~ Blue Calm ~
by Larisa
Disclaimer: Yeahyeahyeah, we all know who they resemble.
Sex, bad language, violence and the baby warning: YES! Of course, hardly and if you are wearing diapers and this doesn't count if you're a strange adult with weird fetishes then go the Hell away!
Blue Calm
By Larisa
The five of them stood above the crowd on the beach, there were hundreds of people milling around and watching the surfers for the pipe masters competition. Tucker looked up at Duncan and felt her nervousness' radiating from her body. Rubbing her lower back in small circles, she leaned against her and gave her a gentle hug. "So I get to see Sebastian ride the pipe today?" She looked up with twinkling eyes and felt butterflies take flight when dark blue eyes captured her.
"The one and only," She said in a deep raspy voice, winked and took a deep calming breath. "Let's go get a spot so I can sit down, my legs feel like rubber."
They took over a corner of one of the tents that was set up for the surfers, dropped down into the soft sand and watched the first rounds of the competition. Ripples grabbed Mama and Furball by their hands and pulled them towards the registration table. "I'm glad that we don't have wet clothes on, the sparkage from those two could electrocute us!" She signed Duncan's name to the forms and handed Furball the half shirt with the number 33 on the back that Duncan would wear while surfing.
"Let's just hope that those sparks turn into a forest fire," Mama said and hugged her kids to her. "Can you two handle Dunk wandering around with a goofy look on her face?"
"Ya mean she doesn't already do that?" Furball asked and mimicked the fawning look Duncan had been wearing all morning.
Tucker looked up as a woman with shoulder length blondish colored hair walked up to them, she tapped Duncan on her knee and nodded her head. "We have company coming this way, she looks very familiar." Duncan held out her hand and shook the other woman's.
"So ya going to go easy on me and give a chance to beat you this year?"
"Haaa, funny girl Keala, I never go down easy." She winked and looked over her shoulder at Tucker. "Tucker, this is Keala Kennelly, She looked to Keala and introduced her to Tucker and felt a blush working up her neck when her surfing buddy gave her a knowing look.
"Good luck Sebastian and she's cute." She waved to them and went to the registration desk to sign in.
"Did she call me cute?" Tucker whispered in Duncan's ear and felt her shiver. "I'm drop dead gorgeous with killer abs, well that was until I started eating at Mamas." She ran a hand over her stomach and felt the slight roundness. "I need to start doing some crunches or something."
"Nah, you look good just the way you are." Duncan reached behind her and patted Tucker's stomach before returning her attention to the surfers.
Tucker wrapped her arms around Duncan's neck and leaned against her. "So you're gonna let me walk around with a huge head, be arrogant and not say a word?"
"Hey I agree with your vision of your self and if you get out of hand I'll remind you that you let the idiots get too close and now you have two fluorescent orange hand prints on your ass because of it."
Tucker chuckled and nodded her head. "OK it's a deal, now relax and let me work on your tight shoulders." She brushed long silky hair over broad shoulders, ran her fingers across warm skin and felt the slight shudder run through Duncan's body. Working the tight muscles from neck downward across rippling back muscles, she felt a wetness forming between her legs and soak into her bikini bottoms. Trying to ignore her body's reaction, she continued to massage Duncan's back and shoulders.
"Hold up a minute Tuck, let me lay down before I fall on my face." Duncan stretched out with her face resting on folded arms; she cast a glance over her shoulder before closing her eyes. She held back a moan when strong fingers untied her bikini and pushed the straps out of the way. There was no denying what Tucker was doing to her, she was on fire and felt her wetness running down the insides of her thighs and neoprene shorts. A deep moan rumbled from between her lips when Tucker found a tight spot in between her shoulder blades. She arched her back and realized that Tucker was straddling her hips.
"Does that spot hurt?" Tucker asked in a soft voice and eased up with her massage.
"Yeah but what you were doing felt good, this is a Hell of a lot better than having Ripples run across my back." She chuckled when Tucker's hands stopped and then went back to working her tight muscles loose.
"Damn, I wish I was surfing today, I could use a good massage." Furball grumbled and dropped Duncan's t-shirt on her head.
"I'll give ya a full body massage!" Ripples knocked her face first into the sand and fell on her back. "There ya go, now just lay there and every one who walks by will work out you aches and pains when they step on ya."
"Gee thanks, just what I wanted." She groaned and dropped her head into the sand.
"Since all the folks at home can't see what's going on down at the corner of the crowd, we've arranged for a camera man to shot the scene for us." The surfing announcer said and took a minute for the feed to get back up to them. "Who you're seeing now is last years pipe master's winner, Sebastian Fox. At every competition, she performs this little ritual before she enters the water. And not without the help of her roommates and Mama Fox," He snorted and cleared his voice trying to remain professional.
Duncan stood with her hands planted on her hips as she starred out at the rolling ocean, she closed off the noise of the crowd and listened only to the water as it crashed and rolled at her feet. It was her way of becoming in tuned with one of the forces of nature, one that she would be battling against and hoping to beat at the end. Mama and Tucker stood a few feet behind her watching the waves and praying that she wouldn't get hurt while competing. The idiots on the other hand, where on their knees behind her doing little worshiping bows. They waited until her head tilted back and she took a deep breath before Ripples yanked her shorts down and furball tackled her. Once Ripples had her shorts, they ran off down the beach waving them over their heads and screaming like little girls.
"Mama, why did they do that?"
"It's their ritual, they've done it since they were little and after Duncan's' done with surfing, I auction them off and give the money to a charity." Mama pulled a set of dog tags from inside her t-shirt and walked up to where Duncan was brushing sand off her hands. She held them up and waited for her to drop her head. "Good luck baby and kick ass out there." She pressed a kiss to her forehead and gave her a tight hug. "Now go give your girlfriend a hug." She chuckled at the light blush that worked up Duncan's neck and the way she walk so slow over to Tucker with her head down.
"Can I have a good luck hug?" She asked in a low whisper and looked up from under her lashes.
"Dunk, you don't have to ask." She leaned up, wrapped her arms around her neck, and whispered in her ear. "Kick Keala's ass out there." She squeezed her and then released her so she could get her surfboard.
"What you just saw was Mama Fox putting her deceased husband's dog tags around her daughter's neck. She has done this for the last 19 years in memory of Sebastian's father. He died when the F-14 he was flying crashed into the ocean; it's her way of having her daughter protected while battling the pipeline. In addition, for those who are not familiar with the North shore, under the water is a reef. Many surfers and swimmers have encountered this reef in the past and not survived. One of them was a young man that Sebastian herself was training for competition. Well from what I'm seeing now, it looks like Mama Fox has adopted another daughter. That's four daughters for Mama, I wish I knew her secret, I can't handle my toddler. He paused for a station break and rubbed his eyes while watching the surfers get ready to go out into the water.
"About time you got in here," Tucker's dad mumbled from where he sat on the couch reading the newspaper. "I was getting ready to change the station."
"And I would have smacked you and changed it back." Linda dropped down onto the couch and turned up the volume. "I didn't miss Duncan did I?"
"How should I know, I'm reading important stuff here." He flashed her the comics and grinned.
"I wonder if Tucker's down there with Duncan, I can't see her missing it." She crossed her feet on the coffee table and waited patiently for the commercial to end.
"And as you can see, Keala Kennelly and Sebastian Fox are now out there waiting to catch a wave in, they have three chances to score and the best one takes home the title for the pipe masters tournament. It looks like Sebastian is going to take a chance on this first wave, let's see what happens."
"Go girlfriend!" Keala yelled and pumped a first in the air as Duncan paddled out to catch the first wave. Duncan paddled and felt the wave swell beneath her, popping up to her feet, she took her stance and top turned the board down. Waiting for the right moment, she ducked down and felt the tube forming over the top of her. Before it could form all the way, she dropped too far forward and went head first into the swell. The water churned over her and tossed her against her surfboard. She relaxed her body and let the water settle before she swam for the surface. When her head came above the water, she looked around and saw the water Safety coming towards her on a Jet Ski. She waved her hand and swam over to get back on her board.
"Mama where is she, I can't find her!" Tucker panicked and ran towards the waters edge with the idiots and Mama following. "Come on Dunk, where the Hell are you?" She stepped into the water and then sagged back against Ripples when Duncan surfaced. "I'm going to have grey hair before she's done."
"Does love do that to ya, give ya grey hair?" Ripples asked with wide eyes.
"What are you talking about?" Tucker asked with a raised eyebrow.
"You and the Dunk, who else?" She shrugged her shoulders and ran over to Mama. "By the end of the week, you'll be all grey."
"OOWW that had to hurt," Linda said and rubbed her arms until the chills went away. "They better give her some good scores for that run." She looked over to her husband and rolled her eyes when he grunted. "I wish they would scan the crowd so I can see if Tucker is down there, I don't want to see the other surfers lounging around. I wanna see my baby girl!"
"Not one of her better runs but the judges have given her some middle area scores, now for Keala. It looks like she's taking this wave, she may stand a chance to win this one and take the title from Sebastian. It looks like a good ride for Keala, she's inside the pipe and halfway through…oh wait…no, Keala has gone down at almost the same place that Sebastian did. She is up and waving to water safety. The judges have placed her scores all ready and she is above Sebastian by five points that must hurt. Never has Sebastian been behind in a competition, let's see what she does with her next wave.
"I can't watch this!" Tucker moaned and buried her face in Mama's shoulder. "How have you done this all these years and not had a heart attack of nervous breakdown?"
"Ohh after nineteen years, I've gotten used to it. Besides, having those three around me forever, this is safe compared to some of the things they've done." She pulled Tucker away and turned her just as Duncan rode down the wave; she was ducking down when the wave crashed down on top of her. Her board flew up into the air in pieces, there was no sign of her, Ripples, and Furball took off running down the beach and went out into the water up to their waists. They grabbed pieces of Duncan's board as it floated in and tossed it up onto the beach, minutes later, water safety went by them and then circled back to look for Duncan again.
"She's been down too long Ripples, I'm really worried." Furball looked to her friend and started swimming out to where she thought Duncan had gone down followed by Ripples. They waved to water safety and dove under the water where the reef lay below.
Duncan knew she was in trouble the second the wave came over her, she felt her board sag and then break beneath her feet. It got worse when she felt her back slammed into the reef below and then a hard tug to her left ankle. She struggled and pulled but knew that her leash was tangled in the reef. Rolling forward, she followed her leash and tried to get the Velcro to release. She almost had it unfastened when turbulence slammed her backwards. Her lungs were burning from lack of air, she tried to kick to the surface but found it fruitless. Then she felt a hand grab her ankle and she was pushed to the surface. Pulling air into her starving lungs, she sagged back into the arms encircling her.
"Don't do that no more; I lost 20 years off my life!" Ripples yelled close to her ear and then pulled a gasping Furball over to them.
"Damn leash…caught on…reef." Duncan stuttered out and then slapped hands with Furball. "Thanks, where was…water…safety?"
"Asshole was driving around looking…ohh look, there's one now."
Mama and Tucker ran down the beach where water safety stopped for Duncan and the idiots to get off the stretcher. Before Duncan knew what hit her, she was covered with a sobbing Tucker. "I'm all right; I got hung up and bounced a few times." She hugged Tucker tighter and walked them towards the first aid tent; she could feel a burning in her back and on her left thigh from where the reef got her. "One more ride and I'm done forever, I'm so tired." She sat down on a table, pulled Tucker to her side and rested their heads together. "Are you OK?"
Tucker wiped her eyes and slapped her in the arm. "Me…you're the one who almost drowned out there!"
"Nah, Furball and Ripples wouldn't let that happen. Who would they have to terrorize and draw mustaches on while they slept?"
After the EMT cleaned and dressed Duncan's wounds, she walked outside the tent and held onto a trembling Tucker. Glancing over to her mama, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "Almost done Mama, one more and I'm retiring for good."
"Thank God, I was getting ready to get a part time job so I could afford hair dye." She hugged both women and kissed her daughter's cheek. "Ripples is getting your other board from the car, she says she did some Voodoo stuff so you'll kick ass on the next wave."
"Ohh yea! I'll probably be eaten by a shark or whale." She yelped when Tucker slapped her stomach. "Wait; there are no sharks or whales in the ocean, that's only Lake Erie that has those."
"Nice try Dunk," Tucker growled. "If you get killed out there, I'm kicking your ass all the way to Hell and back!"
"Get in line Tuck," Ripples handed Duncan her neon blue surfboard with Sebastian the crab on it and Furball gave her the leash. "Remember, that one's longer."
"Thanks guys, lets do this so we can party later, now spit on it so I don't wipe-out." Tucker grimaced when everyone including Mama spit on the surfboard. "Come on Tuck, it's a Greek thing, it brings good luck. It's kinda like beating the Hell out of a boat with a bottle of Champaign."
"It looks like Sebastian is OK and is going back out for her final try; the score she needs to take this home has to be in the nines or higher. Keala Kennelly has her in over all but she can still pull this off. It looks like she has a new board…with Sebastian from the Little Mermaid. The locals all know that her roommate Lynn makes all their boards for them so this is a special one she'll be using.
"Stanley, is that Tucker down there on the beach with Duncan and the other's?" Linda asked her husband without taking her eyes from the TV.
"Nah, that's not Tucker. That woman has too many muscles and she's too dark. Tucker's afraid of the sun and is scrawny; remember how you dog her about eating?"
"Tucker is not afraid of the sun, it's that asshole that didn't want her skin to get UV rays or some shit. She's gotta be there, I'll call her later and find out where."
Duncan slapped hands with Keala and shrugged her shoulders with a little pain. "I bounced a few times down there, be careful, there's a rip tide that's a real bitch."
Keala looked at Duncan's board and ran a hand down it. "Nice board, is it a Ripples special?" She looked up at a nodding Duncan and grinned. "Will she make me one?"
"If you ask her, she'll have a damn orgasm! Of course she will, when we get done come over ta Mama's. She'll be there drooling."
"Done deal, now get your ass out there Dunk. I'm done for the day; I just wanted to wish you luck." They shook hands one last time before Duncan saw her wave coming in. This was the one; she could feel it in her bones. She tapped her chest where her daddy's dog tags hung and said a small prayer before she caught the lip, popped up on her board and trimmed the wave. The second it started to pipe on her, she knew she had it, the sound disappeared and there was only her and a tunnel of blue with a bright light at the end. It was the way she always thought of the after death theory, coming out on the other end of the pipeline was like having another chance at life. Dropping down a little, she put her right hand out and skimmed the water. Its coldness numbing her fingers and making her arm tingle. Adjusting her stance, she trimmed and felt the mist enveloping her until she was out of the pipe and heading towards shore. She stood straight up, punched a hand in the air and let out a war cry that the spectators heard on the beach. Jumping off her board, she surfaced and swam to shore.
