~ You Can Choose Your Friends, But... ~
by kd bard


COPYRIGHT: Xena Warrior Princess and Gabrielle, and all related characters, are the property of MCA/Universal and are used here without permission. No copyright infringement implied or intended. Billie and Cat are my creations, Copyright by kd bard. The leading ladies resemble our two X:WP heroines. Character or name resemblance to 'real' people currently living or dead is completely coincidental. Download it, print it out and share it if you'd like, but be sure to include the disclaimers.

SUBTEXT: This story is about two women who are committed to a caring and loving relationship. Sex is part of that relationship, but not the focus. This story does contain some mildly graphic sex scenes. If this type of love offends you, if you are under 18 yrs. old, or if love is illegal where you live, climb aboard the anti-subtext train and get outta town.


TIME LINE/CONTINUITY: This is the fourteenth installment in a modern day Uber-Xena series, starting with "The 'Commitment'" and followed by "A Family in Blood," "Personal Preferences," "Fighting City Hall," "Visions in Paradise," "What's In A Name?," "Promise Me Paradise," "While I Was Gone ...," "Unchained Memories," "Happy Campers - NOT!," "At Loose Ends," "On Solid Ground" and "Sweet Angel." The complete series can be found on my home page at http://homepages.together.net/~warriorx/WebPage.htm. Since this is a continuous series, there are events mentioned within that will not make much sense if you haven't read them all in order.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I strongly believe that love is love, regardless of how it is packaged, so please don't flame me for believing in something so wonderful. All flames will be immediately extinguished by a tour through the city's sewer pipes, however, I do beg for constructive criticism. Send all feedback to warriorx@together.net. A very big thanks to those of you who took the time to find my booboo's ... you know who you are! I really appreciate it. Finally, a big thank you to those who graciously host my stories and provide a forum for my expression. kd :-)

SPECIAL NOTE: Thanks to Melissa Etheridge for unknowingly allowing me to shamelessly use her little secret. Thanks Melissa!

You Can Choose Your Friends, But...

By: kd bard

Started 06/09/99

Finished 07/10/99

Part 2


When the ladies finally rolled out of bed at 9:30 that morning, they woke to a relatively quiet house. Doc and Ida had left moments earlier to meet Bridget's 10 am flight. They had agreed the day before to share airport duties among them to minimize the number of times the same person would have to make the trip. Mel and Janice planned on meeting Amy and her family at noon, and Cat and Billie were on the hook to pick Drew up at 3 pm.

Meandering through the quiet house, the three ladies made their way to the kitchen, where Maggie was starting preparations for the crew that would be there at lunch time.

"Good morning, Maggie," Cat said as they entered the kitchen.

Turning around, Maggie eyed the three women. It was obvious that they had just gotten out of bed.

Hands on her hips, she exclaimed, "Land sakes! The day is nearly over, and here y'all are just getting out of bed. Why, in my day, I'd have a full day's work in by now!" she scolded. "Sit you down at the table and I'll fetch the coffee."

Laurel looked a little fearfully at the small woman who had threatened her and Ida with a meat cleaver the night before.

Billie just grinned and caught Maggie in a bear hug. "Come here, woman!" she said, hugging her tightly.

Maggie wiggled herself free from Billie's embrace and swatted the taller woman on the bottom. "Why you insolent little pup! Get your butt over there right now, or no breakfast for you!" she warned.

Billie laughed and placed a kiss on Maggie's cheek. "At least let me help with the coffee, okay?" she said.

"You aren't gonna go away less'n I let you help, are ya?" she said, looking at Billie with mock indignation.

"Nope!" Billie replied, grabbing four mugs from the cupboard and filling them with the rich dark liquid. She carried two of them to the table and placed them in front of Cat and Laurel, who were grinning from ear to ear at Billie's antics, then returned to the counter for the other two, grabbing them both in one hand, and circling Maggie's arm with the other. "Come on ... you're taking a coffee break with us," she said to the older woman.

Maggie looked up at the dark haired woman who towered nearly a foot over her and prepared to argue. Before she could get a word in edgewise, however, Billie lifted her eyebrow and said ... "I don't want to hear it! Now you get your butt over there and sit down!"

Maggie had lost the battle, and she knew it. Grumbling under her breath about 'kids today!', she shuffled over to the table and sat down with the women to enjoy her break.


An hour later, Cat and Laurel had gone into the flower garden to pick a bouquet for the dinning room table for that evening's dinner, while Billie kept Maggie company in the kitchen, leaning her tall frame against the edge of the counter, ankles crossed, sipping yet another mug of coffee. Suddenly, the house started filling up with people. First, Jim and Dylan returned from a horseback ride, entering the house through the kitchen.

"Hey, Sis!" Dylan said cheerfully, walking over to kiss Billie on the cheek. "Where's your better half?" he asked.

Billie smiled. "She's out in the garden with Mom, picking flowers for the dinning room. Did you have a nice ride?" she asked.

"Great!" he said. "I even got the old man out this morning, hey Dad?" he said, turning to look at his father.

Jim looked everywhere but at Billie. "Yeah," he mumbled, finally making eye contact with his stepdaughter.

Billie just raised her eyebrows at him, daring him to say more. He quickly looked away and excused himself to change his clothes.

Billie and Dylan watched him go. "Did he say anything to you about what happened?" Billie asked.

"Not directly. He doesn't realize that I know about it," Dylan replied.

"What do you mean, 'not directly'?" she asked.

"Well, he asked me what I thought about you and Cat, and Grandmas Mel and Jan. I think he was expecting me to condemn you for your 'lifestyle choices'," her brother explained.

Billie was a little disturbed by her brother's words. "Dyl, do you really think this is a matter of choice?" she asked in a slightly irritated voice.

"Whoa.. chill out, Sis. Those were his words, not mine. No, I don't think its a matter of choice ... no more than my attraction to women is," he replied.

"I'm sorry, Dyl," she said, running her hand through her hair, "So what did you tell him ... about us and the grandmothers?" Billie asked.

Dylan walked over to the counter and grabbed a cup, filling it with coffee. Placing a kiss on Maggie's cheek, he stole a cookie from the cooling tray in front of her. She swatted his hand, as he managed to get away with his prize. "Young whipper snapper!" she cussed, trying hard to hide the grin on her face.

"Well, I told him that I thought love was love. It didn't matter to me what the package looked like ... and it shouldn't matter to him," Dylan explained as he bit into the cookie. "Hey, these are good, Maggie!" he exclaimed drawing a cluck out of the woman at the far end of the kitchen.

"And ...?" Billie prompted.

"And nothing. He didn't say anything ... just kind of vegged out for the rest of the ride ... real quiet like," he replied.

Just then a commotion from the front of the house drew their attention.

"You take that critter outside this instant," said Mel firmly.

"Aw come on, Mel. Loosen your girdle and have some fun. It's just a snapping turtle!" Janice exclaimed as the kids fussed around the animal.

"For your information, Miss Smarty Pants, I don't wear a girdle, and you know it! Now stop changin' the subject!" Mel scolded.

Janice started walking toward Mel, holding the turtle out in front of her as she neared.

"Janice Covington, get that thing away from me!" she shouted as Tara and Skylar jumped up and down clapping at the show Janice was putting on for them. Seth left them to their fun and went to the kitchen.

Seeing her son enter the kitchen, Billie asked him about the commotion in the front hall.

"Oh, Grandma Jan is up to no good again. She's scaring Grandma Mel with a snapping turtle. Do I smell cookies?" he asked, sniffing the air.

Cat and Laurel came in from outside just as Seth was making his announcement. "A snapping turtle?" they said at the same time. "Good gods above, " Cat added as she headed for the front hall, followed by Billie, Laurel and Dylan, arriving just in time to see Mel nearly climb on top of the telephone table to get away from the creature.

"Janice Covington, I'm warnin' you!" she cried.

"Oh, come on, Mel. You have no qualms about touching a mummy, but you're afraid of a little turtle!" Janice exclaimed.

"Grams!" Cat exclaimed, coming up behind Janice causing her to jump, and drop the turtle onto Melinda's lap.

Mel screamed, and true to form, fainted.

"Seth," Billie called her son in from the kitchen. When he arrived, she instructed him to carry the turtle out to the edge of the woods and let it go, which he did, followed by his entourage of sisters, passing, Doc, Ida, Bridget, and Kevin on the way out.

"Good God, Scout, what have you got there?" Doc asked.

"Grandma Jan's secret weapon," he said, grinning.

Doc was a little puzzled until he looked into the front hall at the circle of people around an unconscious Melinda. Looking back at Seth, he said, "She fainted, huh?"

"Oh yeah," he said, nodding his head.

Doc smiled. "Well, you'd better get rid of that thing before Grams comes to and faints again," he noted as Seth continued his mission.

Looking back over his shoulder, he saw that he had picked up an even longer trail of followers as his three cousins joined the entourage. Girls! he thought as he led his little harem across the lawn.


"Grams, you know you really have to stop torturing poor Grandma Mel like that," Bridget scolded her grandmother. "One of these days, her heart is going to give out during one of your stunts."

Dylan, and Kevin managed to pick Mel up and carry her into the parlor where they gently laid her on the couch. After a few minutes, Doc proclaimed her 'properly fainted', and sent Billie into the kitchen to fetch a cold cloth for her head.

"But she's just so much fun to pick on. She's such a wuss sometimes!" Janice exclaimed defensively, "and besides, she'd think something was wrong if I didn't tease her," Janice reasoned.

While on her errand, Billie ran into Jim, who had come into the kitchen by the back stairway. She stopped dead in the doorway and locked eyes with her stepfather. "Jim," she said cordially.

"Billie," he replied, then went to the counter to retrieve a cup of coffee.

Billie went to the linen closet in the corner of the kitchen and retrieved a cloth. Carrying it over to the sink, she saturated it with cold water and wrung it out. Turning to go, she was intercepted by Jim, who intentionally stood in her path.

"Ah, Billie," he said nervously, not looking directly at her. "About last night," he choked out.

"Forget it Jim. I don't want your apologies ... I want your tolerance. Until you're ready to give me that, we have nothing to talk about," she said.

Jim took a step back and looked her in the eye. "I can't," he said.

"All right, look ... you can think and feel any damned way you want, but I won't tolerate any more rude treatment of my wife. Is that understood?" Billie asked forcefully, her nose barely inches from Jim's.

Jim stubbornly held her gaze and nodded in agreement.

"As long as we understand each other," Billie said through clenched teeth before brushing past him and heading back to the parlor.

Billie was fuming when she rejoined the others. After handing the cloth to Janice, she walked to the fireplace in three long strides and rested her forearm on the mantle, breathing hard with anger. Cat noticed her wife's agitated state and approached her, wrapping her arms around the tall woman's waist and hugging her tight. Billie lowered her arm from the mantle and enveloped the smaller woman in a bear hug.

Janice took the cloth and approached Mel's prone form on the couch. Kneeling on the floor next to her wife, she placed the cloth on Mel's forehead, then leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Come on, Mel. Wake up for me sweetheart," she said to the unconscious woman.

Mel started to stir. "Hmmm, Jan?" she said, shakily.

"Mel. Mel, honey, come on, wake up," Janice urged as she lightly tapped the side of Mel's face.

"Jan?" Mel said, slowing opening her eyes. "What happened?" she asked.

"My stupidity happened, Mel," Janice answered. Leaning in a little closer, she whispered in her wife's ear, "I'm sorry, Mel. I am so insensitive sometimes. I do love you ... you know that, don't you?" she asked.

Mel reached up and touched the side of Janice's face. "I know," she said, smiling.

"Nona, are you all right?" Laurel asked as she leaned over the back of the couch, touching the side of Mel's face with her palm.

"I'm all right, Sugar," Mel said to her daughter, taking Laurel's hand from her face and kissing it. Then, looking at Janice, she asked, "Did you get rid of that critter, Janice?"

Janice smiled. "Yes, Ma'am. Seth released it in the woods," she exclaimed.

"Good. Now, what does a girl have ta do to get a kiss around here?" she asked.

"Keep looking at me like that, and I'll do more than kiss you," warned Janice, raising her eyebrows up and down wickedly before leaning in to kiss her wife passionately.

All eyes turned to the doorway at the sound of someone clearing their throat, just in time to see the look of disgust on Jim's face before he turned and stomped away. Laurel rose from her position at the couch and made her apologies as she went after him.

Cat felt Billie's arms tighten around her as Jim stomped away. Looking up at her tall wife she said, "Talk to me, love."

Billie lowered her head until their foreheads touched. "I don't think he'll ever accept us, Cat. I'm so worried about him making Laurel's life miserable over it," she said. "We had a confrontation in the kitchen when I went after the cloth. He is just so close minded about this. There is no room in his heart for tolerance," Billie explained.

"There is always room for tolerance, love. We'll just have to help him find it," Cat replied confidently.

"If you can do that, you're a better woman than I am," Billie challenged.

"Well, that's a given!" Cat exclaimed.

Billie looked at her wife and grinned evilly. "Why you little devil!" she said. "I'll show you who the better woman is." Reaching down, she wrapped her arms around Cat's waist and lifted her up, throwing the smaller woman over her shoulder. Turning to Ida, she said, "We're supposed to pick Drew up at 3 pm. If we're not back by 2 pm, send someone up for us, okay?"

Smiles crossed every face as Billie carried a kicking and screaming Cat out of the parlor.

Kevin turned to Bridget and said, "Ah, Hon, do you know which room we're in?" Bridget blushed to the roots of her hair at the unspoken words behind his question.

"Hot Damn!" Janice exclaimed. "If we keep this up, we'll have the makings for an orgy!"

Mel, who had managed to struggle into a seated position by then, said, "Oh My," and fainted away once more.

"Ooops!" Janice said, covering her mouth with her hand.



