~ Sisters of Sorrow ~
by Kathleen Wolf

Copyright Disclaimer: Xena: Warrior Princess, Gabrielle, Argo and all other characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess, together with the names, titles and back story are the sole copyright property of MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story idea and the story itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way.

Violence Warning/ Disclaimer: This story depicts scenes of violence. Readers who are disturbed by or sensitive to this type of depiction may wish to read something other than this story.

Love Disclaimer: This story depicts a love relationship between two consenting adult women. If you are under 18 years of age or if this type of story is illegal in the state or country in which you live, please do not read it. If depictions of this nature disturb you, you may wish to read something other than this story. Please note no graphic sexual scenes are contained within the story.

Note: This story is the Seventh in my Sorrow series and begins a few moons after the sixth story ends. I strongly recommend reading the other stories to understand what is going on in this one. You might find yourself a bit confused if you don't. Unless of course the idea of Gabrielle having a winged demon daughter makes perfect sense to you too.

Tissue Alert: Just going to leave this in forever cause I am a bad judge of the soppy stuff. So you are all forewarned to keep some tissues handy just in case.

Feedback: Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

kathleen_wolf@yahoo.com Thanks: To Cheney and Puddle, without who this series would lack a lot of the positive loving emotions for which only they have given me insight and experience of. Also thank you to all those who are following the series and have been patiently waiting for this update, please don't hang a bard for being slow - BG

Part 5

At the ice warrior's urging, Sorrow went immediately over to the hard red shell of frozen flames that remained suspended on a base of crimson in the centre of the room. Her strong but shaky hand stilled on the wooden blade of Kisinda's axe as her mind was filled suddenly and she let the blade drop.

'No, Sorrow, not yet.' Madalene voice pleaded.

'Are you all right?' Sorrow questioned immediately straining to see through the thick redness of the sphere. The dark shadow of a hand pressed against the barrier made her take a sharp breath.

'I don't know, there is still a lot of evil magic in here with us.' The voice that came back into Sorrow's head was familiar yet changed slightly in inflection. 'You're the only one strong enough to withstand them when the shell is broken. You have to get everyone outside.'

'But…' The Protector went to object putting her hand up to mirror the shadow that she saw, marvelling that the hand was just short of being the size of her own.

'Sorrow there is no but, you have to listen to me!' Madalene stated sharply conveying her growing emotion in the telepathic words. 'If you open this and it hurts Mother or Danu or any of them… please don't risk it.' The voice took a tired breath. 'It might hurt one of us more as well.'

'I'll get them out.' Sorrow felt a slice of panic go through her body as she heard the short whistle of air, leaving her hand on the sphere she turned. "You all need to go outside, right now. I have to open it alone."

The round robin look of shock and disbelief that came back at her was instant and severe.

"Open it now!" Xena took a step forward the handle of the ice warrior's axe sitting mere inches from the toe of her boot. "Or I will open it."

"Xena, if you open it with that you will kill them." Sorrow underlined the reality with an icy tone as she stared into warrior blue. "We do this my way, now wait outside!" She directed the fact by pointing at the door.

In the background, knowing the tenseness in her lover's stance, Danu helped Kisinda carry Tawnie outside for medical attention. Though her worry for the young princess' made her desperate to stay, she knew that the best way she could help was to get as many of them outside as she could. Moving the Warrior Princess and their Queen on the other hand would be Sorrow's job alone.

"Xena…" Gabrielle replaced her sais as she reached up and put her hand on her lover's taunt arm. "Are you sure Sorrow?" She questioned unnecessarily, she knew her daughter would not make the request unless it was the only way.

"There is dark magic trapped in the shell, when I open the forces will release." She locked green eyes with her mother explaining. She knew if she won the bard over then they might have a chance of getting Xena to leave. "Even if it damages me I will heal, you two will not and then who will be here for the children?"

"Xena…" Gabrielle pulled lightly on the warrior's arm to urge her to stand down. "Xena, outside now!" Her voice was tight.

The Warrior Princess hung there on her toes for a second, between the minds of just barging ahead and opening the prison that held her children, or listening to the voice of reason at her arm and retreating outside.

"Please Xena." Sorrow lowered her shoulders slightly pleading with her.

"Get them out now!" The warrior stood down, retreating quickly out of the room to let Sorrow work.

The Protector let out an uncomfortable breath as the tattered remains of the lodge door were pulled closed. Slowly she turned, looking back at the hard shell of fire.

'Carefully now, use the axe.' Madalene's voice sounded again in Sorrow's mind. 'Don't go to deep.'

'Okay.' Sorrow worked on automatic as she was told, picking up the ice warrior's blade and carefully wedging it back into the crack within the sphere.

'That's good, but not any deeper.'

'Brace yourself.' Sorrow instructed back as she wrenched the blade from side to side to increase the opening before she took the weapon out and let it drop to the floor. Pushing her hands into the fissure, she growled low as it took all her strength to break a hole into the sphere.

Pieces of the once twisting flames hit the floor to sound thick solid thumps on the heat weathered floor slates. For all her efforts, Sorrow only managed to create a small crevice in the side of the barrier.

'Step back now, let me come out.' Madalene's hand emerged from the dark opening and was followed by a slim but muscular tanned arm.

Sorrow stepped back immediately, her sharp eyes studying the young woman that pushed her way out of the small opening and stood suddenly before her.

Slowly as her bare feet hit the wooden ground, Madalene stood to her full height, towering an inch over her sister. She was no longer a child but a woman who had just passed into the brink of adulthood. Long ebony hair cascaded in shiny sweeps to her slender waist as she bent sideways and picked up a fallen blanket from the original ceremony and hastily wrapped it around her body. Her deep but bright green eyes were warm and loving as she looked at the Protector with a similar curiosity.

"I never understood why people can't read the emotion in your face." Madalene let a slow smile cross her deep red lips. "Cause you're like an open book."

"And what am I feeling now?" Sorrow didn't know how the words between them came so easily as she felt a flash of pain in her heart so strong it out weighed all of her physical discomfort.

"You feel like this is all your fault, and it's not." The young Princess took a few steps closer raising her hand to her sister's cheek. "I need you to understand that quickly Sorrow and help everyone else see it as well. This was no one's fault, it had to happen."

"Why?" Sorrow pushed the pained question out feeling like a child.

"I don't know why. Why does a bird fly even when there is no wind? Why do you fight to bring beauty and good into this world when you were only surrounded by hate and horror for so long?" Madalene rubbed her cheek softly. "Why is it I would know you in any form, with only one glance and the feeling in my heart that will always whisper sister?"

"I do not doubt who you are." The Protector shook her head. "Just…"

"Sorrow, you have seen many things in your short life, many wonders, many lands, accept this as only I know you can and help them see." Madalene brought up her other hand. "This will bring so much confusion and I need your light to help me guide the way for us all."

"I will try." Sorrow's mind snapped into place suddenly as she looked her sister over. "Are you hurt? Anastasia?" She looked past green eyes to the sphere, its interior still shrouded in inky darkness.

"Anastasia has some burns, Thallia is weak." Madalene conceded holding her sister's face for a second more before she turned to collect blankets for them.

"Anastasia." Sorrow moved quickly over putting her hand on the edge of the crack.

"Break it, break it and bring the beginning of this nightmare to a close." Madalene nodded and stood at the ready with blankets.

Sorrow leaned back and growled as she put her weight behind her hands and with a thick snap the side of the shell broke off. Huddled within the small space was Thallia, holding the smaller princess to her protectively.