"Ohh my God," Mama stood with her jaw hanging open and wide eyes. "She fucking did it!" She grabbed Tucker and gave her a hug before running down to hug her daughter. Tucker waited for the idiots to congratulate Duncan before she went down to her. At the sound of the PA system, she turned and cocked her head sideways.
"This is the highest score of the day people, Sebastian Fox has all 10's, she's still the reigning pipe master! Congratulations Sebastian!"
Duncan punched a hand in the air and threw her head back in a loud yell of "YES!" She looked towards Tucker and gave her a lopsided grin. In a matter of seconds, she had her arms full of a small blonde. Tucker looked up into twinkling blue eyes, and reached up to run a finger across her moist lips. "What are you doing Tuck?"
"Something I should have done before you ever went out there," She said softly, wrapped her arms around Duncan's neck and pulled her down closer. "I may have never had another chance." She whispered close to Duncan's lips before kissing them gently, when she pulled back, Duncan's eyes were half lidded. Pulling herself up, she wrapped her legs around Duncan's waist and kissed her with everything she was feeling over the last two weeks. She licked at an upper lip and tasted the salt of the ocean, until Duncan opened her mouth to let her deepen their kiss. Soft moans accompanied the pounding hearts and ragged breathing. Tongues glided across each other and tangled, teeth nipped and pulses raced.
"HELLO! Ya know this is a public beach and you guys are on TV!" Furball tapped Tucker on her shoulder. "Its family hour ya know and any minute Mamas gonna kick your asses!" She sighed with relief when their kiss broke. "About damn time, suckin face in front of a few MILLION peoples!"
Tucker dropped her feet to the sand and rested her head against Duncan's chest while trying to catch her breath; she could care less if they were plastered across every newspaper in the world. She almost lost the woman she loved and didn't give a rat's ass what anyone thought. After a few minutes to gain their composure, they turned and walked with their arms wrapped around each other towards where the ceremony was starting. Duncan stopped and leaned down next to Tucker's ear and whispered.
"If you would have kissed me before I went out there, I wouldn't have known which side of the board to stand on."
"Well it's quite obvious now that the other woman of the Sebastian group is Sebastian Fox's girlfriend. We don't know her name but I'm sure we will before long, it's not everyday that you witness a steamy scene like that between two women."
"Stanly that's TUCKER! She was just kissing Duncan Fox!"
"Ohh you're seeing things, Tucker wouldn't be doing that." He dropped his paper and looked over at his wife who looked like her eyes were about to fall out of her head.
She pointed to the TV and yelled. "Look you blind as a bat dummy, that's our daughter up there!"
He looked at the TV and nodded his head. "Tucker's holding hands with a woman…damn our girls got excellent taste! She takes after me in that department." He winked at his wife and went back to reading his paper.
"Stanly, she was just necking with a woman on TV, that doesn't bother you?"
"Hell no, why should it."
"Good, because if it did I would beat the living shit outta you," She moved closer to her husband and kissed his cheek. "She looks so happy, reminds me of us when we were dating."
"You can remember all the way back then, I can't remember what I just read." He grinned and pulled his wife closer to his side. "I don't care whose she's with as long as she's happy and treated good. If it's Duncan that gives her that, it's fine with me."
Steve sat at the bar in a dingy little tavern in Puerto Rico; he had spent the last three days chasing down Tucker to every single hotel, motel and even a couple Bordellos. Granted, he spent one whole day in the one whorehouse, but no one would ever know about that. Taking the shot of Tequila and slamming it, his eyes caught the TV after the commercial ended. Tequila shot out his nose and across the bar. Right there in front of him, big as day was his fiancée wrapped around the bartender from Hawaii. "I'll KILL HER!" He threw bills on the bar and ran outside to use his cell phone.
"Mother, I've been on a wild goose chase here in Puerto Rico and Tucker's still in HAWAII!"
"Steven, your father wormed that information out of Stanly. There is no way that he would lie, Tucker is there in Puerto Rico. You just haven't found her yet."
"Ohh yes I have found her, she's on the sports station hanging all over the woman bartender from HAWAII! I'm flying back there as soon as I can get a flight out; I just hope she hasn't slept with that…that woman!" He closed his cell phone, flagged down a hazardous cab and jumped in. "Airport now!"
"No habla English." The cab driver mumbled and looked in the rear view mirror.
"Airport, planes," He held out his arms, made flying motions and airplane sounds. "I need to fly!"
"Ahhh se' senior!" The cab shot forward and was at its destination a few minutes later, Steve looked out at the white stucco building and back to the cab driver. "This isn't the airport!"
"Yes, I need to fly, get out of this country, Hawaii bound!" He flapped his arms again and made strange noises as if he was buzzing the flight tower. He sighed when the cab driver grinned and nodded his head.
"Uno memento." He ran from his cab and disappeared inside the huge building. "OK Jon, ya owe me a twenty spot." He held out his hand to his cousin. "The guy is a real case, thinks he's the red Baron or something."
Jon handed over the money and laughed. "This is just too easy; we should have left Colorado years ago! Take him around back and we'll deal with it then."
"WAIT, YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" Steven screamed from his padded cell and slammed his body up against the door. "I'M NOT CRAZY!"
"Uhhh huhhh…right," Jon said as he checked the label on the experimental drug the company was using on all the nutcases. Writing on the clipboard next to the door, he mumbled as he wrote. "Test subject three, 5cc of VD Away given at three pm."
"I don't have VD! Let me out of here, I'm a lawyer!" Steve screamed and pressed his face up to the mesh screen. "I'm a big lawyer; I can pay you a lot of money to set me free!"
Jon tilted his head to the side and thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Nope, can't let infected scumbag lawyers run around the country. Should have stayed away from that whorehouse."
"I didn't go to any whorehouse, let me out of here!"
"Hey Jon, I need another shot. Damn crotch itches and burns like a damn forest fire!" The whore cackled and spit phlegm on the floor. "Get it forest…fire?" She lifted her dress up and flashed Jon, he cringed and shuddered. It looked like she had a hairy animal hanging between her legs. He heard Steve scream again and run to huddle in a far corner.
"That's…I…GIVE ME A SHOT!!!!" He screamed before passing out.
"I know that guy," the whore snorted. "I swear, the kinky shit he had me do left me feeling like I got hit by a truck." She scratched her breasts and rubbed her runny nose on the back of her hand. "Give him a shot of Viagra and something ta make it grow. Damn premature jack off, kept yelling Tuck her. How am I supposed ta tuck her when I can't find her with all this hair?" She grabbed her crotch and wandered off down the hall mumbling to no one.
Stanly dropped down on the couch next to his wife and wrapped an arm around her. "That was Jon on the phone, Steve the royal asshole is locked up and getting a series of shots."
Linda laughed hysterically and wiped the tears from her eyes. "It pays to have family in far away places; did they get pictures and statements?"
"The whore wrote out a detailed statement that ran for eight pages! As soon as all the test results are in, he's going to fax it to us and Tucker's lawyer."
"Good, maybe now he'll get the big picture and leave her alone."
"God I hope so, I never could stand that arrogant asshole." He settled back in the couch and pulled Linda closer. "So as soon as I get my business deals in order, do you want to have a fifth honeymoon in say…Hawaii?"
Two hours into the party that was on the beach by Mama's house, Duncan nuzzled Tucker's neck and mumbled against her warm skin. "I'm ready to go my back and leg hurts." Tucker wrapped an arm around Duncan's neck and pulled her closer, kissing her gently, she pressed their foreheads together and closed her eyes at the feelings that raced through her body.
"I was ready before the party, think they'll miss us?"
"Not a chance, with all the other surfers hanging around they'll be busy for hours."
Tucker pressed her body tighter to Duncan and ground her hips into hers. "I wanna see where you live."
"It's a real dump…are you sure?" The kiss that Tucker gave her left no doubt in her mind, after they broke apart; she closed her eyes and dragged in a ragged breath. "Uuhmm…drive…or walk?"
Tucker pulled away from her, grabbed her hand and pulled. "Run!" Mama sat back in her chair and watched her daughter dragged down the beach by Tucker, right then she knew that her wild child was in for the long haul. She made the sound of a cracking whip and laughed at the expression on the idiots faces. "Dunk is sooo whipped." She saw the wide grins cross Ripples and Furball's faces and pointed a finger at them. "You two will not bother them; let them have some time alone." She got up from her chair and wiggled fingers at them. "Come here, this should keep you two busy for a while." She held the kitchen door open for them and pointed to the cookie tins on the table. "There's ice cream in the freezer and frosting in the pantry, any mess, you clean it up."
"Thanks Mama!" They yelled in unison, attacked the cookies, and forgot all about Dunk and Tucker.
Tucker pulled open the screen door of Duncan's house, pulled her in and pushed her against the wall. Running her hands from stomach up to firm breasts, she leaned forward to nip the soft skin of Duncan's neck. "Where's your bathroom?" Duncan groaned from the jolt that hit her center and pointed with a weak hand down the hallway. "We need to shower," She unzipped Duncan's flight jacket and brushed sand from her chest. "I have sand in tender places." Duncan picked her up and carried her down the hall towards the large bathroom that she shared with the idiots. She hoped that they hadn't sabotaged anything while she was gone. Placing Tucker on her feet, she moved to the shower and turned the water on, she shivered when small hands came around her and unzipped her wetsuit the rest of the way and slipped it off her shoulders. Moving closer, she nipped at Duncan's shoulder and ran her hands down to her bikini bottoms. Slipping her hands between the waistband and smooth skin, she pushed them down over Duncan's hips to her thighs.
"Tuck…you're scaring…me." Her head fell back and a deep moan escaped from between her lips, she braced her hands against the shower rod and felt her knees grow weak.
"I've had almost two weeks of fantasies about you running through my head, it's long past due to make them a reality." She turned Duncan around and gazed with dark green eyes up at her. "I want you." She said softly before capturing her lips in a consuming kiss. She moaned when long fingers ripped her t-shirt down the middle and pushed it back off her shoulders. Teeth nipped at her collarbone and then lips traveled down to kiss the tops of her breasts, her shorts hit the floor around her ankles and strong arms picked her up. Duncan put her back to the showerhead and let the water run down between their bodies. Brushing Tucker's hair away from her face, she let her eyes travel to parted lips.
"I never dreamed this would happen." She leaned down and nipped at soft lips before deepening the kiss, their hands roamed to raise the excitement. Soft moans and then the water was shut off and Tucker was carried down the hall to Duncan's bedroom. Stepping over dirty clothes and magazines, Duncan lay her down on her unmade bed and crawled to hover over her. "I'm in love with you Tucker Danes." She felt tears fill her eyes and tried to blink them away. "I know you have a life in Texas…and you'll be leaving." She stopped when fingers pressed against her lips, tears ran down her face to drip off her chin and land on Tucker's chest.
"I can write from anywhere Duncan, my house is in Texas but my life is here with you." She wiped more tears from her soon to be lover's face and sighed. "I have to go back to Texas to clear some things up but I'll come back…if you want me to." She moaned when her lips were taking in a deep crushing kiss, she tangled her fingers in silky long hair and pulled Duncan tight against her body. Duncan moved against her and took her temperature higher. It was so different from what she had experienced before, Duncan's body was hard with muscle but her skin was silky and warm. She trailed her hands down across rippling back muscles to trim hips, she moved one leg and wrapped it around Duncan's hip and pulled her closer as she lifted against her thigh at the same time. She pulled away and gasped when her engorged clit pressed into a muscular thigh. Her juices flowed to paint hot skin; she slowly ground against her and whimpered when her nipple was teased by a wet tongue.
Duncan was having a hard time controlling herself, she could feel her heartbeat between her legs and copious juices coat the insides of her thighs. She almost lost her grip when Tucker slipped her thigh between hers and pressed upward. Taking a deep shuddering breath, she nipped and sucked at the soft skin beneath a small ear and worked her way down to lick the hollow of Tucker's throat. Bracing her weight on one hand, she used the other to trace a fingertip around a hardened nipple and moaned at the sounds Tucker was making. Dipping her head down, she licked where her fingertip had been and went back to slowly kiss parted lips. She rolled her hips and flexed her thigh until Tucker thrashed beneath her, stopping her movements, she released warm moist lips to kiss her way down to lavish darkened nipples. When her hair was pulled and head pushed downward, she looked up into feverish green eyes before circling a naval with the tip of her tongue. Tucker arched her back and pushed up into her body with a deep growl. Moving down to where she was lying between quivering thighs, she pushed them apart and kissed the insides of each one. Moving her hands to trim hips, she held Tucker in place and rested her chin on her patch of short dark curls. Flicking her tongue out, she swiped at her stomach and winked before lowering her face between her thighs. Breathing in the scent of her arousal, she ran a finger through her juices and brought it up to her mouth. Licking it clean, she dropped her head and slowly licked Tucker's offering from her swollen nether lips. She could feel the muscles rippling under her hand and new that her lover was close to the brink, tilting her head to the side, she French kissed her center and moaned deeply. Tucker bucked under her and cried out her name when her release rushed through her body, Duncan moved to her pulsing clit; she flicked it with her tongue and sucked it between her lips. When Tucker went over the edge again with a scream, she lost control and thrust her hips into the mattress. Her back tensed as her climax tore through her; she screamed out her release against a trembling thigh and panted as each wave washed through her. Spent, she lay there with her cheek resting on the small swell of her lover's stomach. She could still feel the small tremors shake their bodies and the raspy sound of her lover's breath.
"Come up here." Tucker whispered and pulled on her hand. Duncan crawled up her body and lay to her side, pulling her closer; she kissed her lips gently and rested their foreheads together. "I love you Tucker."
Tucker ran her fingers across her high cheekbone and pushed her sweat-dampened hair back. Kissing her lips gently, she moaned at the taste of herself on her lips. "I love you too." She rested her head on a strong shoulder and wrapped one leg over Duncan's hip. "That's the first time I've ever tasted myself," She tilted her head back to look into lidded blue eyes. "No one has ever done that before."
"Done what?" She said in a raspy voice that sent gooseflesh across Tucker's skin.
A light blush covered her cheeks; she looked down to Duncan's chest and ran a finger across a hardened nipple. "You know…that." She ran a fingernail across a nipple and smiled when Duncan gasped and arched her back. "Down under, southern territory…," She licked a nipple and nipped at the side of Duncan's breast. "Southbound lane," She licked and nipped her way down to a hip and dragged her tongue over to trace each stomach muscle. Moving so that she was between her lover's thighs, she looked up at her. "You're completely shaved, I didn't notice that before."
"Uhh…God!" Duncan wheezed and thrust her center up into her lover's mouth when her tongue snaked out to lick her swollen clit. The rest of her words came out as gibberish; she thrashed on her bed and gripped the bed covers in her fists. She felt her climax rushing through her body, she tensed and cried out when fingers entered her and pushed her over.
Tucker licked with the flat of her tongue, taking up all that her lover offered her, she went by instinct alone and slipped two fingers inside her. Bending them a bit, she pulled them out until she hit a spot that made Duncan scream. Juices gushed out to cover her hand and chin, with each spasm, more flowed from her lover until she collapsed into the bed with a whimper. Duncan licked her once more before crawling up to straddle her stomach, leaning forward; she kissed her neck and rested her forehead against her chest. A shudder went through her when warm hands gripped her hips and traveled up her back. Lifting her head, she starred into misty blue eyes. "That…you…uugg." Came out of Duncan's mouth in a rush, she pulled Tucker to her and kissed her until they were breathless and seeing stars. Flexing her stomach, she grinned when her lover's head fell back and she thrust down into her. "Come for me baby." She raised her knees so that Tucker could lean back and rested her hands on her hips. Trailing her hands closer to the insides of her thighs, she brushed a fingertip across her clit and watched as her center spasm. "You're so wet…I can see your juices flowing out." She felt her own flow out and drip into the covers; she moved her hips in a slow movement. Tucker grabbed her thighs for balance and leaned back further. Her lips parted and she panted as she got closer to climaxing, her breath caught in her throat when a thumb stroked her clit.
Duncan was on the edge again, any second and she'd be over in a tidal wave. "Come with me…" She stroked her lover's clit and moaned when Tucker's body shuddered and juices gushed out onto her stomach. The sight alone sent her center into spasms, she climaxed and felt her juices pour from her and soak the blankets. Falling into the bed, they lay tangled together and panting. Words of love were exchanged before exhaustion claimed them.
Tucker woke to the feeling of the bed moving up and down beneath her, she opened an eye to find the room completely dark. Raising her head, could make out the back of Duncan's head from the dim light coming from the clock radio on a nightstand. Reaching over, she fumbled around until she found the switch to the small light. Flipping it on, she slapped a hand over her eyes until they adjusted to the light. Dropping her head back down on her lover's back, she sighed and snuggled further into her warmth.
"I'm hungry." Duncan mumbled and moved an arm back to brush her fingers across Tucker's thigh. "And I'm dehydrated, I feel like I swallowed a handful of sand." She felt Tucker chuckled against her; she rolled over and pulled her against her chest. "How are you doing, you OK with what happened?"
Tucker ran a fingertip across her lips and smiled. "More than OK," She kissed her softly and gazed into her pale blue eyes. "I feel different…loved completely." Kissing her lips again, she moaned when she heard a rumbling coming from both of their stomachs. "Guess maybe we should get something to eat before we fall apart."
"There's no food here but we can order something…wait, Mama shopped for us." She rolled off the bed and pulled Tucker with her. "I don't know what she bought, I'm sure you can figure out how to make what ever she bought."
"You can't cook at all…like nothing?"
"I can make coffee and iced tea, does that count?"
Tucker rolled her eyes and smacked her on the ass. "That's not food, who cooks besides Mama?"
"Furball and Ripples, they have cookbooks and those little cards you get in the mail." She stopped at the freezer and pulled the door open; she looked inside and shrugged her shoulders. "There's stuff in there," She pulled out a microwave dinner and waved it at her lover. "I can cook these, does that count?"
"Nope," She pulled her down for a quick kiss and patted her stomach. "I'll start supper while you go shower and pick up all the dirty clothes off your floor."
Duncan's mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. "Why would I pick up dirty clothes, Mama does that."
"They're yours and you threw them there that's why." She grinned and went to searching through the frozen food. "Dunk…"
"I'm going; I'm just trying to figure out where to stash my dirty clothes so Mama can find them." She ran fingers through her tangled hair and yelped when Tucker pinched her ass. "Just kidding." She ran from the kitchen before Tucker would forget about cooking.
"And strip the bed!" Tucker yelled out to her as she pulled pork chops out and set them on the counter. She laughed when she heard a deep groan come from her lover and sighed at the mess the kitchen was in. "They live like…bachelors!"
Duncan chuckled and started picking up all the dirty clothes that littered the floor; she kicked the magazines under her bed and then dropped to the floor to pull them back out. Stacking them up, she placed then on the bookshelf and went over to strip the bed. With her arms full of dirty clothes and linens, she walked into the laundry room and dropped them on the floor. "Now where does Mama keep the sheets for the beds?" She looked around and finally went to the hall closet and found what she was looking for. Grabbing the sheets with Spiderman on them, she went back into her room to make the bed. "I can't believe I'm doing this, Mama always cleans up after us."
"Not no more," Tucker said close to her ear. "If you don't make a mess, then you don't have one to clean up."
"Are you a neat freak or one of those compulsive people?" She looked under her arm at her lover.
"Nope, I just don't live like a bachelor. You guys are pigs!" She placed a kiss between her shoulders and went back to the kitchen.
A wide smile came to Duncan's face; she punched a hand in the air and danced in a circle. If Tucker was getting on her about how they lived, that meant that they would be living there together. That is if I asked her, she went over to her nightstand and pulled open the drawer. She lifted the solid gold wedding band out and looked at the inscription inside. "Is it too soon to ask her?" She slipped the ring onto her pinky finger and went to the bathroom for a shower.
Tucker placed the pork chops in the oven bag with spices and put it in a glass pan before putting it into the hot stove. Checking the vegetables in the microwave and the rice on the back burner, she went to the bathroom and dropped down on the toilet. "Supper will be done in 20 minutes or so!" She yelled over the noise of the shower, she finished what she was doing and slid the door back. "Did you hear me Dunk?"
"Yep," She moaned when the water hit her sore back. "Will you look at my back; I don't want that cut to get nasty."
Duncan turned her around, soaped up a washrag and started soaping her shoulders and back. "I'll put some stuff on it when we get done in here." She ran the washrag down over her tight rear and then her thighs; she was so tempted to do other things but knew they would end up staying in the shower for a very long time. Not that she would mind experiencing mind-blowing orgasms again but the house catching on fire was not on the agenda. "Your leg looks awful; it's a dozen different shades of blue."
Duncan turned around, took the washrag from her hands and kissed her gently. "It'll be OK in a few days." She washed her lover's shoulders and then turned her around to wash her back, dropping her head; she kissed the nape of her neck. "Love you Tuck."
Tucker brought a hand back and placed it against her lover's head. "Love you too." After they finished showering, they pulled t-shirts on and went back out to the kitchen. Duncan sniffed the air and gave Tucker a toothy grin.
"Pork choppers, I love pork choppers. But no pineapple on them, I hate pineapples with a passion."
"That's funny when ya live where they come from." She filled their plates, set them on the table and pulled out a gallon of milk. "My stomachs been bothering me lately, maybe if I drink milk it'll help."
"Is it those pills from Petra, maybe you should call her for another script?"
"Nope, I took all those." She shrugged her shoulders and sat down next to Duncan to eat. "It might have been stressing over whether to jump you or not."
Duncan grinned and kissed her temple. "Don't have ta worry about that no more do we?"
The next morning after a marathon of sexual positions, Duncan rolled over and found the sheets still warm but no Tucker. She rubbed her gritty eyes and stumbled out of their bedroom to stop outside the bathroom door. On the floor, hugging the toilet was Tucker, her head resting on the cold porcelain; she groaned and lifted her head to throw up. Duncan grabbed a washrag and wet it with cold water, dropping down behind her; she placed it on the back of her neck and held her gently. "I feel like shit." She groaned and rested her head back against her lover's shoulder.
"Maybe we should go see Mama," She pulled the washrag from Tucker's neck and wiped her face off. "Maybe you have a bug or something?"
"Does she work today?"
"Nope, she's off today but works tomorrow morning." She helped her up off the floor, got out her toothbrush and handed it to her. "I'll be back in a second." She ran back to her bedroom and pulled clothes out of her drawers. Looking at them, she pulled on the larger t-shirt and shorts and saved the others for Tucker. As soon as she was dressed, they would go see Mama. If her mama didn't know what to do, she would take her to the hospital and have her checked out.
"MAMA!" Duncan yelled as she ran through the house and came to a sliding halt next to the easy chair. "Come look at Tucker, she's been sick all morning." She pulled her mama up from her chair and dragged her to Tucker's guesthouse. "We had to stop twice on the way so she could throw up, I made her go lay down while I found you." She pushed open the door and went to the bedroom. "Baby, Mamas here." She sat down on the edge of the bed and lifted the cold washrag from her eyes. Mama sat down next to her on the other side of the bed, ran a hand down her cheek, and stopped at her neck.
"Does your head hurt or anything else?"
"Nope, I just feel nauseous and like a truck hit me."
"Well, we can rule out the hickeys on your neck." She grinned at Duncan's blush and Tucker's groan. "Is this like that one morning when your stomach hurt?"
"Yeah but a thousand times worse."
"What about the pills from Petra, did you take them all?"
"Yep, but what I haven't taken is my birth control. Could that do it, ya know screw up my system?"
"Maybe, where are they so I can see what kind you're taking?"
"On the dresser in that blue plastic box, I'm almost out of them…like I really need them now."
Mama opened the box and popped one of the pills out of the holder; she turned it over and looked at the number on the pill. She groaned and walked over to Duncan. "Open your mouth Dunk." Without thinking about it, Duncan opened her mouth and then looked at her Mama when the pill hit her tongue.
"Placebos?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yep, Tuck, you weren't taking birth control. Dunk go to the store and get me an E.P.T. test."
"A pregnancy test?" She squeaked and then looked down to her lover. "I'll be back in a little while." She leaned down, gave her a soft kiss and whispered in her ear. "I love you baby."
"Love you too." Tucker whispered back and gave her a hug. "Hurry back." She watched Duncan run out the door and heard the screen door slam. "Could I be pregnant Mama, we used protection and everything else that we could."
Mama took one of her hands and looked into her worried eyes. "Tuck, there are ways that he could have used to get you pregnant no matter if he used a rubber or not. The bastard could have poked a hole in the damn thing." She squeezed her hands gently and asked her a very hard question. "What will you do if you are?"
Tucker closed her eyes and thought for all of a second before opening them and looking into Mama's. "Does Dunk want kids?"
Mama gave her a bright smile and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "It won't matter to Duncan who the father was, she's in love with you and the baby will be a part of you."
Mama lay across Tucker's bed and Duncan paced the floor in front of the bathroom. Every few seconds, she would stop and stare at the door, then start pacing again. "Damn it Dunk, you're making me sick! You look like an expectant father for Christ sakes."
Duncan stopped and looked at her mother with wide eyes. "I could be…right…if she's pregnant…I could be a daddy."
"I changed your diapers and I know damn well that you can't be a daddy."
"You know what I mean, Mama…" She jumped when the door opened and Tucker stood there with a blank expression on her face. She stepped forward and handed Duncan the white plastic stick, she looked at it and smiled. Tossing the stick to her mama, she picked Tucker up and hugged her. "I love you Tucker, please tell me you're keeping it."
Tucker wrapped her legs around Duncan's waist and pressed her lips to her ear. "As far as I'm concerned you got me pregnant." She pulled back and kissed her lover for all she was worth; she broke the kiss when she felt Duncan sinking to her knees. What surprised her were the tears running down her lover's face. "Dunk?"
"I'm gonna be a daddy." She cried and dropped her head down to bury her face against Tucker's breasts. Mama got off the bed and knelt down behind her daughter; she wrapped her arms around both women and kissed their heads. They sat there for a while before getting up and going to Mama's to call Petra for an appointment.

With the sun setting, Duncan and Tucker lay wrapped around each other on a blanket at the edge of the foliage. A slight chill was to the air but went unnoticed, as the lovers snuggled together and shared body heat. Tucker ran her fingers through Duncan's long hair and rested her head on top of hers. Long fingers spanned her back and softly caressed her skin, the other lay on her stomach protecting the baby growing within. A smile came across her lips when Duncan kissed the small swell of her stomach and whispered something so low that she couldn't make out the words. Her way of thinking had changed; normally she would have thrown an absolute fit finding out that she was pregnant. However, being with Duncan changed all that. She felt complete and loved beyond all measures just from being held in her arms. Steve never made her feel anything, besides being an ornament or piece of property. In a matter of weeks, her whole outlook on life had changed and she had a group of strange acting individuals to thank. She was so used to being around people who fit nicely in a pigeonhole, Mama and her small odd family didn't fit those holes, including herself now. She looked down at Duncan and smiled softly at her; the sinking sun made her eyes glow and brushed the planes of her face a coppery color. "My heart swells and my soul soars just looking at you." She leaned down and met her lips for the softest of kisses.
"I don't have the pretty words that you do," Duncan said in a hoarse whisper. "But I can show you." She got to her knees and knelt in front of Tucker, cupping her face between her hands; she leaned forward and placed soft kisses to her soft skin. "For the rest of our lives if you'll let me." She gazed into green eyes and watched a spark come to them.
Tucker felt a tremor race through her body. "Are you asking me what I think you are?"
Duncan lowered her eyes and brushed the swell of a breast through her lover's t-shirt. "I know it's only been a very short time but I know how I feel," She slipped the wedding band from her little finger and held it out to Tucker. "And I know what this means, Furball got this from the ocean and gave it to me. She said I had to find the owner of the initials inside." She handed it to Tucker and watched her eyes widen.
"Those are our initials inside, but how?"
"The ocean takes as well as gives, with that ring; it gave me a future to find. It gave me you," She held the ring out and looked into misty green eyes. "Will you marry me Tucker Danes?" Tucker wiped tears from her eyes, covered her trembling lips with one hand while extending the other to Duncan. When she felt the warmth of gold slid up her finger, she broke down and sobbed into her lover's chest. Duncan wrapped her arms around her and felt her own tears trail down her face, she dropped her head down and buried her face in her lovers hair and held her until her sobs stopped. Pulling back, she gave her a bright smile and kissed her lightly. Tucker pushed her back into the sand and fell across her body to kiss her until they saw stars. Tucker lifted her head and gazed lovingly into dark blue eyes, she ran a fingertip down Duncan's chin to stop at the waistband of her baggy white grey shorts.
"I want to make love to you right here." She lowered her head down and nipped at a hardened nipple straining against cotton. "And wake up wrapped in your arms under the rising sun."
"And under the watchful eyes of two idiots that are sitting in the bushes behind you." She groaned and slapped her hands over her eyes. "What a mood breaker." She mumbled and whimpered when Ripples and Furball snickered next to her ear.
"Do we get ta be the flower girls," Ripples whispered in Duncan's ear and then fell across both women when Duncan nodded her head. "Ohh good, Mama says ta get up ta the house…"
"Little Mamas got a phone call." Furball cut in and plastered a huge sloppy kiss on Tucker's cheek. "Her mom's been calling for two days to a cell phone that no one answers." She wiggled her bushy eyebrows at her, pulled Ripples to her feet and dragged her back towards the house. "I kissed Tuck!" She screamed and then yelped when Ripples shoved her into the bushes.
"If you call that a kiss, it's no wonder why you don't get any dates!" Ripples ran towards where Mama was standing and hid behind her. "We told her…"
"I can just imagine how you two did that from where ya were hiding in the bushes." Mama said and grabbed a long braid to pull Ripples from behind her. "Go get the grill started and don't blow the lid off like the last time." Mama watched Duncan and Tucker approach her holding hands and leaning into each other. It may her smile to see the love they had for each other in their every movement. She stepped forward and held the portable phone out to a smiling Tucker. "It's your mom; she's been trying to reach you for the last two days."
"Guess I'm in trouble now," She grinned at Mama and took the phone. "Thanks Mama." She went over to one of the chairs on the porch and found herself being pulled down onto her lover's lap; she leaned back and snuggled into the warm body before saying hello to her mom.
"And where have you been Tucker Danes?"
"Right here mom, I just don't have my cell phone with me. Why, what's wrong?"
Linda chuckled. "Ohh nothing besides my kid necking on the Sports channel with one Sebastian Fox." She laughed harder when Tucker groaned. "It's all right Tucker; you should have heard your dad. He almost had a heart attack when he saw a close up of Duncan."
"Why, I mean…," She became flustered and at a loose for words when Duncan kissed her neck and nibbled on her earlobe. "Is he mad at me because of this?"
"Hell no, he's been drooling over the new surf world magazine. He says you have great taste and he wants an autographed poster of your woman."
Tucker closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side when a warm tongue traced her ear. "Uuhhh…you mean…we're in there already?"
Linda laughed and shook her head; she had a feeling that Tucker was not alone. "Tucker, you're distracted, just what is she doing to you?"
"MOM! I can't believe you asked me that and for your information, she's not doing anything."
"Uhhh huh, sure Tucker, that's why I feel like I'm listening to a heavy breather over the phone. I'll make this quick, you need to see your lawyer. She has papers for you to sign and call your publisher. Behave yourself and don't wear her out too much." She laughed at the gasp that came from her daughter and hung up the phone.
Tucker leaned to the side and held lidded blue eyes with a narrowed look. "You are in sooo much trouble and my dads drooling over a picture of you!"
"So do I get punished for this trouble I've caused?" She wiggled her brows and gave Tucker a toothy grin. Tucker nodded her head, got off her lap and pulled her towards her guesthouse.
"I'm gonna put your endurance to the test for many hours Dunk."
The door closed behind them and signaled two hiding idiots that the coast was clear; Ripples and Furball snuck around the guesthouse and peeked through the bedroom window.
"Which leg do you two want broken?" Mama asked from where she stood in the shadows.
Two pissed off women came storming out of the guesthouse still wet from their shower; they looked towards Mamas and spotted to cowering idiots in the doorway. Ripples and Furball screamed like little girls and took off running towards the beach and hopefully freedom. Duncan took chase while Tucker went into find Mama and see what could be done for the predicament they now faced. "Ohh my…you're…blue!" She winced at the snarling expression on Tucker's face. "I guess the idiots got their revenge huh?"
"Ohh you can say that," Tucker held her arms out and turned in a circle. "I look like a smurf! I'm supposed to fly back to Texas tomorrow; I can't go on the plane looking like this."
"I can see the problem now, they'd put you in quarantine for a month. Let's go in the bathroom and see if I have anything to get this off, was it your soap they got?"
"Nope, Dunk checked that. They put the dye inside the shower head, so as soon as we got under it, we turned blue."
A half hour later, Tucker came out of the shower and looked at her normal skin tone. She still smelled like bleach but at least she wasn't a small blur smurf like person. "Where's Dunk?" She asked Mama who was reading the newspaper at the kitchen table.
"Probably halfway to Maui by now and still chasing the idiots." She looked up and nodded her head. "You look better, good thing they used ground up chalk instead of clothes dye. Now I know who the really evil one of those three is."
"I'd have to be to be able to survive some of the stuff they've done to me," Dunk snickered and dropped clothes in a pile near the back door. "Just wait until you see them this time," She walked over to Tucker and pulled her into her arms. "They're trying to sneak back here without anyone noticing that they're naked." She sniffed her lover's neck, closed her eyes and sneezed. "You smell like Clorox."
"Uhh huh and you're still blue, sweaty and covered in sand but still blue. I left the bleach in Mama's shower for you; go see if it'll come off."
The next morning was a tearful event, Duncan cried like a baby as she held onto Tucker. It didn't matter that Tucker would be coming back in a week or so, it was the fact that she wouldn't be holding her as they slept. Or waking up to find her cuddled against her body. "I wish you could come with me, my parents want to meet you."
"I wish I could too, I can always put off…,"
"Nope, when I get back, I want you all to myself." She lifted Duncan's face and wiped her tears away. "No business meetings, agents, publishers or anyone else but you and our weird family."
"Will you call me when you get there?"
"Let some one try and stop me," She kissed moist lips and moaned. "Your voice is the last thing I want to here before I fall asleep."
Duncan took a deep breath and tried not to sob, her words cracked as she forced them out. "Let me take you to the airport."
"Nope, if you're there with me, I'll never get on that plane and then I'll be in a shit load of trouble." Kissing her lover one last time before she had to leave, she put her entire soul and heart into it and felt Duncan slipping to the floor. Following her down, she broke the kiss and held her head to her chest. "I love you and I'll be back before you know it." She kissed her softly, got up from the floor, and grabbed her laptop and overnight bag. "I love you Duncan Fox." She went out the door wiping the tears from her face and broke into sobs as soon as she got in the truck beside Mama. "This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do," She looked to Mama though blurry eyes and stared sobbing again. "Will Duncan be alright?"
"Sure, she'll mope around for a week or so, I'll kick her in the ass a few times and the idiots will terrorize her." She smiled and pulled her truck out onto the road. "You take care of yourself and take those vitamins I got for you. We don't want you getting run down while you're away."
"Don't worry, I'll remember and I'll rest while I'm there." She took a calming breath and wiped her face on the bottom of her t-shirt. "I don't know how my parents are going to take the news about the baby or me moving here."
"As long as you're happy, they won't care."
"I hope your right, Mama." She gazed out at the scenery trying to memorize everything so that she could recall it over the next week or two that she would be gone.
The second the seatbelt light went out, Tucker opened her laptop, went to the Word program and started a new document. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and started typing without ever opening her eyes. The man next to her sat in awe over the speed that her fingers flew across the small keyboard. When the flight attendant came past with drinks, she took a bottle of water and went back to typing. Never before had a story wanted out so bad or been as clear in her mind as the one she was writing now. Time drifted by for her at the seed of light, she stopped and looked up at the smiling flight attendant and nodded when she told her they were preparing for landing in San Francisco. She looked down at the screen and saw that she had typed over three hundred pages in the hours it took to get to California. For once, she was looking forward to the two-hour lay over before her flight to Dallas Fort Worth where her parents would pick her up at the airport and then take her home. At the rate that she was typing, she knew she would have a good-sized manuscript for her publisher and friend Wanda. Saving her document, she closed down her laptop and put it back in its case. Wiggling her fingers, she looked over to the man next to her and smiled. "Fingers are a little stiff."
"Ma'am, at the speed you were typing there, I'm surprised they didn't fall off."
"I get that way when I'm inspired."
"I could be inspired and still hunt and peck." He pointed to his own laptop bag and smiled. "My poor wife looks over my papers and beats me on the head with them; she says I can't spell anything over five letters. I told her that it didn't matter because the people I give 'em to don't read the damn things anyway." They chatted until they landed and then parted ways, for once Tucker didn't feel threatened when a man spoke to her. Any other time, she would have been with Steve and he would have given her the third degree as to why she was talking to another man. Slinging her overnight case strap over her shoulder, she carried her laptop and cardboard tube that Mama had given her in her right hand and used the left to push through the other passengers who always stopped right outside the Jetway door. She wished she were as tall as her lover was and as intimidating. She smiled to herself when she thought of Duncan, she never thought about it before but she was intimidating in a way. Her height and the look she could cast in a heartbeat cold freeze air. Getting free of the crowd, she made her way to her next gate and took a seat in a quiet corner after checking in. Out came her laptop and her fingers took over and single words turned into sentences, paragraphs and then chapters. Before she knew it, the customer service agent was calling for the passengers to board.
Linda stood on a chair at the gate from San Francisco, she peered over the people waiting for friends, lovers and relatives to disembark from the plane and swamp the gate area. She squeezed Stanley's shoulder when she saw Tucker pushing her way through, a bright grin came to her face when she saw the snarl form on her small daughters face. "I see her Stanley, you better go save some people before she beats the Hell outta them."
"Ohh sure, send me into the lions den." He ducked his head to avoid her smack and lumbered over to find his daughter. He had a huge advantage in that department, being six foot four and over 200lb made him a perfect battering ram. He reached between two bodies, grabbed Tucker by her arm and yanked her into his arms. "Hi baby, growl or bite anyone today?"
"Hi dad, nope but I was real damn close. Do ya think there's such a thing as plane rage?"
"Sure, you and you mom have it. Let's get out of here before I'm tempted to slam some of these dumbasses." He pushed through the crowd and laughed when people yelped after his size fifteen cowboy boot smashed their toes. Tucker could only snicker and think of how Duncan would react in the same position. Linda jumped down from the chair and pulled a tired Tucker into her arms, kissing her forehead; she took the bag from her shoulder and handed it to Stanley.
"Make yourself useful and take our baby's bags." Stanley sighed and then looked at the cardboard tube.
"What's this Tucker?"
Tucker looked at it and gave her dad a bright smile. "I have an idea but I'm not really sure, Mama Fox said to give it to you."
"Me," His devilish grin was so much like Tucker's that Linda groaned. "Is it naked woman playing volleyball?"
"You sound just like Ripples and Furball," She rolled her eyes and walked beside her mom.
Ripples and Furball growled at Duncan and flipped her off after she walked into the kitchen, they had no idea what had gotten into her but they were suffering big time. They each had a paint roller in their hands and were painting the living room a soft white color, before that, they had done the kitchen. Duncan was now in there laying new tile after fixing the leaky sink faucet and trap. For the last two days, they had worked until they dropped and it didn't look like it would let up anytime soon. "I think she's flipped, we've always lived like pigs." Ripples mumbled and painted the side of Furballs face. Mama walked into the house, looked around, walked back out and looked at the address before going back in to stand with her mouth hanging open.
"What in the world happened in here?" She turned in a circle and then walked over to the idiots. "Are you guys sick or something…that is besides having more paint on your bodies than the walls?
Furball pointed to the kitchen and whimpered. "Go get her Mama; she's blown a gasket and it torturing us. She had us clean our rooms and everything!" She whimpered some more and ran her roller down the back of Ripples head.
"My daughter the world known slob has you cleaning? This is really bad; I may have to call 911." She walked across the tarp-covered floor and stopped dead in the doorway to the kitchen. What at one time was the perfect growing environment for strange diseases, was now spotless, the stainless steel shone brightly and the walls were no longer a dingy yellow. "I've died and gone to Hell, my kids cleaning!"
Duncan turned and gave her mama a sheepish smile; she held up a piece of tile and showed her mama. "What do ya think, is the color OK, I wasn't really sure but got it anyway?"
Mama looked at the pure white tile with the small slate blue flowers on the outside border and nodded. "Perfect Dunk, now tell me why you're doing all this." She knew the reason but wanted to hear Duncan say it.
"I want Tucker to be happy here and with the way it was, she wouldn't have been." She shrugged her shoulders and wiped her dirty hands on her pant legs. "Do ya think she'll like it?"
"Dunk, she wouldn't care if you two lived in a cave. She's not a materialistic person; she doesn't dress in fancy clothes or walk with her nose in the air."
"I know, but I wanted to clean the place up and I'm making our storage room the nursery. The idiots weren't to happy about moving all those boxes of old clothes and stuff but I changed their mind when I told them they could have my half of the workshop." She sat down on a chair and waited for Mama to join her. "I thought maybe you and Tucker could pick out the furniture for the nursery, I'm not real sure what to get."
"We can take care of all that when she comes home, now where are you getting all this money?"
"It's from my secret savings account," She grinned and rolled her eyes. "I'm using the money from the pipe masters competition and I signed a contract with a wetsuit company, they want to use my name."
"And you didn't tell me about this, you sneaky beach bum." She got up and hugged Duncan tightly. "I'm so proud of you Duncan and I know Tucker will fall over when she gets back. She'll never expect to walk into a clean house with a nursery just waiting for her to furnish."
"Just wait until she sees the shop I signed a lease for, it's in town and close to the ice cream shop. You know the one that used to sell that tourist crap and cheap paintings."
"Yep, I sure do, that's the one that you and the idiots painted graffiti on the walls, got arrested and hauled off to lock-up. I agreed with what you guys painted but the owner didn't see the humor in the 'Free live crabs available' his wife was thankful that she found out though." She shook her head at the memory of an angry man screaming about his personal life and infidelity advertised in such a crude manner. If he didn't want it none, then he should have kept his bugs to himself instead of passing them on to all the high school cheerleaders. "It's a perfect spot Dunk and you'll only have the other shop to compete with."
"I shouldn't have a problem, my name alone will pull people in and Ripples already has half dozen orders for her boards. Keala is top of the list and she said she would get her some other orders while she's in Australia." She chuckled and gave her Mama the strangest look. "You will not believe the motto the idiots came up with for Ripples boards, how does 'Ride the Ripple' sound?"
"Like a porno film."
"Well dad, what do ya think?" Tucker asked from where she was standing in the doorway to her dad's study.
"Ohh that you are one lucky woman and I'm gonna watch more surfing on the sports channel." He stared at the autographed poster of Duncan wearing just a sports bra and bikini bottoms and sighed.
"Mom says to stop drooling and come and eat before it gets cold." She walked back to the kitchen and leaned against the kitchen counter, she looked to the floor and back up at her mom's profile.
"What's on your mind Tucker, you've been awful quiet?"
"Well, I need to talk to you and dad about something and I don't know how you'll take it."
"The only way you'll find out is if you tell is, if it's about the asshole. He won't be back anytime soon, he's locked up in a treatment center in Puerto Rico. Your cousins grabbed him and locked his ass up for a while," She pointed to the papers sitting near the microwave. "That's what Jon faxed your dad and your lawyer has copies as well."
Tucker picked up the papers and read them through; she looked to her mom with a wicked grin on her face. "He's being treated for VD?"
"Did you read the statement from the whore, I almost pissed myself."
Tucker flipped through until she came to the statement, she started laughing and had to wipe the tears from her eyes so that she could continue. What got her was the page beneath that Jon wrote, it described the whore to the point of her snagged nylons and scuffed shoes. "Ohh my God, I hope they got pictures of this."
"Yep and video, it should be here in the next couple of days. Once that stuff gets here, you'll never have to worry about him again." She looked up when her husband came in and sat down at the table. "Done drooling over Duncan?" She placed their dishes in front of them and took her seat diagonal to Tucker.
"Only when I'm dead and six feet under." He grabbed the beer that she tossed him and saw the look on his daughters face. "OK Tucker, what's wrong?"
She rolled her eyes and sat down at the table, it was unbelievable how transparent she was around her parents. "I'm going to have a problem with Steve…I'm pregnant." She thought her parents were going to drop over right before her eyes; she took a deep breath and explained to them about her birth control and what Mama thought he had done to ensure that she got pregnant. When they asked her what she was planning on doing, they were ecstatic about her keeping the baby. "But I'm moving to Hawaii…Duncan asked me to marry her."
Linda took her hands and held them gently. "Since you're wearing a wedding band," She wiggled the finger and smiled. "I take it that she's OK with the baby being Steve's?"
"More than OK and Mama can't wait; she's going to be my midwife."
Her dad had a beaming smile on his face; he punched a hand in the air and said a silent 'yes'. "When are you due so that we can be there to see our grandbaby?"
"Around the fourteenth of January, give or take a few days." She shrugged her shoulders and picked at the food on her plate.
Linda calculated in her head and looked to Tucker. "You were pregnant before you went to Hawaii and didn't know?"
"I didn't start getting morning sickness until a few days ago and my period has never been normal, that's one of the reasons I started the birth control. A lot of good it did, it still didn't come when it was supposed to, then again, I have no idea when Steven the giant asshole of the universe substituted my pills."
"Knowing him, it was the minute you got the things." Her dad said and then cussed a blue streak. "He'll pay for everything he's done; he kissed his career goodbye the second he hurt you."
"If he shows up in Hawaii, he'll kiss his life goodbye. Duncan will feed him to the sharks piece by piece if Mama and the idiots don't beat her to him."
Linda chuckled and nodded her head. "A fitting end to a scum sucking lawyer, hope the sharks don't die afterward."
"I can't believe she threw our furniture out, I love this couch!" Ripples ran her fingers across the holey cushion. "This is from when you tried to shot me with the spear gun and missed."
"I didn't try to shoot you, I tripped over Duncan's big feet and the damn thing went off on its own." She grinned at a doubting Ripples. "Now when I shot Duncan's bed, I was trying to knock the apple off her head."
"Good thing you can jump too, she almost got you with the car."
"And I would have to if you hadn't dove into that dumpster." Duncan dropped down onto the old couch that was now in the work shed, she handed them each a Coke and leaned back to put her feet on the battered coffee table. "I'm surprised we've lived to be this old."
"We're surprised we survived this week," Furball made kissing noises at Duncan. "We got cavities from all that sweet talk you have with Tuck every night on the phone."
"At least I've had sex…in this lifetime." She gave them a smug grin and took a sip of her Coke.
"We've had sex…not together but…" Ripples rubbed her face and looked at a confused Furball. "What?"
"Uhhmm…have we, I mean…"
Duncan slapped her in the head and groaned. "No, wet dreams don't count. Congratulations, you two are the oldest virgins in the world."
"Hey! What about mother Teresa, she's a virgin!"
"Furball, she's dead." Ripples slapped her in the shoulder and grinned. "But being a dead Virgin is worse, we still gotta chance!"
Duncan raised an eyebrow at them and snorted. "Have you two looked in a mirror lately, Captain Unibrow and twin?" They both ran a finger across their eyebrow and looked to Duncan.
"The beard and mustache trimmer is broke." They said in unison.
"And there's not enough wax on the island to handle the two of you." She got up from the couch and gave them the come-hither motion. "We have laundry to fold."
They moaned and groaned but followed her into the house, at the back door; they took off their shoes and placed them on the mat outside the door before going in. Flipping Duncan off, they ran into the living room, dropped onto the new couch, and bounced a few times just to piss her off. She came out of the laundry room with a basket of clothes, stopped in front of them and dumped it on their heads.
"And don't you two roll everything into balls or I'll turn your underwear green."
Furball picked up one of her shirts, looked at it and then up at Duncan. "What did you do to my shirt, it's…white!"
"Bleach does wonders when it's used on white clothes and not the colored ones." She turned to go back to the laundry room to put a load in the dryer and wash the fifth load of the day; she now knew why Mama wanted to kill them when she did their laundry. She grinned when she thought of what Mama said every time she put her clean clothes on her bed. 'You took them out of your dresser so that means you know where to put them, so put them there or I'll kick your ass.' After starting the washer, she leaned against the washer and felt tears fill her eyes. She missed Tucker and wished that she had gone with her, she was tempted to catch a flight to California and then to Texas to be with her. What she was afraid of and had talked to Mama about was if she could trust Steve to not try and win Tucker back. She thought Mama was going to beat the shit out of her for even thinking of it, she told her that they couldn't have a relationship without trust. And the only way to show Tucker that she trusted in her love was to keep her ass in Hawaii and wait for her. She had thought about it and agreed but she still wished that she could go to Texas. "She'll be home soon, suck it up, deal with it and stop being a big baby."
Tucker read over the papers her lawyer had for her and signed them, she then looked up into his soft brown eyes and raised an eyebrow. "So if he signs them, then I never have to worry about him trying to get custody or anything else when my baby's born."
He gave her a wicked grin and nodded his grey head. "Not unless he wants everything in my files released to a newspaper, I know it's low to blackmail another person. But that son of a bitch deserves it and worse, I never liked him and his parents are a bunch of ass kissers."
"Good, that means I won't have to hire a hit man." She laughed and waved a hand in the air. "Just kidding, me, an orange jumpsuit and a couple thousand roommates is not in my future." She stood and held out her hand. "Thank you for everything, including the power of attorney on such short notice. I won't need my house and it's easier for my parents to sell it than me flying back and forth from Hawaii."
"No problem and good luck, you have any questions or problems you call me."
"I hope I don't, nothing personal but lawyers are not my favorite people now days."
"You're not alone, I don't like them either." She gave him a shake of her head and walked out of his office, which was one more thing off her to do list. She still had to call her publisher and give her the bad news about the book she was supposed to have worked on while on vacation. On the other hand, she was almost finished with the one she had started on the plane. She hoped it worked as a peace offering and got her back on Wanda's good side. The older woman could be a real tyrant when she was pissed. Running a hand over her stomach a bright smile came to her face. "Well little one, in a couple days we'll be laying on the beach with your other mom." She felt butterflies take off in her stomach when she thought of Duncan. "I miss you Dunk and when I get home, we are not leaving the bedroom for a week." Getting into her old Impala, she pulled out of her lawyer's parking lot and head to the nearest restaurant, anymore, she was starving every hour. If her appetite got much worse, she would weigh a couple hundred pounds before she gave birth. On the way to McDonalds, she ran over what she had wrote that morning and thought of some details that she wanted to add. "If I keep this up, War and Peace will look like a comic book next to mine page wise."
The late afternoon was dark, dreary and rainy, it made Duncan feel more miserable than she thought possible, she wished Tucker were there so that they could lay in bed and listen to the rain hit the roof. She rolled over in her bed and looked out the window with tired gritty eyes, she was exhausted and hadn't slept or eaten much since Tucker left. Mama and the idiots had offered her everything that they could think of but food just didn't interest her. She wanted her lover and nothing else. "You're pitiful Duncan, a little over a week and you're falling apart."
"Tucker's probably doing the same thing," Mama said from the doorway. "She cried the entire way to the airport and when I talked to her this morning, she started all over again."
Duncan's eyes grew wide; she sat up in her bed and stuttered. "You talked to her today…how come she didn't call me?"
"Because you were at work, that's why." She went over and sat down on the bed beside Duncan. "She told me to tell you that you had better eat or she was going to kick your ass when she got back."
"My mama the nark, I eat…sometimes."
"Yeah after we hold you down and force it in your mouth, you look like shit Dunk. Is that how you want Tucker to see you, all skinny and falling apart?"
"No, it's just that I miss her." She wiped the tears that formed in her eyes, closed them and started to sob. When arms wrapped around her, she fell forward and buried her face against the soft material of a t-shirt.
A soft voice whispered in her ear and sent shivers down her spine. "So you missed me?" Duncan raised her head and saw misty green eyes looking down at her; she looked around the room and saw her Mama smiling from the doorway. "Mama picked me up at the airport, I wanted to surprise you."
"More than I ever thought possible." She sniffled and started to sob harder. "Never again…I go…where you go." She pushed Tucker back on the bed and wrapped around her body, they laid there and fell asleep to the sound of the rain.
Duncan woke up feeling warmth against her back; she cautiously moved a hand back, felt a warm body, and became confused. Slowly turning over, she listened, heard a whistling snore, and knew who was in bed with her. "RIPPLES!"
"Jesus God almighty!" She jumped up and fell off onto the floor with a loud thump. "Why do ya gotta do that Dunk, ya trying ta give Tuck a heart attack?"
"You're not Tucker and what in the Hell are you doing in my bed?"
"Do you people mind, I'm trying to sleep." Tucker yelled and rolled over to bury her face in her lover's chest. "What was she doing in bed with us?"
"I wanted ta see what it felt like ta sleep with someone and it ain't all it's cracked up ta be. You two SNORE!" She stomped to the door and stopped. "Furball get out from under the bed before they squash your ass."
"This ain't fair; I haven't read all the articles yet!" She scurried out from under the bed, shinned her flashlight in Duncan's eyes and waved a Playboy at her. "Holding out on us again, shame on ya!" She jumped when Duncan growled and ran out of the room to smack into the back of Ripples. "You dipshit, I told ya not to get in bed with them. I told ya they snored like giant sized big foots."
"And how would you know what a big foot sounds like?"
"I know your brother, that's how."
Tucker started laughing and rolled over on top of her groaning lover, she nipped at her neck and heard her growl deeply. "I really missed this ya know, waking up with you next to me."
Duncan dropped her voice a few octaves and purred. "Is that all you missed, I can think of a couple things?"
She leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss that left them breathless. "Thinking is no where in the equation, show me."
The idiots were in the workshop, sitting on the couch with their heads tilted back snoring loud enough to scare off wildlife. After an hour of moans and groans coming from Duncan and Tucker's bedroom, they ran to save their sanity. Or what little bit they had. If they knew what they were missing, they would kick each other in the ass. A very naked Tucker walked into the kitchen, flipped the light on and looked around in confusion. It wasn't the same kitchen she had cooked in before she left. She went into the living room, turned the overhead light, and looked around with wide eyes.
"So what do ya think?" Duncan asked from where she was leaning against the wall.
"I'm thinking that if I didn't know any better, I'd swear I was in the wrong house. You did all this while I was gone?"
"Uhh huh, I wanted it to be nice for when you came back." She walked up to her and pulled her into her arms. "Is it OK, the idiots helped me clean, paint and pick out the new furniture?"
"It's perfect but you didn't have to do all this, I would have been happy sleeping in a cave as long as you were with me." She raised an eyebrow when Duncan laughed. "What?"
"That's what Mama said," She picked her up and carried her down the hall to the room next to theirs. "We did something else but you and Mama have to finish it." She put Tucker down inside the doorway and flipped the light on. "I didn't know whether to paint it blue or pink, so I picked yellow. Ripples painted the teddy bears on the walls and Furball helped me put the carpet down." She turned back from where she had walked to the center of the nursery and saw the tears in her lover's eyes. "Baby are you all right?"
"It's beautiful Dunk," She wiped at her cheeks and gave her lover a beaming smile. "I didn't know what we were going to do when the baby came but you've solved all that." She walked into her arms and pulled her down for a deep lingering kiss. "I love you Duncan Fox more than I ever thought possible. Only one problem I see right now and that's two idiots with their faces pressed against the window screen."
"Nice ass Tuck, can we see the rest?" Ripples wiggled her brows and then her eyes shot wide when Duncan raised a fist and waved it. "Guess not."
"I swear those two are missing a few cards." Duncan mumbled against Tucker's neck.
"True but what would we do without them?"
"Be able to take a shower and not end up blue."
"My mom thought that was hilarious, her and dad are coming in January and are staying until after the baby comes. Think Mama will let them stay in one of the guest houses."
"Nope, she'll have them stay in the house with her. Mama would never put relatives in a guesthouse…only ones she doesn't like."
Tucker had decided to work on her new story while getting some sun, she looked up from her laptop when she heard a loud roar and then screams. Leaning back in her chair, she watched the idiots jump on top of her lover and fall into the on coming wave. They were like big kids, constantly playing and chasing each other down the beach. Mama was right when she said they kept her young, she remembered a conversation with her mom while in Texas. She said something about watching her play in the backyard all alone and hoped that it wouldn't be that way with her baby. Not so subtle a plea for more than one grandchild. But with her new family, she knew that the baby would not be lacking in playmates but adult interaction. Unconsciously, she rolled the wedding band around her finger and then looked down at it. "Jewelry store, I need to find one and get Duncan a ring." She closed her laptop and carried her chair back to Mamas. "Mama where can I find a jewelry store?" She asked after putting her laptop in the kitchen doorway.
"There's a guy about an hour from here that makes jewelry, I'll take you over there if ya want. He can make anything you want and he's not expensive like the others in town." She waved a hand for Tucker to come closer. "Or you can give this to Dunk," She pulled a thick solid gold ring from her pocket and handed it to her. "It was her daddy's ring; I had it made before we got married." Tucker looked at the ring and smiled, inside the band were the initials D&T.
"Wait a minute here, this ring matches mine."
"Sure it does," She gave Tucker a beaming smile. "You're wearing my wedding band."
"But Furball…"
"I gave it to her to give to Dunk; we came up with that story so that she would get her ass moving."
Tucker chuckled and nodded her head, her eyebrow raised to bury itself under her bangs. "What's the T stand for?"
"My middle name is Taynia, my kid's dense as they come sometimes."
Tucker leaned forward, gave Mama a hug, and kissed her cheek. "Thanks Mama and your secret is safe with me, can we go shopping for baby stuff? That bare room is driving me nuts and Dunk needs something to do until their shop is ready to open."
"You mean like putting together furniture and being terrorized by looking at baby clothes?"
Steve drove down the street towards Tuckers house; he stopped in front of it and looked at the old Chevy truck parked in the driveway. Anger built and flared with the thought that she had someone else in her life and it wasn't him. He pulled behind the truck, got out and slammed the door on his BMW hard enough to crack the windshield. Stomping up to the door, he ignored the doorbell and pounded on the door with both fists. "OPEN UP YOU FUCKER!" He kept on pounding until the door opened and a huge woman stood there with her one hand planted on her trim waist.
"What is your problem buddy?"
His eyes narrowed and spittle flew from his lips. "Who are you and where is my fiancée, ohh wait that's right, she likes women?" He tried to push his way past her and found himself picked up off the floor.
"I have no idea who you are but I know my husband would love it if I did this." She bounced him off the wall, flipped him upside down and slammed him on the floor. He lay there at her feet gasping for air and feeling every bone in his body vibrating. "I taught him that move; he now uses it every night on the WWF circuit." She grabbed the front of his suit jacket and hauled him off the floor. "Or maybe this one will impress you more!" She carried him out the door and to where his car was parked, lifting him up over her head, she tossed him on the hood of his car. "Come by tomorrow, my husband would just love to rearrange your face for pounding on our door. Now get the Hell outta here!"
Steve rolled off onto the ground, crawled over to the door, opened it and climbed in with a loud whimper. He wondered if anything had been broken or if he would die from internal injuries. The four months locked up in Puerto Rico had added 60lb to his already out of shape frame, his clothes fit so tight that he had popped buttons and the zipper on his trousers no longer closed all the way. Not to mention the pleats on his trousers were non-existent and the insides of his pockets stuck out like ears. He backed his car out of the driveway with a lurch and struggled with the gearshift before getting into drive. "I'll find you Tucker you can bet on that!" He screamed as he tore down the street side swiping a few cars before he made it around the corner and headed towards the airport. "I'll get you back and then we'll live happily ever after in HELL!"
Mama walked into the surf shop and saw Tucker sitting behind the long bar reading a magazine; she leaned over the bar and saw Duncan on her knees between her lover's thighs. "What in the world are you doing down there?"
"Hi Mama and you need to explain to blockhead here that explaining surfing techniques at this stage will not work." Tucker ran her fingers through Duncan's hair and pulled on her ear.
Mama saw the earpieces of a stethoscope on rather side of Tuckers stomach. "Tell me she's not talking into the end of my stethoscope."
"OK I won't and I won't tell you the other more personal ways she talks to the baby." She grinned when Mama rolled her eyes. "Dunk will you get up before a customer comes in and thinks we're providing entertainment."
Blue eyes tracked up to connect with green; she blinked a few times before noticing that someone was behind her. Turning slowly, she sighed when she saw her Mama. "I was just…"
"Acting like an idiot, come on I'm buying lunch."
Duncan dropped her face down, pulled up Tucker's t-shirt and placed kisses on her swollen stomach. "Mamas taking us to lunch, so no kicking or rolling around in there until afterward." She rested her cheek on soft skin and looked up when Mama called her name.
"Duncan, lunch would be good before the baby's in college. Now move your ass or we'll leave you here." She headed for the door and watched her daughter helping Tucker out of the chair. Dotting was too tame a word for how Duncan was, over protective was closer. She would carry Tucker around if she would let her. "OK Mama I got the hint."
"Petra set up an appointment for Tucker's sonogram for two o'clock, so after lunch we'll go over there and get that taking care of." She looked over at the two women and shook her head. They acted like newly weds where ever they went, Duncan had her arm wrapped around Tucker's shoulders and one hand resting on the swell of her stomach. If she didn't know any better, she would swear that Duncan had gotten the smaller woman pregnant.
"I get to see the baby right," Duncan asked and rubbed Tucker's stomach. "And maybe see what sex we're gonna have, that is if you want to know Tuck?"
Tucker got a dreamy look on her face and smiled. "It doesn't matter as long as the baby's healthy; remind me to have Petra make extra copies of the pictures so I can send them to mom and dad."
"And one for my scrap book," Mama added and draped an arm around both her kids. "I started a new one for my first grandbaby; all I need is a wedding picture to go on the first page. I thought about using the one of you two necking on the beach after your perfect ten dunk…"
"OK Mama, we get it ya don't have to worry anymore." She kissed her lover's head and felt her squeeze her side. "We have it all planed out and were waiting for the perfect time to tell you. We want to do it on the beach with just the five of us…,"
"And after my parents get here and the baby's born then Tommy's going to make it legal." Tucker added. "That way we won't be rushing around before I'm close to delivering."
Mama raised an eyebrow at them and punched Duncan in her shoulder. "The mamas always the last to know, what are you going to wear and don't you say a t-shirt and shorts." When Duncan looked worriedly to Tucker, Mama settled it. "We are going shopping and you are not wearing a new wetsuit for this, ya got me Sebastian?"
"OK Mama, what ever you pick out I'll wear." She hung her head and prayed that Mama didn't pick out a dress."
Duncan lay in bed next to Tucker looking at the black and white picture of their baby, a huge grin came to her face when she thought of the life growing in her lover's belly. She rolled over, placed the picture on the nightstand and nestled her face on a breast. Tracing a nipple with her fingertip, she watched it harden and heard Tucker moan. Duncan kissed the side of her breast and tapped the back of the book that Tucker was reading. "Whatcha reading?"
"Natural birth for older women." She tapped Duncan on her head with the book. "It's really interesting, you should read it."
"Why, in a couple months I can see it live." She pulled a nipple into her mouth and heard a thump when the book hit the floor.
"Good point…ohh God Dunk…" She buried her fingers in silky hair and arched her back.
"You're more sensitive and bigger." She cupped both breasts in her hands and rubbed her thumbs over the hardened tips. "Can I share with our baby when she gets here?"
"Uuhmm…her?" Tucker lost all train of thought when lips and tongue lavished attention on her aching nipples; there were a lot of areas that were more sensitive and needed attention.
"Yep, her, we're gonna have a little blonde haired green eyed baby girl." She moved lower and licked from her sternum to circle her naval. "Just like her mama." She moved Tucker's thighs apart and lay between them with her chin resting in dark curls. "And she's gonna be spoiled rotten." She ran her tongue between swollen nether lips and moaned at the taste of her lover's juices. Placing her hands under Tucker's hips, she lifted her gently and kissed the silky flesh in front of her. Soft moans turned in to whimpers when she took her lover to the brink and stopped to tease and prolong the torture.
"Sabas…tian…stop…teasing!" She stuttered and squeezed Duncan's head between her thighs when a warm tongue slipped inside her and took her over the edge with a deep guttural yell. Her body quaked with her climax; she grabbed the back of her lover's head and pulled her tighter to her center as another orgasm rushed through her. Her arms fell to the sides with her gasping breaths, she felt Duncan rest her head on her thigh and caress her belly. "Dunk come up here." She felt her hand stop and saw the top of her lover's head raise up.
"Tuck?" She blinked her dark blue eyes at her and shook her head. "Uhh ahhh you don't…it's not…good for the baby."
Tucker leaned to the side, grabbed Duncan's ear and dragged her up beside her. "The baby's fine. Do I have to draw you a picture, maybe buy you that book on positions?"
A light went on behind Duncan's eyes; she was so intent on pleasing her lover that she never thought of herself. She blushed hotly and dropped her head. "Are you sure, you don't have to do anything, I'm OK." She gasped when a small hand cupped her sex and a finger slipped between her folds. "Uugg…"
Tucker grinned at her wickedly and ran her tongue across her upper lip. "Yeah uugg, now get up here." She wrapped her arms around Duncan's thighs, pulled her lower over her mouth and licked at the wetness that was coating her lips and thighs. Deep moans rumbled in her chest when Duncan moved above her and gasped when her tongue pushed into her center. Moving her tongue in and out, she rubbed her clit at the same time. She could hear the sound of the wooden headboard creaking in her lover's hands and the way her legs tensed told her she was close. Moving her mouth so that she was able to capture her clit, she pulled it between her lips and sucked. With a loud roar, Duncan climaxed and coated her chin with her juices. She looked up when she heard a loud thump and saw that her lover's forehead was resting on the wall. After the last of her tremors left her body, Tucker slipped out from under her and pulled her down into the bed beside her. Seeing a bruise forming on her forehead, she placed gentle kisses to the area and brushed sweat-dampened hair back from her temples. "How are we going to explain your forehead being bruised?"
"Baby kicked me?"
"Ohh Mama will really believe that one," She chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"OK, so I'll tell her that's what happens with mind blowing sex." She snuggled her face in her lover's breasts and sighed. "I love you Tuck." She mumbled and drifted off to sleep. Tucker ran her fingers through the hair at her temples and whispered to her sleeping lover.
"I love you too Dunk, more than I ever thought possible." She fell asleep minutes later wrapped in the arms of her lover and future wife.
With half of her manuscript sent off to her publisher, Tucker was able to focus all her energy on the baby, the nursery and the ceremony they would have in an hour. She and Duncan wanted it at sunset on the beach with just the idiots and Mama present. She looked over her shoulder from where she was looking out the bedroom window of their room and saw Mama step in with a hand of fresh orchids wrapped in ribbon. She turned and gave Mama a bright smile that hide her raging nerves.
"You look beautiful Tuck, poor Dunk will fall over when she sees you."
Tucker ran her hands down the pure white large cotton button down shirt over white shorts and looked up with a tilt to her head. "My mom always pictured me in a flowing white wedding gown with a man in a black tux, I wonder what she would think if she saw me now?"
"The same thing I'm thinking," She stepped closer and kissed her forehead. "Of how beautiful a bride you are and how proud I am of you and Duncan. The only thing that matters is that you are happy and loved."
"I've never been happier and I will keep Duncan that way for the rest of our lives."
"Then what are ya worrying about, let's get out there so that Ripples and Furball can untie Duncan before her hands and feet go numb."
"Will you stop fidgeting already?" Ripples slapped Duncan's hands from the front of her shirt and fixed the collar. "You're acting like you're about to get married to a complete stranger."
"I'm supposed to be nervous, this is a lifetime commitment we're doing here."
Furball fell back on the floor and groaned. "Geez…if you're this bad in front of the people who've been around you since birth, what's gonna happen when Tuck's parents are here?"
Duncan's face went white; she grabbed her chest and struggled to pull air into her lungs. Ripples reached out, grabbed her to keep her from falling over, and kicked Furball in her leg. "Thanks you little idiot, now get her the paper bag before she passes out again." She eased Duncan down to sit on the floor. Furball crawled across the floor, picked up the paper bag with Snoopy on it and pressed it over Duncan's mouth.
"Breathe or Ripples will flash her tits at ya!"
"Why do I have to do the flashing?"
Furball looked down at her own chest and then to Ripples. "Cuz yours are bigger that's why."
They both kneeled in front of Duncan and flashed her, they looked to each other when her eyes rolled back and she fell over unconscious on the floor. "I think we killed her." Furball looked to Ripples with a terrified expression and ran from the room.
Ripples ran her hands over her face and tried to think of a country they could escape to that Tucker couldn't find them. She dropped to her knees and slapped Duncan on the face. "Don't you die on me!"
Furball ran screaming bloody murder up to Mama and Tucker; she grabbed Mama's hand and tried to drag her towards the house. "What the Hells wrong with you?"
"Dunk…she's…ohhh Hell!" She ran off towards the house with Mama mumbling behind her, Tucker was going to follow but the Mama look had her freeze after two steps.
Mama stepped into the bedroom took one look at Duncan and started laughing. She should have known that something like this would have happened. "Get me the bottle of ammonia from the kitchen." She knelt on the floor beside her daughter and brushed her bangs back from the bruise on her forehead. "What am I going to do with you Duncan; you're so much like your daddy." She remembered the time her own dad had when she and her husband were getting married. He had to change his shoes after David had lost his breakfast all over them. "Once we get you out there, it'll be easier than you thought and you'll think of how you over reacted."
"Here Mama, we found these instead." Furball handed her ammonia capsules and stepped back to stand beside a twitching Ripples. As soon as they heard the plastic crack, they covered their noses and squinted. Duncan's head rolled, her eyes squeezed shut and she slapped at her Mama's hand.
"EEEWWW…what is that?"
"Your brain functioning again, now get your ass up off the floor and out on the beach. Your fiancé is out there walking a trench in the sand." She pulled Duncan up off the floor, straightened her clothes and pushed her towards the door on stumbling bare feet. "I swear I should have known this would happen." She pointed at the idiots and followed them out of the room and all the way out to the beach. She stepped ahead of them and approached a pacing Tucker. "OK, now that she's back among the living, we can get this over with so you can kick her as."
Tucker rolled her eyes and bit her lip to keep from laughing. "She passed out on them didn't she?"
"Probably more than once, she's like her daddy. A great big wimp." Tucker turned so that she was facing the direction of where Duncan was standing; she felt her heart flutter and her mouth go dry. She had no idea how Duncan would be dressed but once she saw; she knew that she had to thank mama later. The pure whiteness of her cotton button down and white pleated trousers brought out her dark coppery tan. Her long dark hair flowed out behind her, and setting sun made her eyes glow. Tucker felt a bolt of arousal hit her center and make her knees grow weak. She grabbed onto Mama's arm when Duncan seemed to glide across the sand towards them. She was close to passing out herself and it wasn't from nerves, it was from the vision before her. She felt her breath get lost somewhere when Duncan looked down into her eyes with such undying love that she felt like her very soul was touched. When her hand was taken in Duncan's much larger one, she watched as she dropped to her knees and looked up at her. There were no words for what she was feeling at that moment.
"Tucker, before you, I lived for one thing and that was to ride upon the waves and feel a moment of peace inside the pipe. Beside you, I feel that peace touch me deeper than I ever thought possible." She took the wedding band from Furball and held it out. "I want to feel that for the rest of my life." She slipped it on her finger and placed a kiss upon it. "You calm the raging waters of my soul and fill my heart with your love, I love you Tucker."
Tucker felt the flood gates open, tears poured down her cheeks. No words could have touched her as deep as the ones Duncan said to her, she eased down to her knees with the help of Duncan. Cupping her face between her trembling hands, she gazed into the bluest eyes she had ever seen. Her thumbs moved across high cheekbones to wipe away her lover's tears and trail down to brush her lips. "The day you conquered the ocean you also won my heart. I had been hiding my feelings from you and myself but when I almost lost you, I knew then as I know now that I couldn't go on. I never knew what true love was until you touched me, I love you Duncan forever and a day." She took the ring from Ripples, slipped it on her wife's finger and leaned in to kiss her with every bit of love she held in her heart. When they ran out of air and broke their kiss, they heard sniffling and looked up to see the idiots hanging onto each other and crying like babies. Mama stood beside them wiping tears from her eyes and sniffling herself.
"Ya know baby, if all this crying keeps up, they'll close the beaches because of flooding." Duncan helped her to her feet, wrapped an arm around her waist and held her tight. "I love you Tucker Danes-Fox."
"I love you too Duncan Fox," She kissed her gently and then pointed to the idiots. "Maybe we should move this up to the house before they completely fall apart."
"Mama would you drag them up to the house and give 'em some cookies and milk?"
"I swear you two can pull the heart strings, don't stay out here too long." She kissed each one of them and grabbed the idiots by their hands. Tucker moved into the circle of Duncan's arms and leaned her head against her shoulder.
"I never knew you were a poet, I'm an author and didn't have any idea of what to say."
"I'm only a poet when it comes to you, any other time and I would fall all over words." She scoped Tucker up in her arms and carried her down the beach to their home, when they stepped through the door, their eyes widened. Every available space had a lit candle; the flickering flames made the living room glow and made it feel warm and safe. Duncan gently placed her wife on her feet and pulled her back against her chest. "I wonder who did this?"
"I think Mama did, she disappeared while I was on the phone with my mom." She moved away from Duncan and walked over to the glass coffee table. "She chilled white grape juice for us and we have strawberries, chocolate and whipped cream." She looked to Duncan and raised an eyebrow. "I feel kind of weird with my huge belly in such a romantic atmosphere." Duncan moved closer to her and took her hands in hers.
"Don't, you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." She kissed her hands and gave her a smirk. "So we'll pig out, relax and look at the book Mama left for us." She pointed to the couch where a book on baby names was lying. "She's sooo subtle; I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't highlight her favorites in there."
Steven raised the phone to his ear and looked through the plexi glass window at his mother, he raised a hand up and wiped tears from his eyes and blubbered like a baby. "Mommy you have to get me out of here, the men…they…keep SELLING ME! The last one sold me for a pack of Basic cigarettes…I'm a cheap bitch!"
"Ohh no Steven that's not true, you have cost us thousands of dollars in legal fees and expenses to pay off all the people you have managed to piss off in the last nine months." She pointed a long manicured fingernail at him and bared her teeth. "No more Steven, as of right now, you are on your own. You have embarrassed us for the last time!"
"But mommy, I was trying to win Tucker back. It is all her fault; if she had not left me, none of this would have happened. You can't do this to me!"
"Ohh the Hell I can't, I found out what you did in Hawaii and if I had known the truth back then. There would have been no way that I would have hauled your ass out of Puerto Rico. In addition, kiss your inheritance goodbye; you are no longer in our wills." She slammed the phone back on the hook and left her son sitting on the other side of the plexi glass blubbering. "We should have adopted a puppy instead of having a kid."
"Wait MOMMY…I don't like it HERE!" He screamed as the guard was dragging him from the room. "PLEASE…I'll do anything you want if you let me go!" She fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around the guard's legs. The guard crossed huge muscular arms over a wide chest and looked down at him through dark Raybans.
"Anything I want huh, how about getting up off the floor and getting your ass in your cell!" She kicked his legs free of Steve's grip and pulled his baton free. "Now move it or I'll use this on you!"
"Ohhh would you…it's bigger in circumference than a broom handle!"
Tucker hugged her parents and stepped back to take a good look at them, it had been months since the last time she had seen them. "I'm so glad you guys are here, I have so much to show you." She took her moms hand and pulled her away from the crowd that was trying to claim their bags along with her dad.
"Are you the only one who came, I thought maybe Duncan would have come with you or Mama Fox?"
"Everyone is working at the shop and Mama is filling in for a nurse who called in sick. Plus I love driving my car around the island; I bought a new Honda Accord because it's bigger than Duncan's Corvair." She waved to her dad and led them out of the airport to where she had parked. With her due date close by, she was feeling the stress more everyday. Her back ached, feet hurt and she had trouble getting out of bed or off the couch. Most days, someone was home with her to help her move around. Today was an odd exception, a large shipment of merchandise for the shop came in and Duncan wanted to get it on the shelves and priced so that she wouldn't have to be at the shop and the idiots wouldn't have any worries. She turned to her dad and handed him the car keys. "Would you drive, I have a Hell of a time turning the wheel."
"Sure as long as you tell me where I'm going."
She eased into the passenger seat up front with her moms help and sighed from the relief off her aching legs and back. "I'll be so glad when the baby comes, I can't get around and my legs feel like telephone poles by the middle of the day."
"You're a lot bigger than I was when I carried you, are you sure you're not having twins?" Her mom asked and looked down at her stomach.
"Yep, Petra checked me the other day and said that the baby is just big."
"OK, which way are we going?" He dad asked after he adjusted the seat all the way back to get his tall frame in.
"You'll be staying with Mama so we'll go there first; she may be home by the time we get there." She turned in the seat to see her mom. "We live about two miles or so down the beach from Mama, so she's real close incase I need her."
"I'm glad that you have so many people around you, I'll tell ya I've been worried less knowing that." Linda leaned back in the seat and took in the scenery while Tucker gave her dad directions. In no time, they were pulling into Mama's driveway. Tucker opened her door and before she knew it Mama was at her side and helping her out. "Thanks Mama, I feel like a whale today."
"You're getting close, you're retaining more water is why ya feel that way." She wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her temple. "So I see you decided to let your dad drive."
"I had a Hell of a time driving to the airport." She introduced everyone and then they all went into the house for coffee while Tucker drank fruit juice. What amazed Mama was that both of Tucker's parents were much taller than she was. It explained about the size of the baby, it could take after her father and be a giant. Duncan was tall but Stanley would dwarf even her. Tucker turned her head and tilted it sideways when she heard noises outside and then the sound of her wife's voice. Thumping noises came from the living room and then a loud yelp. "They're home early and full of energy."
Linda looked to her daughter after Mama got up to investigate. "Who are you talking about?"
"My wife and our roommates the idiots, they run a surf shop in town." She glanced to the doorway and saw Mama putting Furball and Ripples in headlocks and dragging them towards the kitchen.
"You two go outside and play before I kick your asses all the way home; I swear you're like two year olds."
"But Dunk started it." Furball whined.
"Knowing you three, ya all had a part in it." She smiled at Linda and Stanley on her way out the back door. "Kids, I tell ya they'll run ya ragged." Tucker's parents chuckled and then looked to see her shrugging her shoulders and turning her attention back to the living room. "She's coming Tuck, she had to get something out of the car."
"What were they doing in the living room?" Tucker asked and then felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up.
"They were trying to steal my shorts so I would have to come in here in my underwear." Duncan said from where she was leaning over her shoulder, she placed a soft kiss to her temple and handed her a red rose. "You look tired, are you OK?"
"Duncan Sebastian Fox where's your manners?" Mama asked and grinned at the blush that covered her daughters face.
"Sorry Mama," She stood up and held out her hand to Linda. "Sorry ma'am for being so rude, I'm Duncan."
Linda looked up into blue eyes and grinned. "Like we don't know who you are? Stanley there spends more time in his study staring at your poster than doing any kind of work."
Dark brows dropped down over a straight nose. "My poster," She looked up and saw her Mama waving a hand. "What did you do, Mama?"
"Ohh I gave Tucker one of your posters so that she could give it to her dad." She laughed at the shocked look on her face; she knew that Duncan got embarrassed when anyone mentioned her poster.
"I'm surprised Linda didn't mention my drooling, she tells everyone else about it…I just narked myself out." He slapped his forehead and looked to Tucker. "You could have stopped me ya know."
"Why dad, you're so good at keeping us laughing." She watched as Duncan's eyes grew wide when her dad stood up to shake her hand, she loved it when people saw how tall he was.
"You don't feel so tall now do you?"
"No sir I don't."
"Call me Stanley; sir is someone who doesn't work for a living."
"OK, do you golf?" She winked at the terrified expression on her wife's face.
"Dunk, you wouldn't, would you?"
"Oohh not me, the idiots are playing grounds keepers again. If your dad went after them we'd hear them screaming all the way back here." She went back over to Tucker and gave her a loving kiss before taking Stanly to the golf course. "Well be back before ya know it."
After they were out the door, Linda looked to Mama and grinned. "Was that male bonding we just saw?"
"Ohh yeah and I have this really bad feeling that it's about to get worse." The three women sat for a while and talked about everything and nothing, Linda told them about Steve being sentenced to two years in jail for numerous offenses and how his parents cut him out of the will and their lives. When asked how they had learned the truth, Linda told them about a certain whore from Puerto Rico dropping by their house asking for money because she was pregnant. Of course, it was all a lie and set up by Tucker's cousin Jon. Duncan came walking through the kitchen door and shrugged her shoulders at the look on Tucker's face, she took the chair between her and Mama and held out a hand to her wife.
"Your dad is down at the golf course playing with the idiots. After seeing what they were doing, he went down to join them." She pulled Tucker onto her lap, wrapped her arms around her and kissed her neck.
"Dad hates golf, that's why I was surprised when he went with you."
"Well, they stole a golf cart and they were blowing a fog horn right before I took off running."
Tucker lay in bed with a pillow beneath her knees and Duncan at her feet, deep moans rumbled from her chest from what her wife was doing to her. She had never enjoyed a foot rub more than when Duncan gave them to her, tonight she really needed it. She groaned when long fingers worked up and massaged the cramped muscles from her calf and back down to her ankle. "God how I love you Dunk." She whispered and rolled her eyes back when she felt a muscle relax. "Will you still do this after our baby comes?"
"Of course I will, every night if you want."
"I knew there was a reason I married you."
"And here I thought it was for Mama's cooking." She crawled up the bed and lay beside her. "Your mom didn't get mad when the police brought your dad and the idiots back."
"She thought it was hilarious and it reminded her of when they were young. But if he's smart, he'll take her out for an expensive dinner to smooth her ruffled feathers." Duncan moved so that she was on her back with Tucker's head resting on her shoulder, she ran her hand over her bare belly and felt their baby move.
"She's throwing a fit tonight; it must be all the excitement."
Tucker moaned when Duncan's hand came up and cupped a breast. "I wish she would get excited and come on out, I don't know how much more of this I can take. My back is killing me more and more everyday."
Duncan sat them up and moved so that she was right behind Tucker, she ran her fingers down her spine and then concentrated on the muscles of her lower back. "Does that feel better?" She ran her thumbs across and then down towards her hipbones.
"Keep that up all night and I may be able to sleep." She dropped her head forward and moaned deeply."
Duncan clenched her jaw to hold back her own moan, it still shocked her that she could become aroused just by the sounds that her wife made. "Do that again and we won't get any sleep." Tucker chuckled; reached back grabbed her hands and pulled them around to rest on top of her belly.
"You have no idea how tempting that is, I just wish I was up to it." She yawned and rested her head back against Duncan's shoulder.
"We have plenty of time," She kissed her neck and then laid them down so that Tucker was lying halfway across her body. "We'll have the rest of our lives." They kissed gently until they fell asleep despite the racket coming from the living room; the idiots were playing a game on the play station and were making enough noise to raise the dead.
Hours later, Tucker woke when a sharp pain shot through her lower back. She moaned, grabbed he stomach and felt fluid rush against her legs. Grabbing a hold of Duncan's shoulder, she shook her until she rolled over and mumbled. "Dunk…get Mama…water broke!" She watched blue eyes shot open and a half-asleep Duncan roll off the bed and fall on the floor with a thump. She struggled to her feet, tripped over her clothes and fell in the center of the room. Cussing, she pushed herself up, ran out of the room, down the hallway and stopped to yell to Ripples and Furball. Her roommates came stumbling out of their rooms and looked at her with blinking eyes. "Get Mama, baby's coming!" She turned around and ran back to her and Tucker's bedroom and grabbed the bag that Mama had made up for them.
"Dunk will you calm down, it's not coming right this second."
"But…I have to…," She pulled a fresh set of sheets from the closet and put them on the nightstand. She ran around the bed, helped Tucker up and sat her down on the chair next to the bed. After stripping the sheets off the bed, she placed the plastic sheet down before putting a clean sheet down and helping Tucker to get back into bed. "Let me get you a T-shirt in case your dad comes charging in here." Taking a deep breath, she pulled one of her t-shirts from the dresser and helped Tucker pull it over her head. Grabbing her own clothes off the floor she quickly dressed.
"Oohh here we go!" Tucker moaned and grabbed her stomach. "She couldn't…have waited…until…,"
"A decent hour?" Mama said as she walked into the bedroom with her black medical bag. "Babies never make it easy on us, even when their 33 years old, married and expecting their own." She sat on the side of the bed and placed a hand on Tucker's stomach. "How far apart are the contractions?"
"Ohhh maybe…four minutes or so, before we went to sleep I had pain but I thought it was just a back ache."
"That's how some deliveries start," She placed her stethoscope on her stomach, closed her eyes and listened. "Ohh she's a jack rabbit in there, moving all over the place." She looked up at her terrified daughter and handed her the earpieces. "Come over her Dunk and listen to your baby, I have some stuff to get ready." Mama went out of the room and met Tucker's parents in the hallway. "Her waters broke and contractions are four minutes apart, this might be a quick delivery."
Linda nodded her head and looked up to her husband. "Go in and see how she's doing, I'll help Carol get stuff ready."
"OK, but I can't stay in there. You know what happened when Tucker was born."
"Yeah, you got twelve stitches in the back of your head and that was before she was born." He ducked his head and shuffled into the room to see his daughter. "Men, I tell ya."
"Women are worse, Duncan passed out on their wedding day. I had to use an ammonia capsule to bring her around."
Stanly peeked around the doorframe and saw that Duncan was sitting behind Tucker and rubbing her stomach with both hands. When Tucker waved to him, he stepped in and went to the side of their bed. "Is there anything I can do, get you anything until your moms come back?"
"How about a shot of morphine…," Tucker pushed back into Duncan and hissed in pain. Duncan saw her father go pale and sweat break out on his upper lip.
"Would you make sure the idiots don't get in trouble?" Duncan asked and saw the relief cross his face.
"Sure, I can do that." He bent down, kissed Tucker's forehead, and squeezed Duncan's shoulder.
Tucker hissed again and gripped her wife's thighs in clamp-like fingers. "Gods I must be…insane!"
Duncan helped her lean forward with the contraction and murmured in her ear. "I'm here baby, I'll help you."
"SONBITCH…COCKSUCKING MEN!" She screamed with the next contraction and bit Duncan's arm afterward.
"MAMA!" Duncan yelled and dragged a ragged breath between clenched teeth.
"Ohh the joys of motherhood, having fun yet?" Mama asked as she walked into the room with a surgical top and gloves on. "Now lets see how far along you are." She pushed the sheet up over Tucker's bent knees and examined her. "Ohh you're dilated out all the way, on the next contraction I want you to lean forward and push just a little." She grabbed a scalpel from the tray that Linda was holding and did the episiotomy cut, with the hiss of pain coming from Tucker, she rubbed her thigh until she worked through it. "I'm glad that I was able to cut you instead of you tearing, it heals much slower when that happens."
"I will never do this again!" She bit down into Duncan's arm and leaned forward; Duncan closed her eyes and held back her scream of pain. "IT'S GOTTA BE A MIDGET IN THERE! Tucker screamed, fell back into Duncan and wiped the sweat from her eyes.
"Linda would you hand me one of those towels from that bag and a wash rag for Dunk." She placed the towel under Tucker's hips and waved a hand at Duncan. "You have blood running down your chin, drove your fangs right into your lip." Checking Tucker again, she ran her hands down the front of her shins to ease the stress from her legs. "OK Tuck, I can see the babies head. The next push has to be hard, bite Dunk as hard as you want."
