for your journeys, but when the time comes, Time will be of the essence. It will take wisdom, and the key to the journey is a spiral staircase that conveys the messages of life. Janice and Melinda, you will accompany Xena and Gabrielle."

"US? In case you hadn't noticed there, Artemis, we may look great for our age, but we're pushin' eighty. No matter how you cut it, I'm too old for a swim to Hades." Janice wasn't trying to be irreverent. She was telling the truth as she knew it.

"That is easily corrected." Artemis waved her hand and the air sparkled with electricity. Janice and Melinda lit up with power and light. As the light faded the transformation was obvious. The older women were no longer older at all. Janice stared at her hands, then her eyes glowed as she looked at her lover. Melinda was thrilled she was sitting down. If she had not been she would have fallen to the floor in a dead faint. As it was she was light headed. The pain in her knuckles she had lived with for almost thirty years was gone. Just gone. She had never complained, but the absence of the chronic discomfort brought tears to her eyes. She looked at Jan with her eyes filled with tears and wonder. The woman that stood before her now was as strong and vibrant as the day they had met. It was thrilling.

"You won't have any excuses now, will you." Xena grinned widely at the two women.

Janice looked more like Gabrielle than even Candace. The blonde woman glanced up at Xena, "No. I suppose not."

The rest of the blondes grinned hugely and nodded at each other. Melinda was a beautiful woman. She looked like Xena, but she had a different air about her. Janice was small but strong like they were, yet she possessed an edge of danger. Strangely they found they were attracted to the power within her.

"Perfect. Now let us proceed. Candace, Taylor, Skye, and Terra. You will find the Glass. You know who has it. This will be dangerous so please be prepared. Taylor, you will lead that Amazons to battle at your side."

Candace stood to her feet. "But, he'll know we're coming. He'll just take the Glass and hide on the time line, or send his troops to attack us."

"The Fates will hide your steps from Creighton. He will think one thing and another will happen. Another thing, you see, is that he wants to possess the same thing Ares wants to possess. Xena and Gabrielle, in any of their forms. If he thinks he has a chance to capture any of you, or lure you to him...well let's just say, you're the bait. He will come. Skye, Terra, your gifts are the key to the recovery of the Glass."

Skye spoke for the first time. "We will know where he is. We will find him." She spoke with such conviction that the rest of the group, except for Terra stared at her.

The Goddess smiled at her. "That you will, Little One." Artemis used the moniker that was usually reserved for Xena's use. For Skye, it seemed appropriate.

"Do you have anymore questions?" She knew there was one more request left. She wondered if they would use it now or wait.

"I have one." Taylor stood. It was not a request. "Who am I to lead the Amazons?"

"Taylor, you have the blood of the greatest Warrior to ever live running through your veins, and your souls are intertwined. She will teach you and you will lead. Krista will assist you as well."

"I sure hope you know what you are doing." Taylor didn't have that much confidence in this little scheme, but she would do as she was told.

"How much time have we got?" Xena wanted to know how long she had to train Taylor to be a fearless and strong leader. She had faith in her sister. She just needed time. The one thing they were short of.

"You have two cycles to prepare both Janice and Taylor."

"Me? Prepare me for what?" Janice was surprised to hear her name in connection with Taylor's.

"To become the warrior that is within you." Artemis spoke as if it were obvious.

"Warrior? Yeah. That's me." Sarcasm was just about to get the good doctor in trouble.

"Dr. Covington. You know whose spirit you carry. Why do you question me?" She was getting irritated, and an irritated God was a very bad thing.

"I uh...um. Well, I wasn't sure." She was the slightly sheepish in her reply.

"That's why you are not as you appear to be. You're not one of us. You're one of them." Gabrielle was relieved that it was all beginning to make some sense.

"You make it sound like I've suddenly become the enemy." Jan was getting her dander up.