Billie and Cat reemerged just before 1 pm. Walking into the kitchen, they found Janice at the table, reading the daily paper, while Mel and Laurel were decorating cookies with Maggie. Doc and Ida had volunteered to pick Amy and her family up at the airport considering Mel's unconscious state earlier.

Billie opened the refrigerator and retrieved two yogurts, handing one to Cat, who handed her a spoon, and a coy look, in return. Billie smiled back dropping a delicate kiss on Cat's lips before going over to hug her mother and grandmother.

"Those look good," she commented, eyeing the cookies while she opened her yogurt.

"You missed lunch. You must be hungry," commented Laurel.

Billie pulled out a chair and sat down. She tilted it back, balancing it on its back legs while she braced her foot against the table leg. "Nope, we ate!" she said, grinning wickedly at Cat, who had the decency to blush.

Janice chuckled under her breath at Billie's comment, while Mel joined Cat in her choice of facial colors.

Laurel looked blankly at Billie for a moment, until the gist of her daughter's comment sank in. When awareness came to her, she gasped and said, "For Christ's sake, Billie, do you have to talk like that?"

Billie spread her arms wide, yogurt in one hand, spoon in the other, as she plastered an innocent look on her face. "What!?" she exclaimed.

Maggie touched Laurel's arm and laughed. "Don't let it bother you, Miss Laurel. Heaven knows I've learned not to with Miss Janice around," she said, chuckling.

Janice looked up from her paper with the same innocent look on her face that Billie wore. "What!?" she asked.

"Hey there, is anyone home?" came a voice from the front vestibule.

Cat and Billie looked at each other and grinned. "Amy," they said in unison at the unmistakable sound of Amy's high-pitched voice.

"We're in the kitchen, darlin'," Mel called out, wiping her hands on her apron to greet her granddaughter.

Amy entered with a flourish, her bright yellow sundress swaying around her legs, large sunglasses perched on top of her red-gold head. "Hey, Hey, everyone!" she said excitedly, hugging and kissing Mel, Janice and Maggie before making her way to Cat and Billie. Bending down, she stole the bite of yogurt that was perched on Cat's spoon, before leaning down and kissing her full on the lips. "Hey, Sis! Umm, good yogurt!" she exclaimed before turning to Billie. "You're just as gorgeous as ever," she said, hugging her sister-in-law affectionately. "If you ever want to dump Red over there, give me a call, okay?"

Billie looked at Cat, grinning at Amy's bold manner.

Cat leaned in and said, "She takes after Grandma Jan!"

"I heard that!" Janice said, casting a proud, cocky look at Cat.

Amy quickly scanned the room to see if she forgot anyone. Spotting Laurel, she stopped dead in her tracks. By this time, Ida and Amy's husband, Joe had finally made it into the kitchen. Walking up to Laurel, she looked her right in the face and said, "You must be Aunt Laurel. Tall, Dark and Gorgeous over there, looks just like you. I'm Amy, Cat's oldest sister," she said, politely introducing herself, holding out her hand.

Laurel smiled. "Is that any way to greet a long lost Aunt. C'mere," she said, pulling her in for a hug.

Amy introduced Joe to Laurel then turned and looked around the room once more.

"All right, I know Bridget was scheduled to arrive before us ... so where is Mother Superior? Amy asked.

"Amy, do you have to start on your sister so early in the visit?" Ida complained.

"I'm sorry, Mama, but, well, Bridge is so uptight. The woman needs to loosen up -- enjoy herself more!" she explained.

"Amy...." Ida warned.

"All right ... All right! I'll be nice," she said. Turning to Cat, she asked, "Did she call you, whining about Kevin's fear of flying too?"

Cat grinned, remembering the conversation Billie and Kevin had on the topic just prior to a pretty passionate evening of lovemaking. Looking over at Billie, it was apparent that her wife was remembering the same thing as their eyes met in a knowing look.

"Amy!" Ida said sternly.

Amy winced as she threw her hands up. "Okay ... Okay!" she said, "but the question still stands ... where is Bridget?"

Mel answered. "She and Kevin took her girls and Cat's kids to the pond for a picnic."

"Kevin? Mr. Neanderthal went on a picnic?" she asked incredulously.

Once again, Cat smiled, recalling how she used that same adjective to describe her brother-in-law just a week ago.

Amy caught Ida's warning look once more. Smiling nervously, she turned to Joe and said, "Honey, maybe we should go unpack. I'm sure the girls have found their room by now and are probably making a mess of their own luggage."

Joe, who never ceased to be amazed at his wife's boldness, laughed and said, "That might be a good idea, love. I'll get the bags in the hall," he said, heading out of the kitchen.

"Later!" Amy said, throwing a wave over her shoulder as she followed her husband out.


An hour later, Cat and Billie left for the airport to meet Drew's plane. Back at the mansion, the noise level raised about 50 decibels as the eight grandchildren gathered around the patio table to enjoy a snack of cookies and KoolAid.

Bridget clucked around the children like a mother hen, making sure they were orderly and well behaved while enjoying their snack.

Amy stood by, wine cooler in hand, mildly agitated that the kids were being restrained so much. "Aw, come on Bridge, let them enjoy themselves ... they're on vacation for crying out loud!" she complained.

Bridget looked at her sister. "Amy, they'll just make a bigger mess if we leave them to their own devices," she said, "and my name is Bridget, not Bridge," she corrected her older sibling.

Dylan chose that moment to make his entrance.

"Wow! Who are you?" Amy asked, taking in his tall, blonde, good looks.

Dylan grinned, showing off his dimples. "Hi, I'm Dylan, Billie's brother," he said, extending his hand to Amy, and then Joe.

"Is everyone in your family so good looking?" Amy asked, causing Dylan to blush.

"Amy, how can you flirt like that in front of your husband?" Bridget scolded her sister. "I would never do that to Kevin."

"Bridget, I stopped being jealous of Amy's flirtatious ways a long time ago," Joe said. Then, looking at Dylan, he added, "She really is harmless, you know."

Amy elbowed her husband lightly in the ribs, causing him to chuckle. Then addressing her sister once more, she said, "Sis, there's a lot of things you wouldn't do to ... or probably with, Kevin!" she teased, causing her younger sister to blush indignantly. "By the way, were is the old redneck?"

"He's with Daddy , Jim and Grandma Jan, looking at the antique cars in the garage. He's quite the connoisseur when it comes to antique vehicles you know," Bridget bragged.

"You must be so proud," Amy said, her sarcasm completely lost on Bridget.

Dylan covered his mouth to hide a grin from Bridget. "In the garage, you say? Maybe I'll join them. Wanna come?" he asked Joe, who readily accepted. Excusing themselves, they left for the garage.

Laurel and Ida had been lounging by the pool, listening to the conversation between the sisters.

"Do they always act like that around each other?" Laurel asked.

"Since they were children," Ida replied. "Caitlain was the peacemaker in the family ... always breaking up fights between those two. Having four girls so close in age was quite a challenge," Ida explained.

"How old are they now?" Laurel asked.

Ida creased her brow and looked off into the distance. "Well, let's see, Amy is Billie's age, 34, Bridget is 33, Caitlain is 31, and Drew ... well, Drew was a bit of an afterthought ... Doc's attempt at having a son. She is almost 27. They were certainly a handful. Sometimes I wish I had raised boys!" Ida exclaimed.

"Well, Sis, boys aren't any easier. I remember when Dylan was six ...." Laurel recounted as the two women sat and exchanged horror stories about raising children that most certainly had to have come from the loins of Satan himself.


Cat waved her hand above her head. "Drew! Drew, over here!" she called.

The cute, pixie haired blonde smiled broadly, exposing deep dimples, as she too waved her hand above her head, acknowledging her sister. "Cat!" she exclaimed, bending over to hug the red head tightly after she fought her way through the airport crowd.

"Drew, sweetie, it's so good to see you," Cat said

Drew stood to her full 5'8" height, nearly a half-foot above Cat. "Where's my gorgeous sister-in-law Sis?" Drew asked, looking around for Billie.

"She's gone to collect your luggage. She'll be back shortly." Cat took the chance to really look at her baby sister. Drew was dressed in white short-shorts and a navy blue tank top that just barely came below her breasts, showing off very tanned arms, legs and flat stomach. White socks and running shoes completed her outfit. Her hair had been dyed a very light shade of blonde, and cut close to her head. "Drew, you look wonderful. I love your hair," she commented.

Drew's hand immediately went to her hair. "Really? Do you like, think it's too blonde? I wasn't sure I liked it at first, but it's like, kinda growing on me," she said.

Billie retrieved Drew's suitcase from the luggage carousel and headed back to the arrival gate. She spotted her wife and sister-in-law long before they saw her. Billie stopped dead in her tracks. Wow! Drew, you have certainly grown up since I saw you last! she thought. If I wasn't so much in love with Cat, well....

"Billie!" Cat exclaimed, noticing her wife coming toward them.

Billie smiled at her wife. Nah... Cat's the only one for me ... always has been ... always will be, she mused to herself as her heart did flip flops in her chest while she watched the object of her desire approach her, dragging a very blonde Drew behind her.

Cat stopped abruptly in front of Billie and pushed Drew in front of her. Billie smiled and looked at her sister-in-law. Putting the suitcase on the floor, she opened her arms to the younger woman and hugged her affectionately.

"Ooohhh Billie, I've missed you," Drew said, touching the side of Billie's face with her hand.

Billie leaned down and kissed Drew's cheek. "Me too, little one," Billie replied.

Cat stood back and smiled at her wife and sister. "Well, we'd better get going. Everyone is anxious to see you, honey," Cat said to her younger sister.

"So, like, your Mom is there, right Billie?" Drew asked on the ride to Pappington Acres.

"Yes, she is," Billie replied, looking at her sister-in-law in the rear view mirror. "My stepfather and brother are there too." she added.

"Cool, like, I mean, it must have been a shock to find her after all these years," Drew said lightly.

"Well, I wouldn't have even started looking if it wasn't for Cat," Billie said, reaching for her wife's hand in the seat next to her. Lifting it to her mouth, she kissed Cat's knuckles.

Cat closed her eyes as the tender caress shot tendrils of desire through her.

Drew watched the exchange closely.

"You two are like, so cute!" she exclaimed, smiling broadly.

Cat looked back at her sister and smiled, thinking, you're pretty cute yourself, dumpling.

"We're here!" Billie declared as she pulled up to the front door. Chet came out to take the car as the three ladies went into the house.

Doc and Ida met their youngest daughter in the front hall.

"Mom!, Daddy!" she exclaimed, hugging them both. Doc grinned ear to ear as Ida eyed Drew's hair color warily.

"Drewcilla, come here and let me look at you, girl!" Amy said, barging into the room.

Amy and Drew took one look at each other and screamed, waving their arms in the air as they ran to each other and met in a fierce hug. Billie had just come into the hall, carrying Drew's luggage. Placing it on the floor near the door, she looked at Cat with a raised eyebrow as she watched the sisters' ritual greeting. Cat placed one hand on her hip, the other on her smiling mouth and shook her head side to side in disbelief.

"Baby Girl, I love what you did to your hair!" Amy exclaimed, reaching up to touch the almost white hair.

"Amy, do you really like it? I mean, like, I was really afraid I would like, look old or something," Drew said.

"Sweetheart, you could never look old, why you're just a baby yet. You're all of what, 26?" Amy asked.

"Almost 27," Drew replied.

"Drew?" came another voice from the doorway.

"Bridgie!" Drew exclaimed as she spotted her other sister. Crossing the room, she hugged her older sister close. "Like, how are you?" she asked.

"What ever did you do to your hair, Drew?" Bridget asked, eyes wide with wonder.

"Do you like it? I was kind of tired of the mousy brown. Like, I thought a change would be cool," Drew explained.

"Mousy brown? Drew, your hair was the same color as mine," Bridget pointed out.

"Ooops! What-ever!" Drew said, daintily covering her mouth with her hand.

Bridget took another long look. "Well, it does kind of look good on you," she admitted. "It's shorter than usual, isn't it?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's called the 'butch' look ... no offense Sis," she said, throwing a look over her shoulder at Cat.

"None taken, Sweet Pea," Cat said to her sister. "Look, your room is the third one on the left. Why don't you take your suitcase upstairs and settle in before meeting the rest of the crew, okay?" Cat suggested. "Oh, and by the way, dinner tonight is formal, Grandma Mel insists," she added.

"Cool!" Drew said, grabbing her suitcase and heading for the stairs.

"I'll give you a hand, dear," Ida said, following her daughter.

Billie walked up behind Cat and wrapped her arms around the smaller woman. "Well, cheer, cheer, the gang's all here!" she said.

"Let the games begin!" Cat said grinning.



"I know what you're thinking baby. I used to be just like you. You move when she's not looking baby. One sugar ain't enough for you. You, you're taking out your loans, you're burying your bone. Before you're cover's blow, you'd better take it home....." Drew's arms flailed around in circles, her head bobbing forward and back. "I like the way you look. I know you like me. But one and one and one, baby makes three. Stop playing those eyes, if you want me to keep, your little secret..." Drew sang happily along with the radio as she soaked off the exhaustion from her flight earlier in the day.

"Tell it softly to me baby. You never mean no one no harrrrAaarrrggghhh!" Drew screamed as the door to the bathroom suddenly swung open.

"Wh... wh... who are you?" she finally gasped out as her arms covered her breasts, oblivious to the transparency of the water providing a clear view of the rest of her body.

"I ... I ... I... I," the intruder stammered, staring at the blonde pixie in the tub.

"Like, what part of that didn't you understand? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" Drew yelled again.

"D ... Dylan ... Billie's brother!" he said, unable to tear his eyes away from the woman.

Drew suddenly threw her arms out to the sides and smiled widely, totally exposing her charms for Dylan to see. "Way cool! Like, why didn't you say so? I thought you were like, some kind of perv or something. I'm Drew, Cat's youngest sister," she explained, reaching out a soapy hand to shake Dylan's.

Dylan inched his way toward Drew, trying hard to look anywhere but at her generously firm breasts. Reaching out, he shook her hand then quickly pulled it back.

"Ah ... ah .... I ... I," he stammered once again, inching his way toward the door.

Drew laid back in the tub, giving Dylan a full frontal view.

"Ah, Drew, I'm sorry I burst in on you. I'll just ..." he began, pointing to the door.

"NO! I mean, I don't mind. Have a seat. I'm done anyway. Just getting out!" she said as she began to pull herself up out of the tub.

"Ah, Dr... Drew... I've really got to go." Cat will kill me if she finds out I walked in on her naked sister! Dylan thought as he beat a hasty retreat out of the bathroom. When he finally made it into the hall and closed the door behind him, he leaned against the wall to regain his composure. Wow, what a babe! I wonder if she's gay too? She sure didn't mind being seen naked by a man! This is going to be an interesting week! he thought as he went on very shaky legs in search of another bathroom.

He was like, kind of cute, Drew thought as she toweled herself dry. He doesn't look anything like Billie. I wonder if he looks like Billie's Mom? Hmmm, blonde, curly hair. Hey, like, the color was almost as light as mine. Cool! Dimples too. He was like, kinda sweet the way he was so embarrassed about walking in on me. Way cool! This is like, gonna be a real fun week! she mused as she flipped her head from side to side, then pulled a robe over her freshly bathed body combing her short blonde hair with her fingers.


"Sky, honey, hold still while I brush your hair," Cat complained as she put the finishing touches on the child's formal wear for dinner that night. She was wearing a knee-length flower print sun dress, with spaghetti straps, white ankle socks with lace around the top, and shiny patent leather shoes.

Skylar fidgeted while her mother primped her. Looking down at the shiny patent leather, she exclaimed, "Mama! I can see my undies in my shoes!"

"Wha...?" Cat exclaimed, looking down. Sure enough, Skylar's white panties were reflecting onto her shoes.

Billie chucked nearby. "Boy, does that bring back memories!" she exclaimed.

Cat raised an eyebrow to her. "Wanna share?" she asked imagining all kinds of things relative to her wife, undies and patent leather shoes..

"Catholic school." she said.

"Ah, Billie ... a little more information would be helpful," Cat said grinning at the obvious teasing.

"Dress code. We all wore uniforms with the hems below our knees, and NO patent leather shoes. For that very reason," Billie explained, pointing to Skylar's shoes. "The nuns were terrified that reflections of our undies would turn the boys on or something," she said, chuckling at the memory.

Cat's eyes flew open in disbelief. "You're kidding, right?" she asked. "For real?"

"Scout's honor," Billie said, raising her hand. "We couldn't walk on the railing side of the stairwells either because the boys might look up our dresses from the level below," she added.

Cat was dumbfounded by the revelations. "Billie, I'm so glad we decided to leave our children in the public school system," she said. "Imagine the message rules like that send to children," she commented.

"Well, the public schools leave a lot to be desired too, but at least they leave the warped moral ideas out of their lesson plans," Billie said.

Cat nodded in agreement as her attention was drawn to the doorway of their room.

"Tara, sweetheart, you have to get dressed for dinner or we'll be late. You know Grandma Mel wants everyone there on time," Cat said.

"I am dressed for dinner," Tara said, throwing her arms out to the sides.

Cat and Billie looked at each other and then at their daughter. Tara was wearing a pair of oversized blue jeans, the crotch of which came to her knees, causing the pant legs to accumulate in multiple folds around her sneaker-clad feet. A T-shirt three sizes too large hung loosely on her torso, while a baseball cap sat on her head backward.

"Tara, where did you get those clothes?" Billie asked.

"From Crystal," she said, referring to Amy's older daughter. "Aren't they cool?" she exclaimed happily.

Billie approached the young lady. "Very cool," she said, "but not suitable for a formal dinner. Come on, I'll help you get dressed," she said, placing a hand on Tara's shoulder and directing her out of the room.

"But Mom, Crystal and Heidi are both dressing like this!" she exclaimed, referring to Bridget's oldest daughter as well.

Billie leaned over to look directly at Tara. "Look, sweetheart. Grandma Mel is looking forward to a nice formal dinner. We are not going to spoil it for her by dressing in these very cool, but very informal clothes. Okay? I will talk to Crystal and Heidi as well. Somehow, I don't think Aunt Amy and Aunt Bridget will like it very much either. Okay? Now let's go," she finished, taking Tara's hand and leading her out the door.

Cat shook her head side to side as she watched her wife lead their daughter away.

"Is Tare in trouble, Mama?" Skylar asked?

Cat smiled down at her daughter. "No Sweetling. Mommy is just going to set things straight with your sister and cousins. Somehow, I don't think Aunt Billie will be very popular for the next several hours," she said, chuckling.

Nearly an hour later, Billie reappeared in the doorway to their bedroom. Cat had just showered and was sitting at the vanity, blow drying her long red-gold hair. She looked into the mirror and met Billie's eyes. "Mission Accomplished?" she asked.

Billie grinned. "I won't be the most popular Aunt at dinner tonight, but, yeah, mission accomplished," she said, coming up behind Cat. Wrapping her arms around the smaller woman seated at the vanity she said, "You won't believe what they were going to wear, Cat," she exclaimed through slight laughter. "I think I got a little preview of what Tara will be like at age 14," she said, referring to the stubborn nature of Amy's 14 year old daughter Crystal.

"Well, love, we're running short on time. You'd better jump into the shower," Cat said, locking eyes in the mirror with the woman behind her.

Billie kissed the side of her head. "You're right. Be right back!" she said, heading to the shower.

Towel drying her hair moments later, Billie suddenly remembered that she hadn't taken her gown out of the dress bag. Shit! It's going to be all wrinkled! she thought. "Cat," she yelled out into the adjoining bedroom. "Honey, did you think to take my dress out of..." she began.

Cat suddenly appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. "Yes, I did. It was all wrinkled, like mine was, so I had them both ironed. It's hanging in the cl...," Cat said, stopping short when she noticed Billie staring at her intently. She immediately thought she had something on her. Looking down at her dress, she didn't notice any stains or anything. "Billie?" she questioned.

"By the gods, Cat. You are the most beautiful creature I have every laid eyes on," she said, taking in Cat's form-fitting green satin gown, and hair that had been pulled up and arranged into a loose fitting bun on top of her head, tendrils of hair curling freely along her hairline. Cat had added just a touch of blush and eye color to bring out the emerald green brilliance of her eyes.

Billie was captivated. Taking two steps forward, she was met by a hand on her chest.

"Billie, you're wet," Cat said seductively. "Now we both know I thoroughly enjoy it when you're wet ... the gods know I do. But water stains on satin will not look good at a formal dinner party," she explained teasingly.

Billie's breathing was very erratic. Taking a deep breath, she reached forward and pulled Cat's face toward hers with a hand behind the red head's neck, being very careful not to let her wet body come in contact with Cat's dress. "You are in big trouble, after dinner, wife," she said passionately into Cat's ear.

"Oh, I'm counting on it," Cat replied, catching Billie's earlobe between her teeth and biting gently, causing Billie to nearly double over with weakness. "I'd better leave you alone or we'll be late," she whispered, flicking Billie's earlobe once more before leaving her alone in the bathroom.

Billie placed both hands on the edge of the sink for support. Damn, Cat! What you do to me! she thought trying to regain her composure as she finished drying herself off.


"Uncle Dyl, could you give me a hand with this tie?" Seth asked, struggling to fold the bow properly.

"Sure, Pal," Dylan said as he folded one side of the bow in half, then wrapped the other end around the center, tucking it into the knot, then pulling it into a neat, even bow under Seth's chin. "These monkey suits sure are uncomfortable," he added as he brushed the lint off Seth's shoulders, then spun him around to brush off his back. Holding him at arms' length, he said, "You look great, Seth. Are you sure you're only 13 years old?" he asked. "You look at least 18."

Seth smiled from ear to ear. "Thanks Uncle Dyl. You look kinda neat yourself," he said.

Dylan turned back to the mirror to finish adjusting his own tie. Catching Seth's eye, he asked, "Seth, have you seen your Aunt Drew lately?"

"Sure, I saw her earlier today, just after she got here," he replied.

"What do you think of her?" Dylan asked.

"What do you mean ... she's a girl!" Seth answered.

Dylan chuckled, suddenly remembering his own marginal interest in girls at that age. "Oh yeah, you got that right!" he exclaimed. "But, what do you think? Do you think she's pretty?" Dylan inquired. Damn, I wish there was someone else here closer to my age who wasn't so close to the issue. Joe and Kevin are a little biased, and Doc... well -- no, I can't say, 'Hey Doc, I've got the hots for your daughter ... waddaya think?'. Maybe Billie? Yeah ... I'll talk to her later, he decided as he turned his attention back to Seth.

"Yeah, I guess she's pretty, for a girl," Seth commented. Then, finally realizing what Dylan was getting at, he grinned. "You like her, don't you?" he teased, causing Dylan to blush.

Look at me! Blushing! I haven't blushed since I was ... since I was Seth's age! Damn! I've got it bad! he thought as he answered his nephew. "Well, she is kind of nice. Hey, it's late, we'd better get going." Dylan said, quickly changing the subject.

Dylan and Seth gave each other the once over, one more time brushing imaginary lint off each other's tuxedoes before heading to the dining room for dinner.


Cat had gone to the dining room while Billie was dressing, to seat the children. Tara had taken a little more time than they thought, leaving Billie limited time to get herself ready for dinner.

The dining room was abuzz with noise. Cat and Amy scurried around the table, trying to determine the seating arrangements and making last minute adjustments among the children so they could sit next to their 'favorite' cousin. The men and Janice, all dressed in black tuxedoes, stood around enjoying snifters of brandy while waiting for the signal to be seated. Ida, Bridget and Drew were drafted by Maggie to help pour champagne at each place setting in preparation for the evening toast. Although standing with the men, Dylan's mind, and eyes, were elsewhere -- namely, on the shapely legs and bottom of one Drew O'Grady as she leaned over the table pouring champagne. Seth elbowed him periodically to draw his attention back to the conversation.

Just as Cat turned to head up stairs in search of her wife, the door to the dining room opened wide. All eyes turned as three regal beauties entered, Billie first, followed by Laurel and then Mel.

Cat's knees suddenly weakened as she grabbed the back of Tara's chair for support.

Jim's eyes opened wide, his cigar hanging out of his mouth as he stared at the women.

Janice grinned ear to ear, licking her lips in anticipation of the after-dinner treat she was sure to enjoy.

"By the gods!" Cat whispered hoarsely as she took in the vision before her.

The three women were wearing matching gowns, all of the same design, but of varying colors -- Billie in a deep burgundy, Laurel in navy blue, and Mel in emerald green. The cut was directly out of "Gone With The Wind". The neckline of the dresses ran low and straight across full breasts, exposing deep cleavages. Billowy peasant sleeves pushed off the shoulders, trimmed in lace a lighter shade of the base color, proudly displayed an expanse of creamy skin and delicate collar bones, while high cut bodices highlighted slim waists. Full skirts fell around long legs, while gathers of satin and lace accumulated at the back of their waists in pleated layers, trailing to the floor in short trains. All three women wore their hair pulled up into loosely arranged buns on top of their heads, cameo collars around their necks held on by bands the same color as their dresses. Delicate shades of blush and eye color accented high cheekbones and brilliant blue eyes, while red lipstick highlighted full lips. The results were breathtakingly stunning. Three women, identical in appearance ... the only discernible difference being age. Three generations of beauty, flesh and desire.

Cat, Jim and Janice all stepped forward at the same time as the rest of the family looked on in awe. All three approached their respective wives, reaching forward and lifting bejeweled hands to their mouths for a delicate kiss, eyes never breaking contact with identical seas of blue. Leading their ladies to the table, they held out chairs as the southern belles were seated.

Before seating herself, Cat leaned in to Billie and whispered into her wife's ear, "Someone else I know is in trouble after dinner, my love."

Billie smiled, but kept her eyes trained to her plate in front of her. "Oh, I am counting on it," she replied.


The entire family was there -- all twenty-two of them, sitting around the formal dining table. Janice and Melinda took their traditional places at the ends of the long table. Along one side, to Janice's left, sat Cat and Billie, their three children, Bridget's three girls, Kevin and then Bridget on the end to Mel's right. On the other side, to Mel's left, was Laurel and Jim, Dylan, Drew, Amy's two daughters, Joe, Amy, Doc and finally Ida on Janice's right. Mel had intentionally seated the table's occupants in order to keep Janice and Jim as far apart as possible without making it seem obvious.

Once everyone was seated, Maggie and a couple of hired caterers started serving the salad, followed by a fillet mignon entree. Once all the salad dishes were removed and the entree delivered, Janice rose from her seat and walked to the other end of the table to stand behind Mel. Mel's face dropped progressively with each step Janice took toward her. So much for best laid plans of mice and men! she thought as Janice came closer and closer to Jim, and a potential confrontation.

Janice stood there behind Mel, her hands on the southern belle's shoulders, looking over the table at her family seated there dressed in formal attire, men in black tuxes, women in beautiful gowns. Taking a deep breath, she felt a rush of happiness and satisfaction at what lay before her. Mel sat there tensely, waiting for Janice to say or do something that would upset the proverbial apple cart.

Janice looked down at her wife and smiled. By the gods, she is still a beautiful woman, she thought. Bending over, she whispered in Mel's ear, "Melinda, you still have the power to take my breath away. I love you," she proclaimed, causing Mel to blush profusely. Janice shifted to the side of Mel and turned her wife's face toward her, softly placing a kiss on Melinda's lips. Melinda was beyond caring what Jim thought at that moment.

Twenty faces turned to the end of the table. Nineteen faces smiled. One cleared its throat and put its hands on the table, sitting there focusing on the entree until the commotion was over.

The smile on Cat and Billie's faces faded quickly as they saw Jim's reaction to Janice's affectionate gesture. Righting herself again, Janice looked down the expanse of table and locked eyes with Cat, immediately knowing the cause of the frown on her granddaughter's face. Glancing over to Jim, she took in the man's erect spine, stoic face and focused eyes. Grinning evilly, she started nonchalantly pacing back and forth behind Mel.

"Ah, families. You gotta love 'em," Janice began. "You know, the world is made of a lotta different people. Mel and I found that out very early on in our archeological days. It takes all kinds to make the world go 'round, to quote an old cliché," she said, her right hand shoved deep into her trousers pocket, her left hand gesturing as she paced back and forth. "Mel and me ... well, we've been blessed through the years with lots of loving family ... family that has always been open minded," she stressed, coming to stand behind Jim, "and accepting of all situations, and of all people. Heaven forbid if one of them had turned out to be prejudiced against someone because they were different from themselves," she stressed once more, bending over to make the last point directly into Jim's ear. Jim just sat there, spine ramrod stiff, staring at his plate.

"Janice honey, please," Mel said softly. The entire room was silent. All eyes were turned to Janice.

Janice looked over at Mel and took a deep breath. Shoving both hands into her trouser pockets, she dropped her chin to her chest and let out a sigh. Leaning down once more, she whispered in Jim's ear, "I'm not done with you yet," then stood to her full height and walked over to Mel. Standing by Mel's side, she reached one hand over and cupped the blue eyed woman's chin, tilting her face up. "Melinda Pappas, I love you with all my heart," she said, "and as much as I want to do otherwise, I will behave for your sake ... for now." Leaning down once more, she kissed Mel tenderly, then stood and looked across the expanse of table. "Well, what are you all looking at? You're just jealous because I have the prettiest girl at the party, aren't you? Well, find your own -- this one's mine!" she said proudly, throwing her harm around Mel. Bending down to place one more kiss on Mel's lips, she once again looked out across the silent table. "Can't a woman kiss her best girl without an audience?" she exclaimed, a big grin on her face.

"Janice Covington, I'd better be your only girl!" Melinda said in mock anger, hands on her hips, causing the room to break down into laughter. Soon, the diners resumed eating as the rest of the meal proceeded pleasantly for all except Jim, who knew that his trials with Janice Covington had just begun.



"You know, Billie, I kind of feel sorry for Jim," Cat said. "I mean, I think he's basically a nice guy, he's just been raised with a set of beliefs that don't fit into this family," she explained as she unzipped the back of Billie's gown. Leaning in, she kissed the space between Billie's shoulder blades.

"Hmmmm, Cat, that feels good, but if you keep that up, we won't make it to the pool with the rest of the family," Billie said, eyes closed, head thrown back, as she reached behind her to pull Cat closer.

Cat snaked her arms around Billie, laying her cheek against the tall woman's back and drawing lazy circles on Billie's stomach with her fingertips. "I'd rather be getting wet with you right here, than in the pool," she said wickedly, causing Billie to gasp for breath.

Billie turned around in Cat's arms, the sleeves of her dress falling further, exposing a massive expanse of chest. "You are an evil woman, my love," Billie said, leaning down to kiss Cat tenderly, pushing the spaghetti straps off the red head's shoulders.

"Mom?" came Seth's voice from the hall.

Billie winced. "Damn!" she said, gathering her dress back to her chest as she left the comfort of Cat's arms to answer the door. Opening the door wide enough to stick her head out, she kept the rest of her body hidden behind the door as she spoke to her son. Cat took this opportunity to molest her wife behind the door.

"Seth, honey, what is it?" she asked, brushing Cat's hands away as they snaked under the bodice of the dress.

"Mom, Aunt Amy sent me up to get you and Mama. She said to tell you there was time for that later, what ever that means!" he said a bit confused. "So, hurry up, okay?" he said grinning.

Cat lifted Billie's skirts and pulled down her panties. Billie wiggled her hind end in an attempt to help Cat slip the panties off, as she struggled to maintain a straight face while talking to her son.

"Okay, honey ... and Seth, tell your sisters to mind Grandma in the pool. Mama and I will be down shortly," she promised.

Cat slid one hand between Billie's legs, sending a jolt of electricity through the taller woman. "Oohhh!" Billie retorted.

Seth had turned to go, but stopped at his mother's exclamation. Turning back around, he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Did you say something, Mom?" he asked.

"Ah ... ah, yeah ... Tell Aunt Amy that there's never enough time for that. Okay? She'll know what you mean. See you in a bit, love," Billie said, finally dismissing her son.

"Okay, Mom! Hurry up -- you'll miss all the fun!" he said, running off down the hallway.

Billie shut the door and leaned back against it. Cat was all over her, immediately reaching up and pushing the gown off Billie's shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. Billie noticed that she too, had shed her own gown, and was now in a similar state of undress.

Allowing herself to be pressed against the door, Billie locked eyes with the smaller woman and said, "You know they'll just send someone else if we don't get moving."

Cat smiled. "I know ... I know. This is just a preview of coming attractions," she said, clamping down on one of Billie's nipples.

Billie arched her body toward her wife. "Oh gods, Cat! I sure hope the rest of the show is X-Rated!" she exclaimed.


Some time later, Billie and Cat arrived at the pool area, hand in hand, sporting skimpy bathing suits, sarongs, towels, and big smiles. Not only had they previewed the coming attractions but had taken the time to read the Cliff Notes as well. Amy raised both eyebrows and smiled knowingly at her sister's late appearance.

Jim, who was in the pool, actually playing with the children, looked at their locked hands with distaste. Billie met his gaze with one of her own, then squeezed Cat's hand tighter before releasing it so that she could check on Skylar. Kneeling down, she spread her towel out on the edge of the pool and laid down flat on her stomach, her hands crossed under her chin. She was a mere inches away from where Jim was playing with the children.

"You know, there's something I've always wondered about," she said to no one in particular, "Just what does love look like? I mean, I guess I know what if feels like, but what does it look like?" she asked.

Jim turned to look at her. "Love is an emotion, not a concrete object. It doesn't have an appearance," he said.

Billie lifted her head and raised her eyebrows. "Oh really? Other emotions have appearances," she said. "For example, happiness can be represented by a smiley face, anger by a frown, sorrow by a tear ... but what about love? Is it black, white, blue, red? Is it hard or soft? Is it male or female? Is it one thing at a time, or several things?" Billie paused for a moment before adding, "Jim, you're a man of the world, what do you think?"

Jim was clearly confused, and hated being backed into a corner like this. Finally, he faced his stepdaughter and said, "Look, Billie. I know what you're trying to do here. I'm sorry, but I don't support your lifestyle ... its unnatural," he finished.

Billie narrowed her eyes and nodded her head up and down. "Unnatural," she said. "Natural between, say ... you and Mom, but not between Cat and I. Is that right?" she asked. Watching him nod his head in agreement, she added, "So what you're saying then, is that love is a multifaceted emotion ... it can be many different things at the same times ... it can take on lots of different meanings depending on the situation."

Again, he nodded. Billie rose to her knees, then paused before climbing to her feet. "Jim?" she asked. "Do you think love is ever a bad thing?"

"No. How can something that feels so good be bad?" he asked quite vehemently.

Billie's eyebrows were taking up permanent residence in her hairline. "How indeed ... how indeed! Thanks, Dad. You've just verified what I've known all along." she said, leaning in to place a kiss on his cheek before rising to her feet and walking away, a wicked grin on her face.

Jim stood in the pool, dumbfounded by the corner his stepdaughter had just maneuvered him into.


Janice watched the scene in the pool between Billie and Jim with great interest. When Billie rose to her feet and walked away from the pool, Janice followed her. Slipping an arm around her tall granddaughter's waist, she led her out onto the patio for a private conversation.

"Grams, is everything all right?" Billie asked when they finally stopped at the far end of the patio.

"Everything is fine, Billie-Girl, and about to get better if I have my way," Janice said.

"What's up?" she asked the older woman.

"Billie, forgive me for eavesdropping, but I overheard your conversation with Jim. You know, I really don't think he's a bad guy ... a little misguided maybe, but not really a bad guy. And its obvious how much he loves your mother ... which is why I wanted to talk to you," Janice explained.

"You know, Cat said the same thing," Billie chuckled.

"Cat said what?" the object of the conversation said, coming onto the patio to join her wife and grandmother.

"Cat! I was just telling Grams, here that you don't think Jim is such a bad guy," Billie explained.

Cat sided up to Billie and wrapped an arm around her waist. "No I don't. I didn't much like him at first, but now I realize that his initial reaction to me was out of nervousness, not dislike. According to Laurel, he was raised in a really strict, religious family that preached male dominance and heterosexual relationships for the purpose of procreation, not love. He's just not used to accepting different kinds of love. We need to help him see that love is love, regardless of the wrappings," she explained.

"Male dominance?" Janice snorted. "He doesn't seem to throw his weight around with Laurel," she observed.

"I don't think Mom would let him get away with it, even if he tried!" Billie exclaimed. "And you'll notice that Dylan doesn't share his beliefs ... I think that's another one of Mom's influences," she added. "The point is, if he can give up some of his beliefs because he has found them to be too restrictive within his own family, then maybe there's hope for getting him to accept other alternatives." Billie paused to take a breath. "Look, I'm not saying he has to embrace us with open arms. He has to decide for himself how much of our life style he can accept. What I am saying, is that to be a well rounded person, he needs to learn tolerance, and to accept the fact that every family does not fit into the mold he has built for himself ... AND, that's its okay to live outside that mold," Billie finished.

"Yeah ... I think there's hope for him yet ... we've just got to help him see the errors of his ways," Janice said, smirking.

Billie threw her free arm around Janice's shoulder and hugged the older woman. Chuckling, she said, "Grams ... Why do I get the feeling that you are really going to enjoy this little lesson?"


Melinda watched Janice, Cat and Billie come back to pool side and join into the family activities. She had been sitting with Ida and Laurel, talking about the fireworks they had planned for the next evening, "...bein' as it is our country's birthday and all ..." Mel emphasized. Doc and Jim were still in the pool, throwing the children high into the air to splash down noisily into the water.

Kevin and Joe sat by lazily on loungers, with Kevin making comments about voluptuous hips and full breasts as the various wives and sister-in-laws strolled by.

"Hey, chickie-baby!" Kevin clucked ... making kissy noises with his lips as Amy walked by.

Amy looked at her sister. "Bridge, your husband is a pig!" she exclaimed, grinning ear to ear, and swaying her butt side to side a little more dramatically, winking as she passed her own husband. Joe restrained himself, although his wife's actions wanted him to make Kevin's 'pig' status look tame.

"Kevin! You stop that this minute. What are your daughters going to think?" Bridget exclaimed.

Kevin continued his macho ways, that is, until Billie stepping into his line of vision, legs spread apart, hands on her hips, a stern look on her face as she peered down at him on the lounger.

For some reason, Billie had the power to stop Kevin cold. When he saw her, he instinctively covered his private areas with his hands, and grinned. Joe laughed as Billie walked away smirking.

Finally, the hour was approaching bed time for the younger children as their mothers scurried to ready them for bed. The seven girls had planned a slumber party in one of the two rooms they were sharing, so no arguments were heard about an early bed time. Cat had been talked into telling several stories to the girls and their mothers before turning in, and soon it was near midnight when Skylar started drifting off to sleep. After tucking the girls in and kissing them all a good night, Mel, Cat, Amy, Bridget and Billie crept out of the room and returned to the parlor.

Seth, being a ripe old man of 13 years, joined Janice and the men in the parlor for an evening of drinks and discussion while the ladies busied themselves with organizing the girls' slumber party. While he wasn't happy about being served grape juice while the adults drank wine, he at least had the opportunity to visit with them, and not sent to bed like some kid, so he relented and did not complain. Little did the adults know, Seth stealthily refilled his juice glass with wine whenever he was sure the adults weren't looking. By the time Cat, Billie, and the rest of the women returned to the parlor, he was quite happy and feeling no pain.

"Hi Mommy!" he said staggering over to Billie as she walked in. "I love you, Mommy!" he said, placing his head on her chest just below her chin. Her arms instinctively wrapped around her son.

Billie and Cat looked at each other with creased brows. Cat took the glass out of Seth's hand and smelled the contents, then held it under Billie's nose ... wine.

All eyes turned toward Billie as Mount Charland erupted. "What the hell is wrong with you people? Who gave my son wine? For Christ sakes, he only 13 years old!" she shouted.

Confusion lit up the faces of the accused.

"Billie, wait!" Cat instructed. Then, turning to Seth, she said, "Seth, honey, where did you get the wine?"

Seth grinned goofilly. "I snuck it!" he bragged. "I didn't get caught, either! Cool, huh?" he said.

"No ... NOT cool!" Billie exclaimed. "We'll talk about this tomorrow, young man. Right now, you need to go to bed," she said, as she directed him to the door. Looking back over her shoulder, she said sternly, "I'll be back -- we're not done talking about this!"

Cat and Billie led Seth to the room upstairs that he was sharing with Dylan. Throwing the door open, they proceeded inside, only to be stopped short by the sight of Drew and Dylan in bed together, in the throes of passion. Cat instinctively slapped a hand over Seth's eyes as she stared agog at the occupants of the bed.

"Great! Just Great!" Billie shouted. "I've got a drunken kid and my brother is in his bed porking my wife's sister! Isn't life grand?" she exclaimed. "Come on Cat ... we'll need to put him in Drew's room," Billie instructed.

Drew and Dylan had been startled into attentiveness and now sat side by side on the bed, Drew holding the bed sheets up against her breasts. On their way out the door, Cat looked back and said to her sister, "You are in big trouble, Missy. We need to have a talk!"

Ten minutes later, with Seth settled in Drew's bed, Cat and Billie stopped off at their room to collect their sanity before dealing with the situations presented to them this evening.

Closing the door behind them, Cat strode across the room, her arms flailing in all directions. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" she exclaimed. "What the hell is happening around here? Drunken kids, bigoted parents, promiscuous brothers and sisters! Shit, Billie!" Cat ranted.

Billie let her rant, leaning against the door and taking the time to compose herself before speaking. Finally, taking a deep breath, she said, "Cat. Calm down. We need to look at this rationally." Billie started to pace back and forth as Cat sat on the edge of the bed.

"First, Drew and Dylan..." Stopping in front of her wife, Billie knelt on one knee and placed a hand on Cat's thigh. "Cat, it didn't take us long to jump into bed together after we met," she said, holding a hand up to quell the tide that was about to erupt from Cat's mouth. "I know ... we were together much longer than one day before doing the deed, but I was ready to do it from day one ... weren't you?" she asked pointedly.

Cat looked down and blushed. "Yeah, I guess you're right," she said smiling coyly at her wife.

"All right, now about Seth ... somebody in that room needs a lecture ... maybe all of them, and I plan on providing it. They should have been keeping a better eye on him. I'm sure our son will wake up with one colossal headache tomorrow morning. In fact, I hope he does ... and I don't want you making it easy on him, okay? He needs to learn a lesson from this," Billie instructed.

"Me? Billie, you are the one who turns to mush when the kids are sick. I think you need to lecture yourself about that particular topic," Cat retorted.

Billie looked down at the floor and grinned, then peeked back up at Cat, still from bent knee. "You know me too well, wife. Well ... then remind me tomorrow to give him a hard time about it, okay?" she asked.

"Deal!" Cat said.

Billie rose to her feet. "Now ... what to do about my bigoted stepfather," she said.

Cat too rose to her feet and stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Billie's waist. "Do we really have to do anything about him, Billie?" she asked.

"If we plan to have any kind of future relationship with my mother, I think we do," Billie replied. "We need to do this without casualties ... that's the hard part," she explained.

"Well, I guess we start by treating him the same as everyone else. He was there when Seth drank the wine ... he's just as responsible as the rest. Let's go do some ass chewing!" Cat exclaimed.


Moments later, Billie barged into the parlor. By then, the entire family, except the children, Drew and Dylan were there. Doc, Ida and Laurel, who had gone on an evening stroll earlier, had joined the family shortly after Seth was led to bed.

"Okay, let's talk about being responsible adults," Billie started as Cat stood by her side, her arms crossed in front of her. "Our 13 year old son is going to have one whiz-bang of a hang-over tomorrow morning because several adults were too busy drinking and visiting to keep an eye on him," she stated.

Jim immediately became defensive. "I didn't see you here watching him," he accused.

"I was putting my daughters to bed, Jim. Seth asked if he could join all of you, and you collectively said yes ... that makes you responsible for him," Billie reasoned.

Most of the men in the room had the decency to act sheepish at their shortcoming ... all except Jim, who was primed for a fight after an entire day of badgering from the family on his moral beliefs. The wine in his system fueled his courage.

"Who are you to question my sense of responsibility and morality?" Jim questioned. "You -- who live in sin on a daily basis in front of your children?"

Cat grasped Billie's arm firmly as she watched her wife's knuckles clench into fists.

"I think that's quite enough," Janice said, stepping forward between Jim and Billie. "I happen to like Billie's sense of morality. She's a very good wife and mother," the older woman stated quite firmly.

"You would think that ... you are just like her!" Jim exclaimed. Now it was Laurel's turn to grab Jim's arm. He looked back sharply at who had hold of him arm. Seeing it was Laurel, his eyes immediately softened.

"I think I've had quite enough of this for one night," Mel piped in. "All this arguin' is gettin' us nowhere. Why don't we discuss this in the mornin', like southern genteel people," she suggested.

Jim shook off Laurel's arm and walked up to Mel. "As for you, Madame, the southern aristocracy is not one I would stand by in times like these. After all, it was they who encouraged the immoral and hedonistic act of slavery!" he shouted.

Janice cringed as Mel's face turned beet red. The one thing that Janice had learned early on in her relationship with Mel, was NOT to insult her southern heritage.

Mel rose to her full height, and took a step forward. "You, Sir, are a rogue and a bore, and I kindly ask you to leave my home at the first opportunity in the mornin'!" she demanded.

"With pleasure!" Jim shouted as he stomped out of the room, followed closely by Laurel.

"Oh My!" Mel said faintly as Kevin and Joe helped her to her favorite chair. Janice was immediately by her side, holding her hand.



After Jim had stomped out of the parlor, with Laurel tight on his heels, the rest of the family quickly dissipated to the far corners of the mansion, turning in for the evening, hoping that things would blow over by morning.

Six members of the household put in very strenuous nights. Three pairs of silhouettes stood in stark contrast to the raging storm outside the estate. Near hurricane winds had invaded the region overnight, downing trees and cutting off electricity. There would be no planes departing the Charleston airport the next day.

"Jan, darlin', was I too rough on him?" Mel asked as she leaned against Janice, who was sitting up against the headboard of their bed, staring out into the lightning filled darkness of their room, an arm thrown around her reclining wife.

"No sweetheart, you weren't," she replied. "I understand how he could be upset with us ... sure, we were kind of rough on him earlier in the day, but that was no excuse for his rude behavior. I'd say you handled the situation quite well, my love," Janice said proudly.

"The airport will be closed tomorrow, you know. He'll have to stay here for at least another day ... or two," Mel observed.

Janice just nodded her head. "I know." Turning her head slightly, she kissed her wife on the forehead and motioned for her to scoot down into a lying position. Taking Mel into her arms, Janice, held her close and rubbed a hand up and down her forearm until the dark haired beauty was asleep. Moments later, she too drifted off to the sounds of the storm raging outside.


"Jim ... Jim, come to bed," Laurel said from her seated position against the headboard. Jim was standing by the window, staring out into the rain and wind filled night.

Jim turned his back to the window, leaned against the frame and placed both hands on the sill beside him. "Laurel, do you think I am too rigid and inflexible?" he asked.

Laurel pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them close. "Sometimes you are, Jim." A pause. "Are you asking if I think you are being inflexible about this particular topic?" she asked.

Jim nodded.

Laurel took a deep breath and extended her legs straight out in front of her, leaning back on her hands. "Jim, I can't tell your heart how to feel. We are talking about my daughter and parents here. I love them -- even the way they are. I won't say that I totally understand, or embrace their lifestyle, but they are my flesh and blood, and I love them regardless. I wish you could find it in your heart to at least accept them, but I can't ask you to do that. That is a decision you will have to make on your own -- if you are ever capable of it," Laurel explained.

Jim nodded again, then rose to his feet and leaned against the window frame. "The airport is sure to be closed tomorrow," he said into the silence.

"I know. Come to bed, Jim," Laurel said, holding the sheet open for Jim to crawl into.


Billie and Cat stood wrapped in each other arms in front of the window, watching the raging storm outside. Cat's head lay on Billie's chest ... Billie's cheek resting on Cat's head ... long arms wrapped around the smaller woman, hands rubbing up and down her back. Bolts of lightning highlighted their forms on the wall behind them.

Long moments of silence filled the space, save for the random cracks of thunder.

Finally ...

"Billie?" Cat asked.

"Hmmm?" came the reply.

"I'm sorry things aren't working out with Jim. I know how much you wanted them to -- for Laurel's sake," Cat said.

Billie nodded her head and pulled Cat closer. "I think the gods are giving us another chance, Cat. This storm will definitely close the airport tomorrow," Billie observed.

"Do you think so?" Cat asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to try to get through to him one more time, love. I think I'll ask Dylan for some help," she explained.

"Billie, what did you think about finding Dylan and Drew together tonight? I mean, they're both adults, but ..." Cat started.

"But she's your baby sister," Billie finished for her wife.

Cat smiled against Billie's chest. "Yeah, something like that."

"Well, I think it's pretty cool. But I am concerned that it was kind of sudden. I hope they've thought beyond their raging hormones," Billie explained.

Cat just nodded and squeezed Billie tighter while trying to stifle a yawn.

Billie pulled Cat away from her and tilted her chin up to look into sleepy eyes. "Come on love, let's go to bed."

Climbing into bed, Billie laid on her back and opened her arms to Cat. Holding her wife close, she rolled onto her side and promptly wrapped her long frame around the smaller woman. Within moments, their bodies where entwined like braided rope, as they drifted off into the dreamscape.


The family woke the next morning to a freshly washed earth, the rains having cleansed the air, leaving a pungent odor of sea water and salt. Unfortunately, the midnight storm also brought with it random debris, strewn all over the grounds of the estate, from fallen branches to garbage cans that had once stood by the back door. But the breeze had calmed and the sun was shining, ushering in a new day.

On this, their third day at the estate, the family pitched in to clean up after the storm, working all day to collect and stack strewn branches and debris into a large pile in the middle of the field beyond the house. Everyone pitched in. Of course, Billie had to drag a very hung-over Seth out of bed, and roust Dylan and Drew, but by mid-morning, they had a full crew, and between them all, they managed to clear the property of debris by the end of the day. Considering the airports were indeed closed for the day, Jim and Laurel readily pitched in to do their share, not speaking directly to Mel nor Janice about the events of the previous evening. Throughout the day, Mel and Laurel would steal secretive glances, silent apologies made on the fresh ocean air, but other than that, no other contact was made.

The pile was easily 15 feet high when they finished. "Hey, why don't we have a bonfire after the fireworks tonight!" Tara exclaimed while standing at the base of the tall debris pile.

Janice came up beside her and pushed her fedora back onto her head. She had been sporting an unlit cigar between her teeth all day. When doing yard work, she typically donned her 'dig' clothes as Melinda called them ... loose pleated trousers and short sleeve shirt, both tan, leather knee-high boots into which she tucked the pant legs, and the ever-present fedora. Placing both hands on the small of her back, she looked up at the debris pile and said, "Good idea, Scamp. A bonfire is a very good idea. Maybe we can have a real Amazon type party. Heh, heh, heh ... it's been a long time since I've been to one of those!" she chuckled.

"Amazon?" Tara asked curiously.

"Oh yeah..." Janice grinned wickedly as she thought of scantily clad women gyrating around a bonfire to the steady beat of drums. "Amazons." With a definite mission in mind, she ran off to find Melinda, and to assemble the women for an 'Amazon war council'.


Janice had the women's full attention.

"Janice Covington, where on earth did you get that idea?" Mel asked, hands on her hips.

"From Tara," Janice said, a twinkle of excitement in her eye.

"It figures!" Cat said between her teeth, causing Billie to grin and elbow her lightly in the ribs.

"Ah, Grams, exactly what do Amazons do at a party?" Amy asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Well in the time of the ancient Amazons, parties were organized to celebrate successful hunts, or bountiful harvests. Sometimes they were used as pep rallies, to prepare the women emotionally for going to war, and sometimes, they were used as religious or initiation ceremonies," the elder Covington explained.

"And we would be celebrating ... why?" Bridget asked.

"We would be celebrating family," Janice said. Walking around the group of women she had assembled near the pool, she added, "Look, humor an old lady. The last Amazon ritual Mel and I witnessed was ages ago, and it was so phony, it was laughable. We have the opportunity here to recreate history!" Janice said excitedly, looking up at the sky and waving her hand in front of her as if creating the vision from her mind.

"Well, I think it's like, a cool idea!" Drew said perkily. "Do we get to wear costumes?" she asked.

Janice looked at Mel with a wicked glint in her eye. Mel just dropped her head into her hands and moaned.

"Why do I think I'm not going to like this?" Bridget asked.

"Oh Bridge, loosen up! Have some fun!" Amy urged.

"You know, this just might be fun," Cat added.

"Now let me get this straight," Billie said, leaning back to support her body with her arms. "We dress in scanty costumes, including masks, smear war paint all over our bodies, then seduce our partners by drinking wine and dancing around a bonfire until everyone is worked up into a sexual frenzy. Does that sound accurate?" she asked.

"Exactly!" said Janice.

"Count me in!" Billie said, grinning ear to ear, causing Cat to blush to the roots of her red-gold hair.

"I don't know about this...." Bridget whined.

Ida and Laurel had been sitting quietly, listening to the proposal and subsequent conversation, trading opinions only with each other, until finally Ida spoke up. "We think its a grand idea," she said, speaking for herself and her sister.

Bridget's eyebrows went out of sight. "Mom!?" she said incredulously.

Ida walked over to her second oldest daughter. Placing a hand on her cheek, she said, "Bridget, dear, there's still a glow in this old woman's hearth ... I'm not going to miss the chance to rekindle it into a raging fire."

Bridget was flustered speechless as Amy thrust her fist into the air and said, "You Go Girl!" to her mother.

"Okay, it's settled then. It will take a day or two make the costumes, so we'll have the fireworks tonight and schedule the bonfire for the day after tomorrow." Janice looked around, collecting nods of approval from all the women.

"Grams, what about the children?" Cat asked.

"Well, they can certainly join in. We'll just save the good stuff for after they're in bed," Janice explained, wiggling her eyebrows up and down wickedly.

Billie threw her arms around Janice. "Bless your wicked heart, Grams," she said, chuckling.

As the group of women dissipated, Janice detained Laurel. "Laurel, sweetheart, Nona and I would like to talk to you," she said.

Laurel approached her mothers, a sad look filling her eyes. Mel opened her arms to her daughter and held her close as Janice stood by rubbing the younger woman's back.

