~ The Lady of the Harbour ~
by Melissa Wild

Disclaimer: All characters belong to me, as does the story, if you have any comments or criticisms (constructive ones only) then feel free to email at melissabuhagiar@hotmail.com

Chapter 3

The first thing I heard was the sound of my alarm clock going off, like a pneumatic drill in my head. Still half asleep, I stifled a yawn, reaching out groggily to switch the accursed thing off, before it drove me mad.

Easing myself upright I grimaced at the pain that followed the action, my features contorting with each movement of my already fragile feeling body. Then wiping the sleep from my eyes I looked over to see what time it was.

Twelve o'clock…damn…I thought, mentally scolding myself…I had overslept, which wasn't like me at all, usually I was up at first light….but then again… I'd had a restless night…and couldn't even remember going to sleep.

What I could remember was lying awake in the dark, on the couch, too tired to make it to my bedroom, but unable to sleep. The silence in the room, an almost tangible presence; my tired mind flooding over with thoughts of Annabella, and when sleep finally descended down upon me, she followed me into my dreams.

I was standing on a deserted stretch of sand, caught up in the wrath of a raging storm. In the far off distance, on the edge of the sand I could make out a lighthouse, its powerful searchlight tracing a path over the turbulent ocean; the thrashing waves seeming to have a life of their own. Rising up swiftly to such a height, that I stepped back in fear, sure that at any moment I would be swept out to sea.

She was standing directly ahead of me, at the waters edge, her back facing me, staring off into the distance; still dressed in white, but the dress she had on this time was of a more elaborate design than the one I had seen her in last. Drawn in painfully tight at the waist, so that it left little room to breathe, or move, it billowed out across the sand; the front of it spilling into the ocean before her; the long silk skirts trailing behind her.

Her hair swept up off her face, a few stray ringlets having come loose cascaded softly across her cheeks. Small slivers of moonlight reflected in the darkness of her eyes, taking my breath away. Moving towards her I reached out a hand to touch her shoulder, and then she turned round to face me, her dress sweeping round in an arc as she did. Her eyes meeting mine, the expression on her face one of sheer disbelief, and then immense sadness.

Unsure of what to do…all I could do was stand there, watching, waiting, feeling the emotions radiating out from her as if they were my own…anger, fear…pain…and sadness so much sadness that it was unbearable. Quiet at first, like the static you get on a radio station, they became gradually louder, and louder, until I couldn't stand it anymore. The intensity behind them so overwhelming, so overpowering that it made my head hurt, and my heart felt as if it would break. I could feel my whole body shaking, and it felt as if I had swallowed a shard of glass.

Walking towards me, she had her arms stretched out in front of her, the white of her dress making her appear almost ethereal. Tears in her eyes as she laid her hand upon my shoulder, and then I think I woke up to find myself crying aswell…after that I must have fallen asleep again.

The thing I found most troubling though was no matter how many times my mind went over, and over the imagined scenario in an attempt to make some sense of it. I still couldn't figure out why her seeing me and touching my face as she had done would make her cry? Or why seeing her in such a state would disturb me so…when I hardly knew her.

Shifting myself on the couch, I glanced quickly back over at the clock….the digital letters blinked 12.30…damn…I cursed…the day was halfway through.

I'd planned to do some work on my book…but I had also made plans to go back into the harbour, and look around the shops.

But the prospect of getting any work done on my book looked bleak at the moment, and I couldn't have begun to make an attempt on my writing even if I had wanted to… my head still hurt terribly, and I couldn't concentrate or focus on anything…at least not until I came up with a sufficient answer for the dream I'd had.

Well, I thought….seen as I'm going to the harbour again anyway…I could try to find her again. Or failing that perhaps there would be someone in the village who knew her, or might know where she lived. I knew that I was clutching at straws, but I couldn't help it….I needed an explanation. Some sort of answer….because somehow, I had developed feelings for her.

Which was strange in itself, considering yesterday had been the first time that I'd ever laid eyes on her; I needed to be sure, I had to find her again, get to know her better, see if there could be any chance for us….woah! Slow down…I told myself. Take it one step at a time…you're getting carried away with yourself here, and she could very easily be married.

Grabbing hold of the arm of my couch I hauled myself up my mind set on going to the harbour, wincing as my back clicked noisily back into place, cutting off my thoughts abruptly. Then slowly I made my way back over the hard wood floor, and over to the cream carpeted staircase, that spiralled upwards, before disappearing out of sight. The matching cream balustrade winding around with it, the paint chipped in places so that the wood was visible beneath.

Grabbing hold of it, I raced up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time, until the wooden frame of my door gradually emerged into view, situated at the bottom of a rectangular shaped corridor, papered in warm golden leafy print.

Stepping over a piece of carpet at the top of the stairs that hadn't been properly tacked down, I ran an idle hand along the wall, as I made my way towards the door at the end, passing two other doors on the way. The bathroom and the spare bedroom; my footsteps creaking noisily with each step I took, sounding deafening in the otherwise eerie silence.

Reaching out to grasp the door handle, I pushed it inwards, the door momentarily sticking, catching on the carpet below, and preventing the door from moving any further. Pushing the full weight of my body against it, I was sent tumbling into the room beyond, as the door swung suddenly, and violently open.

Picking myself up off the floor, I walked up to my Devan king sized bed in the corner. The only memento I had of my failed relationship with my ex girlfriend Kristy. She had taken every other piece of furniture from the house we had once shared…but because the bed was the only thing that I had bought to furnish it…she had not argued when I asked if I could have it.

I'd intended to make up the bed last night, but the sheets were still piled neatly atop the immaculately whiter than white mattress, the pillows stacked neatly alongside them. The rest of the furniture in the room consisted of an overly large pine chest of drawers in the far right hand corner of the room opposite the bed.

An old, but comfy looking armchair in the left hand corner, and a few empty shelves directly above it, where I would put my growing collection of horror books when I got round to unpacking them. Apart from the books, I still hadn't managed to unpack any of my clothes yet, the ones that I had managed to unpack where folded neatly on the bed, alongside the bed linen, and pillows. The rest of the clothes were still in the brown suitcase that I had brought up with me, still leaning against the wardrobe where I'd left it.

Walking back over to the bed, I rummaged through the clothes, not sure what to wear, finally after several minutes of searching without avail, I chose a pair of stonewashed denim jeans, a back crop top to better accentuate my waistline, and a pair of black socks, and underwear to match.

Glancing briefly out the huge bay windows behind me that looked out onto the harbour, I gazed wistfully down at the tiny ships bobbing about on the blue waters below, and then turning swiftly on my heels, I walked out the bedroom, and back down the corridor; passing the spare bedroom that was at the moment being used to store most of my belongings, and heading into the bathroom next door to it.

Placing my clothes on the radiator, I undressed, and had a quick shower; I then picked my clothes up off the radiator and got dressed, staring at my reflection in the mirror to the left of the shower cubicle. Overly aware of the dark circles under my eyes, a mixture of green, and blue they stood out dramatically against the pale whiteness of my skin, my normal healthy glow now more of a deathly white, making me appear almost ghostlike.

I look awful…I muttered under my breath.

Brushing my teeth, I Picked my trainers up off the bathroom floor, and headed downstairs through the front room, and into the kitchen to the far left hand corner, to make myself a cup of coffee. Then placing the dishes in the sink, I made my way to the rack of coat hangers in the hall near the front door. Pulling on my trainers as I did, and grabbing my leather jacket off one off the hooks. Reaching down to my ankles it made me appear taller than I really was, and as Kristy had once put it, "made me seem all gothic and mysterious"

Pausing for a minute to look in the mirror above the fireplace, I brushed my hair back, letting it flow loosely around my shoulders, adding a touch of make up here and there in an attempt to hide my pasty complexion, so that if I did bump into Annabella again, then I wouldn't send her running for the hills with fright.

Then opening the front door, I stepped outside, shielding my eyes against the blazing sun, thankful for the breeze that I could feel on my face. Folding my jacket over my left arm, I shoved my right hand into my jeans.

My mind going over things that I might say to Annabella, if I saw her again, but I couldn't come up with so much as a syllable; anything I thought of I instantly dismissed. Scene after scene playing through my mind like the build up to some grand epic romance, as I made my way down Cragston hill, and towards the distant harbour.


The sound of fishermen calling out to each other, their voices hoarse from shouting rang out across the harbour, accompanied by the sound of churning engines as one by one a large group of fishing boats, of various sizes, shapes, and colours, docked at the harbour, in preparation for the days market.

Standing with my back to the ocean, I watched with a blank expression on my face, as a flock of seagulls flew in ever growing circles around the small row of houses just across the road from me. Lined up neatly alongside each other, each one was painted in bright vibrant colours, of pinks, and reds which clashed dramatically with everything around them.

Situated next to the row of houses stood a few shops, pulling myself up of the railings I headed over to them, stumbling, and very nearly losing my balance when a group of tourists pushed past me, cursing softly to myself I watched as they continued on, blanking me completely as if nothing had happened.

"Nice people," I muttered to myself, my voice tinged with an edge of sarcasm as they walked over to the section of railings I had been leaning against a moment ago, directly below them was another group of tourists on the pathway below, boots crunching heavily on the hard gravel; Pointing and clicking away with their camera's at anything, or anyone who was unlucky enough to come within their line of sight. Rubbing my shoulder from where I had been hit, I took a deep breath to calm myself down, and walked the rest of the way to the row of shops that I'd been travelling towards, before I had been so rudely distracted.

Just a few feet in front of me was a bakery, the name of the shop painted in large gold letters above the door, the smell of freshly cooked bread drifting up the street towards me, reminding me of the small breakfast I'd had, and how hungry I was. Next door to that was an expensive looking seafood restaurant, the restaurant's name 'The harbour view' situated on a plaque to the left of the doorway, written in gold letters, and set against a green backdrop.

The menu placed at a somewhat precarious angle on the opposite side.

Moving on swiftly I resisted the urge to go over, and look at it, and instead made a mental note to go back there when I had more time on my hands, and someone to go with.

Turning on my heels, I then walked on down the narrow street, pushing my way though the crowds that had suddenly accumulated there, as if by magic, pausing to catch my breath outside a small, and rather musty smelling old bookshop, called Gilmour and son. Its huge bay windows covered in a thick layer of grease, so that it was impossible to see inside.

From the outside it appeared cube like in shape, and seemed chokingly claustrophobic, however when I rubbed a part of the glass clean, and peered inside, I realised with some surprise that it was actually bigger on the inside.

Rows upon rows of bookshelves stretched out across the wooden floor as far as I could see, making the shop appear like some sort of intricate maze or labyrinth, and for a brief moment, I pictured a terrifying image of a Minotaur stamping through it. Weaving in, and out the bookshelves, and frightening away anyone who dared touch the books that were stacked tightly on them, then for a few minutes I just stood there, sure that at any moment my mind's creation would come charging through the glass, and leap out at me.

My curiosity finally getting the better of me I made my way over to the rickety looking door, and pushed it to, wincing as the hinges creaked noisily when the door swung inwards. Closing the door behind me, I made my way down a row of bookshelves, running a finger along the books that had been squashed uncomfortably together, and sneezing as a thick layer of dust rose up cloud-like towards me.

