~ Black Velvet ~
by Miss Widget

Pairing: Lindsay Boxer / Calleigh Duquesne
Disclaimer: Don't own CSI: Miami, Women's Murder Club ? well, anything really. Blah Blah Blah ? you all know the spiel.
Note 1:
I was listening to some old cds of mine and Alannah Myles' Black Velvet was one of the tracks. I've always had a soft spot for this song and I personally think it is one hot song! Anyway, this is what happens when I've been reading fics featuring either of these lovely ladies and this song playing in the background. And yes, a mug of hot chocolate or two was consumed in the writing of this fic - it's cold, dammit!
Note 2:
I've hit a bit of a writer's block with the 2 other fics I'm busy writing. Hopefully this has broken the logjam! If anyone has seen my muse, she's off on a tangent again ? kick her back this way, please? Thanks.
Note 3: Thanks to Em for being my beta.
Note 4: This is for citizen_cia. I hope you like the pairing
Spoilers: None really. Set after the events in CSI: Miami season 3 finale when Calleigh withdrew as ballistics expert and after the Kiss Me Not killer was caught in Women's Murder Club. In my own little world these events took place at much the same time and both Calleigh and Lindsay either took time off or were strongly encouraged to do so by their boss *coughlindsaycough*

Loud music and warm, smoke-filled air buffets Calleigh as she steps into the bar. Habit, from years on the job, has her stepping immediately to the left as she waits for her eyes to adjust, to keep her gun hand clear and so as not to offer a backlit target. With a nod and a smile to the bouncer on his stool, the blonde makes her way further into the bar, taking in her surroundings. A small dance floor, presently empty, two pool table's at the back, both occupied, half of the booths and tables occupied, the cheerful chatter of people having a good time on a Friday night. All in all, a typical local bar. All this was quickly taken in as Calleigh made her way over to the bar and settled on a stool with a good view of the room.

The bartender, a tall, good-looking man with a wicked dimple made his way over.

"What's your pleasure?"

Calleigh pondered for a moment before flashing her trademark bright smile.

"Could I have a Malibu and Coke, please? With lots of ice. I haven't had one in a while." Natural Southern charm coated her words like warm honey.

A quick, appreciative look from the bartender flicked over Calleigh before his dimple deepened and he smoothly started making her drink.

"Not a problem, sweetheart. Anything I can help you with, just give Dave a call."

Calleigh's smile widened a bit at the obvious approval in his eyes as she reached for her wallet.

"I'll run a tab for you, settle up at the end of the evening, no problem."

"Thanks but I'll pay as I go, if you don't mind", Calleigh replied with a shrug, placing some money on the counter.

"No problem, here you go." Dave placed her drink on a coaster in front of her and turned to the till for change.

With one last smile, Calleigh turned to face the room, drink at her elbow. In the time she had spoken to Dave and ordered her drink, the bar had filled up some more as groups of people arrived. It appeared as if Suzie's Bar and Grill was popular with the locals.

Calleigh had arrived in this small town that afternoon, had in fact checked into the motel two blocks down the road. She was six days into her three week long leave; four of those had been spent on the road. She had decided to do a bit of a road trip, get away from the lab, her well-meaning friends, and most importantly, away from her nightmares. If she closed her eyes and dropped her guard, she could still hear the ratcheting sound of a gun being cocked behind her or the echo of the gunshot in her lab and the sound of a body dropping,

With a shudder, Calleigh quickly reached for her drink and took a sip, focusing on the coconut taste and forcing her mind to remember bright, sunlight summer days and a more innocent time.

Calleigh's attention quickly turned outward again as a change in the music registered. Friday nights were obviously dance nights as the tune changed from mellow background music to something more conducive to dancing. The little dance floor quickly filled up as the music started rocking.

Calleigh relaxed back into the bar and just took in the happy sounds around her.


Lindsay Boxer was not a happy camper. After grabbing the key to her motel room with a scowl, she stalked off to her Jeep, muttering under her breath.

"Stupid moron! Charging double just to cover any 'possible damage' caused by a dog. What, do they expect Martha to throw a party, invite the local hounds around and trash the place? Idiot!"

Yanking her door open, she dropped into her seat and looked over at Sweet Martha. Warm brown eyes, happy doggy grin and a wagging tail met her look. Reluctantly a smile crept across her face, dimples deepening.

'How could anyone stay upset after a welcome like that?' Lindsay wondered as she lovingly stroked the Border collie's head.

After checking the room number on her key, Lindsay started up her Jeep and pulled into the parking bay for number 7. With the swift movements of habit, two weeks worth to be exact, Lindsay grabbed her duffel from the back along with the groceries and, after calling Martha to her, secured her car.

On the way to her door, Lindsay and Martha paused to admire the bright yellow '67 Mustang convertible parked to the right of the Jeep. The vintage car was in immaculate condition, chrome and paintwork gleaming under the security lights. A smirk crossed Lindsay's face as she made out 'Miss Daisy' in flowing black script along the leading edge of the hood. Somebody obviously had a sense of humour.

After one last admiring glance, Lindsay unlocked her door and stepped into what was going to be her home for as long as she decided to stay. She dumped her duffel at the foot of the double bed and quickly dug out the patiently waiting Martha's food and water bowls, filling them and placing them just inside the bathroom. No sense in tempting fate and having to pay for water damaged carpets. Once that doggy duty had been taken care of, to the obvious approval of a happily munching Martha, Lindsay unpacked her duffel and changed into running gear. Running at night in a strange town was perhaps not the brightest of ideas, but after 6 hours behind the wheel a stretch of the muscles was definitely called for. Besides, Martha as running partner and chaperone would suffice. Calling to the collie after finishing some stretches, Lindsay headed out the door and down the road.

An hour later an invigorated Lindsay and Martha collapsed onto the double bed. As she waited for her breathing to regain its normal rhythm, Lindsay contemplated what to do for the rest of the evening. TV didn't appeal, not that motel TV offered much of a selection, and Lindsay actually felt like company.

As that thought crossed her mind, Lindsay tucked her hands behind her head and contemplated that perhaps Claire had been right. A road trip was just the thing to put things into perspective.

After the whole Kiss Me Not case and the events surrounding it, Lindsay had become withdrawn and surly, trying to deal with the whole situation by pushing it all away, not wanting to dwell on all the wild emotions running through her. She had reached the stage where she was barely speaking to anyone, pushing everyone away. Claire had seen that, as had Tom. The result was a month of leave, courtesy of Tom, who kindly suggested she take the time before the stress either caused her to hurt herself through carelessness or she hurt someone else, either accidentally or on purpose. After brooding on that for a while, she had taken the leave. And Claire, it had been her suggestion to take her dog and her Jeep and drive until she found herself and the peace that she so sorely needed.

It would appear that after two weeks of quiet contemplation while the countryside passed by and the silent support of her Sweet Martha, she had finally reached some semblance of peace. Thoughts and memories that a month ago would have stabbed through her with savage pain had eased. Oh, there was still an ache but much easily borne. Perhaps she was fit for human company at last.

With that last thought, Lindsay rolled over and looked at her beloved dog.

"What do you think, Martha, you up for a quiet evening in front of the TV? I think I'm going to stop in at that bar down the road, have a drink and see how that goes. Maybe even have a conversation with someone with less hair that you do. You okay with that?"

Martha cocked her head and looked at Lindsay as she spoke, her tail gently wagging, then she swiped her tongue across Lindsay's cheek before settling comfortably on the bed, her plans for the rest of the evening obvious.

With a laugh Lindsay wiped her cheek, threw her arms around Martha and dropped a quick kiss on her head.

A flick of the remote and the TV was tuned onto some sort of documentary on the Wild Dogs of Africa.

"I'm off to shower. Behave yourself."

A quick shower later, Lindsay rummaged through her clothes and pulled on a faded pair of Levi's, a tank top with a white shirt buttoned over it, the sleeves rolled up to below her elbow and her favourite boots. A touch of makeup and a quick brush of her damp hair and Lindsay was ready.

After taking Martha out for a quick pit stop, Lindsay made sure that the collie was set for the evening and locked the door behind her.

Tossing her leather jacket on the seat beside her, Lindsay quickly started the Jeep up and drove off towards Suzie's Bar and Grill.


Calleigh was thoroughly enjoying herself. While enjoying her drink, several people had asked her to dance. She had declined with a smile, not ready yet to give up on her people watching. She had been quite interested to note the mixed crowd. It seemed that Suzie's was quite popular with the local gay community, having noticed quite a number of same sex couples snuggled up on the dance floor and at various booths.

A smile brightened her face as she spotted the elderly couple she'd seen entering earlier. The two ladies must have been in their sixties but that had certainly not stopped them from having a good time. At that very moment the two of them were wrapped up in each other's arms, oblivious to the crowd around them, as the DJ played UB40's Red Red Wine.

Dave's voice came from behind Calleigh, making her jump slightly.

"That's Suzie and her partner, Jody. Suzie's the tall one with her hair in a braid down her back."

At this, Calleigh turned slightly, keeping the two in her sight as she turned towards Dave.

"As in Suzie's Bar and Grill?"

"Yup. Suzie started this place up about 20 years ago. She serves the best steaks for 100 miles, I swear. Anyway, she started this place up, got so that anyone who wanted a good steak and a good time came here. Then she met Jody, must be about 16 years ago now. Jody was just stopping here on her way to somewhere else. Well, one look at Suzie and she never left. Needless to say, it was quite the scandal back then but Suzie just plain didn't care. She'd found the love of her life and she didn't give a damn about what anyone else thought or said. There were all sorts of talk of closing this place down, how it was a den of iniquity, if you can believe that, and that those two were corrupting the youth. Well, Suzie just dug in her heels and with Jody's help just kept on going. Business from passing traveller kept them afloat. That and the local gays, most of who had been living in the closet, started coming here to socialise. The biggest surprise at the time was the mayor's brother. Nobody had a clue, least of all the mayor! Anyway, to cut a long story short, the number of gays in our little town turned out to be nearly 20% of the population back then! That has quite the eye-opener. So things got sorted out and since then this has been the place to be on a Friday night."

At the end of his tale, Dave gave the couple on the dance floor a quick salute before heading off to serve another customer.

Calleigh turned back to the dance floor, a gentle smile on her face. 'Talk about love carrying you through', she mused.

Movement at the entrance caught her attention and she looked up just as a tall brunette stepped inside and to the right. Calleigh's breath caught as the brunette's eyes swept around the room, almost feeling that intense dark gaze brushing over her.


Lindsay was in luck. A parking spot opened up just in front of the entrance to the bar and Lindsay quickly nipped in, waving at the hoot from an irate man in his little Honda. She shrugged into her leather jacket and, after making sure she had her wallet and keys, headed for the door.

Lively music and warm air pressed against her as she stepped through the door and to her right. She glanced around the room while her eyes adjusted to the dimmer light. She smiled at the bouncer's greeting and stopped short at his next sentence.

"If you're here to meet up with the blonde cop, she's over at the bar."

Eyebrow raised, Lindsay looked at him quizzically.

The bouncer, his face creased with a surprisingly friendly grin.

"Sorry about that. I can spot a cop a mile off. And you're the second cop to come in here tonight so I thought you may be meeting up with someone."

"No problem. I'm curious though. How'd you make me for a cop?" Curiosity had Lindsay stepping closer to the bouncer to hear what he was saying.

"Oh, that was easy. Both of you immediately stepped to the side when you came in the door, keeping the doorway clear and not making a target of yourself. If I were to guess, I'd say you were a southpaw, the other lady right-handed. Am I right?"

Lindsay was nonplussed. She hadn't even realised she had done just as the bouncer had described. With a laugh and a rueful shake of her head, Lindsay stuck her hand out.

"Lindsay Boxer, San Francisco PD. And that's some eye you have there. I don't know about the other lady but yes, I'm a lefty. Let me guess. I kept my gun hand clear, even though I don't have my gun on me."

"Carl", the bouncer shook hands, his hand nearly engulfing Lindsay's. "And yeah, you did. The lady did the same, except she stepped left. Anyway, welcome to Suzie's and sorry about the assumption."

"No problem. Maybe I'll go introduce myself. Us cops gotta stick together, you know?" This last said with a smile.

Carl just laughed and gestured to the bar. "There you go, the blonde in the black jeans and top. See ya."

With one last wave, Lindsay headed over to the bar and the blonde cop who seemed to be waiting for her.


As the brunette stopped to talk to the bouncer, Calleigh tried to catch her breath.
"Wow. That is some hot woman. I've not seen her here before. I wonder if Carl knows her?"

Calleigh jumped once again to hear Dave's voice behind her before focussing on what he had said.

"Oh yeah", she breathed before flushing a delightful pink at Dave's snigger. She quickly cleared her throat and spoke before he could.

"Carl? Is that the bouncer?"

"Yeah. He's actually Suzie's nephew. Believe it or not, he's taken to running more of the business since Suzie's decided she'd like to retire and spend more of her time doting on Jody."

Calleigh's blush has subsided by this stage, her eyes still on the tall figure with dark, wavy hair. She automatically catalogued the essentials. Height 5'10, long, dark hair and dark eyes, fit, well-muscled body.

"So, are you gonna talk to her or just stare at her all night?"

Dave's voice brought her out of her musings, starting her blush up again.

"Hush, you! I think I'll have another drink, if you don't mind."

Dave just grinned unrepentantly, blue eyes twinkling before he started mixing another Malibu and Coke.

"Sure thing. My treat, though."

"Thanks, Dave. I'm Calleigh, by the way."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady. A pleasure to meet you."

Charmed despite herself, Calleigh shook the proffered hand before taking a sip of her drink. She set it down on the bar before turning her back to the bar again, her elbow next to her drink. As she settled, she saw the brunette wave to Carl before heading her way.

Calleigh watched mesmerised as the tall woman confidently strode over to her before giving her a wide smile, dimples flashing, and holding her hand out.

"Hi, I'm Lindsay Boxer. Carl over there said you were a fellow cop. Mind if I join you?" A low, husky drawl wrapped itself around her as Lindsay introduced herself and sent pleasant shivers down Calleigh's spine.

A bright smile crossed Calleigh's face as she slid off her stool and grasped Lindsay's hand.

"Hi, Lindsay. I'm Calleigh Duquesne and I guess I am a cop, though technically I'm a CSI for Miami-Dade PD. And sure, I don't mind if you join me at all." Calleigh's pleasure in meeting Lindsay was obvious, her Louisiana accent having broadened a bit more than usual, causing her words to seem as if they'd been soaked in honey.

The moment Calleigh had slid off her stool and taken Lindsay's hand, a spark shot through her, warming her. And the sound of Calleigh's voice, redolent with the sound of the South, wrapped around her and drew her in, warm brown eyes meeting and melting into bright jade ones.

Dave's voice broke the tableau and caused sound to rush back into their little bubble and with it, awareness of their surroundings. With a blush, hands were released as both turned their attention to the bartender.

Dave glanced between the two, smiling at the obvious attraction between the two and repeated his question.

"What would you like to drink?"

With a quick shake of her head, Lindsay quickly focussed and ordered a Corona.

Once she had her Corona, Lindsay turned to the fascinating blonde seated next to her.

"So, you're from Miami, are you? That sure ain't a Floridian accent!"

Lindsay cocked a quizzical eyebrow before taking a sip of her beer. Laughter bubbling from her left was her only answer for a moment.

"It's as Floridian as your Californian accent, that's for sure! " Calleigh replied with a smile. Lindsay smiled in acknowledgement, dimples fluttering briefly, captivating the blonde.

"I'm originally from Louisiana. Grew up there in a town called Darnell, went to Tulane U. Worked a while for New Orleans PD in the ballistics lab before moving to Miami, where I now reside, and where I work as a CSI. There you go, my life in a nutshell! How about you?"

Calleigh turned unbelievably green eyes to Lindsay, catching bottomless, dark eyes. She took a sip of her drink without losing eye contact and tilted her head in enquiry. Lindsay ran a trembling hand through her tumbling dark hair, insides quivering as a result of that curious, gentle gaze. With a quick puff or breath, Lindsay replied.

"Well, as you no doubt guessed, I'm not a California native. I was born in Texas. We moved to San Francisco when I was still a kid. Did the whole school thing, university and then followed my father and joined the police force. Worked my way up until I got my shield and moved over to Homicide. The rest, as they say, is history."

As Calleigh opened her mouth to comment, a strange noise caught her attention. Only the brief pause between songs actually allowed her to hear the muted sound. That, and the bright colour flooding Lindsay's features immediately peaked her curiosity.

"Are you hungry?" Calleigh asked with a smirk.

Lindsay ducked her head, mentally cursing her stomach for embarrassing her in public like that, before taking a deep breath and looking back up.

"Yeah, sorry. I only arrived about 2 hours ago and I haven't taken the time yet to find something to eat."

Calleigh smiled at the obvious embarrassment causing the tall blonde to stuff her hands in her pockets and hunch her shoulders. An image sprung to mind of a little child being scolded. The only thing missing was the scuffing of a toe on the floor. She quickly reached out and laid a hand on Lindsay's shoulder.

"Don't be sorry. You're actually in luck. Dave here tells me that Suzie serves the best steak in the area. What do you say to joining me for dinner?"

Lindsay's dimples deepened with the quick smile that warmed up her eyes as she nodded enthusiastically.

"Definitely! That would be great."

Dave, having overheard the last part of the conversation, waved over one of the waitresses and directed Lindsay and Calleigh to follow her.


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