"NONONO! I see it now, DUH! Big Red Truck! She's a Xena! How funny is that?" Candace tried to get in as many slang terms for 'boy am I stupid' in as quickly as she could.

"But, Mel was Xena when they went against Ares. I don't understand." Taylor was getting confused, Xena was just shaking her head.

"That's because she is Xena's relative, but Janice is Xena's fragment. She's the warrior." Candace was glad she had studied the scrolls.

"Quite right, Regent. She is a strong warrior, and she will make sure that Gabrielle and Xena succeed on their journey. Melinda is the part in all of you that nurtures. She will keep and hold your hearts. Are there any more questions?"

"Yeah. Where's the food?" Gabrielle's stomach was beginning to rebel.

"Ahh my Chosen, I will never learn will I?" Artemis nodded her head and the doors opened. The high priestess and her helpers ushered in a banquet fit for a Queen. Good thing, too. Four Gabrielle's can put it away.

The Goddess left them to eat and discuss what they would.

"Janice? How did you know?" Gabrielle was recalling the words that were spoken to her the day before.

"Just a feeling I guess. But really it was more than that. There are writings in the Library that tell of warriors and their gifts and attributes. Strangely enough I had more of them in me than I had even thought. It was a feeling inside of me. A power that just surged through me. Shit that sounds corny, but it's true."

Taylor knew what she was feeling. "I understand, doctor. I feel the same way sometimes. It's this overwhelming need to just go out and kick someone's ass for no particular reason. When I get that feeling, I go to the gym or to do jang, and work it off. A call always helps. It's amazing what a good firefight will do for the 'rage'."

"Not to mention her libido." Candace grinned over her bread. Taylor raised her eyebrows and returned the grin.

"Battle lust. Blood lust. Fire-fighting lust." Gabrielle knew the story inside and out.

"The 'rage' Junior? Is that what you call it?" Xena had never named the deeply ingrained emotions she experienced.

"Yeah. Had it as long as I can remember. My folks couldn't get my temper under control, so they did the strangest thing, they put me in Tae Kwon Do. Master Kim named it 'the rage'. He helped me to focus my anger and use it. One thing is for sure, no one wanted to spar with me. Not even the men. Candace helps me now. Love goes a long way to calming me down. Huh, babe?"

"Yeah, Junior. Kiss me." Taylor leaned into Candace and pecked her softly and then rubbed noses with her.

"I drank." All eyes turned to the doctor.

"Jan?" Melinda wasn't sure where this was going.

"I drank…to get the rage under control. I didn't understand it and couldn't get a grip on it. So I drank until I couldn't feel it. Well, so I couldn't do anything about it was more like it. I'm sorry, Belle. I never told you." She was truly regretful for never explaining things to her lover.

"But you quit drinkin' yeahs ago." She was at a loss. She loved Jan so much, that it never occurred to her that she drank for a reason. She recalled that Jan had gotten drunk often when they first consummated their relationship, but it had diminished considerably when they had started living together.

"Love, Belle. You loved me till I couldn't fight anymore. Same as Taylor. Why do you think we did it so often?

"I thought mahbe it was because you found me somewhat attractive." Mel gave Jan the eye, making the warrior blushed.

"I do, Mel. You know that I think you're the most beautiful woman on the planet. I sure got my share of violence in though. Guns and bar fights. I've had my share of black eyes, and gave just as many. I'm surprised I'm not dead." Jan snickered to herself.

"I, love, am glad for one that you ah not." Melinda kissed Janice on the tip of her ear.

"Odd as it may sound, I understand how you feel. I was tied up and beaten, still I wouldn't give in to the Owners. At times the beatings were a blessing of sorts. It would literally beat the rage out of me. If I had raised a hand to an Owner, one that owned me, I would have been killed. When one discovered my 'rage', he trained me to use it. That is how I ended up killing so many. At the time I was doing it, it was like a drug." Terra brought a new perspective to who these strong women were, and what they were capable of. She was obviously upset with the words she was saying.

