~ Convergence ~
by Kandis Glasgow

Disclaimers: Welcome, one and all! How are we this fine day, afternoon, night? Most likely it's 3 in the a.m. and you have to get up early for work or classes. Shame on you! Go to bed! This will be here in the morning. No, really it will. And if it's not, then the world as we know it has come to an end. OK... Xena, (not Zima as some might suspect. Huh? If you have to ask....) Gabrielle, Janice, and Melinda don't belong to me in any way shape or form. Although, they have told me they WISH they were mine, because they have more fun (and they get more *wink wink* ^nudge nudge^) in my stories than they do on the set. Candace, Taylor, Skye and Terra do belong to me, and they are very happy campers! I am not making any money for this, so write me if you dig it!

Language: We can't seem to get Jan to cease and desist with the swearing. It's in her nature. She wants to belong to me because I let her swear more than even Melinda. Take that professor!

Sex: There was so much in the last two, I'm not sure if I have any left. Just in case. If there is sex, it's between adult women who consent every chance they get. Hooo ya! If consensual sex between females is a punishable offense where you live, don't read about it here. Grab a Penthouse and read it or look at it there. OR my goodness have you seen the most recent Playboy! Blonde twins in the back of a limo. Ouch! I accidentally looked at one at a client's house. (Oops) I was...um.....uh....reading an article. Yeah, that's what I was doing! Right. Like naked women are my thing. Puuhlease! Anyway, if you are underage, don't blame me, but please don't read this without the expressed written consent of your adult guardian. Better yet, just say no! Or, say yes just don't read about it!

Violence: Yes. Amazons, Swords, Bad guys that stink. Same 'ol same 'ol.

Spoilers: We are so far to the left of the real show it's a question, but I think yes. If you don't want to know what happens on the "Xena and Gabrielle Show™", don't read this.

Write me if you enjoy! UgoXena@aol.com And to those of you who haven't read anything I've written yet, but want to complain about it anyway.....you can stop now. Thanks



Part 13

Taylor paced nervously at the map table, watching Krista lay out the plans they had already gone over a hundred times. They had discussed and argued this thing to death. If she had been Xena, there would be no question as to the strategy. As it was, the assault on her integrity as a leader was almost viscous. Although all present had seen her training with the Warrior Princess, and knew her skill as a warrior, being accepted as a leader was a totally different thing. She had had enough. Slowly and silently she stood to her full height. Fire lit the depths of her eyes and the room slowly became silent. Her voice was low in its volume, but the intensity was lost on no one.

"Excuse me. But this has gone on long enough. This strategy will work. Take it or leave it. There will be no other discussions, debates, or disagreements. You will follow my command, or you will be left behind and we will proceed with new, and just as capable, leaders in your stead."

"You don't have the right...." Dissention began to come from the back of the room.

"I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!" The tall angry warrior slammed her fist on the table. There was an audible crack from the wood followed by silence from the gathering. She definitely had their attention. "I have every right, or did you miss that part? If you choose not to follow a direct order, that's totally and completely up to you. Mark my words though, you disobey me in the field, and you will suffer the consequences. Do I make myself clear?"

There were murmurs across the room, but no one commented out loud. Julisa stood up beside the embattled firefighter turned commander.

"Ladies, we have a solid plan of attack and victory here. We will use it to our advantage. Before we go, let me tell you one other thing. Don't try to go against Taylor's command. If you do, you will be held as a traitor. I trust in her leadership. There is no reason you should not as well. Are we all clear?" There were some nods and more than a little silence. "Good. You are dismissed."

The Lieutenants and Captains filed out. Taylor sat wearily on the chair behind her. "Well, that was a shit load of fun if I've ever had it." She bowed her head and put her hand to her forehead. She wished to God that Xena were still in the camp. She sought out her warrior soul mate. <Xena.> The presence of the warrior calmed her troubled soul. <Peace, Taylor. Let it go.> She took deep cleansing breath, allowing the connection to wash over her.

"Taylor, don't let them get to you. The strategy is unique, I'll say that much, but it will work if things are the way you say they are. As soon as it sinks in that you are in charge to stay, they'll come around. "

"Jules, I am not in charge to stay. I am only in command of this one small campaign. You are the head honcho in my book."

"You are too modest, Taylor. You have been given the call because you know the secrets we don't." Krista nodded at Taylor in acquiescence.

"Secrets? What makes you think I know anything?" Taylor shrugged.

"Your Highness, give us some credit here. This won't work unless you know something we don't." Jules almost laughed at her.

"Hum. All I know is that things are not as they seem. Trust me, his army won't be where you think it will." She didn't think giving up the source of the entire plan was the best thing right at this moment. All she really had to go on was the word of Terra's dream. She prayed that it was enough.

"And thus my evidence becomes proof. Who told you this?" The Champion looked straight at Taylor, making the firefighter squirm.

"I really can't tell you, Your Highness, but you have to believe me, this is the only way we can defeat him."

Jules looked hard at the burdened woman. This was serious business, she had to trust someone she hardly knew with the lives of her friends and sisters. Taylor wasn't letting up on her determination. Piercing blue eyes told the Commander of the Amazon nation that this warrior wasn't about to back down. Queen Ephiny had put the command in Taylor's hands. That, and Taylor's confidence, was good enough for her. Jules hadn't gotten to her position by conquest, not that she couldn't have, but through wisdom in her decisions. She chose on the side of wisdom tonight.

