~ Escaping the Shadows ~
by Peewee

Disclaimer/Content Warning: This is a piece of original fiction and the characters are owned by Peewee. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. There will be a loving female same sex relationship described herein and if that is illegal where you live you might want to move to Canada. Its quite nice here, the summers get quite hot and the winters are great for snuggling. There will be some violence and a possible icky moment but I believe that will happen of screen since I don't think I have the stomach to write that sort of thing.

Synopsis: After eight years together Kylie thought she had vanquished all of Frankie's demons, but the arrival of a new neighbor brings all of insecurities back. Is Frankie over reacting or does Tom really have sinister intentions.

Any comments or criticism can be mailed to me at trr_lgn@yahoo.ca


The first piercing glints of morning burst through the blinds, splintering shards of sunlight across the sheets. The couple entwined beneath them ignored the invading daylight, preferring to move closer together and enjoy the last bit of slumber. The Husky at the foot of their bed however was not as sleepy. He was ready for his walk and maybe some food; at the very least he wanted them up. He whined. When that got no attention, he barked. When that failed to work he jumped up onto the bed and wrestled his way in between the two. He took turns licking each of their faces. He knew that this was a foolproof way to get at least one if not both of his owners up.

"Francis, get up and take your damned dog for a walk." The redhead growled.

"He's not my dog." The brunette yawned wearily.

"You bought him."

"For your birthday." Francis said opening her eyes.

She knew she was going to lose this fight. It was the same fight everyday and almost everyday she lost. Only if she had to stay really late at work the night before was she able to get out of dog walking detail. She didn't really mind. She liked to get up early; it was her job that made her work nights; she much preferred daytime. She got out of bed and pulled on a pair of ripped flannel pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. She grabbed the dog's face in her hands and gave him nose kisses.

"C'mon boy let mommy sleep she has to start school today." Frances teased as she slapped her lover's foot.

The dog followed her down the stairs and into the kitchen. She poured him some food into one bowl then filled the other up with water. She looked at the coffee pot and couldn't remember if she had set it to come on early or just filled it. While she was trying to recall the timer came on and the coffee started to brew. She looked over at the dog as if to say 'I knew that' then she headed towards the back door.

"C'mon Max, we are only going out back, I so do not have the energy for a hike this morning." She said opening the back door.

The dog raced outside and bounced around in the back yard having a grand old time. Francis smiled; fencing in the back yard was the best idea I have ever had.

She went back inside and poured herself a cup of very strong coffee then added about three scopes of sugar and a dash of milk. She rummaged around in her coat and found her cigarettes and went back outside. She loved having a cigarette and coffee in the morning. And she really loved not being nagged about smoking because Kylie, her partner, was still asleep. She lit the cigarette and took a deep haul off of it. There was nothing like a good nicotine buzz early in the morning. She looked around to see if any of her neighbors were out this early. No one was. She liked her neighborhood, lots of young families and a few older retired couples. There were two other gay couples in the area too, Mike and Morgan who lived directly behind them and Louise and Velma, who if you ever got the urge to call Thelma and Louise they would actually hit you. They lived around the corner. It was a nice place to live, much better than when they lived right downtown. It was too noisy downtown. Kylie was a teacher and she had to get up early everyday, so the nightlife was too much for her. Francis ran a restaurant and worked weird hours so a place that was actually pretty quiet all day long was what they needed. It didn't hurt that their idea of a wild night involved Trivia pursuit and a case of light beer.

"You should really quit." Kylie said opening the door.

"I know." Francis said taking one last drag then squashing the smoke out on the step. "Come on back in Max."

Max raced up the steps and tried to jump up on Kylie. She gave him some nose kisses and straightened her robe.

"Trying to flash the neighbors dear?" Francis asked.

Kylie just ignored her and walked back towards the coffee pot. She poured herself a coffee and reached into the fridge for the milk. She picked up the empty carton and gave Francis a dirty look.

"I didn't think you would be up so soon. I'll put it in the recycling and open a new one." She said taking the old carton.

"What would possess you to put an empty one back in the fridge in the first place?" Kylie asked shaking her head.

"I don't know, maybe because it's five forty-five am." Francis teased back.

"You are a goober." Kylie said wrapping her arms around Francis' waist.

"Yes I am." She smiled giving Kylie a kiss.

She then realized she had yet to brush her teeth. "Sorry about the ass breath there babe."

"Yeah, go get cleaned up ya hippie." Kylie teased, messing up Francis' hair.

She watched as Francis walked upstairs towards the bathroom. She decided to go into the living room and watch the news. She hated to watch the news but since it was her first day back to school she should at least know what has been going on in the world. She yawned and flopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote. She flipped on the television and turned to the all day news channel. After a few minutes she remembered why she hated to watch the news. She didn't really care about what was happening in the United States election campaign. She hated politics; which was kind of funny considering that Francis' father was a politician. She thought about that for a while as she leaned back on the couch. She closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.

Francis brushed her teeth then decided to beat Kylie and hop into the shower first while there was still hot water left. She took short hot showers but Kylie lounged in the shower getting pruned up before she got out. She finished her shower and ran a brush through her long wavy hair. She wrapped a towel around herself and went into the bedroom. Max was lying on the bed when she walked in. He raised his head and then put it back down. She just shook her head. She had the day off so she was going to lounge around the house, do some laundry, vacuum, and probably have a couple of beers before noon. She dug out a while t-shirt that didn't look to beat up and grabbed her favorite beat up old Levi's. They were so worn they actually felt like flannel. They had a huge hole in the knee that Kylie kept threatening to patch but never did. She got dressed and quickly looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't look too bad for thirty, she still got asked for ID at the liquor store. She had started working out with Morgan about a year ago and now she was only a size larger than she had been in high school. She felt a lot better about herself now than she did back then. Of course it was easier to be a thirty year old gay woman with a great job a beautiful partner and a house in the city, than a gay teenager in a small town who's father had political ambitions.

She patted Max's head, he didn't even budge, and then she headed back downstairs. She was surprised when she heard the familiar voice of Darth Vader saying 'This is CNN.' Kylie didn't watch the news. She walked into the living room and looked at the television. She couldn't believe it. She looked over at Kylie. She was sound asleep on the couch, sitting upright her coffee still in her hand. Kylie was such a neat freak even in her sleep she didn't spill her drink. She smiled at her own luck as she looked at Kylie. The woman was beautiful, long and lean with straight dark red hair and porcelain white skin with a sprinkle of freckles over her joints. She had the most amazing eye's steel blue with little flecks of pale blue ringing the iris. She felt so lucky to have the most amazing woman in the world in her life. She walked over to the couch and tried to take the coffee out of Kylie' hand.

"I'm awake." Kylie said suddenly waking up.

"Sure." Francis smiled. "I hate to say this baby but I think I'm rubbing off on you."

She pointed towards the television.

"I just wanted to see what was going on in the world." Kylie said yawning. " As a teaching exercise."

Francis just smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Kylie returned the kiss then stretched her back cracking as she did it.

"Feel good?" Francis asked about the cracking.

"Oh yeah." Kylie smiled.

"Maybe I can work out a couple of kinks before you go to work." Francis smirked raising her eyebrow.

"Frankie," Kylie protested. " Not now I have to go get ready for work."

"Okay but when you get home I get to work my magic." Frankie smiled.

She hated to be called Francis, only Kylie and her grandmother got away with it. She was Frankie to everyone else. Her best friend Meg called her Franklin some of the time, but no one else dared try.

"Why don't you go get ready for work and I will get the local news on for you." Frankie said flopping down on the couch.

"Bum." Kylie cracked, as she got up to head to the shower.

"I do try." Frankie smiled leaning back on the couch.

Kylie just shook her head and went upstairs. She actually wished she had let Frankie give her a back-rub. She felt achy and tense. First day back jitters; she reminded herself. Every year she felt the same way, she was worried she wouldn't be able to relate to her class, worried that she was terrible teacher and would be thrown out of the teachers' federation. Usually by their weekend after Labour Day weekend party she was fine. They held the party every year for the last four years. Most people threw Labour Day parties but since that was one of the busiest weekends in the restaurant business they had one the weekend after so Frankie could enjoy herself. It was only four days away. She laughed at herself. She hadn't even started work for the week and she was already looking forward to the weekend. She started the water in the shower and groaned. She really didn't want to go to work that day.

Frankie watched the news getting angrier and angrier with the 'moral majority' in the States. A tiny imaginary geographical line separated the two countries, that and a seismic shift in social mores. She was so glad she lived in a country that actually practiced what it preached about separation of church and state. A country that actually realized that putting people who smoked dope in jail with murderers and rapists was senseless. And a country that actually stayed out of its citizen's bedrooms. She wished her father was awake at this unholy hour so she could vent to him. He had always been a little conservative in his thinking but conservative in a Canadian way. He thought we should reduce the deficit, not spend extra on social programs until we could actually fund them without incurring debt. Before the conservative shift in both the U.S. and western Canadian political landscape he would have proudly said he was Tory. Now he was a fiscally conservative Grit. Changing parties never hurt him in fact he had become more popular to younger voters, he won his seat in parliament back handily.

She hated to get all riled up so early in the morning so she walked away from the television to go get more coffee. She poured herself a cup and looked out into the back yard. She would have to cut the grass today if it didn't rain; it was getting a little thick especially in the front of the house. She decided to make herself a list of things she had to do. Otherwise she would grab a book and a beer and flop down on the couch and do nothing. She grabbed the pen and paper from the side of the fridge.

- Mow the lawn
- Do the dishes
- Vacuum
- Clean the bathroom
- Make supper

She never even heard Kylie come up behind her.

"Beer, can you get some beer too." She asked looking over Frankie's shoulder at the list.

Frankie nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Jumpy?" She teased.

"Apparently." She said taking a deep breath. " You're back in full stealth mode again I see; must make it easier to sneak up and smack the kid doodling in his notebook with a ruler."

"It does come in handy." She looked at the list. "Don't forget to take out the recycling."

"Ah sorry to disappoint you dear but yesterday was a holiday, no recycling duty for me today."

"She gets off on a technicality." Kylie smiled giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Did you leave any coffee for me?"

"Yep. But I will make some more, you want a couple more cups so you are good and flying when you meet your cadre of adolescent hormones?"

"I may." She said with a fake shiver of dread.

"How do they pack so much attitude and angst into a fourteen year old?" Frankie teased.

She knew Kylie' job was tough. She would never want to teach grade eight, she could barely take the teenagers she had working at her restaurant. Everything was high drama, and she only saw them for a few hours on the weekends. Everyday with kids just starting to go through all that crap would drive her insane. Kylie must have the patience of a saint.

They both walked into the living room and changed the channel to a Canadian news program so Kylie could get caught up on what had been going on all summer. They learned that the west was still pissed at Toronto for being Toronto, the costal region of B.C. was still populated by people who thought California was too uptight, people down east were still being ignored, everyone still hated Quebec and Quebec still hated the rest of the country and the only thing the whole country agreed on was a mild distrust of the United States of America. Thirty years later they imagined it would be exactly the same.

"Well that was thrilling." Kylie said getting up. "Do I look okay?"

Frankie looked at her grinning. She was wearing a nice gray cotton pantsuit with a white blouse. She was wearing the silver necklace she got from her father at Christmas and her only other piece of jewelry she had on was the Cladagh ring Frankie gave her. Her hair was pulled up in a bun and she wore a little bit of makeup to even out her skin and emphasize her eyes. She looked beautiful.

"You look great." Frankie smiled. She had been going to tease her and say that they could play schoolmarm and the unruly student when she got home but held her tongue. She knew how nervous Kylie was and didn't want her to leave on a smarmy sarcastic note.

"You sure?" She asked again.

Frankie smiled closing her eyes, she was almost begging her to say something flip.

"You look beautiful." Frankie said opening her eyes. "Now get out of here so I can get some work done."

Kylie leaned down to give her a kiss. "Thanks."

"Have a good day babe. Love you." Frankie smiled as Kylie pulled back from the kiss.

"You too." She said heading for the door.

"Say hi to Soybean for me." Frankie called as she was walking out the door.

"I will." She heard Kylie yell back.

Soybean was Frankie's nickname for her sister Siobhan. She worked at the same school as Kylie. Soybean worked with kids with learning difficulties and behavioral problems. Frankie thought Kylie' job was rough Soybean was a paragon of patience in comparison. She remembered her sister coming home crying because one of her kids freaked out and bit her, she wasn't crying because he bit her she was crying because she had to restrain him and was worried that they would lose the bond she had worked to hard to cultivate. Her sister was great with those kids. Kylie used to say they would eat out of Siobhan's hands, she wasn't lenient with them she was strict, they had to be kept on schedule and on task and she wouldn't take no for an answer. When she had her car accident last year and was off for six months the school nearly fell apart no one else could handle her class. Substitutes wouldn't temp in her room so the other teachers had to rotate through her class until she came back.

Frankie didn't like to think about last year. Her sister had almost been killed in that stupid accident. And she was still in chronic pain from it. Freezing rain, natures proof of how one little meteorological event can shatter a person.

She shook the thought away and decided to have another cup of coffee before she started her chores.

"Hi Siobhan." Kylie said walking into the teachers lounge near midday.

"Hey Wylie." Siobhan said smiling, that was her nickname for Frankie's wife. "What is my lazy no account sister doing today?"

"Well she made a list of things she wanted to do today but I will believe it when I get home." Kylie smiled sitting down at the large table.

"Does she have all day off or is she going in tonight?"

"She is off all day." Kylie said looking at her sister in law.

Even though Kylie and Frankie had yet to get married officially everyone in both of their families considered it a done deal.

"She still has this weekend off though right?" Siobhan asked.

"Yeah she took today as a stat for Canada day I think. She is owed so much time off this year. I think she wants to save it for Christmas so she can actually spend some time with our families this year."

"Good. A weekend after Labour Day party is nothing without her." Siobhan smiled.

They looked nothing alike. Kylie thought in her head. They were both attractive but that was where it ended. Siobhan had jet-black ringlets and eyes nearly the same colour, she was tall and lean with a broad face and almond shaped eyes. She looked exotic with an almost Mediterranean skin tone. Frankie was shorter with a compact muscular body and narrow hips. She had light brown wavy hair and green eyes. She had a more angular face and deep set eyes that almost always had dark rings around them. She was paler than her sister partly because she worked indoors all year long and partly because she was just fairer. Very few people ever guessed they were sisters.

"Say hi to her for me." Siobhan said getting ready to leave.

"Where are you going? Don't you have a spare this period?" Kylie asked.

"Yes but I have to go speak to Art about Sean. It seems he was fighting at recess again." She said shaking her head. " I swear to God I don't know where he gets it."

"Must be Toby's side." Kylie laughed.

Her nephew was a handful. He was deadly cute and he knew it. He was the spitting image of his mother and those puppy dog dark eyes kept him out of trouble for the most part but his temper was legendary. Kylie had seen Francis fly off the handle a few times but very rarely, and usually when she was tired and really stressed out.

"Wish me luck." Siobhan said heading to the door.

"Good luck Mrs. Dugan." Kylie smiled.

"Thank you Miss Krieger."

They never called each other by their first names if a student could hear, and they never mentioned how they knew each other. In fact they were sure some students thought they hated each other, because they so rarely spoke. It was just a ruse to make sure none of the kids found out about Kylie and Frankie. The school board and their fellow teachers were very open-minded but they taught in a small town with a large Free Methodist population. They didn't want any parents to freak out. It was also why Frankie and Kylie chose to live in the city and have Kylie commute a half hour to work everyday. It just made everything easier. They could live relatively anonymous lives in the city but they knew that in a town of only a few thousand people they would be a novelty.

He was sitting at his desk awaiting yet another boring meeting with local mayor's. They always said the same thing, we don't get as much as the city, we have to compete with the city, we don't like being compared to the city. You couldn't win with them. They wanted to be treated like the city then when they were they wanted to have special favors adorned to them. They were annoying children who didn't play well together. He liked a few of them, those that actually tried to improve the way of life for their constituents but most were just there because some young buck who moved to town (25 years ago) tried to run for their daddy's office. Small towns were great places to raise children but terrible places to try and advance ones political career. He so didn't want to meet with the mayors but it was his duty especially since he wasn't up on the Hill that week.

His secretary walked in and cocked her head sideways. "Cam, your daughter is on line two."

Mavis had been his most loyal employee for almost twenty years. He could tell just by looking at her which child it was on the phone. For Mavis Siobhan was the golden child and Francis was the black sheep, just because of their spouses. Until Francis came out she was the golden child and Siobhan was the rabble-rouser. It always struck him as strange that someone who knew both girls since they were in diapers could be swayed by prejudice, but it was the way of the world.

"Thanks Mavis." He said picking up the phone. "Hello Frankie."

"Morning Da." Frankie said. "Have you been watching the U.S. election news? God I hope they don't vote in that hate monger."

"Me too. Did you see that one sided report on CNN last night I thought journalists were supposed to be impartial." He ranted.

"I think the republican committee owns all the major news organizations." Frankie said laughing.

He laughed along with her. "You may be right kiddo."

"I know I'm right." She snickered. "Are you and Ma coming to the party?"

"Yeah we'll be there. Listen Hon I've got to let you go, I have to meet with the Mayor's in an hour." He said looking at the folders on his desk.

"Ah, I see. Have fun." She laughed at his predicament she knew how much he hated to meet with the mayors. "Just remember these two phrases and you can't go wrong. 'Indoor voices, children.' And ' Put that down before somebody looses and eye.'"

"Thanks loads smartass." He laughed. "I'll try and give you a call back later."

"No big deal Da, I just wanted to vent. I've been watching to much CNN."

"Alright. I'm sorry kiddo but I really have to let you go."

"No problem. Talk to you later."

She hung up the phone and looked at her list. She had gotten all of the cleaning done as soon as Kylie left in the morning. She had mowed the lawn a little before noon so now all she had to do was pick up some beer. She looked over at Max who was lying on the couch next to her. The dog noticed and tilted his head in question.

"Want to go for a walk boy?" She asked him.

He was up off the couch and standing by the door before she could get up. She smiled shaking her head at the dogs' eagerness. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed her keys and wallet off the top of the microwave. She met Max at the door and grabbed his leash off of the wall mounted coat rack. She would have to get the Red Flyer wagon out of the garage so she tied Max up to the front step after she locked the house. The old fashioned wagon had been left in the garage when they bought the house. It was perfect to lug beer in. The first time she had done it Kylie freaked out. She said it looked tacky to carry beer in a kids' toy. She pointed out that Kylie had the car and wanted her to get beer so she figured this was the easiest way to do it without breaking her back carrying a case five blocks. Kylie couldn't fault her logic but she still didn't like it. She grabbed the wagon and went to get Max for their adventure.

It was a beautiful day for walking. It wasn't nearly as hot as it had been. A nice little cold front had moved in over the weekend and brought the temperature down to the low twenties instead of the mid thirties it had been for much of August. Frankie didn't mind the heat it was the cold she hated. Actually it was the damp she really hated. The cold damp wet gray dark and dismal early spring was the time of year she dreaded. Cold was bearable if it was sunny out. She would never be able to live in Vancouver. Miami however sounded nice.

She decided to swing by Morgan's to see if he wanted to go for a run later. Morgan and Mike lived directly behind them and they had been the first people in the neighborhood to welcome them. They were a great couple. Mike was a lot like Kylie the tall strong silent type. Both had military backgrounds and they seemed to communicate non-verbally. Morgan and Frankie once sat on the back porch and watched them while the grilled burgers. Neither one said a word, but Kylie would pass him the barbeque sauce just when he needed it, hand him a platter with just a nod and get him a refill for his beer with a raised eyebrow. Morgan joked that they were twins separated at birth but who now communicated in silent language all their own. Morgan was always the life of the party. He was quick with a joke or a story, and he never let anyone feel uncomfortable. He was an event coordinator at one of the radio stations in town. It was a job he was born to do. He had his pick of hours and he could work from home whenever he wanted, which suited him fine since he loved to stay in his pajamas. Frankie walked down the driveway towards the backyard. She knew if Morgan was home he would be sitting on his deck sipping on some mocha flavored coffee drink she wouldn't be able to pronounce.
She was right. He was sitting on the deck chatting with another man. She had never seen this guy before but she was getting a weird feeling about him. He was average height, with a slender build and messy dirty-blonde hair styled in a grown out faux hawk. He smiled and played with his little blonde pointed devils beard as his eyes raked up and down her body

"Hey Morgan." She said smiling tentatively.

"Hey yourself sweetness." Morgan said waving her over. "Come have a seat. Would you like a beer?"

She grinned and pointed at her case in the wagon.

"Have a cold one. I'll just run in and get you one. Let Max off his leash he knows to stay in the yard. This is Tom he's an old friend from college, I wont be but a sec." He said getting up and going into the house for her drink.

"Hi I'm Frankie." She said finally sitting down after letting Max loose in the backyard.

"I'm Tom." He smiled.

It wasn't a nice smile. She thought to herself it was a predatory smile. She felt like she was on display and she wasn't enjoying the feeling at all. She hoped that Morgan would return soon.

'It was such a good idea to ring up Morgan' Tom smiled to himself as he checked out the woman. She was a beauty. Long wavy light brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. She had beautiful body. Her little white t-shirt hugged the curves of her breasts. Her faded jeans were hung low and exposed a tiny bit of her flat tanned belly. He could feel his temperature rise. He wished he could see her eyes but they were covered with dark tortoise shell Ray Bans.

"So how do you know Morgan?" he asked. He didn't really care he just wanted to here her sexy whiskey sour voice again.

"We live in the neighborhood." She told him, neglecting to tell him how close.

"It is a nice area. Have you lived here long?" He smiled trying to be nice.

"We moved in a couple of years ago. Mike and Morgan were the first people to welcome us." She smiled as the door opened and Morgan came out with her beer.

"We sure did. Mike even helped Kyle bring in that monstrosity of a desk." Morgan said handing her the bottle. "Sorry about taking so long I filled the fridge with some more since I know Mike will want a couple when he gets home."

"How's the project going?" Frankie asked taking a sip of her beer.

"He is freaking out about it as he always does. He just gets all worked up over nothing. Each project he does is the same thing." Morgan said shaking his head. "So I just let him bitch to me about sub-routines and loops and algorithms and pretend I know what the hell he's talking about. He is brilliant but he just gets so stressed out. Every night after I fall asleep he gets out of bed and goes to work on the damn computer. If I find him asleep on the keyboard one more time this week I'm gonna tie him to the bed frame."

"He might like that." Frankie grinned raising an eyebrow. A trick Kylie taught her.

Tom laughed and smacked his friend on the arm. "She's got you there."

"Please, she's one to talk. You should hear the screams coming from over there." Morgan said pointing to Frankie's house.

Tom looked to where Morgan was pointing. The house was a nice little two-story brick house with a fenced in yard that had a gate that opened onto Mike and Morgan's property. 'In the neighborhood my ass.' He looked at her and smirked. 'Didn't want me to know you were so close, huh.' He decided to have a little fun with her.

" Screaming eh? Kyle must be one hell of a talented guy." He smiled talking a long sip of his drink.

Morgan started to giggle. And Frankie rolled her eyes.

"She is talented." Frankie said smirking at her annoying admirer.

Tom choked on his beer and started to cough. Morgan patted his back to try and help. Frankie just grinned at his misfortune. She didn't like this guy. She rarely ever disliked someone on sight. She always chose to wait and listen and judge people after she got to know them. That whole walking in another person's shoes adage was her personal mantra. But something about this guy just gave her the creeps. It wasn't just the open appraisal that bothered her; she had been cruised before and never gotten this feeling even when she should have.

Once Tom quit coughing and caught his breath he gave her a cruel smile. "That wasn't very nice."

She just looked at him trying to ignore her minds command to flee. For some unknown reason this guy terrified her.

"She got you good on that one my friend." Morgan laughed.

Tom just laughed and tried to shrug it off, but the smile never met his eyes.

Morgan could sense the tension in the air but was at a loss on how to diffuse it.

"Listen Morgan thanks for the beer but I had better be going. I promised to have supper ready when Kylie got home." Frankie said setting her beer down. "Do you mind if I just go through the yard."

"No go ahead. I'll give you a hand with your beer." Morgan said getting up.

"You sure, I can just pull it in the wagon."

"No problem. I may not be as buff as Mike but I can carry a case of beer across the yard." Morgan said his dark eyes sparkling.

"Well then c'mon stud let's get to it." She said pulling the wagon towards the gate.

Morgan carried the beer and put it on her porch while Frankie put the wagon in the garage. She whistled for Max and he came barreling through the gate and trotted over to the two of them.

"Thanks Morgan." She smiled at her friend. She felt bad that she had been rude to his guest but she couldn't help how she felt.

"It was no problem. What was up with you and Tom? I've never seen two people so tense in my life."

Frankie sighed; Morgan was always straight and to the point. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just being a little sensitive. I just felt like I was on display. I'm sorry Morgan."

"Ah, I see. Don't let him get to you he's just being a guy. Men aren't as subtle as women when checking out a hot babe." Morgan teased. "You should be used to people checking you out. You work in a restaurant. Hundreds of people in a day check you out I'm sure of it."

Frankie blushed at his compliments.

"He's a good guy or Mike would never let him stay with us while he looked for an apartment." Morgan smiled bumping her hip with his.

"I'm sorry Morgan I will give him another try. Maybe I am just being silly." Frankie said to ease her friends mind.

"Good because he's staying for two weeks so I figured we would bring him to the party." Morgan smiled. "That is if it's okay?"

"It's fine Morgan." Frankie said laughing. "Don't forget that seven layer dip. You wont be let in without it."

"I already bought the ingredients." He smiled. "You want to go running tomorrow?"

"I don't know I'm getting my hair cut at one and I have to be at work by five. Maybe if we go in the morning."

"I will forgive you for mentioning running in the morning if you promise me you wont get your hair cut short."

"I'm just getting an inch or two taken off. I've been thinking about getting some blonde highlights put in."

"That would look fantastic. Like the pictures of you when you were in high school."

"I don't know though. I don't want to do too much and look fake." She sighed.

"You still go to Bobby right?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah I have for years."

"Then you will be fine. He's a genius. You will look amazing." Morgan whistled through his teeth.

"Thanks buddy." She said giving him a swat.

"Your welcome. Now go be a good little wife and make supper."

"Yes sir." She saluted him as he walked away.

Kylie sighed as she climbed the steps of her front porch. It had been a long day. The kids had been unruly all morning and after noon recess they were tired and cranky. When she gave them math and science homework to do they tried to stage a coup. 'But Miss Krieger no one gets homework on the first day.' 'They do if they want to go to high school next year.' She told them. That seemed to calm them into mild grumbling. She was glad to be home. She walked into the house and went to the kitchen to see what smelled so good.

The music was blaring from the small radio on the top of the fridge, so she knew Frankie couldn't hear her. She was bent over checking the internal temperature of the small roast. Kylie just watched her silently. She was checking out her favorite part of her wife. Working out had improved upon what nature had graced her partner with. Once she closed the oven door and stood upright Kylie was right behind her. She reached out and gently caressed Frankie's backside. Frankie jumped out of her skin. But Kylie wrapped her arm around her wife's midsection and pulled her close while her other hand kept exploring Frankie's ass. She felt Frankie relax in her arms so her exploring hand got bolder and dipped between denim-clad legs. Frankie moaned and pressed herself back against Kylie. That was all the incentive Kylie needed. She nipped at her lovers' ear while the arm that was around her waist went searching for the button on Frankie's jeans. As she undid the button and lowered the zipper Frankie pushed her ass back into Kylie. This time Kylie moaned. Frankie grinned at this response, knowing she was pushing Kylie to the edge.

Kylie took a couple of deep breaths to regain control. She let the hand that was exploring Frankie's backside wander as she felt her lover squirm. The other hand snuck under Frankie's tee and massaged the smooth firm skin of the woman's abdomen. She felt Frankie's breathing pick up and knew that they were both ready. She growled and pulled her lover backwards with her towards the table. Then she spun and bent Frankie over the varnished pine. She stretched Frankie's arms out and had her grip the edges of the table. She looked into Frankie's eyes and the woman nodded. Kylie took a step back and pulled the jeans and underwear down. Her barefoot lover stepped out of the confining garments and kicked them under the table. Kylie smiled as she looked at her partner stretched out face down on the table. She took a step up to her lover and grinded against the exposed skin.

She leaned over her lover and put her mouth close to Frankie's ear. "Have I ever told you what a great ass you have?"

"You may have mentioned something about it being your favorite thing?" Frankie said breathlessly.

"No." Kylie said pulling back up. "Second favorite."

She quickly thrust three fingers into her lover as Frankie bucked and screamed.

They heard the scream from the deck. Both Morgan and Tom turned towards the house behind them.

Morgan started laughing. "Kylie must be home."
"Holy shit." Tom said as he felt a wave of desire rush through him. "Are they always that loud."

"Only in the summer when all the windows are open." He laughed. "They even had a noise complaint issued against them once. I don't think I have ever seen Frankie so embarrassed. She could hardly look anyone in the neighborhood in the eye. And Kylie walked around with a smug self-satisfied look on her face for a month."

"I have got to meet this woman." Tom said amazed.

"You will this weekend if not sooner." Morgan said looking at his friend gauging whether or not to talk to him about Frankie's impression of him. "You may want to tone down your approach when you meet Kylie."

"What?" Tom said confused.

"Frankie was freaked by the way you kept checking her out. She is actually a little bit shy and not all that confident in her looks so when she is openly ogled she gets uncomfortable."

"Why in the hell should she be insecure, she's beautiful." Tom asked.

"She had a bad relationship before she met Kylie that sort of destroyed her self-esteem. I think Kylie has broken down a lot of those barriers but she still doesn't have much confidence."

"That's too bad. I will have to apologize. I didn't mean to upset her. I was just being a dog. Some women find that attractive." Tom said shaking his head.

"What women?" Morgan snickered.

"Some girls like the bad boy thing." Tom said laughing along with his friend. "Just none I have ever met."

Morgan laughed and left his friend alone to go get another drink for them.

Tom looked over at Frankie and Kylie' house. 'So she was put off by him. No matter, she will come to love him.' He smirked and closed his eyes wondering if she would scream for him too.

Kylie lay on top of her lovers' smaller frame. She could feel the aftershocks running through Frankie. She gently kissed the side of her head and pulled out, causing more ripples in the smaller woman. She stood up and let Frankie roll over. She helped her lover up into a seated position then stepped between her legs. Frankie wrapped her arms and legs around her taller lover and pulled her head down for a kiss. When they separated Frankie put her head on Kylie' breast and sighed.

"Have a good day at school babe?" She asked smirking.


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