~ Reaching Out ~
by MBInc

Disclaimer: CSI belongs to CBS and Jerry Bruckheimer. Megan, Sam, Nate, Paula and Magda are mine though ^_^
A/N: I apologize for the long wait. I hope you'll like it.

Chapter 21

Magda walked back into the restaurant. She'd finished the dishes and was now restocking the bar fridges.

"Can I have one of those?" a voice asked from behind as she put the last bottles of water in the fridge.

As she turned round she saw Sam sitting on a stool at the other side of the bar. "Sure," Magda said softly as she stood up right and placed one of the bottles in front of the paramedic. "I was afraid you changed your mind."

"I promised I would come," Sam replied as she gave the Latina a once over. "You really look great, Magda," she added as she noticed Magda's well-shaped body.

Magda blushed, looking down self-consciously. She never could stand Sam's piercing eyes. "Thank you." She walked around the bar and sat down next to Sam, evading the paramedic's gaze by looking at her entwined hands. After a moment of silence passed between the two women, Magda spoke up.

"Two years ago I destroyed everything. My life, us, my job…Everything. A week after you left-"

"I didn't leave," Sam interrupted, her voice sounding bitter. "You kicked me out of your life."

Magda nodded. She had pushed Sam away, not the other way around. "After I pushed you away I lost it completely. Alcohol was my only friend, or so it seemed. A week later I lost my job. The boss caught me drinking during my shift."

Sam listened to Magda, trying to keep an open mind as she processed it all. She'd already downed half of the bottle of water, yet her mouth still felt like the Sahara. She'd been nervous the whole evening, and was figuring out why. She wasn't the one apologizing and fessing up. Maybe I'm nervous because this is the first step towards…

Magda's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Your brother-"

"Nate? What has he got to do with this?"

"I'd been sober for about a year when I ran into your brother. I still hadn't found a job and Nate was looking for new kitchen staff for the Inn."

Sam nodded. Typically Nate. "And he offered you a job," she stated rather than asked.

"Yes," Magda answered. "He gave me the chance to work in a kitchen again. First I did just the cooking, now I manage the entire kitchen and everything relating to it."

"He must trust you a lot to let you run his kitchen."

Magda's shoulders straightened. "I'm a hard worker."

"Yeah…Just like you worked hard at Les Amis." Sam cringed as she realized what she'd just said.

"I Guess I had that one coming," Magda said as she started to fidget with the ring that was on the necklace she was wearing.

Sam immediately recognized the ring and suddenly felt her ring burning close to her heart. She too, still carried the ring, their ring, on a necklace. Unconsciously, Sam reached up and touched the one thing she always ring that was hidden underneath her shirt. After a moment of silence, Sam quietly asked, "How long have you been sober now?"

"One year, four months and five days." Magda stated as she finally looked up and met the paramedic's eyes.

"Good. I'm glad you're doing better." Sam leaned across the bar and threw the now empty bottle in the trash can.

"Thank you for coming. For listening to me," Magda said as she awkwardly held out her hand, wanting to touch the blonde, but not certain whether Sam would want that.

Sam shook the Latina's hand, looking up as what felt like an electric current flowed through their linked hands. "I…Eh..I should go." Sam got off her stool and headed for the door. She really had to stop herself from running from the room. Her body was betraying her mind. Her feelings were going crazy and she felt she needed to get out before she would do anything stupid.

"Oh," Magda said, surprise about Sam's sudden departure clearly noticeable in her voice. "Okay."

"Sam?" Magda called after the paramedic as she was about to disappear through the doors.

"Yeah?" Sam said as she turned back.

"Maybe we could go out for a coffee sometime?"

"Maybe," Sam replied. Despite the pain she'd been through when the Latina had pushed her away, Sam knew that her heart still belonging to Magda. She knew she still had feelings for her, locked deep inside her, but they were still there. But she also knew that, if she would want to try again with Magda, she'd be very careful. Her heart had been broken once, and she was definitely not letting that happen again. "I'll give you a call."

"Okay," Magda almost whispered in reply as she watched the retreating form of her ex lover. Magda was a little disappointed, but understood Sam's reaction. She hoped that this had been a step in the right direction. The Latina hoped that, one day, they could at least be friends again.

She got up from her stool and headed back into the kitchen again. There was some paperwork left to do, so after grabbing some of the papers one of the delivery guys had left, Magda headed for the Inn's small office.

Inside Paula was busily working on the computer. Looking up from the screen she gave the Latina an expectant look. "And?"

"We talked…Sort of. I did most of the talking," Magda said as she threw herself down in the chair next to Paula.

"So…A start?"

"Yes…I hope so. She-" At that moment the phone rang, interrupting Magda.

Paula quickly reached for the phone. "SF Inn, good evening. Hi. Yes, she's here. One moment," Paula said then handed the phone over to Magda. "It's for you."

Magda looked at the clock on the wall opposite her, wondering who'd call for her at this hour. She'd gotten everything she ordered today and all the suppliers' offices were long closed. She took the offered phone and spoke up. "Hello?"


The Latina gulped as she realized who was on the line, her heartbeat picking up."Yes…Sam?"

"I…I didn't know how to reach you otherwise. I wasn't sure whether you still have the same cell number. Otherwise I would have…" Sam suddenly stop, letting out a nervous breath. "Okay, I'll stop rambling now. Why I'm calling is because I'd like to ask if you want to have lunch tomorrow?"

Magda sat stunned. She hadn't expected this. Not this fast. After Paula poked her in the ribs she realized Sam was still waiting for an answer. "I'd love to, but I have to-"

"No, you don't," Paula interjected. "I can-"

Magda stopped Paula with a raised hand and a shake of her head. "I'm sorry, Sam," Magda said, giving Paula a stern look. "I have to work tomorrow afternoon, but I'd love for you to come to the Inn."

"Sure. I'll be there round noon."

"Great. See you tomorrow." Smiling shyly, Magda put the phone down.

"I could've covered for you," Paula started.

Magda shook her head. "No. She needs to know I take my job seriously. I have to show her I've got everything back on the rails."

Paula nodded, then smiled. "You definitely made a good start. And I'm sure your cooking skills will help you out. The way to Sam's heart…"


Catherine looked in the mirror. Despite the fact that she was very tired, she also felt happy. She was glad Megan was okay and that the girls were both out of the hospital now. The two were temporarily sleeping in the room across the hall, but tomorrow they would have a look at the apartment Magda had mentioned to them that afternoon…

"Sam couldn't help us out," Lindsey said as she sat down at the table in the restaurant area. Looking up at Magda she continued, "Perhaps you know a place?"

Magda, who had just finished preparations for tonight's dinner, grabbed a chair and sat down. "Well," she started. "Last week the land lord said he was still looking for new people for an apartment one floor above mine. I could give you his number?"

Lindsey looked at her mother and Sara. Both of the women nodded. They could always try. "What would be great," Lindsey said as she stood up from her chair. "I'll tell Megan we've probably found something." The blonde rushed from the restaurant area and headed for the room where Megan was resting.

"I'll give Mr. Allison a call right away. I'll be right back." The Latina took her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed the number while walking back to the kitchen.

"I hope that apartment is still vacated," Catherine said as she looked at Sara. "That way Magda can check on them from time to time."

"Catherine," Sara started as she reached across the table and covered the strawberry blonde's hand with her own. "They're responsible young women. They'll do just fine. You have to let her find her own way."

"I know." The older woman sighed. "But she's my little girl. She needs-"

"She needs Megan, and Megan needs her. Together they'll be fine."

"How can you be so sure?" Catherine asked.

"I can't, but think about it, Catherine. Lindsey was going here alone…She isn't alone anymore." The brunette locked eyes with Catherine, hoping she could take some of the doubts that had clouded the older woman's mind.

At that moment Magda headed over to their table again. "It's still available. I've made an appointment for you to have a look tomorrow morning at ten. I hope that's ok?"

"Yes," Sara replied. "Thank you very much, Magda."

The Latina smiled. "You're welcome. The apartments are all very clean and spacious. The rent's cheap and Mr. Allison is a nice guy. He'll help out whenever and wherever he can."

"Let's tell Megan and Lindsey the good news," Catherine said, looking from Sara to Magda and back.

"I've got to start cooking," Magda replied. "I'll talk to you guys later." And with that said the Latina headed behind the bar and entered the kitchen.

Catherine and Sara headed up to the room where Lindsey and Megan were staying. When there was no response to their knocking on the door, Catherine opened the door and the two women walked in.

The sight they were met with melted their hearts.

The two young women were lying on the bed, Lindsey resting her head on Megan's chest, the brunette's arm wrapped around Lindsey's body.

"We'll tell 'em later," Sara whispered. "When we bring them dinner."

Catherine switched off the light. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day. They had brought Lindsey and Megan dinner and told them about the apartment and the appointment that Magda'd arranged for them. They decided then that tomorrow all four of them would go to have a look at the apartment tomorrow.

She headed out of the bathroom and walked over to the bed where Sara was already sleeping. She crawled under the covers and got comfortable. Only seconds after she'd closed her eyes she felt the brunette's weight shift, the taller body of the other woman rolling closer to her own, spooning her from behind.

Sara muttered something un intelligible in her sleep as she put her arm around Catherine's waist and pulled her back into her own body. Catherine sighed contently, Sara's arm around her gave her a feeling of security. Of being safe. She thought about her daughter.

Would Megan Sidle be her safe haven?


Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading! Feedback is very much appreciated and can be sent to mbinc_65@hotmail.com

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