"It's OK, Terra. They all have it." Skye patted her arm sweetly.

"Yeah, but I don't see them running around killing people."

The rest of the group completely stopped eating and looked at Xena. By proxy they had all decided it was up to her to explain who and what she had been.

She obviously agreed. "Ter, I think it's time for you to know where this all started."

The young woman glanced up at her, nodded, then Xena told her the tale of the Warrior Princess.

"So, you see, you're not the only killer in the bunch. I have murdered hundreds, and caused the deaths of thousands. The entire world was at my feet at one point. I don't feel good about it any more than you do, but it is in there, only controlled by love. Hercules talked me into trying it, Gabrielle convinced me to stay. I think you will find the same in love." Xena smiled at the young woman.

"I know I will." She smiled back at her mentor.

"Two months to prepare seems like a lot of time to wait. I can see that we need training, but two months?" Candace directed her comments to Mel and Jan, but Gabrielle spoke up.

"Time is irrelevant. We could wait six months, and it wouldn't matter. If we waited much longer, things would get out of hand I think. I wonder how far back the change was made. What if we never meet?" Gabrielle shivered and looked at her lover.

"If we had never met in the changed past, the rest of our group would never exist. They wouldn't be here now."

"Paradox has a strange way of workin' itself in heah. We ah jumpin' to conclusions and askin' questions we have no ansahs to. Let's just leave it up to the Gods to figuah out." Mel stated her thoughts and the women all agreed.



"SON OF A BITCH!" Taylor pounded her sword into the ground with as much force as she could muster. "I will never freaking get this!"

All the nearby Amazons stopped what they had been doing, turned to the angry outburst taking place in the practice ring. Taylor and Jan had been working hard the past three days, on a technique Xena was sure could give them the edge in a battle where they were out numbered.

"Just flip your wrist like this, Taylor." Janice wasn't being helpful. She had been goading and taunting Taylor for almost three solid hours now.

"I don't need your help, Jan." The firefighter was pissed off that she wasn't getting this seemingly easy move.

"Sure as shit looks like it to me." Jan was hot and tired but ready to salt the wound.

"Yeah? Well you can bite me!" Taylor poked her in the chest.

"Listen, you fuckin' Amazon!" Jan pushed her chest into Taylor, daring her to react.

Taylor tilted her head at the tone of voice, as anger rushed through her veins. She grabbed Jan's lapel and pulled her into her face. "Watch what you call me, ya little pip-squeak!" She snarled her response.

That was all Jan could handle. She wrapped her leg behind Taylor's knee and pulled. They both fell to the ground with Janice on top. She swung at Taylor, connecting solidly with a right cross. Taylor got her hand up against Jan's forehead, pushing the smaller woman off of her chest. Jan flipped up to her feet and crouched low for the on coming tackle.

Xena stood and observed the antics of the other women. They rolled in the dirt and hit each other with solid strikes and counters. Candace came to the ring and watched as her lover threw dirt in Jan's eyes. Jan in turn stomped hard on Taylor's instep. She handed Xena a waterskin and pointed with her chin.

"You gonna stop them?" Candace grimaced as Jan got a nose full of fist. That would need ice.

Xena took a long draw off the skin. "Nah. It's hot. They're tired. They'll wear out soon enough."

"Did you start this?"

"Nope. Taylor's upset because she can't seem to get the wrist flick, and Jan got it right away. The good doctor has been rubbing it in Taylor's face all afternoon. Junior lost her temper. Can't blame her though. Oooh! That'll leave a mark. I think that's enough." The tall warrior walked to the middle of the ring and snagged Jan by her collar. She tossed the scrappy warrior to the edge of the ring. Taylor started to follow, as she was snagged by her neck.

"OW! Xena! Let me go!"

"Not 'til you calm down."

"I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!" She sneered at Janice who returned it with a vengeance.