"Sweetheart," Mel began, "we don't want you to leave tomorrow. Things got outta hand yesterday ... things were said that shouldn't have been. Janice and I want you to know that we're sorry, and that we plan to talk to Jim as well."

"I don't want to leave either. I've just found you," she said tearfully.

For long moments, mothers and daughter held each other.

Billie and Cat had walked a few paces away, before stopping and looking back at the trio. "Cat, I need to do something about this right away. This rift is breaking my mother's heart," Billie explained, looking down into the love-filled eyes of her wife.

Cat just nodded her head. "What can I do to help?" she asked.

"You're already helping, love. Your support is all I need," the taller woman replied.


"Dyl!" Billie shouted out across the yard to get her brother's attention. Once she had it, she waved him over.

"What's up Sis?" he asked, running over to her and Cat, slightly out of breath.

"Dylan, we need a big favor from you ... one that may be very difficult for you to do. I want you to think about it, and if you are really uncomfortable with the idea, then we'll find another way, but ..." she began.

"Whoa.... Billie, wait a minute. Maybe you should start with telling me what you're trying to accomplish, and, what you want me to do," he said.

Billie looked at Cat, and then back at Dylan. "We're trying to make your father see the light," she said.

Dylan's eyes flew open wide. "And how do you propose to do that? He's been here for three days, and is holding stubborn to his beliefs," Dylan observed.

Billie cringed slightly as she prepared her brother for the blow. "Well, Dylan ... I was kind of hoping that you'd help," she said sheepishly.

Seeing his sister's demeanor put him immediately on guard. "Somehow, I don't think I'm going to like this," he said. "but fire away."

Billie quickly explained her plan to her brother.

"You want me to WHAT!!!" Dylan exclaimed.

"Come on, Dyl ... it's for Mom," Billie urged.

Dylan walked a few feet away, then turned and approached his sister once more. "All right. All right -- I'll do it -- for Mom, but there'd better be no witnesses, and I get to tell him the truth afterward. Agreed?" he demanded.

Billie flashed a crooked smile at her brother. "Agreed," she said, shaking hands with the young man.


Janice and Mel cornered Jim and Laurel later on that evening, just before dinner.

"Jim, may we have a word with you?" Mel asked, intercepting them in the hall on the way to the dining room.

Jim stopped short and looked at his mother-in-law, while Laurel squeezed his hand slightly. Jim briefly acknowledged the gesture before agreeing to speak with the elder ladies in the parlor.

Mel went directly to her favorite chair, while Janice stood by the fireplace, one arm on the mantel. Jim and Laurel were directed to the divan opposite Mel's chair.

"Jim, Laurel," Mel began, hands folded daintily in her lap. "I would like to apologize for my rude behavior after dinner last evenin'. I'm afraid I let my southern pride get in the way of my good sense," she began. "I do not wish to lose my daughter after havin' just found her, so I beg your forgiveness, and ask that you consider stayin' on for the duration of the week."

Janice clenched her fists as she stood at the mantel, her back partially turned toward her daughter and son-in-law. She hated to see Mel humble herself like that ... after all, the confrontation wasn't all her fault.

Jim glanced at Laurel, and then rose to his feet. Taking one step forward, he bowed at the waist and reached for Mel's hand, which she gave readily. Kissing the back of her hand, he said, "Melinda, I graciously accept your apology and offer one of my own. I'm afraid I wasn't on my best behavior last night either, and the wine I consumed did nothing to still my foolish tongue. Please forgive me."

Melinda smiled ear to ear.

Janice unclenched her fists and visibly relaxed.

Laurel let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

All was well once more in the Pappas/Covington household as the ladies exchanged warm hugs and handshakes with their son-in-law.


Late that evening, after dinner was done and the sun had set, the entire family assembled on the front lawn of the mansion to watch the fourth of July fireworks display. As was the tradition every year, Mel and Janice hosted the Independence Day celebration for the nearby community. Soon the field was peppered with lawn chairs filled with friends, neighbors and community members. Mel and Janice proudly introduced their family to the community, who returned the greetings with respect and warmth.

Jim noted the fury of activity with interest. Regardless of who the introductions were made to, be it a city council member, or the poor family from the farm down the road, Mel and Janice greeted each person with the utmost respect, and received the same in kind. They made no pretense about the nature of their relationship. Ida and Laurel were introduced as their daughters. No attempt was made to hide the fact that they had committed their lives to each other in a loving and caring way, as a husband and wife would. And they were accepted .... this fact amazed Jim the most. The community accepted them without reservation. You have a lot to think about, his internal voice spoke to his heart. You have to put aside the pain and humiliation and accept that what happened to you was not typical, the voice said. Jim shook his head to clear his mind, forcing his attention elsewhere as Janice introduced yet another neighbor to him.

Overall, the evening was a huge success. By the end of the fireworks, the individual families had migrated together, tired children lay draped across parent's arms, while the grand finale lit up the sky very near the hour of midnight. Soon, friends and neighbors migrated back to their homes, after thanking Mel and Janice once again for hosting such a grand event as the celebration of their country's birthday. The only revelers left, were the Pappas/Covington clan, who were busy ushering small children to bed.



The women had made themselves scarce the next day, leaving the men to find their own entertainment. All six of them were sitting around the pool, Doc, Jim, Kevin, Joe, Dylan and Seth. Bored. This was the fifth day at Pappington Acres and they had already seen the sights. It didn't cross their minds that they weren't there as tourists, but as family members on vacation. They were there to relax and enjoy life, not to spend their time involved in organized activities.

"We are pathetic!" Doc exclaimed. "Look at us! The women desert us, and we die of boredom!"

Kevin reclined his long legs in front of him and popped open another beer. "Yep, pathetic ... that's us," he said, guzzling his beer.

It was in this state that Maggie found them when she went to tidy the area round the pool.

"Land sakes!" she clucked, hands on her hips. "Without the womenfolk around, you little puppies are lost, ain't cha?" she teased. Rolling up the dishtowel she always carried in the waistband of her apron, she started snapping at the men's legs. "Get your butts off those chairs and do something! The ocean borders the property; and there's a fresh water lake just a mile down the road -- go fishing! There are horses in the stable -- go riding! Do something!" she scolded.

The men did their best to avoid the wrath of Maggie as they jumped around, dodging the stinging towel.

"Okay! Okay! Fishing is good!" exclaimed Joe as he nearly jumped into the pool to avoid being snapped. Five other heads nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Good! Now be gone with y'all ... and bring back supper!" she shouted after them, chuckling to herself as she returned to her kitchen.


"Grams, are we going to have enough material to make 16 Amazon costumes?" Drew asked innocently.

"Well, sweetheart, since there's practically nothing to them, I'd say yes!" Janice answered.

"Oh groan! What am I getting myself into?" Bridget complained.

Amy opened her mouth to reply, but was stilled by her mother's scolding look.

"Nothing to them, huh?" Billie said, directing the question at Janice, but looking at Cat with wicked eyebrows.

Janice noted the look on Billie's face and swatted her granddaughter's arm. "Save it for later!" she scolded good naturedly.

"Oh, there's plenty more where that came from," Billie said, grinning.

Cat reached up and grabbed the front of Billie's T-shirt, pulling her face close to her own. "If I'm going to run around half naked, gyrating all over the place for you, my love, you had better make it worth my while," she said seductively.

Billie placed a quick kiss on Cat's mouth. "Oh, you won't be disappointed ... I promise you," she said, kissing her once more.

"Put a lid on it and get to work!" Janice scolded once more, causing grins to cross the faces of Ida and Laurel who were busy with their own costumes.

"What are the men going to do while we're prostituting ourselves in front of them?" Amy asked.

"Oh Amy, do you have to use that word?" Bridget said, cringing at the thought.

"Bridge, are you still a virgin?" Amy asked, "... 'cause you sure act like one!"

"Amy Marie, stop badgering your sister. Do you hear me?" Ida scolded. "My word! Do you always have to pick at her like that?"

Amy had the decency to look ashamed. Punching Bridget lightly in the arm, she said, "Aw come on, Bridge, you know I'm just teasing, don't you?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Bridget admitted, "but you know Amy, not everyone is as loose at you," she added.

Amy's head perked up, a big grin plastered across her face. "Touché, sister dear!" she said as Bridget and Cat exchanged a 'high-five'. Billie grinned at the sisterly exchange.

"To answer your question, dear, " Mel volunteered, "Grandma Jan and I have decided to put the men in charge of the drums. Of course, we'll have to teach them the rhythm, and teach all of you the Amazon war song and dance, but you'll catch on quickly, I'm sure."

"We have to learn a song, Nona?" asked Laurel.

"Oh yes. It is a special war song, sung by the Amazons the evening before battle. It pumped them up, so to speak ... got them all excited about going to war," Mel explained.

"Do the men get to wear, like, skimpy costumes, too? I'm, like, dying to see Dylan in a g-string!" Drew exclaimed.

All eyes turned to Drew, mouths open. Cat and Billie dropped their faces into their hands.

"Ooops! I guess you all, like, didn't know about that, did you? Well, now you do!" she squealed delightfully.

Laurel raised an eyebrow at Billie, whose face betrayed the fact that she obviously knew about it. Billie winced out her apology.

"Well ... nothing like keeping it in the family, huh?" Amy said, breaking the tension and causing general laughter to spread out across the room.


It was very late into the afternoon before the costumes were ready ... all 16 of them. True to Janice's word, they did not require much material. The tops consisted of two small triangles of leather to cover each breast, held on by straps around the neck and back, and decorated with various feathers and beads. Swirling patterns were drawn here and there with gold or silver paint sticks. The bottoms were cut low, and just barely covered the essentials. Strands from a couple of old grass skirts had been sewn in sparsely around the periphery of the waist bands, falling to the knees of the wearers. In lieu of masks, the plan was to decorate their hair with more feathers and grass strands, and to add beaded necklaces, and feathery wrist bracelets, gauntlets and ankle bracelets. Their feet would be bare. The costumes for the little girls and for the older women, were of similar design, but much more modest.

Once the ladies' costumes were complete, they started on the men's. Cat and Billie worked on Seth's, Drew made Dylan's and the remaining four ladies made one for each of their husbands.

"They're not gonna wear these things, you know," Amy said.

"Hey, if I can parade my old wrinkled butt around in one of these skimpy costumes, then they can proudly display their beer bellies!" Janice exclaimed.

"Janice, dear heart, I beg to differ, but your wrinkled old butt is kinda cute," Mel replied. "I kinda like it the way it is ... aged, like good wine and cheese," she said.

"Great!" Janice said, throwing her hands out to the sides. "My butt reminds my wife of moldy old cheese!"

The women roared with laughter at Mel and Jan's antics.

It was going to be an interesting bonfire ... that was for sure.


The men stood proudly around the dining room, holding chairs out for the ladies to be seated. The women approached cautiously, not really sure what their partners and sons were up to. Finally, all were seated and waiting expectantly for Maggie to serve the meal.

As the doors to the kitchen swung open, the men puffed their chests out, smug expressions crossing their faces as Maggie placed a meal of blackened catfish, Cajun rice and blackeyed peas before the diners.

Mel recognized the delicacy immediately, "I do declare, Maggie!" she exclaimed, "where on earth did you find catfish on such short notice?"

"The menfolk were kind enough to catch it for us, Miss Melinda," Maggie replied, "that is, after I chased their scrawny, moping butts outta here this morning," she added, hands perched on her generous hips, head bobbing side to side as she made her exclamation. Laughter erupted around the table.

Mel looked around at the proud faces. "Well, thank you very much, kind sirs," she said formally, receiving nods of acknowledgment in return.

Cat leaned over to Billie and whispered in her ear, "They're all cavemen, including our son!" Billie chuckled her agreement as she dove into her dinner, savoring every bite.


Bright and early the next morning, Janice took the men into the basement where she and Mel stored artifacts and museum pieces they had collected. Among the items, were several tall drums and other percussion type instruments. Allowing them to choose their own instruments, she finally had them organized enough to start demonstrating the basic Amazon drum beat. As she suspected, the younger men went for the drums, while Doc and Jim opted for the sticks and maracas type instruments.

It took a full two hours for the four drummers to finally get the pattern of the beat, and another hour for them to meld together so that they complimented rather than competed against each other. Finally, the sticks and maracas were blended into the music.

"Okay, fellas, one more time," Janice instructed as she led the 'band' with the make-shift baton she had constructed out of a pencil. "One, two, three...." she beat as the song began. Janice stood there, listening intently, trying to 'feel' the spirit of the song ... to no avail. Damn! she said to herself. Looks like they're all tone deaf ... all except for young Seth ... maybe there's something to that rap music after all. Janice paced back and forth, trying to figure out how to get some umph into the beat. Finally, on the verge of giving up, she though, Oh hell, maybe everyone will be too drunk to notice. Suddenly, the thought hit her. "Of course!" she shouted out loud.

The men stopped playing and looked at Janice with raised eyebrows.

"Fellas, how would you all like some cold beer? Or maybe whiskey shots?" Janice suggested, grinning ear to ear.

Smiles broken out across all but one face -- Seth's, who promptly turned green, remembering the hang-over from the day before.

Well, this is one way to get them to wear the costumes ... they'll be too drunk to care! Janice thought as she poured the shots. Passing them out to all but Seth, they raised their glasses in a toast. "Here's to the best Amazon bonfire ever. To the Amazons!" Janice shouted.

"To the Amazons!" toasted the men.


"Okay, ladies," Melinda said, clapping her hands and lining the women up in a row on the back patio. "Now ya really have to put your own style into it, but basically you hop around from foot to foot kinda like this," she said, demonstrating something that looked similar to an Indian war dance. "Then ya stop, knees bent, feet pointing out, hands on your knees, and sway your head side to side, like this." Again, Mel demonstrated the dance step. "Okay, now let me see y'all do it," she said.

