~ Workdays ~
by Panther

Disclaimer: Hang on a sec... It's been a while since I've done this... Here goes... I think I've got it right... Any resemblance to people or pets and things like that are purely coincidental... I think. Anyway, these characters are mine and mine alone. If you want to play with them, please ask first. I'd probably say yes to whatever and I doubt that anyone would want to play with them, but I digress. Oh, before I forget, there's a few bad words, just a little heads up. (I couldn't figure out the accent thingies, so please bare with the bad Spanish)

If two women who love each other dearly, fondly and devotingly etc, is not your cup of café con leche, feel free to click on the little box in the upper right hand corner. You know, the one with the X on it. BUT (a big but here) you are missing out on a chance to broaden your one-tracked and perhaps narrow-minded view of what is moral and immoral.

For those of you who like this stuff, I hope you enjoy. I would love to hear what you thought about my random ramblings. Send all comment, complaints, compliments and anything else in between my way at pantherofartemis@yahoo.com Please feed the bard. She gets cranky whenever she gets hungry. She will write back to you if you send her anything.

Sex Disclaimer: Umm... This is my first posting where you can literally read the love... Ahem, excuse the bad pun... I think it's a pun... Anyway (can you tell I'm nervous?), if this sort of graphic thing between consenting women bugs you, please feel free to visit another site or another author. There are lotsa great general sites out there and stuff. If you're underage or it's illegal where you are, the same goes to you. That or you can click on the little box I mentioned beforehand. I don't have the money to afford a lawyer, so I need to say that I already warned you. Trouble seems to be my middle name right now, so I need all the help I can get. Oh, I forget, there's a little toy warning, just in case any of you readers are a little squeamish about that sort of thing. Ummm? (my ears are turning red here)? any pointers would be gratefully welcomed? if any of you experts out there can give me any hints. It's my first of this kind and I can't put stuff like this into text too good? go figure.

Thanks to my beta reader, Krispy Khicken, arora_kayd, Krisy Poo? (erm, never mind that) for putting up with me. I love you!

Hope y'all enjoy!

Twenty damn years.

Twenty fucking damn years and she was out on her ass.

Taylor growled and shoved her folders into the cardboard that had been allocated to her.

She had started her job here when she was twenty nine. She had been thirty three when this office was given to her. Head of Operations when she was thirty six. Some of the staff had known her even longer than that.

Now, the fucking review board was asking her to quietly resign.

A frame shattered in her hand, leaving a smear of bright red on the thick paper underneath. Taylor swore under her breath, sweeping the glass into the empty metal trash bin beside her desk. She angry staunched the bleeding with a Kleenex.

One stupid truth and she was out of a job.


An Asian woman peeked into the almost bare office, concern written all over her face. "You okay?"

"Yeah, fine, Sandy." Taylor flashed her friend a wry grin. "Bet you're going to be happy that I'll be out of your hair."

Sandy raised a black eyebrow as she settled herself comfortably across from her colleague. "On the contrary, I think Operations is going to be too quiet without you around to stir up trouble."

They stared at each other for a moment. Neither of them were really one for words.

It was Taylor that broke the silence.

"Well, whoever the board hires, I hope they know how to properly treat the others here. Particularly the secretary staff."

Sandy cracked one of her lopsided smiles. "Yeah, it'll be a pain in the butt to have to initiate another VP. And just when we had you so well trained too. Pity."

Taylor mocked growled and mimed throwing the glass paperweight at her friend.

It was an old joke of theirs. When Taylor had first started working here, Sandy, the Sales VP, had given her an earful. She deserved it really. Belittling the staff was not something you did in front of Sandy. Even the CEOs and the CIOs that weren't working the same shift as the feisty woman knew better than to disparage their subordinates. Raising her temper was like letting loose one's own mother at an irate stage multiplied by ten.

"Danni says that she might end up applying wherever you're going."

Taylor shook her head. "Tell her it's not worth it."

"Is it really not?" a serious Sandy looked over at her longtime friend. "If the board is asking you to resign because you're gay, what makes you think that they'll stop at you? I might be the next to go because I'm Asian. Juan might get cut because he's living with his partner of fifteen years. Helena might be let go because she's a Jew and she's a lesbian. I could go on, lady. Who's going to be next?"

Taylor sighed, grudgingly agreeing with her friend's logic.

"The thing is, we all heard about what the board said." Sandy stood and stared out the window and about twenty five stories down at the ants scurrying to and from. "We've got Diana writing to the board that this is a huge mistake."

"What?" that was a huge surprise. Diana had been the one that had sent the complaint to the board in the first place. Why in the world would she try to dissuade the board from having her resign? "You guys didn't threaten her with bodily harm did you? I've already got a harassment accusation over my head. Tess is going to kill me if I make her go through any more paperwork "

A low chuckle. "It wasn't Diana that wrote that letter. I know she wouldn't have. That would be way too hypocritical of her."

Taylor was wide-eyed. "She's family?"

"In more ways than one." Sandy turned around. "She confessed that she was in the closet when I accidentally received the bouquet of roses that her girlfriend sent her. Thinking it was Danni, I opened it. Would you look at that. I get flowers from complete strangers."

"So how did??"

"I happened to mention this to Danni in the cafeteria at lunch and Diana just happened to walk by. She turned the most interesting shade of red when she sat down. Danni was all set to mollify her when I told her that it was okay and that Danni and I weren't really sisters."

That got Taylor thinking. "If it wasn't her, than who was it?"

Josefina, Taylor's secretary, interrupted Sandy's answer via intercom. "Boss lady, Chief's on line one for you."

The raven haired woman sighed and clicked the blinking green button on her telephone, motioning for Sandy to stay.

"Hey boss."

A low chuckle sounded over the speakerphone. "You keep that up and I'll promote you to Senior VP of that damn building."

Sandy raised an eyebrow at the British accent.

"Don't you wish." Taylor growled. She cleared her throat before getting back to business. "Was there a reason why you called me personally?"

"Three things actually." the faint sounds of papers shuffling in the background. "One, did you get the quarterly ready for the stockholder meeting? I've got Bernardo bugging me about it. He keeps saying its only a month away. Get him off my back and I'll send you tickets for a vacation of your choice, partner included."

Taylor jiggled her mouse, taking in the spreadsheet that replaced the serene waterfall screensaver. "Yep. I'm looking at it right now. Looks good to me. The people should be happy with their shares. Went up a couple dozen points in fact."

"Good good. Now, about that annual profits meeting tomorrow. See if you can fit in that store in New York that we're acquiring. Eddie said that he wants in on the list this year, not next years. I rather not, but if you can give him a good reading, then he'll sign up. If not, I'll have to try to walk around that wall."

"About that meeting?." Taylor bit her lip, glancing at her friend seated across from her. "I'm not going to be there tomorrow, so you'll have to get someone else to attend the meeting for this division."

There was the faint sound of something glass shattering and muffled curses. A loud thunk and a whap made both women flinch.

"Bloody hell, don't do that!" the British accent snapped over the phone, sounding even thicker than before. "Damn it Taylor. You're lucky that all I was drinking was cold water and not coffee! What in God's good name do you mean, you're not going to be there??"

"I'm resigning."

There was absolute silence.

"Tell me that this is you're sick version of a joke. You're pulling my leg, aren't you?" a forced laugh. "Good God woman, you are good."

"I'm not. It's not. I've got my stuff packed and ready to go."

Again, absolute silence.

"May I ask why are you resigning?" it was more of a statement than a question really.

"The board looked at the obvious after someone filed a harassment charge."

"Against you??"


Mumbled curses. Something to do with a cucumber, a squirrel and a lot of X-Lax. It didn't sound very appealing to either Sandy or Taylor. "Look, I'll be on a plane in half an hour and there in a couple hours. Keep your stuff in your office while I figure out this mess."

"I appreciate the concern boss, but I don't think you're going to be able to do anything-"

"You just leave that up to me. I'm not about the have a group of self righteous pigs fire the one damn thing that's keeping that division together."

"You believe me." Taylor blinked

"Of course I bloody believe you! I hired you for your loyalty and your brains, woman, not for your tit size and your clit! You think I would go through the trouble of personally selecting you out of hundred of applicants if I thought you had no integrity to back it up??"

Sandy grinned, mouthing 'I told you so'.

"Right then, what can you do even if you do get here?"

A snort. "It's not like I own seventy five percent of the shares for nothing, babe. I'll be there this evening hopefully. If I'm not there when the board meeting starts, go on without me. I promise I'll show."

They said their goodbyes, leaving silence to once more fill the large office.

"Well," Sandy chuckled. "And here I thought the big head honcho didn't give shit about us. You think I should bring up the thousand other issues that I think need to be corrected here?"

Taylor groaned. "You wouldn't."

Sandy raised an eyebrow.

"Oh ye gods and little fishes, you would."

The Asian stood and tugged on her ordinate's sleeve. "Come on, it's six. Let's clock out of this joint and head on home."


Taylor left her leather laptop case beside the coffee table in the living room as she collapsed on the leather sofa. She leaned back and closed her eyes, grateful to be home and away from the headache that was disguised as her job. The warmth and comfort of her home surrounded her like blanket, relieving some of the tension that was pounding behind her eyes.

She groaned as pair of small, warm hands slipped onto her shoulders and kneaded the tight muscles under the silk button shirt. A wave of bliss washed over her, sending her somewhere between heaven and sleep.

And it got even better.

A warm body slid over her outstretched legs and settled on her lap, as little kisses flitted across her forehead. Taylor wrapped her arms around the familiar individual and hummed happily.

"Have I told you just how much I really love you recently?" she murmured.

A melodic chuckle sounded in the vicinity of her ear. "This morning comes to mind, but feel free to tell me again if you want, honey."

Taylor opened her eyes and staring into the sea green ones twinkling right above her. She reached a hand up to tangle with the freshly shorn blonde locks, running her fingers through them. "New hair cut?"

A nod. "I thought it was time for a change. Especially after your daughter stuck her wad of chewing gum in it."

Blue eyes rolled as Taylor huffed exasperatingly. "How is it that she's your daughter when she does something spectacular and she becomes mine when she does something wrong, hmm Mrs. Rachelle Petronski?"

"Because my daughter would never do anything wrong." Rachelle blinked innocently. "I thought you would know that by now."

"Where is the munchkin anyway? I haven't heard a sound in the house. Should I be worried?"

That earned her a peck on the lips. "She's at Gramma's place.. Grampa said that they were willing to take her off our hands tonight."

Taylor looked confused, her brow furrowing as she tried to remember the importance of today. Rachelle blinked, then glared at her partner. "Don't tell me you forgot what today was Taylor Jameson Petronski."

"Did I?" Taylor knew she was in the doghouse tonight. "I guess then I won't be needing this then, will I?"

Rachelle took the small velvet box that her blue eyed lover produced from the depths of her pockets. She gave the woman a kiss for a thank you, leaving the two of them a bit breathless.

"Wow?and you haven't even seen what I got you yet."

The blonde smiled. "I'm just happy that you remembered."

"After the last time? I would have gotten it tattooed on my forehead before I'd have a repeat of the last time that I forgot today."

A small, slender hand slid open the black box. Rachelle looked wide eyed at Taylor, questions written all over her face. "Is this what I think it is?"

Taylor scooted her off her lap and slid off the couch the gracefully kneel at Rachelle's feet.

"Look, I know that I'm eight years older, my parts aren't exactly in prime condition, my mind isn't that sharp, and I'll probably spring a leak somewhere in the next couple of years. There's plenty of other people that probably deserve you more than me. I'm a bitch to deal with when I'm PMSing and I've probably got OCD, but I'm an okay cook. I clean up after the dog and the cat and I can change your oil in less than half an hour?umm?" a pause. "I meant your car's oil. I know I'm not worth much, but I love you and I can make that up in the whipped department. Honestly, cross my heart, hope to die stick a needle in my eye. I'll be your personal slave if you'll marry me again."

Rachelle was speechless.

Taylor fidgeted from her place on the carpet, her heart pounding in her ears. "Please? It'll make my really crappy day a hell of a lot better. Besides, you've giving me a massive heart attack here."

That got her a laugh. "Of course I'll marry you again, you goofball."

Rachelle pulled her partner up for a long kiss, tugging the woman to land squarely in her lap this time. Who tugged up at the same time and twisted so that the smaller woman was in her lap. Taylor, sporting the biggest smile in the universe, slid the wedding band, nestling it right in front of the large Infinity ring that she had given the blonde fifteen years ago.

They cuddled on the couch, exchanging little kisses as wandering hands managed to snake their way under shirts to trace warm skin.

"Why was your day crappy?" Rachelle murmured as her fingertips traced a rather well defined stomach.

"Mmmm?" Taylor sucked on a pliant earlobe nearby, ignoring the gold stud that adorned it. "Tell you later."

Rachelle said nothing, more intent on her partner's neck than anything else. Whatever Taylor was going to tell her would have to wait for later. Hopefully a long time later.

Taylor reluctantly slid her lover off her lap, much to both their protests. "Be right back. Don't go anywhere."

The blonde tried her best not to pout as her partner disappeared into the kitchen. She heard the sounds of wood cabinet doors closing and a bowl being set on the marble countertop. A few seconds after the sound of crinkling paper and foil, the microwave hummed to life briefly. She could hear the solid clunk as something was taken out and the door was shut. Soft footsteps heralded the arrival of her errant spouse.

And a bowl of melted milk chocolate.

"Where have you been hiding that?" Both of them knew that if there was any chocolate in this household, it would mysteriously vanish within the span the day.

"I kept it on the top shelf of the pantry, where you can't reach without a footstool and wouldn't think of looking." Taylor grinned as she set it down on the coffee table. "Now, where were we?"

She soon found herself on her back on the floor, the soft, plush faux fur rug behind her and a very happy blonde in front.

Rachelle peered down with a rather interesting look in her eyes. "I think somewhere around here?"

Taylor contented herself to nibbling an exposed shoulder as her lover worried the buttons free and slipped her shirt off her shoulders. She reached over and neatly hooked the bowl of chocolate onto the ground, pillaging a blob for her own intent and purposes.

Rachelle shivered as a warm trickle was painted across her collarbone, followed by a silken tongue and a smooth mouth. The wonderful sensations moved up, tilting her head back as her neck was the next to be adorned with the liquid chocolate. She fought to keep herself aloft as Taylor pulled her down for a searing kiss.

The taller one managed to get her lover to acquiesce to her intrusion as she ran the tip of her tongue over her lower lip. She swallowed Rachelle's groan as her hands untucked the beige blouse from her lover's skirt. Somehow, that same shirt managed to land halfway under the couch, lonely and forgotten for the moment. The skirt was soon to follow. This time, the fabric managed to hook itself on the edge of the CD/DVD tree beside the large television several feet away.

Taylor felt her lover shudder as she deftly removed the lacy black bra with one hand and nuzzled the soft curve of an exposed breast. Even white teeth nipped at the soft, smooth flesh, turning it an irritated shade of pink. Which was soothed by licks from an ever gentle tongue.

"Oh god... wait..." Rachelle managed to pull herself away from her lover, however reluctantly. "You think Byker wants to come out and play with me tonight?"

Taylor, raised both eyebrows, then smirked. "Go on up to our room while I go see if Byker is in the mood."

Rachelle nodded and headed to the bedroom, breathing just a little fast as a slow burn grew in the pit of her stomach. She flopped down on the bed, tossing the covers onto the floor. Images flashing in front of her as she closed her eyes. She absently ran her own hands down her body, sighing as a phantom Taylor caressed her.

A low voice rumbled next to her ear, just as the ceiling was blacked out by a blindfold.

"Is that what you do Chelle?"

She swallowed hard.

"Do you fantasize about me when you're home alone?"

A hot hand traced her rather sensitive breasts.

"Do you think of me when you're touching yourself?"

The slow burn that she fostered was growing into a rather large fire with each passing word. She nodded, unable to utter a single sound.

"Do I make love to you?"

Soft lips brushed fleeting kisses across one breast. Unknowns to Rachelle, Taylor was sporting a rather large grin smiling at the effect that she had on the blonde.

The steady stream of warm air that puffed across her chest sent Rachelle's hyper-extended senses reeling. She only nodded again.

"Or do I fuck you?"

She cried out as sharp teeth roughly bit the inside of the other breast.

"Tell me what you want, Chelle." that voice again.

"Please?" she knew she was whimpering and she really didn't care. "Please, fuck me."

"Turn over." the warm body faded away, egging her into doing so faster.

Taylor ran her eyes down the nicely defined shoulders, down that perfect back, over clenched butt cheeks, then back up. She took her time, knowing the wait would drive her lover insane. A whimpering groan curled the corner of her lip and she relented.

Rachelle almost sighed when a pair of large hands settled on her hips, drawing them up, propped her backside up on her knees. Another shudder shook her body as those same hands wandered elsewhere, settling right next to where she really need the pressure.

Taylor swallowed a chuckle as her lover let out a rather frustrated growl. Once again, she relented.

The one finger that slid inside her was nearly enough to bring her to peak. Nearly. She want something else. She wanted something more.

"You think you're ready for me, Chelle?" the voice asked huskily in her ear.

She nodded, the sheets clenched tight in her hands.

Taylor unzipped her slacks as she lightly traced the moisture that was leaking from Rachelle's opening. Her nostrils flared as the unique smell of her lover hit her. One small adjustment and she was behind her blonde. She held the strap on in her hand, wetting it as she let the tip enter just slightly.

Rachelle growled again and tried to move back into the intrusion. Taylor moved back, not wanting to give in just yet. Her lover was not that happy when she refused contact.

"You," it came out as a snarl. "Are going to have to be patient."

Rachelle nodded, not wanting to do anything that would drive her lover away at this point.

Taylor rewarded her for her obedience, returning the phallus to it's original place. A hand reached around and finally giving her clit some much need attention. Rachelle moaned, forcing herself not to move.

"Tell me Chelle." Taylor leaned over, pressing her nipples into the blonde's back. "How do I fuck you in your fantasies?"

This was the one question that was forever asked whenever they played like this.

"Do I fuck you hard and fast?"

Rachelle stifled a cry as she felt the dildo fill her suddenly, painfully. It was intoxicating, the voice coupled with the actions. The fire was well on its way into turning into a raging inferno.

"Or do I fuck you hard and long?"

It moved slowly, caressing her as it made it's way back out to settle back to where it rested.

Taylor murmured into a nearby ear, tracing an outline with the tip of her tongue. "Tell me?"

Rachelle was shaking, her mind trying to make enough sense for her to speak. "L?l?long?"

"What did you say, Chelle?"

"P?p?p?please, Taylor?l?long?and?f?fast?"

A throaty chuckle sounded as she felt Taylor retreat. Rachelle was about to protest, thinking to apologize for saying the wrong answer when she was abruptly cut off.

Taylor held herself still as her lover's scream echoed across walls, letting her get use to the feel of the size of the strap on.

Rachelle's knuckles turned white as her fists clenched tighter. Her whole body rocked forward with each thrust, impaling her so hard that she could feel the sting of Taylor's thighs against her own. Sharp teeth bit hard enough to leave a mark on her shoulder, aiding her in reaching her peak. Her back arched as she tried to deepen the contact.

Taylor reached up and seized a handful of the short blonde hair as she pushed both herself and the woman under her onto the bed, covering the petite frame with her one long body. Her mouth rested in the perfect spot next to a twitching ear.

"You want me to make you come." Rachelle said and did nothing to convince her otherwise. "You want me to make you come so bad."

She whimpered again, trying some way to make it come true. "P?please Taylor?please."

Her pleas were ignored. "I own you. You are all mine."

She rolled her hips, trusting hard into the body under her as if to stake her claim. "This is mine."

Rachelle screamed again as a hand was shoved roughly between her legs, headed right for her clit. She close, so close?

"Yeah, you know you want to." Taylor snarled, trusting hard, faster. She could almost feel her lover's climax peak.

Rachelle was shaking as her release sent wave after wave of ecstasy through her. She could feel herself clench around the strap on as her orgasm slowly faded into faint pulses. Long, strong arms wrapped around her as she felt herself being cradled in a pair of loving arms. She blinked, trying to adjust her tearing eyes as the blindfold was taken off her.

"You okay sweetheart?" Taylor managed to disentangle herself from the blonde without moving her arms.

"Perfect." Rachelle's voice was scratchy and husky as she turned to look up into worried blue eyes. "You always ask that and I always say the same thing."

"Just checking."

They snuggled together, neither of them wanting to get up.


"Hmmm?" a blue eye lazily opened.

"What about dinner?"

"Microwave for breakfast."

Slowly, the covers managed to migrate their way back onto the bed, wrapping itself around the two women, making them look almost like one.



"What about your day?"




Taylor was floating in a very happy place where it was just her and Rachelle. They were laying in a grassy clearing, surrounded by trees and sunshine. For some reason. There was numerous rabbits hopping around them, chasing each other.

One of them, an old looking rabbit with green fur, plopped itself down near her head. It pulled out a oven hemp basket and proceeded to knit, little furry paws working the yarn industriously into a colorful scarf.


She blinked. The damn rabbit was knitting.

The grass rustled and out popped their little German Shepard mix puppy. She padded over to them, wearing the most interesting bright purple shirt, sporting the words, 'I'm straight but my mommies aren't'.

Coco yawned and curled up next to her larger mommy. Her small pink tongue peeked out for a kiss on a nearby neck.

Taylor nudged the puppy to another place, settling Coco on her bare chest.

Bare chest??

She closed her eyes, too lazy to care, lulled back to sleep by the serenity of the place.

Who'da thunk. Wearing my birthday suit and I don't give a hoot.

A light nip made half her face twitch. A blue eye popped open and glared at the closest possible cause.

The knitting rabbit squeaked at her, fur fluffed indignantly at the unspoken accusation. It's knitting needles clicked furiously, rapidly producing a yellow and black stripped scarf from it's hemp bag of never ending yarn.

Another nip.

The other eye opened and focused on the culprit, who was nowhere to be found.

Taylor was quite taken aback when a kettle of steaming gumbo ran by, followed by a horde of hamsters. Neon pink war painted, bright orange and green polka dotted vest wearing, miniature spear wielding purple hamsters. With little jangling bells tied to their stubby tails.


Coco didn't seemed the least bit worried, sniffing at the passing entourage once before curling back up into a ball with her bushy tail tucked over her nose.

Taylor glanced down at the head pillowed on her shoulder when she sensed that the blonde had awakened. Green eyes blinked groggily, then cleared. Rachelle propped herself up on her elbows, now looking down into bright blue eyes. The small grin that she sported turning into a huge smile, even, white teeth flashing in the bright sunlight.

Taylor sighed happily as the blonde leaned down and willingly let herself be pulled down as their lips met.

"Hey, beautiful." she murmured when they finally parted for air. The cloudless sky had faded into the hunter green painted ceiling of their bedroom, bringing Taylor back to the land of reality.

"Look who's talking, gorgeous." Rachelle fought the small wave of heat that she knew was turning her cheeks pink.

Taylor chuckled as she traced the adorable blush with her fingertips. She shook her head, trying to dispel the remnants of her strange dream.


"Hmm?" a pair of blue eyes focused back onto green once.

"For your thoughts." Rachelle smiled and tapped her lovers forehead. "You going to tell me where you went there for a moment?"

"Purple hamsters."

The blonde blinked. "Purple hamsters?"

"And knitting green rabbits."

"Are you okay dear?" Rachelle looked worriedly into her lover's content blue eyes.

"I just had the strangest dream of knitting green rabbits, purple hamsters chasing a running pot of gumbo and something biting me."

"Maybe we should take you to go see the doctor." a pair of slender hands cupped her cheeks.

Earlier, Taylor had gone downstairs to retrieve the bowl of chocolate from the ground before Coco could get into it. Dogs and chocolate never really mixed well.

Rachelle had been laying rather sated and sleepy when she heard a loud thump and her lover cursing. She had rushed down the stairs, switching on the lights on her way down.

Taylor had tripped over the coffee table. Somehow, it had managed to move two feet in the direction of the kitchen, right into the path of the tall woman. Rachelle stifled her mirth at the sight of a cursing, six foot plus woman rubbing her head with the darkest frown on her face, wearing nothing but an eternal erection the color of a bright blueberry.

Taylor was none that happy to find her lover snickering at her as she scooped up the bowl of undisturbed chocolate in one hand and rubbed her forehead with the other.

"Naw, I'm fine." Taylor nipped Rachelle's nose, getting a squeak in return. "By the way, it's not very nice to laugh at other people when they hurt themselves."

"Can I help it if I thought your choice of dress was hilarious from my point of view?"

The taller woman stuck out her tongue, making a face at her lover.

Who caught the appendage between her teeth, her green eyes twinkling in amusement. Taylor blinked before closing the distance between them, more than happy to have her tongue being held hostage.

"Mmmhmmm." Rachelle pulled away reluctantly. "Do we have time?"

Taylor spared the alarm clock a quick glance before returning her attention to the exposed skin before her. "If we share a shower."

Somehow, they made their way into the master bathroom. They climbed into the shower, Taylor carefully sliding the glass door closed behind them so as not to get water on the bathmat. Rachelle turned on the faucet, giving her knight in a birthday suit a kiss and a nibble on the shoulder for bearing the brunt of the cold spray. The water heated up soon enough, steaming up the glass and the mirror.

"Do you know if we actually conserve water this way?" Rachelle mumbled as she traced well defined biceps.

"Don't know, don't care." Taylor mumbled back as she nibbled on a wet shoulder.

She gently scrubbed her lover's body, taking time to explore every contour of Rachelle's water-slicked form, replacing the scrubbie with her mouth. Taylor deliberately passed the tempting swell of her lover's breasts, trailing a line of wet kisses just above them.

Rachelle growled her frustration and tangled her hand in long raven hair, using it as a makeshift leash in an effort to pull Taylor up.

They stood there for a moment, simply looking into each others eyes as the warm spray washed over them like a moving blanket.

Taylor reached a hand up to caress her lover's cheek, her eyes slowly falling shut as a hand ran through her hair and lightly scratched at the nape of her neck.

On instinct alone, she leaned forward to barely brush her lips across the blonde's. Her thumb stroked Rachelle's cheek, feeling the vibrating moan as she leaned into Taylor.

They parted for a breathless moment, their bodies entwined and foreheads leaned against each other. The water rained down on the both of them, rinsing away the soapy white suds.


The taller woman blinked the water out of her eyes. "Mmm?"

"Love you."

Rachelle felt her lover's breath pause, coupled with a the stopping of the steady beat under her fingertips.

Only to feel it restart with a double jerk before smoothing out to a slightly faster rendition of the usual steady pulse. Taylor's hands ceased moving, the loufa paused right on Rachelle's sternum.

"Love you too."

Somehow, the scrubbie escaped her hand, dropping onto the tiles floor, forgotten as a pair of slender hands pulled the taller woman's hips closer. Rachelle forgot everything except for the hand that teasing the inside of her thigh.

Taylor settled herself between the blonde's legs, pressing her back against the water warmed tiles as she nipped a trail down the elegant neck. She heard the heartbeat in her ear double as she nipped the inside of a breast. The chest under her cheek rose in uneven intervals as she sucked on one nipple while her hand attended to the other.

"Mmmm?" Rachelle groaned. "But it's your turn?"

Taylor ignored her, opting instead, to wrap her lover's legs around her hips, holding her aloft with the help of the wall. Her knees nearly buckled when she felt Rachelle grind into her stomach, biting her lip as a warm wetness that had nothing to do with the shower made itself know between her legs.

The blonde wrapped her arms around her lover, drawing attention up. She kissed Taylor hard, letting her swallow her cries as she felt two fingers enter her from behind. Rachelle slowly slid down the long, hard body, feeling the thrill of the seduction of all that muscle and power between her legs.

Taylor growled as she shifted to accommodate the blonde's new position, nipping a collarbone as a hand slid between them. She grunted as Rachelle's fingers made their presence known in her. In this particular department, she was usually more of a giver than a taker, often achieving an orgasm just pleasuring her lover. But Rachelle never like leaving things one-sided.

They traded nips and kisses, trailing liquid fire over each other. It seemed like no matter what they did or how long they had been with each other or even how many times they brought each other to peak, there was nothing that they could deny each other.

Contrary with what had taken place last night, Taylor was ever gentle, calm and patient as she skillfully played Rachelle out, despite the many distractions and noble attempts to distract her. She let go of her reserve, giving in to her desire as her own lover released hers, leaving her with the sweet taste of ambrosia on her fingers and stomach.

They stood there, shaking slightly as they recovered their breath, trying to calm the synchronized thundering in their chests. Sea green eyes locked onto cerulean blue turned almost violet as two women very much in love held onto each other tight.

They used up most of the hot water, just barely making it before the cold threatened to freeze them. They laughed as they dressed each other for the day, taking the time to ensure that the other was thoroughly dried as clothes were slipped on. Touches and kisses were shared as they made their way downstairs and into the kitchen.

Coco was ecstatic that her mommies had decided to feed her, inhaling the mix of dry kibble and wet canned food like a wiggling vacuum. Rachelle made breakfast, watching out the window as Taylor took the dog outside to relieve herself and to expend some pent up energy.

She had received the adorable puppy as a gift for her birthday. Taylor had managed to weasel out her love of canines over a period of several months and had gotten her the little cutie as a surprise. Rachelle smiled as she remembered the cute gold bow that had been tied around the sleeping puppy's neck as Coco lay in the comfortable circle of Taylor's powerful arms.

A playmate for their kids, the executive had said.

Rachelle had been pleasantly surprised that Taylor had wanted any children. The woman never seemed that close to little people, the blonde having never really seen her around children. So, after just a month of living together and a year and a half before their joining ceremony, Rachelle had been pleasantly surprised when the subject was brought up. Not that she had wanted children right then and there, but it was nice to know that it was a possibility and it had given her something for her and her family to chew on.

A pair of tanned arms wrapping around her from behind broke through her thoughts. Rachelle leaned back against Taylor's warmth, sighing as she stayed still for just a moment before moving to create something edible for their breakfast. Taylor was not the cook in this house, that was certain.

"They're going to ask me to resign." Taylor said as she set out the plates for their morning meal.

"What???" Rachelle whipped around, nearly beaning her lover with a hot frying pan. "You're joking."

"Nope." the executive neatly dodged the might-have-been weapon and poured two glass of orange juice from the fridge. "They evidently found a harassment claim against me and they're going to ask me to resign just so they don't get sued."

"I don't believe it. All those years that you put into that company and they're just going to ask you to leave over something that someone didn't do?" the pan was almost slamming back down on the stove as an irate lover made her ire known. "I just don't believe it!"

"Yeah well, the Boss said that plane arrival time is sometime today. Supposedly, everything is going to work out."

"Good." Rachelle divided the portions amongst the two of them. "If the Boss is coming, then everything will work out."

"Hmm?" Taylor didn't say anything about her lover's faith in her employer, knowing that in a couple hours, she herself would find out the Boss's judgment.

They shared breakfast, feeding each other off of each others plates before reluctantly separating for the day. Taylor headed for her office, sipping on Rachelle's special blend of coffee while the blonde headed for her accounting firm fifteen minutes away.


"Morning Josefina." the tall woman nodded and set a paper bag down on her secretary's desk. "Thought that you might enjoy one of your Cuban pastries this morning. Don't know if your new boss is going to let you eat at the desk."

The stout Cuban woman tsked and shook her head. "You think I will stay if you are fired? Eighteen years as your secretaria and you think I will stay if you leave? If the bosses fire you, I will quit, yes? I will work for you and no one else."

Taylor blinked, than gave Josefina a hug, placing a kiss in the crown of permed salt and pepper hair. "Muchos gracias, mi secretaria."

"De nada jefa." the older woman returned the hug before pulling away. "The board members are waiting for you in conference room two, with all the VPs. You will go and?how you say?kick their butts."

Taylor nodded and headed down the long hallway, the carpet muffling her footsteps as she greeted the people she passed by. Too soon, the wooden double doors arrived before her. She took a deep breath, squared her shoulder and entered.

The long conference table was filled with people in formal business attire. The majority of the attendants were men, while there was an occasional woman sprinkled here and there amongst the stiff suits, mostly her own VPs.

"Ms. Jameson." Richard, a balding man in a blue suit motioned for the newcomer to sit.

"Petronski. Mrs. Petronski." she corrected him as she set her briefcase down beside her and stared down the people glaring at her.

"Mrs. Petronski, it has come to our attention that a harassment complaint has been filed against you. Would you care to explain?"

"I have no explanation, seeing as I am innocent of the charge."

Richard nodded. "The board, however, disagrees. We feel that this charge, coupled with your? tastes? leaves your integrity in a questionable state. We have come to the agreement to quietly ask you to resign. Your severance package is quite well rounded, considering."

"You're asking me to resign after twenty years because I'm gay?" Taylor's gaze darkened, her eyes turning paler as her temper rose. "Despite the fact that my sexuality has been out in the open for those past twenty years? The twenty years that you have only been a mere eight months of?"

"Yes. There are some forms that we would like you to sign. They state that you admit to your transgression and that you resigned on your own free will." Richard slid a yellow filing folder down the waxed table towards the Head of Operations.

The doors flew open just then, cutting off whatever Taylor was going to say. A tall figure dressing in black leather from head to foot strode in, the black full faced helmet still in place.

"This is a private meeting." Richard rose, the distain clear in his voice as he watched the intruder walk up to him.

"Thanks for the chair mate." a voice rumbled from the confines of the helmet as the being plopped itself down quite comfortably on the vacated chair.

Richard's face was turning the most interesting shade of red. "Whoever the hell you are, I suggest you leave before I call security to remove you and the police to charge you with trespassing."

"Now now Richard, is that any way to treat a lady?" the helmet was pulled off and a pair of amber eyes glanced over at him, an elegant eyebrow raised. "Sit down, sit down. I'm sure there's plenty of room at this table."

The now pale man nodded and seated himself next to his employer.

"Those of you who don't know me, the name's Stephanie Lingen. I'm the owner and the founder of this corporation." the woman propped her boots on the table, leaning back as she threaded her fingers together behind her head. "I also happen to own seventy five percent of the shares."

There was a stunned silence. Taylor swore that she just saw her boss wink at her.

"Now, when I heard that you were going to ask one of my best employees to resign, imagine the shock that I had, sitting in my office down in Florida." Stephanie smiled grimly. "Especially when the person happened to be a good friend of mine and someone that I personally hired. I think to myself that Taylor would never do such a thing. She's loyal to a fault and she's very happily married to a beautiful woman who loves her more than anything else in the world."

Everyone, including Taylor, was staring and gaping at the relaxed figure seated at the head of the table.

"Now, I get to thinking that maybe there's something going on. I figure that I would do a little snooping around here. And what do I find?"

"I find that several of my valuable employees have been fired or forced to resign due to harassment charges. Thinking that this was too much of a coincidence, I looked further. Guess what I found?"

Stephanie didn't wait for an answer. "I found that all the complaints were reported to a Richard Kutters, not to Tessra McFifer, who by the way, happens to be the Director of Personnel. She's the one who usually handles this sort of thing, you see."

Richard turned even paler.

"Now," the leather clad woman continued. "I think about it and it all sounds a little strange to me. So, I do a little background research. Guess what I found then?"

No one said a thing.

"Turns out that Mr. Richard Kutters here is a member of the Klu Klux Klan and other various right wing, white, activist groups and involved in something about Neo Nazis. Mind you, I wouldn't care if you worship Satan, just so long as you did your job properly."

"However, it seems, that you Mr. Richard Kutters, are not doing your proper job."

The man's face flushed red again. "Surely you would not condone such a blasphemous woman as one of your Heads."

"Like I said before, Mr. Richards, I could care less if you were a three headed, six eyed, green and pink spotted alien from Venus, just as long as the job gets done right." Stephanie glared at him. "Besides, it would be rather hypocritical of me to fire someone on such grounds, now wouldn't it?"

There was a shocked silence all throughout the conference room.

"Now, I've come to the realization that I cannot have such bigotry in my corporation as the future leads us on to deal with the many cultures and lifestyles of the international world. I must regretfully inform you that you are formally and officially dismissed from this corporation, Mr. Richard Kutters. Your severance package should be more than sufficient enough to tide you over until you find your next occupation."

Richards sneered. "Good, I'm glad you did that. Now, I can sue you for a nice fat amount for a wrongful dismissal. I'll be seeing you in court, you fucking dyke."

"Just a moment." Stephanie held up a hand and stood. She gathered her helmet and motioned for Taylor to follow her. "If you have not forgotten, you signed an employee agreement when you were hired."

"Yeah, so what?"

"Paragraph thirteen, article five, section four B, sentence eighty three through ninety seven clearly states that falsification on your application and resume is grounds for termination."

"And?" Richard was getting impatient, his scowl growing with each passing moment.

"And?" amber eyes hardened as they focused on him. "Synopsis has never heard of a Richard Kutters. Nor has Berthart and Sons. You also only served three years and three months under the employment of Newman Corporation, not the six and four months that you have stated on your application. These errors are grounds for immediate termination."

Richard turned a rather sickly shade of green as everyone turned to stare at him.

"This fucking dyke will enjoy watching you lose your case in court Mr. Kutters. Have a nice day." she turned to leave before pausing at the door. "By the way, Mrs. Petronski will be replacing Mr. Kutters. Good day to you all."

Taylor followed her boss, staring in disbelief as she was led into her office.

Josefina looked up and smiled at the woman in leather. "Hola, senorita. Is there something I can do for you?"

Stephanie nodded. "Si senora. You can make sure that your jefa takes the day off. You should too. Orders of the Chief."

The secretary nodded and began to quickly rearrange the appointments on today's schedule for tomorrow.

Taylor stared at her boss, unsure of what to do or say. "Umm?"

"Oh, Taylor, I'll have those vacation tickets send to you by the end of the week. Make sure that you and the Missus have fun. Wouldn't want her to think that I'm flogging you people to death with work. And I've also got those theatre tickets to that play that Rachelle wanted to see, Les Mis I believe it was. It was either that or Chicago. Anyway, I got them both for you two. Hope you enjoy. My Lissa loved the two and insisted that I buy tickets as your gifts."

"Umm? Thanks Boss." Taylor blinked, biting her lip as she grinned. "Thanks for saving my ass there."

"My pleasure. Just make those numbers and I'll consider it repaid." Stephanie grinned. She glance over her friend's shoulder and smiled wider. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Sandra Chan, VP of Sales." the Asian woman shook the offered hand.

"Ah, the infamous Ms Sandy Chan." Stephanie bowed and placed a kiss on the delicate hand. Her British accent thickened as she smiled at the VP of Sales. "Delighted to meet you. I have heard many things about you, more good than bad of course. And how is your Danni Yeo?"

Taylor watched them as they walked away, feeling elated. The job was still hers! She bid Josefina goodbye and headed out of her office, wondering if she could entice her lover to play hooky today to celebrate with her. Perhaps over something chocolate?or another shower? or lunch. Lunch would be acceptable.

A lunch for two in birthday suits. Maybe chocolate for desert?


The End

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