~ Tailspin ~
-by kd bard


COPYRIGHT: Billie and Cat are my creations, Copyright by kd bard. The leading ladies resemble our two X:WP heroines. Character or name resemblance to 'real' people currently living or dead is completely coincidental. Download it, print it out and share it if you'd like, but be sure to include the disclaimers.

SUBTEXT: This story is about two women who are committed to a caring and loving relationship. Expressions of physical love are part of any normal loving union. If this type of love offends you, if you are under 18 yrs. old, or if love is illegal where you live, my sincerest sympathies to you.



TIME LINE/CONTINUITY: This is the fourteenth installment in a modern day Uber-Xena series, starting with "The 'Commitment'" and followed by "A Family in Blood," "Personal Preferences," "Fighting City Hall," "Visions in Paradise," "What's In A Name?," "Promise Me Paradise," "While I Was Gone ...," "Unchained Memories," "Happy Campers - NOT!," "At Loose Ends," "On Solid Ground" and "Sweet Angel." The complete series can be found on my home page at http://homepages.together.net/~warriorx/WebPage.htm. Since this is a continuous series, there are events mentioned within that will not make much sense if you haven't read them all in order.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I strongly believe that love is love, regardless of how it is packaged, so please don't flame me for believing in something so wonderful... however, I do beg for constructive criticism. Please send feedback to warriorx@together.net. A very big thank you to my wonderful beta readers ... Mom, Ili, Dar, KJ, and my lovely wife, Marni. I really appreciate it. Finally, a big thank you to those who graciously host my stories and provide a forum for my expression.
kd :-)

SPECIAL NOTE: Many thanks to Enrique Iglesias and Bruce Springstein who unknowingly lent their lyrics to this story.


By: kd bard

Started 10/19/2001

Finished 03/25/2002


"Do you see them?" Cat asked as she strained to see over the heads of the crowd at the airport, her shorter stature putting her at a definite disadvantage.

Billie scanned the area until she caught sight of corn-silk yellow hair atop the head of a tall, slender young man. "There they are!" she exclaimed as she reached for Cat's hand and drew her through the crowd waiting at the gate.

"Seth! Kids! Over here!" Billie waived excitedly.

A broad grin broke out across boy-man features as Seth noticed his mother. Reaching down, he took his little sister's hand and shuffled her along in front of him, keeping a watchful eye on the other young lady who walked by his side. "Come on, Tara, keep up. I don't want to lose you in this crowd," he warned as his younger sister clamped down on his arm to avoid being separated from her siblings.

Sixteen year old Seth, fourteen year old Tara, and nine year old Skylar were just returning from their yearly month-long summer vacation with their great grandmothers, Janice Covington and Melinda Pappas in Charleston, South Carolina ... a family tradition that had started three years earlier during an emotional family reunion.

Finally, the distance between the mothers and children closed as warm embraces quelled feelings of yearning and homesickness.

"Gods, I missed you so much!" Cat cried as she embraced each child lovingly, her voice choking with emotion.

"Geesh, Ma! You'd think we were gone for a year instead of a month!" Seth replied as Cat placed several wet kisses on his cheeks.

Billie grinned at the humorous sight before her... A six-foot, bristly-chinned Seth, bent nearly in half at the waist, submitting himself to the attentions of his very excited, and very vertically challenged mother. She herself was accosted by Skylar, who had thrown herself into her Mommy's arms the moment she was within arms' reach.

"Mommy, I missed you," Skylar whined as she burrowed her face into Billie's neck.

"I missed you too, Kitten," Billie replied as she wrapped long arms around the child and held her close.

"Well, it feels like a year! Come here, you!" Cat exclaimed as she turned her attentions to Tara. At fourteen, Tara Charland was already promising to be a stunning beauty. As tall as Cat, her slim figure was developing shapely curves ... curves she tried very hard to camouflage under baggy jeans and oversized T-shirts. Short, spiked, red-gold hair provided stark relief against a peaches and cream complexion.

After several death-grip hugs, Cat held her daughter at arm's length and exclaimed. "Tara, what have you done to your hair?!"

"Grandma Jan took me to get it done. Cool, huh?" Tara said, grinning ear to ear.

Coming to her daughter's rescue, Billie interjected, "Very cool, Tare!" Giving her daughter a high-five, she leaned in close to a fuming Cat and whispered, "She's your grandmother!" Winking at Tara, who mouthed a silent 'thank you', Billie turned her attention to Seth as Skylar went willingly into her other mother's arms.

"Oomph! Goodness, Sky-baby, you're such a big girl. Pretty soon you'll be bigger than Mama!" she joked as she struggled to hold her daughter.

"Ah, Ma.... you don't have to be very tall to be bigger than you!!" Seth teased.

"Why you little rugrat!" Cat replied. "I ought to ...."

"Ought to what?" Seth said, towering over Cat and glaring down at her, trying desperately to keep a straight face.

Putting Skylar down, Cat reached over and started tickling her son mercilessly, knowing exactly where the sensitive spots were around his middle.

"Okay ... stop! I give!" Seth begged as he conceded defeat to the much smaller woman.

"Smart man!" Billie exclaimed. "Now why don't you and your sisters go fetch the luggage before round two starts."

With that, the kids headed to the luggage carousel while Billie and Cat waited.

"Billie... did you see her hair!!? How could you tell her it was cool?" Cat demanded.

Billie reached down and placed her hands on Cat's shoulders. "Look, love, " she explained. "If our daughter wants to look like a punk rocker, then fine. She's just expressing herself. Cat, you know, she could be doing a lot worse than spiking her hair and wearing baggy clothes."

Cat looked up into Billie's expressive face and remembered the marijuana incident with Tara and her cousin Crystal in the park two years earlier. Silently chiding her wife of eight years, Cat thought, Gods, Billie! I hate it when you're right! Outwardly, she shrugged. "Yeah, I guess you're right... but if she keeps this up, I'm buying stock in Miss Clairol!" she said, referring to the child-induced gray hairs that were beginning to peak through her red-gold mane.

Billie threw her head back and laughed. "Count me in!"

Locking arms with her tall wife, Cat rested her head on Billie's arm and looked across the terminal at their children approaching them, laden with luggage. All three wore golden tans, their hair lightened by the South Carolina sun.

"She looks healthy, doesn't she?" Cat remarked, referring to their youngest daughter who had spent two of the last three years on a low maintenance dose of chemotherapy to completely rid her body of leukemia.

"She looks very healthy, Cat. She's been cancer-free for nearly a year now. I'd say she's won that battle," Billie replied as she rested her head atop Cat's.

"I can't believe how tall she's grown in the past month!" Cat exclaimed.

"Cat.... everyone looks tall to you!" Billie said, grinning unashamedly down at her wife.

Cat looked up and flashed a crooked smile at the tall dark haired woman. "You will pay for that later, you know!" she threatened.

"Oh, I'm counting on it!" Billie replied wickedly as she watched the children approach.

Cat hip-checked Billie then quickly scooted away before revenge could be administered. Taking Skylar's duffel bag from her and throwing it over her shoulder, she reached for the child's hand and led the troops to the parking garage.

On the trip home, the kids were full of questions about Steve, Karissa and Missy. Having been gone for a month, they were anxious to get home to spend the rest of their summer vacation with friends.

Cat and Billie sat side by side in the front seat of the family station wagon, sending nostalgic glances toward each other as they listened to the children talk. If felt good to be together again.


"Do you think dinner will be edible?" Cat asked Jen as they set paper dinner plates around the picnic table.

Jen glanced over at Billie and Fred who were diligently tending the burgers and hot dogs on the grill. "Well, unless they charcoal them black there's not much else they can do to kill them," Jen replied. "At least there'll be salads and chips if we DO end up calling the morgue," she added, chuckling.

Cat joined her friend in laughter as they put their heads together to enjoy their private joke.

"I know you guys are talking about us!" Billie shouted from across the yard. Turning to Fred, she added, "They think we can't cook. If they only knew we pretend to be lousy at it so we don't HAVE to do it very often!" Roaring at her own secret joke, she looked Fred straight in the eye and realized that he wasn't laughing. "You CAN cook, can't you Fred?" she asked.

Fred's eyebrows arched upward. "Nope!" he replied, grinning ear to ear, "...and from what I hear, neither can you!"

"Can too!" Billie countered.

"Can not!" Fred replied.

"Can too!" she said again adamantly, shaking the spatula at him.

"Not!" he insisted.

"Kids!" Billie yelled to the five heads bobbing up and down in the pool. "...tell Fred that I can cook."

"Oh sure you can, Mom!" Tara said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at Karissa.

"Well.... you CAN heat up a pretty mean can of soup!" Seth added, seeing Steve nodding his agreement.

"Mommy makes good microwave popcorn!" Skylar offered helpfully.

"Madame Microwave!.... It takes a lot of skill to operate such a complicated piece of equipment... and to produce mouth-watering dishes at the same time.... Well, I'M impressed!" Fred said teasingly.

Billie was steaming. Not only had her kids betrayed her (the ungrateful wretches), but she had to endure culinary jokes from someone who couldn't even boil water! "Oh yeah??? Impress THIS!" she exclaimed as she shoved Fred into the pool, chef's hat and all.

Everyone in the yard collectively held their breaths as the spray of water from Fred's belly flop settled around them.

Fred rose to his feet in the shallow end of the pool, soaked to the bone. Struggling to wade to the edge of the pool, he approached Billie, a wide grin on his face. "Okay -- You got me!" he said. "I guess I deserved that!"

"Yes you did," Billie added as she reached down to pull him onto the deck.

"And you deserve THIS!" Fred exclaimed as he planted his feet and yanked backward, sending Billie over his head into the pool behind him.

Billie broke through the surface of the water, spitting and sputtering. She took one look at Fred standing there in the shallow end of the pool, the limp chef's hat sitting crookedly on his head, water running in rivulets down his face, and burst out laughing.

Falling into each other's arms, the two friends laughed heartily as the children splashed them, and their wives stood by, shaking their heads at the childish antics of their spouses.

Suddenly Skylar shouted, "Fire!"

All heads turned to the grill where black smoke could be seen billowing out of every crack. Jen reached it first and threw the cover open as she turned off the gas.

Cat approached her friend and looked at the black lumps that neatly lined the rack. "Call the morgue?" Cat asked.

"Call the morgue," Jen agreed.

Billie and Fred looked at each and once more fell into peals of laughter.


Cat sat at her vanity, carefully applying a thin layer of night cream to her face as Billie approached her from behind. Placing her chin on Cat's shoulder, she wrapped her arms around the slighter woman's middle, grinning at her wife in the mirror. "You really don't need to wear that stuff; your skin is soft and beautiful all by itself," she told the redhead as she planted a kiss on her neck.

"It's soft BECAUSE I do this each night, Billie," she replied. "You ought to try it," she added, dropping a dab of cream on Billie's nose.

"Hey!" Billie exclaimed, snapping her head back. Reaching up, she wiped the cream off and sniffed at it. "Uhmm... smells nice," she commented.