"Can I help ye?" said a voice from behind me

"Wha" I spluttered, banging my shoulder against the edge of one of the shelves. Then wiping the remnants of dust from my previously black t-shirt, I took a moment to examine what I could now make out to be an old man, possibly in his late fifties, dressed in a velvet green suit, the elbows covered in dark patches that had been stitched on.

With his long flowing silver hair, and beard, he appeared wizard like, a pair of small round spectacles resting on his thin pointed nose, which he was looking over, reminding me in some vague way of how my headmistress had looked at me, on the few occasions I had gotten into trouble at school

Lifting his hand to his mouth, he placed shoddy looking tobacco pipe in it, and inhaled sharply, blowing out a stream of purplish smoke in my direction that made me cough involuntarily.

"Please…be careful of the books" he said in a thick Scottish accent that sounded breathy and worn down, as though he had just run in a marathon.

"They're quite delicate ye know, and ye should treat them as such"

Then placing the pipe back in his mouth, he took off his glasses, and began to clean them vigorously, narrowing his icy blue eyes into slits as he did so.

"Can I help ye?" he asked coughing loudly into his hand.

"I'm just browsing" I said

Then turning to face the bookshelf again, I picked up the first book that caught my eye. A small hardback, the spine cracked in places, the title of the book hidden under a thick layer of dust, then turning away from the shopkeeper I blew away the dust, gradually revealing the writing engraved there letter by letter. 'Charles Dickens, Great Expectations"

Then pulling back the front cover I looked at the illustrations inside, running my fingers over the fine print underneath, I then looked at the date that the particular version of the book had been published, it was then that I gasped in astonishment.

"My dear young lassie," said the old man who was still standing behind me, quietly observing my actions. "Are ye quite allright?"

"Here, take a seat," he said indicating to a stool at the far end of the bookshelf.

"Yes, I'm fine," I said…" Turning round to face him, my cheeks reddening from my sudden and unexpected outburst of enthusiasm, and hoping that I hadn't startled him too much

"I didn't mean to alarm you…it's just this is the first time I've ever held a first copy of any of Dickens's work in my hands "

"Ahh, do ya read him then?" he asked, his blue eyes twinkling like two twin stars.

"Well I'm a writer myself," I said, tearing my eyes away from the aged parchment to look at him "And they do say that it always helps to learn from the best"

"Aye they certainly do lassie, tell me…have you read that one"

"Oh yes," I exclaimed "Quite a few times actually, It happens to be one of my favourites, tell me" I asked "Do you have any other first copies of his work?"

"Ahh, I do lassie" he said smiling, "And though it doesn't happen very often, It always gladdens my tired old heart to come across a fellow enthusiast like yourself, here this way" he said indicating for me to follow him. "

I'm Dauvit Gilmour by the way" he said extending his hand out to me.

"Jennifer Bellis" I answered, taking his hand, and shaking it firmly in my own

"Well, Miss Bellis…follow me" he said leading the way through row upon row of bookshelves, until we came to a large oak desk at the very heart of the shop. A computer perched on top, which I guessed was probably an old apple. The keyboard was an ugly chunky looking thing, and the monitor took up almost the whole of the desk.

Directly beside that was a bundle of letters, and papers stacked up precariously high, and in the far right hand corner, behind the desk was a doorway leading into a small stockroom, which the old man disappeared into"

"Just wait there lassie," he called out behind him "I've some more copies in the back"

Then after a few minutes had passed by, and I was certain that he had brought the whole stockroom on top of himself, from all the loud banging, and cursing that I could hear, he finally emerged triumphant, his arms full of books.

"Here" he said brushing the pile of letters aside, and placing the pile of books in the space where they had been.

"Take a look at this lassie," he said his face lighting up like a child's on Christmas day.

"Go on, have a swatch, and see if there's anythin ye like"

"Excuse me?" I said, not really sure what he meant

"Swatch…isn't that a kind of watch…I'm sorry I'm not sure I understood?" I said my brow furrowing in confusion.

"A swatch….oh I'm sorry being as you're not from around here…you wouldn't know the dialect, take a swatch means take a look" he said handing me the book.

"Oh right," I said taking the book from him, and feeling a little foolish, for my lack of knowledge. Then holding the book out in front of me, I began to study it, silently mouthing the books title as I did. "Bleak House"

Placing it back on the table, I picked up another one, and did the same, while I was busy deciding, the old man lifted his pipe back to his mouth, this time blowing out a huge smoke ring that hovered in the air for at least a moment or two, before disappearing into nothing.

"Ye say you're a writer yourself" he said smiling, and stroking his long white beard thoughtfully. "What genre de ye write?"

"Mystery mostly"

"And how many books have ye had published?" he asked the smile staying on his lips.

"Just the one" I said "But I plan to have another out…I'm still working on it" I said returning his smile, "But it's hard going sometimes"

"Aye lass, I know that" he said

"Do you write yourself?" I asked

"Just a wee bit" he said "although I do it mostly as a hobby."

Then his face changed, and he dropped his gaze to the floor, as though embarrassed, and when he spoke it sounded as though he had to struggle to get the words out, his voice almost breaking in places.

"When I was young man" he continued, "I tried to make something of me writing. For so long I'd only dreamt of taking those first awkward step into the publishing world, so on a whim I sent one of my manuscripts off to the first publishers I came across.

I had so many hopes, so many expectations, but sadly they were shattered when I got turned down. I tried a few other publishers after that, but each rejection letter I got was like a knife to the heart, yet still I kept trying despite the odds, so determined I was to get it right, to prove the publishers who had rejected me wrong, but as the years passed by, and my luck failed to improve. My old heart grew tired, and weary, and I just couldn't take the disappointment anymore, so I packed away my manuscripts, and gave up my dream.

"You just need to get back your confidence" I said "If you want I could have a look at your work…I mean I just moved here yesterday, but I can come down sometime later in the week, and have a look."

"Maybe" he said turning away from me, and pretending that he hadn't heard what I'd said.

Then changing the subject he asked "So what de ye make of our little village then"

"It's lovely" I said letting the matter drop, and focusing my attention back on the book I was currently holding.

"The mystery of Edwin Drood...er, I'll have this one, "I said handing the book over to him, so he could check the price.

Closing the distance between himself, and the counter he reached out, and took the book from me, disappearing out of sight, into the far right hand corner, and began punching the figure into the till that was hidden there.

"And…Have ye made any friends yet?" he said, returning with the book, and pulling the sticky price label off for me, "You dinnae have to tell me," he said with a knowing smile "I know how important friends are when you're a young thing like yourself. I was young myself once, although you might not think it to look at me now"

"Well I did meet someone the other day" I said, "A young girl at the café down the street. I was hoping to see her again today, but as I only got a name, and no address…I don't know where to start looking"

"Well…now, perhaps if you tell me her name, then chances are I might've heard of heard of her" he said leaning over toward me.

"We're a very close knit community here…so at some time or t'nother she may have come in my shop," Then placing my book in a small black plastic carrier bag, with the name Gilmour and son printed on the front.

"That'll be thirty pounds exactly" he said

"That's quite cheap for a first edition," I said sounding pleasantly surprised

"Aye, it is but as you can see my shop's become so run down, and business isn't as good as it used to be… I hardly get many customers, so I sell what I can; besides you remind me a bit of myself when I was your age, and I know you'll take care of it"

"Thanks," I said, reaching into the inside pocket of my leather jacket, and unzipping it, then reaching inside it I pulled out my wallet, and took out a fresh crisp ten, and twenty pound note, and handed them over to him.

"So what did ye say the young lass's name was?" he asked walking back over to the till, and putting the money in.

Returning with a chair, he slid it over the small space between the till, and the counter, sliding the chair under the counter, and resting his hands on the leather cover, as he struggled to get his breath back.

"Annabella, Annabella Callaghan" I said placing my wallet back into my leather jacket, and placing the bag with my newly purchased book in on my wrist.

"Ahh" he said folding his arms across his chest.

"Do you know her?" I asked leaning forward.

"No, I'm afraid I dinnae know,"

"Well, thank you anyway, and thank you for the book" I said turning round to walk towards the door leading out of the shop, only to find my way out blocked by a giant of a man standing in front of me, his dark eyes fixed on me.

With his thick arms folded tightly across his huge barrel chest, he looked as though he had been sculpted from stone, so rigid was his pose. His mane of long dark curls and thick dark beard making him look like some sort of descendant from the Olympian gods, and I half expected a bolt of lightning to come shooting from his fingertips at any moment.

What puzzled me though was that I hadn't heard him walking up behind me….just how long had he been standing there….I wondered

"Excuse me," I said trying to ease my way past him, but finding myself unable to do so"

Completely ignoring me, he instead turned his dark stare to Dauvit.

"Hello" he said, stretching his lips into a sort of half smile, which looked false somehow, as though it had been fixed into place, and when I looked from Dauvit back to the man standing in front of me, I was dimly aware of a connection of some sort passing between them"

"Hager" said Dauvit the cheery expression he had displayed beforehand fading away, a mask of fear sliding over his features in its place, and when he looked over at me he seemed considerably paler, as if some invisible force had somehow sucked all the colour from him, leaving behind this pale and huddled figure in is wake.

Somehow, despite the fear I could quite clearly see running through him, he made his way round the desk, and pulled me gently away from the man whose name I now knew was Hager.

"Let the lady pass" he said "Then you, and I can talk in private"

"Okay then," said Hager grinding his teeth together in an irritated manner, moving his huge frame sideways to let me past, the same half smile frozen on his lips as I passed him by, his dark eyes burning into mine, as he lifted a hand to his head, as though to tilt an imaginary hat,

"See you around lassie," he said with an undertone of menace, the smile on his face becoming broader, but rather than making me feel at ease, it just made me feel more uncomfortable, and seemed more like a leer than a gesture of warmth or friendliness.

Confused, and somewhat panicked as to what innuendo hid lay hidden behind the smile, and the harmless suggestion he had made, I hurried on out the shop door, shielding my eyes from the sunlight as I stepped out onto the pavement, then rushing over to the shop window, I peered through the glass, but couldn't make out what was happening inside.

Hastily rubbing a larger section of the glass clean in an attempt to get a clearer view, I again looked inside; they were standing at the back, still talking…what the devil is going on... I thought….squinting into the darkness…I could make out the two figures standing at the end of the room, but could not make out what they were saying, as it was too far away for me to hear.

My face pressed right up against the cold glass I managed to get a hazy image of Dauvit's worry lined face, before the blind shot down without warning, preventing me from seeing anything further.


What the hell? ….What was that all about? ...I asked myself as I moved on swiftly down the street; question after question racing through my mind. What had I just witnessed? What had Dauvit and the other creepy bloke Hager…been talking about? But more importantly than that…why when I had glimpsed Dauvit's pale, drawn face through the glass…had he seemed so frightened by it?

None of it made any sense to me, and no matter how many times I ran the scenario through my mind…I couldn't come up with a single answer, or logical explanation for what I had witnessed. Perhaps it had been nothing more than a perfectly rational conversation taking place between two perfectly rational adults.

I could very well have been blowing things out of all proportion, and allowing my already overactive imagination to run away with me.

No…my mind shouted back at me…that didn't seem right, but then again…what could I possibly hope to do about it?

Even if something untoward had been going on, being a stranger in town, it was out of my hands, and there was nothing I could do to change that. So there was little point in worrying about it. Besides it was almost 3'0 clock, the blue sky above me was being slowly covered by patches of grey cloud, and there was still as yet no sign of Annabella. Pausing for a moment I put on my leather jacket that was still folded across my arm; straightening the collar which had become crumpled, and yanking it up to my chin to keep out the cold air that was trying to snake its way in.

The next building I came across was the local pub, which I noted with some amusement, was called 'The Siren's Song. A picture of a woman singing, painted on the huge sign hung above the door, the rusted chains holding it in place, squeaking faintly, sounding as if they hadn't been oiled in over a century.

From inside I could make out the sound of people laughing, and talking, walking up to the door, I peered inside, my eyes scanning round the crowded room. Satisfied there was nothing to see, I was about to make my way back to the coffee house, when something caught my eye.

In the far corner of the room was a girl, sitting by herself, her elbows propped up against the beer stained, wooden oak bar, her hands splayed out across her back, reminding me in some way of how Annabella had looked the first time I had seen her through the window of the coffee shop.

Could it be her…I thought… a nagging compulsion racing through me, urging me to go over, and find out. Then before I realised what was happening, I had walked through the doorway, and was making my way over to where she was sitting. My mouth dry with anticipation, I felt a nervous, giddy feeling spreading round my body.

A tingling butterfly -sensation, as if I were looking down at something from a great height, and would fall at any moment. Pushing my way through the crowd, I hurried over to her; dimly Aware of the customers following my every move.

Never taking my eyes off Bella for a second I kept my attention focused on her, blocking out everyone else around me; fearful that she would disappear like a phantom before me, and I would be left wondering if I hadn't imagined her.

Easing past the last group of people, who turned their heads to watch me; the expression on their faces one of quiet disapproval, I walked over to the bar, and stood next to her, and then my mind went completely blank; all rational thoughts heading out the window.

What the hell am I going to say? I thought…I had been so desperate to get over to her; I hadn't given a single thought as to what I might say when I finally got there.

"Can I help ya?" said the barmaid breaking my train of thought. Dressed in a long flowery print dress; she had her long dark hair pinned back off her face, her sharp features twisting into a kind of grimace. Her eerily luminous green eyes glinting menacingly like two sharp knives, as she stared at me impatiently, leaning her full weight against the bar, her hands…which I had to admit were unusually large for a girl, spread out across the wooden surface. The fingers on her left hand drumming out an irregular beat.

"Well?" she repeated, moving her hands to her hips, and yawning loudly, "What will it be…?"

"Do you have any Glenfiddick I asked?" my voice emerging as a frightened mouse like squeak.

"Yeah," she said, arching an eyebrow in my direction.

"Do ya want a double or single?

"I'll have a double please," I said, tensing at the negative energy I could sense seeping out from her, like an invisible fogbank.

She then made her way over to the optics at the end of the bar to get my drink, and I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she was gone. Pulling myself up onto the barstool, I focused my attention back to the girl sitting next to me, who had likewise shifted on her stool to face me, and it was with baited breath, that I found myself being pulled into a pair of familiar brown eyes.

"Annabella" I exclaimed, my voice sounding a pitch higher than usual, a huge grin spreading across my face…you idiot…I thought giving myself a mental slap…she's going to think you're out on day release sounding like that.

Unaware of my mental predicament, her brow furrowing in confusion, Annabella looked at me strangely as if she didn't know who I was.

"Annabella…Bella" I said correcting myself, "It's me Jenny, we met the day before yesterday…in the coffee shop…don't you remember"

Then as if by magic, a wave of realisation swept over her soft features, and she smiled at me in recognition.

"Jenny…of course…I remember…I was just thinking about you…how are you…it's so good to see you?" she said squeezing my hand gently between her own. Her brown eyes twinkling, her lips forming into a soft smile, which made my legs, turn to jelly under me.

"Here's your drink," said the barmaid, slamming the glass between us to grab my attention, and almost making me fall of my chair with fright. Ignoring her for the moment, I turned back to face Bella.

"Can I get you a drink?" I asked.

Again she tried to protest, but before the words had reached her lips I had already reached into my wallet, and pulled out a ten pound note.

"Okay" she sighed in exasperation rolling her eyes back, "I can see, there's no arguing with you…I'll have the same as you then" she said pointing at my glass.

Placing the ten pound note in the barmaid's hand, I said "Can I have another for my friend please"

"Okay," she said fixing her grave cold stone glare on Bella

"Is there a problem?" I asked taking a deep breath, steeling myself to be brave; feeling like a knight about to charge into battle for the safety, and sake of their fair damsel.

"No, there's no problem," she said keeping her eyes on Bella. Her hands curling into fists, her lips forming into a sort of hideous leer, seeing this I reached over, and placed a protective hand on the back of Bella's chair.

Staring straight into the barmaid's eyes as I did, after muttering something incomprehensible under her breath, she turned round, and went back over to the optics to get the other drink, returning a few seconds after, Bella's drink in her hand.

"There you go," she said placing Bella's drink next to mine,

"And there's your change," she said dropping the loose coins into my hand.

Then leaning over the bar toward me in a conspiratorial fashion, she placed a hand on my arm. Her nails digging into the skin, making me wince. Behind us I noticed most of the pub stop what they were doing, and place their drinks down collectively, as she whispered in my ear.

"If I were you I'd be careful of the company keep."

And then she walked over to some other customers who were waiting to be served, their eyes, like everyone else's in the pub still lingering on me.

Scratching my head I turned away, and tried to make some sense out of the cryptic message she had given me….what would make her say something like that I asked myself…but no matter how hard my mind tried to answer the question, I couldn't for the life of me think of an answer as to why she would say something like that. Turning to face Bella, I placed her drink in front of her on the bar, and attempted to ask her what was going on.

But she didn't hear me; she just sat there, silent as the grave, her head down, her eyes fixed on the floor. Arms wrapped tightly around herself again. Her whole body hunched over, as she rocked herself back and forth like a child trying to comfort itself.

"Hey…are you allright" I asked placing my left hand on her shoulder; I could feel her shaking through the thin cotton material of her dress.

"Bella, what's wrong?" I asked suddenly concerned by just how frightened she really was.

"It's nothing?" she said, lifting her head up to look into my eyes, "Look, it was a mistake for me to come here" she said "I'd better go"

"Sure, we can do that"

"Let's just have these drinks, and we can go anywhere you want?" I said, rubbing her shoulder gently, and giving her one of my most dazzling smiles, but all I could manage to raise from her was the tiniest of smiles in response, and she looked drained from the effort….but it was a start.

Placing her drink in her hand, I picked my own up off the bar, and knocked it back, conscious of everyone in the pub still staring at us, their eyes on my back, finally I couldn't stand it anymore, and slamming the empty glass down on the bar, I spun around to face them all, my jaw set tightly, as I tried to keep my temper.

My arms folded tightly across my chest, my green eyes widening in growing agitation, an almost perfect replica of the medusa stare which my own mum had used on more than one occasion to get her point across. Everyone jumped back in surprise as one, stunned into a momentary stony silence from my psychotic stare, arms covering their faces like shields, trying to block it out.

Then slowly they turned away from me, dropping their gaze back to their glasses, and shifting uncomfortably from where they were sitting or standing, before returning their attention back to their own lives, and their own conversations.

By the time I turned round to ask if she was okay, Bella had disappeared out of the door. Grabbing my jacket, I rushed outside after her. She was leaning against the doorframe, her body bent over, long tapering fingers spread out over her face, and I could make out the sound of muffled sobbing from behind them. Leaning over towards her, I lifted her hands gently away, and she looked at me, her eyes red and puffy from crying. Reaching a hand up to her cheek, I gently brushed away the tears that were still falling from her eyes.

"Hey, what it is?" I asked pulling myself closer, so that I could see her face more clearly, finding her silence a little unnerving, and the way she kept staring at the doorway behind us, as if she feared something might leap out of the darkness to grab us both.

All I could get out of her was a barely audible sentence, which sounded like "It's nothing", and then her face crumpled again, followed soon after by the tears that she had no control over.

After a few minutes had passed between us I could stand it no longer, and acting on sheer impulse I wrapped my arms around her, and held her to me, running my hand thorough her soft hair, as I waited for her sobbing to subside.

"I'm okay now," she said pulling away from me.

"So," I said placing my jacket back around her, in an attempt to distract her from whatever demons that might be haunting her.

"Where to now...?"

"I don't know," she sighed, her expression changing again. Her eyes misting over, as she stared past me at the now grey sky, raising a hand to her chin, as she struck a somewhat thoughtful pose.

"We could go on a walk round the rest of the harbour, or there's a beach a bit further down from here…we could go there…if you want?"

"S…sure" I stammered, wrapping my arms around myself, and trying in my own ludicrous way to pretend that I wasn't feeling the cold.

"You look freezing" she noted, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of my jacket.

"No…no…D…D…Don't you worry about it," I said determined to continue the charade, even when the sky opened up, and I felt the first spots of rain falling on me.

"Please you've been very kind to me" she said ", but I don't want you to end up with a cold on my behalf…please… let me give you back your jacket" she said

"No, no" I said "I…D…D don't want you to get wet either,"

"Well in that case" she said "We're going to have to share it then"

Signalling for me to get under with her, she opened the coat out, pulling me over to her when I hesitated.

"Come on don't be shy," she said smiling encouragingly, and easing her arm around my waist, hoping that the warmth of her body, would cease my shaking,"

"Maybe we should find some shelter first," I said through chattering teeth

"Well where do you suggest we go?" answered Bella looking as equally cold, and miserable as I was.

"Well, there's always the café" I said pointing to the illuminated shop windows of the small coffee shop at the end of the road.

"I was going to go there anyway….if you want to we can grab some food, and get a quick warm….before we decide what to do next"

"I haven't got any money on me" said Bella staring miserably at the ground.

"Don't worry about it" I said "I can afford it"

"Are you sure?" she asked, her eyes clouding over, becoming even darker, until they mirrored the colour of the sky above us.

"Yes, yes I'm sure," I insisted.

"Now come on lets get out of the cold before we both turn into icicles."


The coffee shop was emptier than the last time I'd been in, and had all the atmosphere of a mausoleum in a long abandoned cemetery…Well…no one's going to be out in this weather I thought, as I made my way over to the door, staring at the thick layer of condensation covering the small panel of glass at the centre, as if someone had breathed across the surface, and as we walked through the door I could hear faint Celtic music playing somewhere in the background.

Thick Venetian blinds covered the windows, and I could detect the scent of pine disinfectant lingering in the air. The only other sound I could make out was the waitress moving from table to table, clearing up after the customers who had long since departed. The heels of her shoes tapping nosily against the cold Linoleum tiled floor. Grabbing the nearest table I pulled out a chair for Bella, helping her out of my jacket, and placing it behind her, then pulling out the chair facing her, I sat down.

The waitress who had now cleared most of the tables of their dirt, and debris; stopped what she was doing, her hands full of plates, and cutlery, looking as though she were trying to complete some marvellous balancing trick. Peering over the stack of plates she was holding she sighed heavily. Stooping over to place the precarious pile she was holding onto the table in front of her, before she made her way over to us, brushing her hands absently across the front of her apron as she did.

The same waitress who had served us both that first day Bella and I had met. Only this time she had her blonde hair hung in loose ringlets about her face, and when she looked at me her green eyes sparkled brightly in recognition.

"Nice to see ye again," she said her generous lips pulling back into a dazzling smile.

"Here's the menu for today" she said placing it in my open hands.

"Would ye like to order any drinks?" She asked.

"Yes…I'll have a cappuccino," I answered. Fixing my eyes on the small name badge pinned to the front of her heavily starched apron, which read "Shannon"

"Okay" she said whipping out a small notepad, and pen, and writing it down.

"And ye friend?" she said waving the pen over towards Bella

Leaning over the table, Bella picked up the menu that was propped up in front of me. Opening it out she flattened it down with both hands, scanning through the section written in huge bold lettering which read Drinks, and beverages.

Running a light finger down the list of drinks that were there, she pursed her lips thoughtfully… finally deciding on a small glass of lemonade

"So that's one cappuccino and one glass of lemonade" said Shannon repeating back the order to us.

Glancing up at her I nodded in confirmation, watching as she tucked the notepad, and pen away in a small pocket in the front of her apron; brushing herself down again, as she made her way over to the counter. Out of the corner of my eye I was dimly aware of Bella watching Shannon as she picked up the plates from the table she had left them on, a strange look on her face, as her eyes followed the girl across the floor.

"You…okay" I asked placing a hand on her arm.

Turning to me Bella looked somewhat confused, her mouth opening as if she was going to ask me something; instead she slid back in her chair, and let out an exasperated sigh.

"I know…I said…I bet by the end of the day you're going to be absolutely sick of me asking you that" I said waggling my eyebrows at her.

"No…no…not at all" said Bella the smile returning to her face,

"You've been very kind…it's just…it's just…oh it doesn't matter…just ignore me…I'm just tired."

Then focusing her attention back to the menu, she pulled it closer to her face, and let out another sigh.

"Oh, I just don't know what to order."

"What do you want?" she said pushing the menu over the table towards me. Opening it out onto the list of mains that was typed out in similar bold lettering, I read through the range of meals that were there, deciding on the colcannon with boiled potatoes, and cabbage.

"That sounds nice," said Bella "I'll have the same"

"There ye go," said Shannon who had drifted in between us like a mist without me noticing, placing the tray she was holding on the table, and setting the drinks balancing on it neatly side by side in front of me.

"Are ye ready to order?" She asked, pulling out the pen, and pad and pen from out of her pocket, and holding the pen poised over the paper, ready for her to write.

"Yes" I said searching the table for the menu, which was still in Bella's hands, "Bella" I said placing my hand on her arm to grab her attention, and gesturing towards the menu…"can I just"

"Of course" she said, extending the menu out towards me, her hand brushing ever so lightly against mine as I took it from her.

Lifting it up so the waitress could see it better, I pointed to the Colcannon, and said "We'll both have that please."

"Okay" she said writing the order down. "And would ye like any more drinks while ye wait?" she asked

"No thank you," I said, and then turning to Bella I pointed at her glass "Would you like another?" I asked.

"No…just the one will do for now," she said smiling.

Folding the menu over, I handed it back to Shannon, who pushed it under her other arm, holding the notepad out in front of her. Only this time she headed back across the floor towards the kitchen area. Opening the door next to the counter she disappeared inside, the door closing solidly behind her.

"So," Said Bella lifting her glass up, and taking a small sip of the clear liquid.

"Have you seen anything of the rest of the village…?"

"No, just the harbour so far…"

"Oh, then I'll have to take you there sometime," she said her dark eyes sparkling in anticipation. Her pale skin illuminated by the bright orange flame of the candle sitting between us; creating a warm aura like glow around her that made my stomach turn over at the sight.

I felt as if I was spiralling out of control, and no matter how hard I tried I just I couldn't take my eyes off her. Everything about her took my breath away….her eyes, the way she smiled. The way her hair fell across her shoulders, framing her forehead in soft waves. I could feel my heart racing every time she looked at me, and I forced myself to look away, afraid that if I held her gaze for too long than she would see the truth of my feelings…and be frightened off.

"There's a beach not far from here," she said bringing my eyes back to her own, as if some invisible magnetic field lay between us that I couldn't pull away from.

"If you'd like to," she continued blissfully unaware of my mental predicament, "we could go there sometime, or failing that there's also a small shopping centre if you want to do any shopping….or if you really want to stick to the harbour, there's a restaurant not far from here."

"You mean the harbour view…I saw it the other day...it looked nice," I muttered into my cappuccino.

"So did you go in?" asked Bella suddenly curious

"No...But I made plans to go back there…I don't know," I said trying to make my voice sound as casual as possible.

"Maybe if you want, we could go together sometime…and see what the food's like….," "Anyway enough about that…" I continued, relieved to change the subject.

"What about you?" I asked, hoping that she would be more willing to talk this time.

"I mean… I've told you quite a lot about myself, but I hardly know anything about you."

"It's boring really," said Annabella looking at everything in the room but me.

"I'm sure it's not?" I said giving her my most winning smile in an attempt to coax her into talking.

"Honestly there's nothing to say," she insisted

"Come on," I urged "There must be something to tell..."

"No honestly…there isn't" said Bella looking suddenly uncomfortable.

"Come on, it can't be all that bad…Can it?" I asked, imagining the words that might emerge from her lips next, and for a brief moment I wondered if I really wanted to find out….what if I didn't like what I heard…what then?

"Can't we just change the subject" pleaded Bella.

"Why change the subject?" I asked, curiosity suddenly taking over the fear of what she might say next. "Why don't you want to talk about yourself?"

"It's not that I don't want to talk about myself" said Bella,

"It's just…it's just…"

"It's just what…" I interjected, "What's going on Bella, what could possibly be so terrible that you don't want to talk about it…I don't understand, you need to help me understand. I have all these questions, and not one single answer, and when I try to ask you… you just fob me off….Why is that?...Why you are so sacred to talk about yourself…does it have something to do with that barmaid, and the way she acted towards you?...What was going on there Bella?…Does she have something against you? Do the rest of the people in that pub. Judging by the way they were watching me, when I sat next to you…something must be going on. I know I'm a stranger here Bella, but I know something's not right. You know she warned me about you…told me "If I were you I'd be careful of the company you keep". Can you explain to me why she would do that? Can you?"

"I'm sorry Jenny…I don't want to talk about it…please…please….can we just change the subject," she begged; her dark eyes pleading with me not to continue, a single tear running down her face.

"Okay…okay….don't cry" I said sighing heavily, still bewildered by her refusal to give out even the smallest bit of information about herself, but willing to let the matter drop for now.

"Thank you" sad Bella, her dark eyes fixed on the table in front of her, as she wrung her hands nervously.

"I bought a book the other day," I said trying to take her mind off whatever was bothering her.

"It's just up the road from here," I said pointing to the window.

"Sells a lot of old copies of books, the shopkeeper there's friendly enough, but a bit eccentric at times, reminded me a bit of Merlin with his long white beard, and flowing white hair….said his name was Dauvit," I said taking a mouthful of coffee.

"Do you know him?" I asked…aware that I was probably babbling on like an idiot, but unable to stop the words from spilling from out of my mouth, afraid that I might suddenly trip over the torrent of sentences spewing out. The atmosphere between us now so thick, you could have sliced through it with a carving knife.

A thin layer of perspiration covering my forehead, I felt suddenly sick and nervous by the silence that lingered between us, which was so heavy I could feel it pressing down upon my shoulders, making me slouch forward in my chair.

"I've seen him in passing," said Bella, finally breaking the awful silence, her eyes finding mine again, as she finished off the rest of her lemonade.

"Sold me a first edition of dickens…would you believe it for thirty pounds." I said, swallowing back the nauseous feeling that was spreading round my body.

"That's cheap," remarked Bella

"Certainly is…" I said, my nerves sounding in my voice. "I mean you can pay over a thousand pounds for a copy anywhere else, "I said, my lips pulling back into a somewhat awkward smile. After a few minutes Bella, looked at me again.

"You okay" she asked

"Yeah…I'm sorry if I went on it a bit before…."

"Its okay" she said, her lips breaking out into a warm smile, the sparkle returning to her eyes.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I held her gaze for a few seconds, and returned her smile. The nervous sickly feeling inside me disappearing like a bad dream.

"Oh I almost forgot…" I said, my thoughts going back to the other day, "In the bookshop…there was this other man who came in while I was talking to Dauvit, huge bulk of a man, with this horrible stare that gave me the chills every time he looked at me. He said his name was Hager, and I don't know why but Dauvit seemed terrified of him…I hope he's allright…It's just when I last saw him it looked like things were getting out of hand between him, and this Hager character…I just hope I was wrong," I said placing my empty cup down in front of me.

"Hager," repeated Bella, hardly hearing a word I'd said; her hands gripping the tablecloth in front of her so tightly that her knuckles turned white from the pressure. Her pale skin turning to chalky white,

"Why do you know him aswell?" I asked leaning over the table towards her. "Can you tell me anything about him? I asked

"I'm s…sorry Jenny," stuttered Bella, "But…I can't help you" she said, half stumbling, half rising from her chair, almost sending the chair tumbling over as she did.

"Woah…hold on…what's wrong…what are you so scared of?" I asked, the nervous tone returning to my voice. It seemed to me as if the whole scenario was slipping out of my control, and to make matters worse we weren't alone. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Shannon returning with our food.

"C'mon Bella…your food's here," I said pointing to Shannon, who was now standing next to me.

"Is there a problem?" she asked, placing the food she was holding down on the table.

"No, no. no," I stated trying to sound calmer than I felt.

Her eyes moving from Bella, Shannon looked as confused as I was, as she turned round, and walked back over to the counter, where she stood with her arms across her chest watching us; even with my back to her, I could feel her questioning eyes burning a hole through my t shirt.

"Look Bella" I said ignoring Shannon for the moment, and pointing to the food.

"Maybe if you just have something to eat…you might feel better," I said, moving round the table to stand next to her, and placing my arms around her waist in an attempt to console her, as I tried to think of something, anything I could say that would help to calm her down.

"No…I can't…I'm sorry I've got to go," she said. Pulling away from me, and pacing over to the door, her long dress trailing out behind her.

"Will I see you again?" I shouted after her, my voice catching for a moment.

"I don't know…Jenny I just don't know,"

Her dark eyes brimming with an overwhelming sadness, she backed slowly away from me, hitting the doorframe behind her.

Then for a few minutes she just stood there, looking deep into my eyes, and I found myself falling into them again.

"Look…It's better for you if you just forget you ever saw me" she said, bringing me crashing back to reality.

Reaching over to the wooden door handle behind her, she turned away from me, pushing the door to, and then she was gone, fading away before my eyes, like a spectre; her tiny figure disappearing into the dark night that lay beyond.

Leaving me standing there, alone with my thoughts....and a sudden indescribable ache in my heart; my mind echoing with confusion; my head throbbing, making me feel as if I were stuck in a vice that was becoming tighter, and tighter, until I feared I would explode like a ticking time bomb from the immense pressure that was building up inside me….as I struggled to understand, what the hell had just happened?

Only than feel free to email me at melissabuhagiar@hotmail.com


The first thing I heard was the sound of my alarm clock going off, like a pneumatic drill in my head. Still half asleep, I stifled a yawn, reaching out groggily to switch the accursed thing off, before it drove me mad.

Easing myself upright I grimaced at the pain that followed the action, my features contorting with each movement of my already fragile feeling body. Then wiping the sleep from my eyes I looked over to see what time it was.

Twelve o'clock…damn…I thought, mentally scolding myself…I had overslept, which wasn't like me at all, usually I was up at first light….but then again… I'd had a restless night…and couldn't even remember going to sleep.

What I could remember was lying awake in the dark, on the couch, too tired to make it to my bedroom, but unable to sleep. The silence in the room, an almost tangible presence; my tired mind flooding over with thoughts of Annabella, and when sleep finally descended down upon me, she followed me into my dreams.

I was standing on a deserted stretch of sand, caught up in the wrath of a raging storm. In the far off distance, on the edge of the sand I could make out a lighthouse, its powerful searchlight tracing a path over the turbulent ocean; the thrashing waves seeming to have a life of their own. Rising up swiftly to such a height, that I stepped back in fear, sure that at any moment I would be swept out to sea.

She was standing directly ahead of me, at the waters edge, her back facing me, staring off into the distance; still dressed in white, but the dress she had on this time was of a more elaborate design than the one I had seen her in last. Drawn in painfully tight at the waist, so that it left little room to breathe, or move, it billowed out across the sand; the front of it spilling into the ocean before her; the long silk skirts trailing behind her.

Her hair swept up off her face, a few stray ringlets having come loose cascaded softly across her cheeks. Small slivers of moonlight reflected in the darkness of her eyes, taking my breath away. Moving towards her I reached out a hand to touch her shoulder, and then she turned round to face me, her dress sweeping round in an arc as she did. Her eyes meeting mine, the expression on her face one of sheer disbelief, and then immense sadness.

Unsure of what to do…all I could do was stand there, watching, waiting, feeling the emotions radiating out from her as if they were my own…anger, fear…pain…and sadness so much sadness that it was unbearable. Quiet at first, like the static you get on a radio station, they became gradually louder, and louder, until I couldn't stand it anymore. The intensity behind them so overwhelming, so overpowering that it made my head hurt, and my heart felt as if it would break. I could feel my whole body shaking, and it felt as if I had swallowed a shard of glass.

Walking towards me, she had her arms stretched out in front of her, the white of her dress making her appear almost ethereal. Tears in her eyes as she laid her hand upon my shoulder, and then I think I woke up to find myself crying aswell…after that I must have fallen asleep again.

The thing I found most troubling though was no matter how many times my mind went over, and over the imagined scenario in an attempt to make some sense of it. I still couldn't figure out why her seeing me and touching my face as she had done would make her cry? Or why seeing her in such a state would disturb me so…when I hardly knew her.

Shifting myself on the couch, I glanced quickly back over at the clock….the digital letters blinked 12.30…damn…I cursed…the day was halfway through.

I'd planned to do some work on my book…but I had also made plans to go back into the harbour, and look around the shops.

But the prospect of getting any work done on my book looked bleak at the moment, and I couldn't have begun to make an attempt on my writing even if I had wanted to… my head still hurt terribly, and I couldn't concentrate or focus on anything…at least not until I came up with a sufficient answer for the dream I'd had.

Well, I thought….seen as I'm going to the harbour again anyway…I could try to find her again. Or failing that perhaps there would be someone in the village who knew her, or might know where she lived. I knew that I was clutching at straws, but I couldn't help it….I needed an explanation. Some sort of answer….because somehow, I had developed feelings for her.

Which was strange in itself, considering yesterday had been the first time that I'd ever laid eyes on her; I needed to be sure, I had to find her again, get to know her better, see if there could be any chance for us….woah! Slow down…I told myself. Take it one step at a time…you're getting carried away with yourself here, and she could very easily be married.

Grabbing hold of the arm of my couch I hauled myself up my mind set on going to the harbour, wincing as my back clicked noisily back into place, cutting off my thoughts abruptly. Then slowly I made my way back over the hard wood floor, and over to the cream carpeted staircase, that spiralled upwards, before disappearing out of sight. The matching cream balustrade winding around with it, the paint chipped in places so that the wood was visible beneath.

Grabbing hold of it, I raced up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time, until the wooden frame of my door gradually emerged into view, situated at the bottom of a rectangular shaped corridor, papered in warm golden leafy print.

Stepping over a piece of carpet at the top of the stairs that hadn't been properly tacked down, I ran an idle hand along the wall, as I made my way towards the door at the end, passing two other doors on the way. The bathroom and the spare bedroom; my footsteps creaking noisily with each step I took, sounding deafening in the otherwise eerie silence.

Reaching out to grasp the door handle, I pushed it inwards, the door momentarily sticking, catching on the carpet below, and preventing the door from moving any further. Pushing the full weight of my body against it, I was sent tumbling into the room beyond, as the door swung suddenly, and violently open.

Picking myself up off the floor, I walked up to my Devan king sized bed in the corner. The only memento I had of my failed relationship with my ex girlfriend Kristy. She had taken every other piece of furniture from the house we had once shared…but because the bed was the only thing that I had bought to furnish it…she had not argued when I asked if I could have it.

I'd intended to make up the bed last night, but the sheets were still piled neatly atop the immaculately whiter than white mattress, the pillows stacked neatly alongside them. The rest of the furniture in the room consisted of an overly large pine chest of drawers in the far right hand corner of the room opposite the bed.

An old, but comfy looking armchair in the left hand corner, and a few empty shelves directly above it, where I would put my growing collection of horror books when I got round to unpacking them. Apart from the books, I still hadn't managed to unpack any of my clothes yet, the ones that I had managed to unpack where folded neatly on the bed, alongside the bed linen, and pillows. The rest of the clothes were still in the brown suitcase that I had brought up with me, still leaning against the wardrobe where I'd left it.

Walking back over to the bed, I rummaged through the clothes, not sure what to wear, finally after several minutes of searching without avail, I chose a pair of stonewashed denim jeans, a back crop top to better accentuate my waistline, and a pair of black socks, and underwear to match.

Glancing briefly out the huge bay windows behind me that looked out onto the harbour, I gazed wistfully down at the tiny ships bobbing about on the blue waters below, and then turning swiftly on my heels, I walked out the bedroom, and back down the corridor; passing the spare bedroom that was at the moment being used to store most of my belongings, and heading into the bathroom next door to it.

Placing my clothes on the radiator, I undressed, and had a quick shower; I then picked my clothes up off the radiator and got dressed, staring at my reflection in the mirror to the left of the shower cubicle. Overly aware of the dark circles under my eyes, a mixture of green, and blue they stood out dramatically against the pale whiteness of my skin, my normal healthy glow now more of a deathly white, making me appear almost ghostlike.

I look awful…I muttered under my breath.

Brushing my teeth, I Picked my trainers up off the bathroom floor, and headed downstairs through the front room, and into the kitchen to the far left hand corner, to make myself a cup of coffee. Then placing the dishes in the sink, I made my way to the rack of coat hangers in the hall near the front door. Pulling on my trainers as I did, and grabbing my leather jacket off one off the hooks. Reaching down to my ankles it made me appear taller than I really was, and as Kristy had once put it, "made me seem all gothic and mysterious"

Pausing for a minute to look in the mirror above the fireplace, I brushed my hair back, letting it flow loosely around my shoulders, adding a touch of make up here and there in an attempt to hide my pasty complexion, so that if I did bump into Annabella again, then I wouldn't send her running for the hills with fright.

Then opening the front door, I stepped outside, shielding my eyes against the blazing sun, thankful for the breeze that I could feel on my face. Folding my jacket over my left arm, I shoved my right hand into my jeans.

My mind going over things that I might say to Annabella, if I saw her again, but I couldn't come up with so much as a syllable; anything I thought of I instantly dismissed. Scene after scene playing through my mind like the build up to some grand epic romance, as I made my way down Cragston hill, and towards the distant harbour.


The sound of fishermen calling out to each other, their voices hoarse from shouting rang out across the harbour, accompanied by the sound of churning engines as one by one a large group of fishing boats, of various sizes, shapes, and colours, docked at the harbour, in preparation for the days market.

Standing with my back to the ocean, I watched with a blank expression on my face, as a flock of seagulls flew in ever growing circles around the small row of houses just across the road from me. Lined up neatly alongside each other, each one was painted in bright vibrant colours, of pinks, and reds which clashed dramatically with everything around them.

Situated next to the row of houses stood a few shops, pulling myself up of the railings I headed over to them, stumbling, and very nearly losing my balance when a group of tourists pushed past me, cursing softly to myself I watched as they continued on, blanking me completely as if nothing had happened.

"Nice people," I muttered to myself, my voice tinged with an edge of sarcasm as they walked over to the section of railings I had been leaning against a moment ago, directly below them was another group of tourists on the pathway below, boots crunching heavily on the hard gravel; Pointing and clicking away with their camera's at anything, or anyone who was unlucky enough to come within their line of sight. Rubbing my shoulder from where I had been hit, I took a deep breath to calm myself down, and walked the rest of the way to the row of shops that I'd been travelling towards, before I had been so rudely distracted.

Just a few feet in front of me was a bakery, the name of the shop painted in large gold letters above the door, the smell of freshly cooked bread drifting up the street towards me, reminding me of the small breakfast I'd had, and how hungry I was. Next door to that was an expensive looking seafood restaurant, the restaurant's name 'The harbour view' situated on a plaque to the left of the doorway, written in gold letters, and set against a green backdrop.

The menu placed at a somewhat precarious angle on the opposite side.

Moving on swiftly I resisted the urge to go over, and look at it, and instead made a mental note to go back there when I had more time on my hands, and someone to go with.

Turning on my heels, I then walked on down the narrow street, pushing my way though the crowds that had suddenly accumulated there, as if by magic, pausing to catch my breath outside a small, and rather musty smelling old bookshop, called Gilmour and son. Its huge bay windows covered in a thick layer of grease, so that it was impossible to see inside.

From the outside it appeared cube like in shape, and seemed chokingly claustrophobic, however when I rubbed a part of the glass clean, and peered inside, I realised with some surprise that it was actually bigger on the inside.

Rows upon rows of bookshelves stretched out across the wooden floor as far as I could see, making the shop appear like some sort of intricate maze or labyrinth, and for a brief moment, I pictured a terrifying image of a Minotaur stamping through it. Weaving in, and out the bookshelves, and frightening away anyone who dared touch the books that were stacked tightly on them, then for a few minutes I just stood there, sure that at any moment my mind's creation would come charging through the glass, and leap out at me.

My curiosity finally getting the better of me I made my way over to the rickety looking door, and pushed it to, wincing as the hinges creaked noisily when the door swung inwards. Closing the door behind me, I made my way down a row of bookshelves, running a finger along the books that had been squashed uncomfortably together, and sneezing as a thick layer of dust rose up cloud-like towards me.

"Can I help ye?" said a voice from behind me

"Wha" I spluttered, banging my shoulder against the edge of one of the shelves. Then wiping the remnants of dust from my previously black t-shirt, I took a moment to examine what I could now make out to be an old man, possibly in his late fifties, dressed in a velvet green suit, the elbows covered in dark patches that had been stitched on.

With his long flowing silver hair, and beard, he appeared wizard like, a pair of small round spectacles resting on his thin pointed nose, which he was looking over, reminding me in some vague way of how my headmistress had looked at me, on the few occasions I had gotten into trouble at school

Lifting his hand to his mouth, he placed shoddy looking tobacco pipe in it, and inhaled sharply, blowing out a stream of purplish smoke in my direction that made me cough involuntarily.

"Please…be careful of the books" he said in a thick Scottish accent that sounded breathy and worn down, as though he had just run in a marathon.

"They're quite delicate ye know, and ye should treat them as such"

Then placing the pipe back in his mouth, he took off his glasses, and began to clean them vigorously, narrowing his icy blue eyes into slits as he did so.

"Can I help ye?" he asked coughing loudly into his hand.

"I'm just browsing" I said

Then turning to face the bookshelf again, I picked up the first book that caught my eye. A small hardback, the spine cracked in places, the title of the book hidden under a thick layer of dust, then turning away from the shopkeeper I blew away the dust, gradually revealing the writing engraved there letter by letter. 'Charles Dickens, Great Expectations"

Then pulling back the front cover I looked at the illustrations inside, running my fingers over the fine print underneath, I then looked at the date that the particular version of the book had been published, it was then that I gasped in astonishment.

"My dear young lassie," said the old man who was still standing behind me, quietly observing my actions. "Are ye quite allright?"

"Here, take a seat," he said indicating to a stool at the far end of the bookshelf.

"Yes, I'm fine," I said…" Turning round to face him, my cheeks reddening from my sudden and unexpected outburst of enthusiasm, and hoping that I hadn't startled him too much

"I didn't mean to alarm you…it's just this is the first time I've ever held a first copy of any of Dickens's work in my hands "

"Ahh, do ya read him then?" he asked, his blue eyes twinkling like two twin stars.

"Well I'm a writer myself," I said, tearing my eyes away from the aged parchment to look at him "And they do say that it always helps to learn from the best"

"Aye they certainly do lassie, tell me…have you read that one"

"Oh yes," I exclaimed "Quite a few times actually, It happens to be one of my favourites, tell me" I asked "Do you have any other first copies of his work?"

"Ahh, I do lassie" he said smiling, "And though it doesn't happen very often, It always gladdens my tired old heart to come across a fellow enthusiast like yourself, here this way" he said indicating for me to follow him. "

I'm Dauvit Gilmour by the way" he said extending his hand out to me.

"Jennifer Bellis" I answered, taking his hand, and shaking it firmly in my own

"Well, Miss Bellis…follow me" he said leading the way through row upon row of bookshelves, until we came to a large oak desk at the very heart of the shop. A computer perched on top, which I guessed was probably an old apple. The keyboard was an ugly chunky looking thing, and the monitor took up almost the whole of the desk.

Directly beside that was a bundle of letters, and papers stacked up precariously high, and in the far right hand corner, behind the desk was a doorway leading into a small stockroom, which the old man disappeared into"

"Just wait there lassie," he called out behind him "I've some more copies in the back"

Then after a few minutes had passed by, and I was certain that he had brought the whole stockroom on top of himself, from all the loud banging, and cursing that I could hear, he finally emerged triumphant, his arms full of books.

"Here" he said brushing the pile of letters aside, and placing the pile of books in the space where they had been.

"Take a look at this lassie," he said his face lighting up like a child's on Christmas day.

"Go on, have a swatch, and see if there's anythin ye like"

"Excuse me?" I said, not really sure what he meant

"Swatch…isn't that a kind of watch…I'm sorry I'm not sure I understood?" I said my brow furrowing in confusion.

"A swatch….oh I'm sorry being as you're not from around here…you wouldn't know the dialect, take a swatch means take a look" he said handing me the book.

"Oh right," I said taking the book from him, and feeling a little foolish, for my lack of knowledge. Then holding the book out in front of me, I began to study it, silently mouthing the books title as I did. "Bleak House"

Placing it back on the table, I picked up another one, and did the same, while I was busy deciding, the old man lifted his pipe back to his mouth, this time blowing out a huge smoke ring that hovered in the air for at least a moment or two, before disappearing into nothing.

"Ye say you're a writer yourself" he said smiling, and stroking his long white beard thoughtfully. "What genre de ye write?"

"Mystery mostly"

"And how many books have ye had published?" he asked the smile staying on his lips.

"Just the one" I said "But I plan to have another out…I'm still working on it" I said returning his smile, "But it's hard going sometimes"

"Aye lass, I know that" he said

"Do you write yourself?" I asked

"Just a wee bit" he said "although I do it mostly as a hobby."

Then his face changed, and he dropped his gaze to the floor, as though embarrassed, and when he spoke it sounded as though he had to struggle to get the words out, his voice almost breaking in places.

"When I was young man" he continued, "I tried to make something of me writing. For so long I'd only dreamt of taking those first awkward step into the publishing world, so on a whim I sent one of my manuscripts off to the first publishers I came across.

I had so many hopes, so many expectations, but sadly they were shattered when I got turned down. I tried a few other publishers after that, but each rejection letter I got was like a knife to the heart, yet still I kept trying despite the odds, so determined I was to get it right, to prove the publishers who had rejected me wrong, but as the years passed by, and my luck failed to improve. My old heart grew tired, and weary, and I just couldn't take the disappointment anymore, so I packed away my manuscripts, and gave up my dream.

"You just need to get back your confidence" I said "If you want I could have a look at your work…I mean I just moved here yesterday, but I can come down sometime later in the week, and have a look."

"Maybe" he said turning away from me, and pretending that he hadn't heard what I'd said.

Then changing the subject he asked "So what de ye make of our little village then"

"It's lovely" I said letting the matter drop, and focusing my attention back on the book I was currently holding.

"The mystery of Edwin Drood...er, I'll have this one, "I said handing the book over to him, so he could check the price.

Closing the distance between himself, and the counter he reached out, and took the book from me, disappearing out of sight, into the far right hand corner, and began punching the figure into the till that was hidden there.

"And…Have ye made any friends yet?" he said, returning with the book, and pulling the sticky price label off for me, "You dinnae have to tell me," he said with a knowing smile "I know how important friends are when you're a young thing like yourself. I was young myself once, although you might not think it to look at me now"

"Well I did meet someone the other day" I said, "A young girl at the café down the street. I was hoping to see her again today, but as I only got a name, and no address…I don't know where to start looking"

"Well…now, perhaps if you tell me her name, then chances are I might've heard of heard of her" he said leaning over toward me.

"We're a very close knit community here…so at some time or t'nother she may have come in my shop," Then placing my book in a small black plastic carrier bag, with the name Gilmour and son printed on the front.

"That'll be thirty pounds exactly" he said

"That's quite cheap for a first edition," I said sounding pleasantly surprised

"Aye, it is but as you can see my shop's become so run down, and business isn't as good as it used to be… I hardly get many customers, so I sell what I can; besides you remind me a bit of myself when I was your age, and I know you'll take care of it"

"Thanks," I said, reaching into the inside pocket of my leather jacket, and unzipping it, then reaching inside it I pulled out my wallet, and took out a fresh crisp ten, and twenty pound note, and handed them over to him.

"So what did ye say the young lass's name was?" he asked walking back over to the till, and putting the money in.

Returning with a chair, he slid it over the small space between the till, and the counter, sliding the chair under the counter, and resting his hands on the leather cover, as he struggled to get his breath back.

"Annabella, Annabella Callaghan" I said placing my wallet back into my leather jacket, and placing the bag with my newly purchased book in on my wrist.

"Ahh" he said folding his arms across his chest.

"Do you know her?" I asked leaning forward.

"No, I'm afraid I dinnae know,"

"Well, thank you anyway, and thank you for the book" I said turning round to walk towards the door leading out of the shop, only to find my way out blocked by a giant of a man standing in front of me, his dark eyes fixed on me.

With his thick arms folded tightly across his huge barrel chest, he looked as though he had been sculpted from stone, so rigid was his pose. His mane of long dark curls and thick dark beard making him look like some sort of descendant from the Olympian gods, and I half expected a bolt of lightning to come shooting from his fingertips at any moment.

What puzzled me though was that I hadn't heard him walking up behind me….just how long had he been standing there….I wondered

"Excuse me," I said trying to ease my way past him, but finding myself unable to do so"

Completely ignoring me, he instead turned his dark stare to Dauvit.

"Hello" he said, stretching his lips into a sort of half smile, which looked false somehow, as though it had been fixed into place, and when I looked from Dauvit back to the man standing in front of me, I was dimly aware of a connection of some sort passing between them"

"Hager" said Dauvit the cheery expression he had displayed beforehand fading away, a mask of fear sliding over his features in its place, and when he looked over at me he seemed considerably paler, as if some invisible force had somehow sucked all the colour from him, leaving behind this pale and huddled figure in is wake.

Somehow, despite the fear I could quite clearly see running through him, he made his way round the desk, and pulled me gently away from the man whose name I now knew was Hager.

"Let the lady pass" he said "Then you, and I can talk in private"

"Okay then," said Hager grinding his teeth together in an irritated manner, moving his huge frame sideways to let me past, the same half smile frozen on his lips as I passed him by, his dark eyes burning into mine, as he lifted a hand to his head, as though to tilt an imaginary hat,

"See you around lassie," he said with an undertone of menace, the smile on his face becoming broader, but rather than making me feel at ease, it just made me feel more uncomfortable, and seemed more like a leer than a gesture of warmth or friendliness.

Confused, and somewhat panicked as to what innuendo hid lay hidden behind the smile, and the harmless suggestion he had made, I hurried on out the shop door, shielding my eyes from the sunlight as I stepped out onto the pavement, then rushing over to the shop window, I peered through the glass, but couldn't make out what was happening inside.

Hastily rubbing a larger section of the glass clean in an attempt to get a clearer view, I again looked inside; they were standing at the back, still talking…what the devil is going on... I thought….squinting into the darkness…I could make out the two figures standing at the end of the room, but could not make out what they were saying, as it was too far away for me to hear.

My face pressed right up against the cold glass I managed to get a hazy image of Dauvit's worry lined face, before the blind shot down without warning, preventing me from seeing anything further.


What the hell? ….What was that all about? ...I asked myself as I moved on swiftly down the street; question after question racing through my mind. What had I just witnessed? What had Dauvit and the other creepy bloke Hager…been talking about? But more importantly than that…why when I had glimpsed Dauvit's pale, drawn face through the glass…had he seemed so frightened by it?

None of it made any sense to me, and no matter how many times I ran the scenario through my mind…I couldn't come up with a single answer, or logical explanation for what I had witnessed. Perhaps it had been nothing more than a perfectly rational conversation taking place between two perfectly rational adults.

I could very well have been blowing things out of all proportion, and allowing my already overactive imagination to run away with me.

No…my mind shouted back at me…that didn't seem right, but then again…what could I possibly hope to do about it?

Even if something untoward had been going on, being a stranger in town, it was out of my hands, and there was nothing I could do to change that. So there was little point in worrying about it. Besides it was almost 3'0 clock, the blue sky above me was being slowly covered by patches of grey cloud, and there was still as yet no sign of Annabella. Pausing for a moment I put on my leather jacket that was still folded across my arm; straightening the collar which had become crumpled, and yanking it up to my chin to keep out the cold air that was trying to snake its way in.

The next building I came across was the local pub, which I noted with some amusement, was called 'The Siren's Song. A picture of a woman singing, painted on the huge sign hung above the door, the rusted chains holding it in place, squeaking faintly, sounding as if they hadn't been oiled in over a century.

From inside I could make out the sound of people laughing, and talking, walking up to the door, I peered inside, my eyes scanning round the crowded room. Satisfied there was nothing to see, I was about to make my way back to the coffee house, when something caught my eye.

In the far corner of the room was a girl, sitting by herself, her elbows propped up against the beer stained, wooden oak bar, her hands splayed out across her back, reminding me in some way of how Annabella had looked the first time I had seen her through the window of the coffee shop.

Could it be her…I thought… a nagging compulsion racing through me, urging me to go over, and find out. Then before I realised what was happening, I had walked through the doorway, and was making my way over to where she was sitting. My mouth dry with anticipation, I felt a nervous, giddy feeling spreading round my body.

A tingling butterfly -sensation, as if I were looking down at something from a great height, and would fall at any moment. Pushing my way through the crowd, I hurried over to her; dimly Aware of the customers following my every move.

Never taking my eyes off Bella for a second I kept my attention focused on her, blocking out everyone else around me; fearful that she would disappear like a phantom before me, and I would be left wondering if I hadn't imagined her.

Easing past the last group of people, who turned their heads to watch me; the expression on their faces one of quiet disapproval, I walked over to the bar, and stood next to her, and then my mind went completely blank; all rational thoughts heading out the window.

What the hell am I going to say? I thought…I had been so desperate to get over to her; I hadn't given a single thought as to what I might say when I finally got there.

"Can I help ya?" said the barmaid breaking my train of thought. Dressed in a long flowery print dress; she had her long dark hair pinned back off her face, her sharp features twisting into a kind of grimace. Her eerily luminous green eyes glinting menacingly like two sharp knives, as she stared at me impatiently, leaning her full weight against the bar, her hands…which I had to admit were unusually large for a girl, spread out across the wooden surface. The fingers on her left hand drumming out an irregular beat.

"Well?" she repeated, moving her hands to her hips, and yawning loudly, "What will it be…?"

"Do you have any Glenfiddick I asked?" my voice emerging as a frightened mouse like squeak.

"Yeah," she said, arching an eyebrow in my direction.

"Do ya want a double or single?

"I'll have a double please," I said, tensing at the negative energy I could sense seeping out from her, like an invisible fogbank.

She then made her way over to the optics at the end of the bar to get my drink, and I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she was gone. Pulling myself up onto the barstool, I focused my attention back to the girl sitting next to me, who had likewise shifted on her stool to face me, and it was with baited breath, that I found myself being pulled into a pair of familiar brown eyes.

"Annabella" I exclaimed, my voice sounding a pitch higher than usual, a huge grin spreading across my face…you idiot…I thought giving myself a mental slap…she's going to think you're out on day release sounding like that.

Unaware of my mental predicament, her brow furrowing in confusion, Annabella looked at me strangely as if she didn't know who I was.

"Annabella…Bella" I said correcting myself, "It's me Rosa, we met the day before yesterday…in the coffee shop…don't you remember"

Then as if by magic, a wave of realisation swept over her soft features, and she smiled at me in recognition.

"Rosa…of course…I remember…I was just thinking about you…how are you…it's so good to see you?" she said squeezing my hand gently between her own. Her brown eyes twinkling, her lips forming into a soft smile, which made my legs, turn to jelly under me.

"Here's your drink," said the barmaid, slamming the glass between us to grab my attention, and almost making me fall of my chair with fright. Ignoring her for the moment, I turned back to face Bella.

"Can I get you a drink?" I asked.

Again she tried to protest, but before the words had reached her lips I had already reached into my wallet, and pulled out a ten pound note.

"Okay" she sighed in exasperation rolling her eyes back, "I can see, there's no arguing with you…I'll have the same as you then" she said pointing at my glass.

Placing the ten pound note in the barmaid's hand, I said "Can I have another for my friend please"

"Okay," she said fixing her grave cold stone glare on Bella

"Is there a problem?" I asked taking a deep breath, steeling myself to be brave; feeling like a knight about to charge into battle for the safety, and sake of their fair damsel.

"No, there's no problem," she said keeping her eyes on Bella. Her hands curling into fists, her lips forming into a sort of hideous leer, seeing this I reached over, and placed a protective hand on the back of Bella's chair.

Staring straight into the barmaid's eyes as I did, after muttering something incomprehensible under her breath, she turned round, and went back over to the optics to get the other drink, returning a few seconds after, Bella's drink in her hand.

"There you go," she said placing Bella's drink next to mine,

"And there's your change," she said dropping the loose coins into my hand.

Then leaning over the bar toward me in a conspiratorial fashion, she placed a hand on my arm. Her nails digging into the skin, making me wince. Behind us I noticed most of the pub stop what they were doing, and place their drinks down collectively, as she whispered in my ear.

"If I were you I'd be careful of the company keep."

And then she walked over to some other customers who were waiting to be served, their eyes, like everyone else's in the pub still lingering on me.

Scratching my head I turned away, and tried to make some sense out of the cryptic message she had given me….what would make her say something like that I asked myself…but no matter how hard my mind tried to answer the question, I couldn't for the life of me think of an answer as to why she would say something like that. Turning to face Bella, I placed her drink in front of her on the bar, and attempted to ask her what was going on.

But she didn't hear me; she just sat there, silent as the grave, her head down, her eyes fixed on the floor. Arms wrapped tightly around herself again. Her whole body hunched over, as she rocked herself back and forth like a child trying to comfort itself.

"Hey…are you allright" I asked placing my left hand on her shoulder; I could feel her shaking through the thin cotton material of her dress.

"Bella, what's wrong?" I asked suddenly concerned by just how frightened she really was.

"It's nothing?" she said, lifting her head up to look into my eyes, "Look, it was a mistake for me to come here" she said "I'd better go"

"Sure, we can do that"

"Let's just have these drinks, and we can go anywhere you want?" I said, rubbing her shoulder gently, and giving her one of my most dazzling smiles, but all I could manage to raise from her was the tiniest of smiles in response, and she looked drained from the effort….but it was a start.

Placing her drink in her hand, I picked my own up off the bar, and knocked it back, conscious of everyone in the pub still staring at us, their eyes on my back, finally I couldn't stand it anymore, and slamming the empty glass down on the bar, I spun around to face them all, my jaw set tightly, as I tried to keep my temper.

My arms folded tightly across my chest, my green eyes widening in growing agitation, an almost perfect replica of the medusa stare which my own mum had used on more than one occasion to get her point across. Everyone jumped back in surprise as one, stunned into a momentary stony silence from my psychotic stare, arms covering their faces like shields, trying to block it out.

Then slowly they turned away from me, dropping their gaze back to their glasses, and shifting uncomfortably from where they were sitting or standing, before returning their attention back to their own lives, and their own conversations.

By the time I turned round to ask if she was okay, Bella had disappeared out of the door. Grabbing my jacket, I rushed outside after her. She was leaning against the doorframe, her body bent over, long tapering fingers spread out over her face, and I could make out the sound of muffled sobbing from behind them. Leaning over towards her, I lifted her hands gently away, and she looked at me, her eyes red and puffy from crying. Reaching a hand up to her cheek, I gently brushed away the tears that were still falling from her eyes.

"Hey, what it is?" I asked pulling myself closer, so that I could see her face more clearly, finding her silence a little unnerving, and the way she kept staring at the doorway behind us, as if she feared something might leap out of the darkness to grab us both.

All I could get out of her was a barely audible sentence, which sounded like "It's nothing", and then her face crumpled again, followed soon after by the tears that she had no control over.

After a few minutes had passed between us I could stand it no longer, and acting on sheer impulse I wrapped my arms around her, and held her to me, running my hand thorough her soft hair, as I waited for her sobbing to subside.

"I'm okay now," she said pulling away from me.

"So," I said placing my jacket back around her, in an attempt to distract her from whatever demons that might be haunting her.

"Where to now...?"

"I don't know," she sighed, her expression changing again. Her eyes misting over, as she stared past me at the now grey sky, raising a hand to her chin, as she struck a somewhat thoughtful pose.

"We could go on a walk round the rest of the harbour, or there's a beach a bit further down from here…we could go there…if you want?"

"S…sure" I stammered, wrapping my arms around myself, and trying in my own ludicrous way to pretend that I wasn't feeling the cold.

"You look freezing" she noted, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of my jacket.

"No…no…D…D…Don't you worry about it," I said determined to continue the charade, even when the sky opened up, and I felt the first spots of rain falling on me.

"Please you've been very kind to me" she said ", but I don't want you to end up with a cold on my behalf…please… let me give you back your jacket" she said

"No, no" I said "I…D…D don't want you to get wet either,"

"Well in that case" she said "We're going to have to share it then"

Signalling for me to get under with her, she opened the coat out, pulling me over to her when I hesitated.

"Come on don't be shy," she said smiling encouragingly, and easing her arm around my waist, hoping that the warmth of her body, would cease my shaking,"

"Maybe we should find some shelter first," I said through chattering teeth

"Well where do you suggest we go?" answered Bella looking as equally cold, and miserable as I was.

"Well, there's always the café" I said pointing to the illuminated shop windows of the small coffee shop at the end of the road.

"I was going to go there anyway….if you want to we can grab some food, and get a quick warm….before we decide what to do next"

"I haven't got any money on me" said Bella staring miserably at the ground.

"Don't worry about it" I said "I can afford it"

"Are you sure?" she asked, her eyes clouding over, becoming even darker, until they mirrored the colour of the sky above us.

"Yes, yes I'm sure," I insisted.

"Now come on lets get out of the cold before we both turn into icicles."


The coffee shop was emptier than the last time I'd been in, and had all the atmosphere of a mausoleum in a long abandoned cemetery…Well…no one's going to be out in this weather I thought, as I made my way over to the door, staring at the thick layer of condensation covering the small panel of glass at the centre, as if someone had breathed across the surface, and as we walked through the door I could hear faint Celtic music playing somewhere in the background.

Thick Venetian blinds covered the windows, and I could detect the scent of pine disinfectant lingering in the air. The only other sound I could make out was the waitress moving from table to table, clearing up after the customers who had long since departed. The heels of her shoes tapping nosily against the cold Linoleum tiled floor. Grabbing the nearest table I pulled out a chair for Bella, helping her out of my jacket, and placing it behind her, then pulling out the chair facing her, I sat down.

The waitress who had now cleared most of the tables of their dirt, and debris; stopped what she was doing, her hands full of plates, and cutlery, looking as though she were trying to complete some marvellous balancing trick. Peering over the stack of plates she was holding she sighed heavily. Stooping over to place the precarious pile she was holding onto the table in front of her, before she made her way over to us, brushing her hands absently across the front of her apron as she did.

The same waitress who had served us both that first day Bella and I had met. Only this time she had her blonde hair hung in loose ringlets about her face, and when she looked at me her green eyes sparkled brightly in recognition.

"Nice to see ye again," she said her generous lips pulling back into a dazzling smile.

"Here's the menu for today" she said placing it in my open hands.

"Would ye like to order any drinks?" She asked.

"Yes…I'll have a cappuccino," I answered. Fixing my eyes on the small name badge pinned to the front of her heavily starched apron, which read "Shannon"

"Okay" she said whipping out a small notepad, and pen, and writing it down.

"And ye friend?" she said waving the pen over towards Bella

Leaning over the table, Bella picked up the menu that was propped up in front of me. Opening it out she flattened it down with both hands, scanning through the section written in huge bold lettering which read Drinks, and beverages.

Running a light finger down the list of drinks that were there, she pursed her lips thoughtfully… finally deciding on a small glass of lemonade

"So that's one cappuccino and one glass of lemonade" said Shannon repeating back the order to us.

Glancing up at her I nodded in confirmation, watching as she tucked the notepad, and pen away in a small pocket in the front of her apron; brushing herself down again, as she made her way over to the counter. Out of the corner of my eye I was dimly aware of Bella watching Shannon as she picked up the plates from the table she had left them on, a strange look on her face, as her eyes followed the girl across the floor.

"You…okay" I asked placing a hand on her arm.

Turning to me Bella looked somewhat confused, her mouth opening as if she was going to ask me something; instead she slid back in her chair, and let out an exasperated sigh.

"I know…I said…I bet by the end of the day you're going to be absolutely sick of me asking you that" I said waggling my eyebrows at her.

"No…no…not at all" said Bella the smile returning to her face,

"You've been very kind…it's just…it's just…oh it doesn't matter…just ignore me…I'm just tired."

Then focusing her attention back to the menu, she pulled it closer to her face, and let out another sigh.

"Oh, I just don't know what to order."

"What do you want?" she said pushing the menu over the table towards me. Opening it out onto the list of mains that was typed out in similar bold lettering, I read through the range of meals that were there, deciding on the colcannon with boiled potatoes, and cabbage.

"That sounds nice," said Bella "I'll have the same"

"There ye go," said Shannon who had drifted in between us like a mist without me noticing, placing the tray she was holding on the table, and setting the drinks balancing on it neatly side by side in front of me.

"Are ye ready to order?" She asked, pulling out the pen, and pad and pen from out of her pocket, and holding the pen poised over the paper, ready for her to write.

"Yes" I said searching the table for the menu, which was still in Bella's hands, "Bella" I said placing my hand on her arm to grab her attention, and gesturing towards the menu…"can I just"

"Of course" she said, extending the menu out towards me, her hand brushing ever so lightly against mine as I took it from her.

Lifting it up so the waitress could see it better, I pointed to the Colcannon, and said "We'll both have that please."

"Okay" she said writing the order down. "And would ye like any more drinks while ye wait?" she asked

"No thank you," I said, and then turning to Bella I pointed at her glass "Would you like another?" I asked.

"No…just the one will do for now," she said smiling.

Folding the menu over, I handed it back to Shannon, who pushed it under her other arm, holding the notepad out in front of her. Only this time she headed back across the floor towards the kitchen area. Opening the door next to the counter she disappeared inside, the door closing solidly behind her.

"So," Said Bella lifting her glass up, and taking a small sip of the clear liquid.

"Have you seen anything of the rest of the village…?"

"No, just the harbour so far…"

"Oh, then I'll have to take you there sometime," she said her dark eyes sparkling in anticipation. Her pale skin illuminated by the bright orange flame of the candle sitting between us; creating a warm aura like glow around her that made my stomach turn over at the sight.

I felt as if I was spiralling out of control, and no matter how hard I tried I just I couldn't take my eyes off her. Everything about her took my breath away….her eyes, the way she smiled. The way her hair fell across her shoulders, framing her forehead in soft waves. I could feel my heart racing every time she looked at me, and I forced myself to look away, afraid that if I held her gaze for too long than she would see the truth of my feelings…and be frightened off.

"There's a beach not far from here," she said bringing my eyes back to her own, as if some invisible magnetic field lay between us that I couldn't pull away from.

"If you'd like to," she continued blissfully unaware of my mental predicament, "we could go there sometime, or failing that there's also a small shopping centre if you want to do any shopping….or if you really want to stick to the harbour, there's a restaurant not far from here."

"You mean the harbour view…I saw it the other day...it looked nice," I muttered into my cappuccino.

"So did you go in?" asked Bella suddenly curious

"No...But I made plans to go back there…I don't know," I said trying to make my voice sound as casual as possible.

"Maybe if you want, we could go together sometime…and see what the food's like….," "Anyway enough about that…" I continued, relieved to change the subject.

"What about you?" I asked, hoping that she would be more willing to talk this time.

"I mean… I've told you quite a lot about myself, but I hardly know anything about you."

"It's boring really," said Annabella looking at everything in the room but me.

"I'm sure it's not?" I said giving her my most winning smile in an attempt to coax her into talking.

"Honestly there's nothing to say," she insisted

"Come on," I urged "There must be something to tell..."

"No honestly…there isn't" said Bella looking suddenly uncomfortable.

"Come on, it can't be all that bad…Can it?" I asked, imagining the words that might emerge from her lips next, and for a brief moment I wondered if I really wanted to find out….what if I didn't like what I heard…what then?

"Can't we just change the subject" pleaded Bella.

"Why change the subject?" I asked, curiosity suddenly taking over the fear of what she might say next. "Why don't you want to talk about yourself?"

"It's not that I don't want to talk about myself" said Bella,

"It's just…it's just…"

"It's just what…" I interjected, "What's going on Bella, what could possibly be so terrible that you don't want to talk about it…I don't understand, you need to help me understand. I have all these questions, and not one single answer, and when I try to ask you… you just fob me off….Why is that?...Why you are so sacred to talk about yourself…does it have something to do with that barmaid, and the way she acted towards you?...What was going on there Bella?…Does she have something against you? Do the rest of the people in that pub. Judging by the way they were watching me, when I sat next to you…something must be going on. I know I'm a stranger here Bella, but I know something's not right. You know she warned me about you…told me "If I were you I'd be careful of the company you keep". Can you explain to me why she would do that? Can you?"

"I'm sorry Rosa…I don't want to talk about it…please…please….can we just change the subject," she begged; her dark eyes pleading with me not to continue, a single tear running down her face.

"Okay…okay….don't cry" I said sighing heavily, still bewildered by her refusal to give out even the smallest bit of information about herself, but willing to let the matter drop for now.

"Thank you" sad Bella, her dark eyes fixed on the table in front of her, as she wrung her hands nervously.

"I bought a book the other day," I said trying to take her mind off whatever was bothering her.

"It's just up the road from here," I said pointing to the window.

"Sells a lot of old copies of books, the shopkeeper there's friendly enough, but a bit eccentric at times, reminded me a bit of Merlin with his long white beard, and flowing white hair….said his name was Dauvit," I said taking a mouthful of coffee.

"Do you know him?" I asked…aware that I was probably babbling on like an idiot, but unable to stop the words from spilling from out of my mouth, afraid that I might suddenly trip over the torrent of sentences spewing out. The atmosphere between us now so thick, you could have sliced through it with a carving knife.

A thin layer of perspiration covering my forehead, I felt suddenly sick and nervous by the silence that lingered between us, which was so heavy I could feel it pressing down upon my shoulders, making me slouch forward in my chair.

"I've seen him in passing," said Bella, finally breaking the awful silence, her eyes finding mine again, as she finished off the rest of her lemonade.

"Sold me a first edition of dickens…would you believe it for thirty pounds." I said, swallowing back the nauseous feeling that was spreading round my body.

"That's cheap," remarked Bella

"Certainly is…" I said, my nerves sounding in my voice. "I mean you can pay over a thousand pounds for a copy anywhere else, "I said, my lips pulling back into a somewhat awkward smile. After a few minutes Bella, looked at me again.

"You okay" she asked

"Yeah…I'm sorry if I went on it a bit before…."

"Its okay" she said, her lips breaking out into a warm smile, the sparkle returning to her eyes.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I held her gaze for a few seconds, and returned her smile. The nervous sickly feeling inside me disappearing like a bad dream.

"Oh I almost forgot…" I said, my thoughts going back to the other day, "In the bookshop…there was this other man who came in while I was talking to Dauvit, huge bulk of a man, with this horrible stare that gave me the chills every time he looked at me. He said his name was Hager, and I don't know why but Dauvit seemed terrified of him…I hope he's allright…It's just when I last saw him it looked like things were getting out of hand between him, and this Hager character…I just hope I was wrong," I said placing my empty cup down in front of me.

"Hager," repeated Bella, hardly hearing a word I'd said; her hands gripping the tablecloth in front of her so tightly that her knuckles turned white from the pressure. Her pale skin turning to chalky white,

"Why do you know him aswell?" I asked leaning over the table towards her. "Can you tell me anything about him? I asked

"I'm s…sorry Rosa," stuttered Bella, "But…I can't help you" she said, half stumbling, half rising from her chair, almost sending the chair tumbling over as she did.

"Woah…hold on…what's wrong…what are you so scared of?" I asked, the nervous tone returning to my voice. It seemed to me as if the whole scenario was slipping out of my control, and to make matters worse we weren't alone. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Shannon returning with our food.

"C'mon Bella…your food's here," I said pointing to Shannon, who was now standing next to me.

"Is there a problem?" she asked, placing the food she was holding down on the table.

"No, no. no," I stated trying to sound calmer than I felt.

Her eyes moving from Bella, Shannon looked as confused as I was, as she turned round, and walked back over to the counter, where she stood with her arms across her chest watching us; even with my back to her, I could feel her questioning eyes burning a hole through my t shirt.

"Look Bella" I said ignoring Shannon for the moment, and pointing to the food.

"Maybe if you just have something to eat…you might feel better," I said, moving round the table to stand next to her, and placing my arms around her waist in an attempt to console her, as I tried to think of something, anything I could say that would help to calm her down.

"No…I can't…I'm sorry I've got to go," she said. Pulling away from me, and pacing over to the door, her long dress trailing out behind her.

"Will I see you again?" I shouted after her, my voice catching for a moment.

"I don't know…Rosa I just don't know,"

Her dark eyes brimming with an overwhelming sadness, she backed slowly away from me, hitting the doorframe behind her.

Then for a few minutes she just stood there, looking deep into my eyes, and I found myself falling into them again.

"Look…It's better for you if you just forget you ever saw me" she said, bringing me crashing back to reality.

Reaching over to the wooden door handle behind her, she turned away from me, pushing the door to, and then she was gone, fading away before my eyes, like a spectre; her tiny figure disappearing into the dark night that lay beyond.

Leaving me standing there, alone with my thoughts....and a sudden indescribable ache in my heart; my mind echoing with confusion; my head throbbing, making me feel as if I were stuck in a vice that was becoming tighter, and tighter, until I feared I would explode like a ticking time bomb from the immense pressure that was building up inside me….as I struggled to understand, what the hell had just happened?

To Be Continued.

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