"I will follow, Your Highness. I believe that the others will as well. Don't be afraid. If you show fear, you will lose it all." The Commander spoke the truth.

"I'm not afraid, Jules. Just a little concerned. One other thing before we go. Could you stop calling me that? I'm not married to her yet!"

Krista took this one. "Get used to it, Taylor. It fits you well, and on top of that, the respect that Jules shows you tends to trickle down. Let it ride, so to speak."

"You may be right. Very well, but when this is over I go back to being myself."

"Not if you marry the Regent you won't.......Your Highness." The Champion smiled winningly at her.

"Whatever, Krista. Whatever! I'm hungry! Shall we?" Taylor pointed toward the door. Krista and Jules led the way to the dining hall


Candace pushed her body to the total limit. Her heart raced in her chest while her lungs protested. She swore her breath would never again come at regular intervals. She was paying now for her lack of serious training over the past few weeks. She was not happy!

"Come on, Your highness! Push it!" Giva was really enjoying herself.

"Bite me!" Candace was not.

"I will leave that particular pleasure to Taylor. For now you are in my control, and I say pick up those lazy feet!" The Lieutenant urged her Regent to a higher level. Candace really wasn't as out of shape as she believed. She had urged Giva to push her to the very limit, and she was doing just that. "One more league and we can rest. Then sword drills."

"Giva I said help me, not kill me." Candace caught her foot on a stone causing her to stumble and swear.

"As you have said so many times before, 'That which does not kill us makes us stronger.' You are not dead, therefore you must be getting stronger."

"I hate you, Giva. Have I told you that yet today?"

"Several times, your Highness." Giva laughed and pressed the run harder.

Candace dug as deeply as she could into her soul, to find that one last ounce of strength she had. Fortunately for her Gabrielle was in much better shape, and she was able to leach that small amount of energy to her advantage.

She continued her tortuous journey only by concentrating on her connection with the three women in her life. Taylor was in the middle of a strategy meeting. Candace knew that wouldn't go well at all. In spite of the protests of the firefighter, Taylor had been cast into the role of Amazon battle overseer at the behest of Xena. Xena reminded her quite vehemently that "she was a warlord now, it was high time she started acting like one." Taylor didn't care too much for the moniker, but knew that Xena was correct. She had to step up to the plate in Xena's stead. Creighton's army had to be defeated in order to regain the Glass. It was her duty to be as ruthless as the Warrior Princess, and just as cunning. Lucky for her she had the mind of Xena at her beck and call.

Candace pressed on letting her mind wander to the young assassin in their midst. Taylor's plans were based solely on the abilities of Terra. The younger girl had informed the group of her visit from the fates. It seemed that they had come to her in a dream state, informing her of certain movements that the army of Creighton would soon be taking.

"Xena, they won't be there, so don't place your troops there." Skye stared at her lover hoping she wasn't serious about interrupting the serious discussion. It was lunch on top of that.

The warrior princess took another bite of her sandwich and stared hard at Terra. "Wy nouh?"


Xena swallowed. "Why not?"

Taylor cleared her throat hoping that Terra had caught Xena in a good mood. A foul Xena could get very ugly, very quickly. The discussion of strategy had started between her and the warrior alone. Now it had been invaded.

"Because the Fates told me so."

If they had had food in their mouths, it would have been spewed hither and yon. Gabrielle laughed and pinched her nose. Candace joined her in the gaiety. Of course nothing was ever going to be normal again.

"They did. And when, pray tell, did they do this?" Taylor leaned her elbows heavily on the table staring at the young psychic with vivid blue. All Terra did was stare back.

"Tell them, Ter." Skye nudged her partner.

"I had a dream. The Fates spoke with me in depth about the army of Creighton. You will think they are one place, but they will be in another. The key is to be where they will be before they get there."

"Show me." Xena pointed at the map on the table.

Terra stood and viewed the map. She was not familiar with the surrounding lands, but the Fates had shown her. "They are here now." She pointed at secured ridge to the west. "They will be here in three days." Terra pointed to the horseshoe canyon six leagues to the south of the first point.

"In the horseshoe? How stupid is that?"

"Not very. That's where they think you will be. They plan to trap you there."

"Why would they think that? Surely Creighton doesn't think I'm that stupid." Xena scoffed.

"We, Xe."

"I meant we." She nodded at the other three.

"Whatever. Look, I'm a tad lost on this. We need to attack or ambush here, where they aren't, because they will be eventually. Have I got this down?"

"Yes, Miss Taylor." Terra nodded in confirmation.

"How in the heck am I supposed to convince an army of Amazons that this is going to work. HUM? Any suggestions? Anyone at all.......speak up. I'm listening. That's what I thought." Taylor was none too pleased with it.

Skye bravely spoke up, "Miss Taylor, you could always smile at them. It seems to work quite well."

Three soulmates died laughing while one shook her dark head in frustration.

Artemis had told them that the Fates would give them the information they would need, just not the method of receiving that information. They had to trust what Terra told them, then it was up to Taylor to convince the Amazon nation to attack an army that wasn't there. Yet.

