~ Running Up That Hill ~
by ladydameon and Lain Stardust

General Disclaimer(s): See Part 1.

Chapter 3: Unimatrix Zero Vignette
Rating: G / T
Summary: The Doctor and Seven of Nine discover the ramifications of away team's assimilation.

Author's Note: Reading the previous chapters is recommended. If necessary, please visit Chrissie's Transcripts Site for a reliable transcript of Unimatrix Zero I & II or StarTrek.com for a more detailed synopsis.

[A day after the episode...]

Chief Medical Officer's Log - Supplemental, Stardate 54017.4: I'm happy to report that Captain Janeway, Tuvok and B'Elanna Torres have all been released to quarters, and I don't see any reason why they can't resume full-active duty by the end of the week.

At the scheduled time, Seven of Nine reported to Sickbay as requested by the EMH. Her gaze swept the room, confirming that Lieutenant Torres, Commander Tuvok and Captain Janeway had already been released. It had been approximately seventy-two hours since their return to Voyager, and the de-assimilation had proceeded without complications - as far as the crew was concerned. However, the Doctor's request for her consultation left Seven feeling apprehensive.

She gave her usual greeting, stopping at the Sickbay's computer console. A quick glance to the readout indicated that the Doctor was reviewing Tuvok's medical files as a pair of holographic Tuvoks displaying assimilation and post-assimilation data were projected within the surgical bay alcove.

"Ah, Seven, I apologize for the early hour, but it's less likely we'll be interrupted." The EMH moved around the console, and imputed a series of commands. "I have some questions-"

"Doctor," Seven quickly interjected. She had expected as much at his scheduled summons, but did not expect to be privy to this much medical data. Certainly, the hologram had not forgotten about her eidetic memory or doctor-patient confidentiality.

As if expecting the concerns, the EMH waved away the unasked question - wanting to get to the issue at hand. "It's alright, Seven. I received clearance for your consultation, and I'm sure I don't have to remind you that this is all strictly confidential and classified." He had deleted the post-assimilation projection of Tuvok, leaving only the full-sized assimilated one. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but the implant configuration would imply a tactical logistics drone."

Stepping around the console, Seven of Nine observed the projection unobstructed. "Please display only skeletal and cybernetic components."

After a few beeps, the Doctor fulfilled her request.

Completing a circuit around the holographic Tuvok drone, Seven nodded, "You are correct, Doctor."

Nodding, the Doctor explained, "Since Commander Tuvok was actually connected to the Collective, some of his implants gained a tighter hold on his physiological systems. I was able to remove ninety-five percent - opting to leave the enhanced elbow replacement and a neural relay in his cerebral cortex." He paused. "As far as the remaining nanoprobes, I figure they would continue - with some slight reprogramming - to maintain the implants until they either become dormant or cease functioning, which would drop his implant ratio to three percent."

The holographic Tuvok drone disappeared, allowing one of B'Elanna Torres to appear.

"Now from what I can tell, Lieutenant Torres was configured for a maintenance drone." The EMH shifted the display to skeletal and cybernetic components.

Again, Seven walked around the hologram. "Correct." She noted a few changes in the configuration since her time in the Collective, but nothing drastic.

"As far as her implants go, B'Elanna will be left with a sub-vocal processor and nanoprobes which will eventually go the way of Tuvok's. Since she was never connected to the Collective, the cross sectioning of the hemispheres didn't result in any brain matter loss. I just had to remove the connections from the skull." The Doctor discontinued the Torres hologram.

"Implant ratio?"

Looking up, the holographic doctor answered, "One percent with the remaining active nanoprobes." Now it was the delicate matter of discussing the captain. "Before we continue, Seven, I must remind you not to discuss this with anyone."

"I understand, Doctor," said Seven, who had already been briefed by Tuvok. They were concerned about the captain but why, exactly, confounded her. The captain wasn't connected to the Hive Mind. The Doctor already indicated to the senior staff that a majority of her implants had been successfully removed.

"We're going to back track a bit here, so bear with me."

A holographic Janeway - in uniform - appeared in the surgical bay.

"This is the captain before her accident on Liratic Prime, with reasonable extrapolations of her injuries sustained over the years."

Quickly, the image rotated and morphed to display a magnification of the lower lumbar region as he spoke, continuing to manipulate the image to point out several other regions of interest. With a few buttons, the Doctor projected the assimilated Janeway and switched to the skeletal/cybernetic view.

Seven of Nine circled the holographic Janeway.

"As I'm sure you've noticed, all evidence of any previous injury has been completely removed - as if she had never been injured before.... I mention this because B'Elanna and Tuvok still retained the forensic evidence of prior damage. To add to the mystery, I haven't been able to classify the implant configuration nor her prescribed function in the Collective."

She listened to the Doctor's ponderings. This was why he requested her consultation. This was why Tuvok stressed the necessity for secrecy as this implant configuration was unlike anything Seven of Nine had ever witnessed.

Was it some sort of new drone? Had the Collective amassed so much new data, technology or biological distinctiveness since her disconnection?

"The Captain's implant ratio is roughly five percent, and is entirely integrated into her nervous system. It's quite remarkable really, since once she recovers, she'll have total neural restoration and motor control in her legs and lower back."

Seven stood, hands clasped behind her back, as she studied the sole implant that seemed to wrap and wind around Janeway's spinal cord like a vine - meticulous and extremely delicate in design. She felt a strange pain in her chest, but was unable to define the cause. However, the words total restoration and control rang in her mind. Only Seven truly knew how much the captain had struggled to regain her pre-assimilation mobility and had never stopped pushing herself to regain more of it.

"Even if I could remove the implant, the spinal column would have to be completely removed, nerve tissue totally regenerated, and despite my excellent skills, Voyager doesn't have the proper facilities for that degree of surgery or rehabilitation." Sighing, the Doctor pressed a few more buttons - once again enlarging the lumbar region. "Not to mention that I would probably do more harm than good given the complexity of this implant. Look, do you see how small the implant tendrils are that snake out along the entire cauda equina?" He ordered the computer for maximum magnification. "It has seamlessly merged with her nervous system."

Seven of Nine knew the Collective had more efficient means of reinforcing the captain's weakened physical state, but this was totally unexpected, which lead her to believe things had changed in the Collective. The question, however, remained: for what purpose....


Seven of Nine entered the captain's quarters.

"Now before you say anything," Janeway was standing next to the replicator, reaching to retrieve a cup of coffee, "be aware that I haven't had my first cup of coffee today."

"Impressive." Seven stated, pleased by the captain's pleasant mood. Patiently, she waited as Janeway enjoyed her first sip, and added, "Perhaps you are losing your affinity for the beverage."

Now, Janeway did laugh as she carefully maneuvered herself to her sofa, coffee in one hand while wielding the cane in the other. "The Doctor placed me on medical leave for at least a week and told me in no uncertain terms that I'm to use this damn cane."

"It is fortunate you did not recycle it."

With a snort, the captain lowered herself onto the sofa. Once settled, she asked, "So, to what do I owe this visit? Business or pleasure?" Janeway gazed up at the Borg, taking another sip. Her eyes searched Seven's face and posture as the young woman broke eye contact and shifted slightly.

Unlike when she interacted with other individuals, Seven of Nine didn't feel the pressure to respond quickly. "How are you feeling?" she finally asked, a tad timidly.

Smiling, Janeway replied, "I'm sore as hell, but don't feel any worse for wear." She was certain Seven had alternative motives for this early morning visit, but she wouldn't press the matter.

"There have been no negative repercussions to your de-assimilation?" Slowly, Seven moved to join Janeway on the sofa.

She's hedging. Janeway was sure of it. "No," she answered, shaking her head. "Actually, I feel ten times better, despite the stiffness." She paused briefly. "When are you scheduled to consult with the Doctor?"

"I met with him prior to coming here."

Janeway continued to drink her coffee, content to allow Seven time to organize her thoughts.

"Your remaining implant is unique."

"Oh?" The captain hadn't received a very in-depth, medical report from the EMH, yet. It was supposed to be on her desk by that afternoon.

"The spinal clamps are standard procedure for lumbar reinforcements." Seven looked directly at Janeway, wanting to properly gauge her reaction. "Neural regeneration is time consuming and inefficient when more expedient and robust measures have already been established. The Collective should have simply replaced the damaged area with cybernetic systems. Instead, the affected central nervous system has been repaired. The Doctor estimates that you shall regain total mobility."

"Maybe since my consciousness wasn't connected-"

"No," Seven interrupted. "Although you were not part of the Hive, the nanoprobes in your bloodstream still transmitted your physical and cognitive parameters to the Collective to help establish your function and determine if any further implants were necessary."

Janeway tilted her head, waiting for Seven to continue.

"Commander Tuvok's and Lieutenant Torres's functions were clear, whereas your intended function within the Collection was not."

"This bothers you," the captain said, voice low.

"Does it not bother you?" Seven countered.

"No." Janeway didn't miss the subtle twitch of Seven's jaw and shoulder. Gesturing for the younger woman to join her on the sofa, she asked, "Do any of the away team's remaining implants pose a current threat to ship's security?"

"Tuvok's neural relay would present the greatest security threat, but the Doctor has successfully disengaged all transmitting capabilities." Seven had made certain of this, and even insisted they reprogram a series of nanoprobes as a failsafe - to prohibit any 'repair' to the implant. In fact, the only way for the relay to become active again would be if Tuvok was re-assimilated.

"And B'Elanna?"

The Borg shook her head. "No."


Again, Seven replied in the negative.

"Well," Janeway gently rested a hand on Seven's knee, waiting until she made eye contact, "I have every confidence in this crew, and you should too." A strange expression crossed Seven's face. Unsure what to make of it, the captain leaned away, removing her hand but a hand stopped her. Surprised, Janeway searched her young companion's expression.

"Having the implant does not bother you, Kathryn?"

The emotion behind the blue eyes which focused so intently onto her own pulled at Janeway. She felt her head starting to shake before a concrete thought formed.

"No, Seven, the implant doesn't bother me," the captain rasped. It was starting to make sense.

Releasing Janeway's hand, Seven stood. "The Doctor has indicated additional physical therapy would be beneficial to your recovery. Would you be adverse to a walk on the Holodeck?"

Bowing her head, the captain couldn't stop the grin that exploded across her face. She looked up in time to see Seven curiously watching her, waiting. "I'd like that."


Chapter 4:
Drive Vignette

ladydameon and Lain Stardust's Scrolls
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