"MAMA, I can't believe you said that!" Linda came to her rescue and put the washrag between Tucker's teeth. "Ohh thank you, I didn't know if I could handle anymore." She wrapped her arms around her wife's shoulders and leaned forward with her on the next contraction. "I love you Tucker, you can do this." She could feel the strain in her body and then the release as she fell back into her breathing heavily through her nose. She pulled the washrag from her teeth and kissed her sweat-dampened cheek.
"You're doing good Tucker, Linda you want to see your grandbaby come into this world?"
"I wouldn't miss this for anything." She stepped behind Mama and looked down into the misty green eyes of her daughter. "You're almost there Tucker; I can see most of the babies head."
Tucker cried out and leaned forward, the words that flowed from her mouth made no sense to anyone. She stopped, panted, and let out another scream of "Fuck it hurts!" Right in Duncan's ear.
"One more push and the shoulders will be out," Mama said as she held her grandbabies head in her hands. "Come on Tuck, you're doing great, just on more push and you're almost done."
"Done now!" She whimpered and fell back against Duncan's chest. "Can't…tired…Dunk…"
"I'm here baby, just lean back against me further." She looked towards the door and saw Furball and Ripples standing there. "Get in here and help, Furball you know what to do, Ripples get the towels ready."
Mama took the sheet that was on Tucker's knees and pulled it off to the side; Furball moved over to the side of the bed and pressed gently on Tucker's stomach when Mama nodded her head. "OK Tuck, one last push and we'll do the rest."
"I really can't," She cried softly and gripped Duncan's forearms. "Help me Dunk…I need to sit up." With the next contraction, Tucker threw her head back, screamed out and fell forward. Furball pressed down and felt the baby move out from under her hands. She looked at Mama and grinned when a bright smile came across her face. Ripples held out the warm towels, took the baby, wipe its head, and face clean.
"Ahhh it's a little baby…Dunk." She grinned up at Duncan and winked.
Mama used an aspirator, cleaned the sinus cavities, and then nodded to Ripples. Placing the wrapped bundle on Tucker's heaving stomach; she waited for her to place her hands over it.
"OK Dunk, you want to cut the cord?" Mama held up the cord that she had clamped off and the scissors.
"I love you baby." She said to Tucker before taking the scissors and cutting the umbilical cord. Linda walked to the side of the bed and pressed a kiss to her daughter's forehead; she looked down into her slack face and waved to Mama.
"She's unconscious, is everything all right down there?"
"Yep, everything is perfect." She waited with a plastic tray as Furball massaged Tucker's stomach to stimulate the body to release the afterbirth. "OK, we have everything out and it's normal." At the sound of a loud snore, she snorted and winked at Duncan. "Guess you get first shift of the diaper brigade."
"That's just fine with me, Linda could you take your granddaughter so I can get up?" She moved slowly out from under Tucker and laid her back into the pillows. "I can't believe you fell asleep." She leaned down and kissed her lips before going over to hug her mama. "We have a daughter, Mama." She cried into her mama's shoulder and then felt Ripples and Furball hugging them. After a few minutes, they pulled apart and let Mama get Tucker cleaned up. Duncan went over and smiled at Linda. "How's it feel ta be a grandma?"
"You have no idea how I've dreamed of this," She pushed the towel back from the babies face and looked up into startled blue eyes. "She is a little Dunk." She handed her to Duncan and left the room to search for her husband.
"Told ya Dunk, ya didn't believe me did ya?"
Furball stepped closer, looked down into the babies face, and smiled. "OK, how did you two do that?"
"I have no idea," She looked to Mama. "Mama, why does the baby look like me and not Tucker or that…asshole?"
"Ya got me, maybe its recessive genes or you really did get her pregnant."
Tucker woke to feel a strong arm across her hip and something squirming against her chest. She opened her eyes and blinked in the dim light of the bedroom, a bright smile came to her face when she saw blue eyes filled with love watching her.
"Hi baby, how are you feeling?"
"Better, I don't remember anything after the idiots came in the room."
"Then it's time you saw our daughter," Duncan pulled the blanket back and watched green eyes fill with tears. "She's a bit of a mystery isn't she?"
"She looks like you," She lifted her head and leaned in to kiss Duncan, she wrapped an arm around her neck and pulled her closer for an exploring intense kiss that left them gasping for air. "I prayed everyday that she would look like you." She looked down when she felt a small hand gripping the front of her shirt and saw that she now wore one of Duncan's button downs. "This makes it easier doesn't it?' She rolled part way to her back and opened the front of the shirt under the watchful eyes of her wife.
"Once Mama had baby cleaned up and dressed, I took care of you." She ran her fingertips across Tucker's face and looked into her tired green eyes. "I will always take care of you and our baby." She kissed Tucker gently and held out their baby to her. "She ate a while ago but it seems she has her mom's appetite." She watched in amazement as her small hand pumped on Tucker's breast as she nursed. She dropped her head down on Tucker's shoulder and watched until her eyes drifted closed in exhaustion. Tucker rolled to her side and rested their foreheads together, tears of happiness trailed down her cheeks to drip on her pillow. She had never believed in miracles until she saw the dark hair and pale blue eyes of their daughter.
Weeks later and after Tucker's parents went back to Texas with promises of returning in a few months, Duncan sat on the couch holding her daughter; she played with her tiny fingers, looked up when Tucker sat down beside her and looked at the birth certificate that she held in he hand.
"Shane Elizabeth Fox." Tucker said as she rubbed their daughter's stomach.
"I like it. I'm just glad that she has my last name, Shane Danes would have caused a lot of problems." She laughed when Tucker grabbed her ear.
"You're lucky you didn't take my last name, Duncan Danes sounds like a donut shop."
Duncan adjusted Shane in her arms, leaned forward, nuzzled her wife's chest and pulled a taut nipple poking out from her t-shirt between her lips. When Tucker moaned and pulled her head tighter to her, she released it and grinned. "I could go for a Dunk into something right now." She dragged a fingernail across the seam between her wife's thighs and felt her shudder. "I just so happen to know that two baby sitters are in the backyard." Tucker took Shane into her arms, got up and left Duncan laying face down on the couch.
"I'll meet you in the bedroom in two minutes." She went out the back door and handed Shane to Ripples. "I have a date; I'll be back in an hour." She turned and ran into the house yelling for Duncan to get naked.
Ripples looked into the small face of Shane and then at Furball. "I guess we get to baby sit while they try and make another one?"
Furball rubbed her hands together and gave Ripples an evil grin. "Baby smurf time?" Ripples sniffed the air and then down into Shane's bright blue eyes.
"More like gas mask and industrial strength glove time," She scrunched up her face and blinked her eyes. "How come they always give her to us when the diaper gage is on full?"
"Wouldn't we do the same?" Furball muttered from behind her hands. Ripples carried Shane away from her body; her face was turning a dark shade of purple from holding her breath. Furball held the door for her and went over to the kitchen cabinet for their supplies. Donning long thick black rubber gloves, scuba mask complete with snorkel. She took Shane, held her over the large garbage can, and waited for Ripples to get her protective gear on. Once they were ready, Ripples pulled the tape off the sides of Shane's diaper and dropped the lid down on the garbage can after the diaper. Furball then carried her over to hang above the sink and waited for Ripples to use the sprayer on her nasty little behind. With her cleaned, powdered and diapered, they went into Furball's bedroom and set to their next task. By the time Shane could walk, they would have her completely trained in terrorizing parents.
Duncan lay on the bed with her head and shoulders hanging off the edge, she gasped for air and grabbed a hold of Tucker's hips. Thrusting her hips again, she pulled Tucker tighter against her and went over the edge with a yell from both a roaring climax and from falling off the bed. They lay in a mass of tangled limbs and panted for air; Tucker gazed down into her lover's sweaty face and felt her arousal start all over again. "Four very long weeks of no sex and intense frustration," She mumbled against Duncan's lips. "Are you up for a marathon Dunk?" She nipped her chin and then a bottom lip before slipping her tongue inside a waiting mouth. Their kiss absorbed the moans and grunts as Tucker thrust the strap-on dildo into her lover. Duncan rolled them over and hovered above Tucker, the look in her pale blue eyes was almost enough to push her wife over the edge.
"You have no idea how much I've been dying to do this," She rolled her hips slowly and felt Tucker move under her, the smaller end of the double dildo moving inside of her. "To be able to make love to like this," She pulled a hardened nipple between her lips and nipped at the end with her teeth before releasing it. Tucker moaned and thrust her hips upward into her wife; she reached up and rolled her nipples between her fingers knowing it would cause a flood of wetness. "Ohhh God…sooo close…," Duncan grunted and thrust harder, she felt Tucker tense beneath her and cry out in release. From that alone, she climaxed in great waves of release. Her body shuddered and jerked against Tucker's small frame until she fell forward to cover her with her sweat-dampened body. Small tremors racked their bodies and brought soft moans from their connected mouths and then a long groan came from Duncan when she eased the dildo from inside of her.
"We're gonna be really sore later." Tucker whispered against her neck and moaned when Duncan removed the strap-on from around her hips. "It'll be like after I had Shane, eight pounds squeezed out of a small opening." She shuddered and felt Duncan vibrating against her in laughter. "So you think its funny, you have the next baby." She rolled them over so that she had her chin resting on her wife's chest. "Maybe we could make one that looks like me," She wiggled her brows and grinned. "Ya know, intelligent, gorgeous, heartbreaker, charismatic…"
"And ohhh so humble." Duncan added and wrapped her limbs around a snickering Tucker. "I think we'll wait a while before making an addition to our little family, four toddlers is a handful, and five would kill Mama."
"True, I wonder what they're doing right now."
"I'm afraid to even think about it."
Ripples and Furball sat in the small baby pool that they had gotten for Shane, in a carrier sat Shane with a pair of swimming goggles over her blue eyes and little flippers on her feet. She watched her playmates splash around and bounce pool toys off each other's foreheads. Tucker and Duncan stood wrapped in each other's arms on the small porch watching, both knew that their baby couldn't be in any better hands than the idiots. "I guess Shane's playing life guard." Tucker whispered to Duncan and leaned further into her body.
"Someone has to with the idiots; I'm just glad you found that blue stuff they had hidden. There was no way I was gonna tell Mama that her grand baby turned into a smurf." She watched when Ripples and Furball turned slowly towards them and fell out of the small pool, scrambled on the ground and tripped over their swim fins. "I'm surprised you don't have oxygen tanks on."
"We thought about it but they're too heavy to carry around," Ripples answered. "Besides, Mama took them away from us."
Furball dropped her head and looked up from inside her diving mask. "We filled them with helium and were wandering around the pool at the restaurant trying ta pick women up using funny voices."
Mama stopped beside them and pointed a finger at the idiots. "It was their singing that got them in trouble, some sailor's song about huge bilge pumps and plugging the ports or something. The manager called me at the hospital and threatened to have them put away unless I came and got them."
"He was just mad 'cuz we were talking to his daughter." Ripples stumbled across the sand in her flippers and fell into Furball. "Let's go chase women on the beach or play shark attack."
Tucker walked over, plucked Shane from her carrier, and went back to take Duncan's hand. "Come on Mama, were going down to the beach to watch the sunset. Maybe see the idiots get their asses kicked and buried in the sand." They walked down towards the beach and sat down in their usual place to watch the sun slip into the horizon. Tucker handed Shane to Mama and leaned back into her wife's body. Three sets of eyes rolled when Ripples and Furball ran past with shark fins strapped to their backs and a group of teenager's right behind them.
"Just wait until Shane learns how to walk, she'll be right there with the idiots and then you two can count your grey hairs like I do." Mama laughed when Duncan and Tucker whimpered. As strange as it was, it was their life and none of them would change it for all the gold in Fort Knox.
Duncan sat leaning against the arm of the couch with Tucker leaning against her and Shane sound asleep in her arms. They watched as Tucker's publisher Wanda wiped tears from her eyes, closed Tucker's latest bestseller and placed it on the coffee table.
"I've read it twice now and every time I end up both laughing and crying all the way through it. You've out done yourself this time." Using a Kleenex, she wiped her eyes and gave them a brilliant smile. "I still can't believe you started writing that on the plane going back to Texas."
Tucker shrugged a shoulder and looked over her shoulder into twinkling blue eyes. "What can I say, I was inspired and just had to get every thing written down."
"She just about drove me crazy when she was writing that," Duncan said. "She would get up in the middle of the night and type like a maniac and then come back to bed."
"And blow off the novel she had promised to have finished after her vacation was over, and what is it now…more time than I can count and I still haven't seen anything on it." Shane picked that moment to wake up, wiggle off the couch and stumble through the living room to play with her toys. Her face then blossomed into a smile when Ripples and Furball came in and sat down with her to play.
"Well, the one you just finished for the second time was more important and it took the readers right up to after Shane was born. And that took me almost a year to write."
"Does that mean I may see a sequel to it, like very soon?" Wanda wiggled her grey eyebrows at them and chuckled when Duncan groaned.
"I am not going through Shane's terrible twos alone while Tuck hides with her laptop."
Wanda looked over to Shane and the idiots and back to Duncan with a raised eyebrow. "But you have your mama and your roommates around to help." At that moment, she heard Shane giggle and a loud thump, when she looked over to where they were she saw Ripples holding Furball down and hitting her in the head with a stuffed animal.
"Ohhh sure I do, you read the book. Did you think their stunts were made up?" She busted out laughing when Wanda nodded her head. "It would take Tuck a lifetime to write about this family and the stuff that happens everyday. It would be easier to have a film crew in here recording it." She saw light bulb flashing on over Wanda's head, groaned and slapped her self in the forehead. Tucker pointed a finger at Wanda and shook her head.
"Don't even think about it, nonono! It will never happen," She jumped up and pulled Duncan up by her hand. "Where's that active volcano?"
Wanda held up her hands and nodded her head. "You don't have to get so dramatic and jump into a volcano."
Tucker shook her head and pointed at Wanda. "Not us, we're gonna toss you into the volcano if you think you're bringing a film crew here to film us."
"Ohhh OK, you give me another best seller and I will forget all about a film crew." Her eyes widened when Duncan stood to her full height, crossed her arms over a wide chest and gave her a glare that sent chills down her spine. "I promise…give my word…in blood…ohhh HELL!" She took off running when Duncan advanced on her with a deep growl rumbling in her chest. Tucker held back her laughter until she heard Wanda's car go past the house. Once she regained her emotions, she wrapped her arms around Duncan's neck and pulled her down to give her a kiss that gave her wife a clear message as to what her growl had caused. Seeing that the idiots had everything in hand, she picked Tucker up and carried her to their bedroom.
"Oohhh nooo…battle stations…everyone!" Furball yelled out and dove into Shane's toy box to get their gear. "Ear splitting screams…moans, groans and grunts!" She tossed two pairs of headphones to Ripples and pulled her own on. "TESTING TESTING!" She got the thumbs up from Shane and Ripples; it was now safe to stay in the house and continue to play.
The End
Blue Calm
By Larisa
The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive