~ Escaping the Shadows ~
by Peewee

Disclaimer/Content Warning: See Part 1
Any comments or criticism can be mailed to me at trr_lgn@yahoo.ca


Frankie freshened up in the bathroom after she opened a window, then headed downstairs. She was going to make a pot of coffee have a bagel and get ready to party. She met her sister in the kitchen.

"Soybean. How's it going?" She asked giving the taller girl a hug.

"Good. Coffee is ready. Toby made it after he woke you." Siobhan gave her sister a smirk.

"I don't suppose that you or Kylie had anything to do with that." Frankie grinned pouring herself a cup.

"Not me?" Her sister said sweetly.

"Yeah sure. So have you made Toby and Morgan sufficiently jealous yet?"

"Not yet but I'm working on it." She grinned raising a beer to her lips.

"Is Meg here yet?"

"No. She called a little while ago saying she found her husband and was making him come home to watch the kids while she came here. She sounded pretty pissed."

"I thought she was going to have her mother watch the kids while she came over." Frankie asked sipping on liquid gold.

"I don't know all I know is what she told me. If you want to call her back, go ahead." Siobhan said rolling her eyes.

"I might." Frankie said letting it go.

"Kylie said I had to make sure you had at least one coffee and something to eat before you came outside. I think she's worried you wont make it until the evening."

"Well she's right of course, but it's still a little irritating." Frankie grinned.

"She's your wife. By definition we are irritating." Siobhan grinned.

"So I'm irritating to her as well?"

"Don't you fret big sister you are irritating to many people but yes especially Kylie." Siobhan laughed.

"Good. Wouldn't want to be a freak." Frankie teased as she opened the bag of bagels.

"I am going to make my punch now if you are going to get out of my way." Her sister said hip checking her.

"Just let me make a bagel." Frankie said cutting it and throwing it in the toaster. "There, the kitchen is yours O' great one."

"See that's all I ask for, a little respect."

"How was your first week back?" Frankie asked sitting down at the table. She blushed as she remembered Kylie' first day back and the events that took place on that very piece of furniture.

"Not bad. I had a few dust ups but nothing the 'Kelly stare' couldn't stop."

They had both inherited their mothers' icy cold murderous stare when they were angry. Frankie's employee's had told her about it. She had seen Siobhan use it on Toby a few times. It was a look that was passed down from their maternal grandmother. That was why they called it the Kelly stare. Their father had all the charm and grace of a well, a politician but their mother held the group together with her devotion, love and a strong helping of fear. It was the look. She had never raised a hand to either of them all she had to do was give them that look and they ran to their rooms, even their father.

"That's good. Too bad it doesn't work on Sean."

"No shit. Toby can keep him in his place though, and Kylie. I should really let you guys baby-sit more often." Siobhan hinted.

"Ah…" the toaster popped,

"Saved by the bell. Chicken." Siobhan teased as she grabbed some fruit out of the fridge.

Frankie tucked her arms under like wings and made clucking noises on her way over to the toaster.

Kylie was sipping on a beer talking to Mike.

"So what's the deal with Tom? He's Morgan's old roommate?"

"Yeah they were tight all the way through school. We used to get E-mails and calls from him but I had only met him at weddings and school functions. I guess he got a job in town here and needed a place to stay until he found a place. So Morgan offered. I don't mind the guy and I'm not home enough when I'm working a project to care. I'm just glad he found a place. I only have a day or two of debugging and I am ready to sign off to Q&A on this project. I don't think I could take too much of anyone at my house after that. It was good for Morgan to have someone around while I was busy."

"He said he met Frankie." Kylie said looking over at the blonde man with Morgan.

"I would imagine he would. Morgan and Frankie have been thick as thieve since they started working out."

"I know. It's just she never told me about meeting him." Kylie said sadly.

"Don't be jealous. She's crazy about you."

"I'm not jealous, especially not of some man. I just wished she'd share things like that with me." Kylie said looking at her beer.

"Have you two not been working opposite shifts?" He asked.
"Yeah but…"

"No. Don't worry about it. You know how she is. She likes to work through stuff before she tells you about it." Mike said calming her.

Kylie nodded still a little unsettled.

"Besides, with all the noise coming from over here I would guess she had other things on her mind than meeting some friend of Morgan's." Mike winked.

Kylie blushed and swatted him on the arm. She had to admit that he had a point. They really hadn't talked a lot about anything other than the party all week. They had both been busy at work and getting everything arranged. Then Frankie had her makeover and they had both been preoccupied since then. Kylie didn't think she would like Frankie as a blonde. But in her mind she had pictured a peroxide blonde. When Frankie showed up with dark honey blonde hair Kylie swooned. It looked very natural and very hot, she mused.

She felt strong arms wrap around her middle and Frankie's cheek leaning against the back of her t-shirt. "Hi baby."

She put her hands on top of Frankie's and smiled. "You're up I see."

"Yep. Toby peeked in on his way down and I woke up. Don't bug him Siobhan already gave him shit." Frankie said smiling into her lovers back. "Give me a hug."

Kylie turned in Frankie's arms and gave her lover a hug. "Morning baby."

Frankie leaned up to give her a kiss.

"God what happened to lesbian bed death?" Mike groaned as Frankie flipped him the bird behind Kylie' back.

"Just be glad you don't have to try and sleep across the hall from them." Toby said as he walked by with a beer.

Frankie turned red and looked up at Kylie who was smirking at her. "And so it begins."

"Oh it began a while ago." Kylie smiled. "You were just asleep and missed all the fun."

"Wow and Meg isn't even here yet. Usually we have to wait for her and Morgan to get together to really get the gossip going." Frankie grinned. "Want a beer babe?"

"Yeah if you're grabbing one?" Kylie nodded.

"Mike, you need a beverage?"

"Nope. I'm all set." The big man said.

"Alright, I will just be a sec." Frankie winked at Kylie.

"Hey Morgan do you need a beer?" Tom asked as he watched Frankie go into her garage.

"Yeah that would be great. Grab one for Greg too please." Morgan said pointing at the DJ who was busy setting up the sound equipment.

Tom just nodded and quickly headed over to the garage. Inside he found Frankie talking to her sister. He walked over to the beer trough and pulled out three. That was when he realized how many different kinds of beer there were available. He was a little surprised and he wondered what kind of beer Morgan wanted. He looked back in the trough a little lost.

"Heineken." Frankie said walking over to him. "Morgan always drinks Heineken."

"The DJ?" He asked puzzled.

"Which one?" Frankie had served almost all of the DJ's at Morgan's station before.

"Greg. I think."

"Oh he's easy just get him a Blue." She told him.

"How do you remember that?" He asked.

"I've been doing it since I was seventeen." She noticed his raised eyebrow. "Fake ID."

"Ah. So I have a big scoop. The manager of the finest restaurant in the city got her start working underage with illegal forged documents." He teased, filing that tidbit away for later.

"I don't think anyone will care. I'm of age now, and the place that I worked at then closed down years ago." She said giving him a strange look.

There was still something about that man that set her on edge. She had to remember to tell Kylie about him.

"Thanks." He said grabbing the correct beers and heading out.

She watched him leave the garage shaking her head. "That is one strange duck."

"Yeah he seems a little odd." Her sister agreed. "But if he's Morgan's friend he can't be that bad."

"I suppose." Frankie said shaking her head.

"He just doesn't know anyone. It's bound to be strange and a little awkward to be at such a big party and only know Mike and Morgan." Siobhan suggested.

"I guess so."

"I know so, you're just being paranoid. Now c'mon we need to get these beers back to our other halves."

"You mean better halves?" Frankie asked.

"For you most definitively, but not me." Siobhan joked as she headed out the door.

Maybe, Siobhan was right. Tom might just be nervous and out of place here with all of their friends. If it was anyone else she would try and help them feel more relaxed and at home. She felt bad. She was one of the hosts of the party she should try and make her guests feel welcome. She looked out of the garage and saw Tom over talking to Morgan and Greg. Maybe she would get Kylie to strike up a conversation with him. She laughed to herself. It seemed kind of cruel setting Kylie up like that, but maybe she would pick up on what it was about that man that unsettled her.

Two hours later the party was in full swing. Kylie and Tom had started talking and seemed to be getting along well, much to Frankie's amazement. Andrea had arrived with the ice and her roommate a tall blonde Viking girl who played volleyball on the university team. This made them both instantly popular. Mike and Toby were both vying to talk one or both of the tall women onto their respective teams. Frankie's mother had arrived and was now out chatting with Morgan and Siobhan. Her father was talking politics with one of the neighbours that they had to invite to keep the police from stopping their little party. Louise and Velma stopped by and made their apologies for not being able to stay but they had Louise' fathers sixtieth birthday dinner to go to. Meg had yet to show up and young Sean was bugging everyone to play croquette with him. Finally Toby got fed up and told him to go set up the course and they would play a game.
"C'mon Kiki were gonna play croquette." Sean said grabbing Frankie's hand.

He had called her that since he was two and couldn't say her whole name. Kylie thought it was adorable.

"Who's playing buddy?" Frankie asked.

"Mama, Dad, Gramps, you, me and Wylie" Sean said using his mothers nickname for Kylie.

"Sorry kiddo, I'm busy making sure the hotdogs don't burn." Kylie said smiling down at her nephew.

"Ah please Wylie you have to be orange like carrot, Kiki is yellow like school bus Momma is green like mother earth…" Sean said explaining the importance of Wylie joining the game.

"Yeah c'mon Wylie." Frankie said grinning.

Kylie was about to say no again when Tom came up to her. "Go ahead I'll watch the hotdogs for you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Go ahead. I'm sure I can't screw them up that badly." Tom laughed. "Besides doesn't everyone like burnt hotdogs better anyway?"

Kylie just smiled and gave him a playful punch in the arm as she started to chase Sean over to the pitch. "Thanks Tom. This is great. Orange like carrot is going to kick some…Hey what colour are you little man?"

"Blue like the gentle ocean waves." Sean said stopping then racing ahead of her again.

Kylie stopped and turned to Frankie giving her a look that said 'did you catch that?'. Frankie started laughing at her partners' enthusiasm. She turned to Tom to thank him once again.

"It's my pleasure. I am quite sure I will make an adequate if not superior substitute for Kylie." Tom said smirking.

Frankie tilted her head not sure if she heard him correctly. "Ah, whatever."

She turned and walked away. Tom started to snicker until a deep gravel like voice came up behind him.

"You are no substitute for Kylie whatsoever." Toby said coldly. "Don't you ever forget that?"

Toby was going to talk to Frankie soon. That guy was really bugging him. He didn't like the way he looked at his sister in law. It was creepy. Toby walked down to the croquette pitch and picked up the black mallet.

"Dad what colour are you?" Sean asked trying to get his dad to play their little word game.

"Black." Toby said looking over at Tom. "Like death."

Frankie saw the exchange and started to giggle and gave Toby a little hip check and grin.

"Sorry, I don't like him." Toby said shrugging.

"Me either." Frankie admitted.

"Good." Toby said turning and looking at her. "I've got a bad feeling about him."

"I do to. I don't know what it is, but every time he looks at me my skin crawls." Frankie admitted to her brother in law.

Toby nodded, he noticed it too.

"What are you two gossiping about?" Kylie asked.

"You know you don't play partners in coquette?" Siobhan quipped.

"Good thing." Toby smiled. "Or we'd kick your ass."

"Oh it's on now." Siobhan said grabbing her mallet.

"C'mon guys I go first." Sean said taking a whack at his ball.

"Oh my God." Morgan squealed as he looked up from where he and Tom were sitting. "Meg when did you get here?"

A frazzled looking woman with unruly blonde curls walked over to him and gave him a big hug.

"I just got here. I had some child care issues. My husband refuses to care for his children so I shipped them off to his mothers. That way if they misbehave he'll hear about it not me." She said popping the top of her beer. "And I'm staying the night."

"Does Frankie know that? Has she even seen you?"

"No and No. She won't care. I'll sleep in the damn garage if I have to but I am getting drunk and I am not going home tonight. It's about damn time I had a girls night with my best friend." She was on a roll.

"She's right over there playing croquette with the rest of the Finnian family." Morgan pointed over to the game. "You should go say hi."

"I would but Siobhan is still pissed at me for something." Meg said shrugging.


"I have no idea. I think she is under the impression that I did or said something to Frankie." Meg said taking a sip of her beer. "You know how those two are."

Morgan started to laugh. "Oh man you've got that right."

"I'm sorry I know I just met them but what?" Tom asked for some clarification.

"Who are you?" Meg asked checking Tom out, cute she thought to herself.

"Meg this is Tom, my college roommate. He just moved to town a couple of weeks ago."

"Nice to meet you." Meg said smiling.

"You too. So I don't get what you two are talking about."

"Francis and Siobhan Finnian are fiercely loyal to each other. If someone upsets Frankie, she'll get over it but Siobhan will hold on to the grudge forever. And if someone messes with Siobhan, Frankie will take them out. I saw her cold cock a football player in high school who said Siobhan was easy." Meg explained. "Neither one of them are big on confrontation unless you mess with their sister. They will do anything to protect each other."

Tom nodded and took a sip of his beer, hiding his smile. "So you've known them for a long time."

"All our lives. We all grew up together. Toby, Frankie and I were in the same grade, and Soybean always went where Frankie went." Meg looked at Morgan's raised eyebrows. "Oh relax Morgan I love the little shit I just wish I knew what was bugging her. Then I could apologize and we could all get over it."

"Why don't you ask her?" Morgan suggested.
"Are you nuts?" Meg laughed. "You never ask a woman why she is angry at you. I know your gay but come on."

"Why is that?" Tom asked.

"Because if you don't know why we are angry you obviously are not paying attention." Meg smirked.

The party was a great success. The volleyball tournament ended as expected Toby's team with the Viking college player beat Mike's team with Andrea. Kylie had declined from playing this year so she could keep the grills full of burgers and dogs. Food was put out in the afternoon and by seven in the evening everything was gone except the bags of chips they had saved to bring out at night. Frankie and Siobhan helped their mother load their father and Sean into the car to take them home. Their father had overdone it trying to impress the Viking and hurt his knee. Things were starting to wind down. The Tiki torches were lit and everyone moved into Mike and Morgan's yard so they could turn the music down and still hear it. People kept walking back and forth all night though since all the booze was in Kylie and Frankie's garage. People seemed to join together in little groups of friends, telling jokes or dancing. Kylie, Frankie, Toby and Siobhan sat at their picnic table and chatted for a while until Meg came over and begged them to join her Mike, Tom and Morgan.

They agreed much to Toby's displeasure. He was pretty drunk by then and he wasn't going to let Tom get away with any shit. They all sat down and started chatting. Meg talked to Frankie and Kylie about their jobs; Siobhan and Morgan discussed popular music with Greg, while Mike tried to engage Tom and Toby in some conversation about football. When he realized neither man was paying attention to him he just sat there quietly looking at the people around him. Toby was glaring at Tom. He had been doing that all day. Mike wondered what had happened to make Toby so angry. He looked at Tom. Tom was unaware of Toby's glare because he was too busy staring at Frankie. The light bulb came on for Mike. Toby didn't like the way Tom was staring at Frankie. Poor idiot had picked the wrong girl to get a crush on.

"I know what it is?" Toby slurred out of nowhere.

Everyone turned to look at him.

"I know what it is Franklin." He said loudly to his sister in law. "He is just like Connie. Looks at you the same way."

Frankie gasped and everyone else got really quiet.

"He does. Look Siobhan look in his eyes." Toby tried to tell his seriously angry wife.

"I think we had better go over to the house." Siobhan said standing up and walking over to her husband.

"Siobhan can't you see it." He begged her to look at Tom.

"Sure baby I can see it. Lets all go back over to the house."

Kylie stood and gently touched Frankie's arm. Frankie looked up at her with a sad and confused look on her face. "C'mon babe lets go put everything away and lock up."

Frankie just nodded. "Help yourself to the booze in the garage. Just lock it when you're done."

Kylie helped her lover up and gently rubbed her back as they walked away. Siobhan got Toby up and Mike helped her carry him towards the house. Siobhan looked over her shoulder at Tom and mouthed 'sorry' to him. She looked at Meg, who just nodded. They had silently agreed to let Meg explain all of this to poor Tom. Meg decided to wait for Mike to return so she wouldn't have to tell the story twice. It wasn't a pretty story and she hated telling it. When Mike came back he was carrying a case of beer in his arms.

"I figured I would just bring a case back so they could lock up. They told me to let you know that they were going to leave the backdoor open for you, Meg." Mike explained, handing everyone a beer.

"Now would you care to explain what just happened?" Morgan asked angry that his friend had been treated so rudely.

Meg looked around the table she was glad the DJ had passed out and it was just the four of them. She didn't like telling people about Frankie's personal life.

"Well apparently Toby is not fond of you Tom." Meg said smiling softly trying to lessen the impact of what she was going to say. "However, I'm not sure you are even the cause of that dislike."

"Just cut to the chase Meg. I am tired, crabby and I want to know what is going on." Morgan snapped.

"When Frankie was seventeen she came out, got a job at a country bar and met her first lover. Connie was eleven years older than her, tough, mean and cruel. She treated Frankie like shit. No worse than that, she treated her like her own personal plaything. The kid jumped when she said jump. It was a violent degrading and dangerous relationship that destroyed Frankie emotionally. We all sort of saw what was going on but none of us thought it was as bad as it was until Frankie called her sister from the emergency room one night. Siobhan, Toby and their mother went in to get her. She never mentioned Connie again. None of them did. I still to this day don't know what happened to her all I know is I haven't heard that name in ten years." Meg took a deep breath. "Tom I didn't realize it until Toby said it but you look a lot like her. You are fairer and of course a man but the shape of your face and definitely your eyes are very similar to hers. I totally see why he freaked out. I know that is really not a lot of comfort to you, but once everyone is sober they will realize that just because you look similar does not mean you will act like her."

"That sucks. He shouldn't be treated badly because he reminds them of someone they don't like." Morgan bitched.

"Relax Morgan." Tom said looking at his beer.

"No it was not cool Tom." Morgan argued.

"Remember Tuesday?" Tom asked his irate friend.


"Remember Tuesday? The day I met Frankie and she was really freaked out by me?" Tom said patiently.

"Yeah, but…"

"I scared her. She was scared of me and now we know why. I'm just glad it's all out in the open now. Maybe we can all get past it and become friends. They are all really nice people. And quite frankly I like them even more knowing how protective they are of each other." Tom said softly.

He's such a nice guy. Meg thought to herself. He certainly didn't deserve the treatment he had gotten tonight. She would have to go next door and explain what had happened over here after they left. She would have to tell Tobias to apologize. That would be fun. Siobhan was sure to be pissed at her now. She decided to stay and finish her beer and maybe just chat with them a bit before she left. She wished she could have changed the outcome of the party. She hated it when such a fine day ended on a sour note.

Siobhan got Toby into bed where he promptly passed out. Then she went into the living room to find her sister just sitting there staring at the wall. Kylie had gone into the kitchen to brew some coffee. She knew there was no way Frankie would be able to sleep for a while. She knew the whole story about Connie even parts that Siobhan and Toby didn't know. She knew what that woman had put Frankie through. She had never laid eyes on the woman so she had no idea what she looked like. She had no idea whether or not Tom resembled her. It was a little upsetting to her that Frankie had never said anything. She stared at the coffee maker as it brewed. She was upset that the night had ended on a bad note. She was upset that Frankie hadn't confided in her. She was scared that this might set Frankie back. She had met Frankie two years after the Connie ordeal. Frankie was twenty-two and a bit of a wreck. She was wild and she did a lot of drugs. She ended in a lot of the wrong people's beds. The two of them met at a mutual friend's house and got drunk. They both passed out on the couch after staying up until four in the morning talking. When they woke up they went to breakfast together and decided to go to a matinee together in the afternoon. They saw each other everyday for a month before they even held hands. Taking it slow worked out well for them. After eight years Frankie was back to her old self, or at least that was what Siobhan said.

Siobhan walked into the kitchen and gave Kylie a one armed hug. "Hey Wylie."

"So does he look like Connie?" Kylie asked.

"Yeah a bit. But Toby's right his eyes are just like hers." Siobhan shrugged.

"I wish Frankie had told me."

"I don't think she realized. She mentioned to me that he was weird but never said why she thought that. I think Toby was the one who figured it out." Siobhan said smiling weakly. "Of course he couldn't wait to tell us in a more appropriate setting."

Kylie just smiled and pulled a couple of coffee cups out of the cupboard. They fixed their coffees and went in to sit with Frankie.

"Here you go babe." Kylie said putting the cup down in front of her lover.

"Thanks." Frankie said smiling up at her.

They sat in silence for a few minutes.

"I didn't realize that he looked like her. I just knew I didn't like him." Frankie said picking up her coffee. "I was going to tell you about him but I felt bad. I never judge people like that. I didn't want you to be uncomfortable around him if I was just being silly. I figured if there was something off about Tom you would sense it."

"But why not?" Kylie asked.

"He's Morgan's friend. I trust Morgan and Mike. I figured I was just being silly." Frankie shook her head. " And I was."

"No you had reason not to like him." Kylie said.

"I know, but it wasn't him. He didn't do anything. It was just because of her…" Frankie said trailing off. "I feel bad. We, Toby and I, treated him like crap and we had no right."

"Baby, if he is a good guy, like Mike and Morgan than we can apologize and he will understand." Kylie said smiling.

"You think Morgan is going to let this go?" Frankie said raising an eyebrow.

"We may have to buy him something pretty, but I think Tom will just let it go. He seemed like a pretty decent guy to me. I think we should just all relax and maybe find a way to explain all of this to Tom and ask for his forgiveness."

"At least the rest of the party went well. There were no scenes in front of a large number of people. Just close friends." Siobhan joked.

"Speaking of close friends." Frankie said looking at her sister. "Let it go. Whatever Meg did to piss you off? Let it go."

Siobhan nodded. "Okay. I will, I promise."

"Good. Where is she anyway?"

"She stayed to explain. Don't worry you know Meg she wont tell them too much." Siobhan assured her fragile sister.

Meg walked in the door just in time to hear Siobhan stick up for her. It made her feel good to know that even when Siobhan was upset with her she would still defend her. They had all been too close to let some petty argument come between them.

"Hey guys." Meg said coming into the living room.

"Hey Meg." Frankie said smirking.

"How did it go?" Kylie asked.

"Morgan was pissed, but I think he'll get over it. You may have to suck up to him a bit Franklin. Mike didn't really seem all that upset over it, but he's hard to read. Tom, well Tom is an absolute sweetheart. He just hopes that now that you know what it is about him that upsets you, we can all get past it and be friends. He even defended Toby saying that he thought it was great that we are all so protective of each other." Meg said as she sat down.

"Then he'll really enjoy it when I make Toby go apologize for being an obnoxious drunk." Siobhan grinned.

"I have to apologize too. I was really rude to him as well. I didn't even realize why." Frankie said shaking her head.

"Lets just all go to bed and get some rest tomorrow will be here soon enough. We can all go eat crow then." Kylie instructed everyone.

They all nodded and headed to their rooms. The next day was going to be a long one.

Sitting alone on the deck Tom watched all the lights go out at Kylie and Frankie's house. He sipped on his beer and lit a cigarette. Things had been going so well. Kylie had liked him. He was sure of it. Siobhan had found him charming and Meg had flirted with him all day. Then Toby had to spoil it. Now he had to make Frankie forget that he reminded her of a ghost from her past. It just wasn't fair. He had made such progress. Now it was all ruined. That thought made him sick to his stomach. He had to close his eyes and concentrate on his breathing. One deep breathes after another. He would make this work to his advantage. Deep breathe. He would convince her that he was a good guy, a man to be trusted. He would strengthen his bond with Kylie. Deep breathe. Then she would start to trust him. Deep breathe. Then he would have her.

The next day Tom and Morgan were in the yard picking up empties when they saw Toby and Frankie coming across the lawn. Morgan gave them a dirty look and went into the house with some dishes leaving Tom to face them alone. Tom smirked at his friend. Morgan was a good guy just a little too dramatic. Tom nodded at the two and walked over to them.

"Morning. How you feeling?" Tom asked Toby.

"I've felt better." Toby grinned sheepishly. "Listen Tom I want to apologize for being an ass yesterday. I get a little protective of Frankie and sometimes I overstep my bounds."

"It's alright. I understand. I used to get into it all the time with guys at college who thought it was okay to say stuff about Morgan. You have to protect your friends. I'm sorry I was being too familiar with you Frankie. I am a bit of a flirt and sometimes I overdo it."

"No need to apologize. I feel bad for the way I have treated you. I hope we can all get past this and be friends." Frankie said extending her hand.

Tom nodded shaking her hand.
"Now if you'll excuse me I have to mend some fences with Morgan." Frankie said smiling.

"Want me to come too?" Toby asked.

"Nah this will be better coming from me." Frankie said smiling at her brother in law. "Besides if you don't go back inside and help Siobhan with the dishes she will skin you."

"Whipped?" Tom asked smirking.

"Absolutely." Toby laughed.

Frankie shook her head and headed for the house. She was dreading this confrontation. Tom was much easier to apologize to. She didn't really care if he forgave her. She wanted Morgan to understand. She walked up to the back door and knocked lightly. Mike came to the door raised his eyebrows and let her in. He headed outside as soon as she was in the door. Great, she thought, he knows it's going to be bad. She walked into the kitchen and saw Morgan leaning against the sink with his back to her.

"Hey Morgan." She saw him stiffen. "I just want to apologize for last night."

"It's not me you should be apologizing to." He said keeping his back to her.

"I already apologized to Tom, so did Toby." She said playing with the napkins on the table.

There was a long uncomfortable silence. She wasn't sure what she should do or say. Morgan was her friend and she wanted this fixed right away. She really didn't know what else to do. If he wasn't going to accept her apology she would have to respect his wishes. She felt terrible.

"So who is this Connie bitch and what did she do to you?" Morgan said turning and walking over to her.

He smiled weakly and held his arms out to her.


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