"Sorrow, take Anastasia." Madalene handed her sister a blanket and held the other one out wrapping Thallia in it as soon as Anastasia was in Sorrow's arms.

Sorrow cradled her youngest sister in her arms within the blanket. The weight of the adolescent child was not heavy for her at all, but it was such a contrast to the once small baby that it made her want to cry. An angelic face slightly contorted in pain pressed itself into her shoulder in the most natural move, a move that seemed so familiar as long reddish blonde hair crushed into her arm.

"They don't hurt that much." Anastasia whispered freeing her hands from the blanket and showing her sister the burnt angry red flesh on her palms. Her cherubic features just turning with the mark of puberty into the stunning beauty of a woman though her green and blue eyes held the tears of a frightened child.

"Don't worry I've got you." Sorrow wrapped her up tight holding her close as she turned back to Madalene.

The young princess turned and offered her arms to the other blanket wrapped woman, a few cycles older than herself, who with a delicate grace accepted the hands that came to her waist to lift her from the sphere and gently place her on the ground. Thallia's brown hair was short, sitting just past her ears, her face strained by exhaustion as she leaned into Madalene's stronger body.

"Are you okay?" Madalene held her protectively, about to pick Thallia up to ease the strain on her legs.

"Just drained." Thallia gave her a limp smile as she took a strained breath slowly catching her deep brown eyes with the Protector who looked at her in slight awe. "The burns aren't deep but they will need attention."

"Of course Thallia." Sorrow spoke the woman's name slowly, the melodic notes of Thallia's voice tempered by age but still sweet enough to spark memory in the Protector.

'Sorrow, what's going on?' Gabrielle's voice came into her daughter's head from behind the door, shivering in its fear and worry. 'I'm not going to be able to keep Xena out for much longer.'

"Show them the light in this." Madalene pleaded having heard her mother's voice as well. "Only you can make them see when my voice is lost."

'Come in Mother, bring Xena and Oxin.' Sorrow nodded to her sister as she sent back the soft words.

"Sorrow, are they okay?" Xena rushed through the door first, stopping short as she reached the inside of the room by the sight before her.

"Anastasia needs medical attention." Sorrow cradled the young girl a bit closer to her as she saw the warrior stop mid-step and emotionally falter.

"Where are the children?" Xena refused to believe what she was seeing. Refused to notice the sight of the tall raven-haired woman that could be no other child than her own. Denied the bundle in Sorrow's arms with hair the exact shade that the bard's had been so long ago when they'd first met. On shaky legs she went over to the broken shell of flames. "What magic is this?"

"Magic that we cannot change." Sorrow spoke in a soft but firm voice. "Magic that right now we can't worry about. Your daughters need you." She began to move coming closer to the warrior again when Xena didn't move.

In the doorway the bard's frozen form was sidestepped by Oxin who moved over to lean on the wall for support, slowly closing the door behind them.

"Xena." Gabrielle spoke her warrior's name without real inflection. Her mind warred with such a myriad of emotions and responses so that none came out winner. With a gentle loving tide her eyes welled up and tears soon spilled over her cheeks. "Madalene?" She looked to the tall dark haired child who held her eye with a sad smile.

"I'm fine, it's Ana who's hurt." The young woman lowered her eyes feeling somewhat ashamed that she had been unable to keep her sister from being injured.

"Anastasia?" The bard's voice squeaked as the words cleared in her head pushing all other concern away. "Sorrow, what's wrong?" She rushed over to the Protector, quickly unfolding the blanket corners that kept her daughter from view. "Its okay baby, Mother's here." She didn't hesitate as she kissed her child's forehead and cheeks, taking burnt hands carefully in her own. The blue and green eyes before her instantly calmed with her kisses and she didn't even stop to recognise the changes glaring before her. "We need clean bandages and salve." She went down on her knees as Sorrow rested Anastasia on the ground instantly holding the child to her own body.

"Xena." Sorrow stared at the still unmoving warrior as she rose up again.

"I'll send someone for what we need." Oxin's shaky voice filled in the background.

"Please." Madalene urged her to go as she eased Thallia down to sit as well. She held tightly onto her friend's hand as she watched the warrior's reaction. "And fresh water." She added absently.

"Xena." Sorrow repeated again.

The Warrior Princess looked between those left in the room, her mind not believing what her eyes were showing her. Unable to believe what had happened.


She blinked and realised that the Protector was stood right in front of her.

"I know what you are thinking, I know what you are feeling, I know you can't believe this." Sorrow reached up in a bold strong move and held Xena's chin making their eyes meet. "But this moment, what you do right now is nothing about understanding or acceptance. Tonight you can rage against this, yell, scream, whatever…" She grabbed the warrior's arm before she could raise it to break away from having to listen. "But right now your daughters need you. They need you to help them, they need you to take charge and protect them. I can't do it alone, and they need you even more than me."

She released Xena, hoping she'd managed to reach the woman when the warrior didn't immediately bolt away.

"Accept what you can't deny, they are your daughters, my sisters. What has happened can't change that." She underlined. "Nothing ever could."

"Let me see." The Warrior Princess gave a heavy blink before her cloudy stare cleared and she moved quickly over to where the bard cradled Anastasia. "They might need to be soaked first."

Timidly the small girl held out her hands as asked, only holding the still hard eyes of the Warrior Princess for a moment before she buried her head against Gabrielle.

"I know this is going to hurt a bit but can you wiggle your fingers." Xena's voice came out soft and gentle, her heart working to overrule the chaos in her mind. Only one fact burned clear and bright for her right now and she would hold onto it for dear life - Her daughters needed her.

"They feel tight." The Princess grimaced and pushed herself harder against her Mother as she moved cubby digits slowly.

"That's okay, its normal." Xena appraised relieved to find that the burning was only superficial and not too deep.

"You're being very brave." Gabrielle whispered reaching out to put her hand on her warrior's arm. "Isn't she?"

"She is." Xena held the redhead's eye for a moment before with a slight breath she looked down into eyes of blue and green. "You are being very brave." Her hand shook slightly as she cupped her daughter's face in her hand.

"I'm sorry." Anastasia bit her lip as she leaned a little into the warm tentative touch. "Madalene warned me not to touch the side, but I thought…" Her lip trembled. "I thought I could stop it."

"It doesn't matter." Xena's voice finally reached a normal cadence as she shook her head and dismissed the apology. "We just need to make you feel better now."

"That is the most important thing." Sorrow reached down for a moment and touched the warrior's shoulder before moving back off again as Oxin returned with the necessary supplies. Grabbing a water skin that had arrived with the healer she walked over to where Thallia and Madalene sat. "I have so many questions." She breached the silence between them softly as she knelt down and offered the water to Thallia.

"And I have very little in the way of answers." Madalene shook her head softly. "Except to say this had to be."

"If you knew why didn't you warn me?" Sorrow couldn't stop herself from asking the question before she held up her hand to pause her sister's answer. "This isn't the time." She shook her head. "Are you all right?" She looked between the two of them deep worry etched into her face.

"Thallia will need rest." The Princess outlined. "I'm fine, just…" She looked over the Protector's shoulder to where Anastasia was being tended. "She won't take this well."

"I know." Sorrow nodded and reached out taking her sister's hand. She marvelled at the size and weight of it, holding it in her hand with a gentle smile. "We'll help her."

"I love you." Madalene nodded holding tighter. "You should get Danu." She added softly knowing that somewhere outside the archer was among many waiting for answers.

"Take care of her." Sorrow nodded to the pale elf like girl beside her sister then stood and moved back towards the door. She blinked slowly as she took in the scene behind her before pulling the small shred of privacy away.