"Goodness. There's the sweet girl I love." She placed a big smooch on the woman's forehead and grinned. Taylor shook her head and smiled at the sarcasm. She had indeed calmed down. "That's better. Now you two kiss and make up."

"Eeeeww." Jan's face scrunched up tightly.

Taylor stuck her tongue out as far as it would go, and made a gagging sound and heaved.

"Honey, that is so nice. Why I love you, I just don't know." Candace giggled at her fiancée.

Taylor swaggered over to where her lover was standing outside of the ring. "Sure ya do. It's 'cause I'm Sexay!" She was dirty and sweaty, not to mention bruised and slightly blood covered.

"That's you for sure. Seeeexxy! You need a bath and an attitude adjustment." Candace used her most regal tone of voice.

"Is that an order, Your Highness?" Taylor wagged her brows and gave her a lascivious grin.

"It is, but I'm not joining you. Janice is." The Regent grinned evilly as she watched the smirk wipe itself off Taylor's face.

"WHAT? No way." She crossed her arms and pouted.

"What a brave warrior you are. A little bird is going to poop on your lip."


"That's what my mom used to tell me when I got pouty lips. You will go bathe with Jan in our hut. We only have a week before we leave and you two at each others throat isn't going to help matters."

"But, we're not going together. We don't have to get along, and it's not like we're enemies. We just had a little tiff." She shrugged knowing she was making excuses.

Candace rubbed her forehead and sighed. "That's enough, Taylor. You know that there is more to this than traveling together. We all have a spiritual connection that has to remain in tact. You two make up and we'll meet you for dinner after while."

"Yes, Your Highness." She nodded her head and looked over at Jan, who had been listening attentively. She obviously didn't like the idea any more than Taylor did.

Xena smiled at the wisdom of the Regent who wasn't all that experienced in ruling people and warriors. She had chosen the exact solution Xena would have. It's hard to remain angry when you're naked in a bath.

"Do I have to?" Jan glanced up at Xena.

"Why are you asking me? Candace is Regent. I'm just the trainer."

"Fuck me. Eighty years old and I still can't get my way." Jan kicked at the dust on the ground, starting the same pouting business that Taylor had perfected.

"Oh for heaven's sake you two. I'm not asking you to kill your mothers. Go to the hut now and clean up. We'll all meet for dinner in an hour and a half." The two hesitated. "GO!"

They both rolled their eyes, as they slowly began to walk in the direction of the Regent's hut.

Xena smiled after them, then turned her smile to Candace. "That was so perfect. You have really got a way with dealing with people. I am proud of you." Xena blushed at the confession. The way the two blondes made her feel was such a pain sometimes. They confused her, mixed her up and left her out to dry.

"Proud of me, huh? You say you're proud of me and you blush. What's up with that?" Candace squinted one eye from the brightness of the sun, and looked to the warrior.

Xena gave an exasperated sigh, and looked down at the small powerful woman. "I am proud of you, but you don't need approval from me. You have the respect of the entire nation. North and South. You two just don't get what you have. You just don't." Xena looked to the ground and kicked an invisible dirt clod.

Candace put a soft hand to the tall Warrior's arm, and incredibly blue eyes packed with untold amounts of emotion struck her soul. She cleared her throat and eased past the ache in her heart. "Xe, I'll always need your approval. Of all the people here, I need your support the most. God! Do not let Taylor hear that." She shook her head. "Anyway, you have to understand that the women here would follow you to Tartarus and back. That's the trust and faith they have in you. If you trust me and give me your approval, they tend to do the same. So you see, I need you. Same as I did before. To stand by me and support me. We both do." The small Regent stood on tiptoes and kissed the warrior's cheek sweetly. "Go get a bath. I'll let Gabrielle know that we are all meeting for dinner."

"Uh. Yeah." Xena shook her head and wished the raging emotions in her heart and mind would stop racing.


"And don't you dare try to hit on me, or I'll bust your lip like you can not believe!"

