~ Star Dust ~
by loubug

Disclaimers: This story is the next step forward from my first story "More Than There Are Stars", you will understand this one much better if you've read the other first.. This is also a story of love between two women….so if you don't like that type of tale, or you're too young you should exit now…..if you're still with me then…..hang on…..here we go…….

This particular entry deals with rape and its aftermath. If you are uncomfortable with those topics you may want to skip this one…..


Part 10

Abigail tilted her head to the side; her pointy little ear focused on the air around her. At first she thought someone entered Sarah and Robin's room, but that was not the case. She listened closely. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Shrugging her shoulders her attention moved back to coordinates and maps, she was close to pinpointing the portal to Orion. Suddenly, she felt a stabbing pain in her chest. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Something was wrong with Otis.

She decided she would no longer wait for him to communicate with her. Abigail concentrated hard on Otis, and before long she had tapped into his thoughts.

"Otis…what is wrong?"

The tiny spec felt relief flood through him, even though he knew his time was almost up. He didn't have the energy to initiate contact with his superior…his friend. A weak smile crossed the spec's face.

Otis closed his eyes blocking out the image before him. He would not let his dying vision be a woman with eyes filled with hate. He concentrated hard on Abigail…her smile, her eyes, the way she constantly scolded him for his antics. A tear slid from beneath closed lids.

"Abigail…I have failed. I did my best. And I failed."

Abigail could hear the weakness in Otis' voice. She could feel the energy of his life force deteriorating. She knew her emotions were so powerful that Otis could feel them, still she wanted to be strong for him.

"Otis you have not failed…do you hear me? You were sent on this mission to protect Robin and guide her to the priestess of the chosen one. You accomplished all that and more."

Abigail paused. She hoped her thoughts would help soothe Otis.

"I am so sorry Otis…"

The tiny spec smiled as Abigail's thoughts filled his being. His breathing was becoming more and more labored. The warm feelings that saturated his being were much more comforting than the cold eyes that had been staring at him through thick glass.


Abigail could barely pick up on the tiny spec's thoughts. He was growing so weak.

"Don't let her…enter the portal…"

Tears streamed down Abigail's face. She nodded her head and assured Otis that they would stop the evil woman. She wanted his last thoughts to be certain. Magna would not enter Orion. Abigail could feel the struggle her partner was having with each breath. She knew his time was nearly over. She summoned the strength she needed to let go…

"Rest now Otis…"

Otis slumped against the glass, as if waiting for the command from Abigail. Finally, he gave up the fight to breathe. Abigail felt the connection to Otis break and she knew he was gone. Her thoughts were silent as tears slipped from her eyes.

"Goodbye Otis."

The door to the chamber opened and Sarah stepped in. Her eyes were swollen and Abigail realized that the chosen one must have told Sarah about Otis' passing.

"Abigail I'm so sorry."

The tiny spec flew to Sarah and landed in the waiting palm that the blonde had turned up. Sarah cupped her other hand around Abigail as she pulled the spec to her chest. Offering privacy and closeness. It was the best comfort Sarah knew to give.

The next hour was spent in silent mourning for their fallen comrade. The only sound to fill the chamber was that of crying and sniffling. Time dragged on slowly. Abigail and Sarah knew they had to act soon. Magna would not waste a moment in getting to them.

The tiny spec dried her eyes and thanked Sarah for all she had done. She would find a way to repay the woman later. Right now they had to finish pinpointing where the portal would open and how to stop Magna from entering Orion.

Sarah waited until she knew Abigail's tears had subsided. It was going to be a long night and they needed to be as relaxed as possible. Sarah had no doubt in her abilities to perform what the chosen one had instructed her to do.

"Abigail…we must go to the Chosen one's chamber. I am going to bring Robin back here and I need your help."

The tiny spec's red eyes widened in understanding.

"You're going to merge with Robin?"

Sarah nodded her head.

"It's the only way."

Abigail knew Sarah could not be persuaded otherwise. Merging was always a risk. But, if any two people could do it, Abigail knew in her heart that Sarah and Robin were the ones.

"Very well Sarah…you know I will help you. We need to begin soon."

"The Chosen one is ready…and so am I."

Abigail smiled up at her friend.

"Well then…let's go get your soulmate."

The two females walked out of the chamber, leaving behind a dark room filled with countless emotions. It was a silent walk to their destination. Both lost in their own thoughts. Sarah filled with the love she had for Robin and Abigail tending a broken heart. Otis had become a dear friend to her, despite his childish antics. He had helped Abigail rediscover the playfulness of her youth and for that she would be forever grateful. A feeling of peace settled over the small spec, almost as if she knew she would see him again…someday. Regardless, Otis would not be forgotten…


Feed the bard…..still with me…..loubug@zoomnet.net


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