"Row, what's going on?" Danu was the first to descend on her, the others who would have immediately questioned letting her be their spokesperson.

"We'll come out and explain soon." Sorrow briefly addressed Solari and Ephiny who backed away and began to disburse the crowd. "Come love, there is much to see rather than explain." She softly took her wife's hand and they moved back inside the hall.

Danu entered the room noticing immediately the quiet almost scared atmosphere that existed. The centre of the space was filled with the broken remains of Gideon's spell. It's sharp rocky shards littering the ground.

"Madalene?" Her eyes feel on the two young women cradled together slightly away from the main crowd. "Sorrow, this can't be." She turned to her lover her eyes filling with tears as she instantly turned back.

"Danu…" Madalene made sure Thallia was stable before she stood up and walked the short distance to the archer. "Goddess, I've missed you." She couldn't contain her own emotions as she pulled the shocked woman into a tight embrace.

"Missed me?" Danu brought her arms up around the body that held her. Though it was new, a familiarity came with it that she could not deny.

"I can't explain." The Princess pulled back after a few moments. "Just know you've been missed big sister." She smiled and pulled back completely.

"It's going to take some getting used to." Sorrow put her arm around Danu's waist steadying the archer.

"We need to move the children to the house." Xena stood up picking Anastasia up as she rose. Her eyes immediately went to the Protector.

"Are you okay to walk?" Sorrow questioned Madalene who nodded that she was but looked back to Thallia in concern. "I'll carry her." The Protector smiled and soon had the brown haired woman safely in her arms.

"Madalene…" Gabrielle began walking behind Xena but held her hand out to her daughter. "Stay close to me." She held tight when her hand was filled and in a tight group they began to move out of the hall.


Madalene watched the hustle and near sterile way in which they were all ushered through the crowds of concerned Amazon's to the Royal house. Under only direct orders had the women dispersed and returned to assess and ultimately fix the damage to the hall.

She was nervous and she knew her worry was obvious from the looks and nods she kept receiving from the Protector who hovered around the room checking in with everyone. That Oxin had taken Thallia into her room alone was one of her main concerns, though she understood the healer's need, just like everyone else's, to understand what was going on here.

"Do you still like tea with honey?" Danu asked softly as she sat down on the bench next to the Princess and handed her a mug.

"Some things don't change." Madalene gave her a relieved smile as she took the mug and swallowed down some of the hot soothing tea. "I don't scare you." She added softly after some time with just the two of them sitting back watching the slowly calming melee.

"Scare me?" Danu turned with a raised eyebrow. "Why would I be scared?"

"Cause this morning I was a child who barely came up to your waist and now…" She turned and sat up straight slightly dwarfing the archer.

"You're still Madalene. Still Sorrow's sister." Danu laughed and reached up to cup her chin. "Still the little imp…" She moved her head slightly from side to side staring deep into green eyes. "Yep, still the little imp dancing around in there."

"Sorrow's a lucky woman." Madalene smiled brightly as the archer's hands slipped away. "She's gonna need your guidance in this." She looked down at her own small reflection in the surface of the tea. "We all are."

Danu was about to respond when from the back bedroom the Warrior Princess finally emerged, rubbing her hands free of the sticky burn salve with a small scrap of material.

"How is she?" Madalene stood up immediately, her overwhelming concern for her sister obvious, as she was almost half way across the room before she even realized she was moving.

"The burns are only minor, they will just need time and rest." Xena kept her vision on her hands as the mere tune of the voice that spoke to her made her heart break. "Your Mother is helping her drink some tea that should help her sleep the night."

"Mom…" Madalene's voice was thick and hurt as she watched the warrior cleaning her hands. "Can't you even look at me?" Her question made Sorrow stop her current lap of the room and simply stare.

"I…" Xena looked up and though she looked at the tall dark haired woman she didn't meet her eyes. "It's not that, it's just you look…" She felt her words ice over in her throat as she realized that looking at her daughter was like looking at herself in a mirror so many years ago.

"I look just like you." Madalene smiled sadly biting her lip.

"But…" Xena stumbled with her words as she took a tentative step closer to her daughter. "How?"

"The spell stole time from us." Mads took another stop starting to gap the distance between them. "Stole it from us and gave it to Gideon, and stupidly she thought she could defeat you and Sorrow." She briefly explained.

"I'm sorry." Xena shook her head and backed away from the young woman in front of her slightly.

"It's not your fault." Madalene objected immediately moving quickly before the warrior could retreat any further.

"It is, I should have…" Xena closed her eyes as her vision was filled with her daughter's face in front of her. "I should have protected you." She took a staggered breath trying to face the wall of failure that crashed down on her.

"This is not your fault." Madalene repeated slowly reaching out and placing her hand on the warrior's arm. Despite her attempt to stay calm and in control a tear slipped out over her cheek.

Xena opened her own eyes just in time to see the tear, watch it as it silently slid down and off her daughter's chin. The sight of it made her hate herself even more as she found her usual stoic façade falling.

"I…" She finally found the courage to speak when the door to side bedroom opened.

"Princess…" The healer had begun without looking up and immediately regretted the oversight.

"Yes?" Madalene reluctantly turned to the healer though she was desperate to push the small breakthrough with the warrior.

"Thallia needs you for just a moment." Oxin explained softly.

"Go on, she needs you." Xena's voice snapped back to normal as she stepped away from her daughter and shattered the contact.

"Mom, I…" Madalene found herself stuck between two uneasy choices but as Xena moved further away she couldn't help but feel the choice had already been made for her. With a silent look to the Protector to help she sadly padded her way into the side room.

"Let me make you both some tea." Danu filled the awkward silence the moment the door closed behind the young Princess. "Sorrow, do you want any now?" She questioned her lover as she moved off, intending on finding something useful to do.

"Actually Danu I am going to go see how Tawnie and Kisinda are." Oxin shuffled on heavy tired legs to collect her satchel. "The poor ice healer did not look well if I recall." She added more to focus her own mind as she packed healing supplies away.

"Sweet Artemis." Xena cursed realizing in her panic and fear she'd completely forgotten about the young fire tipped blonde. For that matter had completely forgotten about Kisinda who had done herself such physical damage in order to provide them the tool with which to fight Gideon's ghostly army. "Where were they brought?" She looked to the Protector hoping she had some answer.

"I don't know." Sorrow shook her head. "In the panic…" She tried to think back. "Danu?"

"I helped them outside when you cleared the room." Danu looked at the healer sadly. "Tawnie had taken a bad beating. I think Solari ordered them taken to the infirmary."

"If it was so serious we would have been called." Oxin decided nodding at Xena briefly to acknowledge her skills.

"I should check either way." The Warrior Princess walked swiftly towards the door focused on the new task.


Madalene released a slow breath trying to calm herself as she closed the door and moved towards Thallia in the dimly lit room.

"How are you feeling?" She sat on the edge of the small bed and put her hand to the brunette's forehead.

"I'm tired Mads." Thallia's eyes fluttered closed under her touch. "I was worried about you though, I didn't want to sleep till I talked to you."

"I'm fine." The Princess assured her hoping it was dark enough in the room and that Thallia was tired enough not to notice her slight exaggeration. "So stop fighting and get some sleep. I'll bring a bedroll in here when I'm tried."

"That would be nice." Thallia turned on her side and curled up a bit tighter. "How's Anastasia?"

"Her hands will heal, it'll just take some time." Madalene reached down bringing a thicker fur up. "Do you need anything else?"

"Just promise." Thallia momentarily held the hand that tucked her in.

