~ Forgotten Love ~
by Lillybet

Disclaimers: See Part 1

Thanks to my beta reader, Steph - you rock! Thanks also to WebWarrior for putting up with my constant changes.

Part 5 - The First Visit

When I got back to the hospital, I felt better about the situation. I had some answers, I knew what was happening, and I felt a little bit more in control. I guess knowledge really is power.

Visiting hours were just about to start and all of our family and close friends were waiting for me when I arrived.

I smiled at them all with a confident smile that came from the knowledge that Al had survived a hit-and-run, she'd called me when she was battered and broken, she'd fought for consciousness at my name, and that she was still fighting.

My Al was still in there and she was going to get through this. I just hoped it was sooner rather than later.

I hugged everyone and cried with a few. Al's family was really supportive and wanted to be there for me. They offered to help with everything from watering the garden to ironing my laundry. I'd never liked accepting help from anyone but I knew that I would need it now. I decided to wait until I went home before trying to figure out what I would need help with.

Only a few people were allowed in Al's room at a time so I sat back and let the others go in ahead of me. I'd already had my initial visit this morning. I'd already seen the small, seemingly helpless figure lying in the bed with wires and tubes and bandages everywhere. It was completely different from the confident, self-assured (even cocky), and independent woman I was in love with, but it was still Al.

Everyone else needed a chance to see what I'd seen. They needed the chance to tell her they loved her and reconcile themselves to the fact that she may be this way for a while. They also needed to reassure themselves of her presence, to touch her and hear her heartbeat.

I knew that and wanted to let them have some time alone with her to do all of those things.

Al's mum and dad went into her room first, along with her older sister Charlotte and younger sister Margaret. Charlotte and Margaret came out with fresh tear tracks. They nodded to their husbands that it was okay for them to go in. Michael and Callum had always been close to Al (they'd both courted their wives since high school and known Al a long time) and I could see how upset they were at the situation. After a few minutes, they emerged with Al's mum and dad.

All of them hugged me before taking a seat in the waiting room. I tried to explain some things to them but I think they were too upset to listen so I left them alone.

Al's small group of friends entered next. They'd always felt like good people to me; like people I'd known forever. They'd all met in high school and stayed friends. They were the kind of people who spoke their minds, laughed at everything, and were always willing to take a chance for a friend.

It hurt to see them so sad and sombre at that moment.

Kyle, an old friend of mine, put his arm around me in silent comfort as I watched the troupe walk into Al's room. He placed half a beef sandwich and half a can of coke in my lap.

"You need your strength little one," his smile taking the sting out of the comment about my height. He'd always called me little one, even when he'd only been an inch taller than me. Then he watched me sternly while I ate every last piece and drank all of the coke.

"Thanks, I feel much better." I hugged my friend hard. Somehow he'd known that I could get sick if I didn't eat. He was a good friend and always had been.

As we hugged, Al's friends filed out of her room. Jen looked a little shaky and was being supported by Mark, who looked lost. Jo had a few tissues in her hands and extra red eyes. Sean was trying to hide the fear I could see in his eyes while he smiled at me.

We all hugged.

Finally, I lead mum, dad and Kyle into Al's room. I heard mum suck in a breath as dad came to hug me from behind.

Kyle walked over to Al's still form and pressed his lips against the bandage on her forehead. He looked to me while whispering something in her ear.

When he came towards me again, he was wearing a small smile. He probably said something dirty, hoping the shock would rouse her.

"I'll be outside when you're ready." He hugged me.

"Thanks," I smiled and made my way to the chair next to Al's bed.

"She'll be okay mum," I stated confidently. "She just needs this rest."

"I hope so honey." Mum sniffled.


Mum and dad were eventually convinced that Kyle would look after me until he took me home that night.

"I'll call you when I get home tonight," I sighed.

Mum looked at me disbelievingly but held her tongue. She hugged me before dad ushered her out the door. He turned back at the last instant and winked at me with a small smile. I smiled back reflexively. I loved how my dad could do that to me. I waved and he disappeared after mum.

After that was settled, I wandered Al's room. I touched each piece of equipment with new respect. These things were doing and monitoring specific things to make sure the doctors and nurses knew the instant something changed or became a problem. I tried to convey in that touch all of my hoping, wishing and longing for Al to get better.

With all of the wires and tubes connected to Al, I was unsure about touching her too roughly. The nurses had assured me though that holding her hand wouldn't hurt her, so I sat with her like that.

She was a mess,… but she was still here,… and she was still my mess.

I found hope in the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. A sound that had always lulled me to sleep because it meant the safety of her arms around me.

"Just you and me, gorgeous." I smiled sadly.


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