~ The Sanitation Engineer ~
by Larisa

Disclaimer: Yep we all know who they remind us of but these are all mine. All the normal stuff that's in all my stuff is in here.
Violence: Some, not much
Sex: Of course there is!
The rest of the story: If you're a baby and still in diapers, come back when you're no longer jailbait. If it's illegal in your state, you live in a very boring place and should move.

Thanks to my Beta reader Salt4 for all the work, she did on this piece and Lesia, Ri, Maggie, Pebbles and the Webwarrior and Bardeyes. I'm a slave ta terrorize ya guys.

The Sanitation Engineer
By Larisa

Part 2

Terry woke to the smell of breakfast cooking; the aroma of fresh baked biscuits dragged her from the strong arms of Leslie, who was still dead to the world. With eyes still blurry from sleep, she shuffled to the kitchen and dropped into a chair with a huge yawn. She blinked a few times to focus on Brice as she flipped pancakes on the griddle.

"What time is it?"

Brice looked over her shoulder and snorted at the sight of disheveled Terry.

"Nice clothes ya have there, its 8am. Why?"

Terry looked down at her naked body and groaned. "Cuz I feel like I just went to sleep."

"Look like it too, rough night with muscle head?" She placed a much-needed cup of coffee in front of Terry.

"Nah, she snores like a bear. Did you find Dink last night?"

"Yep, at the bar. She's still sleeping." She tossed the pancakes onto a plate and set it in the center of the table with the other food. "Do they work today?"

"Nope, Leslie's going with me to see the geek. And then we're gonna go see a movie."

"If he knows what it is, call me on my cell phone 'cuz I don't know if I'll be here."

Terry wiggled her brows at her and leered. "So whatcha got planned?"

"Flea markets... see if I can find some stuff for the shop. So get your mind out of the gutter." She watched as Dink shuffled into the kitchen, a lopsided grin on her face at the sight of the half-asleep blonde in the oversized shirt.

"Elmo, coffee." She slurred.

Terry gave Brice a funny look; something must have happened between them if Dink was calling her Elmo.

"I see she's found your Elmo doll, how did that happen?"

Brice turned beet red, she had no idea that Terry knew about Elmo. "How did you…she…I ain't telling."

"Laid on it last night." Dink mumbled as she poured herself a cup of coffee. Still unsteady on her feet, she leaned against Brice and sipped the dark brew. A long sigh came from her; the body heat coming from Brice was enough to put her back to sleep.

"Ohh, no, you don't, you're not gonna fall asleep standing up." Brice led her to a chair and gently pushed her down. "That's just too freaky for me to handle this early in the morning." She turned her eyes to Terry and shook a finger at her. "She was just thanking me for the picture, nothing more. Now go wake up muscle head for breakfast."

"Before I forget, where'd ya hide the chip?"

"In the Tampon box in my bathroom." Terry gave her a funny look. "What? What robber would look there huh?"


Terry hated talking to the little geek and hated more having to see him in person. She was glad that Leslie was with her, now maybe the little freak wouldn't hit on her. She took Leslie's calloused hand in hers and led her down a brightly lit hallway to the last door on the right. As soon as she stepped through the door, he jumped up from his desk with a goofy smile on his face that disappeared at the sight of a snarling Leslie.

"Who's your friend, Terry, I didn't know you were bringing someone with you." He had hoped he could talk her into lunch and maybe a little more. His big ears turned red at the sight of them holding hands.

Terry turned and gave Leslie a beaming smile. "This is my lover Leslie." She turned back to the geek and held back a shudder; he was the ugliest man she had ever seen. He had huge ears, auburn hair, poppy green eyes, no chin and a scraggly mustache above fleshy lips. "Leslie this is Frank Varns." Pulling the chip from her pocket, she handed it to him.

"Let me run this down to the lab and I'll be right back as soon as I figure out what it is." He held it up to the light and squinted his eyes. "Ohh, shit!" He ran from the office at break neck speed.

"Ter can we trust him?" He looks a little goofy."

"Yeah, he used to work for NASA designing computers for the space shuttle." They sat in the chairs in front of his desk and waited.


Dink was in heaven, she had never been to such a large flea market before. They had driven up to Pennsylvania to the flea market that occupied numerous buildings. There were things there she had no idea existed. What captured her attention was a booth that had hundreds of old hardback books. Some of them first editions. She had found an autographed copy of For Whom the Bell Tolls by Hemmingway. She was shocked it was only two dollars. By the time Brice was able to drag her away, she had two bags full of books and only $15.00 less in her pocket. She lugged the bags with her until Brice took pity and took one bag for her.

"Guess we'll have to make a trip to the car or we'll die from exhaustion." Dink said as she struggled along beside Brice.

"Or buy one of those little Red Flyer wagons." A gleam came to her eye. "Need one of those when we order take out, would save me making four trips to the car."

"Ha! You're not funny." She stuck her tongue out at Brice and had to dodge or have it grabbed.

Four hours later, Dink walked beside Brice and pulled a red flyer wagon behind her. She kept looking back and seeing more of her spending cash appear in the wagon. She just couldn't help herself when it came to places like this one. With this little trip, she was seeing what a big kid Brice was, her blue eyes lit up whenever they came upon toys and comic books. When Dink asked her about a certain Spiderman figure, that she paid too much for, she said that it was for the store. Dink knew better, when the doll ended up sticking out of Brice's shirt pocket. After going through every building at least twice, they were finally on their way to Terry's car. Then to get something to eat before the beasts they carried around in their stomachs took over the flea market.


Paul walked into the novelty shop and pretended to look around until a group of rotten kids left. He hated kids with a passion and would rather be locked in a room of rattlesnakes than be near a whining brat. Moving closer to Ralph, he waited until the small man noticed him, pulled a gun from his pocket and pointed it between Ralph's scared eyes.

"Where's the microchip?"

Ralph had no idea what the Hell the man was talking about, he gulped and said as much, only to discover the end of the barrel was really cold and fit perfectly between his plucked eyebrows.

"Unless you want to have a third eye, I suggest that you tell me where it is. I know you or your boss took it so speak up. You have ten seconds."

Ralph's voice rose to make him sound like a choirboy. "I don't know anything about a chip, Brice would know."

"Where is she and you had better not lie to me."

"I don't know it's her day off."

Paul pressed the barrel tighter to Ralph's forehead. "Get in the back."

"Are you going to kill me, because I'm really not worth a bullet." He started to back up from the force, and ramble for his life. "Everyone tells me I'm worthless even my own mother, so it would be a waste of the bullet and your time."

"Shut the Hell up already or I'll shot you just to close your yap. Now move it!"

Ralph stumbled and fell against the door to the storage room, cowering against it, he pleaded for his life.
"Please! If I tell you will you let me live?"

"Maybe, now where is it?"

"It's at her house in the…" He slumped to the floor with out finishing.

Paul opened the storage room door, tossed Ralph's body inside and closed the door. Looking around he saw nothing of interest. Going back out front, he flipped the closed sign around on the door and left. He knew where Brice lived from following her days before, he just hoped that no one was home when he got there. It always made it more difficult, not to mention messy when he was interrupted.


Terry and Leslie stood up when Frank came into his office huffing and puffing. Leaning against his desk, he held up a finger. "Where'd you…two get…that chip?" He wiped the sweat from his brow and took a deep breath to calm his pounding heart. "If I was you guys, I'd move to a foreign country like Borneo or some small island in the South Pacific."

"What are you talking about?" Terry asked as she leaned over to rest her arms on her thighs.

"That microchip was designed for the military, that chip is how the military tells the missiles where to strike."

"Ohh shit!" Leslie turned to Terry with a frightened look in her eyes. "We gotta tell Brice, that guy has to know that we have it by now."

"You're right but first we have to call somebody." She turned her attention back to Frank. "Who can we call? We don't want this thing, it was sent to us in a Buzz Light-Year doll."

He went to his desk and flipped through his rolodex, stopping when he found what he needed.

"Any objections to the FBI taking it?"

Both women shook their heads no, they didn't care if he said he would call Superman to come get it, as long as they didn't have it.

"Let me call a friend of mine and see what she says." He dialed the number and waited for an answer. After a short conversation, he thanked the other person and hung up. Sighing with relief, he turned his attention back to Leslie and Terry. "She said if you wait down in the lobby, she'll take the chip. All she needs is to have you tell her how you got it and she'll take care of the rest." He shook his head at them. "You and Brice certainly get into some shit don't you?"

"Hey we didn't know anything about this until some guy tried to kill me over that damn doll."


Paul ripped Brice and Terry's house apart looking for the microchip. He emptied all of the dresser drawers in Brice's room, tore the bed apart, ripped her clothes from her closet and inspected every box on the closet shelf. He did the same to the other room, then his temper got the better of him and he sliced the mattress to pieces and tore the stuffing from the cover. Pillows were slashed and stuffing now covered the floor. He then went to the other rooms and tore them apart the same way. By the time he finished trashing their house, he was exhausted and still hadn't found the microchip. The only place left to search was the other house he had broken into. That was his next stop, before he had to make the life altering call to his boss. He stopped in the kitchen on his way out and took the six-pack of beer and a box of left over pizza he had pulled from the refrigerator while he was demolishing their kitchen. Being a huge wimp, he stole their Las Vegas bottle opener and left the back door swinging open when he left. He was still trying to get over the horror of finding a drawer full of sex toys in one of the bedrooms. From the size of the strap-on, he felt less of a man now.


Brice unloaded the trunk of Terry's car while Dink pulled stuff from the backseat. She couldn't help but smirk at the language coming from Brice's mouth. Eighty percent of the stuff in the trunk was hers and the wagon was back there as well. With her arms full of bags, she closed the door with her hip and waited for a red-faced Brice to pull the wagon to her.

"I know those venders at the flea market are very happy and wealthy people tonight." She gave Dink a raised eyebrow. "I heard one of them saying that they're going to erect a monument in your likeness in the parking lot."

A light chuckle came from Dink, she tilted her head and smiled up at an exhausted Brice. "I hope they make me taller."

"Why's that?" Brice was confused.

"So that I wouldn't have to strain to do this." She rose on her tiptoe's and placed a gentle kiss on Brice's lips. "Thank you for today, I really enjoyed myself."

Brice was flustered, her words were lost someplace in the void that opened in her mind. "Ahh…" She took Dink by her upper arm and led her to the back door. The second she saw the door open, she pushed Dink behind her. "Stay right here and don't you move."

"But what if you need help?"

Brice gazed down into concerned green eyes, a snarl came to her lips to bare her white teeth and her eyes turned a dangerous steel blue. "I have many skills." She reached in her pocket, whipped out Spiderman and held him in front of her. Dink couldn't help but chuckle at an embarrassed Brice.

"You going to let Spidey shoot webs at whoever might be in there?"

Brice handed her Spiderman and started searching through her pockets. After she emptied them of nail clippers, rubber bands, electrician's tape, paper clips, a pen, and a roll of gummy bear lifesavers, she found her pocketknife. Dink looked at all the stuff in her hands and wondered how in the world Brice fit all the stuff in her pockets.

"Now I'm ready to do battle!" She growled and opened the blade on the tiny Swiss Army knife. "Don't start with me." She pointed a finger at Dink who was struggling not to bust out laughing.

Slowly moving inside, Brice scanned the kitchen disaster before going to the stairs to the basement. She ran down them and grabbed a sword from the wall before returning upstairs, to search the rest of the house. When she returned to the kitchen, Dink was cleaning up the mess on the floor.

"That guy really did a number on the place." She stood in the doorway with her Scottish Claymore in her right hand.

Dink looked up from picking up the remnants of a jar of pickles and gulped. "Tell me that wasn't in your pocket." Brice gave her a lopsided grin, spun the sword in a figure eight before sliding it through her belt and slicing it in half.

Dink grinned and pointed. "Good thing it wasn't huh?"


Terry and Leslie stood near the desk in the lobby to wait for the FBI agent. They were looking for the normal men in black type, so when two women walked up to them looking like bikers and introduced themselves as Agents Jack Slobinski and LS Hoglet, they snorted.

"Sure and we're Ephiny and Eponin, get lost." Leslie tried to push the brunette named Jack away from them.

"Hey you can't do that." Her green eyes swung to her partner. "Can she LS? I'm an FBI agent and everything." She whipped out her badge and shoved it close to Leslie's eyes. "See it says so right there."

"It says that you're on the school safety patrol force."

Jack pulled the badge back, looked at it and shoved it into her pocket. "So I grabbed the wrong one this morning, LS show them your badge."

"Forget it you two, now if you'll excuse us we're waiting for the FBI." Terry took Leslie's hand and pulled her toward the front doors.

"L come on do something!"

"You're such a dipshit Jack, get out of my way." She took off after the two women and caught them outside the door. "Hey wait a minute, Frank called me and told me you have something that needs to be taken care of." She stopped and held pleading hands out to them. "It's your call, but if I were you I'd want to get it to the authorities."

Terry nodded her head and walked back toward L with Leslie at her side. "We just want all this to end, her house was broken into twice."

"Let me go get Jack and we'll follow you back home and see if we can find anything out about this guy and I can get your statements."


Paul had torn Dink and Leslie's house apart the same way he had the other one and still came up empty. His temper exploded and he smashed every glass object in their house, slashed all the furniture before breaking out the front window by throwing their TV through it. On his way out the door, he pulled his cell phone out and reported the bad news to his boss. Being a true chicken shit at heart, he was going to leave before his boss got there and took his life.


"Son of a bitch!" Brice yelled when she looked at the mattress in the room that Dink was using. Flipping it over did no good since most of the stuffing was strewn about the room. Picking it up, she hauled it through the house and put it near the garage. She would see if Dink and Leslie would take it to the landfill and get rid of it along with all the other stuff that was destroyed. Dink was in the living room straightening it up as much as she could and cussing a blue streak at the same time. Every VCR and CD had been separated from their cases and thrown about, the remotes were taken apart and the Gods only knew where all the parts were. She took a break, sat down on the couch and jumped when a spring jabbed her in her ass.

"I QUIT!" Brice yelled as she came into the living room and dropped to the couch beside Dink. "Your mattress is trashed along with the pillows and bedding. I haven't even looked closely at the other two rooms. Terry and Leslie can do that when they get back."

Dink turned sideways on the couch so she could look at Brice. A warm feeling rose in her body as she let her eyes wander from the top of her disheveled dark hair to her dirty hands lying in her lap. Reaching out, she picked up one of the large hands and ran her fingers across the calloused palm.

"How about if we say the Hell with it until tomorrow." She glanced up into a stoic face and cringed when silvery eyes locked with hers.

Brice's voice was deep and dangerous sounding as it came from between her clenched teeth. "I feel like I was raped, I want this mother fucker!" She rose from the couch and stomped through the kitchen and down the basement stairs. Dink sat with small trembles of fear racing through her body, she had never seen someone change in a matter of seconds into a predator. Taking a calming breath, she rose from the couch and silently made her way to the kitchen to stand near the stairs to the basement. The sounds she heard made her heart stop beating and moisture break out on her face. She debated whether to go down the steps or wait for Brice.


Jack pouted the entire way to Leslie's house. L never let her drive anywhere. "It's not fair L, how was I supposed to know that the guy was gonna stop in the middle of the road. He deserved to have his car smashed."

"That's why they put brake lights on cars you idiot! If you weren't tailgating so you could read the bumper stickers, we wouldn't have ended up on report and in the hospital."

"Then they should make bumper stickers bigger so ya don't have ta get so close." She stuck her tongue out at L and jumped when a long arm reached out and smacked her in the head.

"Hey, that hurt!"

"It was supposed to you idiot, now shut up and stop pouting or I'll throw you out on your ass!"

Jack mumbled under her breath. "Everyone's always mean to me."


After seeing the broken front window, Terry and Leslie opened the door and immediately let out every cuss word they knew. The house looked like a tornado went through it and then came back to make sure it hadn't missed anything. Leslie went outside and stopped beside the agent's car.

She leaned in with flashing golden eyes. "My house has been trashed! What are ya gonna do about it?"

L cringed and moved away from the angry women. "I'll call it in and let the locals do their thing."

"That's all you can do? Come on you two are the Fucking Bureau of Investigations, investigate my house!"


The heavy bag suspended from the ceiling was taking a beating like never before. Brice was putting every bit of her anger behind each punch. The chain rattled and the rafters squeaked under her unrestrained rage, a yell from deep in her chest accompanied each strike to the blood splattered canvas bag. Her numb hands bled freely, dripping onto the floor mat. Silvery eyes saw none of this; she was in a place where nothing mattered. A place she went when the world became suffocating and threatened to overwhelm her. It was a place she couldn't describe, a place of freedom of blood and pain
Dink slowly went down the steps, pausing to listen to the yells and smacking noise. She had no idea what Brice was doing but it was scaring her nonetheless. Reaching the bottom step, she froze at the sight of the tall women. She could feel the rage coming off her body in waves. The primal scream tearing at her heart and soul, drew her closer. Tears filled her eyes when she saw the emotional pain that Brice was in, and the sight of the blood covered hands continuously punching the stained bag.

"Brice, stop!" She edged closer to her and spoke louder. "Brice, that's enough!" Knowing that she had lost her mind, she waited until Brice drew back her arm and grabbed onto it with both of her hands. "BRICE!" She screamed as she felt her body lifted off the floor.

White searing pain tore through her world, nerve endings screamed from pain as she came back from her abyss. Silvery eyes darkened and turned to lock with sea green. A low keening noise came from her panting lips. Brice dropped to her knees taking Dink with her. For long moments, they sat on the floor, with Dink holding Brice against her body.

"It's OK. I'm here." Dink whispered next to her ear. Running her fingers through sweat soaked hair, she pushed it back from a damp cheek and placed a soft kiss to the hot skin. Turning Brice's face towards her, she kissed her lips and rested their foreheads together. "Let's go upstairs so I can take care of your hands." She led the exhausted woman up the stairs and to her bedroom. Pushing her down onto the bare mattress, she went into the messy bathroom and found a washrag and peroxide to use on her damaged hands. When she returned to Brice's side, she found her curled on her side and sound asleep. Taking great care with the torn flesh on her hands, Dink cleaned them the best she could and returned to the bathroom to wet a washrag to wipe down Brice's face. When she was finished, she crawled into the bed, spooned against her, and drifted off to sleep.


Two cars pulled up in front of Terry's, the cars emptied out and a pissed off Leslie stomped to the kitchen door leaving the other three behind. She wanted to have her hands connect with Brice's throat. It would take days for her and Dink to get their house cleaned and back together. She froze in mid step when she saw the trashed mattress leaned against the garage. Slowly her anger faded when she saw the numerous garbage bags lined up beside the house.

"God damn it, he hit here to." She pushed the kitchen door open and looked around at what was left of the furniture.

"Holy shit, looks like he got my house to." Terry leaned into Leslie's side. "Where's Brice and Dink?"

Leslie's voice was deep and rough with anger that still flowed through her body from the destruction. "Don't know. Nothing better have happened to my little buddy."

"Looky L their place looks just like mine." Jack bounced past everyone and took a seat in one of the three chairs remaining.

"Stay right where you are Jack and don't move." L jabbed a finger into her chest and glared. "I have duct tape in the car and I will use it!"

"Never let me have any fun, took all my toys away." She pouted and twiddled her thumbs together. Her mind raced with what she could do while L was questioning the others. She was never allowed to do the questioning because she always forgot what she was supposed to ask. She watched as the women left the kitchen and then ran for the back door and their car. Pulling a tube of super glue from her pocket, she squeezed out a good amount on the hood of the car and stuck a Cat woman figure into it. "See how long it takes L to notice." She snickered, snorted and burst out into hysterical laughter.


Terry's eyes softened, her two friends were wrapped tightly around each other and for the first time Brice looked at peace. The deep lines on her forehead and at the corners of her eyes were gone and in place was a small smile. Easing up to the side of the bed, she placed a hand on Brice's shoulder and gave her a small shake.

"Brice wake up, the FBI is here." Two blue eyes opened to slits and peered to the doorway to see Leslie and a strange woman before they locked on Hazel eyes.

"The FBI, you called the FBI?"

"Come down to the kitchen and we'll talk."

Brice watched them leave and then looked to where Dink was lying across her body with her head resting on her breast. Running her fingers through the soft blonde hair, she felt tingles rush through her fingertips. Her heartbeat sped up and thumped in her chest when Dink let out a sigh and snuggled closer to her breast.

"Dink it's time to get up, we have visitors."

"No, sleep, Elmo, nice and soft."

Brice jerked when Dink's hand traveled up her ribcage to cup her breast in her palm. Dink's thumb was working back and forth over her nipple until it became hard and almost painful. Jolts shot right to her center and started a small flame that brought about a feeling that Brice had never experienced before. Her past partners did nothing for her, except, release sexual tension. Terry's words came to her and repeated in her mind. "Out of your bed!" She knew that she had to move or else she would loose Dink as a friend. The words giving her temporary strength, she eased out of Dink's arms and replaced herself with Elmo. She stood beside the bed and watched Dink clutch the doll to her chest, a slight frown came across her parted lips until she pressed her face into Brice's pillow. She left the room pinching the bridge of her nose hoping it would help with the pounding between her legs.

The three women sat at the kitchen table, drinking coffee while they waited on Brice to come down. L had already taken their statements and was looking at the back door waiting for Jack to show up. She had still to figure out how she had been paired up with the abnormal women. She admitted to herself that working with Jack was never boring. Jack could get them into more trouble than anyone she knew, her FBI record was full of solved cases and reports on how unprofessional she acted at times. Hanging a suspect by his heels from the top of a bridge for questioning was a big no no; Jack could not be convinced otherwise. What scared her right now was that Jack was missing and she didn't even want to think what she might be getting herself into.


Brice strode into the kitchen in just her jeans and sports bra and didn't miss the lingering look Leslie gave her. Getting a cup of coffee, she stood leaning against the counter and gazed around the table at the three women.

"OK, I'm here. What did you need to know?" She looked down at the black FBI Agent with the dark brown eyes. Tilting her head to the side, she said. "Hellooo anyone home in there, what is it that you need to know?"

"If you're really Lucy Lawless in disguise!" Jack ran into the kitchen, dropped to her knees and hugged Brice's thighs.

Brice looked down into pleading green eyes and growled deep in her throat. Her brow rose to her hairline when the weird woman gave her a toothy grin and giggled.

"Damn it, Jack, let her go you moronic idiot!"

Brice looked up at a squeaking sound coming into the kitchen, a half-asleep Dink still clutching Elmo in her arms shuffled across the floor toward her. She held out Elmo, took Brice's coffee and leaned her head against her chest. "Elmo what's that on the floor?" She mumbled.

Jack clutched Brice's thighs harder. "Hey Blondie, I was here first! Go away she's all mine!"

Dink snarled at Jack and tapped Brice's chest. "Mine!" She grabbed Jack by her ear and gave it a hard yank. "Go away, before I stomp on you."

"Down Jack or its duct tape time!" L got out of her chair, grabbed Jack by the back of her collar and dragged her away from Brice. Making sure that Jack was a good distance away she turned back to the two women and almost fell over. "Ohh my Gods, Gabrielle!" She was stopped from falling to her knees by a small foot raised at her chest.

"Would someone please tell me what is going on here?" Dink looked to Terry and Leslie.

Leslie rolled her golden eyes. "We're being left out of the Ohh my Gods its Lucy and Renee, worshipping thing you two have going on over there."

Brice had enough; she cleared her throat and pointed to the two FBI agents. "We'll get you autographed pictures of the duo, if you move 50 feet away from us. Now do you want our statements or an ass beating?"" She saw Dink's eyebrow rise and grinned at her.

"Ohh beat me please!" Jack whined from the floor.

L took steps backward and smacked Jack in her forehead. "Shut-up, Jack, and get against the wall."

"Do I have to assume the position?"

Dink looked at Brice and shook her head. "Who are they?"

"Would you believe FBI Agents?"

"That's comforting." She deadpanned.

L and Jack were finally convinced of who Dink and Brice really were, when they were shown driver's licenses. L took their statements and then took the microchip from Terry. She looked at the small chip that was still warm from it being inside Terry's bra.

"I'll turn this over to my boss as soon as we get back to the office. What we'll need from you guys who saw the man, is a composite drawing. I'll give you a call tomorrow and tell you when the artist can come out."

Jack jumped up and down where she stood and waved her arms in the air. "I'll do it! I'll draw the perp!"

"Ohh, noo you won't! The last time you did that the authorities were looking for Mr. Potato head."


Terry and Leslie were in the bedrooms trying to bring some order to them and salvage at least one of the mattresses. With the help of Dink and Brice, they carried out all the broken furniture and garbage bags they had filled up. Dink said that they would bring their garbage truck to the house haul everything off at one time. She almost passed out when Leslie told her that their house had been searched and stuff destroyed. Tears filled her eyes when she thought of all her collector's stuff ruined. Some of it could never be replaced. She covered her face and ran from Terry's bedroom.

"Ohh shit!" Leslie dropped down on to the bed and looked from her lover to Brice. "I didn't think she would take it that bad."

Brice pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "I'll go talk to her." She went downstairs and searched every room until she heard a thumping noise from the basement. A worried look covered her face as she raced for the stairs. Taking the steps two at a time, she stopped behind Dink to watch. Her short muscular arms shook with each punch that landed on the canvas bag. The strength that she showed was almost equal to Brice's, seeing this and knowing what would happen. Brice knew she had to stop her. She wrapped long muscular arms around Dink's upper body and pulled her away from the heavy bag.

"One of us with torn up hands is enough." She whispered close to her ear. Dink turned in her arms, and buried her tear stained face against her neck and continued to cry. Brice picked her up and carried her all the way to her bedroom. Sitting down on her bed, she moved gently until they were in the center of the bed. Lifting Dink's face up, she placed soft kisses over each eye and cheek. Pulling back, she wiped the tears from her face. "You know we're not the brightest light in the house, beating the shit out of the heavy bag without gloves." Brice raised one of her own hands and cringed when she tried to close her fist. Taking Dink's hands, she placed kisses on her bruised knuckles. She watched as Dink's eyes grew dark and her breath hitched in her chest. Placing Dink's hand over her heart, Brice told her in a deep voice. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

"Will you go with me tomorrow to my house?"

"Anything you want."

Dink pulled her self up so that they were nose-to-nose. She leaned forward, pressed her lips to Brice's and felt them respond beneath her own. For long moments Dink relished the connection before pulling back to search half-lidded eyes for any objections. Feeling long fingers snake behind her head and brush against her neck, she closed her eyes and moaned when tingles raced down her spine.

Brice blocked out Terry's voice and captured the soft lips so close to hers. With light nips to Dink's full bottom lip, she waited for permission to explore. When she felt the tip of Dink's tongue against her own, she reached out and caressed it. Their kiss became demanding, they moaned softly into each other's mouths and kissed deeply until they needed air. Dink rested her forehead against Brice's; she chuckled lightly and moved to rest her head on her shoulder.

"Why are you laughing, did I do something funny?"

"No, it's just that with all the shitty stuff that's happened today, I wouldn't change a thing if it meant I couldn't kiss you."

"Neither would I." Wrapping her arms tighter around Dink, she fell asleep listening Dink's soft snores.


L and Jack walked into their boss' office the next morning; the man was old enough to have been with Moses when he crossed the desert. His rheumy eyes tracked from the papers he was reading/studying. To the two most aggravating agents he had. Grumbling under his breath exactly what he thought of them, he cleared his throat and spoke with a reedy voice.

"Now what have you two done, run any more old ladies over in a cross walk lately?"

"She matched a most wanted list." Jack held her arms out to the side. "The poster said she was armed and dangerous, I didn't want ta get shot again ya know." She rubbed her right ass cheek and cringed at the remembered pain. "Still hurts to sit down."

"You dumbass, that's because you missed your holster and shot yourself." L pushed Jack down into a chair, approached her boss's desk and handed him the microchip and letter from Frank. "We got a call yesterday from Frank over at the Xerox Company. A friend of his found this chip inside a Buzz Light-Year doll and had Frank look at it."

L explained the entire story to him and handed him the typed reports and statements.

"I'll call in the Pentagon on this." He placed the microchip in the floor safe under his desk. "So you have no idea who the guy is that broke into their houses or anything?"

"Well sir, we have a name and a telephone number of the person who called and threatened an employee of Brice Marlton, plus the name of the customer who requested the doll. So far, nothing has come up on Aaron Sampson. That Paul guy came up with a record on file, the only problem is that it said he died while serving time in Alcatraz. So I arranged to have an artist take a sketch, in fact he's is on his way to see them now. We should have a composite sketch in a few hours."

He sat back in his chair and stared off into space. "I'll leak this to the newspapers along with the women's names saying that they still have the chip and are looking for the owner." L and Jack interrupted him; he warned them off with a gnarled fist. "You two will be there to protect them and catch whoever is after them. Got it?"


Dink woke before Brice, raising up on one elbow she gazed down into the calm face. Tracing a high cheekbone with her fingertips, she memorized the feel of her soft skin, the sharp planes of her cheekbones as they sloped down to a strong jaw and chin. Using the pad of her thumb, she ran it across Brice's full lower lip and yelped when her lips opened and white teeth clamped down.

"I thought you were asleep?"

Brice's voice was rough with sleep, a low grumble came from where she still held Dink's thumb. "Thought you were a nice person." Flicking the end of the thumb with her tongue, she released it when Dink fell over on her side. "What else did you do to me while I was sleeping?"

"Ohh, so you think I was taking liberties with your body, do you?" She rolled back up on to her elbow and winked at Brice. "I'll never tell if I did or I didn't." Brice pulled her forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"That's OK, I'll find out tonight." She got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom.

"And how are you gonna do that huh?"

"Easy, you talk in your sleep and answer every question asked."

Dink dropped back on the bed and groaned; she had no idea that she talked, as well as sang, in her sleep. She could only imagine what secrets she had divulged.

Brice grinned at herself in the mirror; she had no idea if Dink talked in her sleep or not. The two times they shared a bed, she had slept sounder than she had in years. She started brushing her teeth and felt the hair rise up on the back of her neck.

"Close your eyes." Dink said from behind her.

"Huh?" Brice said around her toothbrush.

"I have ta go." She pointed to the toilet. "So close your eyes."

Brice choked on her toothbrush when Dink started dancing from foot to foot.

"BRICE!" She yelled at her before rushing to the toilet. "Are you watching me?"

Brice turned to face her with a hand over her eyes. "Uhh ahh!" She peeked from between her fingers and spit her toothbrush out when Dink flipped her off. "Sorry, couldn't help myself." She covered her eyes, rinsed her mouth and bounced off the doorframe trying to get out of the room. Dropping face first onto the bed, she pulled her pillow to her and buried her face in it. Minutes later a body landed on top of her and two hands grabbed the pillow and yanked it from under her head.

"Sneak!" Dink placed the pillow over the back of Brice's head and laid her head on it. "Big pervert." She chuckled when mumbles came from beneath her head. Removing the pillow, she leaned down so they were cheek to cheek. "Are your hands as sore as mine?"

"Worse, I think I left some knuckles in the basement." Rolling from under Dink, they now lay face to face. "Why did you go down there and attack the heavy bag?"

Green eyes rolled, with a soft snort, she shrugged her shoulders. "It was juvenile really; I was pissed because of something I don't even know about yet."

"Huh, what are ya talking about?" Brice rose up onto her elbow and looked at a blushing Dink.

"My toys, I was pissed because my toys might be destroyed." She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and shyly connected eyes with Brice. "Some of them can't be replaced."

Brice leaned forward and gave her a lingering kiss. "If they're destroyed, I'll find replacements. It's one of my many skills, stealing toys from little kids."

"Brice, what about you, why were you down there yesterday?" Dink watched as pain shot through blue eyes, she was about to tell her to forget she asked when Brice sat up in the bed and turned her back to her. "You don't have to tell me."

"It might explain some other things if I do." She took a deep shuddering breathe. "For years now Terry and I have been making money by selling collectables and autographed pictures. At first everything was quite legal, as the years went by it became harder to get things like autographed pictures that were authentic. So we started making our own pictures and forging them... As you know. Then when the action figures became high value items when movies came out, and then sequels made the older figures worth even more. We hacked into the warranty files of the toy companies and used the listings to get what we needed. Terry calls, pretending to be an employee, and makes up stories about recalls. We get the merchandise and the person sending us the stuff gets ripped off. What pisses me off is, I don't know how many times my business has been used as it was with this Buzz doll. What other stuff have Terry and I been unknowingly involved in that could very well have caused people to loose their lives?" Tears filled her eyes and flowed down across her cheekbones. "What if you or Leslie had been at home when he tore the place apart? He could have killed you both and it would have been all my fault!" Dink moved up behind her, wrapped her arms around her and pulled her back into her chest.

Dink leaned close to her ear and spoke softly. "What may have happened in the past is just that, the past. You have to move forward. Stop blaming yourself for things you don't even know happened. If Leslie and I had been home when that nutcase broke in, he would have been the one to go to the hospital."

"It would have still been my fault, if I had just let the damn doll go and not searched for it…"

"You and Terry would be dealing with this all on your own. Now the asshole has six of us to contend with if you count those two weird agents." She felt Brice chuckle against her, she leaned forward and kissed the sensitive area below Brice's ear. "Promise me that you won't dress up as Xena except for my own sick entertainment." Brice turned in her arms and pushed her back onto the bed.

Hovering over her, she asked. Which costume do you like the best?" Her eyes twinkled and a slight smirk came across her lips.

"Oohh, I guess it would be the Amazon leathers, ya have that one?" Dink wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Or the one she wore when she was catching fish."

Brice's eyes narrowed, a brow raised over a pale blue eye and a lopsided grin came to her face. "So you wanna see me naked?"

Dink nipped her chin, and then worked her way to the hollow of her throat where she flicked it with the tip of her tongue.

"Actually, I just wanna see if you can catch fish with your hands."

"What?" Brice fell over onto the bed in shock; she sure hoped that's not the only thing Dink wanted. Her body was screaming from the little contact they had shared. She knew that the little blonde was working her way inside her shell inch by inch. Turning her head to see brilliant green eyes watching her, she snarled and leapt off the bed and ran.

Dink burst out laughing; she jumped from the bed and chased after Brice. If she thought she could get away by running, she was wrong. Dink grabbed the railing and slid down on her hip, hit the floor right behind Brice and launched herself onto her back. Wrapping her arms and legs around her body, she held on as Brice kept running through the house and right out the back door.

"Giddy up, Elmo! Take me to Dairy Queen, I want ice cream!"

Brice came to a panting halt, bending over at the waist; she braced her hands on her knees and tried to catch her breath.

"It's nine o'clock…in the morning; you want…ice cream…for breakfast?"

Dink whispered in a throaty purr close to Brice's ear.

"No, I just wanna lick something."

A low rumbling moan came from Brice; she could imagine a warm tongue lapping at her throbbing center.

Brice mumbled to her. "Tease, that's all ya are, you're a little tease."

"I'm not a tease, this is foreplay, Elmo." She slid off her back and ran for the house.

"And it's going to kill me." Brice jogged after her toward the house.


Sliding across the floor, Brice looked around the room for Dink. The sound of the clothes dryer door closing and God-awful singing alerted her to just where the little tease was. Easing her way to the laundry room door, she grabbed Dink around her waist, picked her up and sat her down on the top of the dryer. Stepping between parted legs, she pressed their bodies together and captured warm eager lips. Moans were swallowed as tongues dueled together and hands traveled un-explored flesh. Brice worked Dink's shirt up, skimming warm skin all the way, to where she could cup full breasts in her palms. Dink broke the kiss, threw her head back, and arched her back to offer more of herself to Brice. She tangled her fingers into dark hair and pulled Brice's lips to her neck. With the first touch of teeth nipping and then sucking her neck, she pushed her center against Brice and moaned.

"Should we…be doing…this here?" She asked with a breathless voice.

With a sucking noise, Brice released the skin. Planting a soft kiss on the red spot, she pulled back and grinned. "Kitchen table has stuff on it."

"And I don't think the FBI artist wants to try and sketch around you two humping on the table." Terry stood in the doorway with her hands planted on her hips. "Now if you want to wait until he leaves, me and Leslie will get the video cam going and tape it. We could sell it as what LL and ROC really did before their coffee talk video interview."

Dink' face turned a bright red; she buried her face into Brice's chest and groaned deeply. "They would do it wouldn't they?"

"You better believe it." Helping her down, Brice took her hand and led her to the kitchen. "As soon as this is over with, we'll…"

Dink bumped hips with her, grabbed her ass and growled. "You bet we are, right now I could careless if we were in the middle of the street!" She felt like she was ready to explode, her nipples ached from the brief contact and the insides of her thighs were coated with juices. She wanted nothing more than to throw Brice down and ravage her for hours.

Terry pulled Brice away from Dink and boxed her into a corner of the kitchen; she pointed a finger at her and gave her a look that could freeze water. "What did I tell you? I will kick your ass all over this house if you fuck up." She jabbed her between her breasts and went nose to chin with her taller friend. "Don't you hurt her!"

"Terry this isn't like the others, Dink's different."

"For your ass's sake she had better be." She went to the table, before she could sit down the back door burst open and Ralph stumbled in wearing a long blonde wig and Amazon leathers. "What the Hell are you doing Ralph?"

He dropped into a chair and tried to catch his breath. "Hiding, escaping, getting funny looks and a date for Saturday night." He took the offered cup of coffee from Leslie. "That guy attacked me in the store yesterday."

"Why didn't you call me?" Brice asked him.

"I didn't wake up until a little while ago, he hit me in the head with his pistol."

The FBI agent's eyes grew wide. "Can you describe him to me?"

"Sure, I can even tell you what the end of the pistol looked like since it was between my eyes."

With Ralph and Terry being the only ones to have seen Paul up close and personal, the others left them alone with the FBI artist. They thought they would be able to escape until the doorbell rang. Leslie opened the door to see L with Jack in handcuffs standing on the doorstep.

"Hey ya Leslie, we came by to explain how our boss has screwed up and put all of your lives in danger. Sounds fun huh?"

Leslie's eyes narrowed and shot daggers at Jack. "What the Hell is she talking about L?"

"Ohh she's an idiot but she's right on this one. Can we get everyone together and talk this over?"


Brice paced the floor with Terry walking in the opposite direction beside her, they didn't like what was happening one bit. They might as well play on the highway during rush hour, it would be a lot safer.

Brice stopped and looked at the others. "I'll stay here and you guys disappear until it's over."

"Oohh noooo you're NOT!" Dink yelled. "I'm not leaving you here to deal with this on your own!"

"Dink, this is all my fault." Brice cupped her face between her hands. "Go with Terry and Leslie, I'll be OK with L and Jack here."

They all looked when Jack came shuffling into the room with the long blonde wig covering her eyes and her sunglasses on over the top of it.

"Look I'm cousin IT!" She made grumbling noises and shuffled around the room.

"Ohh sure ya will!" She backed Brice against the wall. "I'm staying with you no matter what you say! Got that Elmo?"

"Hold up a minute here!" Leslie yelled. "If one stays, we all stay!"

L dropped her head into her hands, she was going to make a decision that would get her and Jack in a deep load of shit. She saw no other way of doing this without having four women arguing about who was doing what.

"OK, here's what we're gonna do. I'll arrange for the four of you to stay at a hotel until we get this Paul guy and who ever happens to be involved. Me and IT over there will stay here and pretend we're you guys."

Leslie stood up from where she had been laying on the couch with her feet dangling over the back. Shaking her head, she pointed a finger at L.

"IF ya haven't noticed, you're black." She crossed her arms over her chest. "And Jack's just plain nuts! How are you two gonna pretend to be us?"

Jack jumped up and down and waved her hands. "I know I know...Ahhh no I don't." She dropped down onto the floor, put the wig over her hand and started talking to it.

"Well figure something out don't worry about it." She had no idea how they were going to figure it out; she would deal with all that later.


Paul stood in the back of the car-rental return lot waiting for the bus to take him to the departure terminal. His eyes scanned the area continuously; he called Sampson and knew that his boss would make damn sure that he paid for loosing the chip. He just hoped that he was able to get out of the country before Sampson got there. He saw the bus off in the distance and then saw Sampson walking his way. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket along with a piece of paper with Marlton's home phone number on it. Dialing it, he waited for someone to answer.

"Come on come on, answer the damn phone!" His foot tapped nervously on the pavement. Sampson was only ten foot away and closing, he knew he didn't have enough time to warn them.

"Who are you calling Paul?" Sampson asked at the same time he pulled a pistol from inside his jacket. "Can't be me, because I'm here and my phones not ringing." He pointed the pistol at Paul's head. "You wouldn't be warning anyone would you? You know." He combed his fingers through his goatee and tilted his head. "I depended on you to get the chip and or kill those stupid women. You didn't do jack." He chuckled at the shocked look on Paul's face. "Yeah, I've been watching you for the last day. Did you think I would stay in New York while that chip was somewhere in West Virginia?"

"I was calling to check on my reservations. And the chip is in the landfill somewhere, it's lost in a safe place."

"Ohh you mean the one way reservation to Madrid? And I don't believe it's in the landfill."

Paul flinched when a deep voice answered the phone. "Come on Sampson, I need a vacation after all the shit I've been through.

"Heeeelloooo, anyone there?" Leslie could hear voices in the background and the name Sampson.

"You won't need any vacation." Sampson pulled the trigger and watched Paul fall to the ground. "You'll have plenty of time to rest in Hell." He smashed the cell phone where it lay in Paul's hand, took his wallet and briefcase, and then walked away as if nothing had happened.

"Hey guys! I just heard a gunshot and then the phone went dead on the other end."

L took the phone from her hand and listened to the dead tone. "Are you sure it was a gun shot?"

"Yep and loud to, I heard the guy say the name Sampson."

Jack gave out a deep sigh. "Shit! That means that we just lost that Paul guy and Sampson is someplace close by." She ran her fingers through her hair and looked at all the startled faces. "What?"

"You just made sense for the first time." Dink looked closer at her to make sure that the pod people hadn't replaced Jack. "Doesn't happen often does it?" She directed her question to L.

"Nope, sure doesn't." She dropped into a chair and sighed. "This makes it more complicated." She thought for a couple minutes.

Brice closed her eyes and thought for a few moments, she was trying to figure out if Paul would have any other places to check and would have told Sampson about it before he was killed. Taking the phone from L, she called Ralph at home. After a short conversation with him, she found that he hadn't seen Paul since the store. "L, did you guys check the car rentals at the airport? He wasn't from around here, when I talked to him, I picked up a slight New York accent. And the address that the doll was supposed to be shipped to was in New York."

"Shit! We didn't even check that out." Jack pulled her cell phone from her pocket and grinned at the phones design. It had Superman stickers all over it and a small red cape hanging off the top.


Hours had passed for the women with no news of any kind, or, any ideas of what to do.

Jack and L called everyone they knew and no body was found matching the description of Paul. The others sat silently lost in their own thoughts, thinking of what was to come and their parts in it. Brice swung her head to the sound coming from the kitchen, a soft banging came to her ears. Slowly getting up, she signaled for L and Jack to follow. With guns drawn, they followed Brice to the back door; she stepped to the side and swung the door open.

"What the…" She caught the man as he fell through the door and into her arms. Brice laid him on the floor, looked up to L and Jack with surprised eyes. "He's been shot in the forehead." The sound of running feet came into the kitchen, Terry gasped when she saw the blood covered face of the man.

"That's Paul! That's the microchip guy!"

Dink dropped down beside Brice and checked Paul for a pulse.

"My Gods, he's still alive. Let's get him…" She looked up at Brice.

"Let's get him to the couch; we don't have any extra beds since he destroyed all the mattresses."


Brice cleaned his face of all the blood and checked the hole in his forehead with a flashlight. Her brows drew down over her nose when she saw a glint of metal inside the hole. Probing the area, she found that his entire forehead was covered with a steel plate.

"This saved his life, wonder why he's got a plate in his head?"

"Motorcycle accident, telephone pole didn't win." Paul's eyes blinked a few times before they stayed open. "Two less lives for me." A deep groan came from him as he tried to sit up. "Have any aspirin? I have a Hell of a headache."

"Why did you come here?" L asked from where she stood beside the couch.

"To warn you guys, Sampson is in the area. He wants that microchip."

Leslie snorted and rolled her eyes at his excuse. "Yeah right, after you knock my lover in her head; destroy our homes and beat up Ralph. Then your boss shoots you in the head and you decide, gee maybe I'm on the wrong side!" She leaned over the couch and growled. "Should have Jack shot you!"

Jack popped up from where she was on the floor playing with a Batman doll. "Can't, don't have no bullets."

All eyes turned to Jack: she looked up with innocent green eyes. "L keeps them for me. Says they're unsafe in the hands of children. Took my fingernail clippers to."

Dink pulled the FBI agent aside and whispered into L's ear. "How did she become an agent anyway?"

"She's good at…I have no idea." L shrugged her shoulders and walked to the kitchen mumbling under her breath. "Checks 9volt batteries with her tongue."

"You guys had better figure out what you're going to do, Sampson will figure out where you are." Still pressing a bloody towel to his forehead, Paul sat up on the couch. "It'll only take him looking at the store invoice and the funeral home will be very busy."

Brice and Dink came to stand in front of him, two pairs of eyes narrowed and eyebrows rose over left eyes. "What exactly does he intend to do with that microchip?" Brice questioned.

"The Russian's are waiting for delivery, that chip will give them the same power as our Government has with the guided missiles. If they get it, we might as well…" He raised a hand. "You get the picture."

Dink's knees grew weak, she knew what this all meant. Grabbing onto Brice's arm for support, she looked up into silvery blue eyes.

Brice wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to her side. "We have to think of something, set him up somehow."

Leslie snickered at what was running through her evil mind. "How about if we throw his ass in the landfill?"

A huge grin split Paul's face as an idea came to mind. "That's perfect!" He said and then whimpered from the sharp pain that pierced his forehead. "I told him it was lost in the landfill, if someway it can be leaked to the…"

"Newspapers. He'll go there to look for it!" Terry finished his sentence and slapped hands with Leslie.

Jack ran around the room with her Batman over her head, she stopped in front of Terry and Leslie. "Better yet, have Brice call Sampson, tell him she found the chip and have him meet her there. Replace the garbage crews with FBI agents and when he shows up, grab him."


Sampson cruised the streets of Charlestown looking for the Novelty store. He remembered from what Paul had told him that he himself had searched the store and found nothing. What he needed was to get his hands on Marlton and use her as leverage to get the chip back. Parking his rental car, he walked a short distance to the store and looked through the window. Going in, he saw who he knew was the employee that Paul had questioned. Pretending to look around the store, he waited until Ralph approached him.

"Can I help you find something?"

Ralph took in the tall man's expensive suit and knew that this was no regular collector. Brice had called him earlier and gave him a description of what Aaron Sampson looked like and to keep an eye out for him. Sampson turned and looked over the tops of his dark sunglasses, his dark eyes bore into his. Ralph's heartbeat picked up and slammed into his ribcage.

"Actually, I was looking for my sister Brice. Is she here?"

Ralph almost snickered at the tall man. He knew that Brice had no siblings and found it funny that a man with so much power wouldn't check Brice's background.

"No, she has today off. Can I get your phone number and have her call you when she comes in tomorrow?"

"No, that's alright I'll stop by her house and see her in person." He left the store with a stony expression on his face. Looking up the street, he saw a phone booth and walked towards it. He would have to find out where she lived. He had searched through Paul's briefcase and found nothing on Marlton except for the information that he had given him. Pulling the phone book rack out, he searched through the M's and found her address. Tearing the page out, he stuck it into his pocket and ran to his car.


"Son of a bitch!" Brice mumbled into the phone. "How long ago?"

"Maybe ten minutes. I watched him take a page from the phone book; I think he's on his way to see you."

"Thanks Ralph." She hung up the phone and turned to face everyone. "He's on his way here."

L and Jack looked to each other and started running around the house gathering up their personal items. Jack came to a screeching halt when Terry grabbed her.

"What are you two doing?"

"Running! He's coming here to get us!" She broke away and ran out the back door.

"Just great! We get stuck with the chicken shits of the FBI!" She threw her hands in the air and went to find L. There was no way in Hell that she was going to let them run off and leave them to face Sampson alone. The six women and Paul pilled into three cars and took off to the nearest hotel for the night. It would take at least the rest of the day and night for the FBI to be able to get enough agents together to switch sanitation employees and to notify the newspapers of the landfill idea. The local police were advised of the situation and promised to drive past both residents to make sure that Sampson didn't show up and destroy the houses further.


With a huge white bandage across his forehead, Paul wandered behind the women on the way to their assigned rooms. He had no idea why he showed up on their doorstep to warn them. Something deep down inside of him said it was the right thing to do. They didn't deserve to die because of his former boss, no one did and he would do anything to see that total destruction of the world never came to be. Even if it meant going to prison for the rest of his life. He almost ran into Jack's back when they stopped outside of their room.

"Why do I have to share a room with you two?"

"For one thing, you're in our custody; number two is there are no more rooms and three. The other's will kill you." L gave him a bright smile.

Paul watched as Jack was trying to look under the door that Brice and Dink had just disappeared behind.

"They'll get her first." He pointed to Jack who was now laying on her side with her eye right up to the bottom of the door.

"I could only hope!" L sighed. "Jack get in the room before I handcuff you to the bumper of the car!"

"Meany, just wanted ta watch them." She crawled across the floor on her hands and knees and into the room. "I'll just drill a hole in the wall." She mumbled under her breath.


Dink was jumping up and down on the bed, while Brice was unpacking the bag that they had quickly packed before they ran for their lives. Ignoring Dink, she placed their clothes in the dresser and went into the bathroom to start the shower. She ducked her head back into the room when she heard a loud yelp and then a thunk.

"What are you doing?" She looked to where Dink was lying on the floor staring at the ceiling.

"I was testing the squeaking qualities of the bed."

"Squeaking qual…Jacks rubbing off on you isn't she?"

"Why would you say that? I mean would she…yes she would!" She slapped her hands over her face and gave out a deep groan. "I'm loosing my mind!"

Brice stepped over her body so that her feet were on either side of Dink's hips. "I can think of something I'd like to see you loose."

Dink wiggled her eyebrows at her. "What would that be?"

"Your clothes, they reek."

"You're so romantic, and here I thought you wanted me to strip and take advantage of you."

"Dinky, you've worn my shirt for how many days now?"

"Ohh a couple, you gonna take it off me?" She was lifted to her feet and pushed backwards towards the bathroom. The shirt was pulled over her head, tossed to the floor and then hands unfastened her Levi's. In a matter of seconds, she was naked and pressed up against the wall with her lips being captured. Low moans escaped from her as Brice ground her hips into hers and cupped a breast in her hand. When the need for air made them part, Brice trailed the tip of her tongue down her chin and across to the side of her neck that joined her shoulder. Sucking the flesh between her teeth, she moaned when Dink pressed her hips into her. Pinching a hardened nipple between her thumb and finger caused Dink to let out a small whimper and arch her back. Brice released the now dark purple flesh and grinned into aroused green eyes. Skimming the blushed flesh of Dinks hips, she pushed her to the shower and pushed her in.

"I'm gonna go get some food, I'll be back."

"What! You're gonna leave me after you got me all hot and bothered! You wait Elmo!" She turned the hot water off and stood beneath the cold spray calling Brice every name she could think of.

Brice chuckled as she closed the door and ran down the hallway and out into the street below. She knew what she had done was mean but she had plans and the extra few minutes would help. Running around the corner, she ducked into the small store and went to search for what she needed. Ten minutes later, she was running back to the room with a shopping bag in her arms. Opening the door, she found Dink in bed with her back to her. She dropped her head in regret, she felt bad for teasing Dink and then running out the door. Putting the bag on the bedside table, she sat down on the edge of the bed and ran a hand across Dink's hip.

"Sorry Dinky, I didn't mean to tease you like that." She heard a slight sniffle.

"Took care of it." Dink said into the pillow she had pulled to her chest.

Brice was confused. "Took care of what?"

"You know, what you started."

Brice fell over onto the bed with a deep moan, clamping her hands over her eyes. She couldn't believe her sucky luck, she had wanted it to be a special night. Romantic with Champaign, strawberry's and a nice back rub. But NOOO! She screwed it up and now Dink had taken care of it and was pissed at her.

"You…you…" Brice stuttered like an idiot.

"Got off, humped my hand, tweaked myself…"

"Ohh Gods stop!" Brice rolled over and fell off the bed. "Can't take it!" She lay on the floor spread eagle. She looked up to see green eyes staring down at her.

"Played with myself, tasted my juices, jerked my clit, wanna watch Jack did?"

Brice started whimpering, grabbing the edge of the bed, she pulled herself underneath it and banged her head on the floor. A lot of other noises came from under the bed and the mattress bounced up and almost tossed Dink onto the floor.

"Are you getting off under there?"

"No. Trying to strangle myself with my shoe laces."

Dink crawled off the bed and looked underneath at Brice, grabbing her by her waistband; she dragged her out from under the bed. When she had her out, she straddled her hips and held her hands over her head.

"Ya know, sometimes you are really dumb. But that's OK because I still love you."

Misty blue eyes blinked a few times, Brice was running what Dink had just said through her mind again.

"Did you just say you love me?"

"Yeah, I love you Brice." She lay on top of her and brought their lips together in a deep kiss. Breaking the connection, she purred deeply. "I'm in love with you, have been since you serenaded me that night."

Brice wrapped her hands around Dinks neck and pulled her down close to her lips, with just a breath of distance between them, she admitted to her self and Dink her feelings. "I'm deeply in love with you and I want you so bad right now it hurts." She let out a deep moan into Dink's mouth when she felt her roll her hips into her.

"Brice are you wet?" She asked as she ground against her again.

"Gods yes!" Brice' hips jerked when warm fingers ran under the waistband of her Levi's. She closed her eyes when a finger dipped low enough to tangle in her short curls. "Ohh…Gods!...Dink!" She gasped out when she felt herself being cupped and rubbed through her Levi's. "Take 'em off!" She reached down to unfasten her Levis and had her hands pushed away.

"Patience Brice."

"Patience my ass, touch me again and it's over." She growled and tried to push her center into Dink.

"Ahhh Ahhh!" She nipped at Brice's bottom lip and pulled it between her teeth and sucked gently until Brice was whimpering. Releasing her lip, she flicked her tongue across the tip of Brice's and then stopped. Getting off of her, she held out a hand and helped her up from the floor. "Just stand there and let me do everything." Slowly Dink undressed her, letting her fingertips trail across warm flesh. She loved the smoothness of Brice's skin, the fine hair running down the center of her stomach to stop at the top of short dark curls. Kissing the dark hairline, she kept Brice from thrusting her hips against her. Pushing her backward until her knees hit the edge of the bed, she pushed her until she was sitting on the very edge of the bed. Licking behind each knee, she dragged the tip of her tongue upward and teased the silky flesh close to her swollen lips.

"Dinky, I can't…hold it…much longer." Her head fell back and she swallowed with difficulty.

"Just hold on right where you are, I'll take care of you." Running her hands up the muscular thighs and upward to cup full breasts in her small hands. She leaned forward and kissed below each breast and teased with her tongue. Brushing the tip of each nipple with her tongue, she couldn't help but grin from all the whimpering noises Brice was making. What amazed her was that the tough stoic woman was so fragile when it came to intimacy. Kissing her way up between her breasts, she flicked the hollow of her throat with the tip of her tongue and felt Brice push towards her with her center. Muscular thighs squeezed at her hips trying to draw her closer while long arms wrapped around her back. Tangling her fingers in Brice's dark hair, she pulled her head down for a slow exploring kiss that sent a fire to her center and tingles to the roots of her hair. She knew that Brice was loosing the little bit of control she had. Breaking the kiss and gasping for air, Dink pushed back from the clutches she was in to nuzzle the soft curls between Brice's thighs.

"Love you Brice." Was all Dink said before she slipped her tongue between pulsing nether lips and pushed Brice over and into the Abyss. A strangled cry came from Brice as her world tipped and body twisted with the strongest climax she had ever had. Her hips thrust forward with each tremor, pouring out her offering against greedy lips and tongue. Beneath the buzzing in her ears, she could hear the low moans of Dink as she feasted upon her. She was about to fall over when she felt Dink come up her body and stand before her.

"Move back a little bit." When she had her where she wanted her, she crawled onto her lap, wrapped one leg behind Brice's hips and placed the other under her thigh. Holding onto her neck, she brought their centers together and moaned when their wetness merged. She could feel Brice's pulse thump against her swollen clit. Pressing against her harder, she felt Brice start to shudder. "Can you do it again baby?" Tilting her hips upward, she then captured Brice's mouth for a slow sensuous kiss.

Brice felt her center start to throb again from the taste of herself on her lover's lips, never had she been able to get aroused in a matter of seconds after climaxing. With slow thrusts, she rubbed their centers together until Dink took control.

Dink ran her hand down between them and opened herself up to cover Brice's engorged clit with her swollen lips. Pressing closer, she rolled her hips in a circle and felt Brice's climax take her. The gushing of her juices against Dink sent her over with an mind spinning orgasm. Their kiss broke and Dink let out a deep growl of. "ELMO!" Their center's thumping in cadence with their heartbeats and the noises of their contact made Brice buck against Dink again. She yelled out Dink's name as another orgasm hit her. Not being able to sit up anymore, she crashed back onto the bed with Dink across her chest gasping for air. Wrapping her limbs around her lover, she rolled them onto their sides across the bed. Burying her face against Dink's sweaty neck she fell asleep with her center still twitching. Dink squeezed her lover to her, she couldn't believe that Brice had surrendered to her. She loved the tall woman more than one could even fathom, kissing her sweaty temple; she sighed and joined her in exhausted sleep.


Paul sat against the headboard of his bed with his hands planted firmly over his ears. L was lying face first in the other bed with two pillows over her head. Jack was sitting close to the joining wall with her one eye up to a hole she had carved with her pocketknife. With the last scream from Brice and Dinky, she fell back wards on to the floor and kicked her heels into the carpet.

"Three hours and two minutes of sex!" She rolled to her side and yelled at her partner. "Beat that one L." She snickered. "Ya can't! Three minutes and two seconds is your top time…batteries were new huh?"

L's face darkened and a wide demonic grimace covered her face. "Shut-up Jack you moronic peeping pervert!" Both L and Paul threw their pillows at her, she rearranged them on the floor and grinned up at them. "Can I have a blanket to?"


Brice woke to having her naval being sucked and felt wetness running down her sides and between her legs, opening one eye, she saw the top of Dink's head and the bottle of Champaign in her hand. A light snort came from her dry throat when Dink hit a ticklish spot.

"So ya have a weakness there huh?"

"You're my weakness." She took the bottle from Dink and took a small drink and grimaced. "This stuff sucks warm, how can you stand it?"

"Ain't too bad this way." She mumbled and ran her tongue around Brice's naval. "In fact I like it better this way." She placed a small kiss on her stomach and then dragged her self up for a lingering kiss from eager lips. "You ran out last night for all that stuff didn't you?"

Brice dropped her chin to her chest and blushed. "I wanted our first time to be kinda romantic even if it was in a motel room."

Dink cupped her lover's face between her hands and tilted her head up to meet her pale blue eyes. "I wouldn't have cared if we were in a dungy cave, just being with you is enough for me." She placed a soft kiss to Brice's lips then rested her head on her shoulder. "Thank you for the thought, I didn't even think of something like that."

Brice rolled them over onto their sides and snuggled into her lover. "Let's take a shower and go find something for breakfast, I'm starving."

"So that means we'll be ready for lunch once we're done with our shower."

"Maybe supper time."

After an hour and a half in the shower, they finally emerged on wobbly legs, wrinkled fingers and flushed faces. If it wasn't for the little pervert who was sitting on the sink counter, flushing the toilet. They still would be playing under the showerhead.

"How the Hell did you get in here Jack?" Brice looked up three foot into twinkling green eyes, she had Jack by her shirt and plastered against the wall.

"I picked the lock." She held out her professional lock picks. "L says every things all set at the land fill." She eyed both naked women and grinned wider. "Got bit by bed bugs?" She touched a deep bruise on Brice's breast.


Jack lay sprawled out on the floor of the room she shared with Paul and L. She flinched as the door was slammed and started chuckling. "That was fun, never had a naked woman body slam me before." She got to her knees and rubbed her bruised ass. "I told them L."

"I can only imagine how you told them." She sighed and dropped down on to the edge of the bed. "Go tell Terry and Leslie, but first give me your lock picks." She held out her hand and wiggled her fingers.

"You're no fun, always mean ta me." She handed over her picks and dragged her feet all the way out the door. "Got extra picks anyway." She pulled another set from her sock and skipped down the hall to the other room.

They sat at a large table in a nearby restaurant eating lunch, Jack had the special of the day. An icepack for the black eye that Leslie gave her when she crawled into bed with her and Terry.

"Now what we're gonna do is have Brice call Sampson and have him meet her at the land fill, as soon as he shows up we wait until he drops the net on himself by asking for the microchip." L pointed a finger at Jack. "Don't say it."

"I was just wondering why he'd drop a net on himself and where we're getting it from." She looked around the table when everyone moaned. "What?"

"Just shut-up Jack." Terry growled. "Or I'll blacken your other eye."

L ignored Jack and went on. "We'll all be dressed like garbage men and Paul will be with one of the other agents outside of the gates, we don't want Sampson to see him and take off."

Dink grabbed her lover's hand and gave it a small squeeze. "Is Brice going to wear a wire so that we can hear everything?"

"Yep, they're bringing everything here, the tech will get her all set before we leave." She looked down at her watch. "Let's head back to our rooms, they should be here in fifteen minutes or so then we'll head out."

She grabbed Jack by the back of her collar and dragged her to their room with Paul following behind. Paul sure hoped that they could get his former boss, he had spoken with the FBI director that morning and accepted a deal to turn states evidence for a leaner sentence. He would gladly do time in prison than face an eternity in Hell. He knew he couldn't take another gunshot to the head. His head felt like a truck had ran over it as it was.


Brice and Dink drove up to the landfill in a garbage truck and parked in between one filled with agents and the other with Leslie and Terry. Checking to make sure that the microphone was still taped between her breasts, Brice checked the small pack tucked in the back of her waistband. She looked over when Dink gripped her upper thigh.

"Be careful, I don't want you getting shot or anything."

Brice pulled her into her arms and held her, she saw the tears forming in her lover's green eyes and knew that she was scared. Breathing in her scent, she sighed and sunk further into her small body. "Don't worry, I don't like pain so I won't get shot or anything. Plus I have plans for us once this is all over."

"Plans?" Dink mumbled into her neck.

"Yep, a big train, cozy state room and us all alone for a week." She kissed the soft skin under Dink's ear and pulled back to look into her eyes. "We'll take a train tour of Pennsylvania, up through Amish country and then back down to Virginia. Stop and enjoy all the homemade foods and sight see. It'll be our first vacation together."

Bright green eyes met hers, a huge smile graced Dink's face and lit up the truck cab. "Ya know your romantic side is showing through again."

"Yeah I know and it only happens around you." She jumped when she heard L's voice over the radio that Dink had. She gave her a quick kiss and climbed down out of the truck. "Stay in the truck, I don't want you getting hurt." She closed the door before Dink could say a word and walked to the area where she would meet Sampson. As she walked, she noticed a lot of garbage trucks backed up to the landfill area and agents pretending that they were sanitation engineers. A lot of them had never done manual labor in their lives and looked out of place, with the exception of Jack who was running around in the landfill looking at what had been dumped in there. In one hand, she had a four-foot long 2x4 board and was smacking at something amongst the garbage. She gave out a loud victory yell and held a huge dead rat up in the air by its tail. "Got my supper!"

Looking at her watch, she saw that Sampson had five minutes to get there. At the sound of a car, it had to be him. The car was a new Jaguar with smoked windows and flashy rims that sparkled in the sunlight. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest and waited for him to stop and get out of the car. He was nothing like she expected, his tall muscular body and glistening dark hair made him look like he should be modeling for GQ magazine. She stood her ground when he came with in two foot of her, he lowered his dark sunglasses and gave her body the once over. A small smile lifted one corner of his mouth beneath his goatee and mustache.

"I pictured you quite differently."

"Makes two of us." She growled deeply. "Let's get this over with so I can get on with my life and be rid of you and all your bullshit."

He gave her a deep burst of laughter. "Like I'm going to let you just walk away afterwards? Get real. You know what I look like and I never leave any witnesses."

"Well, I'll be the first then." She gave him a beaming smile.

"You're so sure of this are you?" He looked around and saw that no one was paying any attention to them and pulled a pistol from inside his jacket. "Now give me the microchip."

Brice shook her head slightly, reached in her back pocket for a white envelope and handed it to him. "Now shove it up your ass."

"So lady like, you surprise me."

"Fuck you asshole!" She stepped back, brought her foot up and kicked the pistol from his hand. "I hate cocky son of a bitches!" She caught the side of his head with her fist and watched his stagger a bit before he recovered enough to eject a blade from his jacket sleeve. "Ya know they say that men who play with big toys are compensating for their little dicks." That brought a deep growl from Sampson, before he could do anything, he found himself surrounded by agents with pistols pointed at him.

"You set me up you bitch!" He yelled and tried to cut her.

"Not as smart as you thought you were huh?" She half turned away from him and changed her mind. "By the way, Paul says hello." She laughed as his jaw dropped open. "He's in witness protection right now so forget about trying to have him killed off before he testifies against you." She left him with those words and turned to find Dink right behind her. "I thought I told you to…"

"Don't start with me, I never take orders." She wrapped her arms around her lover and held her tightly. "You could have been shot kicking that gun out of his hand."

"But I wasn't." She kissed the top of her lover's head before pulling back to look into frightened green eyes. "You're stuck with me."

"For the next 50 or 60 years or until my singing kills you."

"I'll buy earplugs, need them anyway 'cuz you snore and talk in your sleep."

Dink gasped and slapped her in her lower back. "I do not snore!"

"Uuhh huh! Like a train!" Jack said as she walked past them with her hands full of dead rats. "Screams real loud to." Leaving before Dink could say a word, Jack ran to show her trophies to her partner.

Sampson had no idea what he was in for when he was put in the back seat of L and Jack's car. With being handcuffed to the steel ring built into the seat, he couldn't get away from the dead rats that Jack kept tossing over the seat at him.

"I think they're all dead but I maybe wrong, let me know if one wakes up." She turned back in her seat and gave L a toothy grin.

"You're a sick bitch Jack, hope one of them is still alive and bites his stupid egotistical ass."

Jack held up a roll of fishing line and winked at her. "Let's have some fun." She pulled on the fishing line and heard Sampson scream from the back seat, then all was quiet in the car. "I think he had a heart attack."

"Good. Save the taxpayers some money." L remarked.


Paul was not charged with anything since he helped bring in his former boss Sampson, he was placed in witness protection permanently. Sampson was brought up on treason charges among other things that the Government could tack onto him, he was now serving a couple of lifetimes in prison and living the life of luxury on the fifth floor. His cellmate was also a lifer who had been convicted of numerous counts of kinky sex acts with both humans and animals. The man would never have been caught if he had not tried to screw the Governor's daughter and his dog all in one night. Up until that day he had never had a cellmate, he would be sure and thank the warden the next time he saw him. Right now, he had other things he wanted to do with a certain hog-tied up Sampson.


Dink covered her eyes with her hands and mumbled under her breath; Leslie was straddling Terry's body where she had her pinned in the middle of the aisle. The other train passengers were stuck on either side of them waiting to get through.

"Give me your ticket!" Leslie yelled at her lover and started to do a body search. "No ticket! No train ride!" She looked up with her caramel colored eyes narrowed and glowing. "Where's you tickets people? Better get them or I'll throw ya off the train…while it's moving!"

To Dink's amazement the crowd dwindled down to a couple of perverts who wanted to watch her friends fool around on the floor. She knew it would be too good to be true that she and Brice would be able to escape their friends and be alone. Now the four of them were all on the train and in just a few minutes, they would be on their way to Amish country and later in to the abyss if she could get Brice away from the dining car long enough. When long arms reached around her and pulled her back into a strong body, she sighed and ran her hands across her lover's forearms.

"What took ya so long Elmo?"

"It's a surprise, let's go to our room and let the children terrorize the other passengers."

"Good idea." She turned in Brice's arms and kissed her softly. "So ya gonna tell me the surprise when we get there?"

"Maybe, maybe not."


"You had them do all of this in just a few minutes?" Dink looked around the large stateroom, candles were glowing from every surface, and a large silver candelabra sat in the center of the dinner table casting its warm glow across a vase filled with red roses. The scent of cinnamon filled the air along with the delicious smell of food.

"I called from home before we left and asked if they could do it for me. I hope you like it."

"More than like." She wrapped her arms around Brice and gave her a deep heartfelt kiss. "Ya know what will make it better though?"

"Uuhmm nope."

"I'll show you." She took Brice's hand and led her over to the small suitcase she had under the huge bed. Opening it, she pulled out a pair of Amazon leathers and held them in front of Brice. "You wearing this will make every single thing better." She batted her eyes at her lover when pale blue rolled. "Come on Elmo, humor my wicked little self." Brice took the leathers and went into the bathroom to change, she would wear plastic wrap if it made Dink happy. Shedding her clothes, she put the leathers on and then looked in the mirror at her reflection. "Eat your heart out Lucy." She had just stepped into the room when she heard a loud knock and then a voice asking for their tickets, she stood behind Dink as she opened the door. The two of them almost fell over at the sight before them.

"Hi guys! Need your tickets." Jack said from beneath the conductor's hat she wore that was three sizes too big. She took the tickets, punched them and then handed them back. "Hey L! Guess who's on the train with us!?" She jumped three foot in the air when the door was slammed and locked. "And they're happy to see us!" She yelled as she ran down the hallway to find her partner. "Gonna have lotsa fun on this case!"

Brice covered her eyes and whined. "Why us!?"

"Don't know Elmo, but we're not opening that door for anybody!" Dink slid a chair under the handle and made sure it couldn't be moved. Jack may be able to pick locks but there wasn't a damn thing she could do about a chair wedged under the handle. Or was there?

The End

The Sanitation Engineer
By Larisa

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive