~ Sing It Loud! ~
by NiteHawk

Disclaimer: This is what happens when I have my iPod playing while I'm trying to write. All of a sudden I couldn't not imagine an entire amazon village singing and dancing to Britney Spears, so I figured I might as well subject someone else to my delusion. Also let's blame food poisoning. I didn't have any, but at least it gives me an excuse.

Obviously, I don't own the rights to ANY of this. The characters, the music? all not mine. After this you'll probably think that's a good thing. Just a quick note, though, some of the lyrics have been revised or cut down for my purposes. I don't think amazons would necessarily sing about cars or going to the disco? well, not until Xena invents them anyway (she has invented everything else).

Oh yeah, in this story there happen to be some women in love. With each other. If you're offended, maybe you should look into some counseling because I can't see why that should be a problem for you. And naturally there's the option of not reading this story, but seriously, what a loss!

Timeline: Takes place after the season two episode "A Necessary Evil."

"Well thank the gods that's over with. You know, normally this village is a pretty quiet place. Whenever you two visit, though?"

"Yes, Ephiny, you've told us only about a hundred times now. Amazons are peace-loving homebodies and Xena and I are nothing but trouble. Got it," Gabrielle moaned to her regent, rolling her eyes. Gabrielle shot one last look of feigned remorse at her friend before shifting her attention to their silent companion several paces ahead. Her bearing always regal and imposing and, as usual, putting the royals to shame, Xena strode purposefully through the forest - consciously ignoring the teasing between the amazons trailing behind. As Gabrielle noticed the tension in Xena's shoulders and the determined gait, a mix of longing and sadness clouded the young queen's features.

Noticing the sudden change in mood and the reason for it, Ephiny studied the small blonde out the corner of her eye. The first time she'd met this young woman she had been deeply annoyed by everything about her - her chattiness, her wide-eyed innocence, the ease with which she'd insinuated herself into Amazon society - and, most importantly, her clothes. Now, however, she couldn't help but wonder at the changes in Gabrielle. The sum of her experiences had no doubt matured the queen into someone Ephiny couldn't help but admire, but she also felt a pang of guilt at the melancholy now evident in Gabrielle's countenance. Gone was the girl who, while cautious and thoughtful when necessary, always had a smile on her face.

Suddenly bold, Ephiny put her hand out to lightly catch hold of Gabrielle's arm as they walked and the startled young queen looked over at her friend. Silently the regent communicated her wish for a private chat, and with one last wistful glance at the retreating back of the warrior ahead, Gabrielle slowed down. Once Ephiny was confident there was enough space between them and Xena she offered her best consoling smile to her queen.

"Things have been hard on you lately, haven't they?" Ephiny asked her friend, and while Gabrielle didn't answer her troubled eyes verified the truth of that statement. "I know it's probably not my place, but I just want to let you know that I'm here for you. And so is the entire Amazon nation, for that matter. You are our queen."

"I know, Ephiny. Thank you," Gabrielle said sincerely, reaching out and patting Ephiny's hand which still rested on her elbow. Gabrielle offered a weak smile in an effort to show her appreciation.

"But?" Ephiny said slowly, drawing out the word and looking straight into Gabrielle's eyes. "It isn't our attention you want. Is it?"

Gabrielle blanched quickly before she regained control and tried to paste an expressionless mask on her face. The blush rising up her neck and warming her face betrayed her true feelings on the subject, and after a few seconds of returning Ephiny's resilient gaze she turned her eyes away and awkwardly starting peeling at some splinters on her staff.

"No," she finally answered under her breath.

"So what's stopping you? Go up there and grab her and get her attention," Ephiny said confidently, her eyes sparkling. She couldn't hide the huge grin that had snuck onto her face, but neither did she want to. In the few times she had seen Xena and Gabrielle together over the past year she had witnessed the undeniably strong bond between the two women. After Thessaly she had been convinced the two were or soon would be lovers and Gabrielle's reaction to Xena's death recently had only cemented that suspicion.

Gabrielle looked up at Ephiny, her eyes flashing with fear at the woman's proposal. She glanced further up the path to make sure that Xena hadn't heard, and the steadfast pace of the warrior reassured her that this conversation with Ephiny was still private. Slowly she turned her attention to her bemused friend.

"You're crazy, you know that?" Gabrielle said, pounding the end of her staff in the dirt to emphasize the point. "There's no way I could do that."

"Why not?" Ephiny persisted.

"Why? why not? Oh, I'll tell you why not. There's a long list of reasons?" Gabrielle trailed off, hoping Ephiny wouldn't actually expect her to say them. The look on the regent's face quickly dispelled that notion.

"Okay, well first off, she doesn't feel that way about me?"

"What way?" Ephiny chimed in, suddenly enjoying the ease with which she could unnerve her queen. Gabrielle shot a dirty look in her direction but ignored the question.

"Second, she just came back from the dead and then had to face a god and her worst enemy, who somehow made herself immortal, and now is also a god. Not a good day, to say the least. She probably needs some time and space to work through it all?"

"Maybe she'd like to work through it with you. She did come back from the dead for you," Ephiny said, her teasing giving way to honest concern.

"She did not come back for me. She came back because it wasn't her time? she came back for the greater good," Gabrielle said, perhaps a little too forcefully, but she desperately wanted Ephiny to understand.

"I don't?"

"And?" Gabrielle said quickly, cutting off Ephiny before she couldn't interrupt her train of thought any more. "And another thing - what if I did go to her and tell her how I feel and it makes things? different between us? What if she decided she couldn't trust me around her anymore? I couldn't take losing her again, especially if it was because of something I said. I'd rather be her friend than nothing at all. So, can't you see? I don't have a choice. This is my only safe option."

"Just think of what could happen, though. Just think what you could have. What if she did feel the same way and she's just too scared to say it?" Gabrielle remained decidedly unconvinced -obviously she couldn't even fathom the thought of Xena afraid of anything.

"Hey, are you two coming or not?" Xena called out from way up the path, facing the two wayward amazons with her hands on her hips and an exasperated look on her face. Gabrielle shot Ephiny one last warning glance, cautioning the regent from continuing this discussion any further. Conceding defeat for now, Ephiny shrugged her shoulders and turned towards Xena.

"Yeah, we'll be right there!" she shouted. Then, turning to Gabrielle, she quietly whispered, "This isn't over yet?"

Ephiny quickly turned on her heels and began jogging towards an annoyed warrior princess. Gabrielle sighed loudly before trudging her way behind.

"So you found our queen, Ephiny. I was beginning to wonder if we needed to send a search party out for you as well," Sonora, chief priestess of Artemis, admonished the curly haired regent. Ephiny seemed to wilt under the intense scrutiny of the acolyte and backed away a discreet distance. Sonora immediately turned her attention to Gabrielle and offered a wide smile. "I'm glad to see you're unharmed, my queen. We were worried, after all, and when Ephiny ran out of here without so much as a goodbye we weren't quite sure what to do."

Gabrielle looked at the tall, older amazon priestess. Her straight red hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she was dressed in the same fashion as the rest of the amazons. The only distinction between the chaplain and the others was the lunar design on her dark leathers, the mark of the temple of Artemis. A large bow was strung over one shoulder with a quiver on the back, and the toned, muscular body demonstrated that while she may serve in the temple, she was foremost an amazon warrior. The fact that her age, approximately twenty years Gabrielle's senior, didn't seem to slow her down in the least was another indication of her excellent training.

"Looks like you did just fine without us," Gabrielle said warmly, eyeing the rebuilding process taking place throughout the village. "It wouldn't have done any good for everyone to go chasing after us when there's so much to do here. How are the wounded doing?"

"Quite well," Sonora enthused, the size of her smile increasing with the queen's praise. "We've set up a makeshift hospital in the temple until we can get the infirmary rebuilt, but luckily nobody seems to have been injured too badly."

"We were lucky," Xena interjected gruffly. The dark look in the warrior's face caused Gabrielle to falter for a moment. "Things could have been a lot worse."

"You're right, of course. Our new queen is surely blessed by Artemis," Sonora offered. Xena rolled her eyes but made no comment.

"So?" Gabrielle started, her eyes focused on Xena and quickly assessing the warrior's discomfort with the conversation. "We've had a crazy couple days. I think Xena and I would like to get a little bit of rest before we pitch in around here."

"Of course!" Sonora said quickly, unsure if she had made a major blunder by not anticipating her queen's wishes earlier. "Unfortunately your hut was badly damaged, but we managed to save your things and moved them into one of the homes near the temple. We also set a place aside for your champion as well. I'll show you both to your huts now. Ephiny?"

"Yes, Sonora?" the regent answered meekly. Gabrielle grinned a little at seeing her friend so browbeaten. Serves her right, she thought with a chuckle.

"Perhaps you can take over the rebuilding effort for the time being while our queen recuperates. That is your job, isn't it?"

"Yes. Fine, I'll go," Ephiny replied, sulking. She turned her gaze to Gabrielle and lifted an eyebrow in annoyance which only made the bard laugh harder. "I'll see you later, Gabrielle. You too, Xena. Sleep well."

Then, casting a devious wink in Gabrielle's direction, Ephiny turned and headed off towards the loose assembly of women in the village center. Gabrielle rolled her eyes at the regent's back.

"Right this way my queen," Sonora interrupted Gabrielle's train of thought, and soon the priestess was leading the two weary companions through the rubble of the amazon village. Gabrielle took in the devastation with sad eyes, feeling grief settle in the pit of her stomach at the wrenching sight. When she was shown to her quarters, Gabrielle tiredly entered the small hut and, feeling like the weight of the world was on her shoulders, dropped onto the bed and fell fast asleep.

"So, Gabrielle, since it appears that you and Xena will be staying while we rebuild, perhaps I can talk you into a proper coronation ritual this time. It would be good for morale, you know," Sonora said sweetly to the queen as the young woman eagerly dug into her meal.

After resting for just a few hours after returning to the village, Xena and Gabrielle had joined the rest of the women in the rebuilding efforts and, presently, both were feeling an overwhelming mixture of exhaustion and hunger.

With the dining tent destroyed, small tables were set up all throughout the central square and Sonora, Xena, Ephiny and Gabrielle sat together near the demolished ceremonial platform. The food for the evening was not up to the usual high standards of amazon cooking and, despite their appetites, the priestess and warriors picked absently at their meals and jointly watched the queen in amazement as she packed away the thick stew.

"Mmm? what?" Gabrielle said, only half-realizing that Sonora had been speaking to her. With one last swipe of her spoon she cleaned out her bowl and looked at the other women's food anxiously. Ephiny pulled her bowl a little closer to her body, wrapping both hands around it protectively.

"A coronation ceremony?" Sonora reminded the young woman. "We didn't have a chance before, what with recent events, but I think now would be a good time for it. Our community has lost so much in such a short period of time, and I believe the pomp and circumstance would be good for us all."

"I don't know?" Gabrielle said reluctantly, not entirely comfortable with her new position and the standoffish treatment she now received as queen. She certainly didn't feel like royalty and she really didn't want anyone treating her that way. She stared at her empty bowl for a few moments, absently scraping her spoon against the wooden bottom.

"I think you should do it," Xena offered quietly, startling Gabrielle. The young bard looked up and met Xena's intense gaze. For a few moments, nothing existed for Gabrielle outside the electric current she felt coursing between herself and the warrior.

"Yeah, Gabrielle, go for it," Ephiny said, unintentionally breaking the spell between the two women. She elbowed the young queen and offered a smug grin. Gabrielle looked at the regent with disdain.

"You deserve it," Xena insisted gently, once again retrieving Gabrielle's attention and lavishing the blonde with a soft smile.

"My queen?" Sonora inquired, oblivious to everything.

"Fine?" Gabrielle said, feeling defeated and yet triumphant at the same time. This was just the latest example of how her emotions had been so jumbled lately, and at the very least she hoped this would provide some distraction. She really didn't need to say or do something she'd regret right now, not when things were finally getting back to normal.

"Wonderful!" Sonora intoned, clapping her hands together excitedly and startling Gabrielle out of her reverie. "I'll talk to the other priestesses and we will begin the ceremony first thing in the morning!"

Sonora quickly jumped up from her seat and ran off to make preparations. Gabrielle put her head in her hands and shook it miserably, sighing.

"What did I just agree to?" Gabrielle asked herself, moaning.

Xena watched her friend carefully, concern shining in her eyes, but she remained quiet. Ephiny, seeing the look, laughed quietly to herself. With a smirk she began to dig into her stew, her appetite finally returned.

The majority of the next day had gone without incident, most of Gabrielle's duties in the ceremony consisting of learning and repeating various passages in deference to Artemis and the amazon nation, a lot of quiet time which was supposed to be spent praying and focusing on responsibility to her sisters but Gabrielle invariably spent dreaming about Xena, and the ritual bathing and dressing of the queen in her stately garments. Most of these functions were fulfilled with only the priestesses in attendance on the queen while the rest of the amazons worked hard to reset the village and ceremonial platform as best they could before the anticipated activities of the evening. The final stage of the coronation process would involve the whole of the nation and last all through the night up to sunrise.

It was only after spending hours and hours going through the various motions Sonora set out for her that Gabrielle learned what the final ritual would entail. The second she heard Gabrielle began to pace back and forth furiously throughout the temple while the priestess watched her agitated queen, a confused look on her face.

"I don't understand what the problem is?" the redhead exclaimed quietly. "You should have nothing to fear. You are a shining beacon to our nation, and this is only meant to demonstrate that."

"The problem IS?" Gabrielle said loudly, jabbing her finger forward animatedly with each word. "Nobody said there'd be singing!"

"But this is one of our most beloved rituals! What is wrong with singing?" Sonora asked, clueless.

"Nothing if you can do it. I, however?" Gabrielle said, extending her hands to her sides and shrugging, not feeling the desire to explain her deficiencies in this particular area.

"But you're a bard!" the priestess argued.

"Who doesn't sing!" Gabrielle cried out in frustration. She put her head in her hands and began to moan dejectedly to herself.

"It can't be that bad," Sonora said, trying to comfort the young queen as best she could. That effort earned her an irate look from the agitated blonde.

"It can be, and it is." Gabrielle growled loudly, slapping her thighs with her hands and resuming her pacing. "This is the worst possible thing. How could I let you talk me into this?"

"My queen, nobody will think less of you. You are loved by all. Perhaps this will just make you more human in your subjects' eyes?" the priestess offered hopefully.

"If they don't run screaming?" Gabrielle said under her breath. Finally calming somewhat, she turned her eyes to Sonora and stared determinedly. "What? if I do this, what exactly do I have to do? I mean how much singing is there really?"

The priestess narrowed her eyes fretfully, unsure how the queen would react to the answer.

"It's up to you, in a way. We priestesses pray to Artemis and a spell is cast on the village. All within its boundaries are then required to sing their true feelings until sunrise. If there's nothing overly pressing in your mind, then you wouldn't sing much or at all, I suppose."

Gabrielle mumbled a curse under her breath. Fat chance of that. Briefly Gabrielle wondered at the chances of Velasca coming back again and interrupting this particular ceremony, but quickly decided the odds weren't on her side.

"My queen, I'm sorry, but I didn't realize how upsetting this would be for you. Unfortunately the chants have already begun and the spell will be in effect within an hour. But look on the bright side - it's only one night, and then things will be back to normal in the morning."

Or not, Gabrielle thought to herself worriedly. A lot can happen in one night.

Gabrielle stood nervously on the newly rebuilt stage, flanked by priestesses, looking out over what was left of the amazon nation. So many horrible things had happened to them all lately - the death of the former queen, a civil war, being attacked by a goddess - but tonight the excitement in the air was palpable. As worried as she was and as much as she didn't like this particular ritual, Gabrielle was glad at least for the balm it provided for her sisters' troubled souls.

After a few moments, the queen raised her eyes from the multitude before her and anxiously scanned the horizon. Despite the forest around them, the amazons had built the ceremonial stage on the crest of a hill so that, overlooking the village and the trees below, there was a clear sight line into the distance. The importance of Artemis and therefore the moon in amazon rituals had necessitated such forethought, and currently Gabrielle and the acolytes were waiting for the sun to set and herald the beginning of nighttime and, with it, the final ritual of coronation.

Gabrielle dropped her eyes for another second from her impatient examination of the sky and spied Xena off to the side of the crowd, leaning casually against one of the reconstructed huts. The warrior's eyes scanned the throng, always alert and searching for threats. Gabrielle pressed her lips together in a grim line, so many emotions raging inside of her at the sight of her friend. As soon as she recognized the passionate bent of her thoughts the queen quickly tore her eyes away and tried her best to focus on the differences between Doric and Ionian dialects. If she could just think of something really tedious, with luck she could avoid bursting into a potentially embarrassing song and dance routine.

Gabrielle's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden chorus of chants around her and she raised her eyes to see that the sun had finally disappeared beneath the horizon. With a sinking feeling, she realized that meant the beginning of the ritual. Gabrielle did her best to listen only to the indistinct chants and keep from wringing her hands in worry in front of all the amazons.

One voice rose above all the others in the chanting, and Gabrielle became vaguely aware of its increasing proximity. She looked to the side just in time to see Sonora approaching from the pack of acolytes, a small bowl carried reverently in her hands. When the head priestess reached Gabrielle, the chanting stopped and the tall woman turned to face the crowd.

"Our new queen has passed all of the goddess's tests and stands before you now a new woman. Artemis's chosen will lead us into a new life of hope and prosperity. With the blessing of Artemis and her twin Apollo, all hail Gabrielle!"

The ecstatic shouts of the amazons were deafening. Sonora's lips curved into a small smile as she turned to the new queen and gazed at her with shining eyes. As the amazons continued to cheer, the priestess took one hand off the side of the bowl and dipped it inside. She withdrew her fingers, now covered in a thick, dark mud, which the woman used to paint ancient symbols on Gabrielle's exposed flesh to mark her status. When she was done the cheering died away and Sonora slowly dropped to her knees in a show of deference, beginning to sing:

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good ol' way
And who shall wear the starry crown?
Good Lady show me the way!

O sisters let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
O sisters let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good ol' way
And who shall wear the robe & crown?
Good Lady show me the way

O mothers let's go down
Come on down, don't you wanna go down?
Come on mothers, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good ol' way
And who shall wear the starry crown?
Good Lady show me the way
(Down to the River to Pray, Alison Krauss)

When the priestess finished her song, all of the amazons dropped to their knees in supplication and began to pray silently to Artemis. Gabrielle took a second to catch on but soon did the same, looking up for a split second to notice the bemused expression on a still standing Xena's face. The entire congregation remained in pious silence for several minutes before finally Sonora stood again, signaling the end of the prayer.

"Now let us celebrate our queen. Let the party begin!" Sonora shouted, raising her hands to the sky. The amazons jumped to their feet and began howling in delight. Gabrielle had no idea how it got there and got there so quickly, but all of a sudden a large table was set up in the back full of various alcoholic beverages. She never ceased to be amazed at the resourcefulness of amazons when it came to a party.

Sonora put a reassuring hand on Gabrielle's back and ushered the bewildered woman off the stage and into the crowd. "And you were worried my queen?" she asked with a devious smile. Gabrielle shot the priestess a dirty look.

"Someone gave me the impression I was going to be singing in front of the entire amazon nation!" she said indignantly. Sonora laughed.

"The night is still young," the woman replied with a knowing wink. Then, with a playful bow, the priestess quickly lost contact with the queen and disappeared into the crowd.

"Amazons?" Gabrielle said under her breath, shaking her head disapprovingly. Finally taking a moment to survey the party, Gabrielle was overwhelmed by the multitude of excited faces as her sisters downed drink after drink and danced with abandon. A few aimed sloppy grins at their queen but most were deferential, even in their quickly deteriorating states.

As Gabrielle looked around, trying to decide her next step, one rather forward amazon began to dance closer, shaking her hips in a way that left no question in Gabrielle's mind what this woman was looking for. Gabrielle chuckled nervously before Ephiny stepped in between the two women. With one stern look at the amazon - who winked back knowingly at Ephiny before heading out to find a new target - the regent turned her attention to Gabrielle and smiled wryly.

"That didn't take long, did it?" the warrior joked, ushering Gabrielle through the crowd to what she hoped was safety. Gabrielle kept glancing at the various women they passed, blushing furiously at some of the things she was witnessing and the snippets of lyrics that floated to her ears. Eventually she and Ephiny emerged near the drink table and stood off to the side, watching the party get under way.

Ephiny grabbed a pair of drinks and offered one to the queen who reluctantly took it. Gabrielle stared into her cup, wondering if she dared drink anything tonight, while Ephiny laughed at her predicament.

"The night's only just starting, Gabrielle, and you already look like you're about to run screaming into the woods."

"Well someone should have warned me what exactly this ceremony was all about. I suppose if I had any good friends around here I wouldn't be caught in this situation."

"Ouch," Ephiny said, her laugh betraying the feigned look of hurt in her eyes. After a second of studying the intense anxiety in her friend's features, however, she stopped laughing and offered a reassuring smile. "You'll be fine. I'm not going to say people don't make fools of themselves on this night, but generally everyone gets too drunk to remember in the morning. Besides, I think you could use some fun. You need to loosen up - things have been tough lately, so this is your chance to finally put it all in the past."

"If I don't do something really stupid first," Gabrielle said, staring at her feet.

"Maybe you need to do something stupid tonight," Ephiny suggested.

"Don't start this again," Gabrielle warned, and the look in her eyes shut down whatever else Ephiny had considered saying. The regent shrugged, took a long drink from her cup, and raised her eyebrows.

"Well I could use some fun, that's for sure. I'll catch up with you later," Ephiny said before disappearing into the crowd. Gabrielle growled in annoyance before looking around skittishly, wondering at her chances for disappearing into the night without anybody noticing.

Suddenly a large group of amazons formed into lines and began a synchronized dance in the clearing; all who weren't part of the troupe moved to the sides and watched with admiring eyes. As the dance became more provocative, the women burst out into song:

Outrageous? when I move my body
Outrageous? when I'm at a party
Outrageous? in my sexy beads
Outrageous? when I'm on the scene
Outrageous? my sex drive
Outrageous? my shopping spree
Outrageous? we're on a world tour
Outrageous? let's be it girl!

Sexy as I wanna be
Got these fellas chasin' me
It's 'bout time I hit the streets
All my girls still feelin' me
"A" girl ain't lost the beat
Jumped over drama and I landed on my feet
Gotta keep goin' no stoppin' me
And if you don't like it then

Outrageous? when I move my body
Outrageous? when I'm at a party
Outrageous? in my sexy beads
Outrageous? when I'm on the scene
Outrageous? my sex drive
Outrageous? my shopping spree
Outrageous? we're on a world tour
Outrageous? let's be it girl!

I just wanna be happy
In a place where love is free
Can you take me there?
Somebody, oooh
And when you mention my name
Make sure you know the truth, yeah
Until I vow to keep it forever

Outrageous? when I move my body
Outrageous? when I'm at a party
Outrageous? in my sexy beads
Outrageous? when I'm on the scene
Outrageous? my sex drive
Outrageous? my shopping spree
Outrageous? we're on a world tour
Outrageous? let's be it girl!
(Outrageous, Britney Spears)

"Just think, you're their queen," a voice from behind startled Gabrielle from her fixation on the show and abruptly she pulled her attention away, fighting the blush rising in her cheeks.

"Xena, don't sneak up on me like that!" Gabrielle admonished, looking up into the teasing eyes of the warrior. Suddenly overcome with the proximity of Xena, the music and the atmosphere, Gabrielle quickly lowered her gaze and raised the cup to her lips, taking a long gulp of the liquid. Her eyes began to water when she realized just how strong the beverage was, and she fought to keep a straight face and not choke as she lowered the goblet.

Xena, of course, noticed the extreme discomfort of the bard but chose to ignore it, smiling inwardly but offering a contrite expression for the young woman.

"I apologize, my queen," the warrior said deferentially, bowing lowly at the waist. Gabrielle smirked and slapped at Xena's stomach, chuckling.

"Just don't do it again. I'd hate to have to sic my royal guards on you," Gabrielle teased.

"I'd hate to have to hurt them," Xena said with a sly grin, grabbing a drink off the table and taking a long swallow.

"So, will you be gracing us with a song tonight, Xena?" Gabrielle asked, a wicked gleam in her eye.

"Uh? no," Xena said simply, coolly scanning the crowd as she took another small drink. "What about you?"

"I've only been queen a couple days now. I don't think that my singing would be a good way to ingratiate myself," Gabrielle said sardonically, tracing her finger around the rim of her cup.

"I like your voice," Xena said with a smile, locking eyes with the small blonde.

"You're delusional," Gabrielle replied, laughing. Xena grinned and shrugged lightly, but neither broke the gaze.

"My queen?"

The voice broke Gabrielle out of her trance and she looked around dazedly for the source of the interruption. One of the younger amazons was standing nearby with an expectant look on her face. It took Gabrielle a second to recognize the woman.

"Yes Thea?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but my friend is one of the patients at the temple. She has taken a turn for the worse and I've heard that Xena is an expert healer?"

"She does have many skills," Gabrielle whispered under her breath, hoping nobody would notice. Thea appeared not to hear but Xena shot Gabrielle a strange look.

"So you want to borrow Xena for a bit? that's not really up to me," Gabrielle said to the amazon before turning her eyes back to the tall warrior. Thea also turned hopeful eyes on Xena who glanced between the two women before smiling comfortingly at the amazon.

"I'll see what I can do," Xena said, setting her drink down and shooting an apologetic look at Gabrielle. For her part the bard just smiled back affectionately.

"Xena is an amazing woman, while I'm just a lowly amazon queen," Gabrielle joked. The suddenly fearful look in Thea's eyes caused Gabrielle to reach out and pat the woman's hand kindly. "Seriously, she's the best. I hope your friend is okay."

"Thank you my queen," Thea said, regaining her composure. With a slight bow she motioned towards the temple. "This way, Xena."

With one last glance at Gabrielle Xena took off after the amazon, leaving Gabrielle alone by the drinks table. Gabrielle watched the retreating form of the woman she loved as she moved through the crowd. Without realizing it, she broke into quiet song:

You go to my head
And you linger like a haunting refrain
And I find you spinning 'round in my brain
Like the bubbles in a glass of champagne

You go to my head
Like a sip of sparkling burgundy brew
And I find the very mention of you
Like the kicker in a julep or two

The thrill of the thought
That you might give a thought to my plea
Casts a spell over me

Still I say to myself
"Get a hold of yourself,
Can't you see that it never can be"

You go to my head
With a smile that makes my temperature rise
Like a summer with a thousand Julys
You intoxicate my soul with your eyes

Though I'm certain that this heart of mine
Hasn't a ghost of a chance
In this crazy romance

You go to my head
You go to my head
You go to my head
(You Go To My Head, Louis Armstrong)

"You've got it bad," Ephiny said from behind Gabrielle's shoulder, having returned for another drink and catching the last half of Gabrielle's song. Gabrielle just looked sadly into the distance where Xena had disappeared from her sight. Noticing the dejected hunch in Gabrielle's frame, Ephiny put a hand on the young woman's shoulder and began to lightly push her through the crowd. "That does it; I can't stand by and watch you fall deeper into this depression of yours. You're gonna have fun tonight, whether you like it or not."

"Ephiny?" Gabrielle complained loudly, only half-trying to escape her regent's grasp. The warrior easily ignored her and continued to steer the queen towards the other end of the crowd.

"Nope, too late. Friends don't let friends mope at an amazon party."

Soon the two women emerged from the crowd facing a small group that had separated from the main party. Gabrielle recognized most of the women from her stand-off with Velasca a few days ago - these were the women loyal to Melosa's chosen successor and not the violent pretender to the throne. The women all turned to Gabrielle and cheered loudly, huge smiles plastered on their faces. Gabrielle could tell they'd all passed the point of no return on sobriety a while back.

"Our hero!" one of the younger girls shouted, jumping to her feet and barely managing to stay upright. She stumbled her way over to the royal pair and grabbed Gabrielle by the arm, pulling her to a small bench by the fire pit and pushing her down into the seat. Gabrielle accidentally bumped into a dark haired woman - Mona, she remembered after a second - as she landed and offered an apologetic smile while settling herself.

"Eph! You have to see this!" Solari announced, looking up excitedly at the regent. Ephiny flashed a knowing smile at Gabrielle as she followed the buff woman off to the side. Gabrielle tried to see what was so fascinating but the eager young woman at her side was begging for the queen's undivided attention.

"My queen, I'm so glad to see you! Tonight is so fun and I'm so happy!" Gabrielle offered a placating smile, taken aback by just how drunk the girl was and how she was sure she could see the exclamation marks in everything the amazon said. She nodded her head repeatedly, hoping the girl would soon tire of talking to her. For what felt like an eternity her hopes were continually dashed as the girl kept talking about the various things that made her so cheerful.

"Raez?" Mona finally interrupted, barely managing to break into the never-ending stream of dialogue that seemed to float forth from the excited girl's mouth. "Perhaps the queen would like a drink?"

Gabrielle wanted to say otherwise but Raez jumped to her feet suddenly, looking entirely too unstable for such an arduous quest. "Of course! I hope I haven't offended you, my queen! I'll go get you a drink right now!"

When she was out of sight Gabrielle turned thankful eyes to Mona who sat watching her with an amused grin.

"You are a life saver," Gabrielle said, sighing at the first opportunity she'd had to speak since arriving here.

"No problem, my queen," Mona said with a small smirk. "Of course we may not have long to escape. What do you say we head that way?" the amazon offered, waving her hand vaguely behind herself.

Gabrielle grinned a moment and then laughed. Finally she stood and extended a hand down to Mona, pulling the strong warrior to her feet.

The two ambled off aimlessly, only making sure to keep away from the direction of the drink table. Gabrielle continued to sip at her own drink, dimly becoming aware of the effect it was having on her as she tripped a little and stumbled forward. Mona caught her queen and pulled the smaller woman back into a standing position. Gabrielle tried to beat down the embarrassed flush in her face and aimed a stern finger at the cup, waving it reproachfully.

"Damn amazonian wine?" Gabrielle said blearily, hoping to cover her earlier gaffe with humor. "I think they make it stronger here."

To her surprise Mona just leaned in conspiratorially and whispered, "We do."

Gabrielle just mouthed the word "oh" and continued on her way. Finally the two reached the end of the clearing and turned to look back upon the rowdy celebration. Gabrielle smiled slightly upon seeing the good spirit of her sisters.

"Do you ever miss it?" Mona asked suddenly. Gabrielle turned uncomprehending eyes on the amazon. "The sense of community. I mean I know you didn't grow up here, but still?"

"Sometimes," Gabrielle admitted. As she watched the laughing faces of the women around her, the bard finished off the last of her drink and, in a random act of carelessness caused by her intoxication, idly tossed the cup to the side. "I mean, Xena's not much for conversation?"

"I imagine you two have things other than talking to keep you occupied?" Mona grinned. Gabrielle turned to face the amazon in surprise.

"Nooooo?" Gabrielle said, perhaps a little more forcefully than she would normally have liked. She wasn't used to being so tipsy - generally Xena was around to stop her from having too much to drink. Right now she silently cursed the warrior -she was totally unprepared to deal with things in the state she was currently in. "Whatever Ephiny's been selling, don't buy it."

"Huh?" Mona said thoughtfully, her eyebrows raising in consideration as though the thought of Xena and Gabrielle not being a couple had never crossed her mind. "Is there someone else?" she asked carefully.

"Hardly. I'm just some dumb kid from Potedaia. Nobody's interested in me," Gabrielle said sullenly, picking at imaginary lint on her skirt.

"Now I know that's not true?" Mona said, suddenly feeling bold. "Half the amazons here - probably more - would love to argue that point with you. Me included."

Then Mona paused, struggling with the words that wanted to come out and the looseness of her lips caused by too much amazon mead. Finally she gave in to the impulse and began to sing:

I hold on so nervously
To me and my drink
I wish it was cooling me
But so far, has not been good
It's been shitty
And I feel awkward, as I should
This bash has got to be
The most pretentious thing
Since I thought you and me
Well I am imagining
A dark lit place
Or your place or my place

Well I'm not paralyzed
But, I seem to be struck by you
I want to make you move
Because you're standing still
If your body matches
What your eyes can do
You'll probably move right through
Me on my way to you
(Paralyzer, Finger Eleven)

Before Gabrielle was really aware what was happening Mona leaned down and kissed her. What started as a shy, reserved meeting of lips eventually turned deeper. Gabrielle's mind, already weak from the alcohol, was easily swayed into believing that the dark headed woman she was kissing was Xena, and she slowly began to respond to the amazon's advances.

Returned from the temple and standing off in the distance, Xena watched as her friend and the amazon pulled each other closer, continuing the passionate explorations of each other's mouths. When Gabrielle wrapped her arms around the woman's neck and pressed their bodies closer together, Xena felt as though she'd been hit by a ton of rocks. She closed her eyes and put her hand on her stomach, grimacing at the unexpected pain of the scene before her. Quietly she began to sing to herself:

You are the sun and moon and stars are you
And I could never run away from you
You try at working out chaotic things
And why, should I believe myself not you?
It's like the world is gonna end so soon
And why should I believe myself?
You, me and everything
Caught in the fire
I can see me drowning
Caught in the fire.
(You, Radiohead)

Xena finished abruptly and stumbled away, ignoring the confused stares of the amazons as she pushed her way through the crowd. All she could see was the sight of Gabrielle kissing that other woman and the thought of it made her sick. She could feel her temperature rising and finally she came through the other side of the throng and quickly burst into a run, disappearing into the forest.

Xena ran recklessly for several minutes, needing the feel of the cool night air on her skin to help calm her. Finally, coming upon a small clearing between the towering trees, Xena came to an abrupt stop. Angrily she punched at the trunk of the nearest tree before turning and pitifully collapsing backwards against its rough exterior.

She sat that way for several minutes, the only sound in the forest that of her own ragged breathing and the far away hoots of an owl. Finally she calmed her breathing down to normal and ran her fingers roughly along the sides of her temple as though she could somehow pry the vision out of her mind if she tried hard enough.

"How pathetic," a deep male voice intoned, and suddenly Xena jumped rigidly to attention. Leaning against another tree a few feet away across stood the imposing, darkly handsome god of war himself.

"Ares. You got nothing better to do than hang out at amazon ceremonies these days?" Xena taunted, narrowing her eyes in disgust.

"Ha!" he exclaimed, eyes beaming in good humor. Then, his expression turning serious, he examined Xena carefully. "Not that I don't appreciate the sight of a bunch of half dressed women gyrating drunkenly, but that's not why I'm here. I think you know why I am."

"Zeus kick you out of Olympus again?" Xena offered condescendingly.

Ares rolled his eyes. This woman was really going to make him say it.

"I'm here because I want you back. You've pulled off some really amazing things lately. I wanted to let you know how impressed and deeply proud of you I am."

"Save it for someone who cares, Ares," Xena spat at him before turning on her heels to walk away. Before she could even take a step his voice brought her to a halt.

"Now, now, Xena. Lovesick does not suit you at all," he said, grinning evilly at her back. Slowly he advanced towards her before resting his hands on her shoulders. Gently he continued, speaking into her ear. "You know I would never turn my back on you like she has."

Xena sighed, closing her eyes. Ares could feel her muscles straining, unsure whether to stay or go, relax or tense up. He smiled once again before beginning to sing:

I know how to hurt
I know how to heal
I know what to show
And what to conceal
I know when to talk
And I know when to touch
No one ever died from wanting too much

The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
And if you're strong enough
Together we can take the world apart, my love

People like us
Know how to survive
There's no point in living
If you can't feel the life
We know when to kiss
And we know when to kill
If we can't have it all
Then nobody will

The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
And if you're strong enough
Together we can take the world apart, my love

The world is not enough
The world is not enough
No, nowhere near enough
The world is not enough
(The World Is Not Enough, Garbage)

"Ares?" Xena said in a low drawl. The way she said his name made the god's skin prickle in anticipation. After a long moment where he was sure he'd finally reached her, Xena lifted her hands and removed his from her shoulders.

"Give up on me," she finally said, and without another word she disappeared into the darkness. Ares glared into the distance where she disappeared for several seconds before waving his hand angrily and disappearing with a flash.

Back at the party, only seconds after Xena had turned away and angrily began to shove a path through the amazons, Gabrielle opened her eyes and recognized the woman she had been ardently kissing for several moments now was not the one she'd hoped for. Unclasping her hands from Mona's neck, the young blonde grasped the warrior's shoulders and pushed her back, finally breaking the long embrace. Mona looked into the queen's eyes, her expression a mix of building passion and some confusion.

"Mona, no?" Gabrielle said quietly but firmly, wrapping her arms around her body defensively. The pent-up sexual frustration she'd endured for some time now was threatening to overtake her good sense, and Gabrielle wasn't sure how much she trusted herself at this moment.

"I'm sorry? I didn't mean to?" Mona began to stammer, suddenly feeling very anxious. "I just thought?"

"I'm sorry too. I just? can't be with you." Gabrielle stammered, not daring to look the amazon in the eyes. "I'm already in love with someone else."

"I? figured." The woman finally admitted. "I mean I was confused by what you were saying earlier, but I'd always thought? you and Xena, right?"

Gabrielle guiltily raised her eyes to meet the warrior's gaze and nodded her head.

"So why aren't you?"

The panicked look in Gabrielle's eyes quickly shut Mona up and the warrior waved her hands remorsefully.

"I'm sorry, it's not my business. I'll just? um, that is? I'm sorry. I'll? go. Now. Again, I'm sorry."

The flustered woman quickly took her leave and Gabrielle quietly stood alone for a minute, thinking about what had just happened and what might have happened if Xena had been there. Thanking the gods that at least she'd been spared from making a fool of herself in front of her best friend, Gabrielle - suddenly sobered up - knelt down and grabbed the cup she'd discarded earlier.

"Having fun yet?"

Gabrielle turned a flushed, anxious face to Ephiny who once again had snuck up behind her and was watching her with a wide grin. Gabrielle groaned in reply.

"Is tonight over yet?" she asked.

"Nooooo?" Ephiny answered, wondering how her queen could ask such a silly question.

"Then no, I'm not having any fun."

Gabrielle stood and quickly began to walk towards the crowd, leaving Ephiny scrambling to catch up. As the queen reached the crowd and began to pick her way through, Ephiny reached her side and cast a sidelong glance at the distraught woman beside her. The loud singing voices of the amazons prevented any discussion while they pushed through the assembly.

Knew you'd be here tonight
So I put my best dress on
Boy I was so right

Our eyes connected
Now nothing's how it used to be
No second guesses

Track in on this feeling
Pull focus close up you and me
Nobody's leaving

Got me affected
Spun me 180 degrees
It's so electric

Slow down and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow
Come on and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow

Don't wanna rush it
Let the rhythm pull you in
It's here so touch it

You know what I'm saying
And I haven't said a thing
Keep the music playing

Slow down and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow
Come on and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow

Read my body language
Take it down, down

Slow down and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow
Come on and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow
(Slow, Kylie Minogue)

"What's the matter now, Gabrielle?" Ephiny finally asked when they emerged from the other side, honest concern in her voice.

"Everything," the queen answered melodramatically. The two women reached the drinks table and Gabrielle tossed her empty cup into a trough underneath intended for used kitchenware. Gabrielle anxiously scanned the table for water before finding a jug and quickly downing half of it in one gulp.

"Gabrielle?" Ephiny said worriedly. Gabrielle set down the jug before staring off into the distance and beginning to sing to the darkness:

Under a blackened sky
Far beyond the glaring campfires
Sleeping on empty dreams
The vultures lie in wait
You lay down beside me then
You were with me every waking hour
So close I could feel your breath

When all we wanted was the dream
To have and to hold that precious little thing
Like every generation yields
The new born hope unjaded by their years

Pressed up against the abyss
I found myself wanting sympathy
But to be consumed again
Oh I know would be the death of me
And there is a love that's inherently given
A kind of blindness offered to appease
And in that light of forbidden joy
Oh I know I won't receive it

When all we wanted was the dream
To have and to hold that precious little thing
Like every generation yields
The newborn hope unjaded by their years
(Wait, Sarah McLachlan)

Ephiny regarded her despondent friend for a few moments, unsure of what to say. Finally she opened her mouth and began to sing:

Nobody ever warns you, or tells you what to do.
She walks away, you're left to stay.
Alone forever blue.

The stars have all stopped shining, the sun just won't break through.
Each day's the same, more clouds more rain.
you're left forever blue.

Forever blue 'cause you love her, but she doesn't love you.
You did your best, life did the rest.
you're left forever blue.

No reason left for living, still there's a lot to do.
New tears to cry, old songs to sing.
And feel forever blue.
And be forever.... Blue
(Forever Blue, Chris Isaak)

"Thanks Ephiny, you really know how to cheer a girl up," Gabrielle said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, is that what you wanted?" Ephiny asked sarcastically. She aimed an intense gaze at her queen. "Seriously, Gabrielle. I'm your friend, but this is getting a little old. Do something about it or get over it."

Gabrielle began to protest, but seeing the look in her regent's eyes she surrendered wordlessly. Pressing her lips together she considered what Ephiny was saying. Finally she opened her mouth to speak again.

"You're right."

"Listen, you are the queen and all but?" Ephiny started, already planning out her counterattack to whatever Gabrielle would say. She was caught off guard by her friend's admission and took a second to recognize what was said. "I'm right?"

"Yeah. Don't get used to it, but this time you are right," Gabrielle said. All of a sudden becoming aware of her surroundings, she searched the clearing expectantly. "I may never be this drunk or bold again, but right this second I agree with you. When Xena was dead and she kissed me? Ugh, I should have said something sooner?"

"Wait a minute, Xena kissed you already!?" Ephiny said incredulously, quickly brushing past the part about Xena being dead at the time but keeping that baffling thought in the back of her mind. Putting her hands on her hips she glared at her friend in frustration. "You've been moaning about this the whole time and she kissed you! By the gods, how dense are you!?"

"Have you seen Xena?" Gabrielle asked suddenly, ignoring her friend's outburst.

"I? uh?" Flustered, Ephiny thought back a little bit before remembering seeing one angry warrior princess in the not too distant past. "Yeah, actually. She looked pretty irate a few minutes ago and she stormed off into the woods over there."

Gabrielle looked towards the direction in which Ephiny casually waved her hand.

"She was angry and you just let her run off like that? Gods, Ephiny, why didn't you stop her?!" Gabrielle shouted before running off after her friend. Ephiny glared at her queen's back in frustrated amazement, imagining what most likely would have happened if she had tried to get in Xena's way.

"You're welcome!" she finally shouted a little too loudly after Gabrielle's retreating form before noticing the eyes of several of the amazons on her. With a shake of her head, she hissed to herself under her breath, "Those two deserve each other. Most exasperating women?"

Gabrielle flew carelessly through the trees, ignoring the sting of the low branches that tore at her skin and the distance she was putting between herself and everyone else. After several long minutes of hard running she ran smack into something and fell hard onto her back. Dazed, she looked up into the angry face of Ares.

"Ares?" she said slowly, her stomach clenching in fear. "What have you done to Xena?"

"What have I done?" he asked, laughing at the absurdity of the question. He turned a withering gaze on the downed bard and began to sing:

You pretend you're high
You pretend you're bored
You pretend you're anything
Just to be adored
And what you need
Is what you get

Don't believe in fear
Don't believe in faith
Don't believe in anything
That you can't break

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
All you had you wasted
All you had you wasted

What drives you on what drives you on
Can drive you mad can drive you mad
A million lies to sell yourself
Is all you ever had

Don't believe in love
Don't believe in hate
Don't believe in anything
That you can't waste

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
All you had you wasted
All you had you wasted
(Stupid Girl, Garbage)

Looking at the terrified gaze of the bard, Ares began to laugh. Finally he calmed down enough to level one of his infamous 'arrogant yet still disdainful' stares at the woman.

"It's not what I did, little girl. It's what you did. Your little stunt with that amazon, while fun for me to watch, wasn't exactly a hit with the warrior princess. She ran straight into my arms, and you only have yourself to thank." Ares sneered condescendingly at the prostrate woman before feigning a thoughtful look. "But you know, just between you and me, she has lost a little bit of that fire I so enjoyed. I have to say, I'm a little bored now that I've got her back. Maybe I could be persuaded to let her go? if you feel like making a deal, that is."

Gabrielle's heart simultaneously leapt and crashed with the god's words. Xena had seen her with Mona which was upsetting enough, but apparently it was also rather disconcerting for the warrior. Maybe she does feel the same way, Gabrielle mused. Gabrielle pondered it all for a moment before a voice from behind roused her from her reverie.

"She's not interested, Ares."

Gabrielle turned to around to see Xena standing a couple feet behind her, sword drawn and piercing blue eyes aimed straight at the god of war. Gabrielle's heart jumped at the sight and a wide grin automatically reached her lips.

"Well, well, look who's come crawling back," Ares said with a dark scowl.

"Yeah, and guess who's leaving," the warrior replied, quickly insinuating herself between the god and her fallen friend. She rested the tip of her sword on Ares's chest and gave him a look that would make any mortal man wilt but merely caused the god to wince.

"I can take a hint," he said after a minute, unable to weather her gaze any longer. Backing away and offering a placating smile to the warrior, he put his hands out to his sides in a genial shrug and disappeared in a blue flash.

"That was easy," Gabrielle finally said, standing up and brushing dirt and leaves off her rear end.

"Ares isn't looking for any trouble with Artemis. He knew the kind of trouble Olympus would rain down on his head if he tried anything here," Xena said absently, putting her sword back in its sheath.

"Oh," Gabrielle replied weakly. Suddenly feeling awkward, Gabrielle began to rub her hands together, noticing for the first time the scratches she'd received on her palms when she fell earlier. After a few moments she scrunched up her face and quietly muttered, "That was weird?"

"What?" Xena asked brusquely.

"Ares? singing."

"Ah," Xena said, vaguely recalling the oddity of the god of war breaking into song. Eventually the warrior turned around and faced her young friend, studying her intently. "You okay?"

"Yeah?" Gabrielle replied quietly, her tone belying the falsehood of her answer. Seeing the questioning look in Xena's eyes, she shrugged. "Just a long day? long week? long year."

"Yeah," Xena answered, her voice not betraying any hint of emotion. After a minute she tore her gaze away from her friend and stared off into the distance. "So what are you doing out here? Don't you have some amazon things to do?"

Gabrielle immediately picked up on the bitterness in Xena's words and looked fearfully into guarded blue eyes. Then she remembered what Ares had said - Xena had seen her with Mona earlier.

"I was looking for you."

"Why?" Xena asked flatly.

"Because?" Gabrielle trailed off, trying to gather her courage. She felt struck dumb by the myriad of emotions coursing through her at that moment, and before she knew it she had opened her mouth and started to sing:

My stubborn skin is wearing thin
I bared my soul you waltzed right in
I gave you everything and you just made me feel so very
Naked, and I can't remember how I let myself become so unraveled
I'm naked pretty as a heart ache waiting for my second skin to settle in

I spilled my guts on your best shoes
You keep it in I let it loose
It's only love that makes me feel like getting so completely

Naked and I can't remember how I let myself become so unraveled
I'm naked pretty as a heart ache waiting for my second skin to settle in

Your hardened heart can't hide you now
It loves as much as you allow
And in the end the eyeball army will just take you down and you'll be

Naked nothing but a heart ache and you know there's
Nothing that can hide you now
You're naked pretty as a heart beat going out exactly how you came in.
(Naked, Tracy Bonham)

Xena stared at the bard wordlessly for several moments, a war of emotions visible in her eyes. Suddenly Gabrielle felt her stomach lurch as she feared that she had made a big mistake. She closed her eyes, fighting down the tears that threatened to come, and opened her mouth to apologize so she could beat a hasty retreat. Before she could speak, though, Xena's voice filtered into her awareness and she opened her eyes slowly, mesmerized.

Please don't say I love you,
those words touch me much too deeply
and they make my core tremble
Don't think you realize the effect you have over me
And please don't look at me like that
It just makes me want to make you near me always
Please don't kiss me so sweet
it makes me crave a thousand kisses to follow
And please don't touch me like that
makes every other embrace seem pale and shallow
Please don't come so close
It just makes me want to make you near me always

Please don't bring me flowers
they only whisper the sweet things you'd say
Don't try to understand me
your hands already know too much anyway
It just makes me want to make you near me always

And when you look in my eyes
please know my heart is in your hands
It's nothing that I understand, but when in your arms
you have complete power over me
So be gentle if you please 'cause
You hands are in my hair, but my heart is in your teeth, baby
And it makes me want to make you near me always
I want to be near you always
I want to be near you always
I want to be near you always
(Near You Always, Jewel)

"Xena?" Gabrielle started but, for one of the first times in her life, she was actually stunned into speechlessness.

"Gabrielle, the way I feel about you I've never felt about anyone before. I don't know if I can do this?" Xena stammered uncomfortably. Gabrielle interrupted before the warrior could continue.

The world was on fire,
And no one could save me but you.
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
And I never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you.
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you.

No, I don't want to fall in love
No, I don't want to fall in love
With you

What a wicked game to play;
To make me feel this way.
What a wicked thing to do;
To let me dream of you.
What a wicked thing to say;
You never felt this way.
What a wicked thing to do;
To make me dream of you.

And I don't want to fall in love
And I don't want to fall in love
With you

The world was on fire,
No one could save me but you.
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
And I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you.
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you.

No, I wanna fall in love
No, I wanna fall in love
With you
(Wicked Game, Chris Isaak)

"Gabrielle?" Xena said warningly. She was interrupted this time by Gabrielle's lips gently closing on her own. Xena resisted for a moment before finally giving in to the feeling and returning the light kiss, slowly increasing the pressure between them. They continued in this way for a few minutes before breaking apart breathlessly. Blue eyes met green in a surprised stare.

"I'm scared too, Xena," Gabrielle spoke quietly, not wanting to disturb the moment between them too much. "But? I think this - what we have between us - is worth it. I love you."

A smile slowly spread over the warrior's face and she looked tenderly into the younger woman's eyes.

"I love you too," she finally said.

The smile Gabrielle flashed at the warrior was blindingly bright. As the bard wrapped her arms around Xena's neck and began round two of her oral assault both quickly forgot about the celebration in Gabrielle's honor back at the village.

It was just after dawn when Xena and Gabrielle wandered back into the amazon village to find the majority of its citizenry passed out throughout the central square. Ephiny was stumbling through the place, eyes bloodshot, but she quickly noticed the pair trying discreetly to creep back into town. She couldn't help but notice the irrepressible grins on each woman's face and the casual way they held each other's hand. With a sly smile she headed towards the pair, intent on being the first in town to hear the full story.

"Gabrielle? Xena?" Ephiny said, nodding to each woman knowingly and chuckling to herself at the noticeable embarrassment on her queen's face at being found out so quickly.

"Ephiny," the warrior replied nonchalantly while Gabrielle stared at her companion, adoration obvious on her face.

"Looks like you two had a good evening?" Ephiny said coaxingly. She laughed at the deep red blush that overtook Gabrielle's face.

"You could say that?" Gabrielle finally replied, unconsciously threading her fingers through Xena's. The warrior smiled reassuringly at the small blonde.

"Well, it's about time," Ephiny stated. Turning devious eyes on her queen, Ephiny smirked. "All your singing about 'oh, woe is me' and all that was getting tiresome. And seriously, you don't have the worst singing voice but still?"

Gabrielle shot a dark look at her regent but the curly haired blonde paid no attention.

"Hopefully it at least gave you enough practice so you can fulfill your new duty as amazon queen - that of leading the royal choir."

Gabrielle blanched. "You're kidding. You have to be. Please tell me you're kidding?"

Ephiny laughed while Xena shared in the entertainment with an amused grin. After a moment Gabrielle narrowed her eyes at both women and gave them a threatening glare.

"You're so dead, Ephiny."

"Yeah, right. I'm holding out hope that this one will keep you busy long enough you forget about killing me. Xena?"

"I'll do my best," the warrior said with a chuckle.

"Good? now I have to find a bed somewhere and pass out. The party didn't work out quite so well for me. I'll catch you two later when I can safely rejoin the land of the living."

Ephiny took off, leaving the two women alone in the center of the village. Gabrielle turned to face her lover.

"Working against me now, huh?" The queen shook her head sadly.

"Hardly, but I like the sound of keeping you busy for a while. You game?"

Gabrielle grinned.

"Your place or mine?"


"Sounds like a plan," Gabrielle enthused, tugging on Xena's hand and leading her off towards the huts. "You going to sing for me this time too?"

"Only if you're nice?"

With that suggestion hanging in the air, the two women practically ran through the streets towards the promise of a new musical day.


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