"Oh for the love of...don't flatter yourself, Jan. You may look like them but them you ain't."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just what I said. You are not them in any way shape or form, except that you eat like you are starved and you sleep 'til noon!"

Janice stopped them half way to the hut. "Just what in the hell are you getting at, Miss high and mighty?"

"ME? High and mighty? HAH! You Miss Pip...."

"IS there a problem here, Your Highness?" Jules rather large and imposing frame blocked available sunlight.

Taylor still wasn't used to the 'highness' thing. They both turned sheepish. They knew that they had responsibilities to set examples, as either intended to the Regent or warrior in training. What they were doing now was violating those duties.

"No, Commander. There is not. I am sorry." Taylor inclined her head in apology.

"We are sorry." Jan nodded her head.

"I witnessed the...what did she say that was? Ah yes, the 'throw down' in the practice ring earlier. May I remind you that we work for each other, not against. We have enough enemies in our lives as it is. We don't need to make them out of our friends. You are dismissed." She pointed with her chin.

Well chastised and quite humiliated, the two women walked in silence to the hut. Their bath had already been drawn, so they stepped in nodding at the guard.

Janice looked at Taylor solemnly. "You know, Tay. I didn't mean anything by what I said. It's just...this is going to sound so stupid, but nothing ventured. I'm jealous of you."

"Of me? Are you nuts, or do you look like that normally?" Taylor teased her friend.

"I'm serious, Taylor. You have everything I want. You're tall for one. What I wouldn't give for just a few more inches. Your strong, good looking, intelligent..."

"Hold on there, DOCTOR. Or did you forget that part? Jan, you are gorgeous so I don't see the trouble. Yeah you're not as tall but you, sweetie, are desperately vicious. You more than make up for any size difference. What's really the trouble?" Taylor had a feeling there was more to this.

"You have Xena." Jan looked down cast. She was staring at the floor. This was truly effecting her.

"I don't have Xena, I am Xena, Jan. Don't you get that? I'm not trying to upset you by saying it, but it's true. We can't help the way we feel about each other. I can feel the connection you and I share, just not as strongly."

"Shit, Taylor, I know all that. But I worked my whole damn life studying her. I was digging in places where women shouldn't have been at the time. I sacrificed money, reputation, time and almost my life to understand how her mind worked, who she was. Then I get here, meet her in the flesh, and one of my dearest friends steals her away. I don't mean it in that jealous lover kind of way, but damn it!" She hated tears, but they were welling up in her eyes.

Taylor reached out to her friend. Jan fought her, but Taylor used her superior strength to urge the doctor to let her be drawn in. The taller, dark-haired woman cradled the smaller warrior in her strong arms, and laid her cheek on Jan's head. "Some big tough warrior you turned out to be."

Janice patted Taylor's stomach and returned her hug. "Thanks Squirt. I know, this seems so stupid, but damn!"

"Think of it this way, you're a part of Xena as much as I am, it's just a different piece. Besides, you get to share your bed with her every night of the week."

"How do you figure?"

"Have you taken a good look at Mel? You have Xena's spirit, and you get to sleep with her look alike, who is Gabrielle. If you ask me, you're the one whose got it made."

Jan laughed and let go of her comforter. "I guess you're right there, Tay. You're not near as dumb as you look. Sorry about your jaw."

"Right back attcha 'bout your nose. You're gonna have a shiner." Taylor laughed and removed her shirt.

"Yeah, well I heal fast. It'll be gone by morning." Jan pulled her shirt over her head, kicked her boots across the room and ripped her pants off.

"Nice butt, just don't point it at me." Taylor whacked her hard across her derrière.

"OW! Shit girl! What is wrong with you?" The archeologist pushed Taylor hard. She was laughing as she did it.

"I'm twisted!"

She grabbed the smaller woman and put her in a headlock. Jan hooked her fingers under Taylor's jaw sending the taller woman back. As she staggered slightly, Jan grabbed both of Taylor's knees, pulling her legs out from under her. Taylor hit the floor with a thud, as Jan crawled on top of her wrapping her legs securely while pinning her long arms to the floor. The position looked compromising.

"Give up, smart ass?" The spunky blonde grinned evilly.

Without warning, the guard walked in with an armful of clothes and got an eyeful of naked women in a compromising position. Her eyes were wide, and she stuttered as she bowed out of the room. "Eccxu…begging...oh my gosh."

"It's not what you think." Taylor spoke after the woman. Raising her voice as the guard got further away.

"Let it go, Tay. That was kinda funny if you ask me." Jan laughed and stood over her defeated foe. "I got you pretty good there, Young 'un. It's gonna be a while afore you kin take the likes a me."

"Young 'un, huh? Why is it that no one around here calls me by my name?"

"Because they love you. And so do I." Jan stepped into the tub, giving the tall warrior a chance let the statement set in.

The sincerity of the words ached in Taylor's heart. She was indeed loved a great deal. She stood over the tub. "I am at that. And I love you back...smart ass yourself." She splashed Jan in the face, and a full-fledged water fight was in the makes. It would be a while before they got around to bathing.


"Miss Melinda, thank you for walking with me. It sometimes becomes overwhelming dealing with all of the emotions running around lately. You are the most calm of all of us. It rejuvenates me."

"Why Miss Skye, it is my pleasuah spendin' time with you. You are quite special, you know."

"Sometimes it seems as though I don't mean very much to this group. You make me feel important. Is that odd?"

"It's odd ta me that you would feel unimportant. You carry with you the gift to retrieving the Glass. Skye, you know that no one else is going to be able to know where it is. They may have a vague idea, but you will know when the time is right."

"That's not completely true. Terra will see it. You see, our gifts work together. She sees what is to be, and follows the signs. I tell her when the feelings are as they should be. I assisted her many times during 'eliminations.' She saw where a particular person was going to be. I would feel when they were there and were most vulnerable. People let their guard down more often than they realize."

"Skye, I thought you could turn this gift off when you needed? You said you needed a break, and I don't mind the walk, but I don't undahstand." Melinda looked down at the small young woman with her. They were walking slowly hand in hand. The tall dark teacher very much enjoyed the company of her young friend. It was truly refreshing to spend time with someone so full of pure honesty and love. Skye couldn't intentionally hurt someone she considered to be a friend if her life was in the balance.

"I can block off people that are not Xena, Gabrielle, Candace or Taylor, plus you and Miss Doctor Jan." Mel smiled at the name for her high-spirited partner. The good doctor hated titles as it was and to put several together was priceless. "The seven of you are about to drive me batty."

Melinda gently let go a laugh. There was no doubt that that particular phrase came from her own lips. "Batty, hum? Sounds overwhelmin'."

"You have no idea. Miss Doctor is upset with Taylor, Xena is in love with three women..."

"She's WHAT?" Mel stopped them dead in their tracks.

"I know, bad choice of words, but I can't find any others that mean how she feels. They all feel the same way, but Xena's is the strongest. On top of that, she feels guilty because of how she feels. Artemis told her not to fight it, but she does. She gives me a headache." Skye shook her blonde head just remembering the emotions that ran rampant through the mighty warrior. "You see, she puts on this big mask and looks tough, but inside she is a raging river. The deeper you go the more the turmoil. She is full of emotions that she hides."

Mel wasn't sure that they should be talking about another person like they were. Xena was very private, and here was Skye telling her all the deep feelings running through the warrior like it was second hand news. "Perhaps we should not speak of a person when they are not heah, except Janice. Why is she upset with Taylah."

"I'm not sure. There are many small reasons, best I can come up with is that she wishes she was Taylor." Skye shrugged, wondering why anyone would want to be anyone other than who they were.

"Is that right." Jealousy started to creep in. She could only think that Janice was thinking Candace was worth having, now that they were younger.

Skye frowned at the reaction. She wasn't very familiar with the emotion of jealousy, but Mel was seething with it right now.

"Why are you jealous?"

"You know, bein' friends with an empath has its disadvantages."

"I'm sorry, Miss Melinda. You don't have to be my friend. I would understand." Skye ached in her heart, but if Melinda found it difficult, she wouldn't force herself on the professor.

Mel violently pulled Skye to her chest. "Oh NO, sweethaht! Ah'm so sorry. I didn't mean it that way. It's just that sometimes, Ah'd rather my feelin's not be front page news. Ah just don't like the idea of my wife wantin' another woman."

"Who does she want?" Skye wasn't aware of any passionate feelings from Jan for anyone but Melinda.

"Well, Candace of course." She stated what she thought was the obvious.

Skye laughed heartily. "Are you kidding?"

Mel was confused now. "You said she wished she were Taylah. If that's not about Candace, then what's it about?"

"It's about Xena."

"Xena? Jan wants Xena? Well Ah'll be."

"You are so funny. No, she doesn't want Xena. Goodness, you are never like this, Miss Melinda. What is up with you?" She released the taller woman's hand and crossed her arms.

"The truth is, with Janice looking and actin' so much younger, it makes me a little nervous. She was quite a womanizah before Ah met her."

"Womanizer? What's that?" Skye didn't even like the sound of the word.

"It's a person who beds as many women as they can, as quickly as they can. Ah sweah, Jan had more women runnin' around her. Like bees ta honey. Ah just don't want to go through that again. And trust me young lady, with the women we love, there ah bound ta be bees everywheah!"

"But don't you trust her?" The concept of not trusting Terra had never crossed her mind. She suddenly wondered if she should be concerned, then knew she shouldn't. Terra could never lie to her about anything.

"Well, yes and no. Ah trust that she loves me, but darlin' sometimes love ain't enough." The truth, even when it came from ones own mouth, was hard to take.

"Let me assure you, Miss Melinda, love in your case is plenty. Miss Doctor Jan worships the very ground you walk on. You are the reason she lives. She is jealous of Taylor because Taylor is so close to Xena. She sees that Miss Taylor has something she never will."

"Aaahhh. Interestin'. Ah'm sure Miss Doctah Jan will get over it soon enough. Idol worship is such a sinful thing."

"Idol worship?"

"Oh, honey, don't worry yourself about things like that. It's biblical teachin'."

"Biblical?" She was very confused.

"Yes the Bible. Did you not have the Bible on Mars?"

"No, I am afraid not." She looked confounded but was eager to learn.

"The Bible is a collection of books, religious teachings, that some people live their lives by. In one of the books God gives the Israelites ten main rules to live by. Lord, he gave 'em more aftah that, but I digress. One of those rules is to have no othah Gods before that God. The next is to take no graven images to worship. Idols. If you worship something less high than God, you follow the wrong path. Do you see?"

"It's very confusing."

"Yes it is dear. Let's just say, when you put all of your focus on one thing, it tends to disappoint you in the end."

"I see. But not God."

"I have found that to be the case, yes, and I believe Taylah feels the same."

"Hum. I'll have to think on that. All the ideas about God, and Gods, is confusing. But I do believe there is something much larger than even the Gods watching over all of this. For now, that is enough." Skye suddenly changed the subject. "Do you know we are being followed?"

"What!? Where?"

"Don't panic. It's a guard. She is not paying much attention. Would you like to have a little fun?"


"You go that way and circle around to the left. I'll go that way." Skye turned her back so the guard couldn't see what she was doing. "Meet me at the center of the compound. She'll panic seeing that she has lost us."

"That's what she gets for not payin' attention."

The two women walked off in opposite directions, losing the Amazon in the woods. She was in so much trouble.


Taylor was stepping out of the bath, when she felt the tingling sensation she knew was her intended. She wrapped a towel around the bottom half of her long frame, and waited beside the door to surprise her lover.

The small blonde was talking before she was even in the hut. "Hey, Tay? We heard there... OOH!" She was grabbed and whipped into a solid embrace against a half naked warrior. Before she could protest her lips were inundated with a solid kiss that was sure to send sparks flying. She wrapped her arms around the broad shoulders, holding on for dear life.

A tall dark Xena and a short blonde Regent, followed her in and were more than surprised by the sight. Two sets of eyes were glued to the scene. Neither one of them was sure what to do, until the small woman wrapped her legs around the tall firefighter and moaned. Both sets of brows flew up.

"Hey there, Junior. Whatcha doin'?" Xena was sort of amused.

Without removing her lips from her victim, or opening her eyes, she stated the facts as she knew them. "I'm kissing my fiancée. Do you mind?" She returned to the kiss with a vengeance. Her captor wasn't protesting.

"You sure about that?"

Taylor turned her head and looked at Xena. "Ye..." She saw the small blonde Regent, who was her intended, standing next to her tall Warrior Princess friend. Which only meant one thing. Her blue eyes traveled the miles to look in Gabrielle's satisfied face. She put the Regent down slowly. "Oh My God! Oh oh oh oh oh...God. I am so sorry! Don't kill me, Xena! Think about it, but don't do it OK? Candace! Oh oh. Shit! Fuck me!" She put her head in her hands.

Candace walked to her intended. "Could you put something on please?" She tried not to smile. The firefighter was going to pay for this one.

"Uh...yeah. Good idea." She grabbed her robe from the hook on the wall, slipping it over her shoulders. She was shaking on the inside. Mostly because of the reaction she had gotten from kissing the small blonde. *Damn! What was that leg wrapping thing?*

Gabrielle smoothed her skirt, and walked to stand next to Candace. She whispered under her breath and shook her hand in front of her waist, "Wow! She's good."

"I know." The two women grinned at each other.

Xena walked up face to face with Taylor. "Kissing my wife? I know we're close and all, but unless you want me kissing yours, I wouldn't do that again."

Taylor was in so much trouble as it was, she didn't see any reason not to do what she did next. Her hands reached out to Xena's face and pulled her close. Slowly, she let her lips touch the beautiful warrior's. The kiss that ensued was nowhere near gentle. It was a fierce connection between warriors that shared a soul. Fire and smoldering caresses filled the link.

Candace and Gabrielle stood dumbfounded for only seconds. "Good God, that is turning me on!"

"Glad I'm not alone here. Should we stop them?" Candace situated her legs.

"Why? Two beautiful women who love each other, and us, kissing like that. I'm not much of one for letting my wife kiss other women, but...Damn!" Gabrielle was getting hot under the breeches.

She cleared her throat.

Taylor pulled away, breathless. Her lips were wet with the liquid of the kiss, and she tasted the heat on her mouth. She was shocked by her actions. *Death wish. But she kissed you back. Hoo ya! That she did.*

Xena's eyes bored into her searching for answers to questions she didn't even know. She stepped back slowly and put her fingers to her lips. "Well, that was..."

"HOT!" Candace chimed in first.

"Inspiring." Gabrielle used poetic license.

"Liquid fire." Taylor stated it exactly. Heat. It was energy pure and simple.

Two sets of steel blue eyes looked at each other and turned to look at the women they loved. What was going on here was beyond their understanding or control. But like Artemis had instructed. They tried not to fight it, because the more they fought it the more it tore them apart.


Continued in Part 11.

PS>Much great thanks to TPTB who 'used' (Umm borrowed?) my 'woman from the future appears out of nowhere among the Amazons, becomes a leader and uses her 20th century lingo on them' story in Life Blood. Oh no! We never read fan fic. Nor would we ever 'use' it. Funny how great minds think exactly alike. I mean exactly. Stranger Paths goes to Xena land. LOL! I'm flattered!


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