Fourteen females, ages 7 to 55 began gyrating to imaginary music. Mel covered her mouth with her hand to prevent the ladies from seeing the grin that was rapidly growing there.

"All right now, throw a little hip action into it ... yes, that's it!" Mel said to Amy as she let loose.

"Shake those shoulders, Drew ... you've got it! Come on Caitlain, sway those hips! Bridget ... Bridget honey, you've GOT to loosen up, you're way too stiff!" Mel commented, causing Amy to snort.

"Ida, Laurel... girls, you're not going to raise your husband's spirits with moves like those!" Mel said raising wicked eyebrows.

Finally, exasperated at the group of mannequins and robots she had in front of her, Mel called a time out. "Okay... okay, ladies, let's take a break. All right, I'd like all my little grandbabies to come here for a moment," she instructed.

The seven little girls all gathered around their grandmother. "Okay, sweetlings," she said. "How would you like to do Grams a big favor?" she asked.

Seven heads shook in unison.

"Good! Please run in to the house and tell Maggie that Grams would like a big pitcher of her special ice tea and eight glasses for us ladies, and to give each of you some cookies and something to drink as well. Okay?" she asked.

Once the kids were out of hearing range, Melinda sat the ladies down for a talk. "Okay ladies, we need to talk," she began. "I'm gonna be up front with y'all. This dance I'm teachin' you is not only a war dance, it's an Amazon mating dance."

Bridget's eyes flew open. Rising to her feet, she put her hands on her hips and exclaimed, "I thought so! Grams, how could you? Why -- I never!" she said.

"That's just the problem, Bridge... you never!" Amy replied.

"Now that's enough, girls," Mel said. "Anyway, y'all need to loosen up ... put some passion and spunk into it. Your goal here is to seduce your mate."

Billie leaned in to whisper in Cat's ear. "So, should I play hard to get?"

Cat poked Billie in the ribs with her elbow.

"All right now, here comes our refreshments," Mel said, indicating the maid pushing the refreshment cart onto the patio, followed by the children.

One by one, eyes widened as they sampled Mel's 'special' ice tea. This was going to be an interesting lesson.


By dusk, the estate was buzzing with activity. The entire morning and part of the afternoon was spent practicing for the evening dance. By early evening, everyone was in costume and war paint, beer bellies and wrinkled old butts included. By that time, all self consciousness about how foolish they looked had flown out the window, thanks to the whiskey shots and special ice tea they had consumed all day.

A nice buffet dinner had been laid out on the patio, containing several food items one would expect to see at a primitive cookout, including spare ribs, corn on the cob, corn muffins, fresh fruit salad, cold baked potatoes and several skins of very strong wine.

After dinner the music began. The men were so loose from the shots and wine they had consumed that they played flawlessly. It didn't take much encouragement for the women to get up and dance to the intoxicating beat, swaying their bodies to and fro, seductively gyrating their hips, throwing their heads back and flailing their arms. It did take some effort however, to remember that the children were still awake and anxiously waiting for the bonfire to be lit.

Soon, the fire was raging as the wall of flames lit up the night sky. Within a couple of hours, the children started yawning. One by one, they were led to bed by parents anxious to get the party started. By 11 pm, they had all retired, including Seth. Finally, they were alone as both the bonfire and the fires within their souls were fed by the alcohol they had consumed and the atmosphere they had created by the music and dancing.

The dance started with the nine women moving in war-like fashion around the bonfire. The fire reflected off the scantily clad forms, covered with a layer of sweat produced by the heat of the fire and the exertion of the dance. The dance was intoxicatingly seductive, pulling the women into a trance-like state as they moved around the fire.

Primal urges overcame them. One by one, they loosened up and released their inhibitions, gyrating to the drumming, singing in deep guttural tones as they swayed to the music, seducing their respective mates with thrusting hips and roaming hands as they passed them by. The most surprising release of inhibition came from Bridget, who, fueled by the amount of tea she had consumed throughout the day, totally let loose and openly seduced Kevin while he tried desperately to keep his tempo on the drum. They were the first couple to leave the party.

One by one, couples deserted the flock. Doc and Ida, Dylan and Drew, Jim and Laurel, Mel and Jan, Amy and Joe. Finally, Cat and Billie stood alone, wrapped in each others arms, sweat glistened bodies melded together in front of the dwindling bonfire, Cat's head lying flat against Billie's chest, Billie's cheek resting on top of Cat's head.

"Billie," Cat whispered.

"Yes, my love?" came the answer as they swayed to the non existent music.

"Let's go walk on the beach," she suggested.

Billie looked up at the sky. "It looks like it might rain, Cat," she observed.

"Don't worry love, you're not made of sugar, you won't melt," chucked the smaller woman.

Billie threw her head back and laughed. Taking Cat's hand, they headed across the field to the beach.

It was a very dark night, the moon peeking through at random intervals between the dark clouds that floated across the sky. Led primarily by the sound of the water, Cat and Billie made their way to the water's edge, walking along in the surf, hand in hand, savoring the feel of the warm water on their feet and the smell of the sea invading their nostrils. They would stop occasionally to share a kiss, a touch, or a look.

At one point, the sky completely clouded over, leaving them in total darkness. The couple stopped walking and just held each other, basking in the solitude their self imposed prison brought to them. No light ... only sound and touch. Suddenly, it began to rain. Falling to the sand, they huddled together, with Cat sitting between Billie's legs, resting her back against the taller woman's chest. The feel of the damp sand under their fingers was their only connection to the earth as they listened to the sound of the waves hitting the shore. They imagined the white cascading foam receding back into the ocean, as the smell of salt and seaweed permeated their senses. Inhaling deeply, their lungs filled with the glorious nectar of life giving air as the spray of the ocean settled lightly on their skin, adding to the dampness brought on by the rain.

Suddenly Zeus made his grand entrance, thunderous applause rolling in his wake as the sky lit up with his talents. Wave after wave of vibrations rocked the earth as he stormed his way across the stage, touching his audience with breathtaking adeptness, as baby angels cried their sorrows down upon the earth in torrents of rain. Cat and Billie smiled broadly as the forces of nature joined, to hit the earth with a resounding crash that shook them to the very core of their beings, making them gasp for breath, and filling their chests with a sudden burst of adrenaline. Billie reclined on the sand, holding herself and Cat up by her elbows, Throwing their heads back, they thrust their chins toward the traitorous sky as the rain drops pummeled their bodies and the lightning proudly displayed the slick moisture covering their skin.

Another loud clap of thunder and burst of lightning filled the darkness as a wave of near-orgasmic excitement ran through the women sitting on the beach. The excitement was too great for Cat to control. As another bolt of lightning lit up the sky, she scurried to her knees and faced a reclining Billie. Billie could see the intense passion in her face reflected by the streak of lightning.

"Billie, this is driving me crazy. Make love to me ... right here ... right now ... please," she pleaded.

Billie narrowed her eyes at Cat, smiling seductively. Rising to her feet, she helped Cat up, then stepped in close to cup her face between wet sandy palms. Lowering her face, she kissed the smaller woman passionately, the rain falling in torrents around them, causing their loose hair to adhere slickly to their faces, dark entwined with red-gold.

Bending over, Billie reached under Cat's legs and lifted her into her arms, carrying her to the edge of the water. Falling to her knees, she lowered Cat into the surf and laid her body on top of the smaller woman, propping herself up by her elbows on both sides of Cat's head. Taking Cat's face between her hands, she kissed her long and hard, driving her tongue deep into her wife's throat, just as a wave crashed into their entwined forms, covering them completely with water.

Cat gasped, desperately fighting both Billie and the receding tide for air. As soon as the water cleared, Billie returned for more, barely giving Cat time to fill her lungs with air before devouring her mouth again. Another tide hit them. In a surge of desperation, Cat pushed against Billie, rolling them both over. Sitting up straight on top of Billie, Cat threw her head back, her hair whipping the water and sand around as she gasped once more for air.

"Billie!" Cat gasped. "By the gods! Take me!" she said desperately, her hands placed firmly on Billie's shoulders, pinning her to the surf. The combination of air restriction and the storm raging around them, was causing her level of desire to race out of control.

Billie surged upward, bringing herself into a sitting position, with Cat straddling her lap. Reaching up, she grabbed the center of Cat's Amazon bra and ripped it off forcibly, breaking the straps that held it in place around her neck and back. Reaching behind Cat, she pulled the smaller woman in close, their cores separated only by the thin material of their outfits.

"Gods! ... Billie ... Yes!" Cat screamed as Billie pounced on and roughly devoured first one breast and then the other. Cat grabbed Billie by the hair on either side of her head as she threw her own head back, forcing her breasts closer to Billie's eager mouth. Rain pummeled down, lightning highlighting their passion-filled silhouettes against the darkened beach.

Billie reached up and pulled Cat's mouth to her own. "Cat, I want you so badly. I want to kneel before you and inhale your musky scent. I want to explore your center with my mouth. I want to fill you with everything that I am. Oh gods, Cat, I want to hear you scream my name and beg me to take you over and over." Billie proclaimed passionately.

Cat was shaking out of control, her whole body in a state of sexual shock. "Do it! Billie, please. Love me," she said, her nerves strung out to the breaking point.

The clouds started to thin, allowing the moon to shine through, however the rain continued to fall lightly.

Rocking herself forward, Billie laid Cat back down in the surf and leaned in between her legs, tenderly kissing her face and neck. Cat's core was pressed into Billie's abdomen, her legs wrapped around the taller woman's waist. Sitting back on her heels, she forced Cat's bottom to lie flat on the sand, her legs still straddling her wife's lap. Billie knelt above her lover and savored the look of intense passion and pleading in her wife's eyes. Placing her hands on Cat's knees, she slowly ran them down the insides of Cat's thighs, causing the smaller woman's body to convulse with desire as she neared her core.

"Billie, please!" Cat pleaded in a small voice. "I am so wet for you, love."

Reaching under her wife, Billie pulled the rest of her Amazon costume off, placing kisses along the length of Cat's legs as she released each one from the confines of the panties. Billie inhaled the scent of her lover from the panties before casting them away. Cat was shaking out of control from the intensity of her own sexual desire. Her head was thrown back, hands grasping the sand by her sides, rain falling steadily onto her face. Billie leaned in once more to place several tender kisses on Cat's mouth, neck and breasts as another tide surged in and covered their bodies.

Sitting up, Billie looked down at her wife's naked, quivering form. Green, smoldering eyes, hooded with desire. Red-gold hair spread out around her in the sand, swaying two and fro in the tide like seaweed. Nipples erect from desire, and the effects of the cold tide flowing over them in periodic waves. A small puddle of sandy water trapped in her navel. The hair around her treasure wet and glistening from a combination of the tide and Cat's overflowing desire. Billie's restraint was sorely tested as she took in the sum total of desire before her. She felt her own font overflow with wetness for this wondrous beauty beneath her.

Unable to restrain herself any longer, Billie reached under the smaller woman and lifted her bottom out of the surf, raising it high out of the water, and resting in on her own chest, bringing Cat's core to with reaching distance of her mouth. Looking down over the expanse of abdomen at the smaller woman below her, Billie saw the desperation and want in Cat's eyes. Without further hesitation, Billie closed her eyes and inhaled the heady aroma, bringing her mouth to feast for long moments upon the treat awaiting her there as Cat writhed in sexual agony.

Oh Gods! Billie thought, almost climaxing at the shear pleasure she was bringing to her wife. Gods, Cat, you taste wonderful. I could feast on your gifts forever. How does this feel love? She asked in her mind as she flicked her tongue over Cat's pleasure point. Cat responded in kind with a loud moan and an upward thrust of her hips. You liked that, huh? I thought so. Gods, I love doing this to you. How about this? she thought again, as her teeth nipped lightly at the swollen bud of desire. Cat's whole body stiffened in response. Oh no, no, no, no ... not yet, love. It's much too soon, she thought as she released the bud and blew cool air over the heated area.

"Billie! I am so close. Please let me come," Cat begged.

Billie responded by blowing more cool air over Cat's heated core. "Not yet love," she said, lowering Cat's bottom to the sand once more, relieving the pressure on the smaller woman's neck.

"Yes ... Billie -- please!" Cat begged.

"No love," Billie answered as she leaned in once more to kiss her wife. Reaching under Cat's shoulders, she gathered the smaller woman into her arms just as another tide hit them.

Lifting Cat out of the water, Billie pulled her in to straddle her waist once more. Cat ground her core into Billie's abdomen in an attempt to gain some relief.

Billie looked at her and raised one eyebrow in reprimand.

Cat leaned in and placed butterfly kisses on and around Billie's left ear. "Please ..." she whispered to her wife.

"No," Billie whispered back.

Wrapping her arms tightly around Cat's waist, Billie rose to her knees and then to her feet. Cat remained locked around her wife, arms around her neck, legs around her waist, tongues firmly entwined in her mouth, as Billie walked into deeper water. When the water came to just below Billie's breasts, she relaxed her hold on Cat and allowed it to provide some of the buoyancy.

Reaching up, Billie grasped Cat's face between her hands and once more buried her tongue deep into the red head's mouth.

Cat was on fire. She couldn't believe that she was standing there in the cold ocean with her wife, yet she was on fire ... literally overheated with desire. Cat returned Billie's ardor ten-fold in a breathtaking kiss, fighting for room in the taller woman's mouth.

So preoccupied with the kiss was Cat, that she didn't feel Billie release her face with one hand and move it into the water, beneath the smaller woman. Suddenly, Billie thrust upward, burying two fingers deep within her wife.

Cat came out of the water like she was shot from a canon. "By the Gods!" she screamed into the night. "Billie! Gods, Billie! More! Please! Harder!" she cried loudly as Billie added a third finger and thrust repeatedly into Cat. Cat was nearly comatose from the sensations coursing through her body. Never before had she felt such sudden, intense desire as she did at that moment. In the seven years she had been with Billie she had experienced nearly every level of desire possible ... or so she thought. This was something totally foreign and far more intense than anything she had ever lived through. Between the intense shafts of desire shooting from her core to her brain, and the stimulating temperature of the water, she was helpless to resist as she tumbled violently over the chasm of orgasmic pleasure. Down she plummeted, free falling for several moments, until she finally landed on a downy pillow of love in the arms of her wife.

Shivering uncontrollably, Cat laid her head on Billie's shoulder as her body recovered from the desirous trauma it had just experienced. Billie reached around and lifted Cat into her arms, holding her close as she slowly walked toward the shore. Gods, Cat. I feel so needed right now. To be able to bring you this level of pleasure is all I ever want out of life. I will love you till my last breath, sweetheart, she thought as she approached the shore and sat with her back against a large piece of driftwood, holding Cat across her lap as the smaller woman fell asleep in her arms.



The next morning found Billie and Cat asleep on the beach, both lying on their sides, Billie's back up against the large piece of drift wood she had used as a backrest the previous night, a naked Cat tucked protectively within the circle of her arms. They were a mess. Covered with war paint, dried mud and sand particles in places they didn't even know existed, hair tangled and littered with sand and seaweed.

"Hey," said the voice. "Hey you two ... time to get up."

Startled, Billie immediately jumped to her feet to defend herself and her charge. Clearing her eyes of sleep, she looked at the intruder and realized that it was Janice.

"Grams," she said, rubbing her eyes, effectively adding more sand to them. "Damn!" she said, brushing her hands off, "what happened?"

"I'd say, too much wine, and passion by the looks of it. Amazon bonfires ... gotta love 'em!" Janice exclaimed, handing Billie the blanket she had brought with her.

Taking the blanket, Billie knelt down and shook the still-sleeping Cat. "Cat, sweetheart, come on, wake up love. Grandma Jan is here," Billie said gently.

Cat brushed her hand away. "Go'way," she said stubbornly, causing Janice to chuckle and mumble something about it running in the family.

Billie resorted to the direct approach. "Cat, you are lying on the beach in broad daylight, naked. Now I have a blanket here for you to cover up with, but you don't get it until you get up," she said.

Cat immediately shot up into a sitting position. "Whaaaaat?" she said alarmed, looking around wildly.

Billie gave her a few seconds to recover before handing the blanket over to her. Helping her to her feet, Billie threw and arm around the smaller woman as she steadied herself.

Cat looked around at her surroundings. "We spent the night here, didn't we?"

Billie shook her head.

Opening the blanket to look at her own state of undress, she looked back at her still-clothed wife and grinned, "Looks like I owe you one, huh?" she said.

Billie shook her head once more, then leaned in to whisper in Cat's ear, "I'll expect payment in the shower this morning."

Cat grinned from ear to ear. The shower was one of her favorite places to make love to her wife. The possibilities were endless. She eagerly agreed with a vigorous nod of the head.

"Well if you two are done with your foreplay, we should be headed back. The rest of us have been up, dressed and fed for about an hour now," Janice informed them.

"Grams, how did you know where to find us?" Cat asked.

"Well, this is exactly where I would have brought Mel if we were about 40 years younger. Lucky guess, I suppose. Be grateful I found you and not Jim," she added as they headed back to the house.

"Grams, do you think he'll ever come around?" Billie asked. "I mean, we all go home tomorrow. If we haven't changed his mind yet, I'm not sure we ever will."

"Well, I guess you have to ask yourself if it matters if he ever accepts us," Janice reasoned.

"For Mom's sake, I think it does matter, Grams," Billie replied solemnly.

"Well then, for your Mom's sake, I hope he does," Janice replied as she locked arms with Billie for the walk back to the mansion.


Billie and Cat returned to their room through the back staircase leading from the kitchen to the upper stories. They were in such a state of disarray, that they wanted to avoid the stares and ribbing that would most certainly have come if the family had seen them. As it was they had to endure Maggie's clucking as they passed through the kitchen.

After a very long shower, Cat and Billie donned T-shirts and shorts, and climbed into bed to snuggle for a while. Cat spooned herself behind Billie's taller frame, wrapping her arms around her wife's waist and kissing her lightly between the shoulder blades.

"Cat," Billie whispered.

"Hmmmmm?" Cat replied.

"I love you," the dark woman responded.

Cat smiled into Billie's back and kissed her again.

"I love you too," she whispered back before drifting off to sleep.

Some time later, the ladies found themselves awakened by two small bodies perched on top of them.

"Grrrrrrrrr," Billie said under her breath.


"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr," she said again, this time, starting to stir.

More giggling.

"GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" she said one more time, rearing up and capturing the children, pulling them down between Cat and herself and pinning them there with her weight. By this time, Cat was wide awake and quite ready to participate in the capture.

"Mama Bear, what do we have here?" Billie said in a deep gravely voice.

"Looks like dinner to me, Papa Bear," Cat replied.

The children squealed with delight.

"Do you think we need to cook them first?" asked Papa Bear.

"Nah ... Let's eat them raw!" replied Mama Bear.

The two bears proceeded to tickle the little intruders with tiny nips to their bellies.

After several moments of torture, the two ladies collapsed on top of the children, wrestling around with them until the little girls had managed to positioned themselves on top, straddling the adults.

"Okay! Okay, we give up!" Billie said to Skylar and Lisa, Bridget's youngest daughter.

"What do you rugrats want?" Cat asked, pinned to the bed by Lisa.

"Grandma and Nana sent us to look for you. Said you been sleepin' long enough," Skylar related.

"Well, they're probably right," Billie said. Looking over to Cat she added, "Whaddaya think Mama Bear? Do you think hibernation is over?"

"Yep, I think it is ... and beside, you do need a shave, Papa Bear," Cat replied, grinning.

"Why you ...." Billie said, lunging over to grab Cat who moved just beyond her reach and rolled off the bed, running out of the room behind the squealing children.


The family gathered on the side lawn to celebrate one last afternoon of fun before they began to migrate home the following day. With 22 people, they easily had two complete softball teams, and quickly proceeded to split into two groups. For the next few hours, they played ball, no one really taking the game very seriously, adults bumbling the plays when the younger children managed to hit the ball, and ending up with scores that resembled football more than baseball. By late in the afternoon, everyone was thoroughly exhausted, but elated with the camaraderie and sense of family that pervaded the atmosphere.

Maggie outdid herself once more with an elaborate cookout which the family enjoyed while the children played croquet and the adults lounged by the pool. Billie and Cat, Dylan and Drew were in the pool hitting a beach ball back and forth to each other while the rest of the adults were reclining in loungers or visiting at nearby patio tables.

While passing the ball back and forth, Billie and Cat simultaneously lunged for the ball. Billie's hand grazed off the side of it and came down to accidentally hit Cat right in the side of the face. Cat immediately went down into the water, holding her hand to her face.

"Gods! Cat!" Billie exclaimed, reaching into the water to retrieve her injured wife. All eyes turned to the women as Billie pulled her up and profusely apologized for striking her.

"Cat, Sweetheart, I'm so sorry," she said, kissing the spot where her hand had made contact with her wife's cheek.

"I'm all right, Billie. It was an accident. I'm fine," Cat said, but eagerly accepted the gentle caresses her wife was dishing out.

Billie leaned in and kissed her face once more, then placed a delicate kiss on her lips. "Forgive me?" she asked, looking directly into Cat's green eyes.

"Oh for crying out loud! She said she was all right!" Jim suddenly proclaimed. "Christ! Your kind makes me sick sometimes!"

Mel gasped, reaching for Janice as she felt a faint coming on.

Total silence as all eyes turned to Jim. Laurel held her breath, disbelief clouding her features.

Billie moved away from Cat and hefted herself out of the pool, very near to where Jim was sitting. Dylan moved quickly to intercept her.

"What did you say to me?" Billie said, venom lacing her voice.

"Billie, no," Dylan said, physically holding his sister back.

"No Dylan ... Someone needs an attitude adjustment," she said.

"Then let me do it," he said.

Billie looked at her brother, then remembered the favor she had asked of him earlier. Raising her eyebrows in question, she silently asked him to explain.

"I'm beyond caring if there are witnesses, Billie," he said. Then turning to his father he continued. "Dad, do you love me?" he asked.

Jim shifted his eyes from Billie to Dylan, confusion clouding them over. "What kind of question is that?" he asked.

"Just answer it ... Do you love me?" Dylan asked again.

"You know that I do, son. I would die for you." he said vehemently.

"What if I told you I was gay, Dad. Would that change the way you feel about me?" He asked pointedly.

Drew, who had moved over to stand next to Cat, gasped out loud. "You are?" she asked. Cat elbowed her in the ribs.

"Dylan ..." Jim stammered.

"Answer the question, Dad!" Dylan shouted, causing his mother to take a step forward. Ida promptly stopped her sister's advance with a hand on her arm.

Jim was totally confused. "Why ... why no. It wouldn't change the way I feel ... you would still be my son," Jim said, his voice cracking with emotion as his eyes darted around in a near panic state.

"Then why can't you accept my sister ... and my grandmothers?" Dylan asked. "For that matter, why can't you accept all gays ... why Dad?" he said, once again raising his voice.

"Because they're evil ... don't you understand? They corner little boys in closets, and touch them, and make them do things that ... Oh God. It wasn't my fault!" Jim exclaimed, falling to his knees, crying.

By this time, Billie and Cat both realized what was happening. Taking a quick step forward, Billie wrapped her arms around her stepfather and sank to the floor with him, holding his head against her chest. Ida released Laurel's arm at the same time that Cat climbed out of the pool and approached the fallen man. Dylan too fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around his sister and father. Soon, the family of five knelt in a huddle, comforting the crying man in the center, while Janice and Melinda respectfully ushered the rest of the family away from the patio, allowing the stricken family time and space to heal.



The sun rose far too early for the family the next morning, knowing that this was their last day together, probably for a long time to come. The atmosphere was solemn around the breakfast table ... even Maggie had tears in her eyes as she served the family their last meal together. After they were all seated and served, Janice and Mel stood together at one end of the long table and looked out over their loved ones. Janice cleared her throat. All eyes turned in the direction of the elderly ladies.

"Ah, I'm not very good at this, but I'll take a stab anyway," Janice began, as Mel wiped the corner of her eye with her breakfast napkin. "This past week has been one of the most wonderful that Mel and I can remember. Who would have thought that 50 years ago, when I met this magnificent woman here," she said, taking Melinda's hand, "that we would end up with such a wonderful family. The only thing that would have made this better was if our fathers, Melvin Pappas and Harry Covington had been alive to see this. They too would have been proud of all of you."

Janice paused to take a drink of water and to compose herself before continuing.

"Some of us came together a week ago as virtual strangers, but will depart here as family, united in love ... and make no mistake, Mel and I love each and every one of you deeply. A very big piece of our heart will leave with you today. Please don't stay away too long. The gods willing, Mel and I will be around for many more years, and we pray they will be years filled with the presence of those before us today," Janice recited.

Several sniffles were heard around the room. Billie reached for Cat's hand under the table and squeezed it tightly. Cat looked over at Billie and allowed a lone tear to run down her cheek. Billie leaned in and kissed it away. "Don't cry, love. We'll be back," she whispered to her emotional wife.

Janice continued. "As part of your assurance that we'll see you often, Mel and I have decided to invite the children to spend part of their summer vacations here each year. In fact," Janice said, raising her hand to quell the squall of excitement that started to arise around the table, "In fact, we'd like to make a one-week fourth of July vacation mandatory for the whole family every year -- complete with an Amazon bonfire. What do you say?" She asked, looking hopefully around the table.

A loud cheer broke out as the children started making plans with their favorite cousins for the next year's visit. The adults rose from their seats and circled Mel and Jan, hugging them vigorously and exchanging promises to attend. Finally, Janice raised her hands, signaling for quiet all around. When the room was silent once more, she turned to Melinda and said, "Mel, was there anything you wanted to say to our family before Maggie serves breakfast?"

Taking a deep breath, Melinda rose to her full height and looked around the room. "Janice agreed to do all the talkin' cause I'm just a big mushball when it comes to sayin' goodbye. But I do want to say one thing. The sayin' goes that you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your relatives. Well, between you and me, I am so glad that its true, 'cause I can't imagine choosin' better relatives on my own. The gods were truly lookin' out for Jan and I when they picked y'all for us. We love you, and we're lookin' forward to doin' this again next year," she finished.

The room erupted once more in a barrage of cheers, hugs and kisses before the family finally settled down for their last meal together.


The rest of the day was spent in tearful goodbyes as each family departed for home, promising to stay in touch with each other and the elderly ladies from Charleston.

Goodbyes were especially bittersweet between Jim and the ladies. Since his breakdown the evening before, they had spent several hours talking and coming to an understanding about the trauma that had left Jim feeling the way he did about homosexuals. After much discussion, he came to realize that he had stereotyped all gays based on that one horrifying childhood experience, and that he needed to be more open minded and accepting. Several promises were made by all parties to spend time together working out the issues and forming new bonds. Before departing, Jim and Laurel made plans to visit with their daughter and family, specifically for that reason.

Billie and Cat waved vigorously as their plane left the runway, stopping only after the plane became airborne. Sitting back in their seats, Cat reached out and took Billie's hand, kissing the back of it, then pulling it in close to her heart. Looking over at her wife, such love shone from her eyes that it took Billie's breath away. Billie saw something else there as well ... something she questioned with her eyes.

Cat just smiled knowingly, and thought of the skimpy Amazon outfits she had tucked away into their bags, as the plane soared homeward.


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