Continuing to rub cream into her face, she looked at her tall wife in the mirror. "I had a good time at Jen and Fred's this afternoon. It was really nice of them to host a picnic to welcome the kids home," she remarked.

Billie grinned. "Yeah, it WAS fun, wasn't it?"

"They're good friends, Billie. We're lucky to have them," Cat said.

"The best," Billie agreed.

"They'd have to be ... not everyone would put up with YOUR cooking!" Cat exclaimed cheekily.

"Ouch! I'm wounded!" Billie said, mock pain filling her voice as she clutched at her heart.

"C'mere and let me kiss the booboo," Cat said suggestively as she turned to face Billie.

Billie eagerly approached her still sitting wife and dropped to her knees. Reaching forward, Cat grabbed the sides of Billie's robe and pulled them open, exposing generous, creamy white breasts. Eyes wide, Cat visually feasted on the sight before her.

"Now where did you say you were wounded?" she asked the dark haired woman.

"Ah.... right here," Billie said, pointing to her right nipple.

"Oh really?" Cat asked as she leaned in and took the erect nipple into her mouth, causing Billie to gasp. "Oh... I can see by your reaction that it really does hurt. Maybe I should kiss it some more?"

"Yeah.... yeah -- that's it... more kisses," Billie replied, short of breath.

Cat feasted hungrily for several more minutes before pulling back and looking at Billie once more. "Are you hurt anywhere else, my love?" she asked.

"Ah... let me see. Oh yeah -- right here... I'm hurt over here too!" Billie exclaimed, pointing to her left nipple.

Cat was more than happy to administer additional first aid as Billie moaned in mock agony. Several moments later, Cat stopped and rose to her feet. Taking Billie's hand, she led her to the bed and pushed her down onto in the middle of it.

"Billie... I think I need to do a thorough examination ... You know -- just to be safe. Is that all right with you?" she asked.

Billie looked up at her with desire written all over her face. "You're the doctor, Cat... but before you start, tell me -- will this be a very expensive house call?" she asked.

"Oh yes ... very expensive I'm afraid. I'm not sure you can afford it," Cat replied.

"Well, maybe we can work out some alternative method of payment?" Billie suggested.

Cat rubbed her chin with her hand, slowly walking back and forth at the foot of the bed, while a semi-naked Billie lay waiting. "Uhmmm ... let me think," she said. After a little more pacing, she stopped and faced Billie. "Well, I'll tell you what -- I'll take partial payment tonight, and then we can barter for the rest of the bill ... you know -- you do something for me.... I do something for you. Get the idea?" she asked.

Billie rose up to support her upper body on her elbows. "You mean, like taking it out in trade?" she asked, her eyebrows dancing wickedly on her forehead.

"Exactly!" Cat replied.

"You're on Doc!" Billie exclaimed throwing herself flat on the bed, her arms and legs spread wide. "Go for it!"

Dropping all pretense, Cat literally dove on top of Billie and began the most thorough and lengthy examination in the history of medicine.



"Yes, Deb?" Billie asked as she answered the beeping intercom.

"Billie, your next appointment is here," Deb replied.

"Send them in," came the instruction as Billie stood and straightened her blazer. Just then, Deb opened the door and ushered two attractive women inside. Billie walked around her desk to greet the ladies. "Billie Charland," she said, extending her hand in a firm shake.

"Billie," the taller of the two women said, returning the greeting. "My name is Shannon Nash, and this is my wife, Julie."

Billie turned to Julie and offered her hand. "Julie," she said. Turning back to Shannon, she added, "It's common for lesbian couples to refer to each other as 'wife', married or not. Are you ..."

"Yes," Shannon supplied. "Thanks to you, we can proudly say that we are legally married. That's the primary reason we came to you. Anyone who can pioneer the movement for gay and lesbian marriage should be able to help us with our problem."

Directing Julie and Shannon to the two chairs opposite her desk, Billie looked them over carefully. Shannon appeared to be the dominant partner... tall and slim with short dark hair. Julie was of slighter build, a bit more feminine than Shannon, with shoulder length blonde hair. Billie encouraged them to provide the details of their request. "Please, have a seat," she said, perching herself on the corner of her desk. "Now, exactly what IS the problem," she asked, leaning toward the two ladies.

"Well, I have a seven year old daughter, Kacie, from a previous marriage, and now that Shan and I are married, and I've taken her last name ... well -- Shannon would like to adopt her," Julie explained.

"I see," Billie said. "... and where is Kacie's father?" she asked.

"Quite frankly, we don't know," Julie replied. "He disappeared when Kacie was just a baby."

"You have no idea at all where he is?" Billie asked.

"He's a deadbeat asshole," Shannon piped in.

Billie looked at Shannon who sat rigidly in the chair next to her wife. "Would you mind explaining that statement?" Billie asked, one eyebrow raised into her hairline.

Shannon took a deep breath, visibly struggling to calm her temper. Julie placed her hand oover the one Shannon was squeezing the arm rest with, drawing a smile from the angry woman. Dropping her chin to her chest for a moment, she took a deep breath then raised her eyes to Billie's.

"Billie, Julie and I have known her ex since high school," Shannon explained. "He was captain of the football team, and the most arrogant son of a bitch you'd ever want to meet. He managed to woo Jules here, and she agreed to marry him right after graduation, even though she knew her heart lay elsewhere."

Billie watched the women carefully as Shannon relayed her story. Julie's eyes never left her wife's face - adoration apparent in her eyes.

"Jules settled into the role of housewife while I went out of state to college," Shannon continued. "We stayed in touch during my first semester, but pretty soon, we drifted apart. When I came home during the Christmas break, she was several months pregnant with Kacie. I tried to see her, but Gary -- that's her ex -- threw me out of the house and threatened to harm Julie if I came back. I learned later that he was in the habit of beating her whenever the mood struck him. It wasn't until I came home on break during my sophomore year that I learned he had deserted her when Kacie was just four months old."

"Let me interrupt for a moment," Billie interjected. Turning to Julie, she said, "So, considering you had to divorce him before marrying Shannon, you must have been able to find him at some point."

"Actually, no," she replied. "He's been missing for seven years. He just disappeared. No one has heard from him since he left ... not even his parents. I petitioned the courts to have him declared legally dead, and to be granted a divorce based on his desertion."

Billie rose to her feet and walked over to the picture window that overlooked the busy mall below. Turning around, she leaned her backside against the window-sill and braced her hands on either side of her hips. "You said that Kacie is seven years old?" she asked.

"Seven and a half, actually," Julie replied.

"And Gary's been gone for exactly how long?" came the next question.

"Seven years and two months ... almost to the day," answered Julie.

"So ... when did you file for divorce?" Billie asked, confused about the timing of the whole thing.

Impatient with the whole explanation, Shannon rose to her feet and approached Billie. "Look, let me sum things up for you. Gary disappeared when Kacie was four months old. I transferred to a college closer to home so I could be near Julie and Kacie. Julie and the baby lived with her mother for the next two years while I finished school. When I graduated, I found a decent job that allowed Julie and I to set up housekeeping together. Kacie was almost two and a half by then. We've been together ever since." Shannon went to stand behind Julie to finish her story. "Since we had no idea where Gary was, Julie couldn't divorce him. We researched the laws and discovered that after seven years of desertion, she could be granted an non-contested divorce in a matter of weeks.... so, we waited out the seven years. Four and a half years after we moved in together, we went to court and the divorce was granted. That was two months ago. Last month, we were legally married. Now, here we are, wanting desperately to make our family complete with my adoption of Kacie."

Shannon stopped talking abruptly as she finished her last comment. When it became apparent that she was finished with her story, Billie pushed herself off the window sill and sat down behind her desk. Resting her elbows on the desk, she made a teepee with her fingers and rested her chin on her fingertips. "So ... if the courts granted you a divorce based on seven years of desertion, why didn't you ask for an adoption decree at the same time?" she asked.

"We did," replied Julie. "The problem, is that when Gary's parents found out about it, they filed for custody of Kacie in Gary's name. Billie, we've been a family for the past four years. I can't let them take my baby away."

Billie narrowed her eyes at the two ladies. "And exactly what basis did they use for claiming Kacie would be better off with them?" Billie asked, already knowing the answer.

Shannon grinned, knowing they had Billie hooked.

"That we are lesbians," Julie replied, looking Billie straight in the eyes.

"Okay!" Billie exclaimed, slapping her hands down on the desk while rising to her feet. Leaning over her desk, she addressed both ladies. "You've got yourself a lawyer. See Deb on the way out to review payment plans and to sign the retainer. You'll also need to fill out complaint forms detailing the exact nature of your problem, including any information you can think of that will help me research the case. Deb will provide you with a standard package of forms. Fill them out and send them in as soon as possible. As soon as I've made some progress, I'll call you and we'll set up a meeting to review the details. Sound okay to you?" she asked.

Reaching down, Shannon helped Julie to her feet and wrapped her left arm around the woman. Reaching forward with her right, she shook Billie's hand firmly. "Sounds great," she replied, looking back to Julie, who nodded vigorously in agreement.


Mentally exhausted, Billie stepped into the kitchen to find Cat standing at the stove, busily preparing the family's dinner. Scenes like this brought such warmth to Billie's soul... knowing that she enjoyed a wonderfully warm and normal family life with the woman and children she loved with all her heart.

The creaking screen door drew Cat's attention to her tall, dark haired wife. A smile spread across her peaches and cream complexion as Billie approached her. "Hi Baby!" Cat said, rising on tip toes to place a kiss on her wife's lips.

"Come here, love," Billie replied as she dropped her briefcase to the floor and wrapped her long arms around the smaller woman, holding her close.

"Rough day?" Cat asked as she rubbed her hands up and down Billie's back.

"Busy one," came Billie's reply. "Hmmm, smells good. Whatcha cooking?" she asked as she looked over Cat's shoulder to the pan simmering on the stove.

Cat pulled back and looked into Billie's face. "Don't tell me that after ten years together, you still can't tell what I'm cooking?" she teased.

Billie had the decency to look ashamed of herself. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I guess I just didn't pay much attention. Forgive me?" she asked, bending down to place a kiss on Cat's nose.

Cat pursed her lips and tried desperately to keep the smile from her face. "You're lucky I know you love me ... otherwise I might think you've been taking me for granted," she scolded.

Billie's face went ashen at Cat's comment. Furrowing her brow, she looked seriously at her wife. "You don't really mean that, do you Cat? Do I take you for granted?" she asked. "Really ... you'd tell me if I did -- wouldn't you?"

Cat instantly became concerned that she had offended her tall wife. "Billie, are you all right?" she asked.

"Do I take you for granted, Cat?" Billie asked again, still holding the smaller woman within the circle of her arms.

"Billie! Honey, no ... you don't. Baby, what's this all about?" Cat asked, reaching up to push a stray lock of hair out of Billie's face, tucking it behind her ear.

Billie took a deep breath and sighed. Leaning in, she touched her forehead to Cat's. "I took on a couple of new clients today who risk losing their daughter to ex in-laws in a custody battle. It reminded me to be grateful for everything that we have Cat. If I've taken you or the kids for granted ... at any time..." Billie paused to swallow through a throat constricted with emotion.

"Billie ... sweetheart -- you have not taken us for granted. Honey, we love you, and we know how much you love us. Okay?" Cat said tenderly as she took Billie's face between her hands.

Billie smiled through teary eyes and nodded her head. "Okay," she replied, leaning in for a gentle kiss.

"Good!" Cat exclaimed, releasing herself from Billie's embrace to tend to the simmering pan on the stove.

Looking over Cat's shoulder, Billie peered into the pan. "Chicken with mushrooms and wild rice in wine sauce, right?" she said, grinning.

"Correct!" Cat said, lifting a spoonful of savory rice to Billie's lips.

"Oh gods, Cat ... that's wonderful!" she commented as she chewed.

"Thank you, sweetie," Cat replied. "Now ... why don't you tell me about these new clients of yours," she suggested.

"Well ...," Billie began.

"Ma ... What's for dinner?" Tara demanded as she burst into the kitchen, allowing the screen door to slam behind her.

Both mothers turned toward their daughter.

"Tara, turn your butt around, go back out that door and come back in without letting it slam," Billie scolded.

"Mom!" Tara exclaimed impatiently, looking back and forth between Billie and Cat.

"You heard your mother, Tara," Cat added. "Honey, you've got to learn not to slam the door."

"Christ Almighty!" Tara exclaimed as she headed out the door and back in again, closing the door in such exaggerated gentle movements that even the hinges didn't squeak. Turning toward her mothers, she put her hands on baggy denim clad hips and said sarcastically, "Is that better?"

"The door -- yes. Your language -- no!" Cat replied. "I don't want to hear that kind of talk come out of your mouth again. Do you understand?" she asked, trying hard to control her temper. Billie just leaned back against the stove and watched the exchange.

"Well?" Cat said, staring down the rebellious teenager.

Tara stared back, determined to show her mothers who was in control.

Cat held her own in the confrontation. Standing there straight backed, arms crossed in front of her, Cat suddenly wondered where her little girl had gone. Here before her was a young lady. A young lady intent on making a statement. From the top of her spiked red hair to the tips of her Nike clad toes, she stood rigid and determined. Severely baggy jeans, oversized T-shirt, leather necklaces... she was the picture of a street-wise rebellious youth.

Frustrated nearly to the point of anger, Cat broke the gaze. Looking down, she reached up and rubbed her forehead. "Tara, go to your room," she instructed.

"But I'm hungry!" Tara objected.

"I'll call you when dinner is ready. After dinner, you'll go back to your room," Cat replied.

"No way!!!" Tara exclaimed. "Karissa and I are going to the mall after dinner," she said.

"Correction -- Karissa is going to the mall after dinner... You're going to your room," Cat answered.

"But, Ma!!!" Tara whined.

"Go!" Cat interrupted, meeting her daughter's eyes and pointing toward the living room.

A hateful sneer crossed Tara's face as she angrily stomped through the kitchen.

Cat counted to ten before turning around to face Billie again. "That child ...." she began in frustration.

Billie reached out and pulled Cat in close. "Cat, honey, she's just feeling her way around, trying to find out who she is," Billie said. "She reminds me a lot of myself at that age."

Cat pulled back and looked at her wife. "You had red spiked hair?" she teased.

Billie shrugged one shoulder. "Something like that," she replied. "She'll be fine Cat. Just give her some space -- you'll see," the tall woman explained.

"Billie, we can't let her run wild. By the gods ... there's so much out there that can hurt her... drugs, violence, sex ... Oh my god! Sex!! Billie, I don't even want to think about that!" Cat agonized.

"You know, Cat. She's old enough to understand the consequences of careless sex. It might be a good idea to talk to her before she makes a mistake out of ignorance," Billie suggested.

"Are you volunteering?" Cat asked hopefully.

Billie looked down at her red headed wife and grinned. "You know, I should said no ... after all, I had to tell Seth on my own because some cute little redhead chickened out ... but I won't do that to you. Why don't we talk to her together?" she suggested.

"Okay," replied Cat, kissing her wife on the nose, relief flooding her features.

Billie smiled broadly at the bright eyes that stared back up at her. "You are so damned cute!" she exclaimed, making Cat blush for the millionth time since she met her.

Cat slapped Billie's arm lightly. "You're just saying that to stay on my good side. After all, without me, you'd have to do your own cooking!" she teased.

"Busted!" Billie replied, as she released her wife and went to set the table.


"Hey Neighbors!" Jen exclaimed as she came through the kitchen door.

"Hi Jen," Billie and Cat replied together as they looked up from loading the dishwasher with supper dishes.

Jen stopped and looked at her friends. "You two never cease to amaze me," she commented, throwing her hands in the air. "Do you guys do everything together? Heck, I can hardly get Fred to put his dishes in the sink, never mind help load them into the dishwasher!"

Billie walked up to their friend and patted her cheek with an open palm. "I keep trying to tell you, Jen ... you need to find yourself a woman!" she said cheekily.

"That thought has cross my mind!" Jen replied, half seriously. "Got anyone in mind?" she asked.

"Jen, if I thought you were even a tiny bit serious about that...," Billie mused.

"Stop it, you two!" Cat scolded. "All you gotta do is teach Fred a few lessons about housekeeping."

"Ah... Cat? Have you ever heard the saying, 'You can lead a horse to water...'?" Jen asked through raised eyebrows.

"What you need to do is give him a scare ... you know - make him realize he's taking you for granted," Billie suggested, giving Cat a sideways glance reminiscent of their earlier conversation.

"I guess I've just made things way too easy on him over the years. I guess because I'm a stay at home Mom I feel it's my responsibility to take care of everyone," Jen reasoned. "After all, I don't work outside the home," she added, trying to come up with excuses to convince herself that Fred wasn't using her.

"Whoa!!! Wait just a minute there!" Cat exclaimed. "Just because you're a stay at home Mom doesn't mean you don't work hard. Jen ... your house is spotless, your laundry is always done, your kids always have a parent to come home to after school... Honey, you work damned hard! You might not have an outside income, but the wealth you bring to your home and family is immeasurable. Fred is blind if he doesn't see that. What would he do without you? What would any of them do?" Cat finished, the indignant anger coming through in her voice.

Jen just stood there for several moments, brow furrowed as she absorbed her friend's words. Then, taking a deep breath, she nodded her head. "Maybe you're right, Cat," she said grinning. "I guess I need to work on showing him just how much he does need me," she finished, eyebrows dancing evilly up and down.

"Oh, oh... I'm not sure I like the sound of that!" exclaimed Billie. "Jen... what's going through that wicked mind of yours?" she asked.

Jen chuckled. "You'll see... in time, you'll see," she replied, turning to leave.

Billie looked at Cat with a 'now look what you've done!' expression on her face.

Cat smiled nervously.

Jen suddenly turned around as she reached the door. "Oh ... by the way, I actually came over to invite the two of you to the movies Friday night... our treat," she said.

Cat and Billie looked at each other, agreement passing between them. "Sure! I think we're free," replied Billie.

"Cool! The movie starts at nine p.m. Maybe we can go out for dinner first," Jen suggested.

"Sounds great, Jen. We'll pick you and Fred up at ... let's say six o'clock. Does that sound okay?" Cat asked.

"Six o'clock it is! I'll see you guys later, 'kay?" Jen waved over her shoulder as she headed out the door.

Billie turned to Cat and placed her hands on her hips. Lowering her chin to her chest, she looked out through hooded eyes at her wife.

Cat felt uncomfortable under Billie's scrutiny. "What??!!" she exclaimed defensively. "Billie, all I did was let her know she had a voice. She doesn't deserve to feel inferior ... she works very hard at home!" Cat explained.

Billie visually relaxed her stance and opened her arms to her wife. Cat entered them willingly. "I know, sweetheart -- I know. Maybe Fred does need to learn a lesson," she said. After a short pause, she added, "I just hope Jen doesn't go overboard!"

"Jen? Overboard?... She wouldn't do that ... would she?" Cat asked seriously.

Billie raised one eyebrow at her wife. "What do you think?" she replied.

Cat gulped. "I think Fred's in trouble!" she exclaimed.



"Billie? It's Shannon Nash on line two. I tried setting up an appointment with her to come in later in the week, but she insisted on talking to you first," Deb said across the office intercom.

Now what could that mean? she thought to herself. "All right, Deb, thanks," she replied, picking up the phone and pressing #2 on the keypad. "This is Billie," she said into the receiver.

"Billie ... Hi. Shannon Nash. Look, Billie, it doesn't look like I can break away from my meetings during the day. Would it be possible to meet one evening this week? Maybe Julie and I can take you and your wife out for dinner and so discuss the case then? I'm really sorry to inconvenience you like this," she explained.

Billie thought it over for a moment. After she had handled a domestic violence case a few years ago, in which the wife finally died from the abuse, she learned not to let herself become personally involved with her clients. It was against her better judgment, but something about this woman, and about this case, compelled her to accept. "All right. I guess that would be okay. Which night would be best for you?" Billie asked.

"Friday," Shannon replied.

"Friday.... Friday....," Billie pondered. Did we have something planned? Damn! I wish I could remember! Oh well... "I think Friday is okay," she commented. "Let's go ahead and schedule it, and I'll check with Cat to see if we already have plans. If we do, I'll get back to you," Billie said.

"Cat?" Shannon inquired.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Cat ... short for Caitlain. My lovely wife of eight years," Billie explained.

"Cute ... I like it. I'm looking forward to meeting her. What do you say to dinner at Trader Duke's at six p.m.?" Shannon suggested.

"Sounds fine to me. We'll see you then," Billie said before hanging up.

Turning back to the legal brief spread across her desk, Billie started organizing the case before her. Okay, what are the facts here, she said to herself. Let's see... one absent father -- gone for more than seven years... two legally married women -- one the biological mother of the child... two sets of grandparents -- one set supportive, one set combative. The problem isn't with the father -- he's given up his rights through desertion... the problem is the in-laws -- no... no, the problem is homophobia -- that's the real issue here! "Shit!" Billie said out loud.

Just then, the intercom rang.

"Yes, Deb?" Billie answered as she held down the speaker button.

"Billie, it's your daughter on line one. She sounds upset," Deb replied.

"Thanks, Deb," she said as a lump of fear settled in the pit of her stomach. "Tara?, Sky?" she said, picking up the phone.

"Mom, it's Tara. Mom... we can't find Sky," Tara said breathlessly.

"What do you mean, you can't find Sky?" Billie replied, a tinge of panic edging her voice.

"We can't find her, Mom," came the reply -- the youngster's voice cracking with teary emotion. "We've looked everywhere!" she exclaimed.

Realizing the child was beginning to panic, Billie inhaled deeply and forced herself to calm down. "Okay... okay, Tara. Honey, tell me what happened. When did you see her last?" Billie asked, just barely able to control her stomach, which was about to commit nervous mutiny.

"I don't know .... 'Rissa came over about ten o'clock, and we went to my room to listen to my new CD. Sky and Missy were in the backyard playing in the tree house. When it was time to fix lunch, I yelled to her to come in, but she was gone," Tara explained.

Billie looked at her watch -- 3:00 p.m. "So she's be missing for three or four hours?" Billie asked. "Where did you look for her?"

"We looked everywhere, Mom. I called Jen, but she wasn't home. I even called Seth at work, but his boss said he was too busy to come to the phone. Mom, I'm really scared," Tara finished, overwhelming emotion flowing in tears down her cheeks.

"All right. Tara, honey, I'm on my way home. Did you call Mama yet?" Billie asked

"Yeah, but she's in surgery right now," Tara replied.

"Sweetheart, don't leave the house in case she comes home before I get there, okay? I'm on my way. Bye," Billie said as she jumped to her feet and headed out the door.

"Reschedule my afternoon, Deb," Billie said as she flew by the secretary's desk.

"Is everything all right?" Deb asked her harried employer.

"Missing kid!" she exclaimed as she shoved her arms into her blazer.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Deb offered.

"Not right now. I'll call you if anything changes for tomorrow," Billie replied.

"Good luck!" Deb called to Billie's back as she hurried out the door.


By the time Billie reached home, Missy's mother was pacing frantically back and forth across their kitchen. The moment Billie entered the house, she was all over her.

"Billie. God, I'm glad you're here. The girls are gone!" she said frantically, grabbing Billie's biceps.

Billie took the woman by the shoulders. "Frannie, I know. Tara called me. That's why I'm here. Look... when did you see Missy last?" she asked.

"Earlier this morning. She asked to come over here to play with Skylar. If I had know she didn't have adult supervision, I wouldn't have allowed it!" she exclaimed, sending a semi-hostile look across the room to Tara and Karissa who were sitting at the kitchen table with tears running down their faces. Tara winced visibly under the attack.

Billie's anger at this woman was rising nearly out of control. Releasing her shoulders, Billie took a step back and placed her hands on her hips. "Frannie, I think Skylar and Missy deserve some of the blame here. Skylar knows better than to run off on her sister without telling her where she's going. Now, I don't know what's happened here, but making Tara and Karissa feel like shit is not going to solve the problem - you got that?" she asked sharply.

Frannie looked like she had been slapped. Eyes wide and blinking furiously, she looked back and forth between Billie and the two girls at the table. Indignance won out as she stomped her way to the kitchen door. Stopping, she turned back toward Billie. "I'm going home to call the police," she said as she yanked the door open and left.

Billie sneered as she watched the woman retreat. Then, composing herself, she turned to a devastated Tara and opened her arms. Tara immediately jumped up from the table and ran to her mother. As tough and independent as the teenager liked to think she was, she was still a vulnerable little girl... still longing for the safety and security of her mother's arms.

Burying her face in Billie's chest, she cried in a muffled voice, "Mom, they aren't going to arrest me for not watching her close enough, are they?"

Billie leaned down, kissed the top of Tara's head and then laid her cheek there. "No sweetheart, they aren't. Like I said, this is as much your sister's responsibility as it is yours. I know you love Sky-Bird... you would never intentionally do anything to harm her." Reaching down, Billie tilted Tara's chin up. "I'm sure she's fine, Tare.... but right now, I need to call Mom, then we need to wait for the police to come. With their help, I'm sure we'll find her," Billie said encouragingly.

Releasing her daughter, Billie walked over to the phone on the kitchen wall, stopping to give the crying Karissa an encouraging hug, and a kiss on the head. Tara and Karissa sat side by side, holding hands as they watched Billie dial the phone.

"Ah... Hello? This is Billie Charland. I need to reach Caitlain Charland. It's kind of an emergency," Billie said into the phone.

Tara and Karissa listened carefully to Billie's side of the conversation.

"Oh! All right then... okay. Thank you, Goodbye," Billie replied as she hung up the phone. Turning to look at the girls, she added, "She's already left for home. I guess we'll just sit tight and wait for her."


Cat maneuvered her car around the corner of her street and immediately noticed flashing blue lights. It took a few moments to register that they were in front of her own house. "Oh my god!" she exclaimed as her foot pressed suddenly onto the accelerator, causing the car to lurch forward. Just barely in control of the vehicle, Cat came to screeching halt within inches of Billie's car. Jumping out of the car, she ran toward the house, yelling Billie's name the whole way. "Billie! Billie, where are you? Oh my god, what's happened?"

Billie and Frannie were inside the kitchen, being interviewed by one of the police officers as Cat burst in. "What the hell is happening here?" she exclaimed, eyes wild with fear.

Billie broke away from the conversation and reached her hand out to Cat, who soon found herself tucked into Billie's side. "Officer Sullivan, this is my wife, Caitlain. Cat, Skylar is missing," Billie said to Cat as the smaller woman was shaking the officer's hand.

Cat looked bewildered, "Missing?" she said.

"Yes, missing!" replied Frannie. "And it's your daughter's fault!" she added, pointing at Tara.

Billie glared at Frannie while Officer Sullivan intervened. "Ma'am, we don't know whose fault it is. There's no sense making accusations at this stage of the investigation."

"Investigation?" Cat asked, confusion still evident in her voice. "Billie, what is he talking about? Damn it! Will someone tell me what's going on here?" she shouted.

"All right! Cat, please calm down. Look, Tara called me at work this afternoon, about three o'clock. The last she knew, Sky and Missy were playing in the tree-house. When Tara called her in for lunch, they were gone. She and Karissa spent most of the afternoon searching the house and neighborhood for the girls before she called me. Frannie here, immediately chose to blame Tara for the whole thing," Billie explained.

"Well, look at her!" Frannie exclaimed. "Spiked hair, baggy clothes... what's next, tattoos and body piercings? She looks like a hoodlum! How can you trust her to babysit Skylar all day?" she ranted.

Billie rose to her full height and glared at Frannie. Officer Sullivan saw what was about to erupt, and quickly intervened. "Ah, Ma'am, I think it's best that you go home. I'll be over to interview you when I'm finished here," he said.

Still tucked into Billie's side, Cat reached out her hand to Tara. Once again, Tara quickly took refuge in the circle of love she had been raised within. Cat held the child, as her shoulders shook violently with sobs. "Shhh, it's all right Tara. We'll find her. Honey, it isn't your fault," she whispered into the girl's ear as she held her close and placed tiny kisses on the side of her face.

Tara nodded her head and visibly calmed down. "I'm sorry, Mama. I should have watched her closer," Tara apologized.

"Well, we all know how determined your sister is. What's important right now is that we find her. We can talk about blame and responsibility later," Cat said as much to the police officer as to her daughter.

"Cat! Billie!" exclaimed the blonde spitfire as she crashed through the kitchen door, drawing all eyes to her grand entrance. "I just got home... the girls left a message on my answering machine about Skylar and Missy. I tried calling to see what was happening, but the line was busy. Look, I've already made a few phone calls. The neighborhood is organizing a search party. Don't worry, we'll find her," Jen said, in the short amount of time it took to make it across the kitchen and to wrap her arms around her friends and their daughter.

"Officer Sullivan, this is our neighbor, Jen Swenson," Billie said, making the introductions.

Breaking loose from the huddle, Jen reached out and shook hands with the police officer. "Officer," she said. "What can I do to help?"

"Looks like you're already doing it!" he grinned. "Where is the neighborhood group meeting? I'd like to organize the search pattern." he said.

"In the elementary school cafeteria... in about a hour," Jen said, looking at her watch.

"Okay then. I need to interview Missy's mother, then I'll meet you at the school," he said to the three women. Then, reaching down, he placed a callused finger under Tara's chin and lifted her head. "Don't worry, Tara. We'll find your little sister, okay?"

Tara nodded tearfully and forced a weak smile onto her face. "Thanks," she said shyly as she watched him leave.

Turning back to her friends, Jen looked at Tara and her daughter sitting side by side and said, "Well, Tara, why don't you come over to the school with Karissa and I. She looks pretty shaken up about this too, and I think it would do you both some good to lean on each other. Whaddaya say?"

Tara nodded and took the hand Jen held out to her while Karissa took the other. Looking over the teenager's head, Jen threw a look at her friends that said, Don't worry, we'll find her. Then, with a reassuring nod, she and the girls left.

Cat turned and buried her face in Billie's chest. Inhaling deeply, she squeezed the taller woman tightly, and was surprised to feel a shudder run through the woman. Looking up, she saw unshed tears threatening to spill from beautiful blue eyes... tears that matched the ones spilling from her own twin orbs of green. Placing a delicate kiss between Billie's breasts, she looked up again and said, "We'll find our baby, love. We will. Come on, let's head over to the school."

Billie looked down into Cat's face, and caught her breath at the love and devotion she saw there. "I need to call Seth first, Cat. He doesn't know what going on here."

Cat nodded as she released her wife, reaching up to wipe the tears from her cheeks.


"All right... can I have it quiet in here, please?" Officer Sullivan asked in a loud voice from the front of the school cafeteria. "Thank you all for coming," he said as he looked over the large crowd of approximately 100 people. "I believe you all know the two children who are missing?" he asked, watching heads bob up and down with affirmative responses. "Good. Now, I'd like to begin by searching a square area fanning out about a mile beyond the Charland house on all four sides. If this is a matter of two children wandering too far away from home, we'll probably find them within that area. I'll need you to break into groups of five or so, and then see Jen Swenson at the control booth over there to receive your assigned area. You'll need to move slowly through the search areas, and please search thoroughly. Look over, under and around everything. Heaven forbid something terrible has happened to these children, but be prepared to handle whatever you might find. Any questions?" he asked.

"When should we check in?" came a voice from the crowd.

"Good question. You should each choose a runner for your group. If you find something, send the runner directly back here to the control center where the Charlands and I can be reached by radio. If nothing is found within the next two hours, all of you should return for further instructions. At that point, we will have an alternate search area ready. Any other questions?" he asked once more.

The question Officer Sullivan saw on everyone's face that was left unasked was, What if the children are found dead? "All right then. Let's keep our fingers crossed that Skylar and Missy will be found safe and sound. Good luck to you all," he concluded before directing the search parties to Jen for area assignments.

Billie stood there next to Officer Sullivan, her arms wrapped around Cat. As the officer finished giving direction, he turned to the two women, placing one hand on Billie's shoulder, and the other on Cat's. Squeezing lightly, he said, "Don't lose hope. We'll find them. I'll check in with you in about an hour," he said as he walked away.

Cat nodded slightly as Billie just stared straight ahead.

"Mom, are you ready to go?" Seth asked stoically as he approached his mothers.

Snapping out of her trance, Billie managed a slight smile for her son as she nodded.

Seth's gaze moved back and forth between the women. "I know she's okay... I can feel it. I told you once before that we wouldn't let her fly away... and we didn't." he said. Then grinning ear to ear, he added, "Now let's go find the little rugrat so I can strangle her for worrying us!"

The ladies couldn't resist smiling at Seth's attempt to lighten the mood. Seth had a special connection to his sister through the blood they shared. If he felt in his heart that she was okay, then they at least had hope. Locating Tara, Karissa and Steve in the crowd, Billie directed their search team toward the door.


"They're dead," Cat cried. "I just know it!"

"Cat, don't say that. She's our baby... please don't say that," Billie responded angrily as they drove home from the school. Officer Sullivan had called a temporary halt to the search to allow the volunteers to get some sleep and nutrition before starting again at 5 a.m. the next morning. Seth had met them at the school earlier, coming directly from work, so he had volunteered to drive Steve and Karissa home. Tara had chosen to ride with the teenagers instead of with her mothers.

"Billie, it's midnight. The whole neighborhood has been looking for them for seven hours," she cried. "Gods... Billie... Oh my god... she's been through so much already... my poor Sky-baby!" Cat stammered between sobs. Dropping her face into her hands, she cried uncontrollably as Billie tried her best to maneuver the car through the streets through the veil of tears that ran down her cheeks. Pulling into the driveway, she shut off the motor and reached over to pull Cat into her arms.

"Cat... sweetheart. Honey, please don't lose hope ... please. Sky needs us to be strong," she cried.

For several long moments, the two women sat in the driveway, locked in an embrace of communal sadness. Finally, pulling back, Billie held her wife at arm's length and spoke gently to her. "Cat, I love you with all my heart, but we have to be strong... we have to believe, okay?" Billie encouraged. Then, brushing Cat's long red-gold hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear, she added, "Let's go inside. We need to eat and sleep to be fresh for tomorrow morning... okay?"

Cat sniffed and nodded, climbing out of the car behind her wife and wrapping her arm around Billie's waist as they walked together into the house.

Billie threw the car keys noisily onto the kitchen table as she walked into the room. The sound of the keys hitting the formica table top reverberated through the silent house like an echo through a canyon. Irritated, Cat turned to chastise her wife for the unnecessary gesture, when suddenly, they heard a sound from the living room.


Cat and Billie's eyes met as they were froze, each subconsciously holding her breath.

"Mommy?" came the sound again.

Both women were shocked into action. "SKY!!!" they exclaimed together as they rushed into the living room. There, sitting up on the couch, rubbing her eyes, was Skylar, evidence of dried tears on her cheeks. Beside her, was a still sleeping Missy.

Skylar soon found herself wrapped in the arms of two weeping women.

"Sky, honey... oh baby girl, where were you?" Cat cried, giving up any attempts at stemming the flow of tears.

"Skylar Jean Charland, I don't know whether to scold you or hug you. You had us worried to death!" Billie said through her own tears.

"Billie, call Frannie. You know she's as worried as we were," Cat said as she glanced over at the other child who was just beginning to stir.

Nodding vigorously, Billie picked up the portable phone and dialed their neighbor's number. "Hello, Frannie? Frannie, this is Billie. No! No.... Frannie, it's all right... Frannie! Listen to me. Missy is here... Yes -- she's here with Sky.... Hello? Hello?" Billie said into the phone. Then, pulling the phone away from her ear, she looked at it, and then at Cat. "I expect we'll see her in about five seconds," she said as the front door burst open and Frannie rushed in. "I stand corrected!" Billie grinned as their neighbor ran over to her daughter and scooped her up into her arms.

After several moments of hugs, kissing and teary welcomes, the women sat the two nine-year-olds side by side on the couch and demanded an explanation.

As it turned out, the girls thought it would be fun to go on a picnic in the park. While Tara and Karissa were in Tara's room listening to music, they threw a variety of junk food into a paper bag and headed out on their bikes, venturing into a part of the city they were unfamiliar with. They finally found the park and spent most of the day eating junk, playing and completely losing track of time. When they realized how late it was getting, they climbed onto their bikes and spent the next hour or so finding their way back home, arriving to two empty houses. Of course, they had no way of knowing that their parents and half the neighborhood were out looking for them. After calling each other a dozen times in the first hour, and unsuccessfully calling neighbors looking for their parents, they were scared to death that they were alone, and decided to wait together at Skylar's house, where they eventually cried themselves to sleep on the living room couch.

Cat paced back and forth in front of the couch as the girls related their adventure. When they were finished with their tale, Cat stopped and stood in front of them, hands on hips. "Do you have any idea how worried we were? Do you have any idea how much trouble the entire neighborhood went through looking for you two?" Cat scolded. Billie just stood by the fireplace mantel, this time not coming to her youngest child's rescue. This was one tongue lashing she needed to hear. The two girls sat on the couch with their chins on their chests as Cat continued. "Skylar, your sister is sick with guilt over this. She thinks this is her fault! For crying out loud girls -- didn't you even think about how worried we would all be?" By now, the girls were starting to cry. Cat continued to pace... too angry to say any more. Silence prevailed throughout the room as Cat paced and Billie and Frannie lent their support to the extended silence... a silence that was more difficult for the girls to endure than the verbal tongue lashing it followed.

After what seemed like an eternity, the kitchen door swung open, admitting Seth and Tara. Walking through the kitchen and into the living room, they stopped in their tracks when they saw their younger sister, safe and sound.

Tara immediately pounced on the younger girl, sitting atop of her and pinning her to the couch. "Don't you ever do that to me again, do you understand?" Tara shouted into her face, tears streaming down her own cheeks.

Fearing bodily harm, Billie intervened and pulled Tara from the younger girl. Setting her back down onto her feet, Billie enveloped the teenager in her arms and held her close as she released penned up fear and emotions.

"I'm sorry, Tare," Skylar said in a tiny voice.

Turning in Billie's arms, a now calmer Tara looked at her sister and said, "S'okay ... just don't do it again."

"I won't. I promise," Skylar said.

Seth grinned at his mothers. "See, I told you she was fine!" he said.

Cat grinned back. Reaching up and touching the side of her son's face, she said, "Yes, you did, honey."

"All right -- all three of you... time to hit the sheets -- it's been a rough day," Billie ordered as the children headed for the stairs.

"Ah, Tara?" Frannie said, stopping the teenager on the stairs.

Tara stopped her ascent and turned to face the older woman. "Yeah?" she replied.

"Look... what I said earlier... I didn't mean it. I was scared and I was looking for someone to blame. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me," she explained.

Tara just nodded and smiled. "Good night," she said to the three women as she resumed her climb.

Turning to Cat and Billie, Frannie extended the apology to them, then gathered up Missy and headed home.

After seeing Frannie out, Cat returned to the living room and found Billie leaning against the mantel, her shoulders shaking as sobs racked her body. Coming up behind the taller woman, Cat wrapped her arms around her wife and laid her head between Billie's shoulder blades. "I love you," she whispered.

Turning around, Billie folded Cat within the circle of her arms. "I love you too," she replied. "We should give Officer Sullivan and Jen a call, then go to bed ourselves -- I'm exhausted," she exclaimed.

Cat nodded, waiting patiently as Billie made the calls. Billie smiled as she hung up the phone after calling Jen.

"What's that grin for?" Cat asked.

"Jen ... She really is a good friend, isn't she? She started crying as soon as I told her Sky was okay," Billie explained, yawning loudly as she finished her sentence.

"Come on, you... time for bed," Cat said to her tired wife.

Arm in arm, they walked toward the stairs. Their children were home... their family was intact once more. Life was good.



"Seth! Seth, honey, you'd better get up or you'll be late for work," Billie called to her son as she prepared to get herself off to work as well. As was normal practice, Cat had already left, having shifted to earlier work hours so that Billie was home with the children during the early morning and she was there during the late afternoon.

Seth ambled sleepily down the stairs, stumbling to the kitchen table. "I'm beat!" he exclaimed. "Thanks to Skylar, I didn't get enough sleep last night," he whined.

"Don't be too quick to blame it totally on your sister, there big guy. You know you normally stay up until eleven or twelve on work nights," Billie commented. "Last night was no exception."

"Yeah, I guess," Seth mumbled. "But I don't usually spend seven hours scouring the neighborhood before going to bed either!" he added.

"Now that I can understand," Billie replied. Walking over to her son, wrapped her arms around him. Placing a kiss on his head, she whispered, "Thanks for not giving up on her, Scout. You were a big help last night. I'm proud of both you and Tara for pitching in to look for your sister."

Seth just grinned and nodded.

Reaching for a travel mug from the cupboard, Billie poured herself a coffee to go. "You must have been really busy at work yesterday," she commented, looking over her shoulder at Seth.

Seth glanced back at his mother. "No -- not really. Why do you say that?" he asked.

"Hmmm," came the reply. "When Skylar turned up missing, Tara called looking for you and your boss told her you were too busy to come to the phone. Now why would he say something like that?" Billie asked.

Seth shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me," he replied, not wanting to tell his mother he had been reprimanded at work for the overwhelming number of phone calls he had been receiving from girls.

"Oh well... Damn! I'm going to be late for my 9:00 a.m. meeting if I don't get moving." she exclaimed, looking at her watch. Walking once more over to her son, she leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. "I guess I'll see you tonight then sweetie," she said.

"Okay, Mom. Have a good day," Seth replied to his mother's retreating back.

Seth rose from the table and pulled open the refrigerator door. Standing there for several minutes with the door wide open, he finally settled on the orange juice which he retrieved and drank directly from the carton before putting it back. Grabbing the milk, he closed the refrigerator and set the carton on the table before going to the pantry to decide on which cereal he wanted for breakfast. Just then, the phone rang.

"Hello?" Seth answered in his man-boy voice.

"Hey, Seth. Steve here. Are your moms gone yet?" asked his best friend.

"Yeah, finally!" he said, and exasperated tinge to his response.

"Cool! Are you ready for Friday night?" Steve asked.

"I.... suppose so," Seth said haltingly.

"You're not going to chicken out on us, are you, Seth?" Steve warned.

"No, I guess not," Seth replied, adding after a short pause, "... you know, our parents are going to kill us."

"IF we get caught. Are you forgetting they're supposed to go out together Friday night?" Steve explained.

"Yeah, I remember. Did Timmy get the stuff?" Seth asked.

"His older brother is getting it for him. We're supposed to meet him in the graveyard Friday around seven. Okay?" Steve replied.

"Okay. Look, man, I'm gonna be late for work. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later, all right?" Seth said.

"Sounds good! Catcha later!" Steve answered before hanging up.

Seth rehung the phone on the wall and stared at it for long moments... his conscience getting the best of him. You are such a mama's boy! a voice nagged at him. Furrowing his brow, he shook the offending intruder off and nodded his head. "We'll see about that," he said out loud. "We'll just see."


"Tare? Tare, wake up," Skylar said as she shook her sister awake.

"Go away!" Tara replied, swatting at the hands that were prodding her into awareness.

"Come on, Tara. It's almost ten o'clock. It's Wednesday. We always go to the mall on Wednesdays," the little girl whined.

Tara rolled over and looked at her little sister. "You are a real pain in the ass, you know that?" she said.

"I'm telling Mama you said ass!" Sky replied.

"Well -- so did you," Tara pointed out as she rolled over, pulling the covers over her head once more.

"Yeah, but you said it first!" Skylar exclaimed.

Sitting up quickly, she threw her covers off and grabbed the front of Skylar's shirt, pulling their faces close together. "So what?" she challenged. "Ass! There! I said it again. Ass, ass, ass, ass, ass!!" Releasing her sister, she flung herself back down onto the bed. "Aarrgghh! Why did God make little kids anyway?" she shouted.

Undaunted, Skylar continued her begging. "Come on, Tara. I wanna go to the mall."

Tara continued to ignore her.

"I bet 'Rissa's up and ready to go," the little girl said.

Looking at her sister, she threw her hands up and said, "All right! I'll get up. You're gonna nag me all morning if I don't, aren't you?"

"Yep," Sky replied.

"Ughhhh. I hate mornings," Tara commented as she threw her legs over the side of the bed. Looking up at Skylar, who stood there visually urging her sister to hurry up, she said, "Go make yourself useful and call 'Rissa. Tell her we'll be ready in about 20 minutes."

Happy to do her idol's bidding, Skylar scampered off to the living room to make the call while Tara dragged herself out of bed. Walking over to the full-length mirror on her closet door, she stood there and took in her appearance. Shaking her head side to side, she thought, Why do I have to be so ugly? Look at me! My hair sucks, my skin sucks, my body sucks! Christ! I even have boobs! I hate them! Why couldn't I be a guy? They've got it made!

After choosing what she was going to wear that day (a relatively easy choice considering all she wore were baggy jeans and T-shirts), she carried her clothes to the bathroom where she planned to put them on after taking her shower. After using the toilet, she stood up and glanced down into the bowl, her eyes widening with surprise and disgust. "SHIT!!!" she exclaimed. "Shit! Shit! Shit! That's just what I need!" She was dreading this day, and hoping it would never come. At 14, she was well behind most of her friends, and just assumed that it would never happen.

Skylar came running into the room. "Tare, 'Rissa will be over in about ten minutes...." the girl said before following her sister's gaze into the bowl. "Ahhhhh," she screamed. "Tara, you're bleeding! Call Mama -- quick before you die!"

Why are little kids so dumb? Tara wondered, shaking her head. "Sky... Sky, will you calm down! I'm not bleeding to death!"

"But there's blood in there!" Skylar said, pointing to the bowl.

"Yeah -- Lucky me!" replied Tara. "Shit! Now I'm gonna have to walk around all day feeling like I'm wearing a diaper!" she added as she began rummaging through the supplies under the bathroom sink. "Where are they?" the asked out loud.

"Where are what?" Skylar asked.

"The pads," Tara answered.

"You mean like the pads of paper we use for school?" Skylar questioned.

Tara stopped in her tracks and stared at her sister in disbelief before returning to her search. After long unsuccessful moments, she gave up and paged Cat at work. "Ma? This is Tara," she spoke into the phone when Cat returned the page.

"Hi honey. Is everything all right? Your sister didn't run off again, did she?" Cat asked.

"No, she's right here. Ma, I've got a problem... I need some help finding....," Tara began.

"What is it sweetheart? Are you okay?" Cat asked nervously.

"I'm fine. Ma, I need some pads," the teenager explained.

Several seconds of silence passed before Cat responded. "Pads... As in sanitary napkins?" she asked.

"Yes," Tara answered, humiliated beyond belief.

"You started your period?!" Cat asked excitedly.

"Say it a little louder, Ma... I don't think they heard you in the ER!" Tara exclaimed.

"Oh my god! My little girl is growing up!" Cat gushed.

"Ma!.... Ma! The pads?" Tara asked impatiently.

"Of course. There's a box under the sink in my bathroom. Help yourself, honey," Cat said.

"Thanks," Tara said, in a hurry to get off the phone before her mother embarrassed her even more. "Look, Ma, 'Rissa and I are taking Sky to...." Tara started.

"Do you feel all right, honey? Do you want me to come home?" Cat asked. "I mean, do you have cramps or anything? Maybe you should take a couple of Tylenol before they set in," she recommended.

"Ma... I'm fine -- really! All I need is a pad," she exclaimed.

"Well, maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones and not have cramps," Cat continued.

"Ma, I gotta go. 'Rissa is waiting for us to go to the mall," Tara said.

"Okay. Well then, have a good day, and take care of your sister, okay? Oh, and Tara..... Now that you're becoming a young lady, Mom and I need to have a talk with you some time soon, all right?" Cat asked.

Oh groan!!! Tara agonized internally. "Okay, Ma. I'll see you when you get home. Bye!" she said, trying desperately to get off the phone.

Tara quickly hung up the phone before Cat could say anything else, then ran into her mothers' bathroom to get what she needed. On her way back to the common bathroom, the phone rang once more.

"Hello?" Tara said into the receiver.

"Hi sweetheart, it's Mom," Billie replied. "Mama just called. I understand you have some news for me?"

"Mom!!! Christ! Has she called the TV and radio stations about it too?" Tara exclaimed. "I started my period. It's no big deal!

Billie chuckled. "She is just a bit enthusiastic about it, isn't she?"

"Mom, this is humiliating. I really hate this!" she whined.

Well, get used to it sweetling ... you've got about 40 or so years to put up with it," Billie deadpanned.

"Well that sure makes me feel better!" Tara exclaimed, causing Billie to chuckle once more.

"Did Mama tell you to take some Tylenol for the cramps?" Billie asked.

"Yes, Mom, she did... but I feel fine," Tara replied.

"Well take some anyway -- sometimes the cramps don't start right away," Billie said.

"Mom... Mama said something about a talk.... do we have ta?" Tara whined once more.

"Yeah, we do. Honey, you need to know how to be smart and safe. I promise we'll make it short, okay?" Billie compromised.

"Oh, all right. Look, 'Rissa and I are taking the runt to the mall, so I gotta go jump in the shower. I'll see you when you get home, okay?" she told her mother.

"Okay sweetheart.... and by the way -- congratulations!" Billie said.

"For what? Becoming a routine blood donor? If I wanted to do that, I'd visit the Red Cross!" Tara said, laughing at her own joke. "Bye, Mom," she said before hanging up the phone.


"Jen? Jen... what are you cooking for dinner?" Fred called to his wife from his recliner.

"Nothing!" came the reply.

Fred's head snapped around. "What do you mean, nothing? Did you order pizza?" he asked.

"Nope!" Jen replied.

"Take out?" came the next question.

"Nope... nadda... nothing. I'm on strike," she explained.

Fred rose from his chair and walked toward the kitchen. Leaning against the door-frame separating the kitchen from the living room, he crossed his arms and looked at his wife. "You're joking, right?" he asked.

"No, I'm not," she said, mirroring his stance.

"Jen, do you feel all right? It's not like you to act this way," he said.

"Well, Fred, just how am I suppose to act? Am I supposed to fix your meals, wash your clothes, clean your house and see to your every need? Is that how I'm supposed to act?" she asked.

"Well.... Yeah!" he replied. "Isn't that how you've always acted?" he added.

Jen just nodded. "I suppose it is, but you know what?... I'm tired of taking care of everyone and not being appreciated for it," she explained.

"What do you mean? We appreciate you," he replied.

"Maybe in your own way you do, but more than ever, I feel like I'm being taken for granted, Fred. I mean... look at your reaction just a few moments ago when I said I wasn't cooking dinner. You almost became unhinged. Honey, life has fallen into a mundane pattern of you going to work everyday and me staying home and being the good little housewife. It's expected that I will take care of everyone and never complain.... well, I'm tired of it. Fred, I want to get a job," she stated.

Fred raised his eyebrows. "A job?" he asked incredulously.

"Yes... a job," Jen said adamantly.

"And... just what kind of job do you think you can get?" he asked.

Indignation kicked in. Placing her hands on her hips, Jen looked her husband square in the face. "You say that as if I have no skills at all. Are you forgetting that I DID go to college? Are you forgetting that I have a degree in elementary education? Look, Fred. I've already checked with the school, and they are willing to hire me on as a full time, paid, teacher's aid. After I re-certify, I could even be promoted to teacher as soon as there's an opening," she explained.

Panic began to set in. "Jen, be reasonable about this. Who will take care of us if you go to work?" Fred asked.

"We all will, Fred. Don't you see? Steve and Karissa are both in high school. They don't need me to be home for them after school any more. We could all pitch in to keep the house clean, do the laundry and make the meals. Fred, with today's economy, most households require two incomes. Wives going to work is more the norm in today's society than staying home... especially when there are no small kids to stay home for," she continued.

"But Jen... you don't have to work. I make enough to support all of us," Fred tried to reason.

Approaching her husband, she took his face between her hands and kissed him gently. "Honey, this isn't about your ability to support us. You've done a wonderful job at that. This is about me feeling fulfilled, about feeling like I'm independent. Can't you understand that?" she asked gently.

"But.... but....," he stammered.

"Look, Fred, put yourself in my shoes. Your wife works all day, pays all the bills, takes care of everyone financially, while you stay home, clean, cook and then sit around doing nothing for the rest of the day while the kids are at school and all your friends are at work. Your wife comes home at night... you wait on her hand and foot... cook her meals, do her dishes, iron her clothes for work the next day. Now consider doing that day after day for nearly 20 years. Think about it Fred. Do you think you'd be ready for a change?" Jen asked.

Fred's brow furrowed with thought. "Has it really been that bad, Jen?" he asked sadly.

Jen smiled. "No. It's hasn't been bad at all. But the kids are both teenagers now. They don't need a full time nanny. It's time they start learning how to take care of themselves. I want to feel more productive, Fred. I'm going to accept the position at the school," she stated.

Fred held her gaze for several moments. Finally, he nodded and said, "Okay, Jen. I'll support you in this. Yeah... we can give it a trial run. It's going to be very different, but I can see how much this means to you."

"A trial run?" Jen said hotly. "Fred, there's something you don't understand. This is my decision - not yours. There is nothing 'trial' about it. I really appreciate your willingness to be supportive Fred, but don't patronize me by pretending to go along with it, thinking you'll make the final decision on how permanent this becomes," she finished.

"Well excuse me, little 'Miss Career Woman!" Fred retorted sarcastically. "Don't let me stand in your way!"

"Look Fred, I know this upsets you, but you'll see in time that it's a good thing. It's something I really need to do for myself," Jen said, making one final attempt at placating her upset husband.

"All right! All right, Jen. I'll do what I can to support you," he said, trying hard to make peace with his wife. Then, grinning ear to ear, he added, "Well, I think I'm going to need some cooking lessons if you expect me to help with dinner from now on! Maybe I can even get one up on Billie at our next cookout!" he said, eyes squinting mischievously.

"Oh yeah!!!" Jen said, nodding her head. "Good plan... good plan!"


"Well ladies, congratulations are in order. I've got a job!" Jen exclaimed as she let herself into her neighbor's kitchen.

Cat put down the spoon she had been using to stir a pot of beef stew, and turned to hug her friend. "Jen, that's wonderful news!" she exclaimed.

"So did Fred shit a brick when you told him?" Billie grinned as she set the last plate on the table before joining the group hug.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," Jen replied. "He wasn't too happy about it at first," she explained, "but once I made him realize he had no choice in the matter, he changed his mind, and he's now being quite supportive."

"Very cool!" Cat added. "So, fill us in.... what's the job -- when do you start?"

"Teacher's aid at the elementary school. I start the first day of the fall semester.... that's about six weeks away. I am so excited I could burst!" Jen exclaimed, helping herself to a taste of the stew. "Hmmmm, this is good!" she added.

"So, how did this all come about?" Billie asked.

"I refused to cook dinner last night. I told him I was on strike," she explained.

"You didn't!" Cat replied.

"I did! It's amazing just how fragile the male ego is. We had a long talk about wanting to work, versus having to work... and about me feeling more like an unappreciated maid and caretaker than anything else. When he put himself in my shoes, he finally realized how I felt. Anyway, things are about to change in the Swenson household. I'm not so sure the kids are going to like it, but it's time they started to learn how to take care of themselves," Jen finished.

"Change... it's funny how people resist it," Billie commented. "Some change is inevitable. Change isn't always bad... sometimes it signals growth."

"I think people just become too comfortable with routines. Change adds a level of discomfort that isn't always pleasant to deal with," Cat explained.

"You might be right, but like Billie said, some change is inevitable. Learning to adapt is sometimes smarter than fighting it," Jen added.

"Okay... enough with this psychological crap!" Cat exclaimed. "Speaking of change, have you heard that we have a new lady living in this house?"

Jen looked back and forth between her friends. "Okay... don't tell me you two have gone kinky on me... tell me you're not a three-some!" she begged.

"No!!! No, I mean, we have a newly christened lady living here.... Tara!" Cat explained.

"She's gonna kill you for telling, Cat!" Billie warned.

"Tara?" Jen questioned. Seconds later, the light bulb came on. "Oh!!! I see! Karissa started almost a year ago. Time to have 'the talk'," she winced.

"Yeah, I know," Cat complained. "My biggest fear is that Tara knows more about it than we do!" she added, chuckling.

"Tara knows more about what?" Tara asked walking in on the conversation, followed closely by Karissa.

"Hey sweetie," Jen said. "Your moms were just telling me your big news."

"Ma!!!!" Tara cried. "Please tell me you didn't!" she begged, throwing her hands out to the sides.

Cat looked at her guiltily. Billie looked at Cat. Jen looked at the floor.

"Aarrgghh!!!" she screamed, stomping through the kitchen on her way to her room.

Karissa just shrugged her shoulders to the three adults and followed her friend.



"Hello?" Cat asked as she picked up the phone.

"Hi love. Honey, could I ask you to pick up the dry cleaning on the way home? I know it's out of your way, but it looks like I'll be running a bit late tonight," Billie asked.

"You haven't forgotten about dinner tonight have you, Billie?" Cat asked.

"No, I haven't. Actually, what I'm planning to wear is in that load of dry cleaning," she explained. "If you pick it up for me, it will save a little time."

"Okay. I can do that. What time do you expect to be home?" Cat asked.

"I should be there no later than 5:00 p.m.," Billie answered.

"All right. I'll see you then. I love you, sweetie," she quipped.

"Love you too, Cat. See you soon," came the reply.


"Tara! Tara, honey, come up here please," Cat yelled down the cellar stairs.

Tara scampered up the stairs, followed directly by Karissa. "Yeah?" she asked when she reached the top.

"Okay, sweetie... here's the number for the restaurant we'll be going to, and the number to my beeper. If anything goes wrong, don't hesitate to use them, okay?" she instructed the teenager.

"Mom, you're just going out for dinner and a movie. We'll be fine!" Tara complained. "Geesh, you'd think I was still a kid or something!"

"Honey, you never know what could happen. I'll feel better knowing you can reach us in an emergency," Cat explained. Then, turning around in a circle she asked the girls, "How do I look?"

Cat was wearing a pair of form fitting, high-waisted blue jeans, black dingo boots and a lightweight black sweater that was open at the neck and came just below her denim waistline.

"You look very cool, Mom," Tara commented, "... but the jeans need to be baggier." Grinning at her own cleverness, she turned to Karissa and added, "Let's go back downstairs before Sky eats all the popcorn." Soon, the two teenagers had disappeared back down the stairs to the family room.

Cat raised her eyebrows at the retreating teenagers just as Billie came down the stairs wearing a blue pin striped business suit.

"Aren't you going to get dressed for dinner?" she asked Cat. "We're running out of time."

"You're going dressed like that?" Cat asked incredulously.

"Well, of course. I always dress like this for business," Billie explained. "Come on... you'll make us late. We're meeting them at 6:00 p.m.!"

Cat placed her hands on her hips and furrowed her brow. "Business? Billie.... just who do you think we're having dinner with?" Cat asked.

"Shannon and Julie Nash... I told you about them... remember -- the ones with the seven year old daughter and the custody battle. We're meeting them at Trader Dukes at 6:00 p.m. to discuss their case," Billie said.

Seeing the confused look on Cat's face caused momentary panic to set in. "Caaaatttt....," she drawled. "I told you about this Tuesday night!"

Cat shook her head. "Billie... We were out searching for our daughter all evening and half the night on Tuesday. You did not tell me about this. Don't you think I would remember something like that?" she asked irritably.

"Well, you'd better hurry and change your clothes. We're going to be late," Billie replied.

"Billie! We can't meet your clients tonight. We made a date with Jen and Fred for dinner and a movie... remember?" Cat explained.

Now it was Billie's turn to furrow her brow. "Shit!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "Damn! Cat... I forgot all about it!" she said in her own defense.

Cat approached her wife and took her face between her hands. "Honey, I'm sure the fiasco we went through with Skylar Tuesday night caused a momentary lapse of memory. That's understandable," she said.

Billie placed her hands on her hips. "Now what?" she asked. "Cat, I can't cancel the meeting on such short notice. Hell... they're probably on their way to the restaurant already!" she said.

Cat sighed deeply. "Well... do we both have to go to the meeting?" she asked.

Billie chewed on her bottom lip. "I suppose not," she replied. "... however, I did say we'd both be there."

Cat knew how important Billie's job was to her. Billie was in heaven when she was totally absorbed in a case. Cat loved to see the look of intense concentration and devotion on her face whenever she was caught up in research on the Internet at home. Billie truly loved her job, and Cat knew how important her image was to her clients. The decision was easy... she would call Jen and Fred, and reschedule their date.

"Hello, Jen?" Cat said into the receiver. "Jen, we have a conflict, and I'm afraid we'll have to reschedule our date for tonight. No... no, everyone is fine... it's just a business conflict with a couple of Billie's clients. I'm really sorry to drop this on you at the last minute," Cat apologized. "Okay, Jen. Our apologies to Fred too. All right -- let's make plans for next Friday. Okay. We'll talk to you later. Love ya! Bye," Cat finished, seeing the look of regret written all over Billie's face as she hung up the phone.

Taking Cat by the shoulders, Billie looked her directly in the face. "Cat, I'm sorry about this. I thought for sure I told you... obviously I didn't. I'll apologize directly to Jen tomorrow," she said.

Cat smiled at her wife. "Well.... I guess I'd better put something on that's a little more formal, huh?" she shrugged.

Nodding gratefully, Billie replied, "Yeah, I guess so." She kissed Cat lightly on the nose, then leaned her forehead against the smaller woman's. "Thank you, Cat," she said.

"You're welcome. I'd better hurry... we're going to be late," she replied as she returned Billie's kiss of affection, then headed to the stairs.


"Seth! Steve! Over here!" called the raspy voice from behind a tall gravestone.

Seth and Steve made their way stealthily toward their friend.

"Timmy... why in hell did we have to meet in a graveyard of all places?" exclaimed Seth.

"Because no one would ever think to look for us here!" Timmy replied.

"You aren't afraid, are ya?" teased Steve.

Seth shot a dirty look at his friend. "Knock it off, all right? It just seems kind of weird, that's all," he said.

"Did you get the stuff?" Steve asked Timmy.

"Yeah, it's right here," Timmy answered, bending over to retrieve a bag propped up against the stone. The sound of glass clanging against glass reverberated through the dark night as Timmy lifted the bag.

"Cool! Give it over!" Steve demanded, reaching for the bag.

"Hey.... not so fast!" exclaimed Timmy. "Let's find a spot to sit where we can't be seen from the road."

The three friends moved silently between the gravestones, being careful to tuck themselves out of sight when cars drove by illuminating portions of the area with their headlights. Finally, they made their way to the top of a long stairway that led to the lower levels of the cemetery.

"This looks like a good place," Timmy remarked, sitting on the top step. "It's pretty far from the road. The only way someone will see us is if they drive right through the graveyard."

"Okay. Let's have some," Steve said, sitting down next to the other boy.

Timmy and Steve both looked up at Seth. "Well? Are you going to join us?" Timmy asked.

Seth looked at his friends warily, shifting from one foot to the other. He really didn't want to be there at that moment, but he feared looking like a scared baby in front of his friends, so he shrugged his shoulders and sat down next to Steve, looking on while Timmy pulled three bottles out of the bag. Soon, all three boys were sitting there, each cradling a bottle of Wild Rose Irish Whiskey.

Timmy unscrewed the cap from his bottle and held it to his nose. "Phew! Man! That smells really strong!" he exclaimed, bringing the bottle to lips and allowing a small sip to enter his mouth. Jimmy's eyes grew wide at the burning sensation that filled his senses. Forcing himself to swallow, he immediately started coughing, his face turning beet red before finally regaining control. Looking up at his friends, he forced a smile onto his lips. "Wow! That's good stuff!" he lied. "What are you waiting for? Drink up!" he added.

Steve and Seth looked doubtfully at the red hue on their friend's face, and slowly removed the caps from their own bottles, neither one wanting to look like a wuss to the other. Steve grinned nervously at Seth as he took a drink, immediately duplicating Jimmy's coughing fit from a few minutes earlier. "Jimmy's right! This stuff is good!" Steve said in a raspy voice, thanking the gods that he wasn't Pinocchio.

Following suit, Seth reluctantly drank from his own bottle, trying with all his might not to choke as the burning liquid ran down his throat. Seconds later, it hit his stomach like a blowtorch. Seth's eyes flew open as the inferno raged inside his gut. Rising to his feet, he paced back and forth, trying to maintain his tough guy image as the intoxicating liquid started to turn his legs to jelly. Moments later, the fire had cooled as he rejoined the others on the steps. A goofy grin spread across his face as he turned to look at his friends.

Before long, the three boys were holding half-empty bottles in their hands, giggling like school girls, and nudging each other's shoulders. Seth's head bobbed side to side as he struggled to control his reflexes. Why are Stevie and Timmy so far away? he thought, as he sat shoulder to shoulder with his friends. Seth tried hard to concentrate as his friends talked. The ringing in his ears was making it difficult for him to understand what they were saying. Reaching up, he brushed an errant lock from in front of his eyes, hitting his nose on the way by. "Hey! Guys!" he exclaimed. "I can't feel my face! I'm nub.... Ha! I said nub!!... I mean I'm numb!"

"Cool, man!" Timmy replied, his eyes nearly closed into small slits as he took another long swig from his bottle.

"Hey, Stevie, where ya going?" Seth said to his friend, who rose unsteadily to his feet.

"I gotta take a leak, dude!" Stevie replied, as he stumbled into the nearby bushes.

"Watch out... you might get poison ivy on your dick, man!" Timmy blurted out, laughing at his own humor.

"Eat shit and die, Timmy," Steve replied as he ventured deeper into the bushes.

While Steve was gone, Timmy turned to Seth. "This is really a rush, man. Wouldn't it be cool to be wasted like this in a boat? I mean... you have a hard enough time standing up in a boat when yer straight, never mind drunk!"

"I'm not drunk!" Seth exclaimed, jumping to his feet and nearly falling down the stairs from total lack of balance. Catching himself on the railing, he stood tall and puffed out his chest, weaving side to side. "See! I'm perfekly fine," he slurred, losing his balance once more and landing clumsily on the step beside Timmy.

Moments later, Stevie rejoined his friends on the steps. "Did someone say something about a boat?" he asked, his face a mere fraction of an inch from Seth's.

"Geesh, Steve... your breath smells like dead fish. Get outta my face!" Seth exclaimed, pushing his friend away with just enough force to send Steve sliding down the stairs, his butt hitting the edge of each step as he slid. When he reached the bottom, he just sat there, whiskey bottle still intact, and looked up at his friends at the top. "Whoa!!!" he said. "That was way cool!"

Seth and Timmy just looked at each other and burst out laughing. Wobbling to their feet, they made their way down the stairs, taking two at a time at break-neck speed, nearly falling over themselves in the process. When they reached the bottom, they helped Steve to his feet. To their surprise, there was a rapidly growing blood stain on the back of Steve's trousers.

"Whoa, dude!" Timmy exclaimed. "You're bleeding, man!"

"Where?" Stevie replied, trying desperately to look behind him.

"On your butt!" replied Seth, who was trying very hard to hold in a laugh.

"On my butt? Wonnerful!" Steve said. "Funny... it doesn't hurt!?" he said in amazement.

"We could have my mom look at it for you. You might need stitches," Seth offered.

"No way man! Your mom is not looking at my butt! How would you like my mom to look at your butt?" he asked.

Seth looked at his friend like he had been slapped in the face. "That's cold, Steve... way cold! I get your point, dude," he replied, totally understanding his friend's reluctance to let his mom look at his butt.

"Well then, what are we gonna do about it?" Timmy asked as he took his final drink and threw the bottle into the bushes.

"I gotta either take you home or to the hospital, man," Seth said to Steve.

"Home. I'm not letting some cute nurse chick look at my butt either!" Steve explained.

"Okay.... now if I can just remember where I parked my car...." Seth mused.


"May I help you ladies?" inquired the hostess.

"Yes. We're meeting someone here for dinner... Nash? Shannon Nash?" Billie supplied.

The hostess looked at her reservation book, then smiled up at the ladies. "Nash. Yes, follow me," she instructed.

With a hand on the small of Cat's back, Billie guided the smaller woman through the maze of tables as they followed the hostess to an alcove near the back of the room. There, waiting for them, were Shannon and Julie Nash. Shannon immediately rose to her feet as Billie and Cat approached. Extending her hand, she shook Billie's firmly. "Billie," she said.

"Shannon... Julie," Billie said, looking at the seated woman while shaking Shannon's hand. Retrieving her hand, she wrapped her arm around Cat's shoulder and stepped behind her. Looking around at Cat, she made the introductions. "Cat, I'd like you to meet Shannon and Julie Nash. Ladies, this beautiful creature here is my wife, Caitlain... Cat for short."

Cat smiled broadly as she extended her hand to the ladies.

Shannon took her hand first. "Shannon Nash. It's so nice to meet you. When Billie said you were beautiful, that was quite an understatement!" the client exclaimed.

Billie narrowed her eyes.

Cat beamed, her face flush with embarrassment. "Stop it now... you're making me blush!" she said. Then, turning her attention to the woman still seated at the table, she extended her hand once more. "You must be Julie," Cat said.

Julie smiled. "That would be me," she said. "Have a seat. It's so nice to meet you," Julie added.

Before Billie could reach it, Shannon held out the chair for Cat and gently pushed it under her as she settled herself in. Cat looked up and smiled broadly. "Thank you!" she quipped lightly.

Shannon bowed at the waist. "My pleasure," she said before walking around the table to sit next to Julie.

Billie narrowed her eyes once more as she sat in the last available chair next to Cat.

As soon as Billie was seated, the waiter approached the table and took their drink order, leaving them with menus to peruse while he retrieved their beverages.

"Billie, I'd like to apologize again for inconveniencing you like this. I have been extremely busy at work lately and I just couldn't break away to meet with you at the office. I hope you'll accept this dinner as our way of thanking you for being so flexible," Shannon recited.

Billie nodded. "As a rule, I don't meet personally with clients, Shannon. I learned that lesson several years ago. However, I have a particular yen for cases like yours. I detest prejudice, pure and simple... especially when it's homophobic in nature. For that reason, I decided to bend the rules a bit," Billie explained.

"Well, we certainly do appreciate it, don't we honey," Shannon replied, looking at Julie who just nodded.

Cat looked back and forth between the women. Somewhere in the back of her mind, it bothered her that Julie seemed so passive compared to Shannon. She decided to find something out about the two ladies.

"Shannon," Cat said. "You mentioned being very busy at work. What kind of work do you do?"

Shannon put her menu down and smiled brightly at Cat. "I'm a marketing executive for a national advertising firm. I work out of a local office in the downtown area," she explained.

"I see," Cat replied. "How about you? What keeps you busy all day?" Cat asked Julie.

Julie laughed. "I'm a domestic engineer... better known as a housewife. Our daughter Kacie keeps me hopping," she replied.

Cat liked Julie. She could see the sparkle in her eye as she talked about her daughter.

"Billie told me a little something about your case. How old is your daughter?" she asked Julie.

"Kacie is seven.... going on twenty," Julie answered. "I never would have imagined that one child could be such a handful!" she exclaimed.

"You should try three!" Cat replied.

"Three!!?" Julie exclaimed. "Gosh, I'd be losing my mind! How old are they?"

"Well, Seth is 16, Tara is 14 and Skylar is 9," Cat answered.

Shannon immediately interrupted the conversation. "Sixteen!!! No way! You can't possibly be old enough to have a sixteen year old child!" she exclaimed.

"Actually, Billie is Seth's biological mother and the two girls are mine, although you'd never know it by the way they act. Tara is so much like Billie, it isn't funny!" Cat chuckled.

Billie leaned over and took Cat's hand. Bringing it up to her lips, she kissed the back of it, then looked Cat in the face. "And Seth is exactly like you, my love," she said, shooting a sideways glance smugly at Shannon.

Cat smiled back and nodded in agreement.

"So what keeps you busy, Cat?" Julie asked.

"She's a doctor," Billie said proudly.

"Actually, I'm an anesthesiologist," Cat replied.

"Wow! I'm impressed!" Julie said. "How do you have time for a job like that, plus three kids?" she asked.

Now it was Cat's turn to reach for Billie's hand. "Well," she said, looking at Billie, "Billie and I pretty much share the workload evenly, and the kids are pretty good about picking up after themselves. Oh... and we have a wonderful neighbor named Jen who has saved our butts on several occasions. I don't know what we'd do without her," Cat explained.

"It sounds like you have a wonderful life," Julie said wistfully.

"It's more than wonderful," Cat replied.

"Well, with your help, Billie, maybe our lives will improve as well," Shannon remarked.

"There is always a loser in a case like this Shannon," Billie replied. "I really hate fighting cases based on emotional issues. Legally, this is an open and shut case - the law is clearly on your side. Emotionally, it will cause deep wounds... the child may lose a set of grandparents, who probably love her very much," Billie replied, leading the rest of the evening's conversation toward the legal case at hand.


"Did you hear that?" Jen asked.

"Hear what?" Fred replied around a mouthful of medium-rare steak.

"I just heard my name. Someone just said something about a wonderful neighbor named Jen. Didn't you hear it?" Jen asked again.

"Umph... no, I didn't," he replied, still chewing.

Jen strained her neck to look in the direction she thought she heard her name come from. "I know I heard it!" she exclaimed as she finally spotted the table in the alcove. There at the table, she saw four women. The two with their backs to her looked vaguely familiar. They looked very much like they were engaged in lively conversation, laughing, and smiling. The woman with short dark hair almost appeared to be flirting with one of the women, while the blonde at her side smiled and chatted amicably. Suddenly, the two women with their backs to Jen, turned to look at each other.

"Oh... My... God!" Jen exclaimed in a hoarse voice to Fred. "That's Billie and Cat over there!"

"Where?" Fred asked.

"Over there!" she pointed, trying hard not to be noticed by the two women. "So that's why they broke our date?" she rasped. "It doesn't look like a business meeting to me!" she exclaimed. "It looks like Billie and Cat have bigger fish to fry than us, Fred!" she added, hurt filling her voice.

Fred reached out to pat his wife's hand. "Jen, now don't go jumping to conclusions," he said, looking over at the women and seeing them all laugh suddenly. He had to admit that the little gathering at the other table really didn't look like a business meeting.

"So much for best friends," she said sadly. "I want to go home."

Fred looked at his wife incredulously. "But Jen! We just got here. They just barely delivered our meals!" he exclaimed.

"We'll ask for doggy bags. Fred... I really don't want them to see us," she explained.

"Jen... for crying out loud! Oh all right!" he said after seeing the hurt expression on his wife's face. "I guess it would be kind of awkward if they saw us here."

Jen reached out and touched the side of Fred's face. "Thanks, hon," she said as she called the waiter over.


"Billie! Did you see that?" Cat exclaimed.

"See what?" Billie replied, trying to maneuver the car through the dark city streets.

"Up there, in the cemetery," Cat replied. "I thought I saw something."

"Cat, who in their right minds would be in the cemetery at 10:00 p.m.? I think you're seeing things," Billie said.

Cat turned back around in her seat and folded her hands in her lap. "Maybe," she mumbled.

"So, what did you think of Shannon and Julie?" Billie asked.

"I really liked Julie. She's kind of quiet though," Cat observed.

"Well, with Shannon around, I'm surprised she got a word in edgewise," Billie remarked.

Cat looked over at her wife. "Do I sense that you don't like Shannon very much?" she asked.

Billie grinned sheepishly at Cat, then chuckled to herself. "It's not that I don't like her, Cat... it's... well, it's the fact that she was openly flirting with you that I didn't appreciate," she explained.

Cat was flabbergasted. "She did not!" Cat exclaimed.

"Oh yes she did. 'When Billie said you were beautiful, that was quite an understatement!'" Billie mocked. "'You can't possibly be old enough to have a sixteen year old child!'" she mocked again.

"Why, Billie Charland... I do declare you're jealous!" Cat said in her best Grandma Mel voice.

"Yer damned right I am!" Billie replied as Janice Covington, causing the two women to break down into laughter that lasted the rest of the way home.


Continued in Part 2.

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