A large splash of water hit her in the chest when Giva jumped into the small winding stream in her path.

"Damn it!" Candace raced to keep up with the flying warrior. She would have had to pick the Commander's first lieutenant for a trainer. She should think to have her head examined. But surely they would find her with multiple personality disorder, and she wasn't positive that that was better than the schizophrenia she had suffered when Gabrielle inhabited her body. She laughed to herself. This was one strange situation. Over the past week the four women had been all but inseparable. When Xena had put Taylor squarely in command, the fire fighter had fought her tooth and nail.

"I don't want to be in charge, Xena. With you still here, there is no reason for me to....."

"Wrrrroooong! Artemis told you that YOU would lead the Amazons. Not me. Besides, we are leaving in the morning." She looked at Gabrielle. The Regent wasn't pleased with the way that had come out. It sounded a tad mean. She frowned at her wife and shook her head.

Candace was shocked that they hadn't known. "How did you keep that from us?"

"I just decided. Taylor, look. You are everything I am, and more. Trust in that. Trust in us, and what we all share." Xena took the firefighter in her arms and held her there. They touched foreheads and Taylor nodded.

"I trust you. How could I not?" She laughed.

Candace wrapped a comforting arm around the woman that would soon be her wife. "You can do this, babe." Taylor glanced down at her with such love it almost broke her heart.

"With you to help me, I can do anything." Taylor let go her hold on the warrior, and swooped her intended up into a tight embrace. Her love for the small blonde had doubled since the four of them had come together. She always had nagging doubts about the love they shared, but now they knew each other's hearts and minds. There was no doubt. Candace was meant for her to love, even better than that, Candace loved her with the same perfection.

The small regent wrapped her legs around her. Their noses touched and Candace smiled at her lover. "You flatter me, warrior, but I ain't arguing with it."

"It wouldn't behoove you to argue with me anyway love. I always win." The grin on her face showed she was teasing.

"Behoove you? Such big words for someone that speaks with a sword. I might swoon." She giggled then kissed the nose before her.

"OK Melinda." Taylor took advantage of the position the Regent was in, planting a sweet kiss on her lips.


Candace smiled at the memory, which was quickly shaken by the sword coming at her head. She fell to the ground, shoulder first, then bounced to her feet with blade in hand. That had been close.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" Candace circled the warrior warily.

"You asked me to test you well. I am simply following your instructions." Giva gave the regent a seemingly innocent shrug. She wasn't fooling anyone. Candace wanted to be pushed to the limit, and she was going to do just that.

"By trying to run me through?" Candace squinted, looking for a hint of repentance. That attitude was out of the question.

"You defended yourself adequately, your Highness. Had you not, I would have pulled off." The two women continued to circle, both looking for the right moment to attack.

"I am so pleased to hear you say that Giva. I would hate to think you wanted to kill me."

Giva frowned and stood straight on her legs. "Your Highness, I would never....I am sworn to defend you. I would give my life in your place."

Her desperate words touched Candace's racing heart. "I didn't mean to insult you, Lieutenant. You scared me, but you know, I think I needed it. Defend yourself warrior!" The golden haired Regent pulled her blade to the ready. If the good lieutenant wanted to test the skills of this Regent, she had best be on her guard.

The feral grin that plastered itself across the royal face surprised the trainer. For a split second, Candace looked just like Xena. For some reason Giva knew she was in big trouble.

"Uh, your Highness, it's just practice right? We don't need to.....aaaaaahhh. Shit!"

It was going to be a very long drill, in a very short time.


Skye normally made a point to be sure she had an escort when she went for her walks in the surrounding woods. She didn't feel like company today. The interesting happenings between the eight women gave her cause to feel a little overwhelmed. Her mind cleared as she walked lazily toward the stream. She loved the sound of water dancing peacefully along the rocks. It was one she knew she would never tire of. The tickling voice of it spoke to her the meaning of life, and the gratitude of its existence. She relished in the momentary liberty she had found. With all of her heart she thanked whatever power had put her here. She was free.

In her calm mind she began to contemplate the enormity of that though. *Freedom.* She was free to love the woman that had stayed by her side through the torture at the hands of the Owners. *Love her.* She was free to eat as she pleased, when she pleased, and as much as she pleased, which was a lot! She bathed in heated water with scented candles burning. She was reading and studying things she never knew she could. Come to find out, she was very intelligent. It hadn't surprised her teachers, but it shocked her. The best freedom, she thought, was that she could think, and act, on most anything that pleased her. Usually that was Terra, but taking walks in the nature around her was special as well.

She caught her breath as her peace was disrupted by a disturbing concussion in the feel of the nature around her. Before her cat-like reflexes could react, she was snared in a large net like an animal. She fought against the rough cords to no avail. She was captured.

"Well, you are a pretty one. Creighton was right. You look delicious." A foul smelling man spoke in her face. Small droplets of spittle splattered on her cheek. He wagged his tongue at her.

She spit on him. For her effort she was buffeted swiftly on the cheek. The stinging was soon followed by a trail of blood trickling down her cheek to the ground.

"Listen cunt, you had best be very careful with your actions. Accidents do happen!" His voice rasped with the smoke of one too many hash pipes.

"You won't be able to keep me." Her voice was filled with certain conviction.

"That is where you are wrong, Skye." The golden haired woman stared at him in shock. "Oh yes, I know you. I was sent to collect you for the Boss."

"The Boss?"

"That's right. You know him as Creighton." The nasty man let the words sink in. The small girl he had captured for his master turned pale.

Fear struck her to the core. "He is making a big mistake." She was hoping she was right. Terra and the rest of them would come after her she knew. But would they find her was the question in her mind. If they had the Glass, she could be taken anywhere, and any time.

"Sweetheart, where we're going, they will never have a hope of finding you. Even if they do, it'll be too late." Knowing full well the expertise that the small blonde possessed, the large, putrid man took great caution as he lifted the net from her. Skye's hands were securely bound before they could become a hazard to his health.

"What does he want with me?" Skye once again struggled with her bonds. Her free heart pounded within her chest. What was at first outrage, soon turned to fear. She knew what she was wanted for. It was the only thing she thought she was good at.

"He says that you are.....talented. Isn't that reason enough?" He pulled her tightly to him and grasped a tender breast roughly in his paw. "And when he's done......" he leaned into her ear, "it's my turn. Were it not for his direct order, I would take you where you stand."

Skye felt her stomach turn. Suddenly the world around her dropped away, only to reappear somewhere else. This was not good. Not good at all.


Terra stopped in the middle of her sentence, staring into the distance. *SKYE!*

"Hey, Ter? You alright?" Lissa waved a hand before empty blue eyes.

"Where's Skye!" The girl was frantic. She could feel the wrongness beginning to overwhelm her. Something was definitely amiss with her lover.

"I don't know. The last time I saw her, she was heading towards the tree line. I'm sure she has Lineah with her." Lissa wasn't sure why Terra was in such a panic, but she knew the levelheaded woman enough to know things were not copesetic.

"Come on!" Terra took off running toward the spot Lissa had indicated.

Lissa took off after the long legs, pumping as fast as she could to keep up with the long stride. Terra practically ran Lineah over as the princess exited her hut. Breathing heavily she bowed as best she could.

"Your Highness........I......have..have you seen Skye?" Her breathing evened out, but her heart continued its race against time.

"She was standing out here waiting for me a few minutes ago. Has she gone somewhere?" The Princess did a quick search around her.

"SHIT!" Realizing her profanity, she apologized. "Forgive me, your Highness. I think something has happened to her."

The princess frowned with a head tilt. "What? How do you know."

"I don't know. She's in trouble, I know that much. Please, you have to trust me. We need to look for her." Her blue eyes plead with Lineah in silent pain.

The princess took on a very serious tone. If Terra believed, she owed it to her to treat this with respect. "Very well. Lissa run and get Taylor and Julisa. Meet us by the league hut. Hurry!" Lissa took off at a rapid pace. Puffs of dust kicked up in her wake.

"Let's go gather a search party." Lineah turned and started away with a purpose.

Lissa ran into the group as they exited the council chambers on their way to the dining hall. "Your, Highnesses, Commander! Terra needs you!"

"Whoa! Slow down, Lis. What's going on?" Taylor shot worried looks to her companions.

"It's Skye! Terra thinks something has happened to her. Lineah is getting up a search party."

"Where?" Julisa did a mental weapons check. If something had happened, the threat was sure to be around.

"League hut."

Before she could get the words completely out of her mouth, the three women were away. Their long strides ate up the earth under their feet. Taylor was the first to reach the hut. The look in her sister's eyes told the story. Taylor had no doubt in her mind that something was horribly wrong.

"Ter? You OK?" The firefighter's hand rested on the girl's shoulder.

"No Taylor. No." Tears welled in her eyes. Her voice was no more than a whisper. "They took her, Tay. They took her." Taylor pulled Terra to her tightly as Terra cried silently.

"I swear Terra. We'll find her." Her lips pressed to Terra's dark hair. She prayed to the God she knew that they would.

Jules took command of the group that was assembling. "Lissa, take you five," she pointed out five warriors, "and spread that way. Taylor you're with Terra, and you three go there. Where's Giva?"

"She's training with Candace." One of the women answered.

"Right here!" Candace jogged up to the group. "What's up, sweetheart?"

Taylor looked down at her with concern gripping her gaze. Candace's breath caught in her throat. "Tay, what is it? What happened?"

"Terra thinks Skye is in trouble. She says that they took her." She hated the words because she felt the chilling truth of them sink to her bones.

"They? They who?" She paused then her heart dropped. "Oh no! Oh my God!"

"We're forming search parties now. You're with Krista and her group straight out. We'll be this way." Taylor pointed off to her left.

"Alright! Listen up. You all know how to track. If you find any sign of struggle, any tracks that you don't recognize, bits of cloth, blood, anything at all, you give the call! Any questions?" No one spoke right away. They didn't like the thought of finding blood.

"How could anyone get through our defense? I mean the net has been tight since all the Royalty is here at once." One of the scouts spoke up.

Candace glanced up at Taylor. How much to tell them? "It's difficult to say."


The firefighter put up her hand. "Look, we don't have time for this. Let's get out there and see if any of this is true. Hopefully we'll find her asleep under a tree." Taylor nodded at Terra with a hopeful look on her face. Terra frowned and shook her head. There was no way that was the case.

"Let's go!"

The large group split into its respective parts, trodding off to their appointed areas. The search was intensive. It became obvious, rather quickly, that Skye was not in the area. Taylor touched the branch of a small bush, noting the broken tip. Someone had been this way. She squatted to the ground searching for more clues. Her inquisitive gaze spied a small footprint pointed in the direction of the stream. She stood on long legs and followed the prints to the water’s edge. The scene changed as she noted the larger prints mingled with the smaller. There were some interesting marks she couldn't identify until she spotted the large net. Not good. She was glad that Terra was far to the left of her. She bent to the ground again, noting the dark pinpoint marks in the dirt. Her middle finger touched a mark and came away red. She found the blood they hoped they wouldn't. She had to call the rest of them to the area. Before she did, she tried to follow the larger prints to find the direction the abductor had come. To her dismay they didn't lead anywhere, or from anywhere for that matter. Skye had literally disappeared into thin air.

"TER! Over here!" Taylor stepped away from the site and called the girl to her.

Terra came crashing through the brush. "Did you find her?"

"No. Terra, she is gone. She was here by the stream." The girl tried to get around her older, stronger friend. Taylor caught her by the arms. The look that the assassin shot her was deadly.

"Let me go, Taylor!" She was frantic.

Taylor shook her once to snap her out of it. "TERRA! You can't go off like this. She's going to need you with your head on straight."

Terra frowned in confusion. "Why would it be on any other way?"

Taylor would have laughed had the situation not been so grave. "You have to keep your emotions under control. You have to be thinking straight and clear. She needs all of us to keep our heads. Take a deep breath." Terra did as she was told. "Calm down. Good. Look here." Taylor pointed in the direction of the site.

Terra slowly took in the evidence of her lover's abduction. Then she saw the blood. Fire began a slow burn until it raged in her blue eyes. When she found this devil, he would be sorry he had ever seen the sun. She silently stood to her feet. A cold air settled around her very being.

Taylor shuddered at the sight. She knew the look. She was seeing the Destroyer of Nations in the flesh. This girl would stop at nothing to get Skye back, even if it meant the death of thousands.

"Let's go." Terra turned away from the firefighter, started toward the compound alone.

Taylor signaled to the rest of the group. They met in a nearby clearing.

"We found the spot where she was kidnapped. She is not here." The firefighter gave the details of what she had found.

"We are wasting time talking like this. Let's get a bead on the tracks. We should have no trouble finding them quickly." Lissa had taken a liking to Terra and Skye. She was determined to find her new friend.

Krista placed a hand on Lissa's arm. "We won't find her, Lis."

"But, we can follow....."

"No. She is no longer in the area." The Queen's Champion implored the woman silently not to pursue it further.

"Your Highness?" Lissa didn't understand.

Krista leaned in close to her ear. "Meet me at my hut when we get back. I'll explain. OK."

A spark shot through Lissa at the proximity of the Champion's mouth to her ear. She shook it off. This was hardly the time. She turned her gaze. She was suddenly captured in deep blue. This was either a very good thing, or the worst thing in the world. At this point she wasn't sure which. A light blush crossed her cheeks. *Damn! Stop.* She cleared her throat. "Yes, your Highness." She bowed and backed away.

Krista noted the blush on the cheek of the flirtatious warrior. Lissa never blushed. She made others blush. A royal eyebrow raised in curiosity. She turned her body to the rest of the gathering. "Let's get back to the compound. The Commander and the officers will meet with Taylor in the council chambers again. Lissa, after we meet, if you will please see to it that food for three is delivered to chambers, it would be appreciated." She nodded at the woman.

"Of course, your Highness." She tried to keep the color from sneaking up her cheeks, but was failing miserably.

Taylor noted the exchange, but there was nothing to be said about it at this moment.

"Let's go." Jules lead the group as they headed back to camp.

Taylor put an arm around the woman she would one day call wife. If she were to ever have to suffer what Terra was now going through, she doubted she could survive it. She placed a gentle kiss on Candace's crown and the small blonde pulled her closer. Their touch communicated everything in their hearts.


"Son of a Bitch!" Jan hissed as her removed her boot, then showing the reddened patches to the warrior.

"Nasty blisters." Xena's voice was deadpanned.

"No shit! Really?" Jan swore under her breath. "DAMN it all to hell in a fuckin' hand basket!"

Xena smirked at the rough doctor. "Hold still while I put some salve on these."

Gabrielle and Melinda grinned amusedly at the pair. They took off with the water skins leaving the two warriors alone.

"Where they going?" Jan pointed off in the general direction of the women with her chin. She hissed as Xena's salve covered fingers touched her tender flesh.

"By the looks of the skins, they are going to find some water. Are your powers of observation that weakened by your pain, or are you just making conversation?" The warrior was stoic in her teasing.

Jan frowned. "I just.... Well, you've been downright quiet today. Something up?"

Xena stared hard at her friend. They were getting to know her too well. She looked back to her work. "Yes and no. I am worried about Taylor and Candace, but I have all the faith in the world in their abilities. I wish I could be in two places at once."

"Don't look now, but you can."

Xena shot her head up shocked at the statement. She wanted to know how much the archeologist knew. "What do you mean?"

"I mean you can. You know you can." Janice's green eyes bored into the warrior's.

"I mean physically, Jan. I can check in on them, but I can't be there."

"Your mind is all they need. Well, that and your heart." The doctor smiled. "What's it like, Xena?"

Xena looked into the eyes of the doctor again. This time she saw love, mixed with curiosity and awe. Her face softened with a sweet smile at her friend. "It's something I can't describe, Jan. Do you remember your connection with Mel, Skye and Terra?"

"In a way."

"What was it like?" She really wanted to know. Maybe from Jan's description she could explain her own heart.

"Light. It was light. Luminescent. And, and... I..I touched them. Not with this," She held out her hand, "but with this." She touched above her heart. "I want that again, Xe. It was magic." Her sparkling eyes threatened tears.

Xena sighed. She didn't know how to connect the others. "Jan, if I could find the key for you..." She let her thoughts drift off.

"I know. I'll find it. But you guys, wow." She shook her head in wonderment.

"Yeah, wow." Xena's mind drifted. The four of them had learned to control some of what they had, but it was still far beyond them. They were unified in mind, but they had to concentrate to communicate. The one thing she had was a sense of each one within her being. The four were one in soul.

"So?" Jan shrugged her shoulders.

"Hum?" Xena finished with the bandage, patted Jan's foot then stood to her feet.

"So what's it like?" Jan slipped her boot over her foot. She gave a satisfied grimace. It felt much better.

"It's like wholeness. I am complete. Like you said, it's magic. They touch my heart all the time."

"Can you feel them now?" Jan stood next to the tall woman. She shaded her eyes to look up at her.

She stood silently feeling her way to connect with them. What she felt disturbed her. Fear, slight panic, and anger. "I can."

"Xe? What's wrong?" Janice saw the look on Xena's face.

"I don't know. I need to find Gab." Before she could turn to go after her, the small Regent was trotting up to her.

"XE!" Gabrielle was almost breathless.

"Slow down, babe. I know. I feel it, too."

"Can we find out?" She wanted to know what was going on with her soulmates.

"I don't think we have time right now. We need to go for at least another two candle marks. Let's go until dark. When we settle in we can find a quiet spot to meditate. Think you can wait?"

Melinda wandered back to the road with the skins in tow. "It's about Skye."

Three sets of eyes turned to stare at her. Janice had a sudden clarity. "She's right."

"How do you know?" Gabrielle smacked her own head right after the words came from her mouth. Big red truck Gab.

"I thought you said you couldn't feel them." Xena turned to face the doctor.

"I didn't think I..we could." She was shocked. "I don't know what the problem is. I can't pin point it."

"Sounds to me like we have a plan for aftah dinnah." Melinda mounted her steed. "Sweetheart, ah you ready to ride yet?"

Janice looked at her now covered foot. "Um. Yeah. Good idea." She untethered her horse from Mel's saddle horn. "Come here, Snik. Who in the world gave you that name, huh?" She patted the large mare on the neck. She placed her left foot in the stirrup, and tried to pull herself up to the back of the high-handed steed. She huffed three more times before she felt a large hand on her butt, assisting her to the seat. There were very few times in her life anymore when she hated her short stature. Now was one of them.

"Thanks, Xe." Her voice was low with angry embarrassment.

"Not a problem, Jan. You've got quite a tall one there." She whispered an aside to only the doctor. "I still have to help the missus once in a while." She grinned largely at Jan.

Green eyes sparkled back at her. "Mostly to cop a feel I'll bet."

Xena winked at her. Warriors. They never changed.


Lissa ducked her head under the beaded curtain, following the Queen's Champion into her private hut.

The deep breath she took was not lost on the princess. A quick smile crossed her lips while her back was turned. Of all the people in the camp, in the nation for that matter, she had to be attracted to the most arrogant, stuck on herself, womanizer around. Now that conceited womanizer was in her tent nervous as a virgin on her wedding night. What will the Gods think of next? Flying pigs?

"Lissa, please sit for a moment while I change my clothes." She motioned with her hand toward the large pillowed chair by her bed.

Lissa nodded nervously as she sat. She wasn't sure about the nature of the seat. It was not a chair as one would perceive a chair to be, yet it was not a couch. It was shaped in a circular dish type pattern. She sunk into the folds of the cushion. The chair practically swallowed her. Her legs dangled over the edge in a very un-warrior like way. *That won't do!* She pulled herself up and tucked her long legs up cross legged. Not perfect, but better. She looked up at a slightly amused, but very kind face. Much to her dismay the blush from earlier crossed her cheeks again.

Lissa pretended not to notice as she stepped behind her dressing curtain. "What I have to tell you will go no further than this room. Is that clear?"

"Of course, your Highness. Or, do I call you Champion?" She really wasn't sure.

Lissa bit the side of her cheek and tried not to laugh. She would love to be called 'champion' in some very compromising situations. She knew now was the time for brevity. "Your Highness is fine. The reason we won't find Skye in the area, is because she has been taken by a man who has the tool to change time and space." She threw her top across the top of the curtain and listened as Lissa cleared her throat.

Lissa concentrated on the task at hand. She refused to be distracted by the fact that the most buff, sexy, commanding, royal, curly haired, Princess was getting naked behind a paper-thin barrier. She cleared her throat. "What type of tool can do that? It would seem like a thing the Gods would use."

"Exactly!" She threw her skirt and breeches to join the top. She hadn't taken her breeches off. She had thrown an extra pair over for shock value. Lissa was so used to being the tease, Krista wasn't sure that the warrior could take what was being dished to her. The embattled warrior coughed, causing a thin smile to sneak it's way to the lips of the princess. "It is the Hour Glass of Chronos, the Officer of Time. It was stolen by a minion of Ares. Xena, Gabrielle, Mel, and Janice went to free time from his imprisonment. Taylor, Candace, Terra and Skye are to retrieve the Glass. I don't know what will happen now that Skye is missing. I have faith that Taylor and Candace will find the answer. Right now, all Terra is good for is killing." Fully dressed in her royal garb, she stepped out from the curtain. "Personally, I can't blame her. If I had a woman like that to love, I'd have a major problem with this as well."

Lissa looked up at the Champion with a frowned. "A woman like her? You mean a short blonde with a huge appetite?"

Krista snickered. "No. I mean a woman that loves me with ever fiber of her being. You know, a soulmate."

Lissa's hazel eyes glanced up at Krista, understanding exactly what she was saying. "Yeah. OK. Good. Well, shall we?" She tried to get up from the chair. It seemed the cushion did not wish her to be released.

"Problem?" Krista ran her fingers through her curled locks.

"No." She sighed resigned. "Krista. Can we talk?"

Royal eyebrows raised at the familiarity.

"I mean...I meant....never mind." She struggled to her feet. The next thing she knew, the Queen's Champion was standing directly in front of her. She was caught in a powerful gaze. The princess reached out a hand and placed it gently on her chest. Krista spoke to her in a whisper.

"What do you feel, Lissa?"

Lissa calmed her rapid breathing to feel the touch. "I...I..I don't know. I have never....you make me… Your Highness, I.....you see.. Hades! I don't act like this! No one ever makes me nervous. I never blush, and my hands most certainly DO NOT sweat!" She wiped her slick palms on her shirt.

"Really. How very interesting." Krista leaned into the woman with the light brown hair and the great big ego. Her long arm wrapped around a slim waist as she pulled the warrior to her. She kissed her lightly at first then, seeing that Lissa wouldn't collapse, pressed harder.

Lissa had no idea that a kiss could be so sweet. She had kissed dozens of women, but not one had ever affected her this way. Her heart wanted to burst in her chest while her body ran circles, doing back-flips at the same time. A soft tongue requested entrance. She offered admittance without a second thought. The smooth muscle took total control of her. It played and danced gently along her own. She found her courage and began an exploration of her own. The connection sent vines of desire creeping up her legs to her groin. An involuntary sound of pleasure slipped from her grasp. The Champion pulled her closer. Their bodies molded together. It was a very tight fit.

Krista broke the kiss after several moments. A lopsided grin plastered itself across her face. This was going to be hard to explain at the meeting. All this tragedy and her with perma-grin.

"Your Highness, that was.....Wonderful." Her face was beaming.

"Indeed it was. After a kiss like that, I think you can call me Krista when we're alone." The Champion placed another soft kiss on the soldier's willing lips.

"Very well, Krista. You may call me Lissa." She laughed at the joke.

"I have many names I would like to call you. However, we have a meeting to attend." She let go her grip on the slender woman.

Lissa thought for a moment before she asked the question in her mind. "Krista, why?"

The champion was gathering her weapons when the query came. "Why what."

"Why did you kiss me?"

"Several reasons. First, because I wanted to. Second, because someone needs to tame you. It might as well be me. Don't you think?" The strong warrior grinned cleverly. She liked the way Lissa made her feel, but the smaller woman didn't need to know that right this minute.

"I see. So, I am an animal." She smirked. She thought she was indeed. The most commanding woman in the compound was a likely match for her big attitude.

"Of sorts. I just think you need to be totally captured to remain true. I'm not saying that I can do that, but I have never seen you so flustered around a woman. And that, my dear, is a very good sign." She touched Lissa's cheek with her hand.

Lissa blushed deeply. She looked in to the deep blue eyes that studied her. "Shall we go, your Highness? Before I die of shyness."

"I don't think that's terminal. After you." She nodded at the doorway.

"That's not good protocol, Krista. After you." She bowed deeply.

"Very good. I'll train you yet." Krista stepped into the bright sunlight, leaving her personal life in the hut. She was now all Champion. "Don't forget the food. Oh, and Lissa. You will dine with me this evening."

"I will?" She had no idea what to say. This didn't appear to be a request. "I mean, I will. I'd be honored, Your Highness." She bowed again and turned from the woman that had her number.

"Of course you would," Krista spoke to the retreating soldier. The feeling she experienced when she had kissed Lissa was like none she had ever known. She had kissed her share of women as well. Next to Lissa, she was next in line for the compound womanizer award. *Hey, I'm the princess after all. Chicks dig that.* She laughed at the irony. If the two biggest flirts in town fell in love, anything could happen. Including finding a woman missing in time.


Four women lowered their breath to a nominal rate, concentrating on the flames of the fire before them. Janice and Melinda were not sure what to expect of themselves, so they waited.

Gabrielle closed her eyes, concentrating on the hearts of the women that they were a part of her. Her soul pulled out of its confines to wisp lightly above her body. It was soon joined by that of her lover. Together their souls reached out to the companions with them. The essence of Janice Covington and Melinda Pappas sped off in a direction not understood by the others. They waited patiently for the return.

The wait was short. Janice took in a sharp breath. Her eyes opened quickly in shock of what had just happened. "I saw her. I know where Skye is."

Xena opened her blue eyes slowly. She loved the feeling of unity with her lover. But now was not the time to reflect on the aspects of connection.

Melinda shook her head to clear the fuzzy feeling. "Yes, she is in this time realm. She will be with Creighton in his tent the day after tomorrow. She is not there now. Now she is still in this time, but in a limbo. They are traveling to two days hence, but have not yet arrived in the future."

"She'll be safe until the sixth hour of the second day. Noon, day after tomorrow. Can you tell them?" Janice didn't even fully understand what she had said.

"Are you saying that Skye has been kidnapped?"

"Yes. She was abducted this afternoon."

"SHIT!" Xena stood to her feet and threw sand at the fire. "We should never have left!"

"Xe, honey. She would have been taken no matter what. We couldn't have stopped it." Gabrielle stood next to her wife, then placed a serene hand on her concerned lover. The pain was strongly evident in Xena from just a touch.

"Yeah. You're right. I don't have to like it."

"Can you tell them!" Janice was adamant.

"Yes, Jan, but we have to wait for the right time. Later this evening, when Taylor and Candace have settled in their hut. It's possible that Terra will be with them. I can't imagine that she would want to be in their hut alone." Xena knew the last place she would be with a Missing Gabrielle, was in their hut.

"That poor sweet girl. She must be a total wreck." Gabrielle paced at the very thought of Skye in the hands of those devils.

"Why would they take her?" Xena was thinking about ransom. "Do they think we won't attack if they have her? A bargaining chip?"

"No, he doesn't care about bargaining with us. He thinks he's invincible."

"You know this how?" Xena was urging the doctor to continue.

Mel answered for her lover "Educated guess. Heah is a man with seemin'ly unlimited powah. Why would he take a prisonah to bahgain with when he can have anythin' he wants?"

Sudden realization hit the bard. "Oh my Gods! He is going to use her as a sex slave! Xena, we've got to contact them now!" Gabrielle was frantic.

"Calm down. We can't get to them if you are in panic mode. I'll try to get Taylor alone, then we can tell them what we know." The tall warrior walked out of camp to the most serene spot she could find. She knelt to the ground and sought her soulmate.


Taylor quickly looked up to Candace. She had heard the voice, but it seemed that Candace had not. She shook her head thinking Xena was having a random thought misfire. *TAYLOR!* Taylor jumped, and the entire room full of Amazon eyes looked at her strangely.

"Honey? Are you OK?" Candace frowned.

Taylor leaned to her intended's ear. "We need to go. Xena's on the line."


Taylor tapped the side of her head.

"Oh.Ohhhhh. Jules we need to take a quick break." She nodded at Taylor who followed her out the door. "It's good to be the boss."

"That it is, your Highness."

The two women jogged to their hut. Candace spoke to her guard. "No one comes in. Understand?"

"Yes, your Highness." The guard drew her sword and crossed it over her chest. This act let others know to not even ask.

Taylor grasped her lover by the hand and led her to the skin by the hearth. The evening fire had been lit to warm the room. They knelt together facing each other. "Did you hear her?"

"No, babe. I didn't."

"We've never done this alone." Taylor took a deep breath wondering where to start.

Gabrielle ran to the door. She stuck her head out the door. "Go Get Terra, now!"

The guard ran to the meeting hall to find the girl pacing outside the door. With a quick bow she addressed her teacher. "Miss Terra! The Regent and Taylor request your presence in their hut. It's urgent!"

Terra out ran the guard by several lengths. She took the steps in one leap and burst through the door. She found her friends kneeling by the fire with their hands clasped. Two sets of compassion filled eyes peered up at her.

"Terra, join us."

"Why?" She didn't understand what they were asking.

"Xena, has a message for us. We think you can help us."

"Oh. That connection thing you guys are into. I don't know…" She was in no frame of mind to participate in any odd activities. She wanted Skye back in her arms. Nothing could sway her thoughts.

"Please, honey. We need your help." She wasn't sure it was true, but it seemed right. "I think they know something about Skye. Please." She held her hand out to the worried warrior.

Terra walked to take Candace's hand. As soon as she did, her heart broke in two and tears spilled from her blue eyes. "I can't live without her, Miss Candace."

Candace stood to her feet and wrapped her arms around Terra's waist. She gently guided her to the floor beside them. "I know, baby." She let Terra wrap around her. A dark head leaned on her small shoulder. She pulled Terra to her while the girl let loose some of her fear.

"We're going to get her, Ter. I swear." Taylor was dead serious.

"I believe you Miss Taylor. Let's try this." She wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand.

"That's my girl." Candace gently rubbed her back.

They joined hands. The three lone souls sought the mind of another. The connection was accomplished, and the message communicated.

Three strong warriors entered the council chambers. All eyes in the room turned to their leader.

Taylor stated the mission simply. "We move out in the morning."




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