"Promise what?" Madalene stopped not understanding.

"That you'll tell me how you really are in the morning." Thallia opened tired dark chocolate eyes to look at her seriously.

"Okay, I promise." The Princess gave her a soft smile.


By the time Xena had reached the infirmary her overwhelmed mind has started to do the only thing it could. She let the reality of her now teenage daughters' fade back in her consciousness and she focused on other things. She focused on the fact that two Amazons were badly injured, focused on the fact that an insane dangerous woman had breached the sanctuary of the village, focused even on the fact that the ceremonial hall had been destroyed and would need rebuilding. The recesses of her mind tried to occupy themselves with how many of young innocent men had lost their lives, and just what revenge would be enacted against the Nation for their loss.

It was an ordered process that let her turn away from the one thing she could not face, she had let her children down, let them be hurt and let their destinies be changed.

"Xena, how are the children?" Solari broke the warrior out of her thoughts from her place guarding the door to the infirmary.

"Safe at the house." Her answer was crisp and short. "How are they?"

"Tawnie's had a good solid beating but I'm after a few days of rest she'll be fine." Solari relayed. "Though you might want to check her ribs."

"And Kisinda?" The Warrior Princess stayed her palm on the wooden door, poised to open it when she got an answer.

"That might be something you want to see for yourself." The regent's partner flashed her a small look of confusion.

Xena just snorted and went inside. The outer area of the infirmary was empty, beds carefully covered with clean blankets waiting for any impending disaster. Slipping past the interior door, she hadn't been expecting to find the ice warrior anywhere then beside Tawnie's beside. Appraising the sight before her with a cocked eyebrow, she hung in the doorway.

"This is my way." Kisinda answered the unspoken question through clenched teeth as she drew the line of thread through her skin and tied off another stitch. The deep gapping gash she had inflicted across her collarbone in order to defeat the ghost men was partially closed from her effort.

"And why is that your way?" Xena moved over and pulled a short stool out from under a table. She placed it down by the table the warrior sat on as she watched the painful procedure.

"The pain of the stitching…" The ice warrior paused as she pulled the line through to begin the next stitch. "Reminds me I do not want to break my concentration while fighting and endure another injury again."

With a short nod the Warrior Princess moved a bit closer taking the needle from Kisinda's hand. The silent exchange solidified a new agreement, a new way this time.

"Thank you." Xena broke the silence with the two barely audible words after she had completed a few more stitches.

"I wish I could have done more." Kisinda kept her eyes open as the needle lanced through her skin and pulled it closed.

"How is she?" The Warrior Princess asked as she finished up the row of knots and moved back over to the shelves that lined the walls to get something to fully clean the wound.

"Beaten, bruised and heartbroken." The Ice Warrior answered honestly, trying to offer more apologies.

"I'll take a look at her ribs when I finish this." Xena's answer was to the point. "Then you can both concentrate on healing." Her words gave a firm outline of what was acceptable territory.

Kisinda merely nodded as the warrior cleaned the blood off her hands and went towards the back room to tend to the ice healer.


Sorrow carefully removed her boots and slowly slipped down next to Danu on the blankets they had arranged over the unfinished floorboards of the house. They'd come to sleep in the shell of the house, taken to the refuge of what was to be their place of safety.

The still open framed walls allowed for the cool night breeze to soothe them on the otherwise hot night.

"We could have slept at your Mother's." Danu offered quietly as she turned to curve her smaller frame around her lover's body. She wrapped her arms around the larger frame and held tight to her Princess.

"I think it's a bit crowded." Sorrow admitted as she retreated into the offered shelter. She realised now that the initial shock was fading that she felt very small and vulnerable as her mind tracked over what had happened.

"There is always room for you in your Mother's house Row." Danu soothed as she ran her hand over the Protector's arm. "And this is not your fault."

"Then why does it hurt so much?" The Princess curled further into her archer's embrace. "Why do I feel so useless? Why do I feel like I failed?"

"Because you love your sisters." Danu kissed Sorrow's neck as she buried her face into long brown hair. "And you would sacrifice yourself in an instant to keep them safe."

"None of us picked up on it, not one thought, one suspicion." Sorrow brought small hands up to her lips and kissed them lightly as if to cover the choking in her throat.

"I know, I feel just as guilty as you my love but we can't focus on that now." Danu hugged her tighter knowing how hard it was for the Protector to show the level of emotion she was feeling. "We have to focus on helping everyone adjust."

"I just…" Sorrow felt the resolve within herself to be strong breaking down as her body and soul registered that she was alone, with her Danu and able to feel now. She fully expected the warm embrace and fluttery kisses that followed as she began to cry.


Gabrielle slowly closed the door to Madalene's room with a tear stinging in her eye. Tucking up what only a few short candlemarks ago was her infant daughter into a sister's children bed that was almost too small for her made her heart long for answers. As she turned the sight of Anastasia's small cradle sitting strangely empty near her rocking chair made it a bit harder to keep herself from crying.

"So many years just…" She whispered to the cradle as she shuffled her way back to her room.

"Gone." Xena leaned heavily against the frame of the door to their room. Instinctually she opened her arms and the bard rushed into them letting the flood of tears engulf her finally as she did. Thoughtfully Xena ushered her inside and closed the door behind them.

"I want my babies back." Gabrielle sobbed into her warrior's shoulder. "So much is gone now. I want it back."

"I know my love." Xena kissed into her bard's golden hair. "I want it back too." Her words were sympathetic but a bit hollow.

"They talk like nothing is missing." She pulled back out of the strong arms that offered her comfort. "Like so many things we'd remember actually happened but I don't remember them, you don't remember them. Do you?" She stopped her momentary rant to ask the question that got her a very solid headshake. "I want to see Anastasia take her first step, hear her first word. I want to see them growing up into the beautiful women they are." She started to cry harder as she latched again onto the Warrior Princess.

"I know Gabrielle, I know." Xena rubbed her back softly. All of what the bard was saying was echoed in her own heart, even if she was trying to ignore it. For some time she just let the bard cry in silence as she too mourned the lost of her daughter's youth.

"They look exactly how we pictured them don't they?" Gabrielle's tears slowed though she still spoke with a thick voice.

"They do." The Warrior Princess held her a bit looser as the blonde moulded closer to her. "Anastasia is just like you."

"And Madalene is you." Gabrielle looked up at her dark lover's face.

"Except for the eyes." Xena leaned down and kissed her wet cheek lightly.

"There is so much to figure out, so many questions." The bard searched Xena for a reaction.

"There is." The warrior nodded. "But I'm afraid we won't be getting many tonight. We should just try to get some sleep."


The night had been a long one for Gabrielle, even with her racked brain she had drifted into a deep dreamless sleep but that alone had made her wake with a heavy sluggish feeling. She made slow tedious work of washing and dressing before she ventured out of her room. It was still very early and as Gabrielle stood in the doorway looking out onto the porch she was surprised when she didn't see her warrior there. The warm dry breeze that passed over her made her shiver as she realised her hours of crying had made her too exhausted to wake when the warrior had left.

"She took Argo early and rode eastward, she needs some space." Madalene smiled at her mother's back in the doorway as she slipped into one of the chair's by the breakfast table, pulling her legs up under one of the warrior's old cotton shifts.

"She…" Gabrielle turned around, the sound of her daughter's adult voice making her eyes close briefly before she made herself open them to take in the slightly sleepy eyed teenager. "She'll be back soon I'm sure."

"Mother, it's okay." Madalene shook her head as the bard tried to cover up. "Everybody needs a bit of time to get into the right head space." She reached up and rubbed at her eyes. "I…" Her words stopped suddenly as she tried to say something but couldn't quite find the words.

"What honey?" Gabrielle moved over to her immediately, pulling over a chair as she sat close to her daughter, desperate for any words.

"No one could stop it from happening." Madalene turned to her sadly. "I wish… I wish I could of but…" She bit her lip. "If you have to blame anyone, blame me." She pronounced bravely as a deep frown etched onto her striking features.

"Madalene, no!" Gabrielle shook her head, unconsciously reaching out as took her daughter's head in her hands and shook it lightly as well. "This is Gideon's fault, not yours. I could never blame you for anything." Her heartache stopped for a brief moment as she realised the most precious thing about what had happened, she might have lost so many years but she hadn't lost her daughters. "I love you, my little Princess." She leaned in and kissed Madalene's forehead.

"I love you too Mother." Madalene smiled again softly. "Mom, will come around. Won't she?" The last question came with a small amount of apprehension.

"She will." Gabrielle nodded. "Don't worry about her, she just takes these things so hard."

"I'm hungry!" Anastasia's groggy voice called an immediate halt to all conversation as the youngest princess shuffled into the room and pushed herself behind the bard to sit down and lean sleepily between Gabrielle and the chair.

"You have a bottomless stomach." Madalene laughed and untangled her legs as she stood up. "I'll get breakfast started."

"Why…" Gabrielle hugged the small arms that came around her body smiling to herself. "Do I have this vague inclining you cook like your mom and that could be dangerous?"

"Cause you're right." Madalene grinned at her. "The memories are there Mother." Her voice was serious for a moment. "And once Anastasia's powers are strong enough she can give them all back to you. Until then…" She winked at the bard. "We just have to look a bit harder to uncover them."

"Think we're worth the trouble?" Anastasia yawned and looked at her sister. "Well Mads isn't but I am."

Gabrielle couldn't help but laugh as she felt her daughter's giggle resound into her from behind just as Madalene's face took on a typical warrior scowl.


Madalene approached the edge of the training field slowly. She shifted the lacing on the side of her leather skirt, not exactly happy with the fit of the dark navy leather, but not really being able to complain as she'd borrowed it from Ephiny.

Mid-day had come and gone with no sign of the Warrior Princess, and with her Mother needing to tend to the business of the Nation and Anastasia's usual insistent demands she'd found herself bored. Thallia was still recovering from the transformation and she figured the best way for the other girl to get some rest was for her to stop hovering.

"Do you have the qualifications to be here?" Sorrow came up behind her sister.

"I could tell you I do, but I don't think you'll remember training me." Madalene turned and smiled at the Protector. "I have my safety qualifications in everything but the bow. Danu refuses to give me standing until I manage to craft my own." She grinned.

"Then maybe we need a little refresher to prove yourself." Sorrow moved around her grinning.

"You taught me staff first, it took ages to convince Mom to let me have a sword." Madalene walked towards the weapons racks.

"Then we'll start with staves." Sorrow nodded and held out her hand waiting for Madalene to throw her a weapon.

"You okay?" Madalene questioned as she tossed the balanced wood and took a long worn staff in her own hands judging the weight.

"You knew this was going to happen didn't you?" Sorrow face hinted at a disappointed anger, though the emotion was directed at herself rather than her sister. She held the staff in front of her and edged her sister to attack. "Why didn't you warn me?"

"Sorrow, this had to be." Madalene moved closer to her sister and began with a simple straight strike, which the Protector blocked. They exchanged a short series of blows before she stepped back a little. "If you had kept it from happening, if Mom had kept it from happening or Kisinda even, then worse things would have happened down the road to make up for it. This isn't your fault." She held the staff up again and they exchanged a few more complicated blows.

"Then why do I feel like it is?" Sad green eyes looked at the woman before her as Sorrow stopped and easily batted away a strong strike from Madalene.

"Because you are the best big sister in the world." The left side of Madalene's mouth curled into a smile as pulled back her fighting staff and leaned on it. 'And I love you, I have always loved you Sorrow. You are my sister, not even time can take that from us.' She sent her thoughts out the short distance to Sorrow's mind.

'I was wondering if you could still do this.' Sorrow smiled as she moved closer and reached out to put her hand on the other staff. 'I love you too little one.'

'Of course I can, have to have secret dinner conversations with my big sister.' Madalene laughed as she pulled back.

"It's going to take time for everyone to get used to this." Sorrow switched back needing to hear her sister's voice as her mind registered the change in it but how under it all it was still the same voice she'd heard just that morning.

"It's always a matter of time Sorrow." Mads gave her a slight frown. "I should get back to the house, I'm sure Mother is waiting for me." She moved to put the staff away.

"Trust me, she is." Sorrow smiled as twirled the staff in her hand. "But we're going to have to work on your stance." She winked.

"You realise now that I want to help with the house building." The Princess grinned as she watched the Protector's careful expert movements. "I've been dying to tell you how much I hate the design you have for the bathroom."

"Oh you do now, do you?" Sorrow laughed as she moved over and nudged her sister, momentarily lost in the naturalness of their conversation as silently she decided to walk back to the Royal house with her.


Thallia carefully cupped the bowl of stew and slowly ate it, carefully chewing each hearty bite fully before she swallowed.

"Is it too hot?" Madalene perched herself at the end of the bed watching every move the other Amazon made.

"No, it's lovely." Thallia gave her a broad smile. "Do I look that bad?"

"You look beautiful." Madalene's voice snapped instantly to answer. "I just know how much the transformation took out of you."

"I'll be up and about soon enough." The chestnut haired girl kept eating slowly. "So have you talked to them?" She questioned without any judgement.

"A bit to Sorrow and Mother." Madalene filled in the truth as she picked at the hairs on the fur that adorned the bed.

"And your Mom?" Thallia rested her bowl in her lap for a moment.

"She rode off this morning, she hasn't been back yet." The Princess answered honestly knowing she couldn't lie.

"You have to talk to her Mads." Thallia bent down with a bit of a grimace and held the Princess' hand. "She's too much like you, and if you didn't go through this then you'd be just as confused and hurt."

"I know I would Lia." Madalene sighed. "I just don't know how to explain this too her if she won't even give me the chance. I mean if she had of yelled or even calmly demanded I would have somewhere to start this but all she does is avoid looking at me."

"How is Sorrow?" Thallia changed the conversation subtly.

"She blames herself." Madalene frowned deeply. "My sister who lost four years of her life, four years with her soulmate just to save me, again feels like she failed because of me."

"She didn't fail and neither did you." Thallia put the bowl on the side table and adjusted herself to slowly bring her arms around the Princess. "We we're just little girls Mads, there was nothing any of us could do, even you Mighty Mads." She leaned back and kissed the dark beauty's cheek.

"Mighty Mads?" The Princess laughed. "You need more rest."



Madalene came through the door almost expecting everyone to be gathered in the main room of the Royal house, but only Gabrielle was there. She'd returned after delivering Thallia back at home with Oxin, though to be honest she would have preferred if she'd stayed here a few more nights. But as Thallia had underlined they needed to get things into as normal a routine as possible in order to help everyone adjust.

"Do you need anything?" Madalene questioned as she moved in and sat down next to her Mother a bit awkwardly.

Gabrielle turned her head and looked at her daughter her eyes a little glazed.

"Xena?" She whispered softly before blinking and shaking her head.

"No." Madalene frowned. "Younger version, not so good with the chakram." She tried to joke and cut through the sad spirit in her mother's eyes.

"Oh baby sorry, I thought..." Gabrielle patted her daughters arm lightly Madalene blinked softly.

"I know I look just like her, except for the eyes."

"Yes you do, so beautiful and fiery." Her mother mused, the smile on her face changing to one of pride.

"It works great with the girlies." Mads grinned.

"It did for you mother too." Gabrielle agreed. "Though I'm afraid you've met your match with Thallia, just like your mother did with me." She warned her daughter.

"I know I have." Madalene grinned slightly. "I was thinking of asking her to the full moon festival, you know official first date kinda thing."

"Oh my, my little girl dating," Gabrielle chuckled.

"You like her?" Madalene checked a bit nervous.

"Of course I do, I just wish..." The blonde hesitated .

"I know Mother." Madalene placed her hand over the bard's. "I wish that too, and I don't know why but it had to be like this."

She had even thought about this, in days gone by when she had been blessed with the children, the day that they would sit and talk of such things but it all seemed so horrible rushed now so horrible wrong.

"It's so hard sometimes, because I have all these memories running around in my brain." The Princess kept talking. "Memories of you, of Mom, of everything in the village. But in one way they aren't real, because only Anastasia and I remember them. But they are real to me, every one of them." She frowned. "Mom teaching me how to ride, you teaching me how to write, Sorrow teaching me how to climb trees."

Silently Gabrielle stood up and crossed over to a large crate as her daughter spoke she lifted the heavy lid and took something from inside it closing it securely again before turning back and crossing back to where her daughter sat

"I even have this horrible memory of being kidnapped by a warlord while we were in Athens on a trip, but Mom and Sorrow saved me before you even knew I was missing." Mads laughed a little.

Gabrielle laughed too as she held out the blank tightly rolled scroll she had in her hand.

"You should write them down." She said softly reaching up with her free hand she pushed a strand of long black hair behind the young woman's ear.

"Do you think I'll lose them?" Madalene took the scroll absently. "That it's all just part of the spell."

"Maybe, but I'm suggesting it for a far more selfish reason." She repeated the movement over and over her fingers examining the texture of the rich dark locks.

"So you can feel like you remember too?" Madalene check leaning a little into the movement soothed by it.
"So I can lie in bed, and have my eyes fill with tears as I read about the happiness, the fun we have all had." She nodded.

"As soon as Ana learns she can give you all the memories." Madalene offered. "I know that sounds creepy but she can."

"Would it be selfish of me still to want my special little girl to write something down for me?" Gabrielle replied not sure she wanted to know details just yet.

"No, of course not." The Princess shook her head. "I'll write it all down for you Mother. Everything I can think of."

"And watch you're spelling, I'm betting your mother taught you all the short cuts she takes." This time Gabrielle's smile was completely genuine.

"A few." Madalene smiled with her. "Is she back yet?" She questioned looking towards the back bedroom.

Gabrielle's eyes instantly flooded with sadness again her blonde head dipped.

"No." She whispered.

"Did she say she was going to be gone all night?" Mad frowned worried.

"You know what she's like." Gabrielle fell into her usual defence of her lover.

"I know what she's like." Madalene stood up. "She's selfish and she worries you." She felt angry all of a sudden.

"Madalene…" Gabrielle tried to object.

"I know she hates me but she shouldn't punish you." The Princess turned around her eyes watery.

Gabrielle didn't move but her eyes rose to look at her daughter

"It's her way." She whispered.

"Her way hurts you." Madalene moved over kneeling down by the bard.

"She doesn't mean it to." Gabrielle tried to reason.

"I know but why doesn't she think?" Madalene hung her head.

"She is thinking, that's why she's not come back to me. But she will be back." Gabrielle tried to stay focused

"I'm going to fine her." Madalene pushed up full of purpose suddenly.

"To find her, but..." Gabrielle looked up slightly horrified.

"She needs just to face this; she won't even look me in the eye." Madeline moved over to the rack and pulled a cape down.

"Either she does tonight or she never will." The Princess underlined.

"I love you my precious little girl." Gabrielle called.

"I love you too Mother." The Princess called back from the doorway as she ran off towards the stables.


Madalene slipped off her bareback perch on the horse and slowly cleared the treeline. She kept her eye on the figure seated by the small fire as she led the horse closer.

When Xena made no move to acknowledge her approach, she let the horse roam with Argo for the time being and moved over to sit on the opposite end of the fire.

"You have Mother worried sick." She began a little angrier then she'd intended.

"You're mother worries constantly." Xena didn't meet her daughter's tone nor did she look up.

"And you don't help." Madalene barked again trying to get any emotion she could out of the typically stoic warrior.

"And you do?" Xena snapped irrationally she jabbed a long stick into the heart of the fire.

"I'm trying to, trying not to shut her out, trying to help her understand something that I don't even understand. I woke up a five year old and now nearly 11 cycles of my life are gone!" Madalene watched the sparks fly up into the sky.

"Madalene I'm sorry." The warrior instantly soften her tone she dropped the stick
and dusted her hands together still not looking up.

"For what?" Madalene pushed up to stand angrily. "For the fact that your stomach turns when you look at me?"

"For letting this happen." Xena corrected her quickly.

"You didn't let this happen." Madalene shook her head back. "No one let this happen. It just did."

"No, no you're wrong I let this happen." Xena's face turned into a self hating snarl.

"What you knew what she was going to do?" The Princess watched the emotions warring with one another.

"No but I should have done."

"How?" She walked closer. "Even Sorrow didn't know does that make it her fault too?"

"I am your mother Madalene, I should know when you are in danger." Xena pushed her hand angrily into her hair.

"I'm not dead Mom, you beat her. The good amazons won." Madalene tried to point out the truth.

"But I failed you, I failed you and I failed your mother."

"For the love of Artemis, this was not about you!" Madalene screamed at her and a flock of birds screeched off out of the trees. "It was about power, greed, it was about a lot of things but none of them had anything to do with you."

"Maybe not, but the end result has everything to do with me." Xena bit back not even really registering that she was having this battle with her daughter.

"I don't know why I bothered. You never listen to me, about anything." Madalene flicked the cape back over her shoulder. "If I told you the sky was blue you'd look out the window to check." She began stalking off towards her horse.

"Madalene don't you dare walk away from me with that attitude, you may be sixteen but you are still my child." Xena stood up.

"Attitude? I have attitude?" Madalene stopped and stared at her. "You've done nothing but sulk around giving every one the evil eye, well that is when you haven't just rode off and left us all to our own devices."

"And for one moment you can't think why can you?" Xena actually looked up and returned the stare.

"Because you failed us, because you're a big fat failure." Madalene childishly put up her hand mouthing off the familiar words. "Get over it Mom, you were a warlord before I was born, big deal."

"Wrong Madalene, yes all of those come into it, yes I have my own issues and I know that, but when you next wander into town, take a good look at your mother. Look deep into her eyes and then, then you might understand what this is about." Xena replied.

"What is this about?" Madalene questioned honestly lost.

"This is my burden to bear Madalene."

"Fine, I'll go ask Sorrow to explain." The Princess whistled for her horse.

"Your mother." Xena whispered as the angry young teenager turned away again.

"My mother what?" Madalene stopped as the horse trotted over to her.

"I'm afraid for Gabrielle." The warrior princess whispered the name of her greatest fear.

"Afraid?" Madalene's eyes went wide. "Why?" Her words were obviously scared.

"Because I can't loose her Madalene." Xena whispered.

"Loose her to what?" The Princess began walking back. "What is going on? Nothing can hurt her, we won't let it. We'll protect her."

"She can hurt herself." Xena reasoned. "But you're right nothing else the fates can do can hurt her any more than they have already."

"Why would she do that?" Madalene couldn't even begin to understand what the warrior was talking about.

"When hope and Sorrow were born, all your mother wanted to do was care as a mother would."

"But she found Sorrow." Madalene argued back.

"She found Sorrow when she was older than you my little one. Already grown, her childhood already passed, taken from both of them and never to be replaced." Xena pointed out gently. "And then." She took a measured breath. "Then you were born. I have never seen a look of pure joy and hope in anyone face as I did the first time I watched Gabrielle cradle you to her breast. Your tiny fingers gripped around her smallest finger as she hummed an ancient lullaby to you in all our years together I have never seen her so, so, complete, so content." The warrior princess mused her eyes and mind flooded with the memories.

"So I'm hurting her being like this?" Madalene frowned.

"Its not that you are hurting her, this is not your fault, but it has happened to her again, twice more, she has had her children's childhood stolen from her." Xena shook her sadly.

"But... but..." Madalene's frown stayed firmly placed as she tried to sort out her thoughts. "I thought Sorrow didn't have a childhood? I thought..." Her shoulders slumped as she became more uncertain.

"She wanted to be the one to teach you to braid your hair, to clean Ana's scuffed knees." Xena looked into the fire.

"And what did you want to teach me?" Madalene questioned in an unsure voice.

"How to appreciate love." Xena admitted looking up sadly. "How to look inside yourself before looking at the world around you and to act from your heart."

"I have to go." Madalene took a few steps backwards unable to face the information given to her.

"I wanted to teach you all the things I have spent a life time learning." Xena looked up again as she heard her daughter taking stumbling steps away. "I'm sorry..." The proud warrior felt worse inside as she saw her daughter's pain.

"Go home..." Madalene swung bareback up onto the chestnut coloured horse. "Please." She dug her heels into the horse's side and galloped away.


Madalene entered the healer's hut, going directly back in the dark to Thallia's room. It was so familiar to her, almost like looking a drawing of how things used to be. Of course she remembered her having a much different room now, without the children's toys and miniature bed.

"Lia?" She asked softly as she opened the door, she didn't hear the usual soft rhythmic breathing that meant Thallia was asleep.

"What's wrong?" Thallia reached out to her and Madalene moved as she was urged, lying down when her hand was tugged without any protest.

"Thallia." Mads whispered in the dark. "Do you want your childhood back?"

"You said it had to be this way." The other woman reminded.

"But if I could change us back?" Madalene leaned closer and put her head on Lia's shoulder.

"Why the change of heart?" Thallia held her close and pulled her hand over dark hair in a comforting motion.

"No one will adjust to this, they can't, and it's too much for them to lose." Madalene admitted her voice thick. "Ana giving them the memories later won't help; it will only make it worse."

"Is it risky?" Thallia asked quietly.

"There are always risks with magic, but I think Kisinda and I can do it, with Sorrow's help of course." She nodded. "I can't see them hurting this much."

"Then we'll do the spell." Thallia hugged her tighter.

"I have to talk to Kisinda." Mads went to pull away but she found that Thallia wouldn't let her go.

"Have you slept at all?" The blonde ran her hand over black hair again.

"I'll have a nap when we're little again." Madalene offered not settling.

"You'll rest now." Thallia informed her in a confident voice. "You're not doing any spells when you've not slept."

"You're giving orders to a Princess?" Madalene objected.

"I am, but I have certain special privileges." Thallia pulled the blanket up over them. "So go to sleep." She kissed the Princess' forehead.

Madalene knew if it was anyone else she'd just pull away and leave immediately, adding to that the fact that Thallia didn't have the physical strength to make her stay. Unfortunately Madalene also knew something else, no one else had the memories but she had them and for so many reasons she settled back down obeying.


Madalene approached the training field from the treeline, keeping herself hidden in the branches above for along time as she watched the ice Shamaness transverse the open area below with series after series of axe manoeuvres.

After a particularly impressive combination of twists and throws, Kisinda swung the blade back into its holster and turned looking directly at Madalene in the trees.

The Princess cursed, unable to understand how she'd been spotted but quickly she dropped down and walked out into the open.

"The ice shard." Kisinda explained seeing the confused and slightly annoyed look on the young woman's face.

"Oh right." Madalene reached to the cord around her neck. "I forgot you could sense it." She chided herself.

"You may have forgotten but I am not sure why I do, I have never done so before." The warrior admitted.

"You sense it because you are…" Madalene stopped herself. "Let's just say that in the years to come you're going to do a lot of things that set you apart from everyone else, all good things that only show how the power of the shard can be used to make peoples' lives better."

"So then the choice I wrestle with is answered." Kisinda didn't seem pleased. "To abandon the blade or the shard." She swung the axe back out and down to rest near her boot. "It must be the blade."

"To abandon either would be your destruction." The Princess shook her head. "You are both, you are neither, you are who you are. The shard cannot replace the axe in your hand, and the axe cannot replace the shard around your neck. Both have a place, equal and connected."

"You talk in riddles Shamaness." Kisinda smirked at her. "I see you were meant to wear your shard as well."

"I talk from the future." Madalene frowned deeply. "I talk in a way that I should not, because right now I should be five and still just fascinated by the tall ice warrior whose come to show me how to do magic."

"Indeed." The warrior frowned as well, turning to look off down the path to the village lost in thought. "I'm sorry that I was not better prepared for Gideon's deception."

"There was no preparing… but perhaps you would be willing to help me…" Madalene's voice softened. "Help me make things right again."

"Help you reverse the spell?" Kisinda turned back to her.

"I can't do it alone." Madalene admitted easily. "I need your guidance, your knowledge."

"I don't know the spell." The Shamaness shook her head.

"I do, well most of it." The Princess pointed out. "But I can't do the magic and be affected by it properly."

"Well and good Princess, but the time that Gideon took from you and the others was lost when she was killed." Kisinda didn't want to be playing devil's advocate, she wished that the answer could just be this simple, but she also had to be realistic. "I do not possess the power to manufacture time."

"No, but I know someone who has time in abundance." Madalene licked her lips, her voice soft. "The loss of a few years won't hurt my sister."

"Sorrow?" Kisinda caught on immediately.

"I've done it before, when Thallia was shot… well it's a long story." Madalene began but then shook her head. "It's a power transfer, that time a little one, this time it would be bigger but with you guiding the spell and her power, we can't fail."

"Let me get this straight Shamaness." Kisinda looked at her with a serious stare. "You propose that we reverse Gideon's spell, using myself as the guide and the Protector as the source of time to replace what you have lost?"

"Exactly." Madalene nodded.

"Sit…" The warrior motioned to the ground. "I want details on the spell before I agree to anything."


Sorrow lazily walked down the edge of the rushing river, thinking back to the forest fire that such a short time ago had seemed like the worst thing that could happen. Her heart was so saddened to know that it had easily been bested.

Twirling a leaf in her hand she looked up, surprised to see the healer's frail adopted daughter struggling to lift a pail of water from the river side.

"Thallia." She rushed over and took the pail from her grip hoisting it up. "Let me get this for you."

"Thank you." Thallia's voice was soft and appreciative.

"Why are you fetching water?" Sorrow asked curious. It was obvious that despite the aging spell the girl was no more robust in health then she'd been as a child.

"There is a tea I make for Mads, I wanted to have some ready for her later." Thallia admitted showing the Protector the collection of herbs she had on the pouch at her side.

"You've tamed the tempest that is my sister." Sorrow smiled at her, feeling a flash of familiarity about the words.

"Yes, you have always said that." Thallia blushed a little. "It is my purpose." She added softer.

"I've been trying to make sense of things, but now I think I understand why you were in the spell with them." Sorrow offered sadly. "Madalene couldn't get through this without you."

Thallia looked away for a moment and shook her head softly.

"She is many things Sorrow." She turned back her eyes a bit misty. "But she is not a mountain to stand alone."

"None of us are." Sorrow agreed easily. "I just wish…"

"Would you follow her anywhere?" Thallia leaned against a tree asking the question when the Protector paused.

"Of course." Sorrow answered not analysing the question. "To protect her, to help her… she's my sister."

"Promise me one thing." Thallia moved closer her voice gentle but strong in its conviction.

"What?" Sorrow felt oddly stuck in place by the tone.

"Agree to what she might ask you now, for her mothers' sakes but in the future, when she is grown and powerful…" Thallia reached up and placed her slightly chilled hand on Sorrow's cheek. "Do not die for her again."

"What… why would you…" Sorrow tried to object, but found her words faltering.

"Mads has told me stories, I do not know why but I believe them to be true." Thallia tried to explain without explaining. "In case I do not get the chance to ask you again. I know you can't promise me, your heart won't let you as she's your sister but…" She kissed Sorrow's cheek. "You cannot save her by dying for her." She whispered in the Protector's ear and then pulled back.

Sorrow looked at her for a second feeling an eerie chill race up and down her spine.

"I'm a bit tired, could you carry that all the way home for me?" Thallia asked, her voice and demeanour back to normal. Sorrow shook herself out of her thoughts and nodded as they headed down the path.


Madalene smiled as she dipped the last of her bread in the gravy left on her plate and then popped it into her mouth.

"That was great Danu." She smiled at the archer who sat across from her. Their impromptu meal within the shell of the Protector's new house had been comforting. It was the first meal she'd had since the spell that didn't involve long looks of confusion and at least one person walking out.

"Thank you." Danu smiled back. "If your sister wasn't such a piglet we'd all have seconds."

"What?" Sorrow looked up as she chewed on the last mouthful of her second large plate.

"Row, you're hopeless." Danu moved to stand up and collect the plates.

"Actually Danu, I wanted to talk to both you and Sorrow, can we deal with the dishes in a minute?" Madalene sat up straighter, pulling her legs under her in a cross legged position.

Danu sat back down, glancing at her lover who seemed as surprised by the formal request as she was.

"I'm just going to say this okay, let the shock hit, and then we can figure out if you agree or not." Madalene rung her hands a little. "But I wanted both of you here, because it's a both of you decision."

"Madalene, what is it?" Sorrow saw how nervous her sister was.

"I need you to help Kisinda and I reverse the spell by letting us take some time from you." The Princess managed to get it all out in one short breath.

"Reverse the…" Danu questioned first and then stopped as the idea cleared in her head. "You mean make you all little children again?"

Madalene gave a firm nod.

"How?" Sorrow questioned trying not to get excited by the idea. A part of her felt selfish for wanting to change the beautiful woman that was in front of her, but a bigger part of her wanted to see this growth happen, see every day of her sister's life and not have it lost.

"Fundamentally Kisinda will do a similar spell to the one Gideon did, accept it involves time being voluntarily given from one person to the three of us, and instead of just making our bodies younger it will change us back to the little girls we should be." Madalene began to explain.

"Who's going to be able to have that much taken off their life Madalene?" Sorrow said instantly. She could just see the arguments starting between Gabrielle and Xena as to who would participate in the spell. "On top of the danger of the spell taking too much and killing them."

"Sorrow…" Danu leaned closer to her wife and put her hand on the Protector's arm. "I'm pretty sure that Madalene means you."

"Oh." Sorrow bit her tongue when she saw her sister nod.

"I know you're not immortal, and I would never ask you to take any risk you didn't want too. We both know I can't guarantee anything." Madalene's voice oddly got higher in pitch and quickened. "But you were tied to the spell, tied to me as my Protector before Gideon twisted everything. I know in my heart there was a reason for that."

"Kisinda has agreed to help?" Sorrow asked first.

"It's taken a lot of convincing, explaining ever detail of the spell and of course she'll only do it if you agree, she said she wouldn't believe anyone else capable of helping." Madalene nodded. "And we both decided that Danu should get a say too." She looked at her sister-in-law.

"Thank you." Danu gave her a soft smile. "Then my question would be how dangerous is it?"

"Well..." Madalene cleared her throat. "It's a spell, so it's always dangerous. It might not work, it could take more time then we expect from Sorrow, it could…"

"It could kill them." Sorrow stood up stretching out her neck anxiously.

"Worse case scenario." Madalene objected a little. "But with the latent powers that Anastasia and I have, we'll survive."

"Do you believe that enough to pitch this idea to Mother and Xena?" Sorrow asked her seriously.

Madalene was stalled for a moment as she knew that this question could make or break her sister's agreement.

"Yes, if you think that it's best then of course." Madalene held green eyes.

"Danu?" Sorrow looked for her wife's opinion.

"You're the only one who can do it." Danu had ultimate confidence in that fact. "I just don't know about the dangers to the children." She looked back at Madalene. "Why do you want to do this?"

"Because it's killing their hearts." Madalene looked at the archer with a sad frown. "Mom can barely look at either of us and Mother just cries all the time. I know they will adjust if they are forced too, but there will always be agony for them, always questions and doubts."

"If you agree I have no objection Row." Danu stood up and moved over to her wife.

"I…" Sorrow looked between the two of them, the truth in Madalene's words cutting through her heart. "Fine, but I want them to know." She put down the provision.

"We'll tell them tomorrow okay?" Madalene stood up and moved over. "I love you Sorrow." She hugged her sister tightly.

"I love you too Madalene." Sorrow whispered hugging her back.


Tawnie watched as Kisinda went about the nightly task of sharpening her axe. It was a task that easily showed how the warrior was feeling. When she was relaxed and happy, they would talk about things and Kissy would tell her any jokes she'd heard from the other warriors. When she was anxious or worried, then the chore was a silent one, her head bent down studying the blade with each motion.

"When will you do it?" The healer asked softly.

"I'm not sure." Kisinda looked up. "The Princess wanted to look into moon cycles or sun cycles. There is very little other preparation."

"Are you sure it's the right thing to do?" Tawnie moved closer to her sitting on the edge of the bed.

"In my head no." Kissy shook her head.

"In your heart?" The healer reached out putting her hand on her new lover's arm.

"Yes." The warrior admitted putting her axe down to lean against the wall. "Children do not deserve this, neither do their families."

"I want to help." Tawnie said seriously.

"No!" Kisinda objected instantly. "It's too dangerous."

"I know how dangerous it is, I was there for the whole first one remember?" She swatted her warrior's arm. "I know in my heart I need to be there with you okay?"

"You're not participating, just observing." Kisinda gave in a little feeling something right about Tawnie being there despite the dangers.

"Fine, now come to bed it's late." Tawnie pulled on her arm. "The sun will be up in a few hours, the rest of the village is already asleep." She pulled harder and reluctantly the warrior moved over to sit with her. "And it's cold… I need to steal body heat." She teased snuggling closer.

"It is cold isn't it?" Kisinda turned her head to the door after she spoke, feeling the draft that came in around the frame. "It reminds me of home a bit." She said softly.

"I miss the mountains, I miss the snow." Tawnie agreed.

"Me too." Kisinda hugged her closer as they lay down.

